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Publication Date: 
August 8, 1962
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gl,rr ? 3 Approved For Release 2001/03/04-: CIA-RDP81600961R000100120035-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A om-0743-62 0 August 1962 MEHORANDUR FOR: Deputy Director of Security, IOS ATAINTION : Mt. Project Courter 25X1A 25X1A L. Reference our recent conversations on this Subject. 2. Since the early days of DPEPprojects, arrangements for the assigement of a very KO priority to material movement have been laid= through the Office of Col. Lao Oeary, AFC10-5, Pentagon. 1 riorit ie one H. Travel reservations heve been arranged by OSA Travel Branch. TWO key ointn involved "e sonnel in freleht moveem/ t continuing expeditious service is rendered 3. in view of the considerable amount of materiel which is expeditiously :moved for the projects eoploying the one B priority, it has been the philosophy to endeavor to maintain a harmonious wortin relationship with the Air Freight people (Mk. Boyd at a end. to give thecae much advance information. as possible t them to schedule our priority movement to theCgMeatest degree eoesible Ina normal manner and to avoid the necessity of 'bucking" other notarial. With the power of the one Rpriority we could, of course, throw our veight around continually and insist on the quickest movement possible with resultant deleterious effect upon our rapport with the Air Freight people. Thin could result in up through channels complaints possibl..y jeopardizing he continuation *four high priority or at least requiriug our Air Peirce associates to go through the labor of rejustifYinB the pricr1ty0 etc. DOCUMENT NM ND elnEN CLASS. )1( Fi T: sm!viiit_ :aci4 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RD NIR00044006035-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/04':'CIA-RDP81B00961R000100120035-5 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 4. Against that backgotmdeozedthat under certain circumstances the being on the local scene, Is in &much better spot to assess a particular situation wherein assistanee could be rendered to the courier. TO preclude an unreasonable delay in future project outbound courier movements from. 11111111111 it la euggeated the following ground rules apply: a. OSA Travel Branch, will continue making outbound MATS reservations as in the at (Mr. in his contacts vIth Mr. Boyd at le known es a representative of A1CIG-5) b. Security Branch, 06A, wilL pr the Operational Support Division, Office o of outbound itineraries. This data in turn would be referred br the Office to the Cfk ur viii.monitor tions status at ting the departure re tames: (1) If arrangements ean be mude for the courier to depart twelve hours or more before the time laid on lathe original reservation mate by OSA/Travel and if an earlier arrival than originally echeduled at or can be predicallaig!!!!!!!!111 of the new. schedule. 5. In the event the does range for a change in the i nerary of the * or- elation should be promptly ceammnicated to the Opera rt Division in order that the om Security Branch maybe eeditious1y appriaed. 6. It bou1d be re -emphas zed that unless we are anted w an extremely critical situation it is not cargo GT personnel be "bumped". Where feaaible? we would roe that ve could maintain a harmonious relationship with the passenger mar., orrice at to maintain their good and excellent support vithout having to over -emphasize the priority. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600961R000100120035-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600961R000100120035-5 25X1A 25X1C 25X1C 25X1A ted that it =WA be deemed desirable under Mt. Boyd of the Air Transport coOrdluating ? MoVement 3ection in order- to. see- 'her problems not known back here that or our mutual consideration and 25X1A ty Branch Concur: Chief, Travel Branch OSA Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 - SB/OSA anw/8 August 1962/SB/OSA Approved For Release 2001/03/04 ; CA-RDP81600961R000100120035-5