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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 "I 1, UNCLASSIFIED CLASS IF ICAT I ON AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY OR AREA REPCRT CONCERNS USSR DATE Of REPOqT k' 2 Sept 1958 SUBJECT (Descriptive title. Use individual reports 101- ..14,?111??? AERODYNAMIC FEATURES aF HXPERSONIC SPEEDS .s SUMMARY (Give summary which highlights the salient factors of niriativif reptt. Begin narrative text on Al Form I12a unless report can be fully lasted on Al Form 112.-Liat inclosures. including number of copies) Forwarded herewith is a translation of an artic14, entitled "Aerodynamic Features of Hypersonic Speeds" (Osobennosti aerodinamiki giparsvukavykh skorostey), written by Docent, Candidate of Technical Soiences-M. L. Gorman and published in P: Vestnik Vozdushnogo !Iota (The Herald of the Air Fleet), No. 11, 1957, pp. 56-64. The article describes some aerodynamic features of hypersonic speeds and how a hypersonic flight is investigated in wind tunnels and impact tubes by means of models. STAT STAT DISTRIBUTION BY ORIGINATOR (Except USAF and file. Indicate Dupl if/os and copies w/o inc ?sures. i app ice e Immo; This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the moaning of the ? Espionage Laws. Title Ilts U.S.C., Section 793 and 794. Its transmission or the revelation of Its contents in any manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law. STAT AF FORM 15 SEP '54 112 Ft7t- RE PLACES, ?AF' 1 OCT 52. WHICH MAY BE USED 'UNCLASSIFIED ass IKICAT ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATIGN (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) SUPPLEMENT TO AF FORM 112 PAGE LIST OF INCLOSURES 2 OF PAGES 9 1. Fig. 1 - Schematic diagram of ,the flow around a plate at high Ma Fig. 2 - Diagrams representing eseffiAien$is of the lift force of a plans plate for differimti- Fig. 3 - Diagrams representing 1;04'017 06i:double-wedge, triangular and convex profiles, caledlited fbi different parameters of similmrity K. 2. Fig.. 4 - Schematic diagram of separation of the flow at the trailing edge of a supersortc airfoil. Fig. 5 -. Diagrams representing the distribution of pressure over a convex airfoil. .Fig. 6 - Schematic diegram showing three regions of hypersonic flow around a plane plate. -Fig. 7 - Diagrams showing the dependenci..Of-imiaikm preiteure coefficient of a plane plate on M. Fig. $ - Diagrams showing the dependence of the "distance of interaction? on Re and M. 3. Fig. 9 - Diagrams shoving the temperature of retardation for bodies moving at different Nh and different altitudes. Fig. 10- Schematic drawing of a hypersonic impact pipe. WARNING This document contains information affecting thb national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U. S C , Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by what. than United States Air Force Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF ,M11111??????? AF I aitTM52 112a REPLACES AF FORM 112-PART II. 1 JUN 48. CLASSIFICATION WHICH MAY BE USED. UNCLASSIFIED (SECURITY INFORMATIOP6when .81141tin) 3 tmt. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 C-_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 ip 24, . ? sP,?-i 1 or qt. ...z.,,., .,..,.c. UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION "Lk (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) SUPPLEMENT TO AP- fOgi 112 xe. PAGE STAT OF 3 9 THE FEATURES ar HYPERSONIC spI9 AEAODYNA.MrdS A continuous progress of supersonic aviation presents a seriee of new pro- blems associated with the flight of flying devaces at high MS, .For in- stance, to be sure that the range of the rocket will reach 10,000 km, the speed must correspond to Mil 20 (Ne are bamedon the sonio speed in strato- sphere). For an Earth's satellite M should be about 25. It uhould be re- minded that the meteors travel at M equal to from 30 to 100. Thus, because of the development of missiles, rockets, and the possibility of interplane- tary communication the aerodynamics of hypersonic speeds acquire greater and greater importance. A hypersonic flow possesses,a series of characteristic features which appear at high Nis. Ta explain them,. one4shqgld investigate the physical picture of the streartlinWeItypersonic now around a body. It is known that the angle of inclinAtion.of the shock and the angle of disturbances decrease with the rise of M. Furthermore, at high Ms these angles are so small that the shocks as well as the lines of disturbances strive to adjoin the surface of the body over which the flow proceeds. It is possible to say that the shack becomes almost parallel to- the