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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 50X1-HUM .06 , 40 Next 154 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a' ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 BORPOCU N 3AMINAHM BO AHHOTALMM STAT Egaii imeNlon Am nmOposue Amine no moognms II anymyannmu naanwrosom pumomemonos? B omate nposumo OTaBSTCH sonpoo o? OXLIOHOOTX ussa PaAnoulausnmx oTxmos s Mope. PC/26 Tcn rnpepaBOOOTB y anopas tyro yseamnemme paAmonx- TaBhoOTX rupodmonTos me one.speAmoro BUBHHE Ha relieTm- UMW X Ap.noosouTsula flpeAyomaTpmmeTcn BOISUOTMOOTS mum= OTX0A0B B mope m eapaaame rupoomosTos AO XaX0r0-TO onpuemsporo "Aonyc- Tmmorou ypoBnE, ymasomenuoro nom) cooTseTcTsymitux ACM- Aommufl. Eriak I? CROJIT,H0 Ha manom pacoToHnum OT uncial* Bappa H nepe3 BpeLsenu cipuzna upodu WIMINT01187 2. KaltoBa afaa aNTHBITOOTB 800-H OTOnZaEnToBa? faxosa duna aNTHBBOOTL pie( 2. lommoia paAmoangsmooTm u HaoTOBBHE 000T8D OeBT2- geor.:.4 ovrannuop n noA)poolleta 4. 1e.vmm13a oTponunBcro nosekonnenTa xocTeil put5 N co- OR MOLVWCROB? ABTOp he BWBraBoT 013010 008HHHO no OTBowelmw X BOaMOB- BocTHU saxoponenns pamcanumax oTxmozi B mope. EOTB m mporlue minue nO peUtiMBe pamoaXTKBHOOTX nalanitTonn, 6ouToo1Iux oppaPHaLoBlphiG BoAopoczeia ABTOP FAO BIMPAHOT CO no3moup no OTHOWOMIWK BO8M0E- 1OCTHU aaxopononmn paAidoanTimux OTX040E B mope, neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ,4?,?;?.117- _ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 BOOMOMUE BCDPOCU no PaaAmY "OKEAKTPAORR PULNOBCTE0 I. Rause nommen paAnomannoon aoAu 11 otAentaux mom= opranzamop upsunamTcR =mum AaR mopoUn meg? 2. Kano= pe 8T1 mccneAonanEg no paAEoalamBuog aapasonoc- 211 pasammx rimpodmonToB pagone aTonxa LAMM cum% paanziose nopmmu Bpemeum, npomeAnme nom 133p113OD? itzttoBB nowlmaTe= sapaneauocTm Bummx mace m rmAnotiionToB v. " P pagoaax nopcmax saxoponeamg OcHoWIEUX npoAmos y mro- sanagnoro uodepenn COA? 4. TIOnanTan noraoatenu paAmoeumBnux orxoAoB paanunnum opranEamams Mx opranama. 5. flonamercan CTWAEOCTN paweauTellnog aapagemmTE paanitoux noponox opranmemoB u Co usmenenaR 13 menu AnETenBuoro uepmoAa BriemenE. Mpounmenug aoalaugenTi 6. :ROM mi peayniaaTu mocamBanng no RUMMImn p4AMoalamBfloCTK na reneTameculie noumaTenn pud 3 Apyrux mopommx taBotental 7. vumpon nm mapTut xapanTeppymmme paAnomnBnyw aapauennom /m cc MUM/ BOOM uacc UMp011,0110 mem H rmApocisouTon B nem ocnammEx? 8. Kam nocneoBaTearleme pmaxo8nEmennue iomeanonornecxme memenmn Bev!, pacion no maymenEm paAmoauTEnnog sapami- nOcTE uopcmmx BoAoemoB =BOTH= Ex naceznwax? B. PzAu pudy 6e01103B0HotHiux n BoAopoczeg 1141110o1ne? ammaio annyuyEmpimax paAmommanue oTxoAu. