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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 R STAT Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 tie.,54 0 . ? .-. ?? - ? INVEST/GATICH CF FOR DETECTING UNWANTED CRYSTAL MODES THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT December 1, 1956 to Mirth 1, 1957 SIGNAL CORPS CONTRACT NO. nA-36-039 SC-72378 DEPARTVENT CF THE ARMY PROJECT MEER 3-24-02-072 ? SIGNAL CXRPS PROJECT NINBER 86711 PIA CED DY UNITED sums ARMY SIGNAL co t PS ENGINEERING IABCRATCR /ES FCRT MX:MOUTH, NEW JERSEY MDTOROIA p INC.* CtiDal,GO, ILL ? CF 222,_=1211 CTING UN THIRD QUARTERLY RET December 1, 1956 to March 1, 1957 ? ? a ? The object of this investigation is to develop a crystal orcilletor type of test sot for the purpose uf ditecting to-4*.nted crystal modes in the frequency range of 1 to 100 Mc. slava CORPS CONIIIM;7 NO. DA-36-039 SC-72378 SQUIER SIGNAL LABORATORY TECHNICAL REQUMEMEWIS FOR FR&C 56-EIS/D-0, DATED FEBRUARY 13, 1956 DEPT. CF ME ARMY PROJECT NUMBER 3-24-02-072 SIGNAL CCRPS PROJECT NtNiBER MTh 107tROIA, B. NIEDUMUI J. LOOS STAT , STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 9 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-IRDP81-01004-0-02300090005-8 .7,?? if:40,44-t / ? ? ? . - -1- f112211 The basic purpose of this study is to develop one or more crystal oscillators, covering the range of 1 to 100 Mc, which are more susceptible to operating on a spurious made than any other oscillator in that particular frequency rano*. Crystal manufacturers have, for tome time, employed an elaborate setup to plot the main and spurious modes of a crystat directly on graph paper. Spurious responces whose series resistances are four times that of the main mode escape detection entirely, . showing the extreme inadequacy of this system. This places a double burden upon the military when crystals are to be purchased. The first problem arises when spurious limits are to be specified for a crystal which must be suitable for a number of circuits. The second problem lies in the limitations of the detecting equipment itself. Both of these problems must be solved before the military procurement agencies are able to stoCk - pile quantities of crystals for use in a variety of circuits. An oscillator which is more capable of oscillating on spurious responses than any other known oscillator is the obvious solution to these pichleme. This oscillator, or series of oscillators, Is to be incorporated into a military type of test set. ? Ii 11 -2 Abstract The Butler and Hartley oscillator circuits are analysed to determine the highest values of crystal spurious resistances capable of sustaining oscillations. The schematic diagrams of the 6-7 Mc. Butler 2nd Hartley oscillator circuits, which have been developed, are given. Utilizing the derived equations, the highest values of spurious resistances cspable of controlling oscillations in these two circuits are computed. The in and spurious mode resistances and frequencies of the crystals used to test the oscillators are tabulated a The spualous responses detected by the teit oscillators are indicated.. The overall ability of the Hartley oscillator to detect spurious responses is given by a curve of highest spurious resistances detected vs. percent frequency difference from the main response. A similar curve, expanded to include only those responses within one percent of the main response frequency, is also obtained by the use of the similated spurious technique. _ 17,7.75''',711777)774?4171!-,---- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 . riACEAW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 50-Yr72013/10/25 : CIA7RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 '1IMAVIt' ? ??? ? ? ? ?-???? ?ft ??? ???..m ??? ? ? .? ? "CI ?? ??????? ?????????? Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii 1. - 3 - Publioetiona. LectlirOA Reports and Conference' There were no publications, lectures, or reports during this quarter. Mt. B. Niederman and M. 3. Loos of Motorola conferred with Dr. Guttwein, Mt. 0. Layd4n, Mt. 04.Cougoulis, and me. D. Pochnerski of S.C.E.L. at Fort Monmouth, N.J. on 17 December, 1956. Progress of the work up to date was discussed. The objectives of the contract were clarified and plans for the immediate future were discussed. - ? ? L111 ??????-??????:,....??????..1 - 4 - ??... ? ? ? Epotual Data In the previous report it war concluded that an oscillator capable of detecting (i.e. - having its frequency of oscillation controlled by) crystal spurious responses must meet two main requirements. The first is high gain to compensate for the attenuation caused by a high resistance spurious mode in a series feeoback path. The second requirement is that of extreme selectivity (i.e, - narrow bandwidth) to discriminate against a. low main mode series resistance while per- mitting oscillations.to be controlled by an adjacent high resistance sputicus mode. The Butler and the Series Mode Hartley oscillators were chosen as the most logical circuits because of their ability to meet the above two requirements and tha added advantage of simplicity. Since the final equipment is to be used by inexperienced personnel, it must remain simple. I. OSCILLATOR ANALYSIS The conditions required for oscillations in terms of circuit parameters for the Hartley and Sutler circuits are derived in the following sections. The resulting expression in each case is solved for the crystal series resistance (R), which when evaluated, becomes the hi9hest value allowable for sustained oscillations. In some cases it might be desirable to limit the value of this resistance. Therefore, in the Hartley circuit, the expression governing oscillations has been solved for "a" which is the inverse of the autotransformer turns ratio. In this manner the feedback may be adjusted to control the limiting value of detectable resistance. A. Hartley Series Mode Oscillator The Hartley oscillator schematic and its equivalent circuit ars Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release . ,441?orplz t-4 N 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01-643i-0-02-300090005-8 Ii - - 5 - shown in Figs. 7a and 7b respectively. We define Z1 and 22 as Eq. 1 Z1 z Re Rg Z RIL (R a2Z1) Eq. 2 22 Rk R a2Z1 From Equation 1 and Fig. 7b: Eq. 3 El Ek From Equation 2 and Fig. 7b: Eq. 4 is R+a2Zi 1 Rp (1 U) Multiplying Equation 3 by Equation 4 results In Eq. 5 I. The term (1 ? o) may be simplified to (u) since it is intended to use a pentode or a high u triode in the Hartley circuit, therefore: auZiZ2 (R a2Zi)(Rp + a * u))Z2) ?1 Eq. 5a auZiZ2 (R a2z1) (Rp OZ2) -1 11 - 6 - In order to solve for R the equation for 22 must be reinserted since 22 is a function of R. Eq. 5b auZiRk (R + *221) Rk * R 4221 (R Solving for R and simplifying yields ? gmaZiRk (1-1a) - (Rk a2Z1) Eq. 6 R 1 + gunk uRk(R a2Z1) Rk * R * 412Z1 To liet the value of datectable R, the turns ratio (a) of the coil is adjusted accordingly. Solving Equation 6 for 'a" yields: Eq. 7 2Z1 (1 gnpk) gmlIkZit)/(gatRkZi )2 -421(1+ gmTtl)(Ra ? ) Rt) a 31E If the quantity under the radical is a positive value, there will be two solutions, either of which will satisfy the requirement. Any value of "a" between these two solutions will result in a higher detectable R. If the quantity under the radical is mode equal to zero, only one point on the toil may be tapped. If the quantity under the radical is negative, the circuit will require a lamer value of R to produce oscillations. B. Butler Oscillator A generalized Butler oscillator schematic and its equivalent circuit are given in Figs. 8a and 8b respectively. The additional equivalent circuits of Figs. 8c and Bd are simplified versions Of Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/10/25:CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ? - 7 - Fig. 8h. In Fig. 8c the voltage generator of Fig. 8b (u*E2) is replaced by a negative resistance oval to -u"(Rp" + z1)/(u " + 1). From Fig. 8 (note) equation 8 is obtained. Eq. 8 zitg Z + R9 The quantities Z2, Z3 and Z4 are defined as Eq. 9 Eq. 10 Eq. 11 z2* 7-3 Pp. + Z1 u" + 1 ak. (a z3) Z4 Is From Fig. Sc Equation 12 is obtained. Eq. 12 E2 From Fig. 8d Equations 13 and 14 are obtained. Eq. 13 E2 Ek Z3 R + Z3 Eq. 14 ?44or ,/?