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4"eSP0TLIGHT August 14, 187-8 .0 Approved For Release 200410710&: CIA-RDP81M00980R00060Q23002376 I3y 'Victor Marchetti - _ A few months ago, in March, there was a meeting at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., the plush home of America's super spooks overlooking the Potomac River. It was attended b'y Several high-level clandestine officers and some former top officials of the agency. , - The topic ? of discussion was:, Whatyto do about, recent revelations associating President Kennedy's accused .assassin, Lee Ha?vey Oswald, with the spy game played between 'the U.S. and the USSR? (SPOTLIGHT; May 8, 1978.) A decision was made, and a Cdurse of actiOn determined:They ? were- calculated to both fascinate and confuse the public by staging a clever "limited hangout" when the ?House, Special ?Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) holds its open hearinks,:beginninglatek this:month: ? ? A"limited hangout" is spy jargon for a favorite' and frequei4l4y Used gimmick of the clandestine professionals.. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a Phony cover story to misinform ? the public, they resort to admitting?sometimes even Volunteering?some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case: The public,, however, is.. usually So intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further:. We Will prbbablY never find out who Masterminded the assassination of JFK?or Why. There are too many powerful special interests connected with the conspiracy for the truth to come out even now, 15 years after the murder. But during -the next two months, according to sensitive sources in the CIA and on HSCA, we are going to learn much more about the crime. The new disclosures will be sensational, but only superficially so. A few of the 'lesser villains involved in the conspiracy and its subsequent coverup will be identified for the first time?and allowed to twist slowly in the wind on live-network TV. Most of the others to be fingered are already dead. -r: ? But once again the good folk' of Middle America will be hoodwinked by the,- government ;arid its 'allies in the establishment news media.. In lact, jive, are being set up to witness yet another E. Howard Hunt?he'll be thrown to the wolves coverup, albeit a sophisticated one, designed by the CIA with the assistance of the FBI and the blessing oethe Carter administration. A classic example of a limited hangout is how the CIA handled?and rnanip- oved For Release 04/07 ; CIA-RDP81 W0006002300 -6 Nr- PLO irrh t n ulated?the Church Committee's in VCS- tigation of two years ago. The committee learned nothing more about the assas- sinations of foreign leaders, illicit dial., programs, or the penetration (if the n-ws media than the CIA tilloweil it to discover. And this is rreeis,ily ? ., ? : ' CIA is out to accomplish through HSCA ,, doing 'household errands, -including a : with regard to JFK 's murder shopPing, triP to a grocery ,store in THEY'LL HANG HUNT? ' T- , , ' chiGGOVJG:,?:- ',; ??-' '. ' ' ' ? '''=..' ' ''' Chief among those to be exposed by : : .W.epermari'and Canfield investigated : ? ... the new investigation will be E. Howard th4 new alibi and found that the grocery ' ,.. .. hunt of Watergate fame. His luck hasstore where Hunt claimed to be shopping run out, and the CIA has decided to - never existed At this point, Hunt offered sacrifice him to protect its clandestine to. drop his Suit for a token payment of services. The agency is furious , with , one; dollar.: But the authors Were. Hunt for having dragged it pabliclyinto determined to vindicate themselves, and " _ the Nixon mess and for having black- they continued to attack Hunts alibi, mailed it after he was arrested. - '''. ' ultimately completely shattering it Besides, Hunt is vulnerable?an easy? .Nhvi., the 01A-: moved to ' finger Hunt -ft*, target, as they say in the spy business. - .. and tic hiin:tp-thq. JFK.aeeassination; His reputation and integrity have been? :???., ' HSCA ;oneicPectedly received an inter - destroyed. The death of his wife, Dor- nal CIA memorandum aleW weeks ago othy, in a mysterious plane crash in ? that '.':ther...