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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 R 50X1 -HUM Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 ?????????,????????? ?? 4:1 ? - - ? - ? ' . 1-1".':;'1'1;' &At' ,19119.34.1 ?- ..e7.1%; P?W ...tg -.1. ?? W _-..":\ .,.....,.. to, .der,.... ......i. ? 4.1. *V'''. .. .T. zi 407, .......;4......v... , . . ???4".2 54 - ,i;,, .,, I.- - . . . ' Olt . ''.."?' `Ti. ..* 4,-Tur.., ? / ? .:. . ...........4:.... - . ......-ZNZ.S.,. ... - . . ...?0?...... ......., .1"...S,... ?- -,- ..4.,.. . itAz. ' ??'404,4, esi* - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 -t iIt* 5 10 41` ke 73$ MASTER TYPING GUIDE i.o e?cLoci.cc c a ? RI "Op c.C. _ DIPICIFINER OF anurun or alcurr roma= PIIACIIIMI ausincorin ? f.V.4? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ???? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 50-Yr 2014/02/05 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 rt. ? RESTRICTED DOMOVININT Of 001M3ILITT Or kilt:1111T by P. X. BraLlorski Ti. strometh of wifyipart,0 avoided Direstorals almost alwayaless them the 'tramp& it the semi part Is its original state. Twreettgations it the durvialy it seas test epeniams of voided steel tubes trade-marbed 100011 that were eendested by. 14 I. Merino mmillt. B. Berm fess TV! (Air float Teshaelegy) Is. 11, 19467 latest* 1. that the rg1a of safety at marsh welded pari meta' 5 to 6 kg sad oemprises 1/5 to 1/10 of the original strs.gth of the tube. la any lastamiess a still greater loss of tube strewth (as high as 30 ti...) in the welded streeturesi was observed at vibratory 10r. Is the meamtina welded tubular streetures hove bola widely s.. pled is aireraft osostreetioa. This Lauds. the seems mount, =beast 'teaks, Awl" frames underaarriage frames, stride, brooms, mad erensbrammei, ete. Ti. present development if seder' toehmelegy permits stemderde requirtag the streagth of welded strusturel parte to be as greet as the 'trey* of the natorial itself la as unwalded state. Ti. author has sueseeded is develylog a new voldiag teohnique for tubular structures, thereby solving to name =tout the problea of reduced strength due to welding. Is the sometruotlea of erne type it (minuet there in a great number at welded tubular parte made of ehrome molybdeaum steel of IA ash., that are very important strueturally. These tubes are 25 to 2$ ma in diameter. The mode of the tubes are slotted for lasertioa at the gesoots, whisk arg ave-welded together. drier voiding, the frause are beet-treated to egm, = 120 - 140 kg/Meg (mozuslised). A general view of the welded assembly in gives Is fig. 1. The remelts of tests es several truss parte sad umwelded tubes heat-treated to the some streagth are summarised Is table 1. Oa the average, the breaking foree of the uplakt was Mused by 4900 kg or 30 Is monparisoa with the unveiled tube. Table 1 The breaking :erne (ka) Dee:weed breaking twee of (welded) braes is oemparisenmg2fht to breaking tensof e the tube (before weld- tar) is I Cress mei- tlea at the tube Temporary resistemee of the tubs klAIN2 ushers haresses test lag method IIII Upright Ihele tube 0500 15700 , 45 122.9 127.0 415 11950 16500 211 1224, 13442 426 06MD 15700 44 120.3 130.5 411 22200 15200 ao 122.0 124.7 392 13600 16500 111 125.2 132.0 424 * 4 greet less of the etreagth my be observed net emir Is welded areas, but aloe is ether parts at the strainer's. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 iiAA?1 ,e4 .425 ? The character of the destruotlee of the welded upriehts is shown la fig. 2. Detailed study of the statie tilt results sad of the eomponent parts at tin brakes imprLibta permits serials' somelusises to be mods. lastalletlem it the gooiest slew leans aim with a rlipt Eaglet this fester ewes biomes semeintrities if stresses at the embers if the slot. Ordlaarylmading does met IMMOI608 a eenplete wild if this gep whisk remain in pert, in the finished weight. mess egotism *fibs welded wpriebt with a Welded gimmeet usually bas the appears's,* shown la fig. 3. It Is ortabliiimml br a series if tests tint la all similar eases of welded upriehts, the fellers lessors at the mem-welded areas Is the slot owls. The striae distribution diagram of mesh welded jolats is cross mastics at the slotted ends should leek libe fig. 4. Fig. 1 1. Tubelp 211/25 VOL Fig. 3 Amids iron incompletely welded ends of the slots, the Character of the vowelded seem at a sroes section of the slotted parties it the tube marts a esmeidereble inflame' es the strewth it the joist, seposially with the Oman Udall. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/05 CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 an. RESTRICTED Stress osneentration in the.. and other similar plea's, the slightioften permissible, detests in the weld (slieht underemt end eves overlap of the weld hoed) ales 441140, Wiest the strength of the Armature, pemtleslarly durability lathe prawns" of vibratory leadVmg. The abees-eamtioned streetural and tosheleal detest' in airman osestrustien amine% be sompenemled by a simple inertias& .f the era's sweeties of the welded Pointe. The any sorriest solution to the preblea at increased stremeth is the develepmemt of tending methed of all areas it stress esmeestratiat in the strusture, whisk would, by its 'arrester', ended" lathed"' areas the pessibilibr it leading defeats (undereut, overlap, overheating, she.) leading to the formals& of new stress soneestratiema, amd whisk weld dissipate stress in these areas. For a solution it theee webbing, the mother developed avow relator method for tabular &bereft strustures 'assisting of the fellowiegs" Wilding the gusset with the tube is divided into two operations, end winAlmg the gusset edges with the slot sods in the tubes is aseonplished in two stereo. The Mut operatics eomsists of orlimulrame welding at the gusset with the Ube In all plans eneept the areas at the sods of the slots. The quality of the weld Ikon' soarers with general, ? *Norte* teehmisal oomditiems, that is, is some =toot, porticos of the weld bead mer eemtain under. weld, umdereets, pits, holes am& ether defeats. Defect" soak am overlap of the bead en the beme metal are permissible without limit. The seemed operatics is asymeetylens weldimg of the gusset butt suds to the weld ends of the are welding. This is dome in two stages. First the butt ends of the gussets are welded to the ends of the two beads fron the are voiding with the Inner ends it the tube slots by the soma" *welding spot.' The relining nast guaremtee a fell pemetrstien Sr weld-through of the area amd all welded joimts avast be as see emit. The unavoidable overheating of a eertain area it the Ube in the region of the 'weld- ing spot", and aloe a eomparatively abrupt shame' from the gusset to the tot., should be eonpeaseted br depositing a welded wedge (fig. 5.). Depositing the "welded 'ledge