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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 R 50X1 -HUM Next 23 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ...0'.0'4.41.? ? ? ? ? -0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? %. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? OOOOO ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? %.40.4..0,.4140.4 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 V a Mehr als fOnfzigjahrige Erfahrung und ununterbrochener lebendiger Kontokt mit den Anforderungen des Weltmorktez bestimm- ten die Richtung der EntwIcklung und Erzeugung der tschechoslowakischen Dieselmotoren der Marken SKODA und SLAV1A. Erstklessige Werkstattenorbelt; BetrIebssicherheit, unter schwierigsten Klima- und Arbeitsbedirigungen, !edit() Bedienung, dauernde holm Leistung bel Ideinstem Verbrauch von Treib- und Schmierstoffen verschaffen diesen Motoren ollgemeine Aner- kennung. Ein Bowels far dies* Beliebtheit bel einem weiten *Os von Besitzern in rnehr ale 60 Landern lit die derzeitige Ein- reihung on viester Stolle In dor Reihe der grassten Exporteure und Produzenten dor Welt. 1 D 80 ? Luftgekilhlter Dieselmotor von 6,5 PS Lesstung bei 2200 U/min, zum Antrieb von landwirtschoftischen Maschinen, Traktoren, Pumpen, Generatoren usw , = DR 27 ? Dot Motor client sum,Anicl &nen maschinellen Einfichtung-en-Vittel!,_ eiekuischen Gentratoten use. 27 PS boi 1500 U/mln. Lelliung Aggregates 1540 kVA. - " FLUGBLATT BRUSSEL 1958. 05-15 Ole Motoren %Ind fOr landwIrtschaftliche Zwecke rum Antrieb von Pumpen, Baumaschlnen, Dreschmaschtnen, Schrotmasehlnen usw. bestImmt. Leistung 05 5 PS bei 900 U/mIr 08 8 PS bel 800 U/min. D12 12 PS bel 700 U/min. nts 15 PS tool 650 U/mln. 1 D 110 ? Dieselrnotor, von, 16 PS Leistung bei 1800 U/min, rum Antrieb_von.Genercitoren, Kompressoren, Pum- pen, Etoumoschinen, kleineien Schiffen, Drohtseilbohnen, londwirtschoftlichen Moschinen u, dgl. geeignet. - -1?45pf'4 'Z'''': .- .... "_&?? irb a 1 r.,,, ' ' . '-,, 4. . t 0.;1-- ? ? , ? .4At4,e4E. r - -'T - , ? ? ?.!-: - .? A: ',::. .' ;,. ' . .. 'n t{' ... , T.1'?.,...,.:..,,,,,...,. . ....-cid..,-1-4,45.,:,,,K- --,...-, .::?-- ??4.*1., - , ,3,,,,,ii.-:kv,....,,,-, V:ill;t.114'7.7treelfricitoTtgrl:tiisitli(i'irli?:y?-6A.2r-01--IS -, liel.51000;:iiiiii7)500,1,11sniin',i'oeelgnetjumAnlkiVceif schfielinei4itiiiiihricelleiliulehtigigin'46 ivicil:ZGeneteo to re 6,1"iiiii'il 0 t kVAsT telitfiiiirVAUs f 01iriin g"'n tie; 1 n''' chills pod.. '' 5't- t4-t,:r. -: ?.--- '4" ,- .;:?-"b`: 1 S 100 IC ? Stehender Viertokter, geeignet rum Antrieb landwirtschaftlicher Moschinen und Pumpag- gregate, fur Lokomotiven u. dgl Leistung 9 PS bei 1500 U/min. Ausfiihrung ebenfolls in Schiffstyp 1 L 100 K, ferner In ZweizylinderausfUhrung 2 S 100 K 1 ST 120, 2 ST 120 ? 1 ST 120 2 ST 120 Lieferung in Em. oder trieb von Generotoren, nen, Schiffen sowse fur Dieselmotoren folgender L max 17,5 PS 180( 35 PS 180C Zweizylinderousfuhrung : Kompressoren, Pumper, F. andere Zwecke geesgnef P,401044:!: 0;010 teriprf, arx likkkriPitrSorii CrirgArgitibrvoWl n. ;t034114ii,t0Triikt:ailir_OSCNIfOri* 74.4A. 3-:75.0.1'.1 04- 5110S 800 p,maci -Aasynnangn Jima. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 PS Le!stung bet 1800 YoGfnirittilen; Kompressoren, Pum- Sah I (fin, DrohtselIbohnen, geitignat. 1 D 80 ? LuftgekOhlter Dieselmotor von 6,5 PS Leistung bel 2200 U/min, zum Antrieb von landwirtschaftlichen Moschinen, Troktoren, Pumpen, Generatoren usw. 1 ST 120, 2 ST 120 ? Dieseimotoren folgender Leistungen 1 ST 120 max. 17,5 PS 1800 U/min. 2 ST 120 35 PS 1800 U/min. LIeferung in Un- oder Zweizylinderousfilhrung; zum An- trieb von Generotoren, Kompressoren, Pumpen, Baumoschi- nen, Schlf fen sowie fur ander? Zwecke geeignet. DR 27 ? Der Motor dient zum Antrieb von verschie- denen moschinellen Einrichtungen wie z.13. Pumpen, eiektrischen Generotoren usw. Leistung des Motors 27 PS bei 1500 U/min. Leistung des eiektrischen Aggregates 15-20 kVA. 1 S 110 ? Dieseimotor mit Leistungen von 10-15 PS bei 1000 bis 1500 U/min, geeignet zum Antrieb ver- schledener maschineller Einrichtungen sowie Genera- toren von 10 kVA Leistung. Aushihrung ouch in Schif fstypen. - 4-8 S 140 R Mit ROcksicht ouf dos klek. no -Gew1cht- sind diese Diese1motoren f?r?*. Witham Aggregate wie z.B. zum Antrieb fahrbarer Kompressoren und elektrIscher Aggregate geeignet. Leistung 80-224 PS bel 1000 bis 1500 U/min. 2,45-110 ? Diasalmotstrarr4von"20i9 Latitungen bel 1000- bit' 1500U/triti;.;'- ,algnet_ sum Antrleb'-virschriiikAie-'1ilese- nailer ElnrichtuogoO Yrio KOcoP.roi*start Novelsktalnerer LokOrnoli-varilcoWtre-iiik trischer Alterriotoren von. . 1675 ''.kVKLel tungen, Diesa Motoren warden tibanfills,Ini,Sahlik.:4-- , atADthrong' -0Inschileuttch 'Wenilagatrie '- Wallenialtung'und Propeller gollotaree''' 3 D 110, 4 D 110 ? V1erzylinder-Dieselmotor ren, Pumpen. Boggem, geeignet. Leistung 3 D 110 4 D 110 Wassergektihlter Orel- oder zum Antrieb von General?. Troktoren, Schiffen u. dgl. 65 PS 1800 U/m1n. 85 PS ' 1800 U/min. Slcuyia. 4-8 5 160 -- Diaselmotoran mit Leistun- gen von 90 bis 180 PS bel 750 U/mits,=*'' geeignet :um Antrieb verichledener mosChI- nailer EinrIchtungen wie s.D. Pumpen, Dog- ger, 8ohrgornituran, alaktrischer Altamoto. ren von 63.150 kVA Leistungen, Lelstun0 90.180 PS bet 750 U/min. Dien Motoren warden ouch In Schlffsausfiihrung A.L 160 mit Leistungen von 90-135 PS geltelert. Bel Auflodung mit Turb*gebfesa eMbht t1ch die Leistung urn 44 96. - SHOOR narlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 4-8 S 220 ? Dieselmotoren von 160-320 PS Leistung bei 600 IJ/min, verldsslicher Konstruk- tion; geeignet zum Antrieb von Alternotoren mit Leistung von 125-250 kVA und sonstigen ma- schinellen Einrichtuingen, Pumpen usw. 6 S 525 ? Motor mit einer Leistung von 1500 PS bei 250 U/min, besonders zum Antrieb von Alternotoren mit 1250 kVA Leistung und von Pumpen fiir Bewasserungszwecke verwendet. ORLIK 3 ? Anhdnoo-8enzinschiffsmolor und Ant nob lelchter Sportschlf fa. Leistung 2,5 PS bol 4000 U/rnin. 4-8 S 275 ? Dieselmotoren von 260-520 PS Leistungen bei 500 U/min sind zum Antrieb elektrischer Generotoren von 200-450 kVA Leis- tung geeignet. Die Sechszylindermotoren warden ols Schif fsmo- toren mit Leistung von 390 PS bei 500 ti/mmn oder, mit Turbogebldsen tschechoslowokischer Produktion versehen, mit Leistungserhohung von 40 % hergestellt 12 V 170 UK ? Wassergekalte Zwalfzylinder- Viertakt-Dieselmotoren. Wegen sehr kleinem Gewicht und kleinen Ab- messungen zum Antrieb verschiedener Schienen. fohrzeuge und Rh. sonstlge Zwecke geeignet Nennleistung 450 PS bei 1400 U/min. JIKOV ? Benzinmotor Typ BD 1 S 72A von 5,5 PS Leistung bel 3000 U/min, omen Alternator von 2,5 kW antrelbend. AusfUhrung In drel Alternativen, ?Is ortfestes, fahrbores oder tragbares Aggregot Lieferung ouch mit Riemenschcibe zum Antrieb kleinerer Moschinen und Pumpen moglich 4-8 S 350 ? Diose Dieselmotoren sind zum An- trieb von Pumpen und elektrischen Alternotoren zweckentsprechend. Leistung nach Anzohl der Zylinder von 460 bis 900 PS bei 375 U/min Mit Alternator gekuppelt gibt dos Aggregot eine Leistung von 375-750 kVA. Sechszylindermoto- ran warden In Schiffsaushihrung fur eine Leis- tuna von 630 PS bei 350 ti/mm n hergestellt Lieferung ouch mit Turbogeblase rnoglich. K 8 S 310 DR ? Dieselmotor mit Turbogeblose, Leistung 1650-1800 PS bei 350-720 U/min. Hochicistungsfahiger Motor, geeignet fur Loko. motiven und zum Antrieb von Generotoren, Schlffen und Pumpen. In diesem Prospekt sind bless die grundlegenden Typen untrue,' Dieselmotoren ?naafi/krt. Dos Produktionsprogramm der SKODA- und SLAVIA-Dioselmotoren lit oussergewiihnlich roldtholtio. Wir liefern elle Type,' von Dieselmotoren (Ur Industrie und Londwirtschoft mit Loiltunpen von bit 2000 PS, Dieseloggreeote In ?Mester und fahrborer Ausfilhrung mit Lelstungen von 7,5 bis 1250 kVA garde Schiffsdieselmotoren mit 1.4.1stungon bis 600 PS. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50 -Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA RDP8 01 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 STROJEXPORT Ortsfester Dieselmotor Skoda 6 S 350 PN WassergekOhlter Viertakt - Sechszylinder - Rei- henmotor mit direkter Kraftstoffeinspritzung und Aufladung. Der Aufbau des Motors, die fur die einzelnen Teile verwendeten Werkstoffe und die Ausstattung mit Zubehor gewahrleisten eine lange Lebensdauer und hohe Betriebszu- verlassigkeit Die hohe Leistung des Motors wird bei verhaltnismassig geringem Gewicht erzielt. Der Motor wird zum Antrieb elektrischer Generatoren, Pumpen u.d. verwendet. Motorgehause. Das zweiteilige, in der Kurbelwellenachse ge- teilte Motorgehause ist aus Gusseisen. Gegen Explosion ist am Kurbelgehduse bei jedem Zy- linder em n Sicherheitsdeckel vorgesehen. Zylinderbilchsen. Die wassergekdhlten, herausnehmbaren Zylin- derlaufbuchsen sind aus Spezialguss herge- stellt. Zylinderkiipfe. Die Zylinderkopfe sind aus Gusseisen und sind selbstandig fOr jeden Zylinder vorgesehen. In jedem Zylinderkopf sind in besonderen heraus- nehmbaren Ventilkorben je 1 Einlass-, Auslass-, EInspritz-, Anlass- und Sicherheitsventil ange- ordnet. Kolben. Die Kolben sind aus einer verguteten Spezial- Aluminiumlegierung hergestellt. Kurbelwelle. Die aus einem Sttick geschmiedete Kurbelwelle ist im Motorgehouseunterteil in 8 Gleitlagern mit hochwertiger Lagermetallauskleidung ge- lagert. Pleuelstangen. Die Pleuelstangen sind dreiteilig ausgefiihrt mit H-fdrmigem geschmiedetem Schaft und mit zweiteiligem aus Stahl abgegossenem Pleuel- kopf. Die Pleuelstange 1st sowohl auf der Kur- belwelle als auch im Kolben gleitend gelagert Drehzahlregler. Der Drehzahlregler moderner Bauart mit hy- draulischem Servomotor ist mit eigener Oel- pumpe ausgestattet. Die Drehzahleinstellung erfolgt von Hand oder durch Fernsteuerung. Schmierung. Die Schmierung des Motors ist als Druckum- laufdlschmierung mit ausserhalb des Motors angeordnetem Betriebsdlbeholter gelost Die KOhlung des Motors ist als Durchfluss- oder UmlaufkOhlung gelost Die laihlwasserpumpe ist ausserhalb des Motors angeordnet. Kraftstoffeinspritzung. Jeder Zylinder hat seine eigene Kraftstoff- einspritzpumpe mit direktem Antrieb von der Steuerwelle. Anlassen. Der Motor wird mittels Druckluft angelassen. Filter. Der Kraftstoff wird vor dem Eintritt in die Ein- spritzpumpen durch einen umschaltbaren Dop- pel-Kraftstoffilter gereinigt. Das Oel wird in einem Grob- und in einem FeindIfilter gefiltert. Die Reinigung der angesaugten Luft erfolgt in einem Trockenluftfilter. Turbolader. Der wassergekOhlte Turbolader von bewohrter Konstruktion und hoher Lebensdauer ist mit einem Luftfilter ausgestattet. Der Turbolader besteht aus der Axialturbine und dem Radial- geblOse, die in abgeferderten Walzlagern ge- lagert sind. Normalzubehar (wird mit dem Motor geliefert) 1 Schwungrad mit Handandrehvorrichtung 1 Zahnradolpumpe 1 Durchschmier-Handdlpumpe 1 Betriebskraftstoffbehalter Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 1 Betriebsolbehalter 1 Grobaffilter -. 1 Feinalfilter ? 1 Oelkahler 6 Auspuffgasthermometer 6 Kahlwasserthermometer 1 Geratetafel mit Manometer und Drehzahl- messer 1 komplette Einrichtung zum Anlassen des Mo- tors mittels Druckluft 1 Handflagelpumpe zum Umpumpen des Die- sails in den Betriebsbehalter 1 kompletter Turbolader 1 Satz Schlassel und Werkzeuge 1 Satz normaler Ersatzteile zum Motor 1 Betriebsanweisung 410, Sonderzubehiir (wird auf besondere Bestellung und gegen Mehrpreis geliefert) Einrichtung far indirekte Kithlung des Motors Dasenprafgerat Luftkompressor zum Auffallen der Druckluftfla- schen (mit Elektromotor- oder Dieselmotor- antrieb) Kahlwasserpumpe mit Elektromotorantrieb Einrichtung far die Ferndrehzahleinstellung Fernthermometer mit Anzeiger komplette Signalisieranlage mit akustischer und optischer MeIdung der Motorstarung weitere Ersatzteile nach besonderer Anforde- rung des Kunden. Technische Angaben: Nennleistung Maximalleistung far die Dauer 1 Stunde Nenndrehzahl Zylinderbohrung Kolbenhub Anzahl der Zylinder (in Reihenanordnung) Mittlere Koibengeschwindigkeit Mittlerer effektiver Druck auf den Kolben bei Nennleistung Drehzahl der Kurbelwelle bei Ansicht auf den Motor von vorn, d. h. von der dem Schwungrad abgekehrten Seite Kraftstoffverbrauch Oelverbrauch Anlassen des Motors Kalilung des Motors Schmierung des Motors Type des Turboladers Maximal zulassiger Gegendruck im Aus- puffstutzen hinter dem Turbogeblase Gesamtgewicht des Motors mit Schwung- rad und Zubehor am Motor Abmessungen des Motors Lange Breite Hobe 1000 PS 1100 PS 375 U/min 350 mm 500 mm 6 6,25 m/sec 8,35 kg/cm2 linksdrehend 165 g/PSh ? 5?/s 2-3 g/PSh mittels Druckluft Wasserkahlung Druckalumlaufschmierung PDH 50 200 mm WS 23600 kg 5680 mm 1935 mm 3455 mm STROJEXPORT PRAHA-TSCHECHOSLOWAKEI ST 01.1002-E-S9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ., Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 STROJEXPORT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Schema eines Dieselmotors mit Abgas- turbolader Abgasturbolader PDH 16 BESCIIIREIBUNG DER AIRDEITSWEISS DES TURBOLADERS Die Auspuffgase des Dieselmotors werden durch eine Rohrleitung zur Abgasturbine geleitet, wo sie im Left- rad expandieren und in dos Turbi- nenlaufrad eintreten und die Turbine antreiben. Das auf gemeinsamer WeIle mit der Turbine angeordnete Turbogeblose saugt die Luft an, verdichtet sie im Laufrad und die verdichtete Luft wird durch den Turbofader in die Soug- rohrleitung des Dieselmotors befor- dert. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 STROJEXPORT Dieseimotor mit Stromerzeuger und Abgasturbolader PDH 16 Schiffs-Dieselmotor mit Abgasturbolader PDH 35 Die Leistung des Dieselmotors 1st durch die Kraftstoffmenge, die in ei- ner bestimmten Zeiteinheit wirtschaft- lich im Motor ausgenutzt werden kann, bestimmt. Bei Dieselmotoren ohne Aufladung (mit noturlicher Ansaugung) entspricht der Druck der angesaugten Luft dem atmosphOrischen Druck der Umge- bung. Mit Hilfe der Turbolader wird die Ansaugeluftmenge des Motors we- sentlich erhoht,wodurch die Verbren- nung einer grosseren Kraftstoffmenge und die Leistungserhohung des Mo- tors erm8glicht wird. Die mit hiiherem Druck zugefuhrte Luft erieichtert die vollkommene Sp8- lung (VerdrOngung) der Auspuffgase und erm8glicht eine bessere Kahlung a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rel 50 -Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 a) Leistung, b)Spezifischer Brennstoff- verbrauch g/PS/h, c) Drehzahl 0/0, d) Motor mit Abgasaufladung, e) Motor ohne Abgasaufladung Leistung und spez. Brennstoffverbrauch des Motors mit Abgasaufladung und ohne Abgasaufladung Schnittzeichnung des Niederdruck- Abgasturboloders PDH 70 N der Verbrennungsroume der Zylinder. Die mechanischen Verluste sind bei aufgeladenen Dieselmotoren die glei- chen, wie bei Motoren ohne Aufla- dung. In den Auspuffgasen gehen etwa 40 Perzent der durch die Verbrennung des Kraftstoffes in den Motoren er- zeugten WEirmeenergie verloren. Ein Teil dieser Energie wird vorteilhaft zum Antrieb des Tarboladers ausge- nutzt und zurrickgewonnen. Je nach der geforderten Leistungser- hohung der Dieselmotoren werden verschiedene Arten von Turboladern erzeugt,die eine dauernde Leistungs- erhahung bis urn 120/0 gewahrleisten, und zwar: a) Niederdruck-Turbolader b) Mitteldruck-Turbolader c) Hochdruck-Turbolader a) Durch Aufladung mit der Reihe derNiederdruck-Turbolader mit einem Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 11111 < 11,pwriV Igirotww/ Kontrolle der Bearbeitung eines Leitrades Schnittzeichnung der Hochdruck- und Mitteldruck-Abgasturbolader PDH 35 und PDH 355 Abgasturbolader PDH - V (wassergekOhlt) Abgasturbolader PDH - S (vassergekOhlt) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Typ Angeseugte Nennluft- menge Nennlade- druck Betriebs- droll:oh! Betrfebs- trite %ter Lelsturigs- berefch odhensals;ttgoarss. aufladung Gewicht (mitstu fizwg et Ciehouse) 745 torbel2PC PDH ml/h ato U/nrin ?C PS kg 16N 1600 1,35 21000 550 150-235 153 25N 2500 1,35 18000 550 235-400 220 35N 3500 1,35 15500 550 400-600 330 50N 5000 1,35 12200 550 600-1000 625 70N 7000 1,35 10200 550 1000-1500 920 100N 10000 1,35 8200 550 1500-2250 1480 Abgosturbolader PDH - N (wassergekOhlt) STIR ILIEXPORT Gussstiick des Turbinenlaufrodes PDH 16S Gussstack des Gebl6serodes PDH 16 S Abgasturbolader PDH 10 R Schnittzeichnung des Niederdruck- Abgasturboladers PDH 25 N mit Luftfilter r4'r Enddruck von 1,35 ata wird sine dau- ernde LeistungserhOhung der Motoren bis urn 50% erreicht. Die hOchstzu- lossige Dauertemperatur der Auspuff- gase an der Turbine betrogt 550' C. b) Mit Hilfe der Mittel-Turbolader mit einem Ladedruck von 1,65 bis 1,80ata wird eine dauernde Leistungserh6- hung der Motoren von urn 50-800/g erzielt. Die h6chstzulassige Dauertemperatur der Auspuffgasse darf an der Turbine 600' C nicht Oberschreiten. Bei h6- heren Ladedrucken ist es zweckm6s- sig, die Ladeluft zu kOhlen. c) Mit Hochdruck-Turboladern mit ei- nem Ladedruck von 1,8-2,2 ata wird eine dauernde Leistungserhohung um 80-120% erzielt. Die hochstzultissige Temperatur der Auspuffgase an der Gasturbine betrogt 600' C. Bei Hoch- druckaufladung ist KOhlung der La- deluft erforderlich. LOufer des Abgasturboladers PDH 35 N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Ein- und Austrittsstutzen far Abgase und Luft des Abgasturboladers A - Abgas-Eintritt, B - Abgas-Austritt, C - Lufteintritt, D - Luftaustritt, V - Wasseranschluss or:r4 STROJEXPORT A B C t 0- K ,1:-. , ., L ..:A. ? G H ...,.. I t .., _ U AC B -I:0C i 0 E F G 1-I - I d K,',..,k, L , , A I B C D E - (..:) _- rQ e.) G 0 1-I -.4,st.r.,???07,:t. ?-?'--N ---*".-7.'1..-kcl!'-g.A - AS 4 -r. ..e...1.-:,,s04--..-1 -.4 : y -.0? l'34.40,11,4,14.1./Zbia 'C.V.,..irins.;7t1:4? . ' ? . ',-, '.. ''''''.- - -?'''').-"V..1ik"-?-?47:4::.".4 ; ...N:TF:-/? t,".:??????-.4.?,4' !..-9*-74...:, ::$;..ts....??, -,.- ? --.4 .....,,, . .-....%==.. '-i,..? .........e...e,-,...1.7,p,,....,4-.......)?,:,,,,;;,,-..=.,... - t. = ,?- -., ,,- -,,,....^,q,..f-,...,-.. ?-?--7.? ..,.. - ti.:?;?....54v.1.; - ? - .- ,. ,..? - =?,-:- -t,t, , '. ' !0-01' '''1?'"',?'`. '"*.' ,* ' ? N.,-, . ' -1.4....t.,--- **".".????.?,y,At"'''''501-*7 t'v-5.;"?'''? si:ii?.. ?--- -,:-..i: ?''',7.,,..,. 1 ..-N...`-..i4Y?f?:::::-4*':' "."*."? *-r?..7s. t."4:-(t-- -?? r:t?-?-? ?- -?? '''''.4,?...-, -- -0'".......-so 0 ...,..ik , 4?:???.17-4 -???I i"::`4A,...-(Z1-14 tai 4,-..ureetrail_Lalth.....;?.1 1_, ....,L444.- -????,.z.....". k ^4.,. ,,,..i.-....x1/4,4/..2 - 1.i.4,!, -,?**..`1 ,?;?(.4 .arc-0-Attire ..0.01-V0,- '?? V..3.t.V.tti-,,,,. *!..)? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The Zetor is a tractor of all-round versatility. It will be found of great advanta- ge everywhere: el, ? in-farm work ? in transportation ? with stationary machines 1 Adjustable front axle 2 Oil pump suction strainer 3 Radiator with thermostat and water pump 4 Crankshaft supported by three bearings 5 Speed governor and fuel pump 6 Decompression lever 7 Replaceable wet cylinder liners 8 Dry single-disc clutch 9 Overhead valve mechanism .10 Gearbox with six forward and two reverse speeds 11 Worm type steering 12 Storting motor 13 Exhaust pipe with silencer 14 Oil bath air cleaner with pre-cleaner 15 Instrument panel 16 Throttle lever 17 Differential lock lever 18 P. T. 0. shift lever 19 Gearshift lever 20 Hand brake lever 21 Hydraulic lift control lever 22 Storage battery 12 V. 150 Ah 23 Cushion seat 24 Automatic clutch release 25 Hydraulic lift torn cylinder 26 Hydraulic lift gear.type oil pump drive 27 P. T. 0. drive shaft 28 Three-point linkage mechanism for mounted Implements Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Service reliability The time may come, as every farmer knows, when every day, every hour may be of the utmost impor- tance. There is no spare time for repairs. These are the times when the Zetor can display its ad- vantages: Increased operating ratio (harvest time) heavier working conditions of the tractor increased risk of failure standard, reliable performance of the Zetor Working efficiency Furrow width of 60 cm or 23,622" at ploughing depth of 20 cm or 7,874". Daily output when ploughing in level terrain (10 hours) Average fuel consumption under normal working conditions: 12 kg per 1 ha or 10 lbs per 1 acre. ? Light soil ha ? 7,66 ac. ?? Medium soil ha ? 6,67 ac. ??? Heavy soil ha ? 6,18 ac. Eort3 has the Zetor a Diesel engine? The farmer's favourite Nowadays It is almost impossible to imagine an enterprising farmer not owning a tractor - a good tractor. Due to this fact, the popularity of the Zetor tractors is ever increasing. 1952 1955 Because a Diesel engine has a low fuel consumption, It can master any soil The wheel diameter, the tractor weight, the tyre pattern ? every single detail has been designed so as to enable the Zetor tractor to operate well in any terrain, whether sandy, stony, cloddy, or on tarmac, in woods or snow. VIaybe one of them is waiting the fuel ? Diesel oil ? is much cheaper than petrol or Po raff I ne oil in any part of the world, the routine maintenance of a tractor with Diesel en- gine is extremely simple, 14011" OU, t 0 0 ? ? a Diesel engine of equal swept volume (piston dis- placement) gives considerably higher output in com- parison with any other internal combustion engine. Perfect balance in any terrain The design of the Zetor tractor as well as its weight (it is possible to increase the rear wheel weight by additional weights up to 140 kg or 308,65 lbs) guarantee its perfect balance in any position. rin 000000000000000000000 0?? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 All the manufacturing operations, carried out in well equipped, spacious halls, are perfectly rationalized, which fact also favourably influences the purchase every one of its components is thoroughly tested, every individual manufacturing operation checked. The engineers have one motto: Here also, precision is of prime importance. The pro- duction has the motto: perfect rationalization ? lower price Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 IMP .. and then ? a team of the Works' drivers -punish- the Zetor in the heaviest terrain. And last but not least ? careful pack- ing, eliminating any possibility of damage even to the smallest corn- ... and the Zetor wanders throughout the world, to achieve a nice job of work on the farmer's field I 1. Engine 2. Cooling system 3. Lubrication system 4. Air cleaner 5. Fuel pump ? fuel filter 6. Gearbox ? differential 7. Brakes 8. Electrical equipment 9. Hydraulic lift O. Power take-off Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? : WriZed,),,,,,-:,, pro.??e,?dr? ,Pi','' tb..................;iii .... .,???.?. , &....: ?"''' .?...--r.:".-7-1--61-15 V21:1;:i21111.1.11.11111.11"1".11"Iiii:::":.:EMP" N,N\ fir , ....... r 'N ?-?,i- ".""'"""'"*"="r", ''''imisimeimoun"."'"...mi it I' tow: \l`:? 0 , A Ji, ZWi Pie"- ''''' ' -- 'r'4?;, ? Ill 1E3 / al r, t o?-......-......1.-a.........--.. - 7 '40 ' -- ' .. 7 , 1 : , ,o, \ .4,??,-(7).1.--1 Z,/?.-z-z-z--,c,..-- --.71I 47-1\v SN.1 .? ..,......;?,.......?.4 4 ? , .,...._. 41_, ? . ?...,,,?,?,?,,,./., .t?,. 7,,,? .:?:?..? ArAfiriff ? t : kNN:1-3)\A eV `41i lw ' co 41:, . A, i 40!4 4._ '? ' ? ..... ...4 'f,re.:7' I AB! 7,,,,, ?,?,?,,,,,,,?,....,-,??L,),,?,?___?? . ? Eat' 2 1 4W , c?-1t. ?Nenes= -----aumeise.semiwiawAr if 1 , 'CI t., e f .:4 ' , (Th It;1! ij 1, v ., ..- ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 2. Cooling system The engine cooling system consists of circulation water cool- ing with centrifugal pump and thermostatic temperature control with by-pass. Every competent tractor operator knows that the engine may be damaged not only due to overhea- ting, but also by overcooling. The thermostatic control, how- bearings haftarelikewIse ever, controls the requi- red working temperatu- res completely automati- cally, without any effort of the driver (particularly during starting and in cold weather). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ???? 111???? The most reliable full circulation, high pressure lubrication system has been chosen for the Zetor tractor. Chiefly the crankshaft bearings and the connec- ting rod bearings are lubricated under high pressure. Two oil filters, through which the whole oil filling must pass, ensure perfect filtering of the lubrication system. ? " ????? ? :r???? 'Si If; es, 'Pk t? ???% ? r;k ?? %ft, v 71. t? t ? 5. , I, 1 Both oil filtres can be easily removed and clean- ed. The oil pressure can be continuously check- ed on the dashboard. ? .? 10 p, kZ 40 7:1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 4. Air cleaner fuel filter Two reasons have compelled the Zetor designers to devote special attention to the air cleaner with special care: 1. The tractor must frequently operate under heavy working conditions in dust-laden areas. 2. The intake air capacity of a Diesel engine is much higher than that of a carburettor engine. The air filter of the Zetor tractor is a two-stage filter. The intake pipe extension is located high above the engine bonnet where the air is com- paratively the cleanest. The turbulating air pas- ses through a glass bowl in which heavy dirt particles are trapped. The fuel injection pump con develop a pressure of 240 kg/cm or 3430 psi, whereas e-ftr jection valves are set to a pressure 120 kg/cm or 1715 psi. The camshaft of thejifuel injection pump bears a speed governor mail taining auto- matically the engine speed accord! g to The rol- ling resistance encountered by th rear wheels. Dirt is the sworn enemy of the tractor It causes premature wear of the injection pump plungers as well as the barrel walls - thus unnecessarily wasting the owner's money. But the Zetor wants to save it! For this purpose, it is fitted with a two-stage dual fuel filter. The first stage filter is the fuel pre-filter, i. e. a collector filter capturing heavy dirt particles, while the second stage filter, the fine filter, is fitted with an ab- sorption filter cartridge which can be easily replaced The main air filter is of the oil-both type, the filter elements of which can be easily replaced. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 7. Brakes Since the Zetor operates not only in the field, but on high- ways as well, its brake system must correspond to the traffic regulations. The service brakes are of the internal expanding The foot brake has two pedals, thereby enabling mdi- vidual brake application to the LH or RH rear wheel respec- tively. This arrangement will be found of great advantage, particularly when short turns are required, as the tractor can actually turn -on the spot-. 1,con ' rAIMIithsriosftth&i0: - When driving on highways, both brake pedals con be latched to- gether, thus enabling the rear wheels to be braked with equal intensity In addition to the service brake, the Zetor is fitted with an exter- nal band-type hand brake The pressure air system for trai- lers is supplied as special equip- ment Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 A:15,7tr 4.44-'24,A5*Ixti ? 1? ; "itF,V;;Sti&k currentkisTsit r-41 :tiviowlisnted. on? ri ynow, T "tfP' S .12 Afil15071Aho,ena otasy,stortingAroervain: Al&.ihrssistorjIocats ,? ? siOrves ugt.9perot ,.../7.3? -1/4wV:44M4,1- This is supplied as special equipment of the Zetor Tractor. (It is included in the standard equipment of the Zetor 25 K Tractors). It can be rear side of the differential housing The hydraulic lift is fitted with a gear oil pump The control valve is operated by means of a lever from the driver's seal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The end bolts bear the lifting arms, controlling the direct mounted implements by means of a system of tie-rods. The tie-rods are linked to the lifting arms by means of coupling heads, enabling the depth of ploughing to be adjusted. The hydraulic lift has many advantages. Here are some of them: ? speedy and simple transport of implements, ? the possibility of lifting or lowering the imple- ments from the driver's seat without turning, ? the tractor c/w implements can easily reverse, The small shifter lever located on the gear change cover is used for shifting the gear fitted to the power take-off shaft into mesh with the drive (main) shaft. take turns or freely travel from one field to an- other, ? the possibility of short turns -on the spot.. with mounted implements. The amply sized control rod of the hydraulic lift is supplied complete with a hydraulic lock which imme- diately disengages the tractor clutch should the trac- tor encounter any obstacle in the terrain Both the ploughing depth and width can be adjusted by con- trols, thus enabling the tractor operator to remain seated. Belt pulley drive ? the torque is trans- mitted from the Power take-off shaft to the belt pulley by means of bevel gears. The gears are situated in a housing located at the rear of the gearbox housing. Binder drive ? the rear end of the power take-off shaft bears standardized splines for coupling of the binder. Reel drive ? the front end of the power take-off shaft drives the bevel gears which in turn drive the detachable reel drive. Lower attaching frame ? to enable training implements to be attached, the tractor is fitted with a rear cross member (lower frame) with adjustable holes. Tow-hook ? the sprung tow-hook for attaching the trailer is located above the rear cross member (lower frame). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 MOM The operator, seated on a comfortably cushioned seat sprung by a system of springs, can control the steering, the clutch pedal, the foot brake pedal and the hand brake lever He can read the instruments on the dash- board and after having started the engine, he can control its speed by means of the accelerator hand lever. After having stepped down the clutch pedal, he can shift noiselessly into the required gear by means of the gear change lever. Having put the gear change lever into neutral position, he can engage the power take-off shaft and the belt pulley drive by stepping down the clutch pedal and shifting the small control lever to the left and rearwards. Oil pressure gauge Switchbox Heater plug pilot light Heater plug switch The seat can be moved forward and backward if essary; it can be tilted to facilitate ess to the storage battery. Cooling water temperature indicator Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 and the Zetor is extremely versatile Both the front wheel and the rear wheel tread are adjus- table according to the various row-spacings of the respective row-crops. Zetor 25 K ? Row Crop Tractor: Adjustable front wheel tread from 1220 up to 1540 mm or 48,0314 up to 59,6298" Adjustable rear wheel tread from 1150 up to 1460 mm or 45,2755 up to 57,48". By reverse mounting. of the disc wheels, the tread is adjustable from 1410 up to 1720 mm or from 55,1117 up to 67,7164". Zetor 25 A ? General Duty Tractor: Both front and rear wheel tread adjustable from 1200 up to 1500 mm or from 47,244 up to 59,055". To increase rear wheel traction, the rear wheels can be fitted with ad- ditional weights of 130 to 140 kg or 286,60 to 308,65 lbs. For special row-crop work, we supply the Ze- tor 25 K Diesel Tractor fitted with a high-type front axle of 550 mm or 21,6536" in height. This tractor has rear wheels of larger diameter, rear wheel tyres of smaller section and slightly diffe- rent gearbox ratios (see technical data). The Universal Farm-work Zetor Tractor is fitted with rear wheel tyres of field-work pattern en- abling it to operate in any kind of terrain owing to their excellent traction properties and their preventing the accumulation of clay. The sooner you too, order a Zetor, the better working results can you enjoy, like thousands of contented farmers all over the world. There is no place in the world where the Zetor cannot prove its excellent properties. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 we shall help you to take care of it The wide- spread net of our Service Stations will be ready to assist you -The Operator's Manual- ? will give you detailed information concerning your tractor, its driving technique another detailed brochure which will supply you with ' vaw ft-9 rafimo ifwv i fro. Lr's %fear Slinw, fie Irp 4,;4001 raWrai 8 zas 6 r-maw 014.3,4trik;wel, aferviov1:11,1' 4tratt fntriNtileva 81114''...4111aLimArr6ilit s 4a. 11.61 x444.4.4.44$ is, pr7ilti, the detailed descriptions and drawings -The assembly, Disassembly and Repair Manu- al- ? is intended for repair shops Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Technical data: F 444 ? . f 41.1. r ; 4 ? , 4( ? "41"4: ? \s 1% ? ? ? . \? A\ \ . ? 97- 4 ???? a ar 4'1 ..61-11r e ? 0 ? ''"?.* 4: 4. )r.:? . ? ? - ? t' 1 ? 4, IP_ ? Is N ? 4 I Bore Stroke Swept volume (displacement) Compression ratio Standard engine speed Engine output at nominal speed Specific fuel consumption First speed Second speed Third speed Fourth speed Fifth speed Sixth speed First reverse speed Second reverse speed Front wheel tyres Rear wheel tyres Diameter of belt pulley Belt pulley speed Power take-off shaft speed Storage battery Weight less additional weights Tracting power on hook, level road Capacity of fuel tank Injection pressure Transmission ratios: 1st speed Ilnd speed 111rd speed IVth speed Vth speed Vlth speed 1st reverse speed Ilnd reverse speed s Differential ratio Number of compression rings per piston Number of scraper rings per piston 1 i Wheelbase ZETOR 25 A mm 105 120 C. C. 2078 18 to 1 1800 RPM 26 HP g/HP/h 220 km. p. h 3,4 5,2 7,8 11,00 17,00 25,6 2,3 7,6 kg 1985 1350 lit. 45 kg/cm2 125 in 4,134 4,7244 cu. In. 122,536 lb/HP/h 0,49 m. p. h. 2,1 3,2 4,85 8,08 12,43 19,9 1,43 5,6 lbs 4276,98 2645,5 Imp. gal 10 psi 1715 106,5 to 1 69 to 1 45,6 to 1 27,3 to 1 17,6 to 1 11,7 to 1 155 to 1 39,7 to 1 38 to 7 3 2 ZETOR 25 K mm 105 120 c. C. 2078 In 4,134 4,7244 cu. In. 122,536 18 to 1 1600 RPM 24 HP g/HP/h lb/HP/h 220 0,49 km. p. h. m. p. h. 3,8 2,39 5,00 3,1 6,4 3,98 10,6 6,7 13,8 8,6 18,00 11,185 2,64 1,64 6,8 3,6 5,50X16 9,00X36 13,00X28 mm in 250 1 9,84 880 RPM 535 RPM 150 Ah kg 2040 1350 kg/cm2 125 lbs 4189 2645,5 Imp gal 10 psi 1715 106 to 1 81,5 to 1 63,5 to 1 38,4 to 1 29,4 to 1 22,8 to 1 155 to 1 56 to 1 38 to 7 3 2 ?ir-'41-D4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ZETOR 25 A ZETOR 25 K Overall length Overall width Overall height up to steering wheel edge Ground clearance under front axle Turning radius Adjustable tread range: front rear After reverse mounting of disc wheels Overall height up to top edge of exhaust pipe mm 3200 1820 1765 420 5,8 mm 1220 to 1540 1200 to 1500 Impossible .In 125,98 70,65 65,9 16,54 ft 16,4 in 47,24 to 59 47,24 to 59 I 80,32 mm 3200 1965 1910 520 5,8 mm 1220 to 1540 1150 to 1460 1410 to 2207 in 125,98 70,65 75,2 20,47 ft 21,33 in 48,03 to 59,6 45,28 to 57,5 55,51 to 67,7 1720 I 86,61 Possibility of fitting direct mounted side reel Yes Yes Possibility of fitting anti-skid wheels: front Yes Yes rear Yes No kg I lbs kg I lbs Gross weight of additional weights 125 I 275,6 150 275,6 The Zetor tractors can be supplied with a complete range of both direct mounted and trailing implements, as well as with agricultural machines suitable for every type of farm work. The machines and implements listed below are those most frequently used and are suitable for any type of farm. These machines are well tested and proven, meeting all the requirements of farmers. MOTOKOVI 0 K 543630 ? 5607 ' -4r k, 7 PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Printed in Czechoslovakia Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 This the largest heavy duty truck of Czechos- lovak make having a carrying capacity of 10 rnelr Ions or 22 500 lbs. is the result of more than 50 years of experience of the TATRA Works in building both commercial vehicles and passen ger cars It displays all the characteristic lea tures which have gained the TATRA Works a world-wide reputation on aircooled engine swinging half axles with independent front and rear wheel suspension and a frameless chassis with a self supporting central backbone tube The vehicle is precision-made designed for heavy duly service and equipped so as to give the highest possible output It is suitable both for speedy long distance road transport and for off road operation fully meeting the highest requirements under any conditions It ranges wills flying colours among the other models of !lie renowned TATRA Works which during half a century have proven their out Onn'l9rol quol9liet on every continent ;1020 2080 SPECIFICATION Engine TATRA 111 A Engine type OHV four-stroke direct-iniection C f engine Number of cylinders 12 Cylinder arrangement V arrangement at 75 degrees individual Bore stroke 110 130 mm Cylinder capacity 14 825 c c E ng.ne power 180 HP at 1800 r p m Compression ratio 165 to 1 Coo mg system Alr cooling by two air blowers. Clutch double plate dry Number of speed ratios 4 standard, 2 auxiliary and one reverse Gear ratios F.rst 529 to 1 Second 2 78 to 1, Third 1 6210 1. Top 1 to 1 Reverse 591 to 1 Auxiliary gear ratios Low 4.51 to 1 High 1 82 to 1 Rear axle ratio 319 to 1 R.rn size 10 ?20 Tyres Front 11 00-20, Rear 4 11 00-20 Wheelbase 4175 mm 1220 mm Track Front 2080 mm. Rear (average) 1800 mm Ground c enrnnre 290 rhsn Overall length 8300 mm Overall width 2500 rem Over- hr.ant 2680 Shn erish (On., 3050 sht, iii. i uvi 32/0 n,rh rn?ters turning circle appro? 20 metres Loading arca 5000 2340 870 mu- Curb weight dm driver I OpprOX 8400 kg Disposable load occluding three-member crew) 10240 kg Max speed 61 5 km per f our C imbing capability 52 per rent sigh OvSlitOry gear Standard fuel consumption approx 35 so 40 hires pc 100 cm 01, COnSVMptIOn lengine and lubrirotion approx 1 4 Ore per 100 km Fuel and cid F,rei tank 135 litres Engine 23 litres Gearbox appro. 7 5 ores At", ory gearbox opprox 7 litres Pear axle differential gearboxes approx 3 6 trev Baner.es 7 12 vons 105 oc,o "c, etch Dynamo,. yp 9 00 u 12 5Srtrter morn. 6 HP 24 v P?tteke. PRAHA s CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 This the largest heavy duty truck of Czechos- lovak make having a carrying capacity of 10 rnelr Ions or 22 500 lbs. is the result of more than 50 years of experience of the TATRA Works in building both commercial vehicles and passen ger cars It displays all the characteristic lea tures which have gained the TATRA Works a world-wide reputation on aircooled engine swinging half axles with independent front and rear wheel suspension and a frameless chassis with a self supporting central backbone tube The vehicle is precision-made designed for heavy duly service and equipped so as to give the highest possible output It is suitable both for speedy long distance road transport and for off road operation fully meeting the highest requirements under any conditions It ranges wills flying colours among the other models of !lie renowned TATRA Works which during half a century have proven their out Onn'l9rol quol9liet on every continent ;1020 2080 SPECIFICATION Engine TATRA 111 A Engine type OHV four-stroke direct-iniection C f engine Number of cylinders 12 Cylinder arrangement V arrangement at 75 degrees individual Bore stroke 110 130 mm Cylinder capacity 14 825 c c E ng.ne power 180 HP at 1800 r p m Compression ratio 165 to 1 Coo mg system Alr cooling by two air blowers. Clutch double plate dry Number of speed ratios 4 standard, 2 auxiliary and one reverse Gear ratios F.rst 529 to 1 Second 2 78 to 1, Third 1 6210 1. Top 1 to 1 Reverse 591 to 1 Auxiliary gear ratios Low 4.51 to 1 High 1 82 to 1 Rear axle ratio 319 to 1 R.rn size 10 ?20 Tyres Front 11 00-20, Rear 4 11 00-20 Wheelbase 4175 mm 1220 mm Track Front 2080 mm. Rear (average) 1800 mm Ground c enrnnre 290 rhsn Overall length 8300 mm Overall width 2500 rem Over- hr.ant 2680 Shn erish (On., 3050 sht, iii. i uvi 32/0 n,rh rn?ters turning circle appro? 20 metres Loading arca 5000 2340 870 mu- Curb weight dm driver I OpprOX 8400 kg Disposable load occluding three-member crew) 10240 kg Max speed 61 5 km per f our C imbing capability 52 per rent sigh OvSlitOry gear Standard fuel consumption approx 35 so 40 hires pc 100 cm 01, COnSVMptIOn lengine and lubrirotion approx 1 4 Ore per 100 km Fuel and cid F,rei tank 135 litres Engine 23 litres Gearbox appro. 7 5 ores At", ory gearbox opprox 7 litres Pear axle differential gearboxes approx 3 6 trev Baner.es 7 12 vons 105 oc,o "c, etch Dynamo,. yp 9 00 u 12 5Srtrter morn. 6 HP 24 v P?tteke. PRAHA s CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The electrlcal services comprise?apart from the dynamo and starter motor mentioned already? Iwo storage batteries, headlamps, horn, dual windscreen wipers, combined stop and tall lamp and self-contained instrument lighting. The elec- trical services are protected by fuses contained In two boxes. The instrument panel carries speedometer, bonnet louvres operating handle, dual air pressure gauge for air brake system monitoring, engine oil teiethermometer, am- meter, switchbox, starter push button, battery charging warning lamps, oil pressure and long- range beam tell-tales, panel switches and an spec:U.0[1.Mo aipp socket The extra-capacious truck bed with high collapsible sideboards and a roomy cabin are mounted on a special sub-frame at the end of which an automatic trailer coupling is carried. The roomy and lockable cabin is fitted with demisters on both its safely-glass windscreen panels as well as with air heating. On swinging up the bench rests, twin cols arc provided for the crew. Supplied with the vehicle Is a complete set of tools and various equipment of ancillary nature carried In lockers underneath the truck bed and rearward of the operator's cab. T-.St 14, ? . - Cheap Diesel fuel),..ysed for thehlgh performtng yei e.1-1?Aje'cool I 2 assures correct temperatttre oant ne regardless of I Climate:: sealon-i7:-.kavel lingispeed andstayloacf.'71,NeltherilioPpIngifi6p pfrradlitio:r F;.1n4 hot?*',eqther,ififor.i';.frost prcatJtJonIp colCivienther,:t2arey,reqiilited4IndeperIcient ivheili"stlepensibnthrel:isiclii drive trlth fro. ,teljetheOitithVa-ZspeFiallii.7.desIbniii ab IIIbry 'axle dilve,d1setigebernentdifferentldl Deaf lc gearbOx-makethls trucb(reve'n wtterilfj Ify pded, a-etaunchr,viorkerjqrider:.thel toqghes4.1.vo[ktitg CondltIons;where?:Othe_reirueks eras. Inireased ,rdripe_of,8 ratios *q.chie, a 134$ sneed.:aearboxi:,,w11 ','.:constant jes helical 97 :by.r.doC..clufchif:IrtIcfnlundliCrs'it w,1 owidliaiv2;speed:bearliOxigiforenteik,, theZrnost economical utilization of,enjilne:pnwerev on dsni,.gradlent.tiNOTunlVersal" taints being r-.- tit retliforcItherliropeller:shefti'of wheel stiisftNadlied depelidabiliti:and:.langer.trucklife7.. has been kichleved;liiitant and .tifilform:brakIng:f dinerouilk sized-blake drtithilszt etliured by aIr plissurii:ibrakes;1"Ani?.enalli rcibusg dl ortIon-resIsfing-cliasslc`frameAliist n with/ IqtralltubPlarilseckbonerisplacing.,t e cqnJefiti net frame has; been used;lhls,risultIrts, ItIlaqie ended service Ills. ' A fultyficith:lienchin::-: the roomy 'Alreater?eab'.1.1'easlly -convertible'Inte cot_bf swIliging?jup,the,...benchi.'resti? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 k..varc.;f511 PRAGA V3S QUICKTIPPER (PRROp) Succesful mastering of transport on building sites requires a truck, that is economical and at the same time fully independant of weather and terrain. Such a truck is the new quicktipper Praga V3S. Chassis and driving set are derived from the dropside-lorry V3S, on which the reliability and readiness was perfectly demonstrated even under most difficult operating conditions. All-metal welded body with a capacity of 2.6 m3 is mounted on a special reinforced frame, which does not disturb its elasticity, guaranteeing excellent terrain qualities of the truck. For the transport of light materials the capacity of bodywork can easily be increased up to 4.4 m3 by means of wooden extensions. Hoisting of body is hydraulic by means of three-piston telescopic lift over a double-arm lever The designers succeeded by this design to keep a short, robust, hydraulic lift, reliable in operation and at the same time achieved high and quick tipping of body which is necessary for safe tilting of moisty and adhesive earth. The tilting device enables to lift the fully loaded platform up to maximum of 600 within 8 seconds only. The tail-board opens automatically when tipping so that no extra hand is needed and the driver alone can cope with the operation. The whole working cycle of the tipper Is very short and thus highly economical. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ts. PRAGA V3S ASTONISHING PERFOMER ON BUILDING SITES tit TECHNICAL DATA OF CHASSIS: Frame Main gearbox rectangular, riveted, combined four forward speeds, one reverse, selective form of gear changing Gear ratios 1.1 6.19, II. 1 3.13, III 1 175. IV 1 1, reverse gear 1 6.28 Auxiliary gearbox two speeds, shifting by hand lever gear ratios a) 1 0.75 b) 1 2.15 Axles 3 rigid driving axles, front drive to switch off Steering globodtal worm with roller, sprung steering rod Springs longitudinal, semielliptical Shock absorbers hydraulic, double-acting Brakes foot operated pressure air brake acting on all wheels hand operated mechanical brake, acting on intermediate shaft 8.25-20 HD terrain profile 7"-20 flat Tyres Disc wheels Clutch Min turning radius Top speed Climbing ability without trailer Standard fuel consumption Fuel tank capacity Max. tipping angle Cargo platform capacity Tipping time dry single plate 10.5 m 62 km/h 77% 27 L/100 km 120 L 60. 2.6 m.-4.4 ma 8 sec ? Expedient design ? Output ? low fuel consumption ? economy ? Easy control ? Easy handling of quick tipper-body tilting ? Cabin with comfortable seats ? Efficient heating and ventilation of cabin ? Excellent terrain qualities TECHNICAL Engine Number of cylinders Bore and stroke Swept volume Compression ratio Max. output Max. torque Cooling Lubricating system DATA OF ENGINE: T912, Diesel-engine, four stroke, with direct injection 6 in line 110/130 mm 7412 cin3 1 16.6 98 HP at 2100 RPM 38 kgm/1200 RPM air cooling forced circulation dry crankcase WEIGHT DATA: Payload Weight of service ready vehicle Max. total weight Axle pressure of loaded truck front axle rear axle 4650 kg 5780 kg 10430 kg 2310 kg 8120 kg ..t fr cames.a. (frtl?-k DROPSIDE LORRY For the combined automobile long distance and local transport there appears to be most successful the category of 5 ton trucks, which at comparatively low operating costs secures a large transport capacity A successful representative of this class is the new dropside lorry Praga S ST The well proved engine T 912 together with the technically elaborated chassis guarantee a permanent operating without defects. Out- standing is the high traction power of the truck On the roads with the climbing angle up to 15% the fully loaded truck can pull a trailer with total weight of 7 5 tons Thus practically a double carrying capacity is achieved, which very efficiently reduces the costs per tonkilo- meter The main gearbox with four forward and one reverse speed is completed by a reduction gearbox, which reduces the main gear ratios twice The large extent of gear ratios together with differential lock and a favourable distribution of weights on both axles affords the vehicle an exceptional passing ability even on roads seldom used for automobile transport Shifting of both reduction gear and differential lock proceeds electropneumatically by means of a push button Both is indicated by light indicators The pneumatic device for tilting of spare wheel, located under the platform of the truck, makes the tiring exchange of defective wheel easy The driver's cab is equipped with two comfortable seats for driver and fellow-driver and a third auxiliary seat. Efficient heating and ventilation, perfect location of control and checking device and good all round vision reduce fatigue of the driver on long distances MOTOKOV . PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Vt-t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? Smart appearance ? Output ? low fuel consumption ? economy ? Easy control ? Electro-pneumatic control of reduction gear and differential lock shifting ? Cabin equipped with comfortable seats ? Efficient heating and ventilation of driver's cabin ? Pneumatic tipping of spare wheel Frame Main gearbox Gearbox ratios;. 1 Auxiliary gearbox Axles Driven rear axle Steering Springs Shock-absorbers Brakes rectangular, riveted four forward speeds, one reverse selective system of gear changing 1 : 1,75, IV. 1 . 1, reverse speed 1 6,28 two speeds, electro-pneumatic shifting gear ratios a) 1 . 