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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21: CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 By L R. Rakipova September 1959 216 Pages ??? Amu ?REPARED BY LIAISON OFFICE TECHNICAL INFORMATION -CENTER MCLTD WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE. Or) STAT ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Gidrometeoroligicheskoe Izdateltstvo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 .? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 mumulam. r . ? s .CDtPA,.t5S.t tLj2 At - -A I- S ? :4 4: !:- ??' ? ? '7, ?1 '1 t ' tj :I ? .11., I; K...7,, ?" ? ? 'T :""*""'" e, );! 4404440,0. 444.411.144. of the laws governing the heat processes the atmosphere, shade light on the principil: restate of Vie theoretical research'endetit mining the temperature field of t6e-atmospheri,' expounds the theory of the sonel thermal field. of the atmosphere, quoteland Analyses the', calculations of the horizontal macro-tranifer- . ? of heat, non-turbulent and turbulent., for regime of the stratosphere and the relationship between the upper layers of the atmosphere and the troposphere. - The readers not interested in the mathe- matical aspects of the problems discussed, may ignore them without detracting from their comprehension of the physical aspects of these .problems. This monograph is intended for zoientific research workers, physicists and meteorologists, climatologists, and for the postgraduate and graduate students of advanced courses in higher schools of hydrometeorology and university departments of geography and physics. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 - - - ? - - - - EWE Preface '1 Introduction 4 Chapter I. Fundamental Problems of the Heat Processes in the Atmosphere 10 The Heat Processes in the Stratosphere .. " 10 Temperature Distribution in the Troposphere 76 Climatological Studies of the Heat Balance of the Atmosphere. The Earth's Albedo 101 Chapter II. The Zonal Thermal Field of the Atmosphere 110 The Setting-Up and the Solution of the Problem of the Zonal and. Wonzonel Distribution of Temperature in the Atmosphere 110 Selecting the Quantitative Values of the Parameter's 134 -The Calculation of the Zonal Distribution of Temperatures and. of the Components of the Heat Balance of the Atmosphere. Analysis of the- Obtained,Results 1 150 Chapter III. Heat Advection in the Atmosphere Integral Characteristics of Heat Advection 171 Calculating the Components of Nonturbulent Advection. Rvaluating the Horizontal Turbulent Beat Transfer 177 - Bibliography Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Historically, the development of dynamic Meteorology has become so complex that - in studies of atmospheric processes the principal consideration is the dinilicrof - these processes, i. e., the problem of the relationship between the verione'forcea- - , acting in the atmosphere amt the motions they have induced. the direction and: - velocity of atmospheric motions1 which are quantitatively obtained by resolving._ , corresponding equations of hydrodynamics, are of interest primarily because they' , are related to weather changes, - and the forecasting of these changes mediate practical importance. But sufficient attention has not leen given' to the energetics of atmospheric processes, i. e., the study of the original -ceusei of the . , genesis of air currents. And. yet, it is perfectly obvious that such research must be of fundamental importance not only according to its p4sical nature but also, because of its practical applicability to weather forecasting: it is difficult to predict successfully the course of phenomena whose causes have not been adequately investigated. The kinetic energy of atmospheric motions arises owing to the internal and potential energies of the air masses. As for the question of the storing-up of these forms of energy, this is a question of the conversion of the radiant energy of the sun into these forms, i. a., a question of temperature distribution in the earth's atmosphere. Therefore, the problem of the theoretical explanation of the formation of the temperature field of the atmosphere is of cardinal importance; it entails the possibility of finding a physical explanation of the causes of atmospheric motions. In the existing theoretical studies of the general atmospheric circulation, the factor of temperature distribution is considered as a known factor (or an adiabatic state of the processes is