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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 R STAT Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 STAT TRANSISTOR ? CIRCUIT APPLICATIONS A STUDY OF TRANSISTOR VIDEO AMPLIFIERS ?? l????? ? By HERBERT HELLERMAN CARL Z IMMER Sponsored by ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER Contract No AF 3n I 60;1 -929 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Report No EE278 5611F Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 ? 1 A STUDY OF TRANSISTOR VIDEO AMPLIFIERS Final Report Novrmber 1, 196 AF 30(602)-929 by Herbert Heileman Carl R. Zimmer This rowl was pr.dead war a sponsored contrad. The mantles ood rocimmoodofilos exposed ars limso Aitbnr(s) and are pot oscossarly 'mimed by the *AMC ham dodos ti this report, or NI polio %twat most boar Monaco to the orMloal Seirti and Sponsor. SHRUM UllIVERSITY fifSffiliCH IIISTITUTE Approved by: Spoosored by: Glenn M. Glasford Project Director Report No. MM.-5611F Rome Air Development Center Griffiss Aire Force Base Rome, New York Date: November 1, 19% Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 PftEFACE This report is concerned with the theoretical and experimental results of a study begun in the Fall of 19,, on the general-iabject of transistor 4 low pass amplifiers. Since the work is still in progress, interim results are reported here. Mbst of the effort has been concentrated on wide band response through the use of linear networks to extend the bandwidth beyond that obtainable using the transistors alone. This approach which is usually called equalization re- quires as a basic starting point the specification of the network to be equal- ized. In the case at hand a reasonably accurate transistor equivalent circuit must be found before the design of the compensatinghetworks can proceed on a systematic basis. For this reason a good deal of effort has been expended on the small signal equivalent circuit of the junction transistor from both the theoretical and experimental points of view. The theoretical work on this im- portant subject has been filrst to review and check the results reported in the literature and second, to simplify the general equivalent circuit to fit the impedance conditions met in the video interstage. The representation used has for the most part been the common emitter h parameters andj experimental checks have been made on alloy junction, grown junction and -surface barrier transistors. Two measurement techniques have been employed. One is a high accuracy bridge which can give precise results for driving point immittances However, since the bridge is rather cumbersome from the point of view of auxilliary eauipment needed and numerical work necessary to obtain the final results, a simpler di- rect reading type of measuring set-up has been developed which can be calibrated against the bridge initially and thereafter give important parameters to a fair degree of accuracy with a maximum of convenience. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 03 ? CIA RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER 1. PRINCIPLES OF WIDE BAND TRANSISTOR EQUALIZATION CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS 2-1. Alloy- or Fused-Junction Transistors 4 2-2. Effect of the Base Spreading Resistance ri; 8 2-3. Approximation for the Grounded-Base Parameters 12 2-4. Transistor Parameters in the Grounded-EWitter Connection. . 16 2-5. Approximating the Parameters as Functions of Frequency. . . 20 2-6. Summary 14.0 CHAPTER 3. MEASUREMENT OF TRANSISTOR PARAMETERS 41 3-1. Measurement Techniques 41 3-2. Measurement of Transistor Parameters using Bridge techniques 48 3-3. Results for a Fused-Junction Transistor 60 3-4. Results for the Grown-Junction Transistor 74 CHAPTER 4. CCMPENSATION USING RC NETWORKS 80 4-1. Compensation using RC Networks 80 4-2. Wide Band Response Utilizing Local RC Feedback 88 4-3. Effect of Load Capacitance 94 4-4. Experimental Results with RC Local Feedback Equalization. . 