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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Air Information Division Library of Congress March 1960 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ,tt OFFICIAL USE ONLY LITERATURE SURVEY OF COSMIC RAY RESEARCH IN THE SOVIET UNION Air Information Division Library of Congress March 1960 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 -A TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 PART I. PROBLEMS IN COSMIC RADIATION 3 A. Theory of the Origin of Cosmic Rays B. Bremsstrahlung of Charged Particles and the Absorption of Eigh-Ehergy Photons C. Soft Component of Cosmic Radiation D. Hard Component of Cosmic Radiation E. Heavily Ionizing Particles, Nuclear Disintegrations and Their Products F. Primary Cosmic Rays and Geomagnetic Effects ? ? G. COsmic Ray Showers H. Cosmic Ray Variations and Atmospheric Conditions PART II. APPENDIX 11. 19 26 30 39 ABSTRACTS, SUMMARIES, TRANSLATIONS (Sections as in Part I) . ? ? ? ? ? OOOOOOOOO A6 I. Biographical Information on Leading Scientists in the Field APPENDIX II. 'Institutes, Stations, and Observatories APPENDIX III. Instruments and Equipment . BIBLIOGRAPHY 87 99 105 115 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 p. p. INTRODUCTION Since the end of World War II, remarkable progress has been made in cosmic-ray research. The hundreds of studies that have been written during this period attest both a practical and a purely scientific interest in this form of radiation. In ad- dition to the danger it represents in connection with space flight, cosmic radiation has an appreciable effect on the earth's atmosphere, possibly even influencing the weather according to E. P. Ney of the University of Minnesota and the Russian scien- tists Eygenson and Rakipova. The intimate relationship between cosmic radiation and certain astrophysical processes is now being studied by astronomers and cosmic-ray physicists to in- crease our knowledge of the galaxy and the universe. Radio- active tracers produced by cosmic-ray collisions are being used by scientists to investigate exchanges of matter in the atmos- phere, biosphere and hydrosphere. These are just a few of the problems which are stimulating cosmic-ray research. The purpose of this report is to provide a literature sur- vey of Soviet research in this field. By way of comparison and illustration, non-Russian sources have frequently been cited. A complementary report deals with the closely related problem of Van Allen radiation belts. In July 1959, the International Conference on Cosmic Rays was held in Moscow. According to the New York Times of July 14, 1959, Rossi and other Western representatives reported that Russian scientists are making some substantial contributions. Rossi referred specifically to the discovery of anomalies in the earth's magnetic field as a,major development. Detection equipment shown at the Moscow University was reported to be of the best and latest types. A review of this conference by Dobrotin [55] points up the problems which have most interested Russian scientists in the past few years and which are likely to constitute a future trend, namely, the origin of cosmic rays, high-energy nuclear interactions, and the high-altitude compo- sition and variations of cosmic radiation. It may be useful here to associate the names of the lead- ing Russian scientists with their main areas of research. Ginzburg and Shklovskiy have won wide recognition for their work on the theory of the origin of cosmic rays and the appli- cation of radio astronomy to the problem. Important contri- butions to the theory of*high-energy interactions have been. made by Landau, Feynberg, Grigorov, Takibayev, and Rapoport. Original work on extensive air showers and the intensity of cosmic rays at different altitudes and latitudes has been done by Zatsepin, Vernov, Rozental', and Khristiarisen. Chudakov is known for his investigations of Cherenkov radiation of showers. -1- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? 4, ? Finally, the work done by Dprman ranks him as a world authority on variations in cosmic-ray intensity. These scientists may be expected to continue their research on these important problems. Aided by great progress in rocketry, Russian scientists are in a position to carry out more extensive high-altitude investigations. In the area of machine physics, plans for a giant 50 Belr accelerator are being drawn up. If built, this machine will be twice as powerful as the synchrotron installed at the Ewopean Center of Nuclear Research, now the largest in the world. It is also likely that much of the work initiated during the International Geophysical Year will give further impetus to Russian activity in the field of cosmic rays. Part I of this report consists of eight sections correspond- ing in the main to a conventional breakdown of the subject. A given paper or study, however, does not always pertain solely to one section and may be cited in more than one. Bracketed numbers in the text refer to the bibliography which consists entirely of Russian materials available in the Library of Con- gress. Western sources are identified only by a publication date in parentheses. Part II of the report contains abstracts, summaries and translations of the more significant material arranged-to correspond to the sections of Part I. It may be useful to note that many Russian studies on cosmic radiatiOn are available in translation. Finally. information on the leading Russian cosmic-ray physicists and or cosmic-ray facili- ties and equipment is presented in three appendixes. -2- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? ? ? PART I. PROBLEMS IN COSMIC RADIATION -3- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? ? A. THEORY OF THE ORIGIN OF COSMIC RAYS From the beginning of cosmic-ray studies, theories of the origin of the radiation have been in a state of flux both in the West and in the U.S.S.R. This is due to a constant revision of views resulting from an increased knowledge of the galaxy and the rapid. accumulation of basic data, especially during the last decade. For this reason a complete, generally accepted theory does not yet exist. Nevertheless, Russian contributions to this pvoblem have been substantial. A general description of theories of,cosmic-ray origin is to be found in a book on cosmic radiation by Zhdanov [271]. Dobrotin [53, p. 297] states that any acceptable theory of cosmic-ray origin must expqain,the following: (1) the power-law energy spectrum N(E) dE.AEVr+1.) dE, where E = energy, N(E) number of particles, Y =a constant varying between 1 and 1.8, and A . a constant; (2) the absolute magnitude of energy carried by cosmic, rays; (3) the composition of primary radiation, that is, the presence of protons, a-particles, and the nuclei of heavy particles; (4) the constancy of the intensity of cosmic radiation; and (5) the isotropy of cosmic radiation in space. All modern theories on the origin of cosmic-radiation can be essentially reduced to the dynamics of ionized gas in a mag- netic field and the creation of electromagnetic fields. It is assumed that a sufficient number of relativistic particles is created when the displacement of large masses of ionized gas takes place at high velocities (of the order of 1,000 km/sec). According to most theories, initial acceleration of particles -occurs in the vicinity 'of stars. It has also been suggested that electromagnetic induction is caused by great changes in magnetic fields, such as occur during and between sun spots. This hypothesis is supported by observed changes in cosmic-ray intensity which can be related to solar activity (Dorman[611 Ch.8]). It has been stated (Ginzburg [83]) that the main problem in explaining the origin of cosmic rays is that of the acceler- ation mechanism linked with actual astrophysical conditions and real bodies such as the sun and certain stars. Efforts in this direction began with Swann (1930) who pointed out that a change in the magnetic fields in sun spots (and probably in stars) with respect to time might lead to particle acceleration up to energies of 109 to 1010eV: In 1939 and again