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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ASTIA Document No. AD 117140 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY 3 Joy Street Boston, Mass. Translation of STAT OBSERVATIONAL DATA OF THE SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH DRIFTING STATION OF 1950-1951, Vols. I-III. EDITOR, M. M. SOMOV [Materialy nabliudenii nauchno-issledovatel'skoi drei- fuiushchei stantsii 1950/51 goda, red. M. M. Samov, Leningrad, lzd. 'Morskoi Transport,' 1954-1955] VOLUM! III SECTION 9 This translation has been made by the American Meteorological Society under contract AF 19(604)- 1936, through the support and sponsorship of the GEOPHYSICS RESEARCH DIRECTORATE ? AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER AIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ? Requests for additional copies by Agencies of the Department- of Defense, their contractors, and other government agencies should be directed to-the: ARMED SERVICES TECHNICAL INFORMATION AGENCY, DOCUMENT SERVICE CENTER, -- 'DAYTON 2,,OHIO Department of Defense contractors must-be established for ASTIA services, or have their 'need-to-know' certi- fied by the 'cognizant mititary agency of their project or contract. All Other persons and organizations should 'a? pply to the: U. S.. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, -WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ? -4,7= Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a 6 ASTIA Document No. AD 117140 AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY 3 Joy Street Boston, Mass. Translation of OBSERVATIONAL DATA OF THE SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH DRIFTING STATION OF 1950-1951, Vois. I-Ill. EDITOR, M. M. SOMOV 50-Yr 2014/0 [Materialy nabliudenii nauchno-issledovatel'skoi drei- fuiushchei stantsii 1950/51 goda, red. M. M. Somov, Leningrad, lzd. Morskoi Transport,' 1954-1955] VOLUME III SECTION 9 This translation has been made by the American Meteorological Society under contract AF 19(604)- 1936, through the support and sponsorship of the GEOPHYSICS RESEARCH DIRECTORATE AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER AIR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND 1/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 cs)e , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ? 4011101111? 1 PREFACE The source material for these translations was submitted to the U. S. Delegation attending the CSAGI Arctic Conference in Stockholm, May 22-25, 1956 and loaned for the purpose of these translations by the National Academy of Sciences, U. S. National Committee for the International. Geophysical Year. It is felt that the translated articles have a timely appropriate- ness in view of the IGY plans for the occupation of Arctic Ocean Drift Stations. They are offered in rough draft in order to insure their speedy distribution to all concerned with the Arctic operations. It will be noted that consecutive pagination was not attempted in yield- ing to the most expeditious means of translating and reproducing the material. Each translated article has its own number sequence. The tables and appendices for the most part retain the page numbers of the original text. Articles 1, 2, and 3 of Volume I translated by Mr. E. R. Hope have been made available to the American Meteorological Society through the kind cooperation of the Department of Defence, Ottawa, Canada, in the interest of promoting Arctic research. . The assistance of the National Academy of Sciences, USNC- IGY, in the preparation of the translated text for reproduction is also gratefully acknowledged. a t, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 4 I, I TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I Section 1. - AD 117132 Introduction. Translator David Kraus "The drift of the scientific research station of 1950-1951," M. M. Somov. Translator David Kraus OCEANOGRAPHY Article 1 - "Organization of the oceanographic work." M. M. Nikitin. Translator E. R. Hope Article 2 - "Depth soundings." Z. M. Gudkovich. Translator E. R. Hope Article 3 - "Water-temperature observations and collection of samples for chemical analysis. " Z. M. Gudkovich. Translator E. R. Hope Article 4 - "Determining the chemical composition of the sea water. " M. M. Somov and A. A. Musina. Translator David Kraus Section 2 - AD 117133 Article 5 - "Results of a preliminary analysis of the deep- water hydrological observations." Z. M. Gudkovich. Translator David Kraus Section 3 - AD 117134 Article 6 - "Observations of currents. " M. M. Nikitin. Translator David Kraus Section 4 - AD 117135 Article 7 - "Hydrobiological work." K. A. Brodskii and M. M. Nikitin. Translator David Kra.us Article 8 - "Results of the study of bottom deposits. " N. A. Belov. Translator David Kraus Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 5 -Yr 2014/01/17 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 VOLUME II Section 5 - AD 117136 ICE SCIENCE Article 1 - "Visual observations of the state of the drifting ice cover." G. N. Iakovlev. Translator David Kraus Article 2 - "Study of the morphology of the ice cover by sur- veying." G. N. Iakovlev. Translator David Kraus Section 6 - AD 117137 Article 3 - "Physical-mechanical properties and thickness of the ice cover. " I. G. Petrov. Translator David Kraus Section 7 - AD 117138 Article 4 - "The thermal regime of the ice cover. " G. N. Iakovlev. Translator David Kraus ASTRONOMY Article 5 - "Astronomical observations. !' N. A. Miliaev. Translator David Kraus VOLUME III Section 8 - AD 117139 AERO-METEOROLOGY Article 1 - "Meteorological observations." K. I. Chukanin. Translator David Kraus Section 9 - AD 117140 Article 2 - "Aerological observations. " E. G. Kanaki and V. E. Blagodarov. Translator David Kraus Article 3 - "Wind observations by damper vane." M. M. Nikitin. Translator David Kraus Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 AEROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS by V. G. Kanaki and V. E. Blagodarov Source: Materialy nabliudenii nauchno-issledovateliska dreltuiUshchel stantsii 1950/51 goda, ed. M. M. Somov, Leningrad., Izd. 'Morska Transport' 1954. pp. 218-228 and Appendix, pp. 229-495. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 r "r. -3 ORGANIZATION OF TIE WORK Aerological observations on the ice of the Central Arctic were first undertaken on a large scale at the Scientific-Research Drifting Station of 1950/51. The experience of the High-Latitude Aerial Ekpedi- tions of 1948 and 1949 was used widely in planning these observations. The work program of the aerologists at the drifting station included the following: 1) Daily release of two radiosondes; 2) Pilot-balloon observations of the radiosondes from one point; 3) Releases of radiosondes in series, four sondes per day (by special order of the Arctic Institute). The work was to have been carried out by two aerologists. Later, on the spot, one more observer was added to the group. Thus, the aero- logical group consisted of three members, P. F. Zaichikay, V. G. Kanaki and V. E. Blagodarov. This made it possible. to expand the program some- what, particularly to organize systematic base-line observations of the radiosondes and even to give help to other groups. - Much attention was devoted to the organization of the physical labor program. Daily watches were maintained from the first. The man on duty had the following tasks: preparation and release of two radio- sondes, processing of the data and conduct of the meteorological obser- vations during the other 5bservatiop7 intervals. The assistant to the man on duty produced the hydrogen, filled the radiosonde balloons and made the theodolite observations from the first base point. The third aerologist made the theodolite observations from the second base point, did the housekeeping for the group, kept a general camp watch, helped other groups and saw to the replenishment of household supplies and equipment for the group. The aerological equipment of the drifting station was prepared at. the Arctic Institute and in its Experimental Workshops. Consider- able assistance was given by the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO)* where all instruments were tested in a very short time, and from which improved radiosonde balloons No. 150 were procured. *TsentralInaia aerologicheskaia observatoria (TsA0). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 2 - The Aerostat Workshops of the CAO prepared 5-m3 gas containers for the hydrogen; they were made of four-ply percale; wind shelters were also prepared there. The Ekperimental Workshops of the Arctic Institute prepared gas generators of the ordinary Kanaki-Ledokhovich type and portable "XL" radiosonde laboratories. The aerological group of the drifting station had the. following equipment: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) comb radiosondes balloons, No, 150 balloons, No. 100 aerologic . theodolites gas generators gas containers wind shelters "Kapah-2" tents duralumin radio masts field telephones electric inflaters for the radiosondes "KUB-4" radio receivers "BAS-80" batteries 11BNS-100" batteries radiosonde field laboratories locksmith's tools spare radio tubes "5NKN-45" storage batteries ferrosilicon caustic soda ammonium chloride 420 sets 200 items 250 It 2 2 sets 3 items 1 item 1 2 items 2 ft 1 item 1 40 items 16 " 2 1 set 4 sets 3 items 1.6 tons 3.0 tons 5 kg On 15 April 1950 the aerologists finished their preparatory work and began observations. The "Kapsh-2" tent was set up as living and work quarters for the three-man crew, the aerological and meteorological equipment was kept there. The KUB-4 receiver Was set up on the bench below the skylight. The gadiosondil signals were received and the radiosonde data processed there. The aerological and meteorological area could be seen easily from the skylight, as could the place where the radiosondes were released, which made it possible to detect the moment of release. The bench with the portable KL aerological labora- tory, used to prepare the radiosondes for release, was placed next to the.work table. Besides, there was a bench for meteorological appara- tus and three folding cots in the tent. No more than two men could work in the tent at one time, since there was so little free space. An area 75 m north of the tent was outfitted, hydrogen was pro- duced there and used to fill the radiosonde balloons. A. wind shelter 3.5 m in circumference was set up for this purpose; it consisted of a piece of material 3 x 12 m with nine duralumin rods spaced equally. Fish netting was pulled over this shelter as a roof to prevent the 1 -3-, accidental escape of a balloon. Two hydrogen-filled gas containers were placed-inside the shelter. The balloons were filled there. During period of operations, the shelter had to be moved three times, because the waste products of the gas production dirtied the snow and caused deep pools to form. Twenty meters to the south of the spot where the balloons were filled a stake with the electric inflater attached. was frozen into the Ice to hold the balloon before its release. Two 7-in duralumin masts with 20.,m antennas were erected near the tent; they were used to receive time and radiosonde signals. The recep- tion of radiosonde signals by the KUB4 receiver was always good and, as a rule, they were received as long as the radio transmitter func- tioned.- The radio receiver was fed by "BAS-80" and "BNS-100" batteries. Hydrogen production is the most laborious task of the aerologists. Therefore, special attention was paid this matter in providing the equipment, and some innovations were made in the method of obtaining the hydrogen. First of all, the aerological group was provided with con- tainers for storing the gas. These containers made it possible to store gas enough for 4-5 radiosonde ascents, thanks to which a whole day could be spent in carrying out this time-consuming operation. Fig. 1 shows the filling of a gas container from the gas generator. The hydrogen was transferred from the gas containers into the radiosonde balloons by a diaphragm pump (from a rubber liferaft) specially adapted for this work. A nozzle with a flange was attached to the suction end of the pump.