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 ? CIA-RDP81-010431ROn4innt4nnnq Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 EIC: 2 ?. IO. BudameTon JIK yuessneusevlosAnoummx sadomana /MOTs y pmd wpm minenouusaMmux 3 CM814 C nor/1040- =mm nun ocgosoloux !ammo. II. ECM XV WINO scomolamidi asuemensa coOpgalin 00Puemx amen= Rpm pwd pemymaTe norsoactuun oommolimmx lipor411013. MWErn !hie KAPAA111143 A.B. - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 as ; I ? - -r STAT il.A?NOICEES X A.B.ICLUABIEB Bc000tenk 0 o-Hoo00014/4xsold itoTsm so oro pallor? xosilkoTma s amino( /BM/ rayons Upodzeme BZNARNN OIMOZORHUX upoxylToB Ha pameatrus- HOOT], NOABILX sum N BOANUX opressamoa npaoOpesa 000do BAN- iioe0savemse B ossas o 118000BUU aapaiteHses pw0 H Apyrn BoAsux Wilms ocuosogsmss spognams ups NOTUTStaa slop- Hon opyrim N B.peayaBeave sarpmovain BoApouos psoluodirm- ii onoAams /201798/. odotoneonsuuei ooms peasooloponso moozeAoBassa yneual msorsx mem Co scoU 760AxTen11Ummx moms Boo- notiepooen odpason1s0 umusessol pauoamemoovx 7 B0A- LUX raBOTHUX L paomak m peospoospasoun Doom moo o OGNONOVHUNN uponnang. pooftuso nouwareargis Ammo 0 see BoapaeTamek pamosnaBsom Boma meoz 11 DOOM 00O1tTOB B sana002 u cempo-oassoott liams Moro ?Kean 2 pe-Byammo. Tato Bowman= HormassA wpm opya. Rpeme Boom maBoBaemo 6N0Tpoe a Beesma mapme paminocTpueline pud inmon, mem-putiut vapainB/ 0 non:mei-mot paAitoblassitocnt sa pakoaa Tepmamtpuoro B3pmBa uu rook arBaTopga =WO 4acui Moro meana41tx-flsomeilAs-asT401-0ausam, 4TO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 ? CIA-RDP81-01n41Rna41nn1Annryz A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 9 ? ? ' 2. TO411 I 101181XSUIR PaANOWNSX MOTO 6-8 Wines nose afbaa WATS, 11110 Omsoro B Haqa.:6 wipe 1954,4: // Z. yzeAvOmmx 6cpex'o 1oiss Onpvictlapti* td?npueximm arle4 meamisk -4 Maw Ian. 1410- 1passescii6esep0-9gBasopsumoe Teneue pasli;t1Z0-- BOAHNe m- om C n0n4OB10kyam81TUBNOOTs0 Isummit BanpaueBzu -cortim-13-mettrzen3 i? apestotkr-Waens-B-swan.,__rpautvzsaff ox4---arra-witaarant: Alitt--8811031e811*--Bi3Min tt-leAKOIIRTH280 no tiextalett-stepe ? / Tadie-ammeue-marpairms --atar-vaux-f-u-erslifpannecial see ZHBUO oprammus vaxommiseeB pagoBe paonpoOtpaBens younnux BOAria mac? 40011A8BNT0E, 008TOOH18 0001108BOHOVIE81 Nal M BoAopOOM =lawn Boma mannumi NUMMI PAANO8H7MBOEX 8flegOBTO13 N Quanmal onacHaux uopoimin conpmmeammusi 0 HIM 'Meg. B Aul- Helm paomminue Bum nom ;locoman depern r pooTonnoro a ceBepo-toclonnoro n00epeOR ABM A16,11,18/. OcAecTuenna COUTtAHUM MCCSOA0B828XHUR B 1958 roii$ pa6oru B odupsou pagolie.FOrfekfiRelfROK CeSerilaii EMPOS/1-34-134-41-4569-- -BOOT-OU-014 AOSOSu -mipacnoxotermg H cevepo-aanwq OTia Duzmymp, RTO deft-81iTHM13OOTS BQAU ON1n8 UNWITaAhHO nolammoual 8 ma mina eTaBgrum )3 Aeons H cluee pea Tip8BLIM34A OCTO0TBeHEEN ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0041nn14nnm_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ? ? no 8. sanknut itos. -Ittszsteihnte-avesexerettiminifisamt-,- -4eRepo-ezrat2epaan- 4mit_TIMilmse-npimemite-soitmtire-meteer-e- upoityxnust pmweenmariroVO mituta-s_pattona-, --nputztumarernerporteatimardnuemem. tdkie-;--int;-ttmma OtpiTT1.4e'ln_oAntie maoeN Itypo-Cmoc4temae B (ma onepea peauiViliir-mcamot-temmr-Tememmi*Amoanunnme soo npammeogn no 13ce2 maw cenepo-aanamiok %UTZ Moro mem, ocorieumo voszaiii pulloarorism0432b TOX pationon, Nylat noltocpegeTnenmo nponsmaxe BOTBM mom Tenon. ABWIRS npoti unanstoma, sunomennoro n panamvmmx pailoggj y Opera ConeTcuoro Timmer? BOCTOBa B O1TS6 Loodpe 1958 r., nounan nonumenym e tll'OEIBTXBHOOTB, BOXIMBil paxioarTuBuocTu B HEIOTICHON WPC ? I111111111 ETODa in.400.10.11.....???????????????????????? ???????????.1.1111.1101. Patios ? ? ? ? ? 