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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ./ r(Claisitication Stomp) SECRET TRANSLATION OF on FROM Russian RUMMEL' "Nastavleniye Fo Oksnloatatsii Artomobich513_uM-Vooruzhenril SUMSCT Moscow RZOULhTIONS FUA U1 OF VAHIULIS OF THE ARMIIID FORCES OF THE USSR .' The present Regulations were approved by order of the ainistry of the Armed -HUM50X1'4 Forces of the USSR. Upon the issue of these Regulations the following become invalid: Articles, 621,650, 656 -- point "WI 756, 786, 902, 903, 905, 906, 914, 927, 936, 1079 and 1083 of "General rules and regulations (statutes) dealing with the unit administration of the Armed Forces of Vie USSR". "hegulations pertaining to the conservation of motor vehicles in the regiments, divisions, establishments and institutions of tho Armed Forces" and "List of basic operations of technical servicing", edition of 1948. "Instructions pertaining to the method of keeping records and study of accidents with motor vehicles, tanks and tractors", edition 1938, in the parts concerning motor vehicles and tractors. The order of the Ohief of the Lervice area of the Red Army ho. 6 of 10 January 1944, with the putting into force of "Instructions pertaining to the operation and technical servicing of motor vehicles o:F7 the park of thu Red Army". The directive of the Chief of the service area of the Armed Forces No. Arti11e:7 Administration/1190400 of 2 February 1948. The previously issued orders, instructions and directives of the head of the Chief motor vehicle administration of the Rod Army ard Motor vehicle administration of the Armed Forces on questions dealing with the operation of motor vehicles. The Regulations pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles of the Armed Forces of the USSR prescribe the method of employment, technical servicing and Iktorage of motor vehicles, rules for driving them and the basic rules and regulations 50X1 -HUM for the use of fuel and lubricants and other operation materials. FILE COPY The Regulations also set forth the auties of officers in the operation of motor Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Classification Stamp) GS ID USA TRAUSLATION SECRET SoeurityA .50X1-HUM ? PAGE IdUCEIER 2 vehicles, in conformity with the requirements of "Unit interior economy regulations f of the Armed Forces of the USSR". Al]. the military units, staffs, administrations, institutions and establishments of the Armed Forces of the 113:1R shall be guided by the present Regulations? Chapter I GE'eERAL WIL2,6 AND REGULATIONS l. The operation of motor vehicles includes their employment, technical servicing ana storage, and also the taking of steps aimed at lengthening their period of service and keeping them in a constant state of tactical (combat) readiness? 2. The motor vehicles of the Armea Forces are employed for combat action, for transport of troops and supplies, for the tactical training of the personnel, for the administrative and technical needs of the troop units (by the term "military unit? WO MOM also large units, institutions and establishments of the Armed Forces). 3. The motor vehicles of the Armed Forces are divided on the basis of types into trucks, special, and light. Trucks Mclude motor vehicles (including pick-ups) intended for transport of troops and supplies., The special motor vehicles include those having special equipment prescribed for them or a special eonstruction of the bodies (mobile repair shops, electric power plant, fuel tanks, compressor installation, water-oil trucks for supplying other vehicles, charging plants, engine starter, autobuses, staff cars, ambulance cars, etc.). Light motor vehicles include those intended for the transpdrt of a small number of people (two to seven). 4. On the basis of their purpose the motor vehicles of the Armed Forces are diviaed into the following groups: combat machines, front vehicles, training and transport vehicles. The combat vehicles incluaer --trucks and light motor vehicles having pLvscribed equipment (motor vehicles with artillery, rocket motors, aatiaircraft machine guns, antiaircraft machine guns, ocs rop;i 14AQ 200-I DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS ? SECRET Security Inforrnation 4 (Classification Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? ? ,(Classification Stamp) GS ID UM TRANSLATION SECRET eturaInf 3E1M 50X1-HUP 'AGE NUMBER AA mounts, etc.); --special motor vehicles having prescribed combat equipment intended for direct assistance in the tactical actions (searchlight statione, sound detectors, anti? aircraft directors, radio station, radio direction finders, cranes, captive balloons, entanglements, etc.); --trucks and light motor vehicles, for use as prime movers of artillery systems, including those in reserve. The front motor vehicles include: --trucks of the small front units intended for the transport of personnel, machine guns, grenade launchers and mortars with their crews, and also for the transportation of ammunition and organic equipment; --light motor vehicles of the front sub?units; --special motor vehicles intended for providing control ana for tactical support of the troops repair trucks, electric generator set, charging station, motor starter, compressor installation, laboratory, sound detection station, water softening and filtering installation, staff motorbus, grinding machines, motor degassers? boiling installations, refuelling points, pontoon motor vehicles, sawing plants, motor cranes, boring sets, telephone and telegraph centers, radio light beacons, oxygen and hydrogen installations, meteorological station, ballistic station, topographic maehines, and also fuel trucks, trucks for refilling other machines with gasoline, trucks for supplying the sub?units on the front with water and oil. Training motor vehicles include: --trucks and light motor vehicles, for use in training personnel to drive motor vehicles; --trucks, light and special motor vehicles, 'sed to carry training exhibits or intended for scientific aria expert?research purposes. Transport motor vehicles incluce: --trucks of the motor units and small motor transport units, and also the motor vehicles of all military units, intended for the administrative service. --light motor vehicles of the mLlitary units, intended for everyday service use; GM FORM einr. t I MAR 49 GUIJ-1 DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Stamp Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDID81-n1nagpnnAorwwww, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 SECRE (Classification Stamp) Security-lido ID USA TRAIISLATION 50X1-HUM --special motor vehicles intended for everyday administrative, living, medical, technical and other forms of service foe the military units (medical cars, autobuses, club cars: movie cars, sound detectors: snow cleaners, disinfecting chambers and douche installations, refrigerators, fire?fighting motor vehicles, auto cranes, fuel trucks, refuelling trucks and water'-oil trucks). 5Q The placirg of each motor vehicle in a given group is done Nn the basis of the table of organization and after approval ofthechief of staff of the military district (under the term "military district" we understand also a group of troops: navy, flotilla or similar organizations): and is announced by order of the commander of the division (or separate regiment), Chapter II PLMNING FOR 0.PTIOI. MOTOR macis l. Method of employing motor vehicles. 6. The maintenance of motor vehicles falls to the military units to which the motor vehicles are organically assigned (by tables of organization). The I maintenance of motor vehicles above the number assigned organically, and also of motor vehicles of one type instead of another (for example, light motor vehicles instead of trucks) is forbidden. The meintenance of motor vehicles of one make instead of another is permitted if this does not go contrary to their organic assignment. 7. Done of the motor vehicles should be used for any purpose except the immediate one for which they were intended in the limits of the yearly norms of operatio; established by orders of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR. /8. In order to facilitate maintenance of the equipment we assign for use the minimum number of motor vehicles necessary. All the rest of the motor vehicles should be kept in storage. 90 For the motor vehicles in operation the Motor and Tractor Administration of the military district (by the term "Motor and Tractor Administration of the [ military district" we understand also the motor and tractor administrations and similar organizations or sections of groups of troops, district, navy, or flotilla) OCS FORM I MAR 49 400-1 jr. D,SSaf.NATKDN FORM Fiplikersuarms S Security Information - (Classification Stamp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 k_ (Classification Stamp) SECR1 GS ID USA TRANSLATIONt- iifii ?1?0?1!1????????????"11011????????? 50X1-HUM PAGE NUMBER 5 issues licence cards (granting the right to operate) in the manner prescribed by the Chief motor and tractor administration of the Armed Forces. 2. METHOD OF ACCiseialvtil PLACING IN FORMATIM AND TRANSFER (TU.iNING OVER) OF MOTOR VEHICLES. 