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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1958
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 4.) L.Nve MI; 11-0/Art, )01 _ cmcc bri6. No. 151x5.972 COPY / -0pL3 Copy./ of ,r.1 Page / of ,L 25 March 1958 Dear Dan: This is a proposal for the development and fabrication of Airborne Electronic System 6 designed to record data concerning signal activity in the frequency range from 50 mc to 14000 mc. The System has been designed for immediate operational effectiveness and high reliability by using as its major functional components either equipment already de- veloped by us for other systems, customer supplied equipment or oper- ational equipment returned to us by the customer. The basic design of the System was agreed upon during the Suppliers' Meeting held at the contractor's plant on 12 December 1957. On this date the Project Director instructed us to proceed with the development and fabrication of five Systems and their associated support equipment and to initiate procurement of long lead-time items for three additional Systems. The attached Technical Proposal (CMCC Doc. No. 1133x5.61) describes the configuration of System 6 as it existed on 27 February 1958. On 3 March 1958 we were asked by customer representatives to add a backward looking X-band antenna pair for pilot monitoring and to develop a new P-band antenna design. Effective 14 March 1958 we were directed to suspend pro- curement for three Systems and to use any material purchased prior to that time as spare parts for the remaining five Systems. The attached Statement of Work, Delivery Schedule and Cost Estimate are based on the System as described in the Technical Proposal plus these later customer requests. Of the five Systems being produced, one has been delivered and another is presently being flight tested. The remaining three Systems will be de- livered prior to 30 April 1958. All of the final assembly of the System on hatch covers and in other regions of the airplane is being done in the field. For this reason a sub- stantial field engineering team will be required, and the costs shown for field liaison and vehicle installation reflect this fact. Instruction guides will be delivered with each System and the Processor's Performance Data Manuals will be delivered 15 May 1958. SECRET This document contains information affecting the national defense of tiv Uied States within the rreaning of the Espiona7e Lows, Ti 18 II S. C , S -cion 793 and 794. Its transmission or i revdation of is contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. eb i2- npr.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 50X1 SECRET NoIt CMCC Doc. No. 1513(5.972 Copy jof 5" Page 41_ of ?We are planning to supply two sets of Fly Away Kits, one set of Depot Spares and two sets of Special Lists of Equipment. All these lists have been approved by the Depot Supply Officer and are shown as exhibits to the attached Cost Estimate. We are not planning to provide a separate System 6 test set as such. As this System is identical in many respects to System 4, and will be located at the same operational sites, we recommend that as much System 4 test equipment as possible be used with System 6. Attached as a separate exhibit is a list of System 4 test equipment which can be used on both Systems. The additional test equipment needed specifically for System 6 is contained in the System 6 Special List of Equipment. The total estimated cost of the System 6 program as described in 1,..1-1-1-? and its attachments Sincerely, Enclosures: Copies 1-3 of the following CMCC Doc. Nors. 1131X5.135 1132X5.195 1134X5.68 1134X5. 74 ].133X5. 61 (Technical Exhibit Copies 1-5) cc: H. A. W. - A. G. O. Copy 4 of the above classified documents except CMCC Doc. No. 1133X5.61 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24 : CIA-RDP81600878R001400020007-2 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFIC, N TOP AND BOTTO ' UNCLASSIFIED CONFIVENTLkL X ECRET \ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE 1 ESO 1 2 Proj. Contracting Officer 3 4 5 - 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY X APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION X COMMENT FILE X RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Copy of Technical Proposal, CMCC Doc. No. 1133X5.61 (book), may be retained if desired. ? FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE 31/3 58 1 UNCLASSIFIED 1 1 CONFIDENTIAL X CRE FORM No.,)37 Replaces Form 30-4 (40) I APR h5 / which may be used. u. s. uovEaroimr PRINTING OEMS ;1955 ?0-342531 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 50X1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICA N TOP AND BOTTO UNCLASSIFIED CONF4effNTIAL I i ECICET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS 0 TE 1 COMO 2 1 /0 I 3 Proj. Contracting Officer i(if4 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY X APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION x COMMENT FILE INFORMATION X RETURN SIGNATURE CONCURRENCE Remarks: **Technical Proposal, CMCC Doc. No. 1133)3.67 (book), may be retained if desired. - ' ...4.--K.- a_vx.....w.e) v ? FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE 31/3/58 L I UNCLASSIFIED I I CONFIDENTIAL FaM.4..151; 9:17 Replaces Form 30-4 which may be used. 40) u. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OF 55 ?0-342531 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/06/24: CIA-RDP81B00878R001400020007-2 50X1 50X1 50X1