96 4-5. Common EMitter-Common Base Circuit 99 CHAFER 5. COMPENSATION USING RL NETWORKS 103 5-1. Compensated Amplifiers using Simple RL Networks 103 5-2. Single Stage Amplifier with R.T. Network in Output Circuit. . l04- 5-3. EXperimental Single Stage Amrlifiers 110 5-4. Experimental Results 113 5-5. Interstage Equalization 117 5-6. Two-Stage Amplifier with Interstage and Output Eqnplization 119 5-7. Summary 122 APPENDIX . SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF TRANSISTORS UNDER HUSHED BIASING CONDITIONS 123 ? PXE 1 14. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 s' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Principles of Wide Band Transistor Apalization The purpose of this section is to point out some of the limits on the solution of the problea imposed by the characteristics of realizable networks. It is. usually true in low pass amplifier practice that aldpand gain is exchange- able for bandwidth. The efficiency with which the trade can be accomplished and the limit to which this efficiency may be extended by the use of suitable networks are important fundamental problems. In general it has been found in vacuum tube circuits that the ultimate gain-bandwidth figure of merit of tae simplest configuration consisting of a tube working into a shunt capacitance Co, transconductance gm and a load resistance interstage Ro is gm Ko x fo = 2xCo where K = midband voltage gain ratio fo = 3 db bandwiuth Since the minimum value of Co is the shunt output capacitance of the tube, the ultimate limitation on the figure of merit is dependent on tube parameters only, the interstage resistance Ro just determines the division of gain and bandwidth within the product which has a maximum value that is a constant for a given tube. Since Eq. (1-1) holds for the specified amplifier structure it is reason- able to inquire into the possibility of obtaining a larger bandwidth for a given gain by employing a more complicated interstage network. The simplest general class of such networks is a two terminal shunt interstage. Bode has shown*that if the gain is to be flat over the desired band the best that can 41'Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design' 1). 08 by 11,-Bode (D. Van Nostrand, 1946) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 -2- be done with any two terminal interstage limited by a specified shunt capacit- ance is only a factor of two higher in the figure of merit than for the simplest case of Eq. (1-1). The next step in complexity beyond the simple resistance interstage is the shunt peaking circuit (series L and R across the output). If this is adjusted for no rise in response above the midband value the figure of merit is about 1.8 times the product of Eq. (1-1) or within 20?/O of the ultimate. The four terminal interstage can give further improvements although here the design often imposes a restriction on the division of input and output capa- citances which is not necessarily the way these capacitances normally appear in practical circuits. However, even neglecting this difficulty it is found that the gain-bandwidth figure of merit for a four terminal interstage is not improved beyond a factor of about 3 over the very simplest case of Eq. (1-1) without con- siderable complexity in circuit design, construction and adjustment. Although the above discussion dealt wIth the tube circuit problem, it is well to summarize the general conclusions which can serve as a guide to What one can look for in the corresponding transistor case. These are: 1. The constraints on video amplifier design are principally due to the parameters of the active device. 2. The parameters of importance as well as an order of magnitude idea of the bandwidth obtainable for a specified midband gain (or visa versa) can be found by an analysis of the simplest configuration. 