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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 28, 1960
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA- 1500879R000100.1)20043-6 WE-471440 Contract No. EIGOITATKA CONTRACT 25X1A2g Westinghouse Electric Corporation Yriendship International Airport Baltimore 27, MarY1106. 25X1A1a Contract tort Sen*Personal Contract technical Service Personnel Amt: Mail1woicau tot nistra &tat Period Performance: See Schedule 1*n.d the thi ed the Government, represented by the Coo icer executing this contract, and the above-named Con- tractor which is a Corporation incorporated in the State of Penn- sylvanis hereinafter called the Contractor. The Parties hereto ogre* that the Contractor *hall furnish the nacessar7 personnel and shall perform all the services set forth in the attached schedule issued hereunder for the consideration stated therein. The rights and obligations of the partial to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the attaclupdfthedule ant General Provisions 25X1A2g which twpWthAir with this signature page and the ecoompanying certificate comprise this Contract No. In the event of any inconsistency between the Schedule and the General Provisions, the Schedule shall control. 25X1A5a2 IN WX$ as of N 2iq0 parties hereto have exam ,96O It4f.:!$7-44/.11E-Iii:* IV 1b 4;*) f?r, BY tzeut ug Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP 25X1A9a 71-17_ ' < ' 00100020043-6 25X1A5a2 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81600879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81600879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1.9_99/09/08 : CIA-RDP811300879R000100CL20043-6 SECRET in; that 25X1A2g was duly siege the Contractor ? of said Corporation that said con. n bohalf of said Co ration by authority of its govarning body, and is vithin the scope of its CorporrAte powers, tract Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81600879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1199/09/08 : CIA-RDP81B00879R000100Q20043-6 JILT rezx or 8XRVXCZ 10 U PD.. OONSIMPATION AND PAT. OF 25X1A2g 0'6044** 4 40 40 ???? 0 ? a ?????????? ? 0 ? Sal 444444 ??????? ? ? ? ???? ? *4 OM 04040 0 * S *** ? ? ? ????? 6 7 L!i..-..,-...-,....,..,440......?....,....8 WAIVER OP BAUIRSKEPIS OF awn PBOVZOPONS.... ? ???? 0 ? 9 MCIAL MIR= SPOTillOTIONE?4,44 ?0011?4 ? *0104.4 4041 4 ? stAi ** . ? ? ? 10 ANGINS0400 AND MT= mowna a ........ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? 201 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDig 1B00879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1,199/09/08 : CIA-RDP81B00879R000100(120043-6 dir 25X1A2g Aitamiz 111800110111.: The easigument of contract ervtc. personnel io a designated place and the effective eigmaent vill be made by entual *armament between o. An oversee* assigument wlfl be substentiated of a *Letter of Assignment* and shall be in accord- bit sr, vhish is attaohed and made a pert of this tractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer to of the aesignment letters entered into as may Contracting Officer. Any supervisory personnel or assigned to perform services hereunder vill be Contracting Officer to location, at vhich such be performed. The contracting officer will be its. sions are set forth in onnei shall 'teedall ployees of the Contractor and under supervisory control. Such supervision shall be by visits of the Contractor's rnapervtsoxs to locations are being performed. Bovever, the COntractor and rsonnel shall, in the performance of services hereunder, nd comply with the dirsetions and requirements of the Commander or his authorised representative under vbose erviee* shall be performed in a satisfa;tory manner. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP8t11100879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1199/09/08 : CIA-RIN181, 79R0001006120043-6 25X1 A2g keep the Contractor y suitable internal cer the Contractor mill problems to such Officer. The Con- th copies of such contract t col services personnel to the extent authorised other t Base including but not limited to Necsrnssiy isedicel and dental oar. for the Coutractor's personnel at no *hers, to the Contractor in the event that commercial medical or dental faeilities are not amenable to the Contractor's personnel. Provisions concerning vacation leave are set forth in PART IX of the dehedule. #41;Par tenance parts, tools and test equipment required maintenance of egniPXOnt 404 furnished under another contract shell be made available to the Contrectorle maintenance .personnel by the Government at the looation *hero-maintenance is to be performed. 21101, Government shall make available to the Contractor's maintenance personnel, for exclusive use to each overseas maintenance location almbiele such as a earTrall truck Al 4001.. 125 -275 or equivalent, inclutlicg *Milos and finite,* for maintenanee thereof at no cost to the Contractor. The Contractor mill mount eortain maintenance equipment in said vehicle to faellitate maintenance. This vehicle is to be used for official business only. The Contractor 'hall mapport its fieldUnarms personnel employed in the pe mance of this contract vith engiaseriag services and special teat facilities. ARRO01.0 of such services are: (a) Visits of bee& Warta?