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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 # eb 50X1-HUM 1.)044 4( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 ? QUEEN RIDOON &CAPCIN Cll.. INC.- I?54 50X1 -HUM , DA INTELLIGENCE REPORT (Use ibis, form only is accordanci L ? CP -4121/.4PC.Si CLASSIFICATION' 'COUNTRY REPORTED ON rni4nrOTIAL East German s'Developments at Laboratory for Geophysics (C) Of Information: This report contains general information on research and devel- opment work caiducted in the laboratories of the "Institut fuer GeraetebauP (Institute for Scientific Equipment Construction) at the German Academy of Sciences in BERLIN, with special emphasis on the activities of the la50x1 -HUM for geophysics. Among the recent developments in the meteorological and hydrol ngical fields are "Bordwetterhuette", a meteoroinaical station for the remote NOTES;'.Reproductina of this document in whole or in put-isfpnilsibited, if SECRET or Top. SECRET, except ,ivithr-permasion of the issuing office. All requests ,for latithority to reproduce will be directed to the Assistant Chief,of, Staff, 672, Dgpartment of the Army. vcicess ..'" CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTI At NOTE! Thaidoctusient contains national- defense of the United States,:.withirOithe:Asieaqmj;- of . the -Espionage. Act, 0' U.S.C.7--31-and i-32ri. Xs Its transmission- or the revelatioii-Of ists",:contents,,incanyi. insane:. to. ,an..?unauthorizekLpersolifji:f-Prohibited-i!brElawZ.- .? REPLACES-- 005-cF.ORM .17A,-1-APW 53, WI-UCH MAY BE USED CAUTION - REIgOVE.c.-PROTECT,DRASHEET-t REFORE.,-?';IYPIND:. , r - 50X1 -HUM ? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 DA INTELLIGENCE REPORT Was thin form only in accordance with instructions in AR 341/-2.5) CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIM 50X1-HUM 1PAGE la control measui'ement and registration of meteorological data on board ships; "Grundwasserlot" (ground water plummet), a kdevice for the determination of the ground water level and the temperature of the water column; "Seehund", a hydro.s logical universal measuring device; "Tauwaage" (dew scale), for the observation of the course of dew fall and related factors; "Viscosimeter" for the determination of the viscosity and temperature of plastics; "Calorimeter" for a range from minus 70? to plus 700 centrigrade; and "Silent Observer", a small meteorological station built into a buoy at sea with transmitter for the automatic registration and trans- mittance of diverse meteorological data, (last two items to be developed in 1958). 50X1-HUM NOTE: Reproduction of this documett-u-iwortil?C-1-..4.7.airyk I e " part is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, ex- cept with permission of the issuing office. AU re- quests for authority to reproduce will be directed to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army. ONFIDENTIAL the national defense of. the United States witliin?thT, meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C. 31 ?and 32, as amended. :Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. DA1NOV S7 1048-2 FORM ARE OBSOLETE. FORM PREVIOUS EDITIONS Of THIS CAUTION ? REMOVE PROTECTOR SHEET BLTORE TYPING. nr-r% /14 Nvi .4,:eattf-cir.57.?jS ''''-71'Ct4i4fr4.4,,i; ? irl2inc?,..1,, OLD TOWN CORP. FEB. 19.56 r 4-t-PcW --,f 4.f.?:,::. ,i,.. . C- ,iY.s.-",.;,,r,, ,ief.**i3Z4 '0,, iy-c!, '. 4,t'l/ .1,C :?:- v/. ...,'0 ,,,,? ',:-:",..rt'L .. 1.i4.?ts?rii'il ,"-- .' t331'.+/-1')' ...- 75; ''',..,k.V4,- litt.-4.Th' -`?.itifi'-'. t.4ilt.,,,S,A n. 'of ..., 1 4 - NE, - ? 4:5/4 / ,...4-.....L.k.10 al ,,c-''''''?" '"4.- - ? C,44.4,?:;_ ''' ' ''''' ''-'74,EiZriZt4/7?4 .4,t,,z1leninr?-? ,. 4 e-e.4'15,-14.?,N,r,, 1,04, :...Z.74'f-144-11?44-",!''&4e4 ' ?"'D 4. , el .?"'CI-V-k?Z ,4,ii?IrAtI43( ???-?? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-0104 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 'DA INTELLIGENCE REPORT , (Use this form only in accordance CLASSIFICAMON AL 50X1-HUM PAGE 2 Developments at Laboratory for Geophysics (c) REPORT 1, General The "Institut fuer Geraetebau" at the German Academy of Sciences in BERLIN is engaged in the research, development and construction of scientific apparatus for the special requirements of the Academy. It is located in temporary premises within the compound of the VEB Kabelwerk Oberspree in BERLIN-Oberschoenewei Wilhelminenhof Strasse 74-76. An R & D section for precision mechanics'and optics is located in BERLIN-Adlershof, and an assembly plant for particularly