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Approved For Release 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP81 M00980RO011000 i . - uSE ONLY, JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 27 March 1978 1. (Unclassified - ME) FOIA/LIAISON Received a call from Stuart Applebaum, in the office of Representative Robert Kastenmeier (D. , Wis..), concerning a constituent request. The request was from STAT I I ex-Managing Editor of the Daily Cardinal student newspaper at the University of Wisconsin involving "any and all" documents in existence pertaining to the Agency 's relationship with the University. STAT After checking with IPS, I called Mr. Applebaum and said that it would be another month or two because of -the lack of specificity of the request and at least 23 components were searching STAT for documents responsive to request. I also explained the backlog of cases within the Agency, which Mr. Applebaum said he understood. 2. (Unclassified - MDC) LIAISON Called David Pickens, on the staff of the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, and we agreed on 3 April 1978 as a preferred date for delivery of the responses to the Committee's follow-up questions from the 13 March 1978 briefing. It was also agreed that we *Old set 5 April 1978 as a backup date. 3. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Received a call from Jean Christoff, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who asked me if we could provide her information on the narcotics case involving a former Agency 1contact. She said Hal Ford, Senator Adlai Stevenson's (D., Ill.) designee on the Committee, had asked her to look into this for Senator Stevenson. I told her Mark Gitenstein, also of the Committee staff, had looked into this case in detail for Senator Joseph Biden (D., Del.) and suggested she contact Mark aiid she agreed. 4. (Unclassified - HMS) EMPLOYMENT REQUEST Received a call from Adele, in the office of Representative John H. Buchanan (.R., Ala. ), requesting applications for employment, both professional and clerical. I told her they would be sent to her. OLC Registry was advised. N TE Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020035-0 Approved For Release 0uyz t M00.980R001100020 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday, - 27 March 1978 Page 2 Req 5? LIAISON Julie Romero, Secretary within the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, called asking for a. listing of all Directors of Central Intelligence Agency and their dates of office. I obtained a copy of the listing from. the Office of Public Affairs and read it to her. - 6. LIAISON On instructions romi 25X1 (Acting Legislative Counsel, I called John Roberts, General Counsel for the Senate Armed Services Subcothm.ittee on Intelligence, chaired by Senator Harry Byrd (D., Va.). I told Mr. Roberts that I had 25X1 discussed the Subcommittee's interest in holding hearings and offered my services (along with those o FAC/CSS) subsequent to 25X1 the Committee's biweekly briefing we would be attending the following morning. Mr. Roberts agreed to meet us sometime prior to noon on 28 March and clearly appreciated the call. 7. IAISON Mike O'N?il, Chief Counsel, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, called with two questions: (;a) are we currently engaged in re-drafting the Agency entry-on- duty secrecy agreement. After checking with DC/Office of 25X1 Security, I told him that we were not, that the secrecy agreement had withstood at:least one court case and that it was considered adequate, and (b) what is the DCI position on budget disclosure? Mike had received a new version from an unnamed source andllanted to be sure about it. After checking with of our office, I told Mike that the DCI's position, simply stated,. is that the Executive will not object if Congress determines that it is in the national interest to publish one overall figure for the Intelligence Community, but would draw the line there: e. g. , the Executive would object to providing the individual budget figure for any of the individual Intelligence Community member agencies. 8. LIAISON Sent by courier to Richard Giza, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, a four page paper explaining the systems. 9. LIAISON Sent by courier to Pauline Baker, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, copies of charts used during the 10 February 1978 hearing on Foreign Military Presence in Africa. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020035-0 / ri9 MecU - I 'I a 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100.0200 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 27 March 1978 Page 3 10. (Unclassified - SF) LIAISON Sent by courier to Thomas K. Latimer, Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a follow-up letter to Mr. Latimer's letter dated 8 March requesting five publications and studies 11. (Unclassified - RSG) LAISION Dan Hardway, House Select Committee on Assassinations staff, visited C&R conference room to interview a current: employee. 12. (Unclassified - RSG) LIAISON Took a call from Betsy Palmer, -House Select Committee on Assassinations researcher, who requested availability of certain files. I advised her that material was available for review. STAT 13. (Internal Use Only - THW) LIAISON I called Hans Binnendijk, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance, in response to his request for information on South Korean nuclear capabilities, including information on certain technology provided the South Koreans by Lockheed. I said we could brief them on the South Korean nuclear capabilities but we have no responsibility for collecting information on U. S. corporate activities. I also asked him if he could provide us a copy of his report on the Middle East air balance since we had had some role in giving him background information for the report:"? He said that the report had been distributed and that Brian Atwood, State Department, should be giving us a copy for our comments. He said, however, that if we could not get a copy from Atwood he would give us one. 14. (Unclassified - THW) LIAISON In response to a request from House Minority Leader John J. Rhodes (R., Ariz.) through the Office of Security, I arranged for a technical sweep of Mr. Rhodes' office by the Capitol Police. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020035-0 Approve or Release 1/03: CIA-RDP81 M00980R0011000200J61 ..1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Monday - 27 March 1978 15. LIAISON I accompanied 25X ORPA, to a briefing of Jim Washburn and Ron Tammen, on the staff of Senator William Proxmire (D., Wis.), on the subject of what will happen when the Shah of Iran passes from the scene. There-were no follow-ups, however, I id mention a paper which he was doing on this subject and it can be expected that we will receive a request from the Senator's office for the paper. -1010 00- 16. CONSTITUENT Mrs. Marguerite Noll, on the staff of Representative Fred B: Rooney (D., Pa.), called saying she had a constituent from Allentown, Pennsylvania, 25X1 in her office who claims to have worked for the CIA I land that we 25X1 owed him $7, 000 for expenses such as hotel bills, etc. He was asking for an immediate appointment with somebody at the Agency. I told Mrs. Noll that the machinery just doesn't work that way and to give us his name and we would contact him directly to set up an appointment. I told her she could explain to the constituent that she had been in touch with the Agency and that someone from the Agency would be in touch with him in the event there was any substance to his claims. She thanked me for my assistance. ~7. I I LIAISON Hans Binnendijk, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance, called and said that he had heard about the Agency-Is paper on the Middle East air balance and asked on behalf of the Committee if we could forward a copy to the Committee for review by himself, the Chief of Staff, and Members of the Committee who had an interest. I told him I would look into it and get back to him. 18. I I LIAISON Called Mike Epstein, Senate Select Comma e'T n In e igence staff, and discussed the status of our letter concerning the missing documents Owhich had been di s s eminat ed 2 5X 1 by CIA but cannot be located by the recipients and is a pending matter of interest to Senator Lowell W picker (R., Conn.). Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020035-0 Approved For Release . 2-40 0060OFI effIff OR; 1 M00980R001 100020035-0 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 27 March 1978 Page 5 19. LIAISON Spoke with Ira Goldman, on the staff of Representative Robert McClory (R., Ill. ), and told him that if Mr. McClory wanted us to deal with him on charter matters, as has been suggested, we would make every effort to be responsive to his needs. 20. LIAISON Spoke with and SA, concerning coordination and informational exchange on Congressional matters. DIA, 25X1 21. LIAISON ''Called John Nields, on the staff of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, and he told me that the paper he had been discussing with our office over the past several says had been provided by the Attorney General in connection with a case that had been referred to the Committee. He felt the additional information he was seeking should be supplied to him and that he believes he already has it from another source. ,---'22. LIAISON Brian Atwood, Congressional Relations, Department of State, called to set up a briefing on the Middle East arms balance for the State task force. This was turned over to NFAC/CSS, and Atwood agreed with there 25X1 was no need for a briefing at this point. 23? LIAISON John Roberts, General Counsel, Senate Armed Services Committee, on a referral from Frank Sullivan, Staff Director of the Committee, called on behalf of Senator Harry Byrd (I., Va.), Chairman, Intelligence Operations Subcommittee, Senate Armed Services Committee, in connection with a proposed hearing in the next couple of weeks on Cuban, USSR activities in the Middle East and Africa. I told Roberts that I thought it would be helpful if we had an early preliminary exchange on this matter and arrangements were made for NFAC/CSS, andl o see Roberts. Counsel, Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on International Operations, to tell him that some of his notes had already been sent to him and that the rest were on their way. y r a 1 ~ 4 7, Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020035-0 25X1 Jou aiOffice of Legislative Counsel Page 7 Monday - 27 March 1978 If 30. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON I called Chuck Snodgrass, on the staff of the House Appropriations Committee, about the Surveys and Investigations team questions on the DDO report. He indicated that he would like the responses by 7 April. He also said that while no formal transmittal is necessary, we should treat these questions and answers as something to be made part of the record, and the DCI and DDCI should be prepared to discuss these matters. Information Act would be going forward, but that, in light of OMB's concerns regarding suggested. legislative proposals, we had changed the language of the letter so that the portion containing such suggestions was couched in terms of questions for the Congress to consider rather than specific statutory proposals. Mr. Carlstrom this sounded fine and that he would appreciate receiving a copy of the letter. On the matter of our proposed legislation to clarify the Agency's firearms authority, Mr. Carlstrom said his office was in the final stages of reviewing and approving the package, but would appreciate receiving a copy of the letter dated 20 December 1977 which we had sent to the Department of Justice regarding coordination of certain language changes in our proposal. I sent Mr. Carlstrom copies of the lettc'Ys on the Freedom of Information Act and the firearms proposal. OMB, and informed him that the letter from Jack Blake, DDA, to .Representative Bill Burlison (D., Mo.) concerning the Freedom of Approved For Release..2006/01/03: CIA-RDP81 M00980R0011000260 5- STAT STAT a'k ?.'r s.11Y cc: O/DDCI Mr. E Ex. Sec. DDA DDS&T Mr. Lapham Mr. Hetu SA/DO/O IC Staff Comptroller NFAC Acting Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020035-0