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Publication Date:
October 8, 1956
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Approved For Ruse 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81 B0119R000500020015-3
Article No.
Page No.
1. DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. CHANGES . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
3. EXTRAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. VARIATION IN QUANTITY . . . . . . . .
5. INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS . . . . . . . . .
10. DISPUTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. BUY AMERICAN ACT . . . . . . . . . . .
12. EIGHT HOUR LAW OF 1972 . . . . . . . .
15. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT . . . . . . .
17. AIRCRAFT IN THE OPEN . . . . . . . . .
21. GRATUITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L2. CONVICT LABOR . . .. . . . . . . . . .
INFRINGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . .
24. REPORTING OF ROYALTIES . . . . . . .
26. AUTHORIZATION & CONSENT . . . . . . .
27. PATENT RIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . .
28. COPYRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GOVERNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . .
32. PAYMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
33. DEFAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
34. ALTERATIONS IN CONTRACT . . . . . . . .
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As used throughout this contract, the following terms shall
have the meanings set forth below:
(a) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary, the Under Secre-
tary, or any Assistant Secretary of the Department and the head or
any assistant head of the executive agency; and the term "his duly
authorized representative" means any person or persons or board (other
than the Contracting Officer) authorized to act for the Secretaryand
the term "Department" means that component of the Government having
cognizance of this contract and represented by the Contracting Officer
executing this contract.
(b) The term "Contracting Officer" means the person executing
this contract on behalf of the Government, and any other officer or
civilian employee who is a properly designated Contracting Officer,
and the term includes, except as otherwise provided in this contract,
the authorized representative of a Contracting Officer acting within
the limits of his authority.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the term
"subcontracts" includes purchase orders under this contract.
(d) The term "contract work" means all work to be performed
under this contract including any studies covering fundamental, theo-
retical, or experimental investigations; any extension of the inves-
tigative findings and theories of a scientific and technical nature
into practical application; any tangible terms, hereinafter referred
to as supplies, if called for herein, furnished to the Government;
and any reports, data, computations, plans, drawings, and specifica-
tions with respect to the foregoing.
The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and
without notice to the sureties, make changes, within the general scope
of this contract, in any one or more of the following: (i) drawings,
designs, or specifications, where the supplies to be furnished are to
be specially manufactured for the Government in accordance therewith;
(ii) method of shipment or packing; and (iii) place of delivery. If
any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the
time required for, performance of this contract, an equitable adjust-
ment shall be made in the contract price or delivery schedule, or
both, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any
claim by the Contractor for adjustment under this clause must be as-
sorted within 60 days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of
the notification of change; PROVIDED, however, that the Contracting
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Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive
and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final pay-
ment under this contract. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall
be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the
clause of this contract entitled "Disputes." However, nothing in
this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the con-
tract as changed.
Except as otherwise provided in this contract, no payment for
extras shall be madk unless such extras and the price therefor have
boon authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer.
No variation in the quantity of any item called for by this con-
tract will be accepted unless such variation has been caused by con-
ditions of loading, shipping, or packing, or allowances in :.1anufac-
turing processes, and then only to the extent, if any, specified
elsewhere in this contract.
(a) All supplies (which term throughout this clause includes
without limitation raw materials, coi:iponents, intermediate assomblios,
and end products) shall be subject to inspection and test by the Gov-
ermsent, to the extent practicable at all times and places including
the period of manufacture, and in any event prior to final acceptance.
(b) In case any supplies or lots of supplies arc defective in
material er workmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the re-
quirements of this contract, the Government shall have the right
either to reject them (with or without instructions as to their dis-
position) or to require their correction. Supplies or lots of sup-
plies which have been rejected or required to be corrected shall be
removed or corrected in place, as requested by the Contracting Officer,
by and at the expense of the Contractor promptly after notice, and
shall not again be tendered for acceptance unless the former tender and
either the rejection or requirei:lent of correction is disclosed. If
the Contractor fails promptly to remove such supplies or lots of sup-
plies, when requested by the Contracting Officer, and to proceed
promptly with the replacement or correction thereof, the Government
either (i) may by contract or otherwise replace or correct such sup-
plies and charge to the Contractor the cost occasioned the Government
thereby, or (ii) may terminate this contract for default as provided
in the clause of this contract entitled "Default". Unless the Con-
tractor elects to correct or replace the supplies which the Govern lent
has a right to reject and is able to make such corrcction or replace-
ment within the required delivery schedule, the Contracting Officer
may require the delivery of such supplies at a reduction in price
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Which is equitable under the circunstnnces. Failure to agree to such
reduction of price shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact
within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes".
(c) If any inspection or test is made by the Government on the
premises of the Contractor or a sub ntractor, the Contractor without
additional charge shall provide all reasonable facilities and assist-
ance for the safety and convenience of the Government inspectors in
the performance of their duties. If Government inspection or test is
made at a port other than the premises of the Contractor or a sub-
contractor, it shall be at the expense of the Government, PROVIDED,
that in case of rejection the Government shall not be liable for any
reduction in value of samples used in connection with such inspection
or test. All insecticns and tests by the Government shall be per-
formed in such a manner as not to unduly delay the work. The Govern-
ment reserves the right to charge to the Contractor any additiena11
cost of Government inspection and test when supplies are not ready at
the time such inspection and test is requested by the Contrr.ctor. Final
acceptance or rejection of the supplies shall be made as promptly as
practicable after delivery, except as otherwise provided in this con-
tract; but failure to inspect and accept or reject supplies shall
neither relieve the Contractor from responsibility for such supplies
as are not in accordance with the contract requirements nor impose
liability on the Government therefor.
(d) The inspection and test by the Government of any supplies
or lots thereof does not relieve the Contractor from. an.y responsibility
regarding defects or other failures to meet the contract requirerients
which may be discovered prior to final acceptance. Except as other-
wise provided in this contract, final acceptance shall be conclusive
except as regards latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as
amount to fraud.
(c) The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection
system acceptable to the Government covering the supplies hereunder.
Records of all inspection-work by the Contractor shall be kept cord-
plete and available to the Government cUux-tng -the_ pexfor ancc of this
contract and for such longer period as may be specified elsewhere in
this contract.
Except as otherwise provided in this contract, (i) the Contractor
shall be responsible for the supplies covered by this contract until
they are deliver.d at the desi nated delivery point, regardless of
the, point of inspection, and (ii) the Contractor shall bear all
risks as to rejected work after notice of rejection.
(a) Pursuant to the provisions of the Assignment of Claims Act
of 1940 as amended (31 U. S. Code 203, 41 U. S. Code 15), if this
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contract provides for payments aggregating $1,000 or more, claims
for moneys due or to become du` to the Contractor from the Govern-
mont under this contract may be assigned to a bank, trust company,
or other financing institution, including any Federal lending agency,
and may thereafter be further assigned and reassigned to any such
institution. Any such assignment or reassignment shall caver all
amounts payable under this contract and not already paid, and shall
not be made to more than one party, except that any such assignment
or reassignment may be made to one party as agent or trustee for two
or more parties participating in such financing. Notwithhtanding any
provision of this contract, payment to an assignee of any moneys due
or to become due under this contract shall not, to the extent provided
in said Act as amended, be subject to reduction or set-cff.
(b) In no event shall copies of this contract or of any plans,
specifications, or other similar documents relating to work under
this contract, if marked "TOP SECRET," "SECRET," "CORM--DENTILL,"
be furnished to any assignee of any claim arising under this contract
or to any other person not entitled to receive the same,; PROVIDED,
that a copy of any part or all of this contract so marked may be fur-
nished, or any information contained therein may be disclosed, to such
assignee upon the prior written authorization of the (,yontzaeting Officer
(c) The Contractor shall obtain the written authorization of
the Contracting Officer prior to the assignment of any rights under
this contract.
If any surety upon any bond furnished in connection with this
contract becomes unacceptable to the Government, or if any such
surety fails to furnish reports as to his financial condition from
time to time as requested by the Government, the Contractor shall
promptly furnish such additional security as may be required from
time to time to protect the interests of the Government and of per-
sons supplying labor or materials in the prosecution of the work
contemplated by this contract.