sensitive precision instruments is located fin BERLIN-Koepenick. Since 1957, the construction of a new bitilding complex for the "Institut fuer Geraetebau" has been projected; however, it was not possible thus far to commence with the actual cart- struction. A site for the new building complex was selected at the Hakenberg in the vicinity of the RR station, BERLIN-Gruenau. It is expected that constructio will commence in 1958. Scientific director of the "Institut fuer Geraetebau" since 1956, is Dr, JAHNKE a physicist, who used to be employed with "Osram", and was in the USSR for many years. He is assisted by BEETZ, (fnu), a graduate engineer, who is the second director, and comes from the Technical College in DRESDEN, Chief of the construction section is an engineer, PIET-SCH, (fnu). Since the R&D labor- atories represent the most important part of the Institute, a brief description = of a number of laboratories with which source is familiar, is given in the following paragraphs: a. Laboratory for Nuclear Physics Chief of the laboratory is KLEIMON, (fnu), a graduate physiast, who has on his staff one scientist, four engineers, three laboratory assistants, and one mechanic. The laboratory is presently engaged in the development and con- struction of dosimeters(X-ray dosimeter and pocket dosimeter), Geiger-Mueller tubes of various types, and "Probenwechsler" for the automatic changing of test samples subjected to radiation by isotopes. These items were on display at the LEIPZIG Spring Fair 1958. Still in the phase of development, in May 58 was a "Kernresonan.z Magnetometer" (nucleus resonance magnetometer) for nucleus measurements; however, source has no details, b. Laboratory for Electronics Chief of the laboratory is Dr HESSE, with a staff of approximately eight engineers. The task of the laboratory is to supply .all high-frequency requirements of the Institute, for instance, the development and construction of circuits for Geiger-Mueller counters and the "Kern.resonanz Magnetometer". c. Laboratory for Magrustics Chief of the laboratory is SUESS, Ing, with a staff of seven engineers, This laboratory is engaged in the development of magnetic amplifiers, magnetic .14 NOTE: Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP 'SECRET, except with permission of the issuing office. All requests for tithority to reproduce will be diricted to the Assistant 'Chief of Staff, 02, Department of the Army. CLASSIFICATION 17IF A I NOTE: This -document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C. 31 and 32, as amended. transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is law. DA '1048-1 t OCT 69 REPLACES OCS FORM 17C. 1 APR 53, WHICH MAY BE USED. CAUTION ? REMOVE PROTECTOR SHEET BEFORE TYPING. D INC. BRIDGEPORT CONN. MAY ? 1955 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 QUEEN RIBBON & CARBON CO INC.-. 2-54 50X1-HUM DA INTELLIGENCE REPORT (Use Ibis farm only in accordance with instructions in SR 380-3054) CLASSIFICATION t r N-7,71!)11.4,11 , 4 PAGE 3 voltage stabilizers, and other similar items for the Institute. d. Laboratory for Optics Chief of the laboratory is Ing. BECKER, a former ZEISS employee, with five assistants. This laboratory is engaged in the development of optical items for the Institute. e. Laboratory for Precision Measurements Chief of the laboratory is Dr. von KAHLER, with five assistants. The laboratory is presently engaged in the development and construction of a "Spann- band" galvanometer, and other precision instruments for electric measurements. f. Laboratory for Magnetic Material C hiefk of the laboratory is KOHUT, an eitineer, with one female assistant. This laboratory is engaged in the development of special materials with magnetic properties for the construction of measuring instruments. g. Laboratory for Geophysics 50X1-HUM This laboatory was established on 1 Jun 57, by Dr. GELBKE, who was rhief of the laboratory until 1 Aug 57 Since Nov 57, Dr. SONNTAG has been chief of the laboratory for geophysics. One engineer and one mechanic are em- ployed in the laboratory. This laboratory is engaged in the development and construction of geo- physical measuring instruments for meteorological and hydrological pui'poses. Development and construction work in this field was previously done by the meteorological observatory in GREIFSWALD, This observatory was closed on 31 Mar 57, and work in the development phase was taken over by the newly estab- lished laboratory for geophysics in BERLIN. The building of the former CREWS- WALD observatory is presently being used as ajaboratory for gaseous discharge physics by the German Academy of Sciences in'BERLIN. 