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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 NONMETALLIC FERROMAGNETIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES JOHN M. BLANK ROBERT W. JOHNSTON HAROLD IV KATZ GERALD G. PALMER NATHAN SCHWARTZ GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OCTOBER 1957 WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 ABSTRACT This report covers research and development performed on the study of nonmetallic ferromagnetic materials and devices by the Electronics Laboratory of the General Electric Company during the contract period. The work presented in this report describes the effort expended in the various areas of ferrite development covered by the subject contract. These areas include the development of ferrite materials for high power applications, low signal applications, and dynamic magnetostrictive appli- cations for operation in the temperature range -65?C to +250?C; and a high frequency, narrow band (30 mc) modulated delay line. PUBLICATION REVIEW ? The publication of this report does not constitute approval by, the Air Force of the findings or conclusions contained herein. It is pub- lished only for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. ill STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 .taA 4.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page I INTRODUCTION 1 II MATT3RIALSFOR HIGH PMER APPLICATIONS 3 Objective 3 Approach 3 Compositions and Materials Preparation 5 Magnetic Evaluation 6 Compositional Control 21 Domain Wall Relaxation and Dispersion 26 Conclusions and Recommendations 39 III MATERIALS FOR LOW SIGNAL APPLICATIONS 40 Objective 40 Approach 40 Ferrite Compositions 41 Results of Magnetic Evaluation 142 Processing of Low Loss, Low Signal Ferrites 55 Low Temperature Evaluation 65 Differential Thermal Analysis. . . 75 Conclusions and Recommendations 88 IV HIGH FREQUENCY NARROW BAND MODULATED DELAY LINES 89 Introduction 89 Objective 89 General Considerations 90 Materials Preparation and Initial Evaluation 90 Testing of Delay-Lines 93 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Section TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contd) and Recommendations MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS Page Figure LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS High Frequency Hysteresigraph B-H Curves for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB Page 112 114 7 8 V Conclusions MAGNETOSTRICTIVE 1 2 Objective 114 3 B-H Curves - Toroid 704 F 158-1SB 25?C in water; 25?C in Air 9 Material Parameters 114 4 B-H Curves - Toroid 704 F 158-1SB 25?C in Air; The Equivalent Circuit of a Freely Vibrating Sample. 250?C in Air 10 Method of Measurement 117 5 B-H Curves - Toroid 704 F 158-1SB 25?C in Water; 250?C in Air 11 Materials 120 Results of Measurements 120 6 B-H Curves - Toroid 704 F 158-1SB -65?C in Air; 250?C in Air 12 Conclusions and Recommendations 129 7 B-H Curves - Toroid 590 F 114-2 25?C in Water; 25?C in Air 13 VI CONCLUSIONS 130 -8 B-H Curves - Toroid 690 F 114-2 Bibliography 25?C in Water; 250?C in Air 14 Distribution List 9 B-H Curves - Toroid 690 F 114-2 25?C in Air; 250?C in Air 15 Io B-H Curves - Toroid 690 F 114-2 -65?C in Air; 250?C in Air 16 11 B-H Curves - Toroid 723 F 189-1 25?C in Water; 250?C in Air 17 12 B-H Curves - Toroid 723 F 189-1 -65?C in Air; 250?C in Air 18 13 B-H Curves - Toroid 724 F 188-1 25?C in Water; 250?C in Air 19 14 Core Loss in Watts/cm3 for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Bmax with Frequency as Parameter . ? ? ? 22 15 Core Loss in Ergs/cm3 per cycle for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Bmax with Frequency as Parameter . . . . 22 16 Core Loss in Ergs/cm3 per cycle for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Frequency with Bmax as Parameter . . . 23 vi 17 Permeability of Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Frequency with Bmax as Parameter 23 STAT vii STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Contd) Figure 18 Composition 704. B for H = 1 Oersted vs. Fe2+ Content by Analysis 19 Typical Dispersion Curves at Two Values of H 20 Dispersion Curves at H = 0.7 Oersteds and H = 1.4 Oersteds ,21 Dispersion Curves at H = 0.7 Oersteds and H = 1.4 Oersteds 22 Dispersion Curves at H = 0.7 Oersteds and H = 1.4 Oersteds 23 Dispersion Curves at H = 0.7 Oersteds and H = 1.4 Oersteds 36 24 Dispersion Curves for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB in water at 25?C 30 33 34 35 25 Dispersion Curves for Toroid 730A F 245-1 in water at 25?C 26 Temperature Variation of ? and Q for Toroid 67.52. f = 1.5 mc 27 Temperature Variation of g and Q for Toroid 67.24. f = 1.5 mc 28 Temperature Variation of ? and Q for Toroid 67.54. fl= 1.5 mc 29 Temperature Variation of ? and Q for Toroid 84.7. f = 1.5 mc 30 Temperature Variation of ? and Q for Toroid 84.11. f = 1.5 mc 31 Dependence of Permeability 32 Frequency Spectrum of Qt and Material Q on Driving Field for Selected Samples 33 Frequency Spectrum of Initial Permeability 34 Frequency Spectrum of p.Q for Two Selected Samples ? ? ? ? 35 Initial Permeability, Q, and ?Q vs. Calcine Temperature ? 36 ?Q vs. Rise Rate 37 ?Q and g vs. Ramming Pressure for Composition 84 38 ?Q vs. Ramming Pressure for Composition 84 viii 37 38 45 46 47 48. 49 51 52 53 54 56 62 63 64 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Contd) Figure Block Diagram of Cryostat Photograph of Cryostat Photograph of Equipment Used in Conjunction with Cryostat Block Diagram of Circuit Used to Determine Initial Permea- Page. 39 4o 41 42 67 69 70 bility and Q 71 43 Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuits of Coil 73 44 Permeability vs. Temperature for Toroid .75HQ67.23 . ? ? 74 45 DTA Furnace 77 46 Fire Brick Door Carrying Sample Holders 78 47 Differential Thermograms 80 48 Schematic Diagram of DTA Furnace No. 3 82 49 DTA Test Sample Arrangement 84 50 DTA. Composition 84 vs. A1203 85 51 DTA Furnace Assembly 86 52 Temperature and Differential Temperature Recorders for DTA 87 53 Permeameter Schematic for ? vs. Bias 91 54 Permeability vs. Driving Field for Sample .75HQ84.10 . 92 55 Ferrite Delay Line 94 56 Ferrite Delay Line Mounted in Ferrite Yoke 96 57 Block Diagram for Modulated Delay Evaluation 97 58 Time Delay vs. Frequency for Ferrite Delay Line with Various Biasing Fields 98 59 Block Diagram for Visual Presentation 99 60 Time Delay vs. Frequency for Delay Lines Patched with Indium Amalgam. Lines III and IV 102 61 Change in Delay vs. D.C. Modulation Current. Line V. ? ? 103 62 Change in Delay vs. D.C. Modulation Current at 10 mc. Line VII 105 ix STAT S IHI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 7 I. Z:$ Figure 63 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Contd) Variation in RF Output Amplitude vs. Variation in Time Delay at 10 mc. Line VII 64 Change in Delay vs. D.C. Modulation Current with Tempera- ture as Parameter. Line VIII 65 Change in Delay vs. D.C. Modulation Current 66 change in Delay vs. D.C. Modulation Current 67 Photograph of Modulated Delay Line 68 Equivalent Circuit of Freely Vibrating Sample 69 Circuit for Measuring fa, f, Za and Zr for Sample at a Given Magnetic Operating Point 70 Magnetizing and Demagnetizing Sources 71 Voltage vs. Frequency for a Magnetically Driven Vibrating Toroidal Sample 72 Voltage vs. Frequency for Sample 285.38 Vibrating Radially with Remanent Flux as Parameter 73 74 75 76 Temperature Variation of Er and fa for Toroid 285.38 . Temperature Variation of fr and fa for Toroid 285.52 . . 106 118 119 121 122 125 126 Variation of fr, fa and k with Bias Current for Toroid 285.52 121 Voltage-Frequency Characteristic for Tol.oid 285.56 . . . . Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo LIST OF TABLES Mol% Fe304 calculated from ferrous iron analysis in solution withComposition 164 ferrite at several temperatures during cooling from 1400?C at 100?C per hour Description of Compositions used in the development of high power ferrites Effect of firing time and temperature Composition: 48 mol% Fe2O3, 25 mok%1 0.5 moll% v205 Description of applications on magnetic Q. Zn0, 26.5 mol% NiO, ferrite compositions for low signal Effect of high and 84 humidity on p. and Q for Compositions 67 Effect of high 84.11 Description of humidity on permeability and Q of Toroid compositions Processing of test bodies for low signal applications Effect of calcination temperature on shrinkage, go, and Q Toroids fired at 1100?C for 10 minutes Effect of 0.5 mol% vanadium pentoxide for 10 minute firing at 1100?C 128 11 12 Magnetic Properties of Composition No. 84 prepared with different iron oxides Compamison of brands and effects of heating and cooling rates on Composition No. 84 13 Effect of ramming pressure on tie and Q 14 Effect of rise rates on tie and Q 15 Comparison of air and oxygen atmosphere firings 16 Physical characteristics of delay lines 17 Magnetic and electrical evaluation of delay lines ? ? ? ? 18 Test information for Line No. 10A narlaRRifipc-i in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 xi Page 14. 5 44 44 50 55 57 59 60 61 61 66 100 101 107 TAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 LIST OF TABLES (Contd) Table 19 Delay line fabrication data 109 20 Resonant frequency, fe,; electrostatic modulation, E; electromechanical couaing coefficient, k; and observed mechanical Q, Qm, for Composition 285 and processing treatment as indicated . . q 123 Page 4 SECTION I INTRODUCTION This report is being submitted as a summary of the effort ex- pended to date under Contract No. AF 33(616)-3339. The objectives of the investigation carried out during the present contract period are: 1. To develop ferrite materials for applications in the temperature range -65?C to +250?C. 2. To develop a narrow band, high frequency ferrite delay line, the delay of which can be varied by a biasing magnetic field. Under objective 1 above, the specific types of materials to be considered are: a. Materials for high power applications in the frequency range 20 kc to 1000 kc. b. Materials for low signal applications with high ?Q product, low temperature coefficient of permeability, and whose characteristics are not affected by prolonged exposure to high humidity. c. Materials for magnetos trictive applications. Such materials are to be suitable for use in filters and oscillators over the frequency range 455 kc to 1000 kc, and have a maximum temperature coefficient of resonant frequency of 10 ppm per C? over the temperature range of interest. Under objective 2, the present goal is to achieve a total delay of approximately 0.5 microseconds in a line of reasonable length (3 inches) and a change in delay of 0.1 microseconds at 30 mc. Section II of this report covers the work on the development of materials for high power application. In this section, the processing and methods of compositional control are described for materials of this type. The choice of materials is governed by the high temperature requirements. The anticipated operating frequency range is such that a study of the dis- persion in high signal permeability of these materials forma a basic as- pect of the problem. Atmosphere conditions during firing are used as a compositional control agency. Superior transformer materials require a high degree of homogeneity throughout the volume of the material in a given configuration. Also, atmosphere firing conditions help determine the ul- timate cation distribution and the valence state of the.iron ions in the material. The percentage Fe'+ ions incorporated in the final composition determines to a great extent the shape of the hysteresis loop, the coercive force and the ultimate high signal permeability. Detailed discussion of Manuscript released by the author 1 Aar 1957 for publication as a WADC Technical Report 1 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 these various aspects of the overall problem are given and recommendations are made for producing the most satisfactory material in the present ferrite system of interest. Section III covers the work on the development of materials for low signal applications. The broad objectives of this program were such to give considerable latitude to the type of investigation. The results of this work indicate that a series of materials for low Signal applica- tions can be obtained with low loss and perform satisfactorily over the temperature range of interest, -65?C to +250?C. Data are presented which show the results of measurement at temperatures as low as -175?C. The significant successes of this broad development were: (1) The fabrica- tion of materials with high ?Q products, and (2) The development of materials with low temperature coefficient of permeability in the tempera- ture interval -65?C to +25?C. In the course of the current development, differential thermal analysis (DTA) was applied to the binder burnoff problem and carried into the temperature region of calcining and sintering. A further important conclusion from this work resulted from ob- servations made on ferrite systems in which various sources of iron oxide are used in the fabrication procedure. The difference in impurity content among these various sources of tron oxide affect the ultimate magnetic properties of these low fired, partially sintered materials. The results of these various investigations, the processing of the various significant compositions and the magnetic evaluation are presented in Section III. Section IV of this report covers the work on the development of a modulated ferrite delay line. The initial objective of a 30 mc line with a +0.1 variation in delay has not been achieved. However, a com- pletely satisfactory 10 mc line has been developed which exhibits suffic- ient time delay variation for the intended application. The processing of the necessary materials and the method of line construction are described in detail in Section IV. Section V contains the work performed in the investigation of ferrite materials for magnetostrictive applications. No large effort was expended on this project because of the overriding importance of other phases included in the total effort. However, the tentative conclusion is that the desired coefficient of resonant frequency, 10 parts per million per degree centigrade, cannot be obtained readily over the wide temperature interval, -65?C to +250?C. In Section VI a review is given of the important conclusions and results derived from the investigations carried out in the areas of interest included in the scope of Contract No. AF 33(616)-3339. 2 SECTION II MATERIALS FOR HIGH POWER APPLICATIONS Objective The purpose of this development is to provide ferrite materials having low losses at high flux density over the frequency range 20 kc to 1000 kc and over the temperature range -65?C to 250?C. Approach Previous work carried out at the Electronics Laboratory of the General Electric Company in the field of ferrite materials for high power applications led to the development of Composition 164, a 30-20 Ni-Zn fer- rite. This work was described in WADC Technical Report TR-56-274, Part II. The development of Composition 164 was an attempt to compromise the many conflicting demands on a high temperature, high saturation, low loss ferrite. This material consisted of 50 mol% Fe2031 30 mol% NiO, and 20 mol% ZnO, and represented a compromise among saturation magnetization, exchange energy, and magnetocrystalline anisotropy. When a composition is chosen, saturation magnetization, magneto- crystalline anisotropy, exchange energy, and saturation magnetostriction are essentially fixed, give or take a few percent depending on small changes which vary with firing temperature and time, rate of cool, etc. These are the properties which determine the energy per unit area of domain walls, the density of magnetic poles at surfaces of magnetic discontinuity, the direction of preferred magnetization and the ease or difficulty of rotating' the direction of magnetization away from the preferred direction. The grain size and shape, the density and size of defects such as inclusions, voids, lamellar precipitates, and the conditions of internal stress are the seats from which the above characteristics operate to determine magnetic response in the hysteresis loop. In the development reported here, the proposed scheme included the introduction of magnetite into Composition 164 ferrite. This was attractive for many reasons. Magnetite is known to form solid solutions with nickel ferrite. It is reasonable to expect that magnetite will also be soluble in Composition 164. Magnetite has a higher saturation magnetiza- tion than nickel ferrite, so that the addition of magnetite to Composition 164 should increase the saturation magnetization. Since magnetite has a positive magnetostriction and Composition 164 a negative magnetostriction, the addition of magnetite should reduce the saturation magnetostriction of the solution and thus raise the permeability. It should be remembered, however, that magnetite has a much lower resistivity than nickel ferrite and therefore may be detrimental to magnetic performance at frequencies above 20 kc. In proceeding with the planned approach, it was necessary to learn how to add magnetite to Composition 164. Merely adding Reagent Grade 3 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 magnetite to the other ingredients or to the calcine does not necessarily accomplish the desired result. On