in 1952, Alfv?n and his school of magneto- hydrodynamicists presented -a model of a "celestial cyclotron" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08 CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 based on assumed magnetic moments of double stars. This school maintains that solar particles as well as cosmic rays are ac- celerated magnetic and electric fields in space and considers erroneous the.view of S. Chapman and V. A. Ferraro that during a flare the sun ejects a powerful stream of electrons and pro- tons. Riddiford and Butler (1952) studied the acceleration of particles on the sun and in the atmospheres of stars. Terlet- skiy [227,228] and Kolpakov and Terletskiy [132] derived a detailed acceleration mechanism based on the noncoincidence of the magnetic moment of a star and its axis of rotation. Many Soviet scientists have published significant studies on the origin of cosmic rays based on the work of Fermi (1949).. Among these are Logunov and Terletskiy [157], Shklovskiy [209], Ginzburg [87,89], Pikel'ner [183,184], and Shayn and Gaze [207]. Logunov and Terletskiy [157] added to Fermi's theory by evaluating the motion of charged particles through interstellar clouds" in a state of turbulent motion. Pikel'ner [183], in his study of the motion of interstellar "clouds", found that such motion, in relation to the sun, equals on the average several tens of kilometers per second. In an article on the interstellar polarization of 'light (Pikel'ner [184]), he shows that (1) gaseous masses in interstellar space have a high conductivity, and (2) magnetic lines of force may be considered "frozen" to matter in 14terstel1ar space. In studying the shape and motion of several gaseous "clouds" within the galaxy, Shayn, Gaze, and Pikel'ner [208] found that the shapes and motions observed can best be explained by assuming a state of turbulence and the existence of magnetic fields in the interstellar "clouds". In a paper published in 1953, V. L. Ginzburg [83] reviews the work of Swann (1933), Alfv6n (1950,1952), Richtmeyer and Teller (1949), Kiepenheuer (1953), McMillan (1950), Fermi (1949), Terletskiy [227], and Terletskiy and Logunov [229]. He arrives at the conclusion that the theory of the origin of cosmic rays should be based on radio-astronomical findings, particularly on radio emission due to the bremsstrahlung of electrons moving through magnetic fields. He also applies a rigorous mathemati- cal analysis to the motion of charged particles through inter- stellar space and the envelopes of stars and draws the following conclusions: 1. Cosmic electrons with energies of 108 to 109 eV (where 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-12ergs) are disseminated through galactic space in the same manner as-rarefied intex;--- galactic gas. -5- in Darf qnniti7Pd Coov Aooroved for Release 6 50-Yr 2014/05/08 CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 2. Energy density of cosmic particles in galactic space n-abbut 1 eV/cm3, and the volume and total energy of the particles are respectively 1068 cm and 1068 eV. 3. There are no valid arguments for the hypothesis that the sun is the source of cosmic rays nor for the galactic origin of cosmic rays suggested by Terletskiy and Logunov [229]. Zwicky (1934) and ter Haar (1950) suggested that cosmic rays may be produced by supernovae explosions. Shklovskiy [209, 211] and Ginzburg [84] developed ter Haar's hypothesis as follows: (1) radio-astronomical data indicate that in ex- plosions of supernovae the expanding envelopes generate a con- siderable number of relativistic electrons, cosmic protons, and nuclei; (2) in our galactic system new supernovae flars up, (To the average, once every 300 years, giving off from 103 to 10 ergs of energy per second which is sufficient to supply the cos- mic-ray energy reaching the earth; (3) assuming that,in our galaxy about 100 novae occur each year, releasing icy" to 1040 ergs per second, it is probable that the supply of cosmic rays from novae is greater than that from supernovae; (4) the birth of a supernova does not increase the intensity of cosmic radi- ation on earth because cosmic particles require considerable time to be accelerated, much longer than the period of birth of a supernova; (5) all the stars of the same class as the sun com- bined cannot account for more than a small fraction of the intensity of cosmic radiation. Writing in 1956, Ginzburg [88] re-evaluates his earlier studies on the theory of the origin of cosmic rays taking into account theoretical and experimental data from Getmantsev and Ginzburg [82], Pikel'ner [83], Shklovskiy [209, 210], and Vladimirskiy [252], as well as studies by Baldwin, ter Haar, Morrison, Olbert, Rossi, and other non-Russian scientists. He states that the magnetic bremsstrahlung hypothesis, which links nonthermal cosmic radio emission with waves radiated by relati- vistic electrons moving in the interstellar magnetic field, not only yields values in agreement with the probable values of interstellar fields and the concentration of relativistic elec- trons, but is, in general, a very fruitful concept in the theory of radio astronomy and the theory of the origin of cosmic rays. The hypothesis explains the fact that at the earth not mor g than 1% of primary cosmic rays of energy greater or equal to 10' eV consists of electrons. This is due to the loss of energy by electrons in magnetic bremsstrahlung which is negligible for protons and nuclei. In one of his most comprehensive papers, Ginzburg [90,91] -6- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 further develops his ideas on the origin of cosmic rays and com- pares the hypotheses of other scientists. His concluding re- marks point up the progress and problems in the theory of cosmic- ray origin and are included in translation in Part II of this report. In 1958, the magazine Nuovo Cimento devoted a large supple- ment to cosmic radiation. In the section on the theory of the origin of cosmic rays there are twelve articles, three of which are from the U.S.S.R. In one of these, Ginzburg [92] re- examines the concepts and experimental data bearing on the problem as given previously by Ginzburg [84,86,88,91], Ginzburg and Fradkin [93], Pikeltner [185], Pikeliner and Shklovskiy [186]?, Shklovskiy [209,212], and a number of Western scientists. In' this paper he states that: 1. Nonthermal cosmic radio emission is the emission of relativistic electrons moving in weak magnetic fields. 2. In determining the spectra of the radiation, it is assumed that the galactic corona includes irregular magnetic fields (H/r) of 10-5 oersteds. 3. The average energy density of unidirectional isotropic cosmic electrons with energies greater than 108 eV is about 10-2 eV/cm3. If. The lifetime of protons (T n) and electrons (Te) in the galaxy, where average gas concentration n varies from 0.01 to 0.1, is from If x 108 to If x 109 years. 5. Secondary electrons and protons resulting from nuclear collisions and subsequent decay (ISMih, 11,+ electron) carry away approximately 1/10 of the total electronic energy of the electrons with energies greater than 1 - 3 x 108 eV. 6. The following energy is transferred to relativistic electrons and protons in the galaxy. in a steady state: a. Ue = power energy second where Ue = power transferred to the elec- tronic component as a result of cosmic-ray proton-nuclei collisions; 10 to 1040 ergs, -7- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 b. U --main power transferred to cosmic cr rays = 1039 to 1040 ergs approximately. 7. The major part of the power Ucr transferred to cosmic rays is supplied by primary sources- including (according to Fermi) the moving interstellar gas cloud. 8. In accordance with recent radio-astronomical data and numerical values computed for Ue and U 0 it is assumed that cosmic rays are cr formed as a result of the explosion of super- novae and probably also novae. 9. Relativistic particle generation takes place in the envelopes of supernovae and novae in accordance with Fermi's statistical acceler- ation mechanism. 