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November 3, 1978
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Friday - 3 November 1978
tills cl~t
1. 1 1 Per her request, I sent to Sandy
Auman, on the staff of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Committee, the publication entitled "A Handbook of Tutorials
From the Office of Scientific Intelligence." This material
is to be used by Mr. Grenville Garside, Committee Staff Director,
who asked for this material to supplement his knowledge on nuclear
2. 1 LIAISON Herb Romerstein, House
Permanent be ect committee on Intelligence staff, called to inform
me that Representative John Ashbrook (R., Ohio) will be traveling
as planned to Europe between 11 and 22 November 1978. I have
prepared a draft cable to the appropriate European Stations.
3. LIAISON Received a call from
Jean Evans, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who
informed me Senator Charles M. Mathias (R., Md.) will be taking
two trigs abroad in the next month- He will he traveling from
Evans left open the possibilities of pre-trip briefings for each
trip. I strongly recommend one for the Aloscow trip. Evans also
indicated that the Senator's personal staff member Casimir Yost
would be traveling with him and that he had asked to review any
relevant NFAC publications of the last six months on these countries
prior to the trip.
4. I I LIAISON Received a call from Audrey
Hatry, C erc, Senate e ect committee on Intelligence, who said
the Committee could use wall size maps of Africa and Asia. I said
I would see if I could get them for her.
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Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R003000070034-5
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Thursday - 2 November 1978
12. 1 1 BRIEFING Jim Fellenbaum, Senate
Appropriations Committee staff, relayed a request from George
Patten, Legislative Assistant to Senator Lawton Chiles (D., Fla.),
for a briefing of the Senator on the recent newspaper story
about Soviet MIG-23s in Cuba. The Senator apparently has an
urgent need for this information. On advice of
I- I 25X1
NFAC/CSS, I called Patten and told hint ivc would be happy to provide
any information there is to the Senator and asked if it was urgent
enough to consider sending someone down to Florida. He said he
would call back.
13. I LIAISON Received a call from
Duane Andrews, House Permanent Select Committee on Inteilince
staff, who reques e a 'or1'eflii ims an Martin Taga, also
of the Committee staff, on the numbers of supergrades in the
Intelligence Community. They are commencing a study of this
subject as a result of the 1979 budget hearings. The meeting
is set for 9 November with representatives from the Office of
Personnel and the Comptroller's office.
14. LIAISON DIA, called 25X1
to alert us to the fact that Larry Smith, Senate Armed Services
Subcommittee on Research and Development staff, is no longer on
that Subcommittee staff and is now on the personal staff of
Senator Gary W. Hart (D., Colo.).
16'. LIAISON Met with Tom Latimer
and Loch Johnson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
staff, in response to their follow up request in connection with
some of the basic essentials relating to the 1 November 1978
Presidential Finding. Latimer is not confident that they could
obtain approval of a reprogramming request in the near future
because of the absence of Members.
I-'. I ILIAISON Met with Jack Brady,
Chief of Sta. ouse International Relations Committee, in response
to his request in connection with some of the basic essentials
relating to the 1 November 1978 Presidential Finding. He foresaw
no problems.
III ?I I LIAISON Met with Jim
Fellenbaum, e Appropriations mmittee staff, in response
to his request in connection with some of the basic essentials
relating to the 1 November 1978 Presidential Finding. He
seriously questioned the reprogramming aspects of the proposal.
Deputy Legislative ounsel
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Approved For Rele
Thursday - 2 November 1978
1. I IBRIEFING Mike Glennon, Legal
Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, visited headquarters
for a briefing on the Agency's liaison relationships with
foreign intelligence services. The briefing was given by
John Stain I Also present throughout the briefing
were PCS/LOC, and myself.
2. I I LIAISON Jack Ticer, Senate
Armed Servri CarI2 called concerning the listing
of Agency classified documents which our.records indicate were
provided to the Committee during this year and which were sent
at his request. Ticer is reviewing intelligence documents in
Committee files to determine which should be returned to CIA and
other agencies. It was agreed that he will let me know which
CIA documents are no longer needed by the Committee and we will
have them picked up.
3. I I LIAISON Accompanied 25X1
of our oitice, to the ouse_ermanent Select Committee on intelligence,
where I introduced him to the following Committee staffers, Herbert
Romerstein and Dick Anderson. I also introduced him to Thomas
Latimer, Staff Director.
4. I I LIAISON Talked to Thomas Latimer,
Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
about his 31 October letter to Frederick P. Ilitz, Legislative Counsel,
regarding the Career Trainee program. I told Mr. Latimer that it
would take at least two weeks to do the research necessitated by
the letter and asked him how serious he was about it. He told me
that he regarded this information as critical to the needs of the
Committee, with regard to charter legislation as well as other
matters. I assured him that we would fill his needs and have
passed the substance of his interests on to Chief of 25X1
Operational Training, OTR.
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Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R00,000070034-5
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 1 November'1978
Page 2
a call from Bob Rozanski, in the Norwich, Connecticut, office
of Representative Christopher Dodd (D., Conn.), who requested
a professional. employment application for a constituent.
I told him one would be sent to him. OLC Registry was advised.
6. I I LIAISON Received a call from
John, in the office of Representative Thomas F. Ra.i.lsbacr: (R. , I1 I .
who requested a copy of the "National Basic Intelligence Factbooh"
and a copy of "The Handbook of Economic Statistics."
7? I LIAISON Saw Dick Anderson,
Iouse PQx~7S tLommittee on Intelligence staff, who
asked that I check into his clearances and ensure that they
are appropriately registered in the computer run. I have and
they are.
errorism Group, and NFAC/ORPA,
uring their briefing of Louis Zanardi and Bob Parsons
on the security of U.S. Navy nuclear weapons from international
terrorist attacks. The briefing was thorough and Messrs. Zanardi
and Parsons were fully satisfied with it.
9. I LIAISON Called Jeannie McNally,
House PeTT[fgnen' _ Select committee on Intelligence clerk, and
-confirmed 1400 hours on Thursday,16 November, for a meeting
between.John McMahon, DDO, and Tom Latimer, Staff Director,
to discuss the adequacy of Career Trainees to replace those
with specialized talents who have left the Agency either
through retirement or pink slips.
10. LIAISON Called Loch Johnson,
House Perhianenr e ec m Intelligence staff, to arrange
-for his meetings with Chief, Covert Action Staff,
and Bob Gambino, Director, Office of Security, for 1400 hours
and 1000 hours on Tuesday, 7 November 1978.
a personal o e rom Deputy Legislative Counsel,
to Frank Sullivan, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services
Approved For Release 2004/05/05 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R003000070034-5