heating, magnetite converts to ferric oxide at about 500?C. Also, ferric oxide converts back to magnetite by losing oxygen at higher temperatures. The range of temperatures for which ferric oxide converts to magnetite is lower than the sintering range of temperatures used in fabri- cating high power ferrites. As a result, magnetite additions to Composi- tion 164 can be achieved by simply adding ferric oxide in excess of the amount needed to make the nickel-zinc portion of the solution. The prob- lem does not end there. On cooling: the ferrite-magnetite solution accepts oxygen and precipitates ferric oxide. Two things can be done to prevent this. The solution can be cooled so quickly that the acceptance of oxygen and the resulting precipitation will not have time to occur; or, the solu- tion can be protected from oxidation by a protective atmosphere such as nitrogen, argon, helium, carbon dioxide, or steam. A preliminary experiment was carried out to determine the feasi- bility of introducing magnetite by the method described above. A new composition, Composition 690, was prepared containing 52.7 mol% Fe203 28.4 mol% NiO 18.9 mol% ZnO which amounted to adding 5.4 mol% extra ferric oxide to Composition 164. When converted, 5.4 mol% Fe203 makes 3.6 mol% Fe3041 magnetite. Eight 1/4 inch cubes of this composition were placed in a tube furnace and heated at 94?C per hour to 1400?C for 3 hours. One cube was then withdrawn from the tube and quenched into water. The furnace was set to cool 100?C per hour. Cubes were pulled and water quenched at about 50?C intervals. These cubes were examined for precipitation of ferric oxide. None showed precipitation. The cubes were then crushed and analyzed for ferrous iron from which the magnetite content can be calculated. The re- sults are shown in Table I. TABLE I MOL% Fe3O4 CALCULATED FROM FERROUS IRON ANALYSIS IN SOLUTION WITH COMPOSITION 164 FERRITE AT SEVERAL TEMPERATURES DURING COOLING FROM 1400?C at 100?C PER HOUR Temperature from which quenched Weight % Fe by analysis Mol% FeR04 calculated 1400?C 1350 1293 1250 1190 1150 1100 1045 1.13 1.13 0.81 0.81 0.81 1.19 0.95 0.91 5.1 5.1 3.8 3.8 3.8 5.4 4.3 4.1 4 f4, The average for the series is 4.5 +0.7 mol% Fe304. It is clear that this treatment produces the desired solution of magnetite in Composi- tion 164. The control of the desired amount of magnetite leaves something to be desired in that aiming for 3.6 mol%, a value closer to 4.5 mol% was obtained. All the values are higher than anticipated. This was probably due to the presence of a greater effective amount of extra Fe20.1 than in- tended. It is not unlikely that ZnO is lost by volatilization during the heat treatments, which would lead to a proportional increase of excess iron. Within the range of temperatures examined, there seemed to be no tendency to take on oxygen as confirmed by the absence of precipitated Fe203. Rapid cooling or atmosphere protection from 1000?C downward is adequate for maintaining solid solution in this ferrite. Thus, this preliminary experi- ment proved the feasibility of the method and served as a guide for prepara- tion of the desired range of new compositions. Compositions and Materials Preparation Table II gives the ferrite compositions investigations. TABLE II used in the course of the DESCRIPTION OF COMPOSITIONS USED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH POWER FERRITES, Composition Mol% Fe203 Nol% NiO Mol% ZnO 164 50.0 30.0 20.0 690 52.7 28.4 18.9 704 54.6 27.2 18.2 716 57.5 25.5 17.0 723 50.0 30.0 20.0 724 50.0 35.0 15.0 737 53.6 27.9 18.5 730A 52.7 28.4 18.9 731 51.2 29.3 19.5 These materials were prepared in accordance with standard ceramic practice. The procedure in each case was as follows: Reagent grade oxides were used. These materials satisfy the specifi- cations set by the American Chemical Society for this classification. The oxides were weighed with an accuracy of plus or minus 0.05 grams to make up a "batch" of total weight approximately equal to 2 kilograms. The batch was ball milled for 16 hours in 3 liters af water in a 1 gallon size iron mill containing 10 pounds of 1" diameter steel balls and 15 pounds of 7/16n diameter steel balls. The slurry was separated from the balls by screening. No additional water was added to thin the slurry and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 5 STAT /AT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 wash out the mill as the slurry when properly prepared did not separate into a liquid and solid portion. The slurry was dried in pyrex trays at 90?C, and the dry .cake forced through a 10 mesh screen. The entire batch was placed in a 2 x 5 x 10 inch mullite sagge. box and calcined 3 hours at 900?C (variations in the calcine are indica ad where appropriate in the body of the text.) The calcined powder was ball milled for 15 hours in the same ball mill as before with 1 liter of water per kilogram of powder. (Water may be added after the milling operation to facilitate removing the slurry.) Drying then followed in pyrex trays at 90?C after which the dried cake was forced through a 10 mesh screen. Polyvinyl alcohol was used as a binder being employed in a solu- tion of 15 gm polyvinyl alcohol to 100 ml of water. The binder and powder were blended using a mortar and pestle. It was convenient to blend binder into at most 500 grams of powder at a time. Twenty milliliters of solution were used for 100 grams of powder. The blended powder was then forced through a 40 mesh screen and pressed in toroid dies at 27,000 pounds per square inch pressure. The toroids were dried overnight at 80?C. The toroids were set on mullite tile coated with 1/8 inch of Chemically Pure alumina powder. A typical sintering included a soak of 3 hours at 1400?C and a 129?C/hr rate of rise and rate of fall. The binder burned off satisfactorily at the above rate of rise. This procedure achieved a fired density of 5.10 to 5.20 gm/cm3 with negligible surface porosity. Magnetic Evaluation Below are given the results of magnetic measurements for selected samples. Magnetization curves (B-H curves) are presented as functions of frequency and temperature. Core loss in Composition 704 as a function of maximum flux density and frequency is given for operation at 30?C. Magnetization curves (B-H curves). Magnetization curves were obtained using the high frequency hysteresigraph developed under Contract No. AF 33(616)-2009 and reported in WADC Technical Report TR-56-274, Part VI. Figure 1 is a photograph of the hysteresigraph in operation. The sample for which the hysteresigram is shown on the oscilloscope is contained in the Dewar flask which houses a -65?C air chamber. The magnetization data at a given frequency were obtained by measuring the peak driving field for a given maximum flux density. These maximum values were read from the hysteresigraph display. Magnetization curves are presented in Figures 2 through 13 for samples of Compositions 704, 690, 723, and 724. A typical set of curves with frequency of operation as parameter is shown in Figure 2 for toroid 704 F158-1SB (Composition 704). The data for Figure 2 were obtained with the sam le in water at 30?C. 6 Figure 1. High Frequency Hysteresigraph narlaccT ri in P SanitizedC Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 7 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 AMPOIONIM.?1?111M. a 1=1= .16mmoneaftwOOPRiee10,06....4*IiraraiNIMMOMM.. - ??=MIAgaime? ???? e?, _ . s - ?":1 :14 1000 900 800 700 600 40 30 2 10 I 50KC I 200KC I , 1 1 1 1 I - 1 1 I 1 1 1 pp 400KC I I 1 I 1 . . I I I i / / . ) / I / / ) IN WATER 25?C IN AIR --- ) 1000KC ) , . 0 .2 4 .6 H- oersted .6 10 1.2 Figure 3. B-H Curves - Toroid 701i F 158-1SB 25?C in Water; 25?C in Air 9 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 in 0 0 C.) 0 0 0 2 - c? C.) cc IQ N Lij 0 rml 11b C.) 0 111111111111. O 0 O 0 0 _ 8 0 qt. 0 rz4 1000 900 800 700 600 40 30 2 10 I 50KC 1 / 1 I I - I I 1 200KC Pr 400KC , 1 I i 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I A , / ) I) ) / 25?C IN WATER IN AIR ? --25?C ) - / / . 4I 1000KC 1 - 0 .2 4 .6 H - oersted 10 1.2 Figure 3. B-H Curves - Toroid 70h F 158-18B 25?C in Water; 25?C in Air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 9 STAT STAT 1000 900 800 700 600 ? ? 500 400 300 200 100 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 I II I III i1 I II- I / 50KC 1...--100KC I rI i i l---200KC -1 400KC . i I / / / / / / / 50KC I II / I / / 100KC 200KC LIIIV /II / / / / 400KC OA ill i 1 - / / / /? )fii/l/ I Hi / // -25? 250?C C IN IN AIR AIR A /1 1100007 0 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 H - oersted 10 12 Figure 4. B-H Curves - Toroid 704 F 158-1SB 25?C in Air; 250?C in Air 10 NG0 0 Cs ill ? C.) 0 N 0 0 gr 0 ? 1 , ?-.1 21 I I 1 I ol Ncei , - c I 21 I I ? _ c , . I I I 1 I I I I % I 1 IF r 200KC ?I ?N6o I ?s? 1 ___ t 1 \ \ - (:' o 0 1 I I I 1 , B-H CURVES 704F158-ISB \ \ ? ? ? ? ? ? \ ? ? , 'N \ \ ? \ . _ \ \ \ 1 t % tI \\ I \ I ? I I \\ ?41 II I ?t? 0 0 to Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 11 ino k ?H hi 0 ?H 0 0 0 4.3 CC C.) 0 tr) (N1 Pa o o ? c0 rx4 0 'Ti 0 0 E-4 a) Pa 0 0 0 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 _ O o 0 0 o o 0 o o in 0 to it to ?) N 0 on H OERSTED 250?C in Air - Toroid 7nh F 158-1SB -65?C 2 I .12 1000 900 800 700 600 .50 40 0 0 CO 40 30 20 10 50KC I -I I - 1 1 1 1 100KC ' I ? I 1 I1 I I Ii f I.1 , 200KC I 1 I I Ii 6 I i I I I 400KC I i I I / I I i i / / / / I / 1 1 / I / 1 / / ) II ) , - 1000KC ) C IN WATER / . ' 25? - - - ?25? C IN AIR 1 O .2 .4 .6 .s H- oersted B-H CURVES -SAMPLE 690F114-2 10 1.2 figure 7. B-H Curves - Toroid 690 F 114-2 2500 in Water; 25?C in kir Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 13 1,4 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 II 2 2 . ..g o o 0, a 1 B-H CURVES 690F114-2 ? WATER 25?C -- - AIR 250?C 1 I I I 1 I 1 01 01 I-ag gi 81 Ig. RAI 0 . , It \ li , \ \ \ Ii \ \ \ \ .\ i \ V \ % \ k \ ? N ? \ \ \ \ \ ? ? ? ? 'I ?1 \ \\' %1 \\ \ VI \III t 0 n , .... 0 cv 0 0 10 0 0o 0 41: 0 cq gr. 0 H OERSTED 250?C in Air p4??? 43 ?ri 0 0 Lc) CV r-I rz, 0 \ 'CS ?1-1 0 0 1 0 ta0 or, rz4 1000 900 800 700 600 ? ? 47.500 400 300 200 100 50KC 4 I I I I 50KC ! OOKC S 100KC 200KC I I 200KC q I 1 / I / Iii I i I I I 400KC I 400KC 1 I I 4 I 1000KC I 1 / / I 1 .1000KC i , / */ i i i ii I If / a , / / / ? i / 4/1/25?C /7?01 iA IN AIR 250?C IN AIR 2 .4 .6 .8 H- oersted 13-H CURVES-SAMPLE 690F114-2 LO 1.2 Figure 9. B-H Curves - Toroid 690 F 114-2 -65?C in Air; 250?C in Air 1.5 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 )0 B-H CURVES 690F1 14 2 ? -- -65?C 250?C CHAMBER IN AIR 50kc 200k c ,..____..... ? 50 kc ....* .. 0#1 .00 .??? ........? ? ? ..... ? ? =MI 1=1?0 200 kc i / / 410?. ..... 1000kc ...... -- ------ o.... am.. ..... ?Ill? .11D 1MMID ????? =MO .01MI? 1000kc 7 A - Toroid 690 F 114-2 -65?C in Air; 250?C in Air 1 B-H CURVES 723F189 WATER 25?C -I ? 4 ? ?AIR 250?C . , 50kc KNDkc 200kc , 400kc ..... ._ ? ''''' , ---- --- --- ...oe 50 kc 100 kc 200 kc 10001cc 4001cc ? ? ? ? ? ? -- ? ? ?. -- .? ? ? -- --. ? ? "0,0 IP? /.00? ..... /,' .00 ,. ..? .0,,, .-- ,....4 61. # / ..... / ..- ?????? --.(---'--- ..0.?? .......- Figure 11. B-H Curves - Toroid 723 F 189-1 25?C in Water; 250?C in Air Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 .f? 4000 ? 3500 B-H CURVES 723F189 - I 65*C CHAMBER (AIR) 250?C ? IN AIR ?41 3000 2500 cn 3 2000 co go taigkaitio \0 1500 1000 500 50kc ova. ems. ?????? ow. MOM. mow. Nam a?MIF 4M..... 0 .2 ...4,1ftsgt? 400 0 3500 3000 2500 cno 2000 cc 1500 100 0 500 I 0 0 00 .2 .4 .6 J3 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .9 1.0 H OERSTED 1.1 Figure 12. B-H Curves - Toroid 723 F 189-1 -65?C in Air; 250?C in Air ,.16'41,14g:Z;"44 12 1.3 %i I '45 ? 1:7t, --e4,441" 1.4 I . 8-H CURVES 724-FI88- I ?WATER 25?C ---AIR 250?C , 1, '50KC 50 KC 100KC 1 OOKC 200KC 200K 400K 1000KC Ai. . -- --- ...-- ? ?..=.40r ...- 4III? MEM 400 KC ? ON... , ..- / de zW // I 000KC ?????? ,. .......-......gagif..... -r- - H- OERSTED .10 1.2 Figure 13. B-H Curves - Toroid 724 F 188-1 25?C in Water; 250?C in Air 1 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 The data shown in Figures 3 through 13 were obtained in a series of experiments carried out to determine the behavior of Compositions 690, 704, 723, and 724 which encompass a ZnO content from 15 mol% to 20 mol% and a Fe203 content from 50 mol % to 54.6 mol%. The curves were obtained by measuring the peak H values required to drive the test sample to peak B values of 100, 300, 500, 700 and 1000 gauss at five frequencies, 50, 100, 200, 400 and 1000 kc. Four different temperature situations were employed: (1) the sample was immersed in water at 25?C in an effort to find the properties of the sample at 25?C; (2) the sample was suspended in still air at 25?C and allowed to reach a steady state temperature distribution in equilibrium with the air; (3) the sample was suspended in a tube furnace in still air at 250?C and allowed to reach steady state temperature distribution in equilibrium with the air. The temperature rise above ambient may have been as much as 100?C in the high loss situations; (4) the sample was suspended in still air at -65?C and allowed to reach a steady state. Further comment should be made regarding the low temperature measurements. The low temperature chamber was a brass test tube immersed in a methyl alcohol bath, the temperature of which was adjusted to keep the temperature of the brass wall at -65?C +2?C. The bath consisted of 1500 cc of methyl alcohol in a Dewar flask. The bath was cooled to the desired temperature with dry ice and had sufficient heat capacity to make adjustments about -65?C an easy task when the test samples were dissipating several watts. The magnetic samples were sealed in the brass tube (to avoid air circulation) about 4 inches below the bath liquid surface. A thermocouple was attached to the outside of the brass tube adjacent to the sample. The bath was stirred manually. In this arrangement, the tempera- ture of the ferrite was permitted to rise until its heat loss to the walls reached steady state. At least one minute was allowed for this, although the observable 'changes were accomplished in 30 seconds. Core loss measurements. Hysteresis energy loss per unit volume per cycle is defined by e" D?dli with H varying from -Hmax to -fflmax around the closed for computing the loss in watts per cubic centimeter p= (1/4n)fABH x 10-7 where f . frequency of operation in cps A = area of hysteresis loop in cm2 B = scale factor, gauss/cm 11 . scale factor, oersted/cm p . loss in watts/cm3 Via*, - 20 loop. The formula is (1) Figure 14 shows the loss in watts/cm3 for toroid 704 F 158-1SB as a function of Bmax and frequency. The data for Figure 14 were obtained with the sample immersed in water at 30?C. It is seen that the core losses reach the maximum power output capacity of the hysteresigraph driver. It is also of interest to express the losses in ergs/cm3 per cycle. This representation As shown in Figure 1.1. The dependence of loss on B ranges from (Bmax)1.? at 50 kc to (Bmax) at 400 kc. To obtain the frequency dependence of loss, data from Figure 15 are replotted in Figure 16. Figure 16 shows loss in ergs/cm3 per cycle as a function of frequency with Bmax as parameter. The frequency dependence is geen to be approximately 0.35 at 100 gauss, f0'55 at 300 gauss, and f?'' at 1000 gauss, considerably below an fl'? eddy current dependence. Figure 17 is a graphic representation of several scattered experi- mental measurements made in air. The object of obtaining this information was to determine the range of permeabilities obtainable in selected frequency and flux density intervals. The data for Figure 17 were obtained with the core in air at 25?C ambient for a given frequency and flux level; the core was allowed to attain an equilibrium operating temperature. At 200 kc and a peak flux of 600 gauss, the resulting equilibrium core temperature lay be- tween 8o?c and 93?C. At the same frequency and a peak flux of 1055 gauss, a temperature between 149?C and 163?C was attained. Still at 200 kc but 1460 gauss, the temperature rose to the interval 288?C to 316?C. It was further observed that at 100 kc and below, the core can be saturated without charring the magnet wire but, of course, the saturation value is lower than that observed under DC conditions at 25?C. The break even point with respect to charring and saturation occurs at about 200 kc. It may be further mentioned that the Formex wire used in these experiments begins to char at 200?C. Flux levels at 1000 kc above those shown resulted in charring of the formex wire. Compositional Control It was pointed out above that one objective to the approach govern- ing the development of high power ferrites was the incorporation of magnetite in solid solution with the nickel-zinc ferrite. The amount of magnetite present is reflected by the Fe2+ content of a given sample, which is con- trolled by the oxygen concentration of the firing atmosphere. A series of experiments was carried out for two purposes. These were: (1) to determine the effects of atmospheres of different oxygen con- centration on the Fe2+ content; and (2) to produce a series of nickel-zinc- ferrous ferrite samples containing a wide range of Fe2+ contents. Composi- tions 690, 7041 737, 730A, and 731 were used in these experiments. 