10. The supplying of motor vehicles to regiments is carried out in accordance with orders of the Chief motor and tractor administration of the Armed Forces or of the motor and tractor administrations of the military districts. Spacial motor vehicles are assigned to the regiments upon the orders of the respective supply administration (or sections). The vehicles supplied should be in good condition and have all of the prescribed equipment, tools, spare parts and materials. Fc c acceptance of motor vehicles by the military unit the commander of the unit issues an order for the appointment of a board, under the chairmanship of the motor commander of the unit (by the term "motor commander of the unit" we also include persons who are directly responsible for the operation of the motor vehicles.,) 11, As a rule the sub?unit is supplied with motor vehicles of the same make. To the groups of combat end front line motor vehicles we assign the best motor vehicles. suitable for the purpose and having the greatest action radius. 12. After acceptance by the commission, the motor vehicles are sent to the sub?unit. The commander of the sub?unit, the motor vehicle mechanic, and the driver must carefully inspect the motor vehicle and check the following: --the presence of all the sets with the motor vehicle; --the technical condition and regulation of the sets and mechanisms of the vehicles; --eondition uf the special equipment of the motor vehicle; --the presence with the motor vehicle and the condition of the sets of tools, accessories, spare parts and their packing; --the presence and condition of the prescribed papers. 13. Upon acceptance of the motor vehicle, the commander of the unit or motor commander of the unit must be convinced personally that the motor vehicle is in complete combat readiness, after which the commander of the unit gives an order for GCSFORII I nreil NAR er.thk? DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Swap Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Clarsificction Stamp) "GS ID USA. TralISLAVOM SECRET -Security Infrpg ????????????.??????0??? 1410 ????mlum??????????????? 50X1-HUM GENUMEM 6 placing it in formation. The order gives the organic assignment of the motor vehicle, the sub-unit and the driver to which it goes. After giving the order for placing the motor vehicle in formation, he makes a notation in the book for recording equipment, The number of the order assigning the metor vehicle to the driver and the surname of the driver are placed on the certificate of the motor vehicle, .4. The turning over of the motor eehicle to the driver should be done personally y the commander of the regiment or lower unit (not lower than the commander of the company; in the presence of the formation of the lower unit. The driver receiving the motor vehicle signs a receipt for iz in the delivery eocument (Appendix 16). After this the driver is responsible for the constant combat readiness of the motor vehicle in conformity leith Art. 314. Qee is forbidden to use the vehicle before it is turned over to the driver and the order is given for placing it in formation, 15. The transfer of motor vehicles from one small unit to another (within the regiment is done on the basis of an order.of the commander of the unit. Simultaneously with the transfer of a motor vehicle to another sub-unit in the 1.4 same unit one also transfers the driver to which the motor vehicle has been assigned? 160 The transfer also of motor vehicles from one regiment to another (within the larger unit) is carried out on the basis of an order of the commander of the large unit. 17. The transfer of motor vehicles from one large unit to another is done on the basis of an order of the troop commander of the military district and it is formulated by order of the Motor and tractor administration of the military district, 18, In the transfer of motor vehicles from one sub-unit to another, from me regiment to another, and from one division be another, we draw up an.acceptance- delivery certificate (appendix 17). 19, complete, not On the day of delivery the motor vehicles should oe in good condition, and clean and have their papers with them, regardless of the circumstances.:, Th a transfer (delivery) complete is forbidden. For the substitution of of motor vehicles that are .not in good condition and parte, sets, assemblies and tools in delivering motor 1_ vehicles those guilty shall be held CCS FORM e. mAR 49 4004 ' reeoensible. DiSSEMINATION FORM FOR 101) TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Inforriation (Classification Stamp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 03/07 ? CIA RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Clarsification Stamp) I GS ID USA TRANSLATION SECRE1 storitrimum 50X1-HUNI PAGE NUMBER 7 The responsibility for the condition and completeness of motor vehicles turned over is placed upon the commander of the unit turning over the motor vehicles? 20. The motor commanders of the regiments (or sub-units) report to their commanders orally the acceptance-delivery of the motor vehicles and upon completion of the delivery report in writing. 21. In case of a shift of the regiment into another military oistrict, the commander of the regiment must obtain from the Motor ana tractor administration of the military district an attestation for all the motor vehicles of the regiment. Upon arrival at the new station the commander of the regiment presents to the Motor and tractor administration of the military district the attestation for the motor vehicles, in accordance with which the motor vehicles of the regiment are placed on record and counted as motor vehicle equipment. Together with the attestation )therecording of the motor vehicles and the counting of them as motor vehicle equipment is forbidden. 3. ISSUE OF THE CERTIFICATES, "NUMBER MARKS" AND DRIVING LISENGES OF THE MOTOR VIEICLESo 22. The certificate is issued for each motor vehicle. This certificate is the basic document certifying that the motor vehicle belongsin a specified military unit? The certificate has a notation of the following: mileage of the motor vehicle, conuition of the tires, tools of the driver, repairs, transfer of the motor vehicle and other data. 23. The certificates for all the motor vehicles of the military units are issued by the Motor anu tractor administration of the military district: the certificates are signed by the chief of the Motor and tractor administration and are attested by the seal? 24. The certificates are kept in the staff of the unit (or sub-unit) as essenUal records, 25? "hen motor vehicles are transferred from one regiment to another, OCS FORM I HAR 49 200-I DISSF..MINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET (Classification Stamp Security Information Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ?50-Yr2014/03/07:CIA-RDP81-01043R0042onngnnn_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 . (aur.sificct(on Stcop) 1GS ID USA TRANSLATION SECRE SeturityJnf P.E 50X1-HUM PAGE NUMBER sent for repair or delivered at the assembly point for damaged machines, the certificates are turned over to the representative receiving the motor vehicles and a notation of the fact made on the delivery certificate. The certificate should contain all the data pertaining to the motor vehicle on the day of its delivery, In the case of the turning over of motor vehicles to the troops of the Ministry of Interior Affairs and the Ministry of State Security and also to other ministries, the certificates of the motor vehicles are not turned over to them but are sent to the Motor and tractor administration where the motor vehicles were recorded. 2u. The certificates of motor vehicles subject to listing are sent, together with the documents drawn up for the listing of the motor vehicles, to the Motor and tractor administration of the military district for the issue of the inspectors certificate. 27. Each motor vehicle in the military unit should have the military "number mark" (identification number) that has been assigned to it. 28, In certain canes one may assign all?union identification numbers to the motor vehicles of the military units. The method of obtaining the all?union identification numbers is determined by the troop commander of the military district on the basis of the order of the chief of the Motor and tractor administration of the Armed Forces. 29. The military identification numbers for the motor vehicles of the military units are issued by the Uotor and tractor administration of the military districts onl,) for the organic motor vehicles that are present. A notatfeon is made on the certificate of the motor vehicle showing the issue of the identification number ana this certificate is signed by the chief of the Motor and tractor administration and is attested by the aeal. 30. Upon the arrival of the unit in another military district, the chief of the Motor and tractor administration of the military district makes aatations on the certificates shoeing the placing of the motor vehicles on the records and of the issue of new numbers for the motor vehicles, after which the certificates are returned to the unit. 31. The assignment of the number to the motor vehicle is done by an order to 1 the unit, after which the number is placed an the motor vehicle. OCS FORM t CAR /19 ? k 200-I DISSF:litiMATION FORM EFOR IDCRE ANSLATIONS S. i Security le urination D ? ? (Classiliqation Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 r Lo e?r (Classification Stamp) 1G9 ID USA TRANS./MOM SECRE1 ??????latma.?????????11,.....-/0.0/02.1.???=?? PAGS NUMBER 9 50X1-HUIV 32. Alen motor vehicles all) transferred to the troops of the Ministry ef Interior Affairs or to the Ministry of StaLe Security and also to other ministries, the military numbers are Painted over (or removed). 33. Military numbers are not placed on motor vehicles having the all-union number of the state motor vehicle inspectorate; in the Motor and tractor administra- tion of the military district these motor vehicles are recorded with the identifica- tion ntmbers of the State motor vehicle inspectorate. Tne assignment of a military number t; a motor vehicle having an all-union number is done only after the surrender of the all-union number and the taking of the motor vehicle from the registry in the local agencies of the State motor vehicle inspectorate. 