presupposed), and thus the question of the causes of circulation is not ultimate/7 resolved. The problem of the temperature field of the atmosphere isclosely related to the, - ; - - questions of the formation of' the earth's climate. The contrasts betieen.the air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R0040001AnnnR_R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 aimurdt ? ',yr. ? I ? temperatures in the lower and higher latitudes, and over the continent;A az .et tnt oceans,. Akre the original causes of the presence of numerous variations in from to:continental - on the terrestrial sPhere.The disintegratio:. fronts (frontaySis) and the formation,of-cyclonee and anticyclones also are-closely related to the energetics of atmospheric processes. Therefore; the understanding of both the stable processes creating the climates of various regions and the unstable processes resulting in weather changes, is preaicated on the investigation of the non-turbulent ,and turbulent horizontal heat transfers developing between the sources and eKtlets of heat in a moving atmosphere. However, in modern climatology and synoptic meteorology very little attention has been paid to investigating the advective and turbulent transports of heat, - which are among the principal causes of the formation of the ,physical foundation of climate and weather; moreover, the few studies that have been _ ,made are either ofa qualitative nature or they suffer from quantitative inaccuracies :fld vagUeness. Studies of the stratosphere and the problem of the relationship between the upper layers of the atmosphere and the troposphere are of great importance to atmow- pheric physics. EVen now, much remains to be explained with regard to the structure of the stratosphere and, in particular, it. heat processes. The mechanism of the , . relationships between various layers of the atmosphere, generally speaking, has not been investigated in dynamic meteorology. In the meantime,.. investigations of this group ofrelated_problems which are ultimately bound to provide the physical foun-%-- P' dations for the effect on atmospheric processes of such cosmic energy sources as d ,l'idltraviolet and corpuscular radiation ,in the active areas of the sun, are very -promising in view Of their great significance and also because they lie on the boundary between two sciences - geophysics and astrophysics. As for the practical importance of these investigations, it is self-evident: they shOuld be instrumental 'ii improving the accuracy of weather forecasting. , 4/10-4reasnt MCnograph.commin4cates the results of the author's eta:dies of :borne :..vprinciPel'PrOlems'of the heat processes in the atmosphere. - !friariIY; this monograph pro-vides a theory of the zonal atmospheric temperature ? -,? ;4 ,f ' t eas: ir ? ;4.2- ? STAT-ff,41-ii ???4:,?,FA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 *(, 11 41 ' 1.17:277-7- gr:1?AT ',F;attir;?,011; `? -'2'4 ? Wt...., .0 .1.? ? ? ????????"' ? ?? ? I. ? .1, P, "=:?????W-1?"???7??-iri,,,,!'!?iltr )7.?,= ? r.r 1;11AI:a ;,:_ta,sa-???4 *?????????? a 1.1.4a.'"f ?-?1- t ?-? '? 4 iterr 4"--!:?14- 1171 distribution that differs froM.the'existing theories by: its greater completeness; it ? ? ? ?? ?? ..? , :I" 'citei solution of he iroblii-of the' Sionel temperetnre dieiribution (Chapter2)_. ? ? L.,Alio, this monograPhdescribes methods of calculating the atmospherio-hiaf-tiinefeili . 1 ? by means of non-.turbulent macro-advection'and Of horiiontal _turbulent mixing, which ,? - . , ? , V , .. ' .? ,. . , , 4 . .. , make it possible to obtain sufficiently accurate and detailed characteristics of the-e- ?? ' ,:,.... COrrespondin heat transport processes. CalcUlations nre -...,da for. the iirinCipai - .,!..?..,-. --1,,,?:.,-',.-_,,, :',;--, , ,f4':- , el/Mites of the earth (Chapter 3).'.- ------ t_t , ?,???_.- .? ::?, , , . . , , ?.