- A hose, connected with the gas con- tainer, was attached to this nozzle. The second (forcing) hose was hooked. up to the balloon. It took 10 to 15 minutes to fill a balloon. In the gas generator used at the drifting station, the intensity of the reaction was regulated by changing the dose of ferrosilicon, gradually feeding it in (as needed) from a special tank connected to the tank of the gas-generator by a durite hose 45 mm in diameter. Sea water was used for gas generation, and in the summer, water from fresh pools. In both cases, 5-6 liters of hot water were poured in to start the reaction. The salinity of the water did not seem to affect the process. The weather conditions, however, exerted a great influence on the process and the intensity of the reaction. For example, with low temperatures and winds with drifting snow, the tank of the gas generator had to be protected from the wind by a special shield (Fig. 2) or covered with insulating material, otherwise the reaction would not begin immediately and it would be very weak. When the process was too Intense, however, the gas generator was cooled by covering it with snow. Chemicals of home manufacture were used to produce the hydrogen; their quality was good enough, although they had been at the Cape Schmidt polar station for about two years, The ferrosilicon, however, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 14. was somewhat damp and had frozen together in a solid lump. Much time and labor had to be expended in drying it and breaking it up. The caustic soda (in standard 300 kg lots) was also in solid form. As a consequence, the aerologist whose duty it was to produce the hydrogen spent at least half his day breaking up the chemicals. Despite the effort required by this process, during the whole drift we always had enough hydrogen and. we had it in time. The aerological observations were carried out from 15 April through 19 October 1950.. Fran the beginning of operations to 1 September they were made twice a day (at 0400 and 1600 hours Moscow time), from 1 September on they were made only once a day (0400 hours), due to a shortage of chemicals. In all, 313 radiosondes were released, for which 222 observations were made by theodolite (25 of these were base-line observations). After the data were processed and examined carefully, the following were selected for publication: radiosonde observations - 291 theodolite observations - 212 The mean height of ascent of the radiosondes was 18.6 km. The maximum, height reached was 32.8 km. on 23 May. Two hundred eighty radiosondes reached the stratosphere, height of more than 10 km - 275 radiosondes 15 -263 20 r 148 30 r 2 Table 1 gives data of the distribution of the radiosonde ascents: the length of time signals were received, height reached and the month of release. Table 1 Length of time signals were received and height of ascent of the radiosondes Whole Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.Oct. perf.od ' Mean length of signal reception (min.) 61 71 74 82 70 73 47 71 Mean height of ascent (km) 15.2 19.4 20.0 22.4 18.2 17.7 13.5 18.6 Maximum height of ascent (km) 26.4 32.8 27.7 28.9 25.0 23.5 18..8 32.8 ? Minimum height of ascent (km) 6.9 5.0 8.7 10.8 6.o 6.4 7.4 5.0 Number of observations 28 58 53 59 51 27 15 291 - 5 - All observations were carried instructions and directions. Below changes in method. The data on the Appendix. out in conformity with the assigned we give an account of the various processed material are given in the Tilb RADIOSONDE WORK A control check on the radiosondes was made before the expedition set out, in January of 1950 at the CAO. The results of checking the temperature recorders were entered in the specification sheet* Lfor each instrumeng and, in case they did not check out with the factory specifications, the latter were corrected. The pressure recorder was checked at positive and negative temperatures. New specification sheets for the pressure recorder were made on the basis of the data from this check at the CAO. Before being prepared for release the instruments were examined carefully and those whose condition seemed doubtful were not used. The instruments were made ready 3-4 hours before release. The portable "KL" laboratory was used to check the electrical systems of the instruments. The radio transmitter and the feeding source were mounted as suggested by V. G. Kanaki. This differs from the ordinary method in that the radio transmitter is not placed inside the radiosonde, but is packed together with its batteries and attached to the casing of the balloon before its release. The transmitter tubes keep the batteries warm, preventing them from freezing. The radio transmitter was tuned by the thermocouple of the field laboratory or by "mikro" radio tubes. It was fed by 3-5 anode and 1 filament battery, which were drenched with a saturated solution of ammonium chloride with 25% alcohol added. The drenching lasted for 1-2 hours before release, and the batteries together with the radio transmitter were taken out to the release area 10 minutes before release time. The instruments were "exposed" only before the release and at the release area. Attempts to "expose" the instruments in the tent failed because of the differences in the air temperatare and the dif- ferent inertia of the instruments (the temperature recorder of the radiosonde and the psychrometer). In taking down the initial position of the recording pens in the specially equipped. box with a ventilator the readings of the radiosonde and the mercury thermometer did not coincide; this was due to the causes mentioned above and to the inade- quacy of the ventilator. *In Russian the word here is "certificate," perhaps this is prefel'abla to "specification sheet." (Tr. note) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 6 The instruments were "exposed" on the area before release on a stake frozen into the ice to which the ventilator and two hooks for the radiosonde and psychrometer were attached at a height of 2 m above sea level. In individual cases the radiosondes were "exposed" along with the psychrometer shelter as a control and calibration of the readings made during the basic "exposure" on the electric inflater as against the readings of the instruments in the psychrometer shelter. In ordinary work, the humidity instruments were taken out onto the release area an hour to an hour-and-sAialf before release. The readings of the initial position of the recording pens at the release site were entered in the appropriate columns of the radiosonde sheet. The results of the "exposure" made in the tent or at the psychrometer shelter were entered in the blank titled "Exposure and place". Humidity at a temperature higher than -5?C* was determined by the aspiration psychrometer, at a temperature below -5?C by the hygrometer. Pressure was measured by a mercury inspector's barometer** which was kept in the tent. Wind was measured by the Tret'idkov wind gauge*** set up on the meteorological area. The data on atmospheric phenomena and cloudiness at the moment of release were entered in the pilot-balloon log (with subsequent transfer onto the radiosonde sheet). *All temperatures are in ?C (Tr. note). **Inspector's barometer. A barometer carried by an inspector of a meteorological network to a station to check the accuracy of the barometers at that station. An inspector's barometer is an instrument intermediate between a normal working barometer for a given meteoro- logical region and a stationary barometer. Before the inspector makes his trip the instrument correction of the inspector's barometer is made by comparing it with a normal working barometer. A second com- parison with the normal working barometer is made after the inspector returns. The inspector's barometer must be portable, durable and accurate. These requirements are satisfied by the Wild-Turretini barometer used at stations in the USSR (Tr. note). Source: Meteoro- logicheskii slover'l Khromov and Mamontoval p. 153. ***Tret'iakov wind gauge. A portable instrument for determining the velocity and direction of the wind under field conditions. The wind velocity is measured by the deflection of a freely suspended metal plate having a spoon-shaped form. The direction of the wind is deter- mined by a special vane included in the construction of the instrument. The scale for this wind gauge was obtained experimentally from deter- minations in an aerodynamic tube (Tr. note). Source: Meteorolog- icheskii slover'l Khramov and Mamontova, p. 283, 7 The radiosonde balloons were hung about, over the gas burner or the kerogaz,* before filling and were rotated constantly for half an hour. The heating pi.ovided add-Itional vulcanization. The preparation made the balloons elastic and insured a great height of ascent. After the radio receiver had been tuned in on the transmitter wave band, the radiosondes were released on a signal from the aerologist on duty at the tent window. On days when the wind. was light, the balloons were towed with the wind for take-off. During high winds, by way of experiment, the P. F. Zaidhikov method was sometimes used. The equip- ment necessary for this was prepared on the spot by station mechanic M. S. Komarov. The radiosonde was hung so that it could slide easily along the cable. The cable was stretched out with the wind at a height of 1.5 in, one end of it was firmly fixed to a stake frozen into the ice, the other end to a duralumin mast through an automatic release mechanism. The balloon, under the influence of the wind, would pull the instrument along the cable; in the process the ring would strike the automatic release and the cable would be detached from the mast, which, because of the rubber guy lines, would be cast in the direction opposite that In which the instrument was moving, and the radiosonde, breaking free of the cable, would continue in flight. The signals were received (Fig. 3) by one of the aerologists through a speaker or, in case reception were poor, by earphones. Besides the temperature, pressure and. humidity signals, signals were received of the speed of rotation of the propeller. For this purpose, the time of the beginning and end of all control humidity signals were entered on a separate form. These observations were conducted to study atmospheric turbulence. The data on the ascent of the radiosonde up to 5 km were worked up very soon after the signals were received, since the information had to be included in the LyeatheE7-telegram. The remaining information was processed at the Arctic Institute after the expedition had returned. The pressure data were processed according to the specifications of the CAO. The correction for layer thickness was determined by slide rule from the formula: Htih av. 273 where H is the layer thickness and tav is the average temperature of the layer. *Kerogaz. A kerosene heating device on the order of a noiseless primus stove (Tr. note). 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17 ? CIA-RDP81 01043R002600210003 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 S 8 Temperature observations were processed according to the factory specification sheets, with account taken of the corrections made at the time of the instrument check at the CAO. The dew-point temperature was determined by nomogram. THEODOLITE OBSERVATIONS OF TBE RADIOSONDES The pibal theodolite on the first base point, fixed on a tripod, was located at the release area for radiosondes. Before an observation was made, the theodolite's position with respect to the level was checked, as well as its orientation. The theodolite was lined up with a surveyor's stake, which first was a peg frozen into the ice on the meridional line to the north of the instrument. Beginning 19 May, the theodolite of the second base point located in the same direction, served as the surveyor's mark. Since the floe gradually turned, a correction factor had to be introduced to account for the change in the azimuth of the stake, which increased fram 0? (15 April) to 34? (20 October). The azimuth was determined by the North Star and. by the sun. In the first case the telescope of the theodolite, oriented with zero on the surveyor's stake, was fixed on the North Star and readings were made by the horizontal circle of the theodolite. The difference between the readings with the theodolite directed on the stake (3600) and on tLe North Star was taken as the azimuth of the stake. In the second in- stance, the azimuth was determined by the familiar formula: sin A cosP 'sin tial sin Z combined Since the zero of the theodolite was always directed on the stake, the difference 360?