(a) DEFINITIONS. As used throughout this clause, the following
terms shall, have the meanings set forth below:
(i.) The term "direct tax" moans any tax or duty
directly applicable to the completed supplies or
services (as distinguished from taxes directly ap-
plicable to materials and components used in the
manufacture or furnishing of the completed supplies
or services) covered by this contract or any other
tax or duty from which the Contractor or this trans-
~''' ~ --...lion is exempt. It includes any tax or duty directly
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applicable to the i:.iportation, production, processing,
manufacture, construction, sale, or use of such sup-
plies or services; it also includes any tax levied on,
with respect to, or measured by sales, receipts from
sales, or use of the supplies or services covered by
this contract. The term does not include transportation
taxes, uneraployncnt compensation taxees, social security
taxes, income taxes, excess profits taxes, capital stock
taxes, property taxes, and such other taxes as are not
within the definition of the term "direct tax" as set
forth above in this paragraph.
(ii) The term "contract date" means the effective
date of this contract if it is a negotiated contract
or the date set for the. opening of bids if it is a
contract entered into as a result of formal advertising,
For the purpose of any additional procurement of supplies
or services called for by any agreement supplemental
hereto, the term "contract date" shall refer to the date
of such supplemental agreement.
(b) FEDERAL TAXES.. Except as may be otherwise provided in this
contract, the contract price includes all applicable Federal taxes in
effect cn the contract date.
(c) STATE OR LOCAL TAXES. Except as may be otherwise provided
in this contract, the contract price does not include any State or
local direct tax in effect on. the contract date.
(d) EVIDENCE OF EXFM['TION: The Government agrees, upon request
?f the Contractor, unless there exists no legal basis to sustain an
exemption, to furnish a Tax Exemption Certificate or other similar
evidence Rf exemption with respect to any direct tax not included in
the contract price pursuant to this clause; and the Contractor agrees,
in the event of the refusal of the applicable taxing authority to ac-
cept such evidence of exemption, (i) promptly to notify the Contracting
Officer of such refusal, (ii) to cause the tax in question to be paid
in such manner as to preserve all rights to refund thereof, and (iii)
if so directed by the Contracting Officer, to take all necessary action,
in cooperation with and for the benefit of the Government, to secure
a refund of such tax (in which event the Government agrees to reim-
burse the Contractor for any and all reasonable expenses incurred at
its direction).
(e) PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If, after the contract date, (i) the
Federal. Government or any State or local government either imposes
or increases (or removes an exemption with respect to) any direct
ta.x, or any tax directly applicable to the materials or components
used in the manufacture or furnishing of the completed supplies or
services covered by this contract, or (ii) the Federal Government or
any State or local government refuses to accept the evidence of exemp-
tion, furnished under paragraph (d) hereof, with respect to any direct
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tax excluded from the contract price, or (iii) the FedeDaJ_ Government
does not furnish a tax exemption certificate or other similar evidence
cif exemption with respect to any direct tax excluded from the contract
price, and if under either (i), (ii), or (iii) the Contractor is
Obliged to and does pay or bear the burden of any such tax (and does
dot secure a refund thereof), the contract price shall be correspondingly
increased, and if interest and penalties are incurred by reason of
delay in payment of such tax on the instruction of the Contracting
Officer, and sunh interest and penalties are legally imposed, the con-
tra,ct price shall be correspondingly increased, If, after the contract
date, '..;he Contractor is relieved, in whole or in part from the payment
or the burden of any direct tax included in the contract price, or any
tax directly applicable to the materials or components used in the
manufacture or furnishing of the completed supplies or services covered
by this contract, the Contractor agrees promptly to notify the Contrac-
ting Officer of such relief, and the contract price shall be corres-
Pondingly decreased or the amount of such relief paid over to the
Government, Invoices or vouchers covering any increase or decrease
in contract price pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph shall
state the amount thereof, as a separate added or deducted item, and
shall identify the particular tax imposed, increased, eliminated, or
(f) REFUND OR DRAWBACK. If any tax or duty has been included
in the contract price rr the price as adjusted under paragraph (e) of
this clause, and if the Contractor is entitled to a refund or drawback
by reason of the export or re-export of supplies covered by this con-
tract, or of materials or components used in the manufacture or fur-
tLishing of the completed supplies or services covered by this contract,
the Contractor agrees that he will promptly notify the Contracting
Officer thereof and that the amount of any such refund or drawback
obtained will be paid over to the Government or credited against amounts
due from the Government under this contract., PROVIDED, however, that
the Contractor shall not be required to apply for such refund or draw-
back unless so reglzested by the Contracting Officer.
Except as otherwise provided in this c-~ntraet, any dispute c-n-
eei,ning a riuestion of fact arising under this contract which is not
disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Contracting Officer,
who shall reduce his decision to writing and mail or otherwise furnish
a copy thereof to the Contractor. Within thirty (30) days from the
date Df receipt of such copy, the Contractor may appeal by mailing or
otherwise furnishing to the Contracting Officer a written appeal ad-
dressed to the Secretary, and the decision of the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative for the hearing of such appeals shall,
unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been
fraudulent or capricious or arbitrary or so grossly erroneous as neces-
sarily to imply bad faith, or not supported by substantial e-idence, be
final and conclusive ; PROVIDED, That, if no such appeal is taken, the
decision of the Contracting Officer shall be final and conclusive In
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cotmection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor
shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in
support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder,
the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance of the
contract and in accorc?.ance with the Contracting Officer's decision.
The Contractor agrees that there will be delivered under this con-
tract only such unmanufactured article*, materials and supplies (which
term "articles, materials and supplies" is hereinafter referred to in
this clause as "supplies") as have been mined or produced in the United
States, and only such manufactured supplies as have been manufactured
in the United States substantially all from supplies mined, produced
or manufactured, as the case may be, in the United States. Pursuant
to the Buy American Act (41 U. S. Code lOa-d), the f:aregeing provision
shall not apply (i) with respect to supplies excepted by the Secretary
from the application of that Act, (ii) with respect to supplies for ::se
outside the United States, or (iii) with respect to the supplies to be
delivered under this contract which are of a class or,kind 4,etex fined by
the Secretary or his duly authorized representative not to be mined, pro-
duced, or manufactured, as the case may be, in the United States in suf-
ficIent and reasonably available commercial quantities and of a satis-
fac-i:ory quality, or (iv) with respect to such supplies from which the
supplies to be delivered under this contract are manufactured, as are
cf a class or kind, determined by the Secretary or his duly authorized
representative not to be mined, produced, or manufactured, as the case
maybe, in the Unite: States in sufficient and reasonably available com-
mercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality: PROVIDED, That this
exception (iv) shall not permit delivery cf supplies manufactured out-
Bike the United States if such supplies are manufactured in the United
States in sufficient and reasonably available commercial quantities and
of a satisfactory quality.
This contract, to the extent that it is of a character specified
in the Eight-Hour Law of 1912 as amended (40 U. S. Code 324-326) and
is not covered by the Walsh-Healey Public Ccntracts Act (41 U. S. Code
35-45) is subject to the following provisions and exceptions of said
Eight-Hour Law of 1912 as amended, and to all other provisions and ex-
ceptions of said Law.
No laborer or mechanic doing any part of the work contempla-
ted by this contract, in the employ of the Contractor or any sub.-
contractor contracting for any part of the said work shall be re-
quired or permitted to work more than} eight hours in any one cal-
endar day upon such work, except upo tho condition that campen-
sation is paid to such laborer or meccan accordance with the
provisions c ' this clause. The wages of every such laborer and
mechanic employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor engaged
in the I:erformance of this contract shall be computed on a basic day rate of
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eight hours per day,; and work in excess of eight hours per day is
permitted only upon the condition that every such laborer and mechanic
shall be compensated fo all hours worked in excess of eight hours
per day at not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of
pay. For each violation of the requirements of this clause a penalty
of fitie dollars shall be imposed upon the Contractor for each such
laborer or mechanic for every calendar day in which such employee
is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours upon said
work without receiving compensation computed in accordance with this
clause; and all penalties thus imposed shall be withheld for the use
and benefit of the Government.
t or.with this contract ?- T
'(a) In connection with tY _p:m.fanmnce of work under this con-
tract, the Contractor agroas_ not to discriminate against any employee
or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, or
may exceed $10,000 and is otherwise subject to the Walsh-Healey Public
Contracts Act as amended (41 U. S. Code 35-45), there are hereby incor-
porated by reference all representations and stipulations required by
said Act and regulations issued thereunder by the Secretary of Labor,
such representations and stipulations being subject to all applicable
rulings and interpretations of the Secretary of Labor which are now
or z c)- hereafter be in effect, exce t that the Contractor shall not
be re.;,uired to include this clause in subcontracts issued hereunder
wYez7 the inclusion of this clause in a subcontract would
If If this contract is for the manufacture or furnishing of mater-
ials, supplies, articles or equipment in an amount which exceeds or
national origin. The aforesaid provision shall include, but not be
limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or
transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termina-
tion; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection
fAr training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to
post hereafter in conspicuous places, available for employees and
applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the Contracting
Officer setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause.