34. It is forbidden to operate motor vehicles which have no military or all- union identification number. 35. For driving motor vehicles one must have a driver's identification license. The license is issued by the State motor vehicle inspectorate to persons who have had special training and have passed the prescribed examination. (5)PLANUIVG FOR TR0, OP:.;RATION OF MOTOR VHICLAS. (See the model sketch for working out a plan of operation, on Page 25(1)) 36. The purpose f planning for operation is to organize the employment and servicing of the motor vehicles of the military units in such a way that in carrying out the plan of tactical training and the adminietrative plan one will not exceed the prescribed norms for the operation of moter vehicles and will constantly have the eouipment in good technical condition. 37. The initial data for working out the plan are the following: --the requirements in motor "resources" (action radius) for carrying out the plan of tactical training; --the amount of motor supplies required for carrying out that administrativa plan; --Ulu missions of the command in transportation; (Trans. Note (1) Too fine for my eyes, but the sketch is apparently only a graphic text presentation of what is contained in the ) OCS FORM tam 49 200.1 DISSGMINA11ON FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R00420nogonn_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Classification Stamp) GS ID USA TRAIISLATIOH SECRET -Security-laffrape, 50X1-HUM ENUMWM 10 1 --the established yearly norms for operation of motor ,ehicles; --the action radius oftne motor vehicles; --the repair capabilities of the regiment (or smaller units). 38. For drawing up the plan of operation we determine the following: --what work is to be done by the motor vehicles in the course of the period for whidh the plan is made; --what kinds of technical servicing are required for each motor vehicle dur- ing this same period and at what time; --which motor vehicles rer.uire average an general overhauling and in what periods. 39. In working out the Plan of operation we take the following into account: --the disbribution of the motor vehicles over the groups on the basis of pur- pose (combat, front line, training, and transport) and the prescribed norms for their operation; --the sztutem of technical servicing, making provision for the carrying out o all the work in technical servicing in a systematic manner and at the time prescribed by the norms for mileage between the kinds of technical servicing; --the system for rem.ir of th motor vehicles, the planning for repairs being done in conformity with the norms for mileage (road haul) between repairs, and the actual need for repair is dete-mined by the technical inspections after the motor vehicles have had the re:luirod mileage (road haul) after the last repair. 40. In the planning of technical servicing: --one should start iith the free2aency of technical servicing and its duration; --if the dates of the different kinds of technical servicing coincide, one should plan the t-chnicol servicing reeuiring more werk (for example, if the date for carrying out technical. servicing No. 1 coincides with the date for carrying out the technical servicing No. 2, one should Dian technical servicing No. 2.) ie are forbidden to violate the norms for mileage prescribed for the given true cr.f. technical servicing and also to decrease, to the detriment of the quality of the technical servicing, the time that the motor vehicle is being serviced. 41. Planning of repair is for the purpose of keeping the motor vehicle in Oi T F I.,?.ICIILM 49 DiSSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Staii`p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 . (boasillcD Col? Stc:73p) GS ID USA TRilISLATI011 SECRE Securityinfti 50X1-HUM PAGE NUMBER 1 12. constant technical readiness, the systematic renewal of the action radius (1) of the motor vehicle and also the uniform loading of the repair facilities. Current repairs of motor vehicles are not planned; they are carried out as needed. In making current repairs of motor vehicles, we repair or replace the defective parts, devices: and sets. Besides, we regulate the separate assemblies and mechanisms made necessary by a change or repair of these parts. 42. The planning for the operation of motor vehicles is carried out on a yearly and on a monthly basis. The documents for the planning of the operation of motor vehicles are: Yearly and monthly plans for the operation of the motor vehicles of the unit (Appendices 18 and 19), monthly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles of the sub?units and (Appendix 20) extracts from the monthly plan for operation of the motor vehicles of the sub?units for each motor vehicle. 43. The yearly and monthly plans for the operations of motor vehicles are drawn up in all the regiments making up the division or equivalent large unit, and also in separate military units. ? 44. After the approval of the yearly plan of operation by the commander of the regiment, a copy of it is presented to the commander of the large unit (division). The commanders of the separate military units (regiments or separate battalions) not forming a part of the large unit present a copy of their yearly plans to the chief of the Motor and tractor administration of the military district. 45. On the basis of the yearly plans of the regiments, the motor commander of the large unit draws up a yearly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles of the large unit. (Trans. Note: a dictionary equivalent. It seems to be the remaining mileage before the vehicle has to be repaired.) OCS FOP.11 1 Wa 49 ZUU-I DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Stamp) I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 014/03/07 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? % 4 (Classification Stamp) GS W USA Tiii.::SLATION 110.11=1.????????11?1????????LINS? ? SECRET Security:4d1Fuq 50X1 -HUM 3s Nutiva 12 After the approval of the plan, by the commander of the large unit, a copy of it is presented to the ;totor and tractor administration of the military district. 46. The monthly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles of the sub-unit is drawn up in each company and equivalent sub-units going to make up the regiment. In a regiment with a small number of, motor vehicles, this plan is not drawn up in the companies but in the regiment itself, one for all the motor vehicles of the regiment. In the rifle battalion the monthly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles of the sub-unit is drawn up not in the companies but in the battalion t one for all the motor vehicleo of the battalion. 47. The planning for the operation of the motor vehicles of the military unit is done in conformity with the approved Plan of tactical training and the administrative plan. The motor resources (mileage in kilometers) planned for the year should not exceed the yearly norms of operation prescribed by order of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR. 48. FordErawing up tne yearlL plan for the operation of the motor vehicles we make the following estimates: --the chi A? of staff of the regiment draws up an estimate of the necessary mileage of the motor vehicles for carrying out the plan for tactical training and also for carrying out the tasks,of the command for transportation (if the regiment carries out i;his transportation); --the supply officer draws up an estimate etrhe reeuired mileage of the motor vehicles for carrying out the a6ministrative plan; the motor officer draws up an estimate of the possible mileage of the motor vehicle, taking as his basis the established yearly norms of operation and also the information obtained from the sub-units showing the action radius of the motor vehicles and their technical condi- tion. 49. On the basis of the estimates shown, the motor officer of the unit draws up a yearly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles. In drawing up of the yearly plan one should take into account the character- istics and conditions of the activity of the unit, denending upon the period of oa FoRm 41004 DiSSEHMTION-,--70P.fri FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Infuriation (Classification Stamp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Classification Stamp) GS ID-USA TRANSIATION SECRE1 mityn PAGE NUMBER 50X1-HUN training (summer period or winter period) and the period of the maximum administrative vehicles. In the absence of an approved plan for tactical training covering some period of the year planned, we use the data for actual consumption of motor resources for the tactical training for this same Period during the past year, making them more precise later on. 50. In conformity with the yearly plan of operation of motor vehicles, the motor officer of the unit determines the requirements in the way of repairs and tecte- nical servicing and also of spare parts, fuel, lubricants and other operation mater- ials. 51. The yearly plans for the operation,of motor vehicles are presented at the time, in the form and to the authorities provided by the table of periodic reports (renorts to be rendered at specified times). 