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March 27, 1978
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Approved For Release-.2005/08/22: CIA-RDP81 MO0080R000400030013-1 27 March 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with John Marks 1. At 1500 today I met with John Marks and a young lady, Diane St. Clair, who he introduced as "my associate." Also present at th.e meeting was from the Public Affairs Office. The meeting was set up at mark's request to discuss a book he is writing and a research trip to Cuba in connection with the book. 2. Marks began by giving a quick sketch of the book he is preparing. He said it will be published by the NEW YORK TIMES (Quadrangle Press). The book will be about the Government's (articularly CIA) experimentation and efforts in the area of controlling human behavior-- particularly experiments in the 50's and 60's. Marks said he had made arrangements with other writers and had copies of what he had done "stashed arourmd town" in the event some? hing happened to him.. When questioned him on this point C"Who do you think would do you in;'") he replied that in working on a book like this he was certain to make enemies of people involved in the ongoing research ("A strange business" he says). He said, for instance, that he plans to leave for Cuba in about 3 weeks for a one week visit to do research on his book there. He said the trip made him nervous because "Planes have a habit of falling out of the sky on their way to Cuba." Twice during the conversation he said perhaps the Agency might suggest some questions that he could pose to the Cubans (apparently government officials since trip was arranged through Cuban liaison office in New York), I said I was sure he (lid not mean to imply that we would "task" an American Journalist going tQ a foreign country. He laughed and replied only, "6,Ihatever." 3. I told Marks I was curious about why he had come to the Public Affairs Office instead of going through his usual modus operandi? i.e., FOIA. He said he didn't want to go through the legal hassle of having to write briefs, etc, and further that the FO>;A process was rather general and what he wanted today were three rather specific things. 4., Marks requested the following: a. Answers to written questions which he would also submit to the Cubans (copy with clips also provided by Marks attached.) b. A briefing by CIA experts on the control of human behavior. Subject; Soviet activities in this field to establish reasons why we (CIA) undertook experimentation Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000400030013-1 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000400030013-1 to counter the Soviet threat. He does not expect a current assessment but rather a description of the Soviet state of' the art circa 1962. Marks said this would give us an opportunity to establish in stronger terms the reason why our own testing in the area was begun. STAT c. An interview with whom he identifies as presently in 00331 aana former y Director of ORD. Marks said he has contacted at home and says he is willing to give t n erview if the ency agrees. 5. Marks.ended the discussion with the following observations/ information/proposals: a. That while he in no way wished to "work with" us, he did feel that what we do (intelligence) was very necessary. b. That while we probably had a long way to go, Turner, was apparently trying to get things straightened out. c. This would be his last book about the CIA. d. That he knew the CIA experirrienta Lion had gone into "terminal experiments", i.e., ones in which real subjects (POWs) were encouraged through mind control to attempt real actions (using real bullets instead of blanks in a hypnosis experiment to determine if someone could be influenced to commit murder.) e. Marks said he knew that the Scientific Engineering Instna-ce, Was working on very sophisticated electronics work having to do with satellites. But he also knew that work in the human behavior area was part of what they do. He said he knew if he kept digging he would get all the details on the behavior experiments-wand at the same time would discover the details on the satellite work as well. He said we might wish to provide him with the information on the behavior work and in exchange he would stop digging, i.e., and not uncover the satellite information. 6. The meeting ended at about 1530. er ert E. Hetu Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R0004000300.13.-1 Attachments: Questions and clips Distribution: DCI NFAC DDCI OGC DDA OLC DDO IG DDS&T Security Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000400030013-1 QUESTIONS SUBMITTED BY JOHN MARKS In general, I would like information on any experimental or operational use by any government or private group of chemical, biological, or behavioral techniques. By behavioral techniques, I am referring to any use of drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, electro-shock, psycho-surgery, radiation, para-psychology, or re- lated methods aimed at manipulating or controlling human behavior.. My specific questions are: 1. Can you provide specific information on the various plots to discredit Fidel Castro, as listed in the report of the Church Committee? This includes the aborted plot to spray Fidel's broad- casting studio with an LSD-like substance; the possible impregnation of a box of Fidel's cigars with a chemical which caused temporary di orientation; the possible plot to destroy Fidel's image by dusting his shoes with thallium salts, a strong deplilatory, which would supposedly have made his beard fall out; the aborted plot ender which James Donovan was to have given Fidel a skin--diving suit contaminated with a deadly disease; or any example of an attempt bya foreign power to secretly influence a person's behavior. 