3. The use of equalizing networks can give improvements in perform- ance over the simplest circuits but the point of diminishing returns is reached very rapidly with regard to circuit complexity unless the amplifier must be designed to give ultimate performance regardless of cost and other factors. The above discussion outlined the broad aspects of the problem. The logical first step in the consideration of the specific case of transistor low pass amplifiers is the derivation of a suitable transistor equivalent circuit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 3 ? CIA RDP81 01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 s. -3- Using the results of the equivalent circuit investigations, the problem of wide band response has been sLalied using two distinct approaches. One has utilized interstage networks to obtain the necessary equalization while the other has been to employ local feedback using R-C networks to obtain the desired bandwidth. Preliminary results using both techniques are described in this report. It is felt that the initial aims of the study have been accomplished. Transistor video amplifiers having voltage gains of about 26 db and bandwidths of 4 MC. have been constructed using conventional triode transistors. The most important parameters of the transistor intended for use in a video amplifier can now be specified. Future work on extending the response and a study of output circuit limitations will be carried on in the next period. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 ? -4- CHAPZER 2 Theoreticel Equivalent Cirtuits 2-1. Allay - or Fused-Junction Transistor: For the derivation of an equivalent circuit for the alloy - or fused- junction transietor, we start with th* analytical expressions for the y- system parameters of an idealized one-dimensional transistor, as obtained by Earlyi. The geometry of the situation is shown in Figure 2-1 for the ease of a PNP transistor, where the boundaries of the regions are plane, parallel, and of infinite extent. The solution is also applicable to an NPN transistor with the roles of holes and electrons interchanged. "V\A/VVVVVVV\ 1VVVV Emitter Base Collector ?./VVN/ `, VV\ Fig. 2-1. Idealized Transistor Structure. The parameters are obtained from a solution of the diffusion equation for minority carriers in the base region which satisfies the boundary condi- tions Imposed by the instantaneous collector and emitter potentials, the "one dimension" which enters into the solution being that normal to the boundaries of the regions. The parameters, for the reference directions and circuit configuration shown in Figure 2-2, are as follows: 1"Design Theory of Junction Transistore, by J. M. Early, BSTJ, Vol. 52, pp. 1271-1312, Nov. 1953. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 -5- d 1 Sru Ej B2=0 kT V o u tanh-- P L (2-1) Ie tanh rio u d -6sr Y12 = EI=0 d 2 Y21 = ? _ kT E2=0 Y 22 d 2 -7 e Fte )11 Diffusion Transistor (a) E'= 0 1 PC L sinh Pc L tanh[-- UP wo (2-2) (2-3) ( 2 -4 ) (b) Fig. 2-2(a). Reference Directions for small-signal currents and voltages, grounded-base connection. (b). Circuit representation of the y-system equations. Note that I and I do not include the currents flowing into CTE and CTc, resrActively. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 013/09/03 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 -6- The quantities Involved in Eqs. (2-1) thru (2-4) are: q = electronic charge k = Boltzmann's constant T = absolute temperature = width of base region w= time average width of base region L = D T diffusion length of minority carriers in base region P P Vc= collector voltage T = lifetime of minority carrier in base region I = collector hole bias current PC Ie = emitter bias current and, in addition, the quantity up as a function of complex frequency s is given by U 4,1?=...-rr P p (2-5) For steady-state sinusoidal excitation s = jce and u=1-,n-c?Dz If we define gll, g12, etc. as the low frequency (i. e., s = 0) values of yll, y12, etc.: then: qI u tanh e p , gll kT o tanh u L p = 0 qr. (2-6) U g12 = .37 Ipc nh -t? p w.0 1 aw -.37.- c L stall-- IDC WO L (2-7) L si aW U P qIe 821 - kT V? up tanh r S =0 clIe - kT = 0 1 wo sinhLu P s w cosh 12 (2-8) ? narlaccifipd in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Pad- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Iwo -7- ir % cosh ?o u L p g22 .,. 