-.... Further, it describes studies of the heat processes in the stratoiphere; tIllS',, ,. . - hypothesis underlying these studies makes possible a closer approach to the Solution of the problem of the mintermixedN atmosphere (up to an altitude of EU /diameters). Lastly, this monograph provides one of the possible hydrothermodynamic schemes of the relationship among the various layers of the atmosphere, designed so as to take account of the physical mechanism of the effect of solar activity on the dynamic processes in the troposphere (Chapter 1). Owing to the great complexity of the problems under study, it was not found possible to obtain all the results through the purely theoretical approach; consequently, some of them were obtained by processing empirical data. The manuscript of this book was perused, with important revisions, by "-? K. Ya. Iondratlyetv, LL Shvets, and M. I. TUdin, to whom the authmr,mxpresseslhia, deep appreciation. -.2 - ? -71-:aa , ? _ ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043Rnn4nnn1sqnnnR_Q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 a AO - ? The temperature of the earth's atmosphere is one of the chief meteorological ,elements and. one on which an immense mass of observational data has been accumulated. The study of heat processes in the atmosphere is of primary importance for formdlating a theory of climate, of the general circulation of the atmosphere and for developing methods of weather forecasting. However, there does not as yet exist *sufficiently complete quantitative theory explaining the observed.' temperature distribution in the atmosphere. This is because of the great complexity of the Whole le the physical processes determining the thermal stae of the atmosphere, and because e of-the mathematical complications arising in the resolving of the corresponding problems ' ' I of. dynamic meteorology. ? ? The qualitative picture of heat processes in the atmosphere is represented as follows; It is known that the air becomes warmed. up principally as a result of the radiational and turbulent transfer of heat from the earth's surface. The atmosphere is extremely transparent to short-wave solar radiation, and it absorbs to a great extent the long- ways radiation eeitted by the earth's surface. The long-wave radiation emitted. by the earth's surface depends basically on the solar energy entering the earth's atmosphere in quantities varying with the latitude amd the season of the year. -,The , substances absorbing the long-wave radiation are chiefly water vapor, Flub= dioxide, and. ozone. Therefore, the distribution of the atmosphere's elements in space may exert, aa influence on the temperature distribution in the atmosphere. Turbulent,mixing results in a. reduction in the temperature gradients in both the . 2-horizontal and the vertical directions. The vertical turbulent flux distributing the ." ? ----.1.L-?-?hezit'between the earth's surface and. the atmosphere depend., essentially on the physical ? .; ? of*the terrain below. The horizontal turbulent macro-exchange reduces the Legdatorial temperature and increases the polar temperature, in which connection the ? .1 its effect is greater in the proximity of the poles, because with an - -7.-?-?-:/-:, Z.-: i':.-7."`?..---: ' ' - r. 1 - .- 4 ?,.. :.... . ' . .1. I.?. -.1.; . ?:-.! ; --. , . , , s, ' -... ;'. ...:. , ..,....3. ,4 it 1r ...:...,r...,. ? . ,. , 4.'." ' ,1 "' STA _.. - , ' Tlillit - - -.r.it.i. .,2!: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/2.1 ? CIA-RDP81-01041Rnn4nnn1RnnnR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 ?1" 7 1 " 1 ? 1.71oll o 4.att 7, 1. ri ? ? t ? ? T-1I1 ^ r 3 . ???????? 1'7% : 7":* " increasei in latitude- ther? e ,is r a corresponding decrease in the , , , ????-?-:t _ ? _ ? a.. ? degree interval (quadrant):-. Tbe'horizontal' turbulent fluxes a at s'?e1 11, ? ? ? ? ' area of:the latitude -'T.?:;',.72vet: ' re particularly essential,? , in the polar areas in winter, whin they?c,together with advection,..1;ecome , 1 1, , ? ' ? . U_ ? _,- , ? ; ?, ? source of heat. ? , , ? ? The phase transformations of water, accompanied by the absorption and liberation' of the latent heat of condensation, also affect the atmospheric temperature. This pertains primarily to the evaporation of Water from the earthss surface and of the water vapor in the atmosphere, accompanied. by the formation of clouds and the subsequent falling of precipitation. The influence of the evaporation from!the.earth!s surface on the temperature of the air is concentrated?principally - 1 in the lower layers. The influence of the condensation of atmospherid water vapor,-, manifests itself et higher altitudes, i. e., - at the cloud-formation level..., In addition, the character of the underlying terrain and the distribution of. cloudiness,which determine the reflectivity of the earth's surface and of the atmosphere - the albedo - limit the quantity of the solar energy being absorbed by the eartles surface. Clouds not only reflect solar radiation, by removing a portion of it back into space from the atmosphere, and not only constitute areas of