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 LOSS WATTS / CM3 100 1 LIMIT FIXED BY POWER AVAILABLE FROM DRIVER 1.s. am= alm dm. a. am. ems dm. ammo ??mm 10 100 0 KC/ 400KC 200 KC 100 KC 1.0 0.1 .01 WO Figure 14. LOSS ERGS/ CM3/ CYCLE Figure 15. CORE LOSS 704F 158? ISB IN WATER 30' C 300 1000 limax GAUSS 50KC 3000 Core Loss in Watts/cm3 for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Bmax with Frequency as Parameter 1000 100 10 1000 / KC / / 400 KC ' 50 KC 100 KC 200 KC 100 CORE LOSS 704 FI58? ISB IN WATER AT 30' C 300 1000 8 max GAUSS 3000 Core Loss in Ergs/cm per Cycle for Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Bmax with Frequency as Parameter 22 LOSS ERGS /CM 3/ CYCLE 1000 100 10 1 2000 GAUSS 1000 GAUSS 300 CORE 704 F158-ISB IN WATER GAUSS LOSS 30?C 100 GAUSS 50 100 200 400 FREQUENCY (KILIOCYCLES /SEC.) 1000 Figure 16. Core Loss in Ergs/cm3 per Cycle for Toroid 704 F 158-13B as Function of Frequency with Bmax as Parameter 44 2000 co cc ta 0 1500 1000 500 2 Lu CC a. II, 2000 GAUSS 1' 704FI58 - I SB IN AIR AT 25?C , I 1000 GAUSS _ CORE TEMPERATURE AT STEADY STATE NO0 GAUSS 250 GAUSS N 50 100 200 400 FREQUENCY (KILOCYCLES/SEC.) Figure 17. Permeability of Toroid 704 F 158-1SB as Function of Frequency with Bmax as Parameter 1000 23 STAT STAT 1lP lassifi d in Part Sanitized COPY Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Experiment 690 F 144. Five 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/2 inch slugs of Composi- tion 690 were fired in a tube furnace. The rate of rise was 46?C/hr in flowing oxygen. The samples were held at 1507?C for 1 hour in flowing oxygen. At the end of 1 hour, sample number I was quenched into water. With the temp- erature still at 1507?C, the atmosphere was changed to flowing air for 1 hour ' at which time sample number 2 was quenched into water. The atmosphere was then changed to a 97.4% argon - 2.6% oxygen mixture for one hour at which time sample number 3 was quenched into water. Sample number 4 had an additional hour in 0.24% oxygen. Sample number 5, besides all that had gone before, had an additional hour in 0.042% oxygen. Analysis for Pea+ yielded the following results: Sample %02 Fe2+ No. 1 100 1.26 No. 2 20 1.08 No. 3 2.6 1.73 No. 4 0.24 1.97 No. 5 0.024 1.82 The expected result in this experiment is to have the weight % + Fe2 increase steadily from sample number 1 through sample number 5. There Is a trend toward such behavior and on a plot of weight % Fe2+ vs. percent oxygen a line of positive slope could be fitted to these points. Actually, the Fe2+ content overshot the mark. The weight % Fe2+ for all the excess iron converted to magnetite is 1.68% for this composition. Three of the five samples exceed this value. In ferrite systems with which we are familiar the presence of Fe2+ in excess of the stoichiometric amount is accompanied by a second solid phase. The surface appearance of these samples did not arouse any suspicion of a second phase so were not examined under the microscope. Whether or not another phase was present is not known. The deviation of values from the expected increase probably arises in parts from the heating cycle. The heating rate was slow and the firing temperature high. It is possible that even before the samples reached the high temperature soak, their density was near maximum and their porosity very small. At the end of the high temperature soak, their Fe2+ content was about 1.2%. There probably was a scatter of a few tenths of a percent in the Fe2+ content of the five samples at this point, presumably due to variations in density and porosity. In the course of the experiment, each successive decrease in the oxygen content of the furnace atmosphere increased the net rate of escape of oxygen from the samples. However, this rate of escape may also have been determined largely by variations in density and porosity. This same condition is encountered in all the experiments which will be described below. 24 Experiment 690 F 143. Five slugs of Composition 690 were fired in oxygen with a rise rate of 79?C/hr, soaked at 1415?C for 3 hours. Sample number 1 was quenched into water. Then a schedule of gas changes, similar to those of the experiment described above but with 2 hour treatments at each change of gas was carried out with the following results: Sample $02 Wt % Fe2+ No. 1 100 1.22 No. 2 20 1.39 No. 3 2.8 1.47 No. 4 0.28 1.35 No. 5 0.028 1.81 The Fe2+ values encountered here are subject to the same varia- bility as those of the previous experiment. Except for the number 3 sample, they show the expected trend. Experiment 690 F 145. Four slugs of Composition 690 were fired in air at 96?C/hr rate of rise, soaked at 1405?C for 4 hours, then cooled in about 30 minutes to 1205?C at which temperature they were held for 3 hours. Sample number I was quenched into water then a schedule of gas changes was begun. The amount of time for each gas was much longer than in the experiments above since it was anticipated that a much longer time would be required for diffusion processes to achieve equilibrium at this lower temperature. The times used are indicated below: Sample No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 %02 Duration Wt % Fe2+ 20 3 hours 1.05 1.06 2.0 0.20 0.02 3 2 1/2 0.73 4 1.04 In this experiment, there is less scatter of results than in the previous one, but one is forced to conclude that the different treatments made negligible difference in 1e2+ content. The fact seems to be that for samples which have been fired to 1400?C and above the response to different values of oxygen content in the furnace atmosphere are sluggish and erratic Experiments 704 F 143 and 704 F 144. Similar sluggish and erratic response was found using slugs of Composition 704. The gas changes were identical to those used in the 690 experiments. 25 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 i f: Sample *02 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Wt% Fe2+ at 1507?C at 1405?C No. 1 100 1.41 No. 2 20 1.45 1.48 No. 3 2.0 1.03 1.60 No. 4 0.20 1.55 1.44 No. 5 0.02 1.71 1.94 The weight percent Fe2+ for all the excess iron converted to magnetite is 2.81%. This was not exceeded in these experiments. A possible explanation is that temperatures higher than were used here are required to drive off enough oxygen to convert all the excess iron to magnetite. If this is the case, for this composition, the densification process can take place at a temperature further removed from the temperature at which sub- stantial amounts of oxygen are driven off. This, in turn, makes the forma- tion of Fe2+ an even slower process than in Composition 690. Keeping in mind that there will be a scatter of values due to variations in density from sample to sample, we must conclude that in this series of treatments, Composition 704 has failed to respond to different values of oxygen content in the furnace atmosphere out to 0.20% 02. Permeability and Fe2+ content. Although the sluggish response of the Fe2+ content of these ferrites has thus far prevented the preparation of magnetic test samples by a method that will give an accurately predicted value of Fe2+ content, some data relating magnetic properties and Fe2+ content have been collected. Seven samples of Composition 704 were selected (because of their high B values at A = 1 oersted with direct current) from seven separate firings. The differences between firings were trivial, con- sisting of small differences in soak temperature or soak time. The samples were analyzed for Fe2+ content for the purpose of determining whether or not this collection of superior samples occurred at any particular content of Fe2+. Thus, results of these analyses are plotted against B values in Figure 18. They occupy a relatively narrow band of Peal' contents. The lowest B of the set lies at the low Fe2+ edge of the series. If there is a trend, it seems to be that the higher B values go with the higher Fe2+ values. Domain Wall Relaxation and Dispersion From Figures 2 through 13 above, it is seen that the effective large signal permeability for a given ferrite decreases with increasing frequency. This dispersion in the large signal permeability is due to domain wall relaxation. 26 - Caniti7Pri r.npv Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 03.1.83ANO0 204e.A SS30X3 11V 240A z CO.A 7.8?Z ? e ese a31S830 I 3. H 80d 9 A RDP81 01043R002800240003-8 27 0 0 0 V. Campos it ion 704. STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 The domain wall relaxation phenomenon can be described as follows. When a core is being driven around a hysteresis loop and a condition of dynamic equilibrium has been achieved, the same pattern of domain wall creation and motion takes place during each cycle. Wall motion in a given direction must be accomplished during the time occupied by half of the cycle. At very low frequencies, the progress of a domain wall in sweeping out its as- signed volume depends upon the magni- tude of the magnetizing field effec- tive in the volume occupied by the wall, and upon the "height" of the barriers currently impeding the motion of the wall. A wall once over a barrier moves to the next barrier in a time short compared with the time for half a cycle. In this situation, B reaches its maximum at the same time as H reaches its maximum. At sufficiently high fre- quencies a different situation obtains. A wall once freed from a barrier may not advance to the next barrier in a time small compared with the time required for half a cycle. A wall may continue to move in the same direction after the value of H has passed through its maxi- mum value. In this case, B reaches its maximum value after H has reached its maximum value and the hysteresis loop assumes an elliptical shape. When the frequency is so high that many walls fail to reach barriers for lack of time, the maximum value of B associated with a driving field of a given maxi- mum value begins to decline. At suf- ficiently high frequencies, the walls may move practically not at all. Rotation of the magnetization of whole domains may in comparison with domain wall motion be the easier pro- cess for changing the direction of magnetization. 4.74, 28 (a) LOW FREQUENCY B MAX HMAX (b.) INTERMEDIATE FREQUENCY ( c.) HIGH FREQUENCY The situation is schematically represented in the accompanying set of diagrams. Diagram (a) corresponds to the low frequency case with Bmax and Hmax occurring at the same time. In diagram (b) the frequency is intermediate, Bmax occurs at a later time in comparison with Hmax and some ellipticity in the loop has been introduced. At sufficiently high frequencies, diagram (c), the loop is essentially elliptical and the permeability is considerably reduced. Additional experiments were performed to determine the dispersion of the large signal permeability in high temperature transformer ferrites. In these experiments, Compositions 704, 737, 730A, and 731 were used. The test specimens were toroids of OD = 0.75 inch, ID = 0.50 inch, ht = 0.20 inch before firing. In order to have the critical parts of the firing take place during the working day so that they could be observed, the following firing procedure was used: The samples were loaded in a tube furnace at the end of the day and the furnace temperature was programmed to arrive at 982?C at 8 a.m. During this rise, the samples were in flowing air. The gas or gas mixture to be used was then set flowing through the tube containing the samples. Since these compositions will precipitate a hematite second phase if cooled in oxygen or gases containing appreciable oxygen) it was necessary to switch to argon for atmosphere protection during the fall. However, if argon is admitted too soon, the ferrite is damaged. To minimize the danger, 0.01% oxygen mixture was used from 1100?C to 982?C and argon from 982?C to roam temperature. The rate of rise from 982?C to the soak was 123?C/hr, our maximum controlled rate, and the rate of fall after soak, 371?C/hr. These rates al- lowed the process to fit into a working day. The magnetic evaluation had to be kept as brief as possible be- cause of the large number of samples involved, nearly 100. For a first screening, measurements of B were made for two values of HI 0.7 oersteds and 1.4 oersteds. The B values were obtained at D.C. (ballistic galvanometer), 50 kc, and 1000 kc. Based on these data, ten samples were chosen which represented a wide variety of dispersion behavior. These were then measured in more detail between 50 kc and 1000 kc to determine the shapes of the dispersion curves. Magnetic evaluation. An introduction to the dispersion of large signal permeability can best be obtained from the curves for the ten selec- ted samples shown in Figure 19. These samples were measured carefully to determine the shapes of the curves between 50 kc and 1000 kc. The dashed 29 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 kr; 4000 3000 2 2000 co 1000 H CONSTANT 1 0.7oe A B ? C D E ....--- ?11.? 1 104 105 fCPS 106 COMP FIRED A 704 2730F I HR. B 704 2530F 3 HR. C 704 2730F I HR. D 704 2430F 2 1/2 HR. E 704 2430F 21/2 HR. ATMOSPHERE 100% 02 0.2% 02 0.2%02 0.2% 02 4.0%02 4000 3000 2000 co 0.7 1000 H CONSTANT O.7 o. 0103 104 105icf fCPS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 4000 3000 < 2000 co 1000 0310 74-1 ...-- ........ ....-- ..... 'H CONSTANT I.4oe ...,--" .. ....? ? ---7... E 104 105 fCPS 106 COMP FIRED ATMOSPHERE F 731 2730 IHR. 100% G 731 2610 IHR. 100% 02 H 730A 2530 3HR. 0.2% 02 J 731 2530 3HR. 0.2% 02 K 730 2610 2HR. 0.01% 02 4000 3000 ? 2000 CD a) 1000 0 1.4 I H CONSTANT .. FGH i 1.40. ? ....? ---- --. JK ------- , 104 105 fCPS 106 Figure 19. Typical Dispersion Curves at Two Values of H 30 part of each curve connects the 50 kc value to the D.C. value which has arbitrarily been placed at 1 kc. This is a way of indicating where the curve ultimaterly should terminate. Composition numbers and firing conditions are shown on the figure. There are some general features to be noted. When H = 0.7 oersteds, the curves are concave upward if B is greater than 1000 gauss at 50 kc. The curves have an inflection point after which they are concave downward if B is less than 1000 gauss at 50 kc. When H = 1.4 oersteds, nine of the ten curves are concave downward at 50 kc, two curves, A and F) have inflection points. Curves A and F are examples in which a large part of the dispersion takes place between 50 kc and 1000 kc. The shapes of the other curves can be understood when it is realized that only portions of curves are seen the shapes of which are simi- lar to those of A and F. Examined from this point of view) the concave upward curves ob- tained at H = 0.7 oersteds are the "high frequency" part of dispersion curves. The concave downward curves obtained at H = 1.4 oersteds are the "low frequency" part of dispersion curves. The curves which have inflection points are exhibiting the middle frequencies of their dispersion curves. These curves illustrate how the relaxation is shifted to higher frequencies when the driving field is increased. The steep part of the dispersion curve occurs at those frequencies which are beginning to allow insufficient time for a domain wall to sweep through the same volume that was traversed at lower frequencies. Within certain limits, increasing the ? driving field will increase the domain wall velocity and consequently.move the steep part of the dispersion curve to higher frequencies. Figures 20, 21, 22, 23 show additional results. Each figure pre- sents data for samples fired in one atmosphere beginning with 100% oxygen in Figure 20, through 0.01% oxygen in Figure 23. The shapes of the disper- sion curves have been assumed to be similar to those shown in Figure 19 and were obtained by joining the 50 kc and 1000 kc points with an approp- riate curve chosen from Figure 19. Consider the 50 kc properties first. The highest permeabilities are obtained by firing at the highest temperature, 1500?C in 100% oxygen. The individual compositions rate in the order of the amount of extra Fe203 they contain. Composition 704 contains the most excess Fe203. The peak in low frequency permeability shifts to lower firing temperatures as the oxygen content of the gas is decreased. ? at the oxygen High permeability at 1000 kc is obtained most reliably by firing lower temperatures and low percent oxygen such as 1390?C in 0.2% or 1330?C in 0.01% oxygen. 31 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 6-1 - Dispersion curves were extended to lower frequencies for samples of Compositions 704 and 730A. The entire set of characteristic curves for these specimens are shown in Figures 24 and 25. From these results, it is seen that the relaxation frequency associated with Composition 730A is greater than that for Composition 702. The high relaxation frequency of Composition 730A accounts for the superior behavior at 1000 kc of this material over Composition 704 with respect to permeability. 32 F247 4000 3000 0 A B -... - a. N. % % % N N \ \\ FIRED 2730F IHR io 3 104 f C.P.S. o 5 106 A= COMP 704 B = COMP 737 C= COMP 730A D= COMP 731 F249 400 3000 (nu) 2000 CD CO 1000 0 1 FIRED _ 2530F ...... 2/1 HR 2 .at..., 4.... .... 0.. ... .... A BC ....... .. D .....z.... ....- ? ......... io3 104 f C.F?S. io 5 106 F240 4000 3 (1') 2000 co CD ca 1000 I I FIRED 2610F 2HR ABC D r: _ 10 3 104 fC.PS. 10 5 106 ALL SAMPLES FIRED IN 100%02 MEASURED IN WATER 25?C F251 4000 3000 cn co 2000 CD CD 1000 0 I FIRED 1 2430 F24HR 1 ........ ..? OM .... ' ABC D N , 103 104 105 f C.PS. iocS Fiaure 20, Dispersion Curves at H 0.7 Oersteds And H = 1.h Oersteds 33 TAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 F-242 4000 3000 co 2000 CD 1000 FIRED 2610F 2HR. ? 1111V".? ???.. ? %ft 0 1133 104 105 I CPS 106 A= COMP 704 B= COMP 737 ' C* COMP 730A D= COMP 731 F-253 ALL SAMPLE FIRED IN 4%02 AT TEMPERATURES INDICATED MEASURED IN WATER 25?C F-249 Figure 21. Dispersion Curves at H 0.7 Oersteds and H 1.1 Oersteds 31t F-248 4000 3000 (J) 2000 CD 1000 I FIRED I 2730F IHR ..... ? C D .111 IL. ..? fCPS lo. A= COMP 704 B = COMP 737 C = COMP 730A = COMP 731 F-245 4000 3000 u) 2000 4 CD CO 1000 I FIRED ...?....4.1. I 2530F ..... 3HR. --- , ABCD .......4. on. .1.. .%?... ????? .??,. .II, ? 1?? Ion ma flo ei on .un ihillih MED WED INN _ i03 IO 4 I05 fCPS F-241 4000 3000 V, 2000 1000 ... FIRED I I 2610F ... 2 HR. ? -5- - -- , 1.?.- ....... 7-1- AB ? CD ....... --? .0.10 ? OW 4111 1111116\ io 4 fCPS 106 ALL SAMPLES FIRED IN 0.2%0 MEASURED IN WATER 25?C F-250 4000 3000 2 2000 CD 1000 I FIRED I 2430F 21/2 HR ... 0/. ??? ..... ? .....- ?0 .... ? ABC' \ \ OM ,Ilr OM .? ,I=I? an& =10 11116"4"14.4 a?mb am 4MID OM il. i?3 RY4 105 fCPS 106 figure 22. Dispersion Curves at H = 0.7 Oersteds and H = 1.4 Oersteds 35 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 iff.i ? A= COMP 704 B= COMP. 737 C= COMP. 730A D= COMP 731 F-254 F-243 4000 3000 D 2000 1000 FIRED 1 2610F 2 HR. 0- .-- ? waINIM? 0.2M.0 ..- im. owe IMO ....t ?--.-.... , a.. ? C D A ,-i- MID MIEN00.? B 104 105 fCPS 106 4000 3000 Cl) D 2000 100 ? I FIRED 2545F '-..1-----=.*: A. B I 21/2 HR. CD .../.-.,1 ....,,.. ..... _............ ......_ , 103 104 105 fCPS 106 ALL SAMPLES FIRED IN 0.01% 02 MEASURED IN WATER 25?C F-252 4000 3000 2000 CD 1000 0 1 I, FIRED 1 2430F 2 4I. ..... ''' 1/2HR. lo 4IM. A B 0. C D .... - ? ? , , ..... .... .... - - - ? ...Vs ????? .... WED Ewa aim WPM .?=1 .... .21i. 3 I04 105 fCPS 106 Figure 23. Dispersion Curves at H = 0.7 Oersteris and H = 1.4 Oersteds 36 4000 3500 3000 2500 0 I; 2000 0 1500 1000 50Q FREQUENCY KC/SEC 4.0 10 25 50 100 250 630 1000 2.5 I 6.3 16 I 40165 160 I 400 H=3.0 oe H=1.4oe H=1.0 oe H=0.78 oe H'0.68 ., Hz0.48oe H=0.22oe 104 105 FREQUENCY CPS Figure 24. Dispersion Curves for Toroi0 70/4 F 158-1SB in Water at 250C 37 106 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 10 ? k* 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 cp 1500 1000 500 40 FREQUENCY K /C SEC 10 25 50 100 250 630 1000 2.5 6.3 16 MR1111111111111114% 4* GO 160 1 1 400 1 1 :?? H3.0 Oe H=1.4 oe IL H= 0.7oe 1E 1 H=0.52 oe 116. Hz0,46oe 1II -4.11.1 Hz0;3 oe H= 0.15 oe - 104 105 FREQUENCY CPS 106 Figure 25. Dispersion Curves for Toroid 730k F 21..-1 in Water at 25?0 38 Y.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The utility of a high temperature transformer ferrite depends upon its intended application. The magnetization curves given in the body of the text may be considered as characteristics for design use. However, from the point of view of large signal permeability definite recommendations can be made as a result of the investigations carried out during the period covered by this report. For operation at frequencies up to 200 kc in an ambient tempera- ture range -65?C to +250?C, Composition 704 is recommended for high large signal permeability. The proper firing schedule is 1480?C for 2 hours in 100% oxygen. This material must be cooled in a protective atmosphere such as argon. For operation at frequencies between 200 kc and 1000 kc in an ambient temperature range -65?C to +250?C, Composition 731 is recommended for high large signal permeability. The characteristics of Composition 731 are similar to those of Composition 730A but are more reproducible. The proper firing schedule is 1370?C for 3 hours in 0.2% oxygen, and cooled in the same atmosphere. A measure of the large signal permeability can be obtained by considering the flux in the core when the driving field is 1.0 oersted. Thus, below 200 kc the permeability of Composition 704 lies between 3000 and 1500, the decrease occurring monotonically with frequency. For frequen- cies between 200 kc and 1000 kc, the large signal permeability of Composition 731 varies between 1500 and 600. It is also recommended that work in this area'of ferrite materials development be terminated until the present materials are evaluated in a specific application. After this evaluation, further effort may be fruitful in tailoring specific properties to the needs of a given device. 39 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 ti 71' SECTION III MATERIALS FOR LOW SIGNAL APPLICATIONS Objective The objective of this work is to produce ferrite materials having a high ?Q product and low temperature coefficient of permeability. It is desired that the characteristics of developmental samples be relatively unaffected by prolonged exposure to high humidity, and suitable for opera- tion over the temperature range -65?C to +250?C. Approach The approach taken in this effort is to determine the processing conditions and compositions necessary to yield the above combination of properties. It is well known that for a given composition, specimens fired at low temperature and for short times (low heat work) generally exhibit lower loss than samples fired at high temperature for long times (high heat work). Typical data showing this trend are given in Table III. All aspects of the preparation and treatment of the samples listed in Table III were equivalent except the final firing. It should be stressed that the aspect of preparation concerned with here is that of firing temperature and time. The comparison in Table III is given only to illustrate that particular pro- cessing parameter. It should not be inferred that this is the only para- meter which controls the low loss characteristics in low signal materials. Pressing pressure, particle size, heating and cooling rates, and specific composition, as well as the effects of impurities and additives strongly influence the ultimate low loss characteristics. TABLE III EFFECT OF FIRING TIME AND TEMPERATURE ON MAGNETIC Q. COMPOSITION: 48 MOL% Fe2031 25 MOL% ZnO) 26.5 MOL% NiO, 0.5 MOI % V205. Sintering Temp. Sintering Time Q at 1 mc Q at 4 mc 1139?C 1266 30 min. 240 min. 60 21 47 5 The firing cycle should be such as to discourage the formation of ferrous iron as this is known to reduce the resistivity in ferrites giving rise to appreciable eddy current losses at high frequencies. The nickel zinc ferrites with small additions of vanadium pent- oxide present a promising system in which to work. Nickel zinc ferrites have been studied extensively and processing variations permit a wide lati- tude of properties. 110 Compositions of interest to this study must contain less than 18 moPS ZnO in order that the Curie temperature be sufficiently high (above 350?C). The temperature coefficient of initial permeability then can be expected to remain low up to 250?C. The temperature coefficient generally increases strongly in the neighborhood of the Curie temperature. Ferrite Compositions The range of compositions investigated during the phase covered by this report is given in Table IV. TABLE IV DESCRIPTION OF FERRITE COMPOSITIONS FOR LOW SIGNAL APPLICATIONS Comp. No. Mol% Fe203 Mol% NiO Mol% ZnO Mol% V205 NiO/ZnO 67 50.0 34.5 15.0 0.5 2.30 59 56.o 28.5 15.0 0.5 1.90 73 48.o 36.5 15.0 0.7 2.43 75 50.0 32.4 17.1 0.5 1.90 76 48.0 33.7 17.8 0.5 1.90 77 49.9 34.4 15.0 0.7 2.30 78 49.9 32.3 17.1 0.7 1.90 79 47.9 33.6 17.8 0.7 1.90 8o 55.9 28.4 15.0 0.7 1.90 81 50.1 32.5 17.1 0.3 1.90 82 48.1 33.8 17.8 0.3 1.90 83 56.1 28.6 15.0 0.3 1.90 84 49.7 32.6 17.1 0.5 1.90 85 49.5 32.8 17.2 0.5 1.90 86 50.1 34.6 15.0 0.3 2.30 285 50.0 42.0 7.5 0.5 5.60 141 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 ;1 Of the compositions listed in Table IV, three were shown to be of particular interest, Compositions 67, 841 and 285. The low signal properties of these materials are such to cover a range of initial permea- bility from 12 to 120, exhibit low loss, and possess a low temperature co- efficient of permeability over the temperature interval -65?C to +250?C. Also, these low signal properties are not affected by prolonged exposure to high humidity. Standard ceramic fabrication procedures have been followed in the processing of these compositions. Usual practice has been to weigh out approximately 1 kg total batch on a large (2 kg) analytical balance. The resultant mixture is ball milled overnight for about 16 hours in a one gallon iron mill with steel balls, in the presence of about 1 1/2 liter deionized water. This process both mixes and grinds. The slurry is then placed in glass drying pans and brought to dryness in standard ovens. The next step in the process is to run the dried powder through a pulverizer for sizing. Binder is added as & by weight Hyform emulsion containing 30% wax. The resulting slurry is again ball-milled for 15 hours, after which it is dried at a low temperature (less than 60?C). The cake is then broken and pelletized through a 60 mesh sieve. Some initial experiments included the preparation of Composition 285 in pellet sizes: (a) -20, material retained on No. 20 sieve; (b) ,20-401 material passing No. 20 sieve retained on No. 4o sieve; (c) +20, all material passing No. 20 sieve; (d) +801 all material passing No. 8o sieve. The results of these early evaluations indicated that small pellets yield a greater densification and better quality ceramic when fired at low temperature and short time. Thus, the procedure was standardized using the 60 mesh sieve. (60 mesh pellets are easier to handle than 80 mesh and this sorting is preferred from a manufacturing point of view.) Results of Magnetic Evaluation The primary results of magnetic evaluation of the various composi- tions of interest are given below. Humidity effects. Under proper conditions a saturated solution of lead nitrate will maintain a relative humidity of 98% at 20?C in a closed chamber. Wound toroids of Composition 67, 84, and 285 were placed in this environment for 350 hours (approximately 15 days) and measurements of permea- bility and Q were made at intervals at a frequency of 1.5 mc. Data for Compositions 67 and 84 are given in Table V . For Compo- sition 285 the sample used had a permeability of 14 which remained constant over the entire time interval. The intrinsic loss in the 285 sample was so low that after the correction for wire loss was made the associated Q values were infinite within the limits of experimental error. This was the case for measurements made over the entire time interval of 350 hours. As a re- sult, the data for composition 285 are not given in Table V. 1.2 Although Q values appear somewhat erratic, it is safe to con- clude that if loss increases with exposure to high humidity, (2 decreases no more than 10t over the period considered here. It is seen from Table V that permeabilities remain constant. TABLE V EFFECT OF HIGH HUMIDITY ON go AND Q FOR COMPOSITIONS 67 AND 84 (RELATIVE HUMIDITY - 98%) Comp. Firing 57 84 1100'C-10 min. Pereny furnace 1150C-11 min. Pereny furnace Time 4o 9 0 hrs. Y5 240 25 75 255 75 75 208 170 75 211.0 350 75 223 o 125 221 25 125 278 75 125 178 170 125 212 350 125 205 In addition to the results presented in Table VI further measure- ments were made on a selected toroid of Composition 84 (toroid 84.11). De- termination of permeability And Q were made over a period of 215 hours. The lata are presented in Table VI. The results obtained here are essentially the same as observed pre- viously. The permeability is unaffected by prolonged exposure and a slight increase in loss is observed with increasing time of exposure. .Apparently, the entire decrease in Q, about 10%, takes place during the first 120 hours. )43 ???? STAT STAT n Inssif d in Part Sanitized COPY Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 TABLE VI EFFECT OF HIGH HUMIDITY ON PERMEABILITY AND Q OF TOROID 84.11 Time P.? Q Temp. 0 hours 110 235 2?C 1 110 235 24 20 110 223 24 45 110 225 24 120 110 220 25 140 110 218 24 170 110 218 26 190 110 223 26 215 110 220 23 Permeability, Q, and ?Q product. In Figures 26 through 30 permea- bility, magnetic Q and the ?Q product as functions of temperature are shown for several samples. The measurements were made at a frequency of 1.5 mc. Table VIIbelow lists the toroids for which the data in Figures 26 through 30 were obtained. TABLE VII DESCRIPTION OF comrosiTioNs Comp. No. Toroid No. Eeat Treatment 67 57.24 uncalcined Fired 1100?C - 20 min. 67 67.52 calcined (750?C - 3 hrs.) Fired 1100?C - 15 min. 67 57.54 uncalcined Fired 1100?C - 15 min. 84 84.7 uncalcined Fired 1050?C - 10 min. 84 84.11 uncalcined Fired 1152?C - 11 min. From Figure 26, it can be seen that the major effect of calcina- tion is to increase significantly the temperature coefficient of initial permeability. Figures 27 and 28 give the results for selected samples of Compo- sition 67 which has a larger Ni0nn0 ratio than Composition 84. The data for Composition 84 are given in Figures 29 and 30. 44 x d 03 MOM a) 0 a V c C a C, I I a a . \ i _ 0 rti 0 0 03 0 8 0 45 0 0 T STAT STA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 a n. 50 100 240 90 230 80 220 70 a, 210 60 200 50 -150 -100 -50 0 50 TEMPERATURE IN ? C . ???-? ?-;.-147 7r_e, 1.4"."" - . Po ?momimlion if ? a 3, 230 100 220 90 80 210 200 70 190 60 180 50 100 '7 0 o 31 28 25 22 19 16 150 200 250 -Figure 27. Temperature Variation of p, and Q. for Toroid 67.24 f = 1.5 me ?Siki ) ???????? 25 22 Pc) 19 1- -150 - Km -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 TEMPERATURE IN ?C 'Figure 28. Temperature Variation of p and Q, for Toroid 67.5Z 0)f = 1.5 mc ?0") 'H :? H 16 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 . .2?.7,- a =. 230 120 220 110 210 100 200 90 co 190 80 180 70 -150 _ ? ? s- ';;;;;;;;:47,4-..;1.4; I I \ I '1111 ? -100 -50 0 50 TEMPERATURE IN ?C Vjure 29. 42121:44:4S.V1,1-- ? 250 140 130 235 120 110 220 100 -150 100 150 Temperature Variation of n and Q. for Toroid 84.7 f 2r- 1.5 me larst,Viaiaf 4,741A.t' 411: 200 a 8 5 2 19 16 13 250 ...z.v41?;;; qr.;;VAtilia.,145:,i14-kia,i14v,kr,V111,4ji." 4,7'A .7, 7"." / 0 I FA A PQ I diaiMMIW IIIM?l? _ ? ? ? -100 50 0 50 TEMPERATURE IN ?C 100 150 Figure 30. Temperature Variation of p and Q for Toroid 814.11 f 1.5-me 200 30 27 24 21 18 250 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 It is well known that the measured values of permeability and Q depend upon the amplitude of the driving signal. The true low signal values of these parameters are obtained by extrapolating the measured values to zero field. Figure 31 shows the results obtained for a selected sample of Composition 84. In Figure 31, ?. and Q are shown as functions of driving field, and it is clear that these parameters are essentially independent of drive over the range considered. The constancy of Q indicates a very low value of hysteresis coefficient for this material. A General Radio Twin-T bridge was used to obtain the spectrum of the low signal parameters over the frequency range 1 to 30 mc. Seven test bodies were examined, six of Composition 84 and one of Composition 285. Table VIII gives the data on the firing of these samples. Figure 32 shows Q as a function of frequency for the seven samples referred to above. From Figure 32, it is seen that the Q of Composition 285 (Sample 7) is considerably higher than that for Composition 84 (Samples 1-6) at frequencies above 10 mc. Of course, the initial permeability of Sample 7 is only about 1/2 to 1/3 that of the Composition 84 bodies. Figure 33 shows the frequency response of ?o for Sample 3. In this material, ?0 is approximately independent of frequency over the investigated range. For Composition 285, ?. increases slightly with increasing frequency to 30 mc. Figure 34 shmis the ?Q product as a function of frequency for Compo- sition 84 and 285. Again, it is seen that Composition 285 holds up better at high frequencies, but this material has a lower j.LQ product than Composition 84 below 7 mc. TABLE VIII PROCESSING OF TEST BODIES FOR LOW SIGNAL APPLICATIONS Sample No. Comp. Brand of iron oxide Soak temp. Soak time Rise rate Ramming pressure 1 84 Baker _ 1105?C 20 min. 575?C/hr. 14,700 psi 2 84 Map. 110-2 1105 20 5.75 18,800 3 84 Baker 1056 20 1300 14,700 4 84 Baker 1100 20 slow 14,700 5 84 Map. 110-2 1100 20 200 4,200 6 84 Map. 477 1055 20 1300 14,700 7 285 r Baker 1154 20 580 14,700 So t 0 0 2 0 0 S2 OW 0 0 0 a. X COMPOSITION 84 0 0 CI. 0 X 0 X X 0 0 0 X 0 A1.1118Y31`013d ii 51 8 0 0 0 STATT - narlaccifirmr1 in Part - Sanitized CODY Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 I SAMPLE 3 4 I COMPOSITION I + . 