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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM ruP-9 kuP-99 II 5 11 El II 1111 nil I I 00 El II MILITARY HYDROLOGY BULLETIN 9 JUNE 1957 A CORPS OF ENGINEERS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT PREPARED UNDER DIRECTION OF CHIEF OF ENGINEERS BY MILITARY HYDROLOGY R & D BRANCH U. S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, WASHINGTON STAT STAT STAT 1 ?-? 201548 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release val "b 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer District, Washington, D.C. FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM. June 1957,51 pp. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 Unclassified Report This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. UNCLASSIPIRD 1. Hydrology 2. Dam breach hydrographs I. U.S. Army Engineer District Washington, Military Hydrology Bulletin 9 Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Ingimeor District, Washington, D. C. FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED 'DAM. June 1957, 51 pp. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 Unclassified Report UNCLASSIYIND 1. Hydrology 2. Dem breach hydrographs I. U. S. Army Ingiseer District Washington, Military Hydrology Bulletin 9 This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer District, Washington, D. C. FLOW THROUGH A INIACHED DAM. June 1957, 51 pp. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 Unclassified Report This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. UNCLASSIFIED 1. Hydrology 2s Dam breach hydrographs I. U. S. Army Engineer District Washington, Military Hydrology Bulletin 9 Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer District, Washington, D. C. FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM. June 1957, 51 PP. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 Unclassified Report UNCLASSIFIED 1. Hydrology 2. Dam breach hydrographs I. U. S. Army Engineer District Washington, Military Hydrology Bulletin 9 This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer UNCLASSIFIED Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer UNCLASSIFIED District, Washington, D.C. 1. Hydrology District, Washington, D: C. 1. Hydrology FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM. 2. Dam breach hydrographs FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM. 2. Dam breach hydrographs June 1957,51 pp. June 1957, 51 pp. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) I. U.S. Army Engineer (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) I. U. S. Army Engineer DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 District Washington, Military Hydrology DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 District Washington, Military Hydrology Unclassified Report Bulletin 9 Unclassified Report Bulletin 9 This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer District, Washington, D. C. FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM. June 1957, 51 pp. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 Unclassified Report This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. UNCLASSIFIED 1. Hydrology 21 Dam breach hydrographs I. U. S. Army Engineer District Washington, Military Hydrology Bulletin 9 This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. Military Hydrology R&D Branch, U. S. Army Engineer District, Washington, D. C. FLOW THROUGH A BREACHED DAM. June 1957, 51 pp. (Military Hydrology Bulletin 9) DA R&D Project 8-97-10-003 Unclassified Report This bulletin gives method of computation of the outflow hydrograph from a dam under the following conditions of breaching: (1) Relatively small breaches of various shapes and (2) relatively large breaches with rectangular shape in which frictional resistance of flow through reservoir becomes an important factor. UNCLASSIFIED 1. Hydrology 2. Dam breach hydrographs I. U. S. Army Engineer District Washington, Military Hydrology Bulletin 9 be-ClaSsified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 ^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 MILITARY HYDROLOGY BULLETIN 9 FIAW THROUGH A BREAC,:TED 1)A1 PREPARED IN CONNECTION WITH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 8-97-10-003 FOR ENGINEER RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OFFICE, CHIEF OF ENGINEERS MILITARY HYDROLOGY R&D BRANCH U.S. ANY ENGINEER DISTRICT, WASHINGTON CORPS OF ENGINEERS JUNE 1957 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 1 PREFACE This Bulletin is the ninth of a series of papers dealing with the various aspects of hydrology involved in military operations and with the hydrologic techniques and methods of analysis which are considered most suitable for army use. A number of these techniques were developed in the course of Research and Development Project No. 8-97-10-003, assigned to the Army Engineer District, Washington, on 14 March, 1951 by the Office, Chief of Engineers. Printing of this bulletin was authorized by the Office, Chief of Engineers on 9 May 1957. Mr. A. L. Cochran of the Office, Chief of Engineers, formulated the objectives and scope of this bulletin. Messrs. W. B. Craig and H. E. Ernst of the Military Hydrology Branch, Washington District, assembled the material and prepared the text of the Bulletin, under the supervision of Mr. R. L. Irwin. iii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cop Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060007-4 '?; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 PREFACE SUMMARY Paragraph CONTENTS Page iii vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1 Purpose and Scope 2 Discussion of Problem,........ 