0.73 b) 1: 0.96 rigid globoidal worm with roller, sprung steering rod longitudinal, semielliptical hydraulic, double-acting foot operated pressure air brake, acting on all wheels hand operated mechanical brake, acting on rear wheels hand operated engine brake 9.00-20 eHD, rear axle?twin disc wheel Tyres Discwheels Clutch Min. turning radius Top speed Climbing ability without trailer Standard fuel consumption Fuel tank capacity Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Engine Number of cylinders Bore/stroke Swept volume Compression ratio Max. torque Max. output Cooling Lubricating system T 912, Diesel engine, four-stroke, with direct injection 6 in line 110/130 mm 7412 cm. 1 16.6 forced circulation, dry crankcase Payload Weight of service ready vehicle Max. total weight of truck Axle pressure of loaded truck front axle rear axle Weight of chassis with cabin Total weight of trailer up to 15 % climbing 111111010/1 The universal sprinkler-tanker is the result of many years'development and experiences gained from earlier models of sprinkler-tankers In this model the formerly produced road spraying and city spraying vehicle is combined. The universal sprinkler-tanker is fitted to a tkoda 706 RT trambus chassis The whole body, i. e. the tank, the pump, the pump drive from the gearbox of the chassis, the sprinkling and control attachment, forming one unit, is elastically mounted on the chassis and is very easily detachable. The universal sprinkler-tanker is designed for spraying of city streets and roads, for washing of paved, concrete and bituminous roads and for spraying at construction and maintenance of gravel roads. The sprinkling,is enabled by controll- able sprinkler bodies, arranged along the flanks of the vehicle and a sprayer nozzle, located under the rear part of the tank. Washing and spraying is carried out by means of an adjustable washing bar, mounted at the rear of the vehicle At the rear of the tank, above the pump, an open cab is fitted housing control attachment of sprinkler bodies and washing bar and one seat for the operator The universal sprinkler-tanker may be attended by two persons, i. e. the driver and a trained carman as attendance of sprinkling and washing attachment. The extent of sprinkling is easily surveyable and controllable from the operator's stand. The universal sprinkler-tanker enables by means of its equipment the following operations a) Sprinkling by means of side closable sprinkler bodies with the rear sprayer nozzle, or sprinkling only by the rear sprayer nozzle without side sprinkler bodies b) Washing by means of main washing bar, which is adjustable on both sides. c) Spraying by means of adjusted main washing bar. The universal sprinkler-tanker has an independent inlet duct from the pump with a fixed connector B 75 for connecting of fire fighting hoses. Thus it may be used as a tanker with an abundant source of water at fire fighting on accessible spots without a water source. In the same way it may be used for sanitation purposes. REPRESENTATIVE: DETAILED INFORMATION AT AGENCIES IN ALL COUNTRIES OR AT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA RDP81 010 RO An An 9_0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop A ?proved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 11111011 7115 RT ARV UNIVERSAL SPRINKLER-TANKER BASIC TECHNICAL DATA Chassis: Engine gkoda 766 RT Engine type four-stroke, Diesel OHV, direct injection, vertical, in-line Number of cylinders 6 Bore dia. 125 mm Stroke 160 mm Capacity 11781 c. c. Power output 160 at 1900 r. p. m. Compression ratio 16,5 Cooling water-cooling, with forced circulation and thermal regulation air-operated, dry, two-disc 5 forward, 1 reverse 75 km/h 55-60 km/h 26,5 litres per 100 km 0,8 litres per 100 km Clutch Gear shifting Maximum speed Operating speed Fuel consumption Oil consumption Water pump specifications: Bodywork: Tank capacity Weight of vehicle with full tank Maximum sprinkling extent Maximum washing extent Dimensions of the vehicle: Overall length Overall width Overall hight 7000 litres 15000 kg 15 m 2,5 m 7650 mm 2400 mm 2500 mm Nominal water flow at man. delivery head and geodetic suction head 1/min. 1000 600 500 m 80 , 120 80 m 1,5 7,5 Maximum permissible pump pressure m w. c. 140 Maximum vacuum within one min. m w. c. 8 Permissible vacuum drop per min. m. w. c. 1 Number of delivery heads 75 1 Number of intake heads 110 1 EXCHANGE OF BODYWORK ? Exchange of different kinds of body enables perfect use of the chassis that with the present type of body remained unexploited. I) 4) ? ? koda 706 RT chassis provided by special drive adjusted to a quick and easy exchange of below mentioned kinds of body For a sprinkler-tanker sprinkler body ? tank with pump and sprinkl- ing attachment. For a truck body for normal trans- port of loads. _ ATOTOICOV npriacsified in Part - Sanitized COPY Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 celercitor cind ?ci fooi-Ope-r'citerd 'aecelerat6F'06-dcii-;iiii:e 4-among the further-fectiures-ou _ the ZETOR tractor. It is possible to make use of either of these accelerators according to the kind of Job to be done. ? Exceptionally easy starting of the engine, even under the coldest weather conditions, is made possible by using a heavy-duty 4 H. P. starter motor and special heater plugs. A special device is assenbled on the ZETOR SUPER to increase the injected doses of fuel when starting. ? By means of a decompression lever which is operated from the driver's seat it is possible to decrease the compression in the cylinders to the minimum this contributing very effectively to easier starting of the tractor engine. ? On special request all three types of ZETOR tractor can be equipped with a pressure air brak- ing system which ensures also safe braking of trailers being hitched behind the tractor. The importance of this attachment is clearly evident also from the fact that it has recently been prescribed as a necessary precaution in the local safety regulations in some European countries. ? A small air compressor which is driven from the crankshaft by means of timing gears can also be delivered on special order. It can be used for feeding the pressure 'air brake system, for tube Inflating, etc. ? A double seat can also be delivered in the latest production series on special request. ? In addition to the complete electrical equipment the ZETOR tractor can be equipped on special request with a rear-mounted headlamp for night ploughing. ? The high transport speed of the ZETOR 25 A tractor (about 28 km/H) as well as perfect stability of the machine predestines this type of tractor also for quick transport Jobs. ? All three types of ZETOR tractors are fitted. both with a top-mounted coupling hook, e. g. for hitching trailers, and a lower situated swinging drawbar, I. e. a laterally as well as vertically adjustable bracket for hitching drawn implements. All types of farm machinery can, therefore, be hitched behind a tractor which is provided with the above mentioned mechanisms. ? The hydraulic power lift can be equipped', on request, with a special overload release device which disengages the engine clutch and thus stops the tractor, should the mounted implement meet an obstruction such as stone, rock, etc. ? All levers for controlling the individual mechanisms of the tractor are advantageously situated near the driver's seat. ? The dashboard Is fitted with the necessary checking equipment: an oil pressure gauge, a water temperature indicator, an ammeter (on request), a heater plug and starter switch, a heater plug pilot resistor, an enclosed contact socket for the switch box key, a charging pilot light, a gear shift diagram and, if a pressure air brake system is delivered, a pressure gauge. As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of the ZETOR tractors, all specifications and illustra- tions In this pamphlet are subject to alteration without notice. SPECIFICATIONS Swept volume Bore Stroke Compression ratio Power output Injection system 1st speed find speed IIIrd speed 1Vth speed Vth speed VIth speed 1st reverse speed Ilnd reverse speed Front tyre size Rear tyre size Front-wheel axle width, adjustable Rear wheel axle width, adjustable Wheelbase Belt pulley diameter Belt pulley speed Maximum length of tractor Maximum width of tractor Height (up to steering wheel) Ground clearance under front axle Minimum turning diameter Fuel tank capacity Weight in operating condition Rear additional weight Storage battery D. C. generator (dynamo) Starter motor Water filling Oil filling in engine housing Oil filling in gearbox Direct drive housing Hydraulic power lift housing ZETOR 25 A 2,078 c. c. 105 mm 120 mm 1 : 18 26 HP/1,800 RPM Indirect Injection through tu 3.7 km/hr 5.7 km/hr 8.6 km/hr 12.1 km/hr 18.8 km/hr 27.3 km/hr 2.3 km/hr 7.6 km/hr 5.50-16 11.25-24 1,200-1,540 mm 1,200-1,500 mm 1,900 mm 250 mm 990 RPM 3,200 mm 1,820 mm 1,770 mm 420 mm 5.8 m 45 I 1,826 kg 125 kg 12V, 165 Ah 12V, 150W 12V, 4 HP 14.5 I 8.2 I 35 I 0.8 I 8.4 I AITOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA MIR Praha 3/31-815379-59 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ReprosontotIvo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SPECIFICATIONS ZETOR 25 A Swept volume Bore Stroke Compression ratio Power output Injection system 1st speed Ilnd speed 111rd speed 1Vth speed Vth speed Vith speed 1st reverse speed find reverse speed Front tyre size Rear tyre size Front-wheel axle width, adjustable Rear wheel axle width, adjustable Wheelbase Belt pulley diameter Belt pulley speed Maximum length of tractor Maximum width of tractor Height (up to steering wheel) Ground clearance under front axle Minimum turning diameter Fuel tank capacity Weight in operating condition Rear additional weight Storage battery D. C. generator (dynamo) Starter motor Water filling 011 filling in engine housing 011 filling In gearbox Direct drive housing Hydraulic power lift housing 2,078 c. C. 105 mm 120 mm 1 : 18 26 HP/1,800 RPM indirect injection through tu 3.7 km/hr 5.7 km/hr 8.6 km/hr 12.1 km/hr 18.8 km/hr 27.3 km/hr 2.3 km/hr 7.6 km/hr 5.50-16 11.25-24 1,200-1,540 mm 1,200-1,500 mm 1,900 mm 250 mm 990 RPM 3,200 mm 1,820 mm 1,770 mm 420 mm 5.8 m 45 I 1,826 kg 125 kg 12V, 165 Ah 121/, 150W 12V, 4 HP 14.5 I 8.2 I 35 I 0.8 1 8.4 I CI 1Omi 120 ,1141, :tr Pti r r -34:* 0- "OleintOir 14Altir rt. kik* Ts:1,0m r kinA.. to, 12:43701/6 4AIrscLei 64, 97,*02.41-?-24 ? 23074,144054 151 'Pf..,norini f. 11;1111 .439114:4c ..3400:4m 1**i:A 3201-min ,4511 1;1300 25! 1=V6K ify;434,4 -041 between the power output and the tractor weight Is so-Ideal that It makes possl e e mos economical and, simultaneously, even the maximum exploitation of the machine. The tyres are very advantageously selected as well: the front tyre size is 5.50-616, whereas the rear tyres with open farm tread have a size of 11.25-24. The complete electrical equipment of this tractor type consists of the following components: D. C. generator (dynamo) with voltage regulator, a storage battery, an electric starter motor, heater plugs, horn, headlamps, tail lights and com- plete control cquipment. ????'N g Representative ? MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA err MIR Praha 3/3141537949 ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co. A. .roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ZETOR TRACTOR:- THE SYMBOL OF GOOD WORK, HIGH OUTPUT AND LONG LIFE ????? ????.# vo,":0e.W,1 ?-?", - ? 743100 Sr` In consequence of the development and rapid pace of the tractor has ceased to be only a drawing machine and has become, in Its up-to-date es gn, a general purpose assistant of every farmer. Nowadays the farmer is no longer satisfied with the possibility of performing, by means of his tractor, regular operations which are connected with seed-bed preparation and soil cultivation: on the contrary, he demands for far-reaching adaptability of his tractor to all jobs which have to be done on the farm. The ZETOR tractor represents undoubtedly such a type of tractor which can boast not only of its versatility, but also of further advantages such as high p.ower output, economy in consumption of fuel and lubricants, sturdy design ensuring its resistance even under the most unfavourable conditions as well as long life in comparison with other types of tractors, remarkable manoeuvrability com- bined with perfect exploitation of the tractor for transport purposes, the stability and technical design of the tractor enabling It to operate perfectly and reliably even in the tropics and in the polar regions as well. These are the basic properties which make the ZETOR tractor one of the most popular types and its good name is already connected with high quality and successful farm work practically in all larger agricultural countries of the world. The ZETOR tractors really belong among the biggest successes of the Czechoslovak farm machinery industry. We are nowadays manufacturing three types of ZETOR tractors, I. e. the ZETOR 25 A, the ZETOR 25 K and the ZETOR SUPER Diesel tractor. The ZETOR 25 A tractor with a power output of 26 H. P. Is provided with a four-stroke, two- cylinder Diesel engine (stroke 120 mm, bore 105 mm) with indirect fuel injection through the turbulence combustion chamber. This design is characterized by good fuel combustion and is less pretentious regarding the quality of Diesel oil. The forced feed circulation lubrication using a gear pump is applied In the case of this tractor model. The water cooling system with a centri- fugal pump and a thermostat which automatically maintains the correct operating temperature Is supplemented also with a radiator screen which can be rolled up, if necessary, from the driver's seat and makes It possible, above all in the cold winter period, to warm up the engine very quickly and to maintain the optimum temperature. A centrifugal speed and output governor controls the number of engine revolutions in the fuel range, I. e. from Idle run up to the maximum speed. In order to enable the tractor to operate even in sandy and dusty areas, It is equipped with two- stage filters for cleaning oil, fuel and air. Six forward and two reverse speeds guarantee general- purpose exploitation of the tractor at the most varied speeds required. Also the mutual relation between the power output and the tractor weight is so ideal that it makes possible the most economical and, simultaneously, even the maximum exploitation of the machine. The tyres are very advantageously selected as well: the front tyre size is 5.50-06, whereas the rear tyres with open farm tread have a size of 11.25-24. The complete electrical equipment of this tractor type consists of the following components: D. C. generator (dynamo) with voltage regulator, a storage battery, an electric starter motor, heater plugs, horn, headlamps, tail lights and com- plete control equipment. ? \ oh-iy ? 'of ? OP 2si ?.t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ?",??-?=sa X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 , d particularly for field cultivation job. This model is fitted me as the A type with the exception of the maximum num- O R. P.M., whereas in the case of the A type the ma- 25 K cultivation tractor is, therefore, in fact a modi- s the versatility of the A type, but is adapted ZETOR 25 K model has, therefore, a front rIson with 420 mm in the case of the tie ground clearance under both its ? d. The size of the rear tyres is either 36 or for special work size 13-28. speOds ranging from 3.4 to approx. for slower cultivation ope- bout 18 km/H. OR 25 tractors, is also a general- It is a o cylinder, four-stroke OHV Diesel Ith a lo emise."r*. ture. Likewis ge type. The rbox Is provided with quest it Is possiStAto deliver same with a Ing. n Is, therefore, even lower than in the case of this tractor model is really surprising. ated by means of a high efficiency pump. 4 roved its good features when subjected the peak temperature conditions of Northern be rolled up is also delivered for tern- of filters cleaning air, oil and fuel are of the five forward speeds and one reverse speed. reduction gear which will reduce speed to 41,0 Two accelerators, a hand-operated accelerator lever and a foot-operated accelerator pedal, are among the further features of the ZETOR tractor. It Is possible to make use of either of these accelerators according to the kind of job to be done. ? Exceptionally easy starting of the engine, even under the coldest weather conditions, is made possible by using a heavy-duty 4 H. P. starter motor and special heater plugs. A special device Is assenbled on the ZETOR SUPER to increase the injected doses of fuel when starting. ? By means of a decompression lever which is operated from the driver's scat it is possible to decrease the compression In the cylinders to the minimum this contributing very effectively to easier starting of the tractor engine. ? On special request all three types of ZETOR tractor can be equipped with a pressure air brak- ing system which ensures also safe braking of trailers being hitched behind the tractor. The importance of this attachment Is clearly evident also from the fact that it has recently been prescribed as a necessary precaution in the local safety regulations In some European countries. O A small air compressor which is driven from the crankshaft by means of timing gears can also be delivered on special order. It can be used for feeding the pressure t3Ir brake system, for tube inflating, etc. ? A double seat can also be delivered in the latest production series on special request. O In addition to the complete electrical equipment the ZETOR tractor can be equipped on special request with a rear-mounted headlamp for night ploughing. ? The high transport speed of the ZETOR 25 A tractor (about 28 km/H) as well as perfect stability of the machine predestines this type of tractor also for quick transport Jobs. ? All three types of ZETOR tractors are fitted both with a top-mounted coupling hook, e. g. for hitching trailers, and a lower situated swinging drawbar, I. e. a laterally as well as vertically adjustable bracket for hitching drawn implements. All types of farm machinery can, therefore, be hitched behind a tractor which Is provided with the above mentioned mechanisms. ? The hydraulic power lift can be equipped. on request, with a special overload release device which disengages the engine clutch and thus stops the tractor, should the mounted Implement meet an obstruction such as stone, rock, etc. e All levers for controlling the individual mechanisms of the tractor are advantageously situated near the driver's seat. O The dashboard is fitted with the necessary checking equipment: an oil pressure gauge, a water temperature indicator, an ammeter (on request), a heater plug and starter switch, a heater plug pilot resistor, an enclosed contact socket for the switch box key, a charging pilot light, a gear shift diagram and, if a pressure air brake system is delivered, a pressure gauge. As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of the ZETOR tractors, all specifications and Illustra- tions in this pamphlet are subject to alteration without notice. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 of all three types of ZETOR tractors is the result of their constructional design and plentiful equipment. Differential - all three wheel types of the ZETOR tractors are equipped with a differential lock which is operated from the driver's scat und used particularly for eliminating slipping in the case of the rear wheels not being uniformly loaded, e. g. when ploughing, in muddy soils, etc. The width of both the front and rear wheels can be adjusted, If necessary, according to the kind of job to be done. The front wheel width of the tie? ZETOR 25 tractor types Is adjustable from 1,220 to 1,540 mm and, in the case of the ZETOR SUPER tractor, it can be adjusted within the limits of 1,200 and 1,760 mm. The adjustability of the rear wheels of the three tractor models varies as follows: 1,200-1,500 mm in the case of the ZETOR 25 A type, 1,150-1,720 mm in the case of the ZETOR 25 K model and 1,280-1,760 mm in that of the ZETOR SUPER tractor. The belt pulley and the power take - off shaft of the direct drive are included in the standard equip- ment of both types of the ZETOR tractor 25 A and 25 K and enable the tractor to be used for driving all farm machinery as well as other stationary machines which are adapted so as to be driven from a belt pulley or direct drive. The new production series of the ZETOR SUPER tractors are fitted with an independent drive of the power take-off shaft. When working, for example, with a binder by an independent drive and it is necessary to stop the tractor suddenly by engaging the clutch pedal, the independent drive and hereby also the cutter bar of the binder do not stop operating, thus eliminating particular clogging of the knives. The advantage of this arrangement is great and we can meet with it only in the case of the latest tractor models. During some special farm jobs particularly when planting different sorts of vegetables, when singling sugar-beet, etc. the tractor with its operating set has to drive along the field very slowly. The gearboxes on the latest production series of the ZETOR SUPER tractors are, therefore, equipped with reduction gears so that the tractor has on the whole 10 forward speeds, the first of which - the so called creeping speed - amounts to about 0.95 km/H at 1500 RPM. The whole scale of the creeping speeds of the ZETOR SUPER tractor- is as follows: 1st creeping speed - 0.95 km/hr Ilnd creeping speed - 1.25 km/hr IIIrd creeping speed - 1.80 km/hr IVth creeping speed - blocked Vth creeping speed - 5.90 km/hr Reverse creeping speed - 0.90 km/hr This arrangement is, of course, very advantageous and enables the best as well as the most economical exploitation of the power output of the ZETOR SUPER tractor. The up-to-date hydraulic power lift of the three-point type which is mounted on all three types of the ZETOR tractors makes it possible to use any special kind of the mounted farm machines - ploughs, har- rows, cultivators, hoes, seed drills, cutter bars, planters, Milers, tillers, post hole diggers, rotavators, etc. The hydraulic switch is designed for driving all types of farm machinery with mechanisms operated by means of hydraulic ram cylinders and increases the versatility of the tractor. All three types of tractors of the ZETOR line can be fitted with this attachment. As the tractors have often to operate in dusty areas, particularly In the tropics, the working parts of their mechanism which are easily vulnerable must be. protected by perfect filters. All filters, I. a. the oil and fuel filter as well as the air cleaner, are, therefore, of the two-stage type. The comfort and safety of the driver are well safeguarded particularly by a broad and comfortable seat which is perfectly sprung and spring-cushioned. A driver's cabin can also be supplied on special order for all types of ZETOR tractors. This cabin, which is of solid tube structure, is provided with safety glass a detachable roof, spare seats for oc-drivers, a wind- screen wiper and a traffic indicator; it protects the driver reliably when working under unfavourable weather conditions, particularly when it rains and offers perfect visibility all around. The reliable brakes of the rear wheels are operated by means of two foot levers (pedals) acting on each wheel separately so that the rear wheels can be braked individually, thus enabling the tractor to be turned on the spot. The brakes are fitted with a latch by means of which both pedals can be locked together, this being necessary particularly when driving on a road. In areas covered with loose sand or in wet soils the ZETOR SUPER tractor can be provided with double-mounted rear wheels. In such a case the tractor must be supplied with a rear axle which is specially adapted for this purpose with regard to the conside- rably increased stress. A tractor with such special equipment has, of course, even less a smaller possibility of slip and also a higher drawing power, I. c. pulling performance on the coupling hook. The tractor pull can be further increased in difficult terrain by providing the tractor with a semicaterpillar which is made of text- gumold and mounted partly on the rear wheels, and partly on special wheels suspended on swinging rods in the centre of the tractor. This semicaterpillar can be mounted on both the ZETOR 25 and the ZETOR SUPER tractors. A tractor provided with the semicaterplilar has Increased pull as well as stability, it can master better all obstructions and can be very successfully used in snow, sand and exceptionally wet soils. This type of tractor retains all advantages of the wheel type and, moreover, concentrates many special properties of the semicaterpillar tractors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 "1'.....57'4,"'r ? 177?3- 0,z0, Arre...ttC Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 VIZ 42 ? 111 0 1111 ? al 0 III 0 III 0 1111 ? III ? NI 0 1111 ? IllIl ? Ili el SPECIFICATIONS i' Basic unit: Width 1,350 mm Total weight including deflector 1,130 kg Height . 2,000 mm sll Overall length 3,350 mm Working width . 100 cm Overall width 2,100 mm Output . . . 250 q/hr Overall height without deflector. . 1,650 mm Overall height including deflector . 1,450 mm Pick-up mechanism: Speed of knife wheel . 600 RPM Weight . 290 kg Width of intake throat . . 420 mm Length . 1,470 mm Length of chaff 2.0-40 ? 80-160 mm Width 1,980 mm Tread of transport wheels . . 1,850 mm Height . . 1,765 mm Tyre size 6.5-16.00 Working width 150 cm Cutting mechanism: Output . . 0.6 ha of Weight 590 kg fodder or Length 2,200 mm straw/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. THE SitZ 42 ENSILAGE HARVESTER MOTOICOV PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SZ 42 PK-15 4mouriamovielleonomomegiess 11111?1111?1111?11111?11111?1110111?1111?1111?111111?1111110111 Basic unit: Total weight including deflector Overall length . . . Overall width Overall height without deflector. Overall height including deflector Speed of knife wheel . Width of intake throat Length of chaff . . Tread of transport wheels Tyre size . . . Cutting mechanism: Weight . Length . SPECIFICATIONS Width 1,130 kg Height 3,350 mm Working width 2,100 mm Output . . 1,650 mm 1,450 mm . 600 RPM . . 420 mm 20-40 ?80-160 mm . . 1,850 mm . 6.5-16.00 590 kg 2,200 mm Pick-up mechanism: Weight . Length Width Height Working width Output . As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and Implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. 711'.0 111L 111 MOTOKOV PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1,350 mm 2,000 mm 100 cm 250 gib! 290 kg 1,470 mm 1,980 mm 1,765 mm 150 cm 0.6 ha of fodder or straw/hr SPECIFICATIONS Maximum output in steam-boiling of pota- toes when using combustibles with heat- ing value of 7,000 Kcal/kg . .... 20 q/hr Average output . 15 q/hr Boiler: Type ..... vertical flue type Number of flue tubes . 44 Capacity . . 570 I Heating surface 15 m2 Maximum amount of steam produced . 240 kg/hr Operating pressure . 0.2 atm. Area of grate . . 0.82 m2 Capacity of water tank . 500 I Type of fuel. . . wood or coal Washing machine: Diameter of drum . . 640 mm Overall length of drum . 1,465 mm Speed . . . 45 RPM Capacity of pan. 200 I Electric motor . 1.3 kw Speed of electric motor 1,400 RPM Conveyor: Type . worm type Overall transport dimensions: Gradient 190 mm Length . . 7,500 mm Overall length 2,800 mm Width . 2,000 mm Diameter 420 mm Height 3,500 mm Speed . 110 RPM Weight 4,200 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Steaming container: Inner diameter . . ? 950 mm Capacity . 1.8 m' Speed of electric motor . ? 1,400 RPM Discharging conveyor: Type . .... . worm type Gradient 200 mm Overall length . 2,000 mm Speed variable within the limits of . 0.5-1.5 RPM Electric motor . . ? ? . 0.8 kw Speed of electric motor 1,400 RPM Mashing machine: (can be reduced to 50 RPM) Model . . . worm type with grid Inner diameter . 250 mm Overall length 1,300 mm Speed . . 110 RPM Electric motor . 1.1 kw Speed of electric motor 1,400 RPM Truck: Front wheel tread . 1,400 mm Rear wheel tread ? 1,840 mm Wheelbase . . 4,075 mm Tyre size . 160-18 Turning radius 10 m ( MOTOKOV PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA ST 014168848 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE PK-15 CONTINUOUS MOBILE STEAM-BOILING SET SPECIFICATIONS Steaming container: Inner diameter 950 mm Capacity . . 1.8 m3 Speed of electric motor 1,400 RPM Discharging conveyor: Type Gradient . Overall length . Speed variable within the limits of . Electric motor . . . Speed of electric motor. Maximum output in steam-boiling of pota- toes when using combustibles with heat- ing value of 7,000 Kcal/kg Average output . . Boiler: Type Number of flue tubes Capacity . . Heating surface . . . Maximum amount of steam produced . Operating pressure .. .. Area of grate . . . Capacity of water tank . Type of fuel. . . 20 Or 15 q/hr vertical flue type ? 44 5701? 15m2? ? 240 kg/hr 0.2 atm. 0.82 m2 5001 ? wood or coal Washing machine: Diameter of drum Overall length of drum . Speed . . . . Capacity of pan. Electric motor . Speed of electric motor Conveyor: Type . Gradient Overall length Diameter . Speed 640 mm 1,465 mm 45 RPM 200 I 1.3 kw 1,400 RPM worm type 190 mm 2,300 mm 420 mm 110 RPM Mashing machine: Model Inner diameter . Overall length Speed . . Electric motor Speed of electric motor. Truck: Front wheel tread Rear wheel tread Wheelbase . . Tyre size . Turning radius Overall transport dimensions: Length . Width Height Weight worm type 200 mm ? ? 2,000 mm ? 0.5-1.5 RPM ? 0.8 kw . 1,400 RPM be reduced to 50 RPM) worm type with grid . 250 mm 1,300 mm 110 RPM 1.1 kw 1,400 RPM . 1,400 mm . 1,840 mm . 4,075 mm . 160-18 10 m . 7,500 mm . 2,000 mm . 3,500 mm 4,200 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA ST 01.31638-58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE PK-15 CONTINUOUS MOBILE STEAM-BOILING SET 1 !IQ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 RAM III OM 111111 OW 01111 OW ? al 111 11111 011111 ? IIIIII? Electric motor SPECIFICATIONS Speed of disc wheel Weight . . Overall height Overall width . Overall length As we are constantly improving and developing the machines and implements, the specifications as well as as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA 75 kw 1,000 RPM 380 kg 1,500 mm 1,300 mm 1,300 mm construction and design of all our illustrations should not be regarded 7 MTZ ? III a ? MI IIII III 01111 4111 III ? 11111 410 Eli III ? SPECIFICATIONS Working width 5 or 6 rows Adjustable row width: in case of 6 rows . 400-500 mm in case of 5 rows 600-720 mm Wheel tread adjustable to 1,250-1,300-1,350-1,400-1,450 mm Working speed 4-206 km/hr kg/hr r Travelling speed Tank capacity . 8 hl Depth of hoeing 30-80 mm Depth of chiselling 50-150 mm Overall width . . 3,000 mm Overall length . ... .. 3,900 mm Overall height in working position 1,300 mm Overall height in transport position 2,000 mm Total weight including hitch and implements for handling beet 820 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. J,F*IPz' Ira ? ar..."; ( \ , , 1 ? / 0-4, ? . / ???e-01 .?/N I., e at , 1 r il l ? --!.. , ... , ( . -, t zri I ( ? . 1 Ii I '. 0 erifill."4. I I MOTOKOV PRAHA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE PDN 120 DISC PLOUGH FOR SHALLOW PLOUGHING - .411), ?- - ? ats Thi,!.t. nrleeeeler,,,ithe of. Of tinekosion. "Weinniiighedini- lieditii6sh011eiw,piliii it tri.,--121:4*. - 4.'0-- A-,,,i,e, , - iiiiii6i07vo Of hjilinedioiCaskiieneciniTiectktimaCcest,r , . ' dipd OdIUstIni iic,thillfinitrniViiiirdierfinirt - 'if*ifrsmr ... ? ie , . - -; Is ottchsd .to-th. e 'iiiitiiiihisam, raii if OA% 42.9" itellFthete,M* ,..-. - --.,.,....,...........,-., viiivt 4 111p., M.0 Iiiifirirthe -,mosphoslow veal. Tiyido-..poicyroh A '1cPacY.F7-sgaftiAlia-11 r ' "'i t ''''' Thi,fdepthrail " - "--- 4? tok., -, . Mine; ?- Mir - ' Eshastlis?otbachediliAttint ... In , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Overall length Overall width Overall height Weight Working width Ground clearance in transport position Output Disc diameter Distance between discs Number of discs Type of tractor for operating the plough 1500 mm 1850 mm 1400 mm 430 kg 1200 mm 220 mm 1 ha/hr. 500 mm 180 mm 9 ZETOR 25 or other type with power output of approx. 25 H. P. As we are constantly improving and developing theconstruction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. P44::Ft. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 '49 IR ft IMO 1111 Hi 0 In 0 IS OMOMO 0 EDIMOES0 01E0111011105101111101 SPECIFICATIONS The "IDEAL 500" forage blower is produced and supplied either with an electric motor or without it. Quality material and convenient design make the "IDEAL 500" forage blower a really ideal helper of every farmer. Standard equipment: 6 m of pipes (lay-out: 1-3 m, 1-2 m, 1 X 1 m), 2 unflexible elbows of 45', 1 unflexi- ble deflector and 8 quick-acting ring couplings. Optional equipment: any number of pipes In required layout, ring couplings, differently bent unflexible elbows, flexible elbows. SPECIFICATION Weight (without electric motor) 105 kgs Weight (with electric motor) 210 kgs (weight is to be understood without pipes Required driving power 5.5 kW electric motor 1440 r. p. m. Overall transport length maximum 50 m Output 1 t forage/10-15 min. As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of our machines and imple- ments, all specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Diameter of pipes Angle of elbows Length of individual pipe sections 500 mms 45 1m Approximate weight of individual pipe sec- tions Approximate weight of machine without pipe line Approximate weight of machine with pipe line (according to overall length of pipes) . Overall length without pipe line Overall height without pipe line Overall width . . . Performance at power input of 7.5 HP 300 kgs 450 kgs 2650 mms 1540 mms 1250 mms 3000 kg/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our ma- chines and implements, all specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. M'OTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE TORON HAY AND STRAW BLOWER THE STELLA 30 A HORSE DRAWN HOE The STELLA 30 A horse drawn hoe is a simple but *heavy-duty implement used for hoeing, ridging and billing. The joint "type of its arrangement makes it possible to hoe both the row and the balk close to the edge of the plot. The individual hoeing sets can, therefore, be adjusted laterally (i.e. along the frame) in any manner. The individual sets of hoeing teeth operate independently of one another, thus enabling the operator of the implement to handle a field with an uneven surface. The width control is operated by adjusting the clamp on the front beam, loosening the bolt in the clamp of the cross members and re- adjusting the arms. The depth is controlled by shifting the shanks of the hoeing teeth after loosening the bolt in the clamps of the shanks. The equipment of this hoe includes 3 ridging bodies. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Overall length Overall width Overall height Working width Cutting depth Weight Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SPECIFICATIONS 3 950 mms 1 500 mms 1 020 mms 1 070 mms 100 mms 125 kgs As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our ma- chines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. 'Nina t.s? MOTOICOV PRAHA?CZECHOSLOVAK IA 45Z,,"M'7 -0?47, SEt 01-30651-57.4 PP-25 S1NGLE-PLOUGHSHARE YOKE PLOUGH -"?-? ? - This is a very suitable plough for ploughing culture soils. The plough construction in welded of steel. The working depth can be set by the plough-iron heads. The raker is mode of three-layer armour steel. The plough is constructed for a horse yoke. TECHNICAL DATA WeIglit . . ?? 0000 90 kgs Working width 28 cms Ploughing depth 18 cms MATADOR DOUBLE-PLOUGHSHARE YOKE PLP,UGH. ? This is a well proven plough for speedy shallow (first) or medium ploughing. Its rigid frame construction and suitably chosen bar radius ensure an outstanding output. The mouldboards are of the normalized "V" type and ore counted among the best of their kind. The working depth can be controlled by the two-way catch of the sink lever. The wheels can be set (differentialy or parallely) in any direction. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The standard accessories consist of 1 reserve edge, 1 raker and 1 wrench. A coulter and tiller can be delivered on special order. The tiller is specially advantageous and enables shifting of the towing hook according to need without stopping the yoke when ploughing ground. TECHNICAL DATA SPECIFICATIONS Weight Working width Ploughing depth 108 kgs 45 cms 18 cms In view of constant development no data or illustrations should be considered binding. Overall length Overall width Overall height Weight Cutting width of 1 long hoeing tooth Cutting width of 1 short hoeing tooth Maximum working width of hoe As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our ma- chines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. NTOTOKOV PRAHA?CZECHOSLOVAKIA MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA SU 01-31647-57-a Set 01-30630-57 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE KPZ 6 TRACTOR DRAWN HOE THE MARS PICCOLO 332 THREE - FURROW TRACTOR - DRAWN PLOUGH C... ; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Overall length Overall width Overall height Ground clearance below frame Longitudinal spacing of bottoms Cutting width of one bottom 3510 mms 1170 mms 810 mms 492 mms 500 mms 25 cms Total working width Maximum working depth 21 cms Weight including accessories 236 kgs Pulling strength on hook at specific soil resistance of 60 kg/dm' approx. 1178 kgs Performance at e speed 5 km/hr 035 ha/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, all specifications as well illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Electric motor Number of revolutions Grinding angle Setting angle of scythe table 60' In view of constant development the data and illustrations must not be considered as binding. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Rel -Yr 01/2 . - 8 -0104:11Rnn'IRn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 KM 64 ? KRM 116 THE tK 36 AND tK 24 HAMMER MILLS SPECIFICATIONS Overall length Overall width ......... Overall height Working width Maximum working depth . Weight 770 mms 1310 mms 525 mms 1160 mms 120 mms 40 kgs As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our ma- chines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Al'OTOKOle PRAHA?CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Overall height with cyclone Overall width with cyclone Overall length with cyclone Weight with cyclone Rotor housing diameter Number of hammers Number of revolutions of the hammer disc Required power input Driving belt pulley diameter Required belt width SK 36 2375 mr 1570 mr 1980 mr 276 kg 450 mr 36 3300 Re 16-25 HF 120 180 my 2900 mms 2650 mms 1650 mms 260 kgs 450 mms 24 3300 Rev/min 10.2 HP 120 mms 180 mms Performance in kg of material handled per hour Set of screens having perforations with diameter As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machir specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co pyApproved for Release ? 5 - r 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-Q1n2VIRnnqs:tnniAnrinn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 BEPKU 125 )111?0?Eimmosa?mioni?m?um?nomicor Electric motor TECHNICAL DATA Number of revolutions Grinding angle Setting angle of scythe table In view of constant development the data and illustrations must not be considered as binding. 0,3 kW 2800 r. p. m. 19? 60' tO 111111011111?111110111?11110111101111011111?111111?1110111111?11 6. easy engaging 7. high manoeuvrability and lightness of control 8. perfect fixing of tracks to bushings of rear axle shafts and to torsion bar of the spring suspen- sion The ZETOR SUPER Diesel crawler tractor may be equipt.ed with a bulldozer blade for special jobs as well as with a winch driven by power?take-of shaft of the tractor which con be fixed to the rear wall of the gear box. This winch forming a sturdy unit has its own gear box with two speed ratios and one reverse speed. Excellent suspension of the driver's seat enables quite comfortable driving. An allmetal driver's cabin which may also be supplied at special request, protects the driver from being exposed to danger while working in forests, thus eliminating the danger of unjury and increasing the safety of the driver. MOST IMPORTANT TECHNICAL DATA number of cylinders . swept volume bore/stroke power output number of revolutions maximum length maximum width maximum length (including exhaust pipe mm 2000 4 1st speed km/hr 2.4 cm3 4160 2nd speed km/hr 3.14 mm 105/120 3rd speed km/hr 4.30 H. P. 42 4th speed km/hr 7.30 Rev./min. 1500 5th speed km/hr 14.60 mm 3330 reverse speed km/hr 2.4 mm 1660 weight kg 4200 width of track chains mm 330 As we are constantly developing and improving the construction and design of this should not be regarded as binding. (at special request track chains with different widths may be mounted) machine, all technical data and Illustrations MOTOKOV PRAHA?CZ ECHOSLO VA K I A Set 01-306SS-57-a IfifOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Set 01-30247-57 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE ZETOR SUPER DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTOR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 TECHNICAL DATA Machine length twithout trailer 3380 mm Machine length with trailer 6740 mm Machine length width trailer 1860 mm Machine length height trailer 2310 mm r. p. m. of the driving shaft max. 540 r. p. m. Necessary engine input approx 20 HP Wheel gauge 1683 mm Wheel track 1750 mm Capacity 0.8 ha Weight approx 1380 kg Weight of the trailer approx 1270 kg Owing to a constant development In construction all the above-mentioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding. As has been said, the SLOZ can, by suitable adjustment, be used as a sta- tionary combing thresher inside the barn. In such a case the propeller shaft is replaced by a suitable vee-belt (540 r. p. m.) and the drive is by electromotor. In front of the collecting device is ad- justed a spreading table on which the flax to be combed is spread. To the fan exhaust piping can be attached plate- metal tubes (0 300 mm) which facilitate to convey remnants and capsules to the desired spot. The SLOZ thanks to its construction and capacity marks a revolution in mechani- zed flax-harvesting. THE PLANTAGE 8N SINGLE-ROW HORSE DRAWN HOE The PLANTAGE 8 N single-row horse drawn hoe can be used for all cultivating jobs. This type of hoe Is drawn by a single horse. It is very easy to operate and its working width can be readjusted from 35 cm to 75 cm as required, this being one of its main advantages. This adjustment is done simply by means of the rear lever which moves on a geared quadrant. The working depth of the implement is controlled by the front lever. It is necessary to choose the individual working tools, which are supplied with the hoe as accessories, according to the kind of job to be done. For the first hilling of row crops the hoe must be provided with ridging half sweeps (L-shares) mounted on the side shanks. When the second hilling is to be done, the working surface of these ridging half sweeps (L-shares) must be turned outwards. For the third cultivation of grown up plants the full sweeps (A-shares) are used. After substituting the ridging share on the rear shank by a hoeing tooth, the hoe is converted into a well-proven cultivator: the soil is thoroughly loosened by the hoeing teeth, the weed roots are cut through and the evaporation is substantially reduced in consequence of damaging the capillarity. After equipping the side shanks with ridging half sweeps (L-shares) with their working surfaces turned outwards, and after drawing them together by means of the rear lever, the hoe con be used for hilling. Versatility, easy operation, perfect control and a long life are the main reasons of the great popularity of the PLANTAGE 8 N hoe. The standard accesories of this implement include: 5 hoeing teeth, 1 ridging shore, 1 arrow-shaped full sweep (A-share), 2 ridging half sweeps (L-shares), 1 double-end spanner. SPECIFICATIONS Overall length Overall width Overall height Weight . . Working width Working depth 1940 mm 650 mm 980 mm 43 kg 35-75 cm 8-10 cm As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. ?-!?","" . ? ' ? . *le ???,.. ? ? - ?Y. , ?????11. ..? . t , - ? "7. MOTOKQY ? P RAH A ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St 01-11134-57-a MOTOKOV' PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St Cl ? 3153643 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The TPDOR,bOrse--drawri?Cultivatoisihas already,'proved.its good features in cultivating the soil under medium- ._ difficult soil conditions It isdrown by a Consis,ting:pf 2 Mediurn-strong..horseswell reinforced frame of this plough is mode of angle steel .?., on,its.bottom ort there are located bear- ings':far-the;cranked 'reiri-cacle.7.Several:.ipring-Jfnes;.:WitK"shoveli-.aie attached io:tha'crois memberS. of the , , rama.J.Tbe:::depth'cantiol,-1-,aftachirient,'for_lifting -ana,loWaring,th-e-frama.with the spring lines, is coupled to the axle The frame Is connected with tha'sfrant_Ciida.:4-;-::thecips.rof...a.-.1,snuakle bead:witk`intarnal,square thread This knuckle head on be 'yartiCalli,4aju'Sted",6i-ineaiii'Ypt a sarew, sPindia:Whicht.is MOUnted, on the sty Of.thaf,ffont axle?..The,,,knuckle'head,as,Well iis...ot,bet,conireCti9g,',.nierreri....are-made of malleable cast Iron : The Cvhaet,..sPakei'rara-Of cast inJ-yaa.'.Tba:Viheelisara.pToVidad.'Witb.dtisiprabf: The'11.1DOR,7 cultivator is a simple efficient and conveniently designed implement which renders valuable serviCe-.%Solid,constructicin..arid'qu\ility, Malarial ,'-guarantee its long service life: P EC F.2.1 c-kT.I. 0 NS . . ...... 1050 mm ... 7 120 kg The horse drawn grain reaper PRIM 152 can be applied for reaping all iortof groin.. Thes machine reaps and periodically lays the mown grain on the stubblefield.,With,,,the,:elceptiarii-,;,.... of the first pair of toothed' wheels all thrilronsmission,gear runs in ,a dosed oil-bath. ,The? main wheel and the excentric shakrunvon--:iall'ar bearings. The transmIssion to the vertkoi shaft, driving the....rakei,_ is carried- oUt-, by means, of -b.e-ieVgaais,:; which method .onsiros a substantial redUction of passive resistances when compared with the frequently used worm gearing. Sheafing is regulated by maims of:ci hand lever. easily a'ccessible frm the drivors seat. Disangaging-lhe'Machine and loading- theres306.tablii'is.kineqiiallyqas'y Discharging can be interrupted ,by a foot Pedal 're6ardliii-'cif'hoW--,the'shaafin scale. Is - adjusted.:This,facilitatei.'operadon in curves. The, circularframar.forming,th&? cribiC for rakes;-;:,'? is very wide so as to facilitate a gradual and slow width of. mOwing of grain and climinot& - any shocks that might lead to loss Caused:bir'grealn'falling out of cars. The reaping table is of metal, the base is made,'-of angleiron',-to-VihiCk. is 'rfveted?o'steellplaiometal,;z1ne,.., -plated on both sides. The reaper can,easily?-ba traniformed?froin a transportation position _ , into an operating one, and vice.yersci. One, parson can carry out this operation In 2,-.Minutas; the shaft . ' The reaper is well balanced and the team is not overstrained, In `airier to balance thoroughly we can, at- special request; suPply- the reaper with a little:::'wheel:,ander;',tho crankshaft. PRIM is a reliable machine for the manufacture_ of which all tried principles of.,.desiga-have,;;,? been applied; they facilitate easy motion and ensure .good ?::.- " ???? ? . . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE PBM 1500 MOTOR-DRIVEN POTATO WASHING MACHINE TECHNICAL DATA Machine length .. 3500 mm Machine width 2000 mm Machine height 2500 mm Weight together with shaft and shaft carrier 439 kg Reaping width of reaping ledge 1520 mm Max. reaping speed ... 6 km/h Owing to a constant development in construction all the above-mentioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding. MOTOKOV PAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St 01 - 3153849 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 as?imi?Ni?atommissia?s?a????? THE MM 15 MOTOR-DRIVEN POTATO MASHER This potato masher is used for mashing of steam-boiled potatoes for feeding purposes. The machine is of welded steel construction. The worm type conveyor is also made of steel. The implement is driven by a built-in electric motor through the gear box. Both the motor and the terminal board are protected against water by a cover. Potatoes are poured into the charging hopper wherefrom they are forced by the worm type conveyor into the mashing throat. Both the mashing throat and the worm type conveyor are detach- able allowing easy cleaning of the masher. The implement is equipped with 2 sheet-iron wheels. The MM 15 potato masher saves labour and money. SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Overall length Overall width Overall height Weight Speed of worm type conveyor As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all and implements the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as 800 mm 500 mm 800 mm 35 kg 95 r p. m. Overall length Overall width . Overall height . Weight Number of interchangeable sieves . Electric motor . . . Output with motor-drive . Output when driven by hand-crank 3100 mm 1150 mm 1350 mm 250 kg 5 0,5 kW 240 q/8 hr 100 q/8 hr our machines binding. As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. 0 M'OTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA IWOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Overall length . Overall width Overall height Weight Adjustment of bodies according to interrow spacings . Output at a speed of 4 km/hr when ridging . . Output at a speed of 4 km/hr when hilling . 1,235 mm 2,880 mm 1,220 mm 160 kg 60-70 cm . 1.3 ha/hr 1.12 ha/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. IlaniestinwoPpritatoes4n,autumn.a.s.-?tiell' asrt e.'plaritivg,ofitienirin,springill'beniaci&easter, atitroTa-V-r 81111171;764sciiikrtirair611447AWV. is1/21-iittrertr:* - - e. 44704. potatoes mtor3 groupv according itelthear size: machine The'is of oil metalre%whi ch ir coated iwithw pa int of,?w,e1111inpiegnciting ondlflsupphedeith ntelectric.motriCor,.wwithoUt iA:grate;:which . is; located .behind;? rw t IrartagiVstigratts ettifinja roltettagitrred aetiart-inirtf rin'Tagegt:lit damaged' potatoes 'The speed of the, potato: sorting machine- a mountsjo,, 250rapensure m lnorderlta:- crzsnroths running of he machiner-thislhas-to- betinstallednni,a j horizontal position': bymneans,?fitA,,, Oft a,mountedityrateerlevel:r4All bearmg ?are eauipRed.T.MithTgreaseAubricatarsrlhe,,sertiri- re.r,,e-AftiOadtti----gescr4+4 ? e sievesicant,be,luicklyJnterchonged he:squipmentrofahet 'ortung machine includes 5 sieves with meshes duo '437 45 55" ; P.- 70.:AncF90-,mm 41'10.1`' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 , , a? .. f,r-r...-- IN , , -.. ,,,,- n , ,... . est IP" -.1 ? , The HIC4lionoionted, r ger-,;,. s,-,:a heavy,cluty:aRlemeni5tisedl-Wr- hillinlic0W- cropOidgineet?c .. -i---44,,,LP- 4- - - - - - ., , .,, fati-s-,1.,-i4.-4-9)--?-?-ft.- Thel,heht. ? buWverp.siplid fiponitritctiok(olithie,?_-:.ni. ihentwguarcintsiiti4lobilliferThe fi4 , %.. :;4 :?4407,t1,0,PAY4'rxitk.,'-a-,-,V,I.i.-it-,,:-m- .-4P ildierds'-rdistriid be?ctiniliteta;vsitlf4thif hydratiliepo. .w...erf. I MI Of4theFZETORi-25.!anlit2ETPR - - -,It-ttegt-t,l,v PP 25.1K+ utralOitro0,011. worklith? 1,4ill-PgrhirVs,,ciiiir W''6'-';45`:??ilir.ow-tropsis1W4Htin?foui iirsn,-4Fti"Vegm - .V:tkia...v.)pt,Fiveitnt--..a'r *.V.0-iit. .6. piete.-;b0dlesifeari:bezailjtistlitifii`e4varibinghler-p*I10;h1gs?trwithilvthes;:lhititkzef?..60-101-crii: ;,voimitl,*?. 1: r?.1,%t%V..it repAW. Z.W1,-"YrOk,,Wtake-,A*4*1?4?e,611*...;-0 !ni1fr:iiLrt4,4704/147,41.t.r.a_....4p.vt.c.tty4,74v- 2f?tvio, (V u.stylit ..v,j;t4.2,..- n41,1 hy,ehahging-theielothisrattgles'of the:, redgihribodieirwhich'cale? cidjustablVomthe)inic of the ?-xig-Am?Ats,?. ...,.. . .. 4poralkol-link,dotible arm ,- suspensions ,44.?"Virame rist?q4u:4"?Ipped, rit'th 4 tUffriaiPrt14%in;4*?L*1=..-f!?whicit- r 4V4XSittikoe'16"4-tr Vtt,"tdr3C. .?"gisirRI4VV-' ' - follow; theItra of _the ---reafiroctorlViheeliW XI , . ._ ..kotittiat;2.itihkh, ii`f located _On if rent, of,ititi-t., teritiii-_ .. .-4,-?.-7.-?,4-?,70,-tog..or..4,-4-,Awl-,116.101.-..-NeosP.4;14-i'i.erS.4.-421WAttelrittCktOt: uufpfSVflts r 04'1 IniplefrionV f ion0 latent I Zdreiatioris Bothoisi ng i;' 9.filthi - rylOiniiilibocli.043.: , - - - VANIOAW2c--tnYaz-F4?. - -= ' '''&,r. ? ? :, leiallyibsdielltat$4erttcalKodjustabhi ' 11#41-W.;;Talti?kNixtAftkiwo,*:b?--'i .'z?, The li!. hied* of , hiii li ilk' litt:hitheriat i, thir centre' breasti,--the. livings, and "the- shares. a the, ? 5 **,-,efk.....,AL.,--?xitt'FIR-T?gmA.,-,.4. tl.0,3, -,..'.'-v----445' 4?,"4,r440,4w-VtA5t f ,T1t2t1,? ' ? ... ' kidg ingtbad IWO te. ma nufoctuied ..,pf4stefel - theet. Thellrnphilmenefs,cheitghodIo0serwithlthe ?t' .J 0.!?,.A.,.. WPC 25 .,or.5ZETOttf 25. K. Diesel tractor .Y -,i; ,,-,? . ,. . ,?,--. . ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 TECHNICAL DATA Machine width when wheel gauge is adjusted at 1180 mm Machine width when wheel gauge is adjusted at 1430 mm Machine width in working position with nozzle frame . . Machine height in working position . . . Machine length in working position Machine length in working position with folded nozzle frame arms Machine weight when empty . . Machine weight when full . Pump capacity . . ? ? Revolutk.ns of tractor drive . Spraying liquid consumption when applying horizontal spraying frame per 1 hectare Spraying liquid consumption for two handsprayer nozzles . 