04 _ _ ? Figure 33. Frequency Spectrum of Initial Permeability Frequency Spectrum of Qmat for Selected Samples Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 COMPOSITION 84 COMPOSITION 285 ti 3000 2000 Processing of Low Loss, Low Signal Ferrites Below the results are given for a series of investigations de- signed to determine the effects of various processing techniques on the low signal properties of the ferrites of interest in the present develop- ment. These include the effects of calcine, the addition of V205, the effects observed when compositions are prepared using different sources of Fe201, the effects of rise rate, the effects of ramming pressure, and the effgcts of oxygen firing. Effect of calcine. In the preparation of ferrites for low sig- nal applications) the general practice is to press samples for firing using raw oxides rather than calcined material. It is known that bodies prepared from pre-reacted powder of a given composition will generally exhibit higher loss and permeability than bodies fired from raw oxides, particularly for low heat work. However, an optimum may exist for the ?Q product in considering the competition between the increase in ? and the decrease in Q. Composition 67 was chosen for the calcination experi- ments. Composition 67 was calcined for three hours in oxygen at various temperatures in a tube furnace. Toroids were then pressed in the usual manner with the exception that no binder was used. After firing for 10 minutes at 1100?C, permeability, Q and shrinkage were measured. Data are given in Figure 35 and Table IX. It is evident that calcination at 650?C gives the highest ?Q product among the temperatures tried. A temperature of about 900?C appears to be a critical one for this composition. The data given in Table IX for the 900?C calcine include measurements made on samples prepared from powder located at different positions in the furnace during calcine. TABLE IX EFFECT OF CALCINATION TEMPERATURE ON SHRINKAGE, ?., AND Q TOROIDS FIRED AT 1100?C FOR 10 MINUTES Calcine Temp. % Shrinkage go Q at 1.5 mc RA Uncalcined 14.5 84.o 256. _ 21,500 650?c 18.7 lo6. 240. 25,400 750?C 17.4 107. 225. 24,100 870?c 16.9 113. 200. 22)600 "900?C"-front portion 14.7 108. 131. 14,200 "900?C"-center portion 5.7 81.7 162. 13,300 ""900?C"-end portion 3.6 88.8 138. 12,200 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 FREQUENCY IN MC/SEC. Figure 34. Frequency Spectrum of pogmat for Two Selected 3arples 54 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 7 - ........ 01--"'"'''' _ 1 \ \ COMP. 67 CALCINE -3HRS. IN 02 FIRED - 1100 ?C, 10 MIN. \ \ \ -PERMEABILITY ? % \ \ \ I L_ O cb A11119V311183d 1VIIINI 0 0 0 01 0 0 cv 0 0 cv C.) ? TEMPERATURE UI 0 0 it '&- 4 C.) . Is) Cr) I I 10 O 0 0 C5.j k 0 0 0 ?i-i6 O 0r 0 cr-4 CC u? a CsJ 56 oil OA- Even though the expected optimum was observei for the ?Q product (650?C calcine), further measurements, Figure 26, showed that the tempera- ture coefficient of permeability was increased significantly as a result of the calcine. Thus, no calcination was included in subsequent body prep- aration. Addition of v205. The primary effect of introducing vanadium pentoxide in small quantities, less than 1.0 molep, is to increase shrinkage during firing. Thus for a given low heat work cycle the presence of V205 allows an increase in ceramic curing over that which would be experienced when this additive is omitted. Though: conclusive evidence is lacking, it is felt that the favorable results obtained under exposure to high humidity for materials prepared using V205 is attributable to the inclusion of this additive. Illustrative data which indicate the primary effect of V205 ad- dition are shown in Table X. TABLE X EFFECT OF 0.5 MOL% VANADIUM PENTOXIDE FOR 10 MINUTE FIRING AT 1100?C Comp. Description % Shrinkale 110 Q at 1.5 mc 67 50 Moll% Fe203 with V205 14.4 76. 250. 68 50 mol% Fe203; v205 omitted 4.7 15. High 69 Excess Fe203 with V205 17.1 125. go. 70 Excess Fe203; V205 omitted 8.1 23. 160. Comparison of different brands of iron oxide. It has been pointed out that low signal ferrite materials are fabricated using a heat treatment cycle that includes short time firing at relatively low temperature. Thus the impurity content of the various commercial iron oxides can alter the ceramic curing rate for bodies which are only partially sintered. As a re- sult, sample preparation and evaluation has been carried out utilizing several brands of iron oxide. Only Composition 84 was used to evaluate the effects arising from the use of different sources of iron oxide. Results are given in Tables XI, XII, and XIII. Close study of Table XI shows2 first, that the brand of ferric oxide consistently makes a great difference in permeability and Q. The highest Q is consistently obtained using the C.P. ferric oxide of the J. T. Baker Co. In general, Columbian Carbon Co. High Purity produces the highest ?; however, for this work, we are primarily interested in a high ?Q product, and this brand does not give as high a product as the others.. 57 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 It is also clear from Table XI that the rise rate upon heating is of more importance than the actual soak temperature. Note that the sets in Table XI are arranged according to increasing rise rates toward the bottom, and the Q for a particular brand follows the trend of increas- ing rates. No such agreement with sintering temperature is found. TableXIIpresents somewhat similar results for a repeat study. All firings were made at the same temperature for 20 minutes. Table XII also shows the effect of cooling rate. As before, J. T. Baker iron oxide is the preferred one for high Q properties) although Mapico 110-2 is also very good, and available in commercial quantities. Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. and C.K. Williams 5098 are somewhat equivalent showing higher permeability and lower Q. But, for this type of firing the Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. iron oxide shows consis- tently higher initial permeability than any of the others. This study (Table XII) also shows the same increase in Q at higher rise rates) the sintering temperature being held constant. No clear trend in permeability is evident. TableXII also presents the results of a simple experiment to de- termine the effect of cooling rate. Although this suffers from insufficient data due to broken cores, the data show a general increase in permeability for the slower furnace cooled samples. Q does not show a clear trend. In Table XIII, the effects of pressure on go and Q are given. All samples were fired for 20 minutes at the soak temperature, but the tempera tures measured with an optical pyrometer did not turn out exactly the same. Results are inconclusive. The ?Q product does appear to peak at 12,500 psi, but the effect is not large. The effect upon Q is even less clear although one is tempted to see a trend toward higher Q at lower pressure. Effects of rise rate. Some information on the effects of rise rate on the low signal properties were reported above. This work was ex- tended to cover a wider range of rise rate variable. The results are shown in Figure 36 and Table XIV. Here again, an increase in ?Q product is rea- lized as the rise rate increases) but only up to a point -- about 700?C/hr. The improvement is realized almost entirely through increase in Q. This can readily be seen by inspection of Table XIV. Pressure studies. Table XIII gives the results obtained from ram- ming pressure exi)eriments made on bodies prepared from Mapico 110-2 and J.T. Bakerl.ferric oxides. These experiments were extended and the results shown in Figures 37 and 38. In Figure 37, initial permeabilities and the ?Q products are pre- sented for samples made with J.T. Baker and Mapico 110-2 ferric oxide. The effect of increasing pressure shows up differently for samples made with the different iron oxides. Samples made with Mapico 110-2 iron oxide increase in permeability and ?Q product with increasing pressure, while those made with J.T. Baker do exactly the opposite. Thus, no generalization can be made on the effect of pressure except that a series of experiments may be required to find the optimum. 58 TABLE XI MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF COMPOSITION NO. 84 PREPARED WITH DIFFERENT IRON OXIDES (3/4 IN. TOROIDS PRESSED 8000 PSI, ALL FIRING TIMES 20 MINUTES) Brand of Fe.,1 Sint. Temp. , Rise P. Rate (1.5mc) 4 (1.5mc) ?Q . Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. Mapico 110-2 J. T. Baker C.P. 1150?C It It 200?C191 152 120 48 47 120 9200 7200 14400 .. Hr. it It Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. Mapico 110-2 J. T. Baker) C.P. 1090?C II it ? 300c- 18o Hr. It 133 ' it 92 57 72 214 10300 9600 19700 , Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. Mapico 110-2 J. T. Baker, C.P. 1050?C it 11 . ilor?c 18o 3- it 123 11 96 75 115 266 13500 14100 25400 Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. Mapico 110-2 J. T. Baker) C.P. 1115?C it 11 400%198 114 93 73 125 215 114.500 114.200 20000 , Hr. it II' Columbian Carbon Co. H.P. Mapico 110-2 J. T. Baker, C.P. , 1100?C it II 625?c 160 160 115 112 75 337 347 12000 39000 39000 Hr. ti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 59 c-rn-ri STATi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 TABLE XII TABLE XIII COMPARISON OF BRANDS AND EFFECTS OF HEATING AND COOLING RATES ON COMPOSITION NO. 84 TOROIDS PRESSED AT 14.200 PSI AND FIRED 1100?C - 20 MIN. IRON RISE OXIDE RATE COOLING RATE 100?C/Hr. Quench 3 min. ti it SI 158 122 79 150 11900 7900 26800 6200 Col. Carbb N.P. Mapico 110-2 Baker C.P. CKW No. 5098 100?C/Hr. It 165 176 log 63 92 262 lo400 16200 26600 Cracked 200?C/Hr. Quench 3 min. 178 110 86 173 14loo lo800 28000 6900 Pres lb/in Sint. Temp. Sint. Time Rise Rate , g 1.5 me .q 1.5 me g(2 Mapico 110-2 Ferric Oxide 4700 1059?C 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 4o 253 10100 6300 1059 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 39 261 10200 9400 1074 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 51 292 114.900 .12500 1074 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 50 286 14300 J. T. Baker Ferric Oxide 14.700 1053?C 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 73 317 23000 6300 1053 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 79 315 24900 9400 1068 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 71 378 26800 12500 1069 . 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 77 305 23500 114.700 1069 20 min. 350?C/Hr. 81 300 24300 TABLE XIV Col. Carb. H.P. Mapico 110-2 Baker CP CKW No. 5098 Col. Carb. H.P. Mapico 110-2 Baker CP CKW No. 5098 200?C/Hr. Furnace Cool 178 15500 40500 Broken Broken EFFECT OF RISE RATES ON go AND Q ALL SAMPLES PREPARED WITH MAPICO 477 IRON OXIDE 1 1/8 IN TOROIDS PRESSED AT 114.700 PSI ALL MEASURED AT 1.5 MC - G.R. TWIN-T BRIDGE 350?C/Hr. Quench 3 min. 144 82 74 111 194 455 436 148 ze000 37300 32200 1611.00 Col. Carb. H.P. Mapico 110-2 Baker CP CKW No. 5098 Furnace Cool 113 ft tl 152 97 8 18 230 172 22300 ?C/Hr. (Opt. Pyr.) 110 Qmat I-LQ 100 1C48?C 204 26 5300 200 1051 139 88 12200 300 1049 111 107 11900 400 - - Cracked - - 500 1057 144 183 26300 600 1057 138 189 26100 700 1056 149 211 31400 1000 1054 154 207 30000 1300 1055 132 255 33600 1700 1057 147 205 30200 nprlassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 .1' i; 1 I! ' 111 ' t I _ I 0 COMPOSITION 84 fz1.5mc TWIN-T BRIDGE 0 MAPICO 477 F6203 SOAK 1050?C-20 MIN 0 . 0 _ t e . 10? eN us r1 0 Irm007/ 62 0 0 0 800 1000 RISE RATE IN ? C/HR Rise Rate 25000 MOO 19000 17000 15000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 RAMMING PRESSURE IN PSI Mo Qmo VS RAMMING PRESSURE FOR COMPOSITION 84 ., MAPICO 110-2 - 20 MIN. COOL I Fe2 03 , 0 . 105?C 575?C/HR ? T. BAKER -20 MIN. COOL X J. i(1135?C x 800?C/HR Fit2 03 ---' . f z LO mc TWIN -7 I BRIDGE , 40,000 Ito INITIAL PERMEABILITY 130 120 II 0 100 90 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 SO RAMMING PRESSURE IN PSI INITIAL PERMEABILITY VS RAMMING PRESSURE J. T. BAKER I X , , X -.., -.. A 0 0 0 MAPCO 110-'2 f z 1.0XiC 1 TWIN -1. I BRIDGE 35 Figure 37. pg and p vs. Ramming Pressure for Composition 84 63 STAT STAT, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 3500 340 3300 320 it z a 31000 30000 29000 28000 ) J. t 1105?C-20 MEASURED 1 BAKER Fe2-03 MIN 574?C/HR ON G. R. TWIN i COOL -T BRIDGE 1 C) 10 mc 0 X X 6 - K , 1.5 mc , 5000 10000 15000 RAMMING PRESSURE IN PSI 20000 Figure 38. pi; vs. Ramming Pressure for Composition 84 25000 Somewhat more interesting results are presented in Figure 38 where the ?Q products at different pressures are given, but at two different fre- quencies. These curves indicate that higher A products at higher frequen- cies should be obtained by lower ramming pressures. Atmosphere firings. As part of the development program on Composi- tion 84; a comparison series of samples was fired, two toroids at a time in a double tube furnace, one sample in air, the other in pure oxygen. Hence, rise rates and soak times were identical, and soak temperatures also were very nearly the same. The air and oxygen were supplied as. a steady stream to each tube at 2 liters/min throughout rise, soak and fall. In all, twenty-four comparison firings were made and the test toroids (1 1/8 inches O.D.) were measured on a G. R. Twin-T bridge. The values, are reported in Table XV. Oxygen treatment during firing consistently improved the permeability although not uniformly. Greatest improvement was gained at lowest rise rates. Q also was generally increased slightly by oxygen treat- ment although there are a few exceptions. As a result of this study, it is clear that oxygen firing is desirable in order to develop the optimum permea- bility and Q. A moderate rise rate is also indicated. Low Temperature Evaluation For the development of low signal level ferrite materials, applicable properties of these materials must be studied throughout the temperature range -65?C to 250?C. For the low end of this temperature range, it was decided to study these properties under the best and most reproducible conditions - namely with a vacuum cryostat. Using such equipment, residual water which might be trapped on the surface or in the interior of highly porous samples can largely be eliminated and hence icing which has been a problem is no longer troublesome here. Description of equipment. While the vacuum cryostat used in this study is not of a new design, it will be worth while to point out its salient features. Figure 39 shows a block diagram of the cryostat. The cryostat consists essentially of a liquid nitrogen container placed in the vacuum chamber. At the base of this, and inside the vacuum, is connected a copper rod around which heater windings have been applied. At the extremity of the end of this heater rod is screwed a copper chamber in- side of which the sample is contained. Hence, the basic operation of this system is clear. Good thermal contact between sample and liquid nitrogen container allows temperatures of -170?C at the sample to be readily obtained. Upon the application of power to the heater windings temperatures up to near 0?C can be achieved. For temperatures from that of room to about 100?C, just the heater windings are used without any coolant such as liquid N2. The sample chamber which screws on tightly to the heater rod to main- tain good thermal contact is made of copper and is large enough so that there windings. STAT is essentially no thermal gradient along it when no power is applied to the 65 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 CERAMIC ELECTRICAL SEALS Rise ?C /Hr. Firing Temp. Hapico 110-2 Iron Oxide lo94?C 1?87 19500 19400 30400 19004 24600 TO VACUUM I SYSTEM 26100 27700 23500 27100 17700 29200 LIQUID NITROGEN CONTAINER J. T. Baker Iron Oxide -0?COPPER ROD 23900 02 600 Air 02 1200 Air 02 SAMPLE SAMPLE CHAMBER (COPPER) Figure 39. Block Disarm of Cryostat Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 ? Several Cu - Cons tantan thermocouples are provided to measure temperatures in various locations within the cryostat. These thermocouples as yell as sample leads and the power leads of the heater windings are soldered to ceramic vacuum-tight lead through insulators. It has been possible by proper thermal design to minimize loss of liquid N2 after the liquid N2 chamber has been sufficiently cooled. The coolant will remain in the chamber for over 2 hours if no power is supplied to the heater ,windings; if the heater is used, as during a run, this storage time for liquid N2 is somewhat reduced. The entire liquid nitrogen container-heater rod-sample chamber assembly is soldered to the top flange of the cryostat with an "0" ring pro- viding the vacuum seal between the top flange and the flange of the body of the cryostat. This type of demountable design has worked exceedingly well. The cryostat is evacuated by means of a side port connected directly to the main glass vacuum line through a "Sylphon" bellows and a Kovar-glass seal. ? The vacuum system used is a conventional one. A Welch 1405-B DuoSeal mechanical forepump is used in conjunction with a low vacuum ballast, an H.I.T. mercury diffusion pump and a liquid nitrogen condensing trap. An NRC 501 thermocouple gauge reads the pressure between the forepump and bal- last while a Philips-type cold cathode ionization gauge reads the pressure on the high vacuum side, i.e. on the main line to the cryostat. For conven- ience of operation there is a roughing line to the high vacuum side of the line. Under good operation ofethe cryostat, it has been possible to obtain vacuum of the order of 6 x 10-0 mm lig as measured with the Philips gauge. Figure 40 shows an external view of the cryostat connected to the main vacuum line. The potentiometer pictured is a Leeds and Northrup Model 8657-C and is used to measure the thermal emf's. :!! To measure ? and Q of the samples, a radio frequency bridge is used. The signal is supplied from a Marconi Instruments Ltd. Standard Signal Genera- tor Model TF 867. This particular generator is rated from 15 kc to 44o mc. A National HRO-50T1 receiver is used as the detector. An internal modulator allows an audio output to be displayed on an oscilloscope. Figure 41 shows the general setup of the equipment used in conjunc- tion with the cryostat. Method of measurement. A block diagram of the circuit used to measure ?01 the initial permeability, and Qmag, the material quality factor of the toroidal cores is shown in Figure 42. A typical toroid is prepared for measurement by winding it with 30 turns of number 31 wire (about 20 inches). After placing the sample in the cryostat, its inductance and resistance are measured on .a radio frequency bridge. Generally it is necessary to correct the results because of lead capacitance, inductance and resistance. The bridge measures the equivalent 68 69 Photograph of Cryostat Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 STAT STAT ',..t".