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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVOFtD REPORT 6164 STAT r-- FAST FIELD EFFECT AND PHOTORESPONSE STUDIES ON LEAD SULFIDE PHOTOCONDUCTORS 15 MAY 1958 L. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 FAST FIELD EFFECT AND PHOTORESPONSE, STUDIES ON LEAD SULFIDE PHOTOCONDUCTORS' ABSTRACT: Concurrent studies of field effect and photoconduct- ivity in thin-film lead-sulfide photoconductors have yielded a better understanding of the mechanism of photoconduetivity involved. Two problems were of particular- camerng; ((a.)) they validity of the assumptions of the majority carrier model of photoconductivityl, and (b) the role of the electronic: traps probed by field effect in the photoconductive proe:eilf-Se Experimental data from chemically deposited: lead sulfide': films' confirm the existence of electronic traps on the surface and/Or ? in the space charge region and demonstrate for the first time the identity of the field effect and photoresponse time constants. a A beat frequency bridge technique applied to the fast field effect measurements permitted heretofore Impossible accuracy, particularly if the samples are of high impedance. The majority carrier model was extended, by including explicitly the time for charge transfer into and out of the majority carrier traps, to describe the field effect data. Analysis of the data shows the rate of transfer of charge into the majority carrier traps to be the limiting process. Density and capture-cross-section of the majority carrier traps were estimated. Principle conclusions are that (a) the assumptions of the majority carrier model are valid and (b) the electronic traps probed by field effect are a representative sample of those which cause photoconductivity. The latter conclusion - mean's' that field effect measurements will be a useful taal for fUrther classification of the mechanisms for photoconductivity in thin- film photoconductors of the lead salt type. U. S. NAVAL ORDNANCE: LABORATORY WHITE OAK., MARYLAND STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD REPORT 6164 15 May 1958 This report describes an experimental and theoretical study of the fundamental mechanism of photoconductivity in lead-sulfide thia-film photoconductors. The study is a part of a research program at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory for the purpose of better understanding the photoconductive process in lead salt photoconductors. Experimental data consist of a series of con- current photoresponse and field effect measurements. The principal achievement of the experiment was the substantial confirmation of a majority carrier model 1 previously conceived in this Laboratory for the description of photoconductivity in the lead salt type thin-film photodetector. Theoretical contri- butions include (a) the extension of the majority carrier model to include explicitly electronic trapping on the surface and in the space charge region and to describe field effect, and (b) an analysis of experimental results which provides for the first time estimates of values for such fundamental properties as effective capture cross section and densities of the traps which cause photoconductivity in the lead sulphide films. ii 741, NAVCRD Report 6164 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Objectives 1 B. Summary of Previous Investi- gations 1 1. Engineering and Scien- tific Interest 1 2. Physical Properties and Fabrication Techniques. 2 3. Photoconductivity in the Lead-Salt Type Detectors 2 4. Electronic Surface States C. Approach 5 8 II. EXPERIMENT 10 A. Apparatus 10 1. Film Samples 10 2. Sample Holder 10 3. Sample Housing 10 4. Balanced Bridge 11 5. Beat-Frequency Bridge. 11 B. Procedure.,...,...,12 1. Transient Field Effect and Photoresponse Measurements 12 2. Steady State ac Field Effect and Photoresponse Measurements 12 C. Discussion of Measurement Methods 14 Balanced Bridge 14 2. Beat-Frequency Bridge. 15 D. Experimental Data 16 1. Transient Field Effect and Photoresponse Data. 16 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 iLl STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Chapter NAVORD Report 6164 Page 2. Steady State Field Effect and Photoresponse Data. . 17 3. Field Effect Mobility ? Product ? ? 17 4. Summary of Experimental Data 18 III. THEORY 20 A. Empirical Equations Developed by RC Circuit Analogies ? ? ? 20 1. General 20 2. Description of Experimental Field Effect 20 3. Description of Photo- response 22 B. Theoretical Equations Based on Majority Carrier Model. . 24 1. Statement of Problem . 24 2. Film Conductance and Resistance 24 3. Photoconductivity 26 At. Field Effect 30 C. Comparison of Empirical and Theoretical Equations . ? ? 39 1. Photoresponse 39 2. Field Effect 40 IV. INTERPRETATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA 41 A. General 41 B. Majority versus Minority Car- rier Lifetime 41 C. Rate Limiting Process 42 D. Estimates of Trap Densities and Capture Cross-Sections. . 42 E. Location of Photoconductive Traps 48 V. CONCLUSIONS 56 A. Experimental Contributions . . 56 B. Theoretical Contributions. . . 56 C. Summary of Conclusions . ? ? ? 57 D. Recommendations for Future Re- search 58 iv a NAVORD heport 6164 Page Acknowledgments 59 Appendix 1. 2. 3. 4 ? Balanced Bridge Equation Beat-Frequency Bridge Equations Check on Ohmic Nature of PbS Photosensitive Films Exploratory Measurements Using Balanced Bridge. 60 60 62 67 67 Bibliography 70 ILLUSTRATIONS Figures 1. Envisaged Microscopic Structure of PbS Thin Film Photosensitive Samples 73 2. Typical Semiconductor Surface 73 3. Energy Levels in a PbS Photo- conductive Film 74 4, Outer Surface of a PbS Film 74 5. Components for Photo Response and Field Effect Measurements 74 6a, Assembled Sample Holder 75 6b. Dismantled Sample Holder 75 7a. Assembled Sample Housing 76 7b. Dismantled Sample Housing 76 8. Balanced Bridge Setup 77 9. Beat Frequency Bridge Setup 77 10. Example of Calibration of Beat- Frequency Bridge Setup 78 11. Universal Response Curves 78 12. Typical Oscilloscope Pattern of Response to Square Wave Field Effect Voltage 79 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 NAVORD Report 6164 Page Figures Page Figures 29. Simplified Balance Bridge Circuit 86 13. Photo and FE Response to Pulse 30. Equivalent Circuit for Balanced Signals 79 Bridge with Differential Amplifier 14. Balanced Bridge Data on Time Loading 86 Constants 79 31. Circuit for Field Effect and Photo- 15. Field Effect Response EK Co. Conductive Response Measurements Sample Cell 1-B Uncoated 80 with Beat Frequency Bridge 87 16. Photoconductive Response-, EK Co Cell 1-B Uncoated 80 32. 33. Linearity Check Check of Ohmic Property 87 87 17. Field Effect Response EK Co. 34. Equivalent Circuit of Beat- Cell 1-A Plastic Coated 81 Frequency Bridge Setup 88 18. Photoconductive Response, EK Co Cell 1-A Coated 81 35a. Oscilloscope Pattern Showing Ap- parent Space Charge Layer Inversion 88 19. Field Effect Response of Uncoated Film 82 35b. Oscilloscope Pattern Showing Photo- conductive Response During Apparent 20. Field 2ffect Response of Glass Substrate Surface 82 Space Charge Layer Inversion 88 21. Photo Response Time vs. Back- Ground Illumination 82 22. Field Effect Response for Insensitive Film 83 23. Dependence of Charge Trapped in Surface States on Surface Conditions 83 24. Typical Relative Respons9 to a Sinusoidal Field-Effect Voltage 83 25. RC Analogue of FE Response 84 26. RC Analogue of Photo Response. 