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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 R STAT Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 R STAT Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 R STAT Next 7 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 irl TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD I. INTRODUCTION II. OBJECT III. SUMMARY IV. CONCLUSIONS V. RECOMMENDATIONS VI. DISCUSSION VII. REFERENCES VIII. APPENDIX I - Detailed Cost Analysis Extrusion Process Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 V Page No. 1 3 11 21 of the 41 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE NO. LIST OF FIGURES 10 P/N 608118 - Rear Main' Bearing.Support.Cone.Assembly. P/N 608109 - Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assemb1;y. 30 P/N 608120 - Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly. ? P/N 608569 - Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly. 5. P/N 226970 - Shaft, Turbine Rotor Front. STAT 30 31 32 33 34 6. Cutaway View of the Curtiss-Wright QI-65 Turbojet showing 35 the titanium parts and assemblies manufactured under this program. P/N 226961 - Rear Flange, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct 36 Assembly, Material Ti-A70. P/N 226956 - Front Flange, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct 36 Assembly, Material Ti-A700 9. P/N 226962 - Front Flange, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone 37 Assembly, Material Ti-A70. 10. P/N 226963 - Rear Flange, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, Material Ti-A70. 11. P/N 226964 - Flange Brace, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, Material Ti-A700 12?. P/N 226966 - Flange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield ? Assembly, Material Ti-A70. 13. P/N 227594 - Rear Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support 39 P/N 227596 - Front Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support 39 Assembly, Material Ti-AllO,Wr 37 38 .38 15. P/N 226970 Shaft, Turbine Rotor Front, Material Ti-A110-AT0 vii t' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE NO. LIST OF TABLES 10 Summary Analysis of the Cost of Extruding Ring and Tubular Titanium Sections through a 4,000 Ton and a 12,000 Ton Press ((uantity. 100 Units). 110 Detail Cost Breakdown For Contour Forming Extruded Sections into 360 degree Rings (Quantity - 100.Units). 1110 Detail Cost Breakdown for Flash-Butt Welding Titanium Rings (Quantity - 100 Units). STAT Page No. 23 IV. Detail Cost Breakdown for Sizing Titanium Rings 26 (Quantity - 100 Units). V. Summary Analysis Showing the Cost Breakdown by Processes 27 for Manufacturing Titanium Components from Cast Ingot Extrusions (Quantity - 100 Units). VI. Cost of Detail Titanium Parts by Conventional Manu- 28 facturing Methods. VII. Detail Cost Comparison Between Titanium Components 29 Manufactured by Conventional Techniques versus Extruding from Cast Ingots (quantity- 100 Units). 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release I , Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 SCHEMATIC COMPARISON OF MANUFACTURING METHODS FOR TITANIUM RING SECTIONS DEPICTING THE ADVANTAGES OF EXTRUDING DIRECTLY FROM CAST INGOTS !mull llllllll;IIftui,II,pI,il,,ssIutuuilpIlIIu,plIIiiIIII,IIIIIIIIIt 155 LBS 0111111111101.111iiiiiIIIIMMMIIMIOPOWEIHT11011.11011111111111011111111101.11???Illi 115 LBS. CAST 114G01 COST %5.50/L8. 1 l lll lllllllllllllllllll llll llllll llll I 10$10," BILLET FORGINGWGT, 100 LBS, COST 111050/LB, 400"1 EXTRUSION OF DETAIL SHAPE WAT.. GO LBS, COST $ 19/LB. BARS= ROLLING WGT. 118 LBS. COST 16/LB 3 ? llllll lllll ?1 10.4 ttttttttt Ohl ttt t ? tttttttttttttttt ttttttt t tttttttttt ttt I ttttttttt /.11111111.1 ttttt 44444 1111011111 4444444 444444444444 lllll list ttttt I.1 tttttttt 1111111111E FOR5MING 1101011.1 tttttt 101101111101,010.' WELDING SIZE tttttt 11.11111t$111 ttttttttt I lllllllll FINISHED PART WEIGHT 30 LB. UNITS t1 lll 55550 0 1015051,1 clii,tt II is CONVENTIONAL FORGING PART COST 8/13, (FINISHED WEIGHT) PART COST 93 (30 LB. UNIT FINISHED WM; ) MATERIAL UTILIZATION % PROCUREMENT CYCLE (MO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 I. INTRODUCTION Conventional manufacturing techniques applied to titanium and titanium alloy jet engine components result in high costs primarily due to low material utilization and subsequent loss of the expensive material through machining. For titanium jet engine components applicable to the extrusion process, i0e. flange and tubular sections, a new production method capable of high material utilization has been developed. This was accomplished primarily through the use of the extrusion process. In addition, the use of cast ingots as the extrusion stock has reduced the end product cost appreciably. The flow chart presented on the previous page schematically illustrates the high material utilization and low costs available from cast ingot extrusions by comparing this method to forging and conventional extrusion of forged billets. Consequently, compared to conventional forging, or flash-butt welding rings from barstock, this new process is capable of reducing the costs of such components by as much as 40 percent. In addition to reduced costs, through metallurgical evaluation and engine testing, these components have been demonstrated to be of equivalent quality to conventionally manufactured parts. The results of the engine testing evaluation and a detail analysis of the economics of the process are presented in this report. Although a 12,000 ton press was used exclusively for the actual extrusions a maximum pressure requirement of Woo tons was observed for the flange shapes. Therefore, extrusion cost figures are presented separately for both a 4000 ton and a 12,000 ton press. Lower costs result from the use of the 4000 ton press due to the lower hourly cost of this unit ($150/hr vs. $600/hr.). Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ?.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? II. OBJECT The objective of this final report is to: 1. Present an economic analysis of the developed titanium manufacturing method 'which utilizes the extrusion process, and 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Present the results of engine testing of the titanium parts manufactured by this method. STAT 3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 III. SUMMARY 4 1. Three sheet metal assemblies and the turbine rotor shaft were submitted to a 150 hour model engine test. Review of the parts after engine testing revealed no adverse effect of the test on the titanium? The following lists the cost per pound of extruded sections pro- duced from cast ingots utilizing a 4000 ton press and a 12000 ton press Part Number 226956 226961 Name Flanges, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct AssUy0 Mat9L. AMS 4921 Rough Cost of Extruded Sections Weight (l1LsLpund 11111_ Agp ton Press 12000 ton press 402 8 09 226962 Flanges, Rear Main 907 226963 Bearing Support Cone 607 226964 Assuy0 Matol. AMS492/ 5.0 226966 Flange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assuy0 Mat10 AMS 4921 17.00 14.00 14.50 15000 18050 26,00 18.00 19 50 20050 27.00 204 20.50 33.00 227594 Flanges, Turbine Stator 804 227596 Blade Support Ass'y. 903 MatuL A1104T 2050. 22.50 27.00 30.00 226970 Shaft-Turbine Rotor 43 50 28.00 Front - A1104T The range of prices for the AMS 4921 'material using a 4000 ton press ($14000/1b to $20050/ib) is comparable to the cost of round mill sections. The slightly higher costs for the A1104T sections is primarily due to the leaser die lite than that obtainable for the AMS 4921 material. 30 The cost of forming, welding, and sizing of the extruded sections ranges between $4050/1b and $10/1b0 The higher costs result primarily from the smaller diameter, heavier cross-section shapes. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 S.STAT III* 21121gLiagla 40 The following tabularizes the cost of manufacture of each detail part for both a 4000 ton and a 12000 ton press.. Also presented in this table is a comparison to the estimated costa by conven- tional techniques. Part Number Name Cost.k.glcIngon (Dollars) Am.ton Press 12000 tonjoress Cost Conventional TedhlialatE022aEL ? IV. CONCLUSIONS 1. Titanium and titanium alloy components manufactured from cast ingot extrusionshave properties, as demonstrated by both metallurgical examination and engine model testing, which are equivalent to conventionally manufactured parts. 225956 Flanges-Rear. Main 105.00 226961 Bearing Vapor Duct 175000 Assoy. 226962 Flanges-Rear Main 226963 Bearing Support 226964 Cone Ass'yc, 226966 Flange, Combustion Chamber fieat Shield Assoy. 182.00 134000 129.00 143000 216.00 152.00 297.00 rettopt 232.00 173.00 171.00 74000 104.00 254.00 200.00 157.00 76000 This newly developed method of extruding directly from cast ingots is considerably more economical Ulan manu- facture by conventional techniques such as forging or flash-butt welding barstock. In addition to lower costs, considerably less raw mate- rial is required to manufacture components by this pro- cess. Consequently, the widespread use of this method will greatly reduce the procurement cycle and increase the availability of titanium mill products such as sheet. 227594 Flanges, Turbine 22800 227596 Stator Blade Support 269000 Asey0 284000 337.00 266000 304.00 , 226970 Shaft, Turbine Rotor- Front f=") 1294000 1630.00 While a definite advantage exists for most of the larger flange shapes with the use of a 12000 ton press, a considerably lower cost would be possible with a 4000 ton press due to the lower press burden rate. Compared to conventional manufacturing methods cost reductions as high as 40 percent are indicated. In.all cases enaverage savings of 25 percent is indicated. The procurement cycle for components manufactured from extruded sections is equivalent to that presently obtainable utilizing ? conventional techniques0 ftowever? with an increase in the volume of extrusions the cycle time for such components will be considerably less than that for conventionally manufactured parts? , rlarlaccifiPri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Disseminate the information presented in this final report, throughout the aircraft industry for its use for govern- mental purposes. Direct all users of titanium for governmental purposes to review their drawings for components applicable to the extrusion process to insure minimum cost and maximum mate- rial utilization? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION In the following section of this report, Part II, a production method is described for manufacturing jet engine components such as flanges and tubular shafts. Both types of parts utilized the extrusion process as the primary operation to transform cast ingots into the required basic cross-sections. For the flanges, the extruded shapes were formed into 360 degree rings, flash-butt welded and sized. These rings were then machined to the detailed part dimensions and welded to sheet metal components to form a jet engine assembly. For the shaft, the extruded tube was upset on both ends and machined to detail part dimensions, thus permitting it to become part of the turbine rotor assembly. In this manner, the detailed parts were produced utilizing considerably less material than that required to make these ? same parts by conventional techniques such as forging or flash-butt welding rings from barstock. A. Engine Testing To manufacture the parts for the production phase, both cas ingots and forged billets of A70 and AllOAT material were extruded. A metallurgical analysis was then performed on the extruded lengths and the finished formed rings. This study revealed the properties of the cast ingot extru- sions to be equivalent to those made from forged billets. In addition the mechanical properties of both materials were found to conform to the applicable specification requirements. STAT To permit a further evaluation of the product of this newly developed manufacturing method, the assemblies, composed of the detail parts, were engine tested. These units are shown pictorially in Figures 1 through 5 and are listed below: 1, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly P/N 608120 ?2, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly P/N 608109 3. Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly P/N 608118 4. Turbine Rotor Shaft - Front P/N 226970 5. Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly P/N 608569 The first four units listed above were assembled into a J-65-W-18 model engine and were submitted to a typical development testing common to the development of other engine components currently programmed. This testing) representing an unofficial 150 hour model test, is identical to that em- ployed in qualifying a part for flight testing or service engines. This testing was not possible for the Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly. This assembly was manufactured to a configuration common only to the J-65-W12 model. Since engine testing of this model is not presently active, the test- ing of this assembly was deleted from the program, As previously noted, the assemblies were made of both AMS 4921 and AllQAT Titanium, In engine operation the AMS 14.921 material was used to replace carbon and stainless steel, thus providing a lightweight replacement for mildly stressed, and/or corrosion resistant steel parts for temperatures 11, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION (CONTID to 700?F. The AllNAT material replaced higher stressed units made of low carbon or low alloy steels at temperatures to 1000?F. The locations of these titanium components in the engine are shown schematically in Figure 6, The titanium assemblies will be subjected in the future to addi- tional model testing and, possibly flight testing or service engines pending continued support by the military. Economic Analysis One of the major, if not the most important aspect sof the program is an economic analysis. The following presents such an analysis for this manufacturing method for a quantity of 100 units. Extrusion Operation The detail cost breakdown for the extruded sections is pre. sented in Appendix I and summarized in Table I. To under- stand this analysis it is noted that all flange extrusions are made from cast ingots. Two and three hole dies are used for the extrusion of each part except P/N 226961. The cross. section area of this part is sufficiently large to permit its extrusion through a single orifice die. The rotor shaft vat also extruded through a single opening die. The geome- tries of the finished parts are presented in Figures 7 through 15. The following presents a discussion of each of the major factors contributing to the cost of the extrusiOn operation presented in Appendix I and summarized in Nole I. Cost of Ektrusion Stock Two factors contribute to the cost of the raw material pro- cured4 first, and foremost, the cost per pound of the mate- rial3 and second, the quantity of material required. The following lists the cost of the titanium extrusion stock for the quantities considered AMS 4921 8 inv diae 16 in. dia. (Flanges) (Rotor Shaft) $5050/1b 6,15/1b $5090/1b S'S TAT VI DISCUSSION CONT D The quantity of material procured is determined in this case, from the extrusion operation yield and the generated scrap. It was previously established that an extrusion yield of approximately 70 percent is Obtainable. The mate- rial lost is primarily attributed to the unextruded butt. A scrap factor of approximately 15 percent is also required. This scrap is generated in off-dimension extrusions. There3 fore, the overall yield, i,e, material purchased vs mate- rial shipped, is between 50 and 6o percent? Press Costs All the work on this program was performed on the 12,000 ton horizontal extrusion press located at Metals Processing Divi- sion in Buffalo, N.Y. Only the rotor shaft required the full press capacity. Both the AES 4921 and A110-AT flanges were extruded through multi-opening dies utilizing the 4,000 ton stage of this press. For the manufacture of production parts this situation is economically prohibitive due to the relatively high overhead rate for a 12000 ton press ($600/hr). It would be more economical to extrude these sections through multi.opening dies using a 4000 ton press directly. The over- head rate of this size press is approximately 3150/hr. In addition, considerably more material can be produced per hour through a 4000 ton press vs0 the use of the 4000 ton stage of a 12000 ton press due to the higher cycle rate. For these reasons, the figures for press costs are quoted separatively for a 4000 ton press and a 12000 ton press, TWO cost figures are presented for the 12000 ton press. The first figures (second column under press costs) represents the cost actually incurred in manufacturing the parts on this program. Due to the limited volume of titanium processed and the intermittent use of the press for steel extrusions only one of the salt baths was equipped with a low temperature salt for heating the titanium (1600?F). It is noted that the salt used to heat steel at approximately 2100?F could not be used at temperatures below 1800?F without contamination of the salt and eventual attack on the furnace. Consequently as indicated in Appendix I the number of extrusions per hour was limited because of the availably heating capacity. For a sufficiently large volume of titanium extrusions both salt baths could be converted to the lower temperature salt, If this was not the case and titanium and steel were extruded intermittently an additional salt bath would be required to obtain the optimum use of such a 12000 ton press. The press cost under the latter conditions is presented in, the third column, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Yff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI0 IgLaggaigILDEL At present, all production suppliers of titanium extrusions use single opening dies. Consequently, until all the practices presented in this series of reports are put into practice by commertial extruders with relatively small units and ring manufecturers, the values presented for the 12000. ton press may be the most economical, even considering the relatively small cross-sections involved9 i.e. less than 1.5 in2. The rotor shaft, having a cross-section area of approximately 12 1112 cannot be extruded through anything less than a 12000 ton press due to the required pressures. Dies Die inserts costing approximately $175/insert are used ex- clusively for the flanges. The die costs, therefore, are established by the quantity of inserts required to complete the order. For the A70 material each insert is capable of producing a total extrusion length of approximately 100 ft. The length per each extrusion is a maximum of 20 ft. and 5 extrusions can be made per die. Extruding thA A1104T mate- rial is considerably rougher on die life. Approximately 15 ft0 of extrusion can be made satisfactorily and each extru- sion requires the use of a new die. Miscellaneous Charges The value indicated in this column is primarily composed of the cost required to perform the testing for certification of the extruded sections, 5911144.1r:Fe9A These columns aresatetplatatory. The. addition of G and A and profit to the actual cost,. .yield the selling priceg Based on this selling price the following list of costs per pound of the extruded sections has been determined. Cest lb Part Numberad..?,oRtujitt, hoop Ton 2,2000 Ton 226956 226961 226962 226963 226964 Name Flanges, Rear Main Brg. Vapor Duct Assembly Flangess, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly 402 17.00 809 l400 907 607 500 14.50 15.00 18.50 26.00 18.00 19.50 20.50 27.00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release VI DISCUSSION CONTID Part Number Name allEIBLEI? STAT 000 Ton 1 000 Ton 226966 Flange9 Combustion 204 20050 Chamber Heat Shield Assembly 227594 227596 Flanges., Turbine Stator Blade Sup- port Assembly 33.00 604 200 27.00 903 22.50 30.00 226970 Shaft, Turbine 43050 28.00 Rotor Front For the most part9 the prices for the 11.000 ton press are directly competitive with commercially available bar of comparable cross.section area. 2. Forming, Welding, Sizing & Upsetting Based on the results obtained from processing theoproduction phase parts an engineering survey was made by the ring manufacturing and upsetting vendors to establish the cost for processing a quantity of 100 units. The eslAblished costs for these secondary operations iae0 forming9 wld ing and sizing for the flanges are presented in detail in Tables 11 through IV for each operation. The total costfor the ring manufacturing operation are summarized in Table Va Formiu The equipment used to form the extruded sections into 360 degree rings was a Bath Radial Draw Former? Prior to forming, the extruded ANS 4921 titanium sections Were heated to the temperature range of 700?F to 1000?F while the higher temperature range of 1200?F to 1400?F was required for the AllNAT sections. In general, con. tour forming was accomplished by three passes on the machine. The first pass is a rough forming operation fol,lowed by a second pass which formed the part to the desired diameter. The final pass was used to round=off the ends of the ring thus preparing them for subsequent welding. An end trimming operation and reheating is required between each forming pass. A breakdown of the ring forming cost is presented in Table II. The three items contributing to this cost axe the machine time9 trimming and inspection time and the cost for tool maintenance. The overhead rate 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 15 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI EllEallii25.E21 for this equipment is approximately 16.00/hr. Consequentay, the actual forming cost is a direct function of the time re. ?faired to form eaeh ring. Except for the more complex shape, namely P/N 226961 and the AllNAT rings, the actual machine cost is not appreciably effected by minor variations in cross section. The next largest factor contributing to the cost of ring forming is the cost of trimming the rings between forming passes and inspecting ? A nominal tooling maintenance charge is required to maintain the desired configuration of the die and rolls. The latter two charges are affected very slightly by the ring configuration. Welding For welding the formed sections, the cost figures are based on the use of a Thomson Model F-5 welder, Table III. The two major items contributing to the cost of welding the ex- truded and formed sections are the machine time and the cost for flash removal. Indeed, the cost incurred in the presently utilized method of hand chipping and grinding for flash removal represent one-half of the cost for this pro- cess. In general, considering the variations in cross sections examined, the finished part cost;were found to be only slightly effected by material or cross section. Slightly higher costs, however, did result from the smaller diameter, heavier cross section rings, (PAT 226961) as considerably more care was required in their processing. The'actual welding costs vary from $3/part to $6.50/part Sizing of all rtngswas accomplished on a 225 ton brake presto Prior to sizing the ring shapes, both the dies and rings were heated to the range of 700 to 1250?F. This permitted the ANS 4921 material to be expanded 2 to 3 per- cent and the A110-AT rings to be expanded a maximum of 1 1/2 percent? A two step operation was used in sizing all rings, The detail cost breakdown for the sizing operation is pre. sented in Table IV ? The major items contributing to the sizing cost are the machine charges and the cost for in- spection. in general, the cost pr sizing is nominal and ranges fro m $50O/pet t!'e, '605 rto 16 VI pj.m?z2Ejazpl EILE2212.21.11LE! In Tables II through IV, the actual costs of forming, welding and sizing were presented, based on an engine- ering survey. To establish the selling price for the ring manufacturing operations, two additional factors must be considered. These factors are the cost of scrap and profit and G St A These items are presented at the end of Table IV. A scrap factor of 10 percent of the cost of the extruded section was added to the cost of the actual operations. This factor is exceedingly high and will remain so until considerably more experience is gained by the ring manu- facturers in processing titanium. It is estimated that this factor need not exceed 2 percent in production pro. cessing once the vendors have familarized themselves with the processing of titanium. In the same way as for the extruded section, the cost of G 8i:A and profit has been included. In this manner, a realistic cost for the present day procurement of these sections has been pre- sented. This total cost is presented in the last column of Table IV. Prices ranging from approximately $25/part to $60/part are noted. These prices represent a cost per pound of approximately $8.00. In general, slightly higher costs are observed for the A110-AT material com- pared to the ANS 4921 material. !i S.STAT YE2Y111E In processing the production phase parts, a 6" Ajax air forging machine was used to upset the flanges on the ex. truded tube to produce the turbine rotor shaft. In this operation, a 3 step pass with intermittent heating to 19001 was used. While this resulted in a successful upset for the prototype part, the production parts had a lap at the inner diameter beneath the flange. This is discussed in detail in Part 2 of this final report. In performing the engineering survey to obtain the cost of upsetting 100 shafts, it was decided, due to the lap which resulted in the 3 pass operation to base the analysis on a L. pass operation with intermittent heating. This price has been established at $83.30 per shaft. This cost is primarily that required to perform the actual upsetting and therefore, represents a machine burden charge. In addition to this cost per piece, a fixed tooling charge of $14,725, is anticipated. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release VI EMEMISEER/ 3. Finished Detail Part Costs Table V presents a detail summary analysis of the cost of manufacturing the complete detail part from cast ingot extrusions. In this anaTysis? the costsfor both a 4000 ton and a 12000 ton press are presented. Considering the use of a 4000 ton press, the finished part cost is evenly distributed among material, extru. sion and ring manufacture. The following tebularizes the finished part costs. Part Number eligialawisocos 226956 226961 226962 226963 226964 226966 Name Flanges, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly Flanges, Bear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly Flange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly 227524 Flanges, Tarbine 227596 Stator Blade Support Assembly 226970 Shaft, Turbine Rotor Front Economic Comparison Finished Part Cost ton ress 12000 ton press $105.00 $143x0 175.00 216.00 182.00 134.00 129.00 74.00 228.00 269.00 232.00 173.00 171.00 104.00 284.00 337.00 129)1..00 Prior to the initiation of this development program, three of the sheet metal assemblies and the turbine rotor shaft were procured in small quantities for development engine testing. The cost of these components is listed in Table VI. It is emphasized that these cost figures are for very small quanti- ties procured in 1953 and 19540 To enable a direct comparison between the two manufacturing methods, the cost figures presented in Table VI have been adjusted for larger quantities at present day material and labor costs. This comparison is presented in Table VII. This data indicates savings up to 4o percent and an average savings exceeding 25 percent of the cost by conventional methods. 13/09/09 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI EIMEEELIMIZEI For the four sheet metal assemblies and the rotor shaft, a total maximum savings of $745.00 has been attained. This savings considers the use of the 4000 ton press for the flanges and the 12000 ton press for the shaft. This savings is for a total of only nine specific components0 Extrapolating this information to applicable shapes, i.e. rotating shrouds, stator blade carrier rings, etc0 in a jet engine such as the J-6.5 indicates a total potential savings per engine in excess of MOO. For a total of 1000 engines, this savings rapidly increases to a value in excess of $3,500,000. At present, the procurement cycle for parts manufactured in this newly developed way is comparable to conventional techniques. A three month procurement cycle time for ex. traded sections is readily obtainable. This cycle time will improve considerably with the widespread utilization of extrusions. 19 neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release STAT VII REFERENCES 10 Final Report on "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development" Submitted by Metals Processing Division to Wright Aeronautical Division, January, 1957. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 21 co ?cr Lc) (NI co ?cr o_ 0 4:3) 4:3) cr) c\I 0 a) cf) a) 75 ct 0 73 a) 2 0_ 0_ iN CL 0 0 73 a) o_ 0 --14/009$ - sso.xduo1. 000ZT fat1/05-ES ssoad sag. 0001 a0J-e2awqo Lian0H :HICK . QUOM ocroo9'z oo-oo9'z curoo9'z ooroo9'z owoo9'z 00.009gZ 00'009'Z 00'009'3 arum orlaz oo-Lzz o9'LL oi-5CT . oz-9CT o1-69T oC-I9T ow6oT wrtmT 6o-CEC 96-L9z OE'06 59.Z91 50-e51 IL-55z oz"n6T L9'TET 69-6oz ZI'ILI Ltrz6 15-96 oi'6CI LO'UT EC-zl z6-901 zn'E zn-c 90-c zn-C 9o-C zn-C zn-C 9o-c 9C-95 oo-nL o5-55 ott-L o-CTI gre CC-9 98'9 o5-65z oo-C9 09-15 05-ez o5"on oo-9E oo'gn ocr5n ocr9c -ola 'soTlaodoad pouTago said sTsItsuytvoT=940 soTVVET3vj 2u-msoll risuoTZTPPw 1N-Tot 1Tuu oin 000ZI q.Tun 000n siaaw oo-65n oorgot oz-59 . oo-6E oo*C9 oo?ns 00-8/. 00'a 00'15 g6-9 81.-5 91'5 96'9 E5.9 91'5 51-oL5 TL-L9 z9-5L 65-nz 59'55 99'0 92-99 zg-C9 6-E'n oL69zz 965Lzz R65Lzz 9969zz n969zz c969zz z969zz 19692z 9569zz o2asto uTI00.1 PaxTal INDVITITswa 2u14soll Teu0WCPPy snld ** 000ZI *uoI 000ZT 0001 ooTaa 2uTtias so2awm *THE 'ospA t - gq.200 laTa se-PITIToval 2trp.woH IsuoT4Tppy said **0002T *uoI 000ZT sqsoo ssoad Aooq.s uoTsnal.aq Jo i.so3 Jocronli WIRd (sarcua Sq.-mtrenb) tossaa uoy 000ZI y 72 110,1 000n y tprto-itu stcopzoos asinqua, 7g '217rpzi 2O-vpn.z431( qao3 gm. jo srpo,Cteuy Zretuarns I TEM 1 _ _ : . 7.; '-ikr't.W,51141 ?cr c\I co ?cr o_ 0 2013/09/09 ?- ? cn 75 ct iitized Copy Approved fo 7o CD CD CD (i) (D 01 60/60/? I-0Z -I 170008 I- 009Z001?170 1-0- I- ed CI 1-VI 0 , TABLE II Detailed Cost Breakdown For Contour FonaingExtruded Section Into 360 Degree Binge (Quantity 100 Units), Part Number Name Material Bough Weight (s.) lb Cross Section Area (In. 2) Bing Diameter (In.) Fpreing Trimming & Inspection No. of passes per ring Pieces per hour per pass Total hears per ring Machine Cost at $16/hr ($/part) Time Enquiredintenance (brs/part) Cost at (t/Z t) Tooling Ma ($/part) Total Forming Cost ($/part) Tooling Cbarge ($) 226956 Flanges, Rear Main AMS 4921 4.2 0.53 12.9 3 8 .375 6.00 .333 2.68 1.50 10.18 4,000 226961 Bearing Vapor Duct u a 8.9 1.56 9.0 4 5 .800 12.80 .410 3.28 2.30 18.38 5,600 Assembly 226962 Flanges, Bear Maim is a 9.7 0.96 16.3 3 7.5 .399 6.39 .333 2,68 1.50 10.57 4,000 226963 Bearing Support MI le 6.7 1.12 7.9 3 7 .426 6.81 .333 2.68 1.60 11.09 4,300 226964 Cone Assembly a is 5.0 0.70 13.0 3 7.5 .359 6.39 .333 2.68 1.50 10.57 4,000 226966 Flange, Combustion M M 2.4 0.29 14.4 3 10 .300 4.80 .333 2.68 1.40 8.88 3,800 Chamber Heat Shield Assembly 227594 Flanges Turbine AllOAT 6.4 1.04 12.9 4 5 .800 12.80 .410 3.28 2.10 18.18 4,200 227596 Stator lands TR MI 9.3 0.81 19.5 4 6 .665 10.66 .410 3.28 2.10 16.05 4,200 Support Assembly NOTEs Equipment - Bath Radial Draw Former TABLE III Detail Cost Breakdown For Flash-Butt Welding Extruded Sections (Quantity 100 Units) N Part Number Name Material Rough Weight (lbs.) Machine Set-up Time (hrs/part) Welding Rate (parts/hr) Welding Time (hrs/part Machine Cost at $12/hr ($/part) Cost of Die Maintenance ($/part) Cost of Flash Removal ($/part) Misc. Costs 1.e. X-ray, Trimming awal, Ito. part Total Welding Cost ($/part) Fixed Tooling Charge ($) 226956 Flanges, Rear APB 4921 4.2 0.01 20 0.05 0.72 0.15 2.40 0.60 3.87 800 226961 Main Dearing p m 8.9 0.02 10 0.10 1.414 1.00 3.20 0.90 6.54 2,500 Vapor Duct Assly 226962 Flanges, Rear. n IN 9.7 0.015 15 0.067 0.98 0.30 2.67 1.20 5.15 1,000 226963 Main Bearing ti ii 6.7 0.02 15 0.067 1.04 0.30 2.40 0.60 4.34 1,200 226964 Support Cane si n 5.0 0.01 20 0.05 0.72 0.15 2.67 0.60 4.14 800 Assembly 226966 Flange, Combustkn " " 2.4 0.01 20 0.05 0.72 0.15 1.60 0.60 3.07 800 Chamber Heat Shield Assembly 2275914 Flanges, Turbine Anon' 6.4 0.015 15 0.067 0.98 0.30 2.67 1.20 5.15 1,000 227596 Stator Blade " 9.3 0.01 20 0.05 0.72 0.15 2.67 0.60 4.05 1,000 Support Assembly t NCtTE: Equipment - Thomson Welder Model 7-5 ?, .200 - 400 KV& 40,000 lbs. max. upset force. 100,000 lbs. MR3. clamping force. 2-11- (D 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 NY 0 0 - 7:1 0 0 01 i\D 0 0 OD 0 0 0 TABLE IV Detail Cost Breakdown For Sizing Titanium Binge (Quantity 100 Units) Fart number Name Material Rough Weight (lbs.) No. of passes per ring Pieces/ br/pass Total bre/ring Beehine Cost at $10/hr (1) (Inspection ($/part) Tooling Maintenance ($/part) Total Sizing Cost (5/part) Tooling Charge (S/part) Scrap Costs ($/part) 0 &A 'Form & Profit Total Cost Meld &Siza ($/part) 226965 Flanges, Bear Main IMS 4921 4.2 2 a .25 2.50 1.80 1.08 5.38 3,200 7.23 5.84 32.50 226961 Bearing Vapor Duct n n 8.9 2 6 .30 3.34 1.80 1.48 6.62 3,200 12.21 9.60 53.35 Assembly 226962 iFlanges, Rear Bain n 5 9.7 2 8 .25 2.50 1.80 1.08 5.38 3,200 13.91 7.64 42.65 226963 IBearing Support 16 U 6.7 2 8 .25 2.50 1.80 1.12 5.42 3,400 9.85 6.70 37.40 226964 1 Cone Assembly n 5.0 2 8 .25 2.50 1.80 1.08 5.38 3,200 9.29 6.44 35.82 226966 Flange, Combustion 2.4 2 10 .20 2.00 1.80 .98 4.78 3,100 4.79 4.73 26.25 Chamber Beat Shield 'Assembly , 2275914 ' Flanges Turbine 227596 ; Stator Flanges, Sup- i port Assembly AllOkT n 6.4 9.3 2 2 6 .30 3.34 1.80 1.30 6 .30 3.34 1.80 1.30 6.44 6.44 3,300 17.11 3,300 20.99 10.29 10.72 57.17 57.55 I i NOTE: Ebleipment - 225 Ton Break Press Scrap Costs Eratinated At 10% of Value of Eratruded Section. TABLE V Summary Analysis Showing The Cost Breakdown By Processes For Manufacturing Titanium Components From Cast Ingot Rktrusions. (Quantity 100 Unite) Part Number Name Material Rough Weight (lbs.) Material Cost ($/part) Extrusion Cost ($/part) Bing Manu- facturing coot ($/part) Upsetting Cost (S/Part) Finished Part Cost (1 Cost Per Pound of Material 4000 Ton press 12000 Ton press 4000 Ton press 12000 Ton press 4000 Tan press (5) 12000 Ton press (5) 226956 226961 226962 226963 226964 226966 227594 227596 226970 Flanges, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct IsseMbay Flanges, Bear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly Flange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly Flanges, Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly Shaft, Turbine Rotor Front ABS 4921 n ft ft ft ft ft AllOAT ft 4.3 8.9 9.7 6.7 5.0 2.11 6.14 9.3 43.5 /42.00 814.00 89.00 614.00 56.00 25.00 76.00 88.00 570.00 30.00 38.00 50.00 314.00 37.00 23.00 95.00 122.00 68.00 79.00 100.00 72.00 79.00 53.00 151.00 190.00 61&1. 00 33.00 53.00 143.00 37.00 36.00 26.00 57.00 58.00 ?????? 83.00 105.00 175.00 182.00 134.00 129.00 714.00 228.00 268.00 110.00 216.00 232.00 173.00 171.00 1014.00 284.00 336.00 1294.00 24.50 19.50 19.00 20.00 26.00 31.00 35.50 29.00 33.00 2/4.00 214.00 26.00 314.00 43.50 1411.50 36.00 33.00 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE VI Cost uf Detail T4tanium r_ts Conventional ManufaoturinK Part Number 226956 226961 226962 226963 226964 226966 226970 Forging Cost Per Weight Cost Per 9SABILY PieSti_ 12-ILL1 Pound 1, 2 356,00 8,4 42,50 353 , 00 16 . 5 21,40 1114.00 14.1 79.00 392.00 11.1 35.00 191.00 8.7 22.00 282.00 4.0 70.00 2055 .00 74.0 28.00 8 88 -4g 0 mm 1-4 NM 888 8 IAMM - anlowpitm luTu - - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 P/N 226962 P/N 608118 heir Main Bering Support Coone Assembly - FIG. 1,-P/N 608118 "REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY STATcr P/N 226956 /14 608109 REAR MAIN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY FIG. 2- P/N 608109- REAR MAN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 P/N 226962 P/N 608118 heir Main Bering Support Coone Assembly - FIG. 1,-P/N 608118 "REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY STATcr P/N 226956 /14 608109 REAR MAIN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY FIG. 2- P/N 608109- REAR MAN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 31 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ,4q REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE COMBUSTION CHAMBER HEAT SHIELD TURBINE ROTOR SHAFT-FRONT S'S TAT TURBINE STATOR BLADE SUPPORT REAR MAIN BEARING VAPOR DUCT FIGURE 6 CUTAWAY VIEW OF THE CURTISS-WRIGHT J65 TURBOJET SHOWING THE TITANIUM PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES MANUFACTURED UNDER THIS PROGRAM. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 N Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: .5.1 ?29i 0/r7 3.0?\ 42.51r. rrk,t9 ? 70S- 041'. -/ .436 (TkP 1.2G9 2.192 (FE r) FIGURE 7. P/N 226961 - Rear Flange, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, Material Ti-A70. 36 FIGURE 8. P/N 226956 - Front Flange, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, Material Ti -A70. \51 324 f 917 1.411e, FIGURE 9. P/N 226962 - Front Flange, Rear Main Bering Support Cone AssyV, Material Ti-A70. 37 ./50P 7875 27140 / ,37.5 4 S.STAT FIGURE 10. P/N 226963'- Rear Flange, Rear main Bearing Support Cone Asssy, Material Ti-A 70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 tfi -1; (ry) 44I4-.. FIGURE 11. P/N 226964 - Flange Brace, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assly, Material Ti-A70 38 0 FIGURE 12. P/N 226966 . Flange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Au' y, Material Ti-A70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release FIGURE 13. S.STAT 306 *1100(erw7e0)1 -/.2o3 e'redng$9.)--0- P/N 227594 - Rear Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly, Material Ti- A 110-AT. 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 39 FIGURE 14. P/N 227596 Front Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly, Material - Ti-A110-AT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 DETAILED COST ANALYSIS OF THE EXTRUSION PROCESS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VIII, APPENDIX I DETAILED COST ANALYSIS OF THE EXTRUSION PROCESS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 I 1,-.1 . ?1-7fIrlf10 I t-Irs7rInvina?n If-N_I ? csnirs rs in I I .e .4,000 TOR PRESS ITEM 1 of 8 MP 9045 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET VAD ?OD - 275 100 PCS. Customer Mat. Specs. Quantity Requited Inquiry No FLANGE - Part Name Part No. & C/L 226956 Production Rate Date 522-57 MATERIAL 163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.D. Si I.D. LGTH. 541 0.0.1 3 1.0.1 LGTH. 4.9 FIRM DATE BUYER Request 3017 MAT. COST/LB. 5.50/# from Oregon netallurgic.al Corp. MAT. COST/PIECE 780 A 5-50 WEIGHT/BILLET 4 23 6.5 PIECES/BILLET 10 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. ScroP) 12 54 SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 780 s YIELD 6-S] MAT. SCRAP VALUE 780 less 42341..? 357# 4 20?/# ( 71 ) MANUFACTURING DATA MANUFACTURING COST 4219 255 PUSHES/HR. 7 PIECES/PUSH 2 hole Die 3.0 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 1.7 bra a $150/lar on .4000 ton presen W DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PUSHES/HR. Set up 1.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. Set up & prorsted chnnogPosrpt- of 8 i hens - 1_75 0 150/hr 263 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. ' CHANGE-OVER COST/PC- BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. .25 MACHINING COST/PC. 25 hys a 10-00 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE .5 PURCHASED SERVICES Mach. Spec. 36.00 PURCHASED SERVICES: a 56 Interstitial Analysis 20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER 20% Control Check FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Toots First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Insert - 6 0 $185 DT 1110 25 Pc finsegrt 0 0 0 888 TN st Rn fir Up PI Rip DT Inn Tri. tinl door Reek Pinto, DT 500 tummy Block in 400 Extrusion Guide DT 800 TI4spl at.. lkilma gap TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST ?4 3710 ,S scRAP Included- - LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS * 1,000 Ton Press & Complete Heating raCi1itie5 PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS - SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS. TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST TOTAL TOOLING COST sao 1.512 There Will Be An 6 Hr. Change over 8 s G. & A. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Whenever This ur A Group Of These SUB TOTAL Parts Are Run 10 s PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SUcl TOTAL 7233 Straightness 1/8" In 5' % RENT PRICE/LB. 17.10 PRICE/PIECE 7233 each INSTALLATION Twist 5upT Max- 20? In 5 irt_ DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST Transyer?Q TLAtroi45R 0 025,A3- MFG. ENG.. SHIPPINGSCHEDULE Furnished As Extruded & Scaled WORK STDS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD_ CONT. TOOLING ax Iit 12000?to PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER ped peg!ssepea -0 4000 TON PRESS Its 2 of 8 MP 90-6 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET WAD , 275 Customer Mat. Specs. MPD ? Quantity Require FLANGE 226962 Port Name Part No. & C/L Production Rate Date 100; PCS Inquiry No 5-22-57 MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 9020 0.0. 8., I.D. LGTH. 10^ 0-D-Area-.96 /r.. I.D- LGTH. 6211 FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 82# WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 9.7# MAT. COST/LB. 5..50/-k--- PIECES/BILLET 6 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 11-7# MAT. COST/PIECE 1640# A5.50 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. Scrap) 20 % SCRAP 16.7 TOTAL GROSS WT. 1640 a YIELD 10.1 MAT. SCRAP VALUE 1640# less 970# - 670# 420ti# MANUFACTURING COST ( 134. 8886 435 MANUFACTURING DATA PUSHES/HR. *70 PIECES/PUSH 2 Hole Die 6 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 2,,9 kr.; /50/1yrn on 44000 ton p-reals./T.W- DEV. a TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PUSHES/HR. Sot Up 1 ..e) DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. set uo-Thr & ororate of Chan e`OVer ? 1.7 - 26 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. ? CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. BILLET HEATING MACHINING TIME/PC. 25 MACHINING COST/PC. 25 hr s sg 10.00 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE ?PURCHASED SERVICESb_ spec 72-00 PURCHASED SERVICES: Interstitial Analysis 20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER 20% Control Check FIRM DATE BUYER ? SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Inserts - 8 g $185 DT /480 Die Back Up Plate DT 300 15 sci4n Ft f.1"1: 0 -1480 Die Holder Back Piste TYT 910 r),,,,,,,y Tr 0 eic DT Apo /Extrusion Guide DT 800 Temo/ates & Gages DT --XII-- 4080 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST =, % SCRAP Ise/tided above * 4000 Ton Press & Complete Heating Facilities LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 11406 TOTAL TOOLING COST 8410 4976 % G. & A. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL SIM TT T a PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SUr3 TOTAL 13910 % RENT PRICE/LB. 14.34 PRICE/PIECE 139.10 ea INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT DEPT_ SIGNATURES DATE TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST- MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER 000 Tcl P Item 3 of 8 MP 9O-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET WAD Mat. Specs. Quantity Required 100 PCS Inquiry No Customer HE'D ? 275 FLANGE Port No. & C/L 226963 Production Rate Date V22/57 Part Name MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 61468 0.0. Ein 1.0. LGTH. 32. CLD- I Airea-1-2 Tn. i-D- 1 LGTH. 3/IU FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET _ 98# WEIGHT/PIECE (14.1) 6-65 MAT. COST/LB. Sap It-Pill #.1 PIECES/BILLET 3-0 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 9.80 MAT. COST/PIECE 1336 la 5_5o TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. Scrap) 1.2 5 SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 11.76 5 YIELD 67.8 MAT. SCRAP VALUE I176# Less 665# = 511# @ 2004 ( 102 ) MANUFACTURING DATA MANUFACTURING COST 6366 255 263 PUSHES/HR. *7 PIECES/PUSH 10 MANUFACTURI11.3 COST/PC- 1-7 brs eln5n mach DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PUSHES/HR. 1.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. set 1 -I hr + 75 ro7...te of ch., ?0.?.r .. 1.7q it $150 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL q TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. - CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. 250 BILLET HEATING 1. MACHINING TIME/PC. .25 MACHINING COST/PC. 115 hrs @ 10-00 MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. $56.00 D ESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES 20-00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 56 FIRM DATE BUYER FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS-/REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 ? 3(r) Die Inserts - 6 a $185 PT MX) 25 PC/Insert 0 0 a 888 Die Back Do Plate Die Holder Back Plate nT 500 Dummy Block DT 1100 Extrusion Guide ET 800 i_ Templates St Gages DT ._O 3700 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST . % SCRAP Inelvided * 11000 Ton Press & Corgpleto Resting Fneilitise LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 8078 TOTAL TOOLING COST 8410 4532 a G. & A.. ADDITIONALEQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL SEE 11r14 1 5 PROFIT SUL% TOTAL 9851 ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT % RENT PRICE/LB- glit.81 PRICE/PIECE 913_ 41 en INSTALLATION DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG- ? SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR- PROCESSING Same With 12,J200 Ton *me. fis _ COST EST- ? MANUFACTURING I SHIPPING _ _ _ _ - CONTROLLER _ - TTFX It OF A , -- PIP 90-6 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET - Customer WAD Mat. Specs. TOT) 275 Quantity Required Inn rns Inquiry No Port Name FLANGE Port No. S. C/L 226966 Production Rate Date 5/22/57 MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.0. 5" I.D_ LOTH. " ??D?1 Ils..P.om -3n 771-121 LGTH. ; n FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 65 WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) MAT. COST/LB. See Item 1 PIECES/BILLET 18 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) _35 3.61 MAT. COST/PIECE . /454# a 5..50 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. ScraP) 7 % SCRAP 20.6 MAT. SCRAP COST 25(73 TOTAL GROSS WT. L55# % YIELD 65.1 MAT. SCRAP VALUE I155# 3 ,,,,,, 235fy .. 220e e 21-14/# MANUFACTURING DATA MANUFACTURING COST PUSHES/HR. 471 CI PIECES/PUSH i_ED-EF, 71W ? ? ? MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 1 8 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. GEV. & TOOL PUSHES/HR. g ' -.-ar...._-a.-3.,50 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. ?? ral, , ? ? - ? : - os, a ? PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. _. CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. .25 MACHINING COST/PC. 25 Ars a in_np/ mr. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE ? PURCHASED SERVI cEsNach . Lab. Spec 's $36.00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 56 V 0/:, 0 % r, ? ? , ? FIRM DATE BUYER CHECK FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Raplocooblo Tools Forst) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO- OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 .> st..rt - 6 * 185 1100 30 PC TH- 140 a : i.. 'Pi . tp TYr 300 TN rs 1IO1 rte.?. _Bank _Plate DT 500 Dummy Block DT 00 Extrusion Guide DT Erin Templates & Gages DT 300 3700 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST % SCRAP Tnr1iirl,=.4 -e- / WI Thr. Pr...q q Re Cnmp1t. F. Hcoting Pa (-1 "I i ti q LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS t TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 3.8 TOTAL TOOLING COST 81110 L.572 % G. & A. 39 SUB TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SEE ITEM 1 % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SUd TOTAL 4778 % RENT PRICE/LB- 20.31 PRICE/PIECE h7 7R .. INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT V DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG_ ENG- SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS. WEEKS I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1Z 16 17 18 19 2C 21 22 23 24 QUALITYON MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CT TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING S.80=0' i .9 Id ith a COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 8 MP 90-6 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET WAD Mat. Specs. 14117) 775 Quantity Required 1.00 PPS Inquiry No Customer FLANGE V Part No. & C/L Production Rate Date 5/22/57 Part Name 22A961 MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 85111 13 D.D. 8" 1._ LGTH- 10. 5 0.13..krea *.1./t0 7o21-0- I LGTH- 35n FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET V861_ WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 8.9 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET ' 7 ' WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 17.3 MAT. COST/PIECE 15),R a 5.50 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. Scrap) 18 9; SCRAP 20.6 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. V 1q)18 % YIELD 17J, MAT. SCRAP VALUE 15118 less 890# ?. 658 0 20e/0 ( 132 ) MANUFACTURING DATA MANUFACTURING COST 8382 V0 PUSHES/HR. V *7 PIECES/PUSH 7 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 2.A Ars 0 DEV- 8. TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. 8. TOOL PUSHES/HR- 1.0 _50 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 1.75 0 50 - 263 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 5.0 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. ... CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. BILLET HEATING 1.0 MACHINING TIME/PC. .25 MACHINING COST/PC. 25 Its- 0 10-00 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC- DESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES mar.h,. Tab_ sppc.i, $72_00 PURCHASED SERVICES: FIRM DATE BUYER FIRM DATE BUYER 92 IIITRBqTITTiLL, ANATZSIS 2rep?CONTB.01. $2100 rt4Frx. SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 'nip Insert - h a $185 DT 714) nip Thar* Tip Plato DT 300 35 PC/3215EAT 0 0 0 633 Die Holder Back Plate TIT 500 itunrrly Mock DT 400 P:Irt.t-oni on Oni an V DT 800 TrRatplatFin fir V DT 200 VW TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST _ % SCRAP 7m-winded Above * h000 Ton Press & Complete Heating Facilities LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING.REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO. N.Y_ REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 10,010 TOTAL TOOLING COST - MO a 4073 % G. & A. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL CRE ITIRM 1 % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SU cl TOTAL 12,207 % RENT PRICE/LB- $13.72 PRICE/PIECE 122.07 ea INSTALLATION DEPT- SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG_ ENG._ SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STOS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 , QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD_ CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING iaine As_ Trilith 12,0(X) llon-Eress- COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING '- - --CONTROLLER - -- __ ,_ 1 _, _ I _ -A. a @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 _.,=..-.--4g-tmenainagasionamalawaiimaaaleaeffsestsw- 0 (D 0 CD r.n ='; if:1 -0 CD (J) CD (D 0 Es) (D Oh? (D (T) CD r.n (D @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 0 14000 TON PRESS I= 6 OF 8 MP 90-S EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Customer WAD Mot_ Specs. ISPD ns Quantity Required -inn Peg Inquiry No Port Name 'MANGE Port No. & C/L 729A14 Production Rate Date 5/22/57 MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.0. 8" I.D. LGTH. 6.5# 0.13.1,-".= 70 TT)2 LD. LGTH. 50n FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 69 WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) b.79 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 8 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 8.62 MAT. COST/PIECE 1-0.35--a-.5-?511_ 569.3 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. Scrap) 35 % SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS wT. 1035 % YIELD 57.6 MAT. SCRAP VALUE 1/115 1. /197# = 53_8 e 20a# 108 MANUFACTURING DATA MANUFACTURING COST 5585 PUSHES/HR. 7 PIECES/PUSH 2 Hole Die MANUFACTURING COST/PC- 7-1 Fi 0 $35.0 315 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. 8. TOOL PUSHES/HR. sr up DEV E. TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC 5 - 0 $350 23 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS ... CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. ... MACHINING COST/PC. 25 RT-g 0 in.no 25-0 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES mfic1,7 TAR c_pwcirs tZ2 00 PURCHASED SERVICES. 9 TNTF.RSTTTTAL ANAT.ysTS 2Cg Call TROT R20-00 FIRM DATE BUYER CHECK FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 300 nip Tricrr-t. - lux) 20 PCJINSE.RT 0 0 0 me) Di F. Fin r-k 14-1 Plat.p DT 3m Die Holder- Bark Plate DT sna flnty Rick DT LOO P,rty-nqinn niii rip nT 800 Tpmplat.pg . 1Y1 300 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST _.3 (JO % SCRAP LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS 1000 To r Pres - :. PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, NY_ REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 7615 TOTAL TOOLING COST /1524 % G. & A. SUB TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SEP -1= 1 Sire. TOTAL 9287 % RENT PRICE/LB- 18.69 PRICE/PIECE 97.87 or. INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG- ENG_ SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ___/ PROD- CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR- PROCESSING PsaAne? A.c{ ilitizt 17,000 Toll press. COST EST_ MANUFACTURING SHIPPING --CONTROLLER ? OF MP 90-6 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET WAD Mat. Specs. ',72 Quantity Required 100 PCS Inquiry No Customer tinwp Part FLANGE Port No. & c/L Production Rate Date 4/99/47 Name 227 81,3 (Me lnad -1-.mnrite re t Tire___n a it ht i et nirni 1 o hit. .-0.-A.t.-4132413013.-t--Taillia-13131y .h ' Additional furnace required TOTAL.TOOLING COST ? ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT whenever this or a group of these Darts sus TOTAL are ran.. z PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT Slid TOTAL 11,187 cti-or-ssi ghtriP55 1/81, Tr. 5,, Twist 50/f t - Max. 20? In ci % RENT PRICE/LB. ii _17 PRICE/PIECE DEPT. SIGNATURES 133.87 DATE INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST i.r5VPT.5P Ti airless ..025n/n MFG. ENG- SHIPPING SCHEDULE Fnrni elte.r1 "As Extanicieti" _end "Des c aIesin WORK ST?S* WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT __ 1 MaIn Pri_e_n nn Minos L 'Ppm Rni-.hst , PROD. CONT. - TOOLINGPLANT MGR. PROCESSING,_ _ COST EST. MANUFACTURING 1 SHIPPING , CONTROLLER t ? - ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 12.000 TON PRESS - rIFF14 2 OF 8 /itP 90-6 Customer Part Name WAD FLANGE EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Mat. Specs. 101-1 - 275 Port No. & C/L 226962 Quantity Required Production Rate 100 POS Inquiry No. Date 1.131/57 MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION Rn 1.13- LGTH. 10 n 0.0.1 Ar.,,, 96 In2i.o_ I LOTH. 6211 FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 142# WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 9_7# MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 6 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 13.7w MAT. COST/PIECE 16140 a 5.50 9,020 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. Scop) 20 S SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST MAT. SCRAP VALUE . ( TOTAL GROSS WT. 161in # S YIELD 7(11 MANUFACTURING iI-2 BATHS 1 TIA DATA 66 2/3% Ef f . 8,1)t) MANUFACTURING COST PUSHES/HR. Ao - PIECES/PUSH 2 Hol... Dia 6 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. ifi-Pm. - fit kr-,Oninr Anon DEV. EL TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. 30 DEV- & TOOL PUSHES/HR. BET ma 2_0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC- loon PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. 1 fir- _Pnorated_ Changegyer 600 BILLET HEATING . 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. - MACHINING COST/PC. 2,50 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. -25 MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE PURCHASED SERVICES Tocw LLB sppri, 073 j.,0______. PURCHASED SERVICES: 97 ' -5 TNITF.RSTTTTAT. ANAT:TSTS POI CIONTPOT. $21.1.__00 FIRM DATE BUYER K FIRM DATE BUYER SPACIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPEC/AL TOOLS (Li?t R?ploceabla Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 5n 300 nip TTICIOUT+. R a 1R5 TT 1.16fin mk nip Tmaprt sp.,per nT 120 15 p0/n4sporr 0 0 0 : Ttrilmny Plex-.1r at- A ass i 1.111 . Trr Inn Ftne.).- P1 at.s= A rinp t.p.r- TIT 74-1 Flc-t.r-nni on Gni tim TIT Ron nin. Rnok PI ni-.F. - DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST Tptnpl a+pn X- GAgtott DT 300 5 SCRAP Tno.l_nrieri Above: L WO LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS -9. Seto T tem 1 PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F-O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT. BUFFALO, N.Y. , REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 1R,5nR . TOTAL TOOLING COST 5366 S G. & A- EQUIPMENT SUBTOTALADDITIONAL 96, PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT RPM =14 i SlIc3 TOTAL - 12,571 SG RENT PRICE/LB. 21_27 PRICE/PIECE 225.71 INSTALLATION DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT DEPT- SIGNATURES TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST _ MFG. ENG- - SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STOS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1$ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD- C0t4T. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER LC...W-4N SYS/ AXIL-P.../ -3.....12171 ..., r AP 904 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Customer WAD Mat. Specs. ISM 275 Quantity Required 11-10 PCS Inquiry No Part Nome Fla GE Part No. & C/L 226963 Frocluction Rate Date 1/31/57 MATERIAL- ..163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.0. 13" 1.13. LGTH. 1211 0.0.1Area 1.2 I021.0.1 LGTH. 311" FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 9R# WEIGHT/PIECE (Not) 6_65 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET in WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 9.80 MAT. COST/PIECE 1176 0 5_50/# 614613 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. SeraP) 12 5 SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 1176# SI YIELD 67.8 MAT. SCRAP VALUE ( 102 ) MANUFACTURING DATA 66 2/3 % Eff. .N.2 'BATHS 1 RATH MANUFACTURING COST 6366 PUSHES/HR. 6 o 3-0 PIECES/PUSH 7 pco e 1,4,, 10 MANUFACTURING COST/PC- 6 NI-R.. a 600 DEV. 8- TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 2 Hrs. a 600 - 3600 32nn DEV. a TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. 8. TOOL PUSHES/HR. SFT UP 2.0 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 5 -TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC- 1 Hr. a 600 , 600 BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TINE/PC. 25 MACHINING COST/Pc. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. D ESCALE . .5 PURCHASED SERVICES " 14nPh- Tab- Rpe,c TA $36_oo PURCHASED SERVICES: 56 R.STITTAL. ANALYSIS 20% C.ONTML $20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER rarRnic . FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die 'Insert - 6 49 185 PT 1110 25 PC/INSERT 0 0 0 RBB Die 1-n3e-rt. SpnrP?t" DT 120 Dummy Block *Available DT 100 Back PIa.te Adapter . DT 750 _ Extruisi on Guide DT 800 Die Back Plate Trr 250 TOT AL MANUFACTURING COST Templates & Gages DT 300 LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS 5 SCRAP -r.?1h.?.1.4.1 41. Snot Ttetm 1 - PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT. BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 12,960 TOTAL TOOLING COST 11_915 5c. G. & A- ? ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL S PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SFF TTFM 1 Slid TOTAL 15,805 IC RENT PRICE/LB. 9-1 77 PRICE/PIECE -IKfi-n INSTALLATION ? DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG. SHIPPING SCHEDULE- WORK STDS. WEEKS 1 2- 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING-. SHIPPING 4 CONTROLLER ? _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release MP 90.6 Customer Part Nome WAD FT.A WOE EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Mat. Specs. -Ken 975 Port Na. & 7.96966 t:..X-X) ON PR IMS ITEM Ii CF 8 Qucntity Required (10 P Inquiry No Production Rate Date V 1/47 MATERIAL .163 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATAI.D. DATA QUOTATION 4503 0.0. Au 1.0- LGTH. 8" TART 0.D. 30 T.n2 LGTH. ly8n FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET (6/1 WEIGHT/PIECE (Not) 2-3q1 MAT. COST/L13. i PIECES/BILLET 18 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gloss) 3.61 MAT. COST/PIECE 1155 0 5.50 MAT. SCRAPCOST TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. s...p) 7 % SCRAP 20.6 TOTAL GROSS WT. /1.5.5# a YIELD 6-5-3 MAT. SCRAP VALUE MANUFACTURING COST ( 2169 2100 3.2.110 600 MANUFACTURING DATA 66 2/3 Eff. -it 9 RI1TRS 1 RATH PUSHES/HR. 6o 3 PIECES/PUSH 3 Baia ni ? III MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 3_$ ar, la 60n DEV. A TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. CHANGE-OVER COST/PC- DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. -n DEV- & TOOL PUSHES/HR. Trmi srt Hp 9_0 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. ...2,5 MACHINING COST/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. 1 250._L STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. DESCALE PURCHASED SERVICES itAct: T IRECts $-36-(10 PURCHASED SERVICES: 56 .5 INTFRCTTPTAT. AUALYSTR 90% /10tITROT. $211..00 FIRM DATE BUYER CHFCK FIRM DATE BUYER 1 SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Rsploc?ablo Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 3110 1 Din T/I.Art 6 o 1115 PT 111/0 - ni f. Tnmet-t SPA.C.P.T DT 120 311 rni-n,I.s13er 0 0 o 7),0 rimmmy ELI orac it ktrannl-11 r. DT boo Bark Plats Arlanteor 171' 7q0 .c,.--t r-aninn ("fair). nT Ron Tlia Rrusir In a?.... DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST TerttplIt.tAst A- clagen DT 300 _ % SCRAP 103 mmo LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS 1 * ?Rol Ttasat 1 PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS t SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT. BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 71,05 TOTAL TOOLING COST It-915 z G. & A. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL a PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SIM- 1::n"d 1 sod TOTAL 9 r3n 91 RENT PRICE/LE. vt_hl PRICE/PIECE 90.10 , INSTALLATION ? RE-ARRANGEMENT DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG. I SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STOS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROC. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESS/NG .. COST EST- MANUFACTURING SHIPPING_ _ - _ CONTROLLER a 12,000 ION PRESS ram 5 of 8 MP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET - Customer WAD Mot. Specs. MPD- 275 Quantity Required 100 PCS. I nqu iry No Port Name FLABGE Port No. & C/L 226961 Production Rate Date 1/31/57 MATERIAL . MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION . 8514 0.0. * 8" LOTH. /0.5 atkit-likrea 1.56"2 _LD.1 LGTH. 35" FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 86# WEIGHT/PIECE (Not) R.90, MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 7 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 12.34 MAT. COST/PIECE 151.8 @ 5.50 TOTAL BILLETS REQ.,(Iool. Scrap) 18 % SCRAP 20.6 MAT. SCRAP COST ' TOTAL GROSS WT. 1548# a YIELD 72.4 MAT. SCRAP VALUE ( 732 ) * 2 Baths TVirACTURI NG DATA 662/37.. Effie. MANUFACTURING COST 8382 5/.00 PUSHES/HR. An 3.0 PIECES/PUSH 7 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 9 hr s at 600 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PUSHES/AIR. Too/ apt. Trp 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 2 W 11200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. - 1 " 600 BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. 25 MACHINING COST/PC. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES Hach. Lab specimen $72.00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 92 Tnter.Sti URI. Ansaargin On FIRM DATE BUYER 20% Control Chprir -20 FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Roplocsoblo Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Insert - 4 @ $185 PT 740 35 PC/Die 0 0 0 - 633 Die Insert Spacer re 120 Dummy Block *Available DT 400 Back Plate Adapter. DT 750 Fri. ir-n al nn Crwl tie. DT 800 niP RA Pk Pints. DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST TEM -lates 6. Gazes 300 % SCRAP Included 3660LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS - PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS II: R ee Tt Pm t SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS :. TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 1592.4. TOTAL TOOLING COST 4463 % C. & A. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Item I SUB TOTAL S PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT Slid TOTAL A RENT 19420 PRICE/LB. 71_82 PRICE/PIECE 194.20 ea. INSTALLATION DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS. WEEKS 1 2 3 r 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT. PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT NOR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING r r SHIPPING-- - - _ CONTROLLER 01 0 0?3 0 0 ? ? . ?- _ 12,000 TON PRESS 'Tint 6 of 8 UP 90-S Customer WAD EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Mot. Specs. HYD-275 Quantity Required FT.ANGE Q6 Part NOM& Port No. & 226.4 Production Rate 100 PCS. Inquiry No. Dote 1-31-57 - MATERIAL ./63 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION _5693_-_----_ 0.0. 6? I.D_ _ LGTH. 8 .5# 1 C.14res-.70 In2----i CO yr ). LGTH. 50" FIRM DATE BUYER MAT. COST/LB, MAT. COST/P11.:CE 1035 .7,) 5._50 MAT. SCRAP COST WEIGHT/BILLET 6,4 wetcHT/plece (NsI) 4 97 PIECES/BILLET 6 welotirtetEce (Gr...) 8.62 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. ScrnP) 5 % SCRAP 16.7 TOTAL GROSS WT. 1.0350/ % YIELD 57.6 MAT. SCRAP VALUE * 2 Baths MANUFACTURING DATA 66 2/3 Effie 1 Hset.11 MANUFACTURING COST 5 4500 PUSHES/HR. ' 6 0 3-0 PIECES/PUSH 2 nolo Die 8 MANUFACTURING COST/PC- 7.5 hrs V 600 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PUSHES/1.5k. Tool 6.et Up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 2 " 0 WO CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. MACHINING COST/PC. 1200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 5 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL, HRS. 0 BILLET HEATING 1 MACHINING TIME/PC. .25 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC . . MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. r D ESCAL E _5 PURCHASED SERVICES /??_kaglx?Lab., Spec. $72.00 PURCHASED SERVICES: Interstitial Analysis 20 00 FIRM DATE BUYER FIRM DATE BUYER 20_1, Control Check SPECIAL TOOLING . REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List R?plocsobls Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Insert. - 6 at 323_5 PT 1110 20 Pc/Insert 0 0 0 /110 DIP Irsert. Sparer rhirmy Filark *Avei 1 ntil P .14(10 ftra rir Pi n te _pcippter DT 750 Extrusion Guide DT BOO Die Back nate DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST Ten-17 4-r>rt & rag &e.e DT 300 % SCRAP Included f73J LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS * See Iti, f SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 13337 TOTAL TOOLING COST 8207 SOP TS' vim T % G. 8. A- ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SLIB TOTAL % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT Slid TOTAL 16265 % RENT PRICE/LB. 32.73 PRICE/PIECE 162.65 ea INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE TOTAL ADDITIOHAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG_ SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STOS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING_ CONTROLLER 12.000 TOW pRESS ITEM 7 of 8 MP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET 100 PCS. VAD Mal. Specs. MP!) 272 Quantity Required Inquiry No Customer r FLANGE Port No. & CA. 227594 Production Rate Date 1-31-.,?,-- Port Name MATERIAL .161 MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 7673 0.0. 8" 1.0. LGTH. 11.5 AR-IP-Tea-1.04 Iri4-0-1 LGTH. 50" FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 93# WEIGHT/PIECE (Not) 8.37 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 8 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 11.6 MAT. COST/PIECE /395 'AI 5.50 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (Incl. Scrop) 15 % SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 1395# % YIELD 72.2 MAT. SCRAP VALUE 1.11 2 Baths TACZACTURING DATA 66 2/3"; Eff. MANUFACTURING COST 7562 6720 PUSHES/HR. 2 PIECES/PUSH 2 Hole Die 8 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 11.2 hrs. iia 600 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PUSHES/ Set Up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 2 " 600 1 ?CIO PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 1 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. CI CHANGE-OVER COST/PC.. 1 - 600 600 BILLET HEATING 1.5 MACHINING TIME/PC. .25 MACHINING COST/PC. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. D ESCALE .5 PURCHASED sERvicEsMach Lab. Specimens t72.00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 92 Interstitial Analysis 20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER 20`h Control Cheek FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Roplocsablo Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 Die Insert - 30 : $185 PT 5550 I, Pc Insert Die Insert Spacer 0 Dianmy Block *Ave i 1 J1111P LOO Back ?late Adapter DT 750 Extrusion Cuido DT 800 DIP fip Mr r 1 At e DT 250 LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST % SCRAP Included Templ A T.PR Pe Gages 300 8470 PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. See Item #1. REMARKS t TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 2/974 TOTAL TOOLING COST 10329 % G. & A. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Cee Ttc I SUB TOTAL % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT . Slid TOTAL 26798 . %RENT PRICE/LB. 32.02 PRICE/PIECE 267.98 ea INSTALLATION DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG- SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STOS. WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY PROD. CONT. MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ? TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 01 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 TON PRESS ITEM 8 of 8 MP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET , Mot. Specs. 11PD 272 Quantity Required 100 PCS. Inquiry No Customer WAD FLANGI Port No. & C/L 227596 Production Rate Date 1-31-57 Part N Ome MATERIAL MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.0. 8" I.D. LGTH. 10" 2 main.1Area-.81 In I.D.I LGTH. 71" FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 81# WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 9.26 MAT. COST/LB- PIECES/BILLET 6 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 13.5 MAT. COST/PIECE 1620 @ 5.50 8910 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. ((ncl. Scrap) 20 5 SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 1620" % YIELD 68.6 MAT. SCRAP VALUE /39 - MANUFACTURING DATA * 2 Baths i Batla MANUFACTURING COST 8771 PUSHES/HR. 4.0 2 atEcEs/eusH 2 bole Die 6 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 5 hrs g 600 9000 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PuskiEsmart.Set Up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 1200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 1 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. 600 BILLET HEATING 1.50 MACHINING TIME/PC. 95 MACHINING COST/PC. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES ms?.4., raivh $72-00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 99 per1m4 Interstitial Analysis 20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER Control Check FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Insert - 10,0 0 $185. pp7400 3 Pc/Insert 7400 Die Insert spacer 120 Dummy Block * Avallable JYI 400 Back Plate Adapter DT . 50 Ixtrusion Guide DT 800 I Die Batik puute DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST Templates & Gages 300 51 SCRAP Trtr-ludc.c1 LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS See Item *1 SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS' TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 5 G. & A.- 27313 ?_?/ TOTAL TOOLING COST I 585 See Item I SUB TOTAL - ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT S PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SI-la TOTAL 3309 % RENT PRICE/LB- 35.97 PRICE/PIECE DEPT- S1GNATuNES 333-09 DATE INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MEG. ENG. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS WEEKS 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ROO CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER 3 AAP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Cu 1 t omer WAD Mat_ Specs. MPD 272 Quantity Required 24 PCB. Inquiry No. SPIT'vT 1 of 2 Rollill SHAFT Part Nome Part No. & Cit_ Upset tiniy Production Rate Date MATERIAL MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA 41 QUOTATION 3017 FIRM DATE BUYER 58,115 0.D. .6" I.D. LGTH. 12.0 o.D.1 16 1/4 1.0.1 50. LGTH. 10 i2 WEIGHT/BILLET 386 WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 320 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 1 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 386 MAT. COST/PIECE 9850 A 5.90 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (incl. Scrap) 25 5 SCRAP 47, MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 9850 sr. YIELD 83% MAT. SCRAP VALUE 9850 less 7680 - 2170# g 2CW# 434 MANUFACTURING DATA 1 Batti 2 Bath ** MANUFACTURING COST 57,681 22.500 PUSHES/HR. 1 2 PIECES/PUSH 1 MANUFACTURING COST/PC- 375 hrs. g $600/hr DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. ximosunemc Set up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC- 2 hi-s g 600/hr 1,200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 15(riandre/) TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. a 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC- 2 hrs. 'q 60Q/hr 1.200 BILLET HEATING 3]./2 3 1/2 MACHINING TIME/PC. Lo MACHINING COST/PC. 25 DC. g 4hr.- 100 hrs.. g 10.00 ? MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. 1,000 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. DESCALE PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES' Tntprsfiitial Analysis 20_00 FIRM DA7E BUYER 20 201. Control FIRM DATE BUYER . SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS Die Insert 1 Required Fir 46 50 Die Back Plate * 25 4 $400 1600 2250 125 -$16. ea 270 Die. ktr0 Owl- Ro Mr Plot. il. s ? - itorpr nn H Mandr..A.A. 2 f red ( 1 avnri 1200.06 . Pressing ...Mac * UM 15 I. 720 2880 4080 75 ? 54.40ea 1360 ..., . TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST * Available (from development programs) % SCRAP Included above ** AdditiDnal Low Temp. Bath Required LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST % G & A. 85731 TOTAL TOOLING COST 62'1 $2;256. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SUES TOTAL 85,231 % RENT PRICE/LB. 11.10 PRICE/PIECE 3,551.29e INSTALLATION DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG.. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS- WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 0 0) 0 0 01 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 01 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 TON PRESS ITEM 8 of 8 MP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET , Mot. Specs. 11PD 272 Quantity Required 100 PCS. Inquiry No Customer WAD FLANGI Port No. & C/L 227596 Production Rate Date 1-31-57 Part N Ome MATERIAL MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.0. 8" I.D. LGTH. 10" 2 main.1Area-.81 In I.D.I LGTH. 71" FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 81# WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 9.26 MAT. COST/LB- PIECES/BILLET 6 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 13.5 MAT. COST/PIECE 1620 @ 5.50 8910 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. ((ncl. Scrap) 20 5 SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 1620" % YIELD 68.6 MAT. SCRAP VALUE /39 - MANUFACTURING DATA * 2 Baths i Batla MANUFACTURING COST 8771 PUSHES/HR. 4.0 2 atEcEs/eusH 2 bole Die 6 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 5 hrs g 600 9000 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PuskiEsmart.Set Up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 1200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 1 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. 600 BILLET HEATING 1.50 MACHINING TIME/PC. 95 MACHINING COST/PC. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES ms?.4., raivh $72-00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 99 per1m4 Interstitial Analysis 20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER Control Check FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Insert - 10,0 0 $185. pp7400 3 Pc/Insert 7400 Die Insert spacer 120 Dummy Block * Avallable JYI 400 Back Plate Adapter DT . 50 Ixtrusion Guide DT 800 I Die Batik puute DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST Templates & Gages 300 51 SCRAP Trtr-ludc.c1 LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS See Item *1 SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS' TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 5 G. & A.- 27313 ?_?/ TOTAL TOOLING COST I 585 See Item I SUB TOTAL - ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT S PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SI-la TOTAL 3309 % RENT PRICE/LB- 35.97 PRICE/PIECE DEPT- S1GNATuNES 333-09 DATE INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MEG. ENG. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS WEEKS 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ROO CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER 3 AAP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Cu 1 t omer WAD Mat_ Specs. MPD 272 Quantity Required 24 PCB. Inquiry No. SPIT'vT 1 of 2 Rollill SHAFT Part Nome Part No. & Cit_ Upset tiniy Production Rate Date MATERIAL MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA 41 QUOTATION 3017 FIRM DATE BUYER 58,115 0.D. .6" I.D. LGTH. 12.0 o.D.1 16 1/4 1.0.1 50. LGTH. 10 i2 WEIGHT/BILLET 386 WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 320 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 1 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 386 MAT. COST/PIECE 9850 A 5.90 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (incl. Scrap) 25 5 SCRAP 47, MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 9850 sr. YIELD 83% MAT. SCRAP VALUE 9850 less 7680 - 2170# g 2CW# 434 MANUFACTURING DATA 1 Batti 2 Bath ** MANUFACTURING COST 57,681 22.500 PUSHES/HR. 1 2 PIECES/PUSH 1 MANUFACTURING COST/PC- 375 hrs. g $600/hr DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. ximosunemc Set up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC- 2 hi-s g 600/hr 1,200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 15(riandre/) TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. a 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC- 2 hrs. 'q 60Q/hr 1.200 BILLET HEATING 3]./2 3 1/2 MACHINING TIME/PC. Lo MACHINING COST/PC. 25 DC. g 4hr.- 100 hrs.. g 10.00 ? MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. 1,000 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. DESCALE PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES' Tntprsfiitial Analysis 20_00 FIRM DA7E BUYER 20 201. Control FIRM DATE BUYER . SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS Die Insert 1 Required Fir 46 50 Die Back Plate * 25 4 $400 1600 2250 125 -$16. ea 270 Die. ktr0 Owl- Ro Mr Plot. il. s ? - itorpr nn H Mandr..A.A. 2 f red ( 1 avnri 1200.06 . Pressing ...Mac * UM 15 I. 720 2880 4080 75 ? 54.40ea 1360 ..., . TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST * Available (from development programs) % SCRAP Included above ** AdditiDnal Low Temp. Bath Required LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST % G & A. 85731 TOTAL TOOLING COST 62'1 $2;256. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SUES TOTAL 85,231 % RENT PRICE/LB. 11.10 PRICE/PIECE 3,551.29e INSTALLATION DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG.. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS- WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 0 0) 0 0 01 0 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 01 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 TON PRESS ITEM 8 of 8 MP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET , Mot. Specs. 11PD 272 Quantity Required 100 PCS. Inquiry No Customer WAD FLANGI Port No. & C/L 227596 Production Rate Date 1-31-57 Part N Ome MATERIAL MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA QUOTATION 0.0. 8" I.D. LGTH. 10" 2 main.1Area-.81 In I.D.I LGTH. 71" FIRM DATE BUYER WEIGHT/BILLET 81# WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 9.26 MAT. COST/LB- PIECES/BILLET 6 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 13.5 MAT. COST/PIECE 1620 @ 5.50 8910 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. ((ncl. Scrap) 20 5 SCRAP 16.7 MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 1620" % YIELD 68.6 MAT. SCRAP VALUE /39 - MANUFACTURING DATA * 2 Baths i Batla MANUFACTURING COST 8771 PUSHES/HR. 4.0 2 atEcEs/eusH 2 bole Die 6 MANUFACTURING COST/PC. 5 hrs g 600 9000 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. DEV. & TOOL PuskiEsmart.Set Up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC. 1200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE - MANDREL 1 TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC. 600 BILLET HEATING 1.50 MACHINING TIME/PC. 95 MACHINING COST/PC. 250 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. DESCALE 5 PURCHASED SERVICES ms?.4., raivh $72-00 PURCHASED SERVICES: 99 per1m4 Interstitial Analysis 20.00 FIRM DATE BUYER Control Check FIRM DATE BUYER SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS 50 300 Die Insert - 10,0 0 $185. pp7400 3 Pc/Insert 7400 Die Insert spacer 120 Dummy Block * Avallable JYI 400 Back Plate Adapter DT . 50 Ixtrusion Guide DT 800 I Die Batik puute DT 250 TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST Templates & Gages 300 51 SCRAP Trtr-ludc.c1 LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS See Item *1 SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS' TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST 5 G. & A.- 27313 ?_?/ TOTAL TOOLING COST I 585 See Item I SUB TOTAL - ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT S PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SI-la TOTAL 3309 % RENT PRICE/LB- 35.97 PRICE/PIECE DEPT- S1GNATuNES 333-09 DATE INSTALLATION RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MEG. ENG. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS WEEKS 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT ROO CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER 3 AAP 90-5 EXTRUSION COST ESTIMATE SHEET Cu 1 t omer WAD Mat_ Specs. MPD 272 Quantity Required 24 PCB. Inquiry No. SPIT'vT 1 of 2 Rollill SHAFT Part Nome Part No. & Cit_ Upset tiniy Production Rate Date MATERIAL MATERIAL COST COST BILLET DATA PART DATA 41 QUOTATION 3017 FIRM DATE BUYER 58,115 0.D. .6" I.D. LGTH. 12.0 o.D.1 16 1/4 1.0.1 50. LGTH. 10 i2 WEIGHT/BILLET 386 WEIGHT/PIECE (Net) 320 MAT. COST/LB. PIECES/BILLET 1 WEIGHT/PIECE (Gross) 386 MAT. COST/PIECE 9850 A 5.90 TOTAL BILLETS REQ. (incl. Scrap) 25 5 SCRAP 47, MAT. SCRAP COST TOTAL GROSS WT. 9850 sr. YIELD 83% MAT. SCRAP VALUE 9850 less 7680 - 2170# g 2CW# 434 MANUFACTURING DATA 1 Batti 2 Bath ** MANUFACTURING COST 57,681 22.500 PUSHES/HR. 1 2 PIECES/PUSH 1 MANUFACTURING COST/PC- 375 hrs. g $600/hr DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT/HRS. ximosunemc Set up 2.0 DEV. & TOOL TRYOUT COST/PC- 2 hi-s g 600/hr 1,200 PUSHES/DIE CHANGE -MANDREL 15(riandre/) TIME TO CHANGE DIE & MANDREL/HRS. a 0 CHANGE-OVER COST/PC- 2 hrs. 'q 60Q/hr 1.200 BILLET HEATING 3]./2 3 1/2 MACHINING TIME/PC. Lo MACHINING COST/PC. 25 DC. g 4hr.- 100 hrs.. g 10.00 ? MAGNA-FLUX COST/PC. 1,000 STRESS RELIEVE MAGNA-FLUX TIME/PC. DESCALE PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES' Tntprsfiitial Analysis 20_00 FIRM DA7E BUYER 20 201. Control FIRM DATE BUYER . SPECIAL TOOLING REPLACEABLE TOOL COST SPECIAL TOOLS (List Replaceable Tools First) CODE COST PCS./REWORK NO. OF REWORKS REWORK COST REWORK TOTAL TOTAL TOOL COST TOTAL PCS/TOOL DESIGN HOURS Die Insert 1 Required Fir 46 50 Die Back Plate * 25 4 $400 1600 2250 125 -$16. ea 270 Die. ktr0 Owl- Ro Mr Plot. il. s ? - itorpr nn H Mandr..A.A. 2 f red ( 1 avnri 1200.06 . Pressing ...Mac * UM 15 I. 720 2880 4080 75 ? 54.40ea 1360 ..., . TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST * Available (from development programs) % SCRAP Included above ** AdditiDnal Low Temp. Bath Required LABORATORY REQUIREMENTS PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS F.O.B. EXTRUSION PLANT, BUFFALO, N.Y. REMARKS: TOTAL MANUFACTURING COST % G & A. 85731 TOTAL TOOLING COST 62'1 $2;256. ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL % PROFIT ADDITIONAL MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT SUES TOTAL 85,231 % RENT PRICE/LB. 11.10 PRICE/PIECE 3,551.29e INSTALLATION DEPT. SIGNATURES DATE RE-ARRANGEMENT TOTAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT COST MFG. ENG.. SHIPPING SCHEDULE WORK STDS- WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 QUALITY MATERIAL PROCUREMENT PROD. CONT. TOOLING PLANT MGR. PROCESSING COST EST. MANUFACTURING SHIPPING CONTROLLER - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 0 0) 0 0 01 0 0 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD I. INTRODUCTION II, OBJECT III, CONCLUSIONS IV. RECOMMENDATIONS V. SUMMARY VI. DISCUSSION VII, REFERENCES VIII. APPENDIX I - MATERIAL & PROCESSING SPECIFICATIONS IL APPENDIX II - DETAIL EXTRUSION DIE DRAWINGS STAT Page No. iii 3 5 7 9 17 141 159 189 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1. Cutaway view of the Curtiss-Wright J65 Turbojet showing the titanium parts and assemblies manufactured under this program. 2. P/N 226962 - FrontFlange Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, Material Ti-A70, 3. P/N 226963 - Rear Flange, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, Material Ti-A70. P/N 226964 - Flange Brace) Rear Main Bearing Support Cone 73 Assembly, Material Ti A70. 5. P/N 226956 - Front Flange Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, 73 Material Ti-A70. STAT 71 6. P/N 226961 - Rear Flange Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, 74 Material Ti-A70. 7. P/N 226966 - Flange) Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly, 74 Material Ti-A70. 8 P/N 227594 - Rear Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly, 75 Material Ti A110-AT. 9. P/N 227596 - Front Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly, 75 Material Ti-A110-AT. 10. P/N 226970 - Shaft, Turbine Rotor Front, Material Ti-A110-AT. 76 11. P/N 608118 - Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly. 77 12. P/N 608109 - Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly. 78 13. P/N 608120 - Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly. 79 14. P/N 608569 - Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly. 80 15. P/N 226970 - Shaft Turbine Rotor Front 81 16. Several Views of the 12,000 Ton Horizontal Extrusion Press 82 17. Heating curve for an 8 inch Diameter titanium billet heated 89 in a salt bath to 1850?F ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release e 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 vii f Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF FIGURES Cont'd FIGURE NO. 18. Maximum envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 226961 - Flaw Rear. Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly. 19. Maximum envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 226963 - Flange, Rear-Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, 20. Photograph's of an extruded section of P/N 226961 shOwing cross- section and surface quality. 21. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 226961 Flange, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, 22. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly. 23. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly. of P/N 226956, Flange, of P/N 226962, Flange, 24. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 226963, Flange, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly. 25. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 226964, Flange, Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 226966, Flange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly. 27. Schematic drawings of the multi-opening dies for the extrusion of P/N's 226962,226963, 226964) 22956 and 22966 28. Photograph of the multi-opening die for the extrusion of P/N's 227594 and 227596. 29. Photographs of the optimistic envelope extrusion of P/N's 226961, 956, 962, 963, 964 and 966. Material - Ti-A701 extrusion tempera- ture - 1500?F. The effect of extrusion temperature on the tensile properties of. A70 titanium extruded to the maximum envelope shapes of P/N 226961. Cross-sections of three A70 flanges indicating the locations of standard tensile - (.250" Dia,) test specimens (a) and sub- standard tensile - (.150" Dia.) test specimens (b). viii 19 90 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 103 104 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? LIST OF FIGURE122rItd) FIGURE NO. S'S TAT Page No. 32. Photomacrographs and photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of 105 P/N 226956 (A70 material) extruded with a billet preheat tempera- ture of 15500F. 33. Photomacrographs and photomicrograph of a longitudinal section 106 of P/N 226961 (A70 material) extruded with a billet preheat tempera- ture of 1550?F. 34. Photomacrographs and photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of P/N 226962 (k70 material) extruded with a billet preheat temperature of 15500F. 35. Photomacrographs and photomicrograph of a longitudinal section 108 of P/N 226963 (A70 material) extruded with a billet preheat temperature of 15500,F. 360 Photomacrographs and photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of 109 P/N 226964 WO material) extruded with a billet preheat tempera- ture of 15500F. 107 37. Photomacrographs and photomicrograph of a longitudinal section of P/N 226966 (A70 material) extruded with a billet preheat tempera- ture of 1550?F. 38. Photomicrograph of a cross-section through the surface of a 1500?F A70 extrusion in which freedom from surface contamination is indi- cated by the uniform microstructure and hardness survey. 39. Etched longitudinal sections of an extruded A70 shape showing the '112 depth of non-uniform flow t the front? end of the extrusion. 110 111 40. Etched longitudinal sections of an A70 extrusion showing the grain growth penetration due to torch cut-off of the extrusion fro the butt. 41. The effect of annealing temperatures and cooling rates on the mechanical properties of A70 titanium extruded with a 15500F billet preheat temperature. 42. Extrusion shape for P/N 226970 - Shaft) Turbine Rotor Front. 43. Die holder and sub-a included angle die. 113 114 115 sembly for a re-entrant angle die and a 1300 116 44. Photograph of an extruded ,A110-AT tube. This section was extruded throu re-entrnt angle die, 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ? 117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST .OF FIGURES Cont 'd), FIGURE NO. 45. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 227594, Flange, Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly. 46. Optimistic envelope shape for the extrusion of P/N 227596, Flange, 119 Turbine Stator Blade Support Assembly, 47. Photograph showing the surface finish of an extruded .A110-AT flange. 48. Macrostructure of two sections of the re-entrant angle die extrusion (outer diameter surface to the left), Note coarse grain structure at the tears. 118 120 121 49. Microstructure of A110-AT titanium extruded through the re-entrant 122 angle die. Note random orientation of structure. 50. Macrostructure of two sections of the steel jacketed extrusion. 123 51. Photomicrograph of the as-extruded steel jacketed tube. Note the 124 alignment of the grains in the flow direction and some recrystalli- zation. 52. Microstructures of the beta transus studies. Specimens water quenched after heating one hour at (a) 19200F, (b) 1960?F, and (c) 1970?F. Note the increase in percentage of fine acicular transfor- mation product as the temperature increases. 125 53. Effect of annealing temperature on the mechanical properties of 126 A1,10-AT titanium extruded with a 19000F billet preheat temperature. 54. View of the tooling mounted in a 25 ton Bath Radial Draw Former. 127 55. Typical contour forming dies) rolls, and common rolls holding yoke as employed in forming extrusions. 56. Photograph of 360 degree rings of P/N 226966 formed from machined barstock. 57. a) Beginning of hot contour forming operation. The twist in the extrusion is corrected in the forming operation. b) Close-up view of a typical extruded part partially formed in the contour die in the first roll pass. 127 128 58.? Photograph of P/N 226963 formed in a 360 degree ring. This opti- 130 mistic envelope shape was machined from a maximum envelope extrusion. LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 59. Close-up photograph of P/N 226966 showing the flash-butt weld. 60. P/N 226961 rings formed and flash-butt welded into 360?. Note the out-of-round condition at the weld joint. 61. Two views of the sizing dies and set-up. 62. Photograph of the six inch Ajax Upsetting Machine. 63. Photomacrograph of a successfully upset flange in AMS 6412 material. 64. Wooden model used for upset development of plasticine. S'S TAT 133 134 135 136 65. Schematic drawings of the three step upset cycle used to upset 137 the flanges for the Turbine Rotor Shaft. 66. The upset area of an A110-AT rotor shaft indicating the buckling 138 at the inner diameter. 67. Upset punch design modifications employed to correct the buckling 139 problem in upsetting the rotor shaft flanges. 68. a) Photomacrograph of the upset area of the rotor shafts after the 140 first and second stage. b) Photomacrograph of the first upset product showing the lap at the inner diameter. 69. Final design modifications applied to the upset punch to correct the buckling problem in upsetting the third stage for the rotor shaft flange. 70. Photograph of the first successfully upset prototype turbine rotor shaft. 71. Production 72. Production 73. Production 74. Production 75. Production 76. Production 77. Production extrusion shape for P/N 2269610 extrusion shape for P/N 226956. extrusion shape for P/N 226962. extrusion shape for P/N 226963. extrusion shape for P/N 226964. extrusion shape for P/N 226966. extrusion shape for P/N 227594. xi 141 142 143 145 146 147 148 149 150 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE NO. 78. 79. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF FIGURES Cont'd Production Extrusion shape for P/N 227596. Photomicrographs of P/N 226961 extruded from cast material. 80. Photomicrographs of P/N 226962 extruded from cast material. 81. Photomicrographs of P/N 226963 extruded from cast material. 82. Photomicrographs of P/N 226964 extruded from cast material. 83. Photomicrographs of P/N 226966 extruded from cast material. Photomicrographs of P/N 227594 extruded from cast material. 85. Photograph of sections of several of the finished rings. 86. Dimensional Inspection Layout of P/N 226962. 87. Close-up photograph of the weld repair zone of the turbine rotor shaft0 and forged and forged and forged and forged and forged and forged production `',,00t? xii 152 153 153 154 1514 155 156 157 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release sio ? 50-Yr LIST OF TABLES TABLE NU? I. Dimensional Inspection Report for of P/N 226961. II. Dimensional Inspection Report for of P/N 226962. III. Dimensional Inspection Report for of P/ii 226956. IV? Dimensional Inspection Report for of P/N 226963. Dimensional Inspection Report for of P/N 226964. VI? Dimensional Inspection of P/N 226966. VII. As Extruded and Annealed Tensile Properties of P/N 226961 kMaximum envelope) Extruded at Various Temperatures. Several Several Several Several Several Report for Several Prototype Extrusions Prototype Extrusions Prototype Extrusions Prototype Extrusions Prototype Extrusions Prototype Extrusions VIII? The Tensile Properties of A70 Titanium Flanges kuptimistic envelope) Extruded with a 1550?F Billet Preheat Temperature? II? Tensile properties of A1104T Tubular Extrusions. X? The Tensile Properties of RinglIeldments for.Certification of Machine Settings. Cleveland Welding Machine Settings and Burn Off Length.. Thomson Welding Machine, Settings and Burn Off Length. Tensile Properties of the A110-AT Upset Flange. Dimensional Inspection of P/N 226961. IV. Dimensional Inspection of P/N 226956. XVI. Dimensional Inspection of P/N 226962. XVII. Dimensional Inspection of P/N 226963. 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Report for Several Production Extrusions Report for Several Production Extrusions Report for Several Production Extrusions Report for several Production Extrusions STAT,T 21221_220 43 44 46 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 II r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF TABLES cOont TABLE NO. XVIII. Dimensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 226966 XIX. D imensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 227594 JLXO Dimensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 227596 XII. Dimensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 226970. XXII. The Mechanical Properties of Typical Extruded and Annealed Section from the Production Flange Extrusion. XIII'. The Tensile Properties of Extruded A110-AT Production Tubing from Forged billets. XXIV. The Tensile Properties of the Weld Section and Base Metal of Formed Rings. XXV. Comparison of Conventional Manufacturing Methods (Forging and Flash-tutt Welded Barstock) to Extrusion on the Basis of Material Utilization. xiv Pagp No. 61 62 63 67 68 69 ? INTRODUCTION In recent years the military, recognizing the potentiality of titanium for aircraft applications, has made a concerted effort to develop the "state of the art". Consequently, the develop- ment of titanium alloys has progressed at a rapid rate far sur- passing the development of any other structural material. One obstacle, however, that of economics, must be overcome before this metal can be used to its full potential. To this end, the present program was initiated. The relatively high cost of titanium clearly indicates that an appreciable savings will result from a high material utiliza- tion factor, i.e0 the ratio of the finished part weight to that of the rem material required to produce the part. The extrusion process is ideally suited as the basic operation for the manu- facture of parts with a high material utilization factor in that complex cross sections can be obtained with a minimum of machining. In addition, for the titanium materials investivted, extruding directly from a cast ingot provides an additional cost savings in tAvt both the cost of the forging operation and the material lost in forging are eliminated. Specific parts such as flange and tubular shapes are? applicable to the extrusion process. In the case of the flanges, the basic cross section is extruded in straight sections. Subsequent form- ing, welding, sizing operations produce the desired circular con- figuration. This replaces conventional methods of forging the ring directly or fabricating rings from barstock. In both these operations considerable material is lost in machining the detail cross section. For tubular shapes, conventional forging cannot compete with extrusion for production of parts with a minimum of machining and a maximum of material utilization in the process itself. Both flange and tubular shapes, typical of such application for titanium in jet engines were selected for study. These assemblies are shown schematically in the cutaway ? of a Curtiss-Wright J-65 Turbojet, Figure 1. The materials selected were both unalloyed (AMS 4921) and the A110-AT titanium alloy. The results obtained from development directed toward the establish- ment of a production processing method are presented in this report. Results of subsequent engine testing of these assemblies and/or parts and economic analysis of the process were presented in the previous section of this final report. S.STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF TABLES cOont TABLE NO. XVIII. Dimensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 226966 XIX. D imensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 227594 JLXO Dimensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 227596 XII. Dimensional Inspection Report for Several Production Extrusions of P/N 226970. XXII. The Mechanical Properties of Typical Extruded and Annealed Section from the Production Flange Extrusion. XIII'. The Tensile Properties of Extruded A110-AT Production Tubing from Forged billets. XXIV. The Tensile Properties of the Weld Section and Base Metal of Formed Rings. XXV. Comparison of Conventional Manufacturing Methods (Forging and Flash-tutt Welded Barstock) to Extrusion on the Basis of Material Utilization. xiv Pagp No. 61 62 63 67 68 69 ? INTRODUCTION In recent years the military, recognizing the potentiality of titanium for aircraft applications, has made a concerted effort to develop the "state of the art". Consequently, the develop- ment of titanium alloys has progressed at a rapid rate far sur- passing the development of any other structural material. One obstacle, however, that of economics, must be overcome before this metal can be used to its full potential. To this end, the present program was initiated. The relatively high cost of titanium clearly indicates that an appreciable savings will result from a high material utiliza- tion factor, i.e0 the ratio of the finished part weight to that of the rem material required to produce the part. The extrusion process is ideally suited as the basic operation for the manu- facture of parts with a high material utilization factor in that complex cross sections can be obtained with a minimum of machining. In addition, for the titanium materials investivted, extruding directly from a cast ingot provides an additional cost savings in tAvt both the cost of the forging operation and the material lost in forging are eliminated. Specific parts such as flange and tubular shapes are? applicable to the extrusion process. In the case of the flanges, the basic cross section is extruded in straight sections. Subsequent form- ing, welding, sizing operations produce the desired circular con- figuration. This replaces conventional methods of forging the ring directly or fabricating rings from barstock. In both these operations considerable material is lost in machining the detail cross section. For tubular shapes, conventional forging cannot compete with extrusion for production of parts with a minimum of machining and a maximum of material utilization in the process itself. Both flange and tubular shapes, typical of such application for titanium in jet engines were selected for study. These assemblies are shown schematically in the cutaway ? of a Curtiss-Wright J-65 Turbojet, Figure 1. The materials selected were both unalloyed (AMS 4921) and the A110-AT titanium alloy. The results obtained from development directed toward the establish- ment of a production processing method are presented in this report. Results of subsequent engine testing of these assemblies and/or parts and economic analysis of the process were presented in the previous section of this final report. S.STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ? -4.1! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 11101 "Mk III. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained on this program permit the follow- ing generalized conclusions: 1. Detail titanium parts such as end flanges and tubular sections can be manufactured by extruding the basid configuration and performing secondary operations such as ring forming or upsetting for the desired end configuration? This technique results in considerably higher material utilization when compared to conven- tional methods such as forging. A machining envelope of approximately 0.050 inch has been determined as satisfactory for such parts? 20 The extrusion of the basic configuration from cast ingots of A70 and A110-AT titanium will result in mechanical properties which are equivalent to a forged section or an extrusion from a forged billet. 30 The following dimensional tolerances are obtainable in the extrusion operation for extruded lengths of twenty feet and fifteen feet for the A70 and A1104T titanium materia1s9 respectively. Nominal Metal Dimension Extrusion Tolerance Less then 100 inch 00010 1.0 to 200 inch 0.020 2.0 to 300 inch '0.030 0 4. The present limitation of approximately five extrusions per die for A70 and one extrusion per die for the A110 - AT limit the linear footage of extruded material to approximately 100 and 15 feet, respectively? The use of multi-opening dies can readily increase this yield by at least a factor of three. 50 To obtain optimum surface finish on extruded sections and maximum die life the dextrusion processing variables must be controlled carefully? 6. Forming of A70 rings should be performed in the temperature range of 70071000?F, A110-AT rings should be formed in the temperature range of 12004400?f. In this way small dia metemand complex cross sections can be formed readily. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 III. CONCLUggnalgEILLL 7. Large variations is cross section (rib ratios of 5031) can be successfully flash butt welded by closely controlling the heating of the thinner sections. 8. Sizing of titanium rings should be performed in the temperature range of 7004250?F. Expand the A70 material 2$ and the A110-AT material a maximum of 1 1/2 %. 9. Conventional steel upsetting techniques and limi- tations do not apply to titanium. 10. The parts considered in this report cannot be manu- factured as a production item without considerable production experience in the specific titanium alloys and shapes considered. IV. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Where applicable, utilize the extrusion operation as the primary operation in producing titanium parts with a maxi- , mum of material utilization. 2. For A70 and AllOAT components extrude directly from cast ingots Where the extrusion ratio is greater than 10:1. 3. Consider additional development along the following lines: a. Development of a long /ife extrusion die. b. Development studies on upsetting titanium tubing to extablish the limitations of the process. S.STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043Rninn1Rnnne_7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT V. 8UMmARY The detail titanium parts studied consisted of end flanges for sheet metal assemblies and a tubular rotor shaft, see Figures 2 through 15. The titanium material used was both AMS 4921 (A70) and A1104T for the shaft. To accomplish the development objective of utilizing a minimum amount of material to manufacture the detail components, the minimum envelope was established, The flanges were manufactured from extruded sections which were formed into rings and the rotor shaft was made by extruding a tube and upsetting the flanges. A* EVAltnItItlIALtt 10 Extrusion The extrusions were performed on a 12,000 ton horizontal extrusion press. The extrusion stock was heated in a , salt bath located immediately adjacent to the press. Forged billets were used -exclusively for the extrusion stock. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 a. Maximum arILLItimistic Enveluejhutg (1) Ti A70 Initial extrusions had a 1/8 indh0 Several "maximum" env 19, to n envelope of approxpately extrusions were made to this elope configuration, see Figures 18 and establish the range of extrusion temperature quired to obtain maximum mechanical properties and to provide material for forming envelope studies. Subsequent extrusions were made of each of the detail parts, Figures 21 through 269 to an "optimistic envelope of approximately .030 inch. This represented the estimated minimum cross section required to suc- cessfully manufacture a ring. Multi-opening dies were used to extrude the smaller cross sections. In this manner the six A70 shapes were extruded through three dies. (a) Dimensional Ingastigji Dimensional inspection of the extrusionsrevealed the following tolerances Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ilo? O. V. SUMMA.RY(Cont 'd) Nominal Metal. Dimension Less than 1.000 inch 1.000 to 2.000 inch 2 000 to 3p000 inch Extrusion Tolerance +0,020 4. 0.030 ?0040 Local surface imperfections did not exceed 1/32 inch. (b) .11.219.111EilL11.112.22LiEaLtaa Room temperature tensile tests on the optimistic enve- lope extrusion made at 1850?F revealed the material to have properties in excess of the minimum specification requirements. The macrostructure revealed a fine fiber structure equivalent in uniformity to a rolled ring or a forging. The microstructure indicated minor struc- tural variations from equiaxed alpha to bonds of "basket- weave' , alpha. The microstructure and a microhardness survey revealed the extruded surface to be completely free from contam- ination. Due to non-uniform flow the first four inches of each extrusion was scrapped. The rear crop was approximately one-half inch and was due solely to over- heating caused by the torch cut-off. Various annealing cycles performed on the extruded sections revealed the "as- extruded" properties to be equivalent to the annealed properties. (2) Ti-A110-AT Prior to extruding the tube for the rotor shaft the extru- sion stock was upset and pierced at 2000?F. Subsequent extrusions utilizing various lubricants, die designs and temperature were complete failures in that the extruded tubes had severe surface tears. Attempts to extrude A110-AT flanges resulted in similar surface scoring, not quite as severe as that of the tubes. These results necessitated a study of A110-AT extrusion conditions. This study is presented in Part III of this final report. 10 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release :14, ? V. SUMMARY (Cont TinietallurgLcar Tensile tests on the sound sections of the tubular extrusions revealed those sections to be uniform and to have properties in excess of the minimum specifica- tion requirements. The macrostructure of the sound sections was uniform. The microstructure was identi- fied as elongated alpha grains in a matrix of recrystal- lized alpha. A study of the non-uniform flow in the front end of the extruded tube revealed the front crop to be five inches. The rear crops necessitated by the torch cut-off, was established to be one inch. As for the A70 material the 9as-extrudea" properties for the A110-AT alloy were Nand to be equivalent to those obtained by annealing. 20 hia.11EIJAK The extruded sections were formed into 360 degree rings on a Bath Radial Draw Former. Initial forming was performed on machined lengths of P/N 2269660 Rings with envelopes as little as 0.020' inch were successfully formed at room temperature. Form- ing the heavier rings in A70 and all the A1104T rings required heating. These elevated temperature studies were performed:on ex. truded maximum envelope shapes machined to an optimistic envelope. Subsequent to these initial forming studies the optimistic envel- ope extruded sections were formed into 360 degree rings. The dies and material were heated to 50071100?F for the A70 material and 1200-1400?F for the A1104T alloy, The ,forming of the smaller diameter rings caused a tlinning, of the inside flange which must be compensated. for in nature extrusions. 30 Flash-Butt Welding Welding of the titanium rings was performed at two sources on a Thomson F-4 Synchromatic and a Swift Welder. Initial welding was performed on P/N 226966. The machine settings were qualified by tensile tests. Subsequentlys, the optimistic envelope sections were welded. Tensile tests on these welded sections established the weld settings as being capable of passing the strength require- ments of AMS 7498. 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 11 S'S TAT 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 V,SUMMARXIContld) The smaller diameter rings, P/N's 226961 and 227594, required a pre-sizing operation prior to welding to eliminate slippage of the work in the dies and subsequent distortions. The titanium rings were sized on a 225 ton press brake. The expansion of the rings was initially established to be 2 to 3 percent. In sizing the rings,the dies and material were heated to a temperature of 70042500F0 This was satisfactory for the A70 rings. The A1104T rings:, however, could not be expanded beyond 1.5 percent. This required a slightly larger diameter welded ring for future studies, 5. .7.2?E...ttipl A 6 inch Ajax Air Forging Machine was used to upset the flanges in the extruded A110-AT tubing for manufacture of the Turbine Rotor haft. Initial upsetting of steel tubing indicated that a 0.450 inch thick wall could be successfully upset in three passes. Attempts to upset this thickness tube in titanium at 1900coF resulted in a buckling at the inner diameter. Minor ? die modifications and increasing the wall to 0.600 inch, yielded the first successftlly upset tube. The tensile properties of the upset flange and adjacent tubular section were equivalent to that of the original tube. B. Production Studies 10 Manufacture of Parts Extrusion Based on the results obtained on,dimensional inspection of the finished prototype rings the production extrusion envel- opes were modified9 see Figures 71 to 78. A development study of the effect of extrusion processing conditions on the mechan- ical properties and surface finish of extruded cast titanium ingots resulted in the use of the following extrusion conditions: Extrusion Speed Extrusion Length Lubricant Billet Heating Die Design Ti-A70 100-500 inbain0 15-20 ft. Fiske #630 Salt Bath 120 to 140? included angle Ti-4110-AT 450 in/Min 12-15 ft. Fiske #630 Salt Bath 1800 included angle Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release V. SUMMARY_..1Contedj Container Temperature Die Preheat Die Material TI-A70 Ti4410-AT 800oF 350 to 750?F 700 to 800?F 5% Chrome, die Vasco Supreme steel, hard faced with Rexweld Extrusions were made from both cast ingots and forged billets at extrusion temperatures of 1550?F for the A70 and 185049500F for the A110 AT. (1) Quality of the Extrusion (a) A70 The surface finish ? of these extrusions had heavy surface scoring due to the run-out guides. (b) A110-AT The following tolerances were obtained on the flange sections: Nominal Metal Dimeneior less than 1.000 inch 1 000 to 2e 000 inch Extrusion Tolerance L 00010 L0020 In extruding the tubular sections for the rotor shaft a maximum thickness variation of 0.080 inches on an eleven foot length was noted. (2) Extrusion Yield The extrusion yield was approximately 70 percent. (3) Die Life ? The die life for the A70 extrusion was approximately 100 linear feet and for the A1104T 15 linear feet. (.4) MetallpItisal ? ,gvaluatiop Tensile tests on the extruded sections from both cast ingots and forged billets revealed properties which surpassed the minimum specification requirements, 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 13 S'S TAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 V. SUMMARY Contod _p_rm.n?ga_pj,ding and Si zing The tooling for the ring manufacturing operations was modified to accommodate the changes in the extrusion envelope and the production extrusions were processed into 360 degree rings utilizing the procedure established in the prototype work. The total machine time required to produce a ring was approximately 30 minutes. In addition to the qualifying tests for the weld settings, tensile tests were performed on the weld zone and base metal of the finished ring. These tests established the finished product to meet all applicable specifications? co .11.2P?Ij4RE Six A110-AT tubes were upset at both ends in the same manner that resulted in a successful prototype parto All of the shafts had indications of a lap on the inner diameter immediately under the upset flange? ,These laps could not be removed by machining to the finished I.D. dimensions. Consequently, this area was repair welded. 20 Manufacture of AS The following list associates the rings with the assemblies and in- dicates the corresponding assembly vendorss Part No. Name 608120 608118 608109 608569 Material Flarojos.. Vendor Combustion Chamber A70 226966 Heat Shield Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct A70 226962 226963 226964 A70 226956 Turbine Stator Blade A1104T 227394 Support 227596 Portland Copper & Tank Works Smith-Morris Corpo Midway Company Alloy Product Co. a. Weld Approval Prior to welding the assemblies the vendors facilities were reviewed and weld samples obtained, Weld approval was granted based on samples which were required to conform to established WAD specification, see Appendix I, V. SUMMARY (ContBd) 130 ProductimlnostEga Inspection of the final assemblies revealed occasional dimensional and weld discrepancies. These descrepant areas were non-critical and when they occurred, the part was pro- cured through Material Review Action? The repair welding of the rotor shaft was in a non-critical. stress area and consequently could be toleratedo Co Material Utilization Compared to conventional manufacturing methods, ioe0 forging, etco, this newly developed method of extruding for the basic cross section utilizes approximately one-half the raw material. Material utilization factors in excess of 0.65 were obtained? The highest material utilization factor obtainable by conventional methods was 0040, see Table XXV? 15 S.STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI, DISCUSSION 4 0 The detail titanium parts selected for study are shown in Figures 2 through 10. As indicated in these figures, the parts studied con- sist of end flanges and a tubular shaft. For engine operation, the detail flanges are welded to sheet metal components to form an integral part of the assembly, Figures 11 through 15. Major emphasis was placed on the manufacture of the detailed parts. The assemblies provided a means of evaluating the parts through engine testing, The accomplish the development objective of utilizing a minimum amount of material to manufacture the detail parts in the most economic manner, the following was required, For the flanges, the minimum machining envelope, i.e., the stock added to the detail cross-section, had to be established,/ This envelope must be commensurate with the limitations of the extrusion, forming, welding, and sizing operations utilized in the manufacture of the flange rings. For the tubular shaft, the envelope must be commensurate with the limitations of the extrusion and upset operations. The limitations of the extrusion operation determined the machining envelope for most of the rings. Forming and welding limitations added to this envelope for the smaller diameter parts, The upset oper- ation limitations established the envelope for the shaft. Exclusive of the basic studies reported in Part III of this final report, the initial attempts to establish this machining envelope were concen- trated around the extrusion operation. Subsequent to the establishment ,of the extrusion limitations, the limitations of the forming, welding, sizing, and upsetting operations were established by processing parts. This initial work is described in the following section entitled "Prototype Studies". After establishing the limitations for each of the operations, the production parts were made. These parts were subsequently machined and/or fabricated into assemblies for engine testing. A. Prototype Studies 1. Extrusion a. Equipment All the extrusions on this program were made on the 12,000 ton horizontal extrusion press located at Metals Processing Div- ision, Buffalo, N. Y0, Figure 16. This press is equipped with three pressure stages capable of delivering 4,000, 8,000, and 12,000 tons. On this program, the flanges were extruded util- izing the 4,000 ton stage in conjunction with an 8 inch diameter container. The shaft was extruded from a 16 inch diameter con- tainer utilizing the full press capacity of 12,000 tons. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 )) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized C pyApproved for Release @ 5 4.? ' VI. DISCUSSION 4 0 The detail titanium parts selected for study are shown in Figures 2 through 10. As indicated in these figures, the parts studied con- sist of end flanges and a tubular shaft, For engine operation, the detail flanges are welded to sheet metal components to form an integral part of the assembly, Figures 11 through 15. Major emphasis was placed on the manufacture of the detailed parts. The assemblies provided a means of evaluating the parts through engine testing. The accomplish the development objective of utilizing a minimum amount of material to manufacture the detail parts in the most economic manner, the following was required, For the flanges, the minimum machining envelope, i.e., the stock added to the detail cross-section, had to be established. This envelope must be commensurate with the limitations of the extrusion, forming, welding, and sizing operations utilized in the manufacture of the flange rings. For the tubular shaft, the envelope must be commensurate with the limitations of the extrusion and upset operations. The limitations of the extrusion operation determined the machining envelope for most of the rings. Forming and welding limitations added to this envelope for the smaller diameter parts. The upset oper- ation limitations established the envelope for the shaft. Exclusive of the basic studies reported in Part III of this final report, the initial attempts to establish this machining envelope were concen- trated around the extrusion operation, Subsequent to the establishment :of the extrusion limitations, the limitations of the forming, welding, sizing, and upsetting operations were established by processing parts. This initial work is described in the following section entitled "Prototype Studies". After establishing the limitations for each of the operations, the production parts were made. These parts were subsequently machined and/or fabricated into assemblies for engine testing. A. Prototype Studies 1. Extrusion a. Equipment All the extrusions on this program were made on the 12,000 ton horizontal extrusion press located at Metals Processing Div- ision, Buffalo, No Y., Figure 160 This press is equipped with three pressure stages capable of delivering 4,000, 8,000, and 12,000 tons. On this program, the flanges were extruded util- izing the 4,0o0 ton stage in conjunction with an 8 inch diameter container, The shaft was extruded from a 16 inch diameter con- tainer utilizing the full press capacity of 12,000 tons. . IA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT 0,1 ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 V10 DISCUSSION (continued) b. Method of Heating Heating of the extrusion stock was accomplished in a barium chloride salt bath immediately adjacent to the press. Transfer of the billet from the furnace to the press is accomplished by means of an overhead hoist. Although the furnace temperature can be controlled quite closely 9 the transfer of the material does result in a slight drop in temperature. This drop in temperature WO determined by using thermocouples to establish cooling curveWor the billet. Due to the short duration of the transfer times (approximately I minute), the only temperee ature drop of any significance is restricted to the outer surface. Therefore, the actual extrusion temperature corresponded quite closely to the furnace temperature? To determine the heating characteristics of the various size billets and to assure thorough heating 9 heating curves similar to those presented in Figure 17 were established? Such curves dictate the time at temperature required to through-heat the billet? c. Material The material for the prototype studies consisted exclusively of forged billets? This material was purchased to the spec- ifications shown in Appendix 1. While the specification for the A70 material indicates a maximum oxygen content of 0020%, this condition was not maintained as a sole cause for rejection. This modification was required to expedite the delivery of this material? In general, the oxygen content was approximately 0.25%. Maximum and Optimistic Envelope Shapes (1) Ti470 The initial extrusions of the A70 titanium mater- ial were to the configurations shown in Figures 18 and 19. These extrusions are referred to as "maximum envelope" shapes due to the large machining envelope, approximately 1/8 inch on all surfaces, that was added to the detail cross-section. The maximum envelope shape of Part No. 226961, see Figure 18-9 was extruded at temperatures of approximately 17009 16009 15009 and 1450(10 The ram speed was approximately 2 in./sec. A? photograph of sections of one of these extruded parts is presented in Figure 200 Additional extrusions of Part No. 226963, see Figure 199 were also made under similar conditions. This oversize envelope was purposely applied to these shapes to permit subsequent forming after the extruded section had been machined to various smaller envelopes. This S.STAT VI, DISCUSSION (continued) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 permitted an initial approximation of the limitations of the subsequent ring producing operations. These two shapes represent the most complex configuration as well as the most difficult rings to form due to the high ratio of cross-section area to ring diameter. It is interesting to note that these extrusions repre- sent one of the initial extrusions of titanium at this facility and certainly the first such extrusions in equipment of this capacity. They, therefore) also served as a means of "getting our feet wet" and generally "de bugging" the equipment. The temperature range for extrud- ing forged A70 billets was also determined from these extrusions. To definitely establish the minimum envelope required) sub- sequent extrusions were made to an "optimistic envelope" shape. This envelope represents the initially estimated minimum cross-section required to successfully manufacture a ring. The specific cross-sections of each of the six shapes for this material are presented in Figures 21 through 26. These shapes are referred to as optimistic envelope shapes due to the small amount of machining envelope) approximately 0,030 inch) which was applied to the detailed part. Except for the extrusion of the optimistic shapes of Part No. 2269611 the balance of the optimistic shapes were ex- truded through multi-opening dies. These multi-opening dies are shown schematically in Figure 27. As shown in these figures) Part Nos. 226962 and 226963 were extruded through one of these dies while Part Nos. 226956) 2269661 and 226964 were extruded through the other die. A photograph of the multi-opening die used for the extrusion of Part Nos. 227594 and 227596 is shown in Figure 28, Detail die drawings are presented in Appendix II. Based on the experience obtained from the maximum envelope extrusions) the following conditions were used for the optimistic envelope extrusions Billet Temperature Extrusion Speed Lubricant Die Temperature Container Temperature Die Material 1550?F 15 ft./sec. Oil dag, nicrolene) bentone) lithium carbonate 250-400?F 8000F rd faced steel ..014 . Photographs of each of the extruded shapes are presented in Figure 29. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release t 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI? DISCUSSION (continued) (a) Dimensional Inspection Dimensional inspection report e for these ex.- trusions are presented in Tables I through VI. These reports indicate that the following extrus- ion tolerances are obtainable. Nominal Metal Dimension Extrusion Tolerance Less than 1,0 inch 1.0 to 2.0 inch 2.0 to 300 inch ? 0.020 ? 0.030 ? 0,040 Local Surface inperfections, in general 9 did not exceed 1/32 inch. Considerable warpage and twisting were noted on these extrusions, This is attributed to the lack of adequate runout guides, Subsequent straightening operations corrected this condition, (b) Metallurgical Investigation i. Mechanical Properties The results obtained from tensile tests on as extruded sections of Part No. 226961 extruded to the maximum envelope shapes at temperatures from 1450*F to 1700*F are presented graphically in Figure 28 and are compiled in Table VII. This data indicates the entire temperature range to be satisfactory for this extrusion ratio? It is noted, however, that a considerably more ductile material, as exhibited in Figure 309 by the values for elongation and reduction of area and the ten= sue to yield spread, is obtained by extruding in the lower part of this temperature range, 1450 to 1600?F. In this range of extrusion temperature, a more ductile material was obtained by extrusion than forging as indicated by the vendor's certi- fied data. Tensile tests were also performed on the optimistic envelope shapes. This data? presented in Table VIII 9 clearly demonstrates, in all cases, that the tensile properties of the extrusions are superior to the certified minimum properties submitted by the supplier. Furthermore, the data indicates a uniform- ity of properties -within each flange and only a small variation of properties among the flanges. It is interesting to note that, except for Part No. 226966 (the smallest cross-section examined), the tensile properties do not `frary appreciably with section size, Figure 31. This small cross-section permitted only the use of sub-standard specimens which probably accounts for this small difference. 20 VI. DISCUSSION (continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ii? Microstructure and Macrostructure STATcr Photomicrographs of each of the sections extruded at 1500?F, Figures 32 to 37, indicate structural variations from equi- axed alpha, to bands of "basketweave" alpha. The equiaxed alpha results from extruding in the all alpha phase, while the basket weave alpha is a transformation product, its presence indicative of extruding in the alpha-beta region. As the extrusion temperature of approx. imately 1500?F is close to the lower alpha-beta transus9 minus variations in temperature through- out the billet could readily account for BOMB areas being in the alpha region while others are in the alpha-beta region. The tensile tests reported in the previous paragraph clearly establish that these minor variations in microstructure are not reflected in the mechanical properties of the material, These microstructures, therefore, are concluded to be acceptable for this material? The macrostructure of these parts, also shown in Figures 32 to 37, show a fine fibre structure which is generally more uniform than that obtain- able with a forging of comparable size and at least equivalent to that of a rolled ring. These photo- macrographs dhow a clearly defined narrow band ad. jacent to the surface of most of the extrusions. The microstructure of these bands have high per- centages of the basket weave type alpha structure, While this structure is less than optimum, no deleterious effects have been exhibited in tensile tests or in subsequent forming operations. Surface Contamination of Extrusions Sections of Part No, 226961 extruded at 1,500?F were examined metallographically for surface con- tamination. A photomicrograph showing a cross- section adjacent to one of the extruded surfaces is presented in Figure 38. The lack of surface contamination is evident by the uniformity of the microstructure and the results of the 'hardness sur- vey. Converted, hardness readings to Rockwell C ranged from 29.5 to 30.0 which is well within the range of accuracy of the instrument. This work is in close agreement with previous data20 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) iv. Front and Rear Crop Front and rear sections of the extruded A70 flanges were examined to determine the amount of material which is not of usable qaality and must be cut off as scrap? From these shapes, longitudinal sections were etched for flow lines. Undesirable flow was observed up to four inches from the front of the extrusion, Figure 390 The rear crop study was designed to determine stosk removal necessary due to irregular flaw and overheating due to torch cutting of the extrusion from the butt? ?An etched section adjacent to the cut-off area, Figure 409 indicates uniform flow from the torch cut forward. Since the point of cut-off was immediately adjacent to the unextruded butt, it is evident that non-uniform flow does not exist in the rear of the extrusions The heat affected zone due to the torch cut-off extends into the extrusion for a maximum depth of 1/2 inch, see Figure 40. IT *, Extrusion Annealing Cycles The effect of various annealing temperatures and cooling rates was determined for extruded A70 material? The resulting mechanical properties are presented graphically in Figure 41. As indicated in this figure, the as-extrud- ed properties were equivalent to those obtained by any of the annealing conditions examinede (2) Ti-AllOAT - The initial extrusions with this material were tubular sections for the turbine rotor shaft? Prior to actual extrusion9 however, the billet material, which was in the form of a 12 inch round-cornered square, was subjected to an upset operation which increased the diameter to 16 inches, Simultan- eously, the center of the billet was pierced? Initial Attempts to perform this upset and piercing operation at Omperatures below 1900?F resulted in severe cracking of the peripheral upset area. Heating the billet to 2000?F eliminated the crack- ing and resulted ir a successful upset. Subsequent to the upset and pierce operation, several tubular extrusions were attempted to the configuration of Figure 420 In these extr1sions9 both a re-entrant angle and a standard 130* die were used, Figure 43. Both extrusions resulted in 22 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) ? .3.37:e. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 ? CIA-RDP81 01043R002500180004 7 severe surface tearing similar to that shown in Figure 44. The extrusion temperature in these tests was approximately 1900?F. A third attempt to extrude this material into a tubular shape utilized a steel jacket, i.e., the billet prior to extrusion was encased in a jacket of steel. Ex- truding this billet through a 130* die resulted in surface tearing and cracks similar to those shown previously, see Figure 44. The purpose of the jacket was to reduce the friction by lubricating the outer steel layer rather than the titanium. Attempts to extrude at temperatures below 1900?F were unsuccessful in that the press stalled. All the previous extrusions at 1900?F required forces in excess of 119000 tons. In several instances s "break through" forces approached the press maximum of 129000 tons. A beta transus temperature of apprax= imately 1960?F prohibited the extrusion at higher temperatures. Results by previous investigators3 indicate that undesirable mechanical properties can result from extruding above the 1960?F transus temper- ature or in the "all-beta" region. STATT The lubricant for the previously discussed tubular AllOAT extrusion was a combination of oil dag, nacrolene, and lithium carbonate. One additional extrusion was made to this configuration with a coating of Borax as a lubricant. Although the surface quality of this extrusion was improved, it is still not satisfactory. To assure the availability of tubing for subsequent development studies on upsetting, the dies were opened to provide for a heavier walled section? This permitted a machining operation to remove the surface imperfections and allow subsequent processing. In addition to the tubular extrusions in this material, extrusions of Part Nos? 227594 and 227596 to the con- figuration shown in Figures 45 and 46 were made. While the surface finish of these extrusions was improved come pared to the tubular shapes, severe surface scoring did occur, Figure 470 The above results on AllOAT extrusions clearly established the need for a development program aimed at establishing 23 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) the extrusion conditions required to produce AllOAT extrusions with an acceptable surface finish. Such a program was then initiated. The results of this development program are discussed in detail in Part III of this finaloreportl. (a) Dimensional Inspection The severe surface tearing and scoring resulting in all extrusions of this material precluded any useful dimensional inspection. (b) Metallurgical Investigation i. Mechanical Properties Tensile tests were performed on the sound sections of two of the tubular extrusions. These results are compiled in Table IX. As indicated by the results on this table, the tensile values of the extruded section were found to be uniform and considerably more ductile than that indicated for the base material by the vendor's certified data. Notch rupturing testing was also performed. These results confirm the satisfactory quality of this material with respect to mechanical pro- perties. ii. Microstructure and Macrostructure A photomacrograph of a section of the re-entrant angle die extrusion is shown in Figure 48. While the sound section reveal* an overall uniform grain distribution pattern, the metal flow in the tear area is distinctly non-uniform, yielding a non-uniform coarse grain structure. A closer examination of the sound area, Figure 49, reveals a moderately fine, randomly oriented, recrystallization structure. The macrostructure of cross-sections of the steel jacketed extrusion is shown in Figure 50. Un- like the previous extrusion, the flow lines are clearly visible and they are generally smooth with minor turbulences at the irregular surfaces. Excluding these minor turbulences, the structure is fairly uniform from inner to outer surface. The microstructure of a section of this extrusion VI. DISCUSSION (continued) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 S'S TAT is presented in Figure 51. This grain structure is identified as elongated alpha grains in a matrix of recrystallized alpha? The variation in grain size between this and the previous extrusions can probably be attributed to the upset and pierce temper- ature which was appreciably lower for the steel jacketed extrusion. Specifically, the upset and piercing operation was performed in the beta region for the first extrusion and in the alpha-beta region for the latter. iii. Beta Transus Determination The beta transus temperature for this heat of AllOAT material has been metallographically, determined to be approximately 1960?F, Figure 520 This temperature represents the maximum at which this material can be extruded or finished forged3. For although the beta phase has superior deformation characteristics than the alpha phase, recrystallization and excessive grain growth occur when this material is heated above this temperature. iv. Front and Rear Crop A metallographic study of the front end of the rotor &let extrusions revealed nonuniform flow back to a distance of five inches from the front of the extrusion. The rear crop, as was the case for the A70 material, is approximately one inch and is required only to remove the heat affected zone due to torch cut-off. Extrusion Annealing Cycle The effect of varied annealing temperatures and cooling rates on the mechanicaL propertiwbf extruded AllOAT material is presented in Figure 53.While minor variations in yield strength and reduction in area were exhibited at various annealing temperatures, the as-extruded proper- ties were adequate for further. proceSsingo 25 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) 2. Ring Forming ao Equipment The machine utilized to form the extruded sections into rings is described as a Bath Radial Draw Former, Figure 54. It consists of a variable speed power driven circular table and a double acting pressure controlled cylinder. Where required, a hydraulic ram, capable of applying a side 1:orce to the section being formed, is utilized. The contour forming dies were fabricated from AISI 1045 material. They are circular in shape with the general con- figuration of the part cross-section at the outer periphery. Suitable contour rolls were fabricated from Ketos die material. These rolls serve to exert a side force on the length being formed. A photograph of the rolls and dies used on this pro= gram is presented in Figure 55. Initial Forming Studies In preparation for forming the basic extrusion lengths, a pro- gram was initiated to utilize machined titanium bar stock for ring forming development. Initially, titanium bar stock machined to the configuration of Part No. 226966 with an envelope of approximately 1/16 inch was formed at room temperature with no appreciable change in dimension, Figure 560 The enyelope was then reduced to 0.020 inch and a ring was produced satisfactorily. The tolerance of 0.020 inch which had been demonstrated to be adequate for the contour forming operation is considerably less than permitted by the extrusion operation at this time. Conse- quently, future sections were machined to the optimistic envelope (0.030 in.) from either bar stock or maximum envelope extrusions. The parts studies were Part No. 226961, 226963, and 227594. These shapes representing both A70 and AllOAT material have small dia- meters relative to the cross-section area and represent the most difficult sections in the program based on ring manufacture. At- tempts to form these rings at room temperature were completely unsuccessful as the material did not have the required elongation necessary for this operation. However, development directed at :hot forming techniques permitted the satisfactory forming of these shapes to the desired contour, Figure 579 In this application, both the material and the dies were heated. A photograph of Part No. 226963 formed in this man- ner is Shown in Figure 586 The application of hot, forming to Part No. 226966 resulted in an appreciably better formed section. VI. DISCUSSION (continued) The forming temperatures and resulting required forces for each of the parts followss Material Temperature Die Roll Temperature Force excited through rolls Part Number 226977127770671?3 200?F 700?F '700?F 200?F 700?F 700?F 12 1/2 17 1/2 20 ton ton ton 2275944 800?F 800?F 20 ton S'S TAT In all cases, best results were obtained when the forming oper- ation proceeded as slowly as possible which was a table speed of .4 RPM. In addition, a two pass operation, working first with a clockwise rotation of the table and second with a counter- clockwise rotation yielded the best results. Optimistic Envelope Extrusions The forming of extruded sections without any machining presented an initial problem in that these shapes were twisted and .bowed whereas the machined shapes were not. For the A70 material, straightening was possible in the forming operation. For severely distorted A70 shapes and for all the AllOAT shapes, it was neces- sary to straighten the parts by hand in an arbor press prior to forming. Except for minor die rework required to accommodate the dimen- sional variations inherent in the extruded section vs0 the machined sections, these extruded sections were formed with re- lative ease. The publication, at this time, of DS 7498 (speci- fication controlling Flash Welded and Titanium Rings) confirmed the previously established requirement of forming these rings hot. In general, a temperature range of 5004000?F was established for the dies and the material. The most difficult A70 ring to form was Part No. 226963. The side (roll) pressures required to form this small diameter resulted in a loss of approximately 0.080 ino on the vertical leg, see Figure 24. In forming the AllOAT rings, Part Nos. 227594 and 2275969 the high pressures required to form the ring resulted in a torn surface. Consequently, to eliminate the surface tearing, the forming temper- ature was increased to 1200-1400?F and a pre-form operation was employed. A reduction in thickness of the vertical leg of the ring of o0)40 inch was noted due to the form4mg forces. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) 30 Flash Butt Welding ? Equipment Welding of the titanium rings was performed at two welding sources, Thomson Electric Welder Company, Lynn, Massachusetts, and Cleveland Welding Company, Cleveland, Ohio. The machine specifications used at each source followss (1) Thomson Electric Welder Company Model Machine Rating Maximum Upset Force Maximum Clamping Force (2) Cleveland Welding Company Model Machine Rating Maximum Clamping Force Maximum Upset Force 'Welding Formed Shapes Thomson F44 Synchromatic 250 KVA 32,000 lbs. 23,000 lbs. Swift Welder 90 K VA 600 KVA 160,000 lbs. 200,000 lbs. The initial weld settings were based on the result # obtained Ilva the development studies on maximum rib ratios'. Initial studies were performed by Thomson Electric Welder on P/N 226966 formed from milled barstock, Figure 59* Several rings were welded and the machine settings were qualified by tension test- ing of the veld ring segments. In this manner, weld settings capable of meeting the strength requirements of ims 7498 were established* 'Similarly, the weld settings for the remaining shapes formed from optimistic envelope extrusions were established? The ?tensile properties of the ring weldments are presented in Table L The welding machine settings and burn off 1Bngths thus established are indicated in Tables XI and XIIN \ ? S.STAT vl. plEmul (continued) The welding of P/N vs 226961 and 227594 presented considerable difficulty in that an out-of-round resulted, Figure 60. The relatively small diameter of P/N 226961 necessitated a pro sizing operation prior to welding to eliminate slippage of the work in the dies during the flashing operation and minimize sub- sequent distortions. X-ray results on the welds of P/N 227594 revealed a complete lack of bonding. Increasing the flashing time to overcome the resistance of the AllOAT material during upsetting corrected the problem. 4* Sizing Els Equipment The titanium rings were expanded on a 225 ton press brake lo- cated at Cyril Bath, A pin centrally located in the expander fixture engages the punch and the expanding segments. The set up is shown pictorially in Figure 61. Sizing Welded Rings The expansion of the titanium rings was initially set at 2 to 3 percent. This expansion was readily obtained for P/N 226966 at room temperature. Expanding the shape in increments of 0.42 inches resulted in a spring back of approximately 0.080 inches per increment, or approximately 20 percent. Allowance for this condition was accomplished by reworking the expanding die seg- ments. Expansion of the larger cross section rings could only be accomplished at temperatures in excess of 700?F. The release at this time, of AMS 7498 established the sizing temperature range to be 700 to 1250?F for all titanium rings. For P/N 226961 a pre-sizing operation, to eliminate the out-of-round condition at the weld area was performed Direct application of the above results obtained for CO titanium result6d 'in failure when attempted in the AlOOAT rings, This was due to the considerably lower ductiMy of this alloy as compared to the A,70 (unalloyed) material. As 4 result, the contour form circlimference was revised to show a 1.5 percent maximum expansion instead of the,previously used 2 percent. Subsequent rings were successfully expanded to this revised dimension. Upsetting Equipment The equipment used to upset the flanges on the extruded AllOAT "tubing to make the turbine rotor shaft, see Figure 10, was a 6 inch Ajax Air Forging Machine located at the Propeller Divi- sion, Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Caldwell, New Jersey, A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 29 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) photograph of this machine is shown in Figure 62, Heating of the material was performed in a Tocco induction Heating Unit. This unit was calibrated wpth the use of thermocouples attached to the tube to insure a uniform heat pattern. Upsetting of Tubing Preliminary development studies for upsetting the ends of the rotor shaft were performed on low alloy steel tubing, ANS 6422. This initial work consiited of a three pass operation on a 0.385 inch.thick wall tube. The temperature employed was 2200?F. Upsetting of this tube resulted in a buckling on the I.D. surface? Increasing the wall thick- ness to 00450 inch resulted in a successfully upset steel flange, Figure 63. Concurrent with the steel upset development was a similar program utilizing plasticine in a scaled down model. Thi7.s material was laminated in colors to enable a study of the ,,flow of the material under the action of the punch. This scaled-dawn unit, was constructed of hard wood and is shown in Figure 64. In performing the upsetting on the plastictne the material was cooled to a temperature of approximately 300F. This lower temperature permitted a closer approxima- qon to the real material in that it rendered the plasticl.ne less ductile. Results of this survey indicated that the first upset pass can be successfully attempted by using a tapered punch and a 0.410 inch wall tube. Based on the above results on steel and plasticine9 tooling was designed and fabricated to permit the upsetting of a flange on AllOAT tubing with a 0,410 inch wall, This three step upsetting cycle is shown pictorially in Figure 65. These operations affect the dimensions of the upset section as follows: First Stage: 0.410N wall x 3050N long upset to 0.7210 wall x 1.62N long Second Stages 0.7210 wall x 1062N long upset to 1.053? wall to 10060N long Third Stages L053" wall x 10060N long upset to 1.379N wall x 0.62599 long This upset cycle applied to the AllOAT tubing resulted in severe buckling at the inner diameter, and incomplete die fill? Figure 66. 30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release DISCUSSION (continued) Upsetting of additional AllOAT tubing with a 0.450N wall was attempted. This did not correct the problem of the I.D. lap. Die variations, such as tapers on the first and second stage punch, Figure 6I7k, were also unsuccessul. Increasing the wall thickness to 0.600 inch solved the buckling problem in the first and second stages0 A. photamacrograph of a section formed through the second pass is shown in Figure 68(a). Applying the third stage operation to this 00600 inch wall tube re= suited in a serious fold, Figure 68(b). In all the pre- vious attempts, the tube was heated to 1900?F prior to the first and second stage operations? In an attempt to eliminate the fold in the last operation another heating operation was performed prior to.'-this third upset operation. This resulted in a considerably improved upset with only a slight fold, Finally,? an attempt was made to improve the flow pattern by removing the restrictive illedgetv from the punch in the third stage operation, A sketch of the new punch design is shown in Figure 69. A shaft was then successfully upset using this 0.600 inch wall tube, three heating cycles of 1900*F, and a tapered punch, Figure 70. Although a trace of a fold was detected on close examination all defects were removed by machining 0b050 inches from the I010, surface, (1) Mechanical Properties - Table XIII shows the tensile properties of the upset area and adjacent tubular section (heat affected zone). These properties are equivalent to the original extruded tube. The slightly law elongation values are probably attributed to the undersized specimen Production Studies 1* Manufacture of Parts a. Extrusion STAT Inspection of the prototype rings established the need for modifications of the extrusion envelope. These modifications were found necessary primarily due to (1) local thinning of a section during forming, (2) welding gripper marks, and (3) dimensional accuracy of the extrusion operation. The final production extrusion shaposthus established are presented in Figures 71 to 780 Shown also in these figures are the previous envelope, the machined detailed part cross-sectionsand the finished machined assembly cross-sectioneo 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VL. DISCUSSION (continued) Prior to the actual production extrusions, a development study aimed at obtaining optimum surface finish and mechafl. ical properties on extrusions from at ingots was performed. The results of this Sully are discussed in detail in Part I ? of this final reportl. The following extrusion conditions resulting from this study were employed on the production extrusions. Extrusion Speed Extrusion Length Lubricant Billet Heating Die Design Container Temperature Mie Preheat Die Material Ti-A70 100=500 ino/min. 15-20 ft. Fiske #630 $alt Bath 1200 to 1400 included angle 800?F 350 to 750?F 5% Chrome, hot worked die steel t with a Rexweld hard face Ti-AllOAT 450 ino/mino 12-15 ft. Fiske #630 Salt Bath 180? included angle 800?F 700 to 8000F Vasco Supreme (High Speed Steel) At the above condit1ons9 extrusions were made from both cast ingot and forged billets in both the A70 and AllOAT materials, An extrusion temperature of 1550?F was used for both the A70 materials while extrusion temperatures of 185049000F were used for the cast ingot and forged bi11ets9 respectively, in the AllOAT alloy. As was the case for the prototype extru8i0ns9 multi-opening dies were employed, see Figures 27 and 28. (1) quality of the Extrusions ? (a) Ti470 Flanges The surface quality of the production A70 extrusions ? were in general not satisfactory and were inferior to those obtained in the prototype phase. Heavy ? striations were noted throughout the entire length ? of several of the shapes. These striations are VI. DISCUSSION (continued) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 at? tributed.to.the run-out guides. These guides were intended to straighten the twist which occurred in the extrusions of the prototype parts. A dimen- sional inspection report of the typical A70 extruded shapes are presented. in Tables IIV to XVIII. (b) Ti-AllOAT flange ? The application production extrusion conditions to the AllOAT Mate4a1 resulted in flange extrusions with an excellent surface finish? Dimensional in- spection of these, part's, Tables XIV and XX indicate the following tolerances are? obtainable. Nominal Metal Dimension ? less the 14000 19000 to 2,000 Extrusion Tolerance ?/ 0.010 ? + 0.020 Comparison of these values to those reported pre- viously for the prototype A70 shapes reveals a marked improvement which can be directly attributed to the close control of the extrusion process variables. It can logically be expected therefore, that extrusion tolerances at least as good as those obtainable on the AllOAT shapes can be realized in A70 material with the use of properly designed run-out guides. (c) Ti-AllOAT Shaft In extruding the tubular sections for, the manufacture of the rotor shaft the conditions mentioned above were employed except as follows: Die Preheat Temperature Mie Material Die Design 350 to 4500F Remeld hard face 210 degrees included angle The modifications from the optimum conditions pertain solely to the die. This was necessitated due to the lengthy procurement cycle associated with new die pro. curement. Consequently, modifications were made to existing dies. The die temperature was limited to 33 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) 450?F due to interference problems associated with the expansion of the dies upon heating. The above extrusion conditions resulted in the first AllOAT tubular extrusion of acceptable surface quality and minimum die pickup. Slight intermediate circumferential surface tearing was noted. Dimensional inspection results are presented in Table XXI. As indicated in this table for an eleven foot extruded section the maximum variation in wall thickness WS 006O inch, All of these production extrusions were from forged material due to the lack of cast ingot of suitable diameter. (2) Extrusion Yield The extrusion yield exhibited by the A70 and AllOAT flanges was approximately 70 percent. The major por- tion of the lost materials, approximitely 25 percent represented the unextruded butt. The remaining loss, 5 percent(, was due to the front and rear crops specimen sampling, and preparation of the billet prior to extrud- ing, (3) Die Life The die life obtained in extruding A70 material was five extrusion cycles per die. This represents a total extru- sion length of approximately 100 ft, for a single opening die. For the AilOAT flanges only one extrusion cycle per die was obtainable. This represents a total extrusion length of approximately 15 linear. ft, Metallurgical Evaluation The results of tensile tests performed on the extruded A70 and AllOAT flanges are presented in Table In- cluded also in this ,table are the chemical compositions of the ingot and billet materials which were extruded obtain the shapeso The properties of all the examined far exceed the mmifp requirement cable specifications. The specimens ramdon sampling from front and r from both cast ingots and f 3 to specimen s of the appli- xamined represent ear sections of extrusions rged billets, The extrusion II VI. DISCUSSION (continued) of a forged billet or a cast ingot is not in any way reflected in these tensile properties. Typical photomacrographs of the extruded sections are presented in Figure 79 to 1314 This structure is quite similar to that obtained in the prototype studies, see Figures 32 to 37 The microstructure of the A70 mate- rial is identified as varying from recrystallized alpha with a slight flow orientation to Widmenstatten alpha platelets? The microstructure of the AllOAT shapes is identified as equiaxed grains of Nidmenstatten alpha platelets. STAT The results of tensile tests performed on extruded AllOAT tubing from forged billets are presented in Table XXIII, The minimum tensile properties exhibited are in excess of the minimum specification requirements. The micro- structure of these tubes are similar to that of the flanges, see Figure 82, 1) Forming, Welding and Sizing The tooling for the ring manufacturing operations was reworked to accommodate the modifications of the production extrusion envelopes. The procedures established and described in the prototype studies were employed. These procedures are summar- ized as follows2 (1) Forming (a) Receiving inspection and part identification? (b) Preheat part and dies to 70040000F for the A70 shapes and 1200 to 1400?F for the AllOAT parts (c) Form to 360 degree ring,, (d) Trims reheat and reroll to required print dimensions. (a) Inspect and prepare ring ends for welding. (2) Welding (a) Cut back thin segment 0d25 inch to retard heating of this area during flashing? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 (b) 0.1411fy machine settings, STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) (c) Meld (see Table XI through XII for weld machine settings). (d) Stress-relieve (AMS 7498)0 (e) Inspect and remove flash (x-ray). (3) Sizing ) Preheat work to the range of 700 to 12500F (oil dag may be used as a lubricant), (b) Expand to print dimensions (2 to 3% for A70 and li% expansion for AllOAT). (c) Inspect and ship. Photographs of rings produced in this manner are shown in Figure 85. The manufacture of a ring from an extruded Section re- quires approximately 30 minutes of machine time. This is distributed amont the three operations as follows Forming 20 minutes welding 5 minutes, and sizing 5 minutes. , (4) Inspection of Rings Inspection layout templates were made for each ring. A typical layout is shown in Figure 86 for P/N 226962. As indicated in this layouts the detailed part cross= section was scribed within the part configuration at the weld area and 90 degrees from the weld. In general, most of the rings cleaned up to the detailed part config- uratiom For some of the A70 rings, which showed heavy striations due to the run-out guides, the detailed part cross-section was not obtainable however, these shapes cleaned up in machining to the final assembly dimensions. Metallurgical Evaluation (5) In addition to the tensile tests perf welding machine settings, tensil finished sized rings. The sented in Table Xliii 36 rmed to qualify, the e tests were performed on results of these tests are pre- VI. DISCUSSION (continued) Tests were performed on both the meld area and the metal. All of the rings exhibited tensile proper- ties in excess of the material requirements and flash-butt welded ring requirements, AMS 7498. c. Upsetting Flanges were upset on both ends of six AllOAT tubes in the same manner as that which resulted in a successful prototype parts? The operational sequence follows: (c) Machine ends to desired dimensions, see Figure Heat to 1900?F and upset 1st stage on 1st end. Heat to 1900?F and upset 2nd stage on 1st end. (d) Heat to 19000F and urset 3rd stage on 1st end, (e) opratio.n b C and d for 2nd, end upset. (f) Dimensional Inspection 65. On four of these shafts fairly distinct folds were detected on visual examination. While the remaining two shafts did not have a visible fold indications penetrant die inspection revealed folds on both of these shafts. These laps were sufficiently deep to preclude their removal by machining the inner diameter to finished size. Consequentlys repair weld- ing was performed, This is discussed in greater detail in the next section. It is not clear as to the exact cause of the re-occurance of the lap in the third upset pass. The presence of scoring marks on the inner diameter of the tube which could not be removed on machining of these shafts may have helped to contribute to this lap Manufacture of Assemblies The four sheet metal assemblies for which the detail rings were manufactured were shown previously in Figure 11 through 14. The following summarizes the various flanges associated with each assembly and the assembly vendors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT 1 STA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI. DISCUSSION (continued) (c) Meld (see Table XI through XII for weld machine settings). (d) Stress-relieve (AMS 7498)0 (e) Inspect and remove flash (x-ray). (3) Sizing ) Preheat work to the range of 700 to 12500F (oil dag may be used as a lubricant), (b) Expand to print dimensions (2 to 3% for A70 and li% expansion for AllOAT). (c) Inspect and ship. Photographs of rings produced in this manner are shown in Figure 85. The manufacture of a ring from an extruded Section re- quires approximately 30 minutes of machine time. This is distributed amont the three operations as follows Forming 20 minutes welding 5 minutes, and sizing 5 minutes. , (4) Inspection of Rings Inspection layout templates were made for each ring. A typical layout is shown in Figure 86 for P/N 226962. As indicated in this layouts the detailed part cross= section was scribed within the part configuration at the weld area and 90 degrees from the weld. In general, most of the rings cleaned up to the detailed part config- uratiom For some of the A70 rings, which showed heavy striations due to the run-out guides, the detailed part cross-section was not obtainable however, these shapes cleaned up in machining to the final assembly dimensions. Metallurgical Evaluation (5) In addition to the tensile tests perf welding machine settings, tensil finished sized rings. The sented in Table Xliii 36 rmed to qualify, the e tests were performed on results of these tests are pre- VI. DISCUSSION (continued) Tests were performed on both the meld area and the metal. All of the rings exhibited tensile proper- ties in excess of the material requirements and flash-butt welded ring requirements, AMS 7498. c. Upsetting Flanges were upset on both ends of six AllOAT tubes in the same manner as that which resulted in a successful prototype parts? The operational sequence follows: (c) Machine ends to desired dimensions, see Figure Heat to 1900?F and upset 1st stage on 1st end. Heat to 1900?F and upset 2nd stage on 1st end. (d) Heat to 19000F and urset 3rd stage on 1st end, (e) opratio.n b C and d for 2nd, end upset. (f) Dimensional Inspection 65. On four of these shafts fairly distinct folds were detected on visual examination. While the remaining two shafts did not have a visible fold indications penetrant die inspection revealed folds on both of these shafts. These laps were sufficiently deep to preclude their removal by machining the inner diameter to finished size. Consequentlys repair weld- ing was performed, This is discussed in greater detail in the next section. It is not clear as to the exact cause of the re-occurance of the lap in the third upset pass. The presence of scoring marks on the inner diameter of the tube which could not be removed on machining of these shafts may have helped to contribute to this lap Manufacture of Assemblies The four sheet metal assemblies for which the detail rings were manufactured were shown previously in Figure 11 through 14. The following summarizes the various flanges associated with each assembly and the assembly vendors. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT 1 STA Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VII. REFERENCES ? 1. Reynolds, J. E., Ogden, H.R. & Jaffee, R. J., "A Study of the Air Contamination of Three Titanium Alloys", TML Report No. 10, Titanium Metallurgical Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, July 1955. Quarterly Progress Report No. 3, "extrusion of New Titanium Alloys", Contract No. AF 33(600)28322) Submitted by ?z:rvey Machine Company to Wright Air Development Center) June 1955. 3. WAD Serial Report No. 2006) "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development - Part I", Quarterly Progress Report No. 1, Contract No. AF 33(600)30262, Submitted to .Air Materiel Command & Wright Air Development Center, August, 1955. WAD Serial Report No. 2110) 'Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development, Part I", Quarterly Progress Report No. 2., Contract No. AF 33 (600)30262, Submitted to Air Materiel Command & Wright Air Development Center, November, 1955. WAD Serial Report No. MP.0046, "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development, Part I", Quarterly Progress Report No. 3., Contract No. AF 33(600)30262, Submitted to Air Materiel Command & Wri Air Development Center, February 1956. ght 6. WAD Serial Report No. MP.00-31) "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development, Part I") Quarterly Progress Report No. 4., Contract No. AF 33 (600)30262, Submitted to Air Materiel Command & Wright Air Development Center, May 1956. WAD Serial Report No. MP.00-461 "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development, Part I", Quarterly Progress Report No. 5., Contract AF 33(600)30262, Submitted to Air Materiel Coumand & Wright Air evelopment Center, August 1956. WAD Serial Report No. MP.00-74) "Titanium Manufacturing Methods, Part I", Quarterly Progress Report No. 6, Contract No. AF 33(600) 30262, Submitted to Air Materiel Command & Wright Air Development Center, November 1956. WAD Serial Report No. MP.00-93) "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development, Part I") Quarterly Progress Report No. 7., Contract No. AF 33(600)30262, Submitted to Air. Materiel Command & Wright Air Development Center, February 1957. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VII. REFERENCELSCont 10. WAD Serial Report No. W.00409) "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development) Part I") quarterly Progress Report No. 8) Contract No, AF 33(600)30262) Submitted to Air Materiel Command & Wright Air Development Center) May 1957. 11. Final Report on "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development" Submitted by Metals Processing Division to Wright Aeronautical Division) January 1957. ? TABLE.;- D.TMFNSIONAL IUP.g1pY,REPORT FUR i T SEV.ERAI,t7i6U5LILY4FXTRUSIONSuFiii2269?.11 8'41 I-4-f Iv 1 1\1:1111ri ..... __. Required Location Billet No, Billet No. Billet No. Billet No. Design. ' of A52-1 A52-2 A53-7 A53-8 ' Dimension Inspection Ext. Dim, Ext. Dim. Ext, Dim, __ ....._ , Front 2.765 2.798 2.781 2.734 ,A, 2.737 /.06 Rear ? 2.815 2.785 2.750 2.718 -.03 Variation A078 71.061 /.044 ...019 Front .576 .564 .562 .567 .561 L.03 Reer .590 .575 .562 .568 Variation /4029 /.014 /.001 /.007 Front .260 .227 .235 .237 C .220 b02 Rear .280 .227 .230 . .233 Variation /.o6o /.007 /.015 /.017 Front .268 .264 .265 .269 D .259 b02 Rear .283 .266 .266 .267 Variation 7/.024 {.007 A007 71.010 Front 225 .209 .214 ..211 .197 i',..02 Rear .267 .215 .215 .208 .Variation /470 '.Oi8 A018 /.0.14 Front_ .487. .470 .469, .480 462 Z'..03 Rer . .518 .465 .484 .479 Variation_ /'.056 A008 /.022 /.018 ? Front 1.052 1.040 1.042 1.055 1.037L03 Renr' 1.065. , 1.045 1.048 1.058, ' ? Variation /'.028 A008 74.011 /.021. Front .250 .243 .234 .239 .231L.02. Retir 284 .241 .234 .245 Variation /.053 /.012 /.003 /.014 . Front: . 1.202 1.l88 1.179 1.188. - 1.174Z.03 Rear ' 1.220' 1.201 1.188 1.191 W.riation 71.04 A027 7c014 , A017 ' ? * ..n. STAT .11,1 STAT 14.3 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ??????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????.*.....141?11. ???????Ybeid0 do ?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????? ??? re I ? .1 ? ?????????? ? ? ??? ? 4???????*?????????Y ???????????**????????????????? wow. HMV. 1.1 ? ?? ? l? I TABLE II. -DIMENSIoNAL INSPECTION REPoRT FOR SEVER4 PRUToTYPE EXTRUSIONS OF P 226962 Required ikocation Design : of Dimension ; Inspection ??????????????*????? A 1.410L.03 B .220L02 .435/.03 r D ..395/.03 -.00 .265/.02 - o Front RPar Variation Front Rear Variation Billet No !A-53-5 Ext. Dim. 1.422 1.423 /.009 .229 .232 /.012 Front .446 Rear .444 Variation Front Rear Variation Front ? Rear Variation 1.406 1.406 /.011 .229 .232 -.036 Billet No. Billet No, Billet No. Billet No.i A-53-6 A64-1 A64-2 A137F Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim, Ext. Dim. 1.418 1.419 /.009 .223 .221 72.003 1.402 1.408 .008 .218 .219 -.002 .438 .436 .441's .435 71.006 71.001 1.437 1.432 /.042 .287 .292 -.027 4)4 1.402 1.404 /.009 .273 .280 .015 1????????????? 1.410 1.410 .000 .230 .230 .444 .440 71.009 1.428 1.428 7/.033 .282 .281 72,017 1.419 1.424 7/.014 .235 .237 017 .442 .454 /.019 1.408 1.412 /.017 .281 .296 /.031 TABLE II DT.MENIp4L.INSPECTION.REPORT FuR SEVERAL PRgTOTYPE EXTRUSIONS Ut P 2269 6 Required I LOCPtioft Design 1 of Dimension 1 ,Inspection Font 1.100b03 Rear ;Variation Front .178L.02 Retr iVariation Front .298b02 Rear Variation Front .201b02 Rear Variation Front .9877/603 Rear -.00 Variation .????????????????????????????? A Billet No Billet No. A64-3 A64-4 Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim. Billet No. A64-8 Ext. Dim. ????????????? Billet No, A64-9 Ext. Dim. 1.103 1.106 1.115 1.128 1.112 1.109 1.123 1.137 /.012 /.009 /.023 7/.037 ??????1 ???????????????????????????????:::1 Billet No. A-136F Ext. Dim. 1.105 1.122 /.022 .187 .130 .188 .194 .185 .185 .189 .193 .195 .189 A009 /.012 A.015 /.017 71.011 .313 .312 .313 .321 .308 .315 .319 .318 .317 .312 /.0/7 71.021 71.020 /.023 /.014 .223 .219 .230 .208 .210 .227 .236 .240 .215 .210 71.026 /.035 71.039 14.014 /.009 1.002 .995 1.101 1.022 .992 .994 1.002 1.105 1.025 1.005 /.015 710.115 710.118 /.038 1.018 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 *MOO .1.????????????OMMO.....11.0????? TABLE IV - DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION REPORT FUR SEVERAL Pffiliniiq EXTRUSIONS uF FIN. 2?.161 Required Design Dimensions .457 / o2 -.00 1.732 / .06 - .03 Location. of Insoection Billet No. A 53-5 Fxt. Dim Billet No, Billet. No. Bil:!_et No. A53-6 A64-1 A64-2 Ext Dim. Ext. 'Dim. Eat, Dim, Front ReEr Variation Front Rear VariEtion Front .304/.015 Rear Variation 1.884/ .06 -.03 1.244603 Front Rear Variation Front Rear VEriation .467 .460 1.750 1.765 71.033 .324 .325 .021 1.906 1.906 /.022 46 .472 .457 .464 .470 .455 .466 /.015 -.002 1.789 1.751 1.776 1.792 1.767 1.782 /.035 /.050 .325 .319 .325 .321 .317 .323 /.021 /.015 /.021 1.875 1.898 1.892 1.875 1.896 1.891 -.009 7L.014 ,/.007 1.247 1.248 1.245 1.246 1..24h 1.268 7t.003 /.004 /.024 ?????????????ftwaffterft....II ???????fteftft. ft ft.? r,......?????, moore....1 ftftftft...???????????ftwoo.?....?????????? TABLE V - DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION REPORT FOR IO PN 110111111111101111111110W I- - A --ON 13, .DJ?- MOM P ? ' IM / MIMOIMMI111.1.1......, I . ,1100.1111?11?010101.1.01/ Mb ft ft I.OM.I.OF tad', , 1 P 1,, MI Po II .00 IOW MO ? ? P 01.10.11???????11111111MMIIMow I NM. NM1.4.011111 ?????11/1101.111?11?1?00.1TIMMINIftIONIIIMMINft Ir.. Ma 11.11$01 ft 1.04? 1111.1.11?11 IIII?ft???ftet Required Location Design of Dimension Inspection ?SaHflNp? 'ASP. 11,i...to HOIONIVOMS.ft I IP/ .11.11,11 1,133.03 Front Rear Variation Front 1.085A,03 Rear 0100 Variation Rear .500.015 Front -.000 ! Variation ! Front .400/4.015 Rear -.000 Variation Front .140.015 Rear -.000 Variation Billet No A53-9 Ext. Dim. .0.a?114?1?1111111.....411.1ft 1.083 1.093 -$050 1.078 1.084 .007 .400 .500 -.010 .400 .399 .115 .144 ,L.025 Billet No. A64-3 Ext. Dim. vane ,??????.T.1.1.1. P.. , 1.127 1.135 /4.002 eoo6 1,092 1.193 .008 .503 .502 A.003 0418 ? .415 11.018 .150 .146 A.010 Billet No A64-4 Ext. Dim. Pm 1.140 1.148 1.215 1.203 .030 .546 .538 .0146 .426 .438 A038 .149 .176 Billet No ?A614-8 Ext. Dim, ??101.60.1*1,11TOOMMInlft?ftftftft? 1.132 1.135 A002 1.125 1.108 A.040 .559 .554 .059 .458 .459 /4.059 .111 .162 .022 Billet No. AS4-9 Ext. Dia. ftlft????????ftwl. ? 111?1??ftlInftak ? 41.011ft? 1,0111.1 1.162 1.136 /1.029 1.042 1.094 J4.009 ..043 .516 .531 X.031 0464 .464 /.064 .154 .189 M149 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 S.STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE VI - DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION REPORT FOR E L 0 YPE E U IO 0 PN 1?9?? ?????00.0.? ??????? Required Design Dimension .980.03 .369/L.02 Location of Inspection Front Rear. Variation Front Rear Variation Front ?330A.03 Rear .Variation Front .174A.02 Rear Variation Billet No. A64-3 Ext. Dim. .996 .993 .398 .400 A031 03614 .363 A.0314 .185 .190 48 Billet No. Billet No. A614-4 A614.8 Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim. .980 1.o48 .981 1.052 A.072 .400 .4140 0430 .14146 ,t.061 A.077 .368 .380 .361 .378 It.o38 A.050 .205 .238 .2)41 .260 .0167 A.086 Billet No. A614-9 Ext. Dim. 1.074 1.093 /.113 .474 .453 .406 .437 .274 .275 /.101 TOLE VII AS EXTRUDED TENSILE PROPERTIES OF P/N 226961 MAXIMUM ENVELOPE Billet No. Ultimate osi OWV104Wommoloormem....iumws0111~ 411111111111.01.40.10?WVIIIIMal Required 80,000 A 514 100,400 99000 989600 101,200 AVG* 99,500 A 51-3 100,800 101,100 107,200 107,100 AVG ? 1049050 A, 51-4 1029400 103,300 102,000 102,000 AVG. 1020425 A 514 103,000 101,800 ? 101,200 ? 101,300 AVG. 1019825 A 51-6 102;400 120,1400 102,000 102940 AVG k 107,300 Certified itysica1 99,800 Properties EXTRUDED AT VARIOUS TEMPERATURES Yield psi 002f, Offset 70,000 '79600 78000 78,000 8oMo 79,000 7140660 72214.0 8196o 79,800 77,190 82,800 829000 819400 809800 81,750 8od400 799700 791,200 78,000 79,325 79,200 82,200 79,200 829080 80,670 78000 STAT Elongation Reduction of Area Approx.* Extrusion %?F 15% MinL 30% Min. 2402 2903 2402 3o03 24.2 2903 2462 2903 2462 2943 26014 4207 2701 4100 2503 35.8 26014 3701 2603 39.6 2507 4006 2507 4402 2507 4302 25,0 4208 2505 424,7 24.2 25.7 3804 2500 3903 250o 4100 2409 39.2 2402 26.4 2305 2604 2501 2109 3705 3902 4503 4108 3i3 *Note: Indicated extrusion temperatures include temperature drop due to transfer from furnace to press? 1700 1600 11450 1500 1500 , . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE VIII THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-70 TITANIUM FLANGES oprommummt Part No. 4IIIMPWIIINVONNONOSIIIRSVOIC P/N 226956 P/N 226961 Pfil 226962 P/N 226963 P/N 226964 EXTRUDED WITH A 15500F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE Test 12.111. RT RT RT RT 650 650 RT RT RT RT RT RT 650 650 RT RT RT RT RT RT 650 650 RT AT RT RT 650 650 RT RT ?RT RT 650 650 U4T4S., 0.2% Elong. % R.A0 % ?Position* Comment 121212.. IPA/. 106,3o0 106;400 106,000 106,000 47,200 318,0800 1060100 1049900 1060000 106;100 1070100 106,100 4495oo 414700 104500 loo9000 1030mo lovoo lot000 lo5p7oo 46/2oo 4154000 1O3 700 lol000 lo3i600 102 700? 45,040o 42xmo 106ploo lo6Aoo 10791oo 44s)000 449500 85;700 83,600 81000 83;000 32,100 23;600 CC CIO K,600 8550? 85joo 149600 99500 78,500 78,200 82,500 8Mioo 30p 800 11000 ? 80s400 82s3oo ? 82,800 82,900 220100 219400 84,400 84,600 85,500 84,600 239500 21,900 26,7 23.6 23.0 2505 3549 32.1 179 20,9 2$05 2503 2467 266o 3905 3904 140o 2o04 23 25 22 23 36 37 2146o 2366 238 2400 3700 3703 2408 2207 25.5 25014 4002 4804 50 4192111111.111111,111b0MIIMIO 45.2 44.2 32,5 445 64,6 6706 4305 53J 4203 4305 4105 4505 620o 5203 4305 4303 3904 3968 ?3908 3965 5241 52.7 38t9 4145 39,5 4107 5308 531 4206 4106 450o 4400 6202 6006 A A A Indications bf poor tempera- ture controlo A A A A Extensometer A malfunction A A A A Extensometer A ?Malfunction A A A A, A A ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release TABLE ELIContodl THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-70 TITANIUM FLANGES (OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE EXTRUDED'WTrH A 1550?F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE Part No. Test ? M.S. 0.2% YoSo Elong. % R.A0 % Position* Comment Temp. lull. (psi) STAT ........ P/N 226966 AMS 4921 RC A-70 RT ? 102,300 RT ? 96,9100 RT 100,300 RT ? 96,100 650 142,600. 650 410.00 650 Limoo 650 )40, boo RT 8moo 'MCC> COM CIO .10 alt, ? 19?2 17.0 18.2 230 3505 3066 3667 ito05 70,000 15 650 hoil000 25,000 MO 0 ?3808 4208 4406 4109 ?6307 637 6L8 6005 NO NCI Specification Rem Cru Data * Specimens from positions marked A are standard tensile -.25201 diameter - ? test specimens. Those from positions marked B are sub-standard tensiles -.15000 diameter? - test specimens. ? The locations these specimens are taken from are indicated in Figure 31. (:?? STAT 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE VIII THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-70 TITANIUM FLANGES OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE) EXTRUDED WITH A 1.5.500F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE Part No. P/N 226956 Test ILLS., 002% Y.St Elong. % R.A4 ...!TeL 12E11. NICVMONNIIIPITOW11404,60 RT 106300 85;700 2647 Fa 1069400 839600 23.6 RT 1069000 81,000 2340 RT 1069000 839000 2505 650 479200 329100 3549 6050 AM) 2.360o 32.1 RT 1069100 17,19 RT 1049900 MC 2009 P/N 226961 .11T 1660sl000 86400 2565 RT 106400 85,95oo 25.3 -RT. 107400 85400 2407 RT 1069100 85,100 2660 650 14495oo 149600 3965 650. ,1447.00 99500 3904 11.01s500 ? 14.0 RT 100,000 2004 et 226962 'RT 1039000 78,500 23 RT. 103,000 7820p 25 RT 1049700 82,500 22 RT 105's7Oo 80,800 23 60.50 469200 10,800: 36 650 46,000 18,100 37 0 226963 RT 103/00. 80s400 24D0 RT 104-s000' '82300. 23.6 RT. 103600 829800 23.,8- RT . 1029700 829900 2400 650 45,100 22,100 37.0 650 42,000 219400 370 TO; 226964 AT .106400 84,9400 2408 RT 106400 849600 2267 RT io4800 85s15oo 2505 AIL ?1p7mo 646o0 2504 650 Wow 2 65(1 . 44s5op 21'i? o?6 '1a13$ Position* Comment 45.2 A 4402 32.5 A 4105 A 6o06 A Indications 67,6 A le poor tempera- 4305?B ture control. 53J B 42.3 A 4305 A 4105 A TABLE VIII Contod THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-70 TITANIUM FLANGES (OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE) EXTRUDED' WITH A 1550?F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE Test U.T.S. 0.2% YoS. Elongo % RoA. % Position* Temp. (psi) , RT 1029300 .. 12.2 RT 969100 .. 17.0 RT 100,300 .. 18o2 RT 969100 .. 23.0 650 429600 .. 3505 650 449100 .. 30.6 650 40,200 AC &ID 3607 650 )4O 400 Irt,110 14,5 RT 80s000 70s000 15 'Part No6 P/N 226966 AMS 4921 4545 A Extensometer RC A-70 650 4op000 ?259000 ...., 6200 A Malfunction 52.3 A 005 B 4303 B ?* Specimens from positions marked A. are standard tensile -.252* diameter - test specimens. 3904 A Those from positions marked B are sub-standard tensiles -01500 diameter . 3968 A test specimens. 3908 A Extensometer The locations these specimens are taken from are indicated in Figure 31. 3965 A Malfunction 52,1 A 5207 A 38t9 A 4L5 A 39,5 A 4107 A 5308 A 531 A 4206 A 4106 A 4500 A 440o A 62.2 A 6006 A 3808 B 42,8 4406 B 4109 B 6307 63.7 B 6148 60.5 B =IMO MO ' Comment Specification Rem Cru Data STAT narlaccifiPrl in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Extrusion Number Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE IX TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AllOAT TUBULAR EXTRUSIONS Condition Ultimate Strength psi As extruded 1329000 139,000 Average 136,000 Extruded Annealed 1500li hour Average 2 As-Extruded Average Extruded gt , Annealed 1500/1 hour Average 131 000 1349000 1339000 1369000 1339500 1449000 1429500 143,000 1449000 11429000 113 000 1419000 142 000 1147,000 0,2% Yield Strength psi ? 127,000 1319000 126,500 1169000 117,000 119,000 129,000 120O00 130,500 130,500 130,500 136,000 1349500 131,000 131,000 ?1319000 136,000 Elongation 1805 1805 18 17 16 14 14 14 35 18 18 Reduction of Area Remarks 29 Upset & pierced at 27 20000 - Extruded at 18900 through 28 Reentrant Die 33 Upset & pierced at 31 20000 - Extruded 39 at 18900 through 35 Reentrant Die 32 Upset & pierced at 29 19000 - Extruded at 18900 - through 18 ?305 1300 die-billet en- cased steel sheath: 16 lb 43 1414 142 42 43 24 Upset & pierced at 1900? - Extruded at 18900 through 130? die-billet encased in steel sheath, Certified data from Rem-Cru rtl oi) E-4 cf) O00 ? vO N ON 0 4 It w O M 0 O00 H H H OVVII\N NNNN 8 ? ? N N NICO kOg' 0%47)%4D ONM?ON ()NIA v:po ? N N N N N N HNHN H ro.1 ?$4 O000? 8 0 0 8 000 0000 0 N4Nm (1)0 no 0" C'. ko co 'C) '0 N 08 ?OONNO .ON N44 NNCO LANHH ft w 0 ft ft 4 NO NO ?1' fg 0 4 P4 ON oN t... 'IA N 0 cry NO ft w w ft w w 04?ft ft st ft ON N. CO CO 0 CO N 0 c0 CO N. IA C.-. ON CO Nt's- NCiN ie z z HH O000 00 00 001A 0000 00 00 Huot?-.0) olA ?o.N. ..../pqo OMNM MH kplA 00 00 Ct? 0 .N r4 IA 4 p. OoNm4 ?40 *co mr-t? m0040 NON 0 CP\ ON 0 ilD\ H ift w A II% A A A A A A H 4H 00 ON ON ON 0 ON 0 0 4010, 00r; qi, Htt0.2: rir-10,01. tre.../ as 0 ON M M r-1 1-1 tv9.11;) E4 E- :g01) 414 ,+4 MO 0000O eri 'ri $.4 g4 bri .0 .0 E-4 ega 40eN ee ea E_401. ? E-4 E-I ? STAT 2 1 cy. ON v? \O N N N ? N 53 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1- TABLE -XI CLEVELAND WELDING MACHINE SETTINGS AND BURN OFF LENGTHS part Number ? 226956 226961 226962 226963 226964 226966 227594 227596 Material C.P.-70 C.P.-70 C.P.-70 C.P.-70 C.P.-70 C.P.-70 A-110AT A-110AT Initial Die Opening 1-5/16 1-3/8 1-5/16 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-3/16 1-9/16 (inch) Final Die Opening 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 1/2 (inch) Flash Burn off 3/8 7/16 13/32 13/32 3/8 5/16 9116 (inch) Upset Travel 7/16 7/16 13/32 19/32 7/16 3/8 1/2 (inch) Upset Pressure 42,000 45,600 42,000 42,000 38,000 42,000 451600 (lbs.) 5.8 9.0 .041 .033 .0042 .0087 Voltage 6.87 5.6 6.87 7.5 5.6 5.18 6.87 Burn Off Length 3/4 1-1/8 1-1/8 1 1 3/4 1 (inch) Flash Time (sec.) Initial Velocity (in./sec.) Acceleration (in./sec.2) 6.6 .041 .0098 6.8 .041 .0098 6.8 .041 .0098 7.0 .033 .0073 6.0 .048 .0098 0 (D 0 CD (/) (/) (D I C Part Number Material TABLE XII THOMSON WELDING MACHINE SETTINGS AND BURN OFF LENGTHS 226956 226961 226962 226963 226964 226966 227594 227596 C C.P. A-110AT A-110AT Work Overhang R. H. 3/8 5/8 9/16 5/8 7/16 9/16 9/16 9/16 L.H. 3/8 5/8 9/16 5/8 7/16 9/16 9/16 9116 Initial Die Opening (in.) 3/4 li 1 1/8 li 7/8 1 118 1 1/8 1 1/8 Die Opening AT "Ow (311-) Final Die Opening (in.) Current Cut-Off After "0" (in.) 3/8 1/62 1/2 1(2 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/8 3/16 NR 3/16 1/8 3/32 NR 1/8 118 3/16 3/16 118 1/8 3/16 1/2 3/16 Flash Time (sec.) 3 12 53. 7 1/2 5 7 5 1/2 5 1/2 Flow Valve NR 5 5 5 4 5 5 Clamn Pressure (lbs.) R.H. 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 .23,000 - 23,000 L.H. 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 Upset Pressure (lbs.) 20,000 30,000 20,000 30,000 12,000 12,000 213,000 242000 Tap Switch 1 P 85s 4 P 85 1 p 35 4 P 3 P Burn Off Lengths - - 1 1/8 - - 3/4 1 1 , Upset Area (transverse to shaft axis) Heat Affected Zone (Longitu&- inal speci- mens) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Ultimate Strength 1369000 136,000 1379000 135,900 134,000 1339800 137,000 136,000 128,200 130,000 TABLE XIII ENSIL PROPERTIES OF THE A110-AT UPSET FLANGE Yield Streaki Rala11921 8 10 11 11 15 15 9 10 10 Note & All specimens annealed 15009F/1i2hr/Wir Coo/ 00' 56 Reduction In Area 4105 43 37 33 28.6 28.1 31 29 34 28 Comments CoarSe PI Relatively Relatively Grains Fine Grains Fine Grains Coarse Grains-Shear fracture Coarse Grains-Shear fracture Shear Fracture Shear Fracture Coarse Grains-Shear fracture Coarse Grains-Shear fracture Ii TABLE X/V- DIMENSIoNAL INy.ECTION REPuRT FOR RS SEVERAL PROUgIOLUTRUSIoNS OF P N 22 gr Required Design Dimension 2.801 2.707 .687 .593 .346 .252 .354 .260 .323 .229 .588 .494 1.163 1.069 .357 .263 1.269 1.175 2.043 1.949 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 4,8A1 Location Billet No. Billet No. of A/73-B A173-1 Inspection Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim. Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear 2.767 2.800 .626 .600 .266 .261 .263 .263 .228 .225 .503 .515 1.088 1.082 .271 .264 1.200 1.204 1.980 1.986 57 2.737 2.734 .615 .610 .258 .257 .283 .271 .237 .237 .512 .511 1.086 1.084 .276 .264 1.195 1.200 1.972 Billet No. Billet No. A173-F A173-B Est. Dim. Ext. Dim. 2.745 2.750 .613 .608 .261 .264 .286 .283 .241 .236 .506 .499 1.103 1.100 .285 .280 1.210 1.208 1.977 1.980 2.770 2.768 .600 .607 , STAT t 6.4?????????????????????????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE XV - DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION TITPUjiT FOR SEVERAL PRODUCTION .glIggf3i?:OF '-226956 Required Design Dimensions A 1.195 1./31 .274 .210 .393 .329 .296 .232 E 1.082 1.018 Location of Inspection Front Re 6r Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Rebr Billet No. A171-13 Ext. Dim. 1.157 1.156 .222 .223 .311 .342 .265 .265 1.015 1.035 Billet No. A171-1 1.137 1.096 .206 .207 .305 .280 .200 .196 1.005 1.017 Billet No. A179-F 1.164 1.167 , .207 .195 .311 .308 .243 VOW Billet No 179-1 1.105 1.120 .157 .161 .286 .300 .210 .218 .980 .975 I ii 58 TABLE FOR XVI - DIMENSIONA4 INSPECTION REPORT uri hul , Io:?2. i' HA ... SEVERAt-PROI5UTION EXTRUSIONS t y C 1) f: --4. 1 04-- _ Required Location Billet No. Billet No. Billet No, Billet No. Design of A172-11 A173-2 A172-F A180-1 Dimension IrIllpection Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim. , Ext. Dim. txt. Dim._ Front 1.437 1.432 1.437 1.421 1.474 Rear 1.437 1.447 1.421 1.421 1.380 Front .240 .238 .236 .234 .345 Rear .233 .226 .227 .237 .251 Front .439 .438 .439 ?436 .499 Rear .420 .419 .434 ?414 .405 Front 1.421 1.428 1.421 1.421 1.490 Rear 1.437 1.429 1.437 1.453 1.396 Front .281 ? .288 .28/ .281 4391 Rear .281 .275 .234 .281 .297 , , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ?50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 59 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 r ).4 ? STAT TABqjim 7 DIg;NSIpiiAL INSPECTION REPORT FOR SEVEIRAL "EXTRUSI6N'S )ffl 226961 TABLE XVIII - DIMENSIONAL INSPECTION REPORT IOR SEVERAL PRODUCTION EXTRUSIONS OF 6N 226966 Required Design Dimensions Locption of Inspection Billet No, A172-B Ext. Dim. Billet No, Billet No, A1724 181-B Ext. Dim. Ext. Dim. Required Design Di mensions Location Billet No. of 171-Fl Inspection Ext. Dim. Billet No. 171-F Ext. Dim. Billet No, Billet No, 171-1 171-B Ext. Dim, Ext. Dim 6? 6?30:min .340 .336 .168 .165 .150 .168 6?30 min 6?30 min 6?30 min 6?30 min t. ? 6o Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 \ I ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ?????????????????????????.04=.1.0.10....????? TABLE XIX DIM.ENST9NAL_LN.V.FCTT.10 REPORT _1 SEVERAL .p..Aglqp)J1 EXTRUS Sfl" .SIOAff ' _227594 Required Design Dimension Loct.tion of In Billet No. A327-1 Ext. Dim. Billet No. A129-11 Ext. Dim. Billet No. A323-B Ext. Dim. 1.335 1.251 B 1.329 1.255 C I 1.784 1.700 D .819 .735 .523 .375 .511 .427 320 284 Front Rear Front Retr Front Rear Front Retr Front Rerr Front Retr Front Renr 1.250 1.260 1.250 1.245 1.680 1.700 .765 .781. .438 .436 29? 28?301 62 1.252 1.249 1.260 1.240 1.695 1.695 .781 .765 .415 .409 .434 .434 30?30' 0301 1.249 1.243 1.240 1.240 1.700 1.695 ???????? .765 .796 .410 .409 .431 .428 29?301 30?30' Billet No. A327-T Ext. Dim. 1.256 1.237 1.259 1.264 1.696 1.700 .796 .796 .416 .414 .445 .443 30? 30?30e TABLE X)( D.ImwAmAL.IwEemp REPORT _JR SEVERAI5DUCTIpITEXWg0gFi?F 22726, ?????????????????????????????????????, ???????????????P ? I ? Required Design Dimension ?????? ...?????????? ?????,.??? 1.586 1.502' 1.227 1.153 .408 6334 .492 ?418 E 24?301 20? Location of Inspection Front Rear Front Rear Front Rear Front Re sr Front Rear Billet No. A215-F Ext. Dim. 1.515 1.508 1.160 1.168 .340 .344 .428 240 21? Billet No. Billet No, A2/5-B A149-F Ext. Dim, Ext. Dim. 1.500 1.485 1.483 1.520 1.145 1.140 .330 333 .4.07 .410 23?301 24?301 1.180 1.162 Billet No. NO Mb gip . Ext. Dim. MOWN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE La - DIMENSIoNAL INSPECT.IoN.REPu_RT FOR SEVE.RAL_PAvDUSTIoN EXTRU:SIQNS oF_VN 226.970 ACTUAL DIMENSIuNS LOCATION I.D.(INCR) FRONT REAR FRuNT FRONT MI LENGTH (FFF.T) 4.978 5.024 4.980 5.005 .690 .680 .695 .610 .680 .660 .690 .670 t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE XXIII THE TENSILE PROPERTIES UF EXTRUDED A-110-AT PRODUCTION TUBING FROM FORGED BILLETS Ultimate Ltanat 130,200 126,000 b) Sub-Standard 130,200 (longitudinal) 132,000 Le a)Standard (longitudinal) b)Sub-Standard (longitudinal) 11.7 13.6 129,000 127,000 133,000 133,200 117,900 116,800 15 14 10.6 1302 Flange a) Standard (transverse) b)Sub-Etcndard (tvlirwr;ie), 139,000 136,000 139,500 140,900 131,000 133,000 126,200 125,200 15 15 10.9 9.8 10.3 10.3 29 37 33 32 29 28 Coarse grain Fine groin Coarse grain 11 U \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50 -Yr 2013/09/09 ? CIA RDP8 04- 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 5 -Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE XXIV. THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF THE WELD SECTION AND BASE METAL OFJURMED AND WELDED _RINGS Ident, U.T.S. A11-B-7-1 108,200 -2 101 000 A173-2-3-1 111,100 -2 114,100 A179-1-3-1 /059300 -2 106,000 A179-1-4-1 104,200 -2 1029800 A181-F-8-1 107,000 -2 107,700 A218-F-5-1 1119800 -2 104,000 1100.111. 41.11111111.12. 1.031.m. MCP 0=11 mots MN ONO a.- 85,500 93,000 88,600 a) Veld joint within the gauge length % EloPEElla 1403 1703 18.9 18 19.4 17 1409 17,7 24 17 28.5 18.2 1.1111. Comments 40 Weld 3103 40.6 Weld 4305 40 Weld 4105 32.8 Weld 25 4405 46.5 Weld 45.4 Weld 47.5 4 YULE XXV .4114.4:24ULARffiggiagsWaNTAXTURINGMELInitTigLIIVIM TIOdig WELDED BARSTuaq TO EXTRUSION UN THE BASIS OF MATERIAL UTILIZATION Part No. Part & Assembly Name Finished Detail Rough Weight(lbs). Weight jbnjConventional rusiot 226966 Fiange-Combusiion 1.0 Chamber Heat 8hie1d 226962 Flanges, Front, 226963 Rear & Brace-Rear 226964 Main Bearing Sup- port Cone 506 308 3.0 226956 Flanges, Front & 2.8 226961 Rear-Rear main Bear-4.1 ing Vapor Duct 111111 227594 Flange, Front &Rear 4 227596 Turbine Stator B1sde5G4 .8 Support 226970 Shaft, Turbine 19 Rotor-Front 3.0 2.2 906 5c) 8 600 8.4 402 16,5 go3 a. rib 8 0 902 69O. 3400 13008 7001 *Flash-Butt W elded Rings from barstock or forgings. Mat,' Utilization Factor Conventional*txtrusion 045 .40 057 034 066 ON) 052 .33 .67 .25 .50 a. .60 .59 .28 .56 STAT Percentage of Weight gAved 37 32 48 27 50 50 a. a. 50 45.5 68 69 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE COMBUSTION CHAMBER HEAT SHIELD TURBINE ROTOR SHAFT-FRONT FIG I- CUTAWAY VIEW OF THE CURTISS-WRIGHT J65 TURBOJET THE TITANIUM PARTS AND ASSEMBLIES MANUFACTURED UNDER THIS? PROGRAM. Animminimin Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 4,570 DM, AO * 86 /26-0- FIGURE 2. PiN 226962 . Front flange4 Rear Main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, Material T1-A-70 FIGURE 3. PA 226963 - hear Flange, Rear main Bearing Support Cone Assembly, Material T1-A-70. ' t 32 FIGURE 4. P/N 226964 - Flange Brace, Rear Main Bearing 8upport Cone Assembly, Material Ti-A70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 73 ./ / / ,20 ----> N440.41pm 13 077 /3,CT2 " it472 FIGURE 5. P/N 226956 - Front riange, hear main bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, Material T1-A7-70 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ./97 070 .3.ey 47g ?Zoo 14417 FIORE 6. P/N 226961 - Rear Flange, Rear Main Bearing Vapor Duct Assembly, material T1-A70 FIGURE 7, P/N 226966 - Fiange, Combustion Chamber Heat Shield Assembly, Material, Ti-A-70 P/4, FIGURE 8. 0 227594 - hear Flange, Turbine btator Blade bupport Assembly, Material Ti-A110-AT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 75 H.38 YIGURE 9. ell 227596 - Front Flange, Turbine btator Blade support Assembly, Material Ti-A110-AT 1 . STAT ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 76 E*4 0 4-1 ?ri $-i (1) +3 0 k 0 4-) (1; ?rl ;-4 4-4 ct riN 226970 P/N 22 6 96 P/N 6081148 RezIr main Bee,rino b support Cone 'Assembly FIG.11- P/N 608118 - REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 77 !,I i STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 111111 STAT STAT FIG I4 P/N 608569-TURBINE STATOR BLADE SUPPORT ASSEMBLY. 80 81 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 id w a, :041,,rhot 4,0,4^t4,,,m'oPnrom 0,14$^0",',,vr?-?mm ?. A '004h,1144004,;Iii HORIZONTAL FIG. 16(b) TOP VIEW OF THE 12,000 TON EXTRUSION PRESS, NOTICE THE BILLET IN POSITION TO BE TRANSFERRED INTO THE CONTAINER.? STAT 83 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIG. leo CLOSE-UP VIEW OF THE BILLET IN POSITION FOR EXTRUSION 86 AG. 16 (f)- A BILLET BEING TRANSFERRED FROM THE FURNACE TO THE BILLET LOADING ?TABLE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT ? ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIG. 16(g)- AN EXTRUDED SECTION MOVING INTO THE RUN-OUT 88 TABLE 24 20 111... ? -4-* -0 for-C." TEMPERATURE ????? 01.141111111.111111111110011111110 II ?1*-- 8" CODE ? THERMOCOUPLE # I 0 THERMOCOUPLE # 2 631 THERMOCOUPLE # 3 SALT BATH SET TO CYCLING AT 1850?F. 24 FIGURE 17 TITANIUM BILLET H 12 TIME - MINUTES voiliMmissffesMINISIMMANNISMIMINIIM=7=34 36 48 EATING CURVE FOR AN 8 INCH DIAMETER ATED IN A SALT BATH TO I850?F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ?89 STAT STAT NI, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 fiROMPEXTRUSION MAX, ENVELOPE - 1/8" Average MATERIAL - AmS 4921 & WAD 7850 (C. P. Titanlum) AREA 1.60 in, LENGTH 4F3 in. VOLUME WEIGHT - 3.07# per Ft. ACTUAL SIZE Notes Cross-hatched area indicates finish-machined detail part. FIG.I8-MAXIMUM ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/11226961, FLANGE, REAR MAIN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY. 90 ,22?* PRopqm EXTRUSION MAX. ENVELOPE - 1/8" Average MATERIAL - AMS 4921 and IAD 7850 (C.P. Titanium AREA 1.41 In.2 LENGTH ----148 In. , VOLUME 67.7 In.' WEIGHT 2.71# per )'t. ACTUAL SIZE Note: Cross-hatched area indiceted finish-machined detail part. STAT f FIG.19- MAXIMUM ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF PM226963, FLANGE, REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 rjypi,optiripwvitlippyrypporpitypqriTlipplITIOTIrrN ? FIG 20 PHOTOGRAPHS OF AN EXTRUDED SECTION OF P/N 226961 SHOWING CROSS- SECTION AND SURFACE QUALITY 4440 .030 P SIG OPTIMUM ENVELOPE - Approx 1/32" MATERIAL AMS 492 & WAD-7850 (C.P. Titanium AREA 1.22 In LENGTH - - 48 In VOLUME 58'6 In' WEIGHT - 2.34 lbs/ft ACTUAL SIM bit: Croup-hatched area indicates finish-machined .detail part. FIG. 21 - OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 226961, FLANGE, REAR MAIN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 93 STAT 1101WW,04A4o64444. ,"?'7.7!)-;=?Ps; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ? PROPOSED EXTRUSION OPTIMUM ENVELOPE MATERIAL AREA LENGTH VOLUME WEIGHT 401 ??? MN. FIG. 22 ? Approx 1/32" -AMS 491 & WAD7850 (C.P.Titanium ?43 In4 60 in. , 25.8 In .83# per ft. ACTUAL SIZE Note: Cross-hatched area indicates finish-machined detail part. OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION P/N 226956, FLANGE REAR MAIN BEARING VAPOR DUCT ASSEMBLY. 94 ? fLOPOSED OPTIMUM ENVELOPE MATERIAL - - - AREA LENGTH VOLUME WEIGHT EXTRUSIoN Approx 2/32" AMS 4924 & WAD-7850 (C.?. Ti) .88 In 721n 3 63.36 In 1.69 lbs/ft ACTUAL SIZE Notet Cross-Hatched area indicates finish-machined detail oart. FIG.23 - OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 226962 FLANGE, REAR MAIN SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 pRoPpgp ExTpsioN OPTIMUM ENVELOPE - 1/32" MATERIAL AREA LENGTH VOLUME WEIGHT mat tom Mo oft No (eer) ,/52 4', AMS 4921 & 1AD-7850 (C.P. Titanium) 1.11 In2 481n 23.i.33 les/ft ACTUAL SIZE o?a /752."() Notes Cross-hatched area indicates finish-machined detail part. FIG. 24 OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 226963 FLANGE, REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY, 96 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release UMEER.MNIENI OPTIMUM ENVELOPE - MATERIAL AREA LENGTH VOLUME WEIGHT - OM all us IA us OM ON Approx. 1/32" AMS 4921 & 4AD-7 .60 1114 bo In n3 36 4.15 lbs/ft 4 oo noir 1, 179 410 fi 50 (C.F. Titanium) tfoso //,u toir .000 -0- SO 0 -I---- I I roarivemiff' Ail ACTU 4..oso -'COO 0 09,6" Note: Cross-hatched area indicates finish- machined detail cart. FIG.25- OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 226964, FLANGE, REAR MAIN BEARING SUPPORT CONE ASSEMBLY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 !, 020 .087, PIN 226963 goelet Double Size OPTIMUM ENVELOPE PROPOSED _EXTRUSION - Approx. 1/32" AMS 494 & WAD-7850 (C.P. Titanium) .26 in.4 60 in, or in 60" mults. 15.6 in.3 .50# per ft P/N 226962 Adtual Size Note: Cross-hetched area indicates fir4_sh- machined detail pnrt. FIG.26 - OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 226966, FLANGE, COMBUSTION CHAMBER HEAT SHIELD ASSEMBLY. FIGURE 272.? SCHDIATIC DRAVING OF THE MULTI-OPENING DIE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF ?/I'S 226962 AND 226963 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 P/N 225956 P/N 226966 P/N 226964 ? FIGURE 2712. SCHEMATIC DRAWING OF THE MULTI-OPENING DIE FOR THE EXTRUSION , OF ?/N'S 226956, 226966 AND 226964. 100 STAT FIG.28- PHOTOGRAPH OF A MULTI-OPENING EXTRUSION FOR P/N 227594 AND ? PM 227596 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 101 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for: Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE EXTRUSION 01 6961, 956 962, 963,964,AND966 MATERIAL Tu A70 EX1 TEMPERATURE, 1500 ?F. 102 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 100 80 40 Condition: As Extruded Extrusion Ratiot 33:1 TENSILE 11.10.11111?1111Mis11?11111101111.1.11110 0.2% YIELD 6rus.somrsomemn. 0 1 REDUCTION AREA 0 ELONGATION 1400 1500 1600 Extrusion Temperature -(?F) FIG.30- THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION TEMPERATURE ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED TO THE MAXIMUM ENVELOPE SHAPE OF P/N 226961. 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 103 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Fla31-CR0SS-SECTIONS OF THREE 470 FLANGES INDICATING THE LOCATIONS OF STANDARD TENSILE - (0.250"DIA.) TEST SPECIMENS (A) AND SUB-STANDARD TENSILE 1.150"DIA.) TEST SPECIMEN (B). MAG. - APPROX I X ?????," ,' : ' - ''''4,11,r,'?. ?'.C.i yl.,,,,..,,? ...;',3iv.te? 0. fi,itsi ,,' A.. i,:' .1:,. .:;?,....:"...!..... -.:.,?:. .. - .-. :....i., ;4, . # .:. .., . .,?..,. ,.. ost'\.4%..04Sr/4`;Xittl1...*.iks.j.:? 1".14 ' i ..' ,*'..1,011.p;;.11.414"`J'%%.4041. .4. r...f.?,,- ts - . ."" ? ' ..."- ... 1/4.4.#0..' r# ?.1.1. , ? , 4 , ? 1.4: .7. ' ? . ? ;?? . .",* ...74 ' m ,..':?? , " ? 4 ' r. ;fly ,:. I litIrtitY4'14^/:,?,)????e? 411cr..41:.!1,..;Rrc ..4. e.`'....."' 441,0'14.?.911i.g: . :'411',??-?41_,1\-.-4 ' 4'4'i.".,-4....'N :Jo!. -"K?-? l'o!kt't,!7?1, ,:t.i4., 7e, u--:- 41. i 14.,..'''.,..?:'44,?:"47.....;...p,'."...4'146.:'..r:.,17.?.,..\.*' 4,-," , 75, j-...`,0(%:.....1,`-,,: . \,..". ,...., I' 1.,' :?:. 7., :": ; :71: ,' ,,I.. 161 , 1 }:.):. ,7:1 sat:;7 .":,....i,,..:::.. ' - - . . . k ' ? ' ,ef ) ?,-;i. :ZA .? ......,,....; . ...,,,,,.,.. , ?,?.:?.?.4...,?.?.;,,,..,.......?,.....1,........?,\?," ,,,. ? _v., ...,,4747: ,. '''' , .. we .,.,?7...., ? , -.5. ' - r. ' .4? V-Cit)i, 14.- i.(1'4 4. ,`' . ' '` `.0.1)1' .r.' ?:.......;..,.../ r". ..6 .0. '' " ........ 7 .. ...,: %.;"..-...,, '/.t...::::,...'??1:.'..;:::...1?::::`;e-.7..-...:..,\N:11,...7. ,5.4'"7?.?Gt ti" .6 4 (7,.......e: .),..,''',/'..e?i,..,".....,,' ,......, :?,....?.-ii. -.. . , ? ... 4 'r....i e\v,,, ,\;,,,,,. t.::,,:-. ,,,:\,......r4H...,,,,,,:"7...7.-;..?:-,....,::-..:::?...../.4."."?r.? I Ie... '':'; 44. 4'4.4" ? ? 1 0.: ; ..,i ? r.?:7?1\?4.? ::.',...:.?:,L. '' j.7:-'*?!;;Ns,' ..?.:i.cl' N' ?.:,....et.1;:: .. .,....., ? ..>ti4441/\,,,".), ''; 1.;:".:.?:?Nit?.)(? .,.,. ' 14.7$4:-??.'4' ''''\?:, '' ?;:. N .1 ..,..7,711":0 :>.1.1t., . " ???1 ? ?('Y / '4: 1.7'" . '1'.. e'.: V. 4 ., ' ' '? ? "*.-- . ;? ' .... ? ., ' ??' ? irj * ...L. ,A., - ?',,, .. (tCO3 'y'.%".N...S.'"' -. ?,.''',r'tt.'n),),P;':?'' '" . ? . ? ? ?,?-?.'' ''.'' * ,: ?? 'w '''-'-''''' ..'? - i 4 ' .?.1' '''' ? ' .1,''''. tz,?:' '?? .V. .t ?''. $:........ 1 . ,,,":?,'"41..,;;;4y.;?,.?.:,,-0-'' ' ,,,. 5: ?.1\'? "??.11.,????(- .?e I. *-;....,1" ,J: -' .,?.? 4, ?.... .11' ..1,;:l...7:1,4). ...C7itt.....j,,??,...,4 . ? .44.-';.....,-? ' ii?%/?..., .......,'''''.4?..-?.,,,.4...TA'''''' ..,?......".1'46 *,),4%**,..,W? . #.7,,,..7. #: .144*.tr???????,7'4 ?''' ?;:-.....k;??? ???????'. ?? ? ? ' ;21 ???? ?/- ?Oill'????'40.?11 ?1?....ss4."'?e.'..?'