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25X1 -72r Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R0004100240605-1 NSGOTIPIND 41.100,4???.**.0004 447c- 16,cx) - A Lockheed Aircraft Corporatio! Burbank, California ?.??????????? Cant ? 25X1 Contract for: Contract Work :see Schedule) Amount; Mail Invoicee to: As *greed upon. Adrninitrattve rata : Performance Period: See Schedule contract Is entered by and lmtveen the United 6tates of Lca, hereinafter ealled tle Government, represented by the Con- ; Officer executing tk s contre4t, and the above-named Con- tractor which is a Corporatic L, incorporated in the State of C4/1- fornia, hereinafter called th_ Contractor. The parties hereto agree thet the Contractor furnish all the aupplies and perform all the ,.,ervicee set forth in the attached Schedule issued hereunder, f O,4 the consideration stated therein. The rights and Obligations of the partlee to this contract shall be subject to and governed by th attached Schedule and General Provi- sions. in the event of any ioeensietency between the Schedule and the General Provisions, the &1441,dule shall control. IN WITNESS WBBREOF, the parti:,3 hereto have executed this coarse as of _$ JUN 1957 Signatures: Imil..111.10????????01100111.6 _;$CCIGIZEO LIRCRAPT CORPORMI'IQII 25X1 THE UNITED MATES Or AMERICA B 3 Contra icer Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Contract No. 80-57 PART I It (.2 JFPLIES AND ?VI O RE FENINIMIND . ? . . . 4 PANT Il CONSIDERMON AND FAINTRNT . ....... ? ? ? 5 PART III PERIOD CIF PERFORM_ r ? ? . . ? 6 . . . . . 4 * 3 PART IV PRICE REISTESMINATI NI o . ? ? . ? . ? ? ? ? ? 4 5 PART V REPORTS AND MAL AMU:VANCE ? 4 ? 4 4 II 4 4 4 7 PART VX arm CF BTICSMX , ITS OF MERU. NIMMONS . 7 PART VII aztaAL =CURVY g--? ITRICTIONS . ? . 4 4 I 4 4 ? 7 PART VIII IX= CONTRACT Sir li?MIN) . . ? . . .. . 8 3 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 A. Recruit of ttiee *ices Reza*. July 1956 25X1 B. BuPAY the aervice o Auto 25X1 Pilot ?iellhaineere er 24, 1956 March 2!;? 1957 am 25X1 June 30, 1057. 25X1 eoudn tkag or ADDroxo* C 2 , 956 9:57). 25X1 D. filtwoly service, of AppraLit.,Ittay Iceatractor Umbra Aeon directed by the Contracl-- Luz Officer or his authorized vresen- tive to render iterehoure :weistance for the period. August 6, 16 thrimeh 30 June 1957 Tots). Intimated Ccat:-Lct Price - Cofltract No, 7 25X1 the For the 4.01 4011. 410 * The it above ar.: subject tc the terns of PAW XV - PRIM. IMSTERNINATION of the Schedlo... Total Be Masted. ?rice 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 2W11A Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Contract No. SCI.57 to be furnished under this contrect, the G tion, revise audh services, delete services, or re lateral or related supplies ant 11,41rioes duriag the period of tract. In such event the Cm:Averting Officer sill issue a, Shange Order directing the required obangesp accordance with the clause of this contract entitled CHANG PARTII . CONSIMATION AND PAW iff A. In accordance with the or this contract "PAYMENTS," and subject to redet-trmination of the price in accordanee with the part of this Schedule etitled "PRICE MMEHMENINATION?" the Government sheal poor the Contractor upon satisfactory performance of this contract, as full payment tcr the services to be pplied by the 4 If at War time the Contractor has reason by reason of the revforaance by it of this contract the t viii exceed the erstreet price set forth in this contract ythe Contracting Officer to that effect. PERFORMANCI, A. Theperiod of performerfee of the services to be provided by the Contractor hereunder shall eomwmee an Jay I 1956, and shall be con. plated om JUne 30, 19,7. PAN: IV PRICE REBEFERMLVATI A. Because of the nature of tract and the uncertainty as t the parties to this contract are that stated in Part II hereof nay 131 decreasi stone of this clause. by this con. der the as, e provi- B. UPon expediture of se,,enty%-five,per cent C7510 of ;rice stated in Pnrt II the pstrties ahaLl negotiate to determine the contract price shall be revAaed ead a new contract price establ such new contract price to be :.1zed end to represent the total. *mount Payable. to the Contractor for Artisfectoryperformanee of the contract, including all services thoretorore f4ralahed or thereafter to be furnis Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Cerwt No. IC-57 C. As soon as preatictele, and in no case later than sixty days atter the eurnieline of the serveces or after expenditure of the funds referred to above, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer a statewat in such form ead detail as the Ccee tracting Officer mey eresoriee of the cost of furnishing the ser- vices called for under this -entreat together vith such information as maybe pertinent in the a:lotiations for a revised price pursuant to thin clause. Ouch states it of cart shall fairly reflect, the normal operations of the Contractor's cost system, taking into ac- count any deviatiaas from eueh normal coot system as are required by the security restrictions placed loco the Contractor by the Goverment in performance en ear this contract. The Contracting Officer shell have the rieht at all reasonable times to make or cause to be made such examieetions or audits of the Contractor's books, records and accounts es be may regeest. D. Upon VII,. filing of the etatement and other pertinent in- format ics:I. revired by earagreph C of this cisme, the Contractor and the Caatracting Officer ,1.11 promptly negotiate in good faith to agree upon a reasonable revised price for the entire contract 'which, upon the basis or suee. stetemeat and other pertinent ine formation, will constitute irir and just compensation to the Con- tractor Tor the performance ef this contract. In determining the extent of any estimated alleeance for profit to be taken into account in fixing eueh revised. prier, consideration will be given to the extent to which the Contreet m has performed the contract eith effi- ciency, eeonomy and inenti. . The revised price shall be evidenced by an amendment to this cont -!-act. Nevever, in the event that the negotiations for price revieLon in accordance with this amuse in- dicate that the uncertainty :se to the cost of complete performance is still so areat as to prevent a realistic determination of the final price for the aver-al completion of this contract, provision maybe made for such future eegatiations as to revision es be appropriate to the circneeteects at the time. rf within thirty (3)) daye after the filing of the state- end. other pertinent imr?rnation requirelleyparagraPh C or this clause the parties ideal refe to agree upon a revised price in ac- cordance with the provisicee; or this elause, the failure to agree shallbe deemed to be a digreereement as to a geestion of fact which shall be disposed of LA aceeedanee with the eleeae hereof entitled "DISPUTES% F. For any of the Pereleee of the clause of this contract providing for termination at the option or convenience of the ChWILMIA(Mt 041CluttinglidA0up-t Limitation, coaputetion of "the total contract price" anethe e. rent price of work not terminated"), the Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 contract, No. 80.37 ectrtract price eh all be the 'viand contract price pexagraph D of this clime oa- determined tuvler paragraPh clause, as the case may be. PART V PEE1PORT8 AND FINAL AP,MPTANCE A. Upon completion of -.le performance of this contract, the cAntractor 0)3411 submit to Contracting Officer a report on the services performed under the :maltreat. Such report shall be in such detail as the Contracting Oft:':':.cer may require. Upon acceptance of such report on the behalf of the Government by the Contracting Officer, and upcm agreement ea to the !,isal price 'under this ccetract, the Government shall make final ;;tityreent end the services supplied hereunder shalt be deemed to be finalV aecopteeL. Such final acceptance shall be oonclusive except with resper:tto fraud or such gross mistakes as amount to fraud. wArant OF RIUMTPATITS OF MEM PROP-MUGS A. Notiqithstanding the !eggiiremacts of any of the General Provi- 51012a of this contract to thA contrary, whensoever the Contractor, in performance of the wort: =dew' this coetrect, shall find that the re- quirements of any of the alemee of the General FrovisiOns are in con- flict with security inst.ruct',(Yas issued to the Contractor by the Con- tracting Officer or by his Illy eatthorised representative for security mutterer the Contractorehul call the attentice of the Contracting Officer to such millet and -.:4he Contracting Officer or his evf/Y auth- orised representative for selarity matters shall (i) modify or rescind such security reqpirements o (ii) the Contracting Officer ahall issue to the Contractor a waiver o comnliance with the requirements of the General Provisions conflicti[13 with such security requirements. Any waiver of covalence with '0,1 General Provision* of this contract issued by the Contracting Officer e e in writing, except that the approval by the Contracting Officer o7' any subcontract issued hereunder by the Contractor shall be deemed constitute approval or waiver of any clauses of the General Prom/aims in conflict with the atipulations or such subcontract. PART VIM SPECIAL SECURITY mamma A. The Contractor shal1 any details of the work beinil tion whatsoever with =neat goring this contract and Vac is directed or permitted to Officer or by his duly author and notwithstanding, any Oren!? the Contractor shell not int! not reveal (1) the ecitio nature or performed hereunder or ( inform- to the depentment of the Government slam- tork thereunder except as the Contractor 3Vtlia such information by the Contracting ised representative for security matters, Or part of this contract to the contrary, *rot any clause or part of this contract ' Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Contract No. - 7 as rewiring or permitting itvulgence of such information to any person, public or private., to any officer or dew:AT:lent of the Comernment without the empross consent of the Contracting Officer or his daily authorized nepr7sentetive for security natter. PAM VIII ? MICR conzater MITMEDIDD A. This is the Definitive Contract coni ted by the Letter Contract issued by the Goverament to the Contractor under date of 28 August 1956 and supersedE-s said Lotter Cwitract. Work performed and. payments made under sail Letter Contract shall be deemed to be work performed and payments lade under this Definitive Contract. The date of the Letter Contract shall govern for the determination of the priority etatus of t"te Definaive Contract. In the event of aced'Iint between this r-e.c.initive Contract said maid Letter Con- traato, this Definitive Contract shalL prevail. - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878RCAQ,Q400240005-1 INDEX TO ENERAL PROVISIONS Article No. DEFINITIONS CHANGES EXTRAS Pao No. 1. 2. 3. 1 1 2 4. VARIATION IN QUA, NTITY ??????? 2 5- 'INSPECTION 2 6. RESPONSIBILITY F 7.)R SUPPLIES 3 y. ASSIGNMENT OF CL AIMS 3 8. ADDITIONAL BOND SECURITY 4 9. FEDERAL STATE & LOCAL TAXES ? 0 ? ? ? ? 4 10. DISPUTES 6 11. BUY AMERICAN ACT . ? 7 12. EIGHT HOUR LAW F 1912 . . . . 7 13. WALSH-HEALEY PUELIO CONTRACTS ACT ? 0 8 14. NONDISCRIMINATIN IN EMPLOYMENT 8 15. OFFICIALS NOT BENEFIT . . . ? ? 9 16. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES . ? ? ? 9 17. AIRCRAFT IN THE "TEN . . . . . . 4 ? 9 18. MILITARY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS . ? . 11 19, UTILIZATION OF MALL BUSINESS CONCERNS ,. ].3 20. EXAMINATION OF ':-ECORDS 13 21. GRATUITIES 13 22. CONVICT LABOR 14 23. NOTICE & ASSISTI NCR REGARDING PATENT INFRINGEMENT 14 24. REPORTING OF EC.Y. ALTIES 14 25. FILING OF PATEN'f APPLICATIONS ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 16 26. AUTHORIZATION & CONSENT . ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? ? 17 27. PATENT RIGHTS 17 28. COPYRIGHT 22 29. 30. REPRDUCTION AN7, USE CF TECHNICAL DATA GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY , 22 .." 31. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT ? 27 32. PAYMENTS . . . .... ? 31 33. DEFAULT ..... .... .. ? ? ? 32 34. ALTERATIONS IN (ONTFACT 33 SteCCOTRACTS JUL WORK= JIM= V. agell=i AND KIM it ? ? ? SNIM5 ? ? ? ? ? as di ? .b ? ? ? CUM= n1W? - ? ? ? SISRVICES jURNESE0 BY GOWIRSUBT ? ? ? ? a * ? a ? ? a ? ? ?? ? ? * 0 =Me MK ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 GENE PAL PROVISIONS 1. DEFINITIONS WNW As used throughout this ntract, the following terms shall have the meanings sot forth blow: (a) The tern "Secretary" Deans the Secretary, the Under Secre- tary, or any Assistant Secretary of the Department and the head or any assistant head of the exeautive agency, and the term "his duly authorized representative" Deals any person or persons or board (other than the Contracting Officer) authorized to act for the Secretary;and the term "Department" means that component cf the Government having cognizance of this contract a;a1 represented by the Contracting Officer executing this contract. (b) The term "Contractit this contract on behalf of th, civilian employee who is a pre and the term includes, except the authorized representative the limits of his authority. Officer" means the person executing Government, and any other officer or Terly designated Contracting Officera as otherwise provided in this contract, a Contracting Officer acting within (c) Except as otherwise arnvided in this ccntract, the term subcontracts" includes purchae c,rders under this contract. (d) The tern "contract under this contract including ret teal, or experimental invesa tigative findings and theories into practical application?,. an: to as supplies, if called for and any reports, data, ccuputa tions with respect to thu fore 2. CBANGES The Contracting Officer tl without notice to the sureties, of this contract, in any one oJ designs, or specifications, whn be specially manufactured for a. (ii) method of shipment or pach any such change causes an incr( time required for, performance ment shall be Dade in the conta' both, and the contract shall b; claim by the Contractor for adj sorted within 60 days from the the notification of change; PE FP (Oct 8, 1956) Price Rev. a-k" Deans all work to be performed .ny studies covering fundamental, then- A.gations; any extension of the inves- -7)f a scientific and technical nature tangible terns, hereinafter referred an-cia, furnished to the Government; tone, plans, drawings, and specifica- ?oin ,r at any time, by a written order, and make changes, within the general scope ? mare of the following (i) drawings, re the supplies to be furnished are to le Government in accordance therewith; ing, and (iii) place of delivery. If ase or decrease in the cost of, or the ,T this contract, an equitable adjust- act price or delivery schedule, or modified in writing accordingly. Any ustmont under this clause must be as- Late of receipt by the Contractor of s:VIDEP, however, that the Contracting Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R0Q,1;1400240005-1 Officer, if he decides that and act upon any such claim ment under this contract. M be a dispute concerning a (41,1 clause of this contract eati: this clause shall excuse the tract as changed. 