1460 mm 1610 mm 10000 mm 1640 mm 2880 mm 3710 mm 570 kg 1430 kg 35 1/m 510 r./m. 234-746 I 2.75-12.55 1/m TECHNICAL DATA Weight of single-unit milker Weight of airlift pump Driving input of airlift pump r.p.m. Conveyed quantity at under-pressure of 38 cm Hg Electromotor Diameter of under-pressure and stable piping Diameter of airlif exhaust piping Number of cons with pulsators 10.60 75.- 1,7 kW 500 600 litres 2,2 kW-220/380 V 1.5" 2" 10 Owing to a constant development in construction all the abovementioned data and illustrations ore not to be considered as binding. Owing to constant development In construction all the above-men- tioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding. ? ot.A,'. --0'411. ? 446.4. et' 1.11, 0.1 . ? , ? ) ;? 411 4 ? ". ? ? :0> NfOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St01-31335.57.a MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St 01 .31541-57.a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 .41.-A4szi" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE ZETOR 25 K ROW CROP TRACTOR TECHNICAL DATA Machine length 2250 mm Machine width 800 mm Machine height 1000 mm Machine weight 320 kg Fan wheel diameter 600 mm Piping diameter 225/230 mm Working capacity at 40 m distance and 10 height 4000 kg/h Eiectromotor 660/380 V Engine input 11 KW r. p. m. of engine 2800/1 m Owing to constant development in construction all the above mentioned data are not to be considered as binding. moroKov PRAHA CZECHOSLOVAKIA _ ?nriwzdsto!ss-to.4--- . St 01 - 30520-57 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 011111011111011111?11111?1111101101111111111101111?111011110 1111.1111"111.1111.1111.111.1111.1111.111?"11110111 SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Piston stroke 120 mm Cylinder bore 105 mm Swept volume (piston displacement) 2,078 cm3 Power output (engine speed) . 24 H. P./1,600 R. P. M. Number of cylinders 2 Compression ratio 1 :18 1st forward speed 4.? km/hr. 2nd forward speed 5.2 km/hr 3rd forward speed 6.7 km/hr. 4th forward speed 11.? km/hr 5th forward speed 14.4 km/hr. 6th forward speed 18.6 km/hr. 1st reverse speed 2.7 km/hr. 2nd reverse speed . .... . . . 6.3 km/hr. Front wheel tread (variable) 1,220-1,540 mm Rear wheel tread (variable) ....... 1,150-1,460 mm 1,410-1,720 mm Wheel base 1,900 mm Overall width 1,965 mm Overall length 3,200 mm Overall height up to top edge of exhaust pipe . 2,207 mm Total weight including fuel, water and oil 1,970 kg Ground clearance of front axle 520 mm Minimum ground clearance 465 mm Rear wheel tyres 9.00 ?36 Front wheel tyres 5.50-16 Minimum turning radius 5.8 m Fuel tank capacity 45 I As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Capacity Own weight Wheel gauge Tyres Discs Electrical equipment Box Loading platform height Speed . . . . 2,500 kg. approx. 870 kg. 1,250 mm. 8.25X15 8"X15 according to safety regulations 3,000X1,600X400 mm. approx. 950 mm. 20 km p. hr. As our products are continuously being improved upon the specification and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTOKOle PRICHA. CZECHOSLOVAK' A Si 01-30475.57-a MOTOICOV PRAHA ? CiECHOSLOVAKIA St 01-31130.57-o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 FERTILIZER SPREADER FOR MANURING WITH ANHYDROUS AMONIAC ILL - _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE VRN 3 MOUNTED BEET LIFTER THE VRZ 3 TRACTOR-DRAWN BEET LIFTER TECHNICAL DATA Total machine length Total machine width . Total machine height Weight of trailer together with tank, incl. about 500 I of amonioc Weight of mounted implements with armature. . . . . Tank volume . .. . Tank air space. Working width . Min. radius of rotation . . . Depth of injecting amoniac into the soil Working speed . . . ? .. Machine capacity in 8 hours .. 3800 mm 2870 mm 1600 mm 840 kg 170 kg 335 I 7 0/0 2700 mm 3m 10-13 cm 5-6,4 km/h 8-14 hectares (according to the character of terrain) The fertilizing shares are adjustable, enabling any kind of control. The six-piece distributor ensures a symmetrical distribution. Distribution is governed by a regulating needle valve by directing the passing pressures over a control pressure ? gauge. Owing to a constant development in construction all the above-mentioned data are not to be considered as binding. Thiei.i.IO./ RhKA,14.;iii'i. Itic 'ikitW ctillie tt*at s ,w th1ETORiVDio llf I t of,Zediditli,icwhoels;:lhe jifting shares:ow) edjiisteci,h;w'rj,ilus, iptiorzyciwT.,zmxti? - e -7 ;' ? . Vi ? ? 4:;? InsiCivithimith?Ilimits14440-50;tmi? - - ? - - tractor- town': ,-tiotpi?ss4t.Ta7 tract!, with Ab,,^ f.Owing-3o! hEfi ,sstitthif,beit'lfter?pan..ber nit?_abi?larpirms,a 3 . AVAL ra.tt rstnrsj, lift. The tract 10 lb! drawbar of.o'ir.troctortin airp 17.tOnce M'OTOKOV. PRAGUE. CZECHOSLOVAKIA It conAwiciljustied:Jor the nog t,th.e; ronitttiii-grou St 0141592-58 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R00 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 0 0 (DEM 0 efE30 SPECIFICATIONS Overall length of beet lifter Overall width of beet lifter Overall height of beet lifter . Number of lifting shares Number of rows Inter-row spacing Approximate weight of beet lifter . Output at a speed of 5 km p/h Overall length of forecarriage . Overall width of forecarriage . Overall height of forecarriage . Approximate weight of forecarriage 1,600 mm 1,700 mm 1,155 mm 3 3 40-50 cm 200 kg 0.35 ha 1,755 mm 1,640 mm 1,115 mm 240 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. tERT POTATO LIFTER W.4.ese 734 -St ark ? , :?t-zy NTOTOICOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA r,. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 0 0 QO Eale 0 TECHNICAL DATA Length Width Height r p. m. of spreading disc at 4 km/h speed Wheel gauge in normal adjustment . Wheel gauge in enlarged adjustment Machine weight Drive from main wheels shaft. 2620 mm 1000 mm 1100 mm 87/min 590 mm 720 mm 280 mm Owing to a constant development in construction all the above-mentioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St O1 - 31542-57.: era Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 t ". Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 MARS U 27 THE POM 25 REVERSIBLE PLOUGH SPECIFICATIONS Overall length . Overall width . Overall height Ground clearance below frame Longitudinal spacing of bottoms (in direction of movement of tractor) Cutting width of one bottom Total working width . Maximum working depth . Weight of attachment with accessories Draft required on hook at specific soil resistance of 60 km/dm' (maximum working depth) . . Approx. performance at 5 km/hr speed Without With forecarriage forecarriage 1600 mm 2890 mm 950 mm 1530 mm 630 mm 1280 mm 535 mm 500 mm 25 cm 50 cm 22 cm 140 kg 330 kg 660 kg 0,23 ha/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, no specifications or illustrations should be regarded as binding. ? _ r-4 -11h. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 POM-25 4110111101111?11101E1?1111011101111?11111?1111101111?11111 ??1 SPECIFICATIONS Weight 52 kg Working width . . . . 250 mm Maximum working depth . 210 mm As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, no specifications or illustrations should be regarded as binding ttl MOTOKOV PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA ifirostroj et? wtit1 t 41. ? %IN. el ptitt 1 '*?!' ESOX M 2 .1????3 It .1'. tit 13 III ? 1111? all ? MI ? ?ia?a?lit? III MI ? 1111 ? 0:1,, TECHNICAL DATA Length Width Height Petrol engine power Horizontal bar length Weight . Draught when laden with one person Capacity per 8 hours . 3500 mm 1150 4 0 m mmm 0 5,5 HP 1630 mm 350 kg 150 mm 0,5 ha Owing to a constant development in construction all the abovementioned data and illustrations must not be considered as binding ? 1 mworoitov PRAHA?CZECHOSLOVAKIA Sec 01-30712-57.a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE ESOX M 2 WATER WEED LAUNCH ESOX M TECHNICAL DATA Boat length . Boat width Boat height . Petrol engine power Horizontal bar length Weight of the cutter . Draught of the boat when laden with one person. . . Capacity per 8 hours . 1800 mm 1 GOO JTrn 400 mm 5,5 HP 1120 mm 180 kg 0,3 ha Owing to a constant development in construction, all the above-mentioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding. ?-?11""._........ t /? ...../.. ? ----' (_,... I moTOKOV PRAHA?CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE ESOX M WATER WEED LAUNCH ing in hop-gardens, vineyards, etc.). If trees in orchards have to be sprayed, the boom must be replaced by the hand lances with rubber hoses mounted on to the fittings of the delivery valves. The standard accessories of this implement include 1 boom with spraying nozzles, 2 complete lan- ces 2000 mm long with nozzles, 2 short lances, rubber hoses with connecting fittings (each hose is 10 m long). SPECIFICATIONS Overall length 2600 mm Overall width 1140 mm Overall height 850 mm Weight . 220 kg Fluid tank capacity 200 I Pump: double-action piston pump, bore 45 mm, stroke 35 mm, capacity at 350 r. p. m. = 28 I of sprayed fluid/min. Average output: when crops are sprayed 0,8 ha/hr when spraying trees 180-350 trees/hr Fluid consumpion 525-600 l/hr As we are constantly improving and devel- oping the construction and design of all our machines and implements, no specifications or illustrations should be regarded as binding. ? M'OTOKOV PRAHAeCZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 S it 01-30715-S7-a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 EXPLOSION TYPE SELF-CHARGING TANK WAGGON PRA.HA?CZECHOSLOVAKIA I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SPECIFICATIONS Overall height Overall width Overall length without pole, including hitch Total weight including accessories . Pneumatic tyres (4) . . Nominal vacuum . . Mean effective vacuum Tank capacity Capacity effectiveness Head Overall length of hoses Wheel tread . . Wheel base . . . Ground clearance of truck . Brakes: 1. internal expanding hand brakes of double-shoe type . 2. internal expanding automatic brakes of double-shoe type, specified for trailers 2140 mm 1800 mm 5570 mm 1830 kg 7.5-20" 0.548 atm. 0.53-0.57 atm. 4.430 m1 45.1 Vo 13.1 m 12 m 1625 mm 2750 mm 350 mm 2 SPECIFICATIONS As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Wheel track Pneumatic tyres Distance between wheel axle and front pin Weight . 660 mm BANTAM 16X4 1160 mm 72 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, no specifications or illustrations should be regarded as binding. AWT.A.N. MOTOKOV PRAHA .CZECHOSLOVAKIA St 01-30718-57-a MOTOKOV PR AH A?CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 _ THE PP 23 RIDING SULKY THE FPT 2.5 SEWAGE WATER TANK WAGGON 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS Overall length Overall width Overall height Wheel base Maximum permissible load 5,610 kg Wheel tread ... 1,350 mm Compressor model . .... . IK-70/70 Compressor type .. Compressor speed . . Compressor output Maximum overpressure Maximam vacuum 5,600 mm 1,826 mm 2,400 mm 2200 mm Period of charging tank with water at suction head of 1.5 m . Pneumatic tyres Required pulling strength Weight of empty tank waggon Weight of fully charged tank waggon Weight . . Tank capacity Pressure Grab capacity Working cycle Road speed 820 kg ? 401 60 atm. ? 0.2m 50 sec. 15 km/hr. of water column 3 min. 6.50-20 or 6.00-20 tractor of about 30 H. P. 2,600 kg 5,200 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTOKOV PAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA IIITOTOKOlf PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA sIt01.3113941.2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE NH 100 HIDRAULIC LOADER TECHNICAL DATA Operating length . 4750 mms Transport length . 3000 mms Width . . 1260 mms Height 1560 mms Length of detachable conveyor 3000 mms Width of detachable conveyor 1230 mms Axle wheelbase . 2000 mms Track 600 mms Ground clearance . . 165 mms Dimension of bantam tyre 10(4 mms Diameter of ventilator wheel 600 mms Revolutions of ventilator . 1200 r. p.m. Diameter of crusher drum . 360 mms Width of crusher drum . 800 mms Diameter of pipeline 500 mms Transport distance 35 m Transport height . . 7 m Approx. output (dry fodder) 2500 kg. p. h. Input (according to transport distance and kind of crushed material) 7,5-9 kW Weight . 700 kg In view of constant development the data and illustrations must not be considered as binding Alk MOTOICOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA set 0140710-S7-e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 "--; THE VK 25 COMBINED HAY BLOWER AND CRUSHER THE SLK-130 TRACTOR-DRAWN PICK-UP BALER The SLK 130 pick-up baler picks up and bales dry straw left on the field after harvesting with a combine, or picks up fodder raked into windrows and ties it In bales which are subsequently conveyed along sliding rails into a trailer. The- baler is hitched behind a tractor from which it is driven by means of the P.T.O. shaft; it can be successfully used when handling areas having an extent of more than 1 ho. The SLK pick-up baler is a well-proved machine which is able to satisfy even the requirements of a highly pretentious farmer. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 _ SPECIFICATIONS Working width Width of throat Height of throat Adjustable length of bales . Weight of bales Output Number of plunger strokes/min. Speed of flywheel . Number of binders Wheel tread . Tyres . . ? Turning radius Speed of driving P.T.O. shaft . .. Overall length . . . . Overall width Overall height . .... Weight . ? .... 130 cm 1,000 mm 300 mm 350-450-550 mm approx. 8-12 kg 0.5-1 ha/hr 45-50 220-260 RPM 1 2,045 mm 6.00-16 7,000 mm 540 RPM 5,700 mm 2,200 mm 1,750 mm 1,400 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Sr 01-31685-59 THE 2VZ 213 TRACTOR BINDER do The ZVZ 213 tractor binder represents a new binder type of the Czechoslovak production. All up-to-date notions of the farm machinery production research have boon taken into consideration when designing this machine which is, therefore, really able to satisfy even the most pretentious requirements. The name of this machine indicates that it is designed for reaping and binding cereal crops. In contradistinction to the existing typos of binders this implement is provided with a left-hand cutter bar and has a working width of 213 cm. c' ,Sturdiness and rigidity of this binder are enormous as compared with its low weight; the reason of this fact consits in the construction of the main frame which is made of angular * sections and four-edged tubes. All gears are enclosed in oil baths and the rotating com- ponents run on ball and roller bearings or on self-oiling bearings. The cutting mechanism is of the combine type with grooved knife sections which need not be ground during the whole season. The reel can be easily operated from the driver's seat and two of its arms are tiltable in order to facilitate transport of the machine. The elevator canvases are made of perlon, impregnated and connected together by means of a rubber rope this enabling to handle even moist crops. The straps of canvases which are made of novodur are well laced down in order to eliminate their loosening and breakage. A worm typo crop divider guarantees reliable operation of the machine even in entirely lodged cereal crops. The knotter runs in an oil bath. The binder can be disassembled quite easily without using any tools. The working hitch can also be used as a transport hitch. The ZVZ 213 tractor binder Is delivered in four types the working width of which amounts to 152 cm, 183 cm, 213 cm and 244 cm. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Working width Working speed . . Transport wheel with tyre Field wheel with tyre . Number of ball bearings Overall length Overall width . Overall height . Weight . . Output . . of binder with different working width: Working Overall Overall width length width in cm in cm In cm 213 cm 7 km/hr 7.00-15 5.50-15 42 4,000 mm 2,200 mm 2,300 mm 850 kg 1.5 ha ZVZ 152 152 340 220 230 790 1.1 2VZ 183 183 370 220 230 820 1.3 2VZ 213 213 400 220 230 850 1.5 2VZ 244 244 430 220 230 880 1.7 As we ore constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 HAND-OPERATED DUSTING APPARATUS- TYPE PULVIS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Length Width Height Weight 245 mm 185 mm 455 mm 9 kg With regard to development the above data and illustrations are not to be regarded as binding MOTOKOV PRAHA?CZECHOSLOVAKIA ST 01-30060.59 MilifIZ a - anitize rove or e ease 5A 88 88 888 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 '''';13;?10'???4' *?1".'r ?f*:??? */*: 4'1... 4.4"i ' ? ' ? ?. ' " ? $'.? / r .1. ? / I t / / ? P ? ? i Capacity of container Width of dusting . . MOTOKOV PRA HA-CZEC H OSLO VAKIA ST 01 30059.59 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co. A. 'roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE ROBUR SHREDDING MILL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Width . Height Weight . 280 mm 640 mm 10 kg With regard to continuous development the above data and illustrations ore not to be regarded as binding ? - -?;:i_-- - - MOTOKOV PRA HA.CZECH OSLO VAK IA ???? ST 01 -30361.5 9.3 ? t.-411, - . ? ? "W. ? ?-?-t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ROBUR WHEEL-BARROW SPRAYER No. 3 SPECIFICATIONS: Required power input of electric motor Output Service life of grinding stones Diameter of grinding stones Pulley diameter Overall dimensions . Speed of grinding stones Gross weight ? ROBUR 300 4 kW 250 kg/hr 15-18 waggons 300 mm 250 mm 720/720/1,370 mm 900 RPM 105 kg ROBUR 400 6 kW 400 kg/hr 20-25 waggons 400 mm 330 mm 800/800/1,450 mm 700 RPM 145 kg As vie ore constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our mach- ines and implements, the specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding ? ??? PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ?11111?1111101111?1111101111011111011101110MOSEO BLOW-AWAY CHAFF CUTTING-MACHINE WITH FAN-TYPE RVM-37 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Length Width Height Weight Capacity of container 1800 mm 550 mm 900 mm 31 kg 40 litres With regard to continuous development the above data and illustrations are not to be regarded as binding MOTOKOV PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA 51 01 ? 31662 - S9 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Vit 37 MO OW ? 00 OW OM OMO=OMO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Overall length of machine Overall width of machine . Overall _height of machine Weight of machine Speed of tool wheel Length of chaff ? 12, 20, 30 and 50 Output of machine per hour 2500 RIM 1790 mm 1740 mm approx 400 kg 300 r p.m mm, on special request 6 and 100 mm 4000 kg of grass fodder 1400 kg of stall-feed Stall-feed us blown to the distance of 25 m With regard to continuous development the above data and illustrations are not to be regarded as binding SPECIFICATIONS: Type Working width . Overall length including p? ole Overall length without pole Overall height Overall width Wheel tread Weight approx. Wheels with tyres Caster wheel BANTAM As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications, as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding Horse-drawn, for a horse-team . 138 cm 5,070 mm 2,580 mm 1,670 mm 1,680 mm 1,200 mm . 300 kg . 6.00-16 4.00-16 MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA ST 01 30247 ? 59 a MOTOICOV PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA ST 01 31691-59 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE 2T 138 HORSE-DRAWN GRASS MOWER This mower, which is intended for cutting grass, is operated with a horse-team and is pro- vided with a crank-type pole and a caster wheel. The implement is of unit-construction, i.e. It is composed of several separate units. One unit is formed by the machine frame which is made of welded angular sections. The cutter bar is of medium-cut type and is provided with a sheet-iron swath divider. The knife is driven from the main wheels axle by means of trans- mission gears. The gears as well as the eccentric run on five ball bearings. The cutter bor is lifted and lowered by means of a hand lever and a foot-operated pedal. The mower is further equipped with a double-arm lever for engaging and disengaging the driving me- chanism of the cutter bar. Pneumatic tyres reduce the vibration and prolong the service life of the whole implement. The pawl discs, which are easily accessible, are properly shielded against any dirt. The implement is provided with on up-to-date cutting mechanism of the low swath-cut type with scrapers. The cutter bar is very advantageously arranged so that clogging is eliminated even under the most difficult working conditions; the cutter bar remains quite clean on its bottom as well as top port. The height of stubble is controlled partly by two vertically adjustable shoe soles, partly by adjusting the cutting angle of the cutter bar by means of a hand lever. The implement is lubricated by means of grease nipples. THRESHING MACHINE TYPE MAR 90 The MAR 90 threshing machine is a highly efficient type complying with modern require- ments, for whose servicing only 3-4 operators are necessary. The machine has a steel framework lined with galvanized sheet. The threshing machine is provided with on auto- matic conveyor feeder, a volume and speed regulator, a cutter of binders, and a directing feed drum, as a result of this arrangement whole uncut sheaves can be put Into the thresher. The trough of the automatic feeder is adjustable for height; this circumstance facilitates work when sheaves are thrown into the automatic feeder from a cart. The thresh- ing drum is made of steel, provided with three supporting crosses and two circular braces. It is equipped with 10 grooved threshing tools. The threshing steel cage consists of two parts and is adjusted at both sides simultaneously by one control lever. The hummellIng drum consists of four parts. The shaking contrivances consist also of four parts and are provided with sheet grates. Dust from the space of the shaking contrivances and of the 2nd cleaner is automatically exhausted. The threshing machine is equipped with twa cleaning systems, with an ear finishing thresher, an ear exhaustor and a separating trier. The chaff and straw litter are conveyed directly on a dump through the exhaust. As mentioned above, the threshing machine is of an all-metal type with a rigid welded framework. The travelling wheels are provided with tyres and filled In on'ifriction bearings. The wheels of the rear axle are fitted with shoe brakes. The threshing machine is trans- ported by means of a tractor and is therefore provided with a short suspension shalt. It is driven by a built-in electric motor provided with starting and change-over equipment. The threshing machine can be also driven by any stationary mo?or of the corresponding output. The MAR 90 threshing machine is used for threshing of all kinds of grain, legumes and oleagi- nous produce. By mounting a clover sheller the MAR 90 type of thresher is converted into the MARJ 90 type. This type, in addition to the work performed by the MAR 90 type, threshes clover from straw and at the same time shells clover seed from heads Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE NIB 28 DISC HARROWS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Working length Transport length Working width Transport width Working height Transport height Weight approx Threshing drum, dia Threshing drum, width Threshing drum, speed Gauge of steering wheels Gauge of braking wheels Axle base Tyres MAR 90 9750 7950 2460 2460 2960 2860 3800 mm IT1 mm m mm mm kg 550 900 1200-1180 r p.m 1900 mm 1950 mm 3190 mm 6,50-20 MAR., 96 9750 mm 7950 mm 2460 mm 2460 mm 2960 mm 2860 mm 4000 kg mm mm Electric motor 25 kW at 2950 r p.m for A.0 380/220 V. with oil starter 25 kW, change-over switch of run 500 V/60 A, and static condenser 8 KVAr 3)'380 V Standard output 25 q/p.h for wheat of productivity = 43 5 O/0 and moisture of grain = 16?/a With regard to continuous development of the machine the above data and Illustrations are not to be regarded as binding MOTOK01, PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA ST 01 - 30248 .59 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Overall length . Overall width . Overall height . Diameter of discs Number of discs . Total working width Weight Performance at a speed of 5 3140 mm 2460 mm 970 mm 450 mm 28 2240 mm 530 kg 11 ha/hr As we ore constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements. all specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. The double row potato lifter 2 VBR Is applied when si lifting. potatoes - frbrii two windrows, plan ' ted by machine and having wind ow Of ii70:Cm.,If..ispossible'Ao,Ilff potatoes planted ,furrows if the:_istancedoes`. not iceed;65=75"cm.::-:The:lifte-r.:2is'kde's16nedltri,;beatfaChis to the ZETOR. 25 tractor `6r some other similar 4aitar.-?;) The lifter Consists of the base ; thetrciirel-wheeli, the hitch'; the shore the eleYatorAmid:thkilftin and gearing devices When in motion Ihetwo'shares Subsoil the windrows and the Soil,: together"- ?With' bulbs' and topgrowth...ii3asi. from tthe : share to the first moth .levator where,'Fbr,lar-Ylolent. swing:Of the ,latteri the soil il-Sifted'thrOugh'the-cirffices,---,Vrhile bulbs and,topgrowth and soil remnants fall on to the -second., stage elevator Dud*, this operation part l or the clods ore. crushed &id:during:continued motion of the eleyatoi, are, sifted; through its orifices .; BUJ opgrOwth-:and,leMaining sail fall off the stage elevator doWriao the groUnd;:. The Jitter. base s6iffei fOr"chqsking:all components On the right side al the Machine is mounted the operators seat: The lifter has twci'shares'of hardened steel,'s4.6 mm thickness. It has .(w6,-, "ele-Vatbis:?-The.,!_lifting.'deiiici::seryei-.7for";goirerninmthe-widtir'Soldifthigtof the two: shoresAind for:their.,? ,land are driverii'hilthe':traCior.-.0.owir1tiike:Off LiiiiricatiOn.by::pressUre lubricators , ? - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE KHN 280 MOUNTED CULTIVATOR TECHNICAL DATA Length Width . Height Weight Wheel gauge Lifting width Capacity 3930 mm 1720 mm 1130 mm 650 kg 1530 mm 1400 mm 0,45 Ha/h Owing to a constant development in construction all the above mentioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding ??=g, rfci'wce;..1111(az.,..?-0e,la:ZdF n7pt_4(4.d tor be`4Orierateilz iflfaheZETOR;f!SUPER;IiiheeLf,tiactortwhiaillsr;equippediwItIg,:a'AidraultCeeS stgp.A.ttooity,75524.sipv,94?tfat.4,..tr?,..f act that thefmochlne be-:used:: far.: allikindsf ofValloWiculthr-ritioniahe-:COltivator514.,:ithereforeis,=;praideOliit ,41=''fr,P-frfflav-410Px,i'lt5g4zo. ,ieveral!sets,loLworking'; tOolikvihich-areleasiir Interchangeable according to t helob? to' be 'do ne. ' Tbelcuttivator;consistslotzaFcross=braced4rametmade'f9fAweldeakchannels:sectiOns:7119!;slomps viotlf-Avorkingt,taolsl'areotta.ched,-,tp,[the?,fromekirAithriel,rows;-thesw'wcirking,, tcrol s: a re: late:ro II ...? '4-44atAII-444%;-!,-,',13 il.t?-7:",q'?.:Gr4;1404itT;4"..7..}.-A'r461'.41.'344;'4'V. frame) .! a sIxe[1as c vertically cld j s tci b I e. h working depth; of the :implement is -control ledkbyl meanstofgtwor;;',90Justing,'wheelstAwhiCtoreltattachedr,ta the beant;*These '; -? Wligels':iiireladjiisted.bit means .;:oVa ,rscresvtarid'?:C.Ciarik,whichlarelpFcemssible,groni', tbesecit - ? "t 4? " "?Vi V.40-g'- of;;thes tract.? driver tivotor .includeJhe: following working; tools MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE t 30 SINGLE-DRUM POWER WINCH SPECIFICATIONS Overall length Overall width Overall height Working width Weight with complete set of working tools . Standard spacing of individual working tools Maximum working depth 1790 mm 2800 mm 1550 mm 2800 mm 529 kg 150 mm 20 cm As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding MOTOKOV PRAHA.CZECHOSLOVAK1A S201-31 336-57-a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? THE Z 65 SINGLE-DRUM POWER WINCH SPECIFICATIONS Overall length including guide rollers Overall width Drum diameter Length of drum Total weight including oil filling Ground clearance Cable diameter Length of cable . Pull at rated speed 82 m 2800 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding ? AdrOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA S2t 01-31117-37-a Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SPECIFICATION Overall length . Overall length including guide rollers Overall length including hitch Overall width . Diameter and length of drum Total weight including oil filling Ground clearance Length of cable Cable diameter . Speed of drum at rated engine speed 1st speed. 2nd speed Reverse speed 705 mm 900 mm 930 mm 845 mm 198 and 472 mm 520 kg 300 mm 100 m 14 mm 53 r p. m. 92 r. p. m. 77 r p. m Pull at rated engine speed 1st speed and first cable layer 1st speed and third cable layer 1st speed and fifth cable layer 2nd speed and first cable layer 2nd speed and third cable layer 2nd speed and fifth cable layer Reverse speed and first cable layer Reverse speed and third cable layer Reverse speed and fifth cable layer 4150 kg 3370 kg 2780 kg 2300 kg 1950 kg 1600 kg 2740 kg 2320 kg 1900 kg As we ore constantly improving and developing the con- struction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding Inter-row cultivator Two hoeing sets, each consisting of 3 rigid shanks with sweeps, are attached to the square bar by means of clamps and bolts in order to destroy the weeds The working position of these rigid shanks carrying the hoeing sweeps must be adjusted according to the shape of the hills or ridges. Standard equipment. 2 sliding shoes, 1 double-end spanner 17X19, 3 dibbling shovels. SPECI FICATIONS Weight of complete VSEROB cultivator (including all attachments and working tools) Dibbling attachment: overall length . overall width . overall height . weight . maximum working depth Furrow covering and hilling or overall length overall width . overall height weight . maximum working Inter-row cultivator overall length overall width overall height weight . . maximum working As we are constantly machines and 138 kg 1000 mm 1900 mm 550 mm 87 kg 150 mm ridging attachment depth 500 mm 1900 mm 500 mm 31 kg 150 mm depth . 550 mm 1900 mm 500 mm 43 kg 50 mm improving and developing the construction and design of all our implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1 lif07'0KOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Set 01-3113347-o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE IltEROB 3 DHK MULTI PURPOSE CULTIVATOR THE UK 153 CULTIVATOR ATTACHMENT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 UK-153 Overall length Overall width Overall height . Ground clearance below frame . Total working width . Maximum working depth Weight F-651 111?11111?111?111?111011" ?iise io ? me Imo R?us oneimioniili SPECIFICATIONS Without With forecarriage 2 1300 TM 590 mm 2180 mm 2180 mm 550 mm 1280 mm ? 390 mm . 210 cm 12 cm 174 kg 364 kg Draft required on hook at specific soil resistance of 60 kg/dm- (maximum working depth) . . 540 kg Approx. performance at 5 km/hr speed . 0,7 ha/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, no specifications or illustrations should be regarded as binding ? MOTOKOV PR AH A?CZ ECHO SLOV AK I A ?????rpo St 01-31029-57-a SPECIFICATIONS Overall length Overall width Overall height Weight Working width in average soil conditions Working width when working in hard soils . Wheel tread of ploughing wheels of the MOTOROBOT garden tractor Maximum cutting depth . Working speed . 1120 mm 760 mm 660 mm 109 kg 600 mm 400 mm 655 mm 250 mm 2,1? 2,7 km/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our implements and machines, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap?roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA RDP81 01043R00380014onn7 q Imo ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE F-651 ROTARY CULTIVATOR THE KTL 1 HORSE-DRAWN FLAX PULLING MACHINE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE ESOX AMPHIBIOUS WATER WEED LAUNCH SPECIFICATIONS Overall length including thills Overall length without thills Overall width . Overall height . Ground clearance Weight . Number of pulling units Working width Working speed Mean output . Left-hand (driving) wheel dimensions Right-hand wheel dimensions 3,430 mm 2,200 mm 1,460 mm 910 mm 150 mm 270 kg 1 400 mm 3-5 km/hr 0.8 ha/8 hr dia. 620 mm, width 200 mm BANTAM 16-4 As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SPECIFICATION Overall length of machine . Overall width of machine . Overall height of machine Weight of machine Output of engine 1st speed, forward and reverse 2nd speed, forward and reverse Working width Maximum cutting depth Maximum output in water Maximum output in mud 5500 mm 2200 mm 1900 mm 500 kg 5.3 H P 4 km. per hr 8 km per hr 211100 ccmm 05 hectare per hr 0.35 hectare per hr Since the machines are being steadily improved the specification and illustrations should not be regarded as binding THE KHZ 200 RIGID-TINE CULTIVATOR FOR DEEP TILLAGE MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 KHZ 200 SPECIFICATIONS Maximum width. . Maximum length Maximum height in transport position Number of tines . . . . . Working width when using subsoliers . Working width when using chisels ? Working width when using double-pointed reversible aerating shovels . . . Working width when using aerating shovels with cast points Cutting depth . . Weight including working tools Working speed 2150 mm 2500 mm 1320 mm 9 1840 mm 1640 mm 1660 mm 1730 mm max. 300 mm 750 kg 5 km/hr. As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. mechanization. Its construction, high-class material and capacity give best guarantee that the harvester KL-3 will become a most helpful assistant of every flax-grower. TECHNICAL DATA Total length ? 4160 mm Width ? 3450 mm Height ? 2300 mm Total weight ? 2180 kg Trailer capacity 2 m' Approximate capacity 0,4 ha/11 Owing to a constant development in construction all the abovementioned data and illustrations are not to be considered as binding 4... /WO TOKOV P RA HA? CZECHOSLOVAKIA MOTOKOV PRAHAoCZECHOSLOVAKIA St 01-3097747-i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE KL-3 FLAX HARVESTER THE rni 42 ENSILAGE CUTTER 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 RM-42 mom ea ornou ors sot ? vs ? tam in am do on 14T 4.4 t TECHNICAL DATA Length of the machine . Width of the machine . Height of the machine . Drum diameter . . . Drum width. . Blade wheel diameter R. p. m.. . . . Orifice section . Electromotor input . Amount of chopped forage per hour, the length of the chopped straw being 20 mm The length of straw chopped by the machine Transportation limit of fresh forage . . Transportation limit of fodder up to 15 ?/o humidity ..... Weight of the machine . 2700 mm 2000 mm 1680 mm 1260? 5 mm 300 ? 3 mm 1230 ?3 mm 500 420 mm 12 kW 4000 kg/fodder 12000 kg/fresh forage 20, 40, 80, 160 mm 8 m distance 15 m height 45 m distance 15 m height 1000 kg Owing to constant development in construction all the above-mentioned data are not to be considered as binding. 4 h MOTOKOV PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA to* 4, Slt 01 30972-57 a PK-X .11111?1111? 111111?1111?1111011111? is provided with supporting props which can be pushed out, thus ensuring the stability of the whole set when working. The steam-boiling unit proper can also be used for steam-heating or warming liquid forage. It is also possible to treat maize-ears by steam-boiling instead of potatoes. The accessories of the steam-boiling set, i. e. the mobile washing machine, the mashing machine and the conveyor, form separate units with their own electric drive and can be used independently of the steam-boiling unit proper. The sphere of use of each of the above mentioned machines is thus sub- stantially extended. Besides the mobile steam-boiling set, there is also manufactured on immovable type of this steam-boil- ing set with a stationary fire-box. SPECIFICATIONS Transport speed behind motor car Capacity of boiler . . Water filling . Heating surface of boiler . . Direct heating surface of boiler Area of grate . . Capacity of steam container Quantity of potatoes in 1 steam container Output of steam container Output of steam-boiling set (including its filling and tilting) . 8 km/hr 260 I 200 I 8.50 m2 5.50 m2 0.35 m2 830 I 600? 650 kg 600? 650 kg/35-40 min 1500-1700 kg/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of all our machines and implements, the specifications and illustrations should not be regarded as binding. ? :VP71105. lEr MOTOKOV PR AHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 11" R,Pe Ste 01 31129W-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 0 MO II OM. The SRZ-42 forage harvester is a heavy-duty machine manufactured of quality material. All supporting parts are made of rolled sections and sheet truss girders. The housings of the transmission gears are manufactured of grey cast iron and the gears of quality hardened steel. The crown of the helical gear is made of aluminium bronze. SPECIFICATIONS Overall length . . 3500 mms Weight . . . . . 1300 kgs Overall width . . . .. 2200 mms Number of knives 4 Overall height without deflector 1650 mms Number of knife wheel revolutions . 600 Rev/min Overall height with deflector 3500 mms Required power input . . . approx. 20 HP Knife wheel housing diameter 1260 mms Theoretical length of cut . 20, 40, 80 Knife wheel diameter 1230 mms 160 mms Width of intake throat . 420 mms Type of cutter bar standard Wheel track . . . . 1800 mms Maximum performance 21.000 kg/hr? Working width of cutter bar. 1292 mms 0.85 ho/hr As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of our machines and implements, all specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. SPECIFICATION wheel track 1450 mm wheel base 2100 mm box capacity (when fully loaded) max 3.5 cu. m weight of load max. 3000 kg number of antifriction bearings 21 maximum speed 10 km/h brake . automatic overrun type braking the rear wheels overall height overall height 2100 mm overall width 1850 mm overall length 5650 mm overall weight 1520 kg As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of our machines and implements, all specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. ? MOTOKOV PRAHA? CZECHOSLOVAKIA MOTOICOV PRA HA ? CZECHOSLOVAK IA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 approximate net weight diameter of wheels working speed output at 6 km/hr speed As we are constantly improving and developing the construction and design of our machines and implements. all specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. 4 oat.. 2.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 mountedsugar beet hoe is designed for cultivation of row crops with Inter _row:spacings;fai,i-gindfroin-380 inrn to 800 mm It is specially built fotthe'ZETOR 25)C,tractor. ? with', hydraulic % power lift ? the hoe consists of za Main.' frame operators seat beck:di' steering and seven parallel link double arm Suspensions' ici:iwhich.:the liOingljtiethl are 'otteched:'..The,fiame; is hitched to. the ,tractort,ancPprOvided:-WitVe;sqiiddrent and rack steering .t The quadrant IS !.secured -,against getting out mesh;With:the.-rack by end stops o both ends The steering Is controlled - by :.hand:Jever,:fioin the operator's seat, the steering - range .being, of,1:Pchren either side of - the,centkfine_Tvio.'"Of;the:-parcillel-link'doUblev,arm ?suspensions have supporting wheels with BANTAM prieiiMOtI4tirei:,ser5;ini.;-CisXadjUsting wheels of the frame The third (auxiliary) Wheel!with'250.'Inrn in:Idiornetar1.1e, located below i the, seat -and i put ,Into operation only when the'ihOeils'net hiiefied,ta7O' tractor The frames fgt..- 04,hoeing 4eikare carried by parallel link, double Orin suspensions the transverse spacing of which may be changed to meet various Working conditions Generally the hoe Is used as a SIX row impleinent; I e it operates five full rows tiviceia half roik?in-thieCase=the:tWo: parallel lint' double- orrmiuspensieni:_on, the end portions of lhe'froine.cire-prOvided-onli with inside half sweeps For extra wide Inter- --rOW spacings ,the: stays of, the guiding rollers' can be shifted lengthwise along the franie'of,the Oe:r.Ecich of the. parallel-link ; arM..suspensioni,has-ite.OWd:si4porting..,wheel, (roller running..edIthe. ground Which; has not 'yet been tOuched! by the sweeps, thus reliably main Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 46. THE 3 PN 35 THREE-FURROW MOUNTED PLOUGH taming the uniform cutting depth. The cutting width of each set of hoeing teeth may be adjusted by changing the width of the two-section frame on to which the side halfsweeps are clamped. The shank of the centre sweep or chisel is held by the front clomp connecting and retaining the two sections of the frame. After exchange of the packing piece a ridging body or hoeing teeth for cultivation of potatoes may be fixed in this clamp, too. The shanks of all working tools are provided with gauge marks in order to facilitate depth adjustment. Owing to up-the-row-thinning the hoe is equipped with adjustable markers being mounted on both ends of the hoe frame. These markers enable up-the-row-thinning with locked steer- ing of the hoe, without any action of the operator, while the tractor driver follows the trace left by the marker. The main preference of the KNP ? 6 A sugar-beet hoe consists in its ability of cultivating various row-crops, i. e. sugar-beet as well as potatoes. The interchange- ability, of the working tools guarantees a perfect exploitation of the hoe for all kinds of row- crop cultivation. The hoe may be easily steered in rows and enables a quick transport to the field. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA St 01-30261-S7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 1 ?,? TECHNICAL DATA Length 2,500 mms Width 1,640 mms Height 1,500 mms Weight 460 kgs Cutting width of one bottom Cutting width of the plough Maximum ploughing depth 35 cms 105 cms 28 cms Due to the fact that we are steadily improving the design and construction of our machines, the illustrations and specifications are not binding. SPECIFICATIONS Overall length overall width overall height number of discs .. diameter of discs .. maximum cutting depth minimum cutting depth maximum cutting width weight of plough . mm 1,630 mm 1,100 mm 1,525 pcs 2 cm 65 cm 22 cm 12 cm 70 kg 367 As we are constantly developing and improving the construction and design of this implement, all technical data and specifications as well as illustrations should not be regarded as binding. MOTO1COV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 6. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE PN 532 FIVE FURROW MOUNTED PLOUGH SPECIFICATIONS Overall length overall width overall height weight without the distance control number of shares cutting width of 1 bottom working width of the plough maximum cutting depth performance at 5 km/hr speed . 2 050 mm 1 150 mm 1 485 mm 260 kg 2 30 cm 60 cm 25 cm 0.25-0.30 ha/hi Standard equipment: 2 spare shares, 2 spare shares for skim coulters, 2 spanners, 1 grease gun. As wo ore constantly developing and improving the construction and design of all machines and implements, all technical data and specifications as well as illustrations should not be reaarded as binding. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Vita:I., 1,,=.-. ? e'll .--532",f fiveL?furrow.,-moantedr/Olotighmar be. :Very, cobvinleiitlyJ use in those fiegionviwhere.. eepier:?-pioughing:!iyi-liott.necessa:rNit'ds:tdesignedt fori;slialieiikipieughinOtJp;:,to.moximumf:cutting, Otlifof,...,10:=412.5im'z.SaidlliiiWinediunis47deilitipitiughing '.`.9.Theitf,latighitliattachedi4tiititheTih'ydrablio- p-bit*:iliff 'Oti:thiF,i'?Sjictiii525;jAlty0e:,:prZET,OR=4Dieiel;.tractor.,,byjhe.,"jhret-.pottit:suOpension:.-Jilef'shope 9f.;'ctu,..he','ih'&1*.ic(s.:-A.:711:;.-C7-ft,h:e:tr7:cispifObtilliiiibitiidiriblfspiicing:::elimhicite.:clog01-gief,.therOldtiih::60.4 ? --';itr'Obditufning7'Ofithe' ftiribiiilices5.-and?!ioiiiiingT61,'theIstilbblf:;513ht:friqnteja(AlteiTOloti fills' iiiiial'Of;h161i7:5idde":-.fla.0?stiellti!Wcirrir:CaWas.. Verpackuug: in Papj&schachteln je 6 Stuck.. Eraballage: en boites de carton par 6 pieces. Embalaje: en cilia& de carton a 6 piezas. 228 A/860 GARDEN SHEARS, forged of high quality steel, bright and polished cutting edges, the rest black varnished. Wooden handles. For cutting hedges. CISAILLES CE JARDINIERS, forg6es on acier do bonne qualit6, tranchants blanchis et polis, resto do la surface verni noir. Poignees en bois. Pour couper les hales. Lange / longueur I longitud Length Lange der Schnittselmeide longueur des tranchents longitud do In boca cortante Length of cutting edge Gewicht / poids / peso Weight 229 A/852 HECKENSCHERE, aus Qualitfitastahl geschiniedet, Sehneidebacken blank und poliert, fibrige Oherflaoho schwarz lackiert, Holtgriffe. Zum Sohneiden von Hocken* zaunen. TIJERAS DE JARD1NEROS, forjadas do acero do calidad. Bocas cortantes atiladas y pulitlas, superficie restanto barnizada en negro. Mangos do mndern. Para cortar setos do arbustos. 600 rem Packing: each piece wrapped in paper. Vorpackung: Jo 1 Stack in Papicrpackelien. Emballage: on paquots de papier par 1 pi6ce. Embalajo: en paquotes de papel a 1 plum. 24' 260 nun 10 114' 1000 g .56 ozs TREE CLIPPER. Pressed from steel materials. The knife is made of high quality steel, bright and riveted to the moving arm. The surface is varnished, except for the knife. Delivered without handle. For cutting twigs in tree tops. ECHENILLO1R, fabriqui5 It In press?, on acier. Tren- chant on lacier do bonne qualite, blanchi et rive stir le bras ()sealant. Except6 le trenchant, la surface est vernie. Est fourni sans gaulo. Pour courier les rameaux dans les eimes d'arbres Lange / longueur longitud Length Gowicht / poids / peso Weight 230 A/2019 210 mm 8 114' 300 g 10 112 07.8 TYPE RENTALA PRESSED GARDENING SHEARS. Pressed of steel, with a replaceable steel edge and a replaceable aluminium bearing lining. SnCATEUR DE JARDINIER ?RENTALA", fabriqu6 la press?, en acier, avec trenchant rechangeable ell acier blanchi et garniture de contact rechangeablo en aluminium Lange / longueur longitud Length Gewicht / poids / peso Weight 231 A/839 RAUPENSCHERE, aus Stahlmitterial gopre0t. Messer aus Qualitatastahl, blank und auf omen boweglichen Arm aufgenietet. Oberflache, dna Messer ausgenommen, lackiert. Wird ohne Stiol geliefert. Zum Schneiden von Aston in dor Baumkrone. TIJERAS PARA DESCOCAR prensadaii, do material do nem,. Cuchillo do acero do calidad, allied? y re. machado al brazo moviblo. Superficio con excepcion del enchillo barnizada: so suministran sin mango. Para cortar ramaa on cabezas do arboles. Packed in paper bags containing 1 piece each. Verpackung: in Papierpackchen Jo 1 Stack. Emballage: on paquets do papier par I piece. Embalaje: en paquotes de papel a 1 pieza. GARTENSCHERE ?RENTALA", aus Stahl gopreat, mit austausehbarem blankom Stahlmesser Lind nun. tauschbarem Aluminium-Aufeitzeinsatz. TIJERAS DE JARDINERO PRENSADAS ?REN- TALA". Prensadas do acero con un cuchillo do acero y Mande, cambiable y eon imposieion do tope do alu- minio recambiable. 210 mm Packing: each piece separately in a carton. 114' Verpackung: in Papierpackelien Jo 1 Stack. 200 g Emballage: en boites do carton par I pi6co. 7 ozs Embalaje: en cajas do carton a 1 piezn. DOUBLE-EDGED GARDENING SHEARS. Forged of a high quality steel, of English shape, bright edges, the handles black varnished. SECATEUR DE JARDINIER A DEUX THAN. CHANTS, forge en acier de bonne qualite. model? angling, tranchants blanchis, poign6es verifies noir Lunge longueur / longitud Length Gewieht / poids f peso Weight M'OTQ/tO ic 210 rem 114' 350 g 12 313 ozs ZWEISCHNEIDIGE GA RTENSCH ERE, gescluniedet aus Qualitatastahl, englische Form, thicken blank, HandgritTo schwarz lackiert. TIJERAS DE JARDINERO DE DOS CORTES, forjadas de ?core de calidad, forma inglesii, boens cortantes naiades, mangos banuoulos en negro. Packed in cardboard?boxns containing 0 pieces earl'. Verpackung: in Pappschachteln Jo 6 Stack. Emballage: en boltes de carton par 0 piAces. Embalaje: en cajas de carton a 6 piezn. PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 59 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 232 A/2029 GRAPE CUTTING SHEARS. Pressed of high quality sheet steel, bright cutting edges, the handles black varnished. SECATEUR POUR RAISINS, fabriquo h la presso en tole d'acier do bet= qualite tran- chants blanchis, poignees vernies noir. 232 OA TRAUBENSCRERE, aus Qualittitsstahlblech gepreSt, Schneidebacken blank, Handgriffe schwarz lackiert. TIJERAS PARA ITVAS, prensadas de hojalata do acero de calidad, bocas cortantes afiladas, mangos barnizados en negro. Dingo / longueur / longitud Length Gewicht /polds /peso Weight 200 mm 8" 100 g 3 112 ozs GARDENING SHEARS StCATEUR DE JARDINIER 60 GARTENSC.H KRE TIJERAS DE JARDENTERO BRICKLAYER'S TOOLS ? MAURERWERKZEUGE OUTILS DE MAcON ? HERRAMIENTAS PARA ALBAN ILLES 233 A/437 BRICKLAYER'S DIPPER WITH HANDLE. Made of sheet steel. Tho dipper and the hook are welded to the holding stem. Tho holding stem end is arranged so as to prevent turning of the handle. Tho handle provided with ferrule is rammed on the tang and its end then riveted over a washer. LOUCHE DE MAcON AVEC POIGNEE, en tole d'acier. La loucho et to crochet sent soudas au support tormin6 par uno queue do tello facon quo la poignee no puisso tourney. La poign6e, mini? d'uno virolo, est ommancheo stir la queue dont l'extremite cat rive? sur uno rondello. ?borer Durchmessor Diametro superiour Difimotro superior Upper diameter Unteror Durehmesser Diametre inforieur Difimetro inferior Lower diameter Handgriff lunge Longuour do la poign6e Longitud del mango Length of handle 170 mm 6 3/4' 95 mm 3 314' 130 mm 5 118' Gowicht / poids / peso 420 g Weight /I 314 ore 234 A/555 BRICKLAYER'S DIPPER WITH SOCKET. LOUCHE DE MAcON A DOU1LLE. ?borer Durchmesser Diematro superieur Diametro superior Upper diameter Unterer Durchmesser Diametro inforieur Diametro inferior Lower diameter Durchmesser dor Dille Diemetro do la douillo Diametro do ebrazadere Sleeve diameter 220 nun S 518' 120 mm 4 314' 30 mm 1 31S' Gewieht poida / peso 740 g Weight 26 ma 235 A/433 BRICKLAYER'S TROWEL. The blade is made of steel, both sides bright. TRUELLE DE mAcoN, lame en acier blanchi sur les deux cotes. Lunge longueur longituel Length Breit." largeur / (indium Width Gowicht / poids / peso Weight 190 mm 7 112' 105 mm 4 118' 300 g JO 112 ozs MAURERPFANNE MIT HANDGRIFF aus Stahl. bleeh. Die Pfanno mid der Haken Bind zum Halter engesehweiat. Der Halter ist an seinem Endo dorart ausgebildet, du? Bich der Handgriff nicht drolion kenn. Der Handgriff 1st mit Zwingo versehon und auf dio Angel eingetrieben. Des Angelendo tat an der linter. logo aufgeniotet. CUCHAR6N PARA ALBARILES CON MANGO, do hojelate do acoro. Cuoheren y porche son soldedos el mango. El soporto est?erminaclo do tat forma quo el mango no puede girer. Este est& equipedo con virole la oual eneajede on ospiga y el oxtromo do le mismo remedied? sobre arandele. 