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September 12, 1978
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1311', ARC1I7R 7111 D)STRICT, TLXA! 11 MAER: WAYS AND MAANS COMMITIYE ott a of 3aeprtleutatibeo WASHINGTON Or.YCE: LAHGWORTH ROUSE OFFICE BUILDING Approved For~Release 2fflniteb 4/12/02: 6CIA-RDP81 M00~,BQ 02000 pglofgvNNF. eYi J Ot ti ~~y~L1it FFOERUL OFFICE CUILPING ~'.I.r~ cam' 114~~ HOUSTON. TEXAS 77OD2 September 12, 1978 OLC I will appreciate any comments you may have on the enclosed correspondence I have rr y constit- uents, Thank you very much. ,' S' "= w' Bill Archer, M.C. Admiral Stansfield Turner Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Approved For Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R0p0200050065-4 PilRSONAL R: CONi+IDEN'IlAL t;. Approve rl~ehease 20U~1i2/02 : CIA DP81 M00980R000200050065-4 Please find enclosed my letter to Admiral Stansfiel.d Turner, 'suggesting the use of parapsychology in the work of the CIA. Recently, books and articles reveal, that the Russians are actively pursuing; this field. Undoubtedly they are educating people in this area also for defense, intelligence and other fields-related to the security of their country. So far Mr. Turner has not seen fit to answer me; also an earlier'.[ wrote to the Director of Personnel in the CiA was answered with the standard bureaucratic negative rebuttal. Phis suggests that the C[A is not active in the parapsychological area, which in my opinion is a serious vacuum in our security capabilities. People who have parapsychological. capabilities are very rare and are trained very slowly. With all the tremendous promotions pro and con the large defense budgets evidently it is not realised, that a 126 billion $ budget can be rather easily negated. by a small group of effective parapsychologists, scrambling the brains of key commanding officers and/or political leaders at critical moments. As stated in my letter to Admiral Turner, the parapsychological influences are quite subtle. Even after reading my letter ( if he ever saw it. In the first place ) he may not even realize; that he obeyed the directives he was given. Paradoxically the costs of parapsychologists is practically zilch in comparison with the 126 billion $ we are spending on defense hard- ware, military brass, and footsloggers. I am rather dismayed, that inspite of publications indicating, that the Russians are very active in this field, we appear to be totally lacking in even the most basic comprehension of parapsychological phenomina in the very critical spots, where it counts the most. It would be rather naive to think, that if the Russians bother to use parapsychological methods to upset an international chess champ- ionship tournement as recently reported in the papers,these same techniques would not be used in the KGB or related organizations dealing with di4lomacy and military intelligence. I would like to hear from you what your position is on this subject and whether you are willing to ask some pointed questions in the proper areas. I most certainly would like to be satisfied, that efforts in this field are made. Hopefully my curren, suspicions are not justified. STAT ApproRied.Fdir ReI -4e 2=1yCA f2f A-1 it6980 2OQO501@S5e4an adequately remunerated professional position. Houston, July 23, 1978 Approved For Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000200050065-4 Admiral Stansfield Turner Director of the CIA Langley, Va. I have been practicing parapsychology for several years and observed considerable success in influencing other people's ands in my immediate environment when I know them personally. This ability has obvious values for the intelligence and defer"se communities in this country. The process is rather subtle and the Justified scepticism on this sort of claim requires proof. With a friend of mine, who has been practicing and exercising in the same area I have concentrated my efforts on you from an available photograph in a magazine. If you have been affected, it would be virtually impossible for you to find out what the source of this mind influencing,! so I identify myself. Sellixig. this ability through the carious layers of bureaucracy would be an impossible task ( I &A approach the Director of Personnel, P. 0. Box 1925, Washington recently ) With our minds we directed you to dig in the right hand drawer of your desk. At this point only you know how effective we have been in intruding your thinking patterns. If we are as accomplished operating from a picture as we are _ when affecting personal acquaintances we anticipate to hear from you. ?lease be assured, that this "experiment" was not meant to affect high level intelligence management but rather to prove our abilities. Pull time and selective application for the benefit of the CIA dealing with foreign. cLcAn.i tar;mss from the background etc. may be hard to counter by foreign intelligence organizations, Sincerely yours, original : % P. 0. Box 2842 Washington, D.C. 20013 cci % The White House .Washington, D.C. Approved For Release 2004/12/02 : CIA-RDP81 M00980R000200050065-4 Approved For Re"W %E Routing Slip X91 0W_ 6 50065-4 ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 D/DCI/IC 4 DDS&T 5 DDI 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 D/DCI/N1 GC 10 LC 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/Pers 14 D/S - 15 DTR 16 A/DCI/PA 17 AO/DCI 18 C/IPS 19 DCI/SS 20 21 22 Remarks: A%&Ved For Release 2004/12/02: CIA-RDP81 M00980R6G6'2&050065-4