/44.INC.2416?3/4421///4/MV:".a/... Ek u'Z4 ONO + (1 ?u')z4 MUltiplying Equations 12, 13 and 14 yields Eq. 13 u'Z1Z3Z4 - Z2(11 ? Z3)(Rp' + C 1 + u'DZ4) Simplifying Equation 15 and substituting the value of Z4 from Equation 11 yields Eq. 16 usZ2Z3 RP' ' (1 * te)(R * Z3) * (R ? Ric' ? Z3) Rk' Solving Equation 16 for R gives Eq. 17 R Simplifying results in Eq. 18 R - Z3(1 u' +51) - RI; 7,2 Rk' u'Z1Z3 - RZ.2 z2 * u.)aki Pp' If the value of detectable R is to be limited, it is possible to do so by adjusting the gain of V'. This may be accomplished by adjusting the value of 111;. Equation 18 may be solved for Rk' yielding: -z3 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-61071.3300090005-8 e`47,4:;1'40 I I I I 1 ? ? - ???-?-? - - - Eq. 19 Rk -9- Z2Rp 1(R + Z3) WZ1Z3 - RpsZ2 - Z2(1 + 10)(R + Z3) By substituting the desired limiting value of R, the required value of Rk' is obtained. II DEVELOPED OSCILLATORS The oscillators described in this section were developed from preliminary circuits described in the second quarterly report. The Butler oscillator of Fig. 1 was originally descriVed in Fig. 4 of the second quarterly report. (1) The Hartley series mode crystal oscillator of Fig. 2 was originally described in Fig. 1 of the previous report. The symmetrical oscillator of Fig. 3 was evolved from that of Fig. 1 in this report. A.Bulles_Oe_ltsiltAm The Butler crystal oscillator described in Fig. 4 of the previous report was conntructed. The plate tank coil LI was constructed at a fixed coil rather than a tunable one since a higher "Q" was made possible by the substantial increase in diameter. The coil that was originally tried was about 13 microhenries. The tuning capacitor, which was connected from pin 6 to ground to facilitate mounting, was made a 7 to e7 uuf air variable. The tank circuit impedance was approximately 160,000 ohms since the "Q" of L1 was about 300. Howe ever, this tank circuit was shunted by the plate resistance of the grounded-grid amplifier, about 5000 ohms. This results in a loaded "Q" of approximately 10. This was definitely not the selectivity (1) In Fig. 4 of the Second Quarterly Report, the lead from pin 6 to the 150 V terminal should be broken since it shorts out the tank circuit of LI and C2.. In Fig. 5 of the Second Quarterly !leper!, the lead connecting C3 to pin 2 should be broken. The disconnected end of C3 should be grounded. --.? ....41.?????????????..do ',41???????."..gml t: ^ - 10 e desired but was utilized to determine the effect of a very high gain. This circuit was tested and found to be highly unstable. At this point it was decided to decrease the gain of the grounded-grid amplifier stage and simultaneously improve the selectivity. A dee coupling network was placed between the tank circuit and B+ and the plate tank impedance was lowered. These two changes are shows in Fig. 1. Tho resulting 4 uh coil, LI, has a "Q" of about 250 resulting in a tank impedance of approximately 40,000 ohms. However, as used in the circuit, the loaded "Q" becomes about 27. The variable capacitor, C.7, is a ceramic trirmer which is used to set the range covered by the air variable C6. The range covered by C6 is slightly greater than 1.01% of the center frequency. After wiring a capacitor in series with the crystal, resistances were substituted for the crystal to determine the maximum value at which oscillations would occur. This was determined to be over 1000 ohms. With this sensitivity it was possible to pick up and detect a large number of spurious responses. However, to further ieprove the selectivity of thie circuit eome of this sensitivity must be sacrificed. It was therefore decided to begin investigating the Hartley Series Mode Oscillator since the high "Q" desired would, in that particular circuit, be much more realizable. The circuits appearing between the cathodes of V1 in Fig. 1, which lead to the "Crystal Current" and "R.F. Indicator" terminals, were installed in this circuit for ,urposts of power measurements and oscillation indications. The network consisting of C4, 114, D2 and C12 is the R.F. probe developed in the first quarter and is used to measure the R.F. voltage at the cathode of the grounded-grid .t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ? -? mew. ????. ? ????? ? ?????????????????????????.?? TZ:rx ,? ? . -??????-?41.4,? - trs.or....10.4.11141.11?111114.0...V.V.C.. ????????????:?? 11 4. amplifier stage. The capacitors CI and C3, due to the rectifying action of the diode DI, charge up sufficiently to deliver a DC voltage across DI equal to the peak value of voltage across the crystal. The resistors R. and R6 are used primarily for isolation of the metering instruments. It was experimentally determined that no additional losses occured by grounding R6 in order to Obtain a ground reference for metering purposes. B. nitlim_adili_dcit The original Hartley oscillator circuit, described in Fig. 1 of the second Quarterly report, was taken almost entirely from an oscillator presently being used as a second mixer oscillator in a commercial Motorola receiver. The original schematic had been codified to the extent of changing the tube type, adding a screen voltage adjustment and making the feedback circuit an inductive rather than a capacitive transformer. In the ensuing tests it Was determined that the inductances 13 and 14 were not necessary for our purpose. The inductance 14 had been originally intended for a high impedance cathode load to attain a near unity gain from the cathode follower. The inductance 13 had been used in conjunction with a series tuning capacitor for purpose* of frequency adjustment. These two inductances were therefore discarded and'a 470 ohm cathode load resistance placed in the circuit. At this time the problem of 1.2 was brought up. This is the inductance shunting the crystal Which is used to tune out the shunt capacitance of the crystal. An inductance to shunt the crystal for this purpose is a logical idea w!len a narrow range of frequencies is to be covered by the oscillaLor. However, it would require an elaborate 1 11 i! - 12 - switch to select a proper inductance at any frequency between 1 and 100 Mc. At this frequency however, it is not even necessary to include 1.2 in the circuit since the reactance of the crystal shunt capacitance is over 4000 ohms. The problem