10. The hypothesis of the solar origin of the major part of cosmic rays is not supported by present cosmic-ray data. 11. Energy considerations, radio-astronomical data, and other factors preclude the acceptance of the metagalactic origin of cosmic rays. 12. The galactic theory based on interstellar acceleration as the source of cosmic rays is not sufficiently supported by radio-astronomical observations. 13. The assumption of cosmic-ray acceleration due only to supernovae and novae explosions is plausible ancl sufficient to explain all the known facts. Shklovskiy [212], in his comprehensive book on radio emission, devotes only a few pages to the theory of the origin of cosmic rays. In a later study, Shklovskiy [213] analyzes the work of Dpmbrovskiy [58], Ginzburg [83,84,85], Pikeliner and Shklovskiy [186], Landau and Rumer [155], Shklovskiy [209, 210] and some Western scientists. His analysis leads him to the acceptance of a theory of the origin of cosmic rays similar to that postulated by Ginzburg [92]. -8- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08 CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 .10 a There is now wide agreement that part of the low-energy cosmic radiation originates on the sun. It is believed that the ejection process is related to gas turbulence on the sun and to corresponding changes in the magnetic fields. The small but periodic variations connected with the sun-spot cycle is well known and sudden increases in the rate of arrival of cos- mic rays have been observed at the time of solar flares ac- companied by unusual ultraviolet and corpuscular radiation (Dorman [62]). Mustel, [172,p.69] includes cosmic rays in solar cor- puscular radiation. In an earlier work (Mustel' [171]), he concludes that corpuscular emission arises in photospheric faculae and overlying flocculi and is influenced by magnetic fields of sun spots. Vsekhsvyatskiy et al. [253], on the other hand, believe with some Western scientists that the corpuscular radiation issues from the corona (coronal rays). A recent paper by Kolpakov [131] complements the Mustel, hy- pothesis. In another recent study, Severnyy [205] deals with the problem of corpuscular emission during solar flares. In 1958, two other leading astrophysicists published papers pertaining to specific aspects of the theory of the origin of cosmic radiation. Gordon [96] finds nonstationary stars to be a source of cosmic rays. The mechanism is one of nonthermal (synchrotron) radiation of relativistic electrons. Veksler [233] suggests a new mechanism for the generation of relativistic electrons based essentially on the law of the conservation of energy. According to this hypothesis totally ionized clusters of plasma moving through a heterogeneous mag- netic field should give rise to the generation of fast elec- trons. Such electrons have become significant in the investi- gation of cosmic radio emission as it relates to the origin of cosmic rays. Recently, Van Allen in the United States and Vernov et al, [244] have investigated the distribution 4f ".cosmic" radi- ation up to 100,000 kilometers above the earth, and have presented theoretical considerations for its distribution in space. Vernov and his associates state that: 1. Under the action of cosmic rays the earth becomes a 'source of neutrons. 2. The neutrons, as uncharged particles, diffuse freely through the magnetic field of the earth, reaching great altitudes. -9- A' in mr-1T ri r.rnv Anoroved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08 CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? ? 3. Decaying neutrons generate charged particles which move along the magnetic force lines of the earth. 4. Eventually a particle reaches high magnetic latitudes where the velocity vector of the particle gradually rotates in respect to vector H of the magnetic field of the earth until a 90? position is reached and the motion of the particle is or may be reversed. 5. Electrons and protons resulting from neutron decay are considered corpuscular emission of the earth and are subject to a certain law of distribution in time and space. 6. At considerable distances from the earth's surface the intensity of corpuscular emission diminishes in proportion to 1/R2 and later to 1/R3 , where R is the distanceland the loss of the particles escaping from the magnetic trap is due to the nonconservation of magnetic moment. For a more detailed presentation of the problem of radiation around the earth the reader is referred to the Re- port on Van Allen Radiation Belts.prepared by the Air Infor- mation Division. As has been shown, the basic questions in :the problems of cosmic-ray origins concern the mechanisms of cosmic-ray injection and acceleration. Even though inconclusive, the postulates of Ginzburg and Shklovskiy, based on radio- astronomical data and Fermi's theory of acceleration, are now widely accepted outside as well as inside the Soviet Union. -10- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 B. BREMSSTRAHLUNG OF CHARGED PARTICLES AND THE ABSORPTION OF HIGH-ENERGY PROTONS Most general works on cosmic radiation include a brief explanation of bremsstrahlung and pair production. A detailed theoretical treatment of the problem is to be found in Belen'kiy [33] and Heitler (Quantum Theory of Radiation, 1940, 1954). An example of the importance of bremsstrahlung has been given by Chudakov [46]. Writing on the investigation of the photon component by means of the third artificial satellite, he points out that the study of bremsstrahlung can be used to ob- tain useful information on the nature and intensity of cor- puscular flux in the atmosphere. Dobrotig [53, Ch.3] devotes several pages to these pro- cesses and lists the following basic phenomena that take place during the passage of charged particles and high-energy photons though material media: 1. charged particle is slowed as it dissipates its energy in atomic excitation and in tearing off electrons from atoms (ionization and gener- ation of high-energy electrons). 2. A photon can eject an atomic electron by giving all its energy to the electron (photoelectric effect). 3. In the field of an atomic nucleus a high-energy photon generates an electron-positron pair, giving up all its energy. 4. Scattering of photons takes place through the interaction of a photon and an electron as a result of the transfer of a part of the photon energy to the electron (Compton effect). 5. Interaction between a nucleus and a charged particle can produce a high braking effect accompanied by bremsstrahlung which is the emission of a photon of energy comparable to that of the incident particle. In his treatment of the above phenomena, Dobrotin [53,Ch.3] takes into account theoretical and experimental contributions by Bethe (1929), Fermi (194o), Klein and Nishina (1929), Kharitonov [122], Kharitonov and Barskiy [123], Yeliseyev, -11- nariaccifipci in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Kosmachevskiy, and Lyubimov [255], Landau [148], Podgoretskiy [187], and Meshkovskiy and Shebanov [164]. On bremsstrahlung and photon absorption in particular, the same author states that: 1. The intensity of bremsstrahlung is proportional to the square of the acceleration and inversely proportiohal to the square of the mass of a particle. 2. qpsmic-ray meson' and proton bremsstrahlung losses are insignificant. 3. Radiation loss of energy by an electron is greater in air than in lead. ) 4. Under certain conditions quanta of gamma rays produce electron-positron pairs. 5. The theory of the production of electron-positron pairs is based on Dirac's relativistic wave equation. 