direction of notion. In this ease the region of dis- turbances is very small and can be compared with the region occupied by the boundary layer. For instance, if at Mac 5 the angle of disturbances for a thin body is equal to 11.54?, then at Nix 10 this angle will be equal to 5.70. The calculations show that at M = 10 the angle of inclination of the shock for a double-wedge airfoil amounts to 8.2?. In Fig; 1 is shown the flow over a plate at very high M. Since the increase of pressure outside the shook at high M by far exceeds the decrease of pres- sure in the rarefied flow, one can approximately assume that over the upper surface of the plate is a vacuum. On the lower surface of the plata an- oblique shock adjoins the plate very closely. Therefore the flow sisown in Fig. la excellently correspondswith the flow about a plane plate shown in Fig. lb, which proceeds according to the Newton's theory of impact. Thus, it was found that the Newton's theory which yields wrong results at low speeds, fits well for very high Ms. Presently, the so-called linear theory, which is based oil the assumption that bodies (wing fuselage) of-small thick- nesses at small angle of attack are treated, is widely used for practical problems of supersonic aerodynamics. In such ease the existing shock can be -replaced by a line of disturbances, and thus simplify the exact theory. For instance, according to this theory the pressure coefficieho Changes in ?direct proportion to the angle of attack. For a hypersonic flow the linear theory becomes uselese. planation of this can be given: this theory can be appliiit _ maximum angle at which the flow is declined due to the presence 0:tne- 9 is small in comparison with the angle of disturbance of the free-Stream. But in a hypersonic flow the cone of disturbances is so 'set that their A.4)e can be compared with the angle of inclination of the plate's nose. _ X This leads to a fact that the coefficient of the air pressure-becomes pro- portional to the square of the local angle of attack. Hence, the linear theory appears to be approximately correct only for small angles of attack, up to Ms between 4 and 5t From Fig. 2 it is seen that already at M higher WARNING This document contains information nffecting the national defense of the United States within the m Espionage Laws, Title 18, U S C.. Sections 793 and 794 Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any, unauthorized person is prohibited by law It ftlily nor be reproduced in whole or in part, by other than United St Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF - - - AF(7CRT"52 112a ????? REPLACES AF FORM 112-PART IL 1 JUN 48. CLASSIFICATION WHICH MAY BE USED. UNCLASSIFIED , iSECURITY INFORMATIO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/24 . CIA- -010 . niqnnoA a ? 4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr2013/12/24:CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 :?a*Ac, A tkl; 7?! ? I UNCLASSIFIED OASSMCATICIN (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) SUPPLEMENT TO AF FORM 112 PAGE OF PAGES 4 9 than 3 the linearity of the graphs, representing the coefficients of the lift foroe of a plane plate, is distorted. In addition, it should be born in mind that according to the linear theory the aerodynamical coefficients do not depend on the nature of the gas and the character of the thermo- dynamic process. However, at higher Ms the nature of the moving gas changes? Due to a strong impact during the collision of molecules traveling at high _speeds, their compound atoms start to vibrate respectively to their;tan position. Additional degrees of freedom will appear,W41,,iiir-=, to an increase of'speeific heat at constant volume and toa itecnviii of the ratio K, from K =L.-20:40*1-45HIA As to the term "hypersonic" flow itself, the results of the linear theory alley to set the condi-gone' limits of this flow? At M greater than 5 it can be assumed that v144- 1111.14 (for instance, at PI= 5 P4 1 = This leads to a simplification of some known formulas of the lift force and the head resistance of a double-wedge airfoil. It can be assumed that the term Impersonic" concerns Ms higher than 50 The following law of similarity of hypersonic flow can be defined. If bodies having similar forms, but a different relative thickness 6, are placed into a flow of a different M so that the parameter NE will remain constant, then the flow will be also similar, i. e., the streamlines will be alike. This means that if a hypersonic flow is over the airfoils whose thickness and curvature are distributed identically while the angle of attack is proportional to the relative-thicknesal -pen their aerodynamic coefficients depend only on the criterion Onamilaiity NE. To illustrate this law, an example is given. Suppose that coefficients cy and cx of a symmetric airfoil with a thickness al . 