84 27. Pictorial Representation of Role of Electronic Surface States in Field Effect Exper- iments 85 28. Transient Field Effect Response 85 vi 4 v:;.1 ifid in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 ? NAVORD Report 6164 I. INTRODUCTION A. Objectives The overall problem is to identify the fundamental mechanism of photoconductivity in thin-film infrared detectors of the lead salt type. The specific objectives are to determine: (a) the role of electronic states probed by field effect in the photoconductive process and (b) the validity of the majority carrier model' for describing photoconductivity in the films. B. Summary of Previous Investigations 1. and Thin film p oto etectors, sometimes cal e photoconductors or photocells, are of consider- able interest to the military and to industry. Their remarkable sensitivity, fast response time, small size, convenient geometry, light weight, and high gain are all desirable properties. Therefore, thin-film detectors are now produced in large quantity for use in a wide variety of scientific, military, and industrial instruments... There is also con- siderable scientific interest in the properties of these detectors. Extensive bibliographies in review papers 2, 3, 4, 5 show the quantity of experimental data and number of theories concerning the physical, electrical, and optical properties of the films. However, in spite of the intense academic and industrial interest, particularly during the past decade, the identification of the fundamental mechanism 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report C164 for the observed photoconductivity in the lead salt type of film remains one of the tantalizing problems of photoconductor theory2 and the films are still fabricated by empirically developed processes which are not completely understood. The identification and understanding of this mechanism has obvious practical as well as scientific value, e.g. novel and improved photocells can then be engineered with properties required for specific applications. 2. Physical Properties and Fabrication Techniques: Physical properties and fabrica- tion techniques are particularly important when considering the mechanism for photo- conductivity. Films are a composite of microscopic crystallites formed by either vacuum evaporation or chemical deposition of the lead-salt to a thickness of about one micron on a glass substrate. The chemically deposited films are sensitized, i.e. rendered photosensitive, during deposition. This sensitization may be optimized after deposition by baking the film in air or oxygen. Vacuum evaporated films are sensitized by exposure to oxygen either during or after the condensation. According to 6-ray and electron microscope observations, the crystallites have overall dimensions of the order 0.1 micron. and are separated by intercrystalline barriers with thicknesses of the order of 10 A?, (see Fig. 1). The individual crystallites are lead salts, while the intercrystalline barriers are an oxide of the lead salts or of lead. The microscopic dimensions afford a relatively large surface to volume ratio, thus emphasizing the role which surface states might play in the photoconductive process. 3. Photoconductivity in the Lead-Salt Type Detectors: Although photoconductivity was 8 discovered in selenium by W. Smith in 1873, the marked photoconductivity of the lead-salt 2 S. NAVORD Report 0.64 type mategials was not discovered until 1917 when Case studied oxygen treated thallous sulfide which he named thallofide. According to Rose12 photoconductivity was not interpreted in terms of the lifetime of a free carrier and the capture cross section of a bound state for free carriers before abouA 1945.h The excellent review papers by Riqner, Moss,' t Smith15 and Petritz and Humphrey.") reveal the numerous theories and models proposed between 1945 and 1957 for describing photoconductivity in these films. The experimental effort was correspond- ingly large. Research on the electrical and optical properties of the lead-salt type films will now be summarized by considering the fundamental processes involved in a manner similar to that of Petritz and Humphrey .10,11 The principal processes of photoconductiv- ity are the generation and the recombination of free carriers. The generation of free carriers by the absorption of photons was shown to be a main band transition la the agreement of the thermal energy gap-L. with. optical transition energy determined from ttle long wavelength limit of photoconductivity..0 Since the optical transitions are main band ones, they occur in ttie crystallites rather than in the barriers.." Having established the process of generation, a significant remaining problem is to establish the process of re- combination. The prior research on this problem will be classified and discussed under one of three categories depending on the carrier lifetime of importance. The first category is the intrinsic carrier model in which recombination is either by recombination centers or directly between bands. Both the number and the lifetime of free electrons and holes are approximately equal, a condition presumably achieved by the sensitization process.,hThe early theory of von Hippie and Rittner,4.4' which is typical of this category, proposes photoresponse to be characteristic 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 of a uniform intrinsic semiconductor produced by detailed balancing of n and p-type im- purities. A basic deficiency of this model is the failure to predict the measured small ratio of film to single crystal mobilities.2 The second category is the minority carrier model in which photoconductivity depends on a long minority carrier lifetime. The film is visualized as a composite of microscopic n-p-n junctions. In a thecry for this model developed by Slater,-LD barrier modulation plays an important role. Barrier modulation theory has been successful in predicting certain electrical,p,nd photoconductive properties of PbS films.i ? The third category is the majority carrier model in which photoconductivity results from the predominance of the majority carrier. The free minority carrier created by the photon is thought to be trapped, leaving the corresponding majority carrier free to conduct. Petritzl developed a theory for this model w4ich has been successful in predicting noise 14 responsitivity, sensitivity0.1-0 Hall coefficient, and resistivity19 measurements on PbS films. In identifying the photoconductive processes in the lead-salt type films, history has demonstrated that while success in describing the experimental data at hand is necessary, it does not lead to a unique theory. Rose2u con- cludes that a unique deduction of the mechanism of photoconductivity by the study of a par- ticular substance is hardly possible, and Slater15 points out that more than one mechanism might be present simultaneously in PbS. In spite.of these