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Approved For Release 11 I7/0 DP 111 80R00170002001 -6 2 OLC 78-3157 11 October 1978 STAT kG Coordination and Review Staff Office of Legislative Counsel SUBJECT Chronological History of Purchase of Hillside Safes Through GSA 1. In late September, we received a telephone request from Pete Roman, on the staff of the Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Spending Practices and Open Government, who reported that he had received an anonymous tip that the Agency had "half a warehouse full of defective safes from a subsidiary of Art Metals Corporation." Roman said that he had also been provided the names of two Agency employees who could provide him the details about these safes. After a discussion with Mr. Malanick, we decided and Mr. Roman agreed that at this time it would be better to make arrangements to provide him the pertinent documents on this matter. 2. On 2 October, Mr. Malanick provided this office with 23 documents which provide a chronological history of the purchase by CIA of Hillside Safes (a subsidiary of Art Metals Products). On 6 October, the undersigned showed Mr. Roman the 23 documents with the instructions that should he want any of these documents they would be released to him in an unclassified version and that the names of Agency employees would be deleted as appropriate. Mr. Roman concluded that he wanted the entire package of documents. 3. The release of document number 1, which was originated by the Department.of State, was approved by Mr. James Kolesnik, Chief, FOIA Office of Security, Department of State. The release of documents numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 was coordinated On file GSA release instructions apply. State Dept. review completed ARMY review(s) completed. MTER !AL USE ONLY OSD review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 li f f - N A U-S U N E ._ ..r Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 ;INTERNAL USE ONLY with Mr. Paul H. Riley, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, Department of Defense. Neither Mr. Riley nor Mr. Kolesnik had any objection to our releasing these documents to Mr. Roman in their entirety. 4. At the request of Mr. Malanick, the names of Agency employees, except for Messrs. and Howard Osborn, have been deleted from t ese . Malanick reviewed the attached material for classification purposes and determined that the Agency originated documents could be released to Mr. Roman in an unclassified form and those documents which- bore classification markings or internal handling markings have been re-marked and declassified accordingly. 5. Attached is a set of the documents as they will be passed to Mr. Roman. Your concurrence on the release of this package is requested. When these documents are provided to Mr. Roman, we will request that no public use be made of these documents without prior clearances from the Agency. AT AT Attachments: As Stated Michael Malanick, ADDA - 'a if W,6LV0d VVVIL- AIX /o if .7r Date L91,) -2 e "f Apvtwou- Wt-'(,- AV ~ UA 6t t STA STA INTERNAL USE ONLY. Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 ^ UNCLASSI FI%roved r FAY%2007/03/28: CIA-RDI18 M60 i I1T?I R 2001'-6 SECRET' ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. OLC 78-3157 C&R Staff/OLC DATE 11 October 1978 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED 1. Michael Malanick ADDA 1j1 b`~'V 7D18 2. --HAND CARRY-- E UIG 6E08 4. 16 PA TS N o 4,p- Tube: DX4-Green 00 6. Ta Ve 7. ''I ,Url ~ 1l _ g~s Qj-4 Q d 7D O7 Tube: BX5-G een ZA RU B. V 1 0 fli C 9. UJ 1 1 ~l 4 ~. 1 1? ~~ U ~ 10 ~ ~d~ ' . 11. ~ t 1~1 9 ? q~~ ~~ I ~,, r ( a 12. 13. 14. C-T 15. TA TA TA FORM 610 USE EDIITIRIV 3-62 TIONSppU1 1ec ft jeleas"00L7 FIfigofAtDP 4 IO AO17000;8 15 CLASSIFIED IONS USE ONLY Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81,M00980R001700020015-6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 ~!~-ipr ve,d o ~}~e,I O7~?g3J28 elA- 8 FMb8,980R00a70089 015:6 __ .a? 't. i. ~,.??? - _ r .! v a ..'_4t .%~_ ?_ ' t? ?_ ? - = ?~ ??? JJL 2 1 ~~ } 1 !'!-`,' -. `?~. * - _i'I 'i.. r y.}.a ?4-.?. 1, -' Ry't~ a'r ~- : r t~~< ) C`.., t n o L~a.t{Z '.'?s ii~LZ e.~tr3~~~`i~1ti ,~v~.~1t;'r'l~f 1 "~; C XT Z ? = ~ !? ' lid CJ b. t< iii' ' ? a 1 d~ I z a a a Y ' Vi 2 c apt. ' - . ' ' ci vtc;: ~ t. ~ 1r' I41cn r :.3 tta ? 1t ^ -.r t :,.5 ~..?~ C'~'I IMU00980R001700020015-6 r'- 9 r S) x ( /r) A,r,tni~M :i: Le i I"LL,tl? ; ! Ar} 11 'J DAILY ACTIVITY REPORT 3.3 May 1976 SUPPLY DIVISION ITEM OF INTEREST A stock replenishment requisition for 32 Class 6 -drawer filing cabinets (safes) with 3-way comb nation .. locks was placed with General Services Administration (GSA) several weeks ago. Since the Mosier Class Wes, with hand change lock, was on Federal Supply Schedule, the Mosier Gio!lel - was specified for procurement. We h:we now been advised that GSA did not place an order for the Nosier safes but elected to request bids em the 32 sages. GSA advises that r`Ert Metal Products submitted the low bid.' Art Metal Products recently tacquired the assets of Hillside Products, the previous ;i?fe manufacturer. We have had two "Hillside" safes on order since August 1975 for the purpose of test and evaluation. Several delays have been encountered in trying to obtain. delivery. GSA recently advised us that a stop order had been placed on these two safes ostensibly because of the merger between Art Approved Fqr Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81.M00980R1901700020015-6 we do not wish to place an order for 32 safes prior to conducting a comprehensive test and evaluation