3. EXTRAS Hte facts justify such action, may receive :ssurtud at any time prior to final pay- iaure to agree to any adjustment shall stion of fact within the meaning of the -led "Disputes." However, nothing in Contractor from proceeding with the con- Except as otherwise proy extras shall be made unless been authorized in writing 4. VARIATICN IN QUANTITY No variation in the quar tract will be accepted unless ditions of loading, shipping, turing processes, and then on elsewhere in this contract. 5. INSPECTION (a) All supplies (which Without limitation raw materi and end products) shall be su ernment, to the extent practi,. the period of manufacture, an i_ded in this contract, no payment for lob extras and the price therefor have the Contracting Officer. A.ty of any item called for by this con- such variation has been caused by con- or packing, or allowances in manufac- ..y to the extent, if any, specified term throughout this clause includes Ls, components, intermediate assemblies, ject to inspection and test by the Gov- 6ble at all times and places including in any event prior to final acceptance. (b) In case any supplie or lots of supplies are defective in material or workmanship or ctl;rwise not in conformity with the re- quirements of this contract, 1..e Government shall have the right either to reject them (with or without instructions as to their dis- position) or to require their correction. Supplies or lots of sup- plies which have been rejected or required to be corrected shall be removed or corrected in place, as requested by the Contracting Officer by and at the expense of the Contractor promptly after notice, and shall not again be tendered Cc r acceptance unless the former tender an either the rejection or requirent of correction is disclosed. If the Contractor fails promptly to remove such supplies or lots of sup- plies, when requested by the C.:atracting Officer, and to proceed promptly with the replacement r correction thereof, the Government either (0 may by contract or -ttherwise replace or correct such sup- plies and charge to the Contra-;or the cost occasioned the Government thereby, or (ii) may terminate This contract for default as provided in the clause of this contract :ratitied "Default". Unless the Con- tractor elects to correct or r,-place the supplies which the Government has a right to reject and is able to male such correction or replace- ment within the required duliv ry schedule, the Contracting Officer may require the delivery of suc 1 supplies at a reduction in price iT (Oct. 8, 1956) - 2 - Price Rev. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 dl Approved For Release2006/11/04 : CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 which is equitable under the reduction of price shall be within the meaning of the clh (c) If any inspection ( premises of the Contractor additional charge shall provi ance for the safety and conve the performance of their duti made at a point other than th contractor, it shall be at ti: that in case of rejection thc reduction in value of sampler or test. All inspections anC formed fi.c such a manner as rn. ment reserves the right to ch: cost of Government inspection the tine such inspection and - acceptance or rejection of tL practicable after delivery, h tract but failure to inspem neither relieve the Contractc. as are not in accordance witi liability on the Government t: (d) The inspection and - or lots thereof does not relf, regarding defects or other which may be discovered prior wise provided in this contrah except as regards latent def? amount to fraud. ::ircunstances. Failure to agree to such dispute concerning a question of fact hse of this contract entitled "Disputes". Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878ROCIP400240005-1 contract provides for payrae. for moneys due or to become ment under this contract ia or other financing instituti and may thereafter be furthe institution. Any such asci;; amounts payable under this not be made to more than on or reassignment may be made or more parties participati provision of this contract, or to become due under this in said Act as amended, be (b) In no event shall specifications, or other this contract, if marked "It. be furnished to any assigne or to any other person not that a copy of any part or nished, or any information c assignee upon the prior wri (c) The Contractor sh;.. the Contracting Officer prie this contract. 8. ADDITIONAL BOND SECURIV( If any surety upon any contract becomes unacceptabi surety fails to furnish rope time to time as requested by promptly furnish such addi-L time to time to protect the sons Supplying labor or mate contemplated by this contrac- 9. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL (a) DEFINITIONS, As terms shall have the meanin (i) The term "dir directly applicnb].: services (as distil plicable to matLri, manufacture or fur: or services) cov(.: tax or duty from. action is exempt. FP (Oct. 8, 1956)) Price Rev. no aggregating $1,000 or more, claims due to the Contractor from the Govern- be assigned to a bank, trust company, on, including any Federal lending agency, o assigned and reassigned to any such ament or reassignment shall cover all ontract and not already paid, and shall party, except that any such assignment -;() one party as agent or trustee for two g in such financing. Notwithstanding any payLent to an assignee of any moneys due contract shall not, to the extent provided object to reduction or set-off. copies of this contract or of any plans, ::lar doctIlents relating to work under P SECRET," "SECRET," "CONFIDENTIAL," of any claim arising under this contract Jtitled to receive the same; PROVIDED, la of this contract so marked may be fur- -mtained therein may be disclosed, to such ten authcrization of the Contracting Officer obtain the written authorization of !' to the assignment of any rights under ond furnished in connection with this to the Government, or if any such to as to his financial condition from the Government, the Contractor shnll )nal security as may be required from interests of the Government and of per- in the prosecution of the work TAXES :ed throughout this clause, the following set forth below: :ct tax" means any tax or duty to the completed supplies or guished from taxes directly ap- Us and components used in the jshing of the completed supplies ed by this contract or any other the Contractor or this trans- It includes any tax or duty directly - 4 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 applicable to the is; manufacture, cons in. plies or services with respect to, or sales, or use of th, this contract. The taxes, unemployment taxes, income taxes, taxes, property taxc within the definitic s)ortation, production, processing, tion, sale, or use of such sup- Lt also includes any tax levied on, measured by sales, receipts from supplies or services covered by :ern does not include transportation eompensation taxes, social security excess profits taxes, capital stock e, and such other taxes as are not L of the term "direct tax" as sot forth above in this -aragraph. (ii) The term "ccetract date" means the effective date of this contrace if it is a negotiated contract or the date set for :he opening of bids if it is a contract entered int: as a result of formal advertising.. For the purpose cf ,Tey additional procurement of supplies or services called fer by any agreement supplemental hereto, the term "cceetract date" shall refer to the date of such supplemental. agreement. (b) FEDERAL TAXES. Eh :epi as maybe otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price ocludes all applicable Federal taxes in effect on the contract date. (c) STATE OR LOCAL TAXE. Except as may be otherwise provided in this contract, the contract price does not include any State or local direct tax in effect on obe contract date. (d) EVIDENCE OF EXEMrTI.'N: The Government agrees, upon request of the Contractor, unless ther exists no legal basis to sustain an exemption, to furnish a Tax Exmption Certificate or other similar evidence of exemption with resTect to any direct tax not included in the contract price pursuant to this clauses and the Contractor agrees, in the event of the refusal of the applicable taxing authority to ac- cept such evidence of exemptior, (i) promptly to notify the Contracting Officer of such refusal, (ii) to cause the tax in question to be paid in such manner as to preserve sil rights to refund thereof, and (iii) if so directed by the Contracting Officer, to take all necessary action, in cooperation with and for the benefit of the Government, to secure a refund of such tax (in which event the Government agrees to reim- burse the Contractor for any mod, all reasonable expenses incurred at its direction). (e) PRICE ADJUSTMENT. f, after the contract date, (i) the Federal Government or any State or local government either imposes or increases (or removes an exemption with respect to) any direct tax, or any tax directly applicable to the materials or components used in the manufacture or furnishing of the completed supplies or services covered by this contrast, or (ii) the Federal Government or any State or local government rsfuses to accept the evidence of exemp- tion, furnished under paragraph. (d) hereof, with respect to any direct FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Rf=v. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04 tax excluded from the contrac does not furnish a tax exempti of exemption with respect to e price, and if under either , obliged to and does pay or bee not secure a refund thereof) increased, and if interest at delay in payment of such tax Officer, and such interest a/ tract price shall be correspc date, the Contractor is relic or the burden of any direct tax directly applicable to ti manufacture or furnirhing of by this contract, the Contrae ting Officer of such relief, pondingly decreased or the arr. Government. Invoices or veuec in contract price pursuant t( state the amount thereof, as r shall identify the particular decreased : CIA-RDP81B00878RQQQ400240005-1 price, or (iii) the Federal Government .on certificate or other similar evidence .ny direct tax excluded from the contract (ii), or (iii) the Contractor is r the burden of any such tax (and does the contract price shall be correspondingly penalties are incurred by reason of m the instruction of the Contracting penalties are legally imposed, the con- dingly increased, If, after the contract ed in whole or in part from the payment !.x included in the contract price, or any ! materials or components used in the he completed supplies or services covered ,or agrees promptly to notify the Contrac- ,nd the contract price shall be corres- unt of such relief paid over to the Lers covering any increase or decrease the provisions of this paragraph shall separate added or deducted item, and tax imposed, increased, eliminated, or (f) REFUND OR :TAMBAC1 in the contract price or the this clause, and if the Cortr by reason of the export or r( tract, or of materials or cur, nishing of the completed supT! the Contractor agrees that he Officer thereof and that the obtained will be paid over tr due from the Government under the Contractor shall not be Y back unless so requested by 1 10 DISPUTES Except as otherwise prc',/ cerning a question of fact ar disposed of by agreement shal who shall reduce his decision a copy thereof to the Contrac- date of receipt of such copy, otherwise furnishing to the C dressed to the Socretary, and duly authorized representativ. unless determined by a court ! fraudulent or capricious or a sarily to imply bad faith) er final and conclusive: PROVIDI decision of the Contfacting G: FP (Oct.8, 1956) Price Rev, . If any tax or duty has been included rice as adjusted under paragraph (e) of actor is entitled to a refund or drawback -export of supplies covered by this con- mments used in the manufacture 02 fur- Lies or services covered by this contract, will promptly notify the Contracting amount of any such refund or drawback the, Government or credited against amounts this contract PROVIDED, however, that mluired to apply for such refund or draw- -le Contracting Officer. _ded in this contract, any dispute con- ising under this contract which is not be decided by the Contracting Officer, eo writing and mail or otherwise furnish or. Within thirty (30) days from the e,he Contractor may appeal by mailing or ntracting Officer a written appeal ad- the decision of the Secretary or his - for the hearing ef such appeals shall, competent jurisdiction to hae,e been Hitrary or so grossly erroneous as neces- not supported by substantial evidence, be allect, if no such appeal is taken, the ricer shall be final and conclusive_ In Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 IFIW*1094.1110...11810.1.1111111.41111.611?011014.6.1W, Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 connection with any arpeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Contractor shall proceed diligently with the performance of the contract and in accordance wieh the Contracting Officer's decision. 