6. The production of electron-positron pairs cannot take place unless the energy of quanta is more than 2M0 c', where Mo is the rest mass of a particle, and c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec. Benisz, Chylinski, and Wolter (1959) investigated four high-energy electron-photon cascades and found that the experi- mental energy spectrum of first generation electron pairs shows a statistically significant deviation from the Bethe-Heitler energy spectrum curve and good agreement with the energy spectrum of Landau and Pomeranchuk [153,154] and Ter-Mikaelyan [230]. Migdal [168] has also contributed to the study of bremsstrahlung and pair production at high energies. Several recent Soviet studies treat of polarization effects and spin in bremsstrahlung and pair formation. Nadzhafov [173,174] has investigated the elliptical polarization of a bremsstrahlung photon in addition to linear polarization. He also presents an analysis of the reversal of spin in bremsstrah- lung. Kerimov and Nadzhafov [118].have investigated the case of bremsstrahlung of an electron with oriented spin, and in a later paper [119] derive a formula for the effective cross section for bremsstrahlung which is a generalization of the - -12- narlaccifiinri in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Bethe-Heitler formula, with account taken of the longitudinal polarization of the electron and photon spin. Bremsstrahlung of particles with a spin of 2 has been studied by Bedritskiy [32]. Bremsstrahlung of other particles interacting with nuclei is, at Oesent receiving some attention. Dyatlov [70] and Lomanov et al. [159] discuss interattion of pi-mesons and variouB nuclei, taking into 'account the form of nuclei and the cross section for bremsstrahlung. Cross sections hare also been investigated in a recent paper by Patarya [183]. The question of photonuclear reactions, or the interaction of nuclei and gampla bretsstrahlung, is the subject of papers by Chuvilo and Shevchenko [49] and Agranovich and Stavinskiy [6]. -13- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 C. SOFT COMPONENT OF COSMIC RADIATION The soft component of cosmic radiation comprises secondary electrons, positrons, photons, low-energy mesons and protons. These are produced in the earth's atmosphere and are designated soft" because they are easily absorbed and, conversely, weakly penetrating. Birger et al.[39], Vernov [238], and Carlson, Hooper and King (1950) showed that photons and electron-positron pairs are due to neutral pi-meson decay. Hooper and Scharff (1958) speciV the decay of neutral pi-mesons as. the most important source of this component. At low altitudes and at sea kevel,.the soft component may be divided into three parts: (1) decay electrons, i.e. electrons resulting from the decay of mu-mesons; (2) knock- on electrons, which are knocked on by collisions with mu-mesons or other fast charged particles; and (3) the "nonequilibrium" soft component, i.e. photons and electrons not resulting from meson decay-. .Once created, these particles multiply in ac- cordance with the cascade shower theory. At sea level the soft component equals about 40 percent of the.hard component. Azimov [23] found that at an altitude of 900 meters this percentage increases to 414 5 percent, while at 3,860 meters it is 111i: 5 percent. At a few kilometers above sea level the number of knock-on electrons grows proportionally with the intensity of the hard component while .che number of decay electrons is proportional to the intensity of the hard component and inversely proportional to air pressure. Experi- mental evaluation of the number of decay electrons by Azimov, Vishevskiy, and Ryzhkova [28] gave results which do not deviate:- significantly from results obtained by using cascade theory formulas. During the last few years many more data have been obtained on the soft component, thanks largely to the three Soviet arti- ficial earth satellites. At the same time, additional problems have been revealed. Al'pert [17] reports data obtained by the first artificial satellite on electron concentration up to 650 kilometers, and tabulates the estimated concentration up to 3,100 kilometers. Use of the third artificial satellite for the detection and study of particles in the upper atmosphere and beyond has been reported by several researchers. Krasovskiy []..41] presents evidence of high-intensity electron bands pre- sumably of nonsolar origin. Vernov et al. [250] and Chudakov [46] report that luminescence counters recorded ten times as many counts as were expected from primaries. This is Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? attributed to photons. .The electronic component was also measured. Data obtained by this satellite have not been com- pletely analyzed. Significant studies of the soft component in the strato- sphere at different latitudes and depths have been made by Ver- al. [240], Ageshin, Charakhch,yan and Charakhchlyan [5]i Rapoport [196], Azimov and Karimov [25], and Tulinov [231]. The cascade shower theory is based on the application of quantum electrodynamics. Integrodifferential equations to evaluate changes in the number of high-energy electrons and photons during their passage through matter are based on the pioneering work of Bethe and Heitler (1937) and Carlson and Oppenheimer (1937). This quantum approach was later modified by Landau and Rumer [155], Belenikiy [33], Belenikly and Maksimov [36], and Janossy (1952,1954). It may be noted that Landau and Rumer [155] used Laplace and Mellin transforms in their work. Vernov [237], Vavilov [232], Faynberg [77], and many Western scientists have investigated transition effects, that is, those effects which radiation displays in passing from one medium to a denser medium. Guzhavin and Ivanenko [108] report that the problem of the one-dimensional development of an electron-photon cascade shower may be considered completely solvedlbut that the problem of a three-dimensional development of a cascade shower cannot be con- sidered solved. Using the method of functional transformation (Belenikiy [33]) and the method of moments (Ivanenko [113]), the authors were able to arrive at a fairly complete solution to the problem of the behavior of showers in light and heavy substances and to derive formulas for evaluating the angular and lateral distribution of particles in a ctlscade shower. Pomet.anchuk [190] and Migdal [167,168] have also studied this problem. More extensive coverage of the question of showers will be found insectian. G of this report. _15- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 1 D. HARD COMPONENT OF COSMIC RADIATION The penetrating, or hard, component contains all the high- energy.nucleons and Mesons, and is further defined as those rays which penetrate certain thicknesses of matter, usually taken as 10, 15, or 18 centimeters of lead. At sea level it accounts for 75 to 80 percent of registered radiation and is primarily composed of mu-mesons in the 5 - 6 x 10 eV range. The mass of mu-mesons is approximately 200 met. It has been said that apart from its decay process, the mu-meson is in all important respects a heavy electron (Fowler and Wolfendale, 1950*. mu-mesons can be detected hundredm of meters under- ground. Nonionizing particles are also present in the hard component. In the atmosphere, the intensity of this component increases with altitude as does the ratio of protons to mu- mesons. Investigations of these mesons in the stratosphere have been carried out by Ageshin and Charakhchl_yan [4], and Kocharyan 4t al. [130]. The ratio of positive mu-mesons to negative mu-mesons NAtt is found to vary from 1.25 at sea N,- level to 1.5 at an altitude of 10 kilometers. It may be recalled that Yukawa (1935) predicted the ex- istence of a particle with a mass between that of electrons and protons. After the discovery of the mu-meson by Anderson and Neddermeyer (1938), research was carried out to identify it with Yukawa's particle. The theoretical difficulties in this research were resolved by the discovery of the pi-meson by Powell et al. (1947). Among others, the following scientists made theoretical and experimental contributions to the study of mu-mesons and the mass of charged particles: Conversi (1950), Wilson (1946), Alikhan'Yan et al. [10], Kocharyan et al.