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July 15, 1978
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Approved For Release Off4( 1:C 3RPR 1 Q0980R00190003003 - -- `{ id=tCL.liV : n".'''=y 1 %'Vx,hin`liin.D.C.20505 C f , ~l July 15, 1978 The Honorable Barry Goldwater 427 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Barry: Last Tuesday we discussed briefly the concerns expressed in your recent letter to me. Even though we talked about it, I thought it might still be useful to lay out my thoughts on reorganization of the Intelligence Community at somewhat greater length. I share your distaste for the creation of large, new bureaus. I sincerely hope that in proposing this reorganization I am not bringing about the birth of such a creature. I intend to control the size of the Intelligence Community Staff; it may grow slightly in the next year or so beyond the level I requested for Fiscal Year 1979, but any such growth will be highly visible and will require strong justification to me and to the Congress. I will expect my deputies to demonstrate to me that they are using their manpower as efficiently as possible, and I expect in turn to have to demonstrate that to you. Why did I feel the reorganization was necessary? Let me consider both parts: Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001900030030-6 . Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001900030030-6 -- 2 - 1. The Resource Management group, in my view, did a competent :.,job of putting together the first real NFIP budget, that for FY 1979, and supported me adequately in defending that budget before OMB and the Congress. But, to be frank, that staff was not able to do anywhere near enough evaluation and analysis to convince me that I was making decisions on the budget and program that were as well informed as I wanted them to be. It did not provide sufficient capability independent of the program managers, contractors, and other interested parties to support the choices I had to make, Furthermore, it was not sufficient to carry out the budget execution responsibilities which I acquired with the promulgation of Executive Order 12036. In assessing the size of this staff against the requirements, it is also important to realize that responses to congressional committees place important demands upon this staff's resources. A large fraction of the analyses and evaluations that were done in the last year were mandated by Congress. I think by and large these were worthwhile studies to undertake, but they allowed little margin of staff time for evaluation aimed specifically at the decisions I had to make. So I feel com- fortable in asking for some augmentation of staff to support these activities. 2. Collection Tasking. The collection tasking activities were carried out by three organizations: COMIREX was really managing tasking and allocation of a very valuable resource. They were deeply involved in the nuts and bolts of systems operation. Nearly three quarters of the staff involved in collection tasking worked for COMIREX. The SIGINT Committee was one step removed from actual operations. They provided broad direction and systems studies to support the SIGINT system. The Human Resources Committee was very small. It did some evaluation, and was involved in the setting of a smal,h:; number of broad priorities. Thus, the activities of these three groups were quite different. There was some real tasking done by COMIREX and some guidance for detailed tasking provided by the SIGINT Committee, but there were no overall plans made for collection against specific intelligence problems. No one person was responsible for planning the operation of the collection systems taken as a whole,and no one was accountable for their performance. In my plan I would add staff to do collection plans and to evaluate the operational performance of collection systems and mixes of collection systems measured against various intelligence problems. Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001900030030-6 Approved For Release 2005/041223: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001900030030-6 Since the tasks of resource management and collection tasking were growing and were so different, it was my judgment that it was best tok;split the Intelligence Community Staff to reflect the differences. To a large extent, as your letter suggested, the Collection Tasking Staff will be manned by people on loan from various Intel- ligence Community entities. It is also important to note that this proposal was accomplished without any change in the financing requested for the NFIP. The billets were shifted from CIA and DoD. Overall, budgets and manpower remained fixed. I share your concern that we not overreact to the revelation of intelligence abuses in the past. Although I hope these abuses don't recur, this reorganization is not aimed at solving that problem. Rather, it is aimed at executing the management responsi- bilities which-.E.O. 12036 levied upon me. I am not certain overall that the structure is exactly right or that the-numbers are precisely those required. It is really not possible before the shakedown cruise to make such judgments. But you can rest assured that I will give you a report on the shakedown and that I will be striving to my utmost to prevent this staff from growing out of control. Sincerely, ~ l Stansf eld T1fttM^f STANSFIELD TURNER Distribution: Orig. - Adsee. 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - OLC 1 - OPBD/RMS 1 - D/DCI/RM 1 - RM Registry 1 - D/DCI/CT (10 July 78) 6 July 78) Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001900030030-6