should start se the tebe at a distance, not less them 20 mm from the end of the slot end be eentinsed toward the butt of the gusset. The 'welded wedge" begins as a hardly metiabable incremee of the thiskmess, is gradually tearoom& In width mad height by the deposited material, paw the guest butt sad the sods of the gamest vele"' beads mad overlaps the "weldimg spot." The "welded wedges should also overlap the gusset beads by no less thee 5 ER. Pls. 4 The start of the "welded wedge" ("a" en fig. 5) should met have aey welding defeats (underouts, holes, and even no everlaps). hirr weldimg defeat, ualnper- tent at we, other area at the welding joint, will produee every eossiderable inflame's en the strewth and particularly on the durability of the tubular e Authorship Certificate No. 62521 from the State Flemming Commission of the Mies of the Soviet Soeialist lepablios (published in bulletin No. 2-3, 1913 of the Samos of Inventises of the State Planning Commissisa U.S.S.R. 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 ?I RESTRICTED welded stmeture at areas of strees memesatratioas. Ta the event tint a detest is rimed at the begiening of the *walled wedge", a mow &real- ties of the *wedge heed lona& at a distress* of 5 ism !ninths previous see. Mehm,???10 pig., Usnerous tests of weldol uprights, bib:teat.' by um, mow method, um...tad fully satia- te/story results. Katie shear test data for the typisal eerie" of welded upright' is shown la table 2. Ia fig. 6 ere the photographs of a series of destreyed uprights. As is seen, the failure as all tooted uprights oosurrod at the body of the tube at a distemee of )0 to ? 50 an fres the start of the 'welded wedge." Pig. 6 Pig.? Ifithtbis sew welding method, the streagth of the welded upright is &eternised by the tehe of the upright at a given eanditits. Figure 7 shows the photograph of atgpisal melee of welded uprights of a different 801110 welded by the mew method after the Matte Maar toot. As la the provisos seas, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 4 05 ? CIA RDP81 01043R002800240002-9 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 -tt? RESTRICTED failure of the welded uprights secured far !rata welded area is the aor et the tabs. Table 2 attests breaking , . ? , pprida w5 tube DeoreasedhcaddIng I fora it (welded) I brae is peresatage is to. ? Grose sect- . that it the upright tabs (a2) ? . temporary realetemes it the tube (keibla2) Visitors harems, tat. img method lis easpariesa brooking reares if the tube (before abliniA , 0300 15300 VMS 122.4 125.0 3811 1490 24990 ? L12.5 122.0 390 16100 16.100 ? 125.1 120.7 404 16900 26900 le 124.9 135.4 410 14990 LIM ? 122.5 122.0 394 A .? Pig. 1. Welded %mdse. ? The tareased streagth it the welded uprlght mar be explained firstly by the elledastion it strusteria. stress easesetratioa, aed essendlyt. the previews of the *welded wedge Ada distributes the streamed, orealy along the satire lamgth of the "right tea. The mew asthod of weldiftlexte with mtreeturel stress tomeatratioa areas is alas. widely employed is the strayer% Weary is febriestimg various tubular welded etresturee. Tigers II saws a *eta of samplisead tibe eluetere with a elt-in swat. At the areas it stress easesstratias, *welding spete* amd *veldt's wedges* are deposited to amoodo the possibility if stress eseastratlea at these areas and the oomoogeoat prometame tailors it the strata*. 