10% at an angle of attack Ocs 5?, tested at M = 5, are known. The qtestion is: what will be the aerodynamic coefficients of a geometrically similar airfoil whose relative thickness B, = 5%, and to which Mwill they correspond. Since there is a similarity, The parameters ofsimilarity should be equal, i. e., M02. It follows that it = 10; in addition, the similarity of the airfoils will be at c44, 4, U2 p 1. e., 0(= 2.5?. ati ? - -EI-- From the formulas for the coefficients it follows that E2 N? C2_-(_2 3 2 - 0.25; cx2 1 0.125. ?????????????????? 0 31 Yi- 1 ex1 Thus, the criteri4e-efAi1i!s,rity by the aid of the known coefficients of one airfoil pei4t410-01174sily to determine the coefficients for similar airfoils. For4iAllaitiitm, polars of variousairfoils, computed for three values of similarity parameter, are given in Fig. 3. Although the hypersonic theory of similarity is only an approximate one, it, nevertheless, corresponds well with the experiment and allows to compute the aerodynamic characteristics of the wings and the bodies of revolution? ? An important distinctive feature of the hypersonic flow is the strong effect of viscosity which leads to an essential interaction between the boundary , layer and the shock wave? WARNIN6 ? This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the ? Espionage Laws, Title 18, U S. C., Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by other than United States Air Force Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF F? FORM 1 1 On REPLACES AF FORM 112-PART II. I JUN 48. CLASSIFICATION LOCT 52 I 14a WHICH MAY BE USEO. UNCLASSIFIED ? (SECURITY INFORMATION when fined ir! GPO- 933856 ' STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 . As. -??? A?Ilir ? t?-.4 z=17; ;0.P. -k ? is LASS IFIED CLASS IFICAT10% t 7 (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) SUPPLEMENT TO AF FORM 112 PAGE 5o 9 PAGES DuringAhe invee eation of a supersonic flow, a general approaCh can be aaliedith r a.rd to the analysis of viszsity. We assume that the effect of vimpoele- concentrates in a thin layer joining the surface: of the body, the soleleed bouelary layer, and that it can be determined as i correction,' to a notlyiscous flow. At small supersonic 'speeds the boundary layer and the ehock-wails in the forward peet of the airfoil are located-far fr.* each Other, co that the effect of their interaction can be neglected: It is true that, in thi. case, the effect of the boundary layer shows up near the trailing edge, ainc,e in this region the shock wave and the boundary layer may big the cause et the separation of the flow. This occurs because the incrbiteed pressure behind the tail shock P2, being unable to propagate forward (at-Wpersenic speeds the disturbances do not spread forward), ? penItrates into region BDC (Fig. 4) through the subsonic part of_the- boundary layer. 'raised pressure in this region causes a zeParkion which prevents -a further expansion of the flowe and thus, the preemie.? in the region BDC appears to be greater than the theoretical calculations, would show. This is clearly seen from the curves representing theedistri- bution of the pressure. From Fig. 5 it is seen that the theory and the v experiment coincide well in the forward part of the airfoil; they differ only in the rear part of the airfoil-in the region of an increased pressure (decrease in rarefaction). A different picture appears at hypersonic speeds. Firstly, the, boundary layer behind a strong head shock wave over a very thin airfoil has a larger thickness as compared to that of the body over which the flow proceeds. The fact is that the shock wave at high supersonic speeds adjoins the sur- face of the airfoil so closely that the entire region between the surface and the sheck vave should be considered as a region of viscous flow. Con- sequently, when the parameters of a shock wave are being determined, the effect of viscosity should be considered, and when the friction on the sur- face of the plate iv being evaluated, the-effect of the shock must be es- pecially taken into aceoeut. Thus the flow in a bound:el, layer strongly affects the stream in the regien between the outer eurface of the boundary layer and the shock wave. For instancepempethe nose of he plate the boundary layer has a big curvature 140I0hfith;404714.!