8a2imtt HeTpa Bemoro animal) mope upw6pe1? rue BO= 0T1c1)unte roxi TaTaporld upoxis irtaTa t LeTa-auTOBBOOTIt B 1-1W/ ? tmlinnymmaimmuym ? t ?peon 13a1.58r. 1,0 610 211 13-1G9X1. 1$58r 2,1 17,0 715 17,11*58r, 4,3 110,0 2915 G , 58r 6,4 64,0 30,2STAT Kan 115BeeTBO, B aeTue?oomigi nepmut OCROBBaR =pp 1ea- 1;;PO?C1/101 npougxup B imouoroe mope nepn ItyomminE nom, loograeTcu ua ceuep B mamma nozonue mop, upounsas D Ta- Tapoua npulas, B TO upomu xar aanaou nu% mom i B RaCT- ii0OTIlv JWILAP 1107Ta 1,OVANDIT De naxowren Peaocpe7cT2cLnumt Declassified in Part: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 /-11(1,1," e ???? A A ????? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 4; sosAellomen ynetsasyre clop. Hpasasesaus moue eswieTesso- cTsymT o BOMA pAill0811TXMOCTX AZINXIONd2 nPesuutmeg mouoTopmx npodix sa oms-Asa nopuna owtOorsounag xosailsug 4014, a*e'B npoosax OTHOCHTOSSMO soapwort) finonoxoro slops Hs npe,sxe seem, s Tex patouax, sma nponnuor sop caclewu Kypo- fIafloMliMK, 4TO passe mamas pamoaleasmorc sapalom aVAdg OT KWOM,802821111 BOA= OreXTOD csnausaxacs limas nem c yumedseuxes 2 narAy paid, cosepaammxx ffpOTEKODHUG marpagacas palms c asTencaanog aapasesnoom a Aosocautax, Taxan odpanou, suconyv pamomassom Aaxe Tym, FGmuse maccu ocismatT OTBOONTWILDO mucous* Dunk eapazennooTa. fiftomute yliew=fiasua Apd moans, wqinapau uosmaesues pumas:mom BOAHUX uaco s deperos finosaa /yse- isalatoseliodsa nepacut c 1954 no 1957 metes pas/ nposexo- ____ 411.4411p0iteco Omporo sapacTanan pamoanTassocTs mom= ua- BOTHUX at B gnomon, puO, ue cosepramax MINTOraita umrpa- lialI BMWAXXOH TIOOTORBBNUU oftTaTesnim npaOpeusux soX isoismay Traehiums, Morava, Dinoguneliliai, nimmeu no- BeH pAHOUTEBHOCTII AocTarnyTe2 Wass, aHOWITOXSHO npesmas cooTseTommuud yposens ONMALAMX 20,U. ennann4WonemLeuTensaue accsemsame noosesuax seT co nnad veirmumarmu^~mm =MAW CHOCOCHOOtip 00.112MUHOTBa UHBOTEUX suopoolei uanansasaTs =1i-6i-dem opraname Ao sucouok eye- nen BO nom pas npesumeme JouldenTpaRam ocgo- aonsux npounvos B onpysammeM ax opexe. Tax Axii xamtlana bitacnoro pm:mamma oTposiiras - 90 y neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release STAT 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ???4. ? 5. Ifl npecHoBoAnnl riapoduorros E08014110HT nougenTpagm COOVEMErt Woman= - 75000 MUT= Buopocnek - 500000 mum umenoolt 100000 pad 20000-80000, /13/ MORON= mune loatOanem nongenTpannii ammaAoRm y MaPOR /4/ Alm apomierAmimmx rmnpoilmosprownpm meminfl tommomn erponon -00 )3 Butoeme 0,37-0,001 Kr Empaft: BOAREHO pacTelima 100-9,Q mato= IWO 230-110 panorama 8850-14300 pana: mow 70-600 nanuap 1600-3700 pa: maw 10-25 NOCTU 1350-1100 600-13u0 imepwicaBonaA aoczempaTea$ Bopp /9/ oenmeg snoneptaeuTos noltaaaal o pia Teaming / Maga/ anymvimpyeT paAmoamm- HOOTB lieuocpeAciniono 23 Borat, upgnem yme mcpos ABa MOCHAS DOM Baquaa alma y moama pal oe ypoBens apoBssas s moon