-((b) The Contractor further agrees to insert the foregoing pro-
visiOn in all subcontracts issued hereunder, except subcontracts for
standard commercial supplies or raw materials, and except as insertion
o the fore going Rrovisirn in a - subcontract wgjAld Leo ardiz or con-
l ct thT_ h sc;,cur-L4 _.(or~siderations established in connection with
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this contract is a negotiated fixed-price type of contract for
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No member of or delegate to Congress, or resident commissioner,
skull be admitted to any share or part of this contract, or to any
benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be con-
strued to extend to this contract if made with a corporation for its
general benefit.
The Contractor warrants that no person or selling agency has been
eitployed. or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement
or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent
fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial
o selling agencies maintained by the contractor for the purpose of
securing business, For breach or violation of this warranty the Govern-
ment shall have the right to annul this contract without liability or in
its discretion to deduct from the contract price or consideration the
full amount, of such commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee.
products or modification of aircraft (or missiles having the general
characteri, es of aircraft) the clause set forth below shall apply:
(a) Sub' ct to the definitions and limitations prescribed in
this clause, the Gov nment assumes the risk of damage to or loss or
destruction of aircraft or missiles having the general characteristics
of aircraft) in the open, RCVIDED, that such damage, loss, or dstruc-
tion is caused by any of the lowing perils;
(i) Fire; lightning, winds
riot, riot attending a strike, civil co
mischief; sabotage; aircraft or objects
cyclone, tornado, hail; explosion;
otion, vandalism and malicious
on land or tracks, excluding vehicles owned
or any agent or employee of the Contractor;
operated by the Contractor
eruption; flood, meaning thereby rising of
a body c
earthquake or volcanic
water; hostile or
against an actual, impending or expected attack by any go
sovereign power (de jure or de facto), or by any authority u
naval, or air forces, or by any agent of any such government
practice in the industry in which the Contractor 'is engaged with respect
in accordance with the normal practice of the Contractor, or a prevailing
r, auth-
(ii) Other peril of a type noj d*above, if such other pen
ority, or forces; or
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ing therefrom, vehicles running
or defending
nment or
g military,
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(i) The term "Aircraft" means aircraft to be furnished to
overnment under this contract, including complete aircraft; and
t in the course of manufacture or modification, including en-
nstruments, subassemblies, parts, and equipment installed
r in process of installation, and all uninstalled property
om stores for installation in aircraft in the open or
emoved from such aircraft, provided such uninstalled pro-
perty is in
t open.
(ii) Th
,buildings or roofe
term "in the open" means located wholly outside of
(c) The Gove
only to aircraft in the
ting Cfficer, and shall
ent's obligation under this clause shall extend
pen under conditions approved by the Contrac-
,,~,t extend to the following :
(i) loss, destruct
the Contractor, due to willful
of the Contractor's managerial
or damage resulting from failure of
misconduct or lack of good faith of any
rsonnel, to maintain and administer a
program for the maintenance, repa
aircraft in the open, in accordance
term "Contractor's managerial person
officers, and any of its managers, sup
with sound industrial practice. The
1" means the Contractor's directors,
representatives who have supervision or
all of the Contractor's business, or all
intendants, or other equivalent
irection of all or subs+antially
Contractor's operation at any one plant or
this contract is performed, or a separate an
operation in connection with the performance
substantially all of the
eparate location at which
complete major industrial
this contract;
(ii) lots, destruction or damage to aire aft in the possession
or control of any subcontractor, except to the exte t that the subcon-
tract, with the approval of the Contracting Officer a d consistent with
this clause, may otherwise provide.
(d) The Contractor warrants that the contract p 'ce does not
and will not include any charge or reerve for insurance (i luding
self-insurance funds or reserves) coving damage to or loss destruc-
tion of aircraft in the open caused by any of the perils set fo th in
paragraph (.) hereof.
(e) In the event of damage to or loss or ?struction of a
craft in the open, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to
protect such aircraft from further site damaged and unda,m-
eged aircraft, put all aircraft in th sable order, and furnish
to the Contracting Officer a statement
(i) the lost, destroyed, or daamagd.-aircraft;
(ii) the time and origin of the loss, aestructiun, nr damage;
iii) all known interests in commingled property of which
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, protection, and preservation of
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any, - covering - any-part-of the interest
The Contractor shall be reimbursed for expenditures made by it in
p forming its obligations under this paragraph, to the extent approved
by e Contracting Officer and this contract shall be modified in writ-
ment shall be made in th amount due under this contract and in the time
required for its performan e, and this contract shall be modified in
writing accordingly. Altern ively, the Government may elect to termi-
.nate this contract as to any s ch lost, destroyed, or damaged aircraft,
and in that event the rights of e parties shall be as provided in the
clause entitled Termination for Co venience of the Government.
(g) In the event the Contras r is at any time reimbursed or
comper3ated by any third person for any age to or loss or destruction
of any aircraft in the open caused by any ril set forth in paragraph
(a) hereof for which the Contractor has been ompensated by the Govern-
ment, it shall equitably reimburse the Governm- t. The Contractor shall
do nothing to prejudice the Government's rights recover against
third parties for any such loss, destruction or d ge and, upon the
request of the Contracting Officer, shall at the Gov nment's expense,
furnish to the Government all reasonable assistance an cooperation
(including the prosecution of suit and the execution of struments of
assignment or subrogation in favor of the Government) in ob aining re-
tion in which it was immediately prior to such damage. If the Government
requires the aircraft to be replaced or restored, an equitable adjust-
be replaced by the Contractor or restored by the Contractor to the condi-
otherwise provid d in this contract, elect to require that such aircraft
) If prior to acceptance by and delivery to the Government
any aircraf in the open is lost, destroyed, or damaged due to any of
the perils se forth in paragraph (a) hereof, the Government may, unless
tract entitled "Government-Furnished Property," to the extent that
such clause is, by its terms, applicable.
nished by the Government will be governed by the clause of this con
(h) Any loss or destruction of, or damage to, property ur-
(i) Any loss, or destruction of, or damage to, aircraft nc-
eurring in connection with operations of said aircraft will be governed
by the clause of this contract entitled "Flight Risk," to the extent
- - by its-terms,--- applicable.---
18. ___-
(a) The provisions of this clause shall apply to the extent that
this aract involves access to security information classified "Con-
fid?nt.a" including "Confidential - Modified Handling Authorized" or
FP (Oct. 8, 1956)
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in such commingled property.
ing a ordingly.
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(b) The Government shall notify the Contractor of the security
classification of this contract and the elements thereof, and of any
Subsequent revisions in such security classification, by the use of a
Security Requirements Check List (DD Form 254 and 254-I).
(c) To the extent the Government has indicated as of the date
of this contract, or thereafter indicates, security classification under
this contract as provided in paragraph (b) above, the Contractor shall
safeguard all classified elements of this contract and shall provide and
maintain a system of security controls within its own organization in
accordance with the requirements of:
(i) the Security Agreement (DD Form 441), including the Department
of Defense Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Infor-
.ation as in effect on date of this contract, and any modification to
the Security Agreement for the purpose of adapting the Manual to the
Contractor's business; and
(ii) any amendments to said Manual made after the date of this
Contract, notice of which has been furnished to the Contractor by the
Security Office of the Military Department having security cognizance
over the facility.
(d) Representatives of the Military Department having security
cognizance over the facility and representatives of the contracting
Military Department shall have the right to inspect at reasonable inter-
vals the procedures, methods, and facilities utilized by the Contractor
.in complying with the security requirements under this contract. Should
the Government, through its authorized representative, determine that
the Contractor has not complied with such requirements, the Government
shall inform the Contractor in writing of the proper actions to be
taken in order to effect compliance with such requirements.