[130], Alikhanov and Yeliseyev'[8], Nikitin [175], Kharitonov [121], and Rozental' [201]. In a paper published in 1956, Grigorov [102] presents formulas for evaluating the number and intensity of nucleons, mesons, and particles producing stars in photographic emulsions. The formulas are applied to data for different altitudes and geomagnetic latitudes. His work is partially based on papers by Garibyan and Gol'dman [81] and Grigorov [101]. According to data supplied by Dobrotin [53)p.84], mu- mesons have a mean lifetime of several microsesonds. This mean lifetime for a meson with an energy of 10' eV is ten times greater than that of a slow mu-meson. Instead of using the mean life, the "decay length" L may te used to denote mu-meson -16- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 t, zn decay, with L = _ c where zV . z2 - altitudes, and N1 N1 - In- - N2 and N2= the number of mesons at altitudes 1 and 2. The constant of mu-meson decay is independent of the substance traversed, which indicates that the decay is spontaneous. It is concluded that the detay scheme is )4-1,' e? v Baradzey, Vernov and Smorodin [30] investigated the decay of mu-mesons in connection with the Fermi efrect and atmospheric density. The effect of air pressure and temperature was studied by Feynberg [78]. Zhdanov and Naumov [273] fond that the differential spectrum of paths up to 100 g/cm of air is only slightly altitude-dependent. The latter investigators and Zhdanov and Khaydarov [272] have carried out work with delayed coincidences to study the decay mechanism and the products of decay. The passage of high-energy mu-mesons through matter is the subject of a recent paper by Rozental' and Strel'tsov [203]. mu-mesons moving in a compact medium expend their energy in the process of innization. Stopped positive mu-mesons are subjected, to Coulomb'repulSion and decay. Negative low-velocity mu-mesons, after capture in the electric field of nuclei, begin moving along cei"tain quantum orbits and may be captured by one of the protons of a nucleus. These negative mu-mesons may also decay. Western cosmic-ray physicists helped formulate the theory that positively charged mu-mesons decaying in a filtering medium generate positrons, whereas negatively charged mu-mesons, in filters of light elements, produce electrons. Work in the West and by Podgoretskiy [88] has led to the conclusion that the capture of negative mu-mesons at sea level does not create high- energy charged particles and photons, that the capture of mesons leads to the disappearance of an equal number of protons neutrons,and that in the process some energy is released in the form of a neutrino. Shapiro [206] has investigated beta decay, a weak interi- action typical of meson and hyperon decay. He postulates the following: 1. Parity is not conserved in A-decay of nuclei. -17- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? ? 2. The angular distribution of decay electrons is anisotropic. 3. Space should be considered anisotropic, oriented for large distances and disoriented for small distances. Shapiro's paper contains references to Zel'dovich [269], Landau [151,152], and Ioffe, Rudik, and Okun' [111]. A more recent discussion of this problem is to be found in Michel (1957) and Fowler and Wolfendale (1958). -18- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 E. HEAVILY-IONIZING PARTICLES, NUCLEAR DISINTEGRATIONS AND THEIR PRODUCTS A particle moving with a velocity much lower than the velocity of light will ionize more heavily than a relativistic particle, that is, one moving with a speed close to that of light.. In a nuclear emulsion the tracks of slow or high-charge particles will appear gray or black because of their greater density relative to those of fast particles. It has been established that the slow heavily-ionizing cosmic-ray particles consist of protons, a-particles,deuteron,tritons, mesons, and some heavier nuclei. The path length in which a charged particle is more heavily ionizing than a relativistic particle is pro- portional to the mass of the particle. Therefore, heavy charged particles are heavily-ionizing over a comparatively large path. This characteristic makes it possible to distinguish them from other particles. Skobelitsyn [215], and Razorenov and Knyazev [197], using a modified Wilson i chamber in conjunction with proportional counters, were able to differentiate ionization bursts due to heavy particles from those due to showers. Skobelttsyn showed that most bursts in an unshielded chamber at sea level are pro- duced by showers, but that at heights of only a few thousand meters the relationship is reversed. Using a thin-walled cham- ber, Rossi and Williams (1947) found, in opposition to Skobel'- tsynts data, that 98 percent of ionization bursts at 3,000 - 4,000 meters are caused by strongly-ionizing heavy particles. At the Third All-Union Conference on the Physics of Cosmic Rays in 1954, Chudakov [44] and Rapoport [195] presented papers on ionization of cosmic-ray particles in the stratosphere. The latter paper shows that there is an appreciable flux of strongly- ionizing particles accounting for over one-third of the total ionization. Other Soviet contributions to the theory of heavily- ionizing particles and the recording of particles by means of chambers, counters and nuclear emulsions include Kharitonov [123], Landau [148], Gorbunov [95], Alikhantyan and Marikyan [16], Takibayev [223], and Grigorov, Yevreynova and Sokolov [106]. Experiments conducted by Blau and Wambacher (1937) es- tablished that cosmic-ray particles cause nuclear disinte- grations. These are due to the various possibilities of inter- action between nucleons, nuclei, and the nuclear-active pi- mesons. The star, which is formed by the emerging, strongly- -19- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ionizing particles, is typical of such interaction. An excited nucleus radiates protons and neutrons by "evaporation". It has been found that in light nuclei the ratio of neutrons to protons is equal while in heavy nuclei the ratio is approxi- mately 3/2. In studying high-energy interactions, nuclear emulsions and Wilson chambers in a magnetic field have proved reasonably effective despite the limitations of each. Alikhantyan and Marikyan [16] and Marikyan [161] found that the aaergies of secondary deuterons are in many cases as high as 10u eV. The reason for the appearance of a large number of particles with energies considerably exceeding their binding energy is still not clear. Using a magnetic mass spectrometer developed by Alikhanlyan and Alikhanov, Asatiani and Khrimyan [22] have determined the momentum spectrum of negative pi-mesons from stars and the ratio oPnegative pi-mesons to positive pi- mesons. Recently, two similar studies at mountain altitude were made by Alikhanovetal,[8] and Khrimyan [124] to determine the nature and momentum spectrum of protons, deuterons and K-mesons generated by charged and neutral particles of high energies. In a recent study on the multiple production of particles in jets, Chernavskiy [42] says: "Jet showers in photoemnsions are due to the interaction of high-energy nucleons (>10 eV) with a substance. The following events are possible: (1) interaction of a nucleon with the internal parts of a heavy nucleus; (2) direct collision of a nucleon with a heavy nucleus; (3) direc't collision of a nucleon with one of the surface nucleons of the nucleus or with a hydrogen nucleus; ()t-) pe- ripheral interaction of a nucleon with a nucleon when the Inci- dent nucleon passes within a certain minimum distance of the edge of the nucleus". The first two cases have been investi- gated by Ivanovskaya and Chernavskiy [115], Landau [150], Maksimenko and Rozental' [160], and peripheral collisions have been studied by Feynberg and Chernavskiy [79], and Rozentall and Chernavskiy [202]. According to Zatsepin [260], it is ordinarily assumed that in a collision of nucleons a certain coupled system is formed which takes up the entire energy of the incident nucleon and that the break-up of this system leads to the production of particles. However, when the energy of the colliding nucleons is high, there is another possible mechanism of multiple pro- duction of particles as follows: (1) the interacting nucleons exchange a small portion of their momenta and energy; (2) one or both nucleons become excited; (3) the excited state of the nucleons leads to the production of particles. It is quite possible that stars may also be produced simultaneously by both types of interaction. -20- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 In 19561 two survey papers were published (Grigorov [102] and Saakyan [204]) on