the liberation, (or absorption) of the latent heat of condensation, but also absorb long-wave radiation and Are trans- . parent to short-wave radiation in a manner differing from that of the free atmosphere. The wind, Which produces a non-turbulent transfer of heat from individual atmos- pheric regions into others, also exerts an essential influence on the thermal regime of the atmosphere. All these factors do not operate independently; they are interrelated, by the general processes of the variations in the quantities of heat and of notlon with respect to both space and. time, as expressed by the corresponding laws of conservation apiolied to the conditions of the earths atmospheric". Therefore, th....! problem of. determining atmosioh, 1.0 temperature in the most general fdcm is reduced to deriving the following set of equations of thermo- and.hydrodynamica4: ? .5.. STAT . S. ? r. - ..??? ? ? I:1 I / Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004noniRnnnR_R aMrcat. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 - Iku.L.Ntion of motion _ dv ? 1 vp-21;?v1+r-tiv. 1 dii ? 1 Zquation of continuity Zquation of state Zquation of heat .influx (.314 div pv - O. p.pRT. PCnrs dr dp .10 (2) (3) ' (4) 1 ? where V is the velocity vector, F is the vector of mass forces, es I is the vector of ? angular velocity of the earth's rotation, IL-1 is the coefficient of turbulent viscosity _ p is air pressure, T is air temperature, R is the gas constant, A. is the thermal work equivalent, .! I is the influx of heat to a mit of air volume per time unit, t is , time and cp is 'the specific heat at constant pressure. ? The heat influx in the atmosphere is effected. by radiative and. turbulent processes, and also by the phase transformations of water vapor. Rquations (1) to (4) form a closed, set of equations with respect to the four unknowns p, and 7 only in the case if no new unknown functions are introduced. into this set when determining the heat influx', for example; for adiabatic motions, when. ,or in cases when , ? may be considered. as a set function of coordinates, time-or also of the sought-for functions. Therefore, in particular, for processes in which the beat flux is effected. lolaly through heat conductivity, the above set of equations proves to be closed, - -.-, - .,.. -, because- e here , (T. p). 2 --? - - -? '' '- - ? Generally speaking; however, the introduction'of the x function necessitates a _ search.-for new.relationships making' it possIble to closethe- set of equations L221. - , - Or.7ineta;'2Ce- =if 44 is necrisileyAo.inveitigite-the radiative beat fluxes relating to . '7' . - 9?-?' . ?a L. ???.-?7= ", ? ? ' ? -; ? , ? --- absorption and'emiss'idn'eft? riiant enerriti-b-- :-PartAcles.- this is coupled to "? : ? r. UrIctions-iLand5,thei_constraction- of equations, ? ? ;. ? ? ';'""C?'' `? ? ' j?? ''. ? t?ri. ? - _ ? 'F.:"-...,n't.7.71r.r.f". ? "C ? ' ? - ???p? ? " 1.-,14zez. t4; --r?-?1?; " ? &?ttt. TTAITIF441,-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 41) 41 ,.. , ?. , _ : .. , ?-.7...:, _ -:.: ?'? , ''' :" '? ? , ?.t.r.i.:.??.-?1.14,-- .:. --4.7.?1- , . 1 i. t,./ ... ,,- ., ?, .. 1 , ...i. . ,. _ _ . ^ -.,.. "far -determining these new funetioni entaiIi cafficultied-of both -a-iiithematicaitiand.-4,4.2.;:. , _ pbysicale nature. " - In effect, in this case - i=--d1vR. Etre R is the radiant energy flux: the quantity of radiant energy in all possible directions passing during a time unit through a crosssectional-area unit (at a given direction of the normal to the latter).. By definition . co R = f dv f Cos (n, r) du, ? ,U where Ivis intensity of radiation of frequency 1), which, unlike E4 depends on direction r. To determine I. , use is made of the equation of radiant energy transfer, which is a relation regUlating the change in II) along a ray of given direction r in a medium characterized by absorption coefficient ay and scattering coefficient ay; ? 