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2 JULY 1978
Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230025-4
Copyright 1973 by The Newsw.lournal co.
Staff writer
WASHINGTON ? Convinced
at Soviet spies have penetrated
e highest levels of the CIA, the
gency's security division has
aunched a rnasive investigation
Identify any double agents and
d out who is responsible for the
netration. .
One former senior intelligence
fficer called the probe "the most
xtensive security investigation in
.S. intelligence history.'
e?.scope_anti.??puipose_of _the
iiCig:cliFeetar....a_ form et_
?eOuty directors_other_CIA,.offi.
IalS nd ourc iaJh Sgnate _
o tan' -efice irv ewo
e_ un ay.L.Newsjournai
me of theinfOrmation was erm-
ined in documents shown to re-
According to the sources, 'the
IA is runii,ing the Investigators
otn the office of its security
hid, Robert Gambino, who is ;
deriiiltrii-CW:M751F-drg-out the !
cts before the Senate Intern-
ence Committee starts public
earings and before any leaks ap.
ar in the press.
The News-Journal papers dis-
losed last month that the Senate
panel had started a top-secret
mvestigatiou of its own into the al-
leg ations of a "insole" within th
Tbejntelligenee.$OWCCS said the..
CIA, like.the, 4etlate committee, is
irectors,, Richard Id...):Ielms and
illiarn E:?Colby,ind OnJam as J.
Angleton,retiri CIA counterin-
elligence chief, in an effort to as-
ign blame for any laxity that al"
owed the apparent major breach
of security.
Dale Petetson,La Apokei-
maii,la tithe eouldnot cbmtnent.
? _ _
-"It. is of a highly_..msitlye_;
S .. . ?
. . .
iaint: e;Fratitineni,;Iti ;;tbsi,-. rii:'?
ture, We hdpe to be s bleep NNE. !
latedless to say, we are etioperat-
- g:in ?eifikwil.:With-the -Se n a t4,
Idelligence.:Centinittee.a.??Peter-, ;
- ;son said.. ?% ? . i
--A former deputy tilrear of the :
,,,sgency sld CIA supporters fear i
. the Senate committee's Investlger"
???tion. if not handled properly, contd.!
'destroy the CIA as the nalion'a.t
peemier intelligence agency.
: The former deputy director eat._ i
,ted it "the most extensive security"
:Investigation in U.S. Intelligeneevi
- -;'
? ivistorl Ai toed that could deter-.
mine If there Is a civilian CIA or if '
we become part of the Pentagon." ,
Since the Senate committee's ;
Investigation was first reported ;
June 7, the CJA internal Investiga- ,
.1.19..n-lia!!.9.1.ieln,F1.7.1.1,!ki7:7? .1. -;
s ? Ong former CIA dtree..ttir_iaide?;
.._"Therire:Ouestioning, all.eur.?top ?
; Alit( peopleAo:_one is o llov e sued:
:a:ion...1_771e_ a ec u city.- pe op le,.. are ?
going through the archives back to
"Very-Soviet-defector?, starting:.
ick allte fOilied------
of -the ogee,. .. -------- --
,,,_ Y? :
.. 'Mei CIA was established In 134f.
? ? Both the foemet, director andj.
former deputy director asked not i
be Identified. I
? II:poster eounterintelligente.
ehief. 1..ingreTEKIlidlhe7rivestigaz,
jion.yaktriggered,by the publics:1,,
-.tion_ef._,Edward _Jay ,,Epstein's s
atgend:,TheSeFret World of.Leg I
,?,,Ilatvey,01Weld.' in the book, Ep-
stein writes that YuriIvanovich .
Nosertko was: a Soviet double!
_agent sent as a defector to feed
? misinformation to the CIA.
7- According to Aisglettm Mid;
others Interviewed by. Epstein,
Nossenko was sent to the United?
Sides to convince the CIA that
? Lee Harvey Oevrald was netera ? eleveised Cram, the, former_i
Soviet agent. According to CIA Maeda stairon-Chierin Ottawa, ?
sources and Epstein's hook. aIkJ?uLctretirment
Nosenko's credentials were be- "-Tr...Jew defertor_coses:ancl
lieved genuine and he was given a ton"s7spe_eific dealing with-desee-
new identity and accepted as a' ers__
defector despite the opposition of Cram Is considered_an old_
Angleton and his counterintelli- org?giotcyll_id.;er_sary_because-Of a
genre staff. Nosenko is currently a over a Ca nscliin intent-
$.35,000-5-year adviser to the CIA. ?ginci-officilil. -Angleton -accused
Former Secretary of Defense ?James Bennett of being-a possible-
Melvin Laird, now working at -KGWonerative while working as"a
Readers Digest, publishers of the, 'civilian for the Royal Canadian ;
Epstien book, opened doors for Mounted Police.
-13aroody, steered Epstein toward.- Police activities.
and interview Oswaid'a Marine nett Is currently Involved in the
Corps colleagues. Laird's former Canadian government's investigs-
inteliseenre T. Hon of Royal Canadian Mounted
Epstein at the department of De- ? ? According to Senate Intelligence :
fense.,CIA sources said. Committee sources. this hindered
This i.IIdwedhim tii trielt dowd ? Cram's operations in Ottawa. Ben-?
"Newtoo "Pete". Bagley, who was .Cram has been allowed to re-
deputy -Of Ahcloviet delik at the view CIA "sort." or raw. tiles, and ?