inherent difficulties, certain recent experiments furnish strong evidence as to the appropriate model. Humphrey and Scanlon21 reported studies on evaporated PbS films which showed that although other oxidizing elements formed acceptor sites in the film, only oxygen produced photoconductivity at room temperature. If either the intrinsic or minority carrier ? a -4P NAVORD Report 6164 models were applicable, any acceptor element should produce photoconductivity. A plausible interpretation is that oxygen was the only acceptor element which formed the minority carrier required by the majority carrier model. Also, Woods19 concluded from his measurements of resistivity and Hall coefficient of il- luminated chemically-deposited PbS films, that photoconductivity is entirely due to the in- crease in the number of carriers and that barrier modulation does not occur. The theory' for the majority carrier model does not specify where the minority carriers are trapped. The mean free path of the minority carriers is sufficiently long relative to the dimensions of the crystallite2 to permit trap- ping in either the surface or bulk states. Estimates by Petritz22 show that the density of the surface traps, i.e. bound electronic states on the surface of the crystallite, is adequate to account for the observed photo- conductive time constants. If the trapping cross section of the surface states for the minority carriers is sufficiently large, the surface instead of the bulk traps could pre- dominate in the photoconductive process. 4. Electronic Surface States: Although there is iiiTre-Iiithe literature concerning the electronic surface states of PbS, there is considerable relevant information on other materials in the review article by Kingston23 and in Semiconductor Surface Physics.24 The concept g surface states was first proposed by Tamm,, who in 1928 showed theoretically that an abrupt discontinuity of the crystal at the surface allows an energy level within the forbidden energy gap of the crystal. In 1939 Shockley2? showed theoretically that pairs or bands of energy levels exist on the surface of semiconductors (he consldered diamond) and all metals. In 1947 Bardeen2f showed that electronic states on the surface of semi- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 - NkVORD Report 6164 conductors could, under favorable conditions, control the electrical properties 4, the material. Numerous experiments2), 24 since the advent of the transistor have confirmed Bardeen's postulate as applied to germanium and silicon. As a result of these experiments, an electronic energy level model of the semi- conductor surface of the type shown in Fig. 2 is now generally accepted. In the studies on germanium and silicon surfaces the bound states have been classed as "slowt or "fast" depending on the time required for net transfer of charge between the surface states and the bulk. Slow states have time constants in the range from milliseconds to minutes and are visualized as resulting from acceptor or donor sites located either on or/and in the high resistance oxide layer which coats the semiconductor crystal. Estimates based on experimental data indicate that the densities of slow surfacA states are in the range of 101g to 1014 c111. These states are strongly affected by ambient atmosphere. The fast states have time constants of the order of microseconds and are believed to be located on or near the oxide-semiconductor interface. They are often called interface states. These states may result. from several sources such as the abrupt discontinuity in crystal structure, crystal defects, and foreign acceptor or donor atoms or molecules at the crystal surface. Fast states seem to be relatively insensitive to ambients and their densities are estimated to be in the range of 1011 to 1012 cm2. Recent experiments have shown that electronic surface states exist on PbS films in much the same manner as they exist on germanium and silicon. Zeme120 reports slow states with time constants of the order of several minutes. Rezewoski and Sosnowski29 found that electronic states exist on the surface of 'PbS films which can affect the 6 NAVORD Report 6164 electrical conductance. Sorrows3? reported fast field effect studies on a PbS film which not only confirmed the findings of Rezewoski and Sosnowski, but showed that the field effect time constant and the photoresponse time con- stants were approximately equal. Methods of sensitizing, particularly in the case of the vacuum evaporated films, suggest that surface states play an important role in establishing both the electrical and photoconductive properties. Resistivity and thermoelectric power measurements show that films formed by vacuum evaporation are "n" type prior to sensitization. Upon sensitization by exposure to oxygen the films are "p" type. Conceivably, the change in electrical and optical properties Is caused by surface states formed during the exposure to oxygen. The manner in which the surface states could change the electrical properties of the film is explained by use of Fig. 2. The presence of oxygen on the crystallite surfaces creates accepter sites which trap electrons. The electrostatic field from these trapped charges causes the indicated bending of the electron energy level bands near the surface. In fact if sufficient charge is trapped, an inversion layer is created, i.e. . the region near the surface is changed from "n" to "p" type. The spacecharge regions in PbS crystallites have not been studied experi- mentally; however, theoretical calculations indicate that the region extends about 0.07 micron into the crystallite.2 The space charge region of the small crystallites of the PbS films could control the electrical properties of the film. In the case of chemically deposited films of the type used in this study, considerable sensitpation occurs during the deposition process.' The crystallites which compose the film are then thought to be "p" type with an accumulation layer at the sUrface.31. This concept is illustrated in the energy level diagrams (Figs. 3 and 4) for a -PbS photoconductive film. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report ?164 Trapping in fast surface states on germanium has been studied by field effect measurements. This measurement probes only those states which are on the surface or within the space charge layer of the surface. According to the energy level diagram for the PbS photoconductive film surface shown in Fig. 4, the states which exist on the surface crystallites of the film are a representative sample of those on the surfaces of all the crystallites which compose the film (Fig. 1). Field effect measurements should then provide information concerning the nature of the sur- face state and space charge region traps of the crystallites. C. Approach In view of (a) the success of the majority carrier model' in describing both the electrical and photoconductive propertAss of the lead-salt films and (b) the suggestion that electronic surface states might be the traps required by the majority carrier model, it was decided to further investigate the basic assumptions of the majority carrier model and the role of electronic surface states. To do