- bends the heAd &lock. Disregard of viscosity would lead to ifSli-jAteliti3O?13?here the shock :1011L1 appear as rectilinear. Because of this, the 'region'of the boundary layer and the region between. the 'Shock and the outer surface of the bogneary layer cannot be investigated separately, since their interaction must be ..aken into account. If, for insi:ance, one will examine the flow around a plane plate at hyper- sonic speed, then the entire field of the flow, disturbed because of the presence of the plate, can be divided into three regions (Fig. 6). Close to the plate is a boundary layer in which the effect of viscosity is strong. eeee- ?-?-zte "4-r; From the nose of_thet:p? ? eaepowerful shock wave appears; at ' the nose of the pike t Ma on of the shock is big, afterwards it sharply decreases and, for_instance, at high 14 the shock wave rooks like drifting along the plate. A region of undisturbed stream is above the shock wave. - - - - ? - WARNING This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U S C , Sections 793 ansi 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by other than United States Air Force Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF AF 21m52 11 2a REPLACES AF FORM 112-PART II. 1 JUN 48. WHICH MAY BE USED. CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED tat ??*, (SECURITY INFORMATION when Mir,: GPO 933856 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 ? get 7 ?????????,, ? ? -?,????," ^c??? ..^:".?:,,7017.?"... I UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFMATWN (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) SUPPLEMENT TO AF FORM 112 PAGES Finally, between the shock wave and the outer border of the boundary layer is a small region of the flow in which the effect of viscosity can be neglected; across this flow a big change in pressure and density can be observed. Owing to that the boundary layer thickens, the shock wave at the leading edge has a curvilinear form. As a result of this, the pressure along the plate-is not constant and can be higher than that of the surroundings. Furthermore, this excess of pressure depends on M and Re (Reynolds num- ber - a dimensionless magnitude defined by the ratio of the inertia forces and the viscosity forces in the flow). For instance, at MI= 5.8 and a distance of 0.63 am from the leading edge the pressure inCreases by 70%. The increase of the thickness of the boundary layer can be characterized by the following: at M 7 the thickness of the boundary layer is 10 times greater than at MI= 1 at the same Re (Reynolds). At great, distances from the leading edge the shock wave and the boundary layer drift apart by a considerable distance so that statically the pressure does not change any more. It was already shown (Fig. 5) that the boundary layer at low supersonic speeds (and also at subsonic) affects the distribution of pressure, first of all, in the tail part of the body. At hypersonic speeds the thickening of the boundary layer becomes so considerable that it provokes an essential change in the distribution of pressure over the nose part of the airfoil. At the same time the usual occurences of separation in the tai/ part of the body may still happen. . ?e, The rise of pressure leads to a situation that the surface friction becomes higher than it would be according to the theory of the boundary layer in supersonic flow. The re3istauce coefficient of the laminar friction Ef decreases with the rise of NI when the interaction is not taken into account, and it increases at hypersonic speeds when the interaction is taken into account (Fig. 7)0 In addition, at low supersonic speeds (up to M = 3) the coefficient Uf does not depend an Re, while at hypersonic speeds it essentially depends on Re. For characterization of the mutual interaction ott4eAboundary layer and the shockwavetheideaenthedistance.of plTteiacen1Iiintroduced, which is . ? ? ? - ? " expressed as a ratio Xo where X0 is the distanoo-fion'the nose to the point e: -4 where the ske4k*I,-e:rdeif4e4A1Tinte disturbance wave, and L is the chord of the bodiqFig..65'. Imo in Fig. 8 it follows that for a given Re the effect of the shock projoagate's farther downstream when M is 'higher* A special importance acquires the effect of the temperature at hypersonic speeds. A conekjerejblel*Otease of temperature along the head shock leads to a large altellaatetranefer to the body over which the flow proceeds. This also affects the tlow close to the surface of the body. Thus, behind the shock and along the boundary layer the temperature may become so high that the chemical features of the gas may change. This loads toa breach in the static .equilibrium between different kinds of internal energy of the gaso WARNING. This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the -meaning of the Espionage Laws. Title 18, U.S C . Sections 793 and 794 Its transmission or?the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorised person is prohibited by law It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by other than United States Air Force Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF AF (Str52 112a REPLACES AF FORM 112-PART 1 JUN 4f1., WHICH MAY BE USED. CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED (SECURITY INFORMATION when Mi.,: is" GPO 9 33856 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr2013/12/24:CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 VA 4%. - ? I *UNCLASSIFIED CLASSIFICATION (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) 14. -VEM TO AF FORM 112 PAGE OF ae... 7 9 IP" .Indeed, if thetemerature of the gas after crossing the shock is sap:- cient to cause sqme4Oditional degrees of freedom of molecules, then a dissociation of gas).0ay happen, i0 e., a change in the chemical compound will occur as a result of disintegration of its molecules into more sim- ple molecules or atoms. 1 PAGES STAT A still higher tmaperature may cause the ionization of molectiles. A change in the'strmdture_pf gas =ate seen during the tests qf models on ballistic installations:or by free firing. So; for instance,, by firing a ball in Xetioniat 14 higher than 10 one could see the ionization of Xenon. During another experiment, when a steel ball, 13.5 mm in diaMeter, was fired into a reservoir filled with Freon at a speed corresponding to M 9.27, the disintegration of Freon was clearly seen. It shows how important is the-problemassoeiated with the investigation of the chemical :Taa,turqs if gas near the shock waveo The-effect of additional-degrees of freedom of intermolecular motion on the features of gas depends on the temperature and the pressure and varies with the altitude. , In Fig. 9 is shown the tempei100411- at different altitudes. Theqiigram-of AtcAdoil gas (parabolic law of the temperature rise with the rise of PO does not reflect the real features of a real gas at high temperatures. So, for instance, at MI= 10 an ideal gas shows a temperature of retardation equal to 4700? X, while a real gas de- -pending on the altitude has considerably lower temperature of retardation. ; Presently, several me , ing a hypersonic flow can be recommended. To the first method belong a baiiiiiic installation and a free firing. Here the models are tested on ballistic installations which catapult the models into motionless air at high speeds? Recently, the installations for free firing have been also used. As an example, a cannon which can provide a speed up to 20,000 kilometers per hour can be taken. The cannon may also fire into a tank in which the pressure of the gas or the air is variable, thus creating the conditions of necessary pressure or altitude. The Maw. can be also:Ado* by, a high-speed cannon into a supersonic stream generated hie. spec*IIn this way the cannon can fire the models in a free-.light at Nh oeifie7oider of 20 and moi4e. Applying special vuovicifciT;; 7'.recording of time, it is possible to photo- graph the models a1,54014,--iiiii041r one tenrillionth of a second. Although such cannons create aoie 1 iineli of' a real flight and real temperature, nevertheless measurement of aerodynamic :-.tere4ik4n.ballistic installations, is rather diai .. -i..4...zt !!!!kfle 2.4j5?. .._. co _ ????01-~, ''' ?? . ,'" ki ''''2...-.- ''' . 1 Striving to approach the real :ewe . ,.... _ . c ed aerodynamic or ?rocket nvehicle" had to be developed. This is a special railroad ,path of 3-7 km length with some apTiliary mechanisms. Vehicles of the present, de- signs can reach a speed up to 1500 misec, while the acceleration rises lip to 1- 100 g. WARNING This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U. S C., Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by other than United States Air Force Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF " 4 AF " " 112a WHICH MAY BE USED. REPLACES AF FORM 112-PART II. 1 JUH.48, CLASSIFICATION I OCT 52 UNCLASSIFIED (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) GPO 9 33656 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/24 : CIA-RDPRi_ninaq a .4 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 ? A - e. 11PNI-1."I ,64 ? UNCLASSIFIED oussielumor's (SECURITY INFORMATION when Ailed in) 3 SUPPLEMENT TO AF FORM 112 PAGE 8 OF PAGES Recently, investigating the hypersonic flow impact pipes were used, usually designated for the study of explosions (primarily atomic explosions), since the wind tunnels do not provide results comparable to