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Approved For Release 29 0 4 / 0 .0 0 9 8 0 R 0 0 2 7 0 0 1I0Q37- l Page Journal - Office of leg Courts P.londay - 17 July 1978 to. LIAISON Received a call from Mike Cal a.cck, Scniatc Select Commit Lee on Intel lil,erice Staff, who'-said he would like an orientation briefing on CiA. I told him this week would be impossible but I would try to set it up for next week. I.T. LIAISON Called Id Levine, , ' aat:e Select Committee on Inte.ll.igence staff, and we agreed to 20 Jul at 2:00 p.m. for a meeting regarding covert action. poth of CA/DD0, and ])oil Gregg, C/PCS/LOC, and I will attend. LIAISON Received a call from St. an 'T'aylor, Senate Select Committee on lilt el_1igc.!zco staff, who sa:id the Committee would have a closed hearing on the terrorist, b:i.l_1 on 27 July at. 10:00 a.m. and that he would. like: to meet this week to discuss the hearing with Agency repre- s ,ntatives . The meeting was subsequently scheduled with OL.C. Taylor also said Senator Jake Gan (IZ. , Utah) had asked him to write an article, for the, Reader's Digests with the theme that it time for the Congress, media and. public to got off the Intelligence Community's back. Taylor said ho would need several catchy statements to sell. such an article and hoped we would be able to assist. I said I would look into it. 13. LIAISON Received a call. from Ted Ralston, Senate Select Committee on. Intelligence staff, who said he would like to meet with Mr. Hazzard, the new director of NPIC, to discuss the work Ralston has been doing on SALT-related topics. I set up the meeting for 25 July at 10:30 a..m. LIAISON Received a call from CSS/NFAC, to inform me that Stan Taylor, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, had requested a briefing or Senator Jake Gurn (R. , Utah) on Rhodesia and that this was tentatively scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on 19 July. =informed me that: Assistant NIO for Africa NFAC a.nd OP.R/NFAC, and I I would. conduct the brief:ing LIAISON Talked with' in the Legislative office of Fhf 11 and l merlon Ilro n, of the I..egislative Office at INR/State Department, at length in making Final arrangements for tomorrotr's briefing of the Senate Select: Committee on Intelligence on the "Spy war." 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2 04/07/2 ' 614-RD,'81IM1'0980R002700110037-1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved or Re lea e 2004/0`n,1Fjft>M00980R0027,Q~11(7-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Friday - 14 July 1978 Page 5 26. LIAISON Received a call from Audrey Ifatry, erc, ena e elect Committee on Intelligence staff, who said the Committee would like to hear from Executive Branch witnesses on the "spy war" at 3:00 p.m. on 18 July. I said I would check with other agencies and get back to her. Subsequently, Frederick Ilitz, Legislative Counsel, met with Bill Miller, Committee Staff Director, and confirmed this date. 27. LIAISON Called Jeff Arnold, on the staff of Senator Robert Dole (R., Kan.), and gave him unclassified information on the connections of a Nicaraguan terrorist groupy,with Cubans and Soviets. The Senator wanted to use this information in connection with a provision in a foreign assistance bill giving aid to Nicaragua. Arnold agreed there would be no attribution of this information to CIA. 25X1 28. LIAISON Received a call from ,d Levine, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who said the full Committee would like to hear from an Agency 25X1 spokesman again on the 0 Presidential :Finding. Levine tentatively suggested 24 July. Levine said the topics sought to be discussed were the concerns of Senator Gary Hart (D., Colo.) about a particular program, general procedural implications, and some Committee concerns about particular wording in the Finding. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 29. LIAISON Called Lot Cooke, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and confirmed with him that new Committee staff member Mike Galacek would receive a security briefing on 18 July on the compartments. on Angola. 30. LIAISON Received a call from Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelli- gence, who said the Committee had invited Ambassador Elliot, former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, to meet with the Committee staff to discuss the recent coup in Afghanistan. Miller invited NFAC analysts to the discussion which will be held on 19 July at 10:00 a.m. Miller said one or two Senators might come as well. 31. LIAIS Re ived a call from Tom Moore, Senate Select Committee- I'to igence-staff, a. UW tatu o h fo up questions and discussed at length the ~ 1\L LLlti vlw i J egislative P nn Approved For Release 2004/07/2 DP81 M00980R002700110037-1 25X1 25X1 Approved or lease 20041071Z8 ;, C.-A? RDl 81 M00980R002700110037-1 ADDENDUM TO JOc1RNAL OFFICE, OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL IWWedncsday - 12 July 1978 ff4 1. LIAISON Called Dan Childs, Senate Select: Committee on intelligence staff, and set up the briefing he had previously covert a on for Monday, 17 July, at 2:00 p.m. 25X1 both of CA/DDO, and Don Gregg, C PCS LOCI, W L. I attend. 2. LIAISON Received a call from Ed. Levine, Senate e ec.. .ommittee on Intelligence staff, on the secure ;ine. Levine gave me a list of issues the Committee would like addressed in the presentation on the "spy war" before the full Committee. The date for the presentation is unclear. Levine also asked me two questions about the case. 3. LIAISON Called Leonard Weiss, Staff Director, Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services, to inform him we could find no indication that there was any truth to the story in the Now York Times magazine that former counter- intelligence staff director James Angleton had passed nuclear technology to the Israelis. I told Weiss that this was based on two factors. First, I had contacted all appropriate people here and no one had any knowledge of this and second, Angleton would,:have hadno access to this information as chief of counte` intell:i_gencc staff. Weiss seemed somewhat skeptical but accepted this response. I also offered Weiss a briefing on a late 1950s accident at a Soviet nuclear installation. The briefing had been requested some months ago but was held up until Weiss could get the appropriate clearances, which he now has. Weiss said he would see if Senator John Glenn (D., Ohio) wanted to be briefed on this subject and would get back to me. LIAISON Received a call 1 rori Bill Miller, Staff I)irector, Senate Solt Committee on Intelligence, requesting a change in the 1}'fng of the Committee on the "spy war" from 13 July, to l4~,"July. Approved For Release 20040TI2;' Legislative Genusel : CIA;-RDP81 M00980 25X1 25X1 Okpp,oved ~a A7 lease 2004/07/28 CIA-RDP81 M00980R002700110037-1 ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 10 July .1.978 1. LIAISON Spoke with Lot Cooke, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and informed him that the Office of Security had agreed to assist the Committee in destruction of MKULTRA files previously provided the Committee by the Agency. Cooke told me that Bill Miller, Committee Staff Director, had changed his mind and did not now want the documents destroyed and would have them stored in the Committee's storage area at the National Archives. 2. LIAISON Spoke with I)a.n Childs, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who requested a meeting with DDO representatives regarding covort ac to talk about the Committee's follow-up questions from the 29 June briefing. Childs specifically asked that we bring the perspectives and Directorate of Operations notices that had been promised to the Committee to this meeting. I told him the notices had already been delivered. 3. LIAISON Called Catherine Essoyan, Senate Select committee on Intelligence staff, and neeting for tomorrow for. and both of DDO, with Essoyan, Stan Taylor and Abram Siulsky, also of the Committee staff, on terrorism. 4. LIAISON Received a call from Audrey Ilatry, Clerk, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, asking whether decisions had been made regarding supplying Agency unclassified publications to all 100 Senators rather than 43 as the Agency had initially desired. I told Hatry the sentiment was to stay with 43 for now with the caveat that if additional Senators requested to by?vjr on distribution, we would be happy to do so. I gave her er ionale for this and she seemed satisfies Fre eric F. i z Legislative Counsel 25X1, 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R002700110037-1