4T-? Iy.Yc if c L sinh --2 u L p w cosh _1- zvaw PC -Idy c s = 0 Here, the minus signs which are associated with 712_and y21 have been re- tained, as these result from our choice of current and voltage reference direc- tions and not from a consideration of the low frequency values. We note that, in the right band sides of Eqs. (2-6) thru (2-9), all quantities are readily av w measured with the exception of mv p wc and ra . On the other hand, there c are four equations, so that the measurement of the low-frequency values enables us to cheek the validity of the theoretical results. This point will be dis- cussed in detail later. Referring to Figure 2-2(b), we show the gm and Cm, the emitter and collector junction capacitances, respectively. The effects of these are not included in the paramet2rs above, so that the next step in the analysis is to take them into account. The impedance level on the emitter side is generally low enough so that CTE may be neglected, even at relatively high frequencies; on the other hand, Cm is important, due to the much higher impedance level in the collector circuit. Thus we have d Yil = r = Yll + sCIE = Yll 1 E6; = r = Y22d BCTE 2 (2-10) (2-n) TO summarize, the y-system equations incl?ding the effects of Cm and CSE are: /1 Yll d (2-12) = EZ Y12 4.2 d 721 12 E' + (y sCTc) = 1 22 (2-13) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03 : CIA-RnPRi_ni newt-, a 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 ? -8- 2.2 Effect of the Base Spreading Resistance ril) One of the assumptions in the one-dimensional analysis previously des- cribed is that the base is everywhere at the same potential, i.e. that there is no current flow in the base region parallel to the junctions In the act- ual transistor, however, the emitter and collector currents are different, and the current flow in the base region produces a transverse voltage drop. For a transistor structure similar to that of Figure 2-1 but having finite boundaries, the most important effect of this on the equivalent circuit, espe- cially at high frequencies, appears to be the addition of a base spreading re- sistance r' between the base terminal of the diffusion transistor and that of the actual transistor.3 More complicated physical structures4 require further additions to the basic equivalent circuit which make it vite difficult to ana- lyze. For this reason our attention will be focused upon the effects of adding r' to the equivalent circuit for the diffusion transistor. In order to find the y-system parameters of the actual transistor, which we denote by yll Y12, etc., it is most convenient to consider the problem as one of two networks connected in series, one of them being the diffusion trans- sistor and the other being the simple network represented by r itself. The z-system parameters of the overall network, i.e., the actual transistor, are then the sum of the corresponding parameters for the two networks. The manipu- lations involved may be handled through the use of matrices', as transformations from the y-system to the z-system, and vice versa, are necessary. The y-matrix for the diffusion transistor, denoted by aid, is 3,4. See, for example, the paper by Early previously cited. 5. Matrix methods applicable to this type of problem are described in Chapter 15 of "Principles of Transistor Circuits", John Wiley and Sons (1953). in Dart - RflitI7d Cony Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 fid = -9- Y11 yi2 Y21 Y22 8grc (2-14) The z-matrix for the diffusion transistor, Izld, is expressed in terns of the y's for the diffusion transistor as where kid = elinm? A d 11 z21d Yil Y21 12 z22d Y 12 Y22 1 122 -Y21 = y11 A d `4Y mom. sC + TC /MOM& -1 + sCpc - Y12d (2-15) YD. (2-16) (1 02d + esr ) - 112d 1d21 Referring to Figure 3, the z-matrix for the network consisting of r.l'a is simply = r' r' r' r' b and IZI, the z.-matrix for the actual transistor, is [z] =[z]+[z]ri, = Y22 8CTC rb -Y12 + r 60, Ad -Y21 + r' Ay (2-17) (2-18) oi Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R00250017oon3-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 I g -10- The final step is to convert from the z-system for the actual transistor to the y-system, as the latter are more accurately measured in the laboratory. The y-matrix for the actual transistor is We next evaluatei as As 11?????? UMEIP 11 12 z21 z22 Zn. z22 z12 z21 (2-19) 2 1 , d dt, d , d d . ky22 + sC + r' A )ky + ' A d) - ky + r' A d)(d + r! A d) TC b y 11 b y 12 b y e by A Y 2 1d y Cy + sC ) - v d 11 22 TC -12 121 - Ad rb (1d 22 + sCTC + y11 - 1d12 -Yd21 ) A 1 n d + rib ky22 + sC +y -y - v TC 11 12 -21 ) The result for y11 of the actual