(e) If, subsequent to the date of this contract, the security
classifications or requirements under this contract are changed by
the Government as provided in this clause and the security costs under
this contract are thereby increased or decreased, the contract price
shall be subject to an equitable adjustment by reason of such increased
or decreased costs, Any equitable adjustment shall be accomplished in
the same manner as if such changes were directed under the "Changes"
clause in this contract.
(f) The Contractor agrees to insert, in all subcontracts hereunder
which involve access to classified security information, provisions which
shall conform substantially to the language of this clause, including
this paragraph (f) but excluding the last sentence of paragraph (e) of
t1is clause.
(g) The Contractor also agrees that it shall determine that any
subcontractor proposed by it for the furnishing of supplies and ser-
vices which will involve access to classified information in the Con-
tractor's custody has been granted an appropriate facility security
F? (Oct. 8, 1956)
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clearance, which is still in effect, prior to being accorded access
to such classified security information.
(a) It is the policy ^f the Government as declared by the Con-
gress to bring about the greatest utilization of small business con-
cerns which is consistent with efficient production.
(b) The Contractor agrees to accomplish the maximum amount of
subcontracting to small business concerns that the Contractor finds
to be consistent with the efficient performance of this contract.
The following clause will be applicable in all negotiated fixed-
price supply contracts and purchase orders in excess of $1,000.
(a) The Contractor agrees that the Contracting Officer or any
of his duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration
of three years after final payment under this contract, have access
to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents,
papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions related
to this contract.
(b) The Contractor further agrees to include in all his sub-
contracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor
agrees that the Contracting Officer or any of his duly authorized
representatives shall, until the expiration of throe years after
final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to
examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records
of such subcontractor involving transactions related to the subcon-
tract.. The term "subcontract" as used in this clause excludes (i)
purchase orders not exceeding 1,000 and (ii) subcontracts or pur-
chase orders for public utility services at rates established for
uniform applicability to the general public.
(a) The Government may, by written notice to the Contractor,
terminate the right of the Contractor to proceed under this contract
if it is found, after notice and hearing, by the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative, that gratuities (in the form of
entertainment, gifts, or otherwise) were offered or given by the
Contractor, or any agent or representative of the Contractor, to any
Officer or employee of the Government with a view toward securing a
contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding
or amending, or the making of any determinations with respect to the
performance of such contracts PROVIDED, That the existence of the
facts upon which the Secretary or his duly authorized representative
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makes such findings shall be in issue and may be reviewed in any com-
petent court.
(b) In the event this contract is terminated as provided in
paragraph (a) hereof, the Government shall be entitled (i) to pursue
the same remedies against the Contractor as it could pursue in the event
of a breach of the contract by the Contractor, and (ii) as a penalty in
.addition to any other damages to which it may be entitled by law, to
exemplary damages in an amount (as determined by the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative) which shall be not less than three nor
more than ten times the costs incurred by the Contractor in providing
any such gratuities to any such officer or employee.
(c) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this
clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights
and remedies provided by law or under this contract
In connection with the performance of work under this contract,
the Contractor agrees not to employ any person undergoing sentence of
imprisonment at hard labor.
The provisions of this clause shall be applicable only if the
amount of this contract is in excess of $5,000.
(a) The Contractor shall report to the Contracting Officer,
promptly and in reasonable written detail,, each notice or claim of
patent infringement based on the performance of this contract of which
the Contractor has knowledge.
(b) In the event of litigation against the Government on account
of any claim of patent infringement arising out of the performance of
this contract or out of the use of any supplies furnished or work or
services performed hereunder, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Government, upon request, all evidence an,1 information in possession
of the Contractor pertaining to such litigation. Such evidence and
information shall be furnished at the expense of the Government except
in those cases in which the Contractor has agreed to indemnify the
Government against the claim being asserted.
The provisions of this clause shall be applicable only if the
amount of the contract is in excess of $10,000.
(a) The Contractor shall report in writing (in quadruplicate) to
the, Contracting Officer as soon as practicable after execution of this
contract whether or not any royalties in excess of $250 have been paid
FP (Oct. 8, 1956)
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(d) After payment of eighty percent (80%) of the amount of this
contract, as from time to time amded, further payment shall be with-
held until a reserve of either (i) ten percent (10%) of such amount or
(ii) $5,000, which ever is less, shall have been. set aside, such reserve
or the balance thereof to be retained until the Contractor shall have
`furnishedto the Contracting Officer the report called for by paragraph
(a) hereof or the copy of the letter approving the Contractor's request
to furnish the report under paragraph (b); PROVIDED that no amount shall
continue to be withheld from payment for the causes specified in this
paragraph (d) if the Contracting Officer shall find that the Contractor
,has not been furnished a letter as required by paragraph (c) within P.
'easonable time after making written request to submit a single, ccn-
solidated report under the provisions of paragraph (b) of this clause;
and PROVIDED FURTHER that the Contracting Officer may, in his discre-
tion, order payment to be withheld in the amount and manner above pro-
'v'ided if the report called for by paragraph (a) is unsatisfactory or (b)
is, ddLonb e_has':noc been received, or if received, is found to be unsat-
isfactory. No amount shall be withheld under this paragraph when the
minimum amount specified by this paragraph is being withheld under other
provisions of this contract The withholding of any amount or subsequent
payment thereof to the Contractor shall not be construed as a waiver of
any right accruing to the Government under this contract.
(a) Before filing or causing to be filed a patent application dis-
losing any subject matter of this contract, which subject matter is
Classified "Secret" or higher, the Contractor shall, citing the thirty
(30) day provision below, transmit the proposed application to the Con-
tracting Officer for determination whether, for reasons of national
Security, such application should be placed under an order of secrecy
or sealed in accordance with the provisions of 35 U. S. Code 181-188
or the issuance of a patent should be otherwise delayed under pertinent
Statutes or regulations; and the Contractor shall observe any instruc-
tions of the Contracting Officer with respect to the manner of delivery
of the patent application to the U. S. Patent Office for filing, but
the Contractor shall not be denied the right to file such patent appli-
cation. If the Contracting Officer shall not have given any such in-
~tructions within thirty (30) days from the date of mailing or other
transmittal of the proposerl application, the Contractor may file the
(b) The Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer, at
the time of or prior to the time when the Contractor files or causes
to be filed a patent application disclosing any subject matter of this
contract, which subject matter is classified "Confidential," a copy of
such application for d;termina,tion whether, for reasons of national
security, such application should be placed under an order of secrecy
or the issuance of a patent should be otherwise delayed under pertinent
statutes or regulations.
FP (Oct. 8, 1956)
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jaa ,Cb8 CIA-RDP81B00
'1 7
(iii) The term "
su contract" and "subcontract
or mean any
subcorrtract or subcontra,ctor of the Contractor, and any lower-tier sub-
ract or sbUt
uucor:-rac x' under{ this, contract,.
(b) (1) The Contractor.agrees,to and does hereby grant to the Govern-
ment an irrevocable, nonexclusive, nontransferable, and royalty-free
license to practice, and cause to be practiced by or for the United
States Government throughout the world, each Subject Invention in the
rnufa^ture, use and disposition according to law, of any article or
Material, and in the use, of any method No license granted herein shall
Convey any right to the Gover=~at to manufacture, have manufactured, or
14Se any Subject Invention for the purpose of providing services or sup-
plies to the general public in competition with the Contractor or the
ontractor~s coznercial licensees in the 1G,ep.. f!.q;Lds.
(2) With respect to:
sozXnely W any Subject Invention made by other than Technical Per-
(ii) any Subject Invention conceived prior to, but first
actually reduced to practice in the course of, any of the experimental,
&evelopmental, or research work specified in (a)(i) above: and
(iii) the practice of any Subject Invention in foreign
ccuntries,; toe obligation of the Contractor to grant a license as pro-
vided in (b)(1) above, to convey title as provided in (d)(ii)(B) or (d)
(iv) below, and to convey foreign rights as provided in (e) below, shall
be limited to the extent of the Contractor's right to grant the same
Without incurring any obligation to pay royalties or ether compensation
to others solely on account of said grant. Nothing contained in this
Patent Rights clause shall be deemed ti grant any license under any in-
vention other than ,a Subject Invention.