1 al.. I or =1, + f 1,,,(t")1, (r') dil ? (5) : .Etre, lly is the radiation coefficient - the quantity of radiant energy of fre- quency 11 being emitted by a mass unit during a time unit per solid-angle unit(assuming that the mass portion emits identical quantities of energy in all directions). -r- . r sip- is the function determing the scattering law - the variation in 4x _ ' r-- " -1.07:FT 'owing to the redistribution of energy among the varibus directions rt from point P. From the total quantity of the scattered energy of a rt - directed ray equal to ? ? k I aa., (), r')pcir, , the ? a. Ip dr' r, r') r.:direction. The / - function should satisfy the condition portion deviates along the where de, is the solid-angle component corresponding to the rt -direction, map - is STAT ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 CIA-RDP81-01043R0n4nnniRnnnA_p Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 the density of 'the radiation-ab5eibing.siibatance;"==.1,.seattering is homogeneeve. The sense of eq. (5) thus consists in the circumstance that the intensity of radiation I; along a ray r varies owing to the processes of radiation, absorption and scattering. The 0 frequency-integration of this equation entails considerable mathematical difficulties owing to the complexity of the absorption spectra of the atmospheric-air constituents. The ;46;44,endT. functions are usually given, in which connection it is assumed that c4 andcry do not depend on r (isotropic radiation). Consequently, the relation- ship (5) contains two unknown functions, I, 1.0, the determination of which requires . - the finding of yet another relationship. This relationship can be found after making the assumption that thermal conditions in the atmosphere correspond to a state of *local thermodynamic equilibrium". This state is closely related to the concept of the thermodynamic equilibrium. Thermodynamic equilibrium exists when a medium has a temperature that is identical at all points and is the same as the temperature of the walls confining the medium. The radiation field of a syitem'existing in such an equilibrium displays the simplest properties: 4 is of an identical value in all points of the medium (refraction index equals 1) and is not affected by direction of the ray (isotropic radiation). Such a medium is subject to Kirchhoff's law: I-.- ? - (6) I or nip 1 == - " I because at thermodynemtc equilibrium _ ..... Bv; - (7) ? ? where 15, is intensity of radiation of an absolutely blackbody. Inasmuch as the thermal state of the earthts atmosphere does not satisfy the ? conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium, and its temperature varies from point to ? I 1 I STAT:;.?, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 ? CIA-RDP81-01043Rounnn1 RnnnA R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 ? ? ? et to ? _ -- 7 " ? " .? i ? ? ??'..si?r tree."' tot.. ..? ? g g 4 1 ? ? C point and 1 Kirchhoff!s law in form (7) is - - . - ` ? " ? O? 111?I? ??? 1????? ? ?. ? ? not applicable to the calcaation- -tut of the radiative characteristics of.that atmosphere. As introduced by the astrophysicists, the term "local thermodynamic equilibrium" characterizes such a state of the medium in'which the relationship (6) is satisfied at every point in the medium but the classically conceived (eq. 7) thermodynamic; . - ?,.. equilibrium is absent. ; Temperature may varY'frOM point to point in the medium; but every such poibt should be Characterized by a definite temperature: every particle of the medium exists, as it were, in a thermodynamic equilibrium at its characteristic temperature. A number of important aitrophysical problems has been resolved on the baiii of such ' an interpretation of Kirchhoff's law. In meteorology also, the concept of "local' thermodynamic equilibrium" is utilized as a satisfactory approximation of the conditions in the lower layers of the atmosphere. In the upper layers, where the processes of radiant energy absorption play a considerably smaller role than the processes of scattering, the local thermodynamic equilibrium will 1ot ()deur. If expression (6) be 0-integrated, in using Planck's formula forili- when 0(1?.= 1, , ? the following well-known relation is obtained: 1 ?E----=a74, 1 _ (g) which is termed the ?tefanBoltzmann law. Pere E is the radiation flux of an absolutely black body. Thus, the added consideration in a problem of the radiative flux of heat R would require the introduction of two complementary equations, (5) and (6), in order to close the set of equations (1)-(4). Given the distribution of absorbing substances in the atmosphere, then, in resolving the set of equations (1)-(4), (5), and (6), at definite initial and boundary conditions, we will obtain the quantitative characteristic of the thermal and dynamic processes iI t 9tmosphere that have been q.zalitatively described above. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 ? ? 