the passage of the nucleonic component through the atmosphere, high-energy collisions and the gener- ation of pi-mesons. The study of high-energy particles and interactions with the aid of a synchrocyclotron built in 1949 is the subject of a detailed paper by Dzhelepov and Pontecorvo [71]. The question of star-producing particles, stars and related processes has been examined in several papers by Takibayev. He has investigated the transition effect for stars at altitudes up to 30 kilometers (Takibayev [224,225]. More recently, the spatial distribution of stars and the possibility of a genetic connection between near stars were investigated by Loktionov, Stafeyev, and Takibayev [158]. No experimental evidence of a genetic relationship was obtained, but the possibility is not excluded in theory. Detailed pavestigation of proton-proton and neutron-proton collisions has shown that nuclear forces are independent of the electric charge of the interacting nucleons. To explain this, the theory ass.umes that these forces are the result of the emission and absorption of particles by nucleons and that in addition to charged particles, there are neutral particles which are agents of nuclear interaction. It follows that the mass of such neutral particles should not deviate greatly from that of the charged particles, that is, the charged pi-mesons. Bjorklund,. Grandall, Moyer and York (1950) first demon- strated the existence of neutral pi-mesons by bombarding a target with high-energy protons. Steinberger?Panofsky, Steller (1950) obtained further evidence of neutral pi-mesons by bombarding a beryllium target with high-energy gamma rays. A more accurate determination of the mass of neutral pi-mesons was supplied by Panof sky et al. (1951). Landau [149] showed that the pi-meson has a spin 0 and a very short lifetime. In 1957, Barkov and Nikoliskiy [31] published a critical review of pi-meson studies in the U.S.S.R. and in*:the West. Dobrotin [531Ch.7] ascribes the first systematic investi- gations of the composition of cosmic rays to Alikhaniyan, Alikhanov, and their coworkers. The existence of heavy particles of mass between that of light mesons and protons was demonstrated by Alikhaniyan and Alikhanov [9], Alikhaniyan and Kharitonov [13,14], Alikhantyan, Dadayan, and Shostakovich [12], Vernov, Dobrotin, and Zatsepin [239], and Alikhanov and Yeliseyev [7]. By improving the design of their mass-spectrometer, Alikhani- yan et al. [15] were able to detect a heavy particle with a mass - 21- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 of 2230 150. From photographic plates flown to an altitude of 3,500 meters, Powell et al. (1949) detected a heavy particle, the tau-meson, later found to decay into three pi-mesons. Friedlander (1954) obtained evidence from photographic plates indicating the existence of a charged particle with a mass greater than that of a nucleon. All these investigations relate to the heavy unstable particles, sometimes called the "strange" particles, which are divided into two major classes, the K-mesons or heavy mesons, and the Y-particles or hyperons. They may be positive, negative, or neutral. A recent, extensive monograph on these particles has been written by Markov [162]. In the study of their proper- ties, the work of Gell-Mann and Pais (1953,1955) has been very significant. Table 1 shows the properties of these and other elementary particles. Using a combination of two nuclear-emulsion plates in a strong magnetic field at 3,500 meters, Franzinetti (1950) ob- served over 300 stopped particles. According to his estimates, the maximum number of K-mesons could not be more than 2 percent of the total number of heavy particles. Similar conclusions were reached by Brown et al. (19)1.9) and Fowler (1950) from data obtained at an altitude of 40 kilometers. et-mesons found in an emulsion stack were investigated by Gramenitskiy et al. [97] who found evidence to support the hypothesis that if-mesons and -mesons are different particles. In other more recent studies of K-mesons, Zeltdovich [268] investigates neutral K-mesons and cross sections for their inter- action with electrons. Investigating the properties of K-mesons, Granovskiy [99] concludes that the mass, parity and spin of these particles may be determined according to the Heisenberg ? 1 theory. The track of a V-particle was first observed by Rochester and Butler (1947) using a Wilson chamber at sea level. These authors suggested that the observed forked track was formed by a charged pi-meson and a charged tau-meson resulting from the decay of a neutral V-particle. Seriff et al. (1950) were able to show that V-particles constitute approximately 3 percent of the charged particles generated by high-energy interactions. Dobrotin [53], assuming two forms of neutral V-particles, suggests the following decay scheme: A?---> p + Tr + a?ci. eo TT+ + + ) -22- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 S Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Table 1. FmaamenULLYtrtielPs Symbol Charge S Name , r Mass I Decay Products Q MeV me MeV 0 Photon 0 0 0 Neutrino 30 and energies greater than 3.10? eV/nucleon. A general view and block diagram of the instrument are shown. Preliminary analysis of data covering nine days of operation shaathat the average number of nuclei of Z,P15-20 was 1.22 + 0.08 per minute. Only one case of output voltage corresponding to the recording of a nucleus of Z>30 was observed. The calcu- lated ratio of fluxes for these groups was found not to conflict with the present-day notions of the acceleration and motion of cosmic rays in interstellar space. 2. Shuleykin, V. V. Sciences, USSR). Doklady Akademii (Naval Hydrophysical Institute, Academy of Terrestrial magnetic field and the world ocean. nauk SSSR, v. 76, no. 1, 1951: 57-60. In an effort to explain additional elements of the earth's magnetic field, the author notes the continuous temperature difference in the stratosphere over oceans and continents. This gives rise to stratospheric cyclonic air movement which is most intense parallel to coast lines. Citing the work of D. B. Skobelftsyn (1950) and S. N. Vernov et al. (1950), the author suggests that another factor contributing to the geomagnetic field might be cosmic radiation in the stratosphere. It is assumed that protons have little significance below 5 kilometers above sea level, but that their importance rises steadily above this level to 20 kilometers and higher. The quantity of protons stopped in the stratosphere can be evaluated. The electric con- ductivity of the air and the turbulent movement of air masses equalize the density of the "protonic gas" in the atmosphere. This "protonic gas" is caught up in both the zonal circulation -69- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 around the earth and in the system arising from the temperature differential over oceans and continents. It is found that the predicted quantity of positive charges creating a convective electric current is too high, and therefore, that the origin of such currents is more complex in nature. Noting the difference in the behavior of positive and negative particles, the author states that the positively charged particles are caught in air currents and become an admixture in the neutral gas of the strato- sphere. Carried along in the general circulation of the air they could create the electric currents of the necessary density with- out givingriseto an excessively high intensity of the electric field in the atmosphere. It is concluded that it is still not possible to judge the importance of these currents in the basic magnetic field of the earth. 