11. BUY AMERICAN ACT The Contractor agrees that, there will be delivered under this con- tract only such unmanufactured articles, materials and supplies (which term "articles, materials and ;11.pp1ies" is hereinafter referred to in this clause as "supplies") as hate been mined or produced in the United States, and only such manufactered supplies as have been manufactured in the United States substantielly all from supplies mined, produced or manufeetured, as the case my he, in the United States. Pursuant to the Bey American Act (41 U. O. Code 10a-d), the foregoing provision shall not apply (i) with respee-; to supplies excepted by the Secretary from the arplication of that Aet, (ii) with respect to supplies for use outside the United States, or (ii) with respect to the supplies to be delivered under this contract wnich are of a class or kind determined by the Secretary or his duly authc.cized representative not to be mined, pro- duced, or manufactured, as the ,:ase may be, in the United States in suf- ficient and reasonably available commercial quantities and of a satis- factory quality, or (iv) with respeet to such supplies from which the supplies to be delivered under this contract are manufactured, as are of a class or kind, determined the Secretary or his duly authorized representative not to be mined, -,produced, or manufactured, as the case may be, in the United States in sufficient and reasonably available com- mercial quantities and of a sat factory quality: PROVIDED, That this exception (iv) shall not permit delivery of supplies manufactured out- side the United States if sueh eepplies are Manufactured in the United States in sufficient and reasomtly availe:ele commercial quantities and of a satisfactory quality 12. EIGHT-Hr.UR LAW CF 1912 This contract, to the exten that itis cf a character specified in the Eight-Hour Law of 1912 as amended (/10 U. S. Code 324-326) and is not covered by the Walsh-Heal 7 Public Contracts Act (41 U. S. Code 35-45) is subject to the fcllowie; provisions and exceptions of said Eight-Hour Law of 1912 as amended and to all other provisions and ex- ceptions of said Law. No laborer or mechanic doinF any part of the work contempla- ted by this contract, in the employ of the Contractor or any sub- contractor contracting for any pet nf the said work shall be re- quired or permitted to work more than eight hours in any one cal- endar day upon such work, except epcn the condition that compen- sation is paid to such laborer or mechanic in accordance with the provisions Of this clause. The wnp;es of every such laborer and mechanic employed by the Contracter cr any subcontractor engaged in the performance of this contract shall be computed on a basic day rate of YE (Oct.8, 1956) Price Rev. 7 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R400400240005-1 eight hours per day; and wor permitted only upon the condo shall be compensated for all per day at not less than nine pay. For each violation of of fiAe dollars shall be impo laborer or mechanic for every is required or permitted -L., wDrk without receiving compen clause and all penalties to and benefit of the Goernmorl, 13, WALSH-HEALEY PUBLIC CCI' If this contract is f,)1 jab, supplies, articles or may exceed $10,000 and is nt Contracts Act as amended (4] porated by reference all rep. said Act and regulations issi, such representations and sto rulings and interpretations or may hereafter be in effeco be required to include this when the inclusion of this ci or conflict with the securit tion with this contract. in excess of eight hours per day is tion that every such laborer and mechanic nours worked in excess of eight hours and Dae-half times the basic rate of ie requi:-ements of this clause a penalty sed upon the Contractor for each such calendar day in which such employee abo more than eight hours upon said sation computed in accordance with this us imposed shall be withheld for the use PACTS ACT the manufacture or furnishing of mater- quipment in an amount which exceeds or erwise subject to the Walsh-Healey Public U. S. Code 35-45), there are hereby incor- esentations and stipulations required by d e thereunder by the Secretary of Labor, ulations being subject to all applicable f the Secretary of Labor which are now , except that the Contractor shall not .1ausc in subcontracts issued hereunder .ausci in a subcontract would jeopardize . considerations established in connec- _ . _ 14. NONDISCRIMINATION IN Er'LCMNT (a) In connection with tract, the Contractor agrees or applicant for employment national origin. The afores' limited to, the following: transfer; recruitment or tion; rates of pay or other for training, including app:: post hereafter in conspicuon applicants for employment, n Officer setting forth the pr the performance of work under this con- tact to discriminate against any employee :)ecause cf race, religion, color, or 'lid provision shall include, but not be .mployment, upgrading, demotion, or :a-uitment advertising; layoff or termina- forms of compensation; and selection :mticeship. The Contractor agrees to places, available for employees and Aicos to be provided by the Contracting -rvisions of the nondiscrimination clause. (b) The Contractor fufther agrees to insert the foregoing pro- vision. in all subcontracts tssued hereunder, except subcontracts for standard commercial supplico or raw materials, and except as insertion of the foregoing provision f,_n a subcontract would jeopardize or con- flict with the security conaiderations established in connection with this contract. FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 15. OFFICIALS NOT an BENEFIT No member of or delegate t shall be admitted to any share benefit that may arise therefro. strueed to extend to this contrae general benefit. 16. COVENANT AGAINST CONUNGEN9 The Contractor warrants t17.1-, employed or retained to solicit or understanding for a commissio fee, exceptj-eg bona fide employe or selling c.encics maintained securing bu_iness. For breach oT mont shall have the rig:it to ahni its discretion to deduct from the full amount of such conra-L-ision, Congress, or resident commissioner, - part of this contract, or to any ? but this provision shall not be con- if made with a corporation for its FEES , no person or selling agency has been r secure this contract upon an agreement percentage, brokerage, or contingent s or bona fide established commercial the contractor for the purpose of 1,iciation of this warranty the Govern- tab s ccntract without liability or in c_Titract price or consideration the Hrc-e.tage, brokerage, or contingent fee. 17. AIRCRALT IN TEE OPEN If this contract is a negotited fixed-price type of contract for production or modification of aircraft (or missiles having the general characteristics of aircraft) the .1.ause set forth below shall apply: (a) Subject to the defilittions aad limitations :prescribed in this clause, the Gornment assume:: the risk of C.amage to or loss or destruction of aircraft (or miss II s having the general characteristics of aircraft) in the open, FROVIPED, that such damage, loss, or destruc- tion is caused by any of the follcwing; perils; (i) Fire; lightning, windterm, cyclone, tornado, hail; explosion; riot, riot attending a strike, civl commotion, vandalism and malicious mischief sabotage; aircraft or ,).bec- falLing therefrom, vehicles running on land or tracks, excluding vehicHs owned or operated by the Contractor or any agent or employee of the Contractor; smoke; earthquake or volcanic eruption; flood, meaning thereby rising of a. body of water, hostile or warlike action, including action ir hindering, combating, or defending against an actual, impending or expected attack by any government or sovereign power (de jure or de fact), ,or by any authority using military, naval, or air forces, or by any agent of any such government, power, auth- ority, or forces; or (ii) Other peril of a typ is customarily covered by insurance in accordance with the normal pract? practice in the industry in which ti to similar property. FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. not listed above, if such other peril or by a reserve for self-insurance) cc of the Contractor, or a prevailing e Contractor is engaged with respect - 9 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (b) For purposes of (i) The term "AircrF'. the Government under this coni. aircraft in the course of mann- gines, instruments, subassembio therein, or in process of instn withdrawn from stores for inst. temporarily removed from such per-by is in the open. this clause: rt" means a:.rcraft to be furnished to ;act, including complete aircraft; and !acture or modification, including en- es, parts, and equipment installed A_lation, and all uninstalled property llation in aircraft in the open or ..ircraft, provided such uninstalled pro- (ii) The term "in ah buildings or roofed structures, open" means located wholly outside of ,c) The Government's :ibligation under this clause shall extend only to a:tocraft in the open nnler conditions approved by the Contrac- ting Officer, and shall not cx.t.rnd to the following: (i) loss, destruction the Contractor, due to willful of the Contractor's managerial program for the maintenance, 2--L aircraft in the open, in accord, term "Contractor's managerial p officers, and any of its managco representatives who have superin all of the Cont.ractor's Contractor's operation at any m this contract is performed, or operation in connection with th. , or damage resulting from failure of :A.isconduct or lack of good faith of any ersonnel, to maintain and administer a lair, protection, and preservation of tnce with sound industrial practice. The xsmnel" means the Contractor's directors, rs, superintendents, or other equivalent sion or direction of all or substantially ,, or all or substantially all of the o.2 plant or separate location at which , separate and complete major industrial . performance of this ccnt t (ii) loss, destructiori or damage to aircraft in the possession or control of any subcontractor, except to the extent that the subcon- tract, with the approval of the Contracting Officer and consistent with this clause, may otherwise prov Ae. (d) The Contractor wnrants that and will not include any charge r reserve self-insurance funds or rescreo covering tion of aircraft in the open caused by any paragraph (ft). hereof. e In the event of dnT craft in the open, the Contractol protect such aircraft from furth aged aircraft, put all aircraft to the Contracting Officer a stat the contract price does not for insurance (including damage to or loss or destruc- of the perils set forth in lage to or loss or destruction of air- shall take all reasonable steps to r damage, separate damaged and undam- a the best possible order, and furnish oment of: (i) the lost, destroye, or damaged aircraft; (ii) the time and origin of the Loss, destruction, or damage; (iii) all known interests in commingled property of which aircraft in. the open are a part FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04 (iv) the insurance in such commingled property. The Contractor shall be performing its obligations ur by the Contracting Officer ar Lag accordingly. CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 if any, covering any part of the interest reimbursed for expenditures made by it in der this paragraph, to the extent approved d this contract shall be modified in writ- (0 If prior to aceptance by and delivery to the Government any aircraft in the open is ].7)st, destroyed, or damaged due to any of the perils set forth in pararaph (a) hereof, the Government may, unless otherwise provided in this c -atract, elect to require that such aircraft be replaced by the Contractor or restored by the Contractor to the condi- tion in which it was immedia7,aly prior to such damage. If the Government requires the aircraft to be eeplaced or restored, an equitable adjust- ment shall be made in the ageunt due under this contract and in the time required for its performance, and this contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Alterntively, the Government may elect to termi- nate this contract as to any such lost, destroyed, or damaged aircraft, and in that eNent the rihts of the parties shall be as provided in the clause entitled Termination or Convenience of the Government. (g) In the event t compensated by any third per. of any aircraft in the open (a) hereof for which the Cor ment, it shall equitably rei, do nothing to prejudice the third parties for any such request of the Contracting furnish to the Government oJ (including the prosecution assignment or subrogation it covery. (h) Any loss or dc nished by the Government via tract entitled "Government-F such clause is, by its term (0 Any loss, or c. curring in connection with. (? by the clause of this contrti that such clause is, by its 18. MILITARY SECURITY REO,UL (a) The provisions of this contract involves accef fidantial" including "Confif higher. FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. Contractor is at any time reimbursed or or). for. any damage to or loss or destruction ::aused by any peril set forth in paragraph eractor has been compensated by the Govern- :burse the Government. The Contractor shall Jevernment's rights to recover against ?ss, destruction or damage and, upon the ficer, shall at the Government's expense, . reasonable assistance and cooperation suit and the execution of instruments of favor of the Government) in obtaining re- truction of, or damage to, property fur- ? be governed by the clause of this con- ernished Property," to the extent that , applicable. eEtruction of, or damage to, aircraft cc- -erations of said aircraft will be governed entitled "Flight Risk," to the extent :.arms, applicable, -'TMENTS Lhis clause shall apply to the extent that e to security information classified "Con- atial Modified Handling Authorized" or Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (b) The Government shall n classification of this contract subsequent revisions in such son- Security Requirements Check List -rtify the Contractor of the security ,Ind the elements thereof, and of any irity classification, by the use of a (DD Form 254 and 254-1). (c) To the extent the Government has indicated as of the date of this contract, or thereafter indicates, security