of minimizing the feed- through caused by the shunt capacitance of the crystal was postponed to the time when higher frequency oscillators would be considered since this capacitive effect would be much more detrimental at that time. It soon bscamo apparent that, although the "Q" of Li was about 300, shunting this tank circuit with a grid resistor of only 10,000 ohms lowered the "Q" to about 17. The grid resistor was therefore increased to 1 megohm. The loaded "Q" of the tank circuit then becase 256_ This circuit however, proved very unstable and would oscillate even with the crystal out of its socket. At this point it was decided that the .impedance of the tank circuit was much too high and should be lowered. The resultant circuit is now shown in Fig. 2 of this report. The Hartley oscillator circuit of Fig. 2 was used to Obtain the "Spurious Detectich Sensitivity" curves of Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. The metering networks leading to the R.F. Indicator" and "Crystal Current" terminals are identical to those described for Fig. 1. The crystal current indication in this circuit, however, was obtained by metering the voltage across a 100 Ohm resistor in series with the crystal. The capacitor, C5, was wired into the circuit to prevent DC loading of the cathode when resistances were substituted for the crystal. In order to determine the most efficient point at which to tap the coil, LI, it was decided to try each turn while recoroing the mtput voltage obtained with a crystal controlling the oscillation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ???? 0.11,????? ? - 13 The maximum value of resistance which would sustain oscillations for each tap point was also recorded. The results are shown in Table TABLE I SELECTION OF ?)ST EFFICIENT FEEDBACK RATIO Ilums from R.F. output at Pax. Resistance ground at Cathode with sustaining chtdi--.?LT.--..ratit---9..-X.-.3.--11-."d"I--------a-----1?lati?n 9? 8- 7? . Clem, ????????? eft.= 1.14 Volt.- -1.5------- 2.15 2.6-- ./1.11.???=1,I. -680 Ohm-- ---------------1800 " 2200 ? - - -2200 " ----- ----------1500 " ----- 150 16 4 3- 2 ????? ?????1111,.. ------ ---2.8 2.98 -- 1- -- - 2.15-- I. Based on this information the tap was placed on the fourth turn from ground. (The coil, LI, had a total of 10.5 turns.) At this point it is possible, by the use of equation 6, to compare the theoretical and experimental voioe of Leximum R for which oscillations will continue. In order to do 20 the following parameters have been utilized. For a 6AK5 vacuum tube with a plate voltage of 150 and a screen voltage of 120, the transconductance (gm) is given as approximately 5000. With LI having a total of 10.5 turns and the tap being placed on the fourth turn, "a" becomes .381 and a2 equals .145. The inductance, 1.1, as measured on the "Q" meter, is 3.78 tab. Its "Q" wee measured as 250. This makes Z, the equivalent impedance of the tank circuit at resonance, equal to 38,500 ohms. With a grid resistor, Rg, of 1 megohm the value of Z1 (equation 1) becomes 37,200 ohms. The value of Rk as given in Fig. 2 is 470 ohms. Substituting these values into equation 6 results in 4.39 K ohms as being the largest value of R which is theoretically detectable in the oscillator circuit of Fig. 2. This value is quite different fo"9- ????..42?11.? .a.ftomr.fttift..7.01,40.1111:2?41114111.41/10.1111.. - 14 from the maximum value of 2.2 K ohms which was determined in Table I. However, when the vacuum tube which had been used in obtaining the data for Table I was tested in a transconductance type tube tester under the actual operating voltages, the gm was measured as 3500 umbos instead of the 5000 which had been Obtained from published data. Using this value of transconductance the maximum value of R was once again calculated and this time came out as 3.23 K ohms. The difference existing between the calculated and the experimental value of maximum R is probably due to a number of assumptions and additional factors which were not taken into account. For example, the transformer action of LI was assumed to be loq% efficient. The coil itself WWI fairly large in diameter with the turns fairly well spaced to maintain the good "Q". Undoubtedly this led to inefficiencies which were not taken into account in the calculations. The load offered by the metering circuits as well as the shunt capacitances between the cathode and ground were entirely disregarded in making the calculations. For most applications it is possible to use equation 6 to eetain the maximum value of R as a first approximation. The actual limiting value of R would in any case be determined by experimentation. A simple method of controlling the limiting value of R is by tapping the coil at a point yielding less over-all feedback. Instead of flxIng :he value of "a" and determining the limiting value of R with equation 6, it may prove desirable to set the limiting value of R and determine the value of "a" necessary to set this limit. For example, by using the previously determined values for gm, Rio Z1 and the desired limiting value of R (let us arbitrarily use 2000 Ohms), ...1??????????????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 I. - 15 - the solution of equation 7 gives two values for "a". These are .116 and .504. C. ?vmmetrica Butler nsi The schematic of a symmetrical Butler oscillator appears in Fig. 3. This circuit was evolved from the Butler circuit appearing in Fig. 1. The advantages of the Butler oscillator circuit of Fig. 3 over that in Fig. 1 are ? greater simplicity ? higher stability ? sore versatility. The circuit was originally designed and constructed around a 12AT7 vacuum tube. The circuit is, however, equally useable with either a 12AU7 or a 12AT7 vacuum tube. The data given in the following section (III) ir4icates thair relative ability to detect sp spurious responses. The impedance level of the plate tank circuit is the same as that of Fig. 1 with the padder condenser, C12, and the trimmer condenser, C11, setting the center frequency while the air variable, C101 is used to tune a 141% frequency range. Using the circuit values of Fig. 3 it is possible to calculate the value of limiting R as in the case of the Hartley oscillator. The following constants are used in the calculations: NI = 560,000 ohms, Z 38,500 ohms, u' = u" Z 18, = V.