100 mm 7 112' 110 nun 4 31S' 130 nun 5 118' 520 g 18 318 07.8 210 mm 110 lain 4 318' 130 mm 5 10' 710 g 25 ozs MAURERPFANNE MIT DULLE. CUCHAR6N PARA ALBARILES, CON CUBO. 240 nim 112" 140 men 5 112' 30 min 318' 880 g 31 07.9 MAURERKELLE. Das Blatt aus Stahl, beiderseitig blank. PA LUSTR E PA RA A LliA SI L ES. I oj a do mew, umbos extreme's efilados. PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 61 A :1" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 sts.".4,,,:f ? 236 A/436 .13141MCLAItat'S TROWEL. Both sides bright. The holder welded to the blade and ended with a tang, forged into a pyramid' . The _handle is provided with a ferruleraramesi on the tang the end of which is riveted over a washer. TRUELLE DE MAGCLIC. blanchie Bur lee deux cotes. be support Est soude it la lame et termini par une queue forgee en_forme de pyre:male- La poignee. tottuie &um virole. eSt emmanchee stir la queue dont l'extri. :nate est nvie one roxidelle. tinge / longufter Length Breite 1 large= anclurra Width Gewicht ; pends -Peso WozOlt 237 A/5:50 4 BRICK JOINT TROWEL. Both sides bright. The holder welded to the blade and ended with a tent..., forged The baulk.. provided with a ferrule. rimunisd on the tang the end of whish is riveted OVer a washer TRUELLE POtil JUDOS BRIQLP.S, blanehie snr lescleux etites.Le_support ast sowleit 18 111 ct terramiliar 3.111e queue Sorg& en forme de pyramide- La poigneti, -antnie &tine vzrolit. est ernmanclase a-ur la queue dant lortriarati est river sun one Tondelle. 160 nim 19D tam 7 1/ 7 //2'' s: 85 nam 125 90 into 5' Y-3 318' 5' Y 3 112' 310g 330g 11 ors 12 348 uzs - _Limp. I ionur lancitud Louth Breite Ileum= anchura Width Gewicht ;pm& 11030 Weight 238 ,A-1 120 mrn 140 mm 160 mm 43/4 12 61/4* 43=1 47 aim 50 nun 111115' 718" 2- 110 e. 130 g 150 g Z ors 4 1;2 tits ; .11; UV; TILMTI'S TROWEL. Both suiee hright- The holder -welded to the blade and ended with a wag. forged in a pyramid. The handle. provided with a ferrule. rammed on the tang the end of winch s riveted over a washer. -nirrEux DL COUVREEP.. hlarattne au r les Cie= (sates. le support est sande a Is lame et warame par -um queue forge, en ferns de pyre/nide. La palmier. mans &mne virele, est teranartelese stir la queue dent restrearati est river sar runrielle Lance Iteneuirar longazd Length Breite 1 largere anchors. Width Gewicht ,print- peso Wincbt MAUBERKELLE, auf beiden Seitert blank. Hither rum Blatt angeschweigt und ala zur Pyramide actuate' dete Angel beendet. Handgriff mit Ewinge 'when und auf die Angel aufgeschlagen. Das Ancelende auf der Unterlage aufgezietet. PALUSTRES PARA ALBAMES. Ambos extremes afalados. Mango soldado a la Jinja y termin.ado con cubo forjado, con forma de piritmide. Mango equi- ps& con virola y encajado al cube yel extrerno del mismo temachado sabre arandela. Packed unwrapped in cases. Verpackung: lose in Kasten. Eraballage: en vrac dans des caisses. Embalaje: libre en caps. FUGENKELLE. Auf beiden Felten blank_ Halter zum Blatt aneeschweigt mad ala nun Pyraxmde geschnuedete Angel lieetelet- Handcriff mit Zwinge versehen und auf die Angel aufceschlaren. Das Ancelende auf der nem-loge anfgente. Let- p_imusTREg PARA 7.4S JENTERAS DE LADRIL- LOS_ Ambos extrentos afilados. lletero soldado a Is hoj a y terminado con cubo forj ado, eon farms de pirimude. Mango ow:aped? can virola encajado al cubo el ertremn del maiSmo remachado sabre srandela. Packed unwrapped in cases. Verpackung: lose in Sisten. Emledlag.et en vrar dans des causes. Embalaje libre en cans. DACHDECKERKELI-F....Auf beiden Se/ten blank. Halter cum Platt =gest. hweiat und al s Pyramide ge- firleintoiliste _kneel beendet. Handgriff mit Zwmge Ver- Seism mid auf die Angel aufgeschlapn Das Angelende auf den Tinualage aufgentetet. P_ALITSTR .-P.411.4 TEO AD OP....11 ot a de acero, amiss extrearssafilluirs. Mangnsoldado a Is bola y termareteri ron cubo, forjado eon forma de priernde Mango equ' pa& eon vtrola y enrajado al nuts, y el crvcena (J.` nusmo remitehaiio sabre arandela. Parked unscraprod m cases. repai-Ining hew inKV:te.11. Ernlvillaze en emir data des r.anses. Ereltalsji libre n rajts. 239 A/552 MASON'S TROWEL. Bright on both sides. TRUELLE POUR FAcADES, blanchio stir les dettx cotes. Lunge longueur longitud 100 mm 120 mm 140 mm 160 nun Length 4' 4 314' 5 112" 6 114' Breito largour anchura Width Gewicht poids / peso 110g 130g 130g 180g Weight 37/S 07.S 41/2 07..4 41/2 07.8 63/S oza 80 mm 95 mm 105 mm 120 mm 3 1/S? 33/4" 4 1/8.? 43/4" 240 A/A RIPPING CHISEL. Both sides bright. The blades welded to the handle. CISEAU DE PLITRIER, blanchie sur les deux ages. Lames &milks It la peignoir. Lunge / longueur j longitud Length Breit? I largeur / anchura Width Gowicht I poids I peso Weight FASADENKELLE. Ant beiden Seitert blank. PALUSTRES PARA FACITADA. Ambos extremos Wades. Packed unwrapped in cases. Vorpackung: lose in Kisten. Emballago: en vrao dans des &hoes. Embalajo: Miro en cajas. MODELLIEREISEN. Ate beiden Suiten blank. Blatter zum HandgrifT angesoltweifilt. CINCELES PARA ESTUCADORES. Ambos extremes afilados. Hojas soldaclas at mango. 240 mm Packing: in packages containing 9 112' 5 pieces each. 28/14 mm 1 118 9116' " g 2 1/2 07-S 241 A/B RIPPING CHISEL. Both sides bright. Tho blades welded to the handle. CISEAU DE PLXTRIER, blanchie sue les deux dites Lames sondem it Is poignee. Lunge / longueur I longitud Length Breite der BlOtter I largetir de la lame anchura do las hojas Width Gewicht I poids / peso Weight 240 mm 9 112" 20/8 mm 1 118 5116' 70 g 2 112 oza 242 A/A LONG BRICK JOINT TROWEL. Tho blade is forged, bright and ends in a tang so as to prevent the handle turning round. TRUELLE POUR JOINTS, DE BRIQUES LONGUE, lame forge? et blanchie, prolong& ell queue de faeon quo la poiptoo no puisse tourner Lunge longueur longitud 180 mm Length 7 118" Breit? / !argotic. / anchura 8 mm Width 5116' Gewicht poids / peso 120 g Weight 4 114 07.S 243 A/B SHORT BRICK JOINT TROWEL. The blade is forged and ends in a tang so as to prevent the handle turning round. TRUELLE POUR JOINTS, DE BRIQUES COURTE, lame forgeo et blanchie, prolong& en queue do fagot' quo la poigneo no puisae tourner 131attliinge / longueur de la lame longitud de In hoja 50 mm Length of blade 2' Breite / largeur / anchura 8 mm Width 5116' Gewicht / poids / peso 110 g Weight 3 7/8 07.14 MO IC Verpackung: jo 5 Stuck in Paolo:then. Emballago: en paquota par 5 pieces. Embalaje: en paqttetes a 5 pions. MODELLIEREISEN far Stuckarbeiter. Atif bidden Schen blank. Matter sum HandgrifT angesehwciLlt. CINCELES PARA ESTUCADORES. Ambos extremes afilados. Hojas soldadas al mango. Packing: in packages containing 6 pieces each. Verpackung: je 6 Stficic in Papier. pilekchen. Emballage: en paquots par 6 pieces. Embalaje: en paquotes a 6 piezas. LANGE FUGENKELLE. Das gesclunietleto und blank? Blatt Obergeht &tart in die Angel, dall Bich der Hand. gra nicht drehen kann. PALUSTRES PARA LAS JUNTURAS DE LAMM.. LOS, LARGOS. Hoja forjada, Olinda pima at cube de tel forma quo el mango no puede girar. Packing: in packages containing pieces each. Verpackung: jo 0 Stuck in Packehen. Emballage: en paquets par 13 pieces. Embalaje: en paquctes a 6 piesite. KURZE FUGENICELLE. Das geschmiedeto und blanko Blatt Ubergeht &tort in die Angel, deg dor Handgriff Bich nicht drehen karma. PALUSTRES PARA LAS JUNTU RAS DE LADR1L? LOS, CORTAS. Heins forjadas, affladas. Inman at cube de tat forma quo ni mango no puede akar. Packing in packages containing 6 pie. ces each. Verpackung: jo 6 Stuck in Packehen. Emballage: en paquets par 0 pieces. Embalaje: en pnquetes a 0 pietas. PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA 63 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 BIRCKLAYER'S PLATE. Made of galvanized sheet. Reinforced on the circumference by steel wire 2 mm in diameter. Handle for screwing in the socket. ASSIETTE DE MAVON, en tole zinguee, renforc6o sur to porimetro par un fil do for do 2 mm do diametre. reign6o a vissor dims Jo tloville. MAURERTELLER Aus verzinktem Bloch, am Urn. fangdureh Umrandung aus Stahldraht 0 2 mm ver. stout. Der Handgriff wird in die Zwingo eingeschraubt. PLATO PARA ALBARILES Do hojalata galvanizada en circuriferencia rcforzada con alambro do accro do 0 2 mm. Mango so atornilla en la abrazadera. Tellerdurchmesser diametro do 1 assiette diametro del plate Plato diameter Gewicht poids / peso Weight 380 mm 15' 950 g 33 1/2 07.9 248 A/44 CYLINDRICAL PLUMMET. Turned and provided with a suitable hole for the string. CONTREPOIDS POUR F1L A PLOMB, forme oylindri- quo, tourn6, muni d'une ouverturo pour attacher do fit. LtInge longueur longitud Length Durchmesser / diametro / diametro Diameter Gowicht / poids / peso Weight Packed unwrapped in caser.. Verpackung: lose in Kisten. Emballage: en vrac dans des caisses. Embalaje: libre en cajas. WALZENFORMIGES SENKBLEI. Blank und mit geeigneter oao turn Schnureinfitdeln versehen. PLOMADA CILINDRICA. Torneada y con abertura conveniento pant enhebrar el cordon. 120 mm 4 314' 16 mm 518' 160 g 5 5/S 07.3 180 mm 250 mm 7 .7/3" /0' 18 mm 20 mm 23132' 25132' 330g 550 g 11 51,3 ozs 19 318 ozs 245 A/438 CONCRETING FLOAT. The blade made of steel, the working surface bright. Tho handle set on the holder and secured against turning. PALETTE POUR BETON, lame en acier, surface do travail blanchie. La poignee est emmanchlie /cur lu support et assure() pour no pas tourner. BETON-GLATTEISEN. Stahlblatt, Arbeitsflitcho blank. Handgriff auf dem Halter eingesetzt und gegen Drehen gesichert. PALUSTRES PARA ALISAR HORNIIGoN. Hoja de acero, import:joie do trabajo cepillada. Mango encajado al soporte y asegurado contra el giro. Lange longueur longitud 120 mm 150 mm 180 mm Length 4 3/4' Breito I largeur anchura 70 mm 100 mm 130 mm Width 2 314" 4" 5 HS' Gewicht f poids / peso 270 g 320 g 370 g Weight 9 112 07:1 11 111 ozs 13 ozs 6- 7 11S' Packed unwrapped in cases. Verpackung: lose in Kisten. Emballago: en vrac dans des caisses. Embalaje: fibre en cajas. 249 A/445 CONICAL PLUMMET. Made of grey east iron, turned, steel suspension, varnished. CONTREPOMS POUR FEL A PLOMI3, piriforme, en Tonto grise, tourn6, oeil do suspension en acier, verni. Halo / hauteur / altura Height Breit? / largeur / anchura WidthGeNeiclit / poids / peso Weight Packed unwrapped in cases. Verpackung: lose in Kisten. Emballago. en vrac dans des caisses. Embalaje: libre en cajas. 62 mm 2 1116' 28 mm 1 118' 200 g 7 07.8 BIRNENFORMIGES SENKI3LEI acts araugun, blank mit Stahlplatte turn Aufhibigen, lackiert. PLOMADA DE PERRA, model? inglOs, do fluidic:Um gris, torneada, suspension do acorn. 72 mm 2 718' 37 mm 1 112' 300 g /0 ozs 246 A/439/A PLASTERING TROWEL. The blade made of steel, the working surface bright. PLATOIR, lame en acier, surface do travail blanchie. MAURERGLATTE1SEN. Stahlblatt, Arbeitsfliiche blank. PALUSTRES DE ALISAR. Hoja do acero, superficie del trabajo cepillada. Lange long,ueur / longitud Length Breite J largeur anchura Width Gewicht / poids / peso Weight Packed unwrapped in eases. Verpackung: lose in Kisten. Emballage en vrac dans des musses. Embalaje: libre en cajas. SELF-FEEDING PAINTERS APPLIANCE Made of galvanized sheet. Tho rollers made of plastics. On the side walla the roller guides and movable fixtures holding the pattern roller are mounted. A rubber wiper bears against the large roller. MACHINE A PEINDRE LES MURS, It alimentation automatique. En tOlo do zinc. Rouleaux en matiero artificielle. Sur les parois lat6rales sent fixos los liteaux do guidago des rouleaux et les supports mobiles pour la fixation du rouleau is &Mill. Sur le grand rouleau s'applique un litcau d'essuyage en caoutchouc. Gewicht / poids / peso 640 g Weight 22 112 ozs O ES PE I ST E MALE IIM ASCIIIN E. Atis verzinIcleni Blech, ?VfilZell nos ICtuatmuse. An den Seitenwilviden Hind Ffihrungeleisten Air die Walzen mid howeglielie Halter zur Befestigung der Musterwalzo angebracht. Auf der gram 1Valzo liegt eine Gummiabwiachleiato auf. APARATO PARA PINTORES CON 'ARMADA AUTO. MATICA. Do hojalata galvanizada, rodillos masa artificial. Ambos extremes Ilevan fijados listonea do gala para los cilindros, y soportes movibles pant fljar los mIsmos do mucatra. Sobro el cilindro mayor so 'Weida el listen' do goma para despinyar el color sobrante. Accessories: 2 rollers and the wiper. Zubehor: 2 Waken und eine Gummiabwischwalze. Accessoirea: 2 rouleaux et I liteau d'essuyage. Accesorio: 2 cilindros (rodillos) y litnpindor. Packing: each piece separately in a cardboard box. Verpackung: Jo I Stuck in Pappschachteln. Emballage: en boitta do carton par 1 piece. Embalaje: 1 pieza eu caja do carton. 247 A/439/B PLASTERING TROWEL. The blade is of trapezoidal shape, rounded, made of steel, the working surface bright. PLATOIR, lame trapOzoidale, arrondie, en aeier, surface do travail blanchie. Lange f loagueur j longitud Length Breite j largeur anchura Width Gewicht / poids / peso Weight MAURERGLATTEISEN. Trapezairmiges abgerundetes Stahlblatt, Arbeitsfliiche blank PALUSTRES DE ALISAR. Hoja do trapecio. miondeada, de acero, con superficie de trabajo cepillada 280 mm 11' 125 mm S. 320 g 11 114 ozs Packed unwrapped in cases. Verpackung lose in Kisten. Emballage: en vrac dans des CtlISSCS. Embalaje fibre en cajas. PAINTERS APPLIANCE BRACKET. The arms are made of flat steel, adjustable to different roller lengths. They are fastened by means of a bolt secured in a wooden handle. FOURCHE DE PE1NTRE EN 13.ATIMENTS Les bras on acier plat, reglables pour differentea longueurs des roulcaux, sent fixes a Paid? du boulon qui est solidairo de la poignee en bois. Gewicht poids / peso 'Weight MALERGA BEL. Anne ails Fiachstnhl, auf verschiedeno Walzenliingen einstellbar, Diese werden mittels einer Klemm? befestigt, die im HolzgrifT fiat gesichert 110It QUI LLA PARA P I NTO It ES. Bra ZCIM do acero piano, ajustables a varias larguras de los cilindros. So iljan per meclio del paaador, iusegurado en el mango de madera. S 3'4 0711 MO TO K 0 PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 STEEL LETTER STAMPS ? STAHLBUCHSTABEN ? LETTRES ET CHIFFRES EN ACIER ? LETRAS Y CIFRAS, DE ACERO 253 A/1195 STEEL LEITERS. LETTRES EN ACIER. Crone / grandeur tamano 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 Size 3164" 1110' 5164" 3132" G owicht / poids peso 0,98 1,14 1,28 1,40 1,67 1,80 2 2,60 2,98 3,40 4,10 5,50 6,30 g Weight 1132 51128 3104 71128 71128 1116 91128 3132 131128 118 5132 3/16 7/32 ozs STAHLBUCHSTABEN. LETRAS DE ACERO. 3 3 1/2 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 mm 118" 0164' 5132' 3116" 114" 9132" 5116" 318" 13132" 254 A/1194 STEEL FIGURES. CILEFFRES EN ACIER. Grol3e/grandeur tarnano 1 1 1/2 `) 2 1/2 Size 3164" 1116" 5164" 3132" Gowicht I poids peso 0,39 0,45 0,52 0,58 0,65 0,74 0,84 1164 1164 1164 31128 31128 31128 1132 STAHLZIFFERN. CIFRAS DE ACERO. 3 3 1/2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mm 118' 9164" 5132" 3116" 114" 9132" 5116" 318" 13132" 0,95 0,99 1,04 1,23 1,40 1,70g 1132 1132 51128 3164 71128 1116 ozs WIRE BRUSHES ? METALLBORSTEN ? BROSSES METALLIQUES CEPILLOS DE METAL HAND BRUSHES. BROSSES A MAIN. 255 A/1306 HAND WIRE BRUSH. With handle, three rows of martensitio, black heat-treated, smooth wire, 1/04' in diameter. The wooden part coated with transparent lacquer. BROSSE A MAIN h 3 rangs, avec poignee, fils motalliques do 0,30 mm tromp6s noir marten- citiques, lisses. Bois endtat do verms ineolorc. Liingo / longuour / longitud Length Kratzonstoff-Lange / longueur de la carde / longitud de la carda Length of card Huh? des Bandels / hauteur des fils / altura del alambre Height of wire bundle Holzstfirke / epaisseur du bois / espesor de madera Thickness of board Gowieht / poids / peso Weight HANDB CRSTEN. CEPILLOS A MANO. HANDBCRSTE mit Handgriff, dreireihig, martensitischer schwarzer, geharteter glatter Drain, 0,30 mm. Holz mit farblosem Lack gespritzt. CEPILLO A NANO de 3 files, con pull?. Alambre martensItico, templed? negro, o 30 mm. Imo. Madera barnizada en transparente. 255 A/1326 HAND \VIRE BRUSH with naturally hard wavy wire. BROSSE A MAIN h 3 rangs. avec poignee. fils motalliques de durete, ondules. Lange / longueur / longitud Length Kratzenstoff-Lange / longueur de la carde / longitud de la carda Length of card Ham des Bandels / hauteur des fils / allure, del alambre Height of wire bundle Holzstarko / epaiKtettr de bois / espesor de madera Thickness of board Gewicht / poids / peso Weight 290 mm 11 112" 160 mm 6 318' 23 mm 718" 17 nun 11116" 125 g 4 318 07.3 HANDBCRSTE, naturharter Wellendreht. CEPILLO A MANO de 3 files, con alambre duro natural ondulante. 66 290 mm 11 112" 160 mm 6 3IS" 23 mm 718" 17 mm 11116" 135 g 4 314 CMS purl?, 255 A/1406 HAND WIRE BRUSH, 4 rows of martensitic, black heat-treated smooth wire, 1/64" in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN h 4 rangs, fils ratalliques de 0,30 mm, martensittques trempes noir, lisses. BANDBORSTE, vierreihig, martensitiseher schwarzer, geharteter glatter Drain, 0,30 mm. CEPILLO A MANO, 4 files, alambre marten- sitico templed? negro, liso 0,30 mm. Lange / longueur / longitud Length Kratzenstoff-Ltinge / longueur de la carde / longitud de la earda Length of card Mho des Bandels / hauteur des fils / altura clot alambre Height of wire bundles Holzstarke / 6paisseur du bois / espesor de madera Thickness of board Gewicht / poids / peso Weight 255 A/1426 295 nun 11 SI5" 155 mm 6 118' 23 mm 71S" 17 min 11116" 150 g 55/16 ozs HAND WIRE BRUSH, 4 rows of naturally HANDBORSTE, vierreihig, naturharter Wel- hard, wavy wire, 1/64" in diameter. lenclraht, 0,30 mm. BROSSE A MAIN, h 4 rangs, fils m6talliques CEPILLO A MANO, 4 files, alambro duro do duret6 naturelle, ondules, do 0,30 mm. natural ondulanto 0,30 mm. Lange / longueur / longitud 295 min Length ii 518' Kratzenstoff-Liingc / longueur de In carde / longitud de In earda 155 min Length of card 6 118" Hohe des Bandels / hauteur des fils / altura del alambre 23 mm Height of wire bundles 718' Holzstarke / 6paisseur du bola / espesor do madera 17 mmn Thickness of board 11116" Gewicht / pouls / peso 165 g Weight 5 718 07.14 255 A/1506 HAND WIRE BRUSH, 5 rows of martensitic, black heat-treated smooth wire, 1/64" in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN, h 5 rangs, fils motalliques do 0,30 mm, martensitiques trempes noir, lisses. HANDBORSTE, fiinfreihig, martensit iseher schwarzer geharteter glatter Drain, 0,30 mm. CEPILLO A MANO, 5 files, alambre marten- :310e?, templed? negro, Ego 0,30 mm. Lange / longueur / longitud Length Kratzenstoff-Lange / longueur de la card? / longitud (le la earda Length of card HOhe des Bandels / hauteur des fils / altura del alambre Height of wire bundle Holzstarke / epaisseur du bola / espesor de matlera Thickness of board AGWees rgi chht t / poids / peso iVTOTOK01, ? PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 67 300 mm 11 718" 165 mm 61/2" 23 nun 718' 17 mm 11116" 100 g 6 518 ozs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 255 A/1526 HAND WIRE BRUSH, 5 rows of naturally hard, wavy wire, 1/64' in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN, h 5 rangs, fils metalliques do duret6 naturello, ondules, do 0,30 mm. Lange / longuour / longitud Length Kratzonstoff-Liinge / longueur de la card? / longitud Length of card Mho des Blind?Is / hauteur des Ms / altura del ala Height of wiro bundles Holzstarke / 6paisseur du bois / espcsor do rnadera Thickness of board Cewicht / poids / peso Weight 255 A/1606 HAND WIRE BRUSH, 6 rows of marten- sitic, black heat-treated smooth wire, 1/64" in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN, a 6 rangs, fils motalliques do 0,30 mm martensitiques, trompes noir? Lange / longtime / longitud Length Kratzenstoff-Lange / longtime do In carde / longitud do la carda Length of card Hobo des Halide's / hauteur tics fils / allure del alambro Height of wiro bundles Holzstitrke / 6paissour du bois / esposor do madera Thickness of board Gowicht poids / peso Weight HANDBORSTE, fiinfrethig, naturharter Wel- lendraht 0,30 mm. CEPILLA A MANO, 5 files, alambro duro natural ondulante, 0,30 mm. 300 mm 11 718" de In carda 165 nem 6 112" 23 mm 718" 17 mm 11116" 195 g 6 3/4 ozs mbre HANDBURSTE, sechsreihig, martensitischer schwarzer, geharteter glatter Draht 0,30 mm. CEPILLO A MANO, 6 files, alambre marten- talc?, tomplado negro, liso 0,30 mm. 305 mm 12" 176 min 7" 23 mm 718" 17 mm 11116" 200 g 7 ozs 255 A/1626 HAND WIRE 13RUSH, 6 rows of naturally hard, wavy wiro, 1/04" in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN, a 6 rangs fils metalliques do duret6 naturelle, ondul6s, do 0,30 mm. Lange / longtime / longitud Length Kratzenstoff-Liinge / longtime do In cardo / longitud Length of card lino des Bandols / hauteur des fils / altura del alambre Height of wiro bundle Holzstileke / 6paissour (In bois / cspesor do madera Thickness of board Gowicht peals / peso Weight HANDBORSTE, sechsreihig, naturharter Wel- lendraht 0,30 mm. CEPILLO A MANO, 6 files, alambro due? natural condulante, 30 mm. 305 mm 12" 175 mm 7" 23 mm 718" 17 mm 11116" 205 g 7 114 ozs do In carda HAND WIRE BRUSHES WITHOUT HANDLE ? HANDBORSTEN OHNE HANDGRIFF ? BROSSES A MAIN SANS POIGNEE ? CEPILLOS DE MANO SIN MANGO 256 A/2306 BAND WIRE BRUSH WITHOUT HANDLE, 5 rows of martensitic black heat-treated, smooth wire, 1/64" in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN SANS POIGNEE, it 5 rangs, Ills metalliques do 0,30 mm martensitiques, tempos noir, lisses. Lange / longtime / longitud Length Breit? / largour / anehura Width Holzstarke 6paissour du bois / espesor do mad= Thickness of board Holm des Bandels hauteur des fils altura del Height of wire bundle (towicht / poids / peso Weight 68 HANDBURSTE OHNE HANDGRIFF, fanfreihig, martensitischer schwarzor, geharte- ter glatter Draht 0,30 mm. CEPILLOS DE MANO SIN MANGO de 5 films, alambre martensitico, templed? negro, liso 0,30 mm. alambre 200 mm 7 718" 50 mm 2" 17 mm 11116" 23 mm 718' 170 g 6 ozs 256 A/2406/7 HAND WIRE BRUSH WITHOUT HANDLE, 7 rows of martensitic black heat-treated, smooth wire, 1/64" in diameter. BROSSE A MAIN SANS POIGNEE, it 7 rangs, fils motalliques de 0,30 mm martensitiques, trempes noir, lisses. Lange / longuour / longitud Length Breit? / largeur / anchura Width Holzstarke / 6paissour dtt bois / espesor de madera Thickness of board Hobs des Bandels / hauteur des fits / altura del ala Height of wire bundle Gowicht / poids / peso Weight 256 A/2426/7 ? 256 A/2525 HAND WIRE BRUSH WITHOUT HANDLE, 7 rows of naturally hard, wavy wire, 1/04' in diameter. BROSSES A MAIN SANS POIGNEE, it 7 Fangs, Ills motalliques, du dureto naturelle, ondu16.s de 0,30 mm. HANDBORSTE OHNE HANDGIUFF, benreihig, martensitischer schwarzor, geharteter glatter Draht 0,30 mm. CEPILLOS DE MANO SIN MANGO do 7 Il las, alambro martensltico, tomplado negro, liso 0,30 intn. mbre 213 mm 58513n/i8; 1 n 27 1/8"1 11116" 23 mm 7/8' 220 g 7 314" HANDBORSTE OHNE HANDORIFF, sic- benreihig. martensitischer schwarzer, gehiirtoter glatter naturharter Wellendraht 0,30 mm. CEPILLOS DE MANO SIN MANGO do 7 film, alambro duro natural ondulanto 0,30 mm. Lange / longtime / longittel Length Breite / largeur / anchura Width Holzstarke / opaisseur du bois / espcsor do madera Thickness of board Holm des Bandels / hauteur des Ills / altura del alambro Height of wiro bundle Gewicht / poids / peso Weight 2426/7 '2:125 213 mm 216 mm 83/8" 81/2" 55 mm 58 mm 2 118" 2 114" 17 mm 17 mm 11116" 11116" 23 mm 23 mm 718" 718" 280g 210g 9 718 ozs 7 318 OZ8 MEXICO WIRE BRUSHES ? MEXICO?BORSTEN ? BROSSES MEXICO ? CEPILLO MEXICANO 257 A/M I HAND WIRE BRUSH, SPECIAL, with handle, 4 rows, milled shape 20-28 mm, martensitic black heat-treated smooth wire. BROSSE A MAIN SPECIALE avec poignee, it 4 rangs, forme frame? 20-28 mm, fils motalliques martensitiques, trempes noir, lisses. Lange / longtime / longitud Length Breit? / largeur / anchura Width Kratzenstoff-Lange / longueur de la carde longitud do la carda Length of card Holz,starke / opaisseur du bois espesor de madera Thickness of board Hobe des Halide's / hauteur des fils althea del alambre Height of wire bundle Number of rows / Rethenzahl nombre do rangs / ninnero de film Gowicht / poids / peso Weight 258 A SPEZIELLE HANDI3ORSTE M1'1' II AN D ? GRIFF, vierreihig, gefrasto Form 20-28 mm, martensitischer schwarzor, gehartoter glattor naturhafter Wollendraht. CEPILLOS A MAYO ES PECIA LES eon mango do 4 filas, forma fresada 20-28 mm, alambre martensffico, templed? negro, list). MI Mu 265 nun 10 112" 29 mm I 118" M lii ill III a without handle / ohne Grill Halls poignoo / sin mango 342 mm 182 mm 190 mm /3 112" 7 118" 7 112" 26 mm 55 min 77 mm 2 118" 3" 145 mm 165 min 5 3/4" 6 112" 17 mm 17 mm 21 min 22 min 11116" 11116" 13116" 7/8" 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 30 mm 7 3116" 1 3116" 1 3116" 1 3116" 4 3 6 9 200 g 160 g 280 g 380 g 7 07.8 5 518 07.8 9 718 13 318 OZ8 ROUND WIRE BRUSH manufactured from dia 2" to 14. BROSSE RONDE, fabriqu6e en din 50 mm -- 350 mm. RUNDE DRAHTBORSTE, erzetigt in o 50 mm ? a 350 mm. CEPILLO CIRCULAR do metal producido en el dutinetro de 50 mm haste 350 mm. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 69 ?eta Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 CLIMBING IRONS FOR FITTERS, gal- vanized. GRIMPETTES DE MONTEUR, zinguees. STEIGEISEN FOR MONTEURE, verzinkt. TREPADORES PARA MONTADORES. Galvanizadas. WOODEN FOLDING RULES ? GLIEDERMASSSTABE ? METRES EN BOIS ? METROS PLEGABLES ASTRA WOODEN FOLDING RULES. METRES PLIANTS EN BOIS "ASTRA". Spannweito / onverguro Dimension de abertura 210 mm 260 mm Span 8 114" 10 114" Rinfteilig 1 m ohne Federn 5 branches, longueur 1 in, sans 1 in de 5 brazos sin resortes Five joints 39" without springs sechstellig 1 m ohne Federn ? 6 branches, longueur 1 in sans 1 m de 6 brazos sin resortes Six joints 39" without springs HOLZGLIEDERMASSSTAB ?ASTRA". METROS PLEGABLES DE MADERA "ASTRA". zehnteilig 1 in ohne Fedora h 10 branches, longuour 1 in, sans res 1 in do 10 brazos sin resortes Ton joints 39" without springs Packing: per 100 dozen. Vorpackung: je 100 Dutzond. Emballage: par 100 douzaines. Embalajo: a 100 docenas. PERKUS WOODEN FOLDING RULES. METRES PLIANTS EN BOIS "PERKUS". Ffinfteilig 1 in mit Fedora ii 5 branches, longueur 1 in, 1 m do brazos con resorte.s Five joints, 39", with springs sechsteilig 1 m mit Federn h 6 branches, longueur 1 in, 1 m do 6 brazos con resortes Six joints, 39", with springs HOLZGLIEDERAIASSSTAB ?PERKUS" METROF: PLEGABLES DE MADERA "PERKUS" zehincilig 1 in mit Fedora IL 10 branches, longuour 1 in, 1 m do 10 brazos con resortes Ton joints, 39", with springs Packing: per 200 dozen. Vorpackung: Jo 200 Dutzond. Emballage: par 200 douzaines. Embalajo: a 200 doconas. PERFECT WOODEN FOLDING RULES. DOUBLES METRES PLIANTS EN BOIS "PERFEKT". Zohnteilig 2 in mit Fedora L 10 branches, longueur 2 m, avec ressorts Metro doblo do 10 brazos con resortes Ten joints, 78", with springs Zwelfteilig 2 m mit Federn a 12 branches, longueur 2 m, avec ressorts Metro doble de 12 brazos con resortes Twelve joints, 78", with springs HOLZGLIEDERMASSSTAB ?PERFEKT". METROS PLEGABLES DE MADERA PER- FEKT, DOBLES. Packing: per 100 dozen. Verpackung: Jo 100 Dutzend. Emballage: par 100 douzaines. Embalajo: a 100 doconas. All these folding rules can be delivered graduated either in Atm or M/L. Siimtliche HolzgliedermaBstribe Bind mit der Teilung MIM odor M/L lieferbar. Ces metres peuvent etre livres avec divisions en system? metrique ou en system? anglais. Todos los metros se suministran en dos ejecuciones, en medida.s do cm/cm o cm/pulgadas WOODEN FOLDING RULES ? IN FEET. 12 joints, 6 feet, with springs, white or yellow varnished. METRES PLIANTS EN BOIS mesures systemic anglais it 12 branches, longueur 6 pieds, avec ressorts, presentation en blanc ou en jatine. FUSS-HOLZGLIEDERMASSSTAIL sechstilDig mit Fedora. Ausfahrung weill oder gelb. METROS PLEGABLES DE MADERA EN PULGADAS. Do 12 brazos, 6 pies con resortes._ Ejecucien: en blanco o Amarillo. Packing: per 100 dozen. Verpackung: Jo 100 Dutzend. Emballage: par 100 douzaines. Embalaje: a 100 docenas. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 272 A WOODEN FOLDING RULES WITH 3 GRADUATIONS, M/L/13 8 and 10 joints. METRES PLIANTS DE BOIS AVEC 3 SYSTEMES DE MESURES /metrique anglais, Burgos / h 8 et 10 branches. HOLZGLIEDERMASSSTABE mit 3 Mallen M/L/B. Acht- und zehnteilig. METROS PLEGABLES DE MADERA CON TRES MEDIDAS, cm / pulgadas / Burgones. Metros plegables do 8 brazos y 10 brazos. Packing: per 100 dozen. Verpackung: jo 100 Dutzend. Emballage: par 100 donzaines. Embalaje: a 100 docenas. The folding rules can be delivered with different inscriptions. For example, for the Dutch market with Dutch inscriptions, for tho Indonesian with Indonesian ones etc. Die GlieclermaBstabe kannen mit verschiedenen Aufschriften geliefert werden. Zum Beispiel fiir don hollitndisehen Markt mit hollandischer Aufschrift, fiir den indonesischen Markt mit indonesischer Aufschrift usw. Nous pouvons fottrnir les metres pourvues d'inseriptions en clifferentes longues. Par ex. pour le morello hollandais en longue hollandaise, pour le march6 indonesien en longue indonesienne etc. Con posibiltdad do suministrar metros con diferentes inscripciones. P.e. para mercado holandes con inseripcien holandesa, pare mermulo mexicano en espanol etc. TAPES ? ROLLBANDMASSE ? MESURES A RUBAN ? CINTAS PARA MEDIR 273 A/1390 B LINEN MEASURING TAPES cases. MESURES A RUBAN DE TOILE en boite do cuir. in leather LEINENROLLBANDMASSE in Lederkapsei. Bandbreito / largeur du ruban / ancluira de In cinta Width of tape Llingo / longttettr / longitud Length Gewicht / poids / peso Weight 5 10 51/2 11 30 44 ?110 112 ?115 112 CINTAS PARA MEDIR DE TELA en caja do mere. 13 mm 112" 12 20 25 30 50 in 13 118 21 718 27 318 32 718 50 618 yards 52 70 95 106 150 112 318 118 518 211 112 215 114 314 314 lbs Delivered with graduations in M/M, or M/L, or L/L, or with graduation on one side only. Diese Male werden mit M/M oder M/L oder L/L oder mit einseittger Tedung geliefert. Sent fournics avec division mmt on M/L on L/L ou bien d'un cote seulement. Se suministran en medidas do mThi o M/P o P/P o con medidas sobre un lado. 274 A/1392 B STEEL TAPES RULES in leather or tin cases. STAHLROLLBANDMASSE in Leder oder Blechkapsel. MESURES A RUBAN D'ACIER en boite CINTAS PARA MEDIR DE ACERO on caja do cuir on de tole. de micro o de hojalata. Bandbretto / largeur du ruban / onchura do In. cinta Width of tape Lange / longueur / longitud Length Packing: Verpackung: Emballage: Embalaje: Delivered with graduations in M/M, or M/L, or L/L or with graduation one side only. Dieses Mall wird mit einer M/M oder M/L oder L/L oder einseitigen Teilung geliefert. Sont foumies avec division MN on M/L ou L/L ou bion d'un cote seulement. So suministran en medidas do 11/M o M/P o P/P o con medidas sobre un lade. The first 10 cm are divided into mm. Erste 10 Zentimeter mit Millimetertedung. Les 10 cm premiers sent divises en millimetres. Primeros 10 cm tienen division en milimetros. 13 mm 112" 5 10 19 20 25 30 50 mm 5 112 11 13 118 21 7I5 27 318 32 718 54 618 yards 72 275 A/1394 B STEEL TAPES IN BRASS BRACKET. STAHLROLLBANDMASS mit Messinggabol. MESURES A RUBAN D'ACIER EN FOUR- CINTAS DE ACERO EN HORQUILLA LATCEN. CHE DE LAITON. Bandbreite / largeur du ruban / nachura do In cinta Width of tape Bandlange / longueur du ruban longitud 10 15 Length of tape 11" 16 318" Packing: Verpackung: Emballage' Embalaje: Delivered with graduations in M/M, or M/L, or L/L or with graduation on one side. Dieses Mall wird mit omer M/M oder M/L oder L/L oder oinseitigen Toilung geliefert. Sortt foumies avec division M/M on M/L on L/L on Wen d'un cote settlement. Se summistran en medidas de M/M o M/P o P/P n eon medidas sobro tut lade. The first 10 cm are divided into mm. Erste 10 Zentimeter mit Millimetertedung. Les 10 cm premiers sont divis63 on millimetres Primeros 10 cm tionen division on milimetros. 13 min 112' 20 25 30 21 718' 27 318' 32 718" 50 mm 54 618' STEEL POCKET RULES ? STAHLROLLBANDMASSE ? METRES M ETALLI QU ES ? METROS DE METAL 276 A/755 SALDO PICCOLO STEEL POCKET RULES in semi-closed metal cases. METRES ROULEAUX "SALDO PICCOLO" en bolt? metallique deini-fermee. Breit? / largeur / anchura Width 9 min 31S" (lowicht 1 poids / peso Weight 277 A/751 SALDO SIMPLEX STEEL POCKET RULES in semi-closed metal cases. METRES ROULEAUX "SALDO SIMPLEX" on boite metallique demi-fern-16e. 13reite / largeur / anehura 15 mm Width 19132" Ucwicht 1 poids / peso 1Veigth 278 A/750 STANDARD STEEL POCKET RULES fully closed metal cases. METRES ROULEAUX "STANDARD" en boite motallique forme?. Breite / largeur / anehura 15 mm Width 19/32" Gewicht / poids / peso Weight I)E TASCHENROLLBANDMASS ?SALDO PIC- COLO" mit halbgeoffneter Metallbilehse. METROS DE METAL "SALDO PICCOLO" en etipsula semiabierta do metal. Lunge / longueur / longitud 1 ocler / on / o 2 in Length 39' or 78" 150 kg 330 lbs / TASCHENROLLBANDMASS ?SALDO SIMP- LEX" in halbgeoffneter Metallbfichso. METROS DE METAL "SALDO SIMPLEX" on capsule semiabierta do metal. Lange / longueur / longitud 2 in Length 78' 145 kg 319 lbs 11 MS in TASCH ENROLLBAN DMASS ?STANDAR D" in geschlossener Motallbfichse. METROS DE METAL STANDARD C11 Cliplitaft cerrada de metal. Lange / longueur / !origami 2 in Length 115 kg 255 lbs 15 me 78* 279 A/754 PROGRES STEEL POCKET RULES in fully closed metal case. METRES ROULEAUX "PROGRESS" en boito metallique forme?. Breit? / largeur / anehura 1Vidf h 9 mm 318" Gewicht poids / peso Weight TASCHENROLLI3ANDMASS ?PROGRESS" in geschlossener METROS DE METAL PROGRES en cepsula cerrada de metal. Liinge / longueur / longitud 2 in Lengt h 150 kg 330 lbs 11 07.8 14.070/COV" ? PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 73 78' - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 -1\ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SQUARES FOR LOCKSMITHS ? SCHLOSSERWINKEL? EQUERRES ? ESCUADRAS FLAT SQUARE FOR LOCKSMITHS ? made of steel. EQUERRE DE SERRUR1ER, PLATE, en (icier. FLACHER SCHLOSSERWINKEL aus Stahl. ESCUADRAS PLANAS PARA CERRAJEROS de aCCTO. V L S a Gewicht/poids peso kg weight lbs 100 4 70 130 160 170 2.3/4' 5-118'0,239 : - 6318' 63/4'0,640 3 115' 10 51.3' 0,058 -12 4 3116' 25 30 1' 1 118' -18 318 200 5' 0,302 -110 112 250 10' 115 718 300 12' 6 114' 0,803 1112 114 400 16' 200 8' 500 20' 250 10'1,350 8 5116' 40 1 51S' 3/- 2,158 4112 600 24' 300 12' BACK SQUARE FOR LOCKSMITHS ? made of steel. Tho bevel plate are screwed at an angle of 900. EQUERRE DE SERRURIER A CHAPEAU, on acier. Chapeau fixi'v par vis, angles 90*. SCHLOSSERWINKEL MIT ANSCEILAG, aus Stahl. Ansehlag im Winkel von 900 angesehraubt. ESCUADRAS CON REBORDE PARA CERRAJEROS, do acero. Alas atornilladas do 900 adieionales. V L S a b 100 4' 70 23/4' 3 118' 16 518' 16 518' 200 S' 130 51/8' 4 3116' 25 1' 25 l' 250 10' 160 63/s. 300 12' 170 63/4' 400 16' 200 8' 6 114'30 1 118' 30 1 118' 500 20' 250 10' -- ? 600 21' 300 /2' 8 511640 1 518' 40 1 518' SLIDING CALIPERS FOR FORESTERS for measuring timber diameters. The end of the ruler is provided with a wooden handle. The ruler is graduated in 0,5 ems. The surface is coated with khaki varnish. PIEDA-COULISSE DE FOREST1ER pour mesurer le diamare des troncs &mines. L'extremite de la rigle ost numie d'une poign6e en bois. La surface est vemie an pistolet en couleur vert olive. Graduation en 0,5 cm. MeDbereich port& de mature longitud do medicidn 400 mm Measuring range 16' Gowicht / poids / peeo 1.20 kg Weight 2110 lbs 74 FORSTERSCHIEBLEHRE aus Eisen zur Bernessung von Rundholz. Mit 112 cm Teilung und Holzgriff. Oberilliche mit Khaki-Lack bespritzt. MEDIDAS PARA GUARDABOSQUES CON REGLA CONTINUA para medir diametros do troncos de &bo- les. El extremo de Is regla est& equipado con mango de madera. Superficie bantizada en color kaki. Division do 0,5 cm. 600 mm 24' 1,50 kg 3/1 3/4 lbs 800 mm 32' 1,95 kg 414 51S lbs 1000 mm 40' 2,10 kg 4110 lbs VIALS ? LIBELLEN ? FIOLES ? NIVELES 283 A/816 A WOODEN WATER LEVEL, with brass trimings and two vials. NIVEAU D'EAUX en bois, avec garnitures en latton h deux Soles. Gra? grandeur tamafio size Gewicht HOLZERNE WASSERWAAGE mit Messing- beschlag und zwei kleinen Libellen. NIVELES DE .MADERA horraclas do Won con dos ampollas. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90 100 cm 8" 10" 12' 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 28' 32" 36" 40" poids poids Gewicht peso 38 43 weight ?/13.3/8 ? 115 peso 123 140 weight 2111 114 3112 283 A/ 48 1113116 175 314 3113 56 113 518 67 314 198 415 117 314 78 518 1111 112 210 dkg 419 7/8 lbs 89 1115 100 dlcg 318 213 114 lbs 1 g \ \\irl WOODEN WATER LEVEL, with brass trimmgs and one vial. NIVEAU D'EAUX en bois, avec garnitures en laiton et une Sole. GrOfte /grandeur / tamailo size Gewieht /poids /peso weight 284 A/816 B 10 15 6' 8 13 21 13116 4 112 WOODEN WATER LEVEL, with brass triming and two vials, reinforced with two brass rods. NIVEAU D'EAUX, a deux Soles, en bois avec garnitures en laiton, renforce de deux tiges, en laiton. Gra() / grandeur tamafio 20 25 size 10" GroDe /grandeur tamailo 55 60 size ?2" 24" Gewicht / poids peso 45 55 weight I/ 1/3 318 Gewicht /poids peso 134 156 weight 2115 118 316 718 30 12" 70 HOLZERNE WASSERWAAGE mit Messing. beaching und mit oiner !demon Libello. NIVELES DE MADERA herradas do !Mon con una ampolla. 20 25 8" 10" 19 28 6 314 9 718 30 cm 12" 38 tlIcg 13 318 0 ZS HOLZERNE WASSERWAAGE mit zwei kleinen Libellen und Messingbeschlag, versteift durch zwei illessingstangen. NIVELES DE MADERA do dos ampollas herradas de latent reforzada con dos vanillas de lat6n. 35 40 45 50 cm 14" 16" 18' 20' 80 00 100 cm 32" .36" 40" 70 80 98 106 123 dlcg 118 518 1114 114 212 112 215 5116 2111 114 lbs 178 180 204 234 dlcg 3111 518 112 112 417 314 512 .3/8 lbs MOTOKOir ? PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 75 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Angle Irons Anvils Axes Bolt Clippers Boring Machines Braces Bricklayer's Tools Case Openers Centro Punches Climbing Iron for Fitters Emery Wheel Dresser COLA Sockets Sets Grip Wrenches Hammers Hand-Vices Locksmith's Chisels Locksmith's Hand Drills Motorcar Jacks Parallel Vices York and MINOR Puncnes Ratchet. Braces Ratchet Screwdrivers Scrapers Screwdrivers Screwdrivers with Ratchets Shears Snap Head Dies Spanners Special AN,C3 Spiral Paper Bag Binders Steel Letter Stamps Steel Pocket Rules Tapes Tongs Vices Water LaveIs Watchmaker's Screwdrivers Wire Brushes Wooden Folding Rules Bouterolles h nutin Bro&ses inetalliquas Burins ot Wanes Cisailles et secateurs Ciseaux t deballer Cliquets Coupo-boulons Clefs pour emus Cries et petits de levage pour autos Drilles de serrurier Enclumes Equerres Etaux Etaux pour tubes Foreuses Grattoirs Grimpettes de montettr Haches Haches speciales Chasse-rivets Jettx de clef COLA Letters et chiffres en acier Marteaux 3Iesures h ruban Metres en bois Metres metalliques NiMUM. a bulb e &air Outil h bier les sacs a spires Outil h rectifier les disques h meuler Outils de maeon Pinees pour tubes Poincons Pointeaux 'renalIles et pinces Tournevis rdebrequiw Order Nomber Page 280 A-282 A 74 89 A 27 115 A-126 A 34-37 102 A 32 94A? 95A 29 103 A-104 A 32 233 A-252 A 61-65 217 A 55 218 A 56 261 A 70 99 A 31 2A? 3A 6-7 188 A-191 A 51-62 59A? 88A 22-26 92A? 93A 28-29 200 A-202 A 53 48 A 20 105 A-108 A 33 96A? 98A 30-31 215 A-217 A 55 101 A 39 45 A 20 206 A-209 A 54 26A? 34A 15-19 47 A 20 221 A-232 A 57-60 220A 56 1A? 16A 5-14 126 A-129 A 38-39 49 A 20 253 A-254 A 66 276 A-279 A 73 273 A-275 A 79-73 140 A-177 A 40-50 90 A? 93A 28-29 283 A-284 A 75 46 A 20 255 A-258 A 66-69 269 A-272 A 71-72 Nom6ro d'ordre Page 220A 56 255 A-258 A 66-69 900 A-202 A 53 921 A-232 A 57-60 217A 35 101 A 32 102 A 32 IA? 16A 5-14 105 A-108 A 33 48 A 20 89 A 27 280 A-282 A 74 90A? 93A 28-29 96A? 98A 30-31 94A? 95A 29 206 A-209 A 54 261 A 70 115 A-123 A 34-37 126 A-129 A 38-39 219A 56 2A? 3A 6- 253 A-254 A 66 59 A? 80 A 99_96 273 A-275 A 79-73 268 A-272 A 71-72 276 A-279 A 73 283 A-284 A 75 50A 21 99A 31 933 A-252 A 61-65 188 A-191 A 51-52 215 A-216 A 03 218A 36 140 A-177 A 40-50 26A? 34A 15-19 103 A-104 A 32 Ambosse Belle Bolzensclmeider Bohrknarren Bohrwmden Brustbohrmaschine Drillschraubenzieher Feilkloben Gartenscheren Hammer Handdrillbohrer HolzgltedermaBstabe Indtustriescheren Kistenaffner ICnarren-Schrattbenzteher Korner Kraftwagenheber Lederlochetsen Ltbellen Maurerwerkzeuge MeiBel Metallbfirsten Nietenkopfsetzer Ritzradchen Rohrschraubstocke Rohrzangen RollbandmaBe Schaber Scheren Sehlosser-Drillbohrer Schlosserwinkel Schliissel Schliisselsittze COLA Schraubenzieher Spiralsackbinder Stahlbuchstaben StahlrollbandmaBe Stetgetsen fiir Monteure Uhrmacherschrattbenzieher Zangen Abrecajas Aguja espiral para star bolsas Allanador de discos de afilacien Berbequis Berbequis para cerrajeros Carracas Cepillos do metal Cintas para medir Cortador de concordadores Destornillaclores Destornilladores pars relojeros El Alzacoches Escuadras Hachas espectales Hachuelas Herramientas pars alba-lilies Juegos de Haves COLA Letras de acero Llaves Llaves ajustables Martillos Metros de metal Metros plegables Pinzas y tenazas Punteros Raspadores Remachadores Sacabocados Sacaremaches Tajaderas pars cerrajeros Taladradora a mano Tijeras Tornos Tornos y tormllos Trepadorcs para montcros . Ntveles Yunques Posten Nr. Seito SOA 27 115 A 29 102 A 32 101 A 32 103 A 32 94 A 29 45A 90 93 A 20 221 A-232 A 57-60 59 A? 80 A 22-20 95 A 29 268 A-272 A 72-73 221 A-232 A 57-60 217 A 55 47 A 20 218 A 56 105 A?I08 A 33 215 A-216 A 55 283 A-284 A 75 255 A-258 A 60-09 200 A-202 A 53 255 A-258 A 00-09 220A 56 99A 31 00 A 31 188 A-191 A 51-52 276 A-279 A 73 200 A-209 A 54 221 A-232 A 57-00 48 A? 40A 90 280 A-282 A 74 I A? 16A 5-14 2A? 3A 0-7 20 A? 34A 15-19 50A 21 253A 60 270 A-270 A 73 261 A 70 46 A 20 140 A-177 A 40-50 Nmnerneiiin Poigina 217 A 55 50i 21 09 A 31 103 A-104 A 32 48 A 20 101 A 32 255 A-258 A 66-00 273 A-275 A 72-73 102 A 32 26 A? 34 A 15-10 46 A 20 105 A-108 A 33 280 A-282 A 74 120 A-129 A 38-39 115 A-126 A 34-37 233 A-252 A 61-05 2A? 3A 0-7 253 A-254 A 06 IA? 16 A 5-14 188 A-19I A 51-52 69A? 80A 22-26 276 A-270 A 73 208 A-272 A 71-72 140 A-177 A 40-50 218A 50 200 A-209 A 54 220A 56 215 A-216 A 55 219 A 50 200 A-202 A 53 94 A 20 221 A-232 A 67-60 96 A? 08A 30-31 92A? 03 A 28-29 261 A 70 283 A-284 A 75 89 A 27 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 12 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 INDEX Nr. .Cross Cut Saws 1B? 4B Conservation-Tools for Saws 8B? 10B Cross Cut Saw Handles 11B? 12B Bow Saws 13B? 16B Joiner's Saw 17B? 18B Saw Blades 26B? 37B Back Saws and Stair Builder's Saws Vencor Saws and Supplemen- tary Blades 67B? 68B Gardenoes Saws 72B? 79B Piercing Saws 86B? 87B Hack Saw Blades 90B? 94B Band Saws 134B-136B Machine Gang-Saws Blades 137B-142B Pit Saws 143B-145B Saw Chains 152B-150B Circular Saw Blades for wood 175B-193B Cutters 200B-228B Planes 252B-260B Planing Knives 202B 270B Plane Irons 279B-284B Chisels 305B-318B Gimlets and Bits 321B-332B INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Page Nr. 5? 7 Bauchsagen 113? 41) 7? 8 Erhaltungswerlizeuge fiir Siigen 8B? 10B O Zugsiigengriffe 11B 12B 10? 12 Biigelsligen 1313 16B 12? 13 Tischlersitgen 17B 18B 13? 19 Siigeblatter 26B? 37B Rucksiigen, Feinsiigen und Grat- 45B? 56B 20? 25 siigen 45B 56B Fournierschneifine rind Ersatz 20 blittter 67B 68B 27 30 GArtnersiigen ......... 72B? 79B 31 Laubsiigen 86B 87B 33? 36 Fleischersligen 88B 89B 36? 37 Aletallsligeblatter DOB 94B 38? 39 Bandsligen. 134B-136B 39? 40 Gattersiigeblatter 137B-142B 41? 43 Spaltsitgen. 143B-145B 47? 57 Siigeketten. 152B-156B 58? 76 Holzkreissageblittter 175B-193B 77 81 Fraser 200B-228B 82 86 Hobel 252B-260B 87? 89 Hobelinesser 262B -276B 90? 96 Hobeleison 279B-284B 97-104 Bohol 305B-318B Bohrer 321B-332B TABLE DES MAT1ERES No. Pago INDICE Nr. Passo-Partouts 1B? 4B 5? 7 Tronzadores .... .. . .. 1B-- 4B Outils do conservation pour scics 8B? 10B 7? 8 lIerramientas de coliservacien Manches pour passo-partouts . 11B? 1213 9 para sierras SB? 10B Scies h bitches h archot 13B? 10B 10? 12 Mangos par tronzadores 11B? 12B Scios pour monuisiors 17B? 18B 12? 13 Sierras para troncos con arma- Lames do Beim 26B? 3713 13? 19 z6n 1313? 16B Soles h dos, pour 6b6nistes, it Sierras para carpintoros 17B? 18B (mote 45B? 56B 20 25 Hojas do sierras 26B - 37B Coupes-placages ot lsittes do Serruchos do costilla, para es- rochange 67B? 68B 26 pigas y muescas 45B---- 50B Soles pour jardiniors 72B 79B 27? 30 Cortadores do enchapado Soles it ropercer 80B? 87B 31 hojas de reptiesto 67B-- 68B Solos do bouchor 88B? 89B 32 Sierras para jardincros 72B? 79B Lames do scio it motaux GOB? 94B 33? 36 Soguotes 86B? 87B Soles it ruban 134B 136B 36? 37 Sierras para carniceros 88B-- 89B Lames des miss alternatives 137B-142B 38? 30 Hojas do sierras para metales . 90B? 94B Scies it cram 143B 145B 39 40 Sierras do cuita 134B-131313 Chaines do scies 152B 156B 41 43 Hojae do sierras altornativas 137B-142B Lames des soles oirculaires it bois 175B-193B 47? 57 Sierras at aire 143B-145B Fraises 900B 22813 58 76 Cadenas do sierras 152B--156B Rabots 952B-200B 77? 81 Hojas do sierras circulares para Fors it rabotor 262B 270B 82? SO mad- ..... 175B-193B Fors do rabots 979B 284B 87? 89 Fresas 200B-228B Ciseaux it bois 305B 318B 90? 96 Copillos 252B-260B Meclies ot vrilles 321B 332B 97-104 Hierros para copillar 262B-276B Hierros de cepillos 279B-284B Formones 305B-318B Mechas y barrenas 321B--332B Scite 5? 7 7? 8 20? 25 26 27? 30 31 32 33? 36 36 37 38? 39 39? 40 41 43 47? 57 58 76 77 81 82? 86 87? 89 90? 96 97-104 Pagina 5? 7 7? 8 9 10? 12 12? 13 13? 19 20? 25 26 27? 30 31 32 33? 36 36-- 37 38? 39 39? 40 41? 43 47 57 58? 76 77? 81 82? 86 87? 89 90? 96 97-104 Nr. Page Back Saws and Stair Builders Saws 45B? 56B 20? 25 Band Saws 13413-136B 36? 37 Bow Saws 13B? 16B 10? 12 Circular Saw Blades for Wood 175B-193B 47? 57 Conservation-Tools for Saws 8B? 10B 7? 8 Cross Cut Saws 1B? 413 5? 7 Cross Cut Saw Handles 11B? 12B 9 Cutters 200B-228B 58? 76 Gardener's Saws 72B? 79B 27? 30 Gimlets and Bits 321B-332B 97-104 Hack Saw Blades 90B? 94B 33? 30 Chisels 305B-318B 90? 96 Joiner's Saws 1713? 18B 12? 13 Machine Gang-Saws Blades 137B-142B 38? 39 Piercing Saws 86B? 87B 31 Pit Saws 143B-145B 39? 40 Plane Irons 279B-284B 87? 89 Planes 262B-260B 77? 81 Planing Knives 262B-276B 82? 80 Saw Blades 26B? 37B 13? 19 Saw Chains 152B-156B 41? 43 Veneer Saws and Supplemen- tary blades 67B? 68B 26 Ciseaux it hots Coupes-placages et lames de rechange 67B? 68B Fers it raboter 262B-276B Fraises 300B-228B Chames de scies 152B-156B Lames do sews 26B? 37B Lames do scies it metaux 90B? 94B Lames do soles alternatives 137B-142B Lames de scios circulaires it bois 175B-193B Manches pour passe-partouts . 11B? 12B Meches et vrilles 321B-332B No. I Nr. Seito: Bandsfigen 134B-136B 36? 37 Bauchstigen 1B? 4B 5? 7 Beitel 305B-318B 90? 90 Bohrer 321B-33213 97-104 Bilgelsitgen 13B? 1013 10? 12 Erhaltungsworkzeuge fur Sligen 8B? 10B 7? 8 Fourrtierschnoider und Ersatz- bliitter 67B? 68B 26 Gartnorsligen 72B? 79B 27? 30 fIntterrag,thlittter 13713-142B 38? 39 Hobel 23213-26013 77? 81 Hobeleisen 279B-284B 87? 89 lfobelmessor 26213-27613 82? 86 Holzkreissligebliittor 175B-193B 47? 57 Laubsfigen NB? 87B 31 Metallstigeblatter 90B-- 04B 33? 30 Ruckstigen, Feinsiigen und G rat- sitgon 45B? SOB 20- - 25 Sagobliitter 2013? 37B 13? 19 Sagoketten ..... 152B-150B 41? 43 Spaltsligen 143B-145B 39? 40 Tischlersiigen 1713? 18B 12? 13 Zugsiigengriffe 1113? 1213 9 Page Nr. Pagina: Cadenas do sierras 152B-156B 41? 43 Cepillos 25211-26013 77? 81 26 Cortadores do enchapado y hoja 82? 86 do ropuesto 67B? 0811 26 58? 76 Formoncs 305B-318B 90? 90 41? 43 Fresas 20013-22813 58-- 76 13? 19 Herramientas do conservacion 33? 36 para sierras 813-- 1013 7-- 8 38? 39 Hierros do copillar . 26213-270B 82? 86 47? 57 Hierros do cepillos 27913-28413 87? 89 9 Hojas do sierras 2613? 3713 13? 19 97-104 Rojas de sierras alternations 13713? 14213 38? 39 7? 8 Hojas do sierras circulares para 5? 7 madora 175B-193B 47? 57 77? 81 Hojas de sierras para metalcs 90B? 94B 33-- 36 10-- 12 Mangos para tronzadores 1113? 1213 9 39? 40 Mechas y barenas 321B-332B 97-104 Seguetes 80B? 87B 31 20? 25 Serruchos do costilla, para 08- 31 pigas y muescas 4513? SOB 20? 25 36? 37 Sierras at airo 143B-14513 39? 40 32 Sierras do einta 13413-130B 30? 37 27 30 Sierras para carniceros 8813? 89B 32 12?, 13 Sierras para carpintoros 1713-- 1813 12? 13 Sierras para jardineros 72B? 79B 27? 30 Sierras para troncos con armazon 1313? 16B 10? 12 305B-318B 90? 96 OutiLs de conservation pour soles 8B? 10B Passe-partouts 1B? 4B Rabots 252B-260B Scies it bitches it archet 13B? 16B Scies it MILS 143B-145B Sews it dos, pour 6136rustes, it crate 45B? 56B Scies it repercer 8613? 87B Scies it ruban 134B-136B Sates de boucher 88B? 89B Scies pour jardiniers 72B? 79B 1713? 18B Scies pour menuisiers _ ? kirk? _-;310.3,37.0.-...1,::Th.m*rikv,..?,:vta_,,-R.".?..t.,,,a- - el Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 As we are steadily improving the construction and design of our products, the illustrations and specifications of this pamphlet are not binding. BAUCHSAGEN ? PASSE-PARTOUTS ? TRONZADORES ?:6 i.,:o? ... `,'...,--... ?-...,-..i...Te.4. ???:t,,,? .._-&....' _ ,,,,,:s , _ ..:,,,wk,, IdliciSSIvu.:13SA:itcW7TEETH-TOElifghlqua143.2,alleitiVeiiiii ii-faida'fblidsTeliiiiiidNiiiSiligtr&iiiiiiiblii-Aanalf:glie? ztL-,-,,iaciAC.,...*H_LOte....,..ri.4:.4,,t'e,t,,..1....55:11:1:131iliff3. ,KRATMK c :?-?Mizga4.1?2c-if;Met.41.-fr ftz ,.trasAGE .Antwz -AAN,T_NGowitle-gikieeid ,,i-ahtat---81 iniiiiiiiD?iPEnedeilt;'deit.BliiitpdfiiraciliZelialliiiIVOiiffe: 0**.lifeTtihilalpfe'..fZiiiiiiiiiiigiiii4`oriateiniiiiffileiebarmThilOifT -ieleelialtieTe?kitin 1litnniatgOAToliiii_. Tff,f4J,Iri.'?: -- ''Ay? r?-,1,?-? -- ,-? -,--?14,...--??,...? 1 :?=1., _4??A , t,2 , . a, iferv...4,..4r.st&-Z?P.,-;,21X"'Z-:?;.:-.k.:.--..i.4.ti.'-k:k. tiecW-- "?itITi.W.','-r.sita-7..g. spiE sPASSELPARTOTJT,IDENTUREZY,,4maferelzallii-'it dAiiiilifefagiRatiiVAO..Wlaiiiii6eireelii:AliOni'.;-IgaIiifiriblieto eiiiiliiirTi;iXii.laii0i6.!Oit;fti'iih-iif,ETSiittifilifgleisTObeiol-,W:iiiiid, 'atitaiftitee 0 :P4'1124 -1-4_..V...0 -.4 , M `........ e-,...?, ,--t ./, ? ?????if=e4.$4,,V, 1.7-1,??' ..,,tr.7.-C.,?:.... 4.71S014ZADORDIENTES;4?FPRMAIV-4T;smitterialPalleadO.:del. ,. _ .'?.eal: a ..-Id tremidades. e;la-hoja ejecilia asip:mans:::: L,a'gitroiap'?e;9Ls-itffi'g4tA"rtSf6iin'al'dgI'tiiti:icgti16:Viac'eleik;; li'dtbalifdOs - iii16 --t-tz,..,14.,,,Lrzir,,,....y.A.1,1s&r'e. -4' .21,1142.4-7F"'21' Alio unsere Erzeugnisse untorliegen stiindiger Verbesserung und Vervollicommnung. Wir behalten tins dcsbalb das Recht technischer, ins Verlauf des Verbesserungsfortschrittes sich er- gebender Anderungen aller angefiihrten Erzeugnisse vor. Die Angaben dimes Prospektes sind (lather tinverbindlich. Nos produits 6tant constainment perfectionnes les renseigne- meats du present prospectus sont donnes sans engagement. Sienclo In construccien do maestros productos objeto do con- stantes mejoras y perfcccionamientos, las espccificaciones insertadas en este prospecto son meramente informativas y sin compromiso alguno de parte nuestra. - - ,-SCIE:P.AgSZPARTRIJT;:_?EAQ0NiAMERidALIDtVzi.:u0rielnlli? La convergenco diminuo In friction1 do In coupe Ta :? ildiieniesii'en';gr'Oapesf,i;OViiniirasO.::e1442.:ilentiate-Coliper;.':OQr; Emballago: en faisceaux Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 CONSERVATION - TOOLS FOR SAWS ? ERHALTUNGSWERKZEUGE FOR SAGEN ? OUTILS DE CONSERVATION POUR SCIES ? HERRAMIENTAS DE CONSERVACION PARA SIERRAS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 I k 414 t 1.3Pti(i ? ' CROSS CUT SAW HANDLES ? ZUGSAGENGRIFFE'? MANCHES POUR PASSE- PARTOUTS ? MANGOS PARA TRONZADORE.S tgl.? ' ,DES4:40- . CROSS IOU .1.14SAYV.Siarhb a. 1'14e? , REHGREFIE.NZUOZUGSAGENF? Oriffiaiinhartein-PEroik.44 - ediaxititrait:Fliikellalls,;0413,pisen gegergRost,durah,Parbe, , geschutzt. ttN-4f? cims T.pworAttEsp,otni. Sgel-EsIPASSE=PAR, 2.ANGOS,00E4a, OTACI PARA. ."TRO ZADORES4a1 co tido, proibleriti:awdela herrnmhropor,Ja Oa. , "' ' ,. ' ..,-,,,,,N.,..? : - ' . . ... _ ... 