-WLIL`,,,ta,14=P?ra, ta:XL..*--...t..."?=MWV;414.-1...X.4.,,r... ? Photograph of Equipment Used in Conjunction with, Cryostat RADIO NULL SIGNAL ??--?.0FREOUENCY....????? ....--.... RECEIVER DETECTOR GENERATOR 0.?----.4, BRIDGE 6"-'41 ip..---... (OSCILLOSCOPE) Figure h2. Block Diagram of Circuit Used to Determine Initial Permeability and Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 71. parallel inductance and resistance between its terminals which is easily converted to the actual series inductance and resistance of the toroid and leads provided lead capacitance does not have to be considered. See Figure 43. Some initial measurements of 11. as a function of temperature are presented in Figure 44 for a sample of Composition 67, toroid .75HQ67.23. Composition 67 is described in Section III. Toroid .75HQ67.23 was sintered at 1100?C for 20 minutes. Figure 44 shows that the initial permeability increases .07% per degree Centigrade over the temperature range -170?C to 25?C. Snag did not vary appreciably over this range. One additional remark should be made regarding the low temperature behavior of the nickel-zinc ferrites investigated during this program. In the course of permeability measurements in the temperature range -50?C to -25?C, an indication of a "thermal arrest" was observed in the heating curve, which may be indicative of an ionic ordering taking place somewhere in this temperature interval. Time did not permit a detailed investigation of this effect so no significant data are available. However) close scrutiny of the behavior of properties in this temperature range should be made in any future work on this ferrite system. 72 ? ????? A A 0 0 Li. -J fr CY a ? e ZIO I I al it -I 3 . . ?la ., "c Is ... r .J IX 0 .1. + d=?? ????? La CC la X as 0 ?J CC 0 73 'Series and Parallel Equivalent Circuits of Coil STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 ft Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 0 klA :300 f = 1.5 Mc/SEC h .127 INCHES = .641 INCHES DI/De a 1.5 _ 1 o) 03 A.111111V311113d 11/1.LINI ?TI 0 (3 ? TEMPERATURE v;) RP 111 ? 0 0 C-1 0 as s:24 E-I +) ?ri 4-1 ?rf 0 0 ffized Coov AtDprov 44. '44 Differential Thermal Analysis Fabricating high quality ferrite pieces is beset by many diffi- culties for which no good evaluation procedure is available. A finished test piece of ferrite material is no better than the weakest link in the chain of steps leading to the finished specimen. But the situation may be even worse. Failure to produce a high performance specimen is fre- quently a matter of severe failure of one operation or process rather than a summation of partial failures in many steps. And without good evaluation procedures for individual unit processes, it is difficult, in fact almost impossible, to exert the vigilance required to produce fer- rites of the highest quality. One of these difficult processes is "binder burnoff". Although in small pieces it does not cause much trouble, it becomes more and more serious as the size of the pressed piece increases. The difficulties also mount with increasing binder content particularly for large pieces heavily loaded with binders and lubricants. For extrusion, large concentrations of binder are used to achieve uniformity during ejection. But during the subsequent drying and binder elimination strains and even cracks can be introduced. Careful and complete binder elimination before high temperature firing is also important for developing maximum permeability and satura- tion as in the nickel zinc ferrites for large signal use. Binder burnoff is also a problem of some consequence in preparation of the low loss materials for low signal applications. For best pressing or extrusion characteristics ferrite powders are mixed with binders, powder lubricants and other conditioning agents. The elimination of these materials proceeds by several different processes, such as (a) volatilization, (b) cracking followed by vaporization and, (c) combustion of carbonaceous materials. Practice varies considerably on kind of binder, some favoring polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) types with others preferring wax base emulsions. This makes considerable difference in the processes by which they are eliminated. PVA can be eliminated largely by depolymerization at lower temperatures to volatile products, while wax types must be largely burned off. Actually on rising temperature the hydrocarbon waxes first give off volatiles, an endothermic process, then they start to crack, also endo- thermic; then the new volatile components start to burn, and finally the tarry residue begins to burn, the latter both exothermic processes. In addition starchy materials also break down in a somewhat similar manner leaving hard carbon residues which must be removed by oxidation at fairly high temperatures. Since some of these processes are endothermic while others are exothermic, their study can be profitably pursued by differential thermal analysis (DTA). Methods of approach other than DTA have been applied to this problem, e.g. use of a recording thermobalance, but it is difficult to interpret the data. Since the DTA will give a different type information d for Release50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 75 t' STAT 1,4 STATI;' t't Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 we hope to get a better understanding of the mechanism of the physical and chemical processes in binder elimination. For this purpose a special small furnqce was constructed which was adapted from the design of Borschardt'. A somewhat schematic diagram of the furnace is given in Figure 45. Test material and reference material are supplied as powder (0.1 g) into the tubes marked Sample in Figure 45. Both loosely piled powders as well as tamped specimens have been tried. Packed samples were generally preferred. After early troubles with the aluminum block furnace described above, it was redesigned to reduce heat loss by removing some of the aluminum in the flange and then rewound and again placed in service. With these improvements, we were able to pursue the differential thermal analyses to 500?C many times. At this temperature the aluminum blocks had a tendency to weld together, making it extremely difficult to sepa- rate the parts of the furnace. However, sufficient data were obtained to indicate that still higher temperatures would be desirable. A special fire brick door (Figure 46) was designed to fit into a small standard muffle furnace (Tempco 1400 watts). The furnace is controlled by the same Leeds Northrup cam program control, amplifier and X-Y recorder used on the previous fur- nace. This apparatus with this second furnace was proved out to 800?c several times and was adequate for use in binder studies. The special fire brick door carrying the sample holders shown in Figure 46 was made up by cementing fire brick together after channels (tubes) for the thermocouples were provided. Thermocouples (Pt - 13% Rh) are cemented in the protection tubing which projects 1/4 inch above the brick. Three thermocouple junctions are shown, two differential junctions and 6T2, and a third T3, which measures the sample temperature. This latter tube can also be supplied with a metal tube and unknown powder to measure the temperature of the sample by substitution. The bosses carrying the thermocouple junctions provide the seats for the thin walled metal tubes which are pushed down upon them making easily demountable crucibles. We use stainless steel tubes 1/4 inch in diameter by 1/2 inch high with 6 mil wall. These tubes have withstood temperatures up to 1000?C without severe oxidation and are quite satis- factory, but platinum tubes would be more suitable for higher temperatures. To clean the setup, the tubes are removed and the powdered sample brushed off from the thermocouples and bosses, after which it is ready for a re- peat analysis. Although this furnace setup is satisfactory for binder-burnoff studies, it is limited to about 800?C because it does not have sufficient electrical power capacity to maintain the constant rise rate above this temperature. For studies of calcination phenomenala higher temperature and higher power furnace has been provided and is described later. 1. H. J. Borschardt, J. Chem. Educ. 31 103 (1956) 76 cs,-lciFir in Prt - Sanitized CODY ADrrov it\ 4A' 47. TO VAR IAC' SAMPLE READ T.C. CONTROL T.C. TRANSITE ? ? ? ? ?o/ 1k 34 MATERIAL : ALUMINUM DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE 5* Figure 45. D.T.A. Furnace lease ? 50 -Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 77 STAT STAT' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Results of burnoff studies in furnaces No. 1 and No. 2. None of the nickel ferrites under study in this contract was available with a wax binder already mixed in. And since several magnesium manganese fer- rites were immediately available with Hyform binder (wax), several dif- ferential thermal analyses were made on these materials. However, thermo- grams of the materials with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and methylmethacrylate (MMA) were made on nickel zinc ferrites. Many different experimental procedures have been tried but no completely standard procedure evolved. In general, it was found that 0.1 g. samples accurately weighed give very satisfactory sensitivity. In- stead of using powdered A1203as the standard material,as is common in DTA, our practice was to use powdered ferrite with binder in one tube and the same ferrite without binder in the other. This discounts most effects except that of the binder. A powder at least as fine as minus 60 mesh is used and lightly tamped. Before we began to tamp the samples, the result- ing differential thermograms were quite variable. Mostly, a heating rate of 3?C per minute has been used, primarily because it was not easy to alter. Although nearly two dozen differential thermograms have been made, only a few representative examples are shown in Figure 47. Sample tempera- ture is plotted on the x-axis and the difference temperature (4T) on the y axis. Exothermic reactions show a positive deviation (+4T) and endo- thermic negative (-AT). The largest AT shown is about 15?C, and all dif- ferential thermograms given are plotted on the same scale. In order to prove that the apparatus was working properly and was capable of resolution of fine detail a differential thermogram of copper sulfate decahydrate was prepared and appears at the top of the group. It agrees quite well with that published by Borschardt1 except that it shows detail beyond his high temperature limit. Presumably these peaks are due to decomposition of the anhydrous sulfate. The next four curves are all of calained ferrite material incor- porating a wax type binder (Hyform). The top one contains 16% by weight of Hyform emulsion ()-i..8% by weight, wax), 3/4% by weight of Flocgel (starch) and 3/4% by weight of magnesium stearate. The other three have 8% of Hyform emulsion only (2.4% wax). All of the thermograms of samples containing wax cover about the same range of temperature and show large differential heat effects in the range from about 200?C to 11-50?C. The maximum varies somewhat but generally occurs from 300? - 340?C. However, as a generalization, one might say that exothermic reaction begins very early on heating, accelerates very rapidly around 200? - 250?C and starts to fall off at 350?C and is practically over at 420?C. But the final stages of combustion of the carbonaceous matter are not complete until 500?C. In spite of the general agreement among the thermograms of the samples containing wax there are differences among them that seem under- standable. All three of the samples containing 8% Hyform emulsion (2.4% wax in sample) show structure in the combustion peak. Note that the finer powder (-140 mesh) shows substantially the same behavior as the others. STAT .,r'lciFir in Prt - Sanitized CODY ADrDrOv ? 50 -Yr 2014/02/05 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 CuSO4 ? 10H20 4.8% HYFORM 0.75% FLOCGEL 0.75% MAGNESIUM STEARATE ?60 MESH 2.4% HYFORM ?60 MESH 2.4% HYFORM ?60 MESH 2.4% HYFORM ?140 MESH I% MMA PVA 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 TEMPERATURE ( ?C) ? 700 800 900 Figure 47, Differential Thermograms 80 fl-Iiifir1 in Part - Sanitized Coov A On the other hand, the one containing 16% Hyform, 3/4% Flocgel and 3/4% magnesium stearate (top) shows a larger and smoother peak. With twice as much binder more heat would be expected. And with several combustible binder components one would expect better packing and smearing of the combustion curve, just what is found. Polyvinyl alcohol and methyl methacrylate are also eliminated by exothermic reaction. Methyl methacrylate begins to leave the sample at 100?C and is entirely gone before 300?C is reached. On the other hand, polyvinyl alcohol begins to go at about 300?C and is all gone by 440?C. The total net heat evolved in the process is much less than with the wax. However, it should be pointed out that the total weight of binder is less in these two cases, 10% by weight. Although the present work is by no means conclusive, it does point to need for great care in the "binder burn-off heating cycle". With temperature differences as large as 15?C between the unknown and standard specimens in a small 1/4 in. x 1/8 in. lightly packed sample, one would expect large temperature differences in a large densely rammed production piece. On the basis of these differential thermograms, it appears that the most sensitive temperature zone for wax (Hyform) burnoff is 200? 325?C. From the peak at 325?C an increasing rate could be used up to 450?C. High temperature DTA in sintering range. A new furnace was pro- vided to pursue the differential thermal analysis up in temperature to in- clude the sintering range, 1100?C to 1200?C. For a variety of reasons, a wire wound furnace was preferred to one using Globars. None of the commer- cially available furnaces seemed appropriate, so one was built to suit the needs of the present program. Furnace No. 3 is a tube type, 12 inches long by 12 inches overall outside diameter, and is shown in Figure 48. The tube muffle is 2 inches inside diameter and grooved outside to carry the wire, Kanthal A-1 which allows operating temperatures to 1350?C. The winding consists of twenty- three feet of B and S Gage No. 20 wire (0.85 ohms/ft) giving a cold resis- tance of 10 ohms for the furnace; a center tap allows the net magnetic field due to current in the winding to be reduced to zero at the sample position. Before assembly, the heating element was cemented to the muffle with a cement specifically designed for use with Kanthal wire. K-30 high temperature insulating fire brick was cut to shape to fill the space between the wire wound muffle and the stainless steel can making up the shell of the furnace. The ends of the shell are also stain- less steel and fitted with handles so that the furnace can be carried easily or used in the vertical position. The furnace is used in the vertical posi- tion, mounted on an angle iron stand which holds the furnace 9 inches above the bench top. The furnace has been tested to 1300?C and has sufficient reserve power to maintain a rise rate of 6?C/min or greater up to that temperature. d for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 81 STAT STAT . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 FURNACE CONTROL THERMOCOUPLE ALUNDUM MUFFLE CEMENT IMBEDDED WINDINGS OF KANTHAL Al WIRE STAINLESS STEEL CAN K-3I INSULATING BRICK In the previous DTA furnaces, the samples were contained in stainless steel tubing, slipped onto the thermocouple protection tubing to make demountable crucibles. That system worked well and has been in- corporated in the third design. However, there is always some possibility of reaction with the metal container. Therefore, pressed pellets of material were substituted as shown in Figure 49 rather than powdered samples. A special small die was constructed to press the pellet sample (3/16 inch 0.D.) with a small hole to allow the sample to sit upon the thermocouple junction. Mechanically, this works fine. It also gives a sufficient T for measurement. As yet, it is not clear that use of pellets is superior to powder in crucibles, but the pellet technique is much cleaner and simpler. Unfortunately, even before this furnace (No. 3) was built, trouble was encountered with noise in the electronic circuits of the measur- ing equipment, i.e. the X-Y recorder. This has been continually getting worse. Since the third furnace has been in use, noise and erratic behavior of the control and measuring equipment have hampered progress considerably. Shielding of the thermocouple lines and grounding of amplifier cheeses did not remove the trouble. A complete metal tubular shield inside of the fur- nace surrounding the samples and thermocouple leads was tried and showed promise. In order to obtain measurements at high temperature, independent of the difficulties encountered in the electronic circuitry, the X-Y re- corder was replaced by two thermocouple potentiometers and a firing was carried out to 1300?C. No erratic behavior was apparent in this setup. The results are shown in Figure 50. From Figure 50, it appears that the binder burnoff accounts for the major part of the response but that the heat effects in the sintering range are very small, only two or three micro- volts as recorded by the differential potentiometer. If desired, the de- flection could be magnified through the use of a sensitive galvanometer but it appears that the X-Y recorder would not be sufficiently sensitive to make fnvestigations in the sintering range fruitful. Figures 51 and 52 are photographs showing the DTA furnace and the temperature and differential temperature recorders. Further work in dif- ferential thermal analysis should be extended to calcination studies with and without additives and sintering studies with and without additives. However, it appears that the best method should include exploratory measure- ments using point by point potentiometric methods. After this initial work, an indication will have been obtained of the required sensitivity. The final analysis would then be made using a galvanometer with the appropriate sensitivity. These recommendations are based upon the results shown in Figure 50. csr'lciFir in Prt - . zed CODY ADrDrOv ? 50 -Yr 2014/02/05 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 8-?00017Z008Z001?1701-0-1-8dC1I-V10 90/Z0/171-0Z -1A-09 ? eseeiej .104 panaiddv Ado pazWueS u! PeWsseloeCI 0 ? CO3TV . gA tre uoT4Tsoduro0 VW sa DIFFERENTIAL THERMOCOUPLE MICROVOLTS 4-4 UI 0 400 800 TEMPERATURE .0 _ , / 1%) 0 0 tis 41164usairsuaY inclureS Ise'', vac ?61/ Gans'Ta 38n1 lii0ddns aani NO1133.1.01id 3141r1030111113H1 13113d 311WW3A 314M00011N3H1 wilS21-1d h 8-?00017Z008Z001?1701-0-1-8dC1I-V10 90/Z0/171-0Z -1A-09 ? eseeiej .104 panaiddv Ado pazWueS u! PeWsseloeCI it, I --11-,-.4;4,.,:1:10,W,IPAtAolf".(4?4W4P-AW42:Aggf.--..ativ4w4t14,41t. ti Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Conclusions and Recommendations The effort expended on the development of low loss, low signal ferrites during the period covered by this report has yielded a series of high Q materials with permeabilities in the range 12 to 120. The Curie temperatures of these materials lie between 385?C and 500?C and high Q behavior persists over the temperature interval -65'C to +250?C. In ad- dition, the low signal properties of these materials have been shown to be relatively unaffected by prolonged exposure to high humidity. Of particular importance is the low temperature coefficient of permeability exhibited in the range -65?C to +25?C. In this critical temperature inter- val, the variation in Compositions 84 and 67 is less than 0.1% per degree C. The variation of the gQ product with frequency is an important design characteristic. Composition 84 bodies have been prephred which ex- hibit ?Q products greater than 10)000 at 7 mc. For applications which re- quire operation above 7 mc, Composition 285 bodies are available with ?Q products in the range 10,000 to 7,000 between 7 mc and 20 mc; at 30 mc, the gQ product is still as large as 1500. Much useful information was gained from the investigation of the effects of processing techniques, the investigation of the effects of different brands of iron oxide, and the results of differential thermal analysis. Knowledge of this type is necessary to assure reproducibility of developmental samples for future large quantity use. Thus, the broad objectives of the low signal materials program have been achieved. Future work in the development of low signal ferrites should include further study of sintering control in these partially cured materials in the hope that the ?Q product can be increased in the fre- quency range 10 to 30 mc and that better control can be exercised over the temperature coefficient of permeability, particularly at low temperatures. Also, broad objectives, which applied in the phase of effort currently com- pleted, should be narrowed to stipulate specific low signal parameter values. - 88 171, SECTION IV HIGH FREQUENCY NARROW BAND MODULATED DELAY LIVES Introduction The use of delay lines has become an integral part of a large variety of electronic systems. Radar, color television, correlators, and computers are but a few of the many applications utilizing delay lines. The specifications for a particular line are of course a function of the needs of the specific application. However, one can classify delay lines in terms of the range of delay times that are required. Very short delays of the order of 0.1 of a microsecond are conveniently achieved with lumped constant elements. Delay times of the order of one microsecond to several microseconds are usually accomplished with lumped constant or distributed parameter systems. Finally, delays of the order of tens or hundreds of microseconds are usually obtained by some form of sonic element. However, in each of these groups the objectives are very similar. An adequate delay line must be capable of passing a band of fre- quencies with a constant time delay and constant attenuation for each fre- quency component in the pass band. Though there may be many solutions to these two problems, one is usually compelled to compromise with other factors such as overall size, ease of fabrication, costjaccuracy of time delay adjustment, temperature stability, and the impedance level that is desired. The present report is concerned with the development of a narrow band, high frequency ferrite delay line, the delay of which can be varied by a biasing magnetic field, thus yielding a component which can be used for phase modulation. Of the many ways by which one can produce phase modulation, the use of a controllable delay line appears most attractive. The usual pro- cedure for the production of a phase modulated carrier is to generate a low frequency carrier to which the modulation is applied and the final carrier is generated through a series of multiplications. The modulation itself is usually produced by some form of reactance tube. In order to decrease the overall size and power consumption during the modulation pro- cess, it would be more desirable to perform the modulation function at the actual transmitted frequency or at a stage which reduces the number of multiplications required. A delay line whose time delay could be varied with an electrical signal would meet such requirements. Objective The objective of this phase is to produce a ferrite delay line whose delay can be adjusted by the application of a biasing magnetic field. The present goal is to achieve a total delay of approximately 0.5 microseconds and a variable delay of 0.1 microsecond at 30 mc. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 89 STAT S TAT: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 General Considerations A phase modulation element operating at 30 mc with a modulation of 30 - 3000 cps is desired. However, it was decided to work in the 10 mo region at the start of the project' and progress toward the 30 mc region in determining the feasibility of the device. Since the delay of a distri- buted constant line is equal to ALC), where L is a function of the permea- bility of the medium, the delay can be modulated by changing the permea- bility. In a ferrite, the permeability is a function of the applied magnetic field. A ferrite delay line can therefore be modulated by establishing a magnetic field in the line with the modulation signal. The delay line must also have reasonable attenuation and a fairly high order of time delay, with respect to the change in delay desired. Moreover, it must be fairly small if the input modulation power is to be minimized. While the line must operate at the carrier frequency, it need not have a flat time delay characteristic, since it will operate about a fixed carrier frequency. A line having a total time delay of 0.5 microseconds at 10 mc in three inches length would be acceptable, if a variation of +0.1 microseconds can be ef- fected. The delay line output could be peaked at 10 mc to obtain lower attenuation, if desired. The design of the lines discussed below, including choice of di- mensions, was governed by the analytical development presented in WADC Technical Report TR 56-2740 Part V. In this analysis, the time delay vs. frequency characteristic for a given permeability of rod and sleeve was pre- sented. The important feature of this curve is a flat portion which persists until a critical frequency is reached. At this critical frequency the delay decreases sharply with frequency. In the present development, this is of no real concern except that sufficient magnitude of delay must be available so that the appropriate changes in delay can be effected by application of a biasing field. Materials Prepar4tion and Initial Evaluation The initial phase entailed the measurement of fern tea in order to determine the variations of permeability with bias obtainable at high fre- quencies. The circuit arrangement shown in Figure 53 was used for the measurement of ? vs. bias. A National Electronics Laboratories Radio Fre- quency Permeameter was modified slightly by drilling two small hole* through the main body. This permitted the insertion of a wound toroid whose leads could be brought through the permeameter to a d.c. supply. The tuned cir- cuit was inserted so that the power supply would not load down the perme- ameter. The use of a Q-meter in conjunction with the permeameter allowed for a rapid determination of ? vs. bias field. The number of turns, n, that are wound on the core is determined by two factors. It is desirable that n be as large as possible in order to reduce the amount of current re- quired. On the other hand, n must be reduced far enough so that the self- resonant frequency is sufficiently far above the test frequency. In most cases, this required about 15 turns on a half-inch toroid. A sample of Composition 84 (toroid .75HQ84.10) was evaluated using the modified National Electronics Laboratories Radio Frequency '41w 90 : rs,m/ Annrnved for Release ? Er, Permeameter by the technique outlined above. The results are shown in 54. In Figure 54, the low signal permeability decreased by a factor Figure f817fram zero field to a field of 19 oersteds for the initially unmagne- tized sample. The change in permeability observed from remanence to satu- ration is shown by dotted line and the return solid line. Other materials, Compositions 67 and 285, were similarly evaluated at 10 mc but it was immediately obvious that the necessary change in permea- bility could not be obtained in these materials. Figure 53. Permeameter Schematic for y. vs. Bias 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 91 STATT't Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Having established that sufficient permeability variation can be obtained using Composition 84, rods and tubes were extruded for the fabrication of dell4i44:sio.;; zitlillibil7):771114.turazitloCoarzli..tri70:44.4115. con- sists of 66.96 wt% Standard ceramic fabrication procedures were followed in the processing of this composition. Usual practice is to weigh out approxi- mately 1 kg total batch on a large (2 kg) analytical balance. The re- sultant mixture is ball milled overnight for about 16 hours in a one gallon iron mill with steel balls, in the presence of about 1 1/2 liter deionized water. This process both mixes and grinds. The slurry is then placed in glass drying pans and brought to dryness in standard ovens. The next step in the process is to run the dried powder through a pulver- izer for sizing. DuPont No. 7005 polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is used as a binder for the extrusion in the extent of about 4 1/2 wt%. The PVA is made up fresh each time in a 17% water solution. Homogenizing and mixing were done in a Lancaster mixer. Rods and tubes of Composition 84 were extruded. One set of ex- trusion samples consisted of rods 0.250" in diameter, tubes with an O.D. of 0.375" and an I.D. of 0.255", and tubes with an 0.D. of 0.500" and an I.D. of 0.255". Another extrusion yielded rods 0.094" in diameter and tubes with an O.D. of 0.157". The dimensions given are for samples in thetreen state". Five different firings were made. These firings consisted of a 20 minute soak with a fast rise rate of the order of 600?C/hr after the binder had been burned off. Soak temperatures of 1175?C, 1160?C, 1140?C, 1125?C and 1100?C were used with an optimum, as determined by desirable end results in the finished delay line, occurring at about 1140?C to 1150?C. More specifically, for the firings of 1175?C for 20 minutes, the permeability of the material as measured on the prototype line was excel- lent while the Q or attenuation was rated good. Firing at 1160?C for 20 minutes still maintained an excellent ? while the Q or attenuation improved. Essentially, the same thing was true for the firing at 1140?C for 20 min- utes. The firing at 1125?C for 20 minutes resulted in a good permeability but only fair Q while the firing at 1100?C produced lines which had both a low g and poor attenuation. The exact values of permeability and Q were not directly obtainable) but were inferred from the resulting delay line performance. In order to establish modulation techniques and testing procedures, initial experiments were performed on lines constructed using rods and tubes of ferrite composition 205. Composition 205 was developed under Contract No. AF 33(616)-2009 for application in a video delay line. The oxidic constitu- ents are 48 mol% Fe2031 26.5 mol% NiO, 25.0 mol% ZnO, and 0.5 mo4 V205. fd in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 +M. ROD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 TUBE WINDING SILVER PATCHES SILVER PAINT Figure 55. Ferrite relay Line The processing of this material and the subsequent video delay line fabri- cation is described in full in NADC TR 56-274, Part V. The particular Composition 205 ferrite used here is of no significant interest. However, it was a simple matter to test evaluation methods with materials immediately at hand. The prior development showed that the rods and tubes of Composition 205 were of sufficient attenuation that usable delay lines could be produced. However, Composition 205 cannot be operated at frequencies above 8 mc so that this material does not satisfy the needs of the present program. 9!. in Dar+ - arIIfI7d Cony Aooroved for Release ? v.47: 4c: 5 A rod of Composition 205 5.1 cm long having one continuous silver stripe and three notched ones was wound with No. 42 HF FORMEX wire. (Figure 55). The tube had a silver coating which was of the same material as that used on the rod (DuPont 4916 lacquer). Two unsilvered stripes were left on the tube to reduce any possible eddy current losses. The silvered areas were grounded at the output and the entire line placed in a ferrite "C" core magnetic yoke wound with 1000 turns of number 38 OF wire. Silver paint was used to isolate the line from the yoke structure (Figure 56). The line was left open circuited and an R.F. signal applied while the magnet windings of the yoke were excited with a direct current (Figure 57). The time delay, Td, could then be measured by noting the current maxi- ma on the vacuum tube voltmeter, Vi. Since the admittance of an open cir- cuited transmission line will be a maximum when the line length is an odd number of quarter wavelengths, and since the total delay, Td, is the ratio of length to velocity of propagation, then Td = n/(4f) where f is the fre- quency in cps and n an odd integer. Therefore, by noting those frequencies at which V1 peaks we may find the time delay of the line. By applying D.C. signals to the yoke the family of curves of Figure 53 may be obtained. At one megacycle Td . 0.65 microseconds with a variation of 0.35 microseconds with the application of 200 ampere turns and an attenuation of 9db. A further experiment in modulation techniques used a similar fer- rite yoke having 5000 turns of number 38 QF wire. A line was constructed and wound with number 42 H.F. formex wire on a rod having eight silver patches arranged in three stripes. The line was terminated in its character- istic impedance of 6.5K. The input and output wave-forms were viewed simul- taneously on a Tektronix type 535 oscilloscope with a type 53C dual trace preamp triggered by the input waveform (Figure 59). The change in delay without a ferrite tube as noted on the oscilloscope = 0.08 microseconds with an applied field of 1250 ampere-turns. With the tube, which was unsilvered, the change in delay . 0.6 microseconds. Clearly, the ferrite tube extended the usable time delay in this region. Before proceeding to lines constructed using Composition 84, Compo- sitions 67 and 75 were used in further establishing proper fabrication tech- niques. (Compositions 67 and 75 are described in Section III of this report.) Tables XVI and XVII indicate the physical characteristics and magnetic evalua- tion of various lines constructed from a variety of materials, including Compositions 205, 67, 75 and 84. The data given in Tables XVI and XVII for lines I and II are self- explanatory. ;,ines III and IV were fabricated to investigate the use of indium-amalgam? in place of DuPont type 14.916 silver bearing lacquer as a conducting coating for capacitive patching on rods and ground planes on tubes. It is evident from the information of Tables VI and VII, and Figures 60 and 61 that the indium-amalgam is a better conductor on a ferrite surface. 