= 7000 ohms, Bk. Rk" = 270 ohms. Substituting the values for Z and Rg into equation 8 yields the value for Z1 = 36,100 Ohms. Substituting the values of Rp", Z2 and u" into equation 9 yields Z2 = 2,270 ohms. Substituting the values for Rk" and Z2 into equation 10 gives Z3 = 259. Substituting these values into equation 18 gives a value of R = 1,210 ohm*. Resistances were substituted for the crystal to determine the actual highest value of R permitting oscillations. This meximusivalue is 1100 ohms. k 1200 ohm resistor was too high r.id would not cause .....41F./.??V????...14+??? W????.4/bodaryaNgi ?????????? -16- oscillations to occur. III SPURIOUS DETECTION DATA In the Second Quarterly Report it was stated that, of the 1000 crystals tested for spurious resrmses, 352 of them were useable. The basis for this statement was that the rejected crystals had no spurious responses less than 100 ohms. However, as soon as the oscillator testing began it became apparent that this limit should have been raised to well above 1000 ohms. The 352 crystals whith were acceptable had at least 1 spurious of less than 100 ohms series resistance. Of this latter group, 100 were selected for testing the Hartley oscillator ano two versions of the Symmetrical Butler cscillator. The high "Q" versior of the Butler oscillator uses a 12AT7 vacuum tube and the low "Q" version uses a 12AU7 vacuum tube. The results of these tests are shrlsm in Table II. In Table II the spurious were numbered according to their separation from the maLn resoonse, The last three columns of this table indicate the ability e the particular oscillator to detect the various spurious respPnses. An X mark appearing on the line of a spurious indicatts thlt the oscillator, in whose column the X appears, was able to oscillate under the control of that spuriouse The spurious cats of Table 1: is obtained in the following runner. A crystal is inserted i.nto the socket and the plate tank tuned to obtain an output voltage. The tank Circuit is then tuned lower in frequency until there is no longer any output. The resonant frequency of the tank circuit is then raised until an output is indicated. This output is then mnnitored by obtaining a beat note at the output of a hetrodyne frequency meter. As the tank circuit is Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 p"" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/10/25:CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 At, a - .....? _... ? ... .,...... r?m???.?????.., ,....y. ..????F ??nom ??? ??.,.. ...? ?? b.....b..-??????- , ,????? ..???,.. ,... ..,.. , ......,.,...?,? .....????????.??no VO ?mr?ftsi.iall???????? ? ? 7 IP* 1- - 17 . tuned hic.her in irevercy tis beet no V3r1tS but, by varying tee zoning of th- freqeency meter. is maintained In the eudible :ecge, es te tan. ciccuit is tered highir the audible heat note will euodenly diseppeer. If, at tlis time, a DC voltege is still present at the k.F. Inlicator terninel it means that the oscillator is being controlled by .ptriots ieiponsc. The hetrolync frequency meter is then tuned higher ia ixeooency until the audible note is once again mord in the vic!nity of the spur:cus response controlling the csci:lations. This procedare ts repeeted e this spu.:ious response until the eudible cote is once aoin lost and regained oy 7et-aing the hetrocyn, frecT.:eney meter to the cPntrollInij spurious, The rrequency of each of these spurious is noted. Tae oifferense in frequency between the spurioef anc the :rain res7,onse is calculated as a percent of the main response frequency ad noted in Taole II. Thslesistance of the upurious that me,e detected, as well as the ones whica were not detectedp were obtained by the series resis:ance method as reported in the previous quarterly report, Dur:ng the tuning operstione of the tank circuit it is advantegeoue to 1-termittently turn off the EN voltage all imediately turn it back on again. This Pinimiros tan pulling effect of ths moose that is controlling the oscillations. It is possible for the controlling yode to halo the ;requency as 4he tuna: circuit skips an adjacent response and arrives at still another response at which the circuit will oscillate when the controlling response loses control. By interrupting the 11+ voltage the osci:lator is more likel;, to detect the spurious between these two, In some capes it is possible by reverse tuning to ................r.ftme...~.0/????14110.1111111.1111.41111.1111.1111.111M1r411r - 18 - detect a spurious that was passed over When tuning from a lower to a higher frequency. It is also possible by careful tuning to maintain oscillations on two frequencies simultaneously. TAME II Resistant* Detected in Oscillator Crystal Spurious & Butler NO, No, f in X ohm; 1-113xA2i.L.__12,8.M_iM2 201 ----------_---- 7 1 .63 1300 2 1.09 185 3 1.17 1550 4 1.47 91 5 3.36 3650 6 5.62 2400 202 ? ????? ?????? ???????? 10 .47 2650 2 .72 81 3 .99 2000 4 1.34 2400 5 2.67 1750 203 14 1 .68 89 2 1.26 320 3 1.28 160 4 1.37 1300 5 3.04 3650 204 ---------- 7 1 .82 145 2 1.33 62 3 '.70 87 4 3.62 3650 205 7 1 .63 530 2 .82 770 3 1.32 89 4 1.44 2303 5 1.74 85 206 ----------------- 6 1 .67 425 2 .89 210 ....M.. ??iM Mw. X X X X X 1?1.01.? X X X X x x x X X X --- ------- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01-613e62300090005-8 1111W -v Is elr IrN ? , Ii - 19 - I1 Resistance Detected in Oscillator Crystal Spurious & Butler I No. No, f in % ohne Hartley 12AT7 Val I 1 I 5 ii Ii 207 1 I Il I I I I 2 20E It 212 1.4 I. [ 212 II 3 --_-_---------- -_______--- 1.49 64 X 4 1.96 70 X 3.38 920 X 6 3.66 240 X 7 4.78 770 X 8 9 4.80 6.19 2200 1650 X 10 6.47 1650 X 5 1 .64 82 X 2 .83 2300 3 1.31 53 X 4 1.85 35 X 5 3.56 110 X 6 7 4.74 4.76 390 1550 X 8 6.37 340 X 9 9.57 1550 X 15 1 .64 400 2 1.03 1090 3 1.38 205 X 4 2.78 3800 5 1 .50 840 .67 388 3 1,08 122 X 4 1.48 71 X 12 1 1c05 65D w ., 2 1.41 90 X 3 2.77 1240 X 5 1 .59 425 2 :64 685 3 1.00 355 X 4 1.47 70 X 6 ---- 1 .62 800 2 1.47 65 X 3 1.87 90 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X I 1 X X X X 1 X 1 X IE X X X X 4 2.39 2950 1U 11 . i II. All ' ^ 41. 4/WNW. Crystal lo Spurious No ^ - 20 - Resistance D:tected in Oscillator Butler rtl 12AT7 12AV7 213 5 1 1.26 706 X 2 1.39 700 3 1.67 90 X 214 8 1 .55 2200 2 1.18 185 X X X 3 1.59 545 215 ..... 5 --_-_-_--------- ........... 1 .32 460 2 1.06 88 X X X 3 1.67 18 X X X 4 1.82 1045 5 2.12 30 X X X 6 2.48 1000 7 3.33 1680 8 3.51 1000 9 354 620 X 10 3.74 100 X X X 11 4.12 2800 12 4.83 770 X X 13 4.87 800 14 5.02 3250 15 6.22 1000 X X 16 6.45 1090 X X 216 ----__--_-------- 6 1 .61 650 2 1.04 255 X X 3 1.43 83 X X 4 3.02 2400 217 5 ----- 1 .65 1000 2 1.14 162 X X X 3 3.07 85 X X X 218 ----------------- 5 1 .47 460 2 .67 70 X X X 3 1.03 840 4 1.40 1680 5 2.82 1410 X X 219 --- ..... ....-----.. 5 1 1.03 460 2 1.45 88 X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release _ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-0-16713-072300090005-8 f,14; A ? ? ? ???. ????? ???? ..???????????? ????? 4.??, GU..M?eftk? - 21 ? Crystal No. Spurious No, I in X_pJL_AL_SYi4_U_-la Detected in Resittance Outler Hartley 11 ------------------------ Oeci)lator 12AU7 220 ---_--_---------- 1 .50 2000 2 .65 475 3 1.04 565 X 4 1.38 162 X X X 221 --------- ..... --- 5 1 .75 178 X X 2 1.24 36 X X X 31.74 58 X X X 4 2.95 1820 X 5 3.36 270 X X X 6 4.45 2800 7 4.56 620 X X 8 4.70 2950 222 5 -------- ........ --_----- 1 .56 705 2 1.19 44 X X X 3 1.69 68 X X X 4 3.27 195 X X X 5 4.42 500 X X X 6 4.88 2100 223 ------------_---- 5 ... ???? ?? ---- -- 1 .57 95 2 .73 475 3 1.13 135 X X X 4 1.45 3250 5 1.62 103 X X X 224 -----------_---- 7.5 -- -Se 1 .54 170 2 .70 595 3 1.12 303 X X 4 1.30 2500 5 1.58 95 X X X 225 10 ear. ????? ??????? ???? 1 .98 225 X X 2 1.44 68 X X X 3 2.97 3050 226 6 01??????? ????? dionma..??=. 1 .39 320 2 .77 3250 3 1.25 30 X X X 4 1.88 46 X X X 5 3.11 705 X ?. 1 ii Crystal No. - 22 Spurious No. f in S Resistance & ohms Detected in Oscillator Butler Hartle), 12A17 32&! 6 3.12 1130 7 3.51 155 X X X s 4.79 255 X X X 9 5.95 2300 10 6.05 595 X X X 11 6.45 650 X X X 12 9,35 1360 X 727 13 41??????.??????? 1.???????,?.??????? 1 .62 355 2 1.04 270 X X 3 1.49 74 X X X 228 ?????????1111 7 ----------- ????? ??????? ??????? 