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Document Release Date: 
December 2, 2004
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Publication Date: 
March 29, 1978
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irHL,`trd;L U ONLY Approved For Release 2004/1.2/22: CIA-RDA j oci fi OLC 78-0641/1 2 9 MAR 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: 25X1 SUBJECT: Request for Information o 25X1 Please note the attached request from Michael Glennon, of the international Operations (McGovern) Subcommittee. I understand that0 has been the subject of previous inquiries either from Glennon or elsewhere, and that there may also be a pending FOTA/ Privacy request. Do we have information that can be made available to G lennon ? 25X1 Office of Legislative ounse Distribution: Orig - SA/DO/O, 1-OGC, 1 - OLC, 1 - OLC Subject 1 - OLC Chrono OLC:C&R:GMC:baa/ndl (29 Mar 78) Approved For Release 2004 V/ '`1` 1AR-R[3P8446 '80R001100020020-6- JOHN SPARfCMAta. AL,A., CIiAIRMAM FRAKk CMA". 40A10 -CGFFbRD CL.AIGORM1c P. CAfi', N.J. ' AE[_L s. I_ .. .. .....__ GrGoGr ' DIcx cLARX Iawn"` 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP81 M00980R0011 00020020(-6- / d'., V 0 1va.m H. N, MOEN. Cl-H Jo.. DEL. ROBERT P. Gpom4. JOHN RD (Dl, f1M10 - JA., TENM. MKR. MICH. ~'~~ YY G iMK+ ~L JGa iH.LG PI-4L. HOWARD N H. NAK6R RICNAAD ~QICi1~'STOM[. NORYILL, JOME9, CHIEF OP R rApp AS ORY. H&NOMICX, raw" csxmc COM M fl1 ON ) OREIGN RELATIONS WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 March 23, 1978 k Mr. George Carey Office of the Legislative Counsel Central Intelligence Agency TJ' ash-Lag ton, D. C. Dear Mr. Carey: In connection with -the' Subcommittee on International.. PAUL 9. 8AR$ NKS. MD, b4UR4E .HUMPNNi,Y'. IA1NW. your making- available to us all documents in possession Operations' investigation ' of - SAVAR, I would appreciate of the Agency regarding Virzi nl,a. ~f Alexandria, Approved For Release 2004/12122 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001100020020-6 1/I 25X1