(c) The Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer the
following informatign and reports concerning Subject Inventions which
reasonably appear to be patentable:
(`) a written disclosure promptly after conception or first
actual reductiorl to practice of each such Invention together with a
written statement specifying whether or not a United States patent appli-
ction claiming the Inventic=n has been or will be filed by or on behalf
of the Contractor;
(ii) interim reports, at least every twelve months, commen-
cing with the date of this contract, each listing all such Inventions
conceived or first actually reduced to practice more than three months
prior to the date of the report, and not listed on a prior interim re-
port, or certifying that there are no such unreported Inventions; and
(iii) prior to final settlement of this contract, a final
report listing all such Inventions including all those previously listed
in interim reports.
(d) In connection with each Subject Invention referred to in
(c)(i) above, the Contractor shall do the following:
FP (Oct.. 8, 1956)
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(i) if the Contractor specifies that a United States
patent application claiming such Invention will be filed, the Con
tractor shall file or cause to be filed such application in due
form and time; however, if the Contractor, after having specified
that such an application would be filed, decides not to file or cause
to be filed said application, the Contractor shall so notify the Con-
tracting Officer at the earliest practicable date and in any event
not later than eight months after first publication, public use or
(ii) if the Contractor specifies that a United States
patent application claiming such Invention has not been filed and will
tot be filed (or having specified that such an application will be
filed thereafter notifies the f ctracting Officer to the contrary), the
Contractor shall:
(A) inform the Contracting Officer in writing at the
earliest practicable date of any publication of such Invention made by
Or known to the Contractor or, where applicable, of any contemplated
publication by the Contractor, stating the date and identity of such
publication or contemplated publication; and
(B) convey to the Government the Contractor's entire
right, title, and interest in such Invention by delivering to the Con-
iracting Officer upon written request such duly executed instruments
(prepared by the Government) of assignment and application, and such
Other papers as are deemed necessary to vest in the Government the
Contractor's right, title, and interest aforesaid, and the right to
apply for and prosecute patent applications covering such Invention
throughout the world, subject, however, to the right of the Contrac-
tor specified in (e) below to file foreign applications, and subject
further to the reservation of a non-exclusive and royalty-free license
to the Contractor (and to its existing and future associated and affi-
liated companies, if any, within the corporate structure of which the
Contractor is a part) which license shall be assignable to the succes-
8or of that part of the Contractor's business to which such Invention
(iii) the Contractor shall furnish promptly to the Con-
tracting Officer on request an irrevocable power of attorney to in-
Spect and make copies of each United states patent application filed
by or on behalf of the Contractor covering any such Invention;
(iv) In the event the Contractor, or those other than the
Government deriving rights from the Contractor, elects not to continue
prosecution of any such United States patent application filed by or
on behalf of the Contractor, the Contractor shall so notify the Con- Officer not less than sixty days before the expiration of
the response period and, upon written request, deliver to the Contrac-
ting Officer such duly executed instruments (prepared by the Government)
as are deemed necessary to vest in the Government the Contractor's
entire right, title, and interest in such Invention and the applica-
tion, subject to the reservation as specified in (d)(ii) above; and
(v) the Contractor shall deliver to the Contracting Officer
duly executed instruments fully confirmatory of any I cause rights
herein agreed to be grnntod to who r- verument.
(Oct. 8, 1956)
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(e) The Contractor, or those other than the Government deriving
rights from the Contractor, shall have the exclusive rights to file
applications on Subject Inventions in each foreign country within:
(i) nine months from the date a corresponding United States
application is filed;
(ii) six months from the date permission is granted to file
.foreign applications where such filing had been prohibited for security
reasons; or
(iii) such longer period as may be approved by the Contrac-
ting Officer, The Contractor shall, upon written request of the Con-
tractiag Officer, convey to the Government the Contractor's entire
right, title, and interest in each Subject Invention in each foreign
country in which an application has not been filed within the time
above specified, subject to the reservation of a non-exclusive and
royalty-free license to the Contractor together with the right of the
Contractor to grant sublicenses, which license and right shall be as-
signable to the successor of that part of the Contractor's business to
which the Subject Invention pertains.
(f) If the Contractor fails to deliver to the Contracting 3fficer
the interim reports required by (c)(ii) above, or fails to furnish the
written disclosures for all Subject Inventions required by (c)(i) above
shown to be due in accordance with any interim report delivered under
(c)(ii) or otherwise known to be unreported, there shall be withheld
from payment until the Contractor shall have corrected such failures
either ten percent (10%) of the amount of this contract, as from time
to time amended, or five thousand dollars ($5,000), whichever is less.
After payment of eighty percent (80%) of the amount of this contract,
b,s from time to time amended, payment shall be withheld until a reserve
if either ten percent (10%) of such amount, or five thousand dollars
\$5,000), whichever is less, shall have been set aside,.such reserve
or balance thereof to be retained until the Contractor shall have fur-
bished to the Contracting Officer:
i) the final report required by (c) (iii) above;
(ii) written disclosures for all Subject Inventions required
by (c)(i)abcve which are shown to be due in accordance with interim re-
ports delivered under (c)(ii) above or in accordance with such final
reports or are otherwise known to be unreported; and
(iii) the information as to any subcontractor required by (h)
below. The maximum amount which may be withheld under this paragraph
(f) shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount of this contract
or five thousand dollars ($5,000), whichever is less, and no amount
shall be withhold under this paragraph (f) when the amount specified
y this paragraph (f') is being withheld under other provisions of this
contract. The withholding of any amount or subsequent payment thereof
to the Contractor shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights ac-
Cruing to the Government under this contract. This paragraph (f) shall
lot be construed as requiring the Contractor to withhold any amounts
From a subcontractor to enforce compKance with the patent provisions
of a subcontract.
(Oct. 8, 1956)
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(g) The Contractor shall exert all reasonable effort in, negotia-
ting for the inclusion of this Patent Rights clause in any subcontract
hereunder of three thousand, dollars ($3,000) or more having experimen-
tal, developmental, or research work as one of its purposes. In the
event of refusal by a subcontractor to accept the Patent Rights clause,
the Contractor shall not proceed with the subcontract without written
authorization oi' the Contracting Officer, and upon obtaining such auth-
orization, shall cooperate with the Government in the negotiation with
such subcontractor of an acceptable patent rights clause PROVIDED,
however, that the Contractor shall in any event require the subcontrac-
tor to grant to the Government patent rights under Subject Inventions
of no loss scope and on no less favorable terms than those w14ch the
don tractor has under such subcontracts, except that in no event shall
the subcontractor be required to grant to the Government patent rights
in excess of those herein agreed to be granted to the Government by the
(h) The contractor shall, at the earliest practicable date, notify
the Contracting Officer in writing of any subcontract containing a patent
rights clause, furnish the Contracting Officer a copy of such clause, and
notify the Contracting Officer when such subcontract is completed. It is
,und,rstood that with respect to such subcontract clause, the Government
io a t'_~ird party beneficiary, and the Contractor hereby assigns to the
kverome;nt all the rights that the Contractor would have to enforce the
subcontractor's obligations for the benefit of the Government with res-
pect to Subject Inventions. The Contractor shall not be obligated to
enforce. the agreements of any subcontractor hereunder relating to Subject
(i) When the Contractor shows that it has been delayed in the
performance of this contract by reason of its inability to obtain in ac-
cordance with (g) above a suitable patent rights clause from a qualified
subcontractor, for any item or service required under this contract for
which the Contractor itself does not have available facilities or quali-
fied personnel, the Contractor's delivery dates shall be extended for a
period of time equal to the duration of such delay; and, upon request
of the Contractor, the Contracting Officer shall determine to what ex-
tent, if any, an additional extension of the delivery dates and an in-
crease in contract prices based upon additional costs incurred by such
delay are proper under the circumstances; and the contract shall be
modified accordingly. If the Contractor, after exerting all reasonable
effort, is unable to obtain a qualified subcontractor as set forth above,
the Contractor may submit to the Contracting Officer a written request
for ti giver or modification of the requirement that a suitable patent
rights clause be included in the subcontract.
Such request shall specifically state that the Contractor has used
all- r;:asonable effort to obtain such qualified subcontractor, and shall
cite the waiver or termination provision hereinafter set forth. If,
.within thirty-five (35) days after the data of receipt of such request
FP (Oct. 8, 1956)
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for a waty r or modification of said requireraent, the Contracting Off i-
tex shall fail to deny in writing such request, the requirement shall
be deemed, to have been waived by the Government. If within such' period
the Contractor shall. receive a written denial of such roquestby the
Contracting officer,' this contract shall thereupon automatically ter-
minate and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed
by th;: provisions of the clause of this contract providing for termina-
tion for the convenience of the Government.