3 Abbreviations and Nomenclature 4 Related References CHAPTER II: SMALL BREACHES 1 1 2 3 5 Fundamental Considerations 5 6 Assumptions 5 7 Breach Shape 5 8 Breach Discharge - Weir 5 9 Breach Discharge - Orifice 7 10 Reservoir Storage 7 11 Breach Discharge Hydrograph-Weirs 8 12 Breach Discharge Hydrograph - Orifice 9 13 Sample Computations 9 14 Conclusions 17 CHAPTER III: LARGE BREACHES 15 Fundamental Considerations 19 16 Reservoirs 19 1 17 Effective Width 20 18 Average Reservoir Bottom Slope 20 19 Roughness Coefficient 20 20 Dam Completely Removed 20 21 Half Depth-Full Width Breach 21 22 Full Depth-Partial Width Breach 22 23 Basis of Computations 23 Routing Procedures 23 25 Outflow Hydrographs 25 26 Method of Computation 26 27 Sample Computations 27 28 Units 29 29 Summary and Conclusions 29 LIST OF SYMBOLS 30 REFERENCES 32 TAW OF EQUIVALENT ENGLISH-METRIC UNITS 35 LIST OF PLATES 37 APPENDIX 39 APPENDIX PLATES 51 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0021norAnnn9-4 ! Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y Ap roved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 SUMMARY The failure or demolition of high dams, impounding large volumes of water, may release large flood waves capable of seriously damaging downstream military or civilian installations or disrupting river crossings or other military operations. The outflow through a breached dam is influenced by the dimensions of the breach, the volume and shape of the reservoir, the inflow into the reservoir, the tailwater condi- tions, and other variables. The theoretical and experimental equations are very complex and are too cumbersome for military use. Simplified solutions for determining the flow through a breach were developed in this bulletin to permit fairly rapid prediction of the breach outflow with a degree of accuracy acceptable for military situations. Com- putation procedures were developed both for relatively small breaches (where the opening itself is the controlling factor) and for relatively large breaches (where frictional resistance to flow through the reser- voir becomes a critical factor). vii Declassified in Part- Sanitized CopyApprovedforRelease @ 50-Yr2013/10/25 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00230006orm_4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose and Scope. a. The amount of damage resulting from a major flood wave is proportional to the height, duration, and speed of propagation of the wave. These factors vary with the river channel characteristics and rate of flow from a breached dam. An estimate of the situation requires then, among other factors, a reliable estimate of the rate of flow that can be expected from a breached dam under various possible circumstances; therefore, this manual was prepared to provide methods whereby the rate of flow from a breached dam can be readily estimated with a degree of accuracy that is adequate for mili- tary plans and operations. b. The methods presented herein require a minimum of basic data and the solutions are presented in a dimensionless graphical form when- ever practicable. c. The breaches are classified according to size as follows: (1) Small breach openings; those less than one-sixth the area of the average reservoir cross-sectional area, and which may be created by use of conventional weapons. (2) Large breach openings; those more than one-sixth the area of the average reservoir cross-sectional area, and which may be created by use of nuclear weapons. 2. Discussion of Problems. a. Many of the rivers of the world have been developed for hydro-electric power, flood control, irriga- tion, navigation, and other purposes. High dams, impounding large vol- umes of water, have been constructed in connection with many of these developments. The failure or deliberate demolition of high dams, such that large quantities of water are suddenly released, may create major flood waves capable of causing disastrous damage to downstream military and civilian installations. Major flood waves may seriously damage or destroy power plants, industrial plants, and bridges, and disrupt ir- rigation and navigation. These damages, accompanied by loss of life, could constitute a national disaster and adversely affect a nation's economy and war effort. Military operations against dams in the in- terior zones could be carried out by either aerial attack or sabotage. River crossing operations in the combat zone