52. On the basis of the yearly plans for operation of motor vehicles of the regiments and divisions, the Motor and tractor administration of the military dis- trict draws up a yearly 3,1an for the operation of the motor vehicles of the district. After the approval of the plan b, the commander of the military district, a copy of the plan is Presented to the chief of the Motor and tractor administration of the Armed Forces. 53. The monthly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles of the unit is drawn WO on the basis of the yearly plan for operation and supplementary tasks. This plan is approved not later than 3-5 days before the beginning of the month for which planning is done. 54. The monthly plan for the operation of the motor vehicles of the subunit id drawn up on the baais of extract from the monthly plan of operation of the motor vehicles of the regiment and. should contain the following: --the mileage (road haul) of the motor vehicles planned for the month for the given subunit; --distritation of the planned mileage of the motor vehicles for tactical training, training goals, transportation and carrying out of the administrative plan. ocsFoRN ttAil 49 200-I DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET (Classification Stamp Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R0n49nnnqnnn_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Clacsification Stamp) GS ID USA TP.AMSLATIOM SECRET ?Security-4T 50X1-HUM 55. In the monthly plan for the operation df the motor vehicles of the sub- unitjprovision is made for the employment of the motor vehicles on the basis of the days of the month so that the needs Bor servicing and repair will not occur simulta- neously for a large number of motor vehicles, but be uqiformly distributed so as not to interfere with the prescribed norms for mileage between technical servicing and repairs. 56. On the basis of the monthly plan for operation of the motor vehicles of the regiment, the reouests made for t.e use of the motor vehicles and presented in conformity with the plan of tactical training, and also the requests for the transport tition of freight (Appendix 22), presented in conformity with the administrative plan, the motor commander of the unit draws up a weekly plan for employing the motor vehicle (Appendix 21). The weekly plan is approved by the commander of the regiment. 5?. The requests for the use of motor vehicles and for transportation are presented by the commanders of the sub-units and by the chiefs of the services to the w ?tor commander the day before the beginning of the week planned. 58. The commander of the unit (or sub-unit) has the right to employ the motor vehicles only in the limits of tha monthly plan of operation of the motor vehicles of the sub-unit and the weekly plan for employment of motor vehicles. 59. After the approval of the monthly plan for operation of the motor vehicles of the sub-unit extractsare taken from it for each motoT vehicle and turned over to the drivers. 60. The planned road haul, the technical servicing and repairing of the motor for vehicles, providedAby the plan for the operation of motor vehicles of the sub-unit, should be presented in time to the commander of the platoon, s:niad leaders and to the motor .ehicle mechanic. The Platoon leader, the squad leader, and the motor vehicle mechanic must know the mileage (or road haul) assignment of the motor vehicles of the Platoon and souad, in what Period it should be carried out and also when and what kind of servicing or repair should be Provided. 61. The actual performance (road haul, technical servicing and repair) shoul be noted each dwe in the elan of operation of the motor vehicles of the sub-unit and OCSFO rAn 20U-1 ? I- s. ' t ? DISSEMINATiON FORM FoR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Secdrity Infoiriation (Classification Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 - q? 1..11 ? ? . (Classification Stamp) SECRE unto GS D USA TRANSLA.11011 50X1 -HUM r11001.4.0.1? one should draw up the monthly plan for the operation of motor vehicles of the regi- ment on the basis of the performance of the past month* , 62. Each day the motor commanders of the unit should check the execution of the plan of operation and report immediately to the commanders any failures to carry out the plan. 63. At least once a month the commanders of the units must personally check the execution of the plan for operation of the motor vehic les, 64. At the close of the plan period the commanders of the regiments draw up reports showing the carrying out of the plans of operation and present them at the time, in the form and to the person prescribed by the table of periodic reports. Together with the report dealing with the execution of the plan for operation of the motor vehicles one should present an exolanatory memorandum. It should contain amgtalysis of the report data and the reasons for any deviation from the plan, a list of the basic measures carried out for improving the operation and technical servicing the motor vehicles, and show the number of technical servicing points in operation and in process of being organized. In addition to this, the explanatory memorandum should give an analysis of the work of the transport vehicles and the value of the coeffi cients of technical readiness, of park utilization , use of freight-carrying capacity, and also the ilaantity transported in tons and the volume of performance in ton-kilo- meters. CHAPTEM 111 TECHNICAL SERVICING OF THE MOTOR VEHICLES 1. SYSTEM OF T-;CHNICAL SERVICING 65, The technical servicing of motor vehicles consists in carrying out 'specific work in caring for the motor vehicles. Technical servicing should assure the following: --constant technical readiness of the motor vehicle; --safety of traffic; --maximum mileage (road haul) between repairs; --removal of the causes of premature wear, troubles and breakdowns of assemb- lies and mechanisms of the motor vehicles;,,_ OCS FORM s wa 49 2004 DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security information (Classification Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rele Yr 2014/03/07 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Class:TiceCon Sip) SECRE nty hv ra-iir) USA TRANSLATION 50X1-HUM FAGSNUMBER minimum consumption of fuel, lubricants, and other o...perating materials. cti`fr -111=1111310..... 16 66. The basic operations in the technical servicing of motor vehicles are: --cleaning and waShing; --checking the condition of the sets, mechanisms and devices and the correct- oftroubles discovered; --tightening work; --regulation of the mechanisms and sets; --washing the cases of the driving axles, gear box, transfer case, system of hydraulic brakes, and also the washing and cleaning of the lubrication system, cooling and fuel system of the engine; --lubrication; A"filling with fuel, oil, water, air and brake liquid. 67. The technical servicing of motor vehicles should be systematic and preventive and make obligatbgy the carrying out of all forms of technical servicing depending upon the road hauls of the motor vehicles. The Periodical servicing of motor vehicles provided by these Regulations, depending upon the mileage, should be observed under all conditions of operation and in all seasons of the year. 68. The commanders of the unit are responsible for the timely and proper technical servicing of motor vehicles in conformity with the method of servicing prescribed bj the present Regulations. The commanders of the regiments (or smaller units) must see that the techni- cal servicing of the motor vehicles is carried out under all conditions at the inter- vals provided by the plan, giving to the personnel for this purpose the time and means necessary. 69. The direct responsibility for the timely, complete, and proper execution of work in tr,chnical servicing falls UDOR the motor commander of the unit. The motor officer of the unit (or sub-unit) has the following duties: to see that the regiment (or smaller unit) has the necessary ecuipment, tools, spare parts, and materials; to organize the technical servicing of the motor vehicles and to see that it is of good quality; to plan for systematic checking of the technical condition of the motor the FO?.n NAR 49 DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release (Classification Stamp) 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Classification Stamp) GS ID (*.ISA TRAIZSLNT1C4 SECRE1 ectrtitylTir 50X1 -HUM PAGE NUMBER 70. To forbid any lessening of the amount of work specified by the present Regulations, to eliminate the separate operations, to violate the time schedule, provided for each form of technical servicing, or to reduce, to the detriment of the quality, the time set aside for the carrying out of the servicing. high 71. For the purpose of insuring theNquality of the work and of shortening the time for technical servicing we qqaip in the parks of the military units points for t chnical servicing of the motor vehicles. The entire absence of e,,uipped and complete points for technical servicing may not constitute a basis for changing the amount of the work and the intervals for the servicing of the motor vehicles. 72. For carrying out of the technical servicing requiring special equipment and qualified personnel, in military units with a small number of motor vehicles, the latter units are assigned to other military units having the special means needed, this agsignment being made in accordance with the plan of the chtef of the Motor and tractor administration of the military district, approved by the chief of staff of the military unit. 2. KINDS AND FRE,pENCY OF TECHNICAL SERVICING. 