3- Vernov, S. N., and A. M. Kulikov. Angular distribution of cos- mic particles in the stratosphere. Doklady Akademii nauk, v. 61, 1948: 1013-1015. The angular distribution of cosmic rays in the stratosphere was studied in a series of balloon experiments using a three- counter telescope whose axis performed periodic rotations varying its angles with the vertical between 0? and 90?. It follows from the analysis of the curves plotted for various altitudes that the number of particles moving in a direction which forms an angle a with the vertical at an altitude corresponding to a pressure p is equal to the number of particles moving in a vertical directlai at an altitude corresponding to a pressure p/Cosa. The importaat fraction of almost horizontal paths at altitudes exceeding 20 km is explained by the long range of particles moving at about 750 in the rarefied air. These conditions favor the formation of a large number of horizontally moving particles. It is thus shown that the primary particles maintain their original direction in the atmosphere, and that the angular dispersion of the secondary radiation is small. By tying in these facts with the known lartip latitude effect in the stratosphere, and with the absence of the azimuthal asymmetry effect, the conclusion is reached, that, be- sides protons, the primary cosmic rays must contain negative anti- protons. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 2, 1949, 1349) -70- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 G. COSMIC-RAY SHOWERS 1. Abrosimov, A. T., V. A. Dmitriyev, G. V. Kulikov, Ye. I. Massal'skiy, K. I. Solov'yev, and G. B. Khristiansen. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 3, 1959: 751-761. Data presented on the number of high-energy nuclear-active particles in showers 6containing a total number of particles be- tween 1.104 and 2.10 and also on the lateral distribution of the energy flux of the nuclear-active component. It is noted that the energy of the nuclear-active component in individual showers with an equal number of particles may differ widely. On the basis of the shape of the spectrum of the nuclear-active particles and the shape of the lateral distribution of the energy flux of the nuclear-active component, some conclusions are drawn regarding the nature of the elementary act underlying the nuclear- cascade process. (Authors' abstract) 2. Antonov, Yu. N., Yu. N. Vavilov, G. T. Zatsepin, A. A. Kutuzov, Yu. V. Skvortsov, and G. B. Khristiansen (Academy of Sciences, USSR).. Structure of the periphery of extensive atmospheric cosmic-ray showers. Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 2, 1957:227-240. An investigation of the lateral distribution of various components of extensive showers at their periphery (200 to 800 m from the axis) has been carried out. The data on the lateral distribution indicate that the contribution .of the shower pe- riphery to the total shower particle flux is significant. The lateral distribution of the electron component at the periphery can be explained by means of the theory of multiple Coulomb scattering. Coulomb scattering also plays an important role in the divergence of the penetrating particles (AA-mesons); however, the angles of emission in the elementary events of nuclear cascade processes of fa-mesons which give rise to 4.4 -mesons can apparently also lead to this type of divergence of .M -mesons. An investigation of the intensity of the primary cosmicradlau.I. at very nign (1016 to 1017 ev) was also carried out. (Authors' abstract) -71- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 3. Belentkiy, S. Z., and B. I. Maksimov. The scattering of cascade particles in heavy elements. Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 22, no. 1, 1952: 102-111. A recurrence formula is derived for the nth moment of the distribution-in-depth function of an electron-photon cascade including scattering. The angular distribution, averaged over depth, is calculated without assuming small angles and including ionization losses (which are found to bg unim- portant for energies 15 MeV). In the case of a 10? eV cas- cade in Pb the first 2 moments of the cascade curve are changed by a few % due to scattering. (Physics Abstracts, v. 56, no. 667, 1953, 5553). 4. Chudakov, A. Ye., and N. M. Nesterova (Institute of Physics imeni Lebedev). Cherenkov radiation of extensive air showers. Nuovo cimento. Supplement?, v. 8, series 10, no 2, 1958:606-611. Short light flashes superimposed on the background of the night sky glow, correlated with the passage of cosmic rays in the atmosphere, were first detected in 1952. It was established that at least some of these flashes were caused by Cherenkov radiation of extensive air showers. Further experiments were conducted in the Pamir Mluntains (altitude 3860 m)in the autumn of 1955. The purpose of this investigation was tJ study the lateral distri- bution of the light flux relative to the core of the showers and also to determine the relation between the intensity of the light flashes and the size of the shower. The experimental arrangement included an optical receiver that registered the light flashes and a Geiger counter hodoscope. Two series of measurements were made. The sensitivity of the light receivers was adjusted so that about 100 pulses per hour were registered. On an average, each flash was accompanied by triggering of 20 hodoscope counters, while the number of cases when no counter was triggered was This it was established that practically all light flashes of a given intensity were produced by extensive air showers. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 13, no. 90 1959, 8025) 5. Dobrotin, N., O. Dovzhenko, V. Zatsepin, E. Murzina, S. I. Nikol'skiy, I. Rakobol'skaya, and Ye. Tukish (Institute of Physics imeni Lebedev). Combined method of investigation of -72- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 extensive air showers. Nuovo cimento. Supplemento, v. 8, series 10, no. 2, 1958:612-622. In order to reconstruct the picture of an elementary act of nuclear interaction at extremely high energies based on data of extensive air showers, it is necessary to make a detailed and comprehensive study of all the characteristics of the showers. Therefore, the investigation should be carried out with the use of a combined arrangement that will enable the investi- gators to determine (for an individual shower) not only the position of its axis and the total number of particles but to obtain all the characteristics of its different components. Tentative ,data are given conoerning partial results of measure- ments carried out during the autumn of 1955 at an altitude of 3860 m (the Pamir Mountains, Central Asia) by workers of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The electronic arrangement used allowed the measqrement of bursts in one chamber within the ionization interval (from 6 x 103 to 1 x 108 ion pairs), which corresponded t the ionization by the passage of 1 to 1.5 x 104 relativistic particles along its diameter and perpendicular to its axis. The master group of counters produced 60 master pulses per hour; 4 x 104 showers were recorded. The arrange- ment permitted the study of showers caused by primary particles 13 ,15 with energies of 3 x 10 . 2 x lv - ev. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 13, ? 9, 1959, 8026) 6. Goltdanskiy, V. I., and G. B. Zhdanov. On Cherenkov radiation of cosmic ray particles in the atmosphere. Zhurnal eksperi- mental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 26, no. 4, 1954: 405-416. The contribution of this radiation to the continuous spectrum of the luminosity at night is calculated and found to contribute less than 10%, in agreement with previous estimates. It is shown however, that a single burst of radiation could be observed by a registering device (e.g., photomultiplier) pro- vided the radius of the c,:liector is large and the resolution short/6.1C-8 sec. The observation of Cherenkov radiation from wide air showers is shown to afford a sensitive means of detecting these showers where the density of particles is so low as to make detection by counters difficult. The amplitude of radiation in this case is given as a function of distance from the axis of the shower. (Physics Abstracts, v. 58, no. 685, 1955, 377). -73- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 7. Gurevich, I. I., A. P. Mishakova, B. Surkova (Academy of Sciences, USSR). by high energy cosmic ray particles. i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 34, no. A. Nikol'skiy, and L. V. Explosion showers produced Zhurnal eksperimental'noy 2, 1958: 265-279. Experimental results are presented which pertain to 43 shower events induced by 1010 to 1014 ev nucleons and to 20 showers produced by particles with Z 2. Asymmetry in the angular distribution of shower particles with respect to the angle )r/2 in the center-of-mass system has been observed in showers produced by nucleons possessing an energy? 