* engineers, *hen approved by the Government, to assist such field maintenance personnel in ever- claming maintenance problems; (b) Investigations at the Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP8 79R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1999109/08 : CIA-RDP81B00879R0001000,20043-6 '4i.tAU I 25X1A2g r's headquarter* of fi lasts traotor's headquarters of &onsnts sub - or equipments which have shQvc excessive the field. is authorised to supply by local tures or other procurement any a, tools, test eqpipment or hardware ily available and, necessary for the de in the statement of volt. 'Or y purposes only, pureheees in the field will jest to the approval of the Base Commauder. ammples of such materials and services are as follows: Mesistors, Cepositore, Inductors* or Naeuum Tubes ibich are not Included is Government furnished property and. are not available in bass *MAY. Minor test equipment audh is Voltmeter, Ammeter or similar indicating devices not available in base supply. Repair at Contraetor'a plant or at other source test equipment and production equipment Which melfUnations during maintenance. 25X1A1a pAIDORIT ? The Government shall and Clause 4 of the General cc of this contract, and upon the odbmiesion of invoices or vouchers therefor, as full Mum% for lied by the Contractor hereunder, as follows: A prorisionta mount of month preceding amendment redetermined price. ? for each calendar contreet incorporating An amount for each calendar month amendment of contract *doh amount shall be termieed total price of PART Ib less previous wader the Pareent Provision (o) immeasteLy above, divided by the number (4: 44:ender months renaming specified coopletion of contract. in the event that total payment under Piquort Nov/aim (s) emmeeds the redetermined price such 'Mess *hall bellows immediately due and payable to the Government. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA 100879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1199/09/08 : CIA-RDP81B00879R0001006120043-6 25X1A1a 25X1A1a 25X1A1a 25X1A1a St.61iL l. the event. tiasly price of TART lb is ments shall continue at calendar month until the No 25X1A2g nation of the total as antiei ted, pay - of forch total price of PART Ib is redetermined, PROVIDICO, that in no event shall the total of progrees payments made under PART 1b exceed 90 percent of the total estimmted contract price. imbursement for the astual cost tion furnished by the Contractor provisions of this contract. tel estiaated contract 60 through 30 June 1961 is amount NM is to cover transportation costs and Con- shed replacement parts. Of the total estimated price is subject to the provisions of PAM V.PRICS RPM TORMINATION and for transportation and Contractor furnished replacement parte shall be reinbureed at actual coat. 25X1A1a Of rivoywiroR PADONT: Invoices shall be setter payment in accordance with Clause 4 of VII: Contractor personnel shall be granted two at each time as is mutwallyeipmmeahle the Contractor. 9uoh vaostion period to t where reasonable eommercial facilities le to the Government and to the Con-' will furnish transportation. The venetian will end at this point after which the Government will furnish transportation back to the site of work. NA ? Co (kale oc-r egisy dLA?,e. zu-figszaz?m3: The Services of the contract technical services personnel celled for under PART Tb of this contract shall be furnished *en and SA reguired during the period of 1 JUly 1960 through 32 Awe 1961. 7- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RPP81Bp0879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP81B00879R000100020043-6 SLaki ? 25X1A2g of the nature of the services called for by this umeertaintyaa to the cost of alumnae hereumeer, contract agree that the total estimated oontract PART II?CONSIDERNUMAKCIPAXMCYT hereto, may ed, in accordance with the provisions of this after 31 October 1960, or such other date as may upon by the parties hereto, the parties shell ermine vhether the total estimated contract price wervices shall be reviled and a new total contract * such nom total coatract price to be fixed and to amount payable to theContractor for satisfactory he contract, including services, theretofore or thereafter to be furnished. as practicable, and in no case later than sixty (60) 1960, the Contractor shall furnish to the a statemsnt, in such form and detail as, the preseribe, of the ?wit (includlne estimates the services called for under this information as maybe pertinent in the total contract price pursuant to this ement of cost *bell fairly refloat the normal Contractor's coat system, takiag into account any normal cost 'Atom as is reqpired by the security upon the Contractor by the Government in perform- rect. The Contracting Officer shall have the Is times to make, or cause to be made by Govern.- other person or persons *greed upon by the parties, or audits of the Contractor's books, records and raciest. ing of the statements end other by- Paragraph 0 of this Clause, the Contractor cor eill promptly negotiate in good faith ? revised, total contract price fox' the e basis of such statement and other pertinent to fair and just compousation to the Con- e of this contract. in determining the osmosis for profit to be taken Into ac- price, consideration will be given to the r has performed the contract with economy and ingenuity. !he revised price shell be by an amendment to this contract. Weever, in the event .8. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RIDP81 0879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81B00879R0001001120043-6 Sti 25X1A2g for price revision, in accordance with this this nnairteintY es to the coat of coePlsta for the over*all completion of this contract, be mods for such future negotiations as to revision to the cireumetances at the time. thirty (30) days, or such other period as mutually the parties hereto, after the filing of the statement t information reqoired by Paragraph 0 of this clause fail to agree upon the revised price, in accordance of this clause, the failure to agree shall be t as to a question of feet ehioh shell be with the clause hereof entitled INIESPUTIS.