classification under this contract as provided in paragraph (b) above, the Contractor shall safeguard all classified elements of this contract and shall provide and maintain a system of security c,--)ntrols within its own organization in accordance with the reqairement of: (i) the Security Agreamen-.; (DD Form 441), tacluding the Department of Defense Tndustrial Security :!anual for Safeguording Classified Infor- mation as effect on date of this contract, and any modification to the Securi.y Agreement for the ourpose of adapting the Manual to the Contractor's business; and (ii) any amendments to sad Manual made after the date of this contract, notice of which has bten furnished to the Contractor by the Security Office of the Military Department having security cognizance over the facility. (d) Representatives of th_ cognizance over the facility and Military Deportment shall have L vals the procedures, methods, ru, in complying with the security the Government, through its auth, the Contractor has not complied - shall inform the Contractor in taken in order to effect compli Military Department having security representatives of the contracting ae right to inspect at reasonable inter- i facilities utilized by the Contractor _.quirements under this contract. Should )rized representative, determine that with such requirements, the Government citing of the proper actions to be ace with such requirements. (e) If, subsequent to the classifications or requirements the Government as provided in t this contract are thereby mere shall be subject to an equitabl- or decreased costs, Any equitaL the same manner as if such chan- clause in this contract. (0 The Contractor agrees - which involve access to classif shall conform substantially to t this paragraph (f) but oxcludin this clause. (g) The Contractor also a subcontractor proposed by it for vices which will involve access tractor's custody has been grant FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. late of this contract, the security ander this contract are changed by is clause and the security costs under sed or decreased, the contract price adjustment by reason of such increased to adjustment shall be accomplished in es were directed under the "Changes" to insert, in all subcontracts hereunder ed security information, provisions which 'cie language of this clause, including the last sentence of paragraph (o) of roes that it shall determine that any the furnishing of supplies and ser- to classified information in the Con- ed an appropriate facility security - 12 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 clearance, which is still A effect, prior to being accorded access to such classified securit information. 19. UTILIZATION OF SMALL J ISINESS CONCERNS (a) It is the policy -)f the Gcvernment as declared by the Con- gress to bring about the g:-:a:atest utilization of small business con- cerns which is consistent with efficient production. (b) The Contractor ataraes to accomplish the maximum amount of subcontracting to small butness concerns that the Contractor finds to be consistent with the La:ficient performance of this contract. 20. EXAMINATION OF RECORD The following clause vL11 be applicable in all negotiated fixed- price supply contracts and -aurchase orders in excess of 1,000. EXAMINATION OF RECORIX (a) The Contractor ap of his duly authorized repf of three years after final to and the right to examinc papers and records of the C to this contract. (b) The Contractor ft contracts hereunder a provi agrees that the 0ontractinF representatives shall, unti final payment under the sula examine any directly pertir of such subcontractor invol- tract. The term usUbcontra purchase orders not exceedi) chase orders for public uti uniform applicability to th aees that the Contracting Officer or any .isentatives shall, until the expiration ,aayment under this contract, have access any directly pertinent books, documents, ntractor involving transactions related ther agrees to include in all his sub- ion to the effect that the subcontractor Officer or any of his duly authorized the expiration of three years after :ontract, have access to and the right to nt books, documents, papers, and records ,ing transactions related to the subcon- rt" as used in this clause excludes (i) -a; $1,000 and (ii) subcontracts or pur- ity services at rates established for general public. 21. GRATUITIES (a) The Government ma: terminate the right of the , if it is found, after notic. duly authorized representatj entertainment, gifts, or nt, Contractor, or any agent or officer or employee of the contract or securing favorat or amending, or the making performance of such contract facts upon which the Secret. FP (Oct.8, 1956) Price Rev. ,, by written notice to the Contractor, aintractor to proceed under this contract . and hearing, by the Secretary or his .ve, that gratuities (in the form of .erwise) were off coedor given by the representative of the Contractor, to any ,Dirernment with a view toward securing a )1e treatment with respect to the awarding f any determinations with respect to the a. PROVIDED, That the existence of the ay or his duly authorized representative - L3 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 makes such findings shall be I petent court. (b) In the event this ea paragraph (a) hereof, the Cove the same remedies against the of a breach of the contract addition to any other damages exemplary damages in an amount duly authorized representative more than ten times the costs any such gratuities to any Ell(' 1 issue and may be reviewed in any com- ectract is terminated as provided in mment shall be entitled (i) to pursue ontractrr as it could pursue in the event the Contractor, and (ii) as a penalty in which it may be entitled by law, to (as determined by the Secretary or his ) which shall be not less than three nor incurred by the Contractor in providing a officer or employee. (c) The rights and remee clause shall not be exclusive and remee_Ies provided by law ( 22. CONVICT LABOR es of the Goverent provided in this end are in addition to any other rights under this contract In connection with the pfeformance of work under this contract, the Contractor agrees not to eaploy any person undergoing sentence of imprisonment at hard labor. 23. NOTICE AND ASSISTANCE RE(MRDING PATENT INFRINGEMENT The provisions of this clause shall be applicable only if the amount of this contract is in excess of $5,000. (a) The Contractor shall report te the Contracting Officer, proelptly and in reasonable written detail, each notice or claim of patent infringement based on tile performance of this contract of which the Contractor has knowledge. (b) In the event of litleatien against the Government on account of any claim of patent infringement arising out of the performance et this contract cr out of the use cf any supplies furnished or work or services performed hereunder, ehe Ccentractor shall furnish to the Government, upon request, all evidence and information in possession of the Contractor pertaining -L such litigation. Such evidence and information shall be furnished at the expense of the Government except in those cases in which the Coetractor has agreed to indemnify the Government against the claim being asserted. 2/1. REPORTING OF 'ROYALTIES The provisions of this clease shall be applicable only if the amount of the contract is in ex2ess of $10,000. (a) The Contractor shall r.epnrt in writing (in quadruplicate) to the Contracting Officer as soot as practicable after execution of this contract whether or not any roalties in excess of 0250 have been paid FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. . -14 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 or are to be paid by the Contr connection with the performanc cess of $250 have been paid or report shall include the folic. such royalties (including the (1) The name and add excess of $250 have been paid (2)- The patent numbe filing dates), or other identi (3) The manner of con a brief identification of each the total amount of royalties, and cents amount of royalties that if the royalties cannot h and cents value, then other de tractor computes the royalties (b) In lieu of furnishir tractor may furnish a single, period of the Contractor durin the Government, provided the C prior written approval of the report shall be furnished, whe in the number of copies as app close of the accounting period report shall be made in accord, ing practice, and shall includ amount of royalties accruing t 01,000 per annum on the Contra (i) the name and address of ea patent application serial numb ficatinn of the basis for such the subject matter of the lice (iv) the percentage rate or up accrue by rate or unit amount, which the royalties accrue to mation (without detailed accop that may be attributable to Go if requested by the Government detailed allocation of such /-r: contracts. acter directly to any person or firm in e of this contract If royalties in ex- are to be paid to any person or firm, the kj_ng items of information with respect to $250): -eess of each licensor to whom royalties in -r are to be paid, rs, patent application serial numbers (with ication of the basis for such royalties, ruting the royalties consisting of (0 royalty-bearing unit or process, (ii) and. (iii) the percentage rate or dollars en each such unit or process; PROVIIT72 s computed in terms of units or dollars ea showing the manner in which the Con- a report under paragraph (a), the Con- onsnlidated report for each accounting a which the Contractor has contracts with sntractnr has requested and obtained the Thntracting Officer. Such consolidated e the furnishing thereof has been approved, roved, as soon as practicable after the covered by the report. Each consolidated ince with Contractor's established account- e, for the accounting period, the total . each licensor at a rate in excess of .rtors over-all business, together with A-1 such licensor, (ii) the patent numbers, rs (with filing dates), or other identi- royalties, (iii) a brief description of ase under which royalties are charged, et amceunt, or if the royalties do nct such other data showing the manner by icensnr, and (v) an estimate or approxi- ting) of the portion of such royalties eminent contracts. The Contractor shall, furnish at Government expense a more salty payments attributable to Government (c) In the event that ti- furnish consolidated reports is Officer shall promptly considn tor a letter stating whether c withstanding any such approval right to question any such sub: or completeness of data and tc Contractor shall furnish a ecT: tracting Officer admiListering iP (Oct, 8, 1956) Price Rev. Contractor requests written approval to .der paragraph (b) above, the Contracting Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 "????* (d) After payment of eighty percent (80%) of the amount of this contract, as from time to tine amended, further payment shall be with- held until a reserve of either 4) ten percent (10%) of such amount or (ii) $5,000, which ever is les, shall have been set aside, such reserve or the balance thereof to be retained until the Contractor shall have furnished to the Contracting Cfficer the report called for by paragraph (a) hereof or the copy of the letter approving the Contractor's request to furnish the report under paragraph (b); PROVIDED that no amount shall continue to be withheld from payment for the causes specified in this paragraph (d) if the Contractie4 Officer shall find that the Contractor has not been furnished a letter as required by paragraph (c) within S. reasonable time after making written request to aubmit a single, con- solidated report under the proalsions of paragrh (b) of this clause; and PROVIDED FURTHER that the CDntracting 0?'cer may, in his discre- tion, order payment to be with old in the amour:- and manner above pro- vided if report called fel' Oy paragraph (a) is unsatisfactory or (b) is dUorbuaehas not been reCeived, or if received, is found to be unsat- isfactory. No amount shall be withheld under this paragraph when the minimum amount specified by this paragraph is being withheld under other provisions of this contract The withholding of any amount or subsequent payment thereof to the Contract ex shall not be construed as a waiver of any right accruing to the Goverment under this contract. 25 FILING OF PATENT APPLICAT7DNS (a) Before filing or caua closing any subject matter of t classified "Secret" or higher, (30) day provision below, trane tractlng Officer for determina' security, such application shoe. or sealed in accordance with ta or the issuance of a patent Aa - statutes or regulations: and t tions of the Contracting Offic of the patent application to tL the Contractor shall not be dea cation. If the Contracting Cfc structions within thirty (30) a transmittal of the proposed apa, application. ing to be filed a patent application dis- ais contract, which subject matter is the Contractor shall, citing the thirty mit the proposed application to the Con- ion whether, for reasons of national ld be placed under an order of secrecy C provisions of 35 U. S. Code 181-188 uid be otherwise delayed under pertinent he Contractor shall observe any instruc- r with respect to the manner of delivery o U. S. Patent Office for filing, but, ied the right to file such patent appli- icer shall not have given any such in- ays from the date of mailing or other lication, the Contractor may file the ('b) The Contractor shall. furnish to the Contracting Officer, at the time of or prior to the the when the Contractor files or causes to be filed a patent applicatiea disclosing any subject matter of this contract, which subject matter is classified "Confidential," a copy of such application for determination whether, for reasons of national security, such application shotld be placed under an order of secrecy or the issuance of a patent sh aid be otherwise delayed under pertinent statutes or regulations. iP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - 16 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (c) In filing any patent application coming within the scope of this clause, the Contractor shall observe all applicable security regu- lations covering the transmison of classified subject matter. 