pas nonammoam paadoclumpoom Op ;-O Packm morn ymesux noArDepAttam 1411130A 0 TOM, VTO noraomome palizowaotonoB ungwcynom no frAlmmn mnneaIIMMenn HO X mem- . peA0TBOPHO THUMB pit /114#9,10,18t14,16/. Mliorne aocalmnam- povanne paoonooTouu mwaontimx vpoaysToB 21 1117010 BOOM, oTpomgat-90, Beema Aoaro smepamBameH P oprahunue put% m Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 6. aze morpylapammats cH1,10iumpanix11 flposamme 1958 my mammal Ona-aRTXMOOTH menu= m Apyrim ?mama mom= npomuesom ptd, odmvammx 3 caw- manna gam Taxon oaeaHas panamm Ha HapasinaHme paw- aaTABHOOTI: 6, odmvammx Ha mom TUCHU NSA) OT palm 00110BMPO man papaw= /Ta6a.2/. Tadammi 2. PaAmoamme eapamemmocex upomucsomx pu? Aaxmere Boergaz, ; Pagom : : hamnaTna . . . ? ? LaHuM i MUM :3ammli lima :BeaVIN0110xx/ 0 KamOaaa /Pleurenectidae / 21,0 12,5 0 Tpeosa /Oath* 84,0 28,5 0 Temp /Pieuregxemusui:/ . 67,0 0 Dom / Csitidas / . 75,0 0 2I000014 /01mOrdhyneu2 / 25,0 . . CeALAB /clupea/ 34,5 . . ?????????????????????.....0.08.?????????111011, NOMOON?11.10111. x/ Wipe Tadmius uolcoatHaloz ripogetiTptw, y itoTopux pooz.?tiz- raritoon =et-It= vxmleg Cluee %tete I! pasta BhMe ecnor- witioro aaaaboro 4.ma. ANTO13110CTS OTAUBELIX 3130111121ApOli wad veutiaqmeavflo upe- mama ecTecTBetimik .ypoBen ii (him now aB1102 CTO.V.;(8Pet4t, BMW OTIMOliek111110. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 A ppnexemsue man NCINASUINNT, analmessima maotSsTAT NPOIANCNOBla pitec ?:Mientrattax y deperos Hamm Mumma, aim TIONSINONVWD pinoavisnocTs s peOasTaTe raponimnoseHn ems soma mace o ?cramming! aPOUNTams. (1flZrasercit Tam masa noigass!geraimiu? o paAzoaramnooT* Emelt pmd in paUftoz, AoOlossui mammas 'enemas, dun 2-6 pas sane ammo's, NOCTON aux Re mos pt Samna DTI* Beanoro, apnea airrasuom nomAnx dun 73 195-2 paaa Buse ecTeersworo yposaa..3 1%L..m.A4/ HapaoTaese ocitmovraux npoitynos s raApecOopOrrapasego it noBuriesio pNAMOUTIBHOOTN BoAopoc2!e4 is 6OHTOON1X 0001103BOBOV- nux INBOTHWX. Peeps:am nemusarasti =cum xeminpai Amminaris *Ws nposapacTemeR B paean/mix pailoHax AusHe- BOCTORBOr0 nodepessa, nomemmis ee nosumenuo pa4mo8sTas- c- moonITa51.8/. ? TtIONNAA S. Pamoaramsnoms zamanapum Auminarla J. / ilazInenocTounix ropeth. Patton anNBUOOTI BIOic roA andamenit paps Ha r adcommiso lepton, 301400TBQ. MAO Cum= 1948 618 tOv48 DEnug Cammi 1658 12 ,;.;i 1,1.0 Kypulumo ocTpora Tr.,57 716.? 0,66 riputtopit samis neTpe immoro 1957 1958 8,7 j 0,62 5,5 ? 0,29 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 v c,uuuvpuupvuthtft.,1701-0 1-8dC1I-V10 ? ?0/170/171-0Z JA-OS ? 3SeeIej Jo; panoJ?dv A000 pez!PeS -1-led u! Pe!PsseloeCI VsaltXII ...on/ iltomdeu OJORSZOWRVI OHR0h01 E RZOOREHIROOMnd azusedxoo m **az 0,100E3 non, a fond? gonna umme*Rdx? e nmtpdxaot -gox elneneibo mErommileadn sorneedn aux 4ouj manouozo gowned o xm azeaodmquonnox 'Wound oaoaauxuomnd nanniodn cm* multoa en asaaodnunitoou oaammu masoontrooup mamma num -eado omultoa annaroznaoud Emma= OLh louorammoR mama -I9tOOG 0 oaaamodaoalt.: &mom =Mom a aoutitodu me mon -goso gomaroo n onfaudaaanuox wogooKa xx losoula an aoutvolim xraimonoo MWZROhOM modon