73. The technical servicing of motor vehicles, depending upon the intervals, a which they are carried out and the scol)e of the work, is divided into the following k nds: --control inspection before leaving the nark; --control inspection on the Todd (at halts and stops); --daily tchnical servicing; the motor vehicle has ran --technical servicing No. I carried out aftere00-1000 km, --technical servicing No. 2, carried out after the motor vehicleshas run 700-3000 km; --Technicalseervicing No. 3, carried out after running 5000-6000 km; 74. The control inspections and technical servicing are carried out for the purpoee of checking the condition of the motor vehicle, far preventing the accelerated wearing out of the parts, and for keeping the motor vehicles in constant technical readiness, OM FORM I KM 49LUV-1 DISSEMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 03/07 ? CIA RD.P81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? (C/mrsifice1on Sec:np) CS ID USA TRPASLATION SECRE1 Wvi 0,??????? 50X1-HUM PACS NUMBER 18 75. Theecontrol inspections and daily technical servicing are carried out in the main b., the driver of the motor vehicle and by the motor vehicle mechanic of the sub-unit. 76. Technical servicing, No. 1, 2, and 3 are given at the point for technical servicing, by the personnel of the point, with the particination of the driver and f the motor vehicle that is serviced. jhile conduting the technical servicing of the motor vehicle, we remove any trouble discovered, replace or repair the eeperate defective parts, devices and assem- blies (technical repair is carried at), in addition to the work listed in articles 80-85, 77. The current a.,1' repairs are made while carrying out the technical service Ing, if the amount of work needed does not reeuire an increase in the prescribed time for the given type of technical servicing and does not interfere with the technologi a process and the general schedule or plan. 78. The currert renairs a .e made as needed both b the personnel of the re- pair shop of the unit and by the personnel of the point for technical servicing of the sub-unit at the places for technical servicing;. 79,The motor vehicle which has had technical servicing should meet the follow- ing reeuirements: --the moor vehicle should be clean, in good condition, regulated, lubricated and filled with the prescribed operation materials; --the motor should start easily and run steadily at various rates of revolu- tions of the crankshaft; --the free play of the steering wheel should not exceed the prescribed norms; --the brakes should furnish simultaneous and smoothly increasing braking of all the wheels and assure auick stopping of the motor vehicle; if the motor vehicle Is traveling over dry and smooth road ct a speed of 30 km per hour, the braking dis- stance should not exceed 10 meters; OCS I cP.P. 1:7 230-4 ? DISSEMINAIION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Stamp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 . (Classification Stamp) GS ID USA TRANSLATION ,01.6 SECRE Secur1ty-10m 50X1-HUM PAGE NUMBER 19 --the pedals of th foot brake and clutch, when pressure is taken off, should release the drive system, return to their initial position and have freewheeling within the normal limits; --the hand brake should hold the motor tehicle on an upgrade representing the steepness that the given make of motor vehicle can climb in first gear, and in this case the stroke of the brake lever should not be more than 3/4 of the comnlete stroke; --the clutch should disengage completely, assuring easi and noiseless chang- ing of gears, and there should be no sliding when the pedals are released completely; --the gearbox and the transfer case Should work noiselessly and without dis- engagement of the gears of their own accord; --the stop signal, horn, and windshield wipers Should be in good condition; -'-the storage batter- should be in good condition and have a density of electrolyte appropriate for t ho season of the year; --the lights and the control devices should be in good con(Lition; 4.4the tires should be in good condition, the pressure of the air in them should be normal; --all the mountings should be in good condition and reliable; no cotter or nut should be absent)especially in the mountings of the wheels; --there should be .no broken or sagging springs; --the camber and convergence of the front wheels should be within normal limit --there should be no leakage of fuel, oil, water, or brake licuid; --the consumption of fuel and oil should not exceed the prescribed norms; --the oil filter should filter the olio ? OCS FORM n," I MAR 49 .4S.JU.1 DISSGMINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 . (Clas-sification Stcrv) GS ID USA111.!.14SLA:1101 SIMIIIMMIN0111511?PW SECRET Security-II! 50X1-HUN PAGERUMM 20 3. EXTeNT ALI) S'IMENATICV OF TIE OPMATIONS IN TECHNICAL SZRVICING 80. The control inspection of the motor vehicle before leaving the park. Duration of the inspection -- 20 minutes. List of the work; -- check to see if the motor vehicle is clean; --check the quantity of fuel in the tanks, the level of the oil in the crankcase and the level of water in the radiator, and check to see if there is any leak of water, fuel, oil or brake liquid; --check the mounting of the storage battery and connections of the conductors; --check the pressure of the air in the tires and the tightness of the nuts of the wheel mountings; --check the play of the steering wheel, the mounting and the cotters of the connections and rods of the steering; --check the cotters of the brake roes; --check the condition of the light masking (if necessary) and the condition of the 11?hts and signals; --check the mounting of the identification numbers, their accuracy and clean? liness; --check the presence of packing of the prescribed driver's tools and entrenching tools, and also the accessories; --start the engine, heat it up to normal temperature and listen to the way it runs at different rates of revolution of the crankshaft; --check the control devices and the windshield wiper; --while running the vehicle, check the operation of the clutch, gearbox, transfer case, driving axles, brakes, steering; --remove any troubles discovered dule.ng inspection. 81. Control inspection of the motor vehicle on the road (at halts and at stops The inspection of the motor vehicle is carried out at short and long halts: and also at stops at points for loading and unloading. Special attention should be given to the running gear, steering, brakes, engine, leaks of fuel, oil, ester and the packing and fastening of theleado CCS FORM !IX> 49 200-4 INSSaNNATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classification Starr?) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R0n49nnnqnnn_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 F , (C a s. : i f: caf:lon Stzrnp) G. D UM 7MiSI.rfrOf I m=3=7,..7.-,...-...-r....---a-_-_ .....,-.-tt.=,..n...=.._..--_,...-?-lecuri to n Lfilm SECRE ? Duration of the inspectica 15-20 minutes. list of liork : 50X1-HUM eeecuern 21 7 --immediately after the stopping of the motor vehicle, check, by feeling with the hand, the temperature of the hub of the wheels, brake drums, gearbox, transfer case and differential, for the purpose of discovering an abnormal heating; --check the level of the fuel, oil and water, and if necessary finish filling up; --check to see if there is any leakage of water, fuel, oil or brake liquid, see if air is escaping from the connections of the pneumatic brake drive; --check the pressure of air in the tires and the condition of the treads; and --make sure that the nuts fastening the wheels are properly tightened; --inspect the rode end connections of the steering and of the brakes; --check the c'endition and mountiegs of the springs and shock absorbers; --inspect the propeller shaft and remove foreign objects from it; --inspect the engine and its mechanism, check the condition and the tightneas of the belt of the fan and copressor; --check the general condition of the motor vehicle, the packing and fastening of the load; --remove any trouble noticed on the road or discovered during the inspection. 82. he daily technical servicing of the motor vehicle. The duration of the servicing is from one to one and a half hours. List of work: --immediately after the stopping of the motor vehicle Check by touch the temperature of the hub of the wheel, brake drums, gearbox, transfer case and differential, for the purpose of discovering aley abnormal heating; --check to see if there ie any leak of fuel, oil, water or brake liquid; --clean the motor vehicle of mud, clean the cabin, wash and wipe the motor vehicle, wipe the engine; --check the mounting of the engine and of all the mechanisms; --check the tightening of the fan belt and compressor belt and make sure that there is no axial play in their shafts; .eeeee. OCS V.A:1 4.9 .:7CP,M FOR. ID MAI.,ISLATIOnS SECRET Security Information (Class Ificn!iort. Stamp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 014/03/07 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (C/cs_th'icz:1:In Sp) FCZ. %LT r. at .67 guru ??