26. AUTHORIZATION AND CONSEn The following clause shaJL be applicable in all contracts for sup- plies (including construction 'work), except purchase orders of 85,000 or less: The Government hereby giY prejudice to its rights of ind for in this contract) for all this contract or any part here tract hereunder (including alv- invention (i) embodied in the the delivery of which is acceln or (ii) utilized in the machin necessarily results from compl contractor with (a) specifica forming a part of this contrae given by. the Contracting Offiy' The Contractor's entire liable merit shall be determined sole. if any, included in the contra all other infringement to the hereinabove granted. 27 PATENT RIGHTS es its authorization and consent (without emnification, if such rights are provided iso and manufacture, in the performance of -_)f or any amendment hereto or any subcon- lower-tier subcontract), of any patented Aructure or composition of any article ted by the Government under this contract, n-y, tools, or methods the use of which Lance by the Contractor or the using sub- :ons or written provisions now or hereafter t, or (b; specific written instructions ir directing the manner of performance. aty to the Government for patent infringe- by the provisions of te indemnity clause, and the Government as,eames liability for ,xtent of the authorization and consent (a) As used in this claie;c the meanings set forth below: ment or reduced developmental, or research wm7 tract, or (B) in the performan. research work relating to the done upon an understanding in -PROVIDED that the term "Subjec tion which is specifically ide purpose of excluding it from a following terms shall have the (i) The term "Subjeet Invention" means any invention, improve- discovery (whether or not patentable) conceived or first actually to practice either (A) in the performance of the experimental, a called for or required under this con- :e of any experimental, developmental, or 3ubject matter of this contract which was writing that a contract would be awarded; t Invention" shall not include any inven- itified and listed in the Schedule for the ae license granted by this clause. (ii) The term "Teeth by or working under contract tractor whose responsibilitic Government in inventions ariaa paragraphs (g), (h), and (i) (- nature of his duties in cenno(! tract, would reasonably be ex 12 (Oct.8, 1956) Price Rev. :_cal Personnel" means any person employed Lth the Contractor (other than a subcon- with respect to rights accruing to the ag under subcontracts are set forth in C this clause) who, by reason of the lion with the performance of this con- cted to make inventions. - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (iii) The terms "subcontract" and "subcontractor" mean any subcontract or subcontractor o the Contractor, and any lower-tier sub- contract or subcontractor under this contract. (b) (1) The Contractor ag ment an irrevocable, nonexclus license to practice, and cauoe .3es to and does hereby grant to the Govern-, ve, nontransferable, and royalty-free to be practiced by or for the United States Government throughout te world, each Subject Invention in the manufacture, use and dispositi a acording to law, of any article or material, and in the use of an method No license granted herein shall convey any right to the Govern-qent to manufactun7, have manufactured, or use any Subject invention for ine purpose of pre,,iding services or sup- plies to the general pubUc in competition with ac Contractor or the Contractor's commercial licenses in the license fields. sonnel; ) With respect. to: (i) any Subject I.vention made by other than Technical Per- (ii) any Subject laveotion conceived prior to, but first actually reduced to practice iL the course of, any of the experimental, developmental, or research wox?_ specified in (a)(i) above: and (iii) the practicH of any Subject Invention in foreign countries; the obligation of tLe Contractor to grant a license as pro- vided in (b)(1) above, to convy title as provided in (d)(ii)(B) or (d) (iv) below, and to convey foreign rights as provided in (e) below, shall be limited to the extent of th! Contractor's right to grant the same without incurring any obligati :n to pay royalties or other compensation to others solely on account of said grant. Nothing contained in this Patent Rights clause shall be 'eemed to grant any license under any in- vention other than a Subject Livention. (c) The Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer the following information and reports concerning Subject Inventions which reasonably appear to be patentJole: (:-) a written dislosure p=mptly after conception or first actual reduction to practice r each such Invention together with a written statement specifying wLether or not a United States patent appli- cation claiming the Invention as been or will be filed by or on behalf of the Contractor; (ii) interim reports, at least every twelve months, commen- cing with the date of this conTract, each listing all such Inventions conceived or first actually reuced to practice more than three months prior to the date of the repor.7,, and not listed on a prior interim re- port, or certifying that there are no such unreported Inventions; and (iii) prior to final settlement of this contract, a final report listing all such Inventions including all those previously listed in interim reports. (d) In connection with .:ach Subject Invention referred to in (c)(1) above, the Contractor sLall do the following: F1 " (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - 18- Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (i) if the Contra patent application claiming sut tractor shall file or cause tc: form and time; however, if the that such an application would to be filed said application, t tracting Officer at the earlia.] not later than eight months aft sale. tor specifies that a United States h Invention will be filed, the Con- be filed such application in due :ontractor, after having specified -oe. filed, decides not to file or cause he Contractor shall so notify the Con- t practicable date and in any event er first publication, public use or (ii) if the Contrtor specifies that a United States patent application claiming such invention has not been filed and will not be filed (or having specifi3d that such an application will be filed thereafter notifies the ,;:ntracting Officer to the contrary), the Contractor shall: (A) inform -t.t Contracting Officer in writing at the earliest practicable date of aLy publication of such Invention made by or known to the Contractor or, where applicable, of any contemplated publication by the Contractor, stating the date and identity of such publication or contemplated pui-Aication, and (B) convey t. the Government the Contractor's entire right, title, and interest in Nuch Invention by delivering to the Con- tracting Officer upon written equest such duly executed instruments (prepared by the Government) c) asSignment and application, and such other papers as are deemed nec_ssary to vest in the Goernment the Contractor's right, title, and interest aforesaid, and. the rt,7ht to apply for and prosecute patent applications covering such Invention throughout the world, subject, however, to the right or the Contrac- tor specified in (c) below to elle foreign applications, and subject further to the reservation of non-exclusive and royalty-free license to the Contractor (and to its Lxisting and future associated and affi- liated companies, if any, within the corporate structure of which the Contractor is a part) which linse shall be assignable to the succes- sor of that part of the Contractor's business to which such Invention pertains: (iii) the Contractor shall furnish promptly to the Con- tracting Officer on request an irrevocable power of attorney to in- spect ana make copies of each Jnited States patent application filed by or on behalf of the Contractor covering any such Invention (iv) In the event the Contractor, or those other than the Government deriving rights frac the Contractor, elects not to continue prosecution of any such United 3tates patent application filed by or on behalf of the Contractor, -tie Contractor shall so notify the Con- tracting Officer not less than sixty days before the expiration of the response period and, upon v:7itten request, deliver to the Contrac- ting Officer such duly execute instruments (prepared by the Government) as are deemed necessary to vest. in the Government the Contractor's entire right, title, and intr tion, subject to the reservati (v) the Contract? duly executed instruments full herein agreed to be granted to Tt in such Invention and the applica- a as specified in (d)(ii) above; and shall deliver to the Contracting Officer confirmatory of any license rights the f:levernment. P-2 (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. 19 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release2006/11/04 : CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 gmow (e) The Contractor, or tense other than the Government deriving rights from the Contractor, shtll have the exclusive rights to file applications on Subject Inventtons in each foreign country within: (i) nine months from the date a corresponding United States application is filed; (ii) six months from the date permission is granted to file foreign applications where sue filing had been prohibited for security reasons; or (iii) such longer pctiod as may be approved by the Contrac- ting Officer. The Contractor shall, upon written request of the Con- tracting Officer, convey to Government the Contractor's entire right, title, and interest in each. Subject Invention in each foreign country in which an applicatin. has not been filed within the time above specified, subject to tiL: reservation of a non-exclusive and royalty-free license to the Cc tractor together with the right of the Contractor to grant sublicens(,s, which license and right shall be as- signable to the successor of tnat part of the Contractor's business to which the Subject Invention p rtains. (f) If the Contractor fnLls to deliver to the Contracting Officer the interim reports required ty (c)(ii; above, or fails to furnish the written disclosures for all Snoject Inventions regaired by (c)(i) above shown to be due in accordance ri_th any interim report delivered under (c)(ii) or otherwise known to he unreported, there shn.L be withhold from payment until the Contrae:nor shall have correcte. such Th.ilui-es either ten percent (10%) of .-te amount of this contra:., as from time to time amended, or five thousand dollars (S5,000), whichever is less. After payment of eighty perces:: (80%) of the amount of this contract, as from time to time amended, :payment shall be withheld until a reserve of either ten percent (10%) o. such amount, or five thousand dollars ($5,000), whichever is less, s-nall have been set aside, .such reserve or balance thereof to be retained until_ The Contractor shall have fur- nished to the Contracting Offi.-;or: (i) the final report regaired by (c)(iii) above; (ii) written disclnstres for all Subject Inventions required by (c)(i)above which are shows to be due in accordance with interim re- ports delivered under (c)(ii) above or in accordance with such final reports or are otherwise known to be unreported; and (iii) the information as to any subcontractor required by (h) below. The maximum amount which may be withheld under this paragraph (f) shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount of this contract or five thousand dollars ($5,000), whichever is less, and no amount shall be withheld under this :)a.ragraph (f) when the amount specified by this paragraph (f) is beirt withheld under other provisions of this contract. The withholding of any amount or subsequent payment thereof to the Contractor shall not ti construed as a waiver of any rights ac- cruing to the Government undo this contract. This paragraph (f) shall not be construed as requirinF the Contractor to withhold any amounts from a subcontractor to enfer e ccmplisnce with the patent provisions of a subcontract. FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - 20 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (g) The Contractor shall exert all reasonable effort in negotia- ting for the inclusion of this Ettont Rights clause in any subcontract hereunder of three thousand dontres ($3,000) or more having experimen- tal, developmental, or research work as one of its purposes. In the event of refusal by a subcontracLor to accept the Patent Rights clause, the Contractor shall not proceed with the subcontract without written authorization of the Contracting Officer, and upon obtaining such auth- orization, shall cooperate with the Government in the negotiation with such subcontractor cf an acceptaole patent rights clause; PROVIDED, however, that the Contractor shorn in any event require the subcontrac- tor to grant to the Government irtent rights under Subject Inventions of no less scope and on no less i'avorable terms than those which the Contractor has under such subcontracts, except that in no event shall the subcontractor be required tc grant to the Government patent rights in excess of those herein agroed to be granted to the Government by the Contractor. (h) The Contractor shall, Lt thu earliest practicable date, notify the Contracting Officer in writing of any subcontract containing a patent rights clause, furnish the Conticting Officer a copy of such clause, and notify the Contracting Officer when such subcontract is completed. It is understood that with respect to ;Juch subcontract clause, the Government is a third party beneficiary, and the Contractor hereby assigns to the Government all the rights that the Contractor would have to enforce the subcontractor's obligations for the benefit of the Government with res- pect to Subject Inventions. The Contractor shall not be obligated to enforce the agreements of any surDcontractor hereunder relating to Subject Inventions. (0 When the Contracto performance of this contract by cordance with (g) above a suit:Lbi subcontractor for any item or su which the Contractor itself do.:s fled personnel, the Contractor's period of time cgual to the duret of the Contractor, the Contractif tent, if any, an additional exti: crease in contract prices based t delay are proper under the circum modified accordingly. If the Co effort, is unable to obtain a qu7 the Contractor may submit to the for waiver or modification of th rights clause be included in the Such request shall specific-. all reasonable effort to obtain cite the waiver or termination p within thirty-five (35) days aft. (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. ? shows that it has been delayed in the ?eason of its inability to obtain in ac- e patent rights clause from a qualified vice required under this contract for not have available facilities or quali- duliv.Lry dates shall be extended for a ion of such delay and, upon request 1g Officer shall determine to what ex- zion of the delivery dates and an in- pon additional costs incurred by such 'stances; and the contract shall be tractor, after exerting all reasonable lified subcontractor as set forth above, Contracting Officer a written request requirement that a suitable patent subcontract, lly state that the Contractor has used .uch qualified subcontractor, and shall 'evision hereinafter set forth. If, r the date of receipt of such request - 21- Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 MM. for a waiver or modification of said requirement, the Contracting Offi- cor shall fail to deny in writing such request, the requirement shall be deemed to have been waived by the Government. If within such period the Contractor shall receive a written denial of such reauest by the Contracting Officer, this contract shall thereupon automatically ter- minate and the rights and oblAations of the parties shall be governed by the provisions of the clause of this contract providing for termina- tion for the convenience of tne Government. 