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Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600879R000100140116-2 FOIAb3a ar&sfeerf,0 cfp-6 /y pitt.ek 4*`? A41`14?? Cab-v4CA-sL.( ,A0,te".44(L e " t'4 ? /44A--trZira/I4-ce aft-k-*441 P`A/41 1141,' 44_?41, qe). -$ $ $ X .)-41&r3 YE 3c 79342 i CZ 7)-07 /-.s.J , 7, I 7* IP -fr,,r r?.-7Lri- it7v467 ).-90--ig C /97,,---t' f 0 11; , Cf o3o c (!) 4,41,47 a'6-r-193 81.?!1/ /3:4444" 711v43 eY, lot 74;14-12-?,-3/353I tc 1?-7jii,to 6,0 s. 4-ta cl'rjAtO"rked-favor Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81B00879R00010014.1*2L FOIAb3a Approved Faro Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP841900879R000100140116-2 aONTRACTOWS ASSIGNMENT OF REFaNDS REBATES, AND CREDITS ? ontract No MA! MY. mg. . g C.132 FOIAb3a Pursuant to the terms or Contract No. 110111111111J, anl la FOIAb3a consideratton of the reimbursement of coats tTtee, as provided in the said contract and any assignment thereunder, the called the Contractor) does hereby: FOIAb3a 1, Aasign transfer, set over and release to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereidifter called the Government), all rigat, title an interest to all refends, rebates, credits or other amounts (including any interest thereon) aolsing out of the performance of the said contract, together with aI1 the rights of action accrued or which. may hereafter accrue thereunder. 2. Mame to take whatever action pay be necessary to effect prompt collection of all refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts (ineluding any lntereat thereon) due or which may become due, and to promptly forward to the Contracting Officer, checks (made payable to the Treasure' of the United States) for any proceeds so collected. The reasonable cost of any auch action to effect collection shall constitute ello able coati when spproved by the Contreotang Officer as stated in the aaid contract and may be applied to reduce any amounts- otherwise payable to the Governmeet ander the terms hereof. 3. Agree to cooperate fully with the Government as to any elei or alit in connection with refunds, rebates, credits or other amounts due (including any interest thereon); to execute any protest, pleading appli- eation, poeer of attorney or other papers in connection thereultn; anC to eermat the Government to represent it at any hearing, trial or other pro- eeedang arising out of such claim or suit. i% WITNESS WHEREOF, this assignment has been executed this awe of December 19 61 , FOIAb3a !JITNEWP WWI 4.144.6apaawarga.s.amparalaa laiasasap.,Qyc Br 18th cntle oto: rn 05 -Ease o i Irorporittion,laireigiirrxre na regarea ui t noising certificate must be completed.) FOIAb3a egETIFICATE 11. zertify that I am the Clerk of the oorpolvtLcm -,r-.Tied an C ractor in the foregoing aseignment; that wao signed salt assignment on behalf of the Contractor 'ataa tnenIx f said corporation by authority of its government body and is withtn the ucopc oP its corporatta powers. Or,!ORPORATE SEAL) FOIAb3a Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP81600879R000100140116-2 FOIAb3a