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WASHINGTON POST >~ A Approved For Release 2004/07/0 A Continui~ By Warren Brown:,-, 000038-7PAGE United States ' has not recognized the legitimate. government' of, Angola." In.;::1978 Congress approved an fighting the Rhodesian government;' charged in separate television inter-, "` amendment. by en Dick Clark ?(1) views yesterday that the Central .In-' '.Iowa) prohibiting U.S. involvement in telligence Agency has continued-to. in- 'Angola. But Carter administration of- terfere in Angolan affairs in violation ficials reportedly have been studying of congressional. restrictions outlaw. the possibility of seeking repeal of the ing such involvement: amendment to-.enable the . United" "We know from very 'good sources States, through a third party, recently the CIA established con vide aid to UNITA. Joshua Nkomo, a guerrilla 'leader tact with UNITA In Angola and . . promised U.S. assistance," Castro said on "Issues and Answers" ,.,(ABC;, . WJLA). He claimed the assistance. - , to UNITA, the pro-Western United Front for the Total Liberation of. Angola, "constitutes a very serious involve- ment in.Angola's.interior affairs." Clark has strongly opposed that idea. For his part, Castro insisted that. the United States presently is inter-. fering in Angola's domestic policy by working with UNITA.."I declare it so,, in a fully responsible way.. We know that from very good. sources," he said without elaboration. Nkomo, speaking on "Face the Na-.. His charges were. the latest in a fie- tion" (CBS, WTOP),. said his informa- . quently loud, often confusing media tion about U.S. "assistance" to UNI- war between himself, and President These sources say . they. "believe .'.'Soviet Union to stir unrest on the Af- [UNITA] Angolan forces ... do get rican continent, and of aiding and some aid from the United States" by .: abetting the Katangan rebels who in- way of South Africa, Nkomo said. "I vaded Zaire last month..Castro, as he have no reason to. believe. that the did in the interview aired yesterday, CIA Is not aiding South Africa to aid has repeatedly and passionately de- some dissidents in Angola to over- nied those charges. central government came from "those who know." TA's fight against Angola's Marxist Carter. - Carter has accused the Cuban presi- dent of working in tandem with the Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600080038-7 -- YLLIINTf'Liil-rtR RE CHAIRMAN _ -__ _ ADLAI E. STEVENSON, ILL. CLIFFORD P. . CASE, , N.J. ?v" I//may WILLIAM D HATHAWAY M INE . A JAKE GARN UTAH .. WALTER D. HUDDI.ESTON. KY. CHARLES MCC. MATHIAS, JR., MD. JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR.. DEL. JAMES B. PEARSON, KANS. ~ yI ROBERT MORGAN, N.C. JOHN CHAFES, R.I. U1^ niteji ~jtatez ,'lyy/M/f IND. I~~ `Y V'aibiF /~ GARY HART. COL O. RICHARD G. LUGAR . DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN. N.Y. MALCOLM WALLOP, WYO. DANIEL K. INOUYE, HAWAII ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA., EX OFFICIO HOWARD H. BAKER. JR.. TENN., EX OFFICIO WILLIAM G. MILLER. STAFF DIRECTOR EARL D. EISENHOWER. MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR June 19, 1978 I4LC#78 1. IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO Q:# 3670 Admiral Stansfield Turner Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 It has come to the Committee's attention on the basis of comments made in interviews on the media, that there are a number of books about the intelligence community currently being written. It would be help- ful to the Committee if you could provide, to the extent of your knowledge, a listing of those books and authors and what actions the community has taken with respect thereto. Sincerely, SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE (PURSUANT TO S. RES. 400. 944TH CONGRESS) WASHINGTON. D.C. 20510 Birch Bayh Chairman Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600080038-7 ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI X 3 DD/RM 4 D D/N FA 5 DD/Ct 6 DD/A 7 DD/O 8 DD/S&T 9 GC 10 LC X IG 12 Compt 13 PA X 14 D/EEO 15 D/Pers 16 A0/DCI 171 CAPS 18 DCI/SS 19 20 21 22 SUSPENSE DATE: 28 June 1978 21 June 1 To 10: In coordination with Herb Hetu, please canvass all components and develop DCI response. 79 M0 980 R000600080038-7 ST .Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000600080038-7