(a) The Contractor agrees to and does hereby grant to the Govern-
menit, and to its officers, a eats and employees acting within the scope
of their official dt.ties,, (i) a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevo-
cable license to reproduce, translate, publish, use, and. dispose of,
and to authorize others so to do, all'copyrightaole matL,erial first pro-
duced or composed and delivered to the Government under this contract
by the Contractor, its employees or any individual or concern specifi-
esaUy employed or assigned to originate and'prepare such mate-ria. and
(ii) a license as aforesaid under any and all copyrighted or copyright-
able work not first produced or composed by the Contractor in the per-
formance of this contract but which is incorporated in the material fur-
nished under the contract, provided that such license shall be only to
the extent the Contractor now has, or prior to completion or final set-
tlement of the contract may acquire, the right to grant such' "liens e
without becoming liable to pay compensation to others solely because
of such grant.
(b) The Contractor agrees that it will exert all reasonable effort
to advise the Contracting Officer, at the time of delivering any copy-
rightable or copyrighted work furnished under this contract, of any
adversely held copyrighted or copyrightable material incorporated in
any such work and of any invasion of the right of privacy therein con-
(c) The Contractor agrees to report to the Contracting Officer,
promptly and in reasonable written detail, any notice or claim of copy-
right infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any mater-
ial delivered under this contract.
The Contractor agrees to and does hereby grant to the Government,
to thefull extent of the Contractor's right to do so without payi-.ient
of compensation to others, right to isclose
for governmental purposes (including the right to give to foreign gov-
ern ents for their use as the national interest of the United States
may demand) all or any part of the reports, drawings, blueprints, data,
and, technical inforrlation specified to be: delivered by the Contractor
to the Government under this contract; PROVIDED, however, d at nothing
SP (Oct. 8, 1956)
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contained in this paragraph shall be deemed, directly or by ii:plication,
to grant any under any patent now or hereafter issued or to
grant any right to reproduce anything else called for by this contract.
(a) The Government shall deliver to the Contractor, for use in
connection with and under the terms of this contract, the property des-
cribed in the Schedule or specifications, together with such related
data a.d information as the Contractor may request and as may reason-
ably be required for the intended use of such property (hereinafter
referred to as "Government-furnished Property"). The delivery or per-
foriancu dates for the supplies or services to be furnished by the Con-
tractor under this contract are based upon the expectation that Govern-
ra.ent-furnished Property suitable for use will be delivered to the, at the times stated in the Schedule or, if not so stated, in
sufficient time to enable the Contractor to meet such delivery or, pe:r-
fornance dates. In the event that Government-furnished Property is not
delivered to the Contractor by such time or times, the Contracting Offi-
cer shall, upon timely written request made by the Contractor, make; a
`determination of the delay occasioned the Contractor thereby, and shall
equitably adjust the delivery or performance dates or the contract price,
or both, and any other contractual provision affected by such delay, in
accordance with the procedures provided for in the clause of this con-
tract entitled "Changes." In the event the Government-furnished Property
is received by the Contractor in a condition not suitable for the in.-
"tended use the Contractor shall, upon receipt thereof, notify the, Con-
tracting Officer of such fact and, as directed by the Contracting Offi-
cer, either (i) return such property at the Government `s expense or
otherwise dispose of the property or ii) effect repairs or modifica-
tions. Upon the completion of (i5 or (ii) above, the Contracting Officer
,upon 'written request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery
or performance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other con-
tractual provision affected by the; rejection or disposition, or the re-
,pair or modification, in accordance with the procedures provided for in
the clause of this contract entitled "Changes." The foregoing provisions
for adjustment are exclusive and the Government shall not be liable to
suit for breach of contract by reason of any delay in delivery of'Gov-
ernrtent-furnished Property or delivery of such property in a condition
not suitable for its intended use.
(b) By notice in writing the Contracting Officer may decrease the
property furnished or to be furnished by the Government under this con-
tract. In any such case, the Contracting Officer upon tlic written re-
quest of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or per-
formaace dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contrac-
tual provisions affected by the decrease, in accordance with the pro-
cedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes."
PP (Oct-8, 1950)
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(c) Title to the Gover-m:lept-furnished property shall remain in
the Govornmetzt - Title to Goverp ocnt-furnished property shall not be
affected by the incorporation or attac'=cat thereof to any property
not owned by the Government, nor shall such Govcrnracrrt-furnished pro-
perty, or any part thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity
aS personalty by reason of affixation to any realty. The Contractor
shall maintain adequate property control records of Government-furnished
property in accordance with the pro visions of the "Manual for the Control
of Government Property in the Possession of Contractors" (Appendix B,
Arrzed Services Procurement Regulation) as in effect on the date of the
contract, which Manual is hereby incorporated by reference and made a
part of this contract.
(d) The Government-furnished property shall, unless otherwise
provided herein, be used only for the performance of this contract.
(c)' The Contractor shall maintain and administer, in accordance
with sound industrial practice, a program for the maintenance, repair,
protection and preservation of Governnment-furnished property, until
disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with this clause. In the
event that any damage occurs to Gove=ient-furnished Property the risk
of which has been assumed by the Govern ent under this contract, the
Gove pnent shall replace such items or the Contractor shall make such
repair of the property as the Government directs, provided, however,
that if the Contractor cannot effect such repair within the time re-
quired, the Contractor shall dispose of such property in the manner
directed by the Contracting Officer. The contract price includes no
compensation to the Contractor for the performance of any repair or
replacement for which the Government is responsible., and an equitable
adjustment will be made in the contract price for any such repair or
replacement of Government-furnished property made at the direction of
the Government. Any repair or replacement for which the Contractor
is responsible under the provisions of this contract shall be accom-
pushed by the Contractor at its own expense.
(f) (i) Except for loss, destruction or damage resulting from a
failure of the Contractor, duo to willful misconduct or lack of good
faith of any of the Contractor's m a.nagerial personnel as defined
herein, to maintain and administer the progrmi for the maintenance,
repair, protection and preservation of the Gover,=cnt-furnished pro-
perty as required by paragraph (c) hereof, and except as specifically
provided in clause (s) ........ of this contract or in the clause or
clauses of this contract designated in the Schedule, the Contractor
shall not be liable for loss or destruction of or daLia,ge to the Gov-
ernt:zent-furnished property (A) caused by any peril while the property
is in transit off the Contractor's promises, or (B) caused by any of
the following perils while the property is on the Contractor's or sub-
contractor's prermises, or on any other promises where such property
may properly be located, or by reru-wn,1 ?h;~r:afr _i b,icaust-!.af any of the
following perils:
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(I) Fire, lightning; windstorm, cyclone, tornado, hail; explo-
sion; riot, riot attending a st:,ri_ke, civil commotion; vandalism and mali-
ciou$ mischief; sabotage; aircraft or objects falling therefrom; vehicles
run.4ug on land or tracks, excluding vehicles owned or operated by the
Contractor or any agent or employee of the Contractor; smoke, sprinkler
earth uake or volcanic eruption; y including action in hin-
leakage; a bod of water; hostile or warlikeact-.Lon, flood meaning' ahrony rising
dering, combating, or defending against an actual, impending or expected
attack by any government or sovereign power (de jure or de facto), or by
ay authority using military, naval, or air forces, or by an agent of any
Such government, power, authority, or forces; or
(II) Other peril, of a type not listed above, if such other
peril is customarily covered by insurance (or by a reserve for self-
insurance) in accordance with the normal practice of the Contractor, or
the prevailing practice in the industry in which the Contractor Is en-
with respect to similar property in the same general locale-
The perils as set forth in (A) and (B) above are hereinafter called
ilexcopted perils."
This clause shaU.l not be construed as relieving a subcontractor from
l.abil y for loss or destruction of or damage to the Government-Furnished
properL- while in its possession or control, except to the extent that
the subcontract, with the prior approval of the Contracting Officer, may
provide for the relief of the subcontractor from such liability. In the
bsen,~e cf such approval, the subcontract shall contain appropriate pro-
v?sions requiring the return of all Government-Furnished property in as
good condition as when received, except for reasonable wear and tear or
for the utilization of the property in accordance with the provisions of
the prime contract.
