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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Rele a 2001/03/04~-diAc-R$'P$'1'tOO RO00100120003-0 26 9 62 Special Group Papers and Procedures I'reared by DDR Components 25X1A I. As a means of facilitating the nation of papers emanating from the Deputy Director t(Research) for z- the Special Group and providing adequate records, the following serves as an instruction- +Tormally all papers going should be prepared on hectograph. (ditto),t multiith ma Group d1depending on deadlines), or xerox. t 2. Papers should be addressed to The Special Group for the signature of the Deputy Director (Research)/ CIA. IPapers will not be released until authorized by the DCI or the D.OCI. This is usually accomplished at the 4 pm meeting on Monday.) An exception to the foregoing is when the proposal to go before the Special group is in connection with a new reconnaissance systems program or where an existing program contains a new and substantive technical modification, in which case, according to agreement between the (S) D/NRO and the DDR, it should be submitted by the (.S) D/NROA 3. It. is the responsibility of the originator of a paper to maintain the record of coordination obtained prior to submission. A separate distribution sheet should be attached to the document (only internal CIA copies) showing the distribution which normally will be as follows,. 1--Office of the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (via ?--The tinder Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Mr. Sohnson via TCO). DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. E] DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TOz TS S 0 N2XT REVIEW DATER OSA -0076 Copv_.9of 7.0 AUTH: HR 70- f S-E-C_R-E-T DATE10- "/ REVIEwERI__064540 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81 B00961 R000100120003-0 Approved For Relb*Ae 2001 /03/4 EC d t i1 BO1 R0001 00120003-0 3---Under Secretary of Defense, Mr, Gilpatric (via DIA/TCO for security control and speed in dissemination) 25X1 A 25X1A 4--DCI 5-- DDCI b- 7 &8--DDR 25X1A 9 -DDI (through Mr. lO -D/NRO I 1 - -AD/OSA l Z'- -Intel /OSA l3--,Special Group Officer/DDR l4--RI/OSA ;; if paper has =control number) IS - cS In addition, the originator of the memorandum should determine whether copies are required for other divisions of the DDR or divisions of DDP. Two copies in addition to the foregoing will also be deposited for emergency use for a limited period of time in the Office of the Special Group Officer/DDR, 4. After the DCPs office has finished with Special Group papers emanating from the DDR, they will be returned to Intelligence Officer/OSA for file, 5. A copy of any additional briefing notes for the Director and any memoranda for the record prepared by a DDR officer present at a meeting of the Special Group will be forwarded to the Special Group Officer for file. Those pre- paring either of the foregoing documents should cite in the memorandum the specific document submitted for Special Group approval or information by title, date, and control number, Z OSA-10076 S-E-C-R-E-T Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81 B00961 R000100120003-0 SECRET Approved For Rel e.2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81 B0 1 R0001 00120003-0 6, DDR personnel are advised that the Special Group Officer/DDR should be informed prior to 3 p.m. Friday of each week, normally, of any business which the DDR area contemplates submitting to the Special Group, 7A Normally Special Group papers must be ready for dissemination by noon on Monday, S, It is not necessary to notify the Special Group Officer of actions taken in pursuance of Special Group approval in writing except where the Special Group action requires a report. In such case the procedures outlined above apply II. Papers prepared by the Committee on Overhead Recon- naissance for the Special Group responding to its inquiry or in justi- fying a continuing program will be addressed to The Special Group and signed by the Chairman. COMOR 25X1A RT SCOVILLE, Jr, Deputy Director (Research) 25X1 A Copies l - s?DDR 2-.Asst, to DCI 3 -AD/OSA 4?--DAD/OSA 5->Dir/Ops/OSA 6 - -lntel / OSA 25X1A 7.. -111111111111111111110SA 8- Spec Group Officer/DDR I0w20n -C /SRS/ DDR 9- s RI /OSA /DDR Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81 B00961 R000100120003-0