1 1.15 -- . . -----_ X X X 75 2 1.69 88 X X X 3 3.17 388 X X X 4 4.32 1190 X X 229 5 M.IPIP/40 ---------- -- -- ----- 1 .56 520 2 .71 2200 3 1.16 225 X X 4 1.27 1200 5 1.55 135 X X X 230 6 --------------- --- -- -----------_-- 1 1.24 162 X X X 2 1.66 91 X X X 3 3.39 1000 X X 4 4.31 1090 X X 231 ---_------------- 1 .96 240 X X 2 1.39 84 X X X 232 6 --- ----------- -- 1 .49 1090 2 .68 270 3 1.05 355 X 4 1.43 80 X X X 5 2.72 3C50 233 ----------------- 5 1 .46 2200 2 .62 3250 3 1.02 336 X X 4 1.37 92 X X X 5 2.84 1540 X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Si Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RspP81-01_043R002.300090005-8 23 ?., ???ag=r..../ ???? ??????11....An.........????????????????????1??????????????.... Resistance Detected in Oscillator Crystal Spurious I Butler 234 235 ???????10 1 .59 2 .79 3 1.31 4 1.47 5 1.73 6 2.,10 .4?????????????1....11.M.YMNI.M.40111. 9 255 255 135 1680 62 2800 16 ?????? X 1 .73 285 2 1.55 78 X 3 2.05 240. 4 2.29 3050 236 ...... ???????????.???????????? 10 1 .40 3350 2 .60 705 3 .94 1360 4 1.33 135 X 237 -- 8 1 .57 - - - 2000 2 .96 910 3 1.31 162 X 238 3 .59 - 1 2540 2 .97 503 X 3 1.32 95 X 239 ----..--- 6 1 .52 ------ .... 388 2 .71 1460 3 1.15 62 X 4 1.63 88 X 5 2.79 2500 6 3.14 545 X 7 4.22 2200 240 amiwomea?????????????????........... 8 1 .68 ................n.? 336 2 1.48 38 X 3 1.64 3650 4 1.92 -49 X 5 3.26 270 X 6 3.48 225 X 7 4.42 1000 X 8 5.83 2950 9 6.08 3650 ?????? MM. ....MP 1 X . X - -- I X X 1 - an 1 X X -- I X X 1 X X X- X II ....? ....?? NM D X X X X i li X X X X 1 il SAY* Crystal NO. 24 Spurious No. f JP _1( Resistance & ohms Detocted in Oscillator Butler Hartley 12AT7 12AU7 241 6 ????????? alp an 1.????? m........... 411. - 1 .43 1600 2 .97 565 3 1.31 135 X X X 242 111........???????????????????????????? 5 1 1.03 460 X 2 1.38 162 X X X 243 ????????????????....................... 6 1 .57 3050 2 .87 1410 3 1.20 178 X X X 244 ???????????????????????Map...???.....? 1 .49 255 2 .60 178 X X 3 .97 2300 4 1.35 2400 245 ...Mb M.G.wm...1.0.?????,???????410...1?1111 5 - - - 1 .58 2400 2 .99 240 X X 3 1.38 92 X X X 246 6 1??????????????????????????????? -???????????.4. 1 .44 1360 2 .63 2300 3 .92 255 X X 4 1.34 95 X X X 247 ????????twoM.??????????????????04.Mr???????11. 6 1 .47 2200 2 .64 425 3 1.08 195 X X 4 1.19 3250 5 1.49 135 X X X 248 7 - 1 .63 255 2 .81 1300 3 1.33 98 X X X 249 4 1.72 92 6 X X X ????????Mba.m.??????=?????????????????111. 1 .61 2400 2 .78 595 3 1.19 255 X X 4 1.55 105 X X X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-R-DP81-01043iT662300090005-8 trro .? - nr7:1! ? . ? --- ?-- . . .2.71????-?? ? ? Crystal No. 25 Spurious No, f in Resistance 1 ohms Detected in Oscillator Butler Hartley 12AT7 12All7 25-0 --------------- 6 1 1.80 41 X X X 2 2.33 44 X X X 3 3.26 3250 4 3.77 2800 5 4.10 210 X X 6 4.27 95 X X 7 5.25 425 X X 8 5.29 960 9 5.38 1410 10 5.59 3250 11 6.43 2000 X 12 6.45 3650 13 6.65 650 X X X 14 6.95 2650 15 7.86 3550 16 7.96 2650 x 251 ----------- 5 1 .47 2950 2 1.10 100 X X X 3 1.20 1680 4 1.51 90 X X X 5 3.74 2650 252 28 1 .53 1190 2 .67 285 X X 3 1.23 100 X X X 4 1.33 910 5 1.72 90 X X X 6 3.05 2200 7 3.52 195 X X X 8 4.84 371 X X X 9 4.82 2200 10 6.12 2400 11 6.33 770 X x 12 6.38 910 13 6.50 2950 14 8.34 1750 15 9.53 1680 X 253 Mr ???=? am 0.4111. ...... Owl.... 6 NI. ????? --- ??????P 411...?.0??? O... W.,. MM. 1 .68 100 X x 2 1.36 46 X x x 3 1.95 58 x x X 4 3.32 1680 5 3.64 100 X X X 6 4.90 285 X X X 7 6.32 1000 X 8 6.50 336 X X X 26 .11?11.111.m... Resistance Detected in Oscillator Crystal Spurious & Butler No No n ohms Hertley 9 8.65 10 9.77 11 9.83 12 11.90 1060 1680 1360 1750 X X x x x 254 ??????=4.411.41?????brm 1.111M6 wal?????????? 7 1 .76 X X X 135 2 1.27 500 3 1.51 100 X X X 4 2.93 3250 255 5 41?? 0.N ...?????=???? AO sea ???????? ?????????MAMINNED 1 .50 910 2 .67 445 3 1.13 75 X X X 4 1.25 3350 5 1.57 93 X X X 6 2.71 3350 7 3.05 371 X X X 8 3.96 2950 256 5 1 .66 aMMI, X X X 55 2 1.10 70 X X 3 1.47 55 X X X 4 2.90 910 X X 5 3.75 3250 257 110.? ???????=.m, 5 ass 1 .46 2800 2 .69 2403 3 1.08 55 X X X 4 1.71 53 X X X 5 2.80 2200 6 3.216 178 X X X 7 4.59 320 X X X 8 5.55 2650 9 5.96 1410 X X 258 7 1 .61 3250 2 .78 910 4 3 1.30 98 X X X 259 4 1.63 122 X X X 0,411.....111MMID?1?1????????????????.??? 1 .5e 6 84 x x 2 .70 1240 3 1.14 210 X X X 4 1.57 170 ? X X X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release_ ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-6r04A1602300090005-8 .0, 1.14FLT 9, ^ ??? .1* ?? or. . ?-- ????? ? ....??????-i?Or??????????????=a1W.In.......??.m.. ? ( ' 27 ResistanceDetected in Cscillator [ Crystal Spurious 4 Butler . No. NO. f In g ohms Hartley 12AT7 12AUY , 260 ???=.4??????????1???????????????????N 8 1 .64 149 I 2 .81 100 X X X 3 1.25 270 fl 4 1.62 142 X X X 5 2.97 3250 I 11 261 ?????????.....????????????????????????? 5 ...... - 1 .46 3250 2 .62 3250 r 43 - 1 .. 47 17800 xx xx xx .. 262 ......-....-------.... i 2 .64 1820 3 1.08 95 X X X 1 4 1.19 3650 5 1.48 84 X X X 263 ?????????????41??????????..........Miln? 7 1 1 .63 960 2 .79 1410 3 1.28 77 X X X I. 4 1.66 1126 X 264 -------......-- 7 i T 1 1.04 cg x x X 3 1.45 84 X X X 4 2.90 650 X X X fl 265 1 2 .73 2: . CO .?.????? ------..... ?????????????????????? 1 .56 303 3 1.22 79 X X X 4 1.68 74 X X X 5 2.90 3650 6 3.14 910 X X 7 4.10 1460 X X 11 266 41???????? 7 1 .41 303 2 .56 2500 3 1.01 88 X X X 4 1.42 90 X X X 5 2.88 7C5 X X X 6 3.77 2500 - 28 Resistance Detected in Oscillator Crystal Spurious i Butler No. No. f in ohms Hartley _121J7 12AU7, 267 268 269 270 271 272 - ---_-------_----- ...... --. 8 1 .59 3250 2 .79 1410 3 1.23 142 X X X 4 1.37 1300 5 1.58 79 X X X 6 3.43 200u X 6 ....... -- 1 .59 705 2 .76 388 3 1.21 90 X X X 4 1.58 100 X X X 6 1 1.22 135 X X X 2 1.60 135 8 X ??????? ????? IN. X X 0.. 1 1.05 100 X X ow.. . X 2 1.13 2200 3 1.45 200 X X X 4 5.43 3650 4......A.m....?41M..... 8 i??? up.. ????1.60 Oa ------------ IMO IMOD.. 1 1.11 49 x x x 2 1.65 35 X X X 3 1.97 3650 4 2.90 1360 5 6 43.2257 122 225 X X X X X X 7 4.53 1303 8 5.73 2950 9 5.99 1900 10 6.CQ 595 X X X 11 6.17 1190 12 7.52 1090 X X 13 14 15 7.95X 1 9c 4c .9 ? 30 100 960 X X x 1611.60 1820 X 6 1 .63 320 2 .84 135 X X 3 1.28 95 X X X 4 1.44 1300 5 1.69 84 X X X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 7 ? - ??????? - ........???????Or,??????....?.????4.0".???????????????????wo?bm?? -?????? ? Crystal No. -29 Spurious No9 f in % Resistance lip ohms Detected in Oscillator Butler Hartley 12AT7 12Atr7 274 275 .1??=?????????,m????????????????????? 1 .69 2 1.02 3 1.48 4 3.04 ??????????=???4?11..??????????????ml???? 10 1300 220 95 4700 6 x :4 x x 1 .46 170 2 .64 2300 3 1.02 240 x x 4 1.52 75 x x x 276 ----------- 10 1 .47 2650 2 .61 100 X X X 3 .98 770 4 1.25 336 X X X 5 2.76 4100 277 --- --?????????1110....?????? 6 --- 1 1.31 94 X X X 2 1.43 3050 3 1.72 97 X X X 4 5.52 3900 278 6 owe 1 .50 870 2 .75 1190 3 1.17 95 X X 4 1.34 2950 5 1.72 68 x x 6 1.83 3250 7 2.93 2950 8 3.24 336 X x 9 4.33 705 x x 10 5.88 2650 279 4?1.???????????+?????????? IM....1.? 7 ed?D.I.??mb GM ---------------- 1 .67 1190 2 1.04 565 X 3 1.37 100 X X X 4_ 2.61 2200 280 -----------220 1 .47 1820 2 1.01 1240 x 3 1.32 360 x x x 281 ------.-------- 7 1???????????? ???????? ............... ??????? 1 1.11 108 X X X 2 1.54 85 X X X 1....??????? 7 17 1 -30- - ...4??????,..???????rl, 47' ...??