-A gave the azimuth of the stake according to the sun. The pilot-balloon observations were processed in the usual manner, whereby the heights were determined by the mean vertical velocity of the radiosonde. By the time the base was laid out (19 May), the floe had already turned 5?. In order to preserve the initial position of the theodolite at the first point of the base, the place for the second theodolite of the base was selected exactly in the direction of the stake (peg), whose azimuth at that time was 5?. The dimensions of the floe did not permit us to lay out a base line of more than 600 m. - 9 - The length of the base was measured twice with a steel tape: First measurement - 600.o8 m - 600,90 m _ Average length of base line - 600.50 m A pibal theodolite on a tripod. was set at the second base point as well as the first. Both points were connected by field telephones. To synchronize the readings from the tent by a line connected to the telephone line, signals of 2-3 sec duration were sent every minute. This was attained by use of a contact on the timing gear of an alarm clock and the sound mechanism. This device was prepared at the drifting station. The base observations were taken only on days without fog and low cloud cover. Second As the floe turned, the azimuth of the base changed correspond- ingly. The processing was done with a Molchanov circle* according to the instructions of the Hydrometeorological Service. The base line observations were processed using a 25-cm slide rule. The small length of the base line did not permit us to process the prolonged observations to the end, since angles B and B' often were smaller than The expedition's observational data were completely processed, checked and prepared for publication at the Arctic Institute by N. V. Basieva, L. I. Vorontsova, L. P. KUritsynal N. V. Shiposh under the general direction and with the aid of I. M. Dolgin, Candidate in Geographical Sciences, and Junior Scientific Colleague T. V. Nikolaeva. In conclusion let us note a number of organizational and metho- dological inadequacies which could not but have had an effect on the work progress and the quality of the individual observations. These inadequacies include, first of all, the lack of general standard *Molchanov circle. An instrument for constructing the horizontal pro- jection of the path of a pilot balloon, to a certain scale, by angles plotted during theodolite observations of the balloon. The direction and speed of the wind aloft is then determined from the projection. The Molchanov circle consists of a wooden board with a diagram glued to it, of a movable celluloid disk that turns about the center and of a movable celluloid ruler. Designed by P. A. Molchanov (Tr. note). Source:. Meteorologicheskii slovarl, Marmot?' and Mamontova, p. 190. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 -10- aerological field equipment. Therefore, in preparing for the expedi- tion ordinary station instruments were selected and to a certain degree adapted to the specifications of work on an ice floe. A number of instruments and objects of secondary equipment were invented or re- designed. As a consequence, the aerological equipment of the drifting station was quite diverse, which doubtless complicated the work in a number of cases. Some pieces of equipment, as was found when the work was processed, were not thought out well enough. In particular, the wind shelter proved unsatisfactory, since in autumn much snow entered it during the ground blows, and covered the hydrogen gas containers. In the future, instead of shelters a large Danish-type tent with a wide entrance should be used. The initial positions of the recording pens of the instruments, "exposure' in the tent, were not recorded, although instructions had been given to do this, because the temperature measurement and the tak- ing of the position of the recording pens lost all physical sense in view of the large temperature gradients. In individual cases and when the instruments were exposed to air on sunny still days even the use of the electric inflater with a flow of air 5-6 m/sec did not guarantee reliable enough initial data. This is to be explained by the large contrasts between the temperatures of the air and the inflater that had been warmed in the sun. In the future it will be necessary to work out a device for ex- posing the apparatus both in the tent and in the open air. Thermostats and the necessary shading together with good ventilating apparatus may serve this purpose. The shortness of the base line and the crude nature of its equip- ment may be considered a real disadvantage for pilot-balloon observa- tions. For example, in assembling the equipment, the contact watches for the transmission of time signals were forgotten. The apparatus to replace the watches was made at the station from an ordinary alarm clock and was not very reliable, and often the convergence of the base alti- tudes was poor. The work was complicated a great deal by the fact that the caustic soda, moulded in solid 300-kg masses, was contained in iron barrels, Under the work conditions at the drifting station it is quite necessary to have caustic soda either in pulverized form sealed in 2-3 kg tin cans, or, still better, in flake form. Finally, neither the method of observations nor the suitability of this or that piece of equipment needs special comment. A preliminary examination and analysis of the data makes it possible to draw certain conclusions as to the stratification of the atmosphere in the central part of the Arctic Basin. Below we give a space-time graph of isopleths, constructed on the basis of the data of the morning radiosonde ascents (Fig. 4). One hundred sixty seven ?,1 11 ascents for the period from 15 April through 19 October were used in constructing this graph; all radiosondes reached the tropopause and in most cases sounded the stratosphere up to 20-25 km. The isopleth graph clearly shows the existence of an inversion layer in the lower troposphere. As a rule this layer lies between the heights 0.5 and 2.5-3.0 km. At the same time, a seasonal character of the inversions was discovered. Thus, the deepest inversion was observed in the middle of July. This was connected, with the transport northward of warm Pacific-Ocean air, arriving from the American continent. The inversion occurred as a result of the cooling of the lower layer of air because of the expenditure of heat on the intensive thawing of the snow and ice cover. In the inversion layer the growth of temperature with height reached 10?C at the 3.5 km level. The maximum air temperature (10-11?C) in that layer was noted at 1.0-1.5 km, The ice-adjacent layer of air, in moving northward, became 8-90 cooler than the higher layers. At the same time, at a height of 3.5 km, the zero isotherm held steady, during the remaining time it appeared only episodicarly (in the second ten days of June and then during all of August). In October, with the arrival of polar night and the increase in radiation, the winter inversions were observed, which can also be seen clearly on the Isopleth graph. Fig. 5 shows a graph of temperature distribution with height for 15 October. The deep inversion in the layer from the ice surface to a height of 1 km can be explained by the great loss of heat from the low- lying layer due to night radiation. In the 0-0,5 km layer, the negative temperature gradient amounted to 2.56?C per 100 m, while the absolute rise in temperature reached 12.8?C. The trend of the isopleths above the inversion layer, for the whole period investigated, almost exactly followed the variations of the tropopause; the vertical temperature gradient of the layer from 4 km to the tropopause sharply departed from its mean value, which was 0.56?C. This indicates the connection between the thermal regime of the upper troposphere and the height of the tropopause. The height of the tropopause fluctuates on an average around the 9.8 km level, dropping sometimes to 7.0 km (30 June-1 July) and rising to 12.0 km (5-15 July, during the invasion of warm masses of Pacific Ocean air). In the spring period, when cyclonic activity is strongly developed, frequent fluctuations in the height of the tropopause are to be observed, For example, between 23 June and 2 ally the height of the tropopause dropped sharply from 11 km to 7 km, while in the succeeding days it again rose to 12 km. This amplitude of variation of the height of the tropo- pause, the greatest for the whole period, was caused by an abrupt change In the air currents in the troposphere, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 12 From the data given it is evident that the mean height of the tropopause in the central part of the Arctic Basin has approximately the same values as in the temperate latitudes. Proceeding from this we may conclude that warm air masses, embracing the whole troposphere, penetrate into the central Arctic. The transport of warm air into the high latitudes leads to frontogenesis in these regions. In his time B. L. Dzerdzeevskii noted this and it was confirmed by observations of the aerial expeditions of 1948, 1949 and 1950. During the whole period of operations of the drifting station, the temperature of the tropopause varied within the limits -39.4? and -64.2?C. The lowest temperature values were observed in April and October, while the highest values occurred in the warm season of the year. Fram this we can conclude that the temperature of the tropopause has a seasonal character. The layer of the stratosphere above the tropopause has great temperature fluctuations. The following detailed study and analysis of the data from radio- sonde ascents combined with the study of the synoptic characteristics of the atmospheric processes makes it possible to broaden our knowledge of the dynamics and transformation of air masses of the Arctic Basin. Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: - 13 - Figure Captions Filling a gas container with hydrogen. A radiosonde balloon in the wind shelter. Preparing a radiosonde for release and reception of signals in the tent. Graph of isopleths, accarding to morning radiosonde ascents. x-axis (bottom, reading left to right): April, May, June, July, August, September, October Figure 5: Distribution of temperature in the troposphere accord- ing to the morning radiosonde ascent of 15 October 1950. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 -111.