=n1.2-7,rr,.... SECRE Security,Infi _.50X1-HUM IV.GeturaR 22 ...GAMS- -11.111,2 -- chock the condition of the storage batteries, make sure that the con? nections of the conductors uith the battery terminals are good and that the battery is properly adjusted in its seat; -- chock the condition of the electric conductors and the main contact, the condition.of the connection of the conductors with the spark plugs, induction coil and intorruptor?distributor, the mounting of the caps of the intorruptor? distributor; -- check the condition of the horn, the headlights, the taillight and the stop signal; -- check the condition of the air cleaner and its moutings and also the level and quality of the oil in it; when operating a motor vehicle in the summer? time when there is dusl., wash the filter element of the air cleaner; -- check the oendition, the fastening and cotterpins of the rods of the steering, the brakes, control of the front drive axle and transfer case and transmission; -- check the condition and moutings of the drive shaft and coupling; -- inspect the clutch housing and linkage, the transmission case, the transfer case end the rear axle; make sure that there is no leakage of oil and that the fastening is secure; check the presence and the condition of the breather (vont cap) on the axle housing and transfer case; -- inspect the system of the hydraulic drive of the brakes, and make sure that there are no leaks; -- check the condition of the pneumatic drive of the brake; -- check the condition and mounting of the springs, buffers, shock ab? soebers and muffler; check the mountings of the parts and sets underneath the motor vehicle; -- check the condition of the tire?treads and air pressure in the tires, including the spare tire; replace all damaged tires and, repair or replace the damaged inner tubes; (Civeeeceticn Stepp) - C:74" ? 1-707N FOR ID TR.ANSLI.110I-IS SECRET Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 r ?C (C/Qslifion GS ID T :i .M.74 SECRE IF./1.?.???? ,,,..?1 ? . W.?4**,?,-...Ve .../.1 ??j4 ,W???-??? ,??? - ? .7, fte.,?141...A0.4,..M?d?Mr{7 VW, - *Ii.????=??????MMI4P,0???1 50X1 -HUN m.snNumoln 23 -- check the tightening of the nuts fastening the wheel; -- Check the condition of the towing devices, the driver's tools and entrenching tools; -- check the condition of the winch, make sure that the safety pin of the drive shaft of the winch seats properly and that the coupling of the winch is in good condition; -- check the condition of the window lifts, locks and tho handles of the doors of the cab; -- check the conditions and fastening of the body; -- check the condition of the heating equipment and the engine starter (for winter use); -- carry out lubrication in accordance with the lubrication ntableu; -- fill the motor vehicle with fuel, oil and rater, up to normal; c rrect any troubles, noticed while driving or discovered during the servicing. 83. Technical servicing No. I (carried out after every 900-1000 km of operation). Time required for servicing - 3 hours. List of work: -- remove the mud, clean the cab, wash and wipe the motor vehicle, wipe off engine. The engine, fuel system, cooling system, and lubricaftion; -- heat the engine up to normal temperature, listen to the running of it at various rates of speed of the crankshaft, check the working of the control devices r levers and control pedals; -- check for fuel leaks, water, or oil leaks and check the escape of exhaust gases; -- check the mountings of the carburetor, condition of the control mechanisms and the idling of the motor. r-n-a 04:5 . t...:11 .14 DISSF.;?,11PATION FORM Fon ED TRAMSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Clef.211:1'eatI0n Stamp. )eclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043Rni49nnnannng_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 SECRET -- -Se curity---I n f rnati \?7 ? -- chock the tighteninr, and condition of the radiator; the air pump, hose, fi mountings and fan; make sure that there is no axial free play of the shaft of the fan; check the mountinge of the brace rods of he radiator; -- check the tightness of the fan belt and the compressor; -- check the engine mountings, exhaust and in the manifold, oil filters, of the timing gear and of the valve gear, crankcase. =filer; ? check the tiehtening of the heads of the cylinder block and of the cover compressor; -- release the residue from the fuel filter and the fuel pump, wash and 50X1 -HUN clean the screen and filter eleneent of the filter; check the fastening of the fuel ramp and the filtee; -- wash the air cleaneee and fill them with fresh oil; -- let out the residue from the body of the oil finer; eash the filter element; and if necessary reelece it; -- check the condition of the valves of the outlet plugs of the radiator and its packing; -- replace the oil in the crankcase, moiling it at the same time with non-viecoue oil (in case of motoes having oil filters with a "thin cloanern, aleays replace filter elements; Olen changing the oil in the crankcase (This is done as a rule in technical servicing 143.2). Electrical equiment: -- check the level and density of the electrolyte in the storage batteries, the voltage of the storage batteries; mountings of the batteries; -- clean the ends of the conductors and tighten them on the cleaned teeeinale of the battery; after which lubricate the terminals and the ends of the conductors with commercial voseline or solidol; -- chock the condition and the functioning of the ignition spark plugs; check the condition and adjustment of the contacts of the breaker points, the timing of the ignition, condition of the condenser; rotor, cover interrupt or-distributor; 7:5 ;r;D::;;-; : r;nn D:S1PTiC1s; FORM FOR ri TRANZ-.LATiCri,le.3 ? SECRET Security Information Stztnp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R0047nnnqnnn_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? SECRE(Clescificei,)n GS ID V, \iffr a?044424 444.??? r4.4.4 4 ????????????????? 50X1-HUM PAGt I 3.1:1351 25 -- check the condition and mountings of all the conductors; -- check the condition, the mountings and the working of the tarter, of the generator and relay?regulator; -- check the condition, mountings and working of the devices of the lighting system, signals and windshield wipers; Smsrension: -- chock the condition and the moutings of the springs and shock absorbers. Steering: -- check the free play, fastening and cotters of the parts of the steering. Clutch, transmission and transfer case: -- check the condition of the clutch bearing, the amount of free play of the clutch pedal, the action of the return spring; -- check the fastening of the clutch housing, the transmission case and the transfer case; -- check the fastening of the parts of the control mechanisms of the trans? mission case and the transfer case; -- check to see if there is any leak of oil. Cardan shafts and driving axle. -- check tha fastening of the axle shaft; -- check the condition and fastening of the cardan couplings and the cardan shaft; -- Check the tightening of the bolts of the housings of the driving axles; -- check to see if there are any oil leaks; -- check and clean the breathers; -- check the level of the oil in the driving axles. Brakes: -- check the condition and fastening of the brake reds or tubes of the pneumatic or hydraulic drive of the foot?brake; (Classificeeior: Stamp OCZ r-can DISSEMINATION f:ORN PC?. iD TRANI:.=,LkTIONS I SECRET Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Clast-gin cur' llf 0 r m SECRE"" 4.1[????ar -abc. 'Orr, ra12.--4,????_ immema.P.d. -- check the fastening of the body of the main cylinder; 50X1-HUM -- check the level of the brake liquid in the reservoir of tho master cylinder and if necessary remove the air from the system of the hydraulic drive (appendix 7); -- check the condition and the operation of the air brakes, making sure that the system is hermetically tight antl releases the condensate from the reservoir; -- check the value of the free wheeling of the brake pedal and the action of the return spring; -- check the operation of the hand brake; Fenders, hood, cab and body: -- check the condition and fastening of the hood and the side shields; of the fenders, splash pans, floor boards; doors of the cab and the locks; condition of the glass and the operation of the glass raising mechanisms; fasten? ing of the cab and body; condition of the sides and their catehes; fastening of the bracket of the spare ehcel. noels and tires: -- check the condition of the wheels and the valve ceps, pressure of the air in the tires; -- check the hall bearings of the wheels; -- check the fastening of the wheels, the condition of the nuts and the cotters; -- check the play of the wheels; Towing devices: -- check the condition and the fastening of the towing devices. Heating devices and devices facilitating starting: -- check the condition, fastening and operation of the heating devices ahd starting devices. Lubrication: -- lubricate precisely as indicated by the lubrication table. """ F(..',,M.1 FOR ID TR.",NSL!'sTiONS SECRET Security Information (Cle.szVication :Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? (Cla:sgication SLzr.:p) GS 1077:riFizaii-5,ff Tools: SECRE 50X1 -HUM PAGE; KLIIIES31 1 or4......?????????.n......a.m...sers........???60.1.?-???????? -- check the presence and condition of the driver's tools? entrenching tools and supplementary equipment, correct all troubles discovered during the technical servicing. Check run. After the technical servicing, start the engine, warm it up to a normal temperature and listen to its operation at various rates of revolution of the crankshaft, and after this check the operation of the motor vehicle by a check run. During the time of this run, we check the following: -- pick-up of the engine; - operation of the clutch; - gearing in the transmission box and transfer case, shifting into the forward driving axle; listen to see if there are any abnormal noises; -- action of the brakes, simultaneously of their operation and the dis- tance of braking., stroke of the pedal and whether or not there is any grabbing or failing; -- condition of the motor vehicles and the free play in the steering mechanism; -- operation of the windshield wiper. After running correct any defects discovered. 