transistor becomes Y = 11 ,6 1 d d Ad 1 + r' ky a b 11 Y22 4. z''TC - 1 z22d y11 + r' A by (2-20) ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 -11- y + r' A 11 b y d 1 + r' ty + y22d + sC - y - b 11 TC 12 '21 (2-21) We note that, for the case where r11) is zero, this expression reduces to Ylld' as it should. The other y parameters are -z12 where D = 1 + r' b 112 r' 6 b y (2-22) (2-23) (2-24) Y12 = -z21 y21d - r' 6 b y Y = 21 Az z11 y 22 + sC + ri A TC b y Y22 = A y Y22d 11 8CTC d Y12 121d (2-25) I Of these, the ones with which we will mainly be concerned are y, Y21 and y22 - the first two because they determine m, the short-circuit current gain in the grounded-base connection for the actual transistor, and y the latter because it is the same as emitter connection. y22 for the actual transistor in the grounded- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 I ? ? -32- 2-3. Approximations for the grounded-base parameters .Due to our assumption of unity collector and emitter efficiencies, the y-parameters for the diffusion transistor (with consideration of CTE and Cm neglected) are not ail independent. Referring to Eget. (2-1) thru (2-4), we farm the ratio wo -qIe u tahn ? P kT sinh ? u L p 1 Y2.3. 111 kT wo Ito qI u tahn? cos u ia e L p Similarly) forming wo tahnr up ow. T Tcrc -pc L Binh --2 u L p 1 W.c, 6W T U Fir ?-pp P cosh ? u L p w o L tahn ? u L p (2-26) (2-27) Thus we have the useful relationship yold /Ylld = Ylld/Y22d which simplifies the preceeding derivations considerably. For example, the quantity 6y becomes ?d d d d d ,? "u. = Yll Y22 - Y12 Y21 ' 13.-TC Yll la Yll Y12 d Y22 J2l1_,. d f d , Yl2d Ylld - sClr Yud Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 -13- = y v 11 "12 d d 1 Y21 Y21 11 11 + sCTC y y d df 1 ylli2 "al The quantity aa = - since d Y12 Y21 Y22d Ylld (2-28) 1 - ad2 d d + SCTC y11 yn 12 + sC ad TC 111 y21d which was introduced in Eq. (2-28) is of con- y,, siderable importance. ThiS-is the short circuit current gain (for the diffu- sion transistor) in the grounded-base connection, the frequency dependence of which is given by Eq. (2-26). The minus sign in (2-26) is due to our choice of current reference directions, and indicates that current flow is out of the collector terminal when current flows into the emitter terminal. Also, mince wo/L is typically in the range 0.14-0.30, the low-frequency value of ad is very close to, but slightly less than, unit. This means that.4,brd as given by Eq. (2-28) is approximately equal to 2(1 - aa) glld g12d. Since 1312 is on the order of 10-3 times gil, and (1 - aa) is on the order of 0.05 at the most for representative transistors, the quantity ri; 6srd can us1=11y be neglected in the expressions for yil and y21. This gives us 11 Yu = 21 Y = 21 D (2-29) together with the very important result that, since a. for the actual transistor - --11' is given by Y21/ Y it is, to a good approximation, the same as aa. conoidered in detail in Section 2-4. This is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Before discussing the frequency dependence of a., we will express the d quantity D = 1 + r' IBC + y11d +v1 + + d v ylinasimpler form which b TC -2 -21 d -22 involves a.. This is done by rewriting it as d Y21 D = 1 + (1 + b TC 11 d) 4- Y22 Yll Y22d = 1 + sr' C + r" (y d d) (1 m) b TC b 11 22 since ad - = 1 + d yilCi - ad) (2-31) The last result above is obtained by recognizing that y11 and y22 have the same frequency variation, and that g22 R3, so that it may be neglected. Also, the source resistance Rs effectively adds to r11,, so that the effective input impedance seen by the generator may be expressed in the form where Rid 1 + 57'Tb h +R =R + r' + OE RI Lie s s bl+ sTb i 1 + sTb R' = r + Rs + Rid 7' = i b RI The ratio haethlle is then bo h21e 1 + sTio bo 1 hlle - 1 + s7'Tb . RI 1 + s7"Tb li* i 1 + sTb (34) (5-5) (5-6) which shows that the input circuit will contribute a real-axis pole to wb Klr at -7 , and demons tates the importance of a low value of Rs. However, 7 the improvement as Rs is reduced diminishes as Rs approaches rb', so that a compromise is necessary in this respect. Eq. (5-6) may be substituted into the expression for Kif to give -bo 1 (5-7) v RI (1 4. 