7UNDA1ENTAL PROBLEMS OF THE HEAT PROCESSES IN THE ATMC6PHERIC The Heat Processes in the Stratosphere 1.? IOI ???1?0 I I` 0* The. road. toward the derivation of the complete closed set of the afore-written nonlinear differential equations is impeded by as yet insurmountable complications of a physical and mathematical nature., Therefore, in its application to the determination of temperature and to all other problems of dynamic meteorology, the above complete set of equations is subjected to various types of simplification in accordance with this or that stylization of the problem being resolved. Here the sense of these simplifications consists in that, out of the aggregate of factors determining atmospheric temperature, various investi- gators select only some such factors, and the essence of the results they obtain consists in the evaluation of the influence of the isolated factors on the temperature ------- regime of the atmosphere. ltom this viewpoint, research projects conducted up to the present erect a very great importance. . The first studies in this direction (Humphreys, Gold, Emden) assisted in clari- fying.the question of the heat-process regime In the principal layers of the atmosphere. Subsequently, it became clear which components of heat influx E determine the temperature stratification of 3.1s troposphere and stratosphere. That is to say, the most probable hypothesis became that, as a first approximation, the temperature of the stratosphere is established as a result of a radiative equilibrium at which eqs. (4) and (10) are reduced to r-- ? div R 0 ? , (9) 00 This condition means that the atmosphere is stationary, that it lacks any sources of heat and is not acted upon by any process of heat transfer other than the radiational, 4-10- STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 (40 fftigira ? ? , ? , ? .1 .r ? ? ? I ?? ? OA% foe,* 11.????? ? ? ????..2.??j., ? ? and that the temperature at any point 2:13. tin e aiadaspaere ?.r.etaaineoitta#,47..zgad.',',7,73, ? _ other words, this means that, for every ,parcel of the air mass,' the sum of.heatine. . - .?_ (owing to the absorption of radiation) and cooling (owing to .emission of radiation) equals zero. On reintegrating eq. (9) througheatathe entire:velume of the atmosphere - we obtain ? - R const. ,; ? A ? 1 ? , , At all points in the atmosphere the radiational -flux maintaina'an'identiaela: value.equal to its value at any boundary of the atmosphere, e. g., at the upper such ??? ? I? boundary ? '(11) where So is incoming solar radiation, Ms is the outgoing terrestrial radiation, and R1 is the radiation balance of the earth-atmosphere system. Boo. (9), (10) and. (11) represent different treatments of the radiational equilibrium conditon. Having resolved the time stylized problem, Emden succeeded in obtaining for the stratosphere the correct value of the mean annual temperature in the middle latitudes and in obtaining the corresponding isothermal vertical profile. And indeed, the vertical temperature lapse rates in the stratosphere are approximately of an order less than these of the troposphere. Hence, it was possible to conclude in due time that the thermal regime of the stratosphere corresponds to conditions (9), (10) and (11). ? It can be very easily ascertained that the absorption of radiation by the atmos- phere causes an increase in the temperature at the earthls surface and a decrease in the temperature at the upper boundary of the atmosphere. In effect, if the earth did not have an atmosphere or if it had an atmosphere totally incapable of absorbing radiation, there would have to exist an equilibrium, on an average, for ell latitudes and during a lengthy period of time, between the incoming solar radiation and the thArmn1 radiation being emitted by the earthls surface. In this case, the temperature STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043RounnniRnnnR_Q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/21 : CIA-RDP81-01043R004000180006-8 ? ?-?; ? I ? ? of the earth:a surface would equal 2420 E. This 'value iis'tbb"IdW-Cd0Wdd'ith the.. . Observed 2870-X temperature of the earth's surface and too high compared With the temperature of the stratosphere. Let us survey in greater detail Emdenis problem, which constituted the first attempt at a theoretical explanation of the heat processes in the atmosphere. Bmolen adapted transfer equation (5) to very simplified conditions. Water vapor was the only absorbing tubstance he took into account, as a grey body with absorption coefficient di for long-wave radiation X>3til and., (12 for short-wave solar radiation