this a series of concurrent field effect and photoresponse measurements were made on PbS films. Two fundamental differences in field effect and photoresponse are pertinent in this study. First, .only majority carriers are induced into the film in field effect measurements, whereas hole-electron pairs are created in the film by the photons in the photoresponse measurements. Second, only the surface and space Charge region traps are probed in field effect, whereas surface, space charge, and bulk traps affect the photoresponse. The main components for the study are shown in Fig. 5. In field effect measurements, a voltage on the field effect plate causes an 8 NAVORD Report E164 external electric field transverse to the film surface. This field is superimposed on that from the surface state charge. Tha external field then affects the electrical properties of the space charge layer in much the same manner as do the trapped surface charges. The field effect measurements can provide the time constant V; associated with the charge transfer between the space charge region and the surface traps, the fraction oc. of the total external field lines terminating on immobile charges at quasi-equilibrium, and the mobility ,a4 of the excess charges induced into the film. In measuring photoresponse, the change in electrical conductance caused by incident light pulses is determined as a function of either time or light pulse repetition rate. The measurement yields D, 0 the photoresponse time constant. Transient and steady state field effect and photoresponse were measured as a function of background illumination, film surface condition, and sensitivity of the film. PbS films were chosen for the study be- cause (a) they are typical of the lead-salt type photodetector, (b) the art of fabrication is far more advanced than for other members of this class of photodetector, and. (c) there is already a considerable accumulation of informa- tion concerning the electrical and photo- conductive properties of PbS in both the film and bulk form which aids in interpretation of experimental data. 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 II. EXPERIMENT A. Apparatus 1. Film Samples: With the exception of one sample furnished by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, samples (similar to that shown as an insert in Fig. 5) were furnished by Eastman Kodak Company. The films were formed by chemical deposition on a glass substrate and some of the samples had the free surface coated with varnish. The Eastman Kodak Company films were sensitized when received. A film furnished by NOL had purposely not been sen- sitized and the surface was uncoated. 2. Sample Holder: The holder, Figs. 6a and b, was made from teflon stock. When assembled with the sample properly mounted, one surface of the film surface was parallel to the solid brass field-effect plate. The other surface was exposed to both the controlled background illumination and to the pulsed light. Most of the measurements were made with the field effect plate on one side of the film and the light sources on the opposite side'. A perforated field-effect plate, fabricated by pressing a fine mesh wire into a heated transparent sheet, Permitted a series of measurements with the field effect plate andthe light sources on the same side of the film. 3. Sample Housing: The housing shown in Figs. 7a and b was made of heavy brass stock to afford a large heat capacity and could be sealed off from the atmosphere. This design was chosen 10 ft ? /MORD Report 6164 to prevent rapid fluctuations in both film temperature and ambient during measurements. The housing consisted of two sections separated by a fine mesh screen; the sample holder was firmly mounted in the bottom section, and the top section contained the background illumination and the pulsed light sources. A standard incadescent lamp (6-8 volt Mazda 82) was used (g5) and its intensity was selected by adjusting the de voltage across the lamp terminals. The source for the light pulses was a 0.4 watt neon glow tube (NE-2).: Electromagnetic coupling between the circuitry associatedwith the sample and that associated with the light sources was prevented by use of the fine mesh screen. 4. Balanced Bridge: The commercial titles of the principal electrical instruments used in the balanced bridge ihown in Fig. 8 are is follows: Function Stabilized Voltage Supply Voltage Pulse Generator Differential Amplifier Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Micro Amp Meter Commercial Title Lee Model R-10 Tektronix Type 105 Tektronix Type 122 Tektronix Type 512 Weston Model 625 5. Beat-Frequency Bridge: The commercial titles of the principal electrical instruments used in the beat-frequency bridge shbwn in Fig. 9 are as follows:* Function Sq. Wave Voltage Gen. Audio Signal Gen., Freq. b Audio Signal Gen., Freq. f Vacuum Tube Voltmeter, VID" Vacuum Tube-Voltmeterl, Wave Analyzer Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16 ? CIA RDP81 010 11 Commercial Title Tektronix 105 (Hewlett Packard Model 205 AG' General Radio 1800 A Ballentine General -RadicW736A or H.P. 300A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 B. Procedure 1. Transient Field Effect and Photo- response Measurements: Transient changes in film conductance caused by both square wave field effect voltages and pulsed light signals were observed with the balanced bridge shown in Fig. 8. The square wave voltages used to drive the field effect plate and the neon glow tube were purposely made asymmetrical in time in order to establish the relative signs of the respective bridge responses. The initial step for field effect measurement was to balance the bridge with no film current Is and a square wave voltage Vf applied to the field effect plate. This was done by alternately adjusting R1 or R2 and the trimmer capacitors (labeled 1.5 - 7.5"gdY) until the differential output voltage across the film terminals was a minimum. When the bridge was balanced and a current was in the film, the field induced transient conductance change AG caused a transient voltage Z0/0 across the film terminals. PY0 was amplified by the differential amplifier and displayed on the cathode ray oscilloscope. LiVn and 4NG are related as follows (derivation in Appendix A). - ?Ave, Mi.