* of the purgosee of the clause of this contract tion at the option or convenience of the (iovern,- limitation, computation of *the total contract price of mork not terminated!), the contract revised contract price agreed upon under Paragraph of determined under Paragraph g of this clause, as Imoxylp MMOTREMINT% or ompuut PROVDMIN?. Notwithstanding the requirements of the General Provisions of this contract to the contrary, vhensoever the Contractor, in per- formance of the vork under this contract,shall find that the re- qpixements of any of the elms,* of the moral Provisions are in oonfliet with security instructions limed to the Contractor by the Contracting Officer or by his duly authorised representative for security natters, the Contractor shall call the attention of the Contracting Officer to such conflict end the Contracting Officer or his duly authorised representative for security matters shall (1) nodify or rescind such security requirements or (ii) the Contract- ing Officer shall iMUO to the Contractor a maiver of compliance with the reqpirements of the General Provisions conflicting with "ma Security requirements. Any waiver of compliance with the General Provisions of this contract issued by the Contracting Offieer Shall be in writing, except that the approval by the Con- treating Officer of any subcontract issued hereunder by the Cont- tractor shall be deemed to constitute approval of waiver of *AY clauses of the General Provisions in conflict With the stipu- lstious of such subcontract. ig3Pg '- Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA4 1600879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 1999/09/08: CIA-RDP8000879R000100020043-6 2 5X 1 A2 g JBIONS shall not reveal (1) the specific neirs or any rk being performed hereunder o ormation peat to the department of the Goverant sponsoring vork thereunder except as the Contrector is to reveal such information by the Contracting y authorised representative for security matters, any clause or section of this contract to the or shall not interpret any clause or section of requiring or permitting divulgence of such information on, palls or private, or to any officer or department of the t the empress consent of the Contracting Officer or his resentative for security matters, PrflOrriGN any Contractor personnel assigned to duty to be missing tram his place ofmenloYeemt, onnel than aetuelly was engaged in the course circumstances supporting an inference that his the action of a hostile fore* or the force of any th the United States in a con vimilitary effort, or can taken prisoner, hostage, or otherwise detained by a hostile force or the force of any paver not allied with the United States tory effort, the time spent by such personnel %(which *WI be construed to iaclude the period personnel is returned to his place of employment, or to the trnited Stetes, or death in tact is established by a finding by the Federal. illeemrityAdetteletrator (hereinafter referred to as *AANInis- trot-ari) or other Federal body having luriedietion or by other evidence eettifeetori to the Contracting Officer, or death can legally be we. mead to have occurred) shall not be considered as time spent in the performance of services hereunder and the Government shall not be ohUfeted to =she any PeYeemt on account of such personnel except as provided in this paragraph. The Contractor is authorised to and shall enter into agreemeets with personnel hereunder to pay benefits to the egteut not otherwisirpaid to such personnel in the event of, and during the time spent by such personnel during such detention, as construed above, which will equal the total wage due for sue1,. detention, as con- strued shove, computed on the basis of vege rate:being paid such personnel at the time of such detention. Claims for benefits shall be made under epplicable ism, with the Administrator. in the event that the Contractor is allotted by agreements' authorised above, to pay and shall have paid benefits in an amount not paid or voyablc by the Admin. istretor on secount of such detention of such personnel, the Government Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : q1A7RDP81B00879R000100020043-6 Approved For Release 19.99/09/08 : CIA- 1,p00879R000100940043-6 IL t 25X1 A2g Coitre.ct*0411111111 the Oentractor, in respect of ewih soDnel tag the Ch detention, as oomrtruedehame, oh vhen amount paid or to be paid is respect of euch personnel by the Aftinistrator, whether to the Contractor or oth.rvtse,Sill tel wage due for =eh period of detention, as construed eampu ed on the basis of vase rate being Paid such Personnel the time of such detention. Stibject to the availability of funds therefor, the Obligation of the Government to make payment* provided for by this paragraph Wall continue in offset during the period of such detention, as construed Above, and Shall survive the earlier expiration or termination of this eontract. PAM virt-BEIMELAILASSZLIMM t as specifically provided herein theContractor's persorm rendering services =Aar this contract vill be governed by the Con tractor's established Abgineering end Service procedure, hereinafter referred to as MIS procedures. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP81B00879R000100020043-6