- APPENDIX Explanation of the tables Radiosonde observations were conducted at 011.001 and 1600 hours Moscow time. For the majority of the radiosondes, the observations were con- ducted. by theodolite (base or from one point), and by this the direc- tion and velocity of the wind aloft were determined. The release time of the radiosondes, mean local solar time, is given in four ciphers in the tables, of which the first two indicate the hour, the last two, the minute. The heights of the clouds was determined. by the moment "it becomes hazy" by the theodolite observation; they are expressed in geopotential decameters above sea level. The results of the aerological radiosonde ascents are given in table form, where the meteorological data are given, computed by height stages for the main isobaric surfaces and. for the individual levels and expressed in geopotential kilometers above sea level. The upper and lower boundaries of the inversions and isotherms, the boundaries of the segments with decreased gradient, and also the height of the lower boundary of the tlopopause are referred to particu- lar levels. The table contains the following data: Date, release time of the radiosonde, coordinates, cloudiness, height of the clouds; pressure, temperature, vertical temperature gradient, relative and specific humidity, wind velocity and direction (data obtained from the base observations are given in heavy type), and vertical velocity of the radiosondes are given by heights. The values of the gradients and the vertical velocities are given in the line corresponding to the height of the upper boundary of the layer for which the computations were made. Heights given in paren- theses mean that such data are not accurate for the beginning or the end of the particular point. The temperature and humidity data given In parentheses were taken from interpolated curve segments. Discon- tinuities in the wind data (direction or velocity) are marked with an asterisk. The organization of the aerological observations (radiosonde ascents, pilot balloon observations) and their processing were carried out in compliance with the "Instructions to the hydrameteorological stations and posts" (Nastavlenie gidrametorologicheskim stantsiiam i postam), Pub, Gidrcmeteoizdat, 4th fd? Parts I, II, and III, 1944, 1945, 1947. -15- CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS ? height in geopotential kilometers -7X-- wet snow B atmospheric pressure in nib ? rain (eh? light) t temperature in degrees A granular snow ( light) vertical temperature gradient 4 snow shower U relative humidity of the air q specific humidity in grams per kg of air d wind direction in degrees ^ wind direction in m per sec W vertical velocity of the radio- sonde in m per min -;?.- snow (-,.K? light) , 4 o, drizzle 0 light) ==... fog with charges ? sea fog ground-level fog === unbroken fog fog with gaps (sky visible) glaze 4; low drifting snow x14 surface snowstorm Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ;-Plietl'-',HailoAtieinte-.?ra3ro.riwiepa'CB0110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 , ? 4 V,4*:.4.'i? Ner k - r 7 07-'4 Or. 4t ,t4L. ? s ` ,?;? ? ? ' ; ?A)*...itrect' :Plia3 MS cifriii!4osay,.naxa:rice. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ? 228 ? 614 o 7 6 5- 4 a ? 2 I O. -25. -35. - 45' Puc. 5. Pacnpene.rtene TemnepaTypm B Tpono e p e no rpetinemy noirbemy pamo3o1rna 15 oicrsp5pB 1950 r. j. 70ENDIX See tr2_nslated text for colurnn head- ings 7..n1 F..3ditional. notes. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 1 4 ; i411- . .4.4; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cov A e ease ? ? 230 ? YCJI0BHUE 0603HALIEHH51 H? Bb1COTa B reonoTeHttHaabubtx. KU- .nommax; B ? Aan.nellHe somyxa B mHann6apax; t ?TemnepaTypa 13 rpaaycax; i?nepTHHaammii TemnepaTypnbtil rpaaHeHT; U?oTnocHTenbuaa BIla)KtIOCTb Boaayxa; q ?mum= 1311a)KIIOCTb B rpammax Ha Kiutorpamm 0o3nyxa; d ? nanpannenne neTpa B rpaaycax; V? CKOpOCTb BeTpil B meTpax B ce- )(pus; W ? BepTHHanbHan CKOPOCTb p unto- 3owta B meTpax B mnury; *? o'er (*??caa6biii); 5 - r 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01n4nPnn9Anno nnno ? moxpbifi cHer; ? ?AcoHab (???cna6bni); 26s?cne*Hue 3epHa (zy?caa6bie); * ?11111311C130fi eller; V ?mopocb (,? ? caa6an); =8? Tymall 3apnaamu; ? - m ? mopcHort Tyman; - TIO3CMIlblii Tymaft; - ?CTIJI0WHOrt Tymati; =1' ?Tymau c npocneTamu; rononen; +?no3emoic x4-? MeTC111, Hepxunn. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 S - RADio .50r0E. 0135 ER V477045 PA114030H,LtOBblE HA6J1101tEliMi 17puwoicenue I-1 B t 7 U q d V WI H B t y U q d V NV )(Me_ 1950 rojx 3.0 679 --25.2 0.38 088 4 321 3.89 600 --30.4 098 5 15.4 1339 q) == 76?26' k ==. 192?52' 4.0 591 --30.8 0.56 100 5 10/0 Ci, Cs 5.0 513 --36.4 0.56 125 5 5.17 '500 -37.4 0.0 019 --22.7 93 068 5 6.0 443 -41.5 0.51 361 0.06 010 --23.0 0.50 _ _ 6.7 400 -45.8 0.13 , 000 --23.0 090 7 7.0 381 -47.7 0.62 0.2 991 -23.0 0.00 075 7 7.7 344 --51.3 0.51 0.43 961 --23.0 0.00 101 9 8.0 328 --51.3 0.00 0.5 952 --22.6 104 10 8.57 '300 _51.3 0.93 900 -20.4 105 9 9.0 281 --51.3 0.00 1.0 891 -20.2 105 9 10.0 241 -48.6 -0.27 340 1.06 883 -20.0 -0.48 104 8 11.0 208 -46.0 -0.26 1.35 850 --20.2 103 7 11.25 200 --45.6 1.5 833 -20.5 0.11 100 7 12.0 178 --43.7 --0.23 1.79 800 --20.9 089 7 13.0 153 --42.9 -0.08 2.0 778 -21.1 0.12 088 5 14.0 132 _41.9 0.10 332 2.2 757 -21.5 0.20 087 4 13.0 115 -40.4 -0.15 2.5 727 -23.3 0.60 087 3 16.0 100 --39.7 -0.07 2.78 .700 -24.2 091 3 17.0 85 18.0 75 19.0 64 20.0 56 20.62 50 21.0 47 21.72 40 ?ife --38.8 --37.8 --37.0 --36.4 --35.4 --34.9 --34.9 -0.09 -0.10 -0.08 --0.06 16.4 1352 0.0 022 0.16 000 0.2 994 0.5 953 0.92 900 .0 891 .1 878 .35 850 .5 833 1.8 800 2.0 778 --24.0 --24.2 --24.2 --23.0 --21.6 --21.3 --21.0 --21.0 --21.2 --21.5 --21.8 -0.15 000 0!).--76024' k==.192?20' CIPO Ci 94 045 054 0.10 055 --0.40 059 054 -0.34 056 \ --0.30 056 0.00 060 0.13 064 067 0.12 066 305 2.5 726 --22.5 2.77 700 -23.3 261 3.0 678 -94.1 3.9 600 --28.9 4.0 591 --29.3 5.0 513 --34.0 261 5.18 500 --34.7 6.0 444 --39.4 0.54 6.68 400 -43.5 7.0 382 -45.2 0.58 8.0 330 --51-3 0.61 8.4 310 -52.3 0.25 8.62 300 --52.3 9.0 283 --52.3 0.00 9.45 263 --52.3 0.00 0.14 0.32 0.52 0.47 4 6 7 7 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 Ilpoftitotc. nInaceacenag q V/ 071 072 071 077 077 078 079 080 086 091 074 345 311 17.4 0156 1) =76?22' 1. ==: 19:n21' 210 Ci 0.0026 -33.0 94 \ 315 0.16 000 --28.0 334 0.2 996 I -97.2 --2 90 I335 0.5 955 -22.0 --1.73 7 7 7 9 9 7' 7 7 8 7 2* 3 4 5 5 5 356 393 432 Gs) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 73 -h (D (D CD (i) (D 01 0 00011.71C. n Llat 1-1 B t 7 U q d V W H _ B t 7 U q d V 0.95 900 --19.6 0.2 997 --22.8 322 10 1.0 895 --19.5 --0.50 0.25 990 --22.8 0.00 313 10 1.4 850 --18.9 0.5 958 --19.4 --1.36 302 9 1.5 838 --18.7 --0.16 0.86 914 --17.0 --0.67 318 7 1.84 800 --18.4 --0.09 0.97 900 --17.0 320 6 2.0 783 --18.8 0.25 1.0 897 --17.0 0.00 320 6 2.5 731 --19.8 0.20 1.4 - 850 --17.0 339 5 2.83 700 --20.9 290 1.5 839 --17.0 0.00 345 5 3.0 683 --21.8 0.40 1.85 800 --17.0 359 5 3.94 600 --26.6 2.0 785 --17.0 0.00 360 5 4.0 595 --27.0 0.52 2.15 770 --17.0 0.00 001 5 5.0 516 --33.7 0.67 2.5 734 --18.0 0.29 007 5 5.21 500 --35:1 2.85 .700 --20.0 015 6 6.0 447 --41.0 0.73 300 3.0 686 --20.7 0.54 016 6 329 6.75 400 --46.9 4.0 600 --25.5 0.48 034 6 7 0 385 --48.4 0.74 5.0 522 --31.1 0.56 046 3 8.0 330 --56.0 0.76 318 5.29 500 --33.1 035 3 6.0 451 --38.5 0.74 059 3 278 17.4 1359 I) = 76?21', X= 192?23' 6.82 400 --43.0 092 5 2/0 Ci 7.0 8.0 390 336 --44.4 --50.2 0.59 0.58 091 113 5 6 0.0 025 --22.8 85 315 5 8.4 316 --53.5 0.82 110 4 224 0.17 000 --22.8 328 11 8.73 300 --53.5 187 2 17p000Ame. npuAoxemusz Il B, t 7 U q d V WIIH B t 7 U q d V NV 9.0 288 --53.5 0.00 250 1 2.87 -700 --20.0 9.65 260 --53.5 0.00 300 2 3.0 687 --20.8 0.46 10.0 248 --52.0 --0.43 298 2 192 3.98 600 __25.8 0.51 369 11.0 212 --48.8 --0.32 -- 2 5.0 520 __31.3 0.54 11.35 - 200 --47.5 0 5.25 503 --33?4 12.0 181 --46.4 --0.24 0 6.0 449 --38.8 0.75 12.23 174 --46.2 --0.09 224 6.77 400 __43.6 7.0 387 --44.8 0.60 350 18.4 0143 p =76?20' X= 192?25' 8.0 332 --50.8 0.60 i 8.68 300 --56.0 10/10 Sc (108) 8.83 294 --56.8 0.72 0.0 026 --20.1 96 338 4 9.0 285 --56.8 0.00 0.17 000 --19.8 349 4 10.0 244 --56.8 0.00 0.2 996 --19.7 --0.20 355 4 10.13 238 _55.8 0.00 0.5 958 --18.5 --0.40 350 5 11.0 207 _-55.2 --0.18 0.6 946 --17.3 --1.20 350 4 11.29 200 __54.0 439 0.98 900 --17.3 0.00 347 7 12.0 178 --51.2. --0.40 1.43 850 --17.3 13.0 154 --49.7 --0.15 1.5 841 --17.3 0.00 14.0 132 __48.7 --0.10 323 1.87 800 --17.3 15.0 113 __47.7 --0.10 2.0 787 --17.3 0.00 15.77 100 -47.0 2.1 776 --17.3 0.00 16.0 96 --46.7 --0.10 2.5 736 --18.5 0.30 17.0 84 -45.2 --0.15 319 ? ts.3 Ca.1 ?(=, 7 3 < (D a ahCD ? 01 0 17 0a0.4.9e H B t 7 Uq d V W H B t 7 U . q d ,-----....? V W 17.32 81 --44.2 --0.31 3.98 600 --26.4 0.55 311 5 18.0 73 --44.2 0.00 5.0 520 --33.0 0.65 302 4 19.0 62 --44.2 0.00 5.26 500 --34.3 297 4 20.0 53 --44.2 0.00 254 6.0 450 --39.8 0.68 300 3 6.78 400 --45.2 306 3 307 7.0 387 --47.0 0.72 306 4 18.4 1343 cp . 76?19' A = 192'27' 8.0 333 --52.1 0.51 306 7 8.68 300 --55.6 313 7 0/0 Ci (8.74) 298 --56.0 0.53 313 7 287 9.0 285 -- -- 312 8 0.0 026 --22.6 93 292 3 10.0 245 -- -- 310 8 0.19 000 --21.3 --0.68 327 5 11.0 210 --51.5 -- 311 7 248 0.5 960 --18.8 --0.81 342 5 11.29 200 --51.0 305 6 0.6 947 --18.0 --0.80 334 4 12.0 180 --49.3 --0.22 290 3 0.98 900 --18.0 0.00 320 5 13.0 155 --47.3 --0.20 259 3 240 1.41 850 --18.0 0.00 309 5 14.0 133 --45.8 --0.15 232 4 1.5 839 --18.2 309 5 15.0 114 --44.4 --0.14 191 3 1.87 800 --18.6 309 5 15.85 100 --42.9 199 5 2.0 787 --18.8 0.14 313 5 16.0 97 --42.6 --0.18 202 5 2.5 735 --19.3 0.10 313 6 17.0 85 --41.5 --0.11 183 4 236 2.7 715 --19.5 0.10 316 5 18.0 75 --40.9 --0.06 177 4 2.85 700 --20.3 318 4 19.0 65 --40.5 --0.04 174 4 3.0 685 --21.0 0.50 321 4 332 20.0 55 --40.5 0.00 165 4 302 ? .f???????????????46?%; ??1_-_;A f?APIPS.???-?,--.? Hpoaamic. npuiwycemulz H B t 1 Uq d VWIH B t 7 U q d V W 20.7 21.0 22.0 22.8 0.0 0.17 0.2 0.5 0.88 0.94 1.0 1.2 1.36 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.5 2.8 3.0 50 48 40 35 19.4 026 .000 997 956 908 900 893 870 850 833 800 779 729 700 681 --40.5 --39.5 --38.8 --38.8 0149 --30.8 --26.2 --24.4 --18.7 --16.6 --16.6 --16.6 --16.6 --16.7 --16.8 --17.4 --17.8 --19.0 --20.0 --20.7 0.00 --0.33 --0.07 0.00 cp = 76?19' 2/0 --3.20 --1.90 --0.55 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.20 0.24 0.34 Ci 87 k.= 168 169 161 192?29' 292 -- -- 249 266 268 270 271 268 271 279 277 272 271 271 5 5 3 2 -- -- 5 '4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 6 5 5 1 304 i 310 3.93 4.0 5.0 5.24 6.0 6.78 7.0 8.0 8.64 8.72 9.0 9.52 10.0 11.0 11.27 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 1 15.77 1 16.0 17.0 18.0 600 595 519 500 449 400 386 332 300 297 283 262 242 209 200 178 153 131 113 100 96 83 72 --25.6 --26.2 --33.3 --35.0 --39.7 --45.4 --47.2 --53.0 --56.2 --56.4 --56.4 --56.4 --55.7 --53.3 --52.8 --51.5 --49.4 --48.2 --46.4 --45.0 --44.6 --43.7 --43.0 0.55 0.71 0.64 0.75 0.58 0.47 0.00 0.00 --0.15 --0.24 --0.18 --0.21 --0.12 --0.18 --0.18 --0.09 --0.07 272 272 271 5 5 5 293 270 226 226 938 252 ts.3 c.n -h (D (D CD (/) (D 01 -a Irpoaoitatc. npumacettuR B U q d V W d1V 20.4 0139 y = 76?17' X = 192?32' 8.0 340 --48.0 0.63 244 7/0 Ci, Cs 8.8 9.0 300 290 --52.5 --53.0 0.50 0.0 030 -29.3 96 292 1 9.9 253 --53.0 0.00 0.21 . 000 -20.3 -4.29 347 4 10.0 250 --52.8 -0.20 175 0.5 963 -17.1 -1.10 346 3 11.0 214 --50.5 -0.23 164 0.65 943 -16.2 --0.60 343 2 11.44 200 --49.4 1.0 900 --16.2 0.00 028 2 12.0 184 --48.2 --0.23 1.45 850 -16.2 003 I 13.0 158 --45.9 --0.23 1.5 843 -16.2 0.00 003 1 13.82 140 --45.6 --0.04 ; 164 1.84 807 --16.2 0.00 321 1 1.9 800 -16.4 306 1 21.4 0155 q) ==.: 76?17' X = 192?35' 2.0 789 -16.8 0.38 293 I 2.5 738 --18.4 0.32 307 1 0;0 2.88 700 -19.6 0.0 030 --30.8 96 313 9 3.0 689 --20.0 0.32 303 0.21 000 4.01 600 --25.I 0.50 0.5 960 5.0 523 .2-28.9 0.38 0.97 900 5.31 500 -31.4 1.0 897 6.0 454 -35.7 0.68 280 1.4 850 6.87 400 -40.7 1.5 839 7.0 393 --41.7 0.60 1.85 SOO --17.8 2.0 784 --18.6 17podoxic. npu.AoNceuuA H B t 1 U q d VWIIHB t 7 U q d V NV 19.0 62 -42.4 --0.06 4.0 597 --27.3 0.58 246 4 200 20.0 53 --42.4 0.00 5.0 519 --32.1 0.48 274 5 20.3 50 -42.4 5.27 500 --33.1 283 6 21.0 46 -42.4 0.00 252 6.0 450 -37.1 0.50 301 9 6.83 400 --42.1 301 13 194 19.4 1359 op .--: 76?18' k === 192931' 7.0 390 -43.4 0.63 299 14 8.0 336 --48.0 0.46 303 19 0/0 Ci 8.73 300 --52.1 298 18 198 0.0 029 -22.4 96 292 2 9.0 287 --53.1 0.51 296 17 0.1 014 --22.6 0.20 __ __ 9.17 280 --54.1 0.59 296 17 0.2 000 -22.3 -0.30 282 3 9.89 251 --54.1 0.00 294 14 0.5 961 --19.4 286 4 10.0 246 -53.7 --0.36 294 12 210 0.55 955 --19.2 --0.89 277 . 