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Approved For Releasg J8LV~~/20 : CIA-RDP81 800401 R002100070030-2 Soviet Involvement in Africa I, The USSR continues to act assertively in pursuing its political, economic and strategic goals in sub-Saharan `; Africa. A. Politically, Moscow's goal is to increase its own influence at the expense of the. West and the PRC _ Moscow is the predominant foreign influence in Angola and Ethiopia.. The Soviets are also influ- ential in Mozam'bique and several smaller .countries in :sub-Saharan Africa. B. On the economic side Moscow's success has been less reriarkable.' The Soviet Union wants to. insure its access to any African raw materials it-may need and position itself to deny or restrict western access should Soviet policy' makers decidethis is necessary. C. Strategically, Moscow wants access to port and air facilities to support its Indian ocean fleet and to facilitate monitoring of Western naval activity in the Atlantic. Moscow has secured access to facilities in Ethiopia and Angola but these are not equal to those .lost in Somalia Approved For Release 2004/01/20 ; CIA-RDP81 600401 R002.100070030-2 SECBETL Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 B00401 R002100070030--2. and restricted in Guinea. II. African countries have presented many opportunities to the Soviets in recent years because of their political instability, economic backwardness and lingering resentment toward Western colonial powers. cOt~ had no creating the race issue Nos in Africa, the fall of the Portuguese. 9overnmenz- that brought about their departure-from-Angola _n ".,.,a,nl^viaue and Gui.nea--Bi4ssau, or the Somali. ~tnvasign of Ethiopia- in each ease, +;~~~~?- reacted decisively and always on.the side en -41"" bread support among the African states. italized on Cuba's c ap Lave also willingness to interverie in Africa and its acceptability to Africans as a "non-'aliened;" Third World state. at--ility and .willingness to nt to supply large .amounts-?.of m li.tarr equipZ8 .. ga~,n access to"African countries. The supply a L. 4- demonstrated i n Ethiopia and Angola has impressed African states and raised questions about* the West' s Will to resist Soviet advances. a brAad fXont in sub-Saharan .- While Moscow is moving Qn III rica, ' .Soviet attention -i s focused primarily on Angola, Af Approved For Release 20g el R!~ CIA-RDP> 1 B00401 R002100070030-2 Approved For Release 2004/01/20-:CIA-RDP81 B00401 R0021 000 Ethiopia and Rhodesia. A. In Angola, Moscow and Havana are concerned about .went, but It is highly, disruptive, aggravates the economic problems confronting Neto and his foreign supporters an increasing their inability to halt the UNITA insurgency. UNITA is not able to bring down the Neto govern- Moscow's intervention in the Ethiopia-Somali toll among the Cubans. the Ogaden and-the Eritrean insurgency remains cessful. Nonetheless, insurgency continues in. conflict over the Ogaden was sudden and suc-, a military solution. between Moscow and Addis Ababa. Moscow presently favors a negotiated settlement but Mengistu wants. -.a.serious problem and a source of contention Moscow remains the major foreign backer of_the Patriotic Front which conducts the insurgency, against the Rhodesian interim government. :Moscow* PP.'and the Frontline states (Angola, Botswana,'- Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia) in dealing 'has to date carefully followed the lead of the with the Rhodesian problem. but has spoken out against the UK-US settlement plan- 1. Despite Soviet and Cuban efforts in training SECRET I roved For Release 2004/01/20: CIA-RDP81 B00401 R002100070030-2 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 B00401 R002100070030-2 and supplying ZAPU--the PF faction Moscow, is closest to--ZAPU forces are no match for the Rhodesian security forces- 2. Moscow is concerned about this-and is taking steps to try to improve ZAPU's military capabilities- . i ~ . trip to London and Washington, his ILLEGI B a his continued good relations with the Moscow is increasingly concerned about the concern stems from Zambia's serious economic problems, Kaunda's reluctance to allow more Soviets and Cubans to work with ZAPU and depth of Zambian President Kaunda's com- mitment to ZAPU and. the PF. Moscow's IV. The Soviets. are confronted: with problems in a result of their growing presence and influence on the continent. A. Most African states continue to distrust Soviet motives. This is true even in Angola' Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81800401 R002100070030-2 Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 B00401 R002100070030-2 SECRET/Y" friction has developed between. the Sov1et5 and' such as.Angola and to a lesser extent EthiOP:Lar presence C, in areas where there is a large Soviet ,. performance in the economic development field and the low level of Soviet economic aid. B. African states also coxap a~,n abqut PPOr Soviet 4.,o , nr-Al nonulation. DAfrican- nationalism maxi over the long term, limits the extent o9 .Soviet influence. Approved For Release 2004/01/20 : CIA-RDP81 B00401 R002100070030-2