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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 12, 1958
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Approved For Release 2001/04/10 :CIA-RDP81B00878R001200020087-7 12~ Juna ~'~58 Subject: Cpntract QS-34E~ C3verseas L7ifferential _~ ~5~ ?~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ .. A review oi~ the basis on which c~verseae differantial allowatscas w,~re eatabkiah~a~d indicates that ~"$" IJetachment was expected. tv operate in an area, of greater hardship than the area t~f ope.rations for "~? I7s- tafihxnent. Ae a reeutt, the "B" I}etachrnant ?versea~a dfffarential war fixed at X50.+00 per maa~ week as compared with an c~verseae diffaren- tial +~f ~35.0EJ per man week fear '~," I?e~tachm+ant. aubsaquent to the agreerr~ents reached at that tune which have been ince~rgttratad in the contract gxice structure and ixs the individual agree- mants of ampic-yment, personnel of ",C~~ ~?etachment havt~ been deployed to a staging area, or s:reas which are believed to be areas of +~~ual hardshig to the axeas esf '~B'e I3atachrr~en,t ogeratit~na. Th+~ disparity in overseas differential beetween~ the detachixients is creating morale probierns among "+~,T' I]etachment personnel iz~ .caging Qpcrations. The comtractar th+erefvre recomxn,~nds that the vr~tt I3e- ta~ch:~eant staging area. or a.reae be reclassified ae to hardships and, that contractor personnel assigned to .such. areas be eligibl+~ fc-r c~vers+aas differential at a rate of X54. t3Q per :rjan week or $?. t30 per man day while on staging operation,a. The cc-ntraetor further reconYmands that the prolrosed reclassification ba retroactive to initial deployment t4 the atagrng area. ft #s estimated that the additional coat through 3~ June 158 will be leffis than ~~, p00.00. Sufficies:t funds are available ie. the contract to permit this retroactive adjustxnent. Your approval. is requested. Vary truly yours. HY+C+OrN M~`C:. CC3Iu1F*AhTY $JW/pe Approved For Release 2001/04/10 :CIA-RDP81B00878R001200020087-7