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Document Release Date: 
September 26, 2007
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Publication Date: 
April 4, 1955
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Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP81 B00878R000100090057-4 4 April 1955 CONTRACTING OFFICER'S DETERMINATIONS AND FINDINGS AUTHORITY TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACT The Central Intelligence Agency proposes to enter into a contract 25X1 with The Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation, Los Angeles, California, for certain special electronic systems and related equipment. 25X1 nd that this procurement, Project is estimated to 25X1 cost is chargeable to fiscal year 195 n s, appropriation and is for experimental, developmental and research work. I also find that this procurement is in the interest of national defense and that it has been certified y the Director of Central Intelligence under date of 29 March 1955, to be for objects of a confidential, extraordinary and emergency nature and therefore within the purview of the procurement authority of the Agency as stated in Section 10 (b) of Public Law 110, 81st Congress, Procurement by formal advertising of the supplies and services called for by the proposed contract would result in public disclo- sure of the character and components of such supplies and services, and would thereby jeopardize this security classification. I hereby determine, as Contracting Officer for this Contract, that the necessity and authority for negotiation of this Contract have been adequately documented by proper Agency authority, and that the proposed contract must necessarily be negotiated without formal advertising. TS-1033o4 Copy _L of 3 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP81 B00878R000100090057-4 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP81 B00878R000100090057-4 w CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CONTRACTING OFFICER'S DETERMINATIONS AND FINDINGS AUTHORITY TO USE COST-PLUS A-FIXED-FEE TYPE OF CONTRACT Upon the basis of the following findings and determinations which I hereby make as Contracting Officer pursuant to the pro- visions of Public Law 110, 81st Congress and authority delegated thereunder, the proposed contract described below may be entered into on a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee basis. 25X1 FINDINGS 25X1 I 25X1 1. The proposed contract with the Ram -Wooldridge Corporation, Los Angeles, California for certain special c systems and related ipment ha ermated cost of plus a fixed fee o which is -gam-p f the estimated cost exclusive of fixed fee. 2. The exact nature and extent of the work covered by the pro- posed contract, and the precise method of performing that work, cannot be established in advance, but must be freely subject to improvisation and change as the work progresses. 3. The costs of performing the work under the proposed contract cannot be accurately forecast so as to permit the undertaking of such work for a fixed price. will be approximatel 25X1 DETERMINATIONS 1. It is impracticable to secure services of the kind or quality required without the use of the proposed type of contract. 2. The estimated cost of the proposed contract, exclusive of fee, is at the present time. Existing requirements, however, indicate that the eve ntual cost of this contract, exclusive of fee, F_ I Date: 31 March 1955 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/26: CIA-RDP81 B00878R000100090057-4