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Document Release Date: 
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Stanrlarcl Form No. 1054-Revised 'Fq~ m rescribed by ~,i 9 iomyrdc ft-ReleasSERV e c er (Gen. Reg. No. 51, Sapp. I4'o. 11) (Amended February 20, 1062) Payee's Account No_ ________________ U. S. _ c4sT__mum .UIB_ ------------------------------------------ (Department, bureau, or establishment) Voucher prepared at _________________________________________(Give place and date) THE UNITED STATES, Dr., --------------------------------------------------------- -? - (Payee) ----------------- -----------------?-----------i------------'---------?---'(State) -- No. and Date of Order Date of Delivery or Service ARTICLES OR SERVICES (Enter description Item number of contract or Federal supply schedule, and other information deemed necessary) Discount Terms PAYMENT: Complete ^ Partial ^ -533___________________ 98000Bu. V100ou. o. 1 *001-0--- ------ - Total Shipped from to Weight Government B/L No. (Payee must NOT use this space) ..certify that the above: bill is correct and just and that payment, has pat been received. I , Differences --------------------------------- (Sign original only) 25X1A9a 2-k-7-59--- "P. 2-- t for if d ---------- ; correc e Amount ver (Signature or initials).,- -------------------- Date Date Invoice Recd. R eq N Contract No. (4.- Pursuant to author: ?vested in me, I certify that this account is correct and proper for payment. f Approved for $ ----------------------------------- SIGN ORIGINAL ONLY ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- (Au--thorized Certifying Officer) Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title ---------------------------------------------------------- THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM MUST BE EXECUTED WHEN PURCHASES ARE MADE OR SERVICES SECURED WITHOUT WRITTEN AGREEMENT IN ANY FORM ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (Appropriation Symbol must be showng other classification optional) I ASS. te:.,.: . _ . Jam- ire DATEI Final ^ on Treasurer of the United States in aver of Check No. dated 19 for $ {Payee named above. Paid by -------------------------------------- ----- 19----- Payee - -- leas oo.~ o.,1y) Cash. $------------------------- on ----------------------------- ? Whep-gyq~yr,~ ~gg do receI d ' the name p y o/r cor gorreation theenme of the person writing t"Ar h 7r; t~"' ~`73~ ~D'c ' OW D Pv V "John Doe Company, per Jon mit coreta or s aso t If' the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature only is'neetcd- t ---------11 essary; otherwise the approving officer will s gn on the line below "Approved for $______-_ over his official title. $2,323 70 Z Per ----------------------------------------------------------------- 879R000100180010-5 Title ------------------------------------------------------- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81 B00879R000100180010-5 1. Advertising in newspapers Yes ^ No ^. 2. (a) Advertising by circular letters sent to -------------------- dealers. (b) And by notices posted in public places Yes ^ No ^. (If notices were not posted in addition to advertising by circular letters sent to dealers, explanation of each omission must be made below.) ------------------ ,----------------------- r-------`--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Here state in detail the nature of the exigency or circumstances under which the securing of competition was impracticable under 3 and 4) NOTE.-The above form "Method of or Absence of Advertising" is to be used when purchases are made or services secured under proper authority without written agreement in any form. In case of a written agreement (formal contract, proposal, and acceptance, or legs formal agreement) Standard Form No. 1036-Revised should be used for abstracting the method of or absence of advertising and award of contract. (See General Regulations No. 51, as amended.) Approved For Release 1999/09108 : CIA-RDP81 B00879R0000100180010-5 Form prescribed b f " thTIAO- E?Pgfb@@9 '9 0100180010-5 +C~~'~or R~lea (Gen. Reg. No. blr Supp. fo. 11) ervices Other .Than Personal CONTINUATION SHEET U. S---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheet No- -----1----- of Bureau Voucher No- ----- 33--. (Department, bureau, or establishment) d D t N Date of ARTICLES OR SERVICES UAN- UNIT PRICE AMOUNT a e o. an of Order Deliver y (Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply schedule, Q ITY or service and other information deemed necessary) Cost Per Dollars Cts. t ((CDP -4) t C rac on Direct Costs Properly Chargeable to Contract for the period 11-1-58 thru 12-31-5b Re search & MJO 4048 De velopm ent Total Labor fo r the period 11-1-58 thru 11-30-58 180 40 Labor fo r the period 12-1-58 thru 12-31-58 1,628- 34 1,808 74 Other Di ect Costs - Material Requisitions JV 128143 514 96 Total Bi lling 2,323 ,70 .r. Approved For Release I 999/0&IQ8 weC,IA-ROP8 0879R000100180010-5