may be prevented or de- layed by a major flood wave created by the breaching of a dam. The mere existence of a large dam in the headwaters, under the control of the opposing force, could act as a deterrent to a river crossing operation. b. The hydraulic characteristics of a surge released from a breached dam are a function of the size, shape, and position of the breach; the volume of the water stored behind the dam; the height, width, and length ratios of the reservoir; and the reservoir inflow and tailwater conditions at the time of breaching. The partial dif- ferential equations expressing the laws of unsteady flow for these var- iables are very complex; and at the present time a general solution of practical value has not been developed. c. The advent of the atomic era with its thermonuclear weapons has introduced a new concept of military capabilities with respect to military hydrology. Establishment of a basic policy for the use of 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 ffiV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. lc atomic weapons in any major war, and the concurrent developments of various types and sizes of atomic weapons, have required a revaluation of the methods of computing the effects of dam breaching operations. d. The surge from a dam that has been partially or completely removed from a reservoir presents phenomena of which little is known,. The shape of the reservoir water surface profiles, and their change in shape with respect to time have not been definitely determined. The hydraulics of unsteady, open-channel flow requires an idealized flow picture to give equations that can be integrated by the method of characteristics. The procedure, using the method of characteristics, is laborious and a number of authorities on hydraulics have raised questions to its accuracy. Military hydrology units would probably require the use of a "Univac" or some similar electronic computer to solve the above problem in the field within the permissible time for appraisal. Since it is not practical to provide electronic equipment at this time, some method should be devised that would be simple and yet give answers that are adequate for field conditions. e. Several theoretical and experimental studies have been made in the past pertaining to sudden releases of impounded water in spe- cial situations and under idealized conditions. The discharge and general profiles of a surge have been theoretically determined by St. Venant (Ref. 36) and experimentally checked by Schoklitsch for a long horizontal channel of rectangular cross section (Ref. 33); how- ever, since the results of these experiments could not be directly applied to the problem of dam-breaching, this bulletin attempts to analyze the different theories and develop a simple procedure to de- termine the breach outflow hydrograph. f. A comparison of discharge values obtained from the St. Venant equation as modified by Schoklitsch, for openings of partial width extending to full depth, with those from flat pool reservoir routing which employs the formulas for steady flow over weirs, indicates that the latter departs from peak discharge values based upon the re- sults obtained by Schoklitschts model studies when the ratio of width of reservoir (B) to the width of the opening (b) becomes less than 11.4. However, since by Schoklitsch the divergence in peak discharges is a function of the one-fourth power of the ratio B/b, the maximum devia- tion in discharge by the method of flat pool routing for a rectangular reservoir cross section of uniform width will be less than twenty per- cent from the more exact methods when Bib is greater than 6. This dis- crepancy in peak discharge is considered within the probable limits of accuracy of basic data which will be employed in the solution of a problem. This parameter, therefore, is used for the classification of breaches as "small" or "large" presented in paragraph lc and discussed in Chapters II and III, respectively. 3. Abbreviations and Nomenclature. a. The following abbreviations are used in the bulletin: cfs ft ft2 ft3 hr cubic feet per second feet square feet cubic feet hour 2 km km2 In m3 m3/sec ms1 kilometers square kilometurs meters cubic meters cubic meters per second mean sea level Par. 3a b. A tabulation of the symbols used in the formulas appears on pages 30 and 31. Those symbols which are from quoted material have been modified to conform to this list. A definition sketch of small breaches is included as Plate'No. 1. c. Conversion factors for the English and Metric systems are presented for convenience in tabular form on page 35. 4. Related References. All references cited in this manual and other selected references to technical literature that pertain to the breaching of dams are listed on pages 32 through 34 . Material that is classified for security reasons has been omitted. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 3 11 4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 5 CHAPTER II SALL BREACHES 5. Fundamental Considerations. a. For purpOes of this study, a "small" breach opening is defined as one whose azea is less than one- sixth that of the average reservoir cross-sectional area. For this con- dition, the opening itself is the controlling fanor and flat-pool reservoir routing methods employina the formulas for steady flow over weirs will give acceptable results, as explained in paragraph 2f. In this chapter, there are developed simplified methods which will permit a rapid solution of the outflow from a small breach opening with a de- gree of accurac3 acceptable for military situations. b. The rate at which water is released from a reservoir through a breached dam is graphically represented by a discharge hydrograph. This breach discharge hydrograph shows the volume rate of flow during successive time intervals beginning with the time of breaching. It is constructed by plotting time as abscissa and discharge as ordinate. In order to compute the breach hydrograph, it is necessary to determine the breach discharge rating curve, as well as the capacity and certain shape characteristics of the reservoir. Computation procedures are presented in subsequent paragraphs of this chapter. C. A detailed exposition of the derivation of the equations and graphs presented in this chapter for determining the breach discharge, reservoir storage, and breach hydrograph, is given in the Appendix. 6. Assumptions. a. There is either no inflow into the reservoir or the inflow is small relative to the volume of storage in the reser- voir. b. Less than eighty percent of the flow depth through the breach is submerged by tailwater due to channel conditions below the dam. The amount of submergence is dependent on the relative sizes of the breach and channel, the channel slope, and the position of the bot- tom of the breach above the river bed. Tailwater conditions should be investigated in all cases to determine whether or not the computation procedures are applicable to a particular problem. If excessive sub- mergence exists, conventional methods of reservoir routing should be used, 7. 18E22.21221.222. (see Plate 1) a. Weir type breach openings: those that extend to the top of the dam. A regular shape breach of this type approximates one of the following geometric patterns: parabola, triangle, rectangle or a trapezoid. An irregular shape breach of this type does not approximate one of the geometric patterns listed above. b. Orifice type breach openings: those that result from puncturing an opening through the structure below the top of the dam (d is greater than 1.5D) 8. Breach Discharge, Weir. The top width, depth and shape cf the breach and also the pool level must be given, or assumed in order to com- pute the breach discharge. a. The rectangular breach shape is further defined for use in this bulletin by the shape coefficient which is deternined by the fol- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 W.? V* Par. 8a lowing equation: bt Cr = (1) where bt is the breach width at the initial reservoir elevation and d is the depth of breach from the initial reservoir elevation (see definition sketch, Plate 1). The initial discharge (Qmax) is then computed by means of the curves on Plates 2 and 3 on which maximum discharge values (Qmax) are plotted as functions of shape coefficient values ranging from 0 to 5. Plates 2 and 3 are for the English and Metric systems, respectively. The discharge for any pool elevation less than the initial is computed by means of the appropriate curve on Plate L. The ratio of the instan- taneous discharge to the maximum discharge (Q/Qmax) is plotted as a function of the ratio of the corresponding head of water on the breach to the initial depth of water on the breach (h/d). b. The triangular breach shape coefficient equation is bt Ct (2) 2d The initial discharge (Qmax) at the initial reservoir elevation, and the discharge (Q) for any pool elevation less than the initial are com- puted by the same procedure as outlined for the rectangular breach. c. The initial trapezoidal breach discharge (Qmax) is equal to the sum of the discharges of the triangle and rectangle which are the component parts of the trapezoid; however, for discharge (Q) for any pool elevation less than the initial the parabolic carve on Plate 4 is used. d. The parabolic breach shape coefficient equation is Cn (3) x- 1;2d The initial discharge (Qm,,x.) at the initial reservoir elevation and the discharge (Q) for any pooI-elevation less than the initial are computed by the same procedure as outlined for the rectangular breach. The curves on Plate 5 may be used to aid the plotting of a parabolic breach profile. Values of the ratio of the X coordinate to the breach depth d(x/d) are given for values of CD ranging from 0 to 5 with the ratio of the y coordinate to breach depth- d(y/d) as parameter. e. In the case of the irregular shaped breaches the initial dis- charge is determined by application of the formula Q2 = A3 bw (4) in the following manner: Planimeter the cross sectional area of the breach below elevation 0.75d and scale the water surface width bw at elevation 0.75d. Then where h = 0.75d+ A 2bw h = head of water on breach crest 6 (5) Par. 8e A = area of breach below elevation 0.75d bw = water surface width at elevation 0.75d. If h is not equal to d, then an adjusted discharge is obtained by use of Plate L. Entering the curve for a parabola with the value of h/d, the discharge ratio Q/Qmax is obtained. The assumed discharge Q divided by this discharge ratio then equals the adjusted maximum discharge. Successive trials are then made for each new discharge until the ratios h/d and Q/Qmax approach unity. Two trials will usually be sufficient. 