--,age.n9i,; .7happeripcl to, c ii ic. i go still disturbs many people,. ' stumble' acroSS in its old files i It was especially since there were rumors from ," \-- ' 'dated .0.966, and Said: in essence Some informed sources that she was abolitto. 1.400 -: day ,:we'' will: have ; to ,?eXplaiiv. Hunt's leave him and perhaps even'. turr(,On, . 1- presence in ';.9allt;te,i. ol.allovOilbe? .22, him. - ,19?4,3'-;-the ctay - preaiderit':kennedi',-was ...__ In addition it is well kno.Wn that Iunt kiJd;l'Hunt: is giiiiii-03e; hard put 'tO ? hated JEK and blamed him.fiii:the Baii,-::: explaitt:sthis, empx and, other- things, of Pigs disaster. :And -now; in ricent-,-- ' .before 't110-/TV.vCamerari'aVtli.,e''HCA months, his alibi for his Whereah*S114:?;; = hearings ?;'.-. ''''? ; '? " 4. ' saa' vCoine, . . (-Victor Marchettii has beeri. in U.S. -intelligence activities for almost 20 years, 14 year of that time beingwith the CIA, the last three years :-of which_ he- was a staff assfstant to Richard Helms. _He is the author of "The CIA and !he Cult of Intelligence"-and "The Rope Dancer.") ' - ;-.CIA'e ant,doublge Then later swfaced with the anti-Caltzq qu4iti*inyvi3ON3 -etteniPts.t9 17.151 giti* tP (diatator,-. It there, ' Hernming'a pa'st' tha.? thP JFKasassi the day- -of the hooting r h ,Firsti- pastre tf 4 IP unstuck. ': -!- , --? ,..--'1. ?-; - ' - ? ' '' th ?" ? -. ...,- . ,,,, A ?,..1, ft ors. :o, .? t n;....-Arpericgt,"-.,.. 1, fantic,al anti-commanist. will'l cc4i,ant'' ? ., :?. ..,, '-' 'Hurit's ?-. reputation ,Itis.. a, : stride . rit' '116ailetifio,L;r14eenl10044.4.0,n1. 1 In the public hearingS, the CIA Wilt ...,;-.f pablis'heit, pi tiiresf!.0 three .,aPiaarOt - '';'4ainst.,i',Iiiiii.....":,-S-Or"Will;?-lia..7.1,644:.,.-,ind;.e?' r "admit" that'Hunt was inliolved in the 7 biims:Who 3;4re-ra*i?rolited,at Dealy,114at'-72? close relatIobiP..%'Witfit, the inii-Cni,tro:6"..i#?. Oswald az ?t4qii," conspiracy to kill Kennedy. The QTA.'?'': : . just after : PrOsidefieXennedk's murder, -,..Cubatis, "isii: Well is- his enChant ' :the, PeerP---' ?44454'4likt..301 a, 9t4tr?0 iflifI.a.,1Uti ,Atifilia ."... 1; ?lieu. 0 efly,,,AR..41?IfOkil may go so Lar ab-1451:aximit". thstAheTe-',,,,,b4 whoWere,ctratitOlY released without :. fa,: 61andectine ; dirty:: trick aid his ?President s were three --gunmen istinoting s41Sen-:". ? any,: record, of the - ary-pglf )ieviote been - Various :capers while One .:,of 'NiXimis,.1:- i .liePinlingl'IWai':!..98$1411-8''Mf! ; ' when he wks, , kfitioll, nedy. The FBI while publicly ernbraa-i-,t--"Inade. hYr:theliii1144: police: One of the - ': pliirribeilial.':-ELITioWard ' Hunt will be geszW ing the Warren commission's 'fbne'rpan, ? tramps the anthems .identified as Hunt . implicated in theConspiracy;and hswill,....:CIA*U-.2 base. in AY3ugi;,4q),4. . .., erfl acting alone" conclusion, has alWaY13, .:, Another *40-Frailk,Swirgka long-time: ,' notslatelta0eakpiits4rth CIA Will see to' , OWatcl supposedly was rPOrt,lit4.4"a? ? ,- i spy by the Soviets, or:W.4064g tiiiiiied privately known that there were three ., 'agentiOf Hilt-11'6.i! -21.-- '-..:."?????-- ;-:. r, -- ? - ,,',!:i.? that: ?-A-?';?:,: .*:.: :,.,!e; ?' --: ? l'? ', :' ?( : - ' -::, , gunmen. The conspiracy involyed many: KaniiriinAdiatelY,saed for millions of-_-: _.?.l? IK: 'addition tc,,,nt-.2 and ', Stall*. -:,to ,be a double agent :by:- the. (4.1A,'?;.