oponcild soxodim onguhnanodh o SaRbORYO4OVHEO MRZOORROOMOOR 0 ONUROV OFIRROVORRdil nmsarexuo aoaodop autorox -upo 49rivaoams ongaoltodit viTinieuntp isindb?oroli V vitas/ marrow ,/ OindAl0a/ wounsoo alotiootingreasPatiMsavai AnAkIlvoostwn wdu nor moaamaxeoned gaaodt ox ivirm?7 -oHneaammoo ansodn pone aou niroavauxou memmtexwaamoop Labandouf x,t/oixe taximmodu 01122?V OR Indoemner 30RhOLOOIORTIMY golko OHM -OOP smoaanun nvanomosoo 014 6aosaammoa mideamm OROS a NOW * nimitspEd 'urn uniudokoo iROAlkuNtOnifi on =nue! 9MH -zobovd/ amodt Rnoanotaormoo umpaot4olimm000 asookmatedu mode 01 R uedozon 'woman accp. ensollet noVoa mnnoaxedo ou undonnor mimeo g94$d9p t 4noa EVION/141R011040 #021ROM on 'cowman weguommou yoaiosWaroon iloplonnuota edam' mint mods/ mowed =WV a SOX anode oat 41001011 0403t0NROtn no =Imam 4nwaix,0 modopou tnoultuea-om ram -nnidn .comoired **V OgROS1001)0t0 stdonamei szaonanare senoona sonopnou Oih 'mammon islinnesa a onanoWoandu 'min* OP, 17-?000171-00117001?1701-0-1-8dCl-V10 ?0/170/171-0Z -1A-09 ? eSe3I3i J04 panoJ dv soo pazqpes - 'Jed u! pag!ssepaa 44mo% 4.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ? 9. MBIOZONSHO MAMA NOAH= MCO X BOASUX od"extem, Ba- sansr oeanwAsx mom ameTa o man smoTepowenneeT OTXSOTHO STAT ft npeAsolanno o seicepomemna PHAVOUTIBHUX OTX OB B pliSXWP. patiomax Miposero emeamai 011040T EMOUHX11141 VTO se dome Aeosri ser y (*pores Emma EmAigtopmam, sOnmam Cam-49a#10o10 lioe-Anenoaa magma- amsaga. Atle Oftealla pamodirranse olexoAus ynaxosaumue sesame Owen m dotempue Wm. UposeAmine CEPago.onogn Oxemmerpaysneommu NmenryTom KOCX0AOSEMB /12/ 110XUSANs ITO B ynomayeux pattomax y aoonammomm B8 rayemmax 200-1000 lieT- OB 04-?2130EM maxenzemme pmAmoMmetiones, xmpamTepmux Aso 00H0- :0 TOE. come= ImeEe-1-15/ Inwassi-A,Tzums0 :1, ? 4T- ? APP0/ no mem Dimas rosopmT me =Lay menu:Loosens ',Aida omeama sOamam nodepessno a Tome smasepsAmm mmemme ogeaI3o rpao 0 BOMB:ROOTS paeTsopeums m paceemsammo B mama Me BEICOROBETWBBEX OTXMOB ammememms Baum node:palms CMA. noesame gemeosamma moue= suooftemm 08101X ray- Oonx mums Mmposero ?mem, nposeAessue eoseTexamm ram e OopTa nemeAosaToaumoro eyAma "BliTantil UOJIHOOTEM OTTO.* semis mpeAeTasmeene 0 memiemseeTm TOMBEIR MIX mpogeecos N neATsepAmmx ENTCHOMBHp BeHTZAKIWO maxemmaJBsNx omeasimemmx =rims. mom 00 83C, modeg pain mmposoro oneamm, moon- aosammidt AAR omxopasesuff OM/RAM upoAsTos, npospaTmT6g B ogar sexemenu p8ASIOUTOEUX MBOTOHOB, upogeoe panel*, moTopmx seAumos maocaux, paempenma m ammmangam rupo6Apit- MR Gummi AocTaTonlio HHTeHCIBUUTA, HO oyAeT BOCOT1 0oAe4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co.y Ap?roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R00410014nnin_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ? .4 .1?0' - . ? 10p npoAosuuTenZmill-donee xpoPuncouull xapauTop, neu TO upouivoN, uoTopue PadiamamOu nom ummanuu antalmoro oPYREm? - STAT BC= ie mem, WO poAvue maccu Wpm= ouoma HaX0AHT? OR B nOCTORBBOM ABMKOBHU g paAmumappue pemeeTpa B OTHOOX? Tensuo uopoTiOse cpoux OyAysi paamecepu B cauue panotime OT uecTa NX Paicopopem pabau, cAesaeTon DUMP/WM Ta rpoumgas yrpopa APPOBEM UWAAMOBOB SkAegt.