1011 ev. This fact is not consistent with the concept of shower production in nuclei in nucleon-nucleon collisions or with the predictions of the hydrodynamical theory of multiple Production of particles proposed by Belen'kiy and Landau. (Authers' abstract) 8. Khristiansen,G. distribution of Nuovo cimento. 605. B. (Moscow State University). On the lateral electrons and A-mesons in extensive air showers. Suppleme-It'), v. 8, series 10, no. 2, 1958:598- A graphical comparison of exprimental lateral distribution of electrons in extensive air showers with theoretical distri- bution shows a good fit. The cinciden3e of the experimental curve with the theoretical curve with one definite value of S in such a wide range of distances is not accidental, and it is natural to assume that this is due to the fact that the energy spectrum of the electrcs.-proton cascade of age S and the di- vergence of electrons, is entirely determined by Coulomb scattering. The latezal distribution of It-mesons was considered. )4-mesons arise from the decay of If- and K--mesons in the upper 3ayers of the atmosphere. Acrding t experimental data the generation of :4--mesons takes place in the alti.,uue range from the pfiin-. generation to the level of observation without any intera::tions involving energy losses and [these mesons] lose their energy slowly on ionization of the air. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, V. 13, no. 9, 1959, 8024) 9. Khristiansen, G. B., and G. V. Kulikov (Moscow State On the number-of-particles spectrum of extensive air Nuovo cimento. Supplement?, v. 8, series 10, no. 2, University). showers. showers. 1958:742-745 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Up to the present, mainly measurements of density spectra of extensive air showers were carried out. The number-of- particles spectrum of showers was obtained by recalculation from the obtained density spectrum. This method has serious disadvantages. In this investigation a direct study was made of the number-of-particles spectrum of showers. The measurements were carried out by means of the method of correlated hodoscopes. Using the hodoscope installation, it was possible to determine the position of the axis and t4 number of particles in showers with a total number from 2 x DP' to 2 x 10?. The hodoscope system made it possible to determine the number of triggered counters in different groups of counters during the recording of each shower. Knowing the distribution of the counters that trigger in the plane of observation, it is possible, under cer- tain assumptions, to find the number of particles and the coordi- nates of the axis in the plane of observations. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 13, no. 9, 1959, 8042) 10. Milekhin, G. A., and I. L. Rozental' (Institute of Physics imeni Lebedev). On some interaction characteristics of very high- energy particles and their interpretation from the viewpoint of the hydrodynamical theory of multiple particle production. Nuovo cimento. Supplemento, v. 8, series 10, no. 2, 1958: 770- 774. Landau, using the idea stated by Fermi, employed relativistic hydrodynamics in describing very high energy particle collision. The first attempts to compare the conclusions of hydrodynamical theory with experimental data on the multiplicity and angular and energy distributions of secondary particles already showed that the hydrodynamical theory satisfactorily described many multiple process characteristics. By comparison of the theory with experimental data taken from the analysis of showers record- ed in a photographic emulsion, a number of essential additional assumptions were made. These assumptions caused a certain ob- scurity of the conclusions. For example, it was assumed that the collision of nucleons with heavy nuclei took place in the coordi- nate system in which notion of substance was symmetrical. Ex- tensive shower analysis carried out on the assumption that the nuclear interaction cross section is independent of energy shows that the formal part of the hydrodynamical theory is incomplete. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 13, no. 9, 1959, 8046) -75- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 11. Nikol'skiy, S. I., Yu. N. Vavilov, and V. V. Batov (Institute of Physics imeni Lebedev). Investigations of nuclear-active com- ponents of extensive air showers. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 111, 1956: 71-73. Experiments were made to determine the spatial distri- bution and the number of nuclear-active particles with energy :ar 10-9 ev. The measurements were taken at amo m above sea lvel (Pamir) in the summer and autumn of 1954. The total num- ber of charged particles in each recorded shower was calculated (with the relative error of 10%) by measuring the stream density of shower particles at various distances from the shower axis. The possibility o4f'formation and the recording of showers induced by nuclear-passive particles (,k-mesons) were also determined in the same experiments. All showers recorded during the period of observation were divided into groups accord- ing to the total number of particles. The functions of spatial distribution of nuclear-active particles for each group were analyzed in the intervals from 1 to 40 m from the axis of the showers. (Nuclear Science Abstracts, v. 11, no. 7, 1957, 3892). 12. Rozental', I. L. Cascade processes in extensive atmospheric showers of cosmic rays. Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoretiches- koy fiziki, v. 23, no. 4, 1952: 440-455. A pilenomenologica; study of the cascade produced by a high- energy ndcleon (E0 .^-10'BeV) supposed to consist of nucleons and 11-mesons interacting with air nuclei with geometrical cross- sections. Charged IT's decay, producing a p7meson component, neutral 'M 's give two)r 's which initiate an electron-photon cascade. The "nuclear" cascade (i.e., nucleons +IT) is assumed to cease with energies. 10 BeV. The general features of the individual collisions are taken according to Fermi's statistical theory. The number of secondaries is assumed to oe Ev (E = energy of primary, it= const.), of which a fraction b are nucleons. The equations describing the development of the cas- cade are used to evaluate (as functions of the depth) the mean square radii of the various components of the cascade pmclnding electrons), their density distribution and the ratios nucl. +1.1- +A4)/ (nucl. +1( +AA + e, ) and ( fr + prot.) (neutr. ). Com- parison with experiments suggestsy = 1/4, b= 3/4. This case is studied in more detail and graphical results are given. (Physics Abstracts, v. 56, no. 667, 1953, 5555). -76- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08: CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/05/08 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004700170003-5 ? ? 13. Rozentall, I. L. A quasi-unidimensional interpretation of the hydrodynamical theory of multiple particle production. Zhurnal eksPerimentalYwi teoreticheskoyfiziki, V. 311 no. 21 1956: 278- 287. The hydrodynamical theory of multiple formation of particles developed by Landau is based on the introduction of two stages of separation of the liquid: a unidimensional motion and a coni- cal separation whose limits of validity are difficult to esti- mate. The hydrodynamical theory version in which only the unidimensional stage is involved is investfgated in the present paper. It is shown that this variant yields a very satisfactory approximation for the values of the final temperatures Tk 1.5-244. For T =A4 the unidimensional approximation yields (especially forkslow secondary particles) a result which is correct only in order of magnitude. The dependence of the energy of the fastest particle on Tk .A was also investigated. It is found that in order for the calculated value of the velocity to agree with the experiment value the condition Tkr?-.