^???? Crystal No Spurious No. f i S Resistance & ohrr4 Detected in Oscillatcr Butler Hartley 12A17 12A1.17 282 1 1.05 2 1.16 3 1.56 4 3.09 5 4.22 149 3250 83 445 910 283 ???????????? ..... ..0.1?????Mbini.????? 5 I.. ??? O... ?????? ???????????? Owl., ????????????? da.M 1 .59 620 2 1.20 77 X X X 3 1.57 122 X X X 4 3.36 3650 284 11 1 .67 500 2 1.17 77 X X X 3 1.26 1540 4 1.58 67 X X X 5 2.23 2100 6 3.04 545 X X X 7 4.05 2200 285 5 --Ow...????......????????????????? 1 .53 500 2 1.20 40 X X X 3 1.68 72 X X X 4 2.79 595 X 5 3.11 425 X X X 6 4.12 1000 X X 286 5 ?????.?????????????????????.????????????????????1 - flea 1 .62 240 2 1. 3 02 1.40 270 78 X X X X 4 2.74 1600 X 287 ??????????????.m.?? ....1.4???? ...W.????/IIMIr 9 1 1.11 es x X 2 1.56 100 X x 3 2.99 1090 X x 288 IIVIMI.M???????????4????????????m 10 1 .67 100 x 2 .82 840 3 1.38 78 x x x 4 1.80 77 x x x 289 11?.???????????????????=0.? ????????????? =D. 5 1 .59 68 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 A A=f,14=tid ? ??- Crystal No. Spurious No, -31- f in % Resistance & ohms Detected in Oscillator Butler Hartley 12AT7 12AU7 2 3 .91 1.26 1820 685 4 2.59 1460 X X 290 -------------- 5 1 1.13 122 X X X 2 1.51 81 X X X 3 5.30 2400 291 ----------------- 5 1 .74 320 2 1.25 140 X X X 3 1.58 108 X X X - 292 8 1 1.002 162 X X 2 1.09 2400 3 1.40 135 X X X 293 6 1 ? .49 1750 2 1.14 95 X X X 3 1.55 88 X X X 4 2.66 2000 294 65 1 .65 1045 2 1.02 303 X X 3 1.40 100 X X X 4 2.64 2400 295 6 1 1.06 400 X 2 1.61 64 X X X 296 5 1 .65 58 X X X 2 1.05 225 3 1.40 162 X X X 297 95 1 .39 870 2 .56 215 X X 3 .85 1090 4 1.20 355 X X X 5 2.44 1540 X X 298 ...... 41406 7 1 .70 84 X X X 1 IT F. ? .44 4????.k .1.4.4?? ?AAafieI.0?0111.: Crystal No, Spurious No, 32 f in % Resistance & ohms Detected in Oscillator Butler Hartley 12ATJ _12AU7 2 3 1.05 1.40 210 85 299 ------- 6 1 .71 400 2 1.08 290 X X 3 1.53 69 X X X 300 -- --a 11 --- -- . --- 1 .50 371 2 .80 100 X X X 3 1.1.7 303 L.47. _________________ --1- ..._41_. B. Analyst' In the first crystal tested, #2011 the effect of the "Q" of the tuned circuit (the bandwidth of the oscillator) became very apparent. The Butler oscillator incorporating the 12AT7 vacuum Whey by virtue of a higher plate resistance than a 12AU7, was able to detect the 185 ohm spurious (#2) which was located between a 91 ohm spurious (#4) and a main mode series resistance of 7 ohms. The same oscillator using a 12AU7 vacuum tube was not able to detect this spurious. The only factor involved in this case is the selectivity of the circuits since the gain in all three circuits will easily allow oscillations on a 185 ohm spurious. Of the 100 crystals tested, the 12AU7 Butler circuit oscillated on spurious as high as 705 ohms in crystals #213 and 266. The 124T7 Butler circuit oscillated on a spurious resistance as high as 1650 ohms in crystal #206. The Hartley circuit oscillated on a 2650 ohm spurious in crystal #250. The greater selectivity attainable with a Hartley oscillator is apparent in the results of crystal #206. Spurious #5, whose resistance ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 4AVAI4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 0 50-Yr 2013/10/25 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ' ? ? - 33 is 920 ohms, was detected only by the Hartley oscillator. This spurious was picked out from in between a 70 and 240 ohm spurious by this oscillator. The 12A77 Butler was incovable of selecting this spurious and went from spurious #4 esectly to spurious 106. The gain of the 12AT7 Butler oscillator was obviously sufficient since it detected the spurious #10 resistance of 1650 ohms. The results obtained with the Hartle/ oscillator are displayed graphically in Fig. 5. .7he curve, which las been obtained from the experimental points, shows the maximum VE:AAS of spurious resistances detectable throughout the frequency range. It is only possible to utilize a few points since, in the majority of cases, when a high R spurious was present, the oscillations we,* controlled by a lower R spurious in the immediate vicinity. In tie upper region of the curve (above 2%.4f) the curve is almost rapresentative of the maximum values of R's which may control oscillatiwrs. In the immediate vicinity of the main mode frequency the actual abi_ity of the oscillator is never utilized since there are always lowtr R spurious responses present. To obtain a more accurate plot .11 the vicinity of the mein response the simulated spurious technique was utilized. For the simulated spurious technique tne main response was obtained by the use of a crystal that had no detec-.able spurious responses. In shunt with this crystal Was placed a serivf. circuit consisting of a crystal, whose main response was within 1: of the spurious free crystal frequency, and a resistor. This resistor was varied to determine the value at which oscillations would no 20-ger occur. The results of this test are shown in Fig. 6. As in T19. 5, the circles indicate responses that were detected and the triangles responses which were 11 ii ii ?-? - .?? ? 34 not detected. In Fig. 6 all of the responses of the crystals within X% were plotted. In Fig. 5 however, only the pertinent values in the region of the curve were utilized to minimize confusion. It must be realized that if all the points would appear on the curve of Fig. 5 there would be many triangles below the curve but no circles would appear above the curve. The triangles below the curve Imre left out for reasons of clarity since the only reason they were not detected was due to the presence of lower R spurious modes in the immedlatm vicinity. IV POWER DETERMINATION The power dissipated in a crystal may be determined in a number of ways. If the R.F. current through the crystal resonant frequency is known and the resistance of been determined, the power may be computed 'ay the voltage across the crystal at series resonance is at its series the main mode has T2R method. If the known and the resistance of the main response has been determined, the power may be computed by the e/R method. A. Bk_alst_Willi_Vz During the investigation of the Butler crystal oscillator of Fig. I both methods were tried. F.r the following tests a variable 0 to 500 ohm AC lout was placeo across R3. This load was varied to obtain an R.F. voltage of .5 volts across R3 as measured by a Ballantine AC meter. The tank circuit was then tuned through resonance and the DC voltages appearing at the Crystal Current terminal and the R.P. Indicator terminal were recorded. The following results were obtained. Voltage across crystal ? .2 - ? .29 ? .43 Voltage across R8 - .26 ? .36 ? .49 - .49 ? .42 It may be noted that the point of resonance is indicated by a minimum -7: Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDPE31-01043R002300090005-8 ?