on the latest iodels manufactured by Hillside. Simultaneously.with our stock replenishment-requisition for 32 cabinets, we forwarded an order for 80 of the ire Clays catzi..e+s for Logisitcs Service Division's requirements for the Headquarters Building. Art Metal was also low bidder on this solicitation. Approved For Release 2007/03/28 CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 Reference is made to attachment 19 and the statement following the name,\ The statement includes a reference to an additional order for 80 safes. Examination of existing stock record cards disclosed that the orders for 32 and 80 safes (actually 85 as reflected on the cards) were cancelled. It is the recollection of the undersigned that when advised that GSA had let both orders to Hillside, I directed to cancel both orders and attempt to work out some arrangement with GSA which would assure us that other than Hillside safes would be acquired for our use. t rt pp y Divfs~ion, OL Approved. For Release 2007/03/28: CIA-RDP81 M00980R00'1700020015-6 STAT not meet specification standards. The units are apparently as bad as those which were procured fro -m the saris cony in 1963 (which are still. in stock) . A written report listing the discrepancies will1 ba for "ardcd to 1B by The two safes which were ordered from Art Motel (Hillside) Inc. for evaluation in July 1975 ;.ere received on August 30, 1976. An initial STAT inspection by and indicates that both units do DAILY ACM-11T REPORT .3 -September 1976 S PPLY DIVISION ITO-11 OP I~TEPu ST on the cost of these units or attempt to have the vendor rectify the It must eventually be decided whether to accept the loss di.screpanci_es . Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 V--,A reran (41 CFF0 801-11.6 _w;-,,4 ; UNCLASSIFIED UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT p ovea ror Keiease - uunus ~morana urn TO Chief, Supply Division, OL ATTN : Chief, Supply Management Branch, SD/OL Inspection of Hillside Class #6 Security Cabinet at J. In resvonse to a request made by the leader of Team "C", Mr.I safe technician performed an initial inspection of f-e ?each, Hillside Class r6 Security Cabinets. This was done because of the past poor performance of Hillside Cabinets and the Office of Security's reluctance to accept them for issue. 2. Mr.~ is report and associated photographs are attached. % Atts: as is f1NCCASSIFIEq .S. Savings Bonds Regularly on tl;-e Payroll Savings Plan ~-~ LL Lc.J I Approved For Release 2007/03/2 R001700020015-6 Inspection on Hillside Class #6 Security Cabinet (At Safe Shop -STA Combination Lock.. 1. Lock mounting plate loose which causes the lock to shift. 2. Hard plates in front of lock case are loose and could cause hard plates to cut into the outer spindle and it could cause it to break in half. Drawer Stops Draw stop on the side of the draw which is called the drawer body slide are set to0high and would cause a safety problem and should be considered a safety hazard. Bolts and Handle Bolt cam will clear the bolt lock when the arber is removed from the cam without retracting the lock bolt. Drawer Suspension Drawer suspensions are not sturdy enough to carry the weight load as the weight is down and would cause the suspension to buckle and bind on the drawer. --""Safe Technician sir UNCLASSIFIED. Approved For Release 2007/03/28 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700020015-6 Ui~~f~~ t P Approved For Release 4GER t NOW ~x_ WAMWWRMAM 015-6 .,< iii TJNClASSIFIED. } E1.10.:.ANDIP-41 FOR: Chief, Physical Security.- Dil;i~ion, ,CS PRO;.4 SUBJECT RLFEMENC.:. ief., .Sup1)ly Division, OL pia lls t=:le Filing Cabinets (Safes) Received for 'lest and Evaluation . . 111crio d -d 16 Jan 76 for C/SD/OI, f n! ??D/5 (,' T 0S) subj : Procure i_cnt of Security Containers 1. With the concurrence of your division in July 197S, we ordered two Art fetal Products (Hillside) safes for test and evaluation. After several delays, these safes were delivered and W -are -n,;cted by our safe technicians, i essrs . aricl 'r ,. The following STA discrepancies were forme.: .al. Four -,ti ay co: bi?haticn lock - the lock I o- ntin" plate was loose. f COn'dition c^.-;.:es tic: fol=k to shift. The hard .3_': ates in front of the lock case are loose and could cause hard plates to cut into the outer spindle and cause it to break in half. b. Drawer stot s - -.he drawer stop on the side of the drawer (which is called the drati;er body slide) is set too h`-1 . This situation causes a safety ?rovlt'"1 and is considered a hazard. . c. Bolts and handle - the bolt ca will clear the bolt lock when t tie ar Jer is removed from the Cm-a -without rotr acti 4 .' he ioc?: bolt, d. Drawer suspL n5ic:i: - the drawer suspensions are not sturdy enough to carry the weight load as the weight is down and co-17d anus the suspension to buckle and bind on the dr a,,.er. 2. Since the Office of Security ihc'as historically tested F:Ild c'valratcd security containers tier reference, it s reroested your staff CO;aduct a, fur Cher e1`~ 3?: ti of t-1- Cori tzjuo : -s :,10n-Cj1?neJ ai oyo. Arran(?cn,ontts c n be to de]. iver. the safe: tc site 1;hi`h you STA Approved F Pte e ^2007/0 CIA-RDJ 8l1MUMM&1700020015-6 rC7 \ .*\ ` ...0~ ~z 3k _ a.asm Approved For Release 2007/03/28.: C SUBJECT: 1iil1sadC Filing Cabin ets (Safes Test and Evaluation 3. Since these safes are on the Federal Supply Schndu1e, we would appreci.:t.e a written ra crt of your evaluation. -ie will array. e to forfrard tics evaluation report to the General Services Administration. 4. For additional information concerning delivery of the _tt