CIA and who became Epstein's CIA computer tiles on all major
primary source on Naseriko, ac-' defectors eases to identify those
0 (lording to the CIA report. CIA officials responsible for mak-
Baroodr,la currently preSided Ing declaims concerning defee-
of the American Enterprise Insti- tors.
lute, a politically conservative, ? One Senate -Intelligence Com:-
foundation tht Includes arming its inittee consultant says the Epstein
employees former President its
book has "big political overtones
dt wil.Faoarri for the agency." the "level" di these son, a former Marine inte D,Cor-
sources that alarmed CIA security "orfitefinder contract to the CIA,
officials when the hook W23 releas- sald. "The Epstein book cost half
ed last March. It prompted one re- ? a minion dollars to research. It is
Bred clandestine services ofjicee, an accurate book, but the reason it
to say, "We had overlooked the was written and guided through
'mole' thing because we thought it: wda that /MN. Baroody and those
was the typical argument of responsible for It were attempting
Angleton and his people, but Ce?' ? to get a body blow at the CIA and
tato events and leaks front the ? turn Intelligence totally over to the
agency could, in the view of these- rotutanc..
caulty people, be only explained' -
by a mote." ,_cik soltreee 'are also puzzled
Angleton. In a telephone Ititer-1_ ths
ire*. Confirmed that he had acted 'r:la chitf at ?the- tinte"Oswald
as one source on the Epstein book WSS in -RI/S.sia...*as..6evet%caRed
-and said he did not beiieye Nosen.. .a.civise:.,0t1,..tne.,_rioselseo_,..ctse..
'Ito was a sincere?defeefor.?and was monigoinerir- Ia?erri'lli!T?5?;.?IberI e7,
-station_ in . Rome and nes
?Bagley. a long-time friend Of -elnealierin in the rniernal inveali"
gallon. according to CIA sources. I,
Angleton, went to then-C1A direr' . ..Arnong?,those ..inteeviewed.. by
tor Helms and urged Helms not to Cram. hja effort_te determine
accept Nosenktis credentials. se-
""Anglefolarorelti Connection wit?i
corning 41 the Preliminary CM.possible mole, Clair. E-.? Petty, :
?MOM Ube _
- was '"deepeover"- Euro-"
Helms ordered Bagley to with. peen enenterthteligenee assistant
draw his objections, but Bagley to Angleton. Petty is now retired
refused, according to the reoprt, ,_____?_.
and, under an unwritten order. '";etnd utyylugtosi'd""tit:ealu"nd'ry News
from Helms, he was never pro-.
Journal 9 tras questioned about
incited above his grade level In the ? Angleton and his role in some
a my. Bagley has since retired,
defector eases. I did tell Cram
The feport.being compiled by about a report we had from a
reveral former:: CIA-....officials. source that Henry Kissinger may
`bit:night lack from retirement to. .have had a KGB connection sad
t au the CIA security staff la-. that Jim ordered an investigation. grvien .?
being turned .over in biLs and_ We never were able to trace It
_pieeei" to Atl n,aefnteiIigertce..
down one way at the other. It was-
? stet provable."
Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230025-4
Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230025-4
' ?Angleilod refused to coMment on
the Kissinger investigation. say-
. log. "1 won't talk about that now.
. As part of the CIA investigation,
The circumstances of Angleton's
celebrated December 1974 firing
- are being reopened. Colby said
Angleton was fired because it was
discovered that, as part of his :
. counterintelligence efforts, he was
illegally opening mail on a regular
CIA Investigators discovered
that Angleton I?33 operating under
-signed orders -of every -airector
starting with Allen Dulles during
_ the Eisenhower years and ending
.- with Richard Helms.
' Widespread reports that Angle-
ton headed domestic spying activi-
ty in the late "fins and early '70s
Ire contradicted by a top-secret
memo made available to the Sun-
day News Journal. .
It is dated May 19.-1889, end Is
from Janis Leonard. a deputy
general In the Nixon administra-
tion's Justice Department, to
Richard Ober of the.CIA_White
'Rouse str
'agrhecoadinalid ac?
liiiiiii between the Nixon admin.
.. istration and Helms. The memo
aald the CM should assist In moni-
toring radical students1 collecting
damaging informaLin about the
students and salting what commu-
nist connections they might have.
A note at the bottom of the
memo from, "DCI" (director of
central intelligence ? at that
time. Helms) said there was no
need to inform anyone at the CIA
of these plans, especially the coun-
terintelligence staff which Angle-
/ton headed.
While the question of who might
have been the mole has not been
answered, the Senate Intelligence
Committee is beginning its loves-
tigatin with the questioning of
ngieton. Helms and Colby. --.....?
Angleton confirmed that he
would appear before the commit-
tee, and said, "1 am trilling to de-
fend my record any place, In.
closed or open session."
Perhaps the most telling pan of
Ore CIA's attitude toward Angle-
ton In its investigation can be
found in the bet that,the_ex-wife of
Angloton' aide Ira; called our
of the probe.
Cnrdella Races, ex-wile of Angie-
Jon deluty..aocreidlint.:_Ra y-
'Woad Rot:ca,had. also worked for
? -Angleton: 'Raves, who resigned
when Angleton was fired, Is re-
ported ill with a bleed disorder.
(Ralph S. %yell MAI -beadle.
Wed to this Story.)
Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230025-4
MEORIAMIvactfipr RelegEt?0(.0/q.7j08 : CIA-RDP81
Checked with Bill Miller who said
the story is not true in its references
to the SSCI.
Checked with who said
there is no such Office of Security
investigation underway.
24 July 1978
Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :411M-RDP81M00980R000600230