-??? - 35 - crystal current as well as a maximum output voltage at the crystal series resonant frequency. It may be seen that the voltage across R3 also appears across the series combidation of the crystal resistance and R8. That is to say that the current which flows through the crystal also flows through R8. Therefore, by measuring the voltage across Ra and dividing by the R.F. impedance from the cathode (pin 8) to ground, the current flowing through the crystal may be obtainod. The R.F. impedance across the resistor R8 is equal to the resistance R8 in parallel with the sum of the tube plate resistance and the tank impedance divided by the sum of the amplification factor of the tube plus 1. This calculation yields an R.F. load in the cathode of the grounded grid amplifier of 240 ohms. In the previous data it as seen that the maximum output voltage across this R.F. cathode load was .49 volt. Dividing .49 by 240 gives a crystal current of 2.0 milliamperes. The resistance of this crystal (#201) is 7 ohms, from Table II. Th; power oissipated in the crystal may now be calculated as .03 milliwatt. The voltage drop across the crystal may be calculated by multiplying the 2 milliampere current by the 7 ohm crystal resistance, giving 14 millivolts. Adding this to the .49 volt across R8 gives a voltage across R3 of .504 volt. This egress with the original setting of .5 volt. The 14 mtllivolts dropped across the crystal is far different, however, from the 290 millivolts obtained by direct measurement. To determine if the voltage across the crystal was a function of the current at all, the AC load across R8 is changed. The load wes first changed from 240 to 127 Ohms resultin9 in the same voltage across - .? ? 11.? ?romostadr?len.., 1 1 omk ...a.. ? ? this cathode impedance; but the 290 millivolts across the crystal was raised to 410 millivolts. When the AC load across 118 was changed to 100 01.M11 the voltage across the crystal was raised to 540 millivolts while the voltage across R8 remained the same, .49 volt. At this point resistors were substituted for the cryztal until the value was found which would give the same output voltage as the crystal. This value turned out to be few hundred ohms rather than the 7 ohms of the crystal. A value of resistance %es then found which would give the same value of voltage across the resistance that had previously been measured across the crystal. This value was again different but also in the hundreds of ohms. These experiments were duplicated with B. voltages of 150 and IC5 volts with the same em results. At this point experiments on the Hartley oscillator were begun and the remainder of the power determination experiments were performed on that oscillator. B. Hartley Oscillator The methods of measuring nower in the Hartley oscillator are identical to those explained for the Butler oscillator. That is, the currert through the crystal or the voltage across the crystal must be determined and either one utilized in conjunction with the main mode series R to calculate the dissipated power. Since the current flowing through the crystal is now applied to the tank circuit there I s no simple way of measoTing the crystal current. FoeIlds reason the voltage across the resistor RI is used to calculate the current. e R1 is a plug-in resistor which may be interchanged with the crystal allowing voltages across the crystal to be measured. With the potentiometer, R8,(See Fig. 2) adjusted for maximum Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ? . ? o. or.... ? ? - 37 - oscillator exitation, the output voltage measured at the R.F. Indicator terminal is 3 volts and tho voltage across the resistor RI is 84 millivolts. The crystal is removed from its socket and resistors substituted until a value is found which produces the same output voltage. This value of resistance is 120 ohms, which gives s voltage across RI of 275 millivolts. If the 84 millivolts measured across the 100 ohm resistor is any indication of the current through the crystai, the power dissipated in the crystal is only a few microwatts. However, since the actual operating conditions cannot be simulated by substituting resistances for the crystal, this veXual of measured current cannot be considered valid. A possible reason :or the inconsistencies of the resistance substitution method may be ce to nonlinearities. In an effort to obtain pure class-A operation, the screen exitation voltage was decreased in steps and the resistance substitution method tried in each case. The results are shown in Table III, TABLE III Screen Volts Resistance Substitudon Tests Output liV Across Resistance for Volts 100 ohm res, same voltage out MY across 100 ohmzeil. 110 3.0 84 120 275 100 2.5 64 120 205 90 2.13 52 150 148 80 1.7 36 120 112 70 1.37 26 135 65 60 1.02 15.8 135 36 50 .68 8.4 150 13 45 .48 4,3 68 7.6 40 .34 2.3 9 4.0 35 .22 1.0 1.1 The column entitled Output Volts is the voltage measured at the R.F. Indicator terminal. The third column is the voltage measured at the Crystal Current terminal, the voltage across the 100 ohm resistor ??? ^ --y ???? ""*.ar.....???????r?-- ???????""-??????????"'"'"'""" """-"""-'" - 38 - R1 with the crystal in place. The last column is the same voltage but with the value of resistance indicated in column four in place of the crystal. The results remain fairly inconsistent as the exitation is decreased until the screen voltage drops to about 45 volts. At about 40 volts of screen voltage the resistor which must be substituted for the crystal to obtain th same output voltage actually approaches the series resistance of the crystal itself. However, the voltage across RI is measured at 4 millIvolts with the resistor in place and only 2.3 millivolts with the crystal in place. When the screen voltage is dropped to 35 volts the output voltage with the crystal in place is .22 volt. This voltage is not obtainable with even a short circuit in place of the crystal, the highest output obtainable being .17 volt. C. Measuring Techniaues 'he voltage measured at the g.F. indicator terminal in the oscillators of Figs. 1,2, and 3 is primarily used as an indication of oscillation. However, in the case that the actual R.F. voltage is required, as in the case of the Butler oscillator, the R.F. voltage may be obtained from the calibration curve of Fig. 4. By the use of this curve an R.F. voltage in the range of 40 millivolts to .8 volt may be determined. The DC voltage in this case was measured with a "Millivac". The indications obtaineo by measuring the voltage across a resistor placed in ce=ies with the crystal always tend to be much too high. Since the method used to measure the voltage across this series resistor responds to peak values of voltage, it is postible that these high readings are due to some form of nonlinearity euch as might be 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-kDP81-01043R002300090005-8 - 39 - obtained by class -B or class-C operation; or when blocking oscillations are taking place at a much lower frequency. In order to determine the cause and extent of the nonlinearitiee, the waveform was observed in both oscillatoas with a high frequency Tektronix oscilloscope. The Hartley oscillator, when using a crystal in series with a 100 ohm resistor, showed a slight amount of distortion at high drive levels. A 300 ohm resistor was substituted for the crystal which gave the sa-e value of output voltage at the R.F. Indicator terminal. The behavior was similar in that the waveform became slightly distorted at higher drive levels. However, the distortion was more the limiting type rather than the nonlinear type which occurred in the case of the crystal. When smaller values of resistances were substituted for the crystal the oscillator began to block. This blocking could