+ Rz+ G Is R102,4- Rz) 1 where R is the film resistance. Equation 1 is valid for photoresponse as well as field effect measurements. It is not necessary to balance the bridge for the photoresponse measurements. Since AGis a linear function of EA/0, the field effect and photoresponse time constants Z7f and t",. respectively were estimated directly from the-oscilloscope patterns. (1) 2. Steady State Field Effect and Photo- response Measurements: Steady state ac field effect and photoresponse were both measured on 12 NAVORD Report ?164 the beat-frequency bridge shown in Fig. 9. The bridge was biased with a sinusoidal voltage Vb of frequency b and then balanced by alternatelir adjusting R and C until the wave analyzer tuned to b indicated a voltage minimum. Application of either a sinusoidal field effect voltage Vf at frequency f or a pulsed light at frequency I caused a resistance modulation A R at frequency f which beat with the bias voltage. The wave analyzer measured the beat frequency voltage Vw when tuned to either f+b or f-b, where w= f+b or f-b. In order to compare readily the field effect measurements on the various films studied, a normalized factor Ff, the fractional change in film resistance per field-effect volt at frequency f, was calculated for each measure- ment from the following equation: F - ? (2) 4 fa V V V ; b In photoresponse measurements, the fractional change in film resistance for a pulsed-light of given intensity was calculated from 62 L. V _ R Vb (3) Equations 2 and 3 are derived in. Appendix2; Vw, Vf and Vh are rms values. The loading of the film resistance by the bridge and wave analyzer circuits is accounted for by the factor 14 and had to be determined for each film and for each selected background illumination intensity by an experimental technique described in Appendix 2. Because of its . frequency dispersion, see Fig. 10, the value of Lw was chosen in each measurement for the frequency corresponding to VW. The selected background illumination intensity and bridge bias frequency were held 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 constant while both the field effect and photo- response were measured at a number of selected frequencies covering the range from 20 to 15,000 cps. The response Ff and AR/R of each frequency run were plotted on log-log paper and compared directly with-the corresponding universal curves of Fig. 11. From this com- parison, a, IT, and Tn were obtained directly; jut was calculated fr6m the experimental data. C. Discussion of Measurement Methods 1. Balanced Bridge: Although the balanced bridge method hasbeen widely used in surface state stUdiesfor.both transient and steady state field effect measurements, the method is not entirely satisfactory for quantitative fielcr=effebt-measurements. The inherent difficulty is that a small response voltage must be measured in the presence of a large capacitively induced voltage at the same frequency or frequencies. In this particular experiment, the induced voltage was of the order of 125 volts and the response voltages were only a few millivolts. This large ratio of voltages necessitates a very precise balance. In spite of the care taken in mounting the sample securely, in the prevention of thermal and ambient changes, and in wiring the bridge circuit for minimum unbalanced stray capacitance and lead inductance; the balance was both tedious to achieve and subject to small but disconcerting drifts. The large resistance of the films and the lack of common mode range of the commerciaDy available differential amplifier also contributed to the inherent difficulties of the measurement method. A differential amplifier with in- creased common mode range could have been con- structed using already established techniques, but at the sacrifice of the high frequency amplification necessary to measure the field effect transients. 11E NAVORD Report 6164 In the transient measurements, the mag- nitude of the resistance of the bridge arms (111 and R2) was relatively small, of the order of 10K ohms or lessyto permit charging of the condenser formed by the field-effect plate and film in less than a microsecond. This relatively short charging time was necessary in order to avoid masking field-effect transient responses, the time constants of which were as short as 100 microseconds. The condenser charging time was that required for the charge to flow through the parallel resistance of R1 and Rp. The relatively small resistance in the bridge arms reduced the bridge sensitivity consider- ably below optimum. The balanced bridge is also often used in steady-state ac field-effect measurements. All of the information contained in the transient response can be obtained from a measurement of steady-state response versus field-effect frequency. To obtain the informa- tion, response must be measured at each of a number of frequencies coveringthe4requency band of interest. Several such frequency runs were made. The balancing at each frequency was found tedious and the small higher harmonics of the field effect frequency source were annoying. Both transient and steady state photo- response measurements can be made with the balanced bridge setup without balancing the bridge: These measurements are thus simple and reliable. 2. Beat-Frequency Bridge: The beat- frequency bridge, which was applied to field- effect measurements for the first time in this study, is well suited for quantitative steady state ac field-effect measurements. This bridge circumvents the basic difficulty of balanced bridges by measuring the field effect response voltage at a frequency different from the applied field effect or bias voltages. 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 The beat-frequency bridge operation is based on the field-effect modulation of the film resistance which beats or mixes with the bias voltage to produce sum and difference frequency voltages. There is no inherent need for bridge balancing. However, in this experiment, the bridge was sufficiently balanced to prevent the bias voltage from saturating the wave analyzer. The degree of balance required was easy to achieve and maintain. Small drifts off balance, which were disastrous in the balanced bridge measurements, caused negligible difficulty in the beat-frequency bridge. The principal requirements in the beat-frequency bridge measurements were that the field effect and bias frequencies be sufficiently stable to permit the sum or difference frequencies to remain within the pass band of the wave analyzer, and that the harmonic content of the field effect and bias voltages be sufficiently low to permit accurate measurement of these voltages with vacuum tube voltmeters. These requirements were not stringent. The ease of operation of the beat-frequency bridge is important; however, its principal virtue is the precise measurement of small field effect or photoresponse voltages. D. Experimental Data 1. Transient Field Effect and Photo- response Data: A large number of oscilloscope patterns of field effect and photoresponse were observed using the balanced bridge. Figure 12 is typical of the oscilloscope patterns of the transient response to a square wave field effect voltage. Figure 13 indicates the sign and time relation between transient field effect, transient photoresponse, and driving voltage. A negative deflection in the oscilloscope pattern indicates an increase in film conductance. Both the photoresponse time constant Tp and the field effect time 16 NAVORD Report 0_64 constant Tf were estimated from oscilloscope patterns for selected intensities of background illumination. The qualitative correspondence of T and Tf is shown in Fig. 14. A number of exploratory type experiments were made using the balanced bridge. Those experiments, which contribute to the general understanding of fast surface states but are not relevant to the objectives of this study, are discussed in Appendix 4. 