TRIP REPORT TO (Sanitized)

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Document Release Date: 
September 13, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 6, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81B00961R000100120033-7.pdf122.45 KB
Approved ForRelease2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP81600961R000100120033-7 MET MORANDVM FOR THE RECORD JFCT: Trip Report to 25X1A WA-0681-62 6 August 1962 25X1A 1, On 1 August 1962 Messrs visited the office in e purpose of e 25X1A visit was to inspect construction in progress on the addition 25X1A to existing building and to review the Construction Contract. a. Contract: A contract to erect the additional 25X1A ing was signed between M, the owner and the Con- tion Company on e June 1962 in the amount of immimmomm 25X1A Order No. I was prepared and signed on 20 June 1962 25X1A g some work from the contract thereby reducing the total ? f the contract by 1111.111.111. The adjusted contract price 4Alt.? 102411111111111/ 25X1A b. Construction: Construction Co. was given 25X1A deri-EFIFF5agia-with construction on 6 June 1962. Work ed 9 June 1962. The following work is in progress: (1) Relocating utility lines 98% complete (2) Excavation for foundation SO% (3) Excavation for basement floors 60% (4) Concrete foundations SO% (5) Reinforcement steel in place for basement walls 60% (6) Concrete forms for base ment walls in place 40% 2. The contractor ts schedule is for placing concrete in the basement walls 3 /iugust 1962. The contractor was delayed several weeks by a stiike of steel works. Since settlement of strike, be has increased his steel working crews and is about on schedule. klrfincr Approved For Release 2001/031,04iGIA-RDP8113 ? r 61R000100120033-7 .L.064540, Approved For Release 2001/03/04 JAADP81600961R000100120033-7 OSA-06 2 Page Two 3. iuring excavation, four boulders exceeding cubic yard each uncovered. Since the specificat on* *tate any boulder over cubic yard in size shall be paid for sep- arately at the price stated in the bid proposal, it will be necessary to prepare Change Order No. 2 which will be a sligh increase of a few hundred dollars to the contract price. 4. The contractor appears to be running a very orderly and clean Job. The work in progress in well supervised and planned. 25X1A MD/USA. %A:1111111:mrs Dist 1 - C/MD/CSA 1 - AJ/OSA I DO/OSA 1 Admin/OSA I1 - RIB/OSA 25X1A Approved ForRelease2001/W/Q4 :CIA-RDP81600961R000100120033-7