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 SAWA.. -1,11-17111V-11..-Ij Fig. 9? 1. Welded wedge. Is the ocestruetion of the weldi-elaster illustrated is fig. 9, the *welded wedge* is diPositod is the side of the saute @ogle to molt& the peesibility of streetatul failure la this area at low stress easeentratioss. denstines, whom two tubes are welded at a 90? eagle, it is reesameaded that a depeeities St *welded wedges* es both sides of the vertioal tube be made almag the enter lime of the berisestal tube (fig. 10). ass the butt mods of two tubes are poised hyveldiag, it is raeoesismoled that a &pool- !lea of four *welded wedges* he wade (fig. 11). Prestleal omporimase with a great member of welded tabular streeteres fahriested by the mew method indleatod estiroly satisfeetory results. Atr example, oath. elegise seen% fames et see &impart that has bees in service, there were *early is. sillies areas welded W ths sew toothed. Net a single ease et failure of the eagles mama farms omparred Is the.. areas durlagthe satire splitting tine et the aireraft. The *welding spot* med the *welded wedges, osestrestial to lacrosse the stresgth of the - parts at the welded strum/tura up to the strength of the sawolded tubes In the given sesditime, nog he made by sap Betas& gee, atonie Waves or are vadiag. The author's use St asyseetgleme welding is explalsedrby the feet that gee welding permits the easiest fulfill- ment of all the toehaelegical rapines's., esemestedi with a sew method. The sew method permits wide use et are welding ef the importest airoreft stevedores. The high output, the absesee of the seepeoeity to utilise "mares materials, low deformities mod, seek interim* et all, the abases et gape are the most important features af are veldt's of smell-thiehasse speelallyande steels. /t is interesting to este that the mations" siren" ishastrybeges. the wide-seals use of are veldts, of small-thisksess spoeial-grade steels is 1932, whereas the derma aireraft Industry adopted it map is 1935 sod the VOA is 1936. STAT 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05 : CIA-RDP81-01043R007Ann94nnn9J0 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 ? T4) RESTRICTED CPP 1..cossmad ye I ? 1.0110gsdir /is. 10 1. Voided wedge. Fig. 11 The lower vibratory strength of &iron" etroptarse joined by are welding in oseparieen with strseturee joined by gas weldinghiniered, to sone extent, the wide adeptiea of are welding. ?hisser method of are welding posits iseressewfthe statie stresitat of the welded strestures op to the strength of the basis seterial. lehnre utilisation of this welding method in the fibrieetion of airereft itreetures par be greatly exploded. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 _ 90/Z0/171-0Z -1A-09 aseeleel Jo penoiddv Moo pazwues - ;Jed u! pewssepaa ? to gyt- efewrireesa luesorsaa? searefeaffh *sksmoseds is het Uwe ????11111113 111111 OS' ? se& as einairsedia hoods U ?diew?411 isals?441 sost.1 es sCivi-44011 ehfahreas,S e4(t1 no ger hie oftfel01900111 iserns ? eodansiedf rat...1444v s?Ii?MiS3111( evir edouer 11001 i lit INmsuI. %do ....lids SRr iareeilverfrise ? medal] )1se ado wassusa4 von '2..)ma. s niotheareid eon is) 4d 111)0iriOvOil ) oNINA Xi go.oh alai* ae.ms? ???einuar sefilialt 'farad ieonsfanr4d ?590 ? .1iaeff mai sty ins )90 Illittl*i? 5515 1141 ? . 4.4 .1, SNS.$1 1.)?1111i bp . ud..I ? ? *a - - ? .f ate dP guavas(A ass" . aislu ?nie.sJ yam row*, 0, fLi_oeff IS 01101011.1111l111 0 '''''' BB sans edam/suds 'mule w.1"4.44 .111?A.)11JV )4 INS ? 