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Document Release Date: 
December 5, 2006
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May 2, 1978
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Approved For Release 2006/12/05: CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000100109-9 William F. Buckley Jr. ar s trial. The trial of An~toly Thus far, routme oviet The x s~duaY' rob Shcharansky nears, and un p_ Beni stuff. But then a vaar ~rt~ .t_. _ that is the d -- e- having arrested -Shcha- es .e., pre union fendant to dwell on- it, much ransky, the Soviett Union "proves" - i., sents hangs on the procedure and announced that he would be . hard evidence that Li- the outcome of extra-per- tried for treason, an offense pavsky w.as in fact a CIA sonal interests. that not_uncommonly brings liar. That is unpleasant, but Shcharansky is, we can a death sentence.' The safely assume, innocent. prosecutors came up with truly damaging is thehpros- But he is an important one Dr. Sanya Lipvasky pect that Soviet dissidents pawn in whom the Soviet who had shared an apart- would stac.d to forfeit much -Union has greatly invested. ment for a few months with of their sympathy outside ?erversely, the Commu. Shcharansky during his Russia if one of.their mem- iists have been greatly bachelor days. bers was aided by the astonishing Lipavsk U.S. agent. proved to be a behavior of President Car- press reportedthe , had Soviet U U.S.S. Never inind ter and one of. hi TeX se" fessed to the Soviet Union in ing facts - - the almost cer almost cer- - curity assistant's, 1 vid great remorse that during tainly, Liravsky was a dou- Aaron, 1976 he had acted as a CIA ble agent, in this case hired Briefly on the matter of agent and, as a repentant by the KGB to approach the Shcharansky. He is a com- Jewish dissident, he was CIA to for lin puter mathemetician who in now presumably ready to exressly i,o the he purpose a of April 1973 applied for p testify against Shcha- disclosng that hlink inopub- mission to emigra t~e to r- ransky, again presumably a licly useful circumstances. rael. Permission co-conspirator. It is not Almost lost in the e clear, whale services Li- excitement of Shcharansky Why? Because he ' pos- pavsky was in position to sessed classified inform - render the CIA since he was are two o her Goldstein Jews tion," a charge at whic a doctor in a clinic that Pavel AbramovichTae everyone in Moscow who is examined taxi anc bus areto., h., rmitted to laugh laughed, drivers: - thing c tried for so e charansky had been em- e " paras ployed in? the Moscow Re itism which i tie crim_e of being search Institute fo Junk of last year, unemployed Ilk-happens ,u w Presideit., CaT Gas, which is a fic ~er an- that they are unemployed classified, nounced at a press confer- because, on a .pl in Shcharansky's offense is ence that Shcharansky "has emigrate from the Soviet thatch a) he is ra sky's _t he never had any sort of rela- Union, tionship, to our knowledge, fired.frorr the rrjobs. Abra- Soviet Union's frenzied with the CIA." But then last movich thereupon made 9 campaign against the Jews March, David Aaron, an frugal lic in by is unabated; b) he sought to important assistant to Brze- Hebrew. 1 e did this openly leave the country; and c) zinski, tipped off Time paying all the relevant by joining the forlorn Com- magazine that in fact Li- taxes. But he was neverthe- mittee of Soviet citizens pavsky had indeed been ac-, less charged with unem- who endeavored to monitor tive with the CIA. Between ployment inasmuch as He- ioviet compliance with the them - Carter and Aaron brew is _e: " lot hoan "official lelsinki pact, he insulted -_ about every protocol in languag he people who signed that the s y busine w can anyone act. ss was vio- b a e em !cyed teaching a t :.c . 'non = le 7t language Approved For Release 2006/12/05: CIA-RDP81 M00980R002000100109-9