28. COPYRIGHT (a) The Contractor ogre_ meat, and to its officers, agi of their official duties, (i) cable license to reproduce, ty and to authorize others so to duced or composed and deliver by the Contractor, its employ ?ally employed or assigned to (ii) a license as aforesaid un able work not first produced o formance of this contract but fished under the contract, pro the extent the Contractor now tlement of the contract may ac without becoming liable to pay of such grant. :; to and does hereby grant to the Govern- :its and employees acting within the scope Ti royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevo- -anslate, publish, use, and dispose of, lo, all copyrightable material first pro- d to the Government under this contract is or any individual or concern specifi- riginate and prepare such material and der any and all copyrighted or copyright- Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 contained in this paragraph shatl be deemed, directly or by implication, to grant any license under any patent now or hereafter issued or to grant any right to reproduce arthing else called for by this contract. 30. GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PROPT:iTY (a) The Government shall deliver to the Contractor, for use in connection with and under the terms of this contract, the property des- cribed in the Schedule or specifications, together with such related data and information as the Contractor may request and as may reason- ably be required for the intened use of such property (hereinafter referred to as "Governmunt-furr-i.shod Property'). The delivery or per- formance dates for the supplies or to be furnished by the Con- tractor uner this contract are based upon the expectation that Govern- ment-furnihed Property suitabJt for use will be delivered to the Con- tractor at the times stated in the Schedule or, if not so stated, in sufficient time to enable the Cntractor to meet such delivery or per- formance dates. In the event that Goverament-furnished Property is not delivered to the Contractor by iluch time or times, the Contracting Offi- cer shall, upon timely written request made by the Contractor, make a determination of the delay occasioatd the Contractor thereby, and shall equitably adjust the delivery ur performance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contractual provision affected by such delay, in accordance with the proledures provided for in the clause of this con- tract entitled "Changes." In toe event the Government-furnished. Property is received by the Contractor in a condition not suitable for the in- tended use the Contractor shah J upon receipt thereof, notify the Con- tracting Officer of such fact aAd, as directed by the Contracting Offi- cer, either (i) return such proi)orty at the Government's expense or other-a-is? dispose of the property, or (ii) effect repairs or modifica- tions. Upon the completion of (i) or (ii) Coove, the Contracting Officer upon written request of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or performance dates or the critract price, or both, and any other con- tractual provision affected by the rejection or disposition, or the re- pair or modification, in accordtnce with the procedures provided for in the clause of this contract entitled "Changes." The foregoing provisions for adjustment are exclusive and the Government shall not be liable to suit for breach of contract by reason of any delay in delivery of Gov- ernment-furnished Property or d.livery of such property in a condition not suitable for its intended (b) By notice in writing the Contracting Officer may decrease the property furnished or to be furnished by the Government under this con- tract. In any such case, the C(ntracting Officer upon the written re- quest of the Contractor shall equitably adjust the delivery or per- formance dates or the contract price, or both, and any other contrac- tual provisions affected by the decrease, in accordance with the pro- cedures provided for in the claitse of this contract entitled "Changes." FP (Oct.8, 1956) Price Rev. - 23 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (c) Title to the Goveraent-furnished property shall remain in the Government. Title to Gov.!=ent-furnished property shall not be affected by the incorporation or atta.chLrae,nt thereof to any property not owned by the Government, nor shall such Government-furnished pro- perty, or any part thereof, bl- or become a fixture or lose its identity as personalty by reason of affl.xation to any realty. The Contractor s :all maintain adequate property control records of Government-furnished property in accordance with tLo! provisions of the "Manual for the Control of Government Property in the Possossicn of Contractors" (Appendix B, Armed Services Procurement Regulation) as in effect on the date of the contract, which Manual is hcroby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. (d) The Government-furnf, provided herein, be used only (e)' The Contractor shalj with sound industrial practice protection and preservation of disposed of by the Contractor event that any damage occurs -t of which has been assumed by -t Government shall replace such f repair of the property as the that if the Contractor cannot ( gnired, the Contractor shall di directed by the Contracting Off compensation to the Contractor replacement for which. the Gave adjustment will be made in the replacement of Government-furn the Government. Any repair or is responsible under the prDvi plishcd by the Contractor at it ined property shall, unless otherwise :or the performance of this contract. (f) (0 Except for loss, failure of thc Contractor, due faith of any of the Contractor' herein, to maintain and adminti; repair, protection and preserv perty as required by paragraph provided in clause (s) clauses of this contract desigL shall not be liable for loss or ornment-furnished property (A) is in transit off the Contracto: the following perils while the - contractor's premises, or on ar may properly be located, or by following perils: FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. maintain and administer, in accordance a program for the maintenance, repair, Government-furnished property, until accordance with this clause. In the Government-furnished Property the risk Government under this contract, the tens or the Contractor shall make such overnmont directs proded, however, ffect such repair with thc me re- sDoso of such property. the :.:anner 'jeer. The contract prie includes no for the performance of any repair or nment is responsible, and an equitable contract price for any such repair or shed property made at the direction of replacer--nt for which the Contractor Loris of this contract shall be accom- 3 own expense. estruction or damage resulting from a no willful misconduct or lack of good s managerial personnel as defined ter the program for the maintenance, tion of the Government-furnished pro- (e) hereof, and except as specifically this contract or in the clause or -:ted in the Schedule, the Contractor destruction of or damage to the Gov- ,a,used by any peril while the property premises, or (B) caused by any of :)roperty is on the Contractor's or sub- .,- other premises where such property .emoval therefrom because of any of the Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (1) Fire; lightning, -dindstorm, cyclone, tornado, hail; explo- sion; riot, riot attending a strike, civil commotion; vandalism and mali- cious mischief; sabotage; aircraft or obects falling therefrom; vehicles running on land or tracks, exclsdiug vehicles owned or operated by the Contractor or any agent or employee of the Contractor; smoke, sprinkler leakage; earthquake or volcanic eruption flood, meaning thereby rising of a body of water; hostile or warlike action, including action in hin- dering, combating, or defending against an actual, impending or expected attack by any government or so\srreign power (de jure or de facto), or by any authority using military, nsval, or air forces, or by an agent of any such government, power, authorisy, or forces; or (-17) Other peril, of r peril is customarily cov=ed by insurance) in accordance with th the prevailsrg practice in the i gaged with respect to similar ps The perils as set forth in "excepted perils." This clause shall not be c liability for loss or destructi property while in its possessior the subcontract, with the prior provide for the relief of the sr absence of such approval, the s; visions requiring the return of good condition as when received, for the utilization of the prol?s the prime contract. The term "Contractor's man. the Contractor's directors, offS tendents, or other equivalent direction of (I) all or substant (11) all or substantially all or plant or separate location at wo (III) a separate and complete ms with the performance of this car: (ii) The Contractor repr price hereunder, and agrees that price to the Government, any chs self-insurance funds or reserves (Inmage to the Government-furnisSi peril. type not listed above, if such other insurance (or by a reserve for self- a normal practice of the Contractor, or ndustry in which the Contractor is en- operty in the same general locale. ;A) and (B) above are hereinafter called astruad as relieving a subcontractor from a of or damage to the Government-Furnished or control, except to the extent that approval of the Contracting Officer, may bcontractor from such liability. In the contract shall contain appropriate pro- all Governmant-Furnished property in as except for reasonable wear and tear or rty in accordance with the provisions of gerial personnel" as used herein means cars and any of its managers, superin- presantatives who have supervision or tally ar_ of the Contractor's business; the Contractor's operation at any one ich the contract is being performed.; jar industrial operation in connection tract. .?.sents that it is not including in the it will not hereafter include in any rge or reserve for insurance (including ) covering loss or destruction of or ed property caused by any excepted (iii) Upon the happenin of loss or destruction of or damage to any Government-furnished prorty caused by an excepted peril, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer thereof, and shall FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. -25 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release2006/11/04 : CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 -40 communicate with the Loss and . after designated by the Contrat the Loss and Salvage Organizati Officer has directed that no s. all reasonable steps to protect further damage, separate the di property, put all the Governme order, and furnish to the Contt lost, destroyed and damaged GOA and origin of the loss, destru in commingled property of whic-:: part, and (A) the insurance, in in such commingled property. A the expenditures made by it in. paragraph (iii)(including char Salvage Organization, except an the Government has, at its opt proved by the Contracting Off i: men-L 'savage Organization, if any, now or here- ting Officer, and with the assistance of .on so designated (unless the Contracting organization be employed), shall take the Government-furnished property from maged and undamaged Government-furnished t-furnished property in the best possible -acting Officer a statement of: (A) the -,ernment-furnished property (B) the time tion or damage, (C) all known interests the Government-furnished property is a any, covering any part of or interest .he Contractor shall be reimbursed for performing its obligations under this sub- s made to the Contractor by the Loss and y of such charges the payment of which on, assumed directly), to the extent ap- er and set forth in a Supplemental Agree- (iv) With the approvIl of the Contracting Officer after loss or destruction of or damage, to Government-furnished property, and sub- ject to such conditions and ii2Litations as may be Imposed by the Con- tracting Officer, the Contract :r may, in order to minir,ue the loss to the Government or in order to ermit resumption of on the like, sell for the account of the Government any item of GoverAment-furnished property which has been damaged beyond practicable repni_r, or which is so commingled or combined with property of others, including the Con- tractor, that separation is imnnacticable. damage lieved except of the of this contract, the Governmen permitted, to be sold) shall be condition, as when received by t contract, or as repaired under (v) Except to the extent of any loss or destruction of or to Government-furnished property for which the Contractor is ro- of liability under the 1:nregoing provisions of this clause, and for reasonable wear and tear or depreciation, or the utilization Government-furnished pr(perty in accordance with the provisions '6-furnished property (other than property r.eturned to the Government in as good :ie Contractor in connection. with this )aragraph (e) above. (vi) In the event thn for any loss or destruction of property, caused by an exceptec, Government. The Contractor slim. rights to recover against thirn. damage and, upon the request of Government's expense, furnish and cooperation (including the instruments of assignment in fn: covery. In addition, where a si liability for any loss or destii FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. Contractor is reimbursed or compensated -a- damage to the Government-furnished peril, it shall equitably reimburse the Li do nothing to prejudice the Government's parties for any such loss, destruction or the. Contracting Officer, shall at the ) the Government all reasonable assistance .