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CLC R"EURD COPY THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 .OLC 78-5275/d 3 LWT +;97 C Honorable Edward P. Boland, Chairman Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence House of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20515 Dear Mr. Chairman: This letter is in response to your request for a statement from the Agency regarding the allegation that CIA has been involved with and providing support to the Sandanista (FSLN) guerrilla movement in Nicaragua as alleged in the September 28, 1978 article by Paul Scott. As you may know, it is the policy of the Central Intelligence Agency to neither confirm nor deny allegations of Agency activities. To deny those activities which are readily deniable would establish a security damaging precedent in that, in those select instances in which there indeed were vital national secrets to be protected, Agency silence could correctly be interpreted as confirmation of the allegation. I am sorry that we cannot be more helpful to you in this regard. Sincerely, >>f Frederick P. Hitz STAT Distribution Orig adse 1 (PA vLU ) Subject 1 - OLC Chrono OLC:MMP:sf (13 Oct 78) Approved For Release 2004/03/25: CIA-RDP81 M0098 STAT TO OCT 1y,, DATE OF REQUEST FROM MMP 1 ; OCT 1976 SUSPENSE DATE SUBJE Letter to Chairman Boland responding to his request for a statement from the Agency re the allegation that CIA has been involved with and providing support to the Sandanista (FSLN) guerrilla movement in Nicaragua NOTES COORDINATED WITH (list names as well a s offic ) --- - NAME - Q F E DATE 11 Oct 78 NAME OFFICE DATE ---- NAME OFFICE DATE NAME OFFICE ~~ DATE ACTION REQUIRED EY Signature please ~/ `~~G~ ee Gifu / ^logo Approved For Release 2004/03/25 CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 13 October 1978 Approved For Release 2004/03/25: CIA-RDP81 M00980R0030000Tl,l,-) THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Mr. Thomas K. Latimer, Staff Director Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 OLC 78-5275/b Thank you for your letter of September 27, 1978. I am forwarding a statement on the Agency's lack of involvement with the Sandanistas in Nicaragua which the Committee may wish to use in responding to Representative Eldon Rudd. I hope that you will find that the statement meets your needs. Sincerely, I Assistant Legislative Counsel Enclosure Distribution Orig - ads e 1 - 1 - 1. - 1 - OLC Su j.ect 1 - OLC Chrono OLC:MMP:sf (29 September 1978) 2511 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 There is no truth to the allegation that the Central Intelligence Agency has provided assistance in any form to the Sandanista Liberation Front (FSLN) in Nicaragua. The allegation that "covert CIA agents in Nicaragua, Mexico and Costa Rica have ..." met "... with guerilla leaders ..." is similarly untrue. Additionally, CIA is not using any third parties (as neutrals or otherwise) .to channel food, medicine and money into the Sandanista Liberation Front. These allegations have been looked into with considerable care and have all been found to be without foundation. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 EDWARI P. to LA vediFPM Release 2004/03/25: CIA-RDP81 M0098OR003000090031-6 ROOst H-405, U.S. CAPITAL !CLEMENT u. ZASLOCKI. WIS. (202) 2Z5-4121 BILL- D. SLRUSON. MO. MORGAN F. MURPHY, ILL. CHARLES ROSE, N.C. U. S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ROMANO L. MAZZOLI, KY. NORMAN Y. MINETA, CALIF. PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE I_OLC WYHE FOWLER, JR., QA. ON INTELLIGENCE #78'jPZ~'"`J BOA WILSON, CALIF. JOHN M. ASHBROOK, OHIO WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 ... J KEN ERT MCCLORN, J. . KENNETH ROBINSON, I ROBINVA. THOMAS K. LATIMER, STAFF DIRECTOR MICHAEL J. O'NEIL, CHIEF COUNSEL September 27, 1978 Assistant Legislative Counsel Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Pete: Per Mr. Boland's request, we would like a written comment from the Agency on the charges made in the attachment. Thank you. Sincerely, Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 EL DON RuoDApproved For Release 2004/03/25: CIA-RDP81 M00980R0030006-Q00'3fiIF ON COMMITTEES ? EE N MITT WASHINGTON OFFICE: 1428 LONGWORTH BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-3361 DISTRICT OFFICE: 6009 FEDERAL BUILDING PHOENIX . ARIZONA 85025 (602) 261-4603 Qongrem of the Lniteb Noma of lkepre5entatibe a0bington, D.Qt. 20515 September 19 1 9 7 8 Honorable Edward P. Boland Chairman Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Chairman Boland, taste COM INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEES: MINES AND MINING GENERAL OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEES: ENERGY TRANSPORTATION. AVIATION. AND WEATHER SPACE SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS I am enclosing a copy of the nationally syndicated news- paper column of respected journalist, Paul Scott, which was sent on September 13 to prominent newspapers through- out the country. This column makes the most serious charge that covert .assistance from elements of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has been given to the Communist. insurgency of the Sandanista Liberation Front, which is leading efforts to overthrow the duly constituted government of Nicaragua. In addition to this alleged covert assistance to the Communist revolutionaries by elements of our Government, U.S. Ambassador, Gale McGee, yesterday made the shocking statement that "generosity and sympathetic understanding" would be required from the U.S. and other OAS members when "the peaceful democratic solution" becomes a reality in Nicaragua. Implicit in the ambassador's statement is an acceptance of the Marxist line that the Sandanista guerrillas are a part of the "democratic solution," which is an outrage coming from a member of our own Government's diplomatic corps. Also implicit in the ambassador's statement was a veiled bribe to the supporters and those who are not yet supporting the Sandanista insurgency that the United States stands ready to generously shell out foreign aid to help rebuild Nicaragua, once the Communist-led overthrow of the Nicaraguan government has taken place and the revolutionaries have wrecked the country. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 Honorable Edward P. Boland September 19, 1978 Page Two I respectfully request and urge in the strongest possible terms your Committee's investigation of allegations of U.S. behind-the-scenes assistance and dealings with the Sandanista Revolutionaries in Nicaragua. I am sure you share my belief that Congress cannot stand by without investigating in official hearings the alleged role of U.S. Government Officials in Marxist efforts to overthrow the Government of an anti-Communist U.S.. ally. Sincerely, Eldon Rudd Member of Congress ER:gj cc: Honorable Bob Wilson Ranking Minority Member Honorable John Ashbrook Ranking Minority Member Subcommittee on Evaluation Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 THE SO @ffpaifor Release 2004/03/25: Cl (Jp $0R0030 QA'd RELEASE From The Washington News-Intelligence Syndicate 6516 Elmhurst Street, S.E., Washington, D.C., 20028 Phone: 301 - 736-6834 CIA INVOLVED WITH NICARAGUAN GUERRILLAS By Paul Scott Washington, D.C? September 13 - -- The Sandinista guerrillas, whose abortive offensive. against President Anastasio Somoza's government in Nicaragua left more than one hundred dead, are receiving covert help from elements within the Central Intelligence Agency and several U.S. journalists as well as from Communist Cuba. Anti-Castro Cubans, who have succeeded infiltrating the ranks of the guerrillas, report that covert CIA agents in Nicaragua, Mexico, and 'Costa Rica have been spotted meeting with guerrilla leaders. What these intelligence agents are doing isn't completely clear although the guerrillas usually-have large sums of money to use to buy military supplies following the clandestine get togetAers. There is also evidence that a "third party group",, operating as a neutral in the fighting in Nicaragua, is being used by certain elements within the CIA to channel information, food, medicine, and money into the guerrilla forces. This alarming information indicates the urgent need for an immediate. full-scale congressional investigation to determine the involvement of these intelligence "operatives" and their contacts with private foreign policy study groups in the U.S. and State Department officials since there is no evidence that President Carter has authorized tae.CIA or any other government agency to support the guerrillas. U.S. military intelligence sources, who will not discuss the CIA involvement, report the guerrillas are receiving most of their arms from Cuba, Panama and liexico vApO96d eleasVrM04/G 991RMAGR88 0~808ii Ji4aes set up in Costa Rica by tie guerrillas. ~,.; SCOTT R?~ pr ovedFr Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 These guerrilla bases are now being reinforced with newly trained terrorists from Cuba for the "second wave" of the military action against the Nicaraguan government. This is expected to take place later this month or early in October. USING U.S. NMISiEN -- In addition to their meetings with CIA agents, leaders of tae guerrillas also have been getting together with several far-left U.S. newsmen, including Tad Szulc, former New York Times reporter and free-lance writer, whose international communist links are carefully documented in U.S. security files. Since returning from a secret meeting with guerrilla officials, Szulc has been making the rounds at the State Department. and on Capitol Hill spouting the Marxist guerrilla's official line. It goes like this: The U.S. should quietly increase its links with the Sandinista guerrilla leaders, to lessen the anti-American feeling and, then create a situation in which the revolutionaries would collaborate with the. non-violent opposition in Nicaragua in ousting the Somoza government. To accomplish the coalition, the guerrilla leaders would even accept an inter-American peacekeeping rorce, dispatched to Nicaragua to arrange for the transition from the Somoza government. IHJTE NATIOI L TEPRCRIST GROUP -- What' Szulc isn't saying in trying to influence these officials is that tine hard core Sandinista guerrillas are recent volunteers for the transnational terrorist war against Israel.cnd want Nicaragua as a base to carry out their activities against Jewish and anti-communist groups in Latin America and the U.S. - i According to the highly respected publication' the Jewish Week;' the Sandinista emerged early in 1978 as the "Latin American connection" for radical anti-Israel activitity, malting a series of announcements aligning themselves with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and other Palestinian groups committed to eliminating Israel. Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 - more - SCOTT Rig pvedFc3 Release 2004/03/25: CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 Little known outside Nicaragua until last month,the Sandinistas attracted world attention by capturing more than 1,500 hostages in the presidential palace and trading them for 58 political prisoners, $500,000 and safe passage to asylum .in Panama. The official name of the group is the Sandinista Front for the Liberation of Nicaragua (FSLN). The group takes its name from Augusto Cesar Sandino, a guerrilla leader killed fighting against the U.S. Marines who occupied Nicaragua and helped put the Somoza family in power in 1937. THE PLO CONNECTION -- On February 5, the PLO and the Sandinistas released a "joing communique" in Mexico city, which according to Radio Havana, 'was to "emphasize the bonds of solidarity which exist between the two revolutionary organizations." The communique attacked the "racist state of Israel" for its reported military sales to anti-communist Latin American countries, for serving as an enclave of "U.S. imperialism" in the 2.4iddle East, and particularly for alleged Israeli economic and military aid to-Nicaragua. Significantly, the communique was put out at a major Moscow-front gathering called the Continental Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean for Peace, Sovereignty and Economic Independence. The conference was sponsored by Moscow's international "peace and disarmament" organ, the World Peace Council, an organization reportedly run by the Central Cor itt of Communist jarty,USSR, and the KGB,' the Soviet secret police and espionage organization. This newly established tie-in between the PLO and the Sandinistas and their 2-ioscow and Cuban connections clearly indicates the international communist- terrorist threat that would face the U.S. in Nicaragua if these forces shoot their way to power., Congress must move now to force an end to any help that elements witty Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 in the CIA is giving these terrorists. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6 Approved For Release 2004/03/25 : CIA-RDP81M00980R003000090031-6