2. Can you provide specific information on any attacks rected at Cuba's crops? Bill Moyers, in his CBS television docu- mentary, mentioned that there was an attempt to destroy Cuba's sugar crop through chemical./biological methods. Also, there was an article in the Washington Post on January 9, 1977 (taken from the newspaper Newsday) by Drew Fetherston and John Cummings linking the CIA to a 1971 outbreak of swine fever virus in Cuba and there was a March 21, 1977 article by the same authors in the Washington Post linking American intelligence to a possible attack to infect Cuba's turkeys. I would appreciate any information available on these or any similar incidents. 3. Can you provide specific information on any Cuban attempt to use chemical or biological techniques against the United States or any other country. An article by Jack Anderson in the January 17, 1977 Washington Post states that in 1962 the Cuban government set up a laboratory to study, among other things, the death of Cuban turkeys, and that the laboratory by a Dr. Martinez Viera. The article alleges that time Cuba may have been considering the use of. biological warfare. Could I talk to Dr. Viera and to Antonio Nunez Jimenez, the politburo mernber allegedly knowledgeable about these matters. 4. Can you provide information on the use of any chemical or biological attacks in assassination attempts against Fidel or any other Cuban leader? The Church committee report indicates that there was a plot which included poisoning his cigars with deadly botulinum toxin and there are other reports of other attacks with poisons- In the report given by the Cuban government._to Senator Geor`~a~pa`~el~'s~~~/1` E~D~br8~R04~~~3~1 mention of counter-revolutionaries arrested with "warlike material,:",=?_ Was any of that "warlike materia" chemical, biological, or behavioral Approved, RorRel ase 2005/08/22 CIA-RDP81 M00980R00 00 30013-1 would appreciate access to people erect knowledge of the' information of I am requesting. In other words, l would like to interview primary sources, as well as knowledgeable government officials. I would be willing to omit the name of any person interviewed, although I will need to describe generically from whom the informa- tion came (a government official or a waiter in a restarant or a farmer whose pig died, etc.) Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP81M00980R000400030013-1- BY Drew Fetherston the virus over to an anti-Castro group, This sndree said he had no proof that 'r'he non-SovIct , bloc' agricultural 0" and John Cummings The deaf er We was gl hniclan then In Cuba saint that at Nowad$y A ~ 1#'W ft'.' ~ftela> i ~ 'ir1~ 8'hu[~ dcle~'13ii c e time of the mithrealc there was a NEW YORK-With nt least file tacit hoot and turned it over to a fishing "in a case like this, thouGh they chronic shortage of meat and Any 7fa- backing of Central intelligence ' trawler off the Panamanian a stance c wa not Agency officials, was not would always give them (CIA,officials vans resident who could was keeping operatives linked to source said the substanc anti?Casfro terrorists Introduced Afri' ? identified to hint until months After In Washington( plauilblo denlabllity," a pig in his backyard, Tlecauso or this ' can swine fever virus into Cuba in .;? the outbreak in Cuba.`i-e would not. The Investigation referrpo to by the situation, highly unusual for an urban ' 1971. Srs weeks later nn outbreak of elaborate, operative on the trawler involves n area, the "disease could have existed the disease forced the slaughter of Anet n 1Ci man 4e(I !n months before It was found," the tech. inVeb she opcra? ae~ va: Yretd6 a 'i ? , , , 3 t0 eaia0s acv C 500 000 plfts to prevent a nationwide. ? d` w ha =liclan sold, adding that t it It vvas amens i. Cuban ex 9e Yha asked no, to Y r t n pg by epidemic, r , egery eatoo ot. fay Cuban ~A .es slhle to ]tn 1 f he Identt Ie(~ cold he was or the' i point 1.6c ~o6lore o, ih. cht A U.S. Intelligence' seance told t:awier when the virus was plat Ties- include brnlhtngs av ~assass. 41es"?Ic, 1 + i Newsday he was given the virus in a .i aboard at a prearranged rendezvous Elan on. attempts ' Inc "Jiailer, Slates in d speech on July 26, 1971, Castro scaled unmarked container , abase ng ' ground s a1. (nt t.of. cos de. ono Par le an va~ o the ([r for gloratlona aga!nst Cuba, ,r root yet !)ee t ascertained, it could be .c a ow e ca ec c'. r .ave S1tl'llQtI0Panam 11'n taoVZone- thethantiIn- Nivassa i+sano,~a serta d, tin- ~,` I aQ - 1zy V CW W l