those reached under conditions of a free flight. The most importank problem associated with a wind tunnel is the sharp drop of temperature between the receiver and the working part, which is the result of the expansion of the gas at high M. If the air is delivered at a normal temperature (for instande, at To = 3000K), then the air temperature in the working part at M = 5 and M= 10 will de- crease up to 50?K and 14.5% respectively. At an atmospheric pressure the temperature of liquefaction of the air is 780K. It means that in cases under consideration a condensation will occur. To prevent such phenomenon the flow must be heated. Even having a well developed heating system it is difficult to acquire a temperature of retardation in the working part comparable to that generated in a free flight. An impact PiP941.sta ,e0sentially, of along channel closed at both ends and divided by a dis& into 'tio19.*.iitiOnkiliiich contain gases at different pressures. Wring arePiire of the diaphragm a straight shock appears which propagates into that part of the pipe where the pressure is lower. The ex,- pension of the compressed gas creates a region of a high speed flow. It is obvious that a settled motion proceeds only during a short period of time (1000 microseconds at a pressure difference equal to 2500 atm). A steel cylinder (1) in Fig. 10, which is abre-,to-vithstanda pressure up to from 150 to 200 atm, serves as a compression chambei-of-the.pipe. It is connected with a chamber of constant expansion (3). Between the compression and expansion chambers is a plastic diaphragm (2). Along the section of constant expansion are two observation points in which either piezoelectric transmitters or glass windows, to make photographs of the flow, are arranged. The chamber of constant expansion is connected with the divergent part of the pipe (4) in which the expansion of the flow beyond the shock is going on? thus ensuring a high M in the working part. In the working part (5) there are also windows for both the optical stud/ of the flow around the models, and for investigation of the pressure in the flow Or over the model. Different MS ereie,NniTed,hy changing the ratio of pressures in the sections of compression aiad zar.f&ction,lan,d also by changing the degree of the nozzle is diverge**. - '- Hypersonic Na cawbe.reixed in the impact pipes by using a mixture of hydro- gen. and heliumgas.The deficiency of impact pipes lies in th-4iffieN4 . .serodyiimic forces which affect the model, a - I Presently, hyperdanic wind tunnels are widely used for investigation of flow at very high Na WARNING This document contains information affecting the national'ilefense of the United States within the me Espionage Laws, Title 18, U. S C, Sections 793 and 79/. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any unauthorized person is prohibited by law It may not be rekroduced in whole or in part, by other than United St Agencies, except by permission of the Director of Intelligence, USAF CLASSIFICATION (SECURITY INFORM AF OTI M REPLACES AF FORM 52 1 1 2a WHICH MAY BE USED. 112-PART JUN 48, UNCLASSIFIED Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-n1n2V1Pnn9R11111QnnoA STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release -344 ' ? el- - 50-Yr2013/12/24:CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 - r:r tit UNC L A VIII 1ED cs..Assine.Amon tr (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) SUPPLEMENT TO AF FORM 112 PAGE 9 OF 9 PAGES 1#' r There n6 essential difference between theapersonio and hypersonic tunne4 (for instance; at NE= 2 and NE= 10); fE both cases the divergent noizie, whIre the necessary supersonic speed is reached, is beyond the cr#icaLsee,tion. However, there are qualitative differences. -jd Inability to get sufficient power and necessary cooling is the basic diffi- culty in dealing with the ordinary supersonic wind tunnels. The same diffi- culties appear also when the hypersonic speeds have to be reached. ? ? . The rsitin. cuUarity pt.