1- ..ty.,"--? ' t- - - _ 1...? v - ' ,,- - -4 - -e .,.. , SCREWINIO1BAND,FESY.OR,CROSS'.0U_ILNSAWSgHand10, ;if ;.11d.6.ocF,Tili'e'seiiWiVtif'Vitrel. ? ,.,.... ?, .. .,..._ ,ISCHELIT3BENpRIEFELZUxZCIOSAG-EWGrIffe..iimi: art:- -thi.iliXdiaSZliaiiibig.iiiiiriSaihnir' s . - -. - .,- .i.? -,7.1,-. ,.,, ...-- . ,-4....?-r glAITLI.H.LSOOLTRAWASSE!PARTObriS;A'AVEC4VIS ? 'IA7. ,gmanche - en-bois ur ?sle-vis d acier ' - ... . iv.,. . , .,.. _ . f ' ' - i:. ' 1 " onvittO i; ZmANposi.,IvA3TII,9,94p.s.A.c9N4 ,..e.. _ .,.., , e Viierniol:cliv.,madftrirOfel-t2mtllo.;4,11rifOro. .7. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 :CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 BOW SAWS ? BOGELSAGEN ? SCIES A BOCHES A ARCHET ? SIERRAS PARA TRONCOS CON ARMAZON 13 B/469 length Lange / longuour / largura height Ilehe / hauteur / altura weight Gewicht. / poids / peso height Hallo / hauteur / altura weight Gowicht / poids / peso BOW SAW WITH STRAINING 'LEVER AND BLADE I WITH V-TEETH. The bow of the saw of profile-tube, , ensuring perfect strain of the. blade in the cut. The blade ; is fastened by 2 rivets and straining lever. The change-of blade is easy. The toothirig- in form of isosceles triangle, I set and sharpened. 1 BUGELSAGE MIT SPANNB:EBEL UND BLATT MIT V-ZAHNUNG. Dec Sagebagel aus Profilrehre, welch? voll- endete_ Spannung, des Blaites. he dem Scluutt versichert. I Das Sageblatt mit.- 2 Nieten und Spannhebel befestigt. Leicht ausWechselbar. Die. Zahnung in Form eines gleich- armigen Dieiecks, geschrankt und geschiirft. SUE A BUCECES A ARCHET, AVEC LEVIER DE I TENSION ET LAME A DENTURE V. L'archet de In ' scie de tube profile? assurant In tension parfait? de In lame dans la coupe: La lame de scie est saisie par 2 rivets ot le levier de tension. Facilement h remplacer. La denture I en forme de triangle isocele, 5. voie et affutee. SIERRA PARA TRONCOS CON ARMAZON Y PALANCA , DE TENSION, HOJA CON MENTES V. La palanca on tubo de porfil, asegurando. in tension perfecta de la hoja on el corte. La hoja sujetada por 2 remaches y palanca de tensiOn. Recambio %oil; los dientes en forma do triangulo isosceles, trabajados y afilados. inches 28' 31" 35' 39" mm 700 800 900 1000 inches 11" 11' 11' 11' mm 270 270 270 270 lbs 2114 311 315 3110 kgs 1,31 1,40 1,51 1,64 inches 13" 13' 13" 13' mm 320 320 320 320 lbs 3 3/3 317 3112 kgs 1,35 1,45 1,57 1,69 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, packed in fluted cardboard / Vorpackung: Bandel h 10 Wollkarton umgepackt / Emballago: faisccaux a 10 pieces, emballes en carton ondule / atados do 10 ptozas, embalados en carton ondeado. 10 Stack, mit Embalaje: PIMA Ar WWI ? (lICIOSI.???? BOW SAW WITH STRA.TATING-. LEVER AND CONVER- - GENT BLADE, Argoonmc9-2.--, BUGELSAGE MIT SPANN H /4;BELUI\TD- KOi\TNiBRGENZ- BLATT MIT V-ZAHNITNG.- SOLE A RUCHES, A AROHE,T, -AVEC LE IER DE TENSION, LAME CONVERGENTE,1-. DENTURE V.-..,,_, SIERRA PARA TRONCOS, ' CON AMAZON :PAL? AN-6A DE TENSION Y HOJA. CONVERGENTE, DIENTES FORMA V. 1 ft - length Lange / longuour / largura height Hohe / hauteur / altura weight Gewicht / poids / peso height Hello / hauteur / altura weight Gewicht / poids / peso 14 B/469 N 28" 31" 35" 39" inches mm 700 800 900 1000 inches 11' 11' 11' 11" mm 270 270 270 270 lbs 2114 311 315 3110 kgs 1,31 1,40 1,51 1,64 inches 13' 13' 13" 13"? mm 320 320 320 320 lbs 3 3/3 317 3112 kgs 1,35 1,45 1,57 1,69 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, packed in fluted cardboard / Verpacicung: Bilndol h 10 stack, mit WellIcarton umgepackt / Emballago: faisceaux. h 10 pieces, emballes on carton ondul6 / Embalajo: atados de 10 piezas, embalados on carton ondeado BOW SAW WITH STRAINING LEVER AND CON- VERGENT BLADE, TEETH IN GROUPS. The saw-bow 1 of profile-tube. The blade fastened by 2 rivets and strained by straining lever. RUGELSAGE MIT SPANNHEBEL UND KONVERGENZ- BLATT, GRUPPENZABITUNG. Der Sagebagel aus Profil- ; retire. Das Stigeblatt durch 2 Nieten gehalton und mit Spannhebel gespannt. SCIE A BUGHES, A ARCHET, AVEC LEVIER DE TENSION ET LAME CONVERGENTE, DENTS GROUP2S. L'archet do la scie en tube profile?. La lame do In. scie saisie par 2 rivets et tondue par le levier do tension. SIERRA PARA TRONCOS CON ARMAZON, PALANCA DE TENSION Y HOJA CONVERGENTE, DLENTES EN GRUPOS. El armazen en tubo do porfil. La hoja do la sierra sujetada por 2 remaches y estirada per la palanca de tension. PILANA suall 1/????????? length Lange / longueur / largura height Hoho / hauteur / altura weight Gewicht / poids / peso height Halle / hauteur / altura weight Gewicht / poids / peso inches mm inches mm lbs kgs inches mm lbs kgs 15 B/470 N 20" 31" 39" 700 800 900 1000 11' 11' 11" 11' 270 270 270 270 2114 311 315 3110 1,30 1,39 1,50 1,03 13" 13' 13" 13' 320 320 320 320 3 3/3 3/7 3111 1,35 1,44 1,50 1,68 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, packed in fluted cardboard / Verplickung: &hide' 5, 10 Stuck, mit Wellkarton umgepackt / Emballago: faisceaux h 10 pieces, emballes en carton ondul6 / Embalajo: atados de 10 plezas, embalados en carten ondeado. 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 16 B/565 length inches 20" Lange / longuour / largura mm 500 ONE-HAND BOW SAW. EDTHANDRUGELSAGE: sciE A AR01:1ET POUR USAGE DOMESTIQUE. SERRUCHO CON ARMAZON PARA USO DOMESTIC?. Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, packed in fluted cardboard / Vorpackung: Bandel h. 10 Stack, mit WollIcarton infigepaelct / Emballago: faisceaux h 10 pieces, emballes en carton onduld / Embalajo: atados do 10 piezas, ombalados on cartOn ondeado JOINERS' SAWS ? TISCHLERSAGEN ? SCIES POUR MENUISIERS ? SIERRAS PARA CARPINTEROS 17 B/1552 length Lange / longuour / largura width Broke / largeur / anchura weight Gowicht / poids / peso SPAN WEB SAW. The blade at both ends provided by tangs (solid or riveted) and through them fastened to the frame. TISCILLERSPANNSAGE. Das Siigeblatt an beiden Enden mit Angeln (festen oder genieteten) versehen und dadurch zum Rahman befestigt. SCIE A TENON. La lame pourvu toils les deux bouts , par les queues (naturelles ou rivees) et attach& ainsi an tenon. SIERRA PARA CARPD1TEROS. La hoja provefda a ambos cabos do espigas (naturales o remachadas) y fijada ' por las mismas al armazon. inches 24" 28' 31" 35" mm 600 700 800 900 inches 1'7" 1'7" 1'7' 1'7" mm 40 40 40 40 lbs 1112 1115 213 215 grs 780 870 1000 1055 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, packed in fluted cardboard / Vorpackung: Bilndel h 10 Stuck, mit Wollkarton itingepackt / Emballage: faiseeaux h 10 pieces, emballOs on carton ondul6 / Embalajo: atados do 10 piezas, embalados on cart& ondeado 12 ' FOLDING WEB SAW. Practical, easy to be disassembled.1 Furnished with 3 saw-blades: normal, chair- and with. fine 1 teeth. - -ZUSAINDLENLEGBARE'' ,TISCHLERSAGE. -:-Praktisch, leicht auseinanderlegbar: Mit 3 Blattern verseheri: Tischler-, Schweif- und Absatzblatt. SCIE PLIANTE POUR 'MENUSIERS. Pratique; facile h'demonter.Mtmie de 3 lames:" de menuisier, a chantourner,"i it araser. , ? , SIERRA PLEGABLE PARA CARPINTEBQS. Practica, desmontable sin esfuerzo. -Proveida 'de 3 hojas: para car- pinteros, para rodear y enrasar. length Lange / longuour / largura weight Gewicht / poids / peso 18 B/560 inches 24" mm 000 lbs .117 grs 050 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, packed in fluted cardboard / Vorpackung: l3?ndol h 10 Stuck, mit Wellkarton umgepackt / Emballage: faisccaux h 10 pieces, (=bands on carton onduld / Embalajo: atados de 10 piezas, embalados en carton ondeado J SAW BLADES ? SAGEBLATTER ? LAMES DE SCIES ? HOJAS DE SIERRAS BOW SAW BLADE, with V tootbing and distance of teeth 51"; the sides of saw blades are polished. Tho teeth set and sharpened. BLTGELSAGEBLATT mit V-Zahnung und Zahnweite 10 mm. Die Seiten des Blattes poliert. Die Zahnung go- schrankt und gescharft. 26 B/514 LAME DE SOLE A RUCHES, DENTURE V, distance des dents 10 mm. Les altos do la lame sont polis. La denture h voie et affutee. ,,,y.r+QA:111 HOJA DE SIERRA PARA TRONCOS, dicntes forma V, : distancia do dientes 10 min. Los lados do la hoja son ptilidos. Los dicntes trabajados y afilados. length Lange / longuour / largura weight Gewicbt / poids / peso inches 28" 31" 35" 30" mm 700 800 900 1000 oz 3 1/2 4 4 112 6 grs 100 115 130 108 Packing: bundles per 10, 50 and 100 pieces / Vorpackung: Bandel h 10, 50 um! 100 Stack / Emballage: faisccaux h 10, 50 et 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados do 10, 50 y 100 piezas Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 27 B/514 N ? ?722ri22. V4-44,444 *47-4,11.711elmimrs?Ntt ? ? length inches 28" 31" 35" Lange / longuour / largura mm 700 800 900 weight oz 3 4 41/2 Gowicht / poids / peso grs 90 108 121 CONVERGENT BO SAW 'BLADE with V toothing and ? ?teetn., distance 3", set and sharpened. The, thickness of material onthe back in thinner_ than in the teeth. , , ?,. . Bi.).GB-LSA.GEBLATT, -KONVERGIEEEND mit V-Zah- rimag-?und Zahnweite .10 nim; geschrankt und gescharft. Dia .Dicke des Materials. des ,Rilekens ist schwacher ala in den.-Zahnen. "-?"? ? - , LAME DE SCLE,.A...HGCFIES,..CONVERGENTE, DEN- TURE V. Distance -des-- dents .10 -mm, h vote et affutee. L'epaisseur du materiel plus mince sur le dos quo stir la denture. HOJA DE SIERRAS PARA TRONCOS, CONVERGENTE, dientes forma IT, distancia de dientes 10 mm, trabajados y afilados. El gruese de material nada delgado en lomo quo sobre las dientes., - 39" 1000 51/2 157 Packing: bundles por 10, 50 and 100 pieces / Verpackung: B?ndolb, 10, 50 und 100 Stuck / Ernbal- Ingo: faisceaux b. 10, 50 ot 100 pieces Embalajo: atados de 10, 50 y 100 piezas 43011.M4 28 13/519 N length Lange / longueur / largura weight Gewicht / poids / peso ; SPAN WEB BLADE with solid 'tangs. Produced of polished cold-rolled material. The teeth in form ofa not isosceles triangle with teeth distance - ? - , SPANNSAGEBLATT mit fasten-. Angeln:_Erzeugt aus po- ? ? liertem, kaltgewalztem Material:. Die Zahnung in ? Form ? eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks, Zahnweite75 , LAME DE SCIES A TENONrqueues naturelles. Fabrique6 ? en materiel poli, lamine en froid. La, denture en forme I d'un triangle non isocele, , distance des dents 5 mm. 7, HOJA DE SIERRAS PARA CARPINTEROS. Con espigas- 1 naturales, producida do material pulido, latninado en frfo. Las dientes en forma de triangule no is?sceles, . distancia t de dientes 5 mm. BOW SAW BLADE WITH COMBINATION TOOTH:MG. ; The convergent blade is thinner on the back than in the teeth. Tho toothing has 4 cutting and 1 planing tooth. Set and sharpened. HUGELSA.GEBLATT GRUPPENZAIDIUNG. Das Kcinvergenzblatt ist schmaler am Riicken ala in den Zalmen. I Die Zahnungsgruppo besteht" atis 4 Schneideziihnen und 1 Hobelzahn. Geschrankt und, geschlirft. ' !LAMES POUR SOLES: A. BlaCHES, AVEC DENTS GROU- PES. La lame convergent? est plus mince en dos quo stir les dents. La denture so compose de 4 dents a couper et 1 1 dont raboter. A voie et affutee. HOJA DE SIERRAS PARA TRONCOS CON DENTES i EN GRUPOS. La hoja convergent? es =Is delgada en lom6 quo sobro los dientes. El grupo consiste en 4 dientes para cortar y 1 diente acepillador. Trabajados y afilados. inches 28" 31" 35" 39' mm 700 800 900 1000 oz 31/2 4 41/2 6 grs 100 115 130 168 Packing: bundles per 10, 50 and 100 pieces / Verpackung: Bantle( h 10, 50 und 100 Stuck / Embal- lege: faisceaux a 10, 50 ot 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados do 10, 50 y 100 piezas 14 ?RANA 1.???? ? PUNA 2 weight Gewicht / poids / peso width Breit? / largeur / anchura length Lange / longueur / largura 29 13/521 oz 3 4 41/2 51/2 grs 90 110 130 150 inches 1 518" 1 518" 1 518" 1 518" mm 40 40 40 40 inches 24' 28" 31" 35" mm 600 700 800 900 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces! Verpackung: Bundol h 25, 50 odor 100 Stuck / Emballago: faisceaux h 25, 50 ou 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados do 25, 50 o 100 piezas TENON SAW BLADE with solid tangs. Produced of polished cold-rolled material. The teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle with teeth distance 3". ABSATZSAGEBLATT mit festen Angeln. Erzeugt aus pohertem, kaltgewalztem Material. Die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiocks, Zahnweite 3 mm. LAME DE SCLE A ARASER, queues naturelles. Fabriquee ' en materiel poli, lamin6 en froid. La denture en forme d'un triangle non isocole, distance des dents 3 mm. HOJA DE SIERRAS PARA ENRASAR. Con espigas ' naturales, producida de material pulido, laminado en frfo. , Los dientes en forma do triangulo no isosceles, distancia do ? dientes 3 mm. PILANA Utlint?Me? weight Gewicht / poids / peso width Breite / largeur / anchura length Lange / longueur / largura 30 B/522 oz 3 4 grs 90 110 inches 1 518" 1 518" mm 40 40 inches 24" 28' 31" 35' nun 600 700 800 900 41/2 51/2 130 150 1 518" 1 518' 40 40 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces / Verpackung: Bandol a 25, 50 oder 100 Stuck! Emballage: faisceaux a 25, 50 ou 100 pieces / Embalaje: atados do 25, 50 o 100 piezas 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 31 13/523 length Lange / longueur / largura width Breit() / larguour / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso width Breito / largour / anchura weight Gowicht / poids / peso width Breit() / largeur / anchura weight Gowicht / poids / peso width Breit() / largeur / anehura weight Gowicht / poids / peso CHAIR WEB SAW BLADE polished, with teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle. On both sides round hole for fastening. o ' SCHWEIFSAGEBLATT, poliert, mit Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks. An beiden Seiten runde Offnungen fur Zuhalten. LAME DE SCIE POUR CHANTOURNER, polio. La denture en forme d'un triangle non isocele. Tons les deux bouts munis par ouverture ronde pour accrocher. HOJA DE SIERRA PARA RODEAR, pulida, los dientes en forma do tritingulo no isosceles. Ambos lados proveidos de abertura redonda para suspender. inches 24" 28' 32" 36' TOM 000 700 800 900 inches 4" 4" 4" 4" mm 8 8 8 8 oz 4/7 2/3 6/7 grs 17 20 24 27 inches 5' 5' 5? 5" mm 10 10 10 10 OZ 2/3 617 1 11/2 gra 20 25 27 30 inches 6" 6" 6" 6" mm 12 12 12 12 OZ 6/7 11/7 12/7 11/2 grs 20 31 30 41 inches 7' 7" 7" 7" (11 15 15 15 15 oz 1 117' 1 317" 1 417" 1 517" grs 32 39 45 50 Packing: bundles per 10, 50 and 100 pieces / Vorpackung: Biindel It 10, 50 und 100 Stuck / Embal- lege: faisceaux h 10, 50 ot 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados do 10, 50 y 100 piezas 32 B/524 16 ? ?4441E101 PUNA 6.11.1 011:1031 $.1311. UNHINGING CHAIR WEB SAW BLADE. Polished, with teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle. One side with round hole for fastening, other with rectangular hole for unhinging hook. AUSHANGESAGEBLATT, poliert, mit Zalmung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks. Einerseits mit Rund- offnung zum Zuhalten, andererseits mit Rechteekoffnung fiir Aushiingehaken. ' LAME POUR SC1E A DEPENDRE, polio. La denture on forme d'un triangle non isocele. Un cote avec ouverture rondo pour accrocher, l'autre avec ouverture rectangulaire . pour crochet it d6pendre. HOJA DE SIERRA PARA DESCOLGAR. Pulida, los dientes en forma de triangulo no isosceles. Un lado con ' abortum redonda pars suspender, el otro con abertura , rectangular pars corchete descolgar. for length of web saw inches 24" 28' 31' 35' fur Tischlersiigeliinge mm 600 pour longueur de la scie do menusier para largura de Is sierra para carpinteros length of blade inches 21' Blattliinge / longueur do Is lame largura do Is hoja mm 537 width Breito / largour / anchura weight Gewicht / poids / peso width Breite / largeur / anchura weight Gewicht / poids / peso width 13reite / largeur / anchura weight Gewicht / poids width Breit? / largeur / anchura peso weight Gewicht / poids / peso 700 800 900 25" 29" 33" 637 737 837 inches 4" 4" 4' 4" mm 8 8 8 8 oz 112 417 517 6/7 grs 15 18 99 25 inches 5' 5' 5' 5" mm 10 10 10 10 07. 417 517 617 1 grs 17 20 24 27 inches 6" 6" 6' 6' mill 12 12 10 12 OZ 6/7 1 1 1/7 1 2/7 grs 23 28 33 38 inches 7" 7" 7" 7' mm 15 15 15 15 oz 1 1 2/7 1 1/2 1 4/7 grs 28 35 41 45 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces / Verpackung: B?ndolh 25, 50 oder 100 Stuck Emballage: faisceaux h 25, 50 on 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados do 25, 50 o 100 pumas SPAN WEB SAW BLADE WITH RIVETED TANGS. Tho teeth in form of a not Isosceles triangle with teeth distance 2'". SPANNSA.GEBLATT MIT NIETANGELN. Die Zahntmg in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks, Zahnweite 5 mm. LAME DE SCIE A TENON A QUEUES RIVEES. La denture en forme d'un triangle non isocele, distance des dents 5 mm. HOJA DE SIERRA PARA CARPINTEROS CON ES- PIGAS REMACHADAS. Los dientos on forma de triangulo no isosceles, distancia de dientes 5 mm. length of blade Blattliinge / longueur de la lame largura do la hoja weight Gewicht / poids / peso width Breito / largeur / anchura 33 B/525 1:":4D-zm? ? v . , .v* Almon ,y AVYY. inches 21' 28" 31" 35' TOM 000 700 800 000 OZ 41/4 5 52/3 61/2 grs 120 140 100 180 inches I 518" 1 518" 1 518" 1 518" mm 40 40 40 40 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces / Verpackung: Biindel it 25, 50 oder 100 Stack / Emballage: faisceaux h 25, 50 ou 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados de 25, 50 o 100 piezas 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 34 B/527 111141M9V....V,* .tfirVrt.W.M*Ver length of blade Blatt!lingo / longuour do la lame largura do la hoja width Broito / largour / anchura inches mm inches mm weight oz Gowicht 1 poids /peso grs TENON SAW BLADE with riveted tangs. The teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle with teeth distance 1". ABSATZSAGEBLATT mit Nietangeln. Die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreieeks. Zahnweite 3 mm. LAME DE SCIE A ARASER It queues rivees. La denture en forme d'un triangle non isocele, distance des dents 3 mm. HOJA DE SIERRAS PARA ENRASAR con espigas ' remachadas. Los dientes en forma do trifingulo no isesceles, distancia de dientes 3 mm. 24' 28' 31' 36" 000 700 800 900 1 518' 1 518' 1 518' I 518" 40 40 40 40 4 114 6 5 3/3 6 1/-2- 120 140 160 180 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces /Vorpackung: Bfindel it 25. 50 oder 100 Stuck/ Emballage: faisceaux It 25, 50 ou 100 pieces / Embalaje: atados de 25, 50 a 100 piens 35 B/528 _ length of blade inches 24' 28" 31" Blattliingo / longtiour do In lame min 600 largura do In hoja 700 800 width inches 1 518' I 518' I 518" Broito / largour / anchura mm 40 40 40 weight oz 3 4 4 112 Gowieht / poids / peso grs 90 110 130 CARPENTER SAW BLADE WITH SOLID TANGS. The , teeth in form of isosceles triangle with teeth distance 6". ' The tangs and blade of one piece. ZIMMERMANNSAGEBLATT MIT FESTEN ANGELN. Die Zahnung in Form eines gloicharmigen Dreiecks mit. Zahnweite 6 mm. Die Angeln und des Blatt aus einem ' Stuck. LAME DE SCIE POUR CHARPENTIER, A QUEUES NATURELLES, La denture en forme d'un triangle isocele avec distance des dents 6 mm. Les queues et In lame d'une piece. HOJA DE SIERRA PARA CARPINTEROS CON ESPI- GAS NATURALES. Los dientes en forma de triangulo isosceles, con distancia do dientes 6 mm. Las espigas y la hoja do la misma pieza. 35' 900 I 518" 40 5 112 150 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces / Vorpackung: Bundel It 25, 50 oder 100 Stuck Emballago: faisceaux It 25, 50 flu 100 pieces / Embalaje: atados de 25, 60 o 100 pieza.s 18 TENON SAW BLADE with riveted tangs. The tooth in ' form of a not isosceles -triangle with teeth distance 2"'. , ABSATZSAGEBLATP mit Nietangeln. Die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreieeks, Zahnweite 6 mm. LAME DE SCIE A ARASER a queues riveei. La denture en forme d'un triangle non isocele, distance des dents 6 mm. HOJA DE SIERRAS PARA ENRASAR con espigas ' remachadas. Los dientes en forma de triangulo no isosceles, distancia de dientes 6 ram. 4r. 36 B/529 ?eirga wrroileZilsg)* length of blade inches 24" 28" 31' 35" Blattliinge / longueur de in lame / largura do la hoja mm 600 700 800 000 width Breite largour / anchura weight Gewicht / poids / peso inches I 518" 1 5I8" 1 518' I 518" mm 40 40 40 40 oz 41/4 5 52/3 61/2 grs 120 140 100 180 Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces / Verpackung: Biindol It 25, 50 odor 100 Stack / Emballago: faisceaux It 25, 50 ou 100 pieces / Embalajo: atados do 25, 50 o 100 Oozes UNHINGING HOOK FOR UNHLNGING CHAIR WEB ' SAWS. Fastens the unhinging blade and is riveted on the tang of the strainmg frame. AUSHANGEHAKEN FOR AUSHA.NGESCHWEIF- SA.GEN befestigt des Aushangeblatt und wird zu dor Angel des Sparmbugels gonietet. CROCHET A DEPENDRE POUR LE SCIES A CHAN- TOURNER ET DEPENDRE. Ii saisie In lame It dopendre et se trouve rive It la queue do tenon do tension. CORCHETE A DESCOLGAR, PARA LAS SIERRAS PARA RODEAR Y DESGOLGAR. Sostiene In hoja para descolgar y es remachado a la espiga de armazen do tension. 37 B/533 weight oz 5/7 Gewicht / poids / peso grs 20 Packing: per 50 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: It 50 Stuck in Pappsehachteln / Ernballago: It 50 piece en boite de carton / Embalaje: is 50 piezas on cartOn 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 BACK SAWS, SLITTING SAWS AND STAIR BUILDERS' SAWS - ROCKSAGEN, FEINSAGEN UND GRATSAGEN SCIES A DOS, POUR EBENISTES, A CRETE ? SERRUCHOS DE COSTILLA, PARA ESPIGAS Y MUESCAS 45 13/535 length Lange / longuour / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso BACK SAW WITH OPENED HANDLE. The blade on upper part reinforced by back. The wooden handle joined fast with blade by screws or rivets. The teeth of the blade have a form of an isosceles triangle. RUCKSAGE MIT OFFENEM GRIFF. Das Sageblatt ist auf der oberen Seite durch den Rticken verstarkt. Der I Holzgriff mit dem Blatt durch Schrauben oder Nieten fest verbunden. Die Zahnung des Blattes hat die Form eines gleicharmigen Dreiecks. inches 10' 12" 14" mm 250 300 350 oz 11 517 13 14 217 grs 328 304 399 SCIE A DOS A MANLE11. OUVERTE. La lame est renfor- c6o sur sa partie superieure par le dos. La manche en bois He forme avec la lame par les vis ou rivets. La denture de la lame a la forme d'un triangle isocele. SERRUCHO DE COSTILLA CON MANGO ABIERTO. La hoja fortificada en su parte superior per la costilla. El mango de madera juntado de manora fija con la hoja per los tornalos o remaches. Los dientes de la hoja tienen la forma de triangulo is6scoles. Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Vorpackung: h 10 Stuck in h 10 pieces on bolt? do carton / Embalajo: h 10 piezas on carton 46 B/535 B - VV,4.-V.,1?Prtv-peyvvv,rsvvvervvvv.".^,Nr-~n,.?~.VvIcSI,N length Lange / longueur / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso inches 10 12' 14' mm 300 350 400 oz /5 16 314 18 112 grs 419 470 518 Pappschttchtoln /Emballage: HAND SAW WITH OPENED HANDLE WITHOUT BACK. The blade with teeth in triangular shape. The wooden handle screwed or riveted to the blade. HANDSAGE MIT OFFENEM GRIFF OraTE RO'CKEN. Das Stigeblatt hat eine dreieckige Zahnung. Der Holzgriff ist zu dem Blatt verschraubt oder genietet. SCIE A MAIN' A MANCEEE OUVERTE, SANS DOS. La lame a la denture de forme triangulaire. La manche en bois vissee ou rive avec la lame. SERRUCHO DE MANO CON MANGO ABLERTO Sar COSTILLA. La hoja tiene los dientes triangulares. El mango I do madera atornillado o remachado con la hoja. ' BACK SAW WITH CLOSED HANDLE. The blade on upper , part reinforced by back. Tho wooden handle joined fast with blade by screws or rivets. The teeth of the blade have a form of an isosceles triangle. , RUCKSAGE:MIT GESCHLOSSENEM GRIFF. Das Sago- ' blatt ist auf dor ?boron Seite durch den Riicken verstiirkt. Dor Holzgriff mit dem Blatt durch Schrauben oder Nieton ' fest vorbunden. Die Zahnung des Blattes hat die Form eines gleicharmigen Dreiecks. SCIE A DOS A MANCHE FERMEE. La lame est renforcee , sur sa partio superieure par le dos. La manche en bois lie? forme avec la, lame par les vis ou rivets. La denture de la, i lame a In. forme d'un triangle isocele. SERRUCHO DE COSTILLA CON MANGO CERRADO. La hoja fortificada en su parte superior per la costilla. El mango de madera juntado de manera fija con la hoja per los tornillos o remaches. Los dientes de la hoja tienen la forma do triangulo isosceles. Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpaekting: it 10 Stack mi Pappsehaeliteln / Emballage: 10 pieces on boite do carton / Embalaje: a 10 piezas en cart6n 20 47 13/537 inches S' 12- 14' length Lange / longueur / largura mm 200 300 350 weight PC oz 71/2 82/7 10 Gewicht / poids / peso 1 St pz grs 212 233 280 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Vorpackung: it 10 Stack in Pappachachteln / Emballago: it 10 pieces en boite do carton / Embalajo: a 10 piozas en cart& HAND SAW WITH CLOSED HANDLE WITHOUT BACK. The blade has the toothing in form of a not isosceles triangle with 8 teeth upon 1'. The wooden handle screwed or riveted to the blade. HANDSAGE MIT GESCHLOSSENEM GRIFF OHNE RUCKEN. Das Blatt hat die Zahnung in Form eines nicht, gleicharmigen Dreiecks mit 8 Zahnon auf 25,4 mm. Dec Holzgriff ist zu dem Blatt verschraubt oder genietot. SCIE A MAIN A MA_NCHE FERMEE SANS DOS. La lame a la denture en forme du triangle non isocele avec 8 dents par 25,4 mm. La mancho on bolt; vim& on rive() avec In, lame. SERRUCHO DE MANO CON MANGO CERRADO SIN COSTILLA. La hoja tieno los dientes en forma do triangiilo ; no isosceles con 8 dientes por 25,4 mm. El mango do madera atomillado o remachado con la hoja. length inches Lange / longueur / largura mm weight pc oz Cowicht, 1 poids / peso 1 St grs pz Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: it 10 Sttick in Pappschitchtiiln / Emballage: it 10 pieces en boito de carton / Embalajo: a 10 piczas en cart6n 48 13/538/IV 16" 18" 20" 6,;), -- 24" 400 400 500 550 000 12 217 14 15 217 20 112 22 117 345 394 427 573 021 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 49 B/539 length Lange / longueur / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso inches 10" 12" 14" mm 250 300 350 oz 52/3 61/2 71/2 grs 160 180 210 COMPASS SAW. The blade has the toothing in form of a not isosceles triangle. The wooden handle screwed or riveted to the blade. STICHSAGE. Das Blatt hat die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks. Der Holzgriff ist zu dem Blatt verschraubt odor genietet. SCIE A GURALIbT. La lame a la denture en forme du triangle non isocele. La manche en bois vissee ou rivee avec la lame. SERRUCHO DE PUNTA. La hoja tiene los dientes on forma de tridngulo no is6sceles. El mango de madera atornillado o remachado con la hoja. Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Vorpackung: h 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces on bolts do carton / Embalajo: 6, 10 piezas on carton 50 13/537 T HAND SAW WITH OPENED HANDLE-TURKISH PATTERN. The wooden handle of special form for backward cut. The blade has the toothing in form of a not isocseles triangle. HANDSAGE MIT OFFENEM GRIFF ? TnICISCHE FORM. Der Holzgriff hat spezielle Form fiir Schnitt rack- warts. Das Blatt hat die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleich- armigen Dreiecks. SCIE A MAL'S' AVEC 3IANCH 1 OUVERTE ? FAWN TURQUE. ? La manche en bois a une forme spectelle pour le coup en arriere. La lame a la denture en forme du triangle non isocelo. SERRUCHO DE MANO CON MANGO ABIERTO ? MODEL? TURCO. El mango de madera tiene una forma particular para el corte hacia atras. La hoja tiene los dientes on forma do tridngulo no isosceles. length inches 10' 12' 14' Lange / longueur / largura TOM 250 300 350 weight oz 417 9 9 2/7 Gewicht / poids / peso grs 240 250 260 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Vorpackung: h 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces en boito .tle carton / Embalajo: a 10 piczas on cart& 22 COMPASS SAW ? TURKISH PATTERN. The wooden handle of special form for backward cut. The blade has the teething in form of a not isosceles triangle and is fast joined with the handle by screws or rivets. STICHSAGE -TORKISCHE FORM. Der Holzgriff hat spezielle Form fiir Schmitt rackwarts. Das Blatt hat die Zah- nung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiceks und ist mit dem Gruff durch Sehrauben oder Nieten fest verbunden. SCIE A GUIGHET ? FAWN TURQUE. La manche en bola a une forme specielle pour le coup on arriere. La lame a la denture en forme d'un triangle non isobele et so trouve Itee ferme avec la manche par les vis ou rivets. SERRUCHO DE PUNTA ? MODELO TURCO. El mango de madera tiene una forma particular para el corto ham atres. La hoja tiene los dientes en forma de tridngulo no is6sceles y es jtmtado de manera fija con el mango por los , tornillos o romaches. ? length inches Lange / longueur / largura mm weight pc OZ Gewieht / poids / peso 1 St grs pz 51 B/539 T S" 10" 12" 14' 200 250 300 350 3 5/7 3 314 5 317 7 2/7 102 105 152 205 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Vorpackung: h 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: a 10 pieces on boite do carton / Embalajo: h 10 piczas on carton SLITTING SAW ? STRAIGHT PATTERN. With fine teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle. The wooden handle 18 fastened to the extended end of the back. FEINSAGE MIT GERADEM GRIFF. Fame Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Droiecks. Der Holzgriff ist auf dna verltingerte Endo des Rackens aufgcsetzt. SCIE A DOS POUR EBENISTES, MODELE DROIT. Avec denture fine en forme du triangle non isocele. La manche on bois est imposdo sur l'extremitd prolongee du dos. SIERRA PARA ESPIGAS CON MANGO RECTO. Mentes finos en forma do tridngulo no isosceles. El mango de madera Cs puesto sobro el cabo alargado de costilla. length Lange / longueur / largura weight pc Gowicht / poids / peso 1 St pz 52 13/541 inches 9 mm 225 OZ 5 112 grs 155 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces on boite de carton / Embalajo: a 10 piezas en carton 32 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 53 B/542 , SLITTING SAW- WITH CRANKED HANDLE and fine I teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle. The wooden handle cranked to one ,side of blade. FEINSAGE MIT GEBOGENEM GRU und feiner Zahnung, in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks. Der Holzgriff zu eiher Seite des Blattes gekropft. ?cfg A DOS POUR,EBENISTES A MANCHE COURBKE , avec denture fine en forme du triangle non isocele. La ! manche on bois renvoyee envers un cote de la lame. ?.. ? , ? SIERRA PARA'ESPIaAS CON MANGO DOBLADO y dientes finos en forma de trianguld no isosceles. El mango 'de madera doblado1para un lado de la hoja. length inches 9' Lange / longuour / largura mm 226 weight pe oz 6 617 Gowicht / poids / peso 1 St grs 120 pz Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 10 Stiick in h 10 pieces on boito do carton / Embalajo: a 10 piezas on carton 54 B/543 length Lange / longuour / largura weight Gewicht / poids / peso inches 9" mm 225 oz S 317 grs 236 Pappschachteln /Emballago: SLITTING ;SAW,' REVERSIBLE. The blade reinforced .on its upper end by back. The teeth of the blade in form of anisoscoles triangle. The handle is reversible from the right to the left side. , ? ,UALLEGBARE FEINSAGE. Das Blatt 1st- auf seiner ?boron Seito durch den Rucken verstarkt. Die Zahnung des Blattes in Form eines gleicharrnigen Dreiecks. Der Griff ist von dor rechten Solt? zu der linken umkippbar. SCIES A DOS POUR KBENISTES, A MANCHE REVER- SIBLE. La lame renforcee sur la partie superieure par le dos. La denture do la lame en forme d'un triangle isocele La mancho ost reversible do cot6 droit It gauche. SIERRA PARA ESPIGAS CON MANGO REVERSIBLE. La hoja fortificada en su parte superior por la costilla. Los dientes de In hoja en forma de triangulo is6sceles. El mango es reversible do la parte derecha a la izquierda. Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: it 10 Stuck in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces en boito do carton / Embalajo: a, 10 piens en carton 24 _,??? EST OF SAWS :WITH 3?BLADES:- Consists of wooden handle and 3 -exchangeables"blades: compass saw ; slitting ! saw and normal-hand saw.?,?The -blades. are fastened in tho handle by turning tight the fly-crew. NESTSAGE MIT 3 BLATTERN besteht aus dem Holz- gruff und 3 auswechselbaren. Mitten: Stichsage, Feinsage und normale Handstige. Die Bliitter werden in dem Grill durch Festziehen. der Flugelschraube befestigt. SOLE A 3 LAMES se compose de_ In manche en bois et 3 ; lames .echangeables: scie h guichet, scie pour Abenistes ot scie it main normale. Les lames sent Execs dans la mambo par le vissage d'ecrou it ? U.EGO DE SERRUCHOS CON' 3 HOJAS consisto del mango do madera y3 hOjas. cambiables:! sierra de punta, sierra de espigas y serrucho de mono normal. Las,hojas estan sujetadas en el mango aprotando la tuerca a orojas. . ? - _ SS B/555 length inches 10" 12" Lange / longuour / largura mm 250 300 weight of set Gewicht dor Garnitur / poids do jou oz 13 / peso do juogo grs 370 Packing: per 5 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 5 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 5 pieces en boito do carton / Embalajo: it 5 piezas on carton STAIR BUILDERS' SAW. The blade has the toothing in form of a not isosceles triangle. The wooden handle screwed or riveted to the blade. GRATSAGE. Das Blatt hat die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks. Dor Holzgriff ist zu dem Blatt verschraubt odor genietet. SCIE A CRKTE. La lame a la denture en formo du triangle non isocele. La manche en bois vissee ou rivet) avec la lame. SIERRA DE MUESCAS. La hoja Lien? los dientes on forma ? do triangulo no isosceles. El mango do madera atornillado o remachado con la hojo. .1....?????????1.01* length Liingo / longueur / largura weight Gewicht / poids / peso 56 B 544 inches 6 //8" mm 155 oz 8 grs 230 PC 1 St pz Packing: per 10 pieces.: in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 10 Stuck in Pappschachtelit / Emballago: h 10 pieces en boito do carton / Embalajo: d JO piezas en carton 25 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 VENEER SAWS AND SUPPLEMENTARY BLADES ? FOURNIERSCHNEIDER UND ERSATZBLATTER ? COUPES - PLACAGES ET LAMES DE RECHANGE ? CORTADORES DE ENCHAPADO Y HOJAS DE REPUESTO 67 B/545 length of blade Lange des Blattes / longuour do In lame / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso VENEER SAW. The saw blade has the teeth on both convex sides. On one side have the teeth the form of isosceles triangle, on the other of a not isosceles one, both toothing having the distance of teeth 3/32'. FOURNIERSCHNEIDER. Das Siigeblatt hat die Zahnung auf den boidon konvoxen Seiten. Auf einer Seite hat die Zahnung die Form eines gleicharmigen Dreieeks, auf der anderen eines nicht gleicharmigen. Beide Zahnungen mit Zahnweito 2 mm. COUPE-PLACAGES. La lame do la scio est dente sur tous les deux cetes convoxes. La denture sur une cote a la forme d'un triangle isocele, sur l'autre non isocele. Toutes los deux dentures avec distance des dents 2 mm. CORTADOR DE ENCHAPADO. La hoja del sorrucho done diontes sobro ambos lades convexos. Sobre un lado tionon los dientes In forma. do triangule isOsceles, sobro el otro no isosceles. Ambos dientes con distancia do 2 mm. inches 3' do hoja mm 75 oz 3 112 grs 100 PackinF: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: it 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballago: it 10 pieces on boito do carton / Embalajo: it 10 piezas en carton 68 B '546 length inches 3' Lange / longuour / largura mm 75 weight Gewicht / poids / peso on 112 grs 14 SUPPLEMENTARY BLADE FOR VENEER SAW. The saw blade has the teeth on both convex sides. On one side have the teeth the form of isosceles triangle, on the other of a not isosceles one, both toothing having the distance of teeth 3/32'. ERSATZBLATT ZUM FOURNIERSCHNEIDER. Das Sage- blatt hat die Zahnung auf den beiden konvexen Seiten. Auf einer &Re hat die Zahnung die Form eines gleicharmigen Dreiecks, auf der andoren eines nicht gleicharmigen. Beide Zahnungen mit Zahnweito 2 mm. LAME DE RECHANGE POUR COUPE-PLACAGES. La lame de la scie est dent& stir les deux cotes convexes. La den- ture stir un cote a la forme d'un triangle isocele, sur l'autre non isocele.Toutes les deux dentures avec distance des dents 2 mm. HOJA DE REPUESTO PARA CORTADOR DE ENCHA- PADO. La hoja del serrucho tiene dientes sobro ambos lades convexos. Sobro tin lado tienen los dientes la forma de triangulo isosceles, sobro el otro no isosceles. Arnbos dientes con distancia do 2 mm. Packing: bundles per 25 or 50 pieces / Verpackung: Bandel it 25 oder 50 Stack / Einballage: faisceaux h 25 ou 50 pieces / Embalaje: atados do 25 o 50 piezas 26 PUNA mon alINIKOVM16 GARDENERS' SAWS ? GARTNERSAGEN ? SCIES POUR JARDINIERS ? SIERRAS PARA JARDIN EROS PRUNING SAW "BOKUL" with stretching screw and turning blade, having triangular teeth, symmetrical or not, fastened on one side in the frame by conical pulling piece, on the other side by such piece with thread and screw-nut, stretching the mentioned blade. Relaxing the screw-nut we can turn easily the blade. The handle of wood, the frame of flat material, sprayed by varnish. BAUMSAGE ?BOKUL" mit Spannsohraube und droll- barem Stigeblatt von einer symmetrischen oder unsymmo- trischen Dreieckform. Das Blatt befestigt auf einer Soite durch einen kegelformigen Zugansatz, auf der anderen durch Zugansatz mit Gewindo und Schraubenmutter, mit welcher des Blatt gespannt wird. Beim Nachlassen der Schrauben- mutter konnen wir mit dem Blatt leicht drehen. Der Grill aus Holz, der Bagel aus flachem, mit Farb() bospritztem Material. SCIE A GREFFER "BOKUL" avec vis do tension et one lamo tournable, denture triangulairo symetrique on non, et saisie dans l'archet d'un cote par un support do traction conique, d'autre par support avec pm do vis et 6crou, pour tendre la lame par le dornier. En desserant l'ecrou on pout tourner facilement la lame. La manche en bois, l'archet du materiel plat, couvert par In peinturo. SERRUCHO PARA TNJERTAR "BOKUL" con tornillo de tension y hoja de vuolta, quo tione los dientcs triangu- tares, simetricos o no y este, sujetaclo sobre un lado por pieza de traccion arnica, sobro el otro par pioza con Moto y tuerca para tender la hoja. Dojando la tuerca podemos volver facilmento la hoja. El mango de madera, el armazen do material chato, rociado por tinta. 1TILANA ???I ? 1214?PP.??? 72 B/623 length of Blade Lange des Blattes / longuour do la lame / largura, do hoja inches 12' mm 300 weight lbs 112 311 Gewicht / poicls / peso 1 pc St. grs 530 pz Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: it 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: it 10 pieces en boite de carton / Embalaje: 6 10 piezas en carton 1 27 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 1 73 13/603 length of blade Lenge des Blattes / longueur do la lame / largura de hoja weight Gowicht / poids / peso PRUNING SAW WITH STRETCHING SCREW. The frame of round polished material, the blade has triangular teeth, symmetrical or not, and is stretched in the frame by fly-screw. The handle of wood. BAUMSAGE MIT EINER SPANNSC.ELRAUBE. Der Bagel aus rundem poliertem Material; das Sageblatt hat eine Dreieckform, symmetrisch oder nicht, und wird in dem Bagel durch Fliigelschraube gespannt. Griff aus Holz. SCIE A GREFFER A UN VIS DE TENSION. L'archet de materiel rend et poll, la lame a la forme triangulaire, symetrique on non; tendue dans l'archet par un ecrou ' oreilles. Manche on bois. SERRUCHO PARA INSERTAR CON UN TORNILLO DE TENSION. El armazen de material redondo y pulido, In hoja ben? una forma triangular, simetnca o no, y este, tondida en el armazon por la tuerca a orejas. Mango de , inadera.' inches 12' mm 300 oz 10 gms 280 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Veipacicung: It 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces on boito do carton / Embalajo: a 10 piezas on carton 74 13/609 length of blade Lange des Blattes / longueur do In lame / largura do hoja weight Gowicht / poids / peso .-eo?????? ; SAW FOR ROSES. The frame of the saw of round polished ; material. The blade has fine toothing with the distance of i teeth of 1" and is fastened to frame by 2 split-pins. Tho handle of wood. DIE ROSENSAGE. Der Bagel der Sage aus rundem polier- tem Material. Das Sageblatt hat foine Zahnung mit Zahn- weito 2 mm und ist zu dem Bagel mit 2 Splinten befestigt. Dor Griff aus Holz. SCIE POUR ROSES. L'archet de materiel rond et poll. La lame de sew a tine denture fine avec la distance des dents 2 mm; est attache() ?'archet par 2 goupilles. La manche on bois. SERRUCHO PARA ROSAS. El armazen de material ro- dondo y pulido. La hoja bene dientes fines con distancia do 2 mm y este, sujetada al armazen per 2 pasadores. El mango do madora. inches 6 112' mm 165 oz 3 grs 80 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 10 Stuck in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces en boito do carton / Embalajo: a 10 piozas on carton 28 PRUNING SAW WITH SOCKET AND STRETCHING SCREW. The frame of flat material sprayed by varnish. Tho blade stretched in frame by help of pull-piece and fly-screw. The socket riveted to the frame by 2 rivets. BAUMSAGE MIT DtYLLE IM.TD SPANNSCHRAUBE. Der Bagel aus flachem Material und mit Farbe gespritzt. Das Blatt gespannt in dem Btigel mit HiIf? des Zugansatze,s und Filigelschratibe. Die Diille mit 2 Nieten zu dem Bagel genietet. SCIE A GREFFER, A DOITILLE ET VIS DE TENSION. L'archet de material plat et couvort par In peinture. La lame tendue dans l'archet l'aide do support de traction et un ecrou oreilles. La douille rivee sur l'archet par 2 rivets. SERRUCHO PARA INJERTAR CON CUBO Y TORNILLO DE TENSION. El armaz6n do material chato y rociado por tinta. La hoja tendida en el armazOn con ayudo de pieza do traccien y tuerca 6, orejas. El cubo remachado al armazOn por 2 remaches. 75 B/613 length of blade Lange des Blattes / longueur do In lame / largura do hoja weight Gewicht / poids / peso inches 12' mm 133001/2 goz 380 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpaelcung: h. 10 Stack in Pappseliachteln / Einballage: h 10 pieces on boito de carton / Embalajo: 6. 10 piezas en carten PRUNING SAW WITH SOCKET. Tho blade of polished material, the teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle. The socket of steel, both parts joined together with 2 rivets. GARTNERSAGE MIT DOLLE. Das Blatt aus poliertom Material, die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharrnigen Dreiecks. Die Dane aus Stahl, beide Toile durch 2 Nieten zusammen verbunden. SCIE DE JARDINIER AVEC DOUILLE. La lame do materiel poli, la denture on forme d'un triangle non isocelo. La douille d'acier; toutes les deux parties jointes ensemble par 2 rivets. SERRUCHO PARA PODAR CON CUBO. La hoja do material pulido, los dientes en forma do triangulo no isos- celes. El cubo do acero; ambas partes unidas completamento por 2 remaches. 76 B/617 length of blade inches 12' /4' Lange des Blattes / longueu r de la lame / largura de hoja mm 300 350 weight 1 pc oz 0 314 7 314 GeWicht / poids / peso 1 St gra 100 218 1 pz Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Vorpacicung: a 10 Stuck in Pappschachteln / Emballage: IL 10 pieces en boito do carton / Embalajo: a 10 piezas en cartOn 29 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 OM, 77 B/620 length inches 10" 12" 14" Lange / longueur / largura mm 250 ? 300 350 1 pc weight 1 st oz 61/2 8 JO Clowicht / poufs / Pm? 1 pz grs 180 225 285 78 B/614 CINIME=r"' ? '? ? 4: ? V.. N W. length Lange / longueur / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso 1 pc 1 St 1 pz inches 12" mm 300 oz 1 grs 30 PRUNING SAW WITH PISTOL HANDLE. The blade has the teeth in form of an isosceles triangle and is screwed or riveted to the handle. GARTNERSAGE MIT PISTOLENTTPFT. Das Blatt hat die Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks und ist zit dem Grill* geschraubt oder genietet. SCIE DE JARDLNIER A MANCH_El PISTOLET. La lame a la denture en forme d'tm triangle non isocele et elle est riveo ou vissee stir la manche. SERRUCHO DE PODAR, FORMA DE PISTOLA. La hoja tiene los dientes on forma de triangulo no isesceles y esta atornillada o remachada sobre el mango. SUPPLEMENTARY BLADE FOR PRUNING SAWS with teeth in form of a not isosceles triangle, set and shar- pened. ERSATZBLA'17 ZU BAUMSA.GEN mit Zahnung in Form eines nicht gleicharmigen Dreiecks, geschrankt und ge- scharft. LAME DE RECHANGE POUR KIES A GREFFER avec denture on forme d'un triangle non isocele, it vole et affutee. HOjA DE RECAMBIO PARA SIERRAS PARA INJER- TAR con dientes en forma do triangulo iseseeles, trabajados y afilaclos. Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces / Vorpackting: Biindel a% 25, 50 odor 100 Stack / Etnballage: faiseeattx h 25, 50 on 100 pieees / Embalaje: atados 6 25. 50 o 100 piezas 79 B616 41111111M?P ?,? = ,...;:.?.44/1111111113 length inches 12' Lange / longuour / largura mm 300 weight 1 pc oz 1 Gowicht I poids / peso 1 St 1 pz grs 30 SUPPLEMENTARY BLADE FOR PRUNING SAWS with teeth in form of rectangular triangle, set and shar- pened. ERSATZBLATT ZU BAUMSAGEN nut Zahnung in Form eines rechtwinkligen Dreiecks, geschrankt und gescharft. LAME DE RECHANGE POUR SOLES A GREFFER avec denture en forme du triangle rectangulaire, h voie et affutee. HOJA DE RECAMBIO PARA SIERRAS PARA INJER- TAR con dientes en forma de triangulo rectangular, traba- jados y afilados. Packing: bundles per 25, 50 or 100 pieces/ Verpackung: Biindel h 25, 50 oder 100 Stack / Emballage: faisceaux it 25, 50 on 100 pieces / Embalaje: atados h 25, 50 o 100 piezas 30 PIERCING SAWS ? LAUBSAGEN ? SCIES A REPERCER ? SEGUETES PIERCING SAW FOR WOOD. The teeth performed in the length of 3/8". The piercing saw is without teeth 1" from both sides. LAUBSAGE FUR HOLZ. Die Zahnung in der Lange 80 mm durchgertihrt. Die Laubstige ist ohne Zahnung 25 mm von den hoiden Enden. SCIE A REPERCER POUR BOIS. La denture execute() dans In longueur de 80 mm. La scio it repercer est sans dents 25 rinn de tous les deux bouts. SEGUETE PARA MADERA. Los dientes ejecutados on la largura de 80 mm. El seguete este, sin dientes 25 mm do' ambos estremos. u.,ANA distance of teeth Zahnweit e / distance des dents / distaneia I le dant es length Lange / longueur / largura 1 pc weight 1 St Clowichti 1 poids / peso 1 pz Packing: in bundles per 12 pcs, 12 bundles in cardboard-box / Verpaekung: in Bandeln it 12 Stack, 12 Bandel in Pappschachteln / Emballago: on faisccaux it 12 pcs, 12 faisceatix dans boil? do car- ton / Embalaje: on atados de 12 piezas, 12 atados on carton nun inches 0,8 5 48" 1 5 118" 1,2 5 118' mm 130 130 130 oz 314 314 314 grs 20 20 20 PIERCING SAW FRAME of flat material. At both ends the adapters are riveted. The piercing saw is put between the adapters and fastened with a fly-screw. LAUBSAGEBOGEN aus flachem Material. Auf hoiden Enden sind Zuhaltungen gemetet. Die Laubsage wird zwischen die Zuhaltungen gelegt und durch eine Flagel- schraube zugezogen. PORTE-SC1E A REPERCER du materiel plat. Sur tous les deux bouts les raecords sent rives. La scie it ropercer est mise entre les ra.ccords et scud? par ecrou it oreilles. ARCO PARA SEGUETES do material chato. A ambos estremos los suplemontos estan romachados. El seguoto so pone entre los suplementos y este, atrafdo por una tuerca It orejas. for piercing saws of length inches fiir Laubstigen von Lange mm pour scie it ropercer do longueur mm para &gm:Ws do largura mm 87 B/225278 118" 130 130 130 Packing: per 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackting: it 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: it 10 pieces en boite do carton / Embalaje: It 10 piezas on curtest 31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 BUTCHERS' SAWS ? FLEISCHERSAGEN ? SCIES DE BOUCHER ? SIERRAS PARA CARNICEROS 88 B/556 length Lange / longuour / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso 1 pc 1 St 1 pz inches 18" mm 450 lbs 1112 grs 800 BUTCHER SAW. The blade has triendUlai feeily kind- stretched in the frame by pull:piece" and fly-Screw. ?The wooden handle riveted to frame with -.2 rivets. FLEISCHERSAGE..Das 'Blatt hat Dreieclizahnung -, wird duich Zugansatz und Flagelschraube, in dein Bogen gespannt. Der Holzgriff ist 'zu dem Ralunen mit 2 Nieten gemetet. SCIE DE BOUCHER. La lame a Une denture triangulairo et elle est tenduo dans l'archet par'support de tractioneti. ecrou a oreilles. La manche en ,bois est rivee par 2'rilieti. sur la monture. , SIERRA PARA CARNICEROS. La hoja tiene los dientes triangulares y esta,teiidid&en?el arco por pieza de traccien y tuerca a orejas. =El 'mango de_ Madera remachado a la montura, pot' 2 remaches: , L.