?,/ I "' ' ...' ? d?44.? -1 . .;,,,t,,,:r.iti:', ` .? ` ,\?,,f/' ???v? ,? "?v? ? ? 4X\' \ ? c.. ,. \'\ ? \:. ? - ,,,,,,,."." ,.......,,,..,....,,,,?.,..7?4( N..,..,Pt; ,?.y. 7 . ':,..,,,ti,*?;;fv'":".? . , , .. \ : ? .,*, ,. ,,,, . . : ,?A__,. ? , .: /V:/??? _??? ? :?ri. ' ? ?? .Y'.,.1,. "'t ? (1,41.;_.)' )... ,.)%4\."!,\\ , ; , .,,f-et,,..,/..4?. 2, ..1-.i. -...../ '''.-1' .:-.,./.....Nt: . - ? 4.- -, ? . .../,. ' i.1'. ..?.. ? ,41, . , .z"',.?''''.:).'14 .0'),.,,?10'114) .. '' . ., . . ...'70;:,'...;.:47(i7;;;;...:.,i?.,:.?4;iW.:77.-Z;4(ii;VP,;;?;?..).1'.4.4.''':;, ...*.'. % APIY,,, .:'. ??? ?/. ? ....,"! 1.. ,...' ., . ? ".4., .!... t ? ...........r. F., , ,, ? ,,,,.. , , '. ... ....;? ...?????.,:'i, :, .,....!-.-:,......";',2,;-i':"..:::1.s.;:'''..:.(...".H.: ..i' ::';;.?-Vi.7:f.j.:17?2....''''.:.;:;11.41$1-0..*4.,1*-';')4'.-.'\'').A1 *q1R:1'.' i\,i'''AG'77)2.:40X-1.-- .,,,,.., .,..r.,?, \ .:,?, 4:.,..,...4,?1/4,N,,ietA,....,4...4,,.,,, -1,;,..,.7.::::.;,,i-pw- . ..........;? ,...,1%,...,4 .-.7 --1'..A4w e41, FIG. 32 - PHOTOMACROGRAPHS a PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF FYN 226956 (470 MATERIAL) EXTRUDED WITH A BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF I550?F. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT ETCHANT: 95 PARTS- i120 25 HNO3 HCL - HF Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Fla31-CR0SS-SECTIONS OF THREE 470 FLANGES INDICATING THE LOCATIONS OF STANDARD TENSILE - (0.250"DIA.) TEST SPECIMENS (A) AND SUB-STANDARD TENSILE 1.150"DIA.) TEST SPECIMEN (B). MAG. - APPROX I X ?????," ,' : ' - ''''4,11,r,'?. ?'.C.i yl.,,,,..,,? ...;',3iv.te? 0. fi,itsi ,,' A.. i,:' .1:,. .:;?,....:"...!..... -.:.,?:. .. - .-. :....i., ;4, . # .:. .., . .,?..,. ,.. ost'\.4%..04Sr/4`;Xittl1...*.iks.j.:? 1".14 ' i ..' ,*'..1,011.p;;.11.414"`J'%%.4041. .4. r...f.?,,- ts - . ."" ? ' ..."- ... 1/4.4.#0..' r# ?.1.1. , ? , 4 , ? 1.4: .7. ' ? . ? ;?? . .",* ...74 ' m ,..':?? , " ? 4 ' r. ;fly ,:. I litIrtitY4'14^/:,?,)????e? 411cr..41:.!1,..;Rrc ..4. e.`'....."' 441,0'14.?.911i.g: . :'411',??-?41_,1\-.-4 ' 4'4'i.".,-4....'N :Jo!. -"K?-? l'o!kt't,!7?1, ,:t.i4., 7e, u--:- 41. i 14.,..'''.,..?:'44,?:"47.....;...p,'."...4'146.:'..r:.,17.?.,..\.*' 4,-," , 75, j-...`,0(%:.....1,`-,,: . \,..". ,...., I' 1.,' :?:. 7., :": ; :71: ,' ,,I.. 161 , 1 }:.):. ,7:1 sat:;7 .":,....i,,..:::.. ' - - . . . k ' ? ' ,ef ) ?,-;i. :ZA .? ......,,....; . ...,,,,,.,.. , ?,?.:?.?.4...,?.?.;,,,..,.......?,.....1,........?,\?," ,,,. ? _v., ...,,4747: ,. '''' , .. we .,.,?7...., ? , -.5. ' - r. ' .4? V-Cit)i, 14.- i.(1'4 4. ,`' . ' '` `.0.1)1' .r.' ?:.......;..,.../ r". ..6 .0. '' " ........ 7 .. ...,: %.;"..-...,, '/.t...::::,...'??1:.'..;:::...1?::::`;e-.7..-...:..,\N:11,...7. ,5.4'"7?.?Gt ti" .6 4 (7,.......e: .),..,''',/'..e?i,..,".....,,' ,......, :?,....?.-ii. -.. . , ? ... 4 'r....i e\v,,, ,\;,,,,,. t.::,,:-. ,,,:\,......r4H...,,,,,,:"7...7.-;..?:-,....,::-..:::?...../.4."."?r.? I Ie... 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F., , ,, ? ,,,,.. , , '. ... ....;? ...?????.,:'i, :, .,....!-.-:,......";',2,;-i':"..:::1.s.;:'''..:.(...".H.: ..i' ::';;.?-Vi.7:f.j.:17?2....''''.:.;:;11.41$1-0..*4.,1*-';')4'.-.'\'').A1 *q1R:1'.' i\,i'''AG'77)2.:40X-1.-- .,,,,.., .,..r.,?, \ .:,?, 4:.,..,...4,?1/4,N,,ietA,....,4...4,,.,,, -1,;,..,.7.::::.;,,i-pw- . ..........;? ,...,1%,...,4 .-.7 --1'..A4w e41, FIG. 32 - PHOTOMACROGRAPHS a PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF FYN 226956 (470 MATERIAL) EXTRUDED WITH A BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF I550?F. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT ETCHANT: 95 PARTS- i120 25 HNO3 HCL - HF Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ?.',Vti.ret'????????r I rp- ? a ? ?x's--4- \ 0.v) ) r r ? - ?? ' ' ? .*..., ai... ..t oni \..... . Q..?....itl:"TrOe'' ^ li l'... ' .;,)- `.,-..6....4*Coe v?., 44)/1 , ? .. ????. !Ms. .4 erf ? ?? . 4/ r, ,.??? ? ? , k 7 - Ye.-z.r?tr&cY'-' -41 L.7" ? (????;,_ ,fc:c n v 4??"e." " ? I ,; ?? 7 . ?. ""4-4 r\r" T ??:, ? EZ ? ? . ? . . 17.6 :ije fi " ? - ? . 1.11. 1,1r. ? .....e$:?4-4 ? ??????1'4'....;.1:77 J '7 A' MAG. - 250 X FIG 35 PHOTOMACR ?GRAPHS B PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF P/N 226963 (A70 MATERIAL) EXTRUDED WITH A BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 1550?F. FIG .36'- PHOTOMACROGRAPHS & PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF PM 226964 (A70 MATERIAL) EXTRUDED WITH A BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE OF 1550 ?E ETC HAN T 95 PARTS - H20 2.5 PARTS - H NO3 IS PARTS - HCL 1.0 PARIS H F 108 109 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 HOTOMACROGRAPHS & PHOTOMICROGRAPH OFA 'N 226966 (A70 MATERIAL) EXTRUDED WITH A IL LET PREHEAT TEMPERATLE ? ? HARDNESS SURVEY DEPTH FROM SURFACE .001" .0041 .007" ?.010" .013" .016" ?.019" .022" .025" .028" .031" .034" CONVERTED ROCK- WELL C 20.0 20.0 19.5 20.0 19.5 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.5 20.0 19.5 19.5 FIG. 38 PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A CROSS-SECTION THROUGH THE SURFACE OF A I500?F A70 EXTRUSION IN WHICH FREEDOM FROM SURFACE CONTAMINATIONS IS INDICATED BY THE UNIFORM MICROSTRUCTURE AND? HARDNESS SURVEY. 111 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 HOTOMACROGRAPHS & PHOTOMICROGRAPH OFA 'N 226966 (A70 MATERIAL) EXTRUDED WITH A IL LET PREHEAT TEMPERATLE ? ? HARDNESS SURVEY DEPTH FROM SURFACE .001" .0041 .007" ?.010" .013" .016" ?.019" .022" .025" .028" .031" .034" CONVERTED ROCK- WELL C 20.0 20.0 19.5 20.0 19.5 20.0 20.0 20.0 19.5 20.0 19.5 19.5 FIG. 38 PHOTOMICROGRAPH OF A CROSS-SECTION THROUGH THE SURFACE OF A I500?F A70 EXTRUSION IN WHICH FREEDOM FROM SURFACE CONTAMINATIONS IS INDICATED BY THE UNIFORM MICROSTRUCTURE AND? HARDNESS SURVEY. 111 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 50' 10 I ? ? .????????????? PROPOSED EXTRUDED SECTION 1/5 SIZE MATERIAL (TITANIUM AellOAT ' SECTIONAL AREA 6.98 LENGTH (Addition incorpoisted 26 5/1611 VOLUME 183.665 cubic inch WW1 30.121 lbs. RED. AREA FIG. 42 EXTRUSION SHAPE FOR P/N 226970 - SHAFT, TURBINE ROTOR FRONT. ELONG. . s . 1 ? FIG.4I - THE EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURES AND COOLING RATES ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED WITH A 1550?F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE. ? 114 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 115 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ? FOR Plajiti26.222-Rol....01111LVT B. 1300 Included Anele Die FIG. 43 DIE HOLDER AND SUB-ASSEMBLY FOR A RE-ENTRANT ANGLE DIE AND A 1300 INCLUDED ANGLE DIE. 116 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT 117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 PROPOSED. EXTRUSION OPTIMUM ENVELOPE -- Approx. 1/32" MATERIAL 'AREA LENGTH VOLUME WEIGHT MPD-2711 (A-no-AT) .87 In- 60,In 52.2 In3 1.67 lbs/ft 2,o/o .200 --AP- .1'420 ? 5/1 ACTUAL SIZE Note: Cross-hatched area Indicatea finish-machined detail part. FIG.45 - OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 227594, FLANGE,TURBINF. STATOR BLADE SUPPORT ASSEMBLY. 118 PROPOgEAPTRUSION OPTIMUM ENVELOPE - Approx. 1/32" MATERIAL M.:1)6-:1, (A-110-AT) AREA LENGTH S 80 InVOLtJME , WEIGHT 15.28 2611nsft .1 ? ? ??? ?,030 /, 0 7Z ""4"` ?.03n /4,58 --JP ???????????????????? 4,0f0 /*R ?So? ?000 ? I 1.3goKife.") 4 000 049..16" 1???????????????????????????????? .??????'?? do ? ? r ? I .????? won. Y.. ? ? i? ????????????? ????????? 1?60..1111, ACTUAL SIZE Note: Cross-hatched area indicates finish-machined detail part. FIG. 46 - OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE FOR THE EXTRUSION OF P/N 227596, FLANGE, TURBINE STATOR BLADE SUPPORT ASSEMBLY. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 119 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIG 47 - PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING THE SURFACE FINISH OF EXTRUDED AllOAT FLANGES. I' 120 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? \ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 121 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIG. 49 MICROSTRUCTURE OF Al10- AT TITANIUM EXTRUDED THROUGH THE REENTRANT ANGLE DIE NOTE RANDOM ORIENTATION OF STRUCTURE. 122 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT FIG. 50 MACROSTRUCTURE OF TWO SECTIONS OF THE STEEL JACKETED EXTRUSION. (INSIDE DIAMETER OF TUBE IS ON THE RIGHT. PHOTOGRAPH SHOSWECSTIATY(PBIC,AL SMOOTH SECTION AND 'A TYPICAL ROUGH 0N 123 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIG. 49 MICROSTRUCTURE OF Al10- AT TITANIUM EXTRUDED THROUGH THE REENTRANT ANGLE DIE NOTE RANDOM ORIENTATION OF STRUCTURE. 122 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT FIG. 50 MACROSTRUCTURE OF TWO SECTIONS OF THE STEEL JACKETED EXTRUSION. (INSIDE DIAMETER OF TUBE IS ON THE RIGHT. PHOTOGRAPH SHOSWECSTIATY(PBIC,AL SMOOTH SECTION AND 'A TYPICAL ROUGH 0N 123 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 0 8 a. 140 120 100 40 20 10 fr 0 ?w' 0 ? tr) 4 1? HR w 0 0 0 ? TENSILE ?'STRENGTH ..???...e e e ? YIELD STRENGTH MOON 0?????????????ft, ? RED-- ? FIG 53 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AllOAT TITANIUM EXTRUDED WITH A 19000F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE. 126 FIG. 54-. VIEW OF THE TOOLING MOUNTED IN A 25 TON BATH RADIAL DRAW FORMER. TYPICAL CONTOUR FORMING DIES, ROLLS, COMMON ROLLS HOLDING YOKES AS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 127 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 0 8 a. 140 120 100 40 20 10 fr 0 ?w' 0 ? tr) 4 1? HR w 0 0 0 ? TENSILE ?'STRENGTH ..???...e e e ? YIELD STRENGTH MOON 0?????????????ft, ? RED-- ? FIG 53 EFFECT OF ANNEALING TEMPERATURE ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF AllOAT TITANIUM EXTRUDED WITH A 19000F BILLET PREHEAT TEMPERATURE. 126 FIG. 54-. VIEW OF THE TOOLING MOUNTED IN A 25 TON BATH RADIAL DRAW FORMER. TYPICAL CONTOUR FORMING DIES, ROLLS, COMMON ROLLS HOLDING YOKES AS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 127 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 e FIG. 59 CLOSE-UP PHOTOGRAPH FIG. 58 PHOTOGRAPH OF P/N 226963 FORMED IN A 360 DEGREE RING. THIS OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE SHAPE WAS MACHINED FROM A MAXIMUM ENVELOPE EXTRUSION, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 4 fb, , FIG. 60 P/N 226961 RINGS FORMED AND FLASH BUTT WELDED INTO 360? NOTE THE OUT-OF-ROUND CONDITION AT THE WELD JOINT, 132 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 v. .0 MNSViri."" ? FIG 62 - PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SIX-INCH UPSETTING MACHINE. PHOTOMACROGRAPH OF A SUCCESSFULLY UPSET FLANGE IN AMS 6412 MATERIAL. 134 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1 ? 87J i?'' 7-0 em/o D/eviems/ews) FIG.64 WOODEN MODEL USE FOR UPSET DEVELOPMENT OF PLASTICINE. 317?e p45,3 ,....5er" ? FIGURE 65 SCHEMATIC. DRAWAGS OF THE THREE STEP UPSET CYCLE USED TO UPSET 1HE FLANGES FOR THE TURBINE ROTOR SHAFT' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 66- THE UPSET AREA OF AN AllOAT ROTOR SHAFT INDICATING THE BUCKLING AT THE INNER DIAMETER. 138 ?????? offing 010? /Nkt -DES IQ A/ FIRST PASS PUNCH V ?Vm? L 77 oR/G/NAL tQ 1701/e if 4-47-ER,47-/oy p0A/eti ArER477 N SECOND PASS PUNCH FIGURE 67. Upset punch design modifcations employed to correct the buckling problem in upsetting the rotor shaft flanges. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 139 STAT Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Fla681ci) PHOTOMACROGRAPH OF THE ROTOR SHAFTS AFTER THE FIRST AND SECOND STAGE. PHOTOMACROGRAPH OF THE FIRST UPSET PRODUCT SHOWING THE LAP Al THE INNER DIAMETER. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIG 70 PHOTOMACROGRAPH OF A SECTION OF THE FIRST SUCCESSFULLY UPSET PROTOTYPE TURBINE ROTOR SHAFT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1.3-29 0/A 13 227 /3. 072 4-0 I .19 ?0- DETAIL SECTION DETAIL SECTION (FIN. MACH.) (SEMI-MACH.) Area - - Length (Max) Vol. Wt. PIR&, .--111111. .49S OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE. REVISED ENVEIAPE (PROPOSED EXTR.) (PROPOSED EXTR.) 2 Area .372 In. 2 Area Length(Max) 46.66 In. 2Length Vol. 17.36 In: Vol. - Wt. 2.76# Wt. .205 In. 46.34 In. 9.50 In) 1.52# FIGURE 72. PRODUCTION EXTRUSION SHAPE FoR P Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 145 fts10 .43.1ni Area ??? 411, 00 ??? 60 In. Length - -25.8 In.3 Vol. 4.15# Wt N 226956. =NI 011111 ??? ???? .53 In.2 49 In. 26.0In.3 4.19# STA1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 14 3-99( /6. ,ce sph4' P/Ali 4- DETAIL SECTION (FIN. MACH.) 011.??? IC 44 /8.94. DI4, 3-- .6,144'8 .16 ?f2 I. 2 DETAIL SECTION (SEMI-MACH.) Area .503 In.2 Area - - - Length (Max) -59.32 In. Length (Max ) Vol. - - - - 29.84 In.3 Vol. Wt. - - -4.77# Wt. 14337PIA, 3.0? uPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE (PROPOSED Era.), - -.584 1n.2 Area - - -59.51 In. Length 34.75 In.3 Vol. 5.56# Wt. /42( REVISED ENVELOPE (PROPOSED EXTR.) -.88 In.2 Area - 72 In. iLength 63.36Iitt..? Vol. 10.14# Wt FIGURE 73. PRODUCTION EXTRUSION SHAPE FOR PAI 226962 146 "7 7 2 59.51 In.; 9.58# Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ''''..."1111111111ft 1.4.) DETAIL SECTION (FIN. MACH.) .4117. Area - - -.565 In. Length(Max) 35.8 In. Vol. -20.23 In.3 Wt. 3.24# ???????? ef 9 1,10 OP. ? 08 DETAIL SECTIoN (SEMI-MACH.) Area Length (Ma s . ) Vol. Wt. R 2 .656 In. 35.8 In. 23.48 In. 3.76# 7875 .0//9 iNciwo(D Q1.t 0401 irS .Stie AcE 6w0417 s. .46'7 15012,-- 3Z.cR /7t) - ""1-1?266 uPTIMISTIC (:)RuPoSED Area Length -41 Vol. Wt. - - ENVELoPE REVISED DATA EXTR.) 1.11 In.2 Area - -35.8 In. Length - 53.3 In.3 Vol. 8.52# Wt. - .? ???? WM; FIGURE 74. PRODUCTION EXTRUSIGN? SHAPE FOR P/N 226963 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 147 0.11, ???? *Mr 1.12 In.2 .355. 83. 7261;1 n STAT t 4 AI 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 W" DIA ? DETAIL SECTION (FIN. MACH.) Area - Length(Max Vol. - Wt..- ??? -.386 In.2 -47.20 In. - -18.22 In.3 2.92# off C DETAIL SECTION (SEMI?MACHINED) Area - Length(max) Vol. ???? Wt. 2 RING? ,179 -.07014 0;) 0 167407 CO. OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE REVISED ENVELOPE (PROPOSED EXTR.) (PROPOSED EXTR.) -.408 In. Area - - --47.38 In., Lerrc;th 19.33 In. Vol. 3.09# Vt. - 2 2 110 - -.60 In. Area - - - r70 In. -36 In) Vol. - ^ - 53107 1n:3 _ - -60 In. Length - 5.75# Wt. ------ 5.96# FIGURE 75. PRoDUCTION EXTRUSION SUPE, FuR P/N 226964. 3.48 /.5a9.1* 014(02EA) 430 .091124- 66.50 .2.apimpf .422 4- -410 It-rvo W777" i) a-- 96 DETAIL .SECTION (FIN. MACH) Area Vol. Wt. DETAIL SECTION (SEMI4MACH) .07 In2 Area OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE REVISED DATA (PROPOSED EXTR.) .13 in2 Area Length(Max) - - -48.401n 3Length 3,37 Vol. 6.292 In Vol. - 54# Wt. 1.006# Wt. FIGURE 76. PRODUCTION EXTRUSION SHAPE FUR /IN 226966 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 149 IMO 41.1.? Mb III= .26 In2 Area - 60 In Length .20 In 7 15.6 Id Vol. - - - 13.161n3 2.5# Wt. 2.19# STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ? R/,VG. -40. ID 9 41 6 ti" ON ,2,411 .20 ,I5 .'.3723 (7) .Q in (oh ,;) fty t 3 .3o OA. IL,,::-?..*7 :0065: 11.82 /6 29 154b 2..10 4? tvr 0 N oYR., DETAIL SECTION (FIN. MACH) Area - - - -.417 IN2 Length(Max.)50.2 In. Vol. - - -20.93 In3 W t. ??? ? 3.351/ DETAIL SECTION (SE4I4MACH.) Area - - - -.60 In.2 Length(Max.)50.2 In VOL - - 30.12 In Wt. - - -4.82# OPTIMISTIC INNEWPE (PROPuSED EXTR.) Area Length Vol. Wt. RE'VIEED ENVELOPE (PROA/SED EXTR.) .87 In.2 Area .60 In. Length - 52.2 In,.3 Vol. 8.35# Wt.- 4110 FIGURI 77. PRODUCTION EXTRUSION SHAPE FOR P/N 2275914. MP OW mi. a.. - -1.04 In2 -.481;0 - 49.9 In,,) 8.0 2 d).74 2/1 0 .03R- DETAIL SECTION (FIN. MACH) Area Length (Max. Vol. Wt. 41??? ??? .367 In. .68.8 In. 4.04# 4.04# 22,14 220 esQ\ .34 -pm. DETAIL SECTION (SEMI-MACH.) ? 0/A tt -R/A/ 22,14 1.07Z-1* 03 Area - - -.482 In. Length(Max.)69.6 In . Wt. - -353.3.65; In. Vol. ... M. it 26?,3 25 .4? 8 OPTIMISTIC ENVELOPE (PROPOSED EXTR.) , REVISED ENVELOPE (PROPOSED EXTR.) Area .66 In. Area - 2 AM OM ??? Aft -.81 In.2 Length - - -480 In. Length Wt. - - - 8.45# Wt. =IP I= WM _9.2701 In. # 57.5 In.3 - - -52.8 Ins3 Vol. FIGURE 78. PRODUCTION EVIG' MON .SHAPE FUR P/N 227596 STAT , 77.77,7771?7,7717.77,r1r7r7t,eL,!5?P 150 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 151 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 7 ": ? 0131,.4s t . ? y X 04. ? ,V,3 14? 4, 4/*Shilforet:441 .C4444.4,14".. ? 0 ?????? "' .,????? ?^ ' ? ? ?r..1 ' A, ? `,'" ? 1,, A ? ' ? ? .4t' .\?4 A 41. o, ' '"'"4.' ? S. I? ? 1 ' .r, , ? I .(f ".?' .1..1 ?Ita Ari 4;1, i4?.cp,r11.0 ,-r? - , ? ' ? , FIG. 79- PHOTOMICROGRAPHS OF P/N 226961 EXTRUDED FROM CAST AND FORGED MATERIAL. ? . 7'; ,44 4, ? 4,444 / 4.4 44,1 ...., 4. 1 ,Ais,itat ? .''''.0 . , ....?,. :" ...?.,...41"..I.:'":".? t , '...441A7:4.'4.7.4111,,,r, ...4.1C,',,,,,:?4,44,4...44,...,444444444444.4....40?444 1.........., #:'..,. ' 9.1...4-1,..A ?? r A"'. ' ' , -,T,11".,.",. , ,4 #0fr.::,.. 44....W_5.....,....... ?,,,..... .? FIG.80- PHOTOMICROGRAPHS OF P/N 226962 EXTRUDED FROM CAST AN FORGED MATERIAL. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 . ?,?$?? *".` , ? '' ????..r??? , , r wag.,? ^.4 ' girlttrrep, 4". r04? e ' " 0?44,:41.4. ??? ; ; ? " 44144?, wg..444..4 ,ti.PAt"," t44'''po 044?I.444":4 '?;!.? ',S'A'ht,AX,11t11:40,;" " "10W"44"..40 " WiVtil*Irjr?61tere4,4, 10,41641. 1'I,46 .1?,4004^',','"*A., ? .1.. '? ir -44 4.0,???;;,' 'TO v Alteorledr, . ? 1414 4 4":-"C;t1r/t "444441111:71,.0.41 , 1,xd .0. /0411 ; FIG 84- PHOTOMICROGRAPHS OF P/N 227594 EXTRUDED FROM FORGED MATERIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VIII. APPENDIX I TITANIUM MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. MPD 271 - Extrusion Stock (Forged) A110 AT 2. rI'D - 272 - Extrusion Stock (Cast) A110 AT 3, MPD 275 - Extrusion *Stock (Cast) AMS 14.921 4. MPD - 276 - Extrusion Stock (Forged) AMS 14.921 5. WAD 785s Wrou 6.w ? t t Titanium & Titanium Alloys 7852 - Titanium Alloy - 5A1 2 1/2.8n Annealed 110,000 psi yield TITANIUM PROCESSING SPECIFICATIONS 70 AMS 7498 - Rings; Flash Welded - Titanium And Titanium Alloys 8. WAD 5797E Arc Welding 9. Tenative WAS Titanium Welding Specification STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: A vendor shall mention this specification nurai and a.ts test revision number in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders APPLICATION:Primarily intended for hot extrusion,. COMIDSITION; Carbon .20 Aluminum 4.0 - 6uo Tin Oxygen (when analyzed) .20 max Hydrogen .0175 max Nitrogen .07 raax Other elements, total .80 max L. CONDITION: Vacuum melted, forged or rolled, and machined c7F-Enartioned to size.l.ocal spot grinding and chipping is permissible to a maximum depth of 1/211 with well rounded edges. 5. qUALITY: Material shall be uniform in quality and ceThidT7ti:on, clean, sound, and free from 'foreign materials, and from internal and external defects. 6.1 MECRANICAL ,In the, annealed condition the properties shall be: ? yield Strength at 01,4 offset,. psi Elongation, 5 in 41) Reduction in area, % Charpy V-Notch at room teMparature Notched Rupture at room temperature 150,000 cell shall be teetoct to failure or a maximum 6 20 hours 110)000 mini) 10 min 30 min Results shall be re;)orted If il Of 7.. SAMPLI110 InIVTION AND TEliT ransverso sartrat'j?iginrorn"?TIEFTWalc-777 supplied hall bo It reduced to a maximum ratio of 7 to 1. Tentilon and impact test 'specimens Shall be taken transverse to the direction of major working. This ample will be the source of test specimens listed below: ? 161 STAT STAT .0Wali,N7A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 7 a2X131.2.0.2a0a The tensile test shall conform to Federal Specification QQ-M-151a, type The Charpy specimen shall conform to AS designation E 23.47T, type A, with radius tolerance of :c 0001" 8, XMENSIOYAL TOLERANCES: Dimensional tolerances shall be as specified in the order or on applicable drawings, except as noted in 4 above. c4,4 AMILLEUTIOD Each billet shall be clearly stamped on lloth ends with mill heat number and specification number. 10m.? WORTS: The vendor shall furnish with each shipment a certified report of the results of tests for conformance to thi3 specification If a heat treatment has been used it shall be descrited. In addition the report shall include the purchase order number, heat. number, specification number size, and quantity from each heat. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: A vendor shall mention this specification E7571737171atest revision number in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders. APPLIMION: Primarily intended for hot extrusion. Carbon Aluminum Tin Oxygen (when analyzed) Hydrogen Nitrogen Other elements, total Iron Manganese COND TION: Double vacuum melted rnd rough machined to size on the O.D. Local spot grinding and chipning is permissable to a maximum depth of l/4" with well rounded edges. ? n7ALITY: Ingots or.portions_of ingots purchased to. this spec.- ificatirn shall be uniform in quality and condition, clean and, free 'rom foreign materials and e'Aernal defects. ? 'Sonic test- ing will be .employed to determine the, presence of internal de- fects and center soundness, The Sonic test observation's shall be?forwar7ed with the certified test results. -YECHANICAL TESTS:: The tensile properties apply,when the rate- '7=M is Maintained through the yield 'strength between the values of 0,003 in ne r in..per'Min. and 0.007 in.per).n.per min. . and then increased So as to produce failure in approximately one additional- minute .' s.Mechanical test results, alone, shall not .bethe basis for 'reldection. Test specimens obtained from para- graph 7,1n the annealed condition shall meet the, follbwi0g: Yield Strength at .2;.; offset, psi Elongation, % in 4D Reductidn in area, % ? Charpy V-Notch at room temperature Notch Tlupture at room temperature 150,000 psi, shall be tested to fail- ure or a maximum of 20 hours atilax4.ticc:;acrx7ratmcurrri..rirr :Acurxtrunts-4-..z.ry4 ::!.7.,..lroark.t=onrat ? 01:4P.UCI"..44,47161.4;t:....- . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 :'17.7:733017EM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 SAMPLING INSPECTION AND TEST PROGEDURESt A transverse sample from the stock o e supp edlUrr-670=071-G-rMaximum ratio of 71. The vendor shall supply for6ineAfinishing temperatures and the number of reheats, if any, to accomplish this reduction, Tension and impact test specimens shall be taken transverse to the direction of major working. This sample will be the source of the test specimens listed in 6. One half of this specimen shall be forwarded to MID for additional testing. 701 Types of Specimens: The tensile test shall conform to Feee:al Specification QQ-M..151a, Type-4; The Charpy tpecimen si)all conform to ASTM designation E- 23-4?T, 7ype A, with radius tolerance of t ,001 inches. DIMENSIONAL TOLERANOFS: nimensional tolerances shall be as specified in the order or on-iiiTtable drawings, except as noted in 4 above, IDENTIFICATION Rach section shall be clearly stamped on both ends with the mill heat number and specification number. 100. PuLPORTSr The vendor shall furnish with each shiplent a certified report' 377177-7esults.oftests for conformance to this specification. If a heat treatment has been used it shall be described. In addition, the report ehall include the purchase order number, heat number, specification number Size and quantity from each heat. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release t. A u Ullt4U 6.1.CtIAL Deritt nepom Vo. mr.vu -112 1. ACE11014TAIMENT: A vendor shall mention this specification number and its latest-revition number in all quotations and . when ack=aledgins purchase orders. 2. APPLICATION: Primarily intended for hot extrusion. 3. ITION : .1=411???111?11?411?111?????????????????????????? Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen (when analyzed) Nitrogen Iron Manganese Other elements total (including Fe & Mn) 0.50 max. Titanium Remainder 0.20 max. 0.0125 max. 0.20 max. 0.07 max. To be reported To be reported CONDITION: Double vacuum melted with both melts employing the consumable electrode method.. The diameter may be machined. Local spot grinding and chipping is permittable to a =dna= depth of 1/4" with well rounded edges. QUALITY: Ingots or portions of Ingots purchased to this nspeci- fication shall be uniform in quality and condition, clean and free from foreign materials and external defects. Sonic test- ing will be employed to determine the presence of internal de- fects and center soundness. The sonic test-observations Shall' be forwarded with the certified test results, MECHANICAL TESTS: Material_thall,conform to the following re- quirements, aria-shall be capable .of meeting these requirements_ after being heated to any temperature 416..12009r for,approX- imately 30 min. in air and cooled in air. Mese properties apply. when the rate of strain Is maintained -at approximately 0.005 in. per in. per min. to the yield strength. Tensile Strength., psi . Yield Strength at 0.2% offset psi ElOngation, % in 2 in. Reduction of.. area % Notch Rupture tests at 752F with an axial load of 90,000 psi shall be tested to failure or 4 max- imum of 10 hours: Hours 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 165 80,000 min. 70 000 - :90,000 15 min. 30 min. 5 min. S.STAT STAT ST/-% 1 STAT Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT STAT STAT SANPLING) INSPECTION AND TEST PROCEDURES:' A transverse sample from the stock to be supplied shall.te hot reduced to a maximum ratio of 7:1. The vendor shall supply forging, & finishing temperatures and the number of reheats, if any, to accomplish this reduction. This sample will be the source of the test specimens hated in 6. One half of this sample forging shall be forwarded to MPD. 7.1 Types of Specimens: The tensile test shall conform to Federal Specification QQ-M-151a, Type 4. Notch rupture specimens shall have a 0.25 in. diameter with a 60 degree Vee notch of 0.178 in. root diameter and 0.0C? in. root radius. DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES: Dimensional tolerances shall be as specified in the order or on applicable drawings, except as noted in 4 above. ' IDENTIFICATION: Each section shall be clearly stamped on both ends with the mill heat number and specification number. 1 C:NOWI TpMENT,: A vendor shall mention this specification number anc, its latest revision number in all quotations and when acknowledeng purchase orders. 4 AiTgalm: Primarily intended for hot extrusion. 30 ME2a111111 Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen 0.20 max. 0,0125 max. 0.20 max. -0.07 max. Iron To be reported Manganese REPORTS: The vendor shall furnish with each shipment a certified report of the results of tests for conformance to this specifica- tion. If a heat treatment has been used it shall be described. In addition, the report shall include the purchase order numbers heat number specification number size and quantity from each heat. ACCEPTANCE: Material not conforming to this specification or to authorized modifications will be subject to rejection. Materials Laboratory Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing Eng. ,00Oo??????.ot????????????.il??.r..msnsm?om??onr.oWn...o............ir To be reported Other elements total (including Fe & Mn) 0.50 max. Titanium 'Remainder 4. CONDITION:' Double vacuum melted with both melts employing the consumable electrode method. The diameter may be machined. Local spot grinding and chipping is pormissable to a maximum depth of J/4" with well rounded edgel, 5. QUALITY.: Ingots or portions of ingots purhased to this speci- fication shall be uniform in .quality and condition, clean 'and free from foreign materials and external defects.. Sonic test- . ing will be employed to determine the presence of internal de- fects and center soundness. The sonie test observations shall be, forwarded with the certified. test.Tesults: TE0HumligiungENTs: .., Material shall conform to the. follow-' ing requirements ancIShall.alsb:be:::capableof meeting these' requirements after being heated to::_any temperature up to 1200,0? for,apprOximatelY 30 minutes in air-, .cooled Jilair, and descaled. .G.L Mechanica1:1111AI The tensile properties listed below apply wnen the rate of strain is maintained through the yield strength between the values of .,003 in. per. in per min., and ...007 in.. per in. per mm., and then is increased so as to produce fail- ure in approximately one'additionalminute. In ,the annealed Condition the 'properties Shall. be: '- Tensile,Strencth, psi Yield 'Strength at 0.25 offset psi Elongation, % in:2 in. Reduction of area Notch Rupture tests at 750F with an axial load of 90 COO si sball be tesed to fail- 5 min' LINC340041111.100100V ommEamarimaatin of lo.Dours. ours.. 80,000 min. 70,000 . 90,000 15 min. 30 min. 166 VWISZW,XM-7472:. '3P,M;,11'N/A7.6 P'1,70.7M7riror r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ....,,,????????????????????????? r+ForWeimoNiortmo 11.0.11111111?11.1110011111114101111 *Ent MP ~lib SAMP VG INUTXTION.1112.TEST PPOCEDURES: A transverse sample from the stock to be supplied shall be hot reduced to a maximum ratio of 7:1. The vendor shall supply forging, & finishing temperatures and the number of reheats, if any, to accomplish this reduction. This sample will be the source of the test specimens listed in 6. One half of, this sample forging shall be forwarded to MPD. 7.1 Tysof121212=1 Notch rupture specimens shall have a 2 in. diameter with a 60 degree Vee notch of '0.178 in root diameter and.0.005 in. root radius. 'DIMENSIONAk TOLERANUL. Dimensional tolerances shall be as specified in the order or on applicable drawings, except as noted in 4 above, 9. IDENTIFICATION: Each section shall be clearly stamped on lxih ends with the mill heat number and specification number. 10. 'MEM: The vendor shall furnish with each shipment a certi- fied report of the results of tests for condormance to this specification. If a heat treatment has been used it shall be . described. In additionithe report shall include the pgsrohase order number, heat number, specification number size and quantity from each 'heat. 11. ACCEPTSNp.: Material not conforming to this specification or to.authoriEed,modifications will be subject to rejection. 168 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ls ACKNONLEDGMENTs A vendor shall menbion this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders. APPLICATION: This specification covers certain compositional, technical, and quality requirements for wrought titanium and titanium alloys and is intended not to supersede or delet but to supplement the requirements of existing appli- cable speoificationss INTERSTITIAL ?OOMPOSITION: Origen, if determined Nitrogen Carbon Hydrogen Bar Stock Sheet Stock Other Elements, Total 0.20 max 0.07 max 0.20 max 00i25 max 0,0150 max 0,20 max 03.1 For bar stock of AUG AT alloy, the hydrogen content shall be 0.0175 maximum. 3.2 Conformance to teohnical requirements of section 4 shall be achieved by means of the alloying elements and not be intentional additions of interstitial elements. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 4s1 Notched kipLuelests tests Bars and forgings shall be capable of meeting the following 401,1 Test spe4mens shell have 0,25 in, diameter with as60-degree 'he notch of 0.178 in, root diameter and 0,005 n, rootsradius?, Maintaining A temperature of 75 F with an axial load of. 160,000 psiscipplied?, specimens shall not ruptur" in less than 5 hours, - 401,1,1 For AllQ AT alloy, an axial load of 135,000 401.1.2 For AMS 4921 alloy, an axi 41.13 0 psi shall be applied al load of 90,000 psi shall be plied. Unless otherwise specified, AMS 4925 shall have a hardness not higher than Rockwell C 39 or equivalent. 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ACKNOLEDGMENT: A vendor shall mention this, specification number,in.all quotations .and when aCknOwledging.purChase orders. FORM: Bats and forging stock. .APPLICATION: Primarily for parts requiring welding and haying ,strength. up to 700 F, OOMPOSIITON: Aluminum Tin Carbon Oxygen (if determined Hydrogen Nitrogen Iron Titaniumse 5. CONDITION: Unless otherwise specified, hot cold reduction, annealed, and descaled, 6. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 4,0 - 6.0' 1,5 - 3,5 0.20-max 0.20 max 0.0175 max 0.07 max ?0.50 max 0,20 'max 0.10 max Remainder STAT STAT STAT finished, with or without subsequent 6.1 Tensile Properties,: These properties apply when the rate of strain is maintained through the yield strength between the values of 0.00 in. per in. per min. and 0007/ in. per in. per min., and then it is increased to produce failure in approxi- mately one additional minute. When a dispute occurs between purchaser and vendor over the yield strength values, a referee test shall be performed on a test machine having a strain rate pacer, using a rate of 0.005 in. per in. per min, through the yield strength. .Tensile Strength, psi Yield Strength at 0,2% Offset or at 0....01.82 in. in 2 in. Etension Under Load (E 15,500,000),psi ,Elongation, ,% in 4D (Section's under 3.in.) Reduction. of Area, % (SeCtions under:3 in.) QUALITY:, Material shall be uniform in quality and ,Condition, 'Olean, sound, and free from foreign materials and from internal and external imperfections detri- mental to fabrication or to performance of parts. ' 170 171 '4,4FiggegOltaem,Atvem.,!,omlvaikm:,,,N,,:4-;;;AtIfom .r? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ACKNOLEDGMENT: A vendor shall mention this, specification number,in.all quotations .and when aCknOwledging.purChase orders. FORM: Bats and forging stock. .APPLICATION: Primarily for parts requiring welding and haying ,strength. up to 700 F, OOMPOSIITON: Aluminum Tin Carbon Oxygen (if determined Hydrogen Nitrogen Iron Titaniumse 5. CONDITION: Unless otherwise specified, hot cold reduction, annealed, and descaled, 6. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 4,0 - 6.0' 1,5 - 3,5 0.20-max 0.20 max 0.0175 max 0.07 max ?0.50 max 0,20 'max 0.10 max Remainder STAT STAT STAT finished, with or without subsequent 6.1 Tensile Properties,: These properties apply when the rate of strain is maintained through the yield strength between the values of 0.00 in. per in. per min. and 0007/ in. per in. per min., and then it is increased to produce failure in approxi- mately one additional minute. When a dispute occurs between purchaser and vendor over the yield strength values, a referee test shall be performed on a test machine having a strain rate pacer, using a rate of 0.005 in. per in. per min, through the yield strength. .Tensile Strength, psi Yield Strength at 0,2% Offset or at 0....01.82 in. in 2 in. Etension Under Load (E 15,500,000),psi ,Elongation, ,% in 4D (Section's under 3.in.) Reduction. of Area, % (SeCtions under:3 in.) QUALITY:, Material shall be uniform in quality and ,Condition, 'Olean, sound, and free from foreign materials and from internal and external imperfections detri- mental to fabrication or to performance of parts. ' 170 171 '4,4FiggegOltaem,Atvem.,!,omlvaikm:,,,N,,:4-;;;AtIfom .r? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ACKNOLEDGMENT: A vendor shall mention this, specification number,in.all quotations .and when aCknOwledging.purChase orders. FORM: Bats and forging stock. .APPLICATION: Primarily for parts requiring welding and haying ,strength. up to 700 F, OOMPOSIITON: Aluminum Tin Carbon Oxygen (if determined Hydrogen Nitrogen Iron Titaniumse 5. CONDITION: Unless otherwise specified, hot cold reduction, annealed, and descaled, 6. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 4,0 - 6.0' 1,5 - 3,5 0.20-max 0.20 max 0.0175 max 0.07 max ?0.50 max 0,20 'max 0.10 max Remainder STAT STAT STAT finished, with or without subsequent 6.1 Tensile Properties,: These properties apply when the rate of strain is maintained through the yield strength between the values of 0.00 in. per in. per min. and 0007/ in. per in. per min., and then it is increased to produce failure in approxi- mately one additional minute. When a dispute occurs between purchaser and vendor over the yield strength values, a referee test shall be performed on a test machine having a strain rate pacer, using a rate of 0.005 in. per in. per min, through the yield strength. .Tensile Strength, psi Yield Strength at 0,2% Offset or at 0....01.82 in. in 2 in. Etension Under Load (E 15,500,000),psi ,Elongation, ,% in 4D (Section's under 3.in.) Reduction. of Area, % (SeCtions under:3 in.) QUALITY:, Material shall be uniform in quality and ,Condition, 'Olean, sound, and free from foreign materials and from internal and external imperfections detri- mental to fabrication or to performance of parts. ' 170 171 '4,4FiggegOltaem,Atvem.,!,omlvaikm:,,,N,,:4-;;;AtIfom .r? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ACKNOLEDGMENT: A vendor shall mention this, specification number,in.all quotations .and when aCknOwledging.purChase orders. FORM: Bats and forging stock. .APPLICATION: Primarily for parts requiring welding and haying ,strength. up to 700 F, OOMPOSIITON: Aluminum Tin Carbon Oxygen (if determined Hydrogen Nitrogen Iron Titaniumse 5. CONDITION: Unless otherwise specified, hot cold reduction, annealed, and descaled, 6. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: 4,0 - 6.0' 1,5 - 3,5 0.20-max 0.20 max 0.0175 max 0.07 max ?0.50 max 0,20 'max 0.10 max Remainder STAT STAT STAT finished, with or without subsequent 6.1 Tensile Properties,: These properties apply when the rate of strain is maintained through the yield strength between the values of 0.00 in. per in. per min. and 0007/ in. per in. per min., and then it is increased to produce failure in approxi- mately one additional minute. When a dispute occurs between purchaser and vendor over the yield strength values, a referee test shall be performed on a test machine having a strain rate pacer, using a rate of 0.005 in. per in. per min, through the yield strength. .Tensile Strength, psi Yield Strength at 0,2% Offset or at 0....01.82 in. in 2 in. Etension Under Load (E 15,500,000),psi ,Elongation, ,% in 4D (Section's under 3.in.) Reduction. of Area, % (SeCtions under:3 in.) QUALITY:, Material shall be uniform in quality and ,Condition, 'Olean, sound, and free from foreign materials and from internal and external imperfections detri- mental to fabrication or to performance of parts. ' 170 171 '4,4FiggegOltaem,Atvem.,!,omlvaikm:,,,N,,:4-;;;AtIfom .r? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Repairing shall be accomplished by routing to remove the defect and re-welding by the same method as originally specified fOr that 'particular weld, unless otherwise permitted. ,APPROVALI A vendor shall not supply production details or assemblies welded in accordance with this specification until production approval has been granted, unless such approval be waived. A vendor Is facilities,k procedures, and materials used shall be subject to approval by the Ehgineering Department of W.A.D. - Manufacturing materiald, procedures, processes, and methods of inspection shall be the same for production parts as for approved sample parts. If necessary to 'make any change, a vendor shall obtain permission from purchaser prior to incorporating such change. 10.3 Automatic fusion welding equipment shall be approved by demonstrating its 0 capability to perform the following: 10.3.1 Controls shall be set to weld a test sample at least 12 in, long and of the same nominal composition and of thickness representing the mean of the range of production parts to be welded. Sample shall meet, the quality re-s quirements of Section 8. 11.1 Personnel-performing-manuallwelding on W.A..D. parts and assemblies shall be certified in accordance with MIL-T-5021 as competent to do the. particular - welding operations involved. 12. ACCEPTANCE: Arc-welded 'details and asqemblies not fabricated in accordance with the Tequirements of this specification or authorized modifications will be subject to rejection. ARC AND GAS WELDING SYMBOLS ROOT OPENING--- (PLUG AND SLOT WELDS).* SIZE (EXCEPT FOR- PL.UG OR SLOT), ,DETAIL REFERENCE OR STRENGTH OF STRUCTURAL. SPOT WELDS * SPECIFICATION TYPE REFERENCE N FINISH SYMBOL WHEN USED INCREMENT LENGTH OR ROOT LENGTH (FOR PLUG AND SLOT WELDS)* PITCH OF NON-CONTINUOUS WELDS? REFERENCE LINE FOR SHOWING WELD LOCATION WELD ALL AROUND SYMBOL ARROW CONNECT- ING REFERENCE LINE TO JOINT OR TO MEMBER TO BE GROOVED SIDE OF JOINT TO WHICH ARROW POINTS IS ARROW SIDE AND OPPOSITE SIDE IS OTHER SIDE x MAY APPLY TO EITHER SIDE OF REFERENCE LINE DEPENDING ON APPLICATION OF *WELDS. I. BOTH SIDES OF WELDS OF THE SAME TYPE ARE OF SAME SIZE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, 2. SYMBOLS APPLY BE ABRUPT CHANGES IN DIRECTION OF JOINT OR AS DIMENSIONED (EXCEPT WHERE ALL AROUND SYMBOL IS USED) 3, ALL WELDS ARE CONTINUOUS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 4. DIMENSIONS OF WELDS IN INCHES. 