-irosecution of suit and the execution of ror of the Government) in obtaining re- lbcontractor has not been relieved from ction of or damage to the Government- Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Furnished property, the Contract subcontractor for such loss or neat-Furnished property for th,.- (v1i)(Where applicable furnished under this contract, such aircraft or other Governmy nection with operations of saic, of this contract captioned "Fl, by its terms, applicable. tor shall enforce the liability of the r_:.estruction of or damage to the Govern- benefit of the Government. ,. In the event any aircraft are to be :_ny loss or destruction of, or damage to, rct-furnished property occurring in con- aircraft will be governed by the clause r-;ht Risks", to the extent such clause is, (g) The Government shall at all reasonable times have access the premises wherein any Govern_lent-furnished property is located. (h) Tipon the completion if this contract, or at such earlier date as may be fi:4.ed by the Contrac-t_ng Officer, the Contractor shall submit, in a form acceptable to thu Contracting Officer, inventory schedules covering all items of Governmnt-furnished property not consumed in the performance of this contract (t:Icluding any resulting scrap), or not theretofore delivered to the Gc,rernmont, and shall deliver or make such other disposal of such Governm, property, as may be directed or authorized by the Contractng Officer. Recoverable scrap from Gov- ernment-furnished property sha.. be reported in accordance with a pro- cedure and in such form as the ',:ontracting Officer may direct.. The net proceeds of any such disposal sJall be credited to the contract price or shall be paid in such other as the Contracting Officer may direct to (i) Directions of the Contracting Officer and communications of the Contractor shall be in writt_n7t 31. TERMINATION FCR C 3NTgUI.hN i OF THE 0-0772NMENT (a) The performance of w-rk under this contract may be terminated by the Government in acc,rdanc with this clause in whole, or from time to time in part, whenever the (liatracting Officer shall determine that such termination is in the be -1 interest of the Government. Any such termination shall be effected L:7 dilivery to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination specifying the xtent to which performance of work under the contract is terminated, ma. th- date upon which such termination be- comes effective (b) After receipt of a N wise directed by the Contractin work under the contract on th.J Notice of Termination, (2) materials, services, or facilit pletion of such portion of the minated; (3) terminate all orcL they relate to the performance mination, (4) assign to the to the the extant directed by the G FP (Oct. 81 1956) Price Rev. tice of Termination, and except as other- . Officer, the Contractor shall (1) stop date and to the extent specified in the e no further orders or subcontracts for Los except as may be necessary for corn, work under the contract as is not ter- rs and subcontracts to the extent that of work terminated. by the Notice of Ter- ernment, in the manner, at the times, and ontracting Officer, all of the right, - 27 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Government shall have the right, in its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termina- tion of such orders and subcontracts; (5) settle all outstanding liabi- lities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and sub- contracts, with the approval or ratification of the Contracting Officer, to the extent he may require, which approval or ratification shall be: final for all the purposes of -bi-:is clause; (6) transfer title and'deliver to the Government, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Contracting Offer, (i) the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, complete work, supplies, and other material pro- duced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the work terminated by the Notie of Termination, and (ii) the completed or partially completed plans, drawings, information, and other property which, if the contract had been ompleted, would have been required to be furnished to the Government, ;7) use its best efforts to sell, in the Danner, at the tines, to the extent, and at the price .or prices directed or authorized by the Contractinv Officer, any property of the types re.7 ferred to in provision (6) of this paragraph, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Contractor (i) shall not be required to extend credit to any purchaser, and (ii) may acquire any such prTparty under the conditions prescribed by and at a price or prices approved by the Contracting Officer; and PROVIDED further that the proces of any such transfer or disposition shall be applied in reduction [DI: any payments to be made by the Govern- ment to the Contractor under this Contract or shall otherwise be credited to the price or cost of tha work covered by this contract or paid in such other manner as the Contracting Officer may direct; (8) complete perfor- mance of such part of the work aa shall not have been terminated by the Notice of Termination; and (9) trLke such action as may be necessary, or as the Contracting Officer may cl.trect, for the protection and preserva- tion of the property related to this contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which tAo Government has or may acquire an interest. At any time after ex;iaration of the plant clearance period, as defined in. Section VIII, Armed ::;rvices Procurement Regulation, as it Day be amended from time to time, the Contractor may submit to the Contrac- ting Officer a list, certified as to quantity and quality, of any or all items of termination inventory net previuusly disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been Lirected or authorized by the - Contracting Officer, and may request the Government to remove such items or enter into a storage agreement covering them. Not later than fifteen (15) days thereafter, the GoveraAent will accept title to such items and remove them or enter into a storage agreement covering the same, PROVIDED that the list submitted shall b subject to verification by the Contrac- ting Officer upon removal of t]Je items, or if the items are stored, within forty-five (45) days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustment to correct tho list as submitted shall be Dade prior to final settlement. (c) After receipt of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Offic.-. its termination claim, in the form and IP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - 28 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 '411ir with the certification proscrin3d by the Contracting Officer. Such claim shall be submitted promptly but in no event later than two years from the effective date of termination, unless one or more extensions in writ- ing are granted by the Contracting Officer, upon request of the Contrac- tor made in writing within sue: two-year period or authorized extension thereof. However, if the Contracting Officer determines that the facts justify such action, he may receive and act upon any such termination claim at any time after such ton-year period or any extension thereof. Upon failure of the Contractor to submit its termination claim within the tine allowed, the Contract ag Officer nay determine, on the basis of information available to him, too amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of the termination a.. d shall thereupon pay to the Contractor the amount so determined. (d) Snbjnct to the proviions of paragraph (c), the Contractor the Contracting Officer may agIno upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid t tho Contractor by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to this clause, which amount or amounts may include a roas.) able allowance for profit on work done. The contract shall be amended nc.cordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. Nothi. 3 in paragraph (o) of this clause, pres- cribing the amount to be paid t. the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor and the Contnlcting Officer to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by noason of the termination of work pursuant to this clause, shall Oc deemed to limit, restrict, or otherwise determine or affect the amount Dr anounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to t7..n Contractor pursuant to this paragraph (a). (e) In the event of the Tliluro of the Contractor and the Contrac- tinE -.Officer to agree as provldod in paragraph (d) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor bn reason of the termination of work pursuant to this clause, the Contractint Officer shall determine, on the basis of infornation available to him, tho amount, if any, duo to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay ti the Contractor the amounts determined as follows: and (1) For completod sun or acquired as provided in parn paid for, a sum equivalent t) puted in accordance with the :ir? appropriately adjusted for any plies accepted by the Government (or sold graph (b)(7) above) and not theretofore no aggregate price for such supplies com- icu or prices specified in the contract, saving of freight or ether charges (2) The total of -- (i) The costs incurr. d in the performance of the work termina- ted, including initial costs and proparatory expense allocable thereto, but exclusive of any costs att-ributable to supplies paid or to be paid for under paragraph (e)(1) he of; FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - 29 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (ii) The cost of settling and paying claims arising out of the termination of work under subcontracts or orders, as provided in para- graph (b)(5) above, which are properly chargeable to the terminated portion of the contract (exclieeive of amounts paid or payable on account of supplies or materials delivered or services furnished by subcontrac- tors or vendors prior to the effective date of the Notice of Termina- tion, which amounts shall be lecluded in the costs payable under (i) above). (iii) An allowance fer profit in keeping with the provisions of the clause, "Price Redeterrination," of the Schedule hereto. (3) The reasonable csts of settlement, including accounting, legal, clerical, and other expenses reasonably necessary for the prepara- tion of settlement claims and supporting data With respect to the ter- minated portion of the contract and for the termination and settlement of subcontracts thereunder, teether with reasonable. storage, trans- portation, and other costs incirrred in connection with the protection or disposition of property all :cable to this contract. The total sum to be paid this paragraph (e) shall not c duced by the amount of payment by the contract price of work age, and except to the extent expressly assumed the risk of amounts payable to the Contrac paragraph (e)(2)(1), the fair Officer, of property which is to become undeliverable to the paragraph (b)(7). to the Contractor under (1) and (2) of xceed the total contract price as re- otherwise made and as further reduced not terminated. Except for normal spoil- that the 3overnment shall have otherwise Loss, there shall be excluded from the as provided in paragraph (e)(1) and -Ialue, as determined by the Contracting lestroyed, lost, stolen, or damaged so as Government, or to a buyer pursuant to (f) Any determination of costs under paragraph (c) or (e) hereof shall be governed by the Statement of Principles for Consideration of Costs set forth in Part 4 of Er:ction VIII of the Armed Services Pro- curement Regulation, as in effect on the date of this contract. (g) The Contractor shall have the right of appeal, under the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes," from any determination made by the Contracting Officer under paragraphs (c) or (c) above, except that if the Contractor has failed to submit its claim within the time provided in paragraph (c) above and has failed to roc-pest extension of such time, he shall have no such right of appeal. In any case whore the Contracting Officer has made a determination of the amount due Under paragraph (c) or (2) above, the Government shall pay to the Contractor the followin (i) if there is no right of appeal hereunder or if no timely appee,1 has been taken, the amount so deter- mined by the Contracting Offic.r, or (ii) if an appeal has been taken, the amount finally determined a such appeal. FP (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - 30 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (h) In arriving at the co there shall be deducted (1) all payments on account theretofore which the Government may have a this contract, and (3) the agrct any materials, supplies, or oth, sold, pursuant to the provision covered by or credited to the & "hew .)unt due the Contractor under this clause unliquidated advance or