__ Packing: por 10 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 10 Stuck in Pappschachteln / Emballago: h 10 pieces on boito do carton / Embalajo: a 10 piezas on carton 89 B/557 length Lange / longuour / largura weight Gowicht / poids / peso 32 1 pc 1 St 1 pz inches 13' mm 450 -.7.:Ais41.4k1r7..) oz 1 417 grs 44 SUPPLEMENTARY BLADES FOR BUTCHERS' SAWS. ERSATZBLATTER FUR FLEISCHERSAGEN. LAMES DE RECHANGE DES SOLES POUR BOUCHERS. HOJAS DE RECAM.BIO DE SIERRAS PARA CARNI- CEROS. HACK SAW BLADES ? METALLSAGEBLATTER ? LAMES DE SCIE A METAUX HOJAS DE SIERRAS PARA METALES HACK SAW BLADES FOR HAND USE, WITH TEETH ON BOTH ENDS. The surface coloured after heat treat- ment, the teeth framed and set in wave-line, not set on the lenght of 1' in the spot of fastening holes. HANDMETALLSAGEBLATTER, DOPPELT. Die Ober- flitch() nach Warmobehancllung gefarbt. Die Zahnung gefrast mid wellenformig geschrtinkt, in dem Ort der Befestigungs- Richer in der Lange von 25 mm nicht geschrankt. LAMES DE SOLE A MATAUX A MAIN DOUBLES. La surface color& apreis traitement thermique; les dents fraises at a voie d'une facon ondulee, dans le lieu des trous it fixer sans vole dans la longuour de 25 mm. HOJAS DE SIERRAS PARA METALES, PARA USO A MANO, DE DOS LADOS. La superficie teriida despues do tratamiento por calor. Los dientes fresados y trabajados en estilo ondeado, en el lugar de los agujeros para fijar no trabajados en largura de 25 mm. I. execution of alloy steel?marked Ausfahrung aus legiertem Stahl ? markiert execution d'acier temple ? marquee exejucien de acero templado ? marcada 2. execution of alloy steel, alloyed by chrome Ausfahrung aus legiertem Stahl, mit Chrom logiert execution d'acier temple par chrome exejucien de acero templed? por cromo 3. execution of alloy-steel, alloyed by wolfram Ausfiihrung aus legiertem Stahl, mit Wolfram logiert execution d'acier temple par wolfram exejucien do acero templed? por wolfram length Lange / longueur / largura width Breite / largeur / anchura number of teeth / Zahneanzahl / quantit6 des dents / nemero do dientes 22, 32 thickness Dicke / epaisseur / grueso mm 0,7 weight oz 1, 317 Gewicht / poids / peso grs 39 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, 10 bundles in cardboard-box / Vorpackung: Bilndel h 10 Stuck, 10 Bandel in Pappschachtol / Emballago: faisceaux tt 10 pieces, 10 faisceaux dans boito do carton / Embalaje: atados do 10 pieza.s, 10 atados on carton 90 B/583 DlA A NT Wu inches 12' mm 300 inches 1" mm 25 33 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 91 B/584 DIAMANT Cr length Lange / longuour / largura thickness Dicke / epaissour / grucso width Breit? / largeur anchura. Wit inches 12" mm 300 Ulm 0,7 inches 19132" mm 15 ; HACK SAW BLADES FOR HAND USE, SINGLE. The 1surface coloured after heat treatment; the teeth fraised and ' set in wave-line, not set on the lenght of 1" in the spot of fastening holes. HANDMETALLSAGEBLATTER, EINFACH. Die Ober- fliiche nach Warmebehandlung gefarbt. Die Zahnung ge- ' frast und wellenformig gesclutnkt, in dem Ort der Be- , festigungslocher in der Lange von 25 mm nicht geschrtinkt. , LAMES DE SCIE A M.ETAUX A MAIN, SIMPLES. La surface coloree apres traitement thermique; les dents fraises et b, voie d'une facon ondulee, dans le lieu des trous fixer sans vole dans la longueur de 25 mm. HOJAS DE SIERRAS PARA METALES PARA USO A MANO, SENCILLAS. La superficie tefiida despues de tra- tamiento por calor. Los dientes fresados y trabajados en estilo ondeado, on el lugar de los agujeros para fijar no trabajados en largura de 25 mm. number of teeth / Zahneanzahl / quantitO des dents / nuniero do dientes 16, 18, 22, 32 weight oz 314 Gowicht 1 poids / peso grs 22 Packing: bundles per 10 pieces, 10; bundles in cardboard-box / Verpaclumg: Buri=1,1 h 10 Stuck, 10 Biindel in Pappschachteln / Emballag?: faisceaux h 10 piece, 10 faisceaux dans 1.oite do carton/ Embalajo: atados do 10 piezas, 10 atacios on carton 92 B/581 u?minnim11110 Size / tattle VOrolto / length of blade Blattlango / longueur do In lame / largura de In sierra weight Gowicht / poids / peso 1 pc, 1 pc 1 St 1 pz Packing: per 5 pieces in cardboard-box / Verpackung: h 10 Stack in Pappschachteln / Emballage: h 10 pieces en bolt? do carton / Embalaje: a 10 piezas en carton HACK SAW FRAME. The blade is fastened in the frame by help of split-pins and stretched with the fly-screw on the front pull-piece. The frame of flat material. METALLSAGEBOGEN. Das Blatt ist in dem Bogen mit Hilfe von Splinten befestigt und durch die Fliigel- schraube auf dem vorderen Zugansatz gesparmt. Der Bogen aus flachom Materifil. 31ONTURE DES SCIES A METAUX. La lame est saisie dans la monture avec aide des goupilles et tondue par ecrou h oroilles do support de traction de devant. La monture de materiel plat. ARCO DE SIERRAS PARA METALES. La hoja est? sujotada on in montura con ayudo de pasadores y tendida por In tueret a orejas de la pieza de traceidri delantera. inches 12" mm 300 lbs 115 112 grs 610 34 HACK SAW BLADES FOR MACH= USE, WITH WELDED HIGH SPEED CUTTING TEETH PART. Of , tool steel; the surface darkly coloured after heat-treatment or sprayed with grey colour. The teeth fraised, alternately set. MASCHMENMETALLSAGEBLATTER MIT SCHNELL- SCHNEIDEZAHNENPARTIE GESCHWEISST aus Werk- ; zeugstahl, die Oberflache dunkel geftirbt nach Warmobo- arbeitung oder mit grauer Farbe gespritzt. Die Zane ge- frast, abwechselnd geschrankt. LAMES A MITAUX POUR MACHINES A SCIER AVEC LA PARTIE COUPANTE A GRANDE VITESSE SOUDEE. La surface color& d'une nuance fence? apres traitement thermique ou peinte par couleur grise. Les dents , fraises et alternativement b, vole. HOJAS PARA METALES PARA USO EN MAQUINAS CON LA PARTE DENTADA CORTANDA CON GRAN VELOCIDAD SOLDADA ? La superficie teilida del tono oscuro despues de tratamiento per calor o rociada por color pardo. Los dientes fresados y alternativamente trabajados. length inches /1" 16' Lange longueur largura mm 350 400 width inches 1 3116" 1 3116" Broito largeur anchura mm 30 30 thickness inches 3/32" 3/32" Dicke opeuro im 2 n gr es 0 ss uai number of teeth Ziihneanzahl quantit6 des dents numero do diontes 6,8,10 4,6,8 weight 1 pc oz 4 314 5 617 Gewicht 1 St poids 1 pc peso 1 pz grs 134 104 93 B/576 18" 18" 20' 22" 24" 26" 28' 450 450 500 550 600 050 700 1 318" I 318" 1 518" I 518" 2" 2" 2 118' 35 35 40 40 50 50 55 3/32" 3/32" 3/32' 3132" 3132" 3132" 118' 2 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3 4,6,8 4,0,8 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,0 7 217 7 217 12 13 17 112 20 30 112 200 206 334 300 400 557 855 35 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - , , 94 13/574 ?,-? length ? Litngo / longuour / largura width Broito / largour / anchura inches 12" mm 300 inches 1' mm 25 number of tooth- upon 1' / Zahneanzahl auf 25 mm / ? quantite des dents stir 25 ram / nemoro do dientes sobre 25 mm thickness Diake" / 6paissour / gruoso inches mm "weight oz -Gowicht / poids / peso gra "--HACK".SAW.BLADES FOR MACHINE USE,- COMP:2-_'; TELY-,HIGH7SPEED CUTTING of tool steel; ,the surf,""ce, darkly coloured' aftenheht`-treatment or spayed with eplour.-The-,teeth;' framed, alternately set:- MA8CHENTENSIEETALL?A.GEHLATTER, GANZ , SCIWELLSCHNEIDIG;":"Jnis";',,:-Werkzengstahl," die " Obei?:? Bache dunkel gefarht. "nacli....Warinebearbeitung cider mie grauei Farbe gespritit. Zane, gefrilst, a,bwechselnd, gesclu?ankt.";,.:- ? - ? ?,??, , , -?- . - LAMES AT 11DgTAITX :POUR' '`:-MACHINES COMPLtTEMENTUOUPANTES A:GRANDE_ YITESSE:,i Lii surface ,coldiea-;d'Anuance'loncee-r apree traitement ` !-.thermique.,,on,Lpeinte_ Par, 'con1e*.;grise.':Les1?dents" fraises et altematiVement'ivvoie*-; , ,HOJAS, 14RA''',METALES -PARA: USO EN MAQUINAS COMPLETAMENTE ,CORTANDQS., CON- GRAN -VELD-, CLDAD. .La""superficie:.,`tibilida: del Sono e osauro desfnie-s'ide tratamiento per dalare.robiada por colpr'pardo.,Los diete ' freiados"-y- alternativamente,"_trabajados. " , 14" 16' 350 400 1 3116" 1 3116' 30 30 8, 10, 14 6, 8, 10 1132' 1116" 0,8 -1,5 33/7 43/4 96 134 6, 8, 10 1116" 1116" 1,5 1,5 5 112 155 Packing: in bundles per 10 or 12 pieces / Verpackung: in Bandeln h 10 oder 12 Stack / Emballage: on faisceaux h 10 ou 12 pieces / Embalajo: on atados do 10 o 12 piozas BAND SAWS ? BANDSAGEN ? SCIES A RUBAN ? SIERRAS DE CINTA 134 B/1708 W4A71_ 171.1/1 A tAi'l ILI BAND SAW "SPECIAL", white polished execution. BAND`SAGE ?SPECIAL", weiBe, polierte Ausfahrung. SCIE A RUBAN.? "SPECIAL", execution blanche, polie.i SIERRA DE CINTA "SPECIAL", ejecucien blanca, pulida. width inches 114" 5116" 3I8" 15132' 19132" 13116' 1" 13116' 1318" 1518" 1314" 2' Broito largour anchura mm 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 thickness inches 1132" 1132" 1132" 1132" 1132" 1132' 1132' 1132" 1132' Dicke dpaissour gruoso mm 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 Packing: in crates / Vorpackung: in Holzvorschlag Emballage: en cages / Embalajo: en huacal 40 45 50 1132" 1132" 1132" 36 BAND SAW "SPECIAL"; blue, temperecrexecutiom BANDSAGE ?SPECIAL", blaueiangelassene asfehrung.',_ , SUP.: A RUBAN "SPECIAL",i, 6.2:ea`ntichi",' bleae,r:rOveriiie: SIERRA DE CINTA ejfieucien azul 'res emda - width inches 114" 5116" 318" Breite / hugeur / anchura mm 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 40 thickness inches 1132" 1132" 1132" 1132" 1132' 1132" 1132" 1132' 1132" 1132" 1132" 1132" Dicke / epaisseur / grueso mm 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 Packing: in crates / Verpackung: in Holzverschlag / Emballago: on cages / Embalajo: on huncal 135 B/708 15132" 19132' 13116" 1" 1 3116" 1 318" 1 518" 13/4' 2" 45 50 THICK BAND SAW FOR WOOD, manufactured of cold- rolled material. The teeth are set and sharpened. These saws are delivered either in current metres or welded in infinite band. BLOCKBANDSAGE FOR HOLZ aus'kaltgewalztem Mate- rial erzeugt. Die Wane geschninkt und geschhrft. Die Block- shgen werden geliefert entweder in laufenden Metem odor in endlosen Blindern geschweiBt. SCIE A RUBAN LARGE A BOIS fabriqueo do materiel lamine en froid. La denture b. vole et affutee. Les scies sont livrees ou en metres courants ou soudees dans un ruban infini. SIERRA DE CINTA ANCHA PARA MADERA; producida de materiallaminado en frio. Los dientes trabajados y afilados. ' Las sierras eaten ontregudas en metros corrientef3 o soldadas en ?inta sin fin. V-teeth, Zahnung, denture, clientos. A-teeth, Zahnung, denture, dientes. width inches Breit? / largeur / anchura mm thickness inches Dicke / epaisseur / grueso mm distance of teeth: inches Zahnweite / distance des dents / distancia do dientes weight Cowicht / poids / peso OZ gra 136 B/2708 3 118" 3 112' 4" 4 314" 6 112' 6 111" 8" 80 90 100 120 140 100 200 1116" 1116" 1116" 1116' 1116' 1116" 1116" 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,0 1 3116" 1 3116' 1 318" 1 318' 1 518" I 518" 1 618" 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 26 112 29 32 39 48 69 75 740 810 900 1100 1350 1600 2100 Packing: in crates / Verpackung: in Holzverschlag / Emballago: en cages / Embalajo: en huacal ??????????? 37 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 MACHINE GANG-SAWS BLADES ? GATTERSAGENBLATTER ? LAMES DE SCIES ALTERNATIVES ? HOJAS DE SIERRAS ALTERNATIVAS slanting schrag oblique oblictio 721 ? straight gerade droit derecho 722 ? cylindrical walzenformig cylindrique eilindrico 5 112" 6 114' 140 160 3/32' 3/32' 1,8 2 50"-67' 67"-79" 1300-1700 1700-2000 / Emballage: _ Dimensions, and indications the same as 137B/1717 AusmaBo und Angaben dieselben trio 137 B/1717 ---:,;Dimextsions et indications les mernes quo 137 B/1717 .Dimensiones e-indicaciones las mismas quo 137 B/1717 Packing: in cases Verpackung: in Eisten Emballage: dans caisses Embalajo: en cajas HAND ICE SAW. HANDEISSAGE. SCIE A MAIN POUR LA GLACE. SERRUCHO DE MANO PARA HIELO. 1 length / Lange / longuour / largura: width / Breit? / largeur / anchura: according order laut Bestellung scion commando segtin pod i do Packing: in eases Verpackung: in Kisten Emballago: dans eaisses Embalajo: en eajas Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? ? a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 144 B/1711 A 145 B/1711 B length / Lange / longuour / largura: width / 13reito / largour / anchura: 40 according order laut Bostollung salon commando sogan pedido - HADPITJSAWWi;SAP TEETH. HANDSPALTSAGE'3IIT SPITZZAEMUNG. suit, A CRANS A MAIN AVEd DENTURE POLNTUE. , ? , SIERRA AL AIRE DE- -MANO dok DIENTES PUNTI- AGUDOS. HAND PIT 8kW-WiTifl-i',TEETii. - HANDSPALTSAGE MIT WOLFZAHNUNG.? SCIE A CRANS' A MAIN AVEC DENTURE A. , SIERRA AL AE DE MAN,0 CON DENTES A. Packing: in cases Vorpackung: in Kisten Emballago: dana caisses Embalaje: on cajas a?.?-?4 SAW CHAINS ? SAGEKETTEN ? CHAINES DE SCIES ? CADENAS DE SIERRAS SAW CHAIN SAGEWPITTE. CHAINE DE outils. MAFFEL of carbomo tool steel mAfFEff aui??Weikzeiigkphlenstahl;''.. , . SCEEs- "'"earb.ouiqu? - p6ur CADENA DE SIERRASMAFFELr.:: 6 e;:?:".earbOnia'ol para herramientas. .." PILANA wat ? to?stremat 152 B/225355 length of cut inches 20" 22" 24' Schnittlange longueur do coup / largura, de corto mm 500 550 000 Packing: 1 piece in a box / Verpackung: 1 Stack in Schachtel / Emballago: 1 piece on bolt? / Embalajo: 1 pieza on cajita SAW CHAIN MP 56 of carbonic tool 'steel. SAGEKETTE MP 56 aus Werkzeugkohlenstahl. CHAINE DE SOLES MP 56 d'acier carbonique pour ?utile. CADENA DE SIERRAS MP 56 de acero carbonic? para herramientas. PILANA ? al??????? length of cut 153 B/225353 inches 24" 32' Schnittlange / longueur do coup / largura do corto mm 600 800 40" 1000 Packing: 1 piece in a box / Verpackung: 1 Stack in Schachtol / Emballago: 1 piece en boite / Embalajo: 1 plaza en cajita 41 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 154 B/225354 length of out Schnittlange / longuour do coup / largura de corte Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SAW CFIAIN DIP'54 Of .eiiihonic tool steel. I SAGEKETTE DIP 54 ani:Werkzeugkohlenstahl. CHAINTE DE SOLES ..IMP 54 d'acier carbonique pour outils. CADENA DE SIERRAS DIP 54 de acero carbonic? para herramientas. inches mm 400 16' Packing: 1 piece in a box / Verpackung: 1 Stack in Schachtel / Emballage: 1 piece en bolt? / Embalajo: 1 pima on cajita 155 B/225350 length of cut Schnittlange / longuour do coup / largura de carte thickness of links ? Gliederdicke / epaiweur des maillons / grueso de eslabones SAW CHAIN RINCO of carbonic tool steel. SAGEICETTE RINCO aus Werkzeugkohlenstahl. CHAINTE DE SCIES RINCO d'acier carbortiquo pour outils. CADENA DE SIERRAS RINCO de acero carbonic? para.' herramientas. inches 24' 32" 40' mm 600 800 1000 inches 1116'?IIS' mm 1,6-2,8 Packing: 1 piece in a box / Verpackung: 1 Stack in Schachtel / Emballago: 1 piece on boite / Embalajo: 1 pima eft cajita 42 MORTISE CHAINS. ? LOCHBOHRERKETTEN: CHAIITES A MORTAISER??-[,-; CADENAS PARA MORTAIAR. a) of three links dreigliedrig de trois maillons de tres eslabones 156 B/225790 width of tho chain inches 114' 9132" 5116" 11132" 318' Breite / largeur / anchura mm 6 7 8 b) of five links fanfgliedrig de chive maillons de cinco eslabones 7116" 15132' 112" 9116" 14132' 518" 21132' 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 10 17 156 B/225790 width of the chain inches 11116" 314' 13116" 27132' 718" 20132" 15116" 1 3116" 1 111' 1" I 1132" Breito / largour / anchura mm 18 19 90 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 32 If in the order the length of the mortise chain is not mentioned, they will be delivered in length of 34 double links. Wenn in dem Auftrag die Lange der Lochbohrerketto nicht angeflihrt ist, wird dieselbe in der Lange von 34 Doppelgliedem geliefert. Si dans Is commando Is longuour de Is chaino it mortaiser n'est pas mentionnee, elle sera Byre? dans longueur de 34 maillons doubles. Si en el pedido Is largure, do la cadena no est?encionada, In misma estarb.ontregada en largura do 34 eslabones dobles. Packing: in boxes / Verpackung: in Schaehteln / Emballago: dans boites / Embalajo: (=tones I - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 43 a folt ut, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 et. - 160 B/738 working length inches 6' S' 10' 12' 14' 16' 20 Arbeitellingo longueur do travail largura de trabajo ram 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 whole length ganze Ldnge longueur complete largura entera mm 24' 600 700 SOO 900 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 LSTEEL:CT AMFS'FOR7,I,OINERS ofhigh quallt.3 material smooth surface The joinei'fail*--413e;i-gles sank' Or hitrid;? - iworking wooden or other boards ,SCHRA1JB7WINGEN..;4FlORi!.'..-.TISCHLE oder' "Handbearbeiten ? der ,Holz--, oder,?I'anderen;Platten....,7 SPI&DLE'..FOR-)FRONT:.::CHOP. SEBRE4OINTS:',',FOUR-11SIERS.:il en. materiel de surfricelisse'f?Iiiitrurilebt de:-mOrmisicrAtouf.,colifigo. aiii3Oli6c."168'...tolikitiefi.,en bois - et autres , 'coARcELiEs.; tifii 1-7.d crirpititeied....' en ' ipegaxi'10 o tmabajando; e-mano,con. e ap_ss, elms era. o. 'otreS BUSILLO Elm-FRAC), '..PARA.i-,..TORICILLO.,DiLAil.3 23' 32' 36' 40' 50' 60' 70' 80' 100' inches - i01/8' 12 5116' 743/4' 16 11116' 175/8" 215/16' 255/8' 29 518' 335/8' 37 314' 413/4' 453/8' 41/!?.' 53/8' 6 114' 7' 75/8' width of arm inches .Annbreito largeur do bras =chum do braze weight Gowicht poids / peso MM 162 B/742 A 0 of spindle (thickness) inches 1 118' von Spindel (Dicke) / de vis (6paissour) / do husillo / (grueso) mm 28 weight Gewicht / poids / peso 255 308 354 417 440 533 640 740 840 941 1045 1140 1395 1645 1895 2145 2945 31/2' 41/2' 51/8' 51/2' 5 114' 6' 88' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 90 110 130 140 144 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 lbs 2 141314 313 319 46/1/4 55/3/4 5113 812 819 91/2 9 71112 1015 1314f1/2 15 61314 176/1/2 13 141112 19 71213 204/1/4 kgs 1,32 1,45 1,61 1.99 2,43 2,63 3,69 3,89 4,10 4,29 4,63 4,97 6,31 7,00 7,90 8,33 9,20 161 13/734 0 I iron inches 3 118' 3 //S' 3 118' I-Eisen / for do profit I ram SO SO SO hierro do perfil I working length Arbeitsliinge / longueur de travail/ largura do trabajo weight Gewicht / poids / peso 44 feet 3 114' mm 1000 4' 5' 1200 1500 lbs 2219 112 25112 kgs 10,85 11,S0 112 24/3 13,25 'IRON CRAMP FOR pattern, of I iron. EISERNE TDRSPANNER, 'englieches Modell, aus ,I-Eisen. kTAU EN PER POUR PORTES, fact:in anglaise, en fer, prom I. 'CARCEL PARA PUERTAS irikles.en hierro, perfil I. 3 118' 3 115' 3 118' SO 80 80 6' 6 112' 7 114' 1800 2000 2200 331314 3612 3417 15 16,40 17,90 ?ILAN A e IRON'sPrrniLE.-gp4 END CHOP EISERNE HINTERSPINDEL, VIS EN PER, POUR PRESSE DE DERRIME. HUSILLO DE 1:17FRRO' PARA TORNILLO TRASERO ; DEL BANCO. lbs 5112 kgs 2,70 163 B/742 B MOIAIIIWOO WlittWolkItlAtlAriii1A+it 0 of spindle (thickness) inches 1 118' von Spindel (Dicke) / de vis (6paissour) / do husillo / (grueso) mm 28 weight Gewicht / poids / peso lbs 7113 kgs 3,55 , 45 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 altrualLAR SAW VicZaZ ifOL2KREf55AGEBLA1TER ? LAMES razuluaR.-T,z so us ifzyz DE 51 11RA5 CIRCLJLARE5 PARA tV,S-121-3ii4 ? A \A I If- - - as 41'.1311E20" utht- ?-z ' - ? - 4.11 7=0=2ki-a.s, sys=nanz-Si4--4PC4,._ am-,T2,47141,14:14144; "'=(1,atbaixtsi?-ridaticiiktigaeirOm4?=:- UI" fii'i ? _ - _ ? daiaatca*zy;';(*..4t;Fai_liir7.7ii=mnrs-.."- -1171 ,A-11r0-tt .aimmiracepizr.s,inartelfiTig',"5-10..M" - ? tiiimaaarivatounisaie.. itittx,np .."'arTBN:R73.A.FFSSAWIBLAILIRS; IEIL 3ICI702).131X.WE4-*tr-S _ mag-rtrik, .cdtt--wanr144ilas l-U. rcelittkikaatiAitW8ezlit. - 121.:*latl't'at'm.n17444a3ki-kk4hiAti - 1.4E4.:8(10;erik4.6*(16ilitit0J1/40-4A!*4i , ? - dBlill-stantaial~v,b1414, fik4kikio.q! 17:Itikkg- ?).?).1m7v,ht.itielecik,t?titil-4?:411.61*s_ boyiawiii0ekni#0141.*:%0N hi,ixttoats-Niii)4Q0A4tlik-ci _ ? f);'?right:,coricave,sawibYide. ?-?,reahtskonkaves-Sageblatt?;-? "de Seie, sierra concave: deiecha--. ? - gy,leftfconcave saw-blade.' konkeves zStigeblati lame do sale, Concave l. Ia gauche haja. de- sierra c?ncava Ia? izquierda - h) ConeaN'ra saw blade' ,With_V;toothing; konkaves "Sageblatt" Mit zV-Zahnung,- larcie SCie' cones-imp. Mid?' dentur6 hoja"..de sierra:I:a-native. eon, 'diente6,-,K- CIRCULAR SAW,BLADES WITH' A TEETH of carbonic tool steel, naMbei.'4,taeth50 - KREISSAGEBLATTEA"iiT ?*OLFZO:NI^ -YNG aus "Work- zeugkohlenstahl; Anzahl "clef ? Zahne'T 56 , --.. ? LAMES DE SCIOCIBCUL4IBES.-XV,E^ .U77:13BNTURE A Wader carbonique, Pciai'-_ditiis-,:-I'noialgre'-'46;:' dents 56. HOJAS DE SIERIt-AB GIBC.U.t.',ES CON DIENTES A de acero carbenico para'hOriantietitraNfiriaero de dientes 56. I Execution / Ausfiihrung / exedition / ejecucien: a) with teeth for oblang; cut, - mit Zahnung ffir Leagaichnitt avec denture pour coup longitudinal con dientes pare corte lOngitudinal b) with teeth for cross cut mit Zahnung fur Querschnitt avec denture pour coup transversal con dientes para corte de traves 0 thickness Dicke epaisseur grueso IT1111 boring inches Bohrung alesage agujero min inches 8" 10' 12" 14' mm 200 250 300 350 inches 1116" 1116' 1116' 1116" weight Gewicht / poids peso PILAN A Oz kgs 175 B/702 16' 18" 20" 22" 24" 28' 32' 36' 40" 44" 400 450 500 550 000 700 800 000 1000 1100 1116' 3132' 3132" 3132' 118' 118" 118" 5132' 5132" 5132' 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2 2,4 2,4 2,8 3,2 3,5 4,00 4,5 4,5 1' 1 3116" 1 3116' 1 3116' 1 3116" 1 3116' 1 3116" 1 3116" 1 318' 1518" 2" 2" 2" 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 9 114 17 30 45 213 67 112 92 120 113_148 0,24 0,48 0,84 1,28 1,89 2,57 3,37 4,14 30 35 40 50 50 50 204 340 501 664 1010 1154 5,71 0,51 14,10 18,60 28,27 40,72 Packing: The saw blades conserved against rust are put together in bundles, all interlaced with paper. The bundles of saws of the same size, typo and toothing are packed in grooved paper and up to the diameter 14" aro put in cases of greatest weight 160 lbs. From 0 14" they aro put in crates. Verpackung: Die gegen Rost konservierten Sligeblatter werden in Blindel zusammengolegt und mit Papier durchgelegt. Einzelno Bfindel derselben. GreBe, Gattung und Zahn() werden mit Well- pappo umgepackt und bis zum 0 300 mm in Kisten bet grOfitam Gewicht 80 kg gelegt. Von 0 360 mm werden sie in Verschlag gelegt. Emballage: Les lames do scies conserve(%) centre rouille sont liees on faisceaux et divisees par papier. Les faisceaux de la memo taille, genre et denture (tont enveloppes par carton ondul6 et, jusqu'b. 0 360 mm mitt en aliases de poids maximum 80 kg. Do 0 360 mm ils sent mis on cages. Embalaje: Las hojas de sierras conservadas contra herrumbro estan ligadas on. atados o interpuestos por papel. Los atados de'sierras del -mime tamafio, ;especie y dientes eaten embalndos on carton ondulado y haste, 0 360 mm puestos?en las'eajtu3 con peso maximo do 80 kg. Do 0 360 mm estan puestos en huacal. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA RDP81 0 47 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ! 1" 176 B/702 thickness Dicke / epaissour / grueso boring Bohrung / alesage / agujero weight Gowicht / poids / peso 0 inches mm inches mm inches mm 16' 400 3/32' 2,4 1 3110' 30 oz 78 112 kgs 2,20 Packing: the same as 175 B/702 / Vorpackung: dieselbe 175 11/702 / Embalaje: ol mismo quo 175 B/702 177 B/702 It TRIBIMING CIRCULAR SAW BLADES with A teeth, for oblong cut. Number of teeth 36. BES/iUMICREISSAGEBLATTER mit Wolfzahnung, ffir Liingsschnitt. Ziihneanzahl 36. _ 1 LAMES DE SCIES CIRCULAIRES A. DRESSER avec i denture A, pour coup longitudinal. Nombre de dents 36. HOJAS DE SIERRAS CIRCITLARES PARA RECORTAR. Para corte longitudinal, con dientes A. Namero de dientes 36. 18' 20' 450 500 3/32" 118' 2,8 3 1 3116' 30 155 4,35 1 3116' 30 112 3,13 vie 175 B/702 / Emballage: le memo quo 24' 600 118' 3,5 1 3116' 30 266 7,44 -0 inches 8' mm 200 inches 1116' mm 1,2 inches 1' mm 95 thickness: Dicke / dpaisseur / grueso boring . = Bohrung / alesage agujero weight oz 9 113 Gowicht / poids / peso kgs 0,26 10' 12' 250 300 1116' 1116' 1,4 1,6 1' 13/16' 25 30 17 30 0,48 0,83 TRIAIKL\TG GLUCULAR SAW BLADES. Number o teeth 80. BESAUMKREISSAGEBLA.TTER. Ziihneanzahl 80. LAMES DE SOLES GIRL GLAIRES A DRESSER.; Nombre do dents 80. HOJAS DE SIERRAS CIM GLARES PARA RECORTAR. Nurnero de dientes 80. Execution / Ausfiihrung / execution / ojecucien: Is to be mentioned in the order In der Bestellung anzugeben Doit etre mentionnee dans In commando Deb? ser mencionada en el pedido a) b) with teeth for oblong cut D mit Zahnung fur Liingsschnitt D avec denture pour coup longitudinal D con dientes para corte longitudinal D with teeth for cross cut C mit Zalumng fur Querschnitt C avec denture pour coup transversal C con dientes pam corte do tray& C 14' 16" 18' 350 400 450 3/32' 3/32" 3/32' 1,8 2,- 2,2 1 3116' 1 3116 1 3116' 30 30 30 46 68 92 1,38 1,89 2,57 Packing: the same as 175 B/702 / Verpackung: dieselbe wie 175 B/702 / Emballage: le memo quo 175 B/702 / Embalaje: el mismo quo 175 B/702 48 TRIMMING CIRCULAR SAW BLADES with triangular fine teeth. BESAUMBREISSAGEBLA.TTER mit feiner Dreieek- zahnung. LAMES DE SOLES OIRCULAIRES A DRESSER avec denture triangulaire fine. HOJAS DE SIERRAS CIRUULARES PARA RECORTAR con dientes triangulares sutiles. The blades of 0 8' to 0 16', thickness 3/32', can be used for bone, cutting. Die Blifitter von 0 200 bis 0 400, Breit? 1,8 mm, konnen fur Knochenschneiclen beniitzt werclen. Les lames de 0 200 au 0 400 mm, epaissour 1,8 mm, peuvent etre utilisees pour couper les os. Las hojas de 0 200 mm a 0 400 mm, grueso 1,8 mm, pueden ser utilisadas para cortar los huesos. inches mm 1 314' 3 - 118' 50 80 thickness inches 1132" 1132' Dicke / epaissem? / grueso mm 0,6 0,8 boring inches 318' 318' Bohrung / alesage / agujero mm 10 10 weight oz 2/3 1 112 Gewicht / poids / peso kgs 0,02 0,04 178 B/702 4' 4 3/4' 6 114' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 100 120 160 200 250 300 350 400 1132' 1116' 1116' 3132' 3/32' 0,8 0,9 1 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 318' 518' 518' 1' 1' 1 3116' 1 3116' 1 3116' 10 16 16 25 25 30 30 30 2 3 5 314 15 24 35 46 64 0,054 0,085 0,101 0,42 0,06 0,97 1,30 1,80 Packing: the same as 121 11/702 / Verpackung: dieselbo wio 121 11/702 / Emballago: lo mOrno quo 121 B/702 / Embalaje: el mismo quo 121 B/702 TRIMMING CIRCULAR SAW BLADES for pendulum saws. BESAUMK.REISSAGEBLATTER fiir Pendelsligen. LAMES DE SCIES CIRCULAIRES A DRESSER pour scies de pendulo. HOJAS DE SIERRAS CIRCULARES PARA RECORTAR para sierras do pondulo. thickness Dicke / epaisseur / grueso boring inches 1 3116' Bohrung / alesage / agujero mm 30 179 B/702 inches 12' mm 300 inches 3132' mm 2 weight Gewicht / poids / peso oz 37 kgs 1,04 14' 16' 18' 350 400 450 3/32" 118' 118' 2,2 2,4 2,8 / 3116' 1 3116' 1 3110" 30 30 30 56 78 114 1,58 2,19 3,19 Packing: the same as 121 B/702 / Verpackung: diesolbo wio 121 11/702 / Emballages: lo memo quo 121 11/702 / Embalajo: el mismo quo 121 13/702 49 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 boring inches 1 3116' 1 3/16'.. 1 3116' 1 3116' Bohrung / alesage / agujero ram 30 30 _30 , 30 30 weight oz 18 29 213 48 r . 69 98 kgs 0,5 0,83 1,35 '1,93 2,75 Packing: the same as 121 B/702 / Verpackung: dieselbe wio 121 B/702 / Emballago: 121 B/702 / Embalaje: el mismo quo 121 B/702 181 I3/779 thickness inches a) 3/32' Dicke / 6paisseur / grucso mm 2,2 inches b) 1116' mm 1 boring inches Bohrung / alesage / agujero mm 30 30 30 35 35 weight oz 32 51 1/2 85 2/3 114 143 kgs Packing: the same as 121 B/702 / Verpackung: dieselbe wio 121 B/702 / Emballago: quo 121 B/702 / Ernbalajo: el mismo quo 121 B/702 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 184 B1696 thinlmem Ir)o ' , FTENON 'CIRCULAR SAW BLADES, inft - .71ti_PFENICREISSAGE13LATTER, link5kon1seb:I1S1, 1- DESCIES CIRCITLAIRES A TENP.3c-F.X. ninues zaucke. 4i0JAS DE .SIERRAS CIRCULARES:PABA YAR jeiniicas Ix In izquierda. 7 i...._ ineles 34" 16' 18' 20" 24" 28" 350 400 450 500 600 700 a) furies 3T32' 3[32' 3132 118" 118' 118" Dinke / -epaiiLciezn? 1ljzziniso- sum 2..2 24 2.8 3 3,5 3,5 11) ines 1[16" 2116' 1[16' 1116' 1116' 1116' 331M 1 12 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,6 inates 1 3[16" 1 3[16' 1 3116' 1 318" 1 318' 1 318' =CM 30 30 30 35 35 35 NrelLan inz 4 ..:.. - 521/2 852/3 114 143 233 Oolgart, I SIM-C3S ,i peg) km 0,89 1,44 2,40 3,19 4,01 6,53 Pankinr: the ilazne RS a"M 33/7= ;Terriankimr: ill.&-lelbe -sae 1..t.1' B1702 / Emballage: le mime Tie 1...M 13f:7M / -{e7,0-41aje: IA zris' zno opt 121 Ii-'71-2 baling Ban:ant, / slit.mre 185 B,696 ancslortm Dinke tinmeipmear inCireng Enlarczv arntimici - Grii-lain 'rani& f 33eno xscriot.as 321 m77ce -wernaaccmr: EFrce Trolm.lajn- -el mxiszno gm> -3..M 3377117e r iffnes -ram ,..nfolit 23= to) istaoiN) 331?t. =CM ki2S 16" 400 3112" 2.4 3/25- 1;2 3 3/36" 30 M12 1.44 'TENON CIRCULAR SAW BLADES CONIC H .b1.1.2ES. Z,FMN-IiREISSAG LATTER, ,B_FaDERall'IS KO- ?2STSCIEL JAMS DE SCTFIS CIRCULAIRES A"1"McOit.,'-13D- ,NIQUES DE DEUX COTES. 110a4 S DE SIERRAS 'CIRCULARES PARA Ea1.7:1AR MUMS DE AlIBOS LADOS. 18" 20" -C-10 500 ?us? /8" 2,8 3 11ffl` 1116' 1.2 1.2 13/16' 23/8' 30 .35 2[3 114 240 3,19 24' 600 218' 1116' 1,4 1 3/S' $3 /43 4,01 25' 700 -2/8" 3,5 1,5 23/5' $5 .233 6,53 122 1317( I Emballage: Ic.Wine Tie 9 ? ' - _ 1 PUN ;,- GROOVING CIRCULAR SAW BLADE BACKED OFF. Number of teeth 70. NUTKREISSAGEBLATT, UNTERGESULLIFFEN. Zahneanzahl 70. _ LAME DE SCIES CIRUULAIRES A RAINURES DE- TALONEE. Nombre de dents 70. HOJA DE SIERRAS CIRCULARES PARA RAN URAS DESPEJADA. NtImero de dientes 70. 0 inches 3 118" mm 80 thickness incia.r., 3/32' Dicke/epaisseur grueso mm 2 boring inches 518' Bohrung alesage agujero mm 16 weight oz Gewicht poids/pesokgs 3-4-5-7-8 0,08-0,12-0,15 0,19-0,23 186 B/707 4' 43/4' 100 120 118" 5132' 3116' 3 4 5 518' 16 4-7-8-11-13 0,12-0,18-0,24 0,3-0,36 0 thickness inches mm inches Dicke / epaisseur / grucso mm boring Bohrung / alesage agujero weight Gewicht / poi& / peso inches MM 10" 250 25 518' 10 5-7-10-13-16 0,14-0,21-0,28 0,35-0,42 oz 26-37-47-55 kgs 0,75 1,02 1,30 1,55 61/4' 160 200 114" 118' 5132' 3116" 114" 518" 16 3 4 5 6 1" 25 0-13-18-2346 21-27-33-42 0,26-0,38-0,52 0,60-0,70-0,08-1,18 0,65-0,78 12" 300 118' 5132" 3116" 114" 3 4 5 6 1 3116' 30 4740-75-02 14" 350 1 3116" 30 63-85-107-130 1,30 1,70 2,12 2,58 1,80 2,40 2,99 3,50 53 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 14' 350 thickness inches 3/32" 3/32' Dicke / 6paisseur / grueso mm 2 2,2 bori-i ng inches 1' 1' Bohrung / al6sago / agujoro mm 25 25 - ^ woight oz 13 - 22 35 55 76 104 Gowieht /poids / pes6 -sr, , kgs 0;30 - - 0,62 0;98 1,55 2,16 2,89 Packing: the same Iiii,121 B/702) Vorpackin.ig: dieseibe wie 121 B/702 / Emballago: le memo quo 121 13/702 / Embalaje: el memo. quo 121 )3/702 - . - . 51/8" 61/4' s'i 48" 73/4' 'Tr 8" 130 150 100 _ 180 1.95 ' 200 9 112' 10.:3116" 1/20 5116' .,--12 - 240 250 262 ', " ? 269 .- .'? 300, .::' - 325 ? ? 14 114" id- id;'' ---'181/4- ' 19 1/2" 360 380 400 450 460 490 1 3116' 30 28' 32' 700 800 0 inches 8' 12' 0 mm 200 250 300 350 400 450 thickness inches 3/32"- 3/32' Dicke / epaissour / grtieso mm 2 ' - -2,2 2,4 - {) boring - -inches 1' 1 3116' Bohrung / al6sage I agujore nun 25 25 30 30 30 30 weight - ' - oz 13 __- 22 35 55 76 104 Gowieht / poida / peso kgs 0,36 0,02 0,98 1,55 2,16 2,89 Packing: tho'samo-tia 121 B/702-I Vorpackung: dieselbo .v.le 121 B/702 / Emballage: is memo quo 121 13/702. / 'Embalajov, ol, mismo: quo , 121 B/702 - 22' 650 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - ? - 191 13/2698 KREISSAGEWELLE".itius KinistrUktionsatalili GrauguB.. emek Seite Mitfiticher.Ripmenaoheibe iieriehen:= auf der: "anderen-,mit Flanschen zur Befestigtuid des,-Itreisaffieblitifes" 'ARBRE DES ?SCIES.CIRCULAIRES;:d'acier- de construe tion re-pii,a6 en-,couchea,de hilles:Le2,e,prps'--.d'arbre en?fontegrise ,"- L'arbre, est mufti d'un...-c6te plate,..d'autre!..des ;?;bourrelets-, pour- fixation ",:de Ia lame do lo ' ' ? ?:. - - so ? ? ?. ARBOI, PARA..? SIERRAS ',CIBCTILARES.' de aTcero do jtiegip do bolas.i'El-..-cuerpo`::. de: arh? ol en-fhieriO coladq_ -gris., Arhol-..,pFoVefd6. on un lado de:"polea ?-cle transmisi6n.-?eheta, en, el, ptro . de eiichufei,Pari.,' Zfljar,:las hojas,-de-iiieiraS circulares:?,. _ 0 ,inches 1 3116' - mrn 30 ? weight: lbs 31' GOwiejlt 1 polds /peso kgs 14,10 ? _ per 1 piece' free / Verpacktmg: a 1 Stuck frei / Emballage: h 1 piece librement / Embalaje: jz:pioza do manora libre - 192 B/2702 AXLE EE FOR.,C,ItiCTILAR,F-SAWS-:3WITH;;GEt.pCIK .?;DRILL The body of axle of grey cast iron Axle of e-on.l. ;Eitinction,--steel; settled dciiviOinbit11beirings.--";The--,IdriVe 'of: axle 4-i;e-e... by??;-, flat belt -pulley, behind' the pulley.' Is ?: the drilFchuol&?frithr",;f6itenin,gg'extent`--; 0.?=5/8.!'_.?.. On the.. oilier side' the axle -tree lengthened.- 'The' lengthened part par t,h-os :the fianges, provided with grooves for -.-faatthxig the knvos 1-KBFISSAGE,WELL E.. MIT :'.:BORRFUTTEBDeil.;.:Boiiiii: irder Welli.nui GrauguX:Die kWellellitid.lIonstiiiktionsitahl:' - in Ingelliger-ri'geelegf:`Dei'Aidrieb'-',ilaf.-Welle!'duroh-=flache RierionsClieibe:'_".",-Hinfef -,'?' der-i:,Rjenienscheibe'--,befindei,-. sicli :ries--;:1?3;ohrfutter -mit T: Aufspanintinfling 0-16 ritin:"-,Atif der 1--zvieiten,'Seite.:;ist-2.die5Welle.".verltingere;1)ie ..Verfilitorung i haf----:Flaris' Chen, Versehtin,mit ''',Nuteri- -,:,zuty, :?Bidestigupg:i:der ?-,. . _ ... ,.? ... ,. .. ?.? . .. =-ARBRE,DESr:SCLES 'CIRCIJ,LAIRES:tAyt,CiANDRIN-: . . .. ILe-. corps .d'arbie?Tde. la-,f,ont6,--griSe.'L'irbro, -d'aciei."43; con-. ..e.triiction..-reposeen eiSitclie?'de.3b1110:-Traction d'irbre_pai -..POullie---:plate:-. Derriei:C..:lti$,Ponlliel-e-e,..fratiy-e-, le,mandrin s.avec ;extension. , Pbui,- :aftacher,-:".',C4.-16 mm? l',4atitr-&--,--.-c6te, r.,..,:rarbre`f allongee-L'allonge.". a. les -.:,1-aourreletit-4munie.:i--:?;flee', [ riiinures: piur,fixer -.les ,coutetCux?...:'- 1...ARB6L BARABIERRAS CIRCITLARES CON AlAisTDBIN.- i,Er-euerPo ',de': tiibc1 -de' liierro'i.colado gris:--:-.-Ar,bol _ de --acero- ezde construcci6n,-: Colocado'--. on ' j Ueda ": de ' boleti::: Iinpulso -de? t' ,arbel,,por-?I'Polen7tie'Arenstru'sion'chatea Detrai- de poled .--ie I: hallo; ol,' mandrin ,:c;Oit,,ektension-- pan,' ajar..'.0... 16 nani:'.!En 'i otio lado el'arbolitlargado':-La","pertnelargade tieneenchufes, ,proveklos de ,rartura,:para-- afirmaf.Aos..-cuchillOs."-r: 193 B/2700 .? --AXLE-TREE FOR--,(iitiCITLAR: SAWS --WITIT?LONGER AXLE OF 4,3/4.;r, without Drill Chuck The bOdy-i, of -axle- of greis.cast iron Axle of VonstrUctionlateelsettled:down ? in ball bearings On one side provided with flit belt pulley ? Voli,the, oilier -.with', lengthened".e.Part:nnd:". flanges flanges provided with grooves for fastenirtgAbe..knives.,, ,KREIS-SAGEWELLE?,13M-'12--..mthTERLA.NGERT, oluie -BohrfutteC Der SOrpor--der Welle' ans. Grangu6:' Die Wellel aus. lanstrUkticinsstahl,-?in--;-Kugelligern gelegt.' Atif einer! ASeite-verseheri' mit 'Flachriemenicheibo, aut., der anderen, -.mityerltingerung undFltinschon.DieFlanschenmitNuton zur:Befestigung,der 'Messer yeisehen. - ? ' ? ^ ARBIiE %DES_SCIES.,1-?CIRCITLAIRFS ?ALLONGE DE _ ni; f-12 tu :sans? mandrill..? Le --corps "d'arbre de le -fonte grise. 'tL'arbred'acior_de construction repOs6" en couches de billes. muni ;?par pouhe plate, d autre d'alkingement. _? hourrelets. ?? Les bourrelets muriieS des - rainures pour -fixer les ? , ? _ ; ? - -,ARBOL --PARAL SIERRAS CIRCITLARES ALARGADO DE 12- mm, sin mandrin. El" cuerpo de. arbol -de hierro ? colado gris. Arbol, de acero _ de constrtieciOn;.: -colocado en juego-do bolas:' En mi lado provefdo: con polea de trans- misiOn chatii, on el otro parte" alargada y enchufes. Loscnchufeproveldos de-'ranuras pare efirrnar los - ? , ; , Packing: per 1 piece free / Verpackung: h 1 Stuck froi / Emballago: a 1 piece libroment / Embalajo: 1 pieza do manem libre ?weight lbs 36 Cowicht / poicls /peso kgs 16,30 Packing: per 1 pie-co in crates / Vcrpackung: h 1 Stuck in Vorschlag /Emballage: h 1 piece on cages/ Embalajo: 6 1 pieza en huttcal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - inches 3 118' 4' 4 .314' 5 112" ?.:6111# 7 118' . .140, 160 180 = :hgujoro - mm 25 teoth/Ziihno /dents dientos 3116' 114' 3116.11.114',5116318":116!. 5116' 5116' '318f:* -151,32!,!- .:4,31181", 318' 5/32'? ,!5/17.?". ' ? '45/3; -15132" - " ? 5 6 8 10 12 5118 10,, 12 810 12;? ? 8 10 12 " 10-12 3116,1'a 13146! 1 3116' (r.) (1f). (1') (I") 30 (25) 30 (25) 30 (25) 30(25) 30 (25) Breite largeur anchura mm 5 6 8 boring inches 1' Behrung / alesage agujero mm 25 teeth / Ziihne dents / dientes 4' 4-3/4' 100 120 3116' 114' 3116' 114" 5116' 318' 5116' 318' 5132' 5132' 5 6 8 10 12 5 6 8 10 12 1 3116" 1 3116" (1') (1") 30 (25) 30 (25) ,6 114' 7 118' - 160 " , '180 5116' 318' ?- -318" 15132' 15132" 8 10 12 8 10 12 1 3116" 1 3116' (1') 30 (25) 30 (25) The sample of order: 10 .;:pieces,Putter 101 B/1810 0 4"X 5/18,"..-X 1 3/16'-9" Beispielauftrag: 10 Steck Frasei,161 B/1810 0 100 x8 x 30-9 Exemple do in corrunando:10, pieces fraises 161 B/1810 0 100 X"8 x307-9 EjOrnpla del pedido: 10. -Piezas .frehas 161 B/1810 0 100 x 8'X 3017-9,. " v . , Packing: according ordoi;hVeiliaek'ung: laut Bostellung / Emballage": el6n commande / -Ehibalajo: 3oglict pedido ? ' s'-' ' I ? - The sample of order: 10 pieces Cutter 162 B/1810 0 4" x 5/16' x 1 3/10"--9 Beispielauftrag: 10 Stuck Fraser 162 B/1810 0 100 x8 x30-9 Example de In commando: 10 pieces fraises 162 B/1810 0 100 x8 x30-0 Ejemplo del pedido: 10 piezas fresas 162 B/1810 0 100 X8 x30-9 Packing: according order / Verpackung: laut Bestellung / Emballago: solon commando / Embalajo: segan pedido Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 202 1311804 ;1 boring ? inches 4" mm 100 width. _inches - 9116' 518' 11116' 13116' 1' 1 318" 1 518' 1 314' 2' Iif ? ? CUTTER FOR dROOVING with backed off edges EU'id fore-Cutters. - " ? - 15ITTFRitSER _mit hintergedrehter Scharfe und Vor- schneidern. -TOUR- RAIE-IiITRES' AVec?Aranchant detain-7mA et -,coupe-avarits. ? ? FRESA PARA RANTTRAS con corte despej ado y cortadores pre:yips. 1 ?---:' IL 4L- / "1:50 ? PROFILEWOODUU TER,. profile ,No 13 with backed- 'off_ ,cdges. _ PROFILFRASER, UhilnPRAISEe.PROFIL, profit- No 13, avec tranchants detalonnes. _ Profit Nr. 13,' mit, hintergedreht0 ?. FRESA DE PERFIL; _perfil NO 13 con cort6 despejadc: ?I. ,Nv"f7---711 ----k?, ,.. ,?_,,,,U , ?1r 11 '1 0 -Ir-- 1 1 i i i ,f7) 1 I 4 314' 120 13/16' 1' 1 3116' 13/8' 15/8' Broito / largour anchura mm 14 10 18 20 25 30 35_ 40 45 50 boring inches 1 3116' 1' Bohrung / al6sagti=1 agujoro mm 30 (25) 0 inches 5 112' ram 140 width inches: 9116' 518' 11116' 13116' I' 13116' 1 318' 1 318' 1 314' 2' Breito / largeur / anchurn, mm 14 10 18 20 25 30 -35 40 45 50 4 ?' 4II inches 1 3116' 1' Bohrung / alcIsage [ agujero mm 30 25 13/4' 2' 25 30 35 40 45 1 3116' 1' 30 (25) 6 114' 160 50 9116' 518' 11116' 13116' 1' 13116' 1318' I 518' I 314' 2' 14 16 18 20 35 40 45 50 25 30 1 3116' 1' 30 25 Packing: according order / Verpackung: laut Bestellung / Emballago: solon commando / Embalaje: segiln peclido 60 C, angle / Winkel angle / Angulo 0 inches 4 4 314 5 112 6 114 mm 100 120 140 100 45? 203 13/1800 width inches 15132 19132 13116 Breite / largeur / anchura mm 12 15 20 00? 4 43/4 100 120 - 1 3116 1 318 1 518 318 21132 13116 1 1 118 1 318 I 518 30 36 40 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 boring inches 1 3116' (1") Bohrung / alesage / agujero mm 30 (25) angle / Winkel angle / Angulo 0 inches mm width inches Breit? / largeur anchura mm boring inches Bohrung / al6sage agujero mm 750 4 100 318 21132 13116 1 1 118 1 318 1 518 10 15 20 26 30 35 40 1 3116' ( 1') 30 (25) 1 3116" ( 1") 30 (25) Packing: according order / Verpackung: laut Bestellung / Emballage: scion commando / Embalaje: segAn pedido 61 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? Breite / largeur / ancimia mrr boring .inoho Bohrung / alesage / taguipro Packing: according_ order, / Verpackung: Embalaje: segtin. pedido Y.; nun 100:, Width??:. ...74--. hieheig , ,. Broite- F. ' 119.ktiP;:: ?-?"i'VU'rrinii.- ;:5 ..V.".''-'?- ,? , It? ,?,- . ? 50 boring.. ..4' ?,.....-1-m --:ches:,-.,..4 '3116.? ........ . - ? :.'3116".". .P.1;...Lkohiunk, -P4., , l9r9&. ,-'''14,R'Ini'llir,;14.0?!.,-,t??,, rilin4i4:-.,-?,??: ?,=?,:-- --.? ..7:...1 30,- I'Lle*iiki'tiOn'idiiig--;.'oi:dern:ssVorpabit_filig:-:?laut.'Bestelluni 1.- Emballtigo:-- n selo .cinnminde -?/ , ... ---Embals,jo-:`-'stig*Vt"pndidci,',=,..'-=.-.2'..--17.,-..i, '.,t 0 inches nim width nhhes .Breite / largeur I anchura mm bring ? inches ?Bohrung / alesage / aguj9rn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 4" 100 7116"?.15132 4110_ 11116' 11 12 14 18 25 30 30 30!e` Packing: according order / Verpackung: laut Bestellung / Emballage: scion Embalaje: Began pedido Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? TETai _,:::qu:17,LsERgIVR4D9Dit;PROWce ss ivellm saw GE.?-iv'ithIgiated:, ? V:74,?-31.6-44:g tf-"- ' SF=4-ly .3.17 ilffszAM -,a?A A Aktz: _ Mgg 5:4M-7. 4 . AAA, '311-FISSEAGARNITOR;YFOitAT ENPROFIE6Imift in tei? iediehtenp,ohaffei0A,,?tigek, _tiPrOfilfriiiei,11riStii6kkyVtihk: sagetuck Zuhaltung '2!= " .1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 thickneall. of wOodinches Dicke von Ifo 4paimur do bois gruesq. do tendert% boring' inches .Behrung alitsaget agujero lnm 5 112 6 114' 7 113' 140 160 130 11132-713' mm 15-22 71,3"-1 318" 22--37 I 31.3'-2` 37-50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 -HOBELKOPFP'r--,-KOMPLETT.:-4Drt-EISCM\-+ELDIG.--.Dier Messer. ' aui";.,,,Weikzeuka.f.340ii;'44:ahdere:f-:7eije-:,;.tiui:::',Kori- itrulttiotisstahliimple,ttdKopfe..besfehim.:;:-:aus ? Korper, der ',Schiauben.' ? ' LA: CAi3" EZA, ,PA.ItA-.46EPH.LARC011IPLETAC0iNT,.?3' herra: mientatrab parteide ' acero'dO,ConStruecien,-*La'cabeza "cciiiipleta'dOnsiste:del -cuerpo 3 cuchillos-t rierneib correspon: - -.] ' PROFILE SHAPES. * 'PR OFILFORMEN. ? ,_ - FORMES DE PROFILS. icifouis DE PERFILES. ;SET,. OF TENONING ".' CUTTER'S FOAvDOORS,profile cutters with double edge, teeth:-Cite;'ioiisiSts.-of 3..prefile, ?!cutters and inserted ring , ? - :,-ZAPFENFRASERGARNITUR- FOR.ITt-R,E; Proftlfreser mit.Doppelschneideund-gefriisten ?Scherfen.;--'hesteht aus '3.1Piofilfresem. und 1 Zwischonring' 2 ? GRO,UPE DE FRAISES TE*OINTER POUR PORTES; .,fraises'-profils avec tranchant- double ct ,dents fraisayElle est' compose? de ? _fraisei:;d6'..-piofil' ?t I &mean., insor? GRUPO DE FRESAS-ESPIdADO"RASTAR. A PVERTAS; fresas de-perfil-ccon,' filo- doblb ydithttes .fresados:" Grupo consist? de 3 freisas' de 'fierfill, 1 'anillo interi3uestos., - r; --; ., .. Yz.-.'-',,,, -..-- ' , - ? -,-,-; ' ., -; , . i -CUTTING; HEAD; FOB:'-IBIG ' GROOVES ., with 3 knives 1 and fore eating., The`..:. knives and of -cast tool 4 iteel,:bther.parts.of-Constiticiion .steel. The complete handl -el:Insists:- of the"?liody'$-? 3 pieces knives and 3 pairs' of fore- 1 cutters and fastening screws.'---_.. " ?''' -,- ' 'FALZENKOPF MIT 3'..MESSER VORSCHNEIDEND. Die Messer::: und auli'-WerkzeugguBstahl, die restlichen ? Tbile 'aus ;Konstitiktionssfahl. Kompletthr ;Kopf besieht %Korper,Z3, Messern'tind 3 Paare Vorschneider .und Befesttgungsschrauben. - - e ? ? ? ? :TPTE GRAI4DES ,RADTURES .AVEC 3 LAMES ; coupe-avanti.--7Lei ,lames et.oupe.avants d'acier fondu 'pour outils; lei_ parties ,thstantes d'Acier de construction. La tete" complete, est compose? du corps, 3 couteaux et , 31.paires.'do, coupe-avants et- vis de fixation. 1 ? - - ? CABEZA PARA` RANI:TEAS GRUESAS con 3 cuchillos corttidoies prbvios. Los dientes y cortadoros provios do ?acero dolado ?,para herramientas, las otras partes do acero do CorifitrucciOn. La cabeza completa consist? del, cuerpo-,' 3 cuchillos y 3 pares de cortadores previos y tornillos p_ara?fijar. - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 DthIGD3LV--4SETOFI.:,y:IVES11:91,ciSPY,t,WP?',12A/41). ,kidv.e437:tplii-I*8difigiji?lesaseop.wirigootsciViiiii:!?Yrhe Iei?teiyk?ives .Ft.-774.1-r.114 ? Aber4t7- tENKBARDFItABgN:GARNI7J,gf:YO-AliTEDER;SR*D NIETEN mitt ilifeiVeefiagt,e'dfZ6fih7ee.c:Dig".Gal:hitiii ' .r. kr ? -rp. '7,="&"" ,LEA-EWREGLAALEJ?$S;,TAAISES T.PP-11:!RESSO:RTS DLRAINDREchange peuventetre commui?d6h part ate -a4,-,14(.. ? ? D ' S d 1 L h 15-22 19132"-718" 4-7 5/32"-9/32' 36-391 7116'4 9/16'. 9 318' 140 51/2" 22.37 718'4 7116' 30 1 3116' 5-9 3116"-318' 41-451 518"-1 314' 11 7116' 37-50 1 71.16"-2" 8-14 5116"-9116" 52-58 2 1116'-2 Ile 15 19132' .... . 15-22 19/32'418' 4-7 5132'-9132' 36-39 1 7116'-1 9116' 9 318' 160 6 114' 22-37 718'-1 7116' 45 1 314 5-9 3116'418' 41-45 1 518'4 314" 11 7116' 37-50 1 7116'-2' 8-14 51.16'-9116' 52-58 2 .1116'-2 1N' 15 19132' ? 15-22 19132'-718' 4-7 5132'-9132" 36-39 1 7116'-1 9116' 9 318' 180 7118' 22-37 718'-1 7116' 60 2318' 5-9 3116'418' 41-45 1 518"-1 314' 11 7116' 37-50 1 7116'4' 8-14 5116"-9116 52-56 2 11./6'-2 114' 15 19132' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Division 0 inches 19132" 19132' 718' 718 I' I' I 5132' I 5132' 318' 15132' 15132" 19/32' 19132" 13116" 518' 13116' Teilung / division / division mm 15/10 15/12 22/12 22/15 25/15 25/20 29/16 29/20 1 5132' 1 5132' 1 318" 1 318' 13/8' 1 1132" T3/16" 718' 1 1132' 1 114' 29/26 29/30 37/22 37/26 37/32 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? t Itttv-?-r.".7 tWiCAdetilit.V1214,14.1.1,? ; width of iron inches 1 3116" Eisenbroito / largour do for / anchtum do hierro m 30 33 30 length inches 10 118" 3190116* mm JO 118' Lange / longueur / largura 255 255 255 weight mm 255 kgs 11812 1112 Gewicht / poi& ga 0,0 / peso 0,80 Packing: according agreement / Vorpackung: laut Vereinbarung / Emballago: scion convention I Embalaje: seglin convencion SMOOTHING PLANE, ,completely hornbeam or scalded .;fie-6cli9,with:',,;hoinl?Oapi;.scile; unvarnished or varnished and SG.B..14I-01:1THOBEL, _,koniplett aus Hagobuche --oder atm "gebriihtiiritabitche.mit-,11agebuchescible, unlackiort oder = laakieit;,? Itickieitem Eisen. - . - - _ : RABOT:tk,,-Pf;ANEB;;'completement en charme ou hotre rierilelle- de-:,cliarme, non verni ou verni etavec los fers vernis ' CEPILLG :PARA ,IACABAR,, complotamento do ojaranzo htiSra; escaldida bon:;base do ojaranzo, no barnizado fi.',-.bitinizadb?y con hierrOs barnizados. ? 'f, - width Breite length inches 10 1/8' Lange / longueur / largura mm 255 weight lbs 211 Gewicht / poids / peso kgs 0,95 Packing: acording agreement / Verpackung: laut Embalajo: segim convencion Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 1 718" 45 48 51 10 1/8 10 118" 255 255 255 2/1 211 2/1 0,95 0,95 0,05 Verembarung / Emballage: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - 254 B/3 andturek Itagtlx tot?zutur -.1Xviera Otvkatr% t-%&-A) Notkig: et..-v?valsqz*,..-zwczeta , r: 'wk.** we:Ave:via:b. iimiclaktI Illor I 4,4" va -ts incbm.- I. IZIS' I* 116- 255 ft "! tezs kt.t.4.) t2d47. " "- i i , . . JACK PLANE, completely hombeain or scalded beach with [ hornbeam solo, unvarnished or varnished and iVitli Varnished iirons. 1 t 1 DOPPELHOBEL, komplett, z`aus - Hagebuche oder am gebriihter Rotbuche mit Hageliiichesohle, .inlackiert oder lackiert, mit lacIdertem Eisen. JACK- PLANE SHORT, completely hornbeam or scalded beach with hornbeam sole, unvarnished or varnished and with yarniahed, irons. - DOPPELHOBEL, 13.URZ, komplett am Hagebuche oder am getiriihter ,Rotbuche =mit Hagebuchesohlei unlackiert oder lackiert, - mit lackiertem Eisen. RABOT DOUBLE COURT, coinpletement en charm? ou hetre echaude avec semelle de charme, non verni ou verni et avec les fers vernis. CEPILLO DOBLE CORTO, completainente do ojaranzo o de haya escaldada con base de ojaranzo, no barnizado o barnizado y con hierros barnizados. - RABOT DOUBLE, 'eompletement en charme ou hetre : echaude avec semeile de.c.harme, non verni ou verni et avec les fers vernis. CEPILLO DOBLE, completamente de ojaranzo o de haya esealdada con base de ojaranzo, no barnizado o barnizado y eon hierros barnizados. I IrS" 1/32' 51 I* 06' 71,1 1.10 IP I/16' 4-- Vecrsa-w=g: 11=2 Vero-:nktsza:mg Eraballace ? Mon convention j width Breite length Lange / longueur / largura wig Gewicht / poids / peso 255 B/3 A inches 1 11116" 1 314" - 1 718"- 2 1132" / largeur / anchura mm 42 45 48 51 inches mm lbs kgs 10 118' 10 118' 255 255 2 212 0,90 0,97 10 118" 10 118' 255 255 2/4 2/7 1,02 1,10 Packing: according agreement / Verpackung: laut Vereinbarung / Emballage: Embalaje: segun convencion TOOTH PLANE, completely hornbeam or scalded beach with hornbeam sole, unvarnished or varnished and with varnished irons. ZAB:NHOBEL, komplett am Hagebuche oder am gebrater Rotbuche mit Hagebuchesohle, unlackiert odor lackiert, mit, lackiertem Eisen. RABOT DENTE, completement en charm on hetre 6chaud6 avec semelle de charme, non verni on verni et avec les fors vernis. CEPILLO CON HIERRO DENTADO, completamente do ojaranzo o de hays escaldada con base de ojaranzo, no barnizado o barnizado y con hierros barnizados. width Breite length Lange 256 B/9 scion convention / inches 1 11116" 1 314" I 718" / largeur / anchura mm 42 45 48 inches 10" 10" 10" / longueur / largura mm 250 250 250 weight lbs 2 2 2 Gewicht / poids / peso kgs 0,90 0,90 0,00 Packing: according agreement / Verpackung: laut Vereinbarung / Emballage: scion convention / Embalaje: sevin convenci6n All above mentioned planes can be delivered also with feet. Alle ?ben angefiihrten Hobel konnen auch mit dem FuO geliefert werden. Tom les rabota mentiormes audessus peuvent etre livres aussi avec pied. Todos cepillos arriba mencionados pueden ser entregados tambien con pie. 79 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 width 11rvilb / larwur / mtvlittrix , ? NytiVit 116,(1, I PoAll Rgs .i Pottkingt *wording ttgrcx.nt-teut / Verpackung; butt Vereitibitrung / Emballage: scion lt'aubaltt,10; tivfpin ecumuelAn width inches 11132' 19132' 11132' Breit? /largueur anchura mm 0 12 16 18 21 24 27 30 33 weight oz 13 112 14 14 113 14 213 Gewicht / poids peso kgs 0,38 0,39 0,40 0,41 Packing: according agreement / Verpaekung: laut Vereinbarung / Emballago: selon convention / Embalaje: segtin convenci6n ? - M00.7,ING-FILISTER.:PLANE:ivith?2'regulations of horn- beam':.Sio-O-dnUAPOlitilheili-oi;.-POlishect'i--piith?polished irons: " 7 IA ' , FALZHOBEL, VERSCHIEBBAR:, mit 2?Stellungen, aus HagebuCheholz. Unpoliert'si,dertp_oliert, mit poliertem Eison. - , PEUILLERET A MANGEOFIVRER:sycc. 2 regulations en bold_ de "Charme. Non psoll'?OtiliblirtiVeC- fors- polls. t REBAJADOR PARA.. DESPLAZAR con 2 e?aderade p?liddsY , 4 .Wek.,4M, zit. /4..//4 RI KIDS L ij 024taRtrA? / p.*1: lvss.N kc'z'i tt?U OM 44,41 ttt,4 043 rli..: st...wcar4., fr..D...vtztgurt /Itst.tplAnzug-,.. Iluut recti=:* t??=1: ? / .....tts...ns.-.: *Om collventim, / Itttit'alvzkz kte&tt wistwegikat. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 nAtatias 3ci1Te-- :r5o3miei=z,?ER =Its ARA-SOTE.R HIERROS DE EPILLAR 2S2 3=E3 ams j 1 ?. 2P' '5ert,03 . Lamm rixtrzglamtr reiral!..`; di.i;T:t;m"111-Ana4uni- - 9=g441 -.43aibx; '0.4tinge 5unrumn? autgiL-u aura lAtienit , f In=tar? =On= _man mainAzteJw Mitibe iirreseir U11111 - , '%v4S4ZIG.' ;11.900 "rt.! ler -4:rda'aes anzfris' f.;;3" nxim 'S 14.1.741 2.414 749 ITIALMING'ICK6-"X 4il 4-9349,1 gu'?s-1.9IpluzaDgaimtaa: 4 '14414-`kaaluila9Eomia- - , t? k+.41 ...A.B6121ERfse - ?Dttitrxmay.;.sioitif*tes: ?to-ifs v....nr? r.A1-...s I: -11.20 -.25D :200 :5121: Z.-pr EA. iMfGADO X.A.R.:VACEPn- T. AR- . , .11:1.fe" 4fr ZiC RA"' 40 1,32' 44 42' zaTi 4-ap 79.13 -1.39 MD ,"' -3:*" -3-*" RZT,IL" Zit' 11,0" .E-4." 4.15." Ecr it ref kg; .E.PE:-.: ?..2.-2 E...,3 MAN 411,45tb.i.T4: HUM kot 3.2143 /233E" 3,73" 1115:9C& , 7- trirFAt.L&GE A R-ABOTER. - 3EDCANICA. PARk-4:CEPILLAR. - - ? - fruslum rf,2- fri-drp ,^,e,-72_' 1 tr? 35-% ?:15; 42." .,:',...ZnIgt,frazIgutur:/lfarTrmu 21[122 4..1424?.0 ZiitiLITAV co:4m smv...7,344 sroxsio so)..910 9.171.frin nustu..% 3 Rod-r.R./.5tr7erce- angiimtst =en 149 fmi .3:103 4-7 Diitibef titAiTigtotirr amr. 12 33$K 33.E S.0 4,26. - ' 265 B _1 length Lange / longueur largura width Breite / largeur / anchura thickness Dicke / epaisseur / grueso weight Gewicht / poids / pose VENEER' ?KNIFE ,1?0IIRNIERAIESER gouiEAu DE' PLACA:GE: CUCHILLO PARA CHApA?-:' length Liinge / longueur / largura width Breite / largeur / anchura thickness Dicke / epaissour / grueso weight Gewicht / poids / peso VENEER KNIFE. FOURNIERMESSER. COUTEAU DE PLACAGE. CIJCHILLO PARA CHAPAS. length Liinge / longueur / largura width Breite / largeur / anchura thickness Dicke / epaisseur / grueso weight Gewicht / poids / peso feet 9' mm 2750 inches 2 3/8 mm 60 inches 1/2' mm 13 lbs 33 kgs 15 2 3 266 B Q. oir-0 04 04 04 04 feet 13,1' mm 4000 inches 2 3/8 mm 60 inches 13116' mm 20 lbs 81 kgs 37 80 100 feet 13,3' mm 4060 inches 2 318'' mm 60 inches 13116" mm 20 lbs 198 kgs 90 SZ, 4010 267 B 39 100 3900 0 T 7 -7 -I- 7- 4060 2 er2fl 04 83 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 5 -Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 -9- 268 B AS30 114 feet 913' .lingn=.1 longueur / ialgurn mm 2S30 width'. -.. , inches 2 318' Bes...lite:t 1a,rgeur t anc.hura mm. 60 ?'-.... thiekni.- ' inches 318' piet.?-e. i 6p41;.,..-ur i grums nun 10 , weight lbs 304 -.-.,.:.Gewieht,?, poids I peso kgs 13S .1:41 1.\TIF,E,,FOR VENEER-CrI4PFER. FoURNiERSoliF:RE-h- TiliSSE 269 B 13!PPER ' - ZS-al ength Lingolongueur j largura width ? Recite lat")?,7eur euschura 6. thiekm.,*s Dicke I Zsp...----ueur grgeso vrek_.'ast, GechtJ poidspeso feet $.2'mm 2820 inches 4 3t4" mm 120 Inches 3/S" mm 10 lba Iss? 23,6 QBERES? F6,1HiNTERSi;cildiENM-FISSEli: COUTEAU SUPERIEDB PpUR,M.