have also been observed by increasing the exitation from zero while observing the output voltage. At the point that blocking oscillations begin the output voltage increases &harply. Since the Butler oscillator had no built-in exitation control it was decided to obtain a variation in the drive level by varying the tuning. This was successfully accomplished. The oscillator in this case was the Syr=ztrical Butler oscillator of Fig. 3. When a crystal was placed in 'Aries with a 100 ohm resistor the output voltage was .44 volt. r.'y approaching oscillations from a lower frequency, the output voltage could be continuously varied. Up to a value of .06 volt output which could also be obtained by replacing the crystal with a 2200 ohms resistor, the waveform appeared to be purely sinusoidal. However, when the output voltage was increased beyond this point the output waveform definitely became distorted. At the point of maximum A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 1 :*% - 40 - output the waveform was extremely distorted. In each case it was possible to simulate the output voltage and distortion by replacing the crystal with a resistor. When this value was 180 ohms a critical point had been reached. At any value of resistance below 180 ohms blocking oscillations were observed. The waveform observed at the grid of the cathode follower stage indicated that the RC coupling network between the tank circuit of the grounded-grid amplifier and the grid of the cathode follower was the cause of the blocking oscillations. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-0-1-0431002300090005-8 '1414'11:- "A? ?m, -41- Conclusion,. The three crystal oscillators which were used to obtain the data of Table II were successful, to some degree, in detecting the spurious responses of crystals. The Hartley oscillator was more sensitive and more selective than either version of the Butler oscillator. This was principally cue to the tank circuit being in the grid of the cathode follower where the loading is very light. In the Butler oscillator the selective circuit being used as a plate impedance Is subject to loading by the plate resistance of the amplifier tube. The Hartley circuit has the added advantage of an easily incorporated exitation control by varying the screen potential. Of the two Butler oscillators used to obtain the test data, the 0514 incorporating the 12All vacuum tube was both more sensitive and more selective than the same circuit incorporating a 12AU7 vacuum tube. The greater selectivity was due to the higher value of plate resistance 12AT7 causing less loading on the tank circuit and retaining a higher value of Q. The greater sensitivity is due to the realization of a higher gain in the grounded grid amplifier stage. The conclusion may now be drawn, at least for this range of frequencies, that the Hartley oscillator best performs the functiun of detecting spurious r2sponses. However, it is very possible that the sensitivity and selectivity of this oscillator may be-too greet. When it is realized that out of 100 perfectly useable normal production run crystals, about 90 to 95 would have detectable spurious, the thought must occur that this oscillator may be too good. In order to determine just how much ability this oscillator should have it would be necessary to compute the value of limiting R and the bandwidth of ????????.... ,j?????...A?aa...,AP.M1=4..6.011.? ? - 42 - the circuit for every oscillator currently in use and then use a detecting oscillator which responds to a higher value of limiting R and has a narrower bandwidth than any of these using oscillators. Deciding just how much selectivity and sensitivity is required will be left for a later date: From the results obtained in preliminary attempts to measure power dissipation in the crystal, it appears that the orive levels must be raised to reach the 20 milliwatt level required. The mein' problem encountered with measuring power dissipated in the crystal when used in a detecting oscillator is that of extraneous blocking or parasitic oscillations. DU4 to the high "Q's" incorporated in most of these oscillator circuits, the higher impedance levels have made regeneration a problem. This moans that the physical layout will be critical and must be well planned. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA RDP81 01043R00230nogonn R Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 4.6? ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIP:-RDP81-310-40462300090005-8 TW, - 43 - Program for Next Interval A Butler and s Hartley oscillator for use at 30 and 50 Me. will be developed and evaluated. Based on the performance of these oscillators, one circuit will be chosen for the final instrument. The number of oscillators required to cover the frequency range will be determined. These will be constructed as separate units.ane then *valuated. A 'bridge" mothod of compensating for the effect of the crystal shunt capacity will be 4.nvestigated. Only by this means will it be possible to achieve compensation over a large frequency range. L. 111 AL' 4.1 ? Ii iiIdentification of P,rsoru41 ???? ..???????NwiegoodiloolICT .. 44 11?? 1. Robert D. Vann - 542 manhours during third quarter. Technician 2. Joseph Loos - 276 manhours during third quarter. Engineer, Senior Electronic Development. a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ?_- ? 0 ? 210V F TWEENT - ? BUTTER CRYSTAL OSCILIATCSI R5 6-7 JEGACYCLES ? ?-???????????? ? Is ? .* !MP.. r???? ??????.????????????.????,?????? -.=0".????????????????????? cd_ ? cif 44 CRYSTAL CURREKT R2--------27 Re4R6----1CM R7R9------1 Meg. --270 ALL RESISTANCE IM OHMS: ALL CAPACITANCES IN UUF UMLESS OTHERWISE MARKED. vi .00UTPUT OR.F. DIDICATOR C2 1500 C5C10C11C12 .01uf C6 - 7 to 47 Aix Var, 12AU7 C7 - 7 to 45 Car. ?VIA, Cs y-- Fran - HARTLEY SERIES ht:CE CRYSTAL OSCnIATCR 6-7 MEGACYCLES Ro - E3 --- -1 Meg. R4R5 ------10K R6 VI Es --500K Pot ALL RESISTANCES IN OHMS. OTHERW!SE MARKED. DiD2 ???????? ? 1104 --6AK5 7 C/ 7 te 47.{kte t. C2 7 to 45----Carr. Trim C4C6C7C8'-2?3 ----- C5C?Cll C1oci2C13----.0015,s1 ALL CAPACITANCES IN UUF MESS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 - , - ?????? - . Ci 11.4.4.e. -100 C4C8- -1500 C5C6C7----- 200 Clo 7 to 47----Air Var. C11 7 to 45----Cer. Tria C12 ........75, -- .....1....... ... -.:_--..---_ -..,?:-- I --r- - -- - = .. , _______ ,_ ---. V- , I? ---- - ?-? ' I.... := ..::-. ,..... I -..- -? ""-:" -- 1 :2-- .. ..........-: . liwill ...........,,, .-,..-...-....7.--.....a .,,,............ I I . , ??-???-? 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(b) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT .1 (Re ? +71 ) non; 8 c) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Nan I (d) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Rp A.C. plat* rosistexicAo of tuba u arclification factor of tuba ZR Z1 ? ?271LRII ( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8 ,M.= 4 11; , f. 7' , 4s, at. PIGURP ? I HARTIEY OSCILLATCR tL- 412 (a) SCHEMATIC IR: WieWvYN ah a Ei a2R9 (b) EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Rp A.C. plats resistance of tube PI a total turns of coil a lc ratio of tap-to-total turns u = amplification factor of tube - STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300090005-8