-XOTOpaci BOWINNNOT B cnynae olicTeuamecuoro earpnpuepo4 oueanos OGEOAOMBUHR ppoAyuTaum. Jo cootpeueme yONSHB86TOR 00 X TWA OdOTOHT6ABOTBOUI nTo xauraU roAou ausonos p6030BOTBO BatIMBUT itoduBaTs pudy co Bee dormux t onsmnx rnyOup B pacTmee Bpoua pation U1/4.N tCA, aduccesa B TO00 g 00E66 meTpop yue oAesanacm?%tetInffums?Aan (1L, ooppeuer., opym nom* pumemanoteeppoe eacTaBnneT HaTeropunecum pospasam ppoTpla ppeAnouenmA od HCB031630Bang rayOup Mv1po13oro mem uI aaxopopeup pulloaumpux oTxoAop, Tax Eau Taupe "Dorm" pa CaMOU A036 ouamyTen Beam= MouTuum onoramn, oTparzsm? ralta poAys moTput u pnTaTex4r4 map opeappnecnux WA. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ?or? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 -?????? ? OW- 1. Aesnaenesso flpousssossue paiwasTsunoro Ofpon-. Alts-90 se B ?pressen ANN. Pudsoe xDa8ii0T20, M24 1958V. 2. Kons A.M. Mon yrposers senosalteom sAepsua woos. MAI' AB Ma, 1959 r. 3. Aedemeossit A.B. 00 HOTOUNWIX 0C000nOOTnx AelftErial malux sounamppmel puma. Amu tie bOeCUBBoU Baralo- TOTHRIenHoti Hompepennvm no npomonent paAnoannsnWx11 cladmalr- Mx *moms m mezymema B uapo/pou xoesMom i naps, MOMS, 1957. 4, WWI A.H. CausTapsan oxpasa onpulux soAoesps aarpsamesel paaoasTiessne BeMOCTBMine Megliel 1958. 5. tomes B.A. Baxamic aTouuoro B31411B3 Ha pubssM spousoes. Puilnoe xonsamo, fit, 1957. 6. Mom Home Aansue o BAXUNN TepuonAepuux new- sou ua Home olrausams. PudHoe xoasKoTso, 07, 1958, 7. CoBorento jtienue od onaCBOOTI nensTanag eAopsoro op EMS. GO. ATOMm3AaT, 1959. Genetics Auerbach Charlotte: in the Atomic Ago. Landes, 1954. 90 Boroughs N. Tbit metabolism of Radiestrontium by Marine Fishes. Ninth Pacific Science Congress, Novesber-16-30, 1957. Bangkok, Thailand, 10. Boroughs if., Chipman W.A. and Rico T.R. Laboratory Experimente on the Uptake, Aommulation and Lose of hadio- nucloidea by Marine Or-errilmAe The affects of Atomic Radiation an Oceanography and Pisheries? Waehingtons 1957* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 ? CIA-RDP81-01041Rnu1nn1annng A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 2. 11, De Ousel' Martin. The Uptake of Retioastive Wastes br Denthis Organisms, Ninth Paoifis Seisms* Congress. November 18m30, 1957$ Nanakoks Thailand. 12. laugh 411 1041, False&j,R. nd ethers+ A Neliminery Radioactivity Survey along the California Through Ltsposel Areas, Ninth Pacific Selene, Commas* Nevember 18-30, 1957, Bangkok, Thailand. 13. Krumhols L.A. and Poster Ra. Aceumulation and Retention of Ra4ioaotiviic7 fres Plosion Products and Radio- materials by Fresh-water Organisms. The Effacts of Atomic Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries. Washington, 1957, 140 Tomijama J. and Kobayashi K. Direct Uptake of Radioisotopes by ash, Ninth Pacifio Balance Congress. November 18.40, 1957, Bangkok, Thailand+ 15+ ARC Gives Views on Andioacttvo Waste Dispoaal at Sea. Saone*, ir.130, No. 3374, 1959. 16. Rosearth an th? Moots of the Nuclear Bombs Test Explooions, Tokyo, 1955. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ? .ow ??? "C: Atrti Nov 2 0 TIN PROILEM RADDAACTIVE CONTAMINW/Off OP OCEAN AUD VARINE ORGANISMS by E. M. Kreps* Various proceeses of the AUX:die Industry and nuclear laboratories produce a great quantity of nuclear waste Which must be decontaminated and disposed of. Two principal Methods of waste disposal are: a. The storage under ground which should be made preferably; in the maximum concentrated form, under strictest safety storage conditions. b. The maximum dilution and scattering in the natural environment. In selecting one or the other, the. deciding point should take into consideration the security and safety of the population. The cost of waste disposal or the economics are also of great importance. The method of radioactive waste storage in special containers buried in the ground is an expensive method; therefore, the atomic industry in the capitalistic countries is consistently on the lookout for cheaper means of disposal; namely, by scattering the waste in the natural environment, primarily by dilution in the ocean and marine waters. Tny_ctizt_s_EsIhesofradioavasttamine.tionofmarinewiters 1. Systematit drainage into the coastal waters of liquid low- activity radioactive waste produced by working reactors (Windscale and Winfris Hiss in England, Tocan-)ary in Japan, and Holland, Belgium, and Danish reactors under construction). The dilution in the coastal waters of the law-activity waste from laboratories, hospitals, and plants using radioisotopes belong to such a group. This method of sea contamination is the most dangerous in Western Europe with its small but thickly populated area. Nuclear industries are built at the seashore where the waste drainage into the coastal waters offers cheap means of waste disposal. The Eklglish consider the permiseible marine dose of radioactivity not exceeding 20,000 curies per ...eh (weral activity). These data are based on the studies made ofe and 0 radioactivity in the water, land, shore sand, seaweed, fish, and mollusks in the surrounding area. Hover, at tbe present time, there are doubts about the safety of Sr' and Ru100 concentrations in the sea and marine organisms. When the shallow waters of the North Sea and other seas drain the radio waste and the other countries (Holland, Belgium, Denmark, * Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences, USSR STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co.y Ap?roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R00410014nnm_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 -2 and Sweden) join together it can be easily foreseen that the mete radioactivity will present real danger to all Duropean countries and the situation vill become an international problem. 