3 11.0 212 -50.5 --0.32 294 5 0.99 900 --19.2 0.00 283 4 11.33 200 --49.7 293 4 1.43 850 -19.2 285 3 12.0 182 --48.2 -0.23 275 2 206 1.5 841 -19.2 0.00 289 3 13.0 157 --45.4 --0.28 293 2 1.87 SOO --19.2 283 2 14.0 134 -43.4 -0.20 277 1 200 2.0 786 --19.2 0.00 287 2 15.0 116 -41.8 -0.16 214 1 2.3 755 --19.2 0.00 283 3 16.0 100 --40.4 -0.14 154 2 200 2.5 735 --19.7 0.25 280 4 250 ;17.0 86 -39.1 -0.13 113 3 2.85 700 -20.8 279 4 18.0 74 --38.4 -0.07 123 3 3.0 686 --21.5 0.36 277 3 19.0 62 -37.5 -0.09 154 4 3.97 600 -27.2 246 4 19.65 55 --37.4 --0.02 210 0 CD 0 CD (/) (/) CD 0. -0 CD (I) CD CD 0.0 0 73 73 73 CD CD (T. 73 73 01 0 0 4?1 0 Bj q d V W H 2.5 2.85 3.0 3.98 5.0 5.27 6.0 6.79- 7.0 7.2 733 700 685 600 519 500 449 400 388 376 --20.1 --21.7 --22.5 --27.0 --32.5 --34.2 --39.2 --44.2 --44.9 --45.6 0.30 0.48 0.46 0.54 0.67 0.57 0.35 22.4 0155 q) ==.: 76?17' --= 192?36' 8/0 Ci, Cs 0.0 031 --28.7 87 315 3 0.22 000 -24.0 -2.14 353 5 0.46 967 -17.1 --2.88 358 5 0.5 962 -17.1 355 6 1.0 900 --17.1 0.00 343 5 1.3 866 --17.1 0.00 334 5 1.44 850 -17.3 330 5 1.5 843 --17.4 0.15 330 5 1.88 800 --18.5 320 314 2.0 2.5 2.86 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.3 6.0 6.86 6.9 0.0 0.2 0.24 0.5 1.0 1.03 1.17 1.45 1.5 787 735 700 687 600 522 500 452 400 398 --18.9 --20.2 --21.1 --21.3 --25.1 --30.5 --32.2 --36.7 --43.2 --44.5 apoa0.4.71C. tipll./10,71CellUR 7 U ql d V 0.30 0.26 0.22 0.38 0.54 0.62 0.87 22.4 1352 q) === 76?17' 192?36' 8/0 Ci, Cs 034 -20.4 94 0.6 338 2 005 --18.7 -0.85 94 0.7 001 5 000 -18.7 94 0.8 002 5 965 -18.7 0.00 95 0.8 003 6 903 --18.7 0.00 96 0.8 026 4 900 --18.7 96 0.8 099 4 883 -18.7 0.00 96 0.9 013 4 850 -19.1 97 0.8 001 5 845 -19.2 0.15 97 0.8 358 5 w 329 3.50 ? 17poaawc. npattooKeHust H B t 7 U q d V WIH B t 1 T UqdV W 1.9 800 --19.g 97 0.8 343 4 16.0 97 -45.5 -0.18 2.0 789 -19.9 0.14 97 0.8 338 4 17.0 82 --45.5 0.00 265 2.5 737 --20.7 0.16 96 0.8 323 3 2.88 700 --21.5 95 0.8 310 5 23.4 0149 q) ... 76?17' A=192?35' 3.0 689 --21.7 0.20 95 0.8 297 6 316 4.01 600 --26.8 0.50 93 0.5 306 8 7/0 Ci, Cs 5.0 523 -32.4 0.57 91 275 7 0.0 039 -26.9 0 5.31 500 --34.5 91 273 8 0.2 009 -20.4 --3.25 6.0 453 --38.8 0.64 90 273 10 0.27 000 --19.8 6.85 400 -43.5 88 303 18 371 0.5 970 --18.0 -0.80 060 2 7.0 391 --43.9 0.51 88 305 21 0.8 933 --16.2 -0.60 060 4 8.0 337 --48.2 0.43 87 314 35 1.0 908 --16.2 0.00 057 4 8.75 300 --53.2 86 1.07 900 --16.2 051 5 9.0 288 --55.5 0.73 85 1.34 869 --16.2 0.00 029 8 9.32 274 -55.6 0.34 85 1.5 850 --16.4 0.12 028 6 10.0 246 --56.6 0.00 84 344 1.95 800 --16.8 029 3 11.0 211 --52.8 --0.38 82 2.0 794 --16.9 0.10 029 3 11.33 200 --51.8 2.5 744 --17.3 0.08 236 1 12.0 180 --51.1 --0.17 268 2.66 728 --17.5 0.12 266 1 13.0 155 --50.2 -0.09 2.94 700 --18.3 304 2 14.0 133 -49.2 --0.10 3.0 695 --18.5 0.29 297 2 15.0 15.85 115 100 -47.3 -45.6 -0.19 4.0 4.09 608 600 --21.7 --22.0 0.32 278 270 3 3 385 -:- 50-Yr 2014/01/17 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ullf.M?V` lip 0a011.71C. npultametua H B t 1 U q d V W 11 H B t 1 UqdV VV 5.0 530 -25.8 0.41 308 4 0.9 923 --16.8 -0.65 081 4 5.4 500 --27.2 325 4 1.0 911 --16.8 0.00 088 4 6.0 461 --28.9 0.31 332 6 1.09 900 --16.8 096 4 2 7.0 400 -33.5 0.46 334 10 1.5 854 --16.8 0.00 105 8.0 347 --40.0 0.65 332 10 440 1.53 850 --16.8 109 2 2 8.98 300 --46.4 0.65 329 22 1.8 819 --16.8 0.00 146 10.0 256 --54.5 0.79 324 26 1.97 800 --17.7 168 2 10.42 240 --57.3 0.67 325 25 2.0 797 --17.8 0.50 171 2 11.0 219 -57.3 0.00 326 23 2.5 746 -19.2 0.28 216 2 11.1 215 --57.3 0.00 325 22 2.97 700 --20.4 242 2 11.57 200 --56.3 324 19 3.0 697 --20.5 0.26 244 3 330 12.0 188 --54.4 -0.32 323 16 3.56 647 --22.5 0.36 276 4 13.0 160 --52.0 --0.24 317 12 4.0 609 -23.3 0.18 306 5 14.0 137 --51.0 --0.10 312 12 4.1 600 --23.4 0.10 314 5 6 15.0 117 -50.4 -0.06 506 4.8 543 --24.1 345 5.0 530 --25.8 0.85 347 7 5.41 500 349 7 23.4 1404 cp--=76?17' k ----.- 192?34' 6.0 460 0.84 347 9 310 10/0 Ci, Cs 6.97 400 --41.8 330 8 0.0 042 --19.8 86 135 1 7.0 397 --42.0 0.78 0.62 330 336 9 11 0.2 012 --21.1 0.65 106 3 8.0 343 -48.2 339 16 250 0.29 000 --20.8 099 4 8.83 300 --55.0 0.80 340 16 0.5 973 --19.4 --0.57 086 5 9.0 292 --56.2 1 6.85 256 --60.0 0.45 10.0 250 --60.0 0.00 10.73 223 --60.0 0.00 11.0 214 --58.4 --0.59 11.44 200 --55.0 12.0 183 --53.5 --0.49 13.0 156 --50.7 --0.28 14.0 134 --50.0 --0.07 15,0 116 --49.4 --0.06 15.95 100 --47.9 16.0 99 --47.8 --0.16 17.0 85 --46.8 --0.10 18.0 74 --45.9 --0.09 19.0 64 --45.3 --0.06 90.0 55 --44.6 --0.07 334 334 330 332 328 320 314 313 310 299 299 287 288 298 24.4 0149 p =76?17' X = 192?34' 135 1 80 Ci, Cs ? 0.0 043 --24.8 99 0.2 014 --20.2 -2.30 0.3 000 --I8.2 0.5 973 --16.5 --1.23 21 22 15 13 11 8 5 6 6 5 4 6 5 4 180 4 188 4 247 290 316 17poaonote. npunoycetuut 1-1 U q d IV IW 1.0 911 --14.6 190 5 1.05 905 --14.5 -0.36 191 5 1.09 900 --14.5 192 5 1.5 854 --14.5 0.00 202 2 1.53 850 --14.5 204 2 1.86 814 --14.5 0.00 242 2 1.99 800 --15.0 0.38 265 2 2.5 747 --16.5 0.29 270 2 293 3.0 700 --17.7 0.24 4.0 612 --19.1 0.14 4.15 600 --19.6 t?D 5.0 534 --25.2 0.61 5.47 500 --28.0 6.0 463 --32.0 0.68 329 7.0 404 --38.4 0.64 7.06 400 --39.0 8.0 348 --46.3 0.79 8.96 300 --53.4 9.0 10.0 298 254 --53.6 --58.6 0.73 0.50 308 10.6 230 --61.7 0.52 10.88 221 --61.7 0.00 11.0 217 --61.1 -0.50 247 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 IV W 11.5 200 12.0 185 13.0 158 14.0 135 15.0 116 16.0 100 16.2 97 --57.9 --54.3 --52.6 --51.9 --50.9 --48.7 --48.4 --0.68 --0.17 --0.07 --0.10 --0.22 --0.15 24.4 1356 1) = 76?17' X= 192?32' 1010 Cs (590) 0.0 043 --18.5 84 135 0.1 029 --18.7 0.20 137 0.9 015 --18.3 --0.40 153 0.31 000 --17.5 162 0.5 975 -16.7 --0.53 156 0.8 937 --15.5 --0.40 169 1.0 913 --15.5 0.00 1.11 900 -15.5 1.5 855 --15.5 0.00 145 1.54 850 __15.5 142 1.9 810 --15.5 0.00 1.99 800 -15.8 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 228 233 ------- "Otral**50,404-,- H B 2.5 3.0 4.0 4.15 5.0 5.47 6.0 7.0 7.06 8.0 9.02 10.0 10.68 11.0 11.61 12.0 13.0 13.32 14.0 15 0 15.88 746 700 613 600 534 500 465 404 400 349 300 257 232 221 200 188 161 153 139 118 103 HIB1 t I 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.84 1.0 1.11 1.5 1.55 1.9 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.03 4.0 4.19 5.0 5.51 6.0 25.4 0149 01) = 7.15?17' X=192?29' 7/0 CN, Cs 044 --25.0 016 --I8.0 000 --16.0 975 --14.3 932 --12.9 913 --12.9 900 --12.9 856 --12.9 850 -12.9 812 -12.9 800 --13.1 750 --14.3 703 --14.9 700 --15.0 615 --16.4 600 --17.0 537 --21.3 500 -23.5 468 -27.1 99 090 1 -3.50 117 4 113 4 --1.23 102 4 --0.41 086 2 0.00 085 2 088 2 0.00 112 2 112 2 0.00 1 0.20 1 0.24 3 0.12 328 3 329 3 0.15 301 5 0.49 0.58 393 7.0 7.11 8.0 9.0 9.09 10.0 10.8 0.0 0.2 0.33 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.14 1.5 1.57 1.65 2.02 2.5 40.? 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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 - - _ __,..............-. 141,14..acrAt.ertust H B I 7 U q d V W 11 11 B t 7 UlcildIvl vi 0.5 0.64 962 945 -- 8.8 -- 7.6 --0.83 --0.86 072 071 12 16 1.5 0149 cp = 76?24' X= 191?04' 1.02 900 -- 7.6 0.00 067 15 10/0 Cs 1.47 -850 -7.6 073 14 1.5 847 -- 7.6 0.00 074 14 0.0 026 --17.1 94 0.8 045 9 1.6 835 -- 7.6 0.00 077 12 0.19 000 --15.2 --1.00 94 0.9 1.93 800 -- 9.2 087 8 0.3 985 --12.8 --2.18 93 1.2 2.0 792 -- 9.6 0.50 087 8 0.5 960 --I2.8 0.00 93 1.2 2.5 --12.4 0.56 079 11 232 0.99 900 --12.8 0.00 92 1.3 2.94 --14.8 080 9 1.43 850 --12.8 91 1.4 3.0 thbi --15.2 0.56 080 9 1.5 841 --12.8 0.00 90 1.4 4.0 607 --21.8 0.66 1.87 800 --12.8 89 1.4 4.09 600 --22.3 247 2.0 786 --I2.8 89 1.4 5.0 531 --25.7 0.39 2.04 783 --12.8 0.00 89 1.4 5.43 500 --27.7 2.5 737 --15.1 0.50 89 1.2 6.0 462 --31.2 0.55 174 2.89 700 --16.7 89 1.2 7.0 400 --36.3 0.51 3.0 689 -17.4 0.46 89 1.1 322 8.0 345 --43.4 0.71 175 4.0 603 --23.6 0.62 89 0.7 8.75 309 --49.0 0.75 4.03 600 --23.7 89 0.7 8.94 300 --49.0 4.77 542 --28.2 0.60 89 0.4 9.0 297 --49.0 0.00 5.0 525 --28.8 0.26 89 0.4 9.95 257 --49.0 0.00 5.35 500 --29.6 . 23 89 0.4 10.0 255 --48.7 --0 60 175 6.0 455 --32.4 0.43 290 H 6.89 7.0 8.0 8.82 9.0 9.06 9.39 10.0 11.0 11.45 12.0 12.08 13.0 14.0 0.0 0.2 0.23 0.3 1.0 lipoaodzoic. np1.1.40NellUR B t 7 U 0:1 d IV 1 V/1 H B t 7 HI clH V 1.03 993 --13.2 009 10 1.14 888 --13.2 90:77 190 1.46 850 --13.8 1.5 845 --I4.0 068 10 1.92 800 --14.8 070 9 9.0 791 --15.0 068 9 9.5 741 --16.7 060 8 195 2.92 700 --19.0 065 11 065 11 346 3.0 692 --I9.5 N3 4.0 604 --24.3 90:55 190 cn 4.05 600 --24.5 5.0 526 --28.8 069 9 5.35 500 --31.I 070 9 195 6.0 456 --34.1 070 9 6.9 400 --39.2 102 7 318 78:90 34951 1196:3 103 7 115 8 8.84 300 --53.0 125 12 190.1.90 29448 154448i 12395 117 255 11.0 214 114590 44 213 1112:0 49 21 7 ?83 --47:92 158 4 400 393 340 300 292 290 266 250 214 200 184 182 158 136 --38.2 --38.8 --46.0 --52.4 --54.0 --54.5 --54.5 --53.1 --49.0 --48.0 --47.0 --46.7 --46.7 --46.7 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.00 --0.34 --0.41 --0.21 0.00 0.00 2.5 0152 p==76023' X=190?55' 1opo As 030 I --17.8 99 015 003 --16.2 --0.80 065 000 I --16.1 068 965 -13.2 I --1.00 072 904 --13.2 I 0.00 070 5 10 10 10 10 236 0.00 0.22 0.20 0.34 0.56 0.48 0.45 0.53 0.59 0.63 0.79 0.00 -0.53 -0.17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 (D (D cn , w.AuAtentu H B t i U q d V W H B t 7 U q d V VI 13.0 14.0 14.5 0.0 0..06 0.2 0.23 0.5 1.0 1 04 1.49 1.94 2.0 2.5 2.95 3.0 4.0 4.09 5.0 158 136 126 2,5 033 024 004 000 965 905 900 850 800 794 743 700 695 607 600 528 --46.6 --46.6 --46.6 1338 --13.2 --I3.6 --13.6 --13.6 --13.6 --13.6 --13.6 --14.7 --15.9 --16.1 --18.5 --19.6 --19.8 --25.3 --25.6 --29.9 --0.06 0.00 0.00 cp =76?23' 10/0 0.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.27 0.48 0.26 0.55 0.46 Ci, Cs 89 X= 190050' 177 148 022 __ 048 050 056 049 048 050 058 059 069 063 065 078 078 094 5 7 5 __ 7 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 5 210 304 5.38 6.0 6.91 7.0 8.0 8.87 9.0 9.3 10.0 11.0 11.54 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 16.1 17.0 18.0 19.0 19.45 500 456 400 395 342 300 295 281 252 217 200 186 160 138 119 102 100 88 76 64 59 --33.0 --35.1 --42.0 --42.4 --45.7 --50.4 --50.8 --52.5 --52.5 --48.4 --47.6 --47.2 --45.9 --45.3 --44.6 --44.0 --44.0 --43.5 --43.0 --42.8 --42.8 0.52 0.73 0.33 0.51 0.57 0.00 --0.41 --0.12 --0.13 --0.06 --0.07 --0.06 --0.05 --0.05 --0.02 0.00 084 086 4 5 982 265 235 250 230 228 op B I I fu I q djv 3.5 0139 0.0 033 --20.6 0.2 005 --17.1 0.23 000 --16.8 0.4 977 --13.7 0.5 965 --13.7 1.0 904 --13.7 1.04 900 .--13.7 1.4 858 -13.7 1.47 850 --I3.9 1.5 847 --14.0 1.93 800 --15.0 2.0 792 --15.3 2.5 740 -17.5 2.91 700 --19.0 3.0 692 --19.2 4.0 604 --23.7 4.05 600 --24.0 5.0 525 --29.7 p=76?22' A.190?49' Ci 100 045 3 --1.75 068 8 067 8 -1.70 066 8 0.00 067 7 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.26 --0.44 0.34 0.45 0.60 337 17poaoAx. npumoicettuiz U q d V W 5.35 500 --31.4 6.0 455 -34.4 0.47 6.9 400 --39.8 345 7.0 394 0.60 8.0 340 -46.3 0.59 8.42 319 -50.2 0.93 8.83 300 -50.2 9.0 293 --50.2 0.00 290 10.0 251 --50.2 0.00 10.4 236 --50.2 0.00 Cn G") 11.0 216 -48.7 -0.25 11.5 12.0 200 184 -47.2' --46.3 --0.24 270 13.0 158 -45.3 --0.10 14.0 135 --44.9 --0.04 310 15.0 117 -44.4 --0.05 16.0 101 --43.9 --0.05 16.08 100 -43.8 17.0 88 --43.4 -0.05 18.0 76 -43.4 0.00 19.0 66 -43.4 0.00 19.5 so -43.4 0.00 310 (T1 (D ZS - LI d IV+ " 4,5 01.49 p=76?22' X= 19O45' 8/0 Ci, Cc ICO I 0.6 015 ; 096 096 084 090 089 092 094 99 1.9 087 99 1.2 0:8 0.36 87 1.0 098 76 0.8 093 0.42 73 0.7 093 0.T...8 73 0.5 104 73 U.5 105 0.39 73 106 73 i 095 0.51 73 OS 7' 329 0.0 ' 033 1 --20.6 r I I 0.2 005 1 - 0.24 000 / 1 0.5 966 1 - 1.0 903 1 1.04 900 4 -- 1.45 850 - 1.5 b45 - 1.92 b00 --15.0 9.0 791 -15.2 2.5 741 -17.0 2.92 700 -18.8 3.0 692 --19.1 4.0 606 i -24.9 4.06 600 --25.2 5.0 526 --30.1 5.37 500 --32.0 6.0 457 --35.2 6.93 400 --41.8 ? 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6 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 4 330 315 283 11.0 219 --48.7 --0.48 80 124 4 11.55 200 --47.3 80 143 5 12.0 187 --46.1 --0.26 79 151 5 13.0 161 --44.3 --0.18 79 158 4 14.0 139 --43.2 --0.11 78 166 3 15.0 120 --42.7 --0.05 76 171 3 16.0 104 --42.0 --0.07 76 175 3 16.25 100 --41.8 172 9 17.0 89 --40.9 --0.11 18.0 78 --40.2 --0.07 - 5.5 -0133 p =--- 76?28' X= 190?43' 1010 Ci 0.0 026 --23.5 100 045 2 0.19 000 --19.0 --2.37 081 4 0.5 958 081 7 0.98 900 086 8 (1.14) 881 (--13.1) 086 9 1,41 -850 --13.7 094 9 1.5 840 --14.0 0.25 096 9 1.85 800 --14.7 101 10 2.0 785 --15.1 0.22 102 10 966 271 273 C-) 0 -0 co o N.) N.) ? ???-? 1. 