5, WHERE THE SYMBOL / OCCURS, THE WELD 'FINISH SHALL BE EQUIVALENT IN QUALITY TO THAT REQUIRED FOR THE SURROUNDING .BASE METAL. ? CC- I 178 4,:v.7;;':,',",4'f,Urto;i1,14)5.?;rat4r,44,014,;,,,W,;;;;;;AgAtra,,,:4;: kqt# ? Declassified in Part -'Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 . , 4: ? '! ' ? ? ,, PPP** ,PV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 artworimitilliUnlinromomw 411P Figure 2 Illustrative applications of welding symbols: NAME OF WELDED JOINT SQUARE-BUTT WELDED ONE SIDE , (PRESENT SYMBOL) SQUARE-BUTT WELDED ONE SIDED si (OLD SYMBOL)' SINGLE-V BUTT JOINT DOUBLE-V BUTT JOINT APPLICATION INTERPRE- OF TATION OF SYMBOL SYMBOL SINGLE BEVEL BUTT JOINT OR DOUBLE BEVEL BUTT ',JOINT Ti 'Eli SQUARE EDGE JOINT (PRESENT SYMBOL) SQUARE EDGE JOINT AL (OLD SYMBOL)' NAME OF APTIatit5W-INTE-R-F5FTET. WELDED OF TATION OF JOINT SYMBOL SYMBOL SQUARE ? BUTT JOINT WITH BACKING MEMBER SINGLE FILLET WELDED LAP JOINT DOUBLE FILLET WELDED LAP 'JOINT PLUG WELDED LAP JOINT SLOT WELDED LAP JOINT CORNER JOINT OUTSIDE FILLET WELD J CORNER JOINT INSIDE AND - OUTSIDE FILLET WELD CORNER JOINT INSIDE AND OUTSIDE FILLET WELD OF UNEQUAL SIZE OLD SYMBOL APPEARS ON EARLIER DRAWINGS 1V17,1 VeArt . . WV4r47.0,74TAMDMM.MgrrM. Vg**657titiV 'AWM,47iMq.1707i0,4',..arM1:.011 Figure 2 (Continued): 5797j NAME OF WELDED JOINT APPLICATION OF . SYMBOL INTERPRE7 TATION OF SYMBOL NAME OF WELDED JOINT APPLICATION . OF SYMBOL INTERPRE- TATION OF SYMBOL SINGLE,V CORNER JOINT CORNER JOINT. INSIDE . r A 311 OR FILLET WELD 'OR I 6. DOUBLE FILLET ,WELDED TEE JOIN T . CORNER JOINT (SW) r I , INSIDE et FILLET WELD OR-------- Its. ? (FILLET OTHE R ME 45?) W THA.N BEVEL GROOVE ?TEE JOINT FILLET WELDED BOTH SIDES IP SQUARE ? GRO.OVED 111111111 CORNER 1 > s OR ' JOINT 4 (PRESENT SYMBOL) S 4-4' L_____I SINGLE FILLET WELDED OINT TEE ,JOINT 1 SQUARE II . GROOVED Illkiill .. CORNER .? OR >_______. JOINT x 0 (OLD SYMBOL) 1 SINGLE-U BUTT JOINT SQUARE I. GROOVED Pe CORNER JOINT ; i 2 FILLET WELD, OR V (PRESENT SYMBOL) 1 i . ? ' COSINGLE-JR1`.4ER JOINT ..SQUARE ' SV Immima GROOVED CORNER JOINT ... ? FILLET 'WELD .,, 1 OR r . .1 44 (OLD SYMBOL)' Si. ?,? , SQUARE riZIP. GROOVED, . ....... . BUTT WELD. . ? INCOMPLETE \A--2O- . 20R_ STANDARD DIMENSIONS OF U AND J GROOVES .TO BE USED UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. OLD' SYMBOL APPEARS . ON EARLIER DRAWINGS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 4 TENTATIVE WAD SPECIFICATION FOR ARC WELDING OF TITANIUM AND TITANIUM ALLOYS 1. Llai.2122.711Eli.: A vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders. Application: This specification applies to the process and quality requirements for. inert gas shielded tungsten arc welding of titanium and titanium alloys. This specification to be employed only in addi- tion to the requirements of WAD 5797. 3. General Provisions: 3.1. An inert backup gas of either argon or helium shall be employed to pro- tect the penetration side of the weld bead. 3.2. Argon and/or helium gas shall be employed in the welding torch nozzle when joining sheet material 0.080" or less in thickness. Helium shall be employed for all thicker material. 3.3. In all cases, the largest feasible shielding nozzle shall be used to insure adequate protection. 3.4. Whenever the part geometry and weld configuration permit, the movement of ?the welding torch, relative to the area being welded, shall be governed by mechanical means. 3.5. A trailing shield shall be provided for all machine welds, and shall have an individual inert gas supply. 3.5.1. The combination of ainozzle and a trailing shield shall be capable of producing a weld bead which conforms to the requirements of Paragraph 6. 3.6. Manual welding operations must be performed in an inert atmosphere con- tainer or by other approved methods callable of producing welds which meet the quality requirements of Paragraph 6. 4. Preparation for Welding: 4.1. Prior to welding, the joint surfaces shall be prepared by following methods. 1+.1.1. Grind the surfaces with emery ro remove the tight adhere Chemic either of the .Is or other abrasive material which will surface-oxide0 al clean in an acid bath as follows: Bath Analysis Hydrofluoric Acid Nitric Acid Water Temperature of bath Immersion Time Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 4 TENTATIVE WAD SPECIFICATION FOR ARC WELDING OF TITANIUM AND TITANIUM ALLOYS 1. Llai.2122.711Eli.: A vendor shall mention this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders. Application: This specification applies to the process and quality requirements for. inert gas shielded tungsten arc welding of titanium and titanium alloys. This specification to be employed only in addi- tion to the requirements of WAD 5797. 3. General Provisions: 3.1. An inert backup gas of either argon or helium shall be employed to pro- tect the penetration side of the weld bead. 3.2. Argon and/or helium gas shall be employed in the welding torch nozzle when joining sheet material 0.080" or less in thickness. Helium shall be employed for all thicker material. 3.3. In all cases, the largest feasible shielding nozzle shall be used to insure adequate protection. 3.4. Whenever the part geometry and weld configuration permit, the movement of ?the welding torch, relative to the area being welded, shall be governed by mechanical means. 3.5. A trailing shield shall be provided for all machine welds, and shall have an individual inert gas supply. 3.5.1. The combination of ainozzle and a trailing shield shall be capable of producing a weld bead which conforms to the requirements of Paragraph 6. 3.6. Manual welding operations must be performed in an inert atmosphere con- tainer or by other approved methods callable of producing welds which meet the quality requirements of Paragraph 6. 4. Preparation for Welding: 4.1. Prior to welding, the joint surfaces shall be prepared by following methods. 1+.1.1. Grind the surfaces with emery ro remove the tight adhere Chemic either of the .Is or other abrasive material which will surface-oxide0 al clean in an acid bath as follows: Bath Analysis Hydrofluoric Acid Nitric Acid Water Temperature of bath Immersion Time Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 APPENDIX II DETAIL EXTRUSION DIE DRAWINGS oef I. rol ;?0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ;i1V,10, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 L-1700081,009Z001?1701,0-1,8dC11-V10 60/60/?1,0Z -1A-09 ? eSeeiei -104 panaidd Icsit11.1 *eta 13! avec; titA. -;1 4?11. PIO i 7 11 P P $ $ 111 411 /Woo pazwueS - 4-led u! PeWsseloaCI 061 1.? : n . I 4 4 ,))0 r ? 0 Is ? tP I 4?A ?'? I I ? L-1700081,009ZOnl?1701,0-1,8dCl-V16 60/60/?1,0Z -1A-09 ? 3Se3i3i -104 panaiddv Ac100 paz!4!ueS u! PeWsseloaCI , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 0 4 weJ .e.oa ? ...a ? b",a SYS. , ,A,V.V9.!,):71#111A,r , / 11.\?;,.*4 , 1 4;1 It II 1 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ete "tVi ? ? ? ? " pp Ir.& ylQ 0(PS n 98T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 L170008 1-009ZOnl?170 L 0 1-8dC1I-V10 60/60/?1,0Z -1A-09 eseeiej .101. panaidd /Woo pazwueS pawssepac ?4. oc. a , ? 12.000 DM. 4-44P e 4?-0 '14 a;A4. $1 Sri.? iv wit.) L-1700081.009ZOnl?1701-0-1-8dCl-V10 60/60/C I-0Z -1A-09 ? eSeeiei -104 peAojdciv /Woo paz!l!ueS u! PeWsseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 7,1 f ?:72!,..t....,_,,. .1....:.......16., 0\ ? ?'...''' \,.. ? \ ?N.,,\ r-er--- ''. 1"0; MI. 472....,L1 ,.... 1/ \ 198 1 I 114, .; 1 _LA II I ? 0, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 0 Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 7,1 f ?:72!,..t....,_,,. .1....:.......16., 0\ ? ?'...''' \,.. ? \ ?N.,,\ r-er--- ''. 1"0; MI. 472....,L1 ,.... 1/ \ 198 1 I 114, .; 1 _LA II I ? 0, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 0 Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 7,1 f ?:72!,..t....,_,,. .1....:.......16., 0\ ? ?'...''' \,.. ? \ ?N.,,\ r-er--- ''. 1"0; MI. 472....,L1 ,.... 1/ \ 198 1 I 114, .; 1 _LA II I ? 0, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for 0 Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FOREWORD I INTRODUCTION II OBJECT III SUMMARY IV CONCLUSIONS V RECOMMENDATIONS VI DISCUSSION VII REFERENCES TA,BLE OF CONTENTS Page No . i 1? 3 5 9 11 13 25 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Photomacrograph of an A70 Titanium Cast Ingot. Note the Uniform Grain Structure Resulting from the Low Voltage "Induction Stirring" Coil. Ingot diameter approximately 7 1/2 inches. The Notch-Tensile Properties of Low Oxygen (0.20%) A70 Titanium Extruded from A Cast Ingot (Material Al Oe 0.33) The Notch-Tensile Properties of High Oxygen (0.25%) A70 Titanium Extruded from A Cast Ingot (Material B) Oe - 0.38) The Notch-Tensile Properties of High Oxygen (0.25%) A70 Titanium Extruded from a Forged Billet (Material CI Oe - 03) Comparison of the Effect of Interstitial Content on the Notch-Tensile Properties of A70 Titanium Forged and Extruded Material at 750F Comparison of the Effect of Interstitial Content on the Notch-Tensile Properties of A70 Titanium in Forged and Extruded Material at -65?F The Notch-Tensile Properties of AllOAT Titanium Extrud- ed from a Cast Ingot (Material 13) The Notch-Tensile Properties of AllOAT Titanium ed from a Forged Billet (Material E) The Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Tensile Properties of A70 Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots of Various Extrusion Ratios The Effect of Extrusion Ratio on the Tensile Proper- ties of A70 Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots at Various Extrusion Temperatures The Effect of Extrusion Temperature structure and Microstructure of A70 ed from Cast Ingots at an Extrusion The Effect of Extrusion Temperature structure and Microstructure of A70 ed. from Cast Ingots at an Extrusion rissified in Pa - Sanitized Uopv App 50 -Yr 2013/09/09 CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF FIGURES Continued) 13. The Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Macro- structure and Microstructure of A70 Titanium Extrud- ed fromCast Ingots at an Extrusion Ratio of 50:1 14. The Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Macro- structure and Microstructure of A70 Titanium Extrud- ed from Cast Ingots at an Extrusion Ratio of 70:1 15. The Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Macro- structure and Microstructure of A70 Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots at an Extrusion Ratio of 100:1 16. Rotating Beam Fatigue Results for Smooth and Notched Ivo Titanium Extruded from, Cast Ingots 17. The Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Macro- structure of AllOAT Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots at an Extrusion Ratio of 10:1 18. The Effect of Extrusion Temperature on the Macro- structure and Microstructure of AllOAT Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots at an Extrusion Ratio of 25:1 Rotating Beam Fatigue Results for SCLUAT Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots The Effect of Extrusion Ratio on the Pressure Required to Extrude A70 Titanium from Cast Ingots at Various Extrusion Temperatures Photographs of the Various Dies Evaluated Showing The Condition of the Die After Extruding A70 Titanium Photographs of the Various Dies Evaluated Showing The Condition of the Die After Extruding AllOAT Titanium Photographs Showing the Surface Finish of Several AUDAT Titanium Extrusions Utilizing Various Lubricants 994(9,, viii Page No. 63 66 67 68 69 FIGURE NO. 9 LIST OF FIGURES Continued 24. The Effect of Die Angle on the Pressure Required to Extrude A70 Titanium 25. Typical Fractures of Welded Test Bars Used in the Maximum Joint Efficiency Study 26. Photomicrograph of the Weld Area of a Flash Butt Welded Section of AliDAT Titanium 27. Photomicrograph of the Weld Area of a Flash Butt 'Welded Specimen of A70 Titanium 28. Photograph of a Titanium Sample Used to Obtain a Heat Balance for Welding. Note: The Heat Penetra- tion is Determinable by the Surface Discoloration. 29. Typical Fractures of Welded Test Bars Used in the Maximum to Minimum Rib Ratio Study STAT Pale No. 714. 75 76 77 78 79 STAT \ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release TABLE NO. !1 LIST OF TABLES The Notch-Tensile Properties of .A70 Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots and Forged Billets II The Notch-Tensile Properties of AllOAT Titanium Extrud- ed from Cast Ingots and Forged Billets III Chemicalknalysis of Cast A70 Titanium Ingots Iv Chemical Analysis of Cast AllOAT Titanium Billets V The Tensile Properties of A70 Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots at Various Extrusion Temperatures and Extrusion Ratios VI The Tensile Properties of AllOAT Titanium Extruded from Cast Ingots at Various Extrusion Temperatures and Extrusion Ratios VII The Pressure Required to Extrude A70 Titanium from Cast Ingots at Various Extrusion Temperatures and Ratios VIII The Pressures Required to Extrude AllOAT Titanium from Cast Ingots at Various Extrusion Temperatures and Ratios STAT Page No. 27 28 29 30 31 35 38 IX The Effect of Die Preheat Temperature on the Surface Finish of Extruded A70 and AllOAT Titanium The Effect of Extrusion Speed on the Surface Finish of Extruded A70 and AllOAT Titanium XI ?Experimental Die Materials Evaluated XII The Effect of Various Die Materials Finish of Extruded, A70 Titanium XIII The Effect of Various Lubricants on the of Extruded AllOAT Titanium XIV The Effect ? Various Lubricants on the of ExtrudedA70,and AllOAT Titanium Surface Finish Surface Finish Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 4 '14 ?r' ?;': ? \ P. 4 , vn? " Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 LIST OF TABLES(Continued) TABLE NO. XV The Effect of Die Angle on the Surface Finish of Extruded A70 and. AllOAT Titanium XVI Welding Machine Settings at Thomson Welder for the Study on Maximum Joint Efficiency and Maximum to Minimum Rib Ratios The Mechanical Properties of Specimens Welded for the Study on Maximum Joint Efficiency The Mechanical Properties of Specimens Welded for the Study on Maximum to Minimum Rib Ratio Page No. 46 47 Ii I INTRODUCTION Due to the high cost of titanium material the weight advantages gained by replacing steel with titanium in jet engine applications are ex- tremely costly. In the manufacture of steel parts the material cost generally represents a small portion of the end product cost. Conse- quently, the manufacturing method employed in producing such parts are governed primarily by the economics of the operation. Thus material utilization figures become secondary and in most instances run quite law. For exotic materials such as titanium however) this cannot be the case. A low material utilization factor for such materials can) and often does) result in a machining scrap cost which far exceeds the manufacturing costs. Conventional forging of jet engine rings in titanium has a low mater- ial utilization factor and consequently is expensive. The same rings manufactured by extruding length close to the detail cross-section and forming and welding for the end product utilizes considerably less material. In addition, if cast ingots could be utilized instead of forged billets as the extrusion stock) the cost of the end product would be lowered considerably. This contract deals with the develop- ment of such manufacturing techniques toward an economical production process. Prior to manufacturing actual parts) however) certain basic studies were performed. These studies consisted of the following: A. Material At present the military specification controlling the quality of AMS 4921 (T1470) permits a maximum of 0.20% oxygen content. The titanium, producers will not guarantee the properties of AMS 14.921 and maintain an Oxygen content below-0.20%0' tests were performed to determine the effects of oxygen contents in excess of 0.20 in extruded sections. Extrusion 1. The extrusion of sections directly from cast ingots is a new concept. Consequently) the effect of extrusion temperature and ratios on the mechanical properties of A70 and .A110AT titanium were studied. Difficulties encountered in initial extrusion of the AllOAT titanium alloy required a study of theeffects of the extru- sion proce,aing variables on the surface quality of extruded sections. Flash Butt Welding The limited data available on the flash butt 'welding of titanium necessitated a study of machine settings for maximum joint efficiency and maximum to minimum rib ratios when 'welding comPlex cross sections. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 '/ 0 \ STAT ,00,17,111. STAT 49 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 11 OBJECT The objective of this report is to present the results of experimenw tation dealing with: The development of mechanical properties in extrusion of A70 and A110AT titanium cast ingots', The evaluation of the effect of extxrasion processing variables on the surface finish of titanium extrusionsR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 c; ? ; 55 ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ??? 11 ? ? In SUMMARY A0 Material 1, The A70 and AllOAT titanium cast ingots used for this study were procured from Cramet, Incorporated. These ingots were melted utilizing an induction Rstirring coil n which resulted in a homo. gene= fine grained structure. Notch-tensile tests were performed on extrusions from Ti-A70 cast ingots with oxygen contents of approximately 0020% and 0025%0 The total interstitial content was approximately 0035% oxygen equiva. lent. These results are summarized as.,follows: The transition temperature as indicated by this type of test is below -65?F for both materials. b. The notch.tensile properties were not effected by the range of oxygen content examined. (Total interstitial content was approximately the same) Notch.-tensile tests were also performed on extrusions from Ti.A70 forged billets with an ovgen content of approximately 0.25%, (Oe - 0.35%). The results obtained were identical with those described for the oast ingot extrusion. Notch.-tensile tests on AllOAT extrusions from both cast ingots and forged billets indicated a transition temperature well below .65?F0 Extrusions from Cast Ingots 1. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure a. Ti.A70 (1) Extrusions were made from cast in ots at extrusion tem. peratures of 15003 1600 and 170011 and extrusion ratios ranging from 10s1 to 10021. The minimum specification requirements of AMS 4921 of 70,000 psi yield strength and 15% elongation were readily obtained for all extru. sion conditions except the 1700?F extrusion at a ratio A of 10010 (2) The result of the above extrusion conditions on the microstructure of the extrusion was quite pronounced. Extruding in the alpha and, low alpha.beta region re- stilted in a fine grained equiaxed structure. EXtruding high in the alpha.'oeta region resulted in a coarser gtained Widmenstatten structure, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Ir STAT ?,. . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 A III SUMMARY Nontinued) (3) The endurance limit for titanium extruded from cast in- got was established to be 40,000 psi and 24,000 psi for smooth and notched specimens respective370 Ti4110AT (1) Due to surface tearing of the extrusions the evaluation of this material was not as thorough as for the A70. The 4a,ta that was obtained, however, Clearly indicate extru- sion temperatures below 19009F for.ratios of less than 50l to yield desirable properties. 11: ) At an extrusion ratio of 10?,1,,,the range of extrusion temperatures from' 1650 to 18501' resulted in a similar Widmenstatten structure? Increasing the ratio to 25:l appreciably reduced the grain size. (3) The endurance limit for this material was established to be 65,000 psi for smooth specimens? Extrusion Pressures In general, lower temperatures and higher ratios resulted in increased pressure. For the range of temperatures and ratios examined pressure rea.d.ings from 50,000 psi to 130,000 psi were recorded Effect of Extrusion Variables on Surface Finish ao, Die Preheat Temperatures Maximum die temperatures of 7O ?F resulted in optimum surface finish9minixrnxm pressures and rrdninrumi die pickup for both A70 and 1)3.10AT materisi? Extrusion eed III UMW! (Continued) d. Lubricants Of the lubricants tested, the Fiske #650 resulted in the best surface finish for both materials. Heating the billet in an inert gas chamber proved slightly better than heating directly in salt. Lubrication of the die and chamber was all that was found to be required. e. Die Design Conventional die angles of approximately 110 to 130 degrees ? resulted in an optimum surface finish and minimum pressures for the A70 material. The best combination of surface finish, pressure, and die pick-up resulted from a 180 degree die for the AllOAT material. Flash Butt Welding 1. ?Minimum Joint Efficiency The weld settings required to provide mechanical properties in the weld zone comparable with the base metal were established. Maximum to Minimum Rib Ratio Mechanical tests on welded sections with varying rib thicknesses indicate that rib ratios of 5.3sl can be successfully welded in AllOAT and A70 material. STAT STAT The extrusion speed had. little effect on die pickmup. However, minima speeds of 450 .n/min resulted in optMuam surface finish and required minimum pressures. Most of the die materials tested with the A70 material stood up well. ,Minimum die picktAip and minimum die wear were obtained from the Haynes Stellite and Vasco Supreme dies? In extruding the. AllOAT material, most of the dies, :broke down? The ,Haynes Stellite, Rexallab .and Vasco Supreme dies did permit extrusions of approximately 20 foot lengths with good surface finish? w..V.V1,41rXraluw,y.etrn,Skail Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 10, ,st Wm, , r 11.'%11 :11)1VVIIIMS MI, 411 40).144 011* Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 IV CONCLUSIONS' The data assembled in this report permit the 1. The mechanical properties of titanium extrusions from cast ingots of ANS 4921 with an oxygen content of 002% and a total interstitial content of approximately 004% 04ygen equivalent are acceptable for engine operation. Optimum mechanical properties and microstructure developed in extru- sions from AZO cast ingota by extruding in the temperature range of 1500 to 1600 F0 Optimum mechanical properties and microstructure developed in extru- sions from AllOAT cast ingots by extruding at a temperature of ap- proximately.1850?F and below, Minimum pressures result from extruding both A70 and AllOAT material at the high side of the temperature range noted immedAtely above. The following extrusion processing conditions result in optimum surface finish: 750 45o inimino Haynes Stellite or Vasco Supreme Fiske # 630 Inert Gas 110 to 130 degrees Complex cross sections of A70 and AllOAT materials can be flash butt welded with excellent mechanical properties in the welds0 opy pprov d for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 IV CONCLUSIONS' The data assembled in this report permit the 1. The mechanical properties of titanium extrusions from cast ingots of ANS 4921 with an oxygen content of 002% and a total interstitial content of approximately 004% 04ygen equivalent are acceptable for engine operation. Optimum mechanical properties and microstructure developed in extru- sions from AZO cast ingota by extruding in the temperature range of 1500 to 1600 F0 Optimum mechanical properties and microstructure developed in extru- sions from AllOAT cast ingots by extruding at a temperature of ap- proximately.1850?F and below, Minimum pressures result from extruding both A70 and AllOAT material at the high side of the temperature range noted immedAtely above. The following extrusion processing conditions result in optimum surface finish: 750 45o inimino Haynes Stellite or Vasco Supreme Fiske # 630 Inert Gas 110 to 130 degrees Complex cross sections of A70 and AllOAT materials can be flash butt welded with excellent mechanical properties in the welds0 opy pprov d for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 '11'4iVI,0011,40.POVVWWVAM4L4,,i141,1,4,AONWI,ING4.,wo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION A. Material The titanium, material used on the program consisted of both the unm alloyed AMS 4921 (TimA70) grade and the 5% A1m2% Sn titanium allay (TimAllOAT). Procurement of the material for subsequent extrusions presented two unique problems. Firs.t? the titanium producers were reluctant to supply cast ingots. Cast ingots were desired as extrum siOmmaterial to determine the feasibility of extruding directly from a cast ingot, thus eliminating the cost ofend.thEV.material lost in the forging breakmdawn operations Secondly? the titanium producers would not guarantee a maximum oxygen content of 0.20% required by military specifications for the strength level of AMS 4921 (Ti.A70 material). The reluctance on the part of the titanium producers to supply cast ingots was primarily due to their inability to guarantee a sound in- got to specified mechanical properties. To expedite the procurement of this ingot material the requirements for dertified physical propm erties were waived in lieu of a certified chemical' analysis. This modification permitted the procurement of both A0.70 and A110AT mater. ial from Cramet? Incorporated, a newly established facility for sponge titaaum and cast ingots of lted sizes The melting technique employed by Cramet utilized a low power in. duction "stirring" coil. The grain structure of the resulting in.',, got is presented inTligure 1. As indicated by this photograph the grains are essentially equiaxed, being both smaller and more uniform than would be expected from conventionally melted oast ingots. 1. Oxygen content of A70 Material Titanium producers will not guarantee a minimum yield:stren of 70,000 psi (AMS 4921) with a corresponding maximum oxygen content of 0.2N. Unalloyed titanium derives its strength primarily from interstitial alloying of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbons. These interstitials strengthen the titanium at MOM temperature and slightly above p decrease the ductility, and raise the ductilemtombrittle transition temperatures The combined effect of these elements can be expressed in of equivalent oxygen content as given by the following equation.: STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? At present the in c ial is limited to the followin 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 '11'4iVI,0011,40.POVVWWVAM4L4,,i141,1,4,AONWI,ING4.,wo Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION A. Material The titanium, material used on the program consisted of both the unm alloyed AMS 4921 (TimA70) grade and the 5% A1m2% Sn titanium allay (TimAllOAT). Procurement of the material for subsequent extrusions presented two unique problems. Firs.t? the titanium producers were reluctant to supply cast ingots. Cast ingots were desired as extrum siOmmaterial to determine the feasibility of extruding directly from a cast ingot, thus eliminating the cost ofend.thEV.material lost in the forging breakmdawn operations Secondly? the titanium producers would not guarantee a maximum oxygen content of 0.20% required by military specifications for the strength level of AMS 4921 (Ti.A70 material). The reluctance on the part of the titanium producers to supply cast ingots was primarily due to their inability to guarantee a sound in- got to specified mechanical properties. To expedite the procurement of this ingot material the requirements for dertified physical propm erties were waived in lieu of a certified chemical' analysis. This modification permitted the procurement of both A0.70 and A110AT mater. ial from Cramet? Incorporated, a newly established facility for sponge titaaum and cast ingots of lted sizes The melting technique employed by Cramet utilized a low power in. duction "stirring" coil. The grain structure of the resulting in.',, got is presented inTligure 1. As indicated by this photograph the grains are essentially equiaxed, being both smaller and more uniform than would be expected from conventionally melted oast ingots. 1. Oxygen content of A70 Material Titanium producers will not guarantee a minimum yield:stren of 70,000 psi (AMS 4921) with a corresponding maximum oxygen content of 0.2N. Unalloyed titanium derives its strength primarily from interstitial alloying of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbons. These interstitials strengthen the titanium at MOM temperature and slightly above p decrease the ductility, and raise the ductilemtombrittle transition temperatures The combined effect of these elements can be expressed in of equivalent oxygen content as given by the following equation.: STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? At present the in c ial is limited to the followin 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 In .general, extruding in the alpha and low alphawbeta regions results in a fine grained equiaxed alpha structure. Extruding high in the? alphambeta re .on (1700?P) or in the beta region results in a coarser grained Uldmenstatten structure? The super imposed effect of extrusion ratio tends to increase the grai7n size with increased ratio. Both the tensile data and the microstructure clearly establish the extrusion temperature range of 1500 to 1600?P to be optimum for.extrusion ratios between 1021 and 100:1. This confirms . the results obtained by previous investigators (4). ,The endurance limit of titanium extruded from cast ingots :was also determined? This data, presented 'Eraphicai37 in Figure 16, indicates an endurance limit of 48,000 psi and a notch endurance limit of 24,000 psi. Shown also in this figure are curves representing the endurance? limit of forged material as published by the producer (a). As indicated the material exp. truded from a cast ingot ha S an endurance limit within experi- mental accuracy of forged barstock. The'. determination of mechanical properties of extrusions from AllOAT cast ingots was exceedingly difficult due to the difm acuity encountered in extruding this material? Conventional extrusion techniques applied to this material restated in severe rupturing of the extruded surface. Subsequent studies were performed to develop a satisfactory extrusion technique. This is discussed in detail in the following section of this report. The tensile data from the available extrusions is compiled in 0 Table V. Rxtrusion temperatures in the range of 1650 and 1950 F and extrusion ratios ranging from 1021 to 10021 were examined. Due to occasional rupturing of the extrusions it was not possible to obtain tensile data for each reduction and temperature. The data that was obtained however, indicates extrusion temperature below .1900?F for reductions less than 5081 to yield desirable properties. n general, extrusion temperatures above .19O0 0F (approximate;. o beta transus temperature 1930 F) result in an extrusion with varying properties from front to back. Extruding at temperatures below 1800 results in excessive extrusion pressures with red- uction ratios in excess of 1081. Consequently, an approximate extrusion temperature of 1850?F was selected. Tensile tests on extrusions made at this :temperature and for reduction of 10:1, 25:1 and 48d are all well above the minimum specification requirements* M%WPI''Ne:4PW,W4R,1040M',4i!E , ;94 16 VI DISCUSSION (Continued) The macro and microstructuresfor some of these extrusions are presented in Figures 17 End 18. For the 1021 extrusion ratio and extrusion heat temperatures-between 1650 and 1850?F the microstructure remains essentially constant, Figure 17. At a reduction ratio of 25:1, Figure 181 the grain size is appre.0 ciably reduced. Both structures result from extruding in the alpha-beta, region. The finer grain size results from the ad,. ditional work imparted by the high reduction ratio. The endurance limit was also established for AllOAT material extruded from cast ingots. This data is presented graphically in Figure 19. The indicated endurance limit of 65,000 psi coincides quite closely with published data supplied by the producer (5)0 Extrusion Pressures Coincident with the determination of the effects of extrusion temperatures and ratios on the mechanical properties of. extru.- sions from cast ingots the pressures encountered were also recorded. These results are compiled in Tables VII and VIII and presented g37aphical1y in Figure 20 for both the A70 and ,A110AT material. As would be expected higher extrusion ratios and. lower extrusionctemperatures result in higher pressures. This is shown graphically in Figure 20 for the A70 material. A similar plot for the AllOAT material was not possible due to the erratic readings resulting from the severe surface tearing, see Table VIII. rilfect of Extrusion Variables on Surface.Finsih The application of established extrusion techniques to A70 titan. ium has resulted in extrusions of acceptable surface quality. The application of these same extrusion techniques to the .A.110AT alloy grade was completely unsu.ccessful. In addition to poor surface finish it was not uncommon to completely tiwash.outit a die on e- trudimg a length of approximately 10 :_C.eet. Initial improving the surface of A110A.T extrusions preheat temperature and decreasin in a considerably impro results a pro Oft STAT STAT V A tempts at, y increasing the die g the extrusion speed resulted ved surface. Based on these encouraging gram was initiated to evaluate the effect of each he major extrusion variables on the surface finish of ex- trusions. The variables examined were: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Die preheat temperature Extrusion speed Die material Lubricant Die design Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI rascussION (Continued) These variables were investigated for both the A70 and 41.110AT materials. In order to evaluate these variables most expeditiously the tests were run as follows. First?,the die preheat temperature was ? varied with all the other variablesteld fixed. The optimum die ? preheat temperature thus established was then applied as a fixed ? variable in the following tests. In a similar manner when the optimum extrusion speed, die material, etc was determined these, were also held fixed in subsequent tests. Consequently, each of the variables was not evaluated independently. The results of the investigation cleaay, establish this approach to be completely adequate 'for this prdblem0 ?? Die Preheat Temperature With all other process variables held constant, the die pre- heat temperature was varied from room temperature up to ap- proximately 750?F. This upper limit was imposed due to the consequent expansion of the die. The results of the' investi- gation. as well as the specific processing conditions are presented in Table IX. ,(1) Ti-A70 D eo preheat temperature of approximately 300, 4.00 and 750 F were tested. While no appreciable difference re suited from die preheat temperatures of 300 to 400?F die ? preheat temperature of 750?F resulted in an appreciable improved surface finish and a minimum of die pick-up. noted represent that of the extruded section. The accumulated results are caviled in Table X. (1) Tit0A70 The variations in. speed had little effect On the die pick- up or surface finish. The lower, speed, however, did require considerable less pressure. It is interesting to note that pressure required. for the 11,50 in/min extrusion is consider- ably less than that reported in the previous section for similar processing conditions, see Table IX. This difference can only be attributed to the slightly higher speed (2,000 in/min) in the first series of tests. If this effect is as ? pronounced as indicated, a-very limited range of speed must be utilized to take advantage of the lower pressures. (2) Ti-A110,At As indicated for the A70 material )lower extrusion pressures result from low extrusion speeds, Table X. While the low speed essentially reproduced the results of the previous section, the fast extrusion resulted in a ftwashed-outil die and ruptured surface. This slow speed (400 in/min) repre- sents the miniraun obtainable with the 12,000 ton press. c. Die Material Die preheat temperatures ofeapproximately 150, 400 and 750?F Were tested. , The 150 F die resulted in an extrusion tha+, was severly ruptured and torn. ?CorrespOnci.inglY heavy die 'pick,-up ,and high extrusion pressures were noted. While the 4001' extrusion required considerably less pressure, heavy die pick-up and surface rupturing con- tinUed. As noted in Table IX. the 750?F die extrusion required a, minimum of pressure and only slight die pick.? ,u,p., Most important, however, was the improved surface finish. . Extrusion Speed Extrusion speeds of approximately )450 and 10,000 in/min. were tested.. As previously noted, the optimum die preheat tempera- ture (750?F) was applied 'to the series of tests. The speeds kt3,6 ? The die material for the previously discussed extrusions was a 5% Cr hot-worked steel, heat treated to a hardness of Rc52. The various die materials evaluated in this section are presented in Table raco The number of die materia evaluated was neces- sexily limited due to the excessive procurement cycle for other die materials. (1) Ti-A70 The results obtained from extruding through several different dies are presented in Table XII. All of the dies tested proved acceptable except a die made of AllOAT titanium. Slightly better surface finish and minimum die wear resulted from the Haynes Stellite and the Vasco Supreme die. Photo- graphs of several of these dies after extrusion are present- ed in Figure 2l. (2) Ti-AllOAT The results obtained from extruding through several differ- ent des are presented in Table XIII. The Haynes Stellite held up well for the first 20 feet of the extrusion. This Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION (Continued) die then broke-down resulting in surface tearing over the remaining length. The Wallex ?Dft Moly Faced, and !MOAT dies all broke down from the beginning of the extrusion? The Rexalloy die proved satisfactory for a 24 foot extrud. ed length. All but one section of the Vasco Supreme die held up well for a 33 foot extrusion. This broken section ? of the die, however, facedthe surface of the extrusion, Photographs of several of these dies are presented in Figure 22. Lubricants Previous results have indicated that lubricants applied to the material are not as effective as lubricating the die and con- tamer (6). In addition to the standard lubricants, chemical and metallic 'coatings were applied to the billet. In all cases severe rupturing occured. Initial extrusions with Fisk #6300 a calcium base soap with graphite, vermiculite and calcium carbon- ate, applied to the die, proved encouraging. The lubricant previously applied was a combination of oil dag? nacroline, and Lithiuxn-carbonate. In the test to be described all billets were heated in an inert (argon) chamber submerged in a salt bath un- less otherwise noted. The extrusion conditions and resulting surface condition are presented in Table XIV. Due to the pro- curement time on new dies and the success obtained with the 5% Cr die, this die was used on all the following studies* (1) Ti-A70 Fiske #604, Fiske #630 and no lubricant were evaluated. While lower pressures resulted from the they de? the Fiske #630 resulted in a much improved surface* Ta.-AllOAT Fiske #630 was applied to the die and container with one ingot heated in argon and a second heated directly in the salt. As pictured in Figure 23 the inert gas heated billet. had an excellent surface finish for the first two thirds ,of the .extrusion* (Extrusion length approximately twenty feet). ..The ingot' heated directly in the salt bath had an acceptable surface finish throughout the twenty foot lengths, ''ee Figure 23* The balance of the lubricants were equivalent to extruding without a lubricant, see Figure 23 and Table XIV. Die Design The f inal study determined the, effect of die angle* Previous re. sults (4) indicate an optimum die angle of approximately lbo de. .grees for Ti-A700 In this study the range of die angles in.vesti- Ilm,m0Wp0 "AMAM 7,""TM7T'irmT 2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release V3: DISCUSSION (Continued) ? gated was 90 to 180 degrees for both A70 and A110,AT materials* The extrusion conditions and results are presented in Table XV (1) Ti-A70 Die angles in the range of 110 to 1)40 degrees resulted in minimum pressure, Figure 24. Based on surface finish and die pick-up, howevero the range of angles between 110 and 130 degrees proved_optinrum, see Table XV* 1 (2) Tie,A110AT Minim' um pressures readted from die angles of 1009 110 and 180 degrees, Table XV* Slight die pick-up and optimum sur- face finish, however, resiiited from the 180 degree die. The unusual results wen confirmed on subsequent extrusions. This is discussed in part II of this Final Report* Flash Butt Welding At the initiation of this development program only limited data existed pertaining to the limitations and machine settings required for maximum properties in flash butt welded titanium sections. To permit the wtld. ing of ring sections, a study was performed to determine the machine settings required for maximum mechanical properties and the limiting rib ratios which can be welded. These studies were performed at Thomson Electric Welder Company, Lynn, Massachusetts? 