-A-hypersonic tunnel is the variation of the,tempera- ture and pressUreAepending on 141 which leads to a liquefaction of-the coolWeir. This creates conditions in the flow which are different from the natural ones: the liquefaction which affects the aerodynamic charac- teristics, the riseof the inclination angle of the shock, the change of M. To prevent the liquefaction of the air, the.. compressed air must be heated if bore it goes to the working part. However, the compressed air cannot be heated above 250?C since the ability of the steel reservoir to withstand the pressure decreases with the rise of the temperature. Therefere, in a wind tunnel, working with air, it is not possible to obtain M higher, than 10. To het higher Ms, other gases must be used: nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, freon, xenon. A series of problems appear in connection wit!44)104,eliudeneirefhypersonic flow. Low densities and temperatures increadeVery401m0gEthe-thipkness of the boundary layer in the tunnel. beside the difficulty it selecting the nozzle, a large thickness of the boundary layer, Which distorts the posture of the shocks and angles of disturbances, makes impossible to detdr- mine M of the flow by means of the shock's inclination or by the line of disturbance. For visual observations of the flow at high Ms the phenomenon of the luminosity of nitrogen due to its electrification (oxygen or argon can be also used but their luminosity is less bright)" is used. The new branch of aerodynamics, the aerodynamics of hypersonic speeds, pre- sently under development forms the theoretical basis of flight of inter- continental and ballistic rockets and missiles at high supersonic speeds. By investigating their characteristics one encounters a series of new and interesting problems the majoiity of which require special methods. STAT , WARNING: This document contains information affecting the national defenstrOkthe,;,.?United States Esititeri.lige Laws, Title 18, U.S. C., Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the reve.atiorf,of its con tAiiiiitnis".y.. una6i/iorized person is prohibited by law. It may not be reproduced in whole or in 'Part, b;r other than tl .41 Agericie's, except by permission of. the Director-of Intelligence, USAF A AF 11114-1.1 2a Al> REPLACES' AF)104412?PARVIA WHICH XtAralRE ? CLASSiFJCATICS; I DA. (SECURITY INFORM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24 :_CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 STAT ???? "'" ? / POCUI Ciravoi RoCuiupentie a CgoO -sr . ',AL& ? A.?...? ULLA 1-1--- .11r514". se ........ 6 Cr 4.s Fig. 1 - Schematic diagram Of the. flow around a plate at high 14. PunetIm 51runepleyfr WAIF IUIPUA firms II Roams Iv:1mm fritiEWM 3) 2 8 V fisoft omaltu -do 1) Expansion 2) Shock 3) Vacuum Fig. 2 - Coefficients or the lir; force of a plane plate for different Ms. 1) Linear 2) gypersanic 3) Angle of attack 4) Uncampressible et 80 60 S ? 2? 40 '4 ? 20 0 e 0 ? 40 ? 20 --. 0 N., 40 20 ' ONININ? 0 0 60 qv cs K.0.7 Aist -NO fl ?,/,0 210mmvumenvw(2 N0,414044ueffm .0060800 cenpondlenum Cs _J Fig. 3 - }tiers for a double- wedge, triangular and convex profiles, cal- culated for different parameters of similarity K. 1) Relative coefficient of lift force. 2) Relative coefficient of head resistance. trayit - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 ? Cffavort 17otpom c.o? Il Fig. 4 - Separation of the flow at - the trailing 3dge of a super- sonic airfoil. 1) Boundary layer '2) Shock 3) Subsonic part of boundary layer Fig. 5 - Pressure distribution over'a convex airfoil whose-thickmess is 8.8%, the angle of attack = 0 and M 2.13. On the dia- gram can be seen the in- creased pressure at the trailing edge of the air- foti. Fig. 6 - Three regions of hypersonic flow around a plane plate. I - Boundary layer II - Non-viscous flow III - Free stream 1) Shock wave 2) '.4ve of disturbance 5 1 7 II V Ai olueso Al Fig. 7 - Dependence of median pressure coefficient of a plans plate on M with and without the considera- tion cf interaction. 1) Resistance coefficient of fric- tion 2) With consideration of inter- action 3) Without consideration of interaction Fig. 8 Dependence of the "distance of intAr- action" on Re and M 1) The distance of interaction 11810'31 - 3TAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R0026nn1mn94_a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 ? ,s 4' STAT ? I' I Toff 700 $00 300 400 3000 2000 1000 IMII Hdeone..,a e0.1 344 A Am, Nworali 104 A Fitj 3,000. f . A 15000m Ira ' ?wows I 'mow) ' gi II 0 ? 8 a 4 20 MU vueno 4,0 nonmo? oettolkm- Noe ma cgcommu :gym 6 cmpompatve ? Fig. 9 - The temperature of retardation for bodies moving at different Mb and different altitudes. 1) Temperature of retardation 2) Ideal gas 3) Real gas 4) Dissociation 5) Fluctuating temperature 6) M of flight based on the speed of sound in the stratosphere Fig. 10 - Schematic drawing of hypersonic 1) Pressure chamber 2) Diaphragm 3) Section of Et constant expansion 4) Divergent section 5) Working part Impact pipe. 6) Observation section 7) Counter 8) Amplifiers 9) Transmitters 10) Spark discharger 11 .?('7(.!!'1. nAr.lassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/12/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002600130024-9 ?