50X1-HUM Recent developments in the laboratory for geophysics were as follows: (1) Bordl,vetterhuette, a meteorological station for the remote control measurement and registration of meteorological data, p articularly suitable ffror utilization aboard ships in order to determine representative values. For this purpose, the measuring elements of the apparatus are attaChed to the upper bean of the main mast of a ship. Successful experiments were conducted with the station installed on board the fishing vessel, "Robert Koch", in 1957/58, cruising in the Barents-See. With the aid of this station, it is possible to determine values of air temperatures by means of athermistors; hurnidity, by means of a strand of 2 x 18 hairs moving a potentiometer (hairs used are first roll-pressed according. to the Frankenberger process to enlarge their surfaces); wind direction by Means of a wind vane combined with a synchro; wind velocity by means of a ISchalehkreue -NOTE: Reproduction of this document in whole or in .part is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, accept with permission of the issuing office. All requests for authority to "reproduce will be directed to the Assistant. , 'Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army. ?FORM z - CLASSIFICATION NOTE: This document contains infOimatiiiii?iffictiiik:lhi: national defense of the Unite&States twithin'the',Ineariin of the Espionage Act, 50 U:S.C. 31. ati.tt32,'. as-apa.endi Its transmission or the revelation its contents in.!,7any manner ,t9 an unauthorized persiati!Al:piohibitetVhY0aw.474, Zs. t- .RgpLAcEs,b96_FoRm,47c, I-;APR,SS; WHICH MAYtEEtBSED ;REItIOYEt?AFROTECTOE,ISHEET:if BEFPRE. ripitiG; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 QUEEN RIBBON & CARBON CO. INC.- ? 2-64 DA INTELLIGENCE REPORT (Use Ibis form only in accordance with instructions in SR 380-305-5) CLASSIFIaly 4 r t 50X1-HUM PAGE 4 rotating a generator; and water temperature byn-neans of thermistors. In a ship's cabin, the other parts of the meteorological station are installed. As measuring method for the determination of the aforecited values, a Wheatstone bridge is used. The required measuring accuracy of 0.10 Centigrade is accomplished by overlapping graduatimAtof the total temperature range. For the indication of the wind components, the second synchro for the wind direction, and a specially cal- ibrated voltmeter for the wind velocity are contained in a separate metal box. The element for the determination of the sea water temperature is installed in the pipe line feeding the coolant (sea water) to the ship's engine. The current required for the measurements is supplied by the ship's batteries. Various im- provements of the meteorological station are planned for the future. Research is being conducted particularly in the field of humidity measurements where im- provement in the accuracy of the measuring methods employing strands of hair is needed to overcome hysteresis. For this purpose, the infra-red interference method, as developed in the USA, has been experimented with, however, on the basis of a 50-cm-measuring range only, in contrast to the longer range applied in the USA. The VEB Carl Zeiss in JENA will produce the necessary metal interference filters. An improvement in wind measurements is contemplated by the elimination of all movable parts in the respective apparatus. Preliminary experiments have been conducted in this direction at the Greifswald Observatory by the utilization of a heated thermistor bridge. Further plans in the developmene of the meteorological station provide for the registration of all values with a com- pensating recording device on paper tape. (2) Grundwasserlot The "Grundwasserlot" (ground wb.ter plummet) is used for the determination of the ground water level and the temperature of the water column. It consists of two component parts: a measuring bridge and a plummet-like part attached to a two-core copper cable which is lowered to the ground water through pipes at the site d observation. The plummet-like part contains a pair of therm- istors for temperature measurements, and a float which activates a mercury switch when coming into contact with the surface of the ground water. The measur ing bridge works on the Wheatstone resistance method, and is in perfect balance, until contact of the float with the ground water surface is accomplished, at which time iilwill indicate