2. Steady State Field Effect and Photo- response Data: The experimental data are presented for the most part in pairs of figures which present field effect and photoresponse measurements for a given surface condition and selected intensities of background illumination. The circles represent the experimental data and the solid line the universal curve which best fits the data. Figures 15 and 16 are the data for Eastman Kodak Company sample 1-B which had an uncoated surface. The field effect plate faced the uncoated surface of the film. Figures 17 and 18 are data of a film, EK Co. sample 1-A, which was of the same type as sample 1-B except for a coating on the free surface of the film. The electric field was Induced through the coating. Figures 19, 20 and 21 are concerned with EK Co. sample 16, an uncoated film: in Fig. 19, the field effect plate faces the free side of the film surface; in Fig. 20, the electric field is induced through the glass substrate; and Fig. 21 is the photoresponse data. Figure 22 is the field effect response on a film, NOL 5-11-9, purposely made to be approximately 20 times less sensitive than the above films. Figure 23 compares the field effect on different types of surface and degree of sensitization. 3. Field Effect Mobility Product: The mobility product (1+ Bf)Alf was calculated from Eq.(76) for several samples. A typical set of 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 L. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD -Report 6164 results for sample EK Co. 1,B as a function of background illumination is Lamp Voltage (1-s-Bait 0 ' 4.0 cm2/volt-second 1.5 4.4 " " It 2.5 3.0 " ? " The product is approximately L. cm2//volt- second with no definite trend as a function of background illumination. 4. Summary of Experimental Data: In the transient measurements, a negative square wave field effect voltage caused an instantaneous increase followed by an exponential decrease in film conductance. The decrease was a fraction a of the initial increase. When the negative field effect voltage was removed, the conductance decreased by the same increment as the initial increase and then increased ex- ponentially with time to the equilibrium value. The time constants associated with the ex- ponential increase and decrease of conductance were equal within experimental error and were both a function of background illumination. In the photoresponse measurements, upon exposure of the film to a light pulse of con- stant intensity, the conductance increased ' exponentially to an equilibrium value. When the light pulse was removed-, the conductance decreased exponentially with time to the original equilibrium value. Time constants for increase and Oecrease in conductance were approximately equal and were a function of background illumination intensity. The qualitative data indicate a correlation of' field effect.and photoresponse time constants as a function of background illumination (See Fig. 14). 18 NAVORD Report 6164 Steady state ac field effect and photo- response measurements with the beat-frequency bridge were a quantitative verification of the qualitative results of the transient measure- ments. The field effect response was a maximum at high frequency and decreased at low frequencies to a fraction (1 - a) of the maximum (See Fig. 24). Photoresponse was maximum at low frequencies and decreased at high frequencies. The concurrent field effect and photoresponse measurements showed that a, Tf and To were inversely dependent on back- ground illukination intensity. There was a one-to-one correlation between Tr and To as a function of background illumination intbnsity. a was a function of the side of the film from which the field was induced but Tf was not. Tp was independent of the side " film from which the pulsed light was incident, a was a function of the surface conditions. An insensitive film showed a negligible value of a. A comparison of the experimental data with the theoretical universal curves indicates single effective time constants Tr and Tp for both field effect and photoresponse respectively. The mobility product (14-Bf)I2f for field effect was found to be approximately equal to the mobility 4all as determined by Hall effect measurements.19 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 III. THEORY A. Empirical Equations Developed By RC Circuit Analogies 1. General: In the initial stages of the study reported herein, the empirical equations developed by RC circuit analogies were quite useful in describing and analyzing the experi- mental data. Later, these equations served as a guide in developing the theory. Because of the success of the empirical equations in describing the experimental data, any models or theories for photoconductivity or field effect in PbS must give the same equations. 2. Description of Experimental Field Effect: The overall appearance of the oscilloscope patterns of the transient field effect response AV0 (see Figs. 12 and 13), was similar to the transient voltage response of the RC circuit shown in Fig. 25. For this circuit the transient voltage response Vr to a step function input voltage Vi is _* 121, R? V = -+ e (4) 20 4, NAVORD Report 6164 where T is the RC time constant: "C" C t RI) ? (5) The similarity of the field effect and circuit responses leads to the following empirical equation for the voltage AVID across the film terminals in response to a step function field-effect voltage v AV? C4t Vf (6) The parameters Gft, ap and Tf are uniquely determined by a single observation of the transient field effect response to a step function field effect voltage. Gft is the ratio AVoilif at the start of the field effect pulse, a is the fractional decrease in response from t5.0 to quasi-equilibrium and is analogous to Raie(Ra+Rb), and IT is the time constant of the exponential decay and is analogous to T. a and Tf are determined solely by the properties of the film. Gft is determined by the properties of the bridge and the film to field effect plate capacity, as well as the properties of the film. The RG circuit steady state response Vr to a sinusoidal input voltage Vi of angular frequency co is 1 4 t zo)214- (1???`") + R6 col't The corresponding field effect response is then . (7) V - G Vsl _Fs J. t , ( I (-+ 0-) ) ( "2. . (8) I + (A.) Z4t 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 Referring to Fig. 24, a is the fractional de- crease in response from maximum to minimum and Tf can be calculated fromwaTr=1, where wa is the angular frequency at which the re- sponse is (1-a4ia2)1of maximum. Therefore a and Tr can be determined from the relative steady state ac field effect response as a function of frequency while an absolute cal- ibration is needed to obtain Gra. The cal- culations of universal curves, Fig. 11, for relative field effect were based on Eq. (8), in which relative response ? I -I- Gol't '(9) Since the frequency dependent part of Eq. (8) becomes unity and VII/ is maximum at high frequency V / ????, f-s V The fractional change in resistance per field effect volt as obtained from Eqs. (2) and (8) (a) [(1-0t+to'rcz)t-i- cec:V] I + coat' 1- * 3. Description of Photoresponse: The transient response to a pulsed light signal (see Fig. 13) was similar to that of the RC circuit shown in Fig. 26. The transient response Vr to a step function input voltage 22 NAVORD Report 6164 Vi for this RC circuit is V=V p. + 5 where the RC time constant T is /- - EL C Pb ? (12) (13) Using the RC analogy, the response 1V0 to a step function light pulse is _et ZW0 ?