84. Technical servicing No. 2. (Carried out after every 2,700-32000 kilometers). Length of the servicing - 5 hours. '1st of work done: -- remove the mud from the motor vehicle, clean the cab, wash and wipe the motor vehicle, wipe the engine. The engine, feed system, cooling and lubrication: -- heat the engine up to the normal temperature, listen to its running at various rates of speed; check the operation of the control devices and control pedals; OCS 1:0M1 1 12411' 2C0-I DISSEV:INATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Classificotion Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (Cltraica:ic.a Stzmp) --Sec untrle SECRET 1.02,11?12???????1.0,1..11.??140,10.11,..1,te?nd?LTYCI.TOJIP?? 1-mors+Caoc,Awtowsamesaa 50X1-HUM AGENUII 28 -- chock to see if there is any leakage of fuel, rater, or oil, and also check the escape of the exhaust gases; -- check the tightness of the packing of the head of the cylinder block and collectors; -- check the mountin:i of the carburetor, condition or the steering machanisms and the adjustment of idle running; -- check the fastening and the condition of the radiator, the rater the hose and the fan; -- make cure that there is no axial free play in the shaft of the fan; -- chock the fasteninq of the tightening rods of the radiator; -- chock the tightness or the fan belt and of the compressor; -- check the fastening of the engine, intake and exhaust manifolds, oil filters, covers of the gears of the distributor and valve mechanisms: crankcase, muffler; -- chock the fastening of the head of the cylinder block and of the corn? pressor; -- release the residue from the fuel filter and the fuel pump, mash and clean the net and filter element; ????????? check the fastening of the fuel pump and of the filter; -- wash the air cleaner and fill it with fresh oil; -- check the condition of the valves of the petcock of the radiator and its packing; -- in engines without filters having a ',fine cleaner's, change the oil in the cFankcase, rinsing with a slightly viscous oil; in engines with fine cleaning filters, replace the oil and the filter element; -- if there is knocking of the valves, chock and regulate the play. Electrical equipment: -- clean the scarkolugs, regulate the play and check the sparking under pressure; CC-5;707:N DIS':-.3Lzi1INATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLJ"..TIONS SECRET Security Information - (..lassificatioa Stamp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 41. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? (Cicssi.ficarin Sm.) GS 10 "a"--'r--"---"-Secu-rityln or 11.441 44.4 4. Are in,..41.0, SECRE 50X1-HUM W.GEXUXT: 29 .01...10.1.???????? am. -- clean the breaker points and regulate the clearance; -- check the condition and the fastening of the condenser, rotor, cover of the breaker-distributor and induction coil; -- remove the protective tape and check the condition of the collectors and brushee of the generator and starter, blow out with compressed air; if necessary, clean the collectors or vipe with a rag moistened in gasoline (without taking the rnerator or starter from the motor vehicle; -- chock the fastening and operation of the starter, generator and relay generator; -- check the level and density of the electrolyte in the storage batteries, the voltage of the storage batteries, mounting of the storage battery; -- clean the ends of the conductors and fasten them to clean terminals of the battery, after which lubricate the terminals and ends of the conductors with cmmercial vaseline or solidol; Suspension: -- check tho condition and the fastening of the springs and the shock absorbers. Steering: -- check the fastening and the free play in the steering mechanism; -- check the free play, fastening and cotters of the parts of the steering (rode and levers); -- sea that there is oil in the casing of the steering mechanism. Clutch, crankcase, transfer case: -- cheek the condition of the ball bearings, the play between the ball hearings and the pressure levers, value of the free stroke of the clutch pedal, action of the return spring; check the coupling of the clutch casing, the ocankcase and the transfer case; -- check the fastening of the control parts of the crankcase and the transfer mein Cr21[7:=4 ^,n, 1 1= DISSR4INATial FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Clasificciton Stomp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 , fic:: St - r.-1,4=rs e curitonf SECRET 50X1-HUM Lr.?...,..,...; .,...,..?..? _. -- check to see if there is any leak of oil; -- chock the level of the oil in the crankcase and in the distributor box. Cardnn shafts, front axle and roar driving axle: -- check the adjustment of the ball bearings of the nheel; -- check the fasteninz of the axle; -- check the condition and fastening of the eardan joint, the propeller (or cardan) shafto, and the intermediate bearings; -- check the tightness of the bolts of the casings of the driving axles; check the free olay of the pivoted bogie; -- check and clean the ventilation cape; check to see if thoro is any leak of oil; -- check the level of the oil in the driving axle; brakes: -- chock the condition and the fastening of the brake rods or air lines of the hydranlie brakes; -- check the fnotening of the body of the main cylinder; -- check the level of the brake liquid in the reservoir of the master cylinder and if necessary remove the air from the system of the hydraulic drive; check the condition of the pneumatic drive of the brake; check the amonnt of play between the brake blocks and drums; -- check the amount of free wheeling of the pedal of the brake and the action of tht return spring: -- check the operation of the hand brake, condition and fastening of its oarts, regelate the hand brake. Fenders, hood, cab and body: -- check the condition and the fastening of the hood and the side shields; -- check the condition and the fastening of the fenders, splash pans, brackets and footboards (running board); -- check the condition and the fastening of the doors of the cab and the locks; lnbricate the locks and the hinges; CC:7' (Clcsci(ica tica SEar9:1) ; 47 FOR ID TP.1-,1.*:SLATIC.)NS ? Ik ? SECRET Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 (CiaccifIca tic-) S:::.a:p) r."-?=c-L?s-n--r-Tezrcomar.Varr.7,-..--at CS ID USA TRANZLA't wipers; ? 10.4, ?-??????? SECREI -"PieFtS ?7.t. 50X1-HUN w.eav.,-arnrsviamenrrorain. -- check the condition of the windows and the operation of the windshield ? check all of the fastenings of the cab and the body; -- check the condition of the sides and their catches; check the fastening of the spare wheel brackets. Iheels and Tires: -- chock the condition of the wheels and the tires, valves, pressure of the air in the tires; ? check the fastening of the wheels, condition of the nuts and the cotters; -- check the setting of the front wheels (camber, convergence); -- check the wobble or nay af the wheels. Towing devices: - ch!ek the condition and the fastening of the towing devices. Heating and starting devices: - check the condition, fastening and the operation of the heaters and starters. Lubrication: -- lubricate strictly in accordance with the lubrication table. Tools: -- check the presence and the condition of the tools of the driver, entrenchment tools and the supplementary equipmedt. Correct all troubles discovered during the technical servicing. Test run. After the technical servicing start the engine, heat it up to normal temperature and listen to its running at various rates of revolution of the crankshaft, and then check the operation of the motor vehicle Irr a test run. During the time of the test run we cheek the following: -- pickup of the engine; e.CS7017 .-.- ti r: 71 r DISSlINATION FORM FOR ID TRANSLATIONS ? SECRET Security Information ? (Clarsitication Stamp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043Ron49nnnannnc_7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Sp) ql;;;;1;","?..71,2-20 'Se curity-Informa, 50X1-HUM -- how the clutch eorks; -- change genre in the transmission and transfer case and put vehicle in front nheel drive; listen for any abnormal noises; -- test the action of the brakes, their ease of operation and their stopple!, distance, stroke of the pedals, and whether or not there is any grabbing or slipping; -- condition of the motor vehicle, ease with which it can be driven and the free play; -- operation of the windshield wipers. After the run; TCIOVO all of the defects discovered. 85. Technical servicing No. 3. Thir, is carried out after every 5,400-6,000 kilometers of operation. Duration of the servicing -- 10 hours. -- clean the motor vehicle of mud; clean the cab, wash and wipe the motor vehicle; wipe the engine. The engine, fuel system, cooling system, and bbrication: -- heat up the ene'ine to norTal temperature, listen to the running at various speeds of the drankshagt, check the work of the fuel system, cooling system and lubrication, control devices, levers and control pedals; -- cheek the compression; -- if n'cessary remove the carbon deposit from the combustion chamber, ,the botton of the pistons, valves (the removal of carbon deposit from the com- bustion chamber, bottom of the pistons and the valves of the engine and the aluminum head of the cylinder block is done after each 12,000 kilometers of operation); -- check the condition of the packing of the head of the cylinder block; the tubes of the muffler; the intake and exhaust manifolds; check the play between the valve rods and the push rods; in con- structions allowing regulation, regulate the play; c17.1 roam 2;17-1 1,02;.1 Fnfl MANSLATIONS SECRET Security Information (Clasr.ification StImp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rele Yr 2014/03/07 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 ? Ail ? *-? ? (acvsilicsVon -Zit LI- \ 71"),ESE/510N In Securitytarll 13.1-GS IM13z2. 