the level of the ground water by being off balance, and through measurement of the length of cable unrolled. The mercury wswitch likewise brings the pair of thermistors into the bridge circuit for the temperature mea,sure- ments. By further lowering of the plummet-like part into the ground water, it is possible to measure the temperature range in the existing water column. A ---41-a-shliglit-batter_y_of_2.t-A_v_olts supplies current ? (3) HYdrolOgical Universal Measuring Device called "Seehund" - ? The "Hydrologische Universal Messgeraet Seehund" consists of three component parts: a submergeable device, a cable drum bearing a 200-m, special 24-strand copper cable with a steel core, and a measuring apparatus for th observation on board the ship.. By means of the submergeable device, it is possibl to determine values of: water temperature with the aid of a pair of thermistors; salt content with the aid of alternating current at a frequency of 500 cycles, by measuri sea water conductance; velocity of flow with the aid of an OTT screw-propeller with 16 blades, made by VEB Regler-und Geraetewerke in TELTOW (useable for a minii \-471 velocity of 2 cm per second); direction of flow with the aid of a compass bussole an a potentiometer; intensity of radiation permeability (cosmic rays) with the aid of s? photo-elements, of which five are provided with special glass filters; intensity of- extinction in a measured length of one meter with the aid of a 24 volt-60 watt pro- jection lamp, the intensity being indicated by a photo element. The frequency range of the light is subdivided into ten sections by the use of special filters. NOTE: Reproduction of this document in whole or in CLASSIFICATION part is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, except with permission of the issuing office. All requests for ONFIDE authority to reproduce will be directed to the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army. NOTE: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Acr, 50. U.S.C. 31 and 32, asainended.,- Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in enrf , ,manner : to an. unauthorized nersou is - pro4thite:dy,by;, FORM ? _ REPLACES?,,qcs FORM 17,C, I APR 53 WHICHIAAY 5E-AISED. - t.. ????:. _ cAuTlN-RoyE IP,RoTECTOkftREET.,..BEF,OR-i,. - ? ? +1, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 OUCCN RIBBON 6 CARBON CO . INC.- 2-54 50X1-HUM DA INTELLIGENCE REPORT (Use this form only in accordance With instructions in SR 380-305-5) CLASSIFICATION ? - L. ix r " ? ? ? ;e,s-7of. 4 vlt provide.the necessary current' supply. The measuring ,apparatus permits the simultaneous measuring of salt content and temperature; and radiation and zeflection. The direction and,velocity of flow can be measured continuously. An,independent measuring of the extinction is likewise possible in.a continuous manner. The voltage supplied to the project- ion lamp is stabilized by a "Heissleiterbruecke".(hot conductor bridge in the form of two miniature incandescent lamps) at A value not to vary more than one milli- volt. The measurement of the salt content takes place by the comparison,method using KOPENHAGEN seawater as norm (Kopenhagener Normalwasser) in a thermostat. PAGE ;".-- ? The afore-described devices were displayed at the pavilion of the German Academy of Sciences,, BERLIN, during the LEIPZIG Spring Fair 1958. However, no brochures nor any other publications are available on these devices to this date. The prototypes then on display did not include any of the improvements mentioned above, (4) Tauwaarie The Tauwaage (dew scale) provides for the observation of dew- fall within a given period and the quantitative measurement of such fall. A so- called biscuit porcelain plate (a non=glaze ceramic plate) is used as dew collector. The change in weight due to the fall of dew is compensated for by a special elect- ronic circuit moving a weight. Since the "Tauwaage" indicates and registers values by remote control, particular interest in this device has been displayed by specialists in an effort,to utilize the device in studying flashovers and/or surface leakage in high-tension lines as a result of dew collecting on the insulators. The "Tauwaage" is a regular production item of the VEB Junkalor in DESSAU., and will be on display at the LEIPZIG Fall Fair in 1958 or at the Spring Fair. in 1959. (5) Viscosimeter The viscosimeter is still in the planning stage and will be fully developed by the end of 1958. It is a device for the determination of the viscosity and temperature of