-4:'::; more people than the one's who actually dollars l'n damage's,: Claiming.' iie 'COPld -- -another"I'OniIk iirer,(ent marked for : ' '.In 4-ny?-"ent;"-i- KOnirWnf ra:1?:-'901.044' - fired at Kennedy., both agencies may ' prove that ie ad been in Washingtonv: - ;:ex*PP,S4f4e ;.a,O:er,riz5PatriOk, Hemming, a :.--'Wqcr.: 4.1,j-0 :hi!i,c911.-P.:0AiPit'3144',9***14'.." ' D.C., that day?o& duty at CIA: It filmed ' ' hulk pia gion:7-six, feo.eight inches tall . ? _ ? z --ret; -1-?.-7-c.ult Air- ..ui? ?to deny, :. particularly since:: the ,:Squad ? now admit. ` make the Lorenz - "an '11.1fi' ? ''P' ' POSING AS sum ?..-; . ,- -,,,7 ' out; however, this Was hot true. Sui- . and',Weighirig 60-pou,iida.sLike Sturgis, .'; A.J. Weberman and Michael Canfield,- he Said; that he had been on-leave and .- HCfRinitig once worked for,CastrO as a ' , (centinued Op page 6) "When questioned by several of his colleagues," Scott says, "Stokes refused to confirm or deny whether committee orobers have uncovered new evidence -4 ,SWEIRMR' iVtilWdbd8bkbn_edrt2SV6HE6 ? Another incident is the nori-testimony of Adm: John G. Croinmelin Jr. ? of ? LIGHT to contact 'Committee investiga- tors Alfred Hack:and.Elizabeth Selleck were futile. Whatever their motivations, ? they don't Want them known. V . ? they would comm., Ivlip 'W111 ' and enrolled their:,qhilcren in ii ? Christian School. , mother will do almost .anyt s get her children. back,'.'' Tom Lips ? The SPOTLIGHT, r"and putting th ren in the approved school got-the c , ? - back.' He said, however, that he? wife intended to fight and expe open their own private school I year: ? ?. The Lippitts are, still hoping tl ? Supreme Court will overturn th orders against them.. An appeal i Hunt Tom and MarthaLippitt with their children, Alice, right, and Amy. (Continued from page 5) ? allegedly also included Hunt and, Sturgis. Who else will be identified as having been part of the conspiracy and/or coverup remains to be seen. But a disturbing pattern is already beginning to emerge. All the villains have been previously disgraced in one way or . . ? another, -They all have "right-wing" reputations; Or they will have after the hearings. ? ' - .The fact that some may have had connections with- organized crime will -- prove to-be only incidental in the long run. Those with provable ties to the CIA - or FBI will be presented as renegades--; who acted on their own without ,the - approval 'or knowledge of their -sup-: eriors. BLAME PAST PRESIDENTS As for covering up the deed, that will ,be blamed on past Presidents, either dead or disgraced. Thus, Carter will emerge as a truth-seeker,- and the CIA and FBI will have neatly covered their institutional behinds. The timing of the hearings is another clue Of what to expect and why. The committee_ has scheduled its open sessions on network TV to begin after Congress --adjourns for the election campaigns. The first order of business will be the Martin Luther King Jr. hearings?with James Earl Kay and his family as the star witnesses. The will be a short break and th hearings, will begin. The committee plans to concl work by early October, just a before the elections, perfect tin cash in on the publicity the hearii certain to create. And perfect tim the Carterites to get the American to forget about inflation, taxes, _affairs, and other White h-ouse bl and elect a Congress more indebt responsive to the presidency. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230023-6 STAT Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230023-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230023-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000600230023-6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE ? 5; ? i-'DP81M00980R000600230023-6