9. Breach Discharge-Orifice. Assuming or given the breach dimensions, the cross-sectional area of the orifice is determined. Knowing the cross-sectional area A and d (the depth of water from the initial reser- voir surface elevation to the centroid of A), the curves on Plate 6 are entered with the ratio A/d2 to obtain the maximum discharge. To deter- mine the discharge for any depth h, other than maximum, the curve for the orifice on Plate 4 is used. 10. Reservoir Storage. a. For purpose of this report, reservoir sto- rage is represented by The equation s = kylm (6) where Yi storage at the corresponding depth yl depth of reservoir at the dam a constant in a constant The initial reservoir storage S is then S = kPm (7) where P = initial depth of reservoir at the dam. It is necessary to evaluate SI P, and m in equation (7). The constant k can be determined but it is not required. Methods of computing P and m in decreasing order of given data are presented in the following paragraphs? b. Given: Two or Yore Points on Storage Curve and Initial Reservoir Depth. Plot the given points on logarithmic paper with storage as abscissa and reservoir depth as ordinate; then in equals the reciprocal of the slope of the straight line drawn through the given points, and the maximum storage equals that value corresponding to the maximum depth. c. Given: Storage, Depth, and Reservoir Surface Area at Initial Pool Elevation. The constant in is determined by the equation -(8) where A is the reservoir surface area. The storage curve is con- structed by drawing a straight line through the point (P.S) plotted on logarithmic paper (as in par. 10b) with a slope equal to the reciprocal of in. 7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 10d d. Given: Topographic Maps, Initial Depth. Construct the sto- rage curve by planhnetering areas for selected contours up to the initial reservoir elevation. Multiply the average area between adjacent contours by the contour interval and accumulate the products. Plot the accumulated storage against the countour elevation. S and in are determined as dis- cussed in paragraph b above. If the initial storage is given, then it is only necessary to planimeter the area at the initial contour eleva- tion and determine in according to equation (8). e. Given: Initial Depth, Initial Storage, Terrain Characteris- tics. The value of in for a reservoir of known terrain characteristics is selected from the following table of empirical values: Reservoir Type Lake Flood plain and foothill Hill Gorge In 1.0 to 1.5 1.5 to 2.5 2.5 to 3.5 3.5 to 4.5 11. Breach Discharge Hydrograph-Weirs. a. The breach discharge hydrograph for a parabolic, rectangular or triangular shaped breach at initial pool elevation is constructed by means of Plates 7 to 10. The time factor t/tk is shown as abscissa and 'al (ratio of depth of water in reservoir below bottom of breach to depth of water below initial reservoir elevation) is given as ordinate for values of discharge (Q/Qmax) with in as parameter. For each value of Q/Qmax enter the curves with the known laIl m, and breach shape and read the corresponding values of (t/tk). The term tk is defined as follows: tk = S @max Knowing the initial conditions, corresponding Q then, is: t S tk Qmax where or S = Qmax= S= Qmax= storage maximum storage maximum (9a) S and Qmax, the time in seconds for the in m3 and discharge in m3/sec; in ft3 and discharge in cfs. (9b) (The discharge hydrograph curves are usually constructed so that the time is expressed in hours.) The breach discharge hydrograph is then plotted with t as abscissa and Q as ordinate. b. The breach discharge hydrograph for a parabolic, rectangular, or triangular shaped breach or for pool elevations less than initial is constructed by means of Plate 4. The ratio Q/qmax for initial outflow is determined for the corresponding value of h/d. Entering the appro- priate hydrograph curves (Plates 7 to 10), the corresponding value of t is determined. The origin of the coordinates of the breach hydrograph 8 Par. llb is then moved t units to the right and the hydrograph determined as out- lined in a, above. c. A close approximation of the breach discharge hydrograph for an irregular or a trapezoidal shaped breach at initial pool elevation and at pool elevations less than initial can be determined by substituting a parabolic shape breach of equivalent Q and d (as outlined in paragraphs 8c to 8e, inclusive) and applying