11 JVU(AJAVM. ftpanuavenivi H B t i U q d V WI FL B t 1 U q d V NV 2.5 735 --16.5 0.28 110 11 255 0.5 958 --15.1 062 3 2.86 700 --17.8 111 9 0.86 914 --14.1 --0.28 076 4 3.0 687 --18.6 0.42 113 8 0.99 900 --14.4 0.23 075 4 3.98 600 --23.2 0.47 116 9 1.43 850 --15.9 081 5 5.0 522 --28.5 0.52 113 6 174 1.5 842 --16.0 0.31 081 5 5.31 500 --30.0 117 6 1.89 800 --16.7 084 6 6.0 454 --34.1 0.56 149 4 168 2.0 788 --16.9 0.18 085 6 6.87 400 --39.4 125 3 2.5 737 --18.6 0.34 082 5 7.0 393 --40.4 0.63 122 5 174 2.89 700 --20.4 083 5 8.0 339 --47.7 0.73 112 6 3.0 690 --21.2 0.52 084 5 310 8.8 300 --53.1 111 6 4.01 600 --25.9 0.46 144 2 8.88 296 --53.8 0.69 112 6 5.0 523 --31.1 0.52 170 3 9.0 290 --53.8 0.00 114 5 5.29 500 --32.4 197 3 240 9.6 265 --53.8 0.00 117 5 167 6.0 451 --37.3 0.62 198 3 10.0 248 -52.0 --0.45 112 6 6.85 400 --42.8 226 3 10.34 236 --50.3 --0.50 149 6 160 7.0 391 --43.9 0.66 226 3 198 5.5 1338 8.0 337 --49.8 0.59 180 2 p=76?22' X= 190'36 8.17 329 --50.3 0.29 184 2 0,0 Ci, Ac 8.77 300 _-50.3 187 3 0.0 026 --15.6 100 045 2 9.0 290 --50.3 0.00 189 3 0.17 000 -- 9.21 280 --50.3 0.00 194 3 191 0.2 997 -- -- 066 072 3 3 10.0 247 --46.5 --0.48 188 4 11.0 215 --43.5 --0.30 192 4 ilpoaoAaw. npuitaretars B t' 7U q d V NV 1 H B t 1 / U q d V 1 NV 11.47 200 -42.7 193 4 188 1.4 850 -13.7 90 1.3 085 6 12.0 185 --42.7 --0.08 203 4 , 1.5 839 --13.7 0.00 89 1.2 088 6 13.0 160 --42.0 --0.07 210 3 177 1.85 800 --13.7 87 1.3 111 4 14.0 138 --41.2 --0.08 194 3 1.9 795 -13.7 0.00 87 1.3 116 4 15.0 119 --40.6 --0.06 187 4 186 2.0 784 --14.2 0.50 86 1.3 126 4 16.0 103 --40.0 --0.06 206 4 2.5 733 --17.3 0.62 83 0.9 152 4 16.17 100 -39.7 195 3 2.85 700 --18.5 81 0.9 178 5 17.0 88 --39.3 --0.07 184 3 205 3.0 685 --18.9 0.32 81 0.8 179 5 308 18.0 78 -38.8 --0.05 188 3 3.98 600 -24.8 0.60 81 0.6 151 2 19.0 67 -38.1 -0.07 217 3 5.0 520 -29.4 0.45 81. 0.4 195 4 20.0 58 --38.0 --0.01 207 3 5.29 500 -31.6 81 20.4 54 --38.0 0.00 235 6.0 451 --36.2 0.68 81 282 6.79 400 --42.9 6.5 0146 p=76?22' X=190?42' 7.0 389 -44.2 0.80 7/0 Ac, Ci 8.0 335 --51.3 0.71 261 8.25 322 --52.9 0.64 0.0 023 --21.8 100 0.5 022 2 8.69 300 --52.9 0.17 000 --16.8 99 0.9 058 5 9.0 286 --52.9 0.00 0.2 995 --16.6 --2.60 99 0.9 061 5 9.16 279 --52.9 0.00 0.46 961 --13.7 -1.12 97 1.2 068 6 10.0 245 --50.0 --0.34 233 0.5 955 --13.7 96 1.2 066 6 11.0 212 --45.8 --0.42 0.95 900 --13.7 94 1.2 073 5 11.36 200 --45.2 1.0 895 --13.7 0.00 94 1.2 071 6 12.0 181 -44.8 --0.10 cr) C.) 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 (D 0 (D 5' -0 (I) 171 (D 0 0 -0 -0 -0 (D (D (T) (D 12.44 170 --44.5 --0.07 13.0 156 -44.5 0.00 14.0 134 -44.5 0.00 14.5 124 -44.5 0.00 15.0 115 --44.1 --0.08 15.9 100 -43.7 16.0 98 --43.6 --0.05 17.0 86 --43.1 --0.05 17.3 82 -42.8 --0.10 18.0 75 --42.8 0.00 19.0 63 -42.8 0.00 19.65 58 -42.8 0.00 0.0 0.17 0.2 0.5 0.97 1.0 1.35 021 000 995 957 900 897 856 ii q d IV 6.5 1358 cp = 76?21' X=190c461 9/0 Ci, Cc, Ac (348) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 99 91 83 (77) (77) (79) 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.9 1.2 1.2 1.3 090 101 103 137 161 161 168 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 IThoaafac. nptmoycettuft W H I B t 7 q d V 231 1.41 1.5 850 840 --11.7 --11.8 0.20 (79) (80) 1.3 1.3 168 168 6 6 1.86 800 --12.9 (82) 1.3 175 5 2.0 787 --13.7 0.38 (82) 1.2 179 5 225 2.5 737 --15.7 0.40 (85) 1.2 174 6 2.89 700 --17.9 (86) 0.9 169 5 3.0 690 --18.5 0.56 (87) 1.0 169 3 360 4.0 602 --23.4 0.49 (92) 0.7 183 6 225 4.03 600 --23.5 (92) 0.7 5.0 525 --27.5 0.41 (94) 0.6 5.36 500 --30.2 (92) 0) 225 6.0 456 --34.0 0.65 (89) (D 6.89 400 --39.2 (85) 0 7.0 394 --40.8 0.68 (84) 379 (f) 8.0 339 --49.0 0.82 (78) CD 8.45 315 --51.0 0.44 CI 5' 8.78 300 --51.0 -0 9.0 291 --51.0 0.00 9.35 276 --51.0 0.00 (I) 10.0 249 --48.4 --0.40 344 11.0 214 --44.7 --0.37 11.44 200 --43.9 (D CI 12.0 184 --42.8 -0.19 0 0 -0 17poaamic. npUNYIKetita H B t / U H 1 d HI Wit H 1 B 1 t. 1 1 U q d V W 12.41 173 -42.3 --0.12 \2.5 732 --20.2 0.40 140 144 8 7 268 13.0 159 -42.3 0.00 302 2.83 700 --21.2 146 7 13.14 156 -42.3 0.00 3.0 684 --21.7 0.30 199 3 14.0 138 --41.8 --0.06 3.95 600 --25.8 207 3 15.0 117 -41.1 -0.07 4.0 596 --26.0 0.43 198 4 16.0 16.07 101 100 --40.5 -0.06 t -40.5 1 5.0 5.26 519 500 --31.0 --32.8 0.50 205 199 4 5 982 17.0 88 -40.5 0.00 6.0 450 --38.0 0.70 195 7 17.66 80 -40.5 0.00 390 6.81 7.0 400 389 -45.6 --46.9 0.89 196 7 7.5 1343 q) = 76?21' X -- 190?48' 7.45 363 --51.1 0.93 202 5 0,0 8.0 8.06 333 331 -52.5 .._62.7 0.26 206 207 7 7 279 0.0 I 019 -10.8 85 135 3 8.76 300 __52.7 200 7 0.15 000 --11.4 148 6 8.82 297 -52.7 0.00 198 7 0.2 I 993 --11.5 0.35 148 6 9.0 289 -51.9 -0.44 197 7 0.5 953 -12.0 0.17 157 6 10.0 250 --46.7 -0.52 198 7 0.94 900 -12.6 151 8 11.0 216 --43.6 -0.31 189 5 265 1.0 893 --12.7 0.14 150 8 11.49 200 --42.9 180 6 1.39 850 --14.6 142 8 12.0 186 -42.3 -0.13 184 7 1.5 837 --15.2 0.50 141 8 13.0 161 -42.3 0.00 192 7 258 1.84 800 --17.4 1 141 8 14.0 139 -41.1 --0.12 194 7 ?.0 783 --18.2 0.60 140 8 14.27 133 -40.9 -0.07 193 7 ts3 (31 ?-?000 Z009Z001?170 LO- I-8d CII-V1 0 I- 0/17 I- OZ -1A-09 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 H B t I U q d V WI H B t / U q d V Ar 15.0 119 --40.9 0.00 198 8 1.0 891 -12.0 0.00 153 6 16.0 104 --40.9 0.00 204 7 259 1.37 850 --14.0 157 6 16.22 100 --40.9 202 6 1.5 835 --14.6 0.52 157 6 17.0 90 --40.9 0.00 200 6 1.83 800 --16.4 157 5 17.12 87 --40.9 0.00 202 6 2.0 781 --17.0 0.48 159 5 18.0 77 --37.5 -0.39 207 6 2.5 730 --18.8 0.36 173 3 19.0 67 -37.5 0.00 211 6 2.82 700 -20.3 190 3 20.0 57 --37.5 0.00 261 3.0 683 --21.0 0.44 201 3 21.0 50 --37.5 0.00 263 3.95 600 -24.6 215 5 353 22.0 42 -37.5 0.00 4.0 595 --24.8 0.38 215 5 23.0 37 -37.5 0.00 5.0 519 --31.0 0.62 214 5 23.8 33 -37.5 0.00 263 5.27 500 --33.0 214 5 6.0 450 --39.7 0.87 228 4 6.79 400 -46.3 228 4 8.5 0120 op ==. 76021' X = 190?48' 7.0 387 -47.8 0.81 247 4 343 10/0 CS 7.8 343 -53.5 0.71 237 6 8.0 332 --53.5 0.00 233 7 0.0 018 -18.4 100 135 2 8.66 300 -53.5 220 8 ' 0.14 000 --14.7 188 3 8.8 294 -53.5 0.00 221 8 0.2 991 -13.3 187 4 9.0 285 --52.9 --0.30 223 8 0.95 985 -12.0 -2.56 184 4 10.0 244 --48.8 -0.41 217 9 312 0.5 051 --12.0 0.00 163 5 11.0 210 --46.1 --0.27 211 8 0.93 900 --12.0 152 6 11.31 200 -45.9 212 7 B t \U 12.0 180 --45.3 --0.08 13.0 155 --44.6 --0.07 14.0 133 --44.2 --0.04 15.0 115 --43.8 --0.04 16.0 100 --43.4 --0.04 17.0 86 --43.0 --0.04 18.0 74 --42.2 --0.08 18.5 69 --41.9 --0.06 19.0 64 --41.9 0.00 20.0 55 --41.9 0.00 20.6 50 --41.9 21.0 47 --41.9 0.00 21.25 45 --41.9 0.00 8.5 1338 cp =76?21' 010 0.0 011 --10.8 94 0.1 008 --12.4 1.60 0.15 000 --12.4 0.2 993 --12.4 0.00 0.5 955 -12.4 0.00 0.7 930 -12.4 0.00 q )== c*/ 94 190047' 202 217 215 214 900 212 8 WI\ 275 296 324 318 1 3 4 5 5 4 H 0.95 1.0 1.39 1.5 1.85 2.0 2.5 2.83 3.0 3.96 4.0 5.0 5.29 6.0 6.81 7.0 8.0 8.17 8.74 8.81 9.0 10.0 11.0 B\ 900 \ --13.2 895 --13.4 850 --14.9 838 --15.5 800 --16.4 783 --16.8 732 --18.7 700 --20.3 684 --21.0 600 --24.3 597 --24.5 520 --30.0 500 --31.8 451 --37.0 400 --42.3 389 --43.3 335 326 --50.5 300 --50.5 296 --50.5 288 --49.5 248 --46.1 214 --43.5 Ilpoaoxic. nplumicettuse \u\q\ 0.33 0.42 0.26 0.38 046 d\ 212 215 232 242 258 257 240 225 299 212 V\ 4 4 3 4 5 5 3 3 3 4 298 no cD 4h- 0.35 0.55 0.70 0.63 0.62 0.59 0.00 --0.53 --0.34 --0.26 211 203 213 219 215 215 218 220 223 294 225 221 220 4 8 8 10 12 12 14 14 15 16 16 15 12 280 215 229 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 0 (D 0 Di7 (i) (i) ='! (D CI 5 -0 CD (T1 (D AT. H B t i U q d V W H B t 1 U q d V jw 11.44 200 --43.2 219 12 2.83 700 --19.4 88 0.9 214 2 12.0 184 --42.9 --0.06 217 12 3.0 684 --20.0 0.34 88 0.9 210 3 13.0 159 --42.4 --0.05 213 12 247 3.97 600 -24.0 83 0.6 210 7 327 14.0 138 -41.9 -0.05 214 10 4.0 599 -24.1 0.41 83 0.6 210 7 15.0 118 --40.6 -0.13 205 9 5.0 521 --29.1 0.50 72 0.4 209 14 15.8 104 --39.7 --0.11 272 5.3 500 -31.3 71 210 14 6.0 455 -35.2 0.61 70 217 18 9.5 0128 q) ..., 76?21' X== 190?47' 6.89 400 -40.7 70 226 26 338 9,0 Ci 7.0 394 --41.0 0.58 70 226 26 8.0 340 -46.2 0.52 69 225 38 0.0 019 --21.1 100 0.6 022 1 8.81 300 --51.8 69 227 38 0.14 000 --17.2 99 0.9 075 3 9.0 291 --51.8 0.56 68 227 35 294 0.2 992 --16.2 -2.45 99 1.0 124 2 9.65 265 --51.8 0.0Q 68 223 26 0.41 965 --12.8 --1.62 99 1.2 0 10.0 251 --50.5 -0.37 67 219 22 0.5 653 --12.8 99 1.2 0 11.0 215 --46.4 -0.41 66 0.94 900 --12.8 97 1.4 - I 11.46 200 --45.5 66 1.0 1.3 893 858 --12.8 --12.8 0.00 0 00 97 96 1.4 1.4 289 302 I 2 . 12.0 13.0 185 160 --44.5 --43.1 -0.19 -0.14 65 64 245 1.37 850 --13.2 95 1.3 305 3 14.0 138 -42.3 -0.08 63 255 1.5 835 --13.7 0.45 95 1.3 311 4 15.0 117 --41.6 -0.07 1.82 800 -15.2 94 1.2 310 4 16.0 101 --41.4 --0.02 273 2.0 781 --16.0 0.46 93 1.1 314 2 2.5 732 -18.3 0.46 91 0.9 270 1 flpodoitarc. npuitoorcenuft BI t I W 11. H B t q d V I W 9.5 1353 p==76?22' k =190?44' 7.0 391 --38.3 0.57 373 8.0 339 --44.0 0.57 . 10/0 Cs 8.82 300 --50.7 0.0 017 --12.6 068 4 9.0 292 --52.4 0.84 0.13 0.2 000 991 --I3.8 --14.4 0.90 079 085 5 6 9.44 10.0 272 249 --56.6 --56.6 0.95 0.00 328 0.5 953 092 7 10.16 242 --56.6 0.00 0.94 900 090 8 11.0 213 --5I.9 -0.56 1.0 893 090 8 11.43 200 --49.5 1.37 1.5 850 835 090 089 7 7 12.0 13.0 183 157 --47.2 --45.9 --0.47 --0.13 293 L'3 cr) cn 1.82 800 --14.9 14.0 135 --45.4 --0.05 2.0 780 --I5.1 15.0 115 --44.1 --0.13 2.5 729 --16.0 0.18 15.95 100 --41.9 2.81 700 --17.3 16.0 99 --4I.8 -0.23 298 3.0 683 --18.3 0.46 339 3.96 GOO -22.2 10.5 0158 q==76?23' k==.190038' 4.0 596 -22.4 0.41 10/10 St (26) 5.0 520 -27.0 0.46 5.28 500 --28.6 0.0 012 --13.8 100 1.1 090 5 6.0 451 -32.6 0.56 0.1 000 --14.2 100 Li 094 7 6.85 400 -37.6 0,2 987 --14.8 0.50 100 1.1 103 8 0.39 963 --14.8 0.00 100 1.1 00 pazwues - 'Jed u! pa!pssepaa 73 CD CD 7:1 ? 01 0 --- 777, 11 B t 1U q d V WI H 1 B t _ 1 _ ..,,......... q d ,&pu,,aurarcenu.n V Vi 0.5 949 -12.4 --2.18 100 1.4 11.0 217 --48.0 --0.31 79 211 0.89 900 --10.3 --0.54 100 1.7 11.52 200 -45.5 78 1.0 888 --10.4 0.09 100 1.8 12.0 186 --43.4 --0.46 77 1.34 850 --11.4 85 1.4 13.0 161 --42.4 --0.10 76 1.5 831 --11.9 0.30 84 1.3 14.0 139 --42,0 --0.01 221 1.79 800 --12.7 81 1.3 15.0 120 --41.6 --0.04 2.0 779 --13.4 0.30 80 1.2 16.0 103 --41.3 --0.03 2.5 729 --15.7 0.46 76 1.1 16.21 100 --41.2 2.8 700 --16.7 76 1.0 279 17.0 89 --41.0 --0.03 254 3.0 681 --17.3 0.32 76 0.9 18.0 78 --40.9 --0.01 3.93 600 --19.9 77 0.8 19.0 67 --40.9 0.00 285 4.0 596 --20.0 0.27 79 0.9 20.0 58 --40.9 0.00 5.0 520 --23.6 0.36 85 0.7 261 21.0 50 --40.9 0.00 5.29 500 --25.q 85 0.5 22.0 44 --40.0 6.0 455 --29.5 0.59 85 0.5 22.04 43 --40.9 0.00 306 6.89 400 --34.0 85 7.0 394 --34.6 0.51 85 216 10.5 1343 cp = 76?25' X = 195?37' 8.0 341 --40.5 0.59 84 8.85 300 --46.1 83 10/10 St 9.0 293 --47.0 0.65 82 0.0 006 --10.6 97 1.5 180 2 9.57 269 --50.3 0.58 81 225 0.05 000 --12.2 97 1.4 -- -- 10.0 252 --50.3 0.00 81 0.2 979 --14.6 98 1.1 150 3 10.26 243 --50.3 0.00 80 - 0.29 967 --15.2 1.59 98 1.1 146 3 1111111:, t?3 C-) 17poaomic. npaiwoicetua H t B t 1 U q d V VV H B t 1 ti q d V Vir 0.5 940 -15.2 98 1.1 123 3 10.3 237 --52.8 0.00 85 0.6 928 --15.2 0.00 98 1.1 113 3 11.0 214 -47.8 -0.71 84 0.84 900 --13.3 99 1.2 152 1 11.42 200 -46.1 84 1.0 881 -12.8 --0.60 99 1.4 12.0 183 -43.8 --0.40 83 1.28 850 -12.0 100 1.6 13.0 158 -42.6 --0.12 82 315 1.5 826 -11.8 -0.20 100 1.6 14.0 136 -42.1 -0.05 82 1.73 800 --12.3 100 1.6 15.0 117 -41.6 -0.05 82 2.0 774 --13.0 0.24 100 1.6 16.0 100 -41.2 -0.04 82 341 2.5 723 --14.9 0.38 100 1.4 17.0 87 -40.6 -0.06 82 2.75 700 -15.9 100 1.4 18.0 74 -39.9 --0.07 82 3.0 677 --16.8 0.38 100 1.3 19.0 64 --39.7 -0.02 3.91 600 --20.5 100 1.0 333 20.0 56 -39.7 0.00 4.0 593 -20.8 0.40 100 1.0 20.8 50 -39.7 5.0 518 -24.5 0.37 95 0.8 21.0 48 --39.7 0.0G 5.25 500 --26.0 93 0.7 21.28 46 -39.7 0.00 377 6.0 451 --30.0 0.55 91 0.5 6.85 400 -35.0 90 320 11.5 0138 y,== 76?25' X= 190039' 7.0 391 -35.8 0.58 90. 8.0 337 --43.4 0.76 88 10 10 E- 8.78 300 --49.6 87 0.0 010 -18.4 100 0.7 270 3 9.0 290 --51.0 0.76 87 0.07 000 --18.2 100 0.8 9.46 271 -52.8 0.39 86 0.2 983 " -17.5 --0.45 100 0.8 10.0 249 -52.8 0.00 85 344 0.5 944 -15.6 -0.63 100 1.1 50-Yr 2014/01/17 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 H B t 7 U q d V W H B t i U , q _ _ _.