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(IT Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600961R000100120108-4 sUBJE:CT 2:ISA 22-6Z 15 November 196Z FOR: Executive Assistan Deputy Direct : First-Cla Air Travel fox. OSA 1,E jyiag the ebu1ous pos n whict I w fill, I take this to appeal to you to bring to bear on Dr. Scoville whatever you can to insure continued firetsclass travel for OSA Being somewhat removed from OSA, yet very much a I feel that I can write this with some objectivity as well ae tn. I realise that this problem may riot necessarily be of tea"; however, I prevail upon you to hear me out. I that Colonel Ledford plane to reply to Dr. Scoville on this ubiect. Being einnewhat a an odd member organizationally, my response can be directed to you without circumventing channels. rch) I. would recorriead strongly that you grant the OSA personnel license to travel first class either inside or outside the continental the United States. I recommend this not because OSA el are of any particular breed. but I think that their functions duties are particularly peculiar to th,ose of other Agency divisions an6 components. It has often been joked that OSA's cab far* more en than not exceeds the entire budget of other area divisions. As Gratis as this my be, there is a great deal of truth la it. By its y nature and philosophy. OSA has always been a traveling organisa- The travel Involved, however, is not like the normal junketeering and boondoggling &gigot iated with a great deal of "official' trips. I UIk I tan epeak with a fair amount of experience not only from the traveling that I have dome for OSA but *leo the traveling which I have tneesed for the rest a the Agency during tray tenure es Chief of the Central Prciceseing Branch. There is no question that the travel associated with a staging pleasurable as it may be in self is a grueling experience when added to the long hours and leeplesa nights which roost people experience during such an opera n. By the came token, the travel of our personnel. *specially T. evelopment and Contracts types, are woven into a fairly tight schedule. .?7 -1-6/ Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP8113761R00010012010 -4 Approved For Release 2001/03/04 :S AP81B00961R000100120108-4 Z222. Two of Ume. between here ad the We t Coat usually er work on each end following travel during the night. It is uit as it is now to take the Redeye in from the West Coast eport for work at nine o'clock in the morning while blessed with -cies* accontmodations; I would hate to *es the ship of state in- a journey via the narrow anti confined tourist close acc I would also like to comment, if I may, o rmed by the personttel as a whole in OSA. ficult to correctly speculate that there is ne performed in OSA than any other comport -would attest to thie when one considers the ye been conducted from this office durin 4 hours. I feel that it is little compeneati el the privilege of riding first class during captured during a plane trip. I would readily agree that turii a PCS move since the traveler, nity to rest upon arrival; and then gMn, the trtp is a one - r at least another two years. But when o-e coastders the if TlYir traveling done by OSA, it would be nothing kite than require tourist accommods.tions. As I said before. our by of research and develeprnent is to pick the best contractor. excutte him f Mal the laborious, costly and time-consuming reports normally required in Government contracts but rely on a close aseociation with the contractor by monitoring his progress through I' solvent visits. This type of development has been extremsay euccesstul to date, and there is no indication that it will not continue t b* success- ful in the future. Agency. operations and to grant OSA the few movrxents of the Traveling is not only the conduct of our operations al detachment personnel, plus the support -Operations ars usually conducted at a fast pace, Mgbt and day, and hietorically in very remote bases with aubstandard facilities. To insist hat whatever commereial Mr travel there may be, go via tourist close our deve opment, but ift g is a way of life with our onnel sent from Ife dquarter Approved For Release 2001/03/04.761A-RDP81B00961R000100120108-4 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/0MGDP81600961R000100120108-4 .)::?;A 2222-6Z Page Three is really rubb a salt in. TG go step Int-tiler, while there may a tear in your cy. the only palatable porton of a cour se few hours one gets to sit in a big Jet seat, following eighteen 1 a.ty hours baby sitting II imn e film, is the aft end of a MATS raft. 6. I am tempted to proje this argwient further in an atterup to exUicate the Government employee from the second-class citizen which e bureaucracy a Government would want bestov.ed upon bin.. The meagr arnounts which will be saved at the expense of the Government employee can only remind me of the emphasis on the tine* while the &Altars go jumping out the windows. So be it. 7. 1 reliae that you did not ask for all this, but! feel th*t I had ay something and if nothing else, at least my pycbGata hae erved. Distribution: Ig and 1- Addressee 1 - DD/ft 1 - AD/OSA I - DAD/OSA I ADMIN/OSA 1 - RB/OSA Approved For Release 2001/03/04 P81600961R000100120108-4