=.* Get ( I ) - e where g is the rate at which majority carriers are created in the film when the light is on, Gpt is a proportionality constant involving both film and balanced bridge properties, and Tio is the photoresponse time constant. The steady state response at a frequency w=(f?b) is V = GPs/( + 0.) a e (15) Gps is the steady state proportionality constant. To, the parameter of primary interest in this. woTp=1 aso study, can be calculated from the equation where is the angular frequency at which the response is 1/1T of maximum. The universal curve for photoresponse, the dotted line in Fig. 11, was calculated using the frequency dependent term of Eq. (15), i.e. Pt ? 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 relative response= tari)t B. Theoretical Equations Based On Majority Carrier Model (16) 1. Statement of Problem: As stated pre- viously, the majority carrier model has been developed and applied to the calculation of the electrical and photoconductive properties of lead salt type films.1 The objective here is to extend the model to describe the field effect by explicitly including the electronic surface states. Later the theoretical equations obtained from the extension will be compared with the experimental data, i.e. the equations developed from RC analogies. Certain concepts of Petritz' paper are restated as background material for extending the model, particularly those pertinent to the interpretation of the experimental data. The procedure is to develop the equations for the macroscopic conductance and resistance of the film from a consideration of the microscopic properties of the crystallites and intercrystalline barriers. The ideas and equations developed are then used both in the description of photoconductance and in the extension.of the majority carrier model to describe field effect. 2. Film Conductance and Resistance: The microscopic semiconductor crystallites which compose the film have a resistivity,?c. These crystallites are separated by thin dielectric partitions which provide an effective resistivity fob to electron current. The total series resistivity /0 of.the crystallite and barrier is /4) = /476* ? 24 4 NAVORD Report 6164 The film resistivity is much larger than that of the crystallites, ">>A p therefore /1?0 can be neglected in comparison with /010 in the expression for the macroscopic conductivity of the photosensitive film. The current voltage relationship for the barrier is wg4 /Y1 -rb kl-(e (18) where is the current density, q the charge of a carrier, lob the mean density of majority carriers in the bulk, i.e. the crystallites, is the effective potential height of the barriers relative to the valence band edge, k Boltzman's constant, T the absolute tempera- ture, AVb the voltage drop across the barrier, and M a parameter dependent on the specific nature of the barrier but independent of 4) Because of the microscopic dimensions of the crystallites the voltage per crystallite is so small that Alerb>10), then the data of Tf = Tp indicates that bulk traps are dominant. This is shown in line two of the table where we also assume Tsc Tbe. F. Evidence Concerning Barrier Modulation The field effect measurements give support- ing evidence that the majority carrier model can be based entirely on changes in the number of majority carriers in the crystallites, i.e. barrier modulation of the effective mobility by small densities of excess carriers is negligible. This rpult was previously established by Woods.L. who compared the change in resistivity with the change in Hall coefficient under illumination. Confirmation of Wood's results is based on the agreement between the measured field effect mobility and the Hall mobility in these films (See Section II-D.3 where Bf = 0). Our experiment is not entirely equivalent to Woods' since the field effect induces only majority carriers, while Woods used radiation, which induces both majority and minority carriem. Stated more precisely, the field effect shows that there is no barrier modulation resulting from changes in the density of majority carriers. Woods' experiment showed that there is no barrier modulation resulting when both minority and majority carriers are generated by light. Taken together the two experiments strongly support the model of photoconductivity. based purely on -a change in the density of majority carriers; no barrier modulation or mobility modulation occurs. 54- NAVORD Report 6164 The homogeneous model also suggests that the field effect mobility product (1+Bf)/af should be approximately equal to the Hall mobility. The point being that the space charge region adjacent to the outer surface of the film is representative of the crystal- lites throughout the film. Thus one expects the same mobility from field effect as from Hall effect as was found to be the case ex- perimentally (see p. 17, Chapter II-D-3). Ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 55 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 V. CONCLUSIONS A. Experimental Contributions Four specific contributions to the field of experimental photoconductivity and surface physics were made: 1. A beat frequency bridge method was conceived and developed for field effect studies which allows for an accurate determination of field effect time constant, the combined trap- ping efficiency of the surface and space charge states, and the effective mobility. 2. The identity of the field effect and photoconductive time constants, independent of background illumination, film surface condition, and side of film probed, was established for chemically deposited PbS films. 3. Field effect mobility was determined to be equal to the Hall mobility. 4. One insensitive film was also studied. The results indicated no clear field effect time constant and that a sl O. B. Theoretical Contributions 1. The majority carrier model was extended so asto.describe field effect measurements by including explicitly the time constants for charge transfer into and out of the majority carrier traps. 56 ? NAVORD Report 6164 2. Equations were developed for estimating the densities and capture cross-sections of the majority carrier traps. These equations demon- strate the usefulness of field effect in further identifying the fundamental mechanism of photo- conductivity in thin films. 3. An analysis was made of homogeneouspoly- crystalline films for crystallite dimensions both larger and smaller than a Debye length. The analysis yields both photoresponse and field effect time constants in terms of the time constants which characterize the bulk, space charge, and surface state trapping. C. Summary of Conclusions Interpretation of the experimental data with due consideration of the theory developed yields the following principal conclusions concerning the PbS films studied: 1. The majority carrier lifetime is predominant in the photoconductive process. 2. The rate limiting process in a sensitized film is the rate of transfer of charge into the traps. 