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January 24, 1978
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Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001000090022'ORIL-OFFICJE5. ANDY IRELAND WINTER HAVEN, FLORIDA 33880 BIN DISTRICT. FLORIDA 514 WEST CENTRAL. AVENUk'. P.O. BOX 9447 1513 LONGWOWrH HOUSE OFMICE BUILDING a (813) 299-4041. 299-5120 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20315 ~GGt~i~ r~ ~/ of MOO tat BRADENTON. FLORIDA 33506 (202) 225-5013 ? IIJJ V ?j 1101 6Th AVENUE WEST pffl COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEE St OU P $ ,~ a{~ `{J~1 P.O. BOX 1220 ffff""^^'"'"~!![ (813) 746078? INTERNATIONAL, RELATIONS t INT'L ECONOMIC POLICY AND TRADE K:KR?abLr( .Wn, O.C. 20515 SARASOTA, FLORIDA 33376 101 SOUTH WASHINGTON BOULEVARD INTER-AMERICAN AFFAIRS P.O. BOX 1029 (813) 366-4896 SMALL BUSINESS January 24 , 1978 LAKE? AND. FLORIDA 33803: CAPITAL. INVESTMENT AND BUSINESS 2015 SOUTH FLORIDA AVENUE OPPORTUNITIES /RtSI Ba7.8016. 687-8t90 Admiral Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Admiral Turner: Enclosed please find self-explanatory correspondence from one of my constituents. I thought you would like to be aware of views. Best regards. AI:bp Enclosure c STAT Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001000090022-8 Approved For Release 2005/04/22 Honorable Andrew Ireland Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Ireland, You are aware of the enclosed. Howevever, I feel strongly incensed over such, even though I have tried to reason in as cool a manner as possible. I am a disability retiree from the Central Intelligence Agency, It is my feeling the attached comes from no malicious intent; rather from ignorance and noncomprehension. Such two honorable men as the President of the United States, James Carter, and the Director of central intelligence,, Admiral Stansfield. M. Turner would first and foremost have the interest of their nation, the United States of America and its security at heart. May I please elicit the followings A. World War II (WW11) entered this nation into a role for which we were not prepared to cope when such came to an end. Crisis can result in "strange bedfellows". One of our allies at the time was the Soviet Union with one mission before us, the defeat of Nazi Germany regardless of the diametrically opposed political ideologies. B. V -J Day, the glorious end of the existing war with Japan, Germany having surrended previously. However, this did not bring an end to WAR, merely the nature of combat changed. The Soviet Union's main goal was and still is the communization of the world. This was accomplished in Eastern Europe. The most important target was and still is the United States, not to be taken as a war ravaged country but rather as a flourishing excellent productive one. Before V-J Day (you perhaps,tee too young to fully under- stand the full significance, but your father no doubt does), Camp Ritchie, United States Military Intelligence Training Center, Cascade, Maryland, had in effect an organization termed "Section X" making plans to deter .r conquering the United States by the Soviet Uz4oni from within . Actually the war had not ended. The Soviet Union ideology remains the same today, commuAW. 78I''r 05 2 F E D~9~ 2oi America without then, f iraR tVVMM4 '* CIA- 0&49'0 'it0 ?00 din 1946 to protect-this nation, a war in process between the Soviet Union and the United States of America fought differently thu, otherwise known. C. Our soldiers in this cadre were and are of the highest calibre. I know. Their lives were given without any glory given to them. No one would lay wreathes upon Flanders held Where the Poppies Grow; impossible, as their resting places lie annongmously throughout the world. True over the quarter of a century mistakes were made and are no doubt being made. Do you know of any organization, institution in the world,-including the Vatican the strongest to be found,who has not made them. Also wrong doings have been wrought. However, if checked, one most probably would find such to be 10% out of 100. Every effort should be made periodically to keep such a minimum. Nevertheless, there is a right way and' a wrong way to alleviate problems. It is my strong feeling_the latter has been followed. Someone did not do his homework. In the short period of 20 years these valiant people build-up the best Intelligence service amongst all nations and was recognized as. such by all, including the Soviet Union. At this time there is not a nation in the world who could trust or have confidence in the United States Intelligence Service, and we need these other nations. The Executive Branch of our Government dropped the ball on this one. It is now time for the Legislative Branch to step in and not only try to salvage that..which can be, but to make certain we again build-up the best Intelligence Service in the world. The gross injustice done to the many honorable men in our Intelligence Service should be rectified in some manner. I for one by best media possible, word of mouth, will campaign for this. I plead, not ask, that you take the above into consideration and please inform the Honorable Chiles and Stone of my feelings, along with any other Congressmen and Senators who will pay heed. It is a known fact that all our Presidents and our Legislative Branch knew what was taking place, but preferred to bury their heads in the sands as the ostriches. Thank you, Sir, in allowing me to put forth this feeling, I am one who after 20 years service to my country in a quiet manner had to be retired at age 50 for an incurable illness which can only be kept under control, not cured. In all probability such may have lay dormant within me had my life been different. I am not crying about this even though my small disability retirement (which Congress saw fit to place income tax upon) is consumed through Specialist fees, Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001000090022-8 hospitals Approved For Release 2005/04/22 : IA-RDP81 M00980R001000090022-8 hospitals, medications, etc. I just thank God I have the means to cover such; the pain I shall have to live with. I am ending this letter with a quote fro a former colleague who has served the United States in Intelligence (OSS) and retired before receiving a "pink slip" in July 1977, "how degrading" Encl. cc - Honorable Chiles and Stone STAT Apprdved For Release 2005/04/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R001000090022-8