plastics. The damping effect whihh a plastic mass has on a tongue-like element vibrating at a frequency fof 100 cycles in such mass, is the measure of the viscosity of the plastic.f During the manufacturing processes of plastics it is necessary to observe and control continuously the viscosity and temperature of the plastic mass, for which reason the tongue-like element sim- ultaneously measures the temperature by means of a thermo-element or a min- iature thermistor, A particular advantage of the viscosinieter is its small size (similar to a fountain pen), which permits dipping the device into the actual processing vessel,, and thus eliminates repeated removal of samples from the (6) Calloccirneter Plans exist for the development of a new type of calorimeter with a measuring range from minus 700 to plus 700 centigrade; however, no details are available. (7) Sturnmer Beobachter (Silent Observer) Upon the initiative of the Meteorological Service in POTSDAM, a "Silent Observer" was to be developed in 1958. "Silent Observers" are to be NOTE: Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is- prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, except with permission of the issuing office. All requests for authority to reproduce will be directed to the Assistant Chief of Staff,' G-2, .Department of the Army. CLASSIFICATION ?F:1 A I //LIN !PAK ? ,, . NOTE This document contains iiifamatton, letting the , national defense of the United"Staler-Within ;the-. meaning of the Espionage Act, 50 .U.S.C: 31'ind:` Its ,traissoussiorr.or --the.,?revelationiof its?Icantetits in ? anyi--)-i manneejo -an 'nnauthciriied::?:persoic,-fnpfohihited;'bk.4aw:1'e ?,..;> - ??I 71% .16 y REPLACES'. zpCS Fopm 17,c,?t ,Apit. 53, OArIiicHATMAYiI101.13ED:=4:fl.P-'_11V-4-74,-."241-4`ff_-":e.4%e.i., ;."5z,??174*'.='`711- , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 QUEEN RIBBON at CARBON CO ? 50X1-HUM Dk INTE11,16610E REPORT (Use this form only be accordance with instructions in SR 3804054) PAGE 6 constructed in the form of small meteorological stations built into buoys at sea together with a transmitter for the automatic registration and-remote 'corn- punication of seawater and airtemperatures, humidity, wind direction and vel- ocity, swell of the sea, and conditions of visibility at sea. 2. Technical Data, Design Drawings, and Circuit Diagrams Available Attached as Inclosure 1 are photostats of designs, and/or circuit diagrams pertaining to the Bordwetterhuette (meteorological station); Grundwasserlot, - (ground water plummet); Seehund, (Hydrological Universal Measuring Device); Tauwaage (dew scale); Horizontaler Wasserschoepfer zur Enthahme von Wasser- proben aus langsam stroemenden Gewaessern (horizontal water-drawing device for drawing samples from slow currents); Kippwasserschoepfer zur wirbelfreien Entnahme von Salz- und Suesswasserproben (tilting device for drawing samples from salt (sea) and fresh water in a non-turbulent manner); Bruecke zur Messung der Feuchte auf kapazit vem EWete (bridge for the measurement of humidity by a capacitive method; Elektronisches Steuergeraet zum Pyrgeometer (electronic control device for the pyrgeometer); Schaltbild (und Photographien) zum Wind- messverfahren mit Thermistoren (circuit diagram (and photos) pertaining to . the wind-measuring method by means of thermistors); and Schulungsmaterial zur Ausbildung von Wetterdienst-Technikern an Observatorien (training rpaerip.1 . ^s.?? for material for meteorological technicians at observatories). 50X1 -HUM -NOTE:" Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is prohibited, if SECRET or TOP SECRET, exce_pt with permission of the issuing office. All requests for 'authority _to rFproduce will- be directed- to the Assistant . Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of.the Army. CLASSIFICATION l'AsiNFIDENTIAt k 1 ???? ? a ? national defense of the United States within the meaning of the ,Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C. 31 and 32, as amended. Its transmission or the revelation, of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. -etTORM. .iiPLACES'OCE? FORM 17C, 1....APIR,153,,,:WHICH MAY BE ,USED. _ '4?1461`18T-rdliZSitEET.;jitiiii611E,";;TilitiN 44, 412 4 Ci4 he: Y.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/03/04 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090007-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7 50X1 -HUM .06 , 40 Next 101 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/03/04: CIA-RDP81-01043R002700090002-7