
Document Type: 
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 19, 2000
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
January 20, 1959
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PDF icon CIA-RDP81B00878R001200020001-1.pdf102.84 KB
Approved For Release 2001/04/10 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200020001 -1 BEST COPY Available THROUGHOUT FOLDER Approved For Release 2001/04/10 : CIA-RDP81 B00878RO01 200020001 -1 ai I sp 5' t ubject: Case of STATINTL Dear Bill: STATINTL We refer you to our recent telephone conversation regarding the under Contract OS-300. On investigating this matter we find that there are the following relavent facts which explain this procedure. fact that has been billed as When project requested that be returned to the plant from the field, was informed that he was being transferred to STATINTL essentially only a change in title. Since the billing rate would be STATINTL higher if - were billed under the M & 0 contract his cost to the project if present billings were reversed would be slightly higher. that headquarters personnel were cognizant of and in agreement with this procedure. remained under a field service contract though on an in-plant RE Mus this title was a convenient one to account for this status. - work has been largely in support of the field service program and therefore the billings were con- sistent with his title and contractual status. Under this arrange- ment his cost to the project has been substantially the same as it would have been had he been maintained on an in-plant status as a part of M & O. Under these circumstances we do not recommend a reversal of our previous billings since it would involve a large amount of administrative expense in order to effect what would be the position of The matter was presented STATINTL to him in this light for security reasons and it is our understanding STATINTL Very truly yours, HYCON MFG. COMPANY KEH/pe T$ Approved For Rele~s '04/F :Ch -RE3f~8'IB00878R001200020001-1