The term "Contractor's managerial personnel" as used herein means
the Contractor's directors, officers and any of its managers, superin-
tendents, or other equivalent representatives who have supervision or
direction of (I) all or substantially all of the Contractor's business;
(II) all or substantially all of the Contractor's operation at any one
lant or separate location at which the contract is being performed;
,(III) a separate and complete major industrial operation in connection
vit i the porfoxmance of this contract.
(ii) The Contractor represents that it is not including in the
price hereunder, and agrees that it will not hereafter include in any
price to the Government, any charge or reserve for insurance '(including
self-insurance funds or reserves) covering loss or destruction of or
damage to the Government-furnished property caused by any excepted
(iii) Upon.the happening of loss or destruction of or damage
to any Government-furnished property caused by an excepted peril, the
Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer thereof, and shall
FF (Oct. 8, 1956)
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communicate with the Loss and Salvage Organization, if any, now or here-
after designated by the Contracting Officer, and with the assistance of
the Loss and Salvage Organization so designated (unless the Contracting
Officer has directed that no such organization be employed), shall take
'all reasonable stops to protect the Government-furnished prop'e'rty'from
further damage, separate the damaged and undamaged Government=furnished
PtOV6rty, put all the Government-furnished property in the best possible
order, and furnish to the Contracting Officer a statement of : (A) the
lost, destroyed and damaged Government-.furnished property (B) the time
bbd or:gin of the loss, destruction or damage, (C) all known interests
in commingled property of which the Government-furnished property is a
part, and (D) the insurance, if any, covering any part of or interest
in such eommi.glod property. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for
the expenditures made by it in performing its obligations under this sub-
paragraph (ii3.)(including charges made to the Contractor by the Loss and
.Salvage Organization, except any of such charges the payment of which
the Government has, at its option, assumed directly), to the extent ap-
proved by the Contracting Officer and set forth in a Supplemental Agree-
(iv) With the approval of the Contracting Officer after loss
or destruction of or damage to Gover ment-furnished prop:~rty, and sub-
ject to such conditions and limitations as may be imposed by the Con-
tracting Officer, the Contractor may, in order to minimize the loss to
the Government or in order to permit resumption of business' or the like,
sell for the account of the Government any item of Government-furnished
property which has been damaged beyond practicable repair, or which is
so commingled or combined with property of others, including the Con-
tractor, that separation is impracticable.
(v) Except to the extent of any loss or destruction of or
damage to Government-furnished property for which the Contractor is re-
lieved of liability under the foregoing provisions of this clause, and
exert for reasonable wear and tear or depreciation, or the utilization
of he Govermient-furnished property in accordance with the provisions
of this contract, the Government-furnished property (other than property
permitted to be sold) shall be returned to the Government in as good
condition as when received by the Contractor in connection with this
contract, or as repaired under paragraph (e) above.
(vi) In the event the Contractor is reimbursed or compensated
for any loss or destruction of or damage to the Government-furnished
property, caused by an excepted peril, it shall equitably reimburse the
Government. The Contractor shall do nothing to prejudice the Government's
rights to recover against third parties for any such loss, destruction or
dank, ge and, upon the request of the Contracting Officer, shall ai the
Government's expense,, furnish to the Government all reasonable assistance
=d cooperation (including the prosecution of suit and the execution of
instruments of assignment in favor of the Government) in obtaining re-
covery. In addition, where a subcontractor has not been relieved from
liability for any loss or destruction of or damage to the Govermn-ont-
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Furnished property, the Contractor shall enforce the liability of the
subcontractor for such loss or destruction of or d cage to the Govern-
rlent-F`t.lrnished property for the benefit of the Government.
(vii)(Where applicable). In the event any aircraft are to be
furnished under this contract, any loss or destruction of, or damage to,
such aircraft or other Government-furnished property occurring in con-
nection with operations of said aircraft will be governed by the clause
of this contract captioned "Flight Risks", to the extent such clause is,
by its terms, applicable.
(g) The Government shall at all reasonable times have access to
the prey .ises wherein any Government-furnished property is located.
(h) Upon the completion of this contract, or at such earlier date
as may be fixed by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall submit,
in a form acceptable to the Contracting Officer, inventory schedules
covering all items of Goverment-furnished property not consumed in the
performance of this contract (including any resulting scrap), or not
theretofore delivered, to the Government, and shall deliver or make such
other disposal of such Government-furnished property, as may be directed
or authorized by the Contracting Officer. Recoverable scrap from Gov-
ornment-furnished property shall be reported in accordance with a pro-
cedure and in such form as the Contracting Officer may direct. The net
proceeds of any such disposal shall be credited to the contract price or
shall be paid in such other manner as the Contracting Officer may direct.
(i) Directions of the Contracting Officer and communications of
the Contractor shall be in writing.
(a) The performance of work under this contract may be terminated
by the Government in accordance with this clause in whole, or from time
to time is part, whenever the Contracting Officer shall determine that
such termination is in the best interest of the Government. Any such
termination shall be effect=d by delivery to the Contractor of a Notice
of Termination specifying the extent to which performance of work under
the contract is terlilinated, and the date upon which such te=iination be-
comes effective
(b) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, and except as other-
wise directed by the.Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall (1) stop
word under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the
Notice of Te ri.Lination (2) place no further orders or subcontracts for
materials, services, or facilities except as may be necessary for com-
pletion of such portion of the work under the contract as is not ter-
minated.; (3) terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that
they relate to the performance of work terminated by the Notice of Ter-
mination; (4) assign to the Government, in the manner, at the tines, and
to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, all of the right,
FPA~Oct. 8 5 61ease 1999/09/08 ,CIA-RDP81 B00879R000500020015-3
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title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts
so terminated, in which case the Government shall have the right, in its
.iscretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termina-
tion of such orders and subcontracts (5) settle all outstanding liabi-
lities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and sub-
contracts, with the approval or ratification of the Contracting Officer,
to the extent he may require, which approval or ratification shall be
final for all the purposes of this clause; (6) transfer title and deliver
to the Government, in the manner, at the tiz_ios, and to the extent, if any,
dircctei by the Contracting Officer, (i) the fabricated or unfabricated
parts, work in process, completed work, supplies, and other material pro-
duced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of,
the work terminated by the Notice of Termination, and (ii) the completed
or partially completed plans, drawings, information, and other property
which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to
be furnished to the Governimment. (7) use its best efforts to sell, in the
manner, at the tines, to the extent, and at title price or prices directed
or authorized by the Contracting Officer, any property of the types re-
ferred to in provision (6) of this paragraph, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the
Contractor (i) shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser,
and (ii) may acquire any such property under the conditions prescribed
by and at a price or prices approved by the Contracting Officer; and
PROVIDED further that the proceeds of any such transfer or disposition
shall be applied in reduction of any payments to be made by the Govern-
rint to the Contractor under this Contract or shall otherwise be credited
to the price or cost of the work covered by this contract or paid in such
ot~ior Ea,! nor as the Contracting Officer may direct; (8) complete perfor-
mla4.ce of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the
Notice of Temoi.natiou; and (9) take such action as nay be necessary, or
as the Contracting Officer may direct, for the protection and preserva-
tipn of the property related to this contract which is in the possession
oftthc Contractor and in which the Government has or may acquire an
,nrerest. At a,ny time after expiration of the plant clearance period, as
defined in Section VIII, Armed Services Procurement Regulation, as it nay
'fie ,amended from ti.r.i-~;-tc-tines the Contractor may submit to the Contrac-
tirg Officer a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all
itls of terminatiou inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of
itcps the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the
Contracting Officer, and may request the Government to remove such items
or Tenter into a storage agreement covering thou. Not later than fifteen
{ 15) days thereafter, the Governs :nt will acc apt title. to such items and
rel_pve therm or enter, into a storage agreement covering the s:a,rie, PROVIDED
that the list s fitted shall be subject to verification by the Contrac-
ts Officer upon removal of the items, or if the items are stored, within
f o y--five (45) days from the date of submission of the list, and any
ncc?scary adjusts ent to correct the list as submitted shall be .undo prior
to final settlement.
(c) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall
submit to the Contracting Officer its termination claim, in the form and
FP (Oct- 8, 1956)
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with the certification prescribed by the Contracting Officer. Such claim
shall be submitted promptly but in no event later than two years from
the effective date of ter~:iination, unless one or i.iore extensions in writ-
_ are granted by the Contracting Officer, upon request of the Contrac-
tor raad ; in writing wi-r.hin such two-year period or authorized extension
thereof. However, if the Contracting Officer determines that the facts
justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination
claim at any time after such two-year period or any extension thereof.