-AsSIOOTAPLACAGE: CUCHILLO ti"..ERIOR.:PARA:"TIJERAS'DE-CHAPAS. ; - k*F-017EliS(43.h.REI?T1srESS.E -COUTEAV POURif:ASO:an ? CITCliTT.LO,P-ARA; TIJERAS DE CRAP length Liinge / longuour / largura width * Breite / largeur / anchura, thickness Dicke / epaissour / grueso weight Gowicht / poids / peso 270 B Xit,l. FOR VENEER CLIPPER ssER' POUR MASSICOT A PLACAGE. t ,J .T3 kr:gth Le 4/ iork.?-necr Itag=4%, 'width ..ts-smitt- Iitt-rzek.n. wnth=-4 thiokress Diehelip.--.1rarIgraesa wiiot ress foes msza inants 2ZIS' re= 160 inehes lbs 4'2 kr.st _ - CUcBJLLO PABA ,TER---1.S' DE CHAPAS. ' CU- CHILLI? PARA CORTAR. - length Dingo / longueur / largura width Breite / largeur / anchura thickness Dicke / epaisseur / grueso weight Gewicht / poids / peso UU1 1ING KNIFE FOR VENEERS. SCHNE1DEMESSER FOR FOURNIERE. COUTEAU A COUPER POUR LE PLACAGE. ICUCFITTLO PARA CORTAR PARA CHAPAS. length Dine / longueur / largura width Breito / largeur / anchura thickness Dicke / epaisseur / grueso weight Cowicht / poids / peso 271 B foot 8,8' mm 2600 inches mm 150 inches 5116' mm 8 - lbs 51 kgs, 23 JL 510. !go I J. 000 I $00 ...L.._ !op 272 B ???? feet 10,3' mm 3148 inches 10 112' mm 205 inches 19132" mm 15 lbs 198 kgs 90 312$ 273 B -1,2 feet 13,4' mm 0088 inches 918/84' mm 235 inches 111132' mm 5 lbs 2123 kgs 01 85 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 PLANE IRONS ? HOBELEISEN ? FERS DE RABOTS ? HIERROS DE CEPILLOS length Lange / longuour / largura width Breito / largour / anchura thickness Dicko / 6paissour / grucso weight Cowicht poids peso 5116" 8 85 38,40 POURNIERSCHALMESS length Lange / longuour / largura width Breit() / largour thickness Dicke / 6pnissour / grueso weight Gowicht / poids / poso foot mm inches mm inches mm lbs kgs width of iron Eisenbreite largeur de for / anchura do hierro length of iron Eisenlange longueur do for / largura do hierro thickness of iron at the edge Eisendicke bei Schneido epaisseur do for aupres tranchant grueso do Morro 6 filo thickness of iron at the end Elsondicke am Endo 6paisseur do for au bout grueso de hierro al cabo length of welded plate Lange von geschweifiter Platte longuour de plaque soudee largura do plancha solclada inches 2 118" 2 118" 2 118" 2 318' 2 318" 2 318' Packing: in cardboard-box por 12 pieces / Vorpackung: in Pappschachteln h 12 Stiiclt / Emballitgo: en boite do carton b 12 pieces I Embalajo: en carton do 12 piezas DITTO, AMERICAN PATTERN, with short screw. DETTO, KNIERLICANISCIIE TYPE, mit kurzer Schraube. , DETTO, MODELE AMERICAIN, avec vis court. DETTO, MODEL? AALERICANO, con tornillo corto. normal thickness inches 5/16' normalo Dicke) opaissour normal() grueso normal mm S Knives No 701 AB aro used for profiles 14, 15, 16, Messor Nr. 701 AB sind rtir Profile 14, 15, 16, 17, Couteaux No 761 AB sont utilis6s pour profils 14, Cuchillos No 761 AB estan utilisados pant porfilcs 17, 21-23, 25, 31, 41, 42-44. 21-23, 26, 31, 41, 42-44 beniltzt. 15, 10, 17, 21-23, 25, 31, 41, 42-44. 14, 15, 10, 17, 21-23, 26, 31, 41, 42-44. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Minea:rilte 11sirtasrt,Z*aet- ......a r4ttsmatcZelirvamt tztii&rprseva:?...btecnt-ii-t-ertaits -criatzat, -7.;43',Zea-fierate-tio ==t taiittipez?At-T=Itax?-ite:13nZ ? 4.iiiiiiitagm---;.atam-:tkaarItrent. a& re arttzteatur-Zje7,-ailarpentaie ZdszIntr,-z-att*-ix?rits&- 7Z-5 1.4az -74 --Itv6iatt .P.CANY; E{:11LICHTI1OBELE1.1*,. ? - - . - ? _ -FER-DE BA10113 SJIMPLY"..4: ? ijitIERBOirpg emudo.g,z301,1,9 L width of iron Eisenbreite / largeur de fer anchura de hierro length inches Lange / longueur / largura mm , thickness of iron at the edge inches Eisendicke bei Schneide epaisseur ,de fer aupres tranchant grtioso de-hierro a filo nana inches MM thickness of iron at the end Eisendicke am Endo epaissour de fer au bout grueso de hierro al cabo length of welded plate Lunge von geschweiBter Platte longueur de plaque sonde? largura de planda soldada weight pc Gewicht / poids / peso 1 t inches mm inches mm oz kgs 1 1116' 1 3116" 1 9132" 1 7116'.' 1,9116" 27 30 33 36 39 7 112' 7 112' 7 112' 7 112' 7 112' 190 100 100 100 100 5132' 5132" 5/32" 5132' 5132' 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 3132' 3132' 3132' 3132' 3132" 2 2 118' 55 5 113 0,151 2 2 2 2 2 118' 2 118' 2 118' 2 1149" 55 55 55 55 5 314 6 114 7 7 112 0,164 0,175 0,200 0,210 pz -Packing: in cardboard-box per 12 pieces / Vorpackung: in Papimobachtel e?12 Sttick/-Emballago: en boite de carton 21, 12 pieces / Embalajo: en carton do 12 piozas -,2;:9p,C" i_17.1p6"1 314' 1 718' 2 1132":2 3.132" :39 ?1"" 45 4S 51 54 8' 8 112' S 112' :?.:12410 2200 200 200 215 215 .."51.32" 4132" -5132' 3116" 3116' -441 445 4,5 5 5 am- 3132" 3132' ?wr -72 1/8" :2 118" 2 118' 2 318" 231.8" -55 5.1/4 314 0,14 -fil0 0,245 '60 113 36 0,2.61 0485 TW:tmrpaiktmg,.. tin 71-4-tirdhsate1nA.12ick iThe 7ab.ratiala- ..risram tfie Illezsts S-S2. K width Breit? / largeur / anchura weight 1 dozen Gowicht 1 Dutzend poids 1 douzaino peso 1 docena inches mm oz 283 B/751 K 1 11116' 42 85 213 kgs 2,40 ?1 -Wat'a ID'Iat'S; citft "tS.1.41sAlltqaeOtt1.1,e, t?t-ke?tilett )).VA1.1?,1: tiiks.'T..1%, au 4. ? i.skt1i,e.1hA%Vh1V.,11-k.,Aa 41b11...*/;1114111,4d1b3Ac' ? RABBET PLANE ,111:0N. .:SIMSHG13ELEISEN i'EFt.DE GUILLA1Th1E.:;" ?? : . width Breito / largeur / anchura nun inches weight 1 dozen Gewicht 1 Dutzend poids 1 douzaino peso 1 docena 07. kgs 1 314" 1 718' 2 1132' 2 3132" 2 114" 2 318' 45 48 51 54 ? 67 00 94 113 95 112 108 115 213 128 112 141 112 2,64 2,76 3 3,24 3,60 3,90 284 B/758 K 11116" 27132' 15116" I 1116" 1 3116' 1 9132" 18 21 24 27 30 33 04 26 28 34 36 39 0,66 0,72 0,78 0,06 1,? 1,10 89 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - - SOTEL - CiSr--AUX A BOIS ? FORMONES 3,6 Sala K MIER. rf-tilardierintl"Grjugh,risfy,49. mo - ? - _1. ST,11:011 oltistitehr'rundiderstanri 'mad. . ? ".?.- ; =prr?se -CP,J ? ii. ? fl'aclocr_ tr.& elar5t- rrItte," et, -';"'"_ca ? ,fiemmnazi,C.1 40 4is r Con,scrt,iant.. Zi la ? -aigtt; ' ? ? _ - . 1.krun uniii-at -ire.;?- ?'-57.1?--. 214" -4.126" -1:18" 15132' 91116" 518' 1116' 13116 718' MI6' I 171:f?" 3 l_a- 3J4 Hirthit- ,j3u=erc. ,.-1 Jmnihura zxan4 1.6 S 10 1.2 14 16 IS 20 .22, 24 T.,3 f?.3 .1:0 &a$61 1.112 .1 213 1314 21/222/3 3114 32/33334 4113 ,6 al 173 -.2).9 -41 44 50 63 76 S9 103 105 121 Iff6 170 MctTiii Cul awacals later 51.3:c? 10 "a3L,1 17-P.-priAmng- in Schachteln A 5 oder 10 Snick i EmbliBam---- in "bniims 1 5 on at!rar6 zr, -,5- 41 3D triimmiE-, 3D31 K -.24" ? - 4 1S 10 FIRMER BEVIELIMI3? _ CISEAU A BOIS, BISFbi - ? tMONBrSlr .649, 2.Z6"3'$? II 16' /338' S' 1S.16* 1 11 1 14 l6 Is a) 22 ii? z'S 4x= 47-4,-23 3 1.4 11-3 12,3 '2 I 4 212 ?ti; rt, ? M1 NI ZS 44 62 .4 ricsr,-.41aL--"-n,,1_7: Sensehrishl A3 oder 10 Sturk - 7 7----r?...a.irk.-....x:147-4as-fe.1;?41 H-nie=z*: 324 4 .5.7.t.a. ? JOUTER.8'r,. CHISEL', bPirelkildr..tVitlf handle of quahtjrsteel Blide'and.;!,nO-elt-1-shaipenad;;.4-einT:itotr,worked.rAll`,sui?face painted(withe--colOurless!fyitiniah;-4Iandle":Ttif6A: TISCBIERBEITEL, mit Kanten mit Heap; aus Qualitats Genie 'Oberfltiehe:mit;.farblpSeni,..-Labk?bestricheri:,Hefe.ati'i- r Holz. 7: "" ' " ? - . CISEAI.E.. . BOIS-..f.P,OUR.'?::',ALENCBIER '12;_biseaute'livee',. inanClie;:..cl'adiek.;'ide;',:.(fualite.7.'tarite,-,oV:.Col, aguis"4,'?, tiger "non ?,:" titiVaille;- SurfaCe':::totale'7"petnitel....-ptir.:,veritis, f..sans : bouleue. i Manche, en,bois.t, -- YORMOIC;?-?BARArr,CARPL.N'YEROSbisellido, con mango dejTaceicrdoi....e'clidticl-;i3Ciichilla,':_enellor'2.:lifilaklos,"';cabo no tra.bajador:, SupOrficleAenterw;toftidtt.1430i,i;barniz-, sin- Color:: ' - width Breite / largeur length range / longueur inches 5/32" / anchura mm 4 inches 6 118" / largura mm 155 weight oz 2 112 Gewicht / poids / peso kgs 69 114" 5116" 318' 6 S 10 61/8' 7" 7' 155 175 175 25/8 23/4 3113 71 76 95 307 13/661 K 15132' 518" 13116" 718" 11/32' 13/16" 11/4" 13/8' 15/8 12 16 20 22 26 30 32 35 40 7" S" 8" 91/8' 91/8' 91/8' 91/8' 101/4' 101/1' 175 200 200 230 230 230 230 260 260 31/2 41/3 5 53/4 61/2 81/2 9 10 11 99 122 144 164 181 240 256 282 305 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpacicung: in Pappsclutchtoln it 10 Stuck / Emballago: on Witco de carton it 10 pieces / Embalajo: on carton do 10 piezas , - - JOINERS' ' CHISEL ?,urtbevelledivith handle,, of quality steel." Blade, and'.:Ifieek?'shrirpened,7;.siirftice- painted with colourlesa'-? varniah,".1.handlrbf provided with steel - ? ferrule and ring TISCHLERBEITEL,-: ohne, mit -Heft,, aus Qiiali:. tiitaatahl.-Klingo tuid Hale ge.scharft.,,Oborfliiche mit farb.:; loiem:IaCk bestrichen, Heft- ana-Holz mit Stahlzwingo und Ring: . CISEXU:. A:- BOIS!. POUR MENUSIER, nOn'biseaute, avec Lame:,ot col ftigtiiSes, surface peinte,pr vornis, sans couleur, - la' mancheen bois munie par virole armeau.-;, "- "-' ? ?:?? FORAI6N PARA CARPDTTEROS no bisolado, con mango, de acoro. do 'calidad.- Cuchilla y cuello' afiladO, superficie teiiida.-por,birniz sin color, _el, mango de madera, proveklp per .virolCdo .acoro . , ? ' length inches 61/8' 61/8" 7" 7' Lange / longueur / largura. mm 155 155 175 175 width inches 5/32' 114' Breite / largour / anchura mm 4 6 weight oz 21/2 22/3 Oewicht / poids / peso grs 72 75 5116' 318 8 10 23/4 31/2 78 100 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: pieces / Embalaje: en carton de 10 piezas 308 B/660 K 7' 8' 8' 91/8' 91/8" 91/8' .91/8' 175 200 200 230 230 230 230 1,5132' 518' 13116' 718" 1 1132" 1 3116' 11/-I' 12 16 20 22 26 30 32 32/3 -11/2 51/3 6 63/-i 82/3 9 104 128 151 172 190 244 258 in Pappschachteln it 10 Stiick / Emballago: on boites do carton it 10 91 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 4 ":-.4.4-4 C4,2,3110 309 B 668 ^ ? CARRMNITERS' CHISEL-PAvitk lwnJ1si,.of q- , Blade and neek;sharilene-14,;::fiteni'i-nbt'SWorke4 All. saifade ? paintea'scith co1Ourk4ayarni8hI1afldl0OfW00d,Pr0'ided: with steel ferrttle-**1:)in ' ZIMMERMA..? NNBEITEa.ilifUroftP,tiusil Kiinge Oberaache HO10 versehen mit Stahlzinge und Ring' CISEAU A BOIS',POURs:CHART'ENTIEWaveCsminehe;1 d'acier de qualith: Lathe tige,non travaill? ! &Irfaela totale2rpelnto7Pareinis',-,-sans'*ulein-;'014iii.1i-jo bats, =units PORMOY-Pkil-AV.,CARPINTER-0Sf'con-men,_ go, , de calidad. Cuehillie*euelloTafillidasettya;m?'-::tia*j_ 'tandem:, piai; sup .erfac'i width inches 13116' 718: 15/16" 1 .7./32.- 1 318" 1 3115" 1 114' 1 5116" 1 518' Breite largo= =Laura nrce 20 24 44 26 lenght inches 91/2' 10 114" 1D 1/4' 10 114' Lange /angueur 1nrgara =ri 240 260 260 200 260 weight az 8 11 12 13 213 15 Gewielit paids peso kgs 228 305 2,s 30 10 114' JO 114" 32 35 40 11' 11" 11" 260 275 16 213 17 314 275 275 18 112 19 335 383 415 466 497 518 528 PAO:frig- in cardllosid-box per 10 pieces / Verpar.liTYT- in Pappschaehtel a 10 Stack / Emballage: en bc.lites de carton a 10 pokes je- en =Ton de 10 pievia 310 B722 K width: inelitui 114' 5116' 3/8' 15132' 9116' 518' Braila largeur anchura- mam 6 8 10 weight: 12 = 14 16 az 314 13116 1 112 1 213 13/4 2112 Gewicht poids peso grs 21 23 43 47 52 71 FIRMER GOUGE with ; outside. interior edge, sharpened from the HOHLBEITEL mit innerer Scharfe, von auBen gescharft. GOUGE DE SCULPTEURS avec trenchant intkrieur, aiguisee e-tkrieurement. GUBIA PARA ESCULTORES con corto interior, afilada por fuera. 11116' 13116' 7I8' 13116" 1 1132' 1 1I8" 1 3116" 18 20 22 04 26 28 30 2 213 3 213 4 112 5 51/8 61/2 65/8 ? 76 103 126 139 141 181 183 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappsehachtel h 10 Stack / Emballago: cit boites de carton h 10 pikes / Embalaje: en c.art6n de 10 piewis 92 - i1iitc,46,iia`kW-Ettu-LE," of quality steel. Blade and neck shaipeileg:Stern:.not Worked. All surface iiiiitedviiith.?Oblouilessarnishariclle of wood, polished and.eVided with steel ferrule tind ring. HOTitIlhITEL,JHT: HEFT, tuts Qualitatsstahl. Kling? und Hals gescharft-,Stiel nicht bearbeitot. Ganzo Oberflache mit farblosem Lack-bestrichen. Heft aus Holz, poliert und verSehen init Stahkwhige und Ring. GOUGE DE SGULPTEITR AVEC MANCHE, d'acier do qualitk, Lame et colaiguia? tigo non travailloo. Surface totale 'points par Vernis -'sang 'couleur. Manche en bois, polie,,et munie par virole en acier et annean. GUBIATARA ESG,ULTOR,-con'ipango, do neer? do calidad. Cuohille y cuello afilados,? Cabo no trabajado. Superficio entora te?ida por barniz sin color. Mango do modem, pulido ,y.,preveido 'por:',vir,olti. de: acero y anillo. - width inches Breito / largeur anchura mm 311 B/722 AK 114" 5116' 318" 15132' 5I8" 13116" 718' 1 1132' 1 1116' 6 8 10 12 16 20 22 26 30 longht inches 6 314" 6 314' 6 314' 7 114' 8' S" 8 112' 8 112" 9 118" Lange longueur largura mm 170 170 185 185 200 200 215 215 230 weight oz 2 112 3 3 314 4 4 2/3 5 314 7 7 112 8 314 Gewicht / poids peso grs 70 83 102 107 131 163 195 210 248 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappschachtel h 10 Stack / Emballago: en boites do carton h 10 pieces / Embalaje: on carton do 10 piezas PLUGGING CHISEL, double, 1 chip hole, all steel, very elastic and tough. FITSCHENBEITEL, doppolt, 1 Spannloch, genz Stahl, Behr elastisch und widerstandsfithig. BEDANE A FERRER, 1 encocho h 2 biscaux, complete- ment acier, tres elastique et consistent. ESCOPLO PARA HERRAR con 2 bisels, 1 hendidura, completamente acero, mucho elastic? y tonaz. thickness inches Dicke./ apaisseur / grucso mm weight Gewicht / poids / peso oz grs 1116" 1 8 2/3 243 312 B/731 K "kzrvp?frvg.t...477-,:vvkt,,,, 4111111911111.11.111.11111111.1111111) ./ 1116' 1116" 1 1,5 91/3 92/3 263 269 .7/32" 3/32' 118" 2 2,5 3 3,5 10 10 113 10 213 279 290 302 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Vorpackung: in Pappschechtel ii 10 Stuck / Emballago: en boites do carton h 10 pieces / Embalaje: en carton do 10 piovis 93 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 313 B/732 K onset.,2 encochekepniplete': 1 2 ? ? hendiduras, _ - thickness inches 1116' 1116' 1116" 3132" 3132' 118' Dicke / apais.sour / grueso mm 1 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 weight oz 8 213 9 113 9 2/3 10 10 113 10 2/3 Gewicht / poids / peso grs 243 263 269 279 290 302 Packing: in boxes per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Schachteln h 10 Stack / Emballage: en boites "h 10 pieces / Etnbalajo: en cajitas do 10 piezas Railway-shipments in cases of maximal weight 60. Eisenbahnsondungen in ICisten von Maximalgewicht 60 kg. Envoi par chemin de for en caisses de poids maximum 60 kg. Envfo por forrocaril on cajas do peso maximum 60 kg. 314 B/674 K ,TISGH,LERLO,CHE: F1.1,R ..?OHRAUBEN.;- .:At2NE i)E,711;prOSIEbrRSIi3OUR '? . PERFORADOW-DE, CARPINTEROS :TARA TORNIL- i'A)rotind;iwith pear shaped handle iund mitr.,bynerifoi-migenilleft. rondo aV.,,ce redonda bon:r4ngti,en-foriria'.de withf,4 edge_ slah`d iecrviirniglied egg-shaped handle rivet- ed., ? 7, vierkaittig; initrotlackiortei eifoimigerii-Heft, genietet. ?:.avec. 4 carnes et,manche,Arnie'rciuge;. en forme d'ceuf, - riv? ., con 4, es_quinitS..y inangufbarnizado en'-rojci en forma de huovo,-"rem-achado:: . " - length inches 7' 7 118' Lunge / longueur / largura mm 175 180 Packing: in boxes per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Schachteln a 10 Stack / Emballago: en boitcs h 10 pieces / Embalajo: en cajitas de 10 piezas 94 - 'DRAWING' KNIFE SFIrOVLDERST.';?Viii.' Lnlshed handles? 'NVAGNERZUGMESSER hiekierte-Griffe.- ;PLANE ENTIDE',".. ' COUS.;-,RONDS,-,,,mariche:s .v,ernies. ; ?,RASCADOW.:PARA-,TONELERO CON.,.'CUELLOCitE, DONDOS;:- mangos.. blirnilados..?, ' length Lange / longucur / largura weight Gewieht / poids / peso 315 B/744 K inches 7 118' 8' 8 318' 9 112' 10 114' II 114" 12' mm 180 200 220 210 260 280 300 oz 15 15 213 16 113 16 213 17 17 112 1$ grs 420 440 460 470 480 490 500 .-- .. MORTISE CHISEL. qu c'of ' ality''steel: -=-Blade and _ _ sharpened, stern not worked."._ All - "surface:, painted colourless varnish Handle of- wood, provided-with ferrule -? and-rirtg.;:::"--"" .: :'",s,:-r,-..-:''',--:;t...,--c' tLOCFLBEITEL at's': QUalitatsitithl. Kling? und Hals go- 'scharft;?-? Stiel, nicht bectibeitet.-.Ganze_.0berflitche mit farb- losem Lack bestiichen:' HefCaus's [ Holz"' Versehon mit Stahl- zwin -- - - ' 'ge. unci Ring. 'neck with steel BEDANE d'acier do qualite. Lamp et col aiguises, tigo non travaillee. Surface tota1e,?peinte-2par_ yemis.. sans couleur. Manche. on bois, mUni&par-virole cn acier at anncau. ESCOPLO de acero de calidad: Cuehilla y cuello afilados, cabo no trabajado. Superficie entera terrida por barniz sin color. Mango do madera, -proveido_jpor virola de acero y anillo. ? width inches 118' 3116" Breite / largeur anclutra mm 3 5 length inches Lange / longueur largura mm weight 07. Gewieht pouts / peso grs 9 118" 230 4 314 9 118' 230 6 114 134 175 316 B/671 K 114' 5116' 318' 15132' 112' 518' /3//li" 6 8 10 12 13 16 20 9 1/8" 9 518' 05/8' 10 114" 10 114' 11 114" 11 230 245 245 260 260 280 280 8 112 10 12 112 14 314 15 314 16 195 238 278 351 414 446 453 Packing: in boxes per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Schachteln h 10 Stiick / Emballago: en Intik* it 10 pieces / Embalajo: en cajitas do 10 pima% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 95 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 317 8/727 TURNING CHISEL, . 1:pfj.:qt!a shar-'; fened;all surface painted b3 colourlo& arnish _ Qualit.?st.ahl geschmicde.t.. IClingo geschiirf gane..Oberflilchornit firbl odena=.?,=,Li-cle CISEAU DE .TOURNEITRS-;?,fdig-k.'d'acier'de,4tialitO:Lara? . Siguisee;--:7,Sarfade...-total,eI?Ointe.,:..aYe-C-43inis, sena FORM ON.- ferja"do7dol. neer?, do, calidtid11oja,5,filadah. 6Uperfieie'enterii7teiliclii. sin color GIMLETS AND BITS ? BOHRER ? MECHES ET VRILLES ? MECHAS Y BARENAS 321 8/702 K width Broito largour / anchura mm _ 6 10 12 16 20 ?length inchce:0'"--.9" 95/8' 95/8' 92518" 101/4' 101/4' 10114' 111/4' 111/4':. Lange. , longuour / largura, mn225--.225 2-45 245 245 260 260 260 280 280 Packing: in boxes per 10 pieces / Vorpackung: in Schachteln h 10 Stack / Emballage: on boites h 10 pieces / Embalaje: on cajitas do 10 piozas inches 114" 318' 15132" 5I8" 13116" 718" 1 1132' 1 3116" 1 114" 1 318"- 22 26 30 32 35-1 -STA1NTGEN.-SCHNECKENBOHRER OHB, '..GRIFY,--,aus,Qualitatsi3tahl:.'geschmiedot;;gesentirft,',1111oken 4 'in Khnge mid Ted des SchafteSfeirignschliffer4.die restliche Obeifitiche?ischWarz = AVEG. DOITILLEr, POUR-- BLANCHE: forgeo.1 ? d!acier-"dif4ualite, :aigtisee; le dos-, de,..1a;=,lame,f- et ,uile partie dir'-itionis`;,repassee-? fmemeni,,--la-Surfa6e- 'restantevornie - ' i?litiRENA:PARACARPINTERO dON PARA- i :.:15ANGO,'-ifoi?jadate:,?acero.?de.-.calidad;:r. afilada; lomo do -la deta'egnOda de manordfina;7_otidsuierficie barnizada on negro' ? " 318 13/728 dimension inches 318" 112" 9116" 518" 11116" 13116" 718" 15116" 1" 1 118" 1 3116" 1 114" 1 5116" 1 7116' 1 112' 1 9116" Ausmessung / dimension dimension Irma 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 . - GOBLEt PARA DORES;',,.:;ferjada 'de,:acero?de; ,cahdad Hoja afilada suporficie-,i:entera: tefiida con barniz 8111 'color .? Tar6;,-,trabSajar:Ia madera snbre el torno.:. ? -; width inches 114' 318" 15132" 518' Broito largeur anchura mm length inches Lange longueur largura rnrn 225 225 245 245 13116" 1 1132" 1 3116" 1 114" 1 318" 10 12 16 20 20 30 32 35 9' 9" 9 518" 05/8' 95/8' 101/4' 101/4' 101/4' 101/4' 245 200 260 260 260 inches 2/5" 112" 9116" 9116" 518" 518" 21132 23132' 23132" 27132" 27132" 29132" 29132" nana 11 12 14 14 16 16 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 length of boring part inches 3 115" 3 315" 4" 4 115' 4 215" 4 415" 5 115" 5 315" 6" 6 215' 6 415" 7 115' 72/5' 73/5' 74/5' 8" Lange des Bohrteiles longueur de Is partie h forer largura do parte taladradora mm 80 90 100 105 110 120 130 140 150 100 170 180 185 100 105 200 whole length 10" 11" ganzo Lange longueur totale largura enters' mm 250 275 300 325 350 375 inches 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 164/5' 173/5' 182/5' 191/5' 20' 203/5' 211/5' 214/5' 22' weight 1 pc oz 25/8 47/8 61/2 9 111/4 111/3 Gewicht 1 St poids 1 pc / peso 1 pz 73 137 182 264 315 317 400 420 14 718 20 718 415 585 440 460 480 500 515 530 645 650 23 3/4 27 314 31 314 36 54 54 66 68 666 777 888 1007 1507 1507 1847 1872 Packing: in cardboard-box per 5-10 pieces / Vorpackung: in Pappschaehtel h 5-10 Stack /Em- ballage: en boite de carton a 5-10 pieces / Embalajo: en carton 6, 5-10 piozas N.1.0.11P Packing: in boxes per 10 pieces / Vorpackung: in Schachteln h 10 Stack / Emballago: on boites 10 pieces / Embalajo: on cajitas do 10 piozas Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ?ell? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? GIMLET BIT FOR BRACES WITH PYRAMIDAL:SHANK of cinaliti, sfebl',-'sliittpcnedbaCkinf, CAO -fad 7-iyaie-aT:iitein's fine ground the GTA1 I ET WITH TWISTED -an\TG_ HANDti.nf?i","quality -steel;'shhiperied, backol'eslge and-pert of stnin.fine ground, "? . the remaining snrindet:vainishe'Cl-in" =-?-? - - 322 13/703 K LSCELNECKENBOHRER FOR ILDALSCHAFT;-...aus Qualitatestnhl .gerielnniedet.;'Woiebarft,71 (.Racken Veit -Kling? 'und. Teile Age-Schaftes-feiii-geschliffen;1 die restliehe' Oberflache schwar7 lackiert' SCEDIELLBOHRER MIT. VERIDT,o7, 'deschinicdei;';'geschar.ft", : Riicken on -Klinge,..'und,Toil des ,SChtift6i, -1 ? Oberfitiche 'sbliwtiriOackiert'. -: .:..-. ..:.%-teoltE:...--A: -PERFiEkTrPOVR'' vuzEpREQu.n..;:-;:a*EdYi TICE ;PYRAIIIIDAI:. d'aCieride iintilite;'aiOieee;=le AOi 'de :I, tld lathe et une-partie Au frolic- repassee.finement, la surface'. ' , 1 -reatante vernies noire.-:7,?: IL1i1RENT 'PA* A.;f-HERRAIIT;_ PARA BERBIQUI CON''?i I CABO ,DE PLRAIIIIDE do acero de.Calidad; de'-la-'?hoje, 3r, Parte de, ja ?ere, sUpe!..ficie bamizada- on negro' ' ; .?;VRILLE*"AVEC-:MANCFLE'A ANNEAU ?TORDII -iPacier do. qu?t?aigniseefle ,sdos do. 1v lame nnelpartie du trone repass?finement;la ahrface'restante verms noire. ? 323 131706 K fiAiii:ENITA-:,CONIkAl6r,EN:.:--i7.0RAIA DE ANILLO ENLAZADO de tieero de .calidad, afilada, lomo de In hoja [y:pfirtede, In. asta-a,iguiade Aer'.inani3ra, fina, otra superficie ; barnizad,negro.'1t,: 116' 115' 114' 5116' 217' 11132' 3I8" 215' 112' 17132" 9116' 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 117- 116' 2(11' 115' 114' 5116" 5116' 217' 21132' 21132' 318" length of belling part inclIcs 1 115* 1 215" 1 SW. 2' Lange dos13t.Ihrteiles lonpeur dela panic firer la.misa deviate Wears-clam - It= 30 35 40 inclim 4 215' 4 VS' 5- 50 55 55 60 65 65 70 75 SO 85 S 5/2' 5 515' 5 415' 6- 6 115' 6 215' 6 315' 6 415' 7' 7115' 120 125 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 160 $1.15 51S 71S 1 1114 1 21S I NS 1 518 1 615 2 2 2I5 2 3IS 2 318 16 17,- 2.3 30 34 40 45 48 55 62 6S 72 dimension inches 1112" 118" .116" 115" 114" 5115' 217' 11132' 318" 215" 112" Ausmessung / dimension / dimension mm 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 0 of stem inches 1116" 119' 117' 116" 115" 115" 114" 5116' 5116' 417" 417" des Schaftes / du tronc / do In asta mm 1,8 2,7 3,5 4 6 5 a 7 7 8 8 length of boring part inches 1 115" 1 215" 1 315" 2" Lange des Bohrteiles / longuour 30 35 40 50 2 115" 2 115" 2 215" 2 315" 2 315' 2 415" 3" do In partio h forer / largura do parte taladradora mm 55 55 60 65 65 70 75 whole length inches 4 215" 5" 5 315" 6 115" 6 215" 7 115" 7 315" 8 215" 8 215" 9 315' 9 3/6' ganzo Lange / longueur total() / largura entera mm 110 125 140 155 100 180 100 210 210 240 240 weight 1 pc oz 116 318 213 I 118 1 112 2 3 118 3 218 4 112 4 314 5 Gewicht 1 poids / peso 1 St pc pz grs 5 11 20 32 41 57 87 02 127 134 142 Packing: in cardboard-box per 5-10 pieces / Vorpackung: in Pappsehachteln h 5-10 Sttick Emballago: en boite do carton h 5-10 pieces / Embalajo: en cart6n h 5-10 pima Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 324 13/716 K -;141t4zziTiTzazz:zz=1;i) dimension inches Ausmessung / dimension dimension mm 0 of stem inches dos Schaftes / du trona do In este mm BIZERWIN:FdR,tEGRaTG"MAqIINE;-=?double"_?11 s,;;?wit cylindireal polished shank ,not; worked,, painted with coloured varnish the holes-acrOsi the fibre of , , IRWThf, MASCHLNEN-SUELLANGiN:R. OHAER;";.: zwet- "?ichneidig, mit Zylirideistangei'auS,Qualitiitsstahl, Qbertiche 'pelielt?Stange nicht 'bearbeitet;:-. mit.,;_farbsgem-LacZ-be: ? strichen. Far Bohrenlon; ro,ehern-quer, der 'HolZfaSein";:.. 11itiA-1 so, TORSE POUR MAGH1NES,...FAcON'IR- WIN, double traciairs; a?';'eosz er. de quahtO, ?,Aii'..surfaeo pohe tige non trayaille.e,:;,"'peirite avec v'ernis . de "Couleur. Pour forer les trous en. tray'erS; do, la_ fibre"' de"'? , bois. " , , BARRENA SALAMONIdA PAR'Al.:BIAQITINAS MOD,ELO""-' rIRWIN,eon cu.-chinos": doblesitP,cin -sista cilindricig?!de-SeerO: de cal i dad, superficie: RUE d a asta'::ns trabpj a dei; tea& Con' barniz colorado.- Para -,taladrarlas'aberttiras?:al.;:tre-v,01 , de' hilos de madem. " ?".""'" " '1 318' 215". 112' 17132' 9116' 518' 11116' 13116" 718' 15116' 1 1116' 1 118' 1 3116' 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2/7' 2/7' 318' 318' 215' 112' 112 9116' 19132' 21132' 11116' 13116" 718' 8 8 10 10 'length of thread inches 6' Liingo des Gewindes longueur do spire largum do filete nun 150 whole length ganzo Lange longuour total() largum enter(' inches 8 415' mm 220 9 115' 230 12' 300 weight 1 pc oz 112 112 417 417 Gowicht 1 St poids 1 pc / peso 1 pz grs 13 13 16 111 11 12 12 14 15 17 18 20 22 ? 314 718 718 1 218 1 318 1 314 2 20 24 24 35 40 48 55 Packing: in cardboard-box per 5-10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappschachtel h 5-10 Stfick Emballago: on boito do carton h 5-10 pieces / Embalnjo: en carton a. 5-10 piezas 100 2Alft1TER"I' BIT:r4RWIN OR BR'AdES,'? shank "forged of quality Steelaiiurface!poliihed, "'shank not worked, painted with coloured Iviirpish';, For boring the holes "???derciSS"the fibrewood? "1- ;"- ' _ -? , .,_ . .. , .. ... ,. ..;;SCHIANGEINTBOHRER; IRWli." NJ .F.,OR,BOHRWLYDEI init?:* ;spiiiimidithiige;`,?geschnn'edef ens Qualitatsstahl, Oberflache'. ?-?:rieliert'gStiihosi,nichtf;:hearheitet7? -mit farb_igem-,Lisek be stiielieri.--.,"?Fiir-:Behren-iron"??Lochern quer der, Holzfaserd:',. _ 13tCHg,TORSE_FAcON IRWIN POUR VILLEBRECitinc,; avec tie pyramidal," forgO; d'aeier... de qualite,' Is"; surfacel politi;;tige.' nOW-tiavaillee, point& Svec;---vernig,, de ' couleur. -PTir;,,,forer: les krous en .travers.:de-la-fibris de bois. - , ?,., ? ;BA RRENA ..'iSALAMONICA.: BIODELO IRWIN PARA l'BERBIQUf ,':'con --gsta" de" piramide, forjads de acero de ' 1' 'calidad,-superficiel pulida,..asta no trabajada, teaida eon , barniz eolorado.Para. taladrar las aberturas al traces de ' los ,hilos 'de: inadeia. 325 B/717 K dimension inches 114' 217' 318' 112' 9116' 518' 11116' Ausmessung / dimension / climensiOn ram 6 8 10 12 14 16 es of stem inches 2111' 219' 219' 3111' 3111" 3110' des Schaftes / du trone / de fa cats tzt= 4,5 5,5 5,5 6,5 6,5 7,5 13116' 718' 15116' 1 1116' 1 518' 1 18 20 22 24 26 23 3110' 3110' 319" 319' 4111' 1111' 7,5 7,5 8,5 8,5 0,5 9,5 length of thread inches 3 415' 3 415' 4' 1 115" 4 215" 4 3/S'4 315" 4 415" Lange des Gewindes tongaets de spire / fargtma de Mete 95 95 100 105 110 115 115 120 whole length inches 7 2/5' 7 3/5' 7 115' S" 8 215- a 315' S415" a- gauze Lange / Ionguear totare Eargara entera tmm 185 190 195 260 210 215 220 225 weight 1 pc on 1 1116 13/4 2 318 21/2 31/2 3T/3 41(8 Gewtc' ht 1 St. / pads 1 pc / p&co I pz gnt 27 33 43 62 74 9: 108 115 3116' 30 4,11' 9,5 4 415' 5' /15" 5 215' 5 =a 12%) 125 130 135 .9 115' 9 215' 9 3/5' 9 415' 230 235 240 245 51f2 53(1 63/8 6 3/1 136 161 173 188 415' 140 205 6 718 120 Packing: in cardboard-box per 5-10 pieces Verpxeknng in Pawed:ganef 5-10 Stack / Emballage: en hate de carton a 5-10c" es P. bol-le- en eart6n a 5-40 piezaa 1G1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 326 B/136 R size inches 518" -- 1* Ore6o / grandeur / tarnafio mm 16-25 weight lbs 111 Gowicht 1 poids / peso ' kgs 0,48 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappschachteln h 10 Stuck / Emballago: dans boite-s do carton h 10 pieces / Embalajo: on cartones de 10 piezas t..- . ?., -......:: ..1 tXPAIST?IP'T'BITAiiii1Pekchangealilei .cuttors., .- ? _ 4- ..---,-,st'-e 1 ; "q,?4'.k, ''''''r''. - . ....q,..,...-4.1:-.,:t-- --.K,,.i.....:z.519..,,w4,01,2d.--4.7 ,?r. -. - .'.7., . . VEIISTELiBARERIBOHRERTiniy`Weehielbairen Spitzen. 1:i;i:4:1?:?P?WftAftr.g.4.1:1%`'V'i. i'.3.:\ ? -,. - ..'" ''''. - -;?-""Ok`i,,Pi....1.ke,..; NI.C.,-Ar'Ar'''''', : ? --- k* ., xy, .,. : ',1 -, ,..lifeltts?1*_ 4;21 12 ,g '` ' +0= '4 - ,M.ECHE-EXTENSIBLE3-eaedAames rutorchangeables. BARRENA,AIUSTABLE.,:s6khojias cambiables. , , 718' - 3 118' 1 1132" 22-30 26-100 118 2 0,63 0,89 327 B/709 K PILANA tlitia????? CENTRE BIT EXCELSIOR. SPITZBOHRER EXCELSIOR. nECIIE A TROIS POENTES EXCELSIOR. BARRENA DE TRES PUNTAS EXCELSIOR. size inches - 318' 15132' 9116' 518 11116' 13116" 718' 15116' 1 1132' 1 118" 1 3116" 1 114" 1 5116' 1 7116" 1 112" 1 518" GrODo / grandeur / tamailo rum 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 96 28 30 39 34 36 38 40 weight oz 1 1 1 113 1 113 1 213 1 213 1 213 2 2 2 112 3 3 114 3 114 4 5 113 5 213 Gowicht / poids / peso grs 0,03 0,03, ".=.- 0,04 0,04 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,06 0,06 0,07 0,08 0,09 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,16 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappschachteln h 10 Stuck / Emballago: dans boites do carton a 10 pieces / Embalajo: en cartones do 10 piezas 328 B/772 weight inches rum oz Gewicht / poids / peso lbs, kgs DRILL ALIREX FOR KNOTS. BOBBER MIREX FOR 10TORREN. METRE MIREX POUR NOEITDS. BARRENA MIREX PARA NUDOS DE MADERA. 318" 19132' 13116' 1' 13/16' 13/8' 1 5I8" 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 121/2 1 112 114 115 0,20 0,2S 0,35 0,46 0,51 0,57 0,60 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappschachteln h 10 Stuck / Emballage: dans boites de carton A 10 pieces / Embalaje: en cartones de 10 piezas 102 ? . . , 15.D.W.W3P:REXFoR, STOPPER?': ? ,,,,42;57?t"--?rv4. ? ? - EOHREIV.MIHEXI -3SFITNpE. 7?41-W1564.- -ALECKE-3MIREX POURTBOUCHONS. e ,-1;kRRENAEzvz.rA\'T-Al'' ONES. 10,-N ? . 2 , ? 329 B/771 size inches 5/8'- 1' GrOBo / grandeur f tamano nun 16-50 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: in Pappschachteln h 10 Stfick / Emballage: dans boites de carton a 10 pieces / Embalajo: en cartones do 10 plazas CENTRE BIT, ROUND, WITH SQUARE READ_ SPITZBOHRER, RUND, MIT VIERECHIGEM ROPE..1 MICHE A TROIS POINTES RON-DE, AVEC _Lath. CARREE. 1 BARRENA DE TRES PUNTAS, REDONDA, CON CA-1 BEZA CUADRADA. 3 330 6/707 K size inches 5116" 318" 15132" 9116" 518' 11116' 13116' ;18" 15116' 1 1132' 1 118' 1 3116" 1 114' 1 5116' 1 7116' 11/2' 1 518' GroBe / grandeur tamailo mm 8 10 12 14 16 IS 20 22 24 26 26 30 39 34 36 38 40 weight 02 1 I 1 Gewicht / poids peso kgs 0,03 0,03 0,03 11/3 11/3 1 213 121.1 1 213 2 4 21/2 21/3 3 3 4 5 5 0.04 0,04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0,12 0,14 0.14 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces f Verpackung: in Pappschachteln a to stikk Emballage: dans boites de carton h 10 pieces / embaLaje: En cartones de 10 piezas - 103 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 0 inches 114" 9132" 5116" 11132" 318" 7116" 15132" 112' 9116' ram 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 weight oz 31T4 31/4 31/2 33/4 Gowicht 1 poids peso kgs 0,09 0,09 0,10 0,11 0,11 0,12 0,13 0,13 0,15 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,25 0,28 0,33 0,48 0,50 0,52 33/4 4 41/2 41/2 51/3 19132' 518' 11116" 13116" 718" 15116" 1 1132" 15 16 18 26 5 113 6 112 7 112 9 10 11 213 14 213 20 22 24 1 118" 28 111 213 13/16' 30 1 112 113 Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 pieces / Verpackung: Emballago: dans boites do carton b. 10 pieces / Embalajo: 332 B/715 K itb? 46?16 qi?lk?11? in Pappschachteln b. 10 Stiick on cartones de 10 piezas size inches: 1/4' 606" 3/8' 15/32" 9/16" 5I8" 11116" 13116" GroLlo grandeur ---' tamafio min 0 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 weight oz 213 1 1 113 1 213 12/3 2 21/2 3 Gowicht poids peso kgs 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,05 0,05 0,00 0,07 0,08 P Er 10: Packing: in cardboard-box per 10 p Emballago: dans boites do carton h 104 AUGER BIT DOUGLAS DOUBLE L I - SOHLANGENBOHRER DOUGLAS,--ZWEiSth*E1,10:" BARRENASALOMONICADOUGLAS, CON GGCHILLOS--+ , 718" 15116" 1 1132" 1 118" 1 3116" 22 24 26 28 30 3 114 3 314 61/2 8 9 0,09 0,11 0,18 0,23 0,25 ieces/ Vorpackung: in Pappschachteln a 10 Stuck 10 pieces / Embalajo: on cartones de 10 piezas ? dokud jste nenavttivili vcistavu deskoslovenske hudebni nastroje 1512112=1:25=3421=2i Brno, ulice 25. unora 10 (Zeinji trh) 1 21 4296 59 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81 01043R003800140009 q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ("MN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 7 0 n fighting fires various means are applied, both natural and artificial ones. The most com- mon fire extinguishing means is water thrown into the flames by pressure pumps. Artificial fire extinguis- hing means are chemical substances, or admixtures added to water in order to increase the fire extinguis- hing effect. There are powder types, foam types, snow types, carbontetrachloride types, etc. 'of fire extinguishing means. The effect of the chemical substances or admixtures is exerted both by evolving gases in the fire which extinguish the combustion and by covering the burning object, after evapora- tion, by a compact film preventing the access of air. Our assortment of fire fighting equipment contains perfect fire engines from the smallest to the largest sizes and fire extinguishers of all kinds. MOTOICOIT PRAHA - CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE PORTABLE HAND OPERATED FIRE ENGINE ? TYPE SZ 20 A reliable and efficient fire ex- tinguisher for fighting fires in their beginnings. It is especially advan- tageous for safety precautions in houses and small workshops. It may also be used in forest fires by engaging large numbers of the sefire engines. It is also suit- able for disinfecting and decon- tamination of areas striken by in- fection. The portable hand operated fire engine consists of a tank and pumping equipment with a control device. The rubber hose 1.5 m long is provided with a combined jet pipe for both direct stream and spray. The control device permits act- ion both with the tank suspended on the back, or deposited on the ground. THE DAiA AND OUTPUT OF THE PORTABLE HAND OPERATED FIRE ENGINE: Tank capacity Maximum operational pressure Direct stream range Spray range Pump output Power required for obtaining the pressure of 7 atm. g. Weight of hand operated fire engine when full Weight of hand operated fire engine when empty 20 lit. 7 atm. g. 10 m 4m 10 lit per min. 14 kgs 31 kgs 11 kgs 4 PORTABLE MOTOR FIRE ENGINE o TYPE PS 3 This fire engine is the smallest standard type of the motor fire engine produced In Czechoslovak factories. It is intended for use in places where a larger machine could not be used, for fighting smaller fires, or In places inaccessible for a mobile motor fire engine such as mountain cabins, foundries etc. Therefore, the fire engine is arranged in such a way that it may be carried both in the hands or on the back, including accessories. The engine is of a one-cylinder, two-stroke type, cooled by water delivered by the pump, and forms with the pump an entity. The ignition is of the electromagnetic type. The fuel tank Is sufficient for 2 hours of uninterrupted operation at the fire engine rated output. The pump is provided with a vacuum pump for priming; should the vacuum pump fall the pump could be primed through the branch. Both the pump and the engine cooling is easily drained by opening the drain cock. The fire engine is coated with a base paint as a protection against corrosion and also provided with a covering coating of green paint and the exhaust with an aluminium one. The lubricated spots are painted red, the drain cocks blue. Before leaving the factory every fire engine is thoroughly tested and inspected for tightness of the pump, rated output and the highest permissible pressure in the pump. A certificate containing the results of the test is handed over to the customer. 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 DATA OF THE MOTOR FIRE ENGINE TYPE PS 3 Rated water flow*) at the delivery head and suction head Maximum permitted pump pressure Lowest engine output Number of suction branches 52 Number of delivery branches 52 Approximate weight of the fire engine including accessories Type of fire engine lit./min. 300 180 150 40 60 40 15 4 m water column 100 HP 3.6 1 1 kgs 35 +90 PS 3 *) The limiting tolerances of the values given in the table are ? 5%. WITH THE FIRE ENGINE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES ARE DELIVERED. Item Name of part eSN standard Number of pieces 1 Suction SucCion strainer 52 38 9401 1 2 accessories Suction hose 52x 1.6 38 9404 3 3 Screw coupling spanner 38 9450 2 4 Delivery Hose 52x20 38 9452 6 5 accessories Transition piece 75/52 38 9482 1 6 Jet pipe 52 ? 38 9486 1 7 Suction hose packing 52 38 9414 2 8 Hose packing 52 38 9459 4 9 Hose packing 75 1 10 Auxiliary Box 85 1 11 accessories Rope bracket 39 9559 1 12 Valve rope 1 13 Tarpaulin pall 1 14 Hose sleeve 52 38 9575 2 15 Hand operated searchlight 1 16 Double ended open spanner 9x 10 23 0610 1 17 Double ended open spanner 11x 12 23 0610 1 18 Double ended open spanner 14x 17 23 0610 1 19 Magneto spanner 1 20 Sparking plug spanner (21) 1 21 Sparking plug gauge 1 22 Sparking plug brush 1 23 The engine Sparking plug 14 30 4143 1 24 and pump Screwdriver 1 25 accessories Combination pliers 23 0380 1 26 Cylinder head gasket 1 27 Piston ring i1 28 Cleaning wire 38 9621 I1 29 Portable fuel tank 20 lit. j 16 2803 1 30 Portable oil tank 1 lit. I I 1 31 Funnel (with wire gauze) 1 32 Oil can 100 1 1 33 Box 85 with lubricating grease 3 , 1 1 I 34 The pump and engine diagram , 1 1 35 36 37 .. i ethnical documents Technical description of the fire engine and service instructions Technical description of the carburetter List of spare parts of the fire engine 1 1 1 1 38 List of accessories 1 6 THE PORTABLE MOTOR FIRE ENGINE ? TYPE PS 8 The best proved type for factory fire squads and fire brigades In smaller communities. It is adjusted for being carried to inaccessible spots and can be, therefore, placed as near as possible to the source of water. Because of the great output it can replace even heavier two-wheel trailer fire engines. It has a two- cylinder, two-stroke engine, cooled by water delivered by the pump. The ignition Is of the electro- magnetic type. The engine is started by a hand lever. The fuel tank capacity is sufficient for 2 hours of uninterrupted operation at the fire engine rated output. The pump is of the two-stage type and forms with the engine an inseparable unit mounted on a stretcher with extensible handles for carrying the fire engine. In order to control its output the pump Is equipped with a pressure gauge and a vacuum pressure gauge. The pump priming is facilitated by a gas vacuum pump and will not take longer than 1 minute, at the suction height of 7.5 m and the suction piping length of 10 m. Both the pump and the engine cooling are easily drained by opening the draining cock. The fire engine is coated with the base paint against corrosion and then provided with a covering coating of green paint and the exhaust with aluminium. The lubricating spots are painted red and the draining cocks blue. Before leaving the factory every fire engine is thoroughly tested and inspected for tightness of the pump, rated output and the maximum permissible pump pressure. The certificate with results obtained during the tests is handed over to the customer. H 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 TECHNICAL DATA OF THE MOTOR FIRE ENGINE, TYPE PS 8: Rated water flow') at the delivery head and suction head lit./min. m m 800 80 1 480 120 5 400 80 7.5 Maximum permissible pump pressure m water column 160 Lowest vacuum attained in 1 minute m water column 8 Permitted drop of vacuum In 1 minute m water column 1 Lowest engine output HP 30 Number of suction branches 110 1 Number of delivery branches 75 2 Approximate weight of the fire engine including accessories kgs 180+30 Fire engine type PS 8 *) The limiting tolerances of the values given in the table are ? 5 %. WITH THE FIRE ENGINE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES ARE DELIVERED: Item Name of part t SN standard Number of pieces 1 Carrying strap 2 2 Rubber mallet 1 3 4 Sparking plug spanner (21 1 5 Sparking plug gauge 1 6 Sparking plug brush 1 7 Sparking plug 14 30 4143 2 8 Cylinder head gasket 1 9 Piston ring 2 10 Float 1 11 Cleaning wire 38 9621 1 12 Outlet hose 3 m I 1 13 Exhaust pipe 38 9623 1 14 Mixing can 1 15 Portable fuel tank 20 lit. 16 2803 1 16 Portable oil tank 1 lit. 1 17 Funnel with wire gauze 1 18 Oil can 100 23 1425 1 19 Oil can 200 23 1420 1 20 Box 85 with lubricating grease 3 1 21 The pump and engine diagram 1 22 Technical description of the fire engine and service instructions 1 23 Technical description of the carburetter 1 24 List of spare parts of the fire engine 1 25 List of the fire engine accessories 1 8 '0 THE PORTABLE MOTOR FIRE ENGINE * TYPE PS 8 WITH COMPLETE EQUIPMENT The fire engine type PS 8 with complete equipment, ready for action. It is placed in the fire brigade truck, or in a trailer with a hitching eye behind the trailing car. Approximate weight of the fire engine with complete equipment and engine accessories is 650 kgs. Technical description as for PS 8. WITH THE FIRE ENGINE THE FOLLOWING FIRE FIGHTING ACCESSORIES ARE DELIVERED: Item Name of part CSN standard 0 NI Cp. J. J. ...a J. 0.? .0 ? 0. ?. 1 Carbontetrachloride fire extinguisher 1 38 9140 2 Hand operated fire pump 10 3 Suction strainer 110 38 9403 4 Suction Suction hose 110x 1.6 38 9406 5 accessories Collector 110 38 9426 6 Transition piece 110/75 38 9427 7 Ejector 38 9428 - 8 Delivery Fire-plug extension 38 9441 if 9 10 t5. accessories Hydrant key Fire-plug key 30 39 9442 9444 11 Screw coupling spanner 38 9450 12 Hose 52 x 20 13 Hose 75 x 5 38 9452 14 Hose 75 x20 15 Distributor 38 9481 16 Delivery Transition piece 75/52 38 9482 17 accessories Jet pipe 75 38 9485 18 Jet pipe 52. 38 9486 19 Jet pipe, screen type 52 38 9490 20 Tank with foaming agent 38 9520 21 I Suction pipe of the admixer 25 38 9522 22 I Admixer 5 23 I Foam producing jet pipe 2 24 Suction hose packing 104 4 25 Suction hose packing 110 38 9415 2 26 Hose packing 25 38 9459 2 27 Hose packing 52 38 9459 4 28 Hose packing 75 38 9459 1 29 Box 135 1 30 Rope bracket 38 9559 2 31 Bracing rope 1 32 Auxiliary Valve rope 1 33accessories Rescue rope 3 34 Hose binding rope 6 35 Tarpaulin pall 1 36 Rescue rope sack 3 37 Sack 2 38 Hose coupling 52 38 9575 2 39 Hose coupling 75 38 9575 4 40 Flat tommy bar 38 9576 1 41 Fireman's axe 22 5125 1 42 Field spade 1 43 Hand operated searchlight 2 44 ? Open spanner 41 23 0625 1 45 Screw-spanner 23 0777 1 46 Open spanner 9/10 23 0610 1 47 The pump Open spanner 11/12 23 0610 1 48 and engine Open spanner 14/17 23 0610 1 49 accessories Open spanner 19/22 23 0610 1 50 Open spanner 24/27 23 0610 1 1 51 Screwdriver 52 Pliers for pipes 1 53 Combination pliers 23 0380 1 54 55 Technical documents 1 Technical description of the foaming equipment and its service instructions List of accessories 1 1 I 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA RDP81 01043R00380014nnn9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THE TRAILER TYPE MOTOR FIRE ENGINE e TYPE PPS 8/L To facilitate transport the motor fire engine type PS 8 including complete accessories, is set in a trailer, provided with an eye for hitching to the trailing vehicle. The approximate weight of the completely equipped trailer is 900 kgs. The technical description is analo- gous as for type PS 8. The trailer type motor fire engine is delivered with the following accessories (with exception of accessories of the fire engine, type fSN 38 9312 and the undercarriage, type CSN 38 9326): Item Name of part eSN Number standard of pieces 1 Carbontetrachloride fire extinguisher 1 38 9140 1 2 Portable motor fire engine 8 38 9312 1 3 Trailer 8/1. 38 9326 1 4 Suction strainer 110 38 9403 1 5 Suction Suction hose 110 x1.6 38 9406 6 6 accessories Collector 38 9426 1 7 Transition piece 110/75 38 9427 1 8 Ejector 38 9428 1 9 Fire plug extension 38 9441 1 10 Hydrant key 38 9442 1 11 Fire-plug key 38 9444 1 Delivery 4 12 accessories Screw coupling spanner 38 9450 4 13 Hose 52x20 38 9452 14 Hose 75x 5 38 9452 2 15 Hose 75x20 38 9452 5 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Item tSN Name of part standard Number of pieces 16 Distributor 38 9481 1 17 Transition piece 75/52 38 9482 2 18 Jet pipe 75 38 9485 1 19 Jet pipe 52 38 9486 2 20 Jet pipe, screen type 52 i ? 38 9490- 1 21 Suction hose packing 104 38 9415 4 22 Suction hose packing 110 38 9415 2 23 Hose packing 52 38 9459 4 24 Hose packing 75 38 9459 4 25 Box 135 1 26 Rope bracket 38 9559 2 27 Auxiliary Bracing rope 1 28 accesseries Valve rope 1 29 Rescue rope 1 30 Hose binding rope i 6 1 31 Tarpaulin pail 1 32 Rescue rope sack 1 33 Sack 2 34 Hose coupling 52 I 38 9575 2 35 Hose coupling 75 38 9575 4 36 Flat tommy bar 38 9576 1 37 Auxiliary Fireman's axe 22 5125 1 38 accessories Field spade 1 39 Hand operated searchlight 1 40 Open spanner 41 23 0625 1 41 Screw spanner 1 23 0777 1 42 Open spanner 9/10 23 0610 1 43 Pump and Open spanner 11/12 I 23 0610 1 44 engine Open spanner 14/17 1 23 0610 1 45 accessories Open spanner 19/22 23 0610 1 46 Open spanner 24/27 I 23 0610 1 47 Screw driver 1 48 Pliers for pipes 1 49 Combination pliers 23 0380 1 50 Technical List of accessories documents 1 12 TRAILER FOR THE PORTABLE FIRE ENGINE The trailer is intended for the transport of motor fire engines with complete accessories. The undercarriage is of frame type, all of metal construction and well sprung for cross country driving. The wheels are tyre shod, the tyre size being 6.00 x 16. On the undercarriage rear part there are two collapsible legs, for the stabilizing of the trailer. The undercarriage shaft has an eye for hitching the trailer to the trailing vehicle. The all metal body is adapted inside to receive all the accessories, according to fire fighting regulations. The weight approximate is 450 kgs. The trailer is coated with a base paint against corrosion and provided with a covering coating of green paint. WITH THE TRAILER THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES ARE DELIVERED: Item Name of part eSN Number standard of pieces 1 Spare wheel (complete) 2 Wheel brace 3 Hub nut spanner 4 Jack with handle 5 Tyre pump 6 Tyre lever 7 List of undercarriage accessories 2 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 TWO-WHEEL MOTOR FIRE ENGINE e TYPE DS 16 It is a well proved type of a highly efficient motor fire engine for big fire brigades when the use of a truck mounted fire engine is out of question, as it would be impossible to get to the source of water. Due to its high mobility and output it is successfully applied by fire brigades in mountainous country, where the output of the portable motor engine would not be sufficient and could not deliver water to the higher situated locations. The engine is of a four-cylinder, four-stroke design, cooled by water delivered by the pump. The ignition is of the electro-magnetic type and the starting is effectuated by a hand operated cranck. The fuel tank capacity Is sufficient for 2 hours of uninterrupted operation at the fire engine rated output. The pump Is of a three-stage design with the jacket warmed by exhaust gases from the engine; it is coupled to the engine by a fixed coupling. To enable the control of its output the pump is provided with a pressure gauge and a vacuum pressure gauge. The priming of the pump is carried out by a rotary vacuum pump and does not take more than 1 minute at the suction head of 7.5 m. The pump and the engine cooling jacket are easily drained by opening the draining cock. The undercarriage is of frame type, all metal construction and the suction accessories as well as the accessories of the undercarriage, pump and engine are reliably stowed on it. The wheels are tyre shod, with tyres size 6.00 x16. The undercarriage shaft is provided with a leg for stabilizing the fire engine during operation and an eye for hitching to the trailing vehicle. The fire engine is provided with a base coating against corrosion and with a covering coating of green paint. The lubricated spots are painted red, the draining cocks blue. Before leaving the factory every fire engine is thoroughly tested and inspected for tightness of the pump, rated output and the maximum permissible pressure in the pump. The certificate containing the results obtained during tests, will be handed over to the customer. 14 TECHNICAL DATA OF THE FIRE ENGINE, TYPE OS 16: Rated waterflow*) at the delivery head and suction head lit./min. m m 1600 80 1 960 120 5 800 80 7.5 Maximum permitted pump pressure m water column 160 Maximum vacuum attained in 1 minute m water column 8 Permissible vacuum drop in 1 minute m water column 1 Maximum engine output HP 50 Number of suction branches 110 1 Number of delivery branches 75 2 Maximum weight of the fire engine with transported accessories 900 Maximum weight of the rest of the accessories kgs 500 Fire engine type DS 16 *) The limiting tolerances of values given in the table are ? 5%. WITH THE FIRE ENGINE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES ARE DELIVERED: Item Name of part CSN standard Number of pieces 11 Carbontetrachloride fire extinguisher 1 38 9140 1 2 Hand operated pail fire pump 10 38 9302 1 3*) Suction strainer 110 38 9403 1 4*) Suction Suction hose 110x 2.5 38 9406 4 51 accessories Collector 110 38 9426 1 6*) Transition piece 110/75 38 9427 1 7*) Ejector 38 9428 1 8 Fire plug extension 38 9441 1 9 Hydrant key 38 9442 1 10 Fire plug key 38 9444 1 11 Screw coupling spanner 38 9450 6 12 Hose 52x20 10 13 Hose 75x5 38 9452 2 14 Hose 75x 20 15 15 Delivery Pressure relief valve 38 9480 1 16 accessories Distributor 38 9481 2 17 Transition piece 75/52 38 9482 4 18 Jet pipe 75 38 9485 2 19 Jet pipe 52 38 9486 3 20 Screen type jet pipe 52 38 9490 1 21 Tank with foaming agent 38 9520 2 22 Suction hose of the admixer 25 38 9522 1 23 Admixer 5 38 9524 1 24 Foam producing jet pipe 2 38 9526 1 25 Suction hose packing 104 38 9415 4 26 Suction hose packing 110 2 27 Auxiliary Hose packing 25 2 28 accessories Hose packing 52 38 9459 4 29 Hose packing 75 4 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Item . . Name of part C, + Number sta Jar ni pieces 30 Box 135 1 31 Rope bracket 38 9559 2 32 Bracing rope 1 33 Valve rope 1 34 Rescue rope 3 35 Hose binding rope 6 36 Auxiliary Tarpaulin pail 2 37 accessories Rescue rope sack 3 38 Sack 2 39 Hose coupling 52 38 9575 4 40 Hose coupling 75 6 41 Flat tommy bar 38 9576 1 42 Fireman's axe 22 5125 1 43 Field spade 1 44 Hand operated searchlight 2 45 Rubber mallet 1 46 Open spanner 41 23 0625 1 47 Screw-spanner 23 0777 1 48*) Open spanners, double-ended 9/10, 11/12, 14/17, 19/22, 24/27 23 0610 1 49+) Magneto spanner 1 50*) Sparking plug spanner 1 51*) Sparking plug gauge 1 52*) Sparking plug brush 1 53*) Sparking plug 30 4144 2 54*) Screwdriver 1 55 Pump and Pliers for pipes I 56*) 57*) engine accessories Combination pliers Cylinder head gasket 23 0380 1 1 58+) Piston ring 4 59*) Float 1 60*) Cleaning wire 38 9621 1 61 Outlet hose 3 m 1 62 Portable fuel tank 1 63 Portable oil tank 1 64 Funnel with gauze 1 65") 011 can 100 23 1425 ; 1 66*) 011 can 200 23 1420 I . 