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Approved For tel ase 200 w Ift"aw IA-RDP81 ,879R000900090029-7 -SAM S Cy, o' 5 tfsah 1957 g : + ka t .V,p Fes : DiVISIon meta r aneYa .e x en. by ' a rrr Check 1. It I kin -this e V. S. Tiv twry C back in favw or t a ny l st & ho .id+ r in Sri ant eta ; i, Bch will be applicable tt, the cot' c?t or re oit ' ^.:'n. %be coat o w wa&~&r and invoices ident1ficet1on s ~:a a 1 on tho, et:.r.. ia. Chnc dnaum in favor of T L Ct3MPANY 25X1A5a1 c. clontm d. hotter No. a. C h e c k co `~ ..~ .1, 2P in t &c at .o i in c* 2nct with t c1 ified vrhi, . has not hem Included In ccptDoil e t th tion No. 32 (Notice -56 ), after ap~wval by the DC-1 x' 1.956, is tue in . to O Ie of the F r ct Ce p roue '. 3. %4e 1k)TMIs racketed Is based on eaa made by the coatrac taw ko date cad. d be p s d t tAZ Cnierel rid, . J cc+ t IO. 138, titled iy iE to or ,ll x ie tel. Ft*de C; r 1o to Cc fit tia1 ;c Alto nt i I Certification." A t Symbol a 3> , b to thin zvwest P-nd the aaoimt Is rpa.1,e to r Acct 4. a aback ebo ld dated an stated. In perazraWh 1 and mailed in the attgwh selt*-ad& a errmlcW, If no auvea*pe is at e, the =&ru c t phwld c t r e can exwealou 215?3 uhm t is ruLdy fa t" .t3pcv titica &40O4-5G-t7 (07.9) $2,247.99. 7aoacc-x-ooe 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 DISTRIB1JJ ION : Original & 1 - Addressee 25X1A2d2 25X1A9a .4 Contact - (Finance) - Master 5 Chrono aer 29 March 1957 Ized tying Offlicey Fro c t Cavt ,er 1957 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ^ DECLASSIFIED CLASS. Ci:ANGE0 T01 TS S 0 NEXT REVIEW DATEI Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA- MAwaft"M A I QOOA6910029-7 MQUARST Approved FQrzvase 200 IA-RDP81QQ;879R000900090029-7 X ., 14215 29 March 1957 Chier, Finance DIViGion `. x.fi1 I t%rT Branch ;ii bursea nt by Tr u17 Cb3Ck 6344 APR 157 I. it i y wee a cL that a U. S. Tavo rg C; k be 4rawn In tvoz e( listed x akt .e ' in the smmmt stat , %ftich Will be splizeble 's 2F '.9 IYt a.6 aOt or R'se. 11. L.(li 'aK+k ~d cno Yin. tile c1FiOt'ru`c~I =Wbbe am d invoice iftntiricatiAn 4a ':`z '.:* g .ck. CL :z ee d ln. in .: avor 0 . :,- c -OW ., T' a' --1.084.52 25X1A5a1 r-? cc`A W bee dated i1ar43h. 1957 rer't rt & nt tien in c. tion . . t c s fie . r caa rich has not been incl ac in cc ?b Neer inetT c Ion 30. 32 o ce 20-56), after a va. 'ay the DCI 15 Decker 1956, is on file in *fflce of the I x . t Compteo 1.e'. 3- sv. t teed is based on proVess vpAe by the contractor ? Fo date and dwWA be p cosced WIMA Generai. LOdgfr Accamt hQ. 138, tI tle q*1b r ent t of ma y? a's~ Punds Chargeable to Oouft4entlal Pun& llo `3 ; aitx I Ca ir.cation. s; T A E nt Symbol ay 1.icebke to thi a z'egaeet ...,,a&. ,own below :rd - au:#e 'fit is cable to GWWr&L T a sd z' AcC(Mn-t !% n e ch-eck ; +.a 31d be doted a stated in 1 and mel1cd in the ._ r$ .i wa 9t' s < envo c :. It to envelope is attached, tbe under8Iaued .f 'be c to a d. on e Vision 2-158 ":?x4. 4y zm?t is xw, Por disposition. 6-1004--50-008 (07.9) $2,247.99 7-1OO4-50-008 07.9 25X1A9a Aaa ?.+ . E cacti f officer 29 -March 1957 PLUM STAMP VOUCHER NUMBER ON THIS COPY AND RW= TO ROOM 524, 1717 H STRB.T, N. W. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81 B00879R000900090029-7 WCUTIMP