3. The density of majority carrier traps is high while the capture-cross-section is very small, conditions required for the long majority time constants measured. The estimated density of surface traps required to provide the time constants measured is of the order expected on crystallites with dimensions of the order of 0.1 microns. The density of bulk traps estimated to provide the time constants is larger than would be expected. 4. The film is a homogeneous poly- crystalline structure composed of crystallites Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 57 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 with dimensions of the order of a Debye length or less. 5. The traps probed by field effect measurements are a representative sample of those which cause photoconductivity. Field effect measurements will provide a useful tool for the further clarification of the mechanism of photoconductivity in thin films, and its relation to the sensitization process. D. Recommendations for Future Research 1. Additional surface state studies should be made on sensitive film to further determine the effective density, energy relative to the main bands, and effective cross- sectional area of the traps. This pertinent information should be obtainable from a series of measurements of the time constant and a as a function of temperature and ambients. 2. Surface studies should be made on a series of films covering a range of sensitivity along with other fundamental measurements of serisitivity, time constant, responsitivity and noise. The measurement of a and Tf offer a direct means of evaluating the density and cross-section of the photoconductive traps. Such measurements, when correlated with the sensitization conditions should lead to an improved understanding of the sensitization .process. 3. A series of precision absolute field effect measurements should be made to determine accurately the extent of barrier modulation and the space charge region mobility. 58 NAVORD Report 6164 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Catholic University of America kindly permitted the research reported herein to be performed off campus under a program jointly sponsored by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Maryland and the Office of Naval Research, Washington, D. C. The sincere Interest of the Navy in science is shown by the policy of ONR which encourages its scientific administrators to perform basic research studies. In particular, I wish to thank Drs. Robertson, Silverman, and Shostak of ONR for their personal interest and en- couragement. I am indebted to the NOL for space, facilities and the opportunity of performing research under their Foundational Research Funds. Discussions with Drs. Jay N. Zemel, James N. Humphrey, Joseph F. Woods, and Miss Frances L. Lummis concerning both the theory and apparatus were beneficial. Suggestions concerning both the analysis of data and organization of the report by readers Drs. F. T. Byrne and Jay N. Zemel contributed much to the report. Finally, the guidance and contributions of Dr. Richard L. Petritz, the Major Professor, were invaluable. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 59 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 APPENDIX 1. Balanced Bridge Equations Refer to Fig. 29 for nomenclature and assume that either the FE or a light pulse causes a change AR in the resistance R of the film. The resulting voltage change AV0 across the film terminals is then 6V0 III1 4- 2 6I? (A-1,1) where Is is the dc current through the film and EI s is the change in current in the film produced by AR. The equation for Is is and Vb R. R) (A-1,2) 5 ( R1 RX + fez t'e +6E) (A-3"3) where Vb is the bias provided by a stabilized voltage, i.e. low impedance source. We may now write: A-2 121+211-6R \ A Vo (A-1,4) In this particular bridge R1 = R2 = 10k ohms, Rrv1000k ohms, and AR < 41c ohms even for the maximum resistance change; therefore 60 NAVORD Report 6164 AR w z 8 Ow 6 17- cjOlO 0 z 4 a tn ?I 2 0 CC > I ?QICr 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 11< 2K 4K 61(81(10K FREQUENCY (CPS) FIG 19 FIELD EFFECT RESPONSE OF UNCOATED FILM ? THEORETICAL ? MEASURED BY BEAT-FREQUENCY BRIDGE _ EK Co FILM NO 16 OF CELL FE PLATE ON FILM SIDE 0 VOLTS LIGHT BIAS- a 1:0?8280,u S _ FE PLATE TO FILM _ CAPACITY 9pjuf I 5 VOLTS LIGHT BIAS- TF?220,uS 2 5 VOLT LIGHT BIAS ID 40- o 0 VOLT LIGHT BIAS. .1 - w x Tr?280pS w z t20 _ .4 15 VOLTS z 0 a'062 0 >LIGHT BIAS _., cc 1C) YF?220pS 4w 8- TellOpS 2 5 VOLTS_ z a. 6- ta ?018 LIGHT BIAS, ow I II Ili I - INSENSITIVE FILM CELL NOL 5-11-9 FE PLATE ON FILM SIDE OF CELL - ? MEASURED Tp. 107,uS FIG 22 FIELD EFFECT RESPONSE FOR INSENSITIVE FILM 0 z ?THEORETICAL sr to ? MEASURED USING BEAT-FREQUENCY BRIDGE 2- EK Ca FILM NO 16 -I W 0 cc FE PLATE ON GLASS SUBSTRATE SIDE OF FILM /3 20 40 6080100 200 400600 IK 2K 4K 6K 10K FREQUENCY (CPS) FIG 20 FIELD EFFECT RESPONSE OF GLASS SUBSTRATE SURFACE 10 8- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I_ EK Co CELL NO.16 UNCOATED o 6- ?THEORETICAL ? MEASURED W? 4- LI 0 VOLTS LIGHT BIAS ? ? ? ? /- in 2- rp?280pS in 1.5 VOLTS LIGHT BIAS E ? I - - 2.5 VOLTS LIGHT BIAS - '10.6 -3 00.2- ?II0 AS ccI I 1 1 1 I I III I 54. 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 IK 2K 4K 6K 81(10K FREQUENCY (CPS) FIG.21 PHOTO RESPONSE TIME VS BACKGROUND ILLUMINATION ALL INDUCED CHARGES ARE MOBILE 20 40 100 200 400 IIC 2K 4K 6K 10K FREQUENCY (CPS) FIG. 24 TYPICAL RELATIVE RESPONSE TO A SINUSOIDAL FIELD-EFFECT VOLTAGE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report ?164 NAVORD Report 6161+ INPUT IVT RESPONSE r 110 Abc Rai Rb fib+Roe-7- FOR A STEP FUNCTION VI ;V,. Rb+R. Rb fr2.,2)2 (11-24-)2i ?Re+Rb FOR A SINUSOIDAL Vi; Vr? VI R?+Rb 01 I +r2m2 FIG.25 RC ANALOGUE OF FE RESPONSE LINES OF ELECTROSTATIC FORCE EXCESS HOLES SURFACE STATES SURFACE STATES IN EQUILIBRIUM WITH BULK POSITIVE CHARGE NEGATIVE CHARGE FIG.27 PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF ROLE OF ELECTRONIC SURFACE STATES IN FIELD EFFECT EXPERIMENTS FIELD EFFECT PLATE VOLTAGE FOR A STEP FUNCTION V1: FOR A SINUSOIDAL Vi ; [R.+ lit, I/1+ 8 ? TAN-I i Ft p_stk,..,c(6,,,:fibr. k R.+ Ftb ) FIG:26 RC ANALOGUE OF PHOTO RESPONSE FIG. 2B TRANSIENT FIELD EFFECT RESPONSE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 NAVORD Report 6164 FIG.29 SIMPLIFIED BALANCE BRIDGE CIRCUIT R E BALANCED BRIDGE LI JO Jd y?,1 1 DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER FIG 30 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR BALANCED BRIDGE WITH DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER LOADING 86 NAVORD Report 6164 PbS FE PLATE vF,FRE0.? ICPS 4. FIG.31 CIRCUIT FOR FIELD EFFECT AND PHOTO- CONDUCTIVE RESPONSE MEASUREMENTS WITH BEAT FREQUENCY BRIDGE o ?? 0 V. ?100 VOLTS RMS EK Ca CELL IA ?I000 CPS b ? 90 CPS 20 40 60 80 100 V, ,BRIDGE BIAS VOLTAGE IN VOLTS V1 ? 30 VOLTS EK Co,CELL IA b.90 CPS ? 1000 CPS 20 40 60 80 100 120 V, ,FE PLATE VOLTAGE IN VOLTS FIG 32 LINEARITY CHECK 100 140 160 R.?247 bA; 3 VOLTS, LIGHT WAS It, 377 60; 2 VOLTS, LIGHT BIAS K, 657 102; 1 VOLT, LIGHT BIAS R. 1160 kg); 0 VOLT, LIGHT BIAS FIG. 33 CHECK OF OHMIC PROPERTY 87 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0 R STAT Next 9 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/16: CIA-RDP81-01043R002800140011-0