67*) Box 85 ? with lubricating grease 3 ' , 68*) Spare wheel (complete) 1 691 Under- Wheel brace 1 701 cearlge Hub nut spanner 1 711 accessories Jack with handle 1 72*) Tyre pump with hose 1 73s) Tyre lever 2 74 Pump and motor diagram 1 75 Technical description of the fire engine and instructions for its operation 1 76 Technical description of the foam producing device and instructions for Technical its operation 1 77 documents Technical description of the carburetter 1 78 Fire engine spare parts list 1 79 List of accessories 1 80 List of accessories of the undercarriage I 1 1 I *) thus marked accessories are stowed on the undercarriage. 16 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Fire extinguishers are well proved and reliable fire fighting appliances for extinguishing breaking out fires if applied in time, if a suitable fire extinguisher used and the instructions strictly followed. A suitably chosen fire extinguisher when applied in time and correctly, will prevent great damage. For extinguishing large fires, mobile fire extinguishers of the foam and snow type with a large tank capacity are produced. When choosing the type of fire extinguisher the likely combustibles have to be taken into consideration, since there does not yet exist a universal fire extinguisher for all types of fires and combustibles. TABLE INDICATING THE SUITABILITY OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Burning Combustibles Capability of the fire extinguisher water type foam and foam-air type snow type powder type carbontetrathloride type Wood Wood chips Packing materials Paper Textiles Fibre excellent good limited limited bad Paints Solvents Lacquers Petrol Benzol Oils Fats and greases Waxes Tar bad excellent 1 good good excellent Electrical equipment I bad li bad excellent excellent limited I 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 WATER TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. TYPE V 10 It extinguishes fire of all substances extinguishable with water. The admixture disolved in the water filling increases the fire extinguishing effect of water to a great extent. FOAM-AIR TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER ? TYPE VP 10 A reliable fire extinguisher of liquid combustibles by means of pneumatic foam. The fire extinguishing effect of this foam is excel- lent. The foamhas good heat resistant qualities and spreads quickly The fire extinguisher is actuated by striking the striker against a hard object. The striker will penetrate a cartridge inside the apparatus and the carbon dioxide produced by a chemical reaction, thus initiated, will force out the filling of the apparatus. A safety valve the diaphragm of which will break under pressure of 10 atm. g warrants the complete security of the apparatus. The fire extinguishers are delivered with fillings ensuring antifreezing ability: up to ? 3?C up to ?15?C up to ?30?C under the mark V 10 N under the mark V 10 M under the mark V 10 MM 8 t ... on the burning surface. The great adhesiveness of the foam pre- vents the restartring of the fire. The foam spray can be interrupt- ed at any moment by closing the valve. The fire extinguisher is brought into operation by opening the valve of the bottle containing compressed air. The escaping air forces the fire extinguishing means from the vessel to the foam chamber and from there already in form of a foam by the spraying nozzle from the apparatus. The safety valve, the diaphragm of which will break under the pressure of 10 atm. g. warrants complete security of the apparatus. TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Testing pressure Time from the striking of the apparatus to the beginning of the spray Minimum range of spray, Period of operatIon Quantity of fire fighting substance applied Weight of the filled fire extinguisher TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER 18 atm. g. 5 seconds 10 m 1 min. 10 lit. 19 kgs. Testing pressure Time of operation Minimum range of spray Quantity of filling Quantity of foam Warranted antifreezing resistance to temperature of Weight of the filled fire extinguisher 18 atm. g. 1 mm. 6m 10 lit. 75 lit. ?3?C 20 kgs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 FOAM TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER * TYPE P 10 It is advantageously applied for extinguishing burning liquid combustibles as well as other fires; especially in cases when water could cause considerable damage, the foam type fire extinguisher ' s ..s ?? \, ?, s SNOW TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER co TYPES A reliable fire extinguisher for application to all kinds of combustibles. The carbon dioxide ex- tinguishes the fire by deeply cooling the burning will operate quickly and reliably. The foam resists to great heat and remains liquid at an exceptionally good consistency. It spreads very quickly on the surface of the burning liquids. It also sticks to solid objects and covers everything by a completely harmless, thick layer of foam. That will prevent the access of oxygen and the fire will be extinguished. The fire extinguisher is put in operation merely by being turned upside down which will cause the mixing of the acid with the alkaline contents of the fire extinguisher and the produced carbon dioxide foams up the fire extinguishing means and forces it through the spraying nozzle from the apparatus. The safety valve the diaphragm of which will break under pressure of 10 atm. g., warrants complete security of the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguishers are delivered with antifreezing filling: up to ? 3?C up to ?15?C materials and forming an incombustible coating. Mechanically it is completely neutral and leaves no traces on objects. It is especially suitable for ex- tinguishing fires of electric equipment, even under high tension, due to its complete non-conductivity. The jet of the fire extinguishing means may be interrupted at any moment by closing the valve. The fire extinguisher is brought in operation by opening the bottle valve. The escaping carbon dioxide in the jet pipe partly turns due to expansion into a solid substance and Is then forced off the jet pipe by the gaseous carbon dioxide. under mark P 10 N under mark P 10 M THE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE DELIVERED IN TWO SIZESI THE TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Testing pressure Time interval from the turning up of the apparatus to the beginning of spraying Period of operation Minimum range of spraying Quantity of filling Quantity of foam Weight of the filled fire extinguisher 18 atm. g. Mark Filling of the fire extinguishing means Weight of the filled fire extinguisher S 1.5 kgs 1.5 5.5 TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE CXTINGUISHER: 5 seconds 1 minute 6m 10 lit. 50 lit. 20 kgs Period of operation Minimum range of spraying Quantity of solid carbon dioxide produced Warranted antifreezing resistance to the temperature of 35 sec. 1.5 m 0.3 kgs 50 sec. 2.5 m 1.2 kgs ?30?C. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 vt4 1 POWDER TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER o TYPE PR 6 The powder type fire extinguisher is advantageously applied to extinguishing burning liquid combustibles and wherever water might cause damage. It is especially suitable for application on elec- tric equipment due to the non-conductivity of the powder fire ex- tinguishing means. The fire extinguishing effect is produced by the powder enveloping the burning materials with an incombustible layer. The fire extinguishing spray may be interrupted at any moment by closing the valve. The fire extinguisher is brought into operation by opening the valve of the steel bottle containing carbon dioxide, forcing the dispersed fire extinguishing powder means from the pressure tank through the spraying nozzle. A safety valve the diaphragm of which will break under pressure of 10 atm. g., warrants complete security of the fire extinguisher. TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Testing pressure Minimum period of operation Minimum range of spraying Fire extinguishing means Quantity of carbon dioxide in the bottle Warranted antifreezing resistance to temperature Weight of the filled fire extinguisher 22 18 atm. g. 15 seconds 3,5 m 6 kgs 0.32 to 0.35 kgs ?30 ?C 12 kgs. CARBONTETRACHLORIDE FIRE EXTINGUISHER e TYPE T A well tried fire extinguisher for ap- plication both to liquid and solid com- bustibles. The carbontetrachloride lea- ves flu tra,?es n the materials, does not soil the mechanical parts and is, there- fore, advantageously applied for extin- guishing burning motor cars. Due to its non-conductivity, the carbontetra- chloride is primarily an ideal fire ex- tinguishing means of electric equipment, even under high tension. The carbon- THE Fl Tr( tetrachloride extinguishes the flames while the fire extingu- sihing means are decomposed in the fire to heavy gases pre- venting the access of air. The fire extinguisher is brought Into operation by opening a valve; the compressed air will force the fire extinguish- ing means through the spraying nozzle from the apparatus. The spraying may be interrupted at any moment by closing the valve. E EXTINGUISHERS ARE DELIVERED IN 3 SIZES. Mark Filling of the fire extinguishing means in lit. Weight of the filled fire extinguisher in kgs Ti 1 4 12.5 2.5 7.5 +-?NiCAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Testing pressure Air overpressure Minimum range of spraying Warranted antifreezing resistance up to a temperature of ?30 "C. T6 6 15 12 atm. m. g. 7.5-8 atm. g. 6m 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SNOW TYPE MOBILE FIRE EXTINGUISHER TYPE S 1x25 SNOW TYPE MOBILE FIRE EXTINGUISHER TYPE S 2x25 An efficient fire extinguisher for application on all types of combustibles, especially of electric equipment under high tension. The steel bottle with the liquified carbon dioxide is fixed on a two-wheel barrow with a pulling handle for movement by manpower. The barrow wheels are provided with rubber rims of a diameter of 355 x 60 mm. The releasing valve is fitted with an armoured hose, 6 m long, provided with a snow jet pipe made of an insulating, non-conductive material. The fire extinguishing spray may be interrupted at any moment by closing the valve. The fire extinguisher is brought into operation by opening the valve on the steel bottle. The escaping carbon dioxide in the jet pipe is turned due to expansion partly to a solid substance and is then forced off the jet pipe by the gaseous dioxide. A very efficient fire extinguisher to be applied to all combustibles, especially to electric equipment under high tension. The apparatus has 2 steel bottles containing the liquified carbon dioxide, fixed on a barrow with a handle bar. The wheels of the barrow are provided with rubber rims of a diameter of 355 x60 mm. An armoured hose, 12 m long is fitted to the bottles provided with a snow type jet pipe made of an insulating non-conductive material. The spray of the fire extinguishing means may be Inter- rupted at any moment by closing the valve. The fire extinguisher is brought into operation by opening the valve on one of the bottles. The escaping carbon dioxide in the jet pipe is turned due to expansion partly to a solid substance and is forced off the jet pipe by the gaseous dioxide. After exhausting the supply contained in one bottle, a second one is brought into action by opening its valve. TeCHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Filling of the fire extinguishing means Period of operation Minimum range of spraying, Quantity of solid carbon dioxide produced Warranted antifreezing resistance to temperature Weight of the filled fire extinguisher TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. 25 kgs 3 minutes 3m 6.25 kgs ?30 ?C 105 kgs. Filling of the fire extinguishing means Period of operation Minimum range of spraying Quantity of solid carbon dioxide produced Warranted antifreezing resistance to temperature Wight of the filled fire extinguisher 50 kgs 6 minutes 3m 12.5 kgs ?30 ?C 205 kgs Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 SNOW TYPE MOBILE FIRE EXTINGUISHER TYPE S 4x25 A highly efficient fire extinguisher with application to all combustibles, especially to eletric equipment under high tension. The fire extinguisher has 4 steel bottles containing the liquified carbon dioxide, fixed on the undercarriage. The undercarriage wheels are provided, with tyres size 5.00 x16. The undercarriage shaft is provided with a folding leg and an eye for hitching behind the trailing vehicle. The bottles are fitted with 2 armoured hoses, 12 in long each. One armoured hose is connected with two bottles. The hoses are provided with snow type jet pipes made of an insulating non-conductive material. The fire extinguisher is brought into operation by opening the valve of one pair of the bottles or, when spraying is done in both directions, by opening the valve of the second pair. After exhausting of the contents of one bottle, the spraying is continued by opening the other one. TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER Filling of the fire extinguishing means Period of operation Minimum range of spraying. Quantity of solid carbon dioxide produced Warranted antifreezing resistance Permitted speed when trailing Weigh of the filled fire extinguisher 26 100 kgs 12 minutes 3m 25 kgs ?30 ?C 30 km per hour 515 kgs FOAM TYPE MOBILE FIRE EXTINGUISHER o TYPE VP-200 A highly efficient fire extinguisher for application on liquid combustibles by using the pneumatic foam. The foam is highly refractory and remains liquid at an exceptionally good consistancy. It spreads very quickly on the burning liquid surface. It also sticks to solid objets and covers everythingwith an absolutely harmless, thick layer of foam, thus preventing the access of oxygen and extinguishing the fire. The ex- tinguisher is independent of water connection and may be, therefore, used for any fire without losing time. Water required for the production of foam as well as the foaming agent are prepared in the ex- tinguisher. On the tank for the fire extinguishing liquid is fixed a steel bottle containing compressed air, necessary for production and discharge of the foam. The fire extinguisher is provided with a regulating device for 10-30 times foam increase. A safety valve opened at the pressure of 10 atm. g. warrants com- plete security of the fire extinguisher. The fire extinguisher is mounted on a two-whele undercarriage on tyres 5.00x16. The undercarriage shaft is provided with a folding leg and with an eye for hitching to a trailing vehicle. The extinguisher is brought into operation by opening the valve of the steel bottle and the slide valve of the mixing chamber. The escaping air forces the fire extinguishing means from the tank Into the mixing chamber and from there, alerady in the form, of foam into the jet pipe. The foam spray may be Interrupted at any moment by closing the slide valve. TECHNICAL DATA AND OUTPUT OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Tank capacity Minimum quantity of the produced foam Period of operation Minimum range of spraying, Warranted antifreezing resistance to temperature Permitted speed when trailing Weight of the filled fire extinguisher 27 200 lit. 1600 lit. 3 minutes 10 m ? 30 ?C 30 km per hour 550 kgs. 41. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 It `I MOTOKOV As we are steadily improving the construction and design of our machines, the Illustrations and specifications of this pamphlet are not binding. 18167 A - q.? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 esr..1 I. OTOKOV, Czechoslovak Foreign Trade Corporation, has a very extensive export program. To its selling scope belong all the products of the motor and light engineering industry, in other words goods of the best reputation in the world. The Czechoslovak industry is known on all the Continents, in Europe as well as Overseas. Czechoslovakia, a small country in respect of its area and number of inhabitants, ranks among the big powers due to the importance of Its engineering industry. All the world knows and employs machines and products marked t KODA, JAWA-Z, TATRA, PRAGA, ZETOR, FAVORIT, PORKERT, BARUM, ALBA etc., etc. Both, specialists and the general public appreciate their advanced design, perfect workmanship and absolute reliability in operation. Trade fairs visitors can then convince themselves of the qualities of Czechoslovak manufactured goods demonstrating successfully the great post- war development of the Czechoslovak industry. Accordingly, MOTOKOV represents first and foremost all branches of the motor industry: motorcars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, tractors, accessories and equipment. With the tractors range agricultural machines of all types, with the means of transport bicycles and cycle parts. Another branch of export is formed by machines, equip- ment, appliances and tools for workshops, tradesmen shops, large kitchens and households. Enamelware belongs yet to another category. Rubber and leather goods of predominantly technical character complete the program. The fact that the extensive export business ranks MOTOKOV today with the leading export companies of the world, is not due to the qualities of the goods alone. Other factors make their contribution, above all commercial agents. The network of agencies is being continuously extended. Because of this it is possible to ascertain in full measure the wishes of the buying public, translate them in production and meet them in every detail. In this way production learns to know the requirements of markets and therefore customers are satisfied. MOTOKOV is simply the representative of goods and modern, perfectly manufactured articles which owing to their quality and good service are winning a leading position and outstanding reputation on the world markets, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 It means more than half a century of work on Czechoslovak motorcars, continuous improve- ments of design, coachwork, engines, suspension and all other details which make up a perfect car. It means tens of preceding successful models known over the world from the most difficult competitions and from perfect service given to motorists of all the continents. Consequently the two last members of this famous family, the t KODA 1201 and the t KODA 440 are such out- standing representatives of motorcars of modern times. gKODA 1201 Superior to present, popular models of t KODA cars, it is a worthy representative of the famous tradition of its predecessors and from every point of view a perfect work of modern motorcar technique. Notwithstanding the so often proved and tested basic conception its improvements are truly substantial: increased power output, easier handling, better comfort. It is being manu- factured also in utility execution, as station-wagon, delivery van or ambulance car with two berths. ?KODA 440 A car for drivers, who are fond ofspeed, lightning acceleration and the pleasure of magnificent riding. Graceful bodywork, comfortable interior with relatively small outer dimensions, excellent view in all directions, output 40 HP at a consumption of 40 m.p.g. ? such are the typical features of this new model, received with enthusiasm on foreign markets. ert -7?471A *AEREMESS ? 0 .r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 71-caltet, The TATRA 603 de luxe car is another proof of the splendid work of the TATRA Works. It is an air-cooled eight cylinder of 2245 c.c. engine capacity. It has an output of 100 HP at 5000 r.p.m. and is capable to carry six comfortably seated passengers at a speed of 100 m.p.h. Robust, graceful coachwork, first class equipment and economy complete its features. koceel, 706trtf Six-cylinder Diesel, output 165 HP, with a tipping steel body which enables tipping to three sides. Carrying capacity 7 tons. Simple attendance and fuel consump- tion of 25 litres per 100 km result in a highly economical operation. It Is best suited for transport under difficult operational conditions with minimum demands from the driver. ezedi.,4,,ak, amonaedhe Aidele4 ,,,,,,,...,a,,,,:tb. ?,-,-,, FOR ECONOMIC TRANSP #ef " ---...:, Reliable, of solid construction anecVdOrable-vehicles- 1.0f-modern?very-simp e design, easy to handle, requiring minimum running costs. Therefore both engines and complete units are subjected to thorough tests before delivery. Their popularity all over the world pays for the extra effort. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ;?? ''.47111 itirmIts ' 4yis r'r?-. I ^ hy... On Vc.1 PP. Six-cylinder Diesel power unit, with cargo platform of 7000 kg carrying capacity and power out- put of the engine 170 BHP. It is appreciated for its service economy and realiability. Robust chassis with efficient spring- ing enables the transport of heavy cargoes at long distances. `?.:41.1/244.44.PV.ZiPePti'''7".? t!V444;:rs ? -sge ,3 ? , ,,;*, _ This mammoth amon-Afehicles of 10 tons load capacity has a twelve cylindeicalr-cooled Diesel engine of 180 HP power output, a three-aic&chassis with independent suspension of all wheels and c1ixlilary gearbox (alto- gether eight speeds). Air-cooled Diesel six cylinder engine of HP I for general use on road and in terrain has driven axles and an outstanding climbi Ility :44ria't:ofPo7..,69.yo. 9eliveredza57wiruckMip r In ''''''' ' q-rs 'Pie' alieiceciiticin7a1781t cin kei."--e'', riftiiet t Declassified in in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Are designed and made so as to meet all requirements of modern agricul- ture. Born of the exacting demands of the existing owners, manufactured according to the latest production methods based on many years of expe- rience. The result are ZETOR tractors, powerful assistants of modern agri- cultural workers, assistants that pay. 25A Universal plough and haulage tractor with high performance twin cylinder Diesel engine for medium and small farms. 23K Universal cultivation tractor with increased ground clearance under both axles for any kind of soil and climate. SUPER, WHEEL TRACTOR Universal four-cylinder tractor for heavy field work, forestry, building, industry, etc. ZETOR SUPER, TRACK LAYING TRACTOR Medium heavy track laying tractor for hard and difficult jobs in agriculture, forests, on building sites. Its tracks will easily master such obstacles which wheels can not overcome. TOKIO FOR HIGHER YIELDS ? QUALITY AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS The range is very wide. Tractor drawn and carried and animal drawn implements of all kinds, ploughs, seed drills, mowing machines, combine-harvesters, self-binders, presses, thrashing machines, chaff-cutters, blowers, sprayers, stamping-mills etc. are available. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 41. Delivered in engine capacities: JAWA-tZ two-strokes are found on the roads of all the continents, their elegant lines, high performance, relia- bility and economy are admired both by experts and the public. More than half a million of these machines manufactured since the War covered countless miles to the enthusiastic satisfaction of their owners. They prove again and again their high qualities in the most difficult international races and trials. Each new model and practically every series marks improvements in design.The automatic declutching mecha- nism is a feature protected by patents all over the world. Another simplification is the single lever serving both for starting the engine and gear changing. The telescopic front fork and pivoted rear fork make riding a pleasure. Owing to their speed the machines are equipped with full width hub brakes, more efficient and reliable. a. 1 JAWA-dZ, THE WORLD'S BEST TWO-STROKE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 13,1 TROUBLE-FREE RUNNING WITH PAL ACCESSORIES AND EQUIPMENT PAL electrical and mechanical acce with the most outstanding world m Czechoslovak motorcars and motor, c Of the electrical appliances let us mention windscreen wipers, direction indicators, Of the mechanical: carburetters for moto shock absorbers, petrol pumps and dashboar Diesel engine accessories consist of single'', fuel filters and fuel feed pumps. The following complete the lot: universal testing apparatus for injection pumps, es, lifting jacks of all kinds, pump for inflammble liquid; i of all types. es and equipment rank in respect of design and workmanship hey also make their contribution to the sporting successes of ri.amos, electric starters, distributors, ignition coils, switches, eadlamps, stoplights and others. and motorcycles, hydraulic and pneumatic brakes, truments. ,e cylinder injection pumps with injections nozzles, ur at testing apparatus for electrical equipment, and motorcycle chains, industrial chains 888E bl= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ??? 11"."--? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ? The age of motors does not hinder it. It remains always the most widespread means of transport in the world. For going to work, touring, racing and sporting purposes ? for every occasion MOTOKOV offers a large choice of bicycles of popular names? STADION, VELAMOS, ESKA and FAVORIT. All have the same properties: beautiful appearance, easy running, life for many years. Among the best known are: ROCC,C(476.1t, ? for daily service on any road 7Fitc. ih,f?J't ? the bicycle of sportsmen and tourists rawv 11 ? a world class racing bicycle PIA,144fri/ ? a solid bicycle for children NEW YORK ???????????. BICYCLE PARTS UP TO THE STANDARD Bicycle parts of the best reputation in demand even In countries with their own bicycle Industry: coaster hubs, spokes, rims, chainwheels, cranks, pedals and particularly FAVORIT and VELO chains. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140007 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Among the lamps there are miners' lamps, hurricane lanterns, oil lamps and electric torches including flat and round batteries. Among the remaining ironmongers' goods are cutlery goods, perforated sheet metal, hat hooks and perambulators. Woodworking machines, fire extinguishers, breathing appara- tus, steel bottles and iron barrels form a separate group. Modern machines and good tools mean in workshops precision work that is fast and pays. The export program of MOTOKOV incorporates a number of more complicated and simpler light engineering products for this purpose, in demand everywhere and received with confidence. Lot us mention in the first place tools both for workshops and consumers, agricultural tools such as scythes, sickles, spades, fiirks, pickaxes, matchets, lubricating instruments, locks and building trade fittings. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 q ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Te MAKE TM 1:1@Y?EWIFE'S WQRK EASIER i'14,(MOJKW 5.,q)J%QIJI lsimct Qt hood operated kitchen ty,Qp..% Qff tteS.Nk CACt gas appliances. C.09.rtY/ clf)4 Mkit,ttrih flosics;. SiTiqFP EQM.Mill.g,A1- Ftctrrtrict4Le4.010i1). inciks.tniql1OntOmplAstsi,l1otolt, oontoens.. etN! ESI,LORMkritt krr logridArlingi WWI irooing), spocioli riIiachinqs 4.0.1(PM, cankctionOmi, 12dchorm, cernip- gps,ctlingl qqttj pm on h off qIll sj7,_?s; andi sp,egjd 411,oratorr tcgr von* li tomporiotwios;. SCALES FOR EVERY PURPOSE Production with modern equipment supplies scales for any kind of use. Besides table scales, fully automatic scales up to 11.000 lbs, automatic band scales for ore, road vehicle and railway weighing bridges, precision counting scales for small goods and giant weighing bridges for railway engine axle pressures. On demand scales of other than metric system will supplied. g 45-0 - V 4, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 ????? ""9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Small things are often decisive in the flow of production In the factory. Therefore demand for your machines such parts that owing to their qualities mean reliability. They bear the marks BARUM, TANEX, KARTIT, TEXTIT. Inner tubes and tyre covers of the famous BARUM make manu- factured in all standard dimensions with various tread for motorcars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, trac- tors and aeroplanes. They play an important part in the suc- cesses of the Czechoslovak motor industry. SERV1NGE'TECHNIQUE ol,fito/y &-te46/ut44 aft ISRU X EL LES Industrial V-belts for machine driving Fan belts for driving motorcar fans Rubber Transmission Belts for trans- port of material and goods In ware- houses, building, mines etc. Rubber-textile flat belts for machine and transmission driving Plastic flat belts for machine driving (not for tropical climate) Leather flat belts for machine driving Leather cords round and oval for sewing machines and light transmis- sions Kartit-hardened paper for electric Insulation Textit hardened paper with fabric for electric insulation and various technical accessories Glasstextit-hardened paper with glass fabric Battery containers for electric starters and motorcars and other electric drives PVC separators for lead plate insula- tion in battery containers Asbestos fabrics and products for insula- tion and fire resistant use Small technical rubberware Hoses: water, pressure, oxygen, radiator, food processing, petrol- resistant and special. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 his was a brief outline of our export program. It should be understood that not all the products export- ed by MOTOKOV could be enumerated, their range being very wide. Members of our staff will gladly supply you with more detailed information. We shall meet all your wishes when ordering articles of non standard production, with terms of delivery and all details with regard to business relations. Please, get in touch with our commercial representative or direct with our Corporation in Prague, Czechoslovakia. We value highly our business relationship with you and trust that we shall be able to satisfy fully all your wishes. MOTOKOV PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 q Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22: CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 TECHNICAL DATA-JAWA-?350 Engine Two stroke, two cylinder, bore 58 mm, stroke 65 mm, cylin- der capacity 344 c.c., 16 B.H.P. at 4750 r.p.m., compression ratio 7 to 1 Engine lubrication with petroil mixture at a rate of 25 to 1 (after running-in) Clutch Five plate with cork lining, running in oil bath, automati- cally controlled when changing gears, or by hand lever on L. H. side of handlebars when starting from standstill Carburetter PAL with wet air cleaner and strangler with effective air- intake Exhaust silencers Two exhaust pipes, with detachable silencers Gearbox Four speed, unit construction with engine, positive foot control on L.H side and automatic clutch Electrical equipment Coll type, dynamo 6 V/45 W, headlamp dia. 150 mm with double filament bulb 13 V 25/25 W, and 6 V-1.5 W, dip- switch on L.19 side of handlebars. Combined tail and stop lamp. Ci V-14 Ah battery. Switch box flush fitted in fuel tank, containing an ammeter and indicating neutral gear position by lighting tell tale bulb Fuel tank Capacity 2.9 gallons (13 litres) with two position fuel tap fitted with filter Emergency fuel reserve for 20 miles (30 km) Transmission By totally enclosed primary chain 3/8X3/8 in., running in oil bath and by fully enclosed secondary chain 1/2X5/16 in in chaincase Frame Closed, of best quality square section welded tubes with pivoted rear fork Suspension Front?by telescopic fork with hydraulic dampers of new designe?maximum stroke 5 1 8 in. (130 mm) Rear?by pivoted rear fork with hydraulic dampers?ma- ximum stroke 3 15/16 in (100 mm) Handlebars One piece, adjustable width 26 3/8 in. (670 mm). Bowdens can be adjusted on the handlebars Wheels Wire type, tyre size 3.25X16 in., easily detachable Dual seat With foam rubber, easily detachable, theft proof Footrests Sports type, adjustable Other data Weight . ? ? ? Carrying capacity . Maximum speed Maximum climbing capacity (fully loaded) . Fuel consumption Overall length width height Modification of without notice . . . design and 106tArk4ii APO" 71L AO .N14, 46.r ? 1?i -.ft! lair, ? 287 lbs (135 kg) . 353 lbs (160 kg) 71 m.p.h (115-120 km) 45 % 83 m.p.g. (3,25 litres per 100 km) at 30 m.p.h. (50 km p.h.) ? 77 15/16 in. (1980 mm) . 26 3/8 in. (670 mm) 90 3,'8 in (1025 mm) equipment may be effected "?41,..i???1 21:57 ? 60 ? a \*.k,74:ZIFAXtv/ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 q ? 40 * TIMM11.11111.11110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 TECHNICAL DATA - JAWA-aZ 250 Engine Two stroke, single cylinder, bore 65 mm, stroke 75 mm, cylinder capacity 248.5 c.c., 12 B. H. P. at 4750 r. p m., compression ratio 0.6 to 1 Engine lubrication With petroil mixture at the rate of 25 to 1 (after running- in) Clutch Five plate with cork lining, running in oil bath, automat- ically controlled when changing gears, or by means of hand lever on L. H. side of handlebars when starting from standstill Carburetter PAL with wet air cleaner and strangler with effective air-Intake Exhaust silencers Perfectly silence engine noise, two exhaust pipes with detachable silencers Gearbox Four speed, unit construction with engine, positive foot control on L. H. side and automatic clutch Electrical equipment Coil type, dynamo 6 V/45 W, headlamp dia 150 mm with double filament bulb 6 V/25/25 W 6 V-1 5 W, handlebar dipswitch. Combined tail and stop lamp 6 V-14 Ah bat- tery. Switch box flush fitted in fuel tank, containing an ammeter and indicating neutral gear position by means of lighting tell-tale bulb Fuel tank Capacity 2.9 gallons (13 litres) with two position fuel tap fitted with filter. Emergency fuel reserve for 20 miles (30 km) Transmission By means of totally enclosed primary chain 3/8X3/8 in. running in oil bath and by means of fully enclosed second- ary chain 1/2X5/16 in. in chaincase Frame Closed, of best quality square section welded tubes with pivoted rear fork Suspension Front?by means of telescopic fork with hydraulic damp- ers of new designe?maximum stroke 5 1/8 in (130 mm). Rear?by means of pivoted rear fork with hydraulic dam- pers?maximum stroke 3 15/16 in. (100 mm) Handlebars One piece, adjustable, width 26 3/8 in (670 mm) Bowdens can be adjusted on the handlebars Wheels Wire type, tyre size 3.25X16 in., easily detachable Dual scat With foam rubber, easily detachable, theft proof Footrests Sports type, adjustable Other data Weight. ...... . . . 276 lbs (125 kg) Carrying capacity: 353 lbs (160 kg) Maximum speed: . . . . . . 62 m p.h. (106 km p.h.) Maximum climbing ability (fully loaded): . . 40 ?/o Fuel consumption at 30 m.p.h. (50 km p.h.): 93 m.p.g. (3 litres per 100 km) Overall length ? 177.95 in, (1980 mm) width: . . 26.38 in. (670 mm) height: .... . . . 40.35 in. (1025 mm) Modification of design and equipment may be effected without notice MOTOKOV - PRAHA- CZECHOSLOVAKIA 20/57 -- 60 -- a elfrIr 1111ERTZ:I.JM C1=11=11411:1111=1VOIM ? 'vP.1 , ? 64,11,?%w". Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Cl:175 C TE TECHNICAL DATA: Engine Two-stroke. air-cooled Bore and stroke Cylinder capacity Compression ratio Power output . Carburetter Sparking plug Engine lubrication by petroll mixture, at the rate of Maxtmum speed Maximum climbing ability (fully laden) . single Wind:1r 58 65 mm 171,7 c.c. 7 to 1 . 8 HP J1KOV 2924 TR PAL 14/240 . 25 to 1 56 m.p.h. (90 km ph.) .. 38?O Transmission Primary drive by 38 38 in. chain-54 links - Final drive by 1 2 5 16 in chain running la a chaincase serving,a1 the some lima as a pivoted arm for the floating suspension of the rear wheel. Gear change by two-arm pedal left fool controjjed' Gear ratios primary 40 21 teeth final 47,16 teeth Overall kickstarter ratio 3.04 to 1 Speedometer drive ratio 4,11 teeth Chassis . a Carrying frame is formed by the bo4y 4cle of electfically'spot and seam welded steal pressings Easy access for the servicing of all en'gine,ond, gecrbotyi path:tinder llie scot is a luggage space of 1525 cub. in. (25 cub. dcm ). Nearly allthe,bodr paris'have-beemused'io doniribute lo'lhe solidify of the structure. Wheels interchangeable with 3,25 The rims are two-piece and tyres can be fltled without ilie'llte-Orlools. The rims are fitted to the wheel center by means of six bolts. Front wheel it is supported by the two bottom linliat.the..front fork-erilh two rubber blocks and buffer serving as suspension elements. Spare wheel this can be located within the body behind the front wheel and its cover serves as air collector for the cooling of the engine. Drakes Internal expanding Braking distances from a steady speed of 25 m ph (40 km ph) s? ? Front wheel brake Rear wheel brake Both brakes applied Sear Dual, foam rubber, lenght Principal dimensions Wheelbase Overall length . Overall width (over running boards) Overall width (over handlebars) Total weight (including equipment) 25 57 ? 50 ? a .12 in. lyres dia 140 , 35 mm 100,75 ft. (30,8 m) 100,75 ft. (30,8 m) 50,6 ft. (15,4 m) 27,5 in (700 mm) 52.76 in. (1343 mm) 75.6 in (1920 mm) 21 65 on. (550 mm) 23.6 in (632 mm) 269 lbs (122 kg) PRA HA-CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Saddle Electric equipment Accessories Weight of the moped Climbing ability Fuel consumption Jawa 50 cc, model 552, single cylinder, air cooled two-stroke, swept volume 49,8 cc, output 1,5 HP SAE at 4.250 RPM. Two forward gears, gear engaging mechanism governed with twist-grip on handlebars Made of steel tubes Capacity 3 lit. Pressed, with short pivoted arms Equipped witn tyres size 23 X 2" on steel, chromium plated rims The front and rear wheel are mutually interchangeable. Full-width hub brakes, brake drums with large ribs, dia 80 mm Comfortable, sprung, with rubber top Magnetto generator 6 Volt/18 Watt. Headlamp dia 80 mm, bulb with two filaments 6 Volt 15/15 Watt. Tail light 6 Volt 3 Watt Speedometer with kilometre counter Electric horn Luggage carrier combined with tool box Complete set of hand tools with air pump. The moped is delivered in STANDARD or De Luxe execution The De Luxe execution is more richly chromium plated According to the requirements of Police and Road Regulations in some states, engines are delivered also with 0,8 HP SAE and maximum speed of 30 km/H Are you looking for at the same time? OUR REPLY IS THE MOPED STADION 511 economic vehicle which is reliable Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 JAWA-CZ 125 -175 Economy of operation, riding comfort, easy handling, speed and stamina ? these are the features making the way to every part of the world for the JAWA-CZ motorcycles. The JAWA-CZ motorcycles are endowed with the most up-to-date technical improve- ments, well tested and proved in numerous victorious trials and races. ? AUTOMATIC CLUTCH RELEASE when shifting gears. ? The clutch control lever serves for releasing the clutch on get-aways only. When shifting gears while in motion, the clutch is thrown off automatically. ? A SINGLE LEVER SERVES BOTH FOR GEAR SHIFTING AND FOR STARTING the engine. After the engine has been started the lever automatically resumes its shifting position ? another feature facilitating the handling. ? 16" WHEELS ? reduce the unsprung weight to the minimum, thus ensuring better riding comfort and more pleasure. ? THE COWLINGS OF THE REAR PART AND DEEPLY VALANCED MUDGUARDS ? ensure perfect protection of the rider from dirt from the road surface or from the engine and facilitate cleaning of the machine. ? SWITCHBOX BUILT INTO THE HEADLAMP ? improves the appearance of the machine and facilitates fitting. ? WIDER MOUNTING OF THE REAR PIVOTED FORK ? increases riding safety. ? EFFICIENT INTAKE AND EXHAUST SILENCERS ? reduce the noise below the specified limit. TECHNICAL DATA Engine Bore/Stroke Swept volume Compression ratio Power output Gearbox Carburettor . Front suspension Rear suspension Tyre size, front rear Brakes, dia. . . Fuel tank capacity Curb weight Carrying capacity Max. speed Max. climbing ability, full load Fuel consumption (speed 50 km or 31. I. m. p. h.) . JAWA-CZ MOTORCYCLE 125 c. c. 175 c. c. Two stroke air cooled single cylinder mm 52/58 in 2.05/2.28 mm 58/65 in 2.28/2.56 c. c. 123.2 c. c. 171.7 cu. in. 7.518 cu. in. 10.478 7 to 1 6 HP/4750 RPM 9 HP/4750 RPM Four speed type JIKOV 2922 M JIKOV 2924 M Telescopic fork with hydraulic suspension dampers Pivoted fork 3.00 X 16" 3.00 X 16" 3.00 X 16" 3.25 X 16" 140 mm or 5.512" 14 litres or 3.08 Imp. galls. 112 kg or 246.9 lb 115 kg or 253.5 lb 150 kg or 330.7 lb 150 kg or 330.7 lb 80 km or 49.7 m. p. h. 95 km or 59 m. p. h. 37% 38% lit /100 km m. p. I. g. lit./100 km m. p. I. g. 2 141 2.3 122.6 ? THE WORLD'S TOPSELLER MOTOKOV . Praha ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA MO 2026/72 a - 5811 SO - 1 - 13787 - 58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Speed Elegance Comfort Economy JAWA 555 incorporates all these advantages JAWA ? World's Topseller St 04- 90281 -59 SPECIFICATION: JAWA two-stroke single-cylinder engine ? Cylinder capacity 49.8 c. c. ? Output 2.2 B. H. P. ? Three speed gear box ? Central frame ? Springing: front telescopic fork, rear pivoted fork ? Wheels: provided with 2.50 X 16" tyres ? Brakes: full width hub, dia 125 mm. ? Magdyno 6 V/20 W ? Electric horn ? Speedometer ? Weight 54 kg (119 lbs) ? Speed: 60 km. p. h. (37 m. p. h.) -- Fuel consumption: 1.8 Itr. p. 100 km (155 m. p. g.) Version: motor cycle or scooter Both supplied with standard or long saddle Standard or De luxe execution Colours: Red, light blue, light green or black MOTOKOle PRAHA ? CZECHOSLOVAKIA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 vitOUNTED IMPLEMENTS IMPLEMENTS OF MODERN FARMER Abu V'. ? 7 ? * ? 4 *** * nev- S. ? or- ERt I ? ; ? ? ? ???? ? G.? ? wi ? ? r ? ???? 7hrit!Itik ) ;1414f, ?? ? ? ? 14.4 ?? ? 114?1.. ?. ? I ? 'lip?? ? , .t., . ?????, ..ti6 ? ". ? 4.1 ???? ' 141 2:21, ' ?. -4175. 14? ..? 4*. O. ? w.. Declassified Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 *14,Lts..1? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 0 1"1111 0 o 0 MOUNTED INNEMENTS for tractors with hydraulic power lift Mounted implements such as ploughs, cultivators, disc ploughs for shallow ploughing, hoes, seed drills, ridgers and semi-mounted mowers of Czechoslovak production are the most suitable and necessary complementary members of the ZETOR tractors. Owing to their quality as well as possibility of using them in different soil and climatic conditions and,. especially, with respect to their up-to-date design, these implements have become an indispensable helper of every farmer who is interested in good and rapid tillage of the soil and who is anxious to carry out individual farming jobs in time. These imple- ments can also be operated with other types of tractors of about 20-40 H.P., assuming that they are provided with the hydraulic power lift The PH 252 TWO-FURROW MOUNTED PLO UGH can be operated as in the case of all mounted ploughs and other mounted implements only with a tractor which is provided with the hydraulic power lift. It is designed like the other mounted implements of Czechoslovak make especially for the hydraulic power Iii of the ZETOR 25 A and ZETOR 25 K Diesel tractors. This plough, however, can also be attached to the hydraulic power lift of other types of tractors with a power output of about 20-28 H.P. after effecting some slight changes in its design. The PN 252 plough is a sturdy implement used for medium-deep and deep ploughing in light, medium as well as heavy soils. The mouldboards of this plough are made like those of other ploughs of Czechoslovak make of three-layer armour steel; the outer layers are hardened and their working surface is ground and polished. The plough Is provided with a disc coulter dia. 380 mm, two removable skim coulters, spare shares for each bottom, spanners and a grease gun. The total working width of the plough amounts to 60 cm, i.e. 24", the cutting width of one share being 30 cm, i.e. 12. The maximum cutting depth is 25 cm and the weight of the implement amounts to approx. 265 kg. The approximate output of this plough is 0,25 ha/hr. at a working speed of 5 km/hr. .7;471A.27 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The PN 532 FIFE-FURROW MOUNTED PLOUGH is also designed especially for the ZETOR 25 Diesel trac- tors, but it can also be operated with other types of tractors which are provided with the hydraulic power lift. This plough is used only for shallow ploughing or working in stubble fields up to a maximum cutting depth of 12 cm. With the exception of shallow ploughing the PN 532 mounted plough can be successfully used particularaly under those soil conditions which do not allow the soil to open too deeply. This plough is equipped with a disc coulter dia. 320 mm, five spare shares, two spanners and a grease gun. The total working width of this plough is 125 cm, i.e. 50". The weight of the implement amounts to approx. 240 kg. The approximate output of the plough is 0,35 ha/hr. at a working speed of 5 km/hr. The 3 PH 35 THREE-FURROW MOUNTED PLOUGH is designed in the first place for the ZETOR SUPER 42 H.P. Diesel tractors with hydraulic power lift. This plough, however, can also be attached to the hydraulic power lift of other types of tractors with a power output of 40-50 H.P. after effecting some modifications in its design. The plough is of an extra sturdy construction; and for this reason It is well suited to operate even in the heaviest soils. It is used for both medium-deep and deep ploughing up to a maximum cutting depth of 28 cm. The cutting depth as well as the cutting width are controlled by means of two adjusting screws which are easily accessible from the seat of the tractor driver; this method of adjustment is used at all mounted ploughs of Czechoslovak origin. The main advantage of the 3 PN 35 mounted plough consists in the fact that the rear section of the frame with the mounted on bottom can be removed. After removing this section of the frame, displacing the land wheel with its axle and readjusting the screw type control, the plough can be easily converted into a two-furrow unit. This is particularly important in extra hard soils with highest soil resistance, where the tractor could not pull a three-furrow plough. The plough is equipped with a disc coulter, 3 removable skim coulters and 3 spare shares. The total working width of this plough amounts to 105 cm, i.e. 42", the cutting width of one share being 35 cm, i.e. 14". The weight of this implement amounts to approx. 465 kg. The approximate output of the plough is 0,35 ha/hr. at a working speed of 5 km/hr. S "s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 The 4 NI 30 FOUR-FURROW MOUNTED PLOUGH is also designed for tractors of 40-50 H.P., provided these are equipped with the hydraulic power lift, and can also be converted into a three-furrow unit by removing the rear section of the frame and the fourth bottom. Like all moun- ted ploughs of Czechoslovak make this plough is provided on the left-hand, i.e. fallow side with a land wheel which follows exactly the contour of the ground surface when ploughing, thus controlling the cutting depth. The plough is equipped with a disc coulter, 4 removable skim coulters, a spanner, a grease gun and 4 spare shares. Its total working width amounts to 120 cm, i.e. 48, the cutting width of one share being 30 cm, i.e. 12". The maximum cutting depth is 25 cm. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 iese tractor wit ydraulic power lift. This plough is of very solid construction and can, there- fore, operate even in the hardest soils. The total working width of this plough amounts to 70 cm, i.e. 28', the cutting width of the individual shares being 14', i.e. 35 cm. The maximum cutting depth is approx. 27 cm. The shares of this plough, too, are reversed full-automatically. of this plough is 70 cm, i.e. 28'. The rear coulter wheel is adjustable with regard to the cutting depth, the cutting width and the inclination. The diameter of the discs is 65 cm, i.e. 26. The approximate weight of this implement amounts to 330 kg. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 THREE-DISC MOUNTED PLOUGH is of similar but more solid con- struction than the preceding double-disc type. It is designed for tractors of 35-45 H.P., provided these are equipped with the hydraulic power lift. This implement forms a perfect unit with the ZETOR SUPER Diesel tractor. With maximum angle of the discs and maximum cutting depth of 22 cm, the total working width of the plough is 105 cm, i.e. 42'. The cutting depth as well as cutting width of this plough can be, of course, controlled in a manner similar to the cutting depth and cutting width of the 2 PDN 35 type. This plough is suitable in the first place for ploughing of uncultivated virgin-soils, where numerous soil obstructions such as tree roots, bigger stones, rocky under- ground, etc. make the use of a mouldboard plough impossible. The dia- meter of the discs amounts to 65 cm, i.e. 26', while the approximate weight of the plough is 425 kg. _LI MOUNTED DISC PLOUGri FOR SHALLOW PLOUGHING is analogous to the foregoing type and differs from it In fact only with regard to the working width (I.e. 180 cm) and the number of discs (12). The diameter of the discs is 50 cm. The disc gang can be ad- justed from 0? to 350 by means of an adjusting screw. The weight of the implement is 650 kg. This plough is designed for tractors of about 40 H.P. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 double-pointed shovels for subsurface tillage. The approximate weight of this implement amounts to 500 kg, while its working width is 280 cm. The MIN 225 MOUNTED RIGID-TINE CULTIVATOR FOR SUBSURFACE TILLAGE is of similar design as the preceding type; it is, however, designed for lighter cate- gories of tractors with a power output of about 25 H.P. This cultivator has 15 tines of different types: A-shares for cultivation up to approx. 12 cm, chiselling tines for a work- ing depth of approx. 20 cm, double-pointed shovels for subsurface tillage in a depth of approx. 8 cm or A-sweeps for the same purpose. The working width of this imple- ment amounts to 225 cm, while its approximate weight is 365 kg. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/22 : CIA-RDP81-01043R003800140002-9 row cro to 800 m tors. This suspensio frame of hydraull when w steering. seat, whi hand ley either si double a (roller) clamps o standard or side cultivatio hoe is 4 FOUR-ROW MOUNTED RIDGER has S ridging bodies and is used in the first place for hilling potatoes and other row crops, ridging. etc. This ridger is designed to be connected with the hydraulic power lift of the ZETOR 25 Diesel tractor; it can, however, also be operated with other types of tractors after effecting some slight modifications in its design. The ridging bodies can be adjusted for various row spacings within a limit of 60-70 cm; the wings of the ridging bodies are both vertically and laterally adjustable. The working depth can be controlled by changing the relative angles of the ridging bodies which are readjustable on the links of the parallel- , 41. ? 1.1%,..1