-- d ..,...........e.orto,....../. V Vbr 0.87 900 --12.9 92 1.4 11.0 213 --49.4 --0.19 68 1.0 885 --12.4 --0.64 97 1.4 11.4 200 --49.2 68 1.31 850 --12.4 95 1.5 12.0 183 --48.8 --0.06 68 280 1.5 829 --12.4 0.00 93 1.5 13.0 159 --48.3 --0.05 68 1.77 800 --12.4 90 1.4 14.0 136 --46.1 --0.22 68 2.0 777 --12.4 87 1.5 15.0 118 --43.5 --0.26 282 2.06 771 --12.4 0.00 86 1.5 16.0 102 --42.8 --0.07 2.5 727 --14.6 0.50 80 ' 1.2 16.1 100 --42.8 2.79 700 --15.9 80 1.1 17.0 88 --42.3 --0.05 3.0 681 --16.4 0.36 79 1.0 332 17.44 82 --42.0 --0.07 284 3.95 600 --20.0 78 0.9 4.0 595 --20.2 0..38 78 0.9 11.5 1342 cp =-- 76?25' k = 190042' 5.0 519 --24.9 0.47 76 0.6 5.27 500 --26.6 76 0.5 10V10 EE (6) 6.0 450 --32.1 0.72 75 0.0 013 --13.9 100 1.1 338 2 6.81 400 --37.1 74 311 0.09 000 --16.0 98 0.9 7.0 390 --38.6 0.65 73 0.2 985 -17.1 97 0.9 8.0 336 --46.6 0.80 72 0.24 980 --17.2 1.38 96 0.9 8.74 300 --52.1 70 0.5 948 --14.6 --1.00 93 1.0 9.0 288 --53.5 0.69 70 0.86 905 --12.9 --0.47 88 1.2 9.17 281 --54,5 0.59 70 0.9 900 --12.9 87 1.2 9.6 264 --54.5 0.00 69 310 1.0 889 --12.9 0.00 84 1.2 10.0 248 --51.3 --0.80 69 1.35 850 --12.9 77 1.2 1-1 B t 1 U q d V W H B l t I U q d V I V/ 1.5 832 --12.9 0.00 75 1.1 14.0 137 --42.3 --0.06 1.6 ' 821 --I2.9 0.00 74 1.1 15.0 119 --4I.5 --0.08 1.8 800 --13.3 74 1.1 16.0 102 --40.0 --0.15 279 2.0 779 --13.7 0.20 75 1.1 16.1 100 --39.9 2.5 729 --15.3 0.32 80 1.1 16.64 92 --39.0 --0.16 2.8 700 --16.5 87 1.1 17.0 86 --39.0 0.00 3.0 681 --17.5 0.44 88 1.1 303 18.0 72 --39.0 0.00 276 3.96 600 --20.9 84 0.8 4.0 597 --21.0 0.35 83 0.8 12.5 0133 op = 76?22' X = 190?31' 5.0 521 --25.1 0.41 72 0.6 As 5.27 500 --26.5 71 0.5 265 10/0 (190) 6.0 451 --32.3 0.72 69 0.0 011 --14.6 100 360 8 6.85 400 --37.6 67 0.07 000 --15.3 1.00 352 9 7.0 392 --38.9 0.66 67 0.2 983 --14.8 --0.38 359 11 8.0 339 --45.3 0.64 67 275 0.43 954 --12.4 --1.04 002 13 8.8 300 --51.6 0.5 945 --12.4 0.00 004 13 9.0 291 --52.6 0.73 0.74 916 --12.4 0.00 006 16 9.92 253 --52.6 0.00 0.88 900 --11.0 --1.00 012 11 ? 10 0 251 --52.1 1.0 887 --11.0 0.00 010 10 11.0 216 --46.1 -.0.60 272 1.33 850 --11.0 009 10 11.48 200 --44.8 1.5 832 --11.0 0.00 015 9 12.0 184 --43.8 --0.23 1.7 810 --11.0 0.00 13.0 159 --42.9 --0.09 266 1.79 800 --11.1 0 CD 0 CD -0 (I) CD 0 CD (]. CD CD CD ? 01 :5; 0 ? 0 -o co 73 0) (1) CD CD 0 0 ,J) 171",wmt.tro.,47 HIBIti y - UqdV XV H B t 2.0 779 --11.7 0.23 16.16 100 --41.7 2.5 729 --13.1 0.28 17.0 88 --41.7 0. 2.81 700 --14.0 18.0 78 --41.7 0. 3.0 683 --14.6 0.30 335 19.0 66 -41.7 0. 3.97 4.0 600 597 --19.0 --19.3 0.47 19.6 59 -41.7 O. 5.0 5.33 523 500 -24.3 --26.0 0.50 13.5 0156 1 6.0 454 --30.0 0.57 6.88 400 --36.I 0.0 009 --13.2 7.0 394 --37.0 0.70 417 0.06 000 --13.6 8.0 341 --43.3 0.63 0.14 990 --13.8 0. 8.85 300 -48.9 0.2 982 -13.8 9.0 292 --50.0 0.67 0.5 945 --13.8 0. 9.3 280 --52.2 0.73 0.88 900 --10.4 10.0 252 -52.2 0.00 1.0 886 --9.6 --0. 11.0 216 -47.6 -0.46 367 1.32 850 -- 1.48 200 --44.6 1.5 831 - - 2.0 186 --43.0 -0.46 1.78 800 -- 13.0 161 --42.0 -0.10 2.0 778 - - 14.0 139 --41.7 -0.03 303 2.5 729 -- __ 15.0 119 --41.7 0.00 2.81 700 -- 6.0 103 --41.7 0.00 3.0 682 - -- r' 3.98 5.0 5.33 6.0 6.93 7.0 8.0 8.88 9.0 9.55 10.0 10.04 11.0 11.54 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 16.2 17.0 18.0 19.0 600 --16.8 524 --23.6 500 --25.0 456 --27.7 400 --33.5 396 --31.0 343 --42.3 300 --49.0 294 --50.4 270 --54.2 253 --54.2 951 --54.2 218 --47.1 200 --44.6 187 --43.8 161 --43.1 140 --42.7 120 --42.7 104 --42.4 100 --42.4 89 --42.1 78 --4I.8 67 --41.4 96 0.67 81 78 0.41 74 71 0.63 71 0.83 70 69 0.81 69 0.69 69 68 0.00 68 -0.74 67 66 -0.33 66 -0.07 65 -0.01 64 0.00 69 -0.03 60 60 -0.03 59 -0.03 57 -0.04 57 00 00 17poacsizoic npuAomcetiusi HH di 7620' 190?25' 10/10 St 43 00 84 98 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 96 96 360 V W 14 326 326 IU. q -0.02 1.3 0.7 0.6 0.5 363 20.0 21.0 58 50 -41.2 -41.2 0.00 13.5 1349 q) =-- 0.0 012 10;10 --10.I 374 0.09 000 0.2 986 0.5 947 357 0.9 900 1.0 889 1.16 871 --6.8 1.35 850 --6.8 1.5 835 --6.8 0.00 302 1.83 800 --6.8 2.0 782 --6.8 0.00 2.5 733 --8.8 0.40 313 2.87 700 . 3.0 687 --I2.0 0.64 4.0 603 --17.8 0.58 4-04 600 --15.0 5.0 526 --22.8 0.50 17poa0J12C npuAoycettust d,1 V W 76?18' A=190?20' St (29) I 100 022 10 325 395 ts3 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Z9 livE -81 H B t 7 1 U q cl 1 V W H B t Y d V NV 5.36 500 -24.5 1.5 833 -6.7 0.00 172 13 6.0 457 -28.2 0.54 298 1.81 800 --7.7 163 13 6.94 400 --33.1 2.0 781 -8.7 0.40 156 13 7.0 397 -33.5 0.53 2.5 731 --11.7 0.60 150 12 8.0 34 -40.4 0.69 2.83 700 --14.0 141 12 8.9 300 --49.0 272 3.0 685 --15.2 0.70 137 11 292 9.0 296 --50.1 0.97 4.0 t00 --21.6 0.64 9.86 260 -50.1 0.00 5.0 524 -28.8 0.72 10.0 254 -48.6 -1.07 5.33 500 --31.1 11.0 219 --43.7 --0.49 6.0 455 -34.0 0.52 302 11.59 200 --42.5 6.86 400 -36.9 12.0 189 -42.0 --0.17 240 7.0 392 -37.4 0.34 8.0 339 -44.7 0.73 14.5 0123 y =7- 76'18' A = 190-16' 8.35 322 --46.0 0.37 8.84 300 --46.0 874 7/3 Ac (273), Sc 9.0 292 --46.0 0.00 0.0 011 --6.8 100 158 4 9.1 288 --46.0 0.00 0.09 000 -6.7 -0.11 151 5 10.0 251 --43.7 -0.26 0.2 985 --6.7 0.00 180 7 11.0 217 -42.6 --0.11 228 0.5 947 -6.7 0.00 140 6 11.55 200 -42.2 0.89 900 -6.7 173 12 12.0 187 -41.8 -0.08 1.0 888 -6.7 0.00 174 13 13.0 162 -41.8 0.00 213 1.35 850 --6.7 173 14 14.0 140 - 41.8 0.00 t?D ? -k 17poaomic. npunoaxetttui 11 B 1 t 7 U q 1 d V W 1 H B t 7U q d 15.0 120 -41.8 0.00 210 2.5 739 -13.5 0.42 76 1.2 16.0 104 -41.7 -0.01 2.91 700 --16.8 73 0.9 16.22 100 -41.6 3.0 691 --17.1 0.72 71 0.9 363 17.0 90 --41.0 -0.07 4.0 605 --23.1 0.60 61 0.5 18.0 77 -40.4 -0.06 208 4.05 600 --23.5 59 0.5 5.0 527 -28.4 0.53 42 0.2 14.5 1332 p=7619' A = 190?16' 5.38 500 -29.7 42 0.2 10/10 Sc -(172) 6.0 6.95 459 400 -32.5 -39.5 0.41 53 51 354 0.0 018 -3.5 87 2.4 135 10 7.0 396 -40.2 0.77 51 0.09 008 -4.2 0.78 87 2.3 126 13 8.0 340 --49.1 0.89 48 0.15 000 -4.2 86 2.3 126 13 8.14 300 -49.6 0.36 47 0.2 993 -4.2 84 2.4 127 14 9.0 292 -46.4 -0.37 44 0.29 982 -4.2 0.00 84 2.4 132 14 10.0 252 -44.2 -0.22 37 335 0.44 963 -2.8 -0.93 82 2.5 169 15 11.0 217 --41.7 --0.25 32 0.5 955 -2.8 82 2.5 165 15 11.55 200 --41.5 32 0.68 934 -2.8 0.00 80 2.6 147 16 12.0 187 -41.3 -0.04 32 0.97 900 -3.7 77 2.5 142 15 13.0 163 --40.8 --0.05 32 294 1.0 897 -3.8 0.31 77 2.3 142 15 14.0 141 --40.3 -0.05 32 1.43 850 -7.3 77 1.8 15.0 123 --40.1 -0.02 32 1.5 842 -7.9 0.82 77 1.8 16.0 103 -40.1 0.00 32 311 1.89 800 --11.0 77 1.5 16.3 100 -40.1 0.00 32 2.0 789 -11.4 0.70 77 1.4 17.0 89 -39.6 -0.07 tsZ 0 CD 0 CD CD -0 CD (I) CD CD 0 CD< CD (T) CD CD ? 01 0 0 -o co 0 0 0 0 0 0 cf.) 0 (D 0 Di7 (i) (i) ='! 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V VI 5.36 500 -24.5 1.5 833 -6.7 0.00 172 13 6.0 457 -28.2 0.54 298 1.81 800 --7.7 163 13 6.94 400 --33.1 2.0 781 -8.7 0.40 156 13 7.0 397 -33.5 0.53 2.5 731 --11.7 0.60 150 12 8.0 343 -40.4 0.69 2.83 700 -14.0 141 12 8.9 300 -49.0 272 3.0 685 --15.2 0.70 137 11 292 9.0 296 -50 1 0.97 4.0 WO --21.6 0.64 9.86 260 -50.1 0.00 5.0 524 -28.8 0.72 10.0 254 -48.6 -1.07 5.33 500 --31.1 11.0 219 --43.7 --0.49 6.0 455 -34.0 0.52 302 11.59 200 --42.5 6.86 400 -36.9 12.0 189 -42.0 -0.17 240 7.0 392 -37.4 0.34 8.0 339 -44.7 0.73 14.5 0123 ? = 76'18' ), = 190-16' 8.35 322 -46.0 0.37 8.84 300 --46.0 874 7/3 Ac (273), Sc 9.0 292 --46.0 0.00 0.0 011 -6.8 100 158 4 9.1 288 -46.0 0.00 0.09 000 -6.7 -0.11 151 5 10.0 951 --43.7 -0.26 0.2 985 -6.7 0.00 180 7 11.0 217 --42.6 -0.11 998 0.5 947 -6.7 0.00 140 6 11.55 200 -42.2 0.89 900 -6.7 175 12 12.0 187 -41.8 -0.08 1.0 888 -6.7 0.00 174 13 13.0 162 -41.8 0.00 213 1.35 850 --6.7 173 14 14.0 140 - 41.8 0.00 ? ? 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H B -t 1 1 u I q d V WIHIB1 tliU q d .. 0.2 995 -- 99 -- 122 6 12.0 188 --43.6 --0.14 0.5 958 -- -- 96 -- 153 7 13.0 '162 --43.1 --0.05 264 1.0 900 -- -- 94 -- 123 7 14.0 139 --42.8 --0.03 1.44 850 -- 93 -- 137 7 15.0 120 --42.3 --0.05 1.5 844 -- -- 93 -- 138 8 16.0 104 --42.0 --0.03 273 1.91 800 -- 92 -- 145 9 16.25 100 --42.0 2.0 790 -- -- 91 -- 146 8 17.0 91 --42.0 0.00 2.5 740 __ __ .90 __ 18.0 78 --41.6 --0.04 2.93 700 -- 89 -- 19.0 68 --41.3 --0.03 284 3.0 693 --. __ 89 -- 299 20.0 58 --40.9 --0.04 4.0 607 -- -- 86 -- 21.0 50 --40.6 --0.03 4.09 600 -- 86 -- 22.0 43 --40.1 --0.05 5.0 530 --24.1 -- 84 0.7 23.0 38 --39.4 --0.07 5.43 500 --27.2 82 0.5 24.0 33 --39.1 --0.03 6.0 461 --31.6 0.75 78 296 24.33 31 --39.1 0.00 318 6.94. 400 --39.3 0.79 . 73 8.0 344 --45.7 0.63 73 18.5 1329 cp =-.- 76?32' X==189?36' 268 8.91 300 --51.5 10,10 St (18) 9.0 296 --51.7 0.60 9.1 291 -522 0.50 0.0 021 -7.9 100 1.9 135 4 10.0-- -.254 --49.1 --0.34 0.1.6 00 -7-.9,5 . __ 100 - 1.7 - - - -- - 11.0 218 --45.0 --0.41 256 0,2 995 --10.I 1.10 100 1.6 . 11,57- - 200 --44.I 0.42 964 _ --10.1 - ..... 0.00 95 1.6 ? 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El 14 rnuoicoindu -oocvoeodll Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 00 pazwues - 'Jed pawssepac CD -h (D (D 01 _-?????????,?-- 17poaonoic. npwurricenuA U q d V W I H B t 7U d 16.0 107 --39.0 --0.02 2.5 736 --13.6 0.42 51 0.8 16.47 100 --38.8. 2.88 700 --15.1 50 0.7 17.0 92 --38.6 --0.04 3.0 689 --15.6 0.40 49 0.7 330 18.0 79 --38.4 --0.02 268 4.02 600 --20.7 0.50 45 0.4 19.0 68 --38.0 --0.04 5.0 525 --26.8 0.62 45 0.3 20.0 60 --37.8 --0.02 267 5.36 500 --28.4 45 .0.3 6.0 457 --33.8 0.70 45 311 21.5 1358 cp .--- 76?38' X -- 189?34' 6.91 400 --39.6 45 10,10 Ns. 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CD 0 lige ?6I 17poaoA.N. npuAoNceitust H BI t 1 7 UqdV WIHB t 71U qd V NV 17.0 95 --40.3 --0.02 5.0 521 --28.0 0.69 18.0 81 --40.0 --0.03 5.29 500 --29.3 19.0 68 --39.8 --0.02 337. 6.0 453 --34.0 0.60 6.87 400 --40.4 372 22.5 1328 cp = 76?40' k = 189'34' 7.0 393 --41.1 0.71 10/10 St (19) 8.0 339 --47.6 0.65 8.35 322 --49.4 0.51 0.0 015 -- 8.9 90 180 5 8.81 300 --49.4 0.11 000 --10.5 9.0 291 --49.4 0.00 0.2 988 --11.4 1.25 10.0 251 --45.6 --0.38 391 0.5 949 --13.8 0.80 11.0 216 --43.4 --0.22 0.87 904 --10.5 --0.89 11.51 200 --42.5 0.91 900 --10.5 12.0 186 --42.2 --0.12 1.0 889 --10.5 0.00 13.0 161 --41.8 --0.04 1.36 850 --10.5 0.00 14.0 139 --41.4 --0.04 359 1.5 834 -11.1 0.43 15.0 120 --41.0 --0.04 1.83 800 --12.3 16.0 103 --40.7 --0.03 2.0 782 --13.0 0.38 16.21 100 --40.6 2.5 731 --14.8 0.36 17.0 89 --40.0 --0.07 2.83 700 --15.9 18.0 77 --38.7 --0.13 3.0 684 --16.6 0.36 327 19.0 65 --38.7 0.00 3.97 600 --21.9 20.0 57 --38.7 0.00 358 4.0 598 --22.0 0.54 e ' & 17poaaizoic. npuAcaceliwi H BI t 7 Ulqld V Wil H B t 7 U q d V W 23.5 0133 cp --= 76?43' X --= 189?36' I 6.91 400 --37.1 7.0 394 --38.2 0.74 10/10 St (43) 8.0 340 --45.7 0.75 257 0.0 013 -- 7.2 86 180 8 8.54 314 --49.3 0.67 0.09 000 -- 7.7 189 10 8.83 300 --50.2 0.2 985 -- 8.2 0.50 182 10 9.0 293 --50.7 0.30 0.5 947 --10.1 0.63 I 9.1 289 --51.0 0.30 0.6 934 --10.8 0.70 . 9.3 I 280 --51.0 0.00 0.86 904 --10.8 0.00 1 10.0 250 --47.3 --0.53 240 0.89 900 --10.4 11.0 216 --43.9 --0.34 1.0 888 -- 9.2 --1.14 11.51 200 --43.2 1.34 850 -- 9.2 12.0 186 --42.4 --OAS 1.5 833 -- 9.2 0.00 13.0 161 --41.8 --0.06 . 240 1.6 823 -- 9.2 0.00 14.0 139 --41.4 --0.04 1.83 800 --10.3 15.0 121 --41.1 --0.03 2.0 781 --10.8 0.40 16.0 104 --40.8 --0.03 _ 300 2.5 732 --12.0 0.24 16.25 100 --40.7 2.84 700 --13.0 17.0 89 --40.5 --0.03 3.0 685 --13.4 0.28 319 18.0 79 --40.2 --0.03 4.0 600 --18.7 0.53 19.0 68 --40.0 --0.02 5.0 524 --23.9 0.52 20.0 59 --39.8 --0.02 399 5.35 500 --26.2 ? 21.0 52 --39.7 --0.01 6.0 456 --30.8 0.69 281 21.3 50 --39.6 ? 0 (D 0 (i) (i) (T.1 -o Oh 70 CD CD (r) (D 0 6.4 --f- f Fl B t 7 U q d V W 11 II 1 ....-- i U q d V Vi 22.0 44 -39.5 --0.02 0.89 900 -- 7,2 04 2.0 23.0 38 -39.3 -0.02 1.0 888 -- 7.2 0.00 01 1:9 24.0 34 --39.2 -0.01 450 1.34 850 -- 7.2 80 1.4 25.0 30 -39.0 --0.02 1.5 833 -- 7,2 0.00 84 1.4 26.0 28 -48.9 -0.01 1.7 811 -- 7,2 0.00 60 1.4 27.0 25 --38.7 -0.02 1,8 800 -- 7,8 60 1.2 28.0 22 --38.1 -0.06 2.0 780 -- 9.0 0,00 60 1.2 29.0 20 --37.4 --0.07 472 2.3 731 --10.7 0.34 40 1.0 30.0 17 --37.0 --0.042.83 700 -11.9 40 0.0 31.0 14 --37.0 0.00 3.0 684 -12.3 0.12 47 0.9 419 32.0 II --37.0 0.00 4.0 600 --16.9 0.46 43 0.0 32.75 10 --37.0 0.00 473 5.0 525 -22.8 0.59 45 0.4 5.35 500 --24.5 43 0.4 23.5 1353 p=76?44' X= 189?41' 6.0 458 --29.1 0.63 45 O. 3 410 6.97 400 --34.8 45 10/10 St (10) 7.0 397 --35.0 0.59 45 0.0 009 -- 5.6 87 2.1 180 11 8.0 343 --41.8 0.68 45 0.07 000 -5.6 87 2.1 8.91 300 --46.2 45 0.2 983 - 6.5 0.45 87 2.0 9.0 296 -46.6 0.48 45 200 0.46 952 -8.6 0.81 87 1.7 9.31 279 -48.8 0.65 0.5 947 -- 8.6 87 1.7 9.86 259 --48.8 0.00 0.7 923 -8.6 0.00 87 1.7 10.0 254 -48.1 --0.50 0.8 911 - 7.2 --I.40 87 2.0 11.0 220 --41.9 -0.62 237 - `47,1411 11.63 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 16.15 16.85 7 V '+ a 17poawzoic. npuAomelitui q d V I W 0.0 0.07 0.2 0.5 0.87 1.0 1.33 1.5 1.67 1.79 2.0 200 190 163 141 121 103 100 88 --40.7 --40.4 --39.7 --39.1 --39.1 --39.1 --39.1 --39.I --0.15 --0.07 --0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.5 0158 p='76?46' X=189?45' 101110 St (19) 008 5.2 90 2.2 225 000 6.6 93 2.0 249 981 7.5 1.15 95 2.0 249 945 --10.2 0.90 100 1.7 900 --I0.2 100 1.8 886 --10.2 0.00 100 1.8 850 --I0.2 83 1.6 831 --10.2 0.00 83 1.7 813 --10.2 0.00 83 1.7 800 --10.9 83 1.6 778 -11.8 0.49 83 1.4 5 7 8 248 253 9.5 2.8 3.0 3.94 4.0 5.0 5.27 6.0 6.84 7.0 8.0 8.12 8.5 8.73 9.0 10.0 11.0 11.5 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 729 700 681 600 595 520 500 452 400 391 337 331 313 300 290 249 216 200 185 160 138 119 102 --14.I --15.3 --16.4 --91.9 --22.1 --27.5 --29.6 --33.6 --41.0 --4I.9 --47.9 --48.3 --48.3 --48.0 --47.3 --43.2 --41.3 --41.0 --41.3 --42.4 --42.4 --I2.4 --42.4 0.46 0.46 0.57 0.54 0.61 0.83 0.60 0.33 0.00 --0.20 --0.41 --0.19 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.U0 69 64 60 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 343 300 260 945 240 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 17po0o4orc. npuAomenun H B t 7 U q d V W 1 11 B t 7 U q d 1 V W 16.14 100 -42.4 5.33 500 --27.2 38 0.2 276 16.6 93 -42.4 0.00 240 6.0 455 --31.8 0.62 38 6.91 400 -38.4 38 24.5 1333 q) ..