505 ti141 its.111 J.111.)441.111.1 3NflSR.1, 25545 ft .4 t, 014?j resswiti3 gest, 1II 55 41f.1141 uhadvaradu rd?ISIN?4. esintek.f.43t B IS NUhN4J sus 11104..,.itut SN,...IC n.141 N 045 op 41 1.5514 WO )/ .4 *1 4 pi se 'lit is 11 ...b ? ?4*sr ? as sissartIONA $) an). ? ?oidl.$) ,1?40.4 i1,11)? us. ?I9 mmadaweil .141ass5du 55155 $i ? )11 ot rar 334409 cw3udioe ? Aar id is 3svs)4 edam Rods ra.r),(duL Ian is sf101 9690 11h111.1 VI owed saffig ass (d is hirita4 ? grown ti 11101 ? 1.1 ' -V gediadassir amn? trimiadeasodu LI - W ? Sc ) vet 30fri115ii355e ramadu Warne& minim -4109a14 tos(dn( ?eirairso+enfi Amara. er "9 "ti "t!bui .01) 'ler) BBBBB 1,0dPtv S,Laur ???? (d fru Dare)A 'sdaretlidi ???:fed44fav ?Iti OSA 33515555 OS du re ,a 144 C*91 d ? Ilk eau - 640 huh.) a 4 halftime) wednifiaida ?NOVIIIIH 11..1( ?110.7.1..11Val ? 41111.1).), d Plain .6.131111.11 1111.1349.111?XIU ? 1111.10L / ? cosy - ?. ? edousii oaosia.xmlor.) iffiaor Lamm) 0540,)?15 Koren OE asiersodmiuu uloweraarn ovodr havivhi.ad ? 045 '011,,s6uru4I13dij 'be110'0- i)i6.s SI ohm 4rou (ag) ? sdesiarews sIN ???113,011 41?5114 ? 11141911X3?3 KILLS 101111.1.1t ? 11,11.15Ift,U itAa4111u s5*elf4ti341 ?1414.1v4cad I m0 is HOW )0?11`flu n1011.11183 IMO own%) nwar isut, 6t. "V 44)SVIIIM411191400 US sahristiaa. 14 WINCOU rider ar ?nef AS e.faree?dresdu aro ami, Smirsrelta_re aassissa ni ? ais400dis Cassr?vi? 1.x)411)1.1 PIO& ten No. IIfew ?" sonda 5)4411 s ? ? rssesellfsa PI .011?2/1? 5051, 081mie.101 )1450. 111113441 suingidju 'WI I X0, 01111d111 oval re So toxin)) 11551(5..) i di arced'', 041, 4.0(1) 1?11i) 0 VFW 91.10ra/11J 0 omit,. 6,01,sidi mou 4.4 ooduoe emu rains 4Xsu 41?141.4emarl sthauas *501111411111 ? ??1?14da ,tends elides) 9034,u1 ilelriced?110 ? or Alrlud4,11IN NI ion wads; v31l1,1s11 s .4 III iji,r111(di 1110114411%.111rli asutewadi hale& s... i ist?Olt 0U forraradeo) 'mashed grasud d? S 555)5 Jed 11.3011140a1 ? is rio?..) 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Ismail nepel 10 a 301414 Trsf?U 0 11500141. .. 50,??0 1."441SI? 3 Tilt/IP t p111. pe thnn III Ile 'Ito I (IT , II I 5 3P(4* :t. 4?111.1 11.0110.11% HI" 14531.414 Hen lass,n .clispn,?.,0" v co' 44m) ".% HsnAisms ,css pogitur 4) . ? 3. 1144,4.464.v ( ? is Tpyne Hs pa. n.talvi 2 lis Ow s aaHe 41"1orrs43no vin/nm (10551114 11C UH1141. .5) Ali 03 KOHUS 13pOpe3H pa .p) weinita 3 no 3504 os I. es (HUHN, Ps Is seitet.. I .. u mvau I. Hos. N tops) ) 10 .Cas? tuemue aces (cc ntarsuulas nussu, no ni, IN. I.. posunia %.*. 113.41011111112116111 is er,6e call ?s allAO no ne.sor set T) Igry6la us p.11.1 f01111HH 1letH1/114 11 .11111.1110.14. flOtTVIeHHO yse.iwissa in 50 NM ..t 415.45.15 .4 1/1p0?11401./ ',(J? eTCP no Wig:01H! 14 "Mit 411e 35 C34eT npscssoN. lip" notwil c noco('e , saps? 111,1,1110C its 463P itOto matt. 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Kaaawn 0015,05 npotic 1031.10 sJ.11.110 04 Het 1 1 Ilap1141 APII)C141 I itavkwo ow ohs tbilial0110411 Mideninto no neauss cpyetsm . ssusuus 5 .1s4 ill Ap% nil y41311%811 cespHui., 1.0 3 . , ? . 111%.1^I.I 1.11..1,41fTi..11...H0 641.1bUJOr 6.11411? 1?81p,u1433H-Tfi:PI: 3 ?.1 14 148 111104HOt IN H 01 061'HHO Ha 511141LX .1111411(Th g -: C.8111P".4 3P%69111..0 mom vp, Kuno s sec(' sou wee ILTaue i tii 1 t: 1. ..---; iii.,11,; ? f.- ? . - newypen k. 14 Hs0p. scums . 3 S itt ?ifif.:. it 1.. I: lipse 415.1144H14 1431)01.. 