4/02/05 CIA RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 95 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 SILVER PAI NT FERRITE YOKE RF SIGNAL INPUT 0 FERRITE DELAY LINE R F SIGNAL OUTPUT SILVER PAINT MAGNETIC MODULATION WINDING Figure 56. Ferrite Deley Line Mounted in Ferrite Yoke 96 R. F. GENERATOR ion POWER SUPPLY INPUT DELAY LINE OUTPUT 0 V.T.V.M VI 1111111111111111r MAGNETIC -N YOKE ? ? '1 1L ?.. Figure 57, Block Diagram for Modulated Delay Evaluation 97 STAT 1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 RF 0 GENERATOR R.F. SIGNAL IN POWER SUPPLY YOKE?a DELAY LINE RE SIGNAL OUT 0 a 6.5K NJ V' 1...7 INPUT A INPUT B r?co 00- SYNCH TEKTRONIX TYPE 535 OSCILLOSCOPE WITH DIAL TRACE PREAMP Figure 59. Block Diagram for Visual Presentation Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 99 S T ?7-IA T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Line No. Material Length inches Diam.* Wire Size Modulation Structure** _ Description of Line I 205 2 L 42HF Y Rod and tube silvered with DuPont 14.916 lacquer. _ ha IIb 67.8 67.8 2 2 L L 42HF 42HF Y Y Patched rod, 3 patches in 3 stripes; without tube. Patched rod, 3 patches in 3 stripes; unsilvered tube. Ina IIIb 75 75 1 2 2 S S 42HF 4211F Y Y Rod and tube patched with 8 patches; DuPont 4916 lacquer. Tube had 2 nonconducting stripes; indium-amalgam. IV 75 2 L 42HF Y Rod and tube patched with 10 patches; indium-amalgam. Tube had 2 nonconducting stripes. V 84 2 1 S 42F Y and C Tube patched with indium-amalgam with one nonconducting stripe. Rod not patched. When the number of nonconducting stripes on the tube was increased to six progressively, no change in output characteristics could be noted. VI 84 2 L 42F Y Rod and tube patched with indium- amalgam. VII 84 3.85 s 42F C Tube patched with indium-amalgam in one nonconducting stripe. Rod not patched. VIII / I 84 2 _ S 42F C Temperature check) line operated at ambient temperatures of -44?c to +110?C. * Diameter refers to large (L) tube or rod diameters Large: Tube 0.D. = 0.29 inches Small: Tube Rod O.D. = 0.193 inches Rod ** Refers to ferrite yoke (Y) or concentric coil (C) or small (S) = 0.122 inches = 0.078 inches MAGNETIC AND ELECTRICAL EVALUATION OF DELAY LINES a) g,-) IA (at 1 kc) ..?.. 0 0 2 o 4' co N 0la "O .- E-4 I 0 .0 .--. 0 o -0 0 0 0 ...... 4.. 0 44 0 .1-1 ..--. 0 0 u) = ...... E-I 44 - 00 a) 0 to ?. = 0 ......, 0 71 OE-4 clo 0 ...1 0 4.).?1 o i-4' r-1 .0 0 0-r4 TJ Z 4-1 E-4 Comments I 2.2 0.54 1 9 .6 .35 200 a.t. his rib 7.1 .56 1 6 1 10 .o8 .60 1250 a.t. Ferrite tube necessary for large change in delay at high freq. Illa b 6.5 6.5 .34 .47 see Figure Line with indium- amalgam patching ex- hibited peaking, other did not.. IV 5.1 .56 see Figure Peaking shifted up in frequency as patching and diameter increased. V 7.5 .43 10 10 20 20 see Figure .12 .06 4 300 Oe. Modulation power so low that yoke dispensed with. Feed-through at 10 mc occurred when the rod was patched. VI 10 20 .01 600 Oe. Large cross section line not as effective. VII 8.5 , .70 10 20* see Figures .1 and 60 gadss 0.35 watts driving power * Can be peaked to 5 db. (see discussion) VIII see Figure Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 .t., - - - 1.3 12 1.1 10 .9 .8 .7 .6 5 4 , o LINES ? o ....0. 0 _ . 0 o .. . o o o o .- - o d/C)NN.............%....a. 3 LINER 2 . I , 100kc 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 Irn.c. 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 910 FREQUENCY Figure 60. Time De1=4y vs. Frequency for Ealay Lines Patched with Lines III and IV ATd .14 .13 .12 .10 .09 t 7t, 10 mc. .06 .05 .04 .03 .02 .01 0 5 10 20 30 D.C. MODULATION CURRENT --a- ma. Figure 61. Change in Delay vs. D. C. Modulation Current. Line V 40 50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 The amalgam undoubtedly adheres better to the ferrite surface. The peak- ing displayed in Figure 60 could not be observed with the silver lacquer. In line IV the peaking has been extended to a higher frequency by using a large cross section line which has less distributed capacitance. When line V was first constructed, the rod was not patched since only a cross-check on the permeameter reading on Composition 84 was desired. The line exhibited excellent characteristics and was operable at 20 mega- cycles (Figure 61). Its modulation requirements were so moderate that the ferrite yoke structure was replaced by a simple solenoidal winding. This procedure eliminated some feed-through problems, since the yoke structure had represented an alternate low resistance path to the incoming f,ignal. However, when the rod was patched, feed-through of the input waveform be- came the dominant factor at the output. It was found that this feedthrough was due to the capacitive link formed by these patches. The patches could not be reduced in size to the point where the effect would be .tolerable, and had to be abandoned. At 10 mc the impedance presented by the stray capacitance was considerably less than that offered by the ferrite to the solenoidal wave. Peaking could be accomplished only through the geometry of the line and the output load. Line VI established that a larger cross sectional area was not as effective as the smaller cross section. The product of the frequency, f, time delay, Td, and diameter of the line D is equal to the line inductance, Ll. That is, fTdD = Ll. A given delay will occur at a higher frequency if D is kept small. Also, less flux will be necessary to saturate a line of smaller cross section. This, of course, will result in smaller modu- lating power requirements. Line VII clearly established the feasibility of the modulated delay line. Although its attenuation is somewhat high it can be peaked with a proper resonant load. At 10 megacycles, with a 10 microhenry in- ductor shunting an 8 ??f Textronix oscilloscope probe, the attenuation was reduced to 5db, and a comparatively linear time delay-modulating current characteristic resulted to 0.1 microseconds change in delay (Figure 62). The hysteresis effect noted in Figure 62is of the order of 5% which is within the distortion limits of the best reactance tube methods. The time delay vs. modulation current relation, of course, becomes nonlinear if operation is pursued into the saturation region. Longer lines would tend to avoid this problem as would materials of still higher permeability, by presenting a greater initial delay. It will be noted from Figure 63 that the point at which the time delay-modulation current relation becomes nonlinear coincides with the point at which the output amplitude increases drastically. This evidently occurs because the line is approaching saturation and behaves like an air core line with low loss. This region is not valuable, however, because of the large nonlinearity. The modulation winding of line VII was a solenoid wound upon a form concentric with the rod and tube. No attempt was made to get a close fit as the isolation afforded by the separation precluded any coupling be- tween the carrier RF signal and the audio or DC modulation current. Although 10)4 npniassified in Part - Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 17; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 et C-C4 co Allikik.-111111 0 0) a) I"- co in I. N 4F----- 4P 3anindriv NI NOI1V11:11/A 106 C', the modulation signal could have been applied to the same winding as the RF carrier, the additional winding afforded a means of isolating the two signals and gave a flexible four terminal network where the impedance of the modulation circuit could be adjusted to that of its drive circuitry. The DC modulation characteristics noted demonstrate the practi- cality of the delay line phase modulator. The impedance of line VII at 10 megacycles was found to have a magnitude of about 750 ohms. The delay line cannot be loaded, however, since it still has a rather high series impedance. The unpeaked attenuation of line VII was 20 db. The attenua- tion may, however, be reduced to 6 db, if the line is matched into a class Al amplifier and its output peaked: In a typical communications transmitter, at least three stages could be eliminated by the 10 megacycle delay line. Line VIII was the basis of a determination of the effects of temperature on the variation in time delay with DC modulation current. The results are shown in Figure 64. It is evident that the device is stable through the range of -44?c to 110?c. Additional lines were fabricated and the change in delay avail- able determined as a function of D.C. modulation current. Table XIX is a summary of the firing and winding conditions for each line. The corres- ponding curves of change in time delay vs. bias are shown in Figures 65 and 66. It is apparent that line No. 10A is the superior one of this group. Further tests were made with line No. 10A in a commercial fre- quency modulating equipment. A summary of the results are shown in Table XVIII. TABLE XVIII TEST INFORMATION FOR LINE NO. 10A Modulation freq. 1000 cps Carrier freq. 10 mc Final freq. 00 mc Freq. deviation at 30 mc + 7.5 kc (+ .1 'Is) Audio power required 0.3 watt RETMA distortion 5.2j Similar tests taken at 30 mc on line No. 10C, indicated a change in time delay of + .01 ?s, in the linear range. Systematic testing at 30 mc has not been possible until very recently. With the acquisition of a calibrated 30 mc receiver, it now is possible to determine whether the basic limitations are produced by the line geometry or the material charac= teristics. The tentative conclusion at present is that the original goal Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 107 I STAT 1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 - .12 110 ?C Figure 64. Change in Delay vs. D.C. Modulation Current with Temperature as Parameter Line VIII I . 4 -OAT ?ri."3.4*AV-11146-9"*. 104 T, 0 \0 w H w > H H > H 7..01r.M5PMEMT TABLE XIX DELAY LIVE FABRICATION DATA ,?.?% .:)t ? 'Fir4 *(i 7.`.? ,?!" Line No. Line Length Soak Temp. ?C Soak Time (min.) Rise Rate ?C/hr. Fall Rate (ohms) Resistance of Modulation . Winding , % , 4A 2' 1140 '20 500 Furnace Cool 800 5 2' 1125 20 500 it 750 5 2" 1100 20 boo it it 950 7A 3 7/8" 1150 20 400 t I It 1850 7B 3 3/4" 1150 20 400 ii ii 2250 9 2 3/4" 1135 20 800 ii ii 1650 10A 4 3/4" 1160 20 600 Slow Cool 1850 ( 100?C/hr.) 10B 3 1/2" 1160 20 boo Slow Cool 2000 ( 100?C/hr.) 10C 2 1/4" llbo 20 boo slow Cool 800 ( 100?C/hr.) A, B, and CI for a given designation, refer to different lines fabricated from a particular firing. A .01'16?.6=46=1WANAM:=PRIMNIStage4tAlseilFOCIPAroxsPreftwanowee,....*-... F4th:*. ? Wirg=MMIWARMerWPWW~KaMMIIIR-wmr.swer. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 LINE NO.7A LINE NO. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 D.C.MODULAT1ON CURRENT IN MILLIAMPS Figure 65. Change in relv vs. D.C. Modulation Current " W-1 .32 .30 28 .26 .24 .22 20 - (.) ?J 4.0 59.5 2.0 59.4 fr MO Am am ase ???? .. .".. ..... % ? .? ? % % 4,6 ?? % ...1 fa...... e / e /? ?? ......... ..... No -, / / / / / / k i / / / I / ...... I _ 0.2 0.4 0.6 BIAS CURRENT IN AMPERES 0.8 Figure 75. Variation of frs fa and k with Bias Current for Toroid 285.52 127 1.0 STAT) STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 66.5 67 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Figare 76. Voltage-Frequency Characteristic for Toroid 285.56 The values of temperature coefficient of resonant frequency and coupling coefficient obtained for toroid 285.56 at low temperatures are very nearly equal to those reported for toroid 285.52. The values obtained for toroid 285.52 were determined from measurements taken between 25?C and 250?C. These two samples were prepared under similar conditions. Conclusions and Recommendations Of the various areas of effort investigated during the contract period covered by this report, the development of magnetostrictive materials was the least extensive. As a result, it is difficult to arrive at signifi- cant and detailed conclusions. However, the present work has indicated that the temperature interval -65?C to +250?C is too broad to expect a uni- formly small temperature coefficient of resonant frequency over the entire interval. The goal of 10 parts per million per degree centigrade was not attained. As a result, no attempt was made to fabricate geometries to give rise to oscillations in the frequency region 455 kc to 1000 kc. Further effort in this field should be more properly directed toward obtaining specific materials for specified filter application. The temperature coefficient requirement should be stipulated over the smallest temperature interval reasonable. 129 STK:11 STAT- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 1 1 i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 SECTION VI CONCLUSIONS In the body of the text, conclusions and recommendations have been given covering a given phase of effort. In this Section, the per- tinent results are summarized and in some respects extended. ? Perhaps the most significant accomplishment of the effort covered by this report is the development of a usable modulated ferrite delay line for application at 10 mc. Even though the ultimate goal of a 30 mc carrier line was not achieved, the utility of the device in hand is unquestionable. Operation in a commercial frequency modulating equipment Indicated that the present line gives rise to low distortion and that the audio power required for operation is nominal. The necessary total delay and change in delay with field has been obtained using Composition 84 ferrite which was developed under the low signal materials program. Ex- trusion of this material in rods and tubes of the requisite strength and straightness has been accomplished without the sacrifice of the desirable magnetic properties. Until the utility of the 10 mc carrier line has been shown to be inadequate, it is recommended that no further effort be expended in de- veloping a 30 mc carrier line giving +0.1 microsecond change in delay. It has been shown, however, that the present materials and configuration can be used for operation as high as 15 mc and with a small amount of additional work, be extended to 20 mc. For phase modulation systCms which require a constant phase shift in radians, independent of carrier frequency, the pre- sent line possibly could be extended to give +0.05 microsecond change in delay at 30 mc. In the development of high power ferrite materials, two Composi- tions, 704 and 731, are recommended for application to cover the frequency range 20 kc to 1000 kc. These materials exhibit usable permeabilities over the temperature interval -65?C .to +250?C. (Characteristic curves are given in the body of the text.) It is recommended that work in the area of high power ferrite materials development be terminated until the present materials are evalu- ated in a specific application. After this evaluation, further effort may be fruitful in tailoring specific properties to the needs of a given device. During the course of the present development, high power materials were sup- plied to the American Research and Manufacturing Corporation for possible application in a rapid response magnetic amplifier being developed under Contract No. AF 33(615)-3377. However, no results have been received to date in connection with the evaluation of these materials. The broad objectives of the program dealing with the development. of low loss, low signal materials were achieved. A series of high Q materi- als have been made available with permeabilities in the range 12 to 120. The Curie temperatures of these materials lie between 385?C and 500?C and high Q behavior persists over the temperature interval -65?C to +250?C. 17 4 130 In addition, the low signal properties of these materials have been shown to be relatively unaffected by prolonged exposure to high humidity. Of particular importance is the low temperature coefficient of permeability exhibited in the range -o5?C to +25?C. In future work, the broad objec- tives, which applied in the phase of effort currently completed, should be narrowed to stipulate specific low signal parameter values. Materials developed under the low signal ferrites program have been supplied to the Federal Telecommunications Laboratories for possible application in developments being carried out under Contract AF 33(500)-32050, and to the Emerson Radio and Phonograph Company for possible application in developments being pursued under Contract No. AF 33(600)-31464. In the development of ferrite materials for magnetostrictive applications, the goal of a temperature coefficient of resonant frequency less than 10 ppm per ?C was not achieved. It is recommended that further effort in this field be directed toward obtaining specific materials for specified filter application. The temperature coefficient of resonant fre- quency requirement should be stipulated over the smallest temperature inter- val possible. 131 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 R STAT Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240003-8 STAT STAT