8717b) (5722e Y3) The admittance + Y3 is shown in Figure 5-5, where the shunt capacitances v -22e ? I -107- CL and C1 are represented by a single capacitance C. We see that, for the uncomp- ensated case where L 0, the load admittance is Y3 at low frequencies, becoming + Y2 at higher frequencies Where wC2R2 >> 1. While the exact frequency range in Which this occurs will depend upon C2, R3, and R2, this effect can- not be disregarded in the design of an amplifier Where the best possible per- formance is desired. That is, if the bandwidth is specified, R3 should be as large as possible, to give the greatest midband gain consistent with other re- quirements on the response Characteristic. The latter may, for example, require a eesponse which has maximum flatness, i.e., which never exceeds its low frequency value for any frequency. Thus, although considerable complication results from its inclusion Y22e must be taken into account in order to de- sign for optimum results. Y22e Y3 0- 0 R2 TC2 Fig. 5-5. The total output circuit admittance y22e + Y3. The general expression for the voltage gain Kit in terms of the circuit parameters is Kv (l+sT2)(1+sT3) Kvo (14.87'Tb' Lir2 1(1+s r +R3' (C2 +01 +s2 [C,3(C2+C)+T2CR3] +s3CL3T2} "0:17 (5-8) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/09/03: CIA-RDP81-01043R002500170003-9 -108- where T2 = R2C2, T3 = L3/R3, and the low-frequency voltage gain K0 is given by b R, K _ vo R1 (5.-9) As R3 and L3 are the only adjUstable parameters in Eq. 5-8, our con- trol over the form of the response is necessarily limited. Uwe set R =R 3 2 4 C then the general expression simplifies to, KV 1 K (1+87"Tb)(1+sT 1;TT = R2C vo L' (5-1o) The term (l+sTL) in Eq. 5-11 is of the same form as that obtained for the vacuum tube amplifier with a parallel RC load. Thus we have a gain-bandwidth trade as far as the effect of the output circuit is concerned, but the added term in Eq. 5-11 imposes a fundamental limitation on the response. This term commonly corresponds to a frequency in the range of 1 to 3 megacycles, while that corresponding to TL is generally much higher. Thus the simple form of Eq. 5-11 is of very limited value, and the removal of the term (1+57?Tb) is highly desirable even if a relatively complicated design procedure is involved. An examination of Eq. 5-8 shows that either the term (l+sT2) or (l+sT3) could be used to cancel that containing 71Tb in the denominator._ The former, however, represents a characteristic of the transistor itself and isnot subject to control for a given transistor. The alternate choice is to set y'Tb = T3. This determines the ratio L3/R3, so that R3 may be considered as the only remaining adjustable parameter. For this case, Eq. 5-8 may be re-written in the form ? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? Kv -109- l+sT2 KVo = l+s IT2+R3(C2+C)] +s2R51:71Tb(C+C2)+T2C.] +s3R3C7111T (5-12) where we have a first power term in s in the numerator and a term in s3 in the denominator. In general, for arbitrary values of R3, Eq. 5-12 will not be a desirable form ef response, i.e., peaks may exist in the response which result in ringing When a transient input signal is applied. The value of R3 for maximum flatness may be calculated as 7Th -T2 R3 . 2 C+C2 (5-13) In general, values of R3 less than this will provide an increased band- width, but the response characteristic itself may or may not be flat, de- pending on the values of the other circuit parameters. Thus, the use of a simple shunt RL circuit in the output offers the possibility of increasing the bandwidth, but offers no means by Which specified frequency characteristics may be met. The latter requirement may be met by a more complex network with added degrees of freedom, but here, as in the present case) the transistor itself will impose limitations on the performance available with a given unit. Referring back to Eq. (5-15) the time constant .NoTb is in general larger than T2' so that the value of R3 required is positive. In fact, the value of R as obtained from Eq. (5-13) if frequently large enough so that the voltage gain Kv is quite high. It should be kept in mind that the condition under Which we may neglect the internal feedback in the transistor requires lh12eKvI