11460 Ae4/ehT1 111 113 Hail' .1 sapovi.,... ca' 41HOBb npon IROMITCO A .. 1 ii: a III. I: :: : 1 3.1 ?4 X. p3013158 1134 , 11 ?%(1 us pact TOSHP14 S MM 4....2 ,_,.z.....! ,....... , , , !., ._ irr nepnol.,I/: 4 I: .. . . "1?1401 ..an ? noue Nona tnnilt csapH.s a nu 1 I Aou t...1u0 149.0 11'60 121 S 01 .. . haw 011. 5 11,11,514 11.4611 Host.** cnocoM,... nok.s 1..1,u1 16401 u 1.4 sr nie S ?I ,notInorute .16141.1e pc is 11.1114k1 1.1 1 I:. - W1U0, itynZn. annnbi ti, ill, ansin 1 Nnic.HuA nap's,' . vapor( 1 Iwo 14.40 li :24: ! 1 .I.S. I ,. n..2..4.X. n us .1 3 ,,1.4C, s.iiti pa spas ?pane leo.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 11...t4 "He nponlon TN (magmas nolmocos Hoerr a. au ne plod it. nn non- . ,ok hi tmots kminenrpantill nanpssenall 80- ? niupis. HIAN4Nril .teapoynoto ycs% o6ecne- u pasnunepmue pacnpeneAenne ape. 151 31.14h15 ), win, no nrAnyiy yvactny Tpy6ii twak.,a sys.in or lieCTI Cklpica. I 14abik t .54tn6 t aap.a yascrron rowcipro? 111/1111.1 a nonuenrpaunil nanpninemin y me ofswe.1 nniputme npnwenenne nponlatu? .lennoc 31 npm nuoromennn paunvoal tpyn 45.145 aspnne ? noncrpynnull Ha ,Dni 8 npnee3en 1C1113 (..u3smoro y1.011 HI IspelulOP noctomoll. B OCRS* KOm? nputpaumn nanpainennll nponiaolntel kanAilliga 0.1814044N 1.44140 IS ottlipU4HUS ycoe'. KM?. par NI 11.1st4SIOT 1110144SatalCia aungtenipanun nanpnaltnn0 a 57111 mecial H npenttesperen 5.3 1'3)11114DM kma tpylfaNN It 11541.1pyklail S napnui u ) 511. 51130(1504 n,f.pa ^03,1041 113 4?iir 9. upon i150,211t( a 113 1.11114 .4 118p...111,5 1? (0 4. 10p1..414 0(111.114/ 51.1. .1 T.. mit 1.1.0431, notroatoinb Pa,PYwr ? lone 1054 (p5155111 15 117018 at. ye npn 1411111115 Haupt* 11...1 la n IS 'ISP napNo S Ml a) 115 11.5 r,miler 11..1 npublus. ?1.11.4 Ue 5,4 01/6p15/5. J. npon 3111.5 1145.14115 ot 11.1414,51.4.4 I )4 Me ''Pus 14,(14,5 155pro? .,1111001 rll. 4.5 11 I.. SIll 5'5113.5?55 1 IPS e451 143111 lin ? 11 *la 10 B &plum coeineenan a .sapsioll kowtrpyk unn Amyx tpy6 arTLE neiecoo6pasno nooss- noAirrb 000.00?0y geTup111...(fgaPO4"1.11 1c??? (tbir. 11) 3eccruotrilinn embalm) ItOkrierSkil IWI Tpy8wrriax romerprHoll, intoToaleiniux no nopory cnoco6y. norasamt 100A1e ytos- /ter?OpntrAblait' pelynbienf III ninprierp. HI kaAliulopltill gnosis OAHOf 0 tallOketk. 611111- wero a tbt kAOITILINN. 5511eA0C15 01(030 03.10(0 Sal.kklama )4kC7KOk. o6p46c71nniaz no moonily cnocony 01141150 SS ace spews smcn.rocreann lie bion, HIS ?Amor? caress palpywenna 003 roropnwa pan a 17111 y4ICTICII1C ?CakpOlNkli TOIKS. ? ocsapogniall sc? HI mem sssss t *now nuncipyma011 SAO 00114 111(111111 II a)IPaluttil AC. Op04010(111 I pyG I minnow tocrounan woryt butt. noAy- genii AlaNdle cnoc08or caspoin tempo'. groom,- lopu.lnull. 0yrosoll tip alITOpOld INS nop0im4 &Ile ellAeN415.41 Claps. kw MAIN DO tionnun.715io itambonce .Mt( N0 IWfluiHITb npn !SHAMA con plre- in en Tesiamorm?14 so ? peAu Fianna Known? Mena (nof no ISO inet lunpono /voile HITS 101)1. 'split 41 tett sloraNsil ra110 1,1,441 1.01. fp will Hurons, nponsio3 1,.11.? 11(1( 715 nic)it teal. aeoM110311W0tt1 npnwn?r? 1e11:111111Tliwe Vairpti 3.1h1. wj,lu.Se 81.1p541150?? N. 0140e (1311450% OT p Tc. tame rp.usens 111.1?Innt MI 1111111411 nperrrulecland? 05 1 Mud) ,saps. nrinemi.nw? 111.11.11 MAW lintepecno T I h, 1110 ute?e* I arliaall 1likkli90114dWitemmatib p1141.11 it111144t0 pare ???? 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/02/05: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800240002-9