other unliquidated made to the Contractor, (2) any claim .Ainst the Contractor in connection with 2c1 price for, or the proceeds of sale of, Jr things acquired by the Contractor or of this clause, and not otherwise ro- .)vernment. (i) If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settle- ment of the terminated portion f this contract, the Contractor may fi3e with the Contracting Officer a request in writing for an equitable ad- justment of the price or prices specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the ccntract (the portion not terminated by the Notice of Termination), an such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon. shall be made in stch price or prices (j) The Government may fr m time to time, under such terms and con- ditions as it may prescribe, maoe partial payments and payments on account against costs incurred by the Untractor in connection with the terminated portion of this contract whenevor in the opinion of the Contracting Offi- cer the aggregate of such payments shall be within the amount to which the Contractor will be entitle& hereunder. If the total of such payments is in excess of the amount finally agreed or determined to be due under this clause, such excess shall be payable by the Contractor to the Gov- ernment upon demand, together ytth interest computed at the rate of 6% per annum, for the period from the date such excess payment is received by the Contractor to the date (1:1 which such excess is repaid to the Gov- ernment; provided, however, that no interest shall be charged with res- pect to any such excess payment attributable to a reduction in the Con- tractor's claim by reason of retention or other disposition of termina- tion inventory until ten days after the date of such retention or dis- position, (k) Unless otherwise protlded for in this contract, or by appli- cable statute, the Contractor, 1:1-(= the effective date of termination and for a period of six years rJlter final settlement under this con- tract, shall preserve and make available to the Government at all rea- sonable times at the office of the Contractor but without direct charge to the Government, all its boo:;, records, documents, and other evidence bearing on the costs and expcnsos of the Contractor under this contract and relating to the work terminated hereunder, or, to the extent ap- proved by the Contracting Officor, photographs, micro-photographs, or other authentic reproductions thereof. 32 PAYMENTS The Contractor shall be ptAtd, upon the submission of properly cer- tified invoices or vouchers, the prices stipulated herein for supplies delivered and accepted or serv1:!es rendered and accepted, less deductions, FP (Oct.8, 1956) Price Rev. - 31 - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 ? Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 if any, as heroin provided. Unless otaerwise specified, payment will be made on partial deliveries accepted by the Government when the amount due on such deliveries S-.) warrants; or, when requested by the Contractor, payment for accepted partial deliveries shall be made when- ever such payment would equal or exceed either 61,000 or 50% of the total amount of this contract 33. DEFAULT (a) The Government may, (b) below, by written Notice the whole or any part of this cumstancos: (1) If the Contractor to perform the services within sion thereof; or (ii) If' the Contractor y: sions of this contract, or so performance of this contract i of these two circumstances doJ of 10 days (or such longer per orize in writing) after receip specifying such failure subject to the provisions of paragraph f Default to the Contractor, terminate contract in any one of the following cir- ils to make delivery of the supplies or the time specified herein or any exton- ails to perform any of the other provi- fails to make progress as to endanger a accordance with its terms, and in either s not cu:e such failure within a period Lod as the Contracting Officer may auth- t of notice from the Contracting Officer (b) The Contractor shal_ not be liable for any excess costs, if any failure to perform the contract arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault Dr negligence of the Contractor. Such causes include, but are not r_stricted to, acts of God or of the , public enemy, acts of the Gev_Tnnent, fires, floods, epidemics, quar- antine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, unusually severe weather, and defaults of subc_ntractors due to any of such causes unless the Contracting Officer shall determine that the supplies or services to be furnished by tt:e subcontractor were obtainable from other sources in sufficient tine to permit the Contractor to meet the required delivery schedule (c) In the event the Gov or in part as provided in par may procure, upon such terns cL Officer may deem appropriate, terminated, and the Contractor any excess costs for such sima the Contractor shall continuo extent not terminated under t.; (d) If this contract is of this clause, the Government vided in this clause, may reclin IT (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. ern:Tient terminates this contract in whole ,.;raph of this clause, the Government ad in such manner as the Contracting 3upplies or services similar to those so shalJ bc liable to the Government for Ar supplies or services, PROVIDED that the perfcrmance of this contract to the provisions of this clause. terminated as provided in paragraph (a) , in addition to any other rights pro- ire the Contractor to transfer title Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 and deliver to the Government, in the manner and to the extent directed by the Contracting Officer, (i.) any completed supplies, and (ii) such partially completed supplies id materials, parts, tools, dies, jigs, fL4tUres, plans, drawings, inVJr=tion and contract rights (herein- after called "manufacturing mterials") as the Contractor has speci- fivally produced or specifical_Ly acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has -men terminated; and the Contractor shall, upon direction of the Contrac7.=g Officer, protect and preserve pro- perty in possession of the Contractor in which the Government has an interest. The Government shajl. pay to the Contractor the contract price for completed supplies 6..aivered to and accepted by the Govern- ment, and the amount agreed u}),n by the Contractor and the Contrac- ting Officer for manufacturinE materials delivered to and accepted by the Government and for the protection and preservation of property. Failure e agree shall be a d:pute concerning a question of fact within the moaning of the clau of this contract entitled "Disputes.' (e) If, after notice of provisions of paragraph (a) oi failure to perform this contra and without the fault or n?:Jgli provisions of paragraph (b) of shall be deemed to have been contract entitled "Terml.nati,DL the rights and obligations of be governed by such- clause. E contract, this paragraph (e) c- military department. te=ination of this contract under the this clause, it is determined that the -t-; is due to causes beyond the control -:;ence of the Contractor pursuant to the this clause, such Notice of Default sued pursuant to the clause of this for Convenience of the Government," and the par-bis hereto shall in such event c..ept as otherwise provided in this ,plies only if this contract is with a (f) The rights and rem.:-.d.s of the Government provided in this clause shall not be exclusive md are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. 34. ALTERATIONS IN CQPJJEACT The fcllowin 3110 Jer AMOMMin this contract prior to signature thereof by the partite to this contract: 35. 41100MACTs Mc antiagai 00 to titst shell be es& by She Coutreetur 11th other ?arty tor ftweishies asty at the ossitorted rotettetttielly megiteteil setieless owe parts or wet* Aerate sestreotot to *Moat the vdtteci sprowl ot the Ocatrwting Wiese es to isourees. (Oct. 8, 1956) Price Rev. - )) - Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 (6) The Contractor erAll give specific advance notification to the Contracting Officer of any proposedanbcontract hereunder which (1) is on a cost or cost-plus-a-firedefee basis, or (2) is onafised- oe basis exceeding in dollar amount either $25,030 or five percent ) of the total amount of tris contract. (c) The Contractor a7a1l not, without the prior written consent of the Contracting ()Ulcer, Awe any subcontract which (1) La on s cost or cost-p3ms-a-fIled-fee buts, or (2) is on a fixed- ?e basis exceeding in dolllt amount either $25,000 or five percent ) of the total amount of Vie contruct, or (3) Provides for the riestion, purchase, rental. installation or other sconisition? of any iten of industrial facilities, or of special tooling having a value to amnia of $1,000, or (4) t on a time-wad-material or lebor..hour basis. The Contracting Off:1.?qt may, in his discretion, ratify in writing any such subcontract; such action shall constitute the consent of the Contracting Of as reepAredbythis ParagraPh (0). (d) The Contractor alreeo that no subcontract placed under this contract oheil provide fct payment on a cost basis. (e) The Contracting ':;.4.'ficaromy.? in his discretion, specifi- cally. approve in writing any the provisions of a subcontract. However, such approval or the consent the Contracting Officer dOtained as re.. quiredby this clause shall rv.;.!; be construed to constitute a datermlna.. tion of the acceptability of -Ae subcontract price, unless. such Approval specifically provides that it lonatitutes a determination, of the ac- ceptability of the subcontrea.: . (f) The Contracting -fticor mmy approve all or any part of the Contractor's purchasing svetem and from time to time rescind or reinstate ouch approval. Sod) approval shall be doomed to fulfill the requirements for obtaining tYv, Contracting Officer's consent to sub- contracts as prescribed in iliev-tgrevh (o) above. 36. INEIPBCT/ON AND 4WDIT (a) The Contractor siv;e4ses that its books and records and its plants, or such part thereof L.; my be engaged in the performance at this COUtoraCti shall at all re Asonahle times be subject to inspection end audit by any authorized r.,_eresentetive of the Contracting Officer. (b) The Contractor cause a like provision to he included in all subcontracts hereunder FP (act. 8) 1956) Price Rev. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 'exactor 10101 be rearms action at its 'or supervising techniiites used in their work, end tar keeping d of all improvment3, chews; of operations. shall be well quallUed to perform the services required by the Contracting Crficer. rlhe serviceS shall be performed period specified in t--3 Schedule, but the tine of starting and =mance and the auther of trainees r ished at en time shall ed by the Contract/a ; Offieer. korm PERSONNEL Contractor shoal prwrit, all other oupport ntressary in to be rendered hammier except A, otherwise this contract entitled "SIRVICHU IPURNISBED BY 39. SERVICES FORME= BY GOVEribltif2 In connection with service, to be re mant shall furnish and supply t--1 the Contractor and services: (s) Buitable lodgiag anSI 3a for the ring such periods as they are sesigned to the it equipment andground-handling aircraft involved. (b) The use of GOVO euipMflt normally used for se (c) The use of a Oervernme-nt owned 0.47 airplane, as well as such additional airplanes aa maybe required and as are available for trans portatton between the CentrestkIs plant and aevernment premises mad return. It is contemplated thr=7, the authorisation for suCh use and for reibbursement of the costa at cperating such airplane will be covered by a separate contract between :he 4overnment and the Contractor. (d) Such other services rid facilities as are required troi tine tine end es are available, t- approved by the Contracting Officer. MCAT RISK (a) As used in this OlIct the tens "operation' includes tests aircraft t tests of equ pment and aceassories installed therein, sud the operation of any power plant iritalled therein, whether or not the air- craft is in motion during the .,king of any such test or the operation of any such power plant. FP (Oct.8 1956) Price Rev. Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1 )ach sd every ope:tion Ofaixcret%(I) to the ae w&T this contract, or (2) turn thed to ..JtreCtOr by the Goverarent for the perforrance ?vhether conducted by 't-ce Cartractor, by the Government or by any person authorised by tce Goverment, shell be conducted at the risk of the Goverment insofar ea loss or destruction of or damage to such aircraft (Ine :lading aviseeent end accessories in- stalled therein) is coaccerne_ notwttl Istending the provisions of the elsose hereof entitled "-,-;VEMIKEN'T.PURNIEETED PROPERTY": PROVIDED, That if personnel ':orrilloting such operation are not either furnished by the Goverment r approved in writing by the Contracting Officer or his representatiA'e to vixen such authority has been dele. gated . :such operation shall fr,e conducted: at the risk of the Contractor an& the Contractor stkal., be liable for loss and destruction of and dosage to Government propert:T. ocouvriog in the course of such opera- tion' and PLUCKER PROVIDED hat the Contractor ;shall bear the risk of and, with respect to lovernment..furnished property, shall be liable for loss and destruct on Or, and damage to, such aircraft, equipmentand accessories ot4lurring in the course of such operation and resulting from willful idseanduot or failure to exercise good faith on the part of Contrev:,or's managerial personnel as defined in the clause hereat eatitit "GOVEREMENT-IURNIEM PROPERTT." (c) Pursuant to the requirement of(b)above the Contracting or hereby approves the '.,raissees hereunder, Lid Contractor's store in connection utt,:th such training operations, ss authorized nal to conduct operetteca on the ground only with respect to e operation of Governmerrt-lwed aircraft under thin contract, within the scope of the wee of treosLing provided for under this contract. (d) Any disputes that lay arise under the provisions of this clause shall be determined Evl provided in the clause hereof entitled "DISPUTES." 56) Approved For Release 2006/11/04: CIA-RDP81B00878R000400240005-1