1. Maximum Joint Efficiency 11.4110AT STAT The initial studies on maximum joint efficiency were performed on 3/4 inch diameter All,OAT titanium ba,r0 Prior to welding the ends of the bars were beveled 5 to 10 degrees for approximately 3/32 inch from the end to be weld.ed.. The first variable inves- tigated was the Upsetting force which was varied from 12,000 to 184).000 pounds. The specific machine settings are listed in column two of Table XVI() The results of tensile tes:ting of these bars is presented in Table XVII, (Part I). All of the upsetting forces examined resulted in welds with tensile properties comparable to the base metal. The vendors certified properties are also shown in this table. In general, the test specimens fractured in the base metal see Figure 25. This condition obviously in- dicates the weld area to be of higher strength than the base metal, A ductile fracture in tlie weld zone also occurred, 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004J ''4,AW4MONIgtMAAV4WWNWAOW=WW,KillA44 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION (Continued) Figure 25a The presence of this type of fracture indicates that the upsetting pressures did not appreciaay increase the hardness of the lield area. Within the present program the maximum cross section area en.- countered in the ring sections is 1.22 .square inches. With the 'machine capacity limited to 32,000 pounds upset, force, the max.. mum pressure on this part would be 269000 psi. This is equ5Nam lent to an upset farce of approximate37 12,000 pounds applied to the 3/4 inch diameter bars, This value therefore represents a limiting condition? Drentymfive additional bars were welded at the machine settings listed in Table XVI,' column three. The resulting mechanical properties are presented in Table XVII (Part I) for three of these bars. One of these bars was sectioned through the weld for metallographic inspection and a microhardness survey. Prior to sectioning, this bar was stress relieved at 1200?F for 24 hours, The resulting microstructure is presented in Figure 26. The results of the Tukon Hardness survey follows: Parent Parent Meta Parent Metal Parent Metal Heat Affected Zone Weld Heat Affected Zone Parent Metal Parent Ffetal Parent Metal Parent Metal Metal DPH 325 309 ?325 334 25 340 317 352 352 352 317 Rc (converted) 33 31 33 34 33 35 32 36 36 36 32 As indicated the scatter observed in this hardness study pre.. eluded the confirmation of the increase in hardness of the weld zone indicated by the photomicrograph, see Figure 26. Following the above studymld studies were made on A70 material, Twentymone bars were weldedosarying the preheat, postheat? forging delay, flow valve setting; and tap setting. Preheat, postheat, and forging delay did not improve the quality of the weld, therefore, their use was discontinued. Nentymeight bars were then welded at the machine settings listed in Table XVI, column four. The results of tensile testing these bars is presented in Ihble XVII (Part II)ete VI DISCUSSION (Continued) Also presented in this table an; the vendor's certified proper.' ties for the material. It is noted that materials of two strength levels were used. Consequently, the low tensile values exhibited in the weld specimens are not indicatiVe of low weld quality bat merely reflect the strength level of the base material. In all the welds examine4 the tensile propel's' ties were equivalent to the base metal. The specimens tested were either stress relieved at 1300?F for 1 hour or heated to ?12001' for 24 hours. No appreciable difference in properties was exhibited by the different stress.-relief cycle() Table XVII (Part 11)D alsp presents the results of notch rupture testing? As indicated a stress of 90,000 psi had been applied for over 15 hours without failure. Mese sped., MtDAS were eiper stress relieved by heating to 13000F for 1 hour or 1200 F for 24 hours? Microhardness studies were performed on both the low and high strength level materials. As was the case for the AllOAT material, the scatter in the hardness test did not permit a confirmation of increased hardness in the weld area indicated by the microstructure, Figure 27. Maximum to Minimum Rib Ratios Bars tock of A70 material machined to the following configurations was used for this studys STAT Initial work consisted of a determination of a satisfactory heat balance, Figure 28. These specimens used have a 3/1611 minimum rib thickness. This constitutes a 2.6 rib ratio, All the edges of the thicker section were beveled 5 to 10 degrees for approximately 3/329 from the end to be welded. The thinner section was tapered in such a manner-that the edge of the bar was 1/411 from the butted ends of the thicker section, The machine settings for this study are shown in Table XVI9 'Flat tensile spem cimens were cut from the thicker and thinner sections with the weld zone in the middle of the test length0 Test results (26:]. ratio) are tabulated in Table XVIII0- These results Clearly Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION (Continued) illustrate the resulting satisfactory mechanical properties* Figure 29 shows typical tensile fractures for these specimens* Three welds with 3/32" minimum rib were welded at the settings listed in Table XVI. This minimum rib represents a 503:1 rib ratio* These tensile results are also listed in Table XVIII. The predetermined final die opening on bars #11 and #13 may account for the low reduction in area of bar #12. While all the above data were obtained for A70 material exclu- sively, there is little doubt that the results apply for the AllOAT material also the only difference being the slightly higher upsetting forces required by the AllOAT material due to its higher flow stress. VII RISFERENCES 1. flier; Feola; N.J. and Sachs; Go, WADC Technical Report 5,325) "The Effect of Interstitial Contaminants on the NotchmTensile Proper* ties of Titanium and Titanium Alloys; Part I m. Sponge Titanium"; date July, 1955$ ? 2. WAD Serial Report Noo NP. 00Th, "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Developnent m Part I " Quarterly Progress Report No. 6, Contract No. I733(600)30262; submitted to AMC and WADC November 25; 1956. 3, Niter; E.P. and Feola; N.J. WADC Technical Report No. 55m325; "The Effect of Interstitial Contaminants on the Notch.-Tensile Properties of Titanium and Titanium Alloys m Part II m Alloy Titanium"; dated October; 19556 40 Ssmbrott, A.M. et. alo; WAX Technical Report 514455, "The Extrusion of Titanium", dated March 19550 56 Rem Cr Data Sheet. 66 WAD Serial Report No. hP. 00646, "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development m Part I" Quarterly Progress Report No. 5 Contract No. AF33(600)302620 submitted' to AMC AND WAD; August 25 3.9560 ??? STAT 70 "Titanium Method Development Program9 Final Report m Part B Materials and Basic Studies"? submitted by Metal Processing Division to Wright Aeronautical Diyision; January; 3.957. 80 flier, E.P,) and Gazzara, CO3 "The Tensile and Notch-Tensile Proper* ties of SeI:oted Titanium"; Syracuse University Research Institute; 8ubmitted to Wright Aeronautical Division, January, 1957. 24 ? R?0 5 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 VI DISCUSSION (Continued) illustrate the resulting satisfactory mechanical properties* Figure 29 shows typical tensile fractures for these specimens* Three welds with 3/32" minimum rib were welded at the settings listed in Table XVI. This minimum rib represents a 503:1 rib ratio* These tensile results are also listed in Table XVIII. The predetermined final die opening on bars #11 and #13 may account for the low reduction in area of bar #12. While all the above data were obtained for A70 material exclu- sively, there is little doubt that the results apply for the AllOAT material also the only difference being the slightly higher upsetting forces required by the AllOAT material due to its higher flow stress. VII RISFERENCES 1. flier; Feola; N.J. and Sachs; Go, WADC Technical Report 5,325) "The Effect of Interstitial Contaminants on the NotchmTensile Proper* ties of Titanium and Titanium Alloys; Part I m. Sponge Titanium"; date July, 1955$ ? 2. WAD Serial Report Noo NP. 00Th, "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Developnent m Part I " Quarterly Progress Report No. 6, Contract No. I733(600)30262; submitted to AMC and WADC November 25; 1956. 3, Niter; E.P. and Feola; N.J. WADC Technical Report No. 55m325; "The Effect of Interstitial Contaminants on the Notch.-Tensile Properties of Titanium and Titanium Alloys m Part II m Alloy Titanium"; dated October; 19556 40 Ssmbrott, A.M. et. alo; WAX Technical Report 514455, "The Extrusion of Titanium", dated March 19550 56 Rem Cr Data Sheet. 66 WAD Serial Report No. hP. 00646, "Titanium Manufacturing Methods Development m Part I" Quarterly Progress Report No. 5 Contract No. AF33(600)302620 submitted' to AMC AND WAD; August 25 3.9560 ??? STAT 70 "Titanium Method Development Program9 Final Report m Part B Materials and Basic Studies"? submitted by Metal Processing Division to Wright Aeronautical Diyision; January; 3.957. 80 flier, E.P,) and Gazzara, CO3 "The Tensile and Notch-Tensile Proper* ties of SeI:oted Titanium"; Syracuse University Research Institute; 8ubmitted to Wright Aeronautical Division, January, 1957. 24 ? R?0 5 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE II NOTCH TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-110 ...AT TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AND FORGED BILLETS Notch Strength Ratio ik.V210.2. 1046 7.13 6075 1046 6020 5041 1.41 5.60 5.06 1.23 2.85 3.06 Cross= Head Test Tensile Movement Temp Strength Material (Inikin) J.?F), 119.PLRELL 2.0 75 133.5 -65 153.2 -100 15201 -320 18900 . 0,O97% 0.017$ ? 00010 75 -65 400 75 45 400 -320 12405 14401 15201 19600 135?2 1525 15705 20100 13100 151?5 157?5 208 0 Notch Strength 11.0.0022.6j14 19700 193,0 2090. 211.0 215.0 214.0 23300 230.0 19205 19500 21000 21400 22200 221.0 260.0 24800 193.5 19000 211.0 201.0 207.0 206.0 214.0 204.0 19i.5 'l89,0 207'0 203 0 218.0 21400 226.0 22800 28 Reduction in Area (Percent) Notch 00 Smooth 1056 1.38 1046 1.30 1042 1.35 1.31 1004 1.45 1035 1037 1.09 5010 5037 4052 4055 4080 5009 2067 3009 5011 5077 3.13 4052 3.67 3.63 2.27 2.55 5l0 3.12 3.65'3097 2.85. 2.55 2.00 1.98 2601 23.7 23.0 2203 2406 21.7 2004 1601 3507 2804 27.7 22.9 3304 2304 2404 19.4 Mill Heat Nos. & Corresponding Heat Code Noso Assigned TABLE III CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF CAST A70 TITANIUM INGOTS 0 2 2 2-1145 - Vendor A141-1 Nat'l Res. A141-2 A141-2 A141-3 n H 24128 - Vendor A140-1 Nat'l Res. vi 11 11 41 It If A140-2 A140-3 A140-4 2-1105 - Vendor. A1394 Nat'l Res. 2-59S - Vendor A137-B Nat'l Res. Fe Mn Oe* 2 Spec. .20 Max. 00125 Max? 240688 - Vendor ?A136-B Natl'l Res. .240 024 014* .26 023 * This .243 .25 .27 .26 .23 .243 .28 0240 .14 0..263 .26 .0030 .0019 00053 .0017 .07 Max. .20 Max. To Be Reported .048 0046 0050 .046 .036 .31 .08 .354 00020 may be a misidentification of sample .0030 .0015 00029 .0030 .0024 .0024 00017 .0041 .0017 .060 .055 033 .08 .388 0048 .048 .046 0047 0052 .037 029 ? 007 0363 .026 0026 .033 STAT *Oe uxygen Equivalent %07/ 2% N 7L 2/3% C Ingot Size - 7 1/2 in. dia. length 36 in. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 _R.:,-,...r.....7.,.,.,A.A14iM4,A0,,i40,44.,4.,,,,..,.....,,0?:...41,A.,4,A,.,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,g,?c4?1?,;,',=%.',';WZZ.:ZO';.',.-"-"- 0' V \ frl Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ' STAT THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED 'FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES & EXTRUSION RATIOS Tensile 02% Yield Elongation Reduction Charpy "V" Notched Billet Preheat Billet Extrusion Strength Strenith In Impact - ft-lbs Temperature Ratio (PE) 1221.2114ALor (Painnti.72F 101/ 114,400R 103,80OR 103,200F 1P1.111.25E1 Avg. 106,225 99,930R 99 000R 102,000F 102 000F An. 100,730 2132S- Vendor A14.8-B Natgl Res. MPD A148-F 4129S - Vendor A150-B Nato' Res. MPD A150-F 25:1 100?100R 99,490R 96 5.2 2.8 5.1 2.9 4095 2.85 ? . , R - sear F - Front 84,300 2144 35.8 16.5 11.0 80,400 2208 36.9 16.0 13.5 83,4.00 22.1 35.8 1r11.0 13.0 000 all_ 21,1, 1..4,2, 15.0 82?,.75 22.4 36.7 15.6 13.1 74,700 35.4 14,5 75,000 22.8 3L7 15.5 12,0 76,800 22.8 3345 1.4.5 14.0 77 1,..11L0 ail ILL) 755..900 22.8 33.8 14.0,6 13.1 72,000 72,300 75,300 162222 73;950 78?0 12.5 1700 14.0 12.0 1.7 14.0 14.0 au 14.5 13.5 09 35.5 14.1 13.0 22.8 34..0 15.0 14.0 1500 74,170 ,21.4 32.6 17.0 14.0 480F 74,170 2241, 3800 1905 15.0 Avg. 98,765 75$14(5 ' 22, 02 36.7 . 3503 .9.0 16.0 11.6 14.7 .21,L 71,970 RA .036 .10 .08 00 .04 .10 .09 5.1 2095 Ingot Size - 7 1/2 i no Dia. - Length 36 in. Vendor: Cramet, Inc., Chattanooga, Tenno 30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 uggigtqtoll=exwauv, , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ImILLIcoNTor) THE TENSILE PROPERTIES UF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURESA EXTRUPON RATIOS Tensile Billet Extrusion Strength Noo? Ratio 12?IL__ A141-3 25:1 101,400R 100,800R 103,800? 1221522Y Avg. 102475- A141-2 251 89,500R 105, 600R 109,000F 127.2.522P Avg. 102,900 A140-3 50:1 114,100R 1080400R 103,200F 102 600F Avg. 107,075 A140-2 501 108,780R 114,00OR 111,600F 111,300F Avg. 111,420 .2% Yield Strength 58,600 77,400; 81,600 g.?00Q 79,650 67,510 73$1800 81,500 22222 75,625 81,600 81,000 80,000 glAR 80975o 77,280 87,000 86,400 86 100 84,195 Elongation 21.4 21.4 22.1 20.7 21.4 27.3 28.6 22.8 22.8 2504 2201 23.5 23.5 23.1 22.8 22.8 20.0 21L4 2/.7 Reduction In LPILLitrit 33.0 30.7 3701. 2142. 3404 4007 3701 28.5 34.0 38.9 3903 3907 3907 3904 35.8 3201 2704 28.8 31.0 Charpy "V" Notched Billet Preheat Impact - ft - lbs 75?F 4o?F 18.5 18.0 16.0 16.0 17.1 18.5 1900 16.5 16.0 17.5 Temperature oF 13.0 13.5 11.5 12.0 12.5 1600 1700 11.0 1500 15.0 14..0 1421 13.6 1600 Billet No. STAT TABLE11221.)IT0D THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST NGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES & EXTRUSION RATIOS Extrusion Tensile .2% Yield Elongation Reduction Charpy. "V" Notched Billet Preheat Ratio Strength Strength A n Im8act -ft - lbs Temperature PSI Percent F ?F 1140-4 50:1 101,400R 79,200 2104 38.4 18.0 103 ,500R 75,500 22.8 3704 17.0 96,000F 75,000 220.8 40.2 1900 25.1422f 75.000 24.2 4.0.2 2.....L.9.2 99,075 76,175 22.8 39.0 18.8 Avg. A137-B 70:1 81,600R 62,400 26.3 43.2 * 81,600R 61,200 26.3 42.8 * 82,200F 61,800 24.2 38.9 16.0 79 800F 60 600 2422 38.? 16.0 81,300 61,500 25.3 40.9 16.0 * Defective Impact Specimens A1374 70:1 88,800R 85,200R 85,680F 2.4a2.60F Avg. 86,160 660000 65,520 63,120 62 160 64,200 A137-2 70:1 94,310R 68,980 94,320R 70,800 880800F 69,600 12.1.292: Avg. 91,832 69,335 24.2 27.1 25.7 aa 25.6 3000 30.0 24.2 27.1 42.8 43.2 40.7 42.0 39.8 3904 38.5 3901 29.0 2805 25.5 21.5_ 2701 27.0 27.0 25.5 215_ 28.2 1310 1700 13.0 17.0 15.Q. 14.5 18 0 1500 18 5 15.5 16.8 21.0 1600 20.0 19.5 18.5 19.7 27.0 1700 28.0 31,5 29.6 Rear - Rear - Front 32 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 132a1.1922:ilID THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSTION TEMPERATURES & giXTRUSION RATIOS ? Billet Extrustion No. Ratio A136-B 100:1 A136-1 1061 A136-2 100:1 Tensile Strength ("Ea _ 105,120R 108924OR 103p920F' 1222W Avg. 1049940 vg 1059000R 106,320R 105,600F 125,11kg 105,570 123,600R 130,200R 119,400F Avg. 122,700 .2% Yield Elongation Reduction Charpy V! Note e e re eat Strength ' In Area Impact - ft - lbs Temperature (PAMmt),1?.(Percent) 750 F oF 82,320 82,180 78,240 EL960 80,425 87,600 879400 84,720 15.291.,D 86,182 24.2 41.0 25.7 4302 24.2 3907 ,41.1 2404 4100 2305 4302 22.8 4302 22.8 3907 212A 222., 2206 40.5 102,000 507? 102,480 7.0J. ** 87,600 14.2- 14.0 i?.3.4cLo ,31105 94,620 1104 2004 itrx. Tensile Bar Broke In Threads 34 1500 1600 1700 Billet No. A146-2 TABLE VI THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AllOAT TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES & EXTRUSION ? RATIOS ? Extrusion P.atio 10:1 A1474 10:1 A-146-F A145-1 10:1 10:1 - Rear .04 Avg. Avg. .Avg Avg. Front Tensile ? Strength ? (PSI). 132,00OR 133,80OR 134,2.40F 133,570 125,12OR 123,000 126,660F 120 600F 123,845 1329960F 131,700F 131,14OR 132,100 1229700R 122,70OR 123,600F 1:11E2E. 123,000 STAT .2% Yield Elongation Reduction Charpy 'IV" Notched Billet Preheat Strength AIna Im8act - ft - lbs Temperature (PSI) Percent (Per4enti 25." .40oF oF 120,000 124,200 127,270 126 660 U4,532 15.0 16.3 14.3 15.7, 15.3 27.9 28.4 29.6 atA 28.8 1650 117,280 14.2 ? 21.7 27.0 19.5 1700 113,400 14.2 28.8 28.5 19.0 115,500 ? 14,,.2 26.6 26.0 19.0 1.4j4. 2.6 29.0 23.0 116,115 14.2 27.14. 27.6 ? 20.1 125,420 123,900 1249.200 126.000 124.9.880 ::194108000 1119300 111,000 20 111,525 1500 31.3 15.0 27;9 1643 32.6 2,1a 24.12 1545 31.4 17.1 31.7 15.7 30.9 15.7 31.4 160.4 12.6 16 2 ? 31.6 28.0 28.0 29.0 29.2 1750 19.0 1850 20.0 20.0 20.0 19,7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ,w,;:a.o.w4a1V.,==M;(4,4W,14MaQW,n4a)4NVXZ Billet No. A145-F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE VI (CONT' D) THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AllOAT TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS 4TRUSION TEMPERATURES & EXTRUSION RATIOS ? Tensile Extrusion Strength atio (PSI) 25:1 118,800*R 118,190*R 124,620 F 12AA20 F ? Avg. 121,607 .2$ Yield Elongation Reduction Charpy "V" Notched Strength In Impact - ft - lbs Percent .(PgatrA1:02.............Z100: 106st200* 110,950* 108,540 11.41.5.M. 110,065 7.1* 7.1* 14.2 14.2 10.6 ** - Defective Long Test Bars A216F 25:1 134,460 136,960 126,000 125,420 122,420 126a/ Avg. 128,931 A2164 25:1 113,330 113,330 126,730 124,240 125,000 ?2211PM Avg. 127,938 A217- 25:1 139,390 130,000 127,430 125,000 126,060 1329000 1299980 123,010 126,660 113,400 114,570 113.9930 1.2.Ajzo. 117,996 121,210 121,810 115,410 112,120 112,800 113)410 116,132 129,090 118,180 115,850 112,800 114,540 120 600 118,430 10.0 8.5 11.4 10.0 11.4 10.0 102 10.0 8.5 10.0 10.0 11.4 10.0 10.0 ,1000 10.0 11.4 11.4 12.8 8.5 10.7 36 11.3* 8.2* 3067 30.7 20.2 18.6 17.2 24.0 19.1 25.7 23.1 21.3 17.8 18.7 23.2 21.8 24.2 22.2 21.3 18.7 20.8 23.7 281 18.1 21.9 29.5 29.5 27.5 &Li 28.6 Billet Preheat Temperature 26.0 1850 25.0 26.0 26.0 25.7 1900 1900 1900 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release STAT TABLE VI CONT0D THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF AllOAT TITANIUM EXTRUDED FIM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES & EXTRUSION RATIOS Tensile .2% Yield Elongation Reduction Charpy "V" Notched Billet Preheat Billet Extrusion .Strength Strength In Area Impact - ft - lbs Temperature .40oF oF No. Ratio,:1 PSI) ig2T9Alii..1191nEtl.25vF A145-3 ? 48:1 127,230R 127023011 ? 124,800F 1.?..?AgRE Avg0 126,465 115,290 114,570 112,200 1,15.,.492 114,315 1402 14.2 1507 15.0 14.7 29.0 28.0 ?32.6 31.0 A151-B 70:1 102,600*R ?93,600R? 121,300 108,540 ?1402 ?294 123,010 110,950 ? 12.8 25.1 1222.2. 121221 ILA ? 21.2 Av$. 119,440 108,270 12.6 25.2 * Defective Tensile Bar A151:1 I00:I 122,420F 122,240F 125,470 ?.121.21.700 ? Avg. 124,457 -Rear Front 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 108,540 108,000 112,160 ILLga 110,810 14.2 1507 11..4 11.4 112 3003 3007 22.7 25.2 27.2 30?0 25.5 26.0 26.0 26.8 2305 1850 23.5 23.0 2241 23.3 1950 1950 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT TABLE VII TABLE VIII THE PRESSURE REWIRED TO EXTRUDE A70 TITANIUM FL!L AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES AND RATIOS Extrusion Billet Number Ratio Billet 1?012Lota THE PRESSURES RE UIRED TO EXTRUDE AllOAT TITANIUM FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES AND RATIOS Extrusion Extrusion Speed (WILEL pressilnim A-139-1 A-140-1 A-141-1 10:1 10:1 10:1 1500 1600 1700 58 69 68 68,320 52,140 35,560 A-141-4 A-141-3 A-I41-2 A-140-4 A-I40-3 A-140-2 25:1 25:1 25:1 1500 1600 1700 105 108 134 97,100 86,300 57,540 50:1 50:1 50:1 1500 1600 1700 122 203 144 111,480 100,690 64,730 A-137-B A-137.1 A-137.2 A-1364 A-136-1 A-136-2 70:1 70:1 70:1 1500 1600 1700 138 250 321 125,900 97,090 61,130 100:1 100:1 100:1 1500 1600 1700 14 127 371 133,050 107,900 71,900 Extrusion Conditions: (1) Valve - 4 (2) Red.. Ratio - Variable (3) Billet Size - 71/2 dia. '4,) Ext. Lgth. - 8' (5) Lubricant - oil Dag Necrolene Lithium 6) Billet Heating - Salt (7) Die Design - 130? - 90? Incl.Angle x 14" (8) Die Material - 5% Ch. H.W. (9) Billet Temperature - as shown (10) Container Temperature - 800? (11) Die Preheat - 2800F Extrusion Billet Number Ratio A445-1 10:1 A-145-F 25:1 A-150-B 25:1 A-145-3 50:1 A451-2 50:1 A447-1 5021 A-15I-B 70:1 A4514 100g1 Extrusion Conditions: Extrusion Extrusion 2111911MIECt9Dt21. .Ipd. inimAd LuggEtIEELL 1850? 63 1850 81 1925 140 1850 162, 1925 225 1950 133 1950 326 1950 57,540 71,920 61,130 125,860 79,110 86,300 79,110 79,110 (I) Valve -4 (2) Red. Ratio - Variable 0) Billet Size - 7 1/2 Mao x 14' L (4) Ext. Lgth. - 3? - 27? (5) Lubricant - Oil Dag Necrolene Lithium (6) Billet Heating - Salt (7) Die Design-. 130? "" 90? Incl. Angle (8) Dia Mate]. 5.$ Ch. H. M. (9) Billet Temp. - As shown (10) Container Temperatgre - 80O ?F.. (11) Die Preheat - 2809F 38 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1,t Billet Nol ?????????.r A.A.424 A-130-B A-I42-B r,110 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE IX THE EFFECT OF DIE TEMPERATURE ON THE SURFACE FINISH OF EXTRUDED A70-AND A110 AT TITANIUM Die Temperature-? 280 Extrusion Speed 111:01112t0SJ A70 - Titanium Extrusion Pressure (PSTL?..._ 360 79,112 400 480 79,112 750 2,340 82,700 A-245-B 150 A-245-1 400 A 245-T 740 Extrusion Condition: Extrusion Die Length .. A-11043- Titanium 360 106,080 363 79,112 480 57,536 (1) Valve'- 1/4 (Closed) (2) Reduction Ratio - 25:1 (3) Billet Size - 7 1/2 Dia. x 12n Long (4) Ext. Lgth - 12" - 15' (5) Lube - Fiske #630 12? Heavy 108" Medium 120111" Slight Surface Finish Heavy Stria. (one side). Fair finish Slivering last 2' Med. Stria, Fair Finish. Sliver- ing last 3?. Slight to Med. Stria, Fair to good finish. 17'8" Heavy Severe rupturing and tearing. 169 Heavy Heavy. Stria, rupturing and tearing 1508" Slight Medium finish (6) Billet Heating - Argon - Salt (7) Die Design - 130? - 90?- Incl. Angle (8) Die Material - 5% Ch. H.W. Rc-52 (9) Billet Temp. - 1 Hr. 1550? A70 (10) Container Temp. - 800?F (11) Die Preheat - Variable 40 TABLE X THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION SPEED UN THE SURFACE FINISH OF MIKUMELEELII021=121 Billet Valve No. Setting OLIktanium Die Temperature - F A-209-B Closed (t) 700 A-142-T 700 A-246-B Closed ( ) 750 A-247-B 750 Extrustion Speed Extrustion Pressure 112111___. Extrustion Die Length Pickup 450 46,748 119 2" 15,6000 75,516 A-1104T Titanium Extrusion Conditions: (1) Valve - Variable (2) Reduction Ratio - 25:1 (3) Billet Size'- 71" dia x 12" long , 4 (4) Ext. Leng#1 - 121 - 15' (5) Lute Fiske No. 630 139 Medium Medium 420 53,940 13 6" Land Partially Washed Out 8,880 STAT Surface Finish Med. to Heavy stria- tions. Bad finish Med. -first half, med. to heavy- 1st half, fair to good finish. Rupt. tearing con- dition. Fair to good finish. 61,132 12 0 Land Rapt* & Washout tearing throughout. (6) Billet Heating - Argon - Salt (7) Die Design.,,- 130? - 90? incl. angle (8) Die Mat. - 5% Ch. H.W. Re-52 (9) Billet Temp. 1 hr. L15500 - A70 11/4 hr. @ 19000 - A-110AT (3,0) Container. - 8009F (11) Die Preheat -'700? - 800? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Manufacturer , ,?!Am 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE XI EXPERIMENTAL DIE MATERIALS EVALUATED Trade Name 1. Haynes Stellite #6 Stellite Co, 2. Wall Colmonoy Corp. Wallex "D" 3. Crucible Steel 'LTA imposition Rock "C" Cast 10, 27Cr, .16Mn, 65 Co, 42-52 41, 3 Fe, 8S1 Cast Tungsten, Chromium, Cobalt, & Carbon Rexalloy #33 Cast 2.250, 33Cr, 44Co,17W 4. Beryllium Beryllium Corp. Nickel Cast .5Cr, Bal Ni, 2.75Be Hard Face Weld Moly Faced Hard .34C, 5Cr, 2.28 Moly, Faced 20V .30mn, 1.35W? 131, .025P, ?.0258 emarks High impact, tough resistance to hot dnecking, 48-53 Excellent abrasive resistance, and corrosion resis- tance. Fair impact, very pot falling, excellent red. hardness, 55 63 High red, hardness superior resist, to abrasion and corrosion. Low coefficient of frictiom. 50-52 High Strength & Hardness. Billet No. A-209-T TABLE XII THE EFTECT OF VARIOUS DIE MATERIALS ON THE SURFACE FINISH OF Die Material Haynes Stellite Extrusion Speed minute 840 A-2124 Wallex "D" 480 A-212-T Rexa2loy A-214-13 Ceramic Coated A-213-B Vasco Supreme 960 A70 Titanium Extrusion Pressure Extrusion (PS') itrat. 82,708 107,880 86,304 Die Condition 29170 Med. Erosion; Lost .005" on Dia.; Prod to Back. 1516" Slight Erosion; Lost .004" on Dia.; Die split. 18111u Slight die pickup; Dia. held constant; Die cracked. 1914" Slight die pickup; Lost .0351 Front to Back. Surface Finish Slight Stria. Last 51 badly torn. Med. to heavy Striations finish good 3/4 of lgth. Med. to heavy striations deep score one area. Medium to heavy striations one area. STAT 2116" Slight die pickup; Lost .010" Front to Back. InduseCity. Ceramic Boring Coated Linde al Si Mag Hard al. Si Mag. Faced Like Resistance to Diamond Abrasion A-110-AT 211 L Slight die pickup; Lost .020m Front to Back. Good Finish except med. to heavy striations one area. Medium to heavy. striations. 76 Vanadium Vasco Supreme High 1,57 C, 475Cr, 5V, 025 64 Alloys Steel Speed Mn., 5 Co, 1205W, .25Si Company High hardness, hot hardness, wear resistance. Extrusion Conditions' (1) Valve - 1/4 (Closed) (2) Reduction Ratio 50:1 (3) Billet Size es 7 1/2 Dia. X 12" Long (4) Ext. Length is 121 . 151 (5) Lube - Fiske #630 (6) Billet Heating - Argon Salt - (7) Die Design 130 90? Incl. (8) Die Material - Variable (9) Billet Temp-,. - 1 hr. 1110 1550?F A70 (10) Container Tamp. 800?F (1.1) Die Preheat - 550?F (12) Billet Temp - 1 1/4 hr. g 19000F A-1104T, 42 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043 Manufacturer , ,?!Am 1. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE XI EXPERIMENTAL DIE MATERIALS EVALUATED Trade Name 1. Haynes Stellite #6 Stellite Co, 2. Wall Colmonoy Corp. Wallex "D" 3. Crucible Steel 'LTA imposition Rock "C" Cast 10, 27Cr, .16Mn, 65 Co, 42-52 41, 3 Fe, 8S1 Cast Tungsten, Chromium, Cobalt, & Carbon Rexalloy #33 Cast 2.250, 33Cr, 44Co,17W 4. Beryllium Beryllium Corp. Nickel Cast .5Cr, Bal Ni, 2.75Be Hard Face Weld Moly Faced Hard .34C, 5Cr, 2.28 Moly, Faced 20V .30mn, 1.35W? 131, .025P, ?.0258 emarks High impact, tough resistance to hot dnecking, 48-53 Excellent abrasive resistance, and corrosion resis- tance. Fair impact, very pot falling, excellent red. hardness, 55 63 High red, hardness superior resist, to abrasion and corrosion. Low coefficient of frictiom. 50-52 High Strength & Hardness. Billet No. A-209-T TABLE XII THE EFTECT OF VARIOUS DIE MATERIALS ON THE SURFACE FINISH OF Die Material Haynes Stellite Extrusion Speed minute 840 A-2124 Wallex "D" 480 A-212-T Rexa2loy A-214-13 Ceramic Coated A-213-B Vasco Supreme 960 A70 Titanium Extrusion Pressure Extrusion (PS') itrat. 82,708 107,880 86,304 Die Condition 29170 Med. Erosion; Lost .005" on Dia.; Prod to Back. 1516" Slight Erosion; Lost .004" on Dia.; Die split. 18111u Slight die pickup; Dia. held constant; Die cracked. 1914" Slight die pickup; Lost .0351 Front to Back. Surface Finish Slight Stria. Last 51 badly torn. Med. to heavy Striations finish good 3/4 of lgth. Med. to heavy striations deep score one area. Medium to heavy striations one area. STAT 2116" Slight die pickup; Lost .010" Front to Back. InduseCity. Ceramic Boring Coated Linde al Si Mag Hard al. Si Mag. Faced Like Resistance to Diamond Abrasion A-110-AT 211 L Slight die pickup; Lost .020m Front to Back. Good Finish except med. to heavy striations one area. Medium to heavy. striations. 76 Vanadium Vasco Supreme High 1,57 C, 475Cr, 5V, 025 64 Alloys Steel Speed Mn., 5 Co, 1205W, .25Si Company High hardness, hot hardness, wear resistance. Extrusion Conditions' (1) Valve - 1/4 (Closed) (2) Reduction Ratio 50:1 (3) Billet Size es 7 1/2 Dia. X 12" Long (4) Ext. Length is 121 . 151 (5) Lube - Fiske #630 (6) Billet Heating - Argon Salt - (7) Die Design 130 90? Incl. (8) Die Material - Variable (9) Billet Temp-,. - 1 hr. 1110 1550?F A70 (10) Container Tamp. 800?F (1.1) Die Preheat - 550?F (12) Billet Temp - 1 1/4 hr. g 19000F A-1104T, 42 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043 .fty'vqw!OJX!'nV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 THE EFFECT OF DIE ANGLE- ON TBE SURFACE YINISH OF EXTRUDED A? Extrusion Bi.Uet Die Speed No. Lat....le. minute) A-210 1 900 A-210-B 1000 A438-B 1100 A-2184 1200 A-138-1 130? A-132-B 1400 A-132-1 1500 A-132-F 180? A-248.4 90? A-249-B 1009 A-249-1 alo? A-21494 120? A -249 ar 130? A-320-B 140? - 20.4. ? A-320-2 180? 333 398 397 591 382 515 405 670 A,70 Titsnitnn Extrusion Pressure (PSI) 102,06 107,880 82,708 71,920 89,900 61,130 89,900 89,900 Extrusion 1314" 1312" ll!r i211" utiol 1316" 18'6" A 110-AT Titanium 478 133,052 1680 750516 510 79,112 394 104,284 249 118,668 368 1040284 455 100,688 97,092 18114r 14! 129" 15!4n 13!8" 13! Die Picku Light Medium Sligh1 Slight Slight Heavy Spotty Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Nedivn Heavy. Heavy. Slight Surface Finish Medium Striations. Medium to Heavy Striations* Slight to Medium Striations. Medium to Heavy Striations. Medium Striations. Rupturing and Tearing. Heavy Striations. Medium to Heavy. Rupturing and Tearing? Rupturing and Tearing. Rupturing and Tearing. Rupturing and Tearing. Medium to Heavy Striations. Badly Torn. Badly Torn. Good Finish. TABLE XVI WELDING MACHINE SETTINGS FOR THE STUDYON MAXIMUM JOINT EFFICIENCY AND MAXIMUM TO 111"6"."1"."""a".** 1"67EVErre-"Ilm1"c."11B RATIOS 25 12,00048, 000 lbs A-110-AT Upsetting 5/Lt in. Identification Force dia. bars Material Work Overhang Initial Die Opening 1 Final Die Opening A-1104,T 1/2 28 max041in.Maxe-Mino C.P.-70 Study Study 3/4 in. ? 2.6r1 5.30. dia. bars Ratio Ratio 0,4001WWWWWPWWWWWW. 011101111WMMPOONOMIP1O ?~00100010ftwali ______ ' NR* NR Current Cut Off 1/8 3/16 After "0" Flash TimemSeconds 5 it 1/2 Flow Valve Setting 3 1/2 14 Clamping Pressure 23,000 23,000 (lbs Upset Pressure 12 000-18,000 12 9 000 Tap Switch 14 239 000 Aft70 A-7o 9/16 0 11/8 1 5/16 3/8 ? 3/16 146 51/2 5 23,000 STAT Max 0:sMin, Study 503:1 Ratio lica70 1/2 1 5/16 1/106 6 23,000 .10,500 120000 STA xx 5rd Series * NR Not Reported Machine Specifications: Model Thomson Fit Synchrmatic SN. 18777 250 KVA Max,.Upset Force 32,000 lbs. Max. Clamping Force 23,000 lbso (1) Valve 1/14 (Closed) (2) Reduction Ratio - 25:1 3) Billet Size dill 7 1/2* Dia. X 12N Long (Li) Ext. Length 12? ma 151 (5) Lube Fiske #630 (6) Billet Heating Argon - Salt (7) Die Design Variable (8) Die Material 5% CH. LW. Ro-52 (9) Billet Temp. 1 Hr. 15509F A70 1 1/4 Hr. fi 1900?F A4104T (10) Container Temp. 8000F (11) Die Preheat es 7000 m 8000F 46 47 neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 , 11 , i; 1 Specimen Ident. offii 41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 1 .1 TABLE XVII PART I THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SPECIMENS WELDED FOR TIIE STUDY UN MAXIMUM JOINT EFFICIENCY Certified Rem-Cru Barstock 1200# - - -Upset- Ti 4110AT 1500# 1800# _ . _ upsetc. - . . gatLet- Tensile 141.8 13866 136.5 140.2 139.3 139 S trength (1000 PS I Yield ? 134.6 Strength .2% Offset /000' PSI) Elongation 1700 (Percent) Reduction of N.R. Area (percent) Notch: Rupture Stress (PSI) Hours Failure 1,1,0 1 .139 14.005 140.3 1467 of First A-110 - Bars !O. 135. 25 AT ded 137.87 130.5 127.2 129 130.35 131.4 129.3 132.9 130.65 131.15 128.41 127.27 17.1 /5.7 1604 15.7 16.4 17.1 16.4 16.4 17.8 17.1 4002 4109 41.9 3904 4002 1306 400g 40.0 4003 43.6 48 15.7 42.1 135,000 15.6 No Failure ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TABLE XVII- PART II THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF SPECIMENS WELDED FOR THE STUDY ON MAXIMUM JOINT EFFICIENCY Ti-A70 Certified 2 of 28 Specimen CP Rem-Cru A70 Welds Ident. Barstock 1300F1 hr. Tensile Strength 88 98.2 98.89 83.81 (1000 PSI) / of 28 . CP 1200F 1(At ?2 of 28 Barstock A70 Bars 2 of 28 Check 1300F,1 Hr. A70 Bars 82.32 82.43 Yield Strength 68.1 83.8 81.4 62..31 61.2 56.4 .2% Offset . (1000 PS I) Elongation (Percent) 28 24.7 22.8 20.7 19.2 30 Reduction of Area (Percent) 474 Notch Rupture (1.000 PSI) Hours Failure Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 43.7 474 9 45.7 49.7 nl. I STATcr 1 of 28 A70 Bars 1200F .4-11-122.0 90 90 90 90 90 7.5 15.8 77 7.6 12.8 No No No No No Failure Fail Fail-Fail- Fal - ure ure ure ure 4 f'tfiff, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 THE MNRANICAL PROPERTIES uF SPECIMENS WELDED FOR THE STUDY UN MAXIMUM TO MINIMUM RIB RATIO Thin Thin Thin ?:MIL...a Spec, #, Elongation (Perunt) j Specimen Idento OT01\44CROGRAPH OF AN A70 TITANIUM CAST IN NOTE THE UNIFORM GRAIN STRUCTURE RESULTING FROM THE L VOLTAGE "INDUCTION STIRRING" COIL. INGOT DIAMETER APPR V2 INS. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 THE MNRANICAL PROPERTIES uF SPECIMENS WELDED FOR THE STUDY UN MAXIMUM TO MINIMUM RIB RATIO Thin Thin Thin ?:MIL...a Spec, #, Elongation (Perunt) j Specimen Idento OT01\44CROGRAPH OF AN A70 TITANIUM CAST IN NOTE THE UNIFORM GRAIN STRUCTURE RESULTING FROM THE L VOLTAGE "INDUCTION STIRRING" COIL. INGOT DIAMETER APPR V2 INS. Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 , r ? u/ 144tiMI/ ?P '..1:r;ty." wt.-6. et, ot'of p ' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 200 1,6 1NTERSTITAL CONTENT 0 N 0.25 0.028 0.04 grata NOTCH MOON SMOOTH _ LOADING RATE ? 200 IN/MIN 0 0.02 IN/MIN a 80 40 20 120 A 0 20 15 A, ? -400 - 200 TESTING TEMPERATURE -0F NOTCH FIGURE 4 THE NOTCH -TE OXYGEN NSILE PROPERTIES OF HIGH ( O. 25%) 470 TITANIUM EXTRUDED ROM A FORGED BILLET (MATER(AL C, 0: 034) 514. 200 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01 50 TEST TEMPERATURE- 75?F Mower FORGED MATERIALS (REF.!) a NOTCH LOADING a 0.02 IN/MIN RATE 2.00 rN/MIN FIGURE 5 CI ?02 0 3 A0 B 04 OXYGEN EQUIVALENT,!/0 0E: %0 4 2`)/oN 4- 2/3 go 0.5 0.8 COMPARISON OF THE EFFECT OF INTERSTITIAL CONTENT ON THE NOTCH-TENSILE PROPERTIES OF 470 TITANIUM IN FORGED AND IN EXTRUDED MATERIAL AT 75?F S.STAT ..'1.11?;',,? I ,.1\,1(4.i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release , , .1* 200 150 cn 50 1.6 1,4 1.2 '4! 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 TEST TEMPERATURE 0 65*F 1.5 X T . S . ????.,4 FORGED MATERIALS , (REF, I) 0 0 60 NOTCH SMOOT 1?1 LOADING RATE 0 2,00 IN/MIN 0 a o.oe INfitim Z 0.6 0, 40 0,1 02 0,3 AC B ? 0.5 0,S I 1 INTERSTITIAL CONTENT, 0 N C AL SN %?...A 0.097 .017 .04 5,0 3,2 4,_,_....,. --0------....., ??... 0 0, A crA ? ?0 A SMOOTH ' LOADING S -2.0 A - 0.2 RATE IN /MIN. IN/ MIN. A 0 ___--------"- 0 A........ 0 A 0 ? 0 SMOOTH A a ,-----8 NOTCH 8 8 a , A A ..... o A 8 A A A I 1 OXYGEN EQUIVALENT- `)/0 0/00 0. 2%N 092/3 %C FIGURE 6 COMPARISON OF THE EFFECT OF I NTERSTITIAL CONTENT IN THE NOTCH -TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM IN FORGED AND IN EXTRUDED MATERIAL AT -5?F -200 TEST TEMPERATURE- ?F FIG 7 THE NOTCH TENSILE PROPERTIES OF MIOA'T TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM A CAST INGOT (MAT'L-D) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ,101,,(OLV, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 300 10 I. 0. 3 2 INTERSTITIAL CONTENT 0 N C AL SN 0,13 003 0,10 5.0 2,5 "".. AA "nu' 0 a",1 owe tag?? ...........-i ...,, **ft oft? 4 ...fr... 4r. NOTCH r".......smooTH Ii A.......... LOADING RATE 0 ... ? 2.00 IN/MIN a . A 0.02 IN/MIN 1 i 1 : SMOOTH 6...0 0...0 A ? . ...."''.?w..-?... I i p.0_111 ............ J A I ? MOO FIG. 8 TEST TEMPERATURE -?F. ? ? 200 THE NOTCH TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-110AT TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM A FORGED BILLET (MATERIAL E) 120 100 0 0 0 80 AMS 4921- T1- A70 TENSILE ?InimoramoomMen.0.??????????10.11. YIELD \'"\ S\-\ 7\ 7\ \-\-\ 7".\ SV\ \\-\ \-\"\\ \--\-\ \-7\ S7\ 7\7.- MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH 60 EXTRUSION REDUCTION RATIO ? - 10:1 O- 25I REDUCTION OF AREA ELONGATION 7A-Th 7-\ v\-Th -7\ \\NN vc\--N \\\\ MINIMUM'ELONGATION 1500 1600 EXTRUSION TEMPERATURE FIGURE 9 1700 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS OF VARIOUS EXTRUSION RATIOS STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ,101,,(OLV, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 300 10 I. 0. 3 2 INTERSTITIAL CONTENT 0 N C AL SN 0,13 003 0,10 5.0 2,5 "".. AA "nu' 0 a",1 owe tag?? ...........-i ...,, **ft oft? 4 ...fr... 4r. NOTCH r".......smooTH Ii A.......... LOADING RATE 0 ... ? 2.00 IN/MIN a . A 0.02 IN/MIN 1 i 1 : SMOOTH 6...0 0...0 A ? . ...."''.?w..-?... I i p.0_111 ............ J A I ? MOO FIG. 8 TEST TEMPERATURE -?F. ? ? 200 THE NOTCH TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A-110AT TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM A FORGED BILLET (MATERIAL E) 120 100 0 0 0 80 AMS 4921- T1- A70 TENSILE ?InimoramoomMen.0.??????????10.11. YIELD \'"\ S\-\ 7\ 7\ \-\-\ 7".\ SV\ \\-\ \-\"\\ \--\-\ \-7\ S7\ 7\7.- MINIMUM YIELD STRENGTH 60 EXTRUSION REDUCTION RATIO ? - 10:1 O- 25I REDUCTION OF AREA ELONGATION 7A-Th 7-\ v\-Th -7\ \\NN vc\--N \\\\ MINIMUM'ELONGATION 1500 1600 EXTRUSION TEMPERATURE FIGURE 9 1700 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES ON THE TENSILE PROPERTIES OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS OF VARIOUS EXTRUSION RATIOS STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1500?F. 1600? F EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES 1700?F. FIG 13 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION TEMPERATURE ON THE MACROSTRUCTURE, AND MICROSTRUCTURE OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AT AN EXTRUSION RATIO OF 50 = I I MICRO MAG. - APPROX. 200X MACROS- BAR DIA. APPROX 1.1 INCH 63 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 1500?F. 1600? F EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES 1700?F. FIG 13 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION TEMPERATURE ON THE MACROSTRUCTURE, AND MICROSTRUCTURE OF A70 TITANIUM EXTRUDED FROM CAST INGOTS AT AN EXTRUSION RATIO OF 50 = I I MICRO MAG. - APPROX. 200X MACROS- BAR DIA. APPROX 1.1 INCH 63 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/09/09 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 STAT STAT ''''",'.?1';',':".$1.;r:';:.if:A'?'!'G';:;J'';;:.',!:;;;;;41?,,,',.,i4,:4?.;.i;:i'AN:6,.:,:,,,r,.,,,,? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 t,1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ""'4,11t=t.`117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE 20 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION RATIO ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO EXTRUDE A70 TITANIUM FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ""'4,11t=t.`117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE 20 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION RATIO ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO EXTRUDE A70 TITANIUM FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ""'4,11t=t.`117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE 20 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION RATIO ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO EXTRUDE A70 TITANIUM FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ""'4,11t=t.`117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE 20 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION RATIO ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO EXTRUDE A70 TITANIUM FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 ""'4,11t=t.`117 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7 FIGURE 20 THE EFFECT OF EXTRUSION RATIO ON THE PRESSURE REQUIRED TO EXTRUDE A70 TITANIUM FROM CAST INGOTS AT VARIOUS EXTRUSION TEMPERATURES Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/09: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500180004-7