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Document Release Date: 
May 13, 2004
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Publication Date: 
April 11, 1978
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Approved For Release 2004/05/21 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600160005-4 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE 5 CHICAGO TRIBUNE 11 April 1978 going X11-~ in ~~rwa: C WASHINGTON (UPI] - The Soviet Union and Cuba are lauching the greatest campaign to expand foreign influence south of the Sahara since European powers carved up Africa in the the 19th Century, deputy CIA director Frank Carlucci said Monday. . Carlucci, flanked by agency experts, appeared before the Senate Armed Serv- ices Subcommittee on Intelligence to testify-on Soviet and Cuban activity and intentions in the whole of Africa. IN A BRIEF STATEMENT and in an- swer to a general questions before the meeting was closed to the public, Car- lucci said: 4 "The degree of Soviet and Cuban military activity in ' sub-Saharan Africa is unprecedented. We are witnessing the most determined campaign to expand foreign influence in this troubled region since it was carved up by the European powers in the late 19th Century." 43 Soviet military equipment has been flowing into Ethiopia and Angola "'faster than the local forces can absorb it." .Tank deliveries to Ethiopia exceed 400; more than 50 MIG fighters have gone to Addis Ababa, as have "huge quantities of armored cars, personnel carriers, and artillery." ? Soviet and Cuban general officers "plan and coordinate combat. operations involving more than 16,000 Cuban troops." -Soviet military aid co .-mitted to Ethiopia "now ranges close to $1 bil- lion." ? In Angola, "tons of Soviet military hardware litter the docks at Luanda, and Soviet or Cuban advisers are found at every level of the government . there are more Cuban soldiers in Angola than in Ethiopia, thousands of them en- gaged. in active combat against UNITA [an anti-Communist force] in the south- ern part of the country." In Africa south of the Sahara, Carluc- ci said, Soviet equipment is being deliv- ered to liberation movements and self- s t y l e d revolutionary r eg'mzes wnOSe forces are being trained by Cubans and; Soviets. ` ,,It is my view that Moscow and Ha-! vana intend to take advantage of every t such opportunity to demonstrate that, those who accept ther political philoso- phy can also count on receiving their assistance when it is needed," Carlucci. said. - IN ANSWER TO questions from sub- committee chairman Harry F. Byrd Jr.; [I., Va.], Carlucci said the CIA does not, yet have sufficient information on Soma-, li reports that the Soviets were behind reported recent coup attempts in Soma-. lia. . Shooting apparently broke out in two"! places, he said, but information was. spotty. on who originated the fighting.:] The wording of Somali reports on the, coup attempts would indicate. Soviet'-! complicity, he said. Approved For Release 2004/05/21 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600160005-4