33 --Amr.rtte-A "tz -Ur e.-a 1.11Z11., 6.14,1?11.10V1.,1r 1.11,,C 1 a 4,0,/...?????,???nra ???uner ?????? - ? .....???? ???? -"Inaamom s?-??? 1.41?????????....1.110., SECRE 50X1 -HUM -- if necessary adjust the play of the hearings of the crankshaft; ? clean the vontilaUng nystem of the crankcase; -- check the operation of the fuel pump; -- chock the mountings and the condition of the radiator, the.water pump, the hose and connections, and the fan; make sure that there is no axial "play" of the fan shaft; chock the tightness of the brace rods of the radiator; -- check the tightness of the fan belt and the compressor belt; -- check the mountings of the engine, intake and exhaust manifolds, oil filters, cover cap of the distributor gear, and the muffler; -- lot out the sediment from the fuel filter, clean and wash the screen and the filter element, check the mounting of the filter; -- wash the air cleaner and fill it with fresh oil; -- check the condition of the valves, plugs of the radiator and its packing. Electrical equipment: -- remove the storage battery from the motor vehicle, check it carefully and recharge it; -- clean and check the operation of the generator and of the starter, and if necessary check them on a stand; -- clean and adjust the interruptor?distributor; -- chock the condition and the fastening of all the conductors; -- clean the ends ai the high voltage conductors and their sockets in the cover of the inter:meter?distributor and the induction coil; -- clean the "signal points', (of the horn), check its adjustment and mounting; check the condition, mounting and operation of the illumination devices; check the adjustment of the headlights; -- chock the condition -nd operation of the relay?regulator and its mounting; -- checks clean and regulate the sparkplugs; DISSI2+:;i4ATION FORM FOR ID Tri-ZANSLATIOS SECRET Security Information (Cascification Stomp) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 14/03/07 ? CIA RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 SECRE - ? - r- _ -__Iecuritrinfug rse..???? 481..- 16?????? I ? ????? ???? MID 0.???? ....-2?06. ? ....mums\ 1 , ...........,,,, ...? ...... /.....r.s .1??...,,,.... v...1.? 6.-..moura PAGE T.Zt.V.%':-.:.1 34 50X1 -HUM -- check the condition and mounting of the induction coil; -- adjust and fasten -roperly the devices of the electrical equipment and the conductors leading to them; -- check the adjustment of the timing of the ignition. Suspension: check the condition and mountings of the springs; -- check the operation, condition and mountings of the shock absorbers and if necessary pour some fluid into them. Llteering: -- check the meuntinrT and regulation of the steering mechanisms; -- check the free play, mounting and cotters of the rods and levers; -- make sure that there is oil in the gearbox of the steering mechanism. The clutch, transmission case and transfer case: -- check the coldition of the clutch bearings, the amount of free wheeling of the clutch 7edall action of the return spring; -- chock the free play between the pressure levers and the clutch bearinrs; -- check the mounting of the clutch casing, transmission box and transfer case; -- check the mountings of the parts of the steering mechanism of the transmission case and the transfer case; check to SGG if there is any leakage of oil; -- change the oil in the transmission case and in the transfer case; -- chock the condition and mounting of the compressor. Propeller shafts, front axle and driving axle: ch ck the conditioA and the free play of the pivoted bogie; -- change the oil and regulate the bearings of the front wheels; check the condition of the grease retainers (stuffing box); ?-?-?, 4.: 2; ? ?? ? Jo-17 ;Kii On FORM FOR D Lta IC) SECRET , Security Information (C!zsrilicaticfr Stomp Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 .1??? (Chin.trice:ion Sp) GS ID USA Tr4.62:ZIXIION SECRE 50X1 -HUM -- replace the oil and regulate the bearings of the rear wheels; -- check the condition and mountings of the drive shafts, propeller connection of the intermediate bearing; -- check the tightneos of the bolts of the casing ad the rear axle; -- check to see if oil is leaking; -- chock and clean the ventilation cap (Trans note: a literal transla? tiou and it may or may not be the English equivalent); -- replace the oil in the rear axle. Brakes: -- check the brake drums, the condition of the brake shoes, the return springs, brake cylinders and grease retainers (seals); -- check the condition and mountings of the brake rods or air and water pipes of the footbrake drive; -- check the level of the brake liquid in the reservoir of the main brake cylinder and the mounting of the cylinder; check the condition of the pneumatic brake drive; -- regulate the footbrake, check the amount of free theeling of the brake pedal and the action of the return springs; ???????? chock the .condition of the handbrake and regulate it. Fenders, hood, cab and body: -- check the condition and fastening of the hood and side shields; -- check the condition and the mauntingd of the fenders, splash aprons, brackets and footboards; -- check the condition and mountings of the doors of the cab and the locks; -- check the condition of the glass and the operation of the pane lifts; -- check the condition of the cab and body. Illee2s and tires: -- check the condition of the wheel discs, the tires, valves, pressure of air in the tires; rotate the tires (Appendix 8); ? (C(cssificntica Scampi) nn-1. DISSr--NiNATiON PORN FOR ID TRANSLIMONS SECRET Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 2014/03/07 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 St.3rp) (.75 ID UA 11 .......? re.,....., ,......nor....m.,....... ea............. ea, . ... a? s?-motane 4. 4 ? SECRE 50X1 -HUM Yfrr. 30. -- check the mounting of the wheels, condition of the nuts and cotters; -- check the adjustment of the front wheels (camber, convergence); -- chock the wobble of the wheels. Towing devices: -- check the condition and mountings of the towing devices. Heaters and starters: -- check the condition, mountings and operation of the heaters and the device for facilitating starting. Lubrication: lubricate in precise conformity with the lubrication schedule (table). Tools: -- chock the presence and the condition of the tools of the driver, the entrenching tools and additional equipment. Remove all troubles discovered during the technical ser icing. Test run: After the technical servicing start the engine, heat it up to normal temperature and listen to the running of the engine and the units at various rates of revolution of the crankshaft, and then check the operation of the motor vehicle by a test run. During the time of the toot ran we should check the following: -- pickup of the engine; -- operation of the clutch; -- change of gears in the transmission case, transfer case, shifting into the forward driving axle; listen to see if there are ally abnormal noises; -- the action of the brakes, simultaneity of their 'operation and the stopping distance of the motor vehicles, the stroke of the pedals, whether or not there is any grabbing, slipping or increased resistance to braking; steering of the automobile, ease with which it can be driven and free play; ?, operation of the windshield wipers. cc's(ci&ssificcti.or, Seorap F-:C)ilig .1:OR Li) TRAA SLATiOMS - ? SECRET Security Information Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 07 ? CIA RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/07: CIA-RDP81-01043R004200090005-7 SECRE GS ID USA TZViSLATIO:: .r= NV- eintitcwatlmosmom 50X1 -HUM PAGE I ai."IDIA 37 After the run remove any troubles that aro discovered. 86. In addition to the technical servicing work enumerated in articles 80-85, it is also necessary to carry out the work made necessary by the pecu- liarities of the construction of the motor vehicle, recommended in the instruc- tion? of the plants manufacturing each make of vehicle. 4. PREPARATION OF THE MOTOR VETTICLPB FOR OPERATION IN THE FALL-TINTER AND UTE SrJRING-SUER PERIODS. 87. The operation of motor vehicles in the fall-winter and in the spring-summer periods have their special peculiarities. Hence, in order to have dependable operation of the motor vehicle, it is necessary to prepare then ahead of time for the approaching period of operation. The preparation of motor vehicles for the approaching period of operation is carried out in accordance with a special_ plan approved by the commander of the unit. The time required for the preparation of the motor vehicle is li to 2 days. The preparation of motor vehicles includes the carrying out of the usual systematic technical servicing and the following additional work, common for both paricds: -- take off and check the carburetor, calibrate the jet, regulate #ho level of fuel in the float chamber, check the tightness of the fitting of the locking needle and the moment of the engaging of the economizer, regulate the carburetor in accordance with the conditions of the approaching period of operations; -- wash the fuel tank and remove any sediment that may have accumulated in it, wash and clean all the pipes and devices of the fuel vete% regulate the feed devices and the heating of the mixture in accordance with the period of operation; -- wash the cooling system for the purpose of removing from it all scale and sediment (Appendix 6); check the condition of the thermostat; CCSFC:V. ,?1, tIX t1 v r DIS,