Upon failure of the Contractor to submit its termination cla,ii:i within
the, time allowed, the Contracting Officer may deterriine, on the basis of
information available to him, the ai_.ount, if any, due to the Contractor
by reason of the termination and shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the
amount so deter~:iined.
(d) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (c), the Contractor and
the Contracting Officer may agree upon the whole or any part of the
amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total
or partial termination of work pursuant to this clause, which amount
or amounts may include a reasonable allowance for profit on work done.
The contract shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be
paid the agreed ai:iount. Nothing in paragraph (c) of this clause, pros-
cribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure:
of the Contractor and the Contracting Officer to agree upon the whore
czloun' to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the tcrr_;ination of work
pursuant to this clause, shall be deei.ied to limit, restrict, or otherwise'
deter~ .ne or affect the ai-.,ount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be
paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph (a).
(e) In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Contrac-
tinE -.OJfficer to agree as provided in paragraph (d) upon the whop. w.iount
to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant
to this clause, the Contracting Officer shall determine, on the basis of
information available to him, the ai.iount, if any, due to the Contractor
by reason of the termination and. shall pay to the Contractor the amounts
determined as follows:
(1) For completed suppliers accepted by the Government (or sold
or acquired as provided in paragraph (b) (7) above) and not theretofore
paid: for, a Su_: equivalent to the aggregate price for such supplies eom
putod in accordance with the price or prices specified in the contract,
appropriately adjusted for any saving of freight or other charges;
(2) The total of --
(i) The costs incurred in the performance of the work teriaina-
ted, including initial costs and preparatory oxpense allocable thereto,
but exclusive of any costs attributable to supplies paid or to be paid
for under paragraph (e)(1) hereof;
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We contract entitled "Disputes
by the Contracting Officer under paxagre
above and has failed to request
such tiant he shall have no such right of . In
any case vhere the Contracting Officer has made a deter a1 tic n of
the =aunt due under paragraph (c) or (e) above, the Qover t
to the Contractor the following: (i) if there is no right
or if no timely appeal has be= taken, the amount
the Contracting Off seer, or (ii) if en appeal has
amomt finally determined on such apps.
Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81 B00879R000500020015-3
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(h) In arriving at the amount due the Contractor under this clause
'Which the Government May have against the Contractor in connection with
this contract, and ) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of sale of,
yments on account theretofore, made to the Contractor, (2) any claim
there shall be dQcbuctQd (1.) all unliquidatd advance or other unliquidated
materials, supplies, or other things acquired by the Contractor or
Fold, pursuant to the, provisions of this clause, and not otherwise re-
covered by or credited to the Government-
) If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settle-
nnent the terminateed portion of this contract, the Contractor may file e Contractin Officer a request in writing for an equitable ad-
justmen of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to
th,; con inued.portion of the contract (the portion not terminated by
the No cc of Termination), and such equitable adjustment as may be
agreesl ipon shall be made in such price or prices.
Viable statute, the Contractor, from the effective date of termination
(k) unless otherwise provided for in this contract, or by appli-
tiou..invcr o y until ten days after the data of such retention ordis-
tractorts laim by reason of retention or other disposition of termina-
ect to atr such excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Con-
rt t a:t rovided, however, that, no interest shall be charged with res-
er aaa.L t , for the period from the date such excess payment is received
y the Contractor to the date on which such excess is repaid to the Gov-
ernment upon demanl, together with interest computed at the rate of 6%O
this clause such excess shall be payable by the Contractor to the, Gov-
the Cccntracyor will be entitled hereunder. If the -total of such payments
cer tle.agg?-egate of such payments shall be with:Ln the amount to which
portion of this contract whenever in the opinion of the Contracting Off 1-
against c,s~s incurred by the Contractor in connection with the terminated
ditiors ~a it may prescribe, make partial payments and payments on account
`(j) The Government may from time to time
under such terms and con-
nd for a period of six years after final settlement under this con-
ract, shall preserve and make avc4lable to the Government at r11 rea-
ot}ab1e tics at the gfficP of the Contractor but. without, d.;LrQq erg
o;the,Government, all its books., records, documents, and other evidence
earipg on the costs and expenses of the Contractor under this contract
r rid relating to the work terminated ,hereunder, or, to the ,:xtent ap-
roved by'tYie Contracting Officer, photographs, micro-photographs, or
thcr.authentic reproductions thereof.
g ac ox stall be paid, upon the submission of properly cer-
~tifi~ invoices or vouc ers the
~.eliv~.rc.d and aces tcc~ or s:,rvic pi ices stipulated herein for supplies
p es rendered and accepted, less deductions,
P (Oct. 8?, l956)
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if any, as herein provided. Unless otherwise specified, paynent'will
be made on partial deliveries occ..pted by the Government when the
amount due on such deliveries so warrants or, when requested by the
Contractor, payment for accepted partial deliveries shall be r,.lade 'when-
ever such payment would equal or exceed either $1,000 or 50% of the
total amount of this contract.
(a) The Government may, subject to the provisions of paragraph
(b) below, by written Notice of Default to the Contractor, terminate
the whole or any part of this contract in any one of the following cir-
cumstances :
(i) If the Contractor fails to make delivery of the supplies or
to perform the services within the time specified heroin or any exten-
sion thereof; or
(ii) If the Contractor fails to perform any of the other provi-
sions of this contract, or so fails to make progress as to endanger
performance of this contract in accordance with its terms, and in either
of those two circumstances does not cure such failur. within a period
of 10 days (or such longer period as the Contracting Officer may auth-
orize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Contracting Officer
specifying such failure.
(b) The Contractor shall not be liable for any excess costs, if
any fa-i.lure to perform the contract arises out of causes beyond the
control and without 'the fault or negligence of the Contractor. Such
causes include, but are not restricted to, acts of God or of'the
public enemy, acts of the Government, fires, floods, epidemics, quar-
antine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, unusually severe
weather, and defaults of subcontractors due to any of such causes
unless the Contracting Officer shall determine that the supplies or
services to be furnished by the subcontractor were obtainable from
othex sources in sufficient time to permit the Contractor to meet the
required delivery schedule
(c) In ' he event the Government terminates this contract in whole
or in part as provided in paragraph (a) of this clause, the Government
may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as the Contracting
Officer may deere appropriate, supplies or services similar to those so
terlIinated, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Government for
any excess costs for such similar supplies or services, PROVIDED that
the Contractor shall continue.. thy. performance of this contract to the
extent not terminated under the provisions of this clause.
(d) If this contract is terminated as provided in paragraph (a)
of this clause, the Government, in addition to any other rights pro-
vided in this clause, may require the Contractor to transf ker' title
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and deliver to the Government, in the :manner and to the extent directed
by the Cunt.rac'l?- n;; Officer,, (i) any completed supplies,, and (ii) such
partially eorip.L ted supplies and materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs,
fixtures, plans,; drawings, information and contract rights (herein-
after called "manufacturing materials") as the Contractor has speci-
fically produced or specifica2ay acquired for the perfor-lancc of such
part of this contract as has been terminated; and the Contractor shall,
upon direction of the Contracting Officer, protect and preserve pro-
perty in possession of the Contractor in which the Government has an
into":'est> The Government shall pay to the Contractor the contract
price for completed supplies delivered to and accepted by the Govern-
Mont, and the amount agreed upon by the Contractor.and the Contrac-
ti.g Off'icee for manufacturing materials delivered to and accepted
by the Government and for the protection and preservation of property.
Failure to agree shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact
within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes."
(a) If, after notice of termination of this contract under the
provisions of paragraph (a) of this clause, it is determined that the
failure to perform this contract is due to causes beyond the control
and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor pursuant to the
provisions of paragraph (b) of this clause, such Notice of Default
shall bQ deemed to have been issued pursuant to the clause of this
contract, entitled "Termination for Convenience of the Goverment'," and
the rights and obligations of the parries hereto shall in such event
be governed by such clause. Except as otherwise provided in this
contract, this paragraph (c) applies only if this contract is with a
military department.
d..rurtedies provided by law or under this contract.
(f) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this
clause shall not be exclusive aad-'are in addition to any other rights
The fellowixng a7.teraticns were made in this contract prior to
signature thereof by the Parties to this contract:
F? (Oct. 8, 1956)
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