= 76?50' k .189?5CV 7.0 7.76 394 354 --39.0 --43.8 0.72 0.63 38 37 10/10 St (72), )1(? 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50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Noaomic. npuiwycettuft ? 295? 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C4 C4 0) t-- CD ? 0 0 ? cc) ?ct. tr> Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2014/01/17 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 HI 1.5 1.83 9.0 2.5 2.8 2.87 3.0 4.0 4.05 5.0 5.41 6.0 7.0 7.04 8.0 9.01 9.95 10.0 10.47 11.0 11.67 12.0 13.0 B t 835 800 782 733 706 700 689 603 600 528 500 461 401 400 348 300 260 258 241 221 200 190 164 --7.6 --8.3 --8.6 --9.6 --10.1 --10.4 --I1.1 --14.7 --14.9 --I8.9 --21.2 --24.9 --32.2 --32.4 --40.4 --47.4 --50.7 --50.7 --50.7 --45.9 --44.2 --43.7 --4I.5 I I U ql d IV Wil B 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.50 0.36 0.42 0.60 0.73 0.82 0.69 0.35 0.00 -0.91 -0.22 -0.22 98 98 98 89 81 80 76 66 66 49 47 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 2.4 2.2 2.4 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.4 284 235 219 14.0 15.0 16.0 16.39 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 21.22 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 25.36 17poaoltorc. npuiloycenta d 142 123 106 100 92 80 69 60 52 50 45 39 34 30 29 --40.2 --39.4 --38.7 --38.5 --37.9 --36.4 --36.2 --35.5 --34.6 --34.5 --33.9 --32.1 --30.8 --30.2 --29.4 --0.13 --0.08 --0.07 --0.08 --0.15 --0.02 --0.07 --0.09 --0.07 -0.18 --0.13 --0.06 --0.22 V I Vol 231 235 239 943 946 247 225 27.5 0129 a? =--- 76?59' k=--- 190?02' 10/10 St (49) ? 216 0.0 0.12 0.2 0.5 016 000 989 953 --6.0 --6.2 --6.5 --7.9 0.23 0.47 83 83 83 93 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.9 315 5 316 6 318 6 17poaonotc. npuizooKetiust 1-1, B . t Y U , q 1 V IV H B t y U q d V 1 NV 0.88 907 --11.1 0.84 93 1.5 0.2 994 -9.0 1.30 84 1.5 0.94 900 --11.1 93 1.6 0.5 957 --12.1 1.03 84 1.2 1.0 893 --11.1 0.00 93 1.6 0.97 900 --12.1 83 1.2 1.37 850 --11.1 85 1.5 1.0 897 --12.1 0.00 83 1.2 1.5 837 --11.1 0.00 81 1.5 1.16 878 --10.7 -0.87 82 1.5 1.86 800 -11.1 71 1.4 1.41 850 --10.7 81 1.5 2.0 785 --11.1 0.00 69 1.3 1.5 840 -10.7 0.00 81 1.5 2.26 759 --11.1 0.00 65 1.3 1.7 817 --10.7 0.00 80 1.5 2.5 735 --12.1 0.42 63 1.1 1.87 800 -11.6 79 1.4 2.87 700 --13.5 58 1.0 1.94 793 -12.1 0.58 78 1.3 3.0 687 --14.1 0.40 57 1.0 340 2.0 786 --12.3 77 1.3 3.37 655 -.15.7 0.43 50 0.7 2.5 736 -13.2 0.20 71 1.3 4.0 602 --18.2 0.40 50 0.6 2.75 713 --13.6 0.16 71 1.3 274 4.03 600 --18.3 50 0.6 2.87 700 --14.3 71 1.1 3.0 526 -23.6 0.54 50 0.4 3.0 688 --14.9 0.52 71 1.1 5.38 500 --25.1 50 0.4 4.0 603 --21.0 0.61 70 0.7 6.0 459 --28.4 0.48 50 0.3 335 4.04 600 --21.2 70 0.7 5.0 525 --27.9 0.69 68 0.4 248 27.5 1439 cp =77?01' X = 190?02' 5.35 500 -30.9 68 6.0 456 --35.7 0.78 68 10/10 St (36) 6.9 400 --4I.5 68 0.0 020 -6.4 85 1.9 045 1 7.0 393 -42.0 0.63 68 268 0.15 000 -8.4 84 1.6 J g ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 .? a...?????"" Ilp000mic npuitoxetiuft H B t T UqdVVilH B 1 t I 7 Ulq1dIVI Vlf 8.0 341 --48.3 0.63 68 28.5 0129 q) ... 77?02' A =-- 190?02' 8.24 329 --49.4 0.46 8.84 300 -- 49.4 10/10 St (57), *0 9.0 292 --49.4 0.00 0.0 023 -7.3 83 1.7 045 1 9.24 282 --49.4 0.00 0.17 000 -8.0 85 1.6 064 .) 10.0 251 --47.2 -0.29 241 0.2 997 -8.2 0.45 85 1.6 063 ,) 11.0 216 --44.4 --0.28 0.5 959 -10.2 0.67 89 1.5 11.51 200 --43.9 0.66 939 --11.7 0.94 90 1.4 12.0 185 --43.7 --0.07 245 1.0 900 --8.4 --0.97 83 1.7 13.0 160 --42.6 --0.11 1.35 860 --5.9 -0.71 67 1.8 14.0 137 --42.0 --0.06 1.45 850 --5.9 64 1.7 15.0 118 --41.3 --0.07 243 1.5 844 -5.9 0.00 62 1.7 16.0 102 --40.7 -0.06 1.91 800 -5.9 56 1.6 16.2 100 --40.7 2.0 790 --5.9 0.00 54 1.6 17.0 88 --40.4 --0.03 265 2.2 769 --5.9 0.00 52 1.6 ? 18.0 77 -40.0 -0.04 2.5 741 --8.4 0.83 50 1.2 19.0 66 --39.5 --0.05 2.92 700 --10.8 48 1.0 20.0 58 --38.0 -0.15 276 3.0 693 -11.4 0.60 47 1.0 310 21.0 50 --37.2 --0.08 4.0 608 --17.2 0.58 40 0.6 22.0 43 -36.6 --0.06 4.11 600 --18.1 40 0.5 23.0 38 -35.9 -0.07 276 5.0 531 -95.2 0.80 36 0.3 5.44 500 --27.8 34 0.2 6.6 462 --32.2 0.70 34 291 17poaonotc. npunooicenun H I B t I U q d V V/ H B 1 t T U q1dIVI VV 7.02 400 -36.4 0.41 34 28.5 1344 41:1 = 77?03' X === 190?02' 8.0 346 -42.9 0.66 34 8.94 300 --51.0 34 286 10/10 St (43) 9.0 297 --51.5 0.86 34 0.0 025 -6.2 77 135 5 9.6 270 -56.6 0.85 0.19 000 -7.8 0.84 125 7 9.94 256 --56.6 0.00 0.5 959 --10.6 0.90 10.0 254 -56.0 --1.00 0.6 947 -11.2 0.60 11.0 217 --48.6 -0.74 257 0.85 917 --11.2 0.00 11.54 200 -46.0 1.0 900 --9.0 --1.47 12.0 187 -45.2 --0.34 1.33 863 -6.5 -0.76 13.0 162 --44.2 --0.10 246 1.45 850 --6.5 14.0 139 --43.6 -0.06 1.5 845 -6.5 0.00 15.0 120 -42.8 -0.08 1.93 800 -6.5 16.0 104 -41.6 -0.12 249 2.0 792 --6.5 0.00 16.24 100 -41.4 2.5 742 -8.5 0.40 17.0 89 --41.0 --0.06 2.95 700 --10.9 18.0 77 --40.6 --0.04 3.0 695 --11.3 0.56 376 19.0 67 -40.2 --0.04 309 4.0 610 --17.6 0.63 20.0 58 -39.7 -0.05 4.12 600 --18.3 21.0 50 -39.1 -0.06 5.0 532 --24.3 0.67 22.0 44 --38.5 -0.06 5.45 500 -26.6 23.0 38 -38.4 -0.01 6.0 463 --30.0 0.57 24.0 33 --38.4 --0.00 94.16 32 -38.4 --0.00 313 CAD Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ?-?0001-Z009Z001?1701-0-1-8dCll-V10 LI-40/171-0Z -1A-09 ;46;e1:, er? 17poaaore npunomemoi 11 B t y U q d V NV 1 H B t I Uq d V 7.0 403 --34.8 0.48 375 29.5 0124 p = 77?04' X = 190?02' 7.05 400 --35.2 10:10 St 27) 8.0 348 --42 n 0.81 9.0 300 -49.3 0.64 0.0 021 --8.1 86 1.6 135 9 10.0 259 -56.5 0.72 347 0.16 000 -9.0 85 1.5 11.0 2216 -50.8 -0.57 0.2 995 -9.4 0.65 85 1.4 11.63 200 --47.6 0.5 957 -11.8 0.80 85 1.2 12.0 189 -46.2 -0.46 0.65 937 -12.8 0.67 84 1.1 13.0 162 --45.0 --0.12 0.97 900 --7.1 -1.78 83 2.0 14.0 139 -43.8 -0.12 323 1.0 898 -7.1 83 2.0 15.0 121 --42.4 -0.14 1.41 850 --7.1 81 2.0 16.0 105 -41.6. --0.08 1.5 842 -7.1 0.00 81 2.0 16.32 100 --41.3 1.9 800 --7.1 75 2.0 17.0 90 --40.8 -0.08 316 9.0 790 --7.1 0.00 74 2.0 18.0 77 --40.0 --0.08 2.28 761 --7.1 0.00 70 2.0 19.0 66 -39.4 -0.06 2.5 740 -7.8 0.32 63 1.6 20.0 58 -38.3 --0.11 2.93 700 -9.8 56 1.3 21.0 50 --36.8 -0.15 378 3.0 693 -10.2 0.48 56 1.3 391 22.0 42 --35.6 -0.19 4.0 608 --13.2 0.E0 52 0.9 23.0 37 -35.6 0.00 4.09 600 --15.7 52 0.9 24.0 32 --35.6 0.00 5.0 531 -92.0 0.68 51 0.5 1 25.0 28 -35.6 0.00 382 5.44 .-40 -14.3 51 0.4 I ? :71 - 0 17poaavic npunoycenuft H B 0 t Y U q d V NV 11 H B t 1 y U q1d1V NV 6.0 461 -26.7 0.47 52 0.4 29.5 1320 cp=-- 77?06' X = 190001' 7.02 400 -33.2 0.64 52 10/10 St (43) 8.0 348 -38.4 0.53 52 446 9.0 302 -46.6 0.82 52 0.0 018 --9.2 79 1.3 135 10 9.04 300 -46.8 52 0.14 000 --10.0 78 1.2 139 10 10.0 260 --54.6 0.80 0.2 993 --10.5 0.65 77 1.2 133 10 10.23 231 --55.7 0.44 0.5 954 --12.6 0.70 75 1.0 10.8 231 --55.7 0.00 0.65 936 -13.3 0.47 75 1.0 11.0 224 -54.7 -0.50 0.96 900 -8.2 72 1.6 11.73 200 -49.7 1.0 895 --7.8 --1.57 72 1.6 12.0 192 --48.7 --0.60 396 1.41 830 -6.4 -0.34 64 1.7 13.0 164 --45.8 --0.29 1.5 840 --6.5 63 1.6 14.0 142 --45.4 --0.04 1.87 800 -7.3 56 1.4 15.0 121 --45.0 --0.04 2.0 786 -7.7 0.22 54 1.4 16.0 104 --44.6 -0.04 390 2.5 737 --9.1 0.28 53 1.3 16.3 100 -44.4 2.91 700 -10.9 52 1.1 297 17.0 90 -43.1 --0.15 3.0 690 -11.4 0.46 51 1.1 18.0 77 -42.2 --0.09 4.0 606 --16.1 0.47 47 0 8 19.0 66 --41.7 -0.05 4.08 600 --16.7 47 0.7 20.0 57 --41.2 --0.05 5.0 529 -21.5 0.54 47 0.5 21.0 50 -40.7 -0.05 496 5.43 500 -24.4 47 0.4 22.0 43 -40.0 -0.07 6.0 462 --27.3 0.58 47 0.3 266 23.0 37 -39.4 --0.06 7.0 402 -30.6 0.33 47 24.0 32 -37.7 -0.17 494 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 17poaoizoic. npuAooicenuft H B t 7 U q dV1,1/ OH BH 7 U q14:11V1 NV 7.04 400 --31.0 47 30.5 0120 tp =77?09' X==189?51' 8.0 349 --38.3 0.77 47 272 10/10 St (31) 9.02 300 -46.4 0.79 47 10.0 258 -52.0 0.57 0.0 015 -9.8 89 1.4 135 6 11.0 222 -47.3 --0.47 266 0.11 000 --10.6 88 1.4 11.68 200 --44.3 0.2 989 --11.6 0.90 87 1.2 12.0 189 --43.0 -0.43 0.35 970 --12.8 0.80 86 1.1 13.0 164 -41.4 -0.16 277 0.5 951 --12.8 0.00 85 1.1 14.0 142 -40.8 --0.06 ? 0.73 924 --12.8 0.00 84 1.2 15.0 123 -40.2 -0.06 0.94 900 --9.7 84 1.6 16.0 105 --40.0 -0.02 291 1.0 893 --9.0 77 1.5 16.33 100 --39.5 1.07 884 -8.3 --1.32 71 1.5 17.0 92 -38.6 -0.14 1.38 850 -8.3 58 1.3 18.0 80 -37.8 --0.08 1.5 836 -8.3 0.00 55 1.2 19.0 69 -37.2 -0.06 314 1.84 800 --10.2 55 1.1 20.0 58 -37.2 -0.00 2.0 783 --10.6 0.46 57 1.1 21.0 50 --36.6 --0.06 2.2 763 --11.2 0.30 61 1.2 22.0 44 -35.5 --0.11 2.5 735 --11.9 0.23 61 1.1 22.8 39 --34.2 --0.16 2.87 700 --12.9 61 1.1 23.0 38 -34.9 0.00 354 3.0 687 --13.5 0.32 61 1.0 329 21.0 33 --34.2 0.00 4.0 602 --20.0 0.65 61 0.7 25.0 28 --34.2 0.00 4.03 600 --20.2 61 0.7 25.37 26 -34.2 0.00 338 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 ? H B t 7 U q H H NV II H B t / , .0 q clIVI . V/ 5.0 525 --25.1 0.51 61 0.5 30.5 1335 cp --= 77?09' k = 189?52' 5.36 500 --26.4 56 0.4 10/10 -St (43) 6.0 456 --29.9 0.48 49 0.2 6.93 400 --36.8 44 330 7.0 395 -37.2 0.73 44 0.0 016 --7.9 85 1.6 135 7 8.0 342 --46.0 0.88 43 0.12 000 - 88 - 122 8 8.28 327 --47.7 0.61 43 0.2 989 - - 88 - 124 9 8.88 300 -47.7 42 0.5 952 - - 88 -- 9.0 295 -47.7 0.00 41 0.93 900 -- 86 -- 9.32 281 --47.7 0.00 41 1.0 893 -- - 86 -- 10.0 234 -44.3 --0.50 40 295 1.37 850 - 84 -- 11.0 219 --43.0 --0.13 40 1.5 836 - -- 84 -- 11.6 200 -41.6 40 1.84 800 - 82 -- 12.0 188 --41.2 --0.18 40 273 2.0 783 -9.3 - 81 1.8 13.0 163 --41.2 0.00 40 2.14 770 -9.4 0.07 81 1.8 14.0 140 -41.2 0.00 2.5 734 -11.0 0.44 79 1.7 15.0 121 --41.2 0.00 280 2.83 700 -14.0 0.91 78 1.2 16.0 104 --40.8 --0.04 3.0 687 --14.0 0.00 77 1.3 334 16.25 100 --40.6 3.45 648 --14.0 0.00 75 1.4 17.0 90 -40.0 -0.08 4.0 604 -17.2 0.58 71 1.0 18.0 78 --39.5 --0.05 4.04 GOO --17.3 71 1.0 18.92 67 -39.5 0.00 302 5.0 527 --23.3 0.61 62 0.6 5.38 ZOO --24.8 58 0.5 6.0 439 --26.7 0.34 57 0.4 302 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 Z9 'xIS - Ot 17poaomic. npumocemuit H B t y U q d 1 V WI H B 1 t 1 7 U q dIVI V/ 6.98 400 --31.6 0.50 55 26.0 26 --30.0 --0.10 8.0 346 --37.8 0.61 53 26.68 23 --29.4 --0.09 399 9.0 300 --44.0 0.62 52 302 9.9 265 --44.0 0.00 46 31.5 0130 cp = 77?10' X=189?49' 10.0 258 --43.2 --0.80 45 10/10 St (15), *?, 11.0, 222 --40.6 --0.26 11.7 200 --39.8 12.0 192 --39.5 --0.11 307 0.0 014 --5.8 96 112 5 13.0 166 --38.8 --0.07 ? 0.11 000 --6.6 14.0 144 --38.4 --0.04 0.2 989 --7.4 0.80 15.0 124 --38.0 --0.04 315 0.5 951 --8.2 0.27 16.0 108 --37.6 --0.04 0.93 900 --9.4 16.5 100 --37.4 1.0 892 --9.6 0.28 17.0 93 --37.1 --0.05 1.37 850 --10.6 18.0 80 --36.4 --0.07 314 1.5 836 --11.1 0.30 19.0 70 --35.6 --0.08 1.84 800 --12.9 20.0 60 --35.0 --0.06 2.0 783 --13.8 0.54 21.0 52 --34.5 --0.05 2.5 734 --13.8 0.00 21.3 50 --34.4 2.85 700 --13.8 22.0. 45 --33.7 --0.08 390 3.0 686 --13.8 0.00 341 23.0 40 --32.5 --0.12 3.28 661 --13.8 0.00 . 24.b 34 --31.8 --0.07 4.0 COO --18.2 0.61 23.0 -30 --31.0 -0.08 5.0 525 --24.0 0.58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/01/17: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600210003-3 H B t i U q d V W 11 H B t I I Ulql d X' I V/ I 5.34 500 -25.5 31.5 1330 y = 77?12' k =189?35' 6.0 456 --30.2 0.62 312 6.94 400 -35.8 10/10 Ns (38), -)