2. The disposal, by dumping into the ocean, of liquid high-activity vests produced from the chemical purification of "consumed" fuel. The remainder of the high-activity fission producti, as well as the used chemical reactives, and varieus vapors produced by boiling radioactive solutions form a large quantity of high-activity salt solutions. The underground storage be concrete and steel tanks now used in the USA is very expensive. At the present time the USA spends about 65 million dollars on sudh containers. Hence, economic considerations gave rise to the project of dumping the waste into the ocean. ' This project is dangerous due to the insufficient knowledge of the ocean meter circulation, the inabilj.ty of securing sufficient isolation of radio wastes from the portions of the .ocean used by man, or achieving sufficient dilution of the materials. As a matter of fact, it is known that the vertical mixing and horizontal circulation even at ..the lower depth of the ocean carry the radioactive waste to the upper layers and spread them over the ocean. The physical factors are enhanced by biological ones, caused by the concentration (sometimes hundreds of thousands of times) of many radio elements by plaekton end other organisms; the transition of radio elements with the vertical migration of the animals from the ocean depth to the surface speeds up the exchange of the radioactive elements in the ocean. The above factors created a serious threat to all humanity, which resulted in the international agreement at the conference of FebruaryeAuril 1958, forbidding the radioactive contamination of marina waters. Americans and Englieh, after dumping radioactive elements into the Atlantic Ocean, maintained that the general radioactivity did not exceed several hundred curies (old equipment). The breakdown of nuclear reactor powered ships also offers a potential threat to the marine eaters, especially in harbors. 3. The greatest danger of marine water contamination comes from the fall out in nuclear and hydrogen bomb tests. Studies were made of the radioact ity apd distribution of the long-lived isotopes Sr90, Cs137, Cel 1 Prl 7, and 80:2, after the nuclear teats. Here the concentration of the elements probably does not show obvious biologlcal effects. . A much more serious situation is found in the Pacific Ocean where the systematic tests of nuclear weapons in the Marshall Islands and Christmas Island raised to a considerable degree the radioactivity In the ocean and atmosphere and in the marine argentine). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 ?- 3 - ???? Japanese investigations inShanktus-Maru (1954), am:1th after the nuclear explosion 450 km from Bikini Atoll, found sea water contaminated up to 9L,000 pulse/min/liter. There is a great deal of data accumulated by various expeditions on the radioactive contamination in the Pacific Ocean, an the time and space distribution, in the ocean and atmosphere, in animals, and in plants caueed by atomic explosions. The ship wVityaz" entered the area of highly radioactiv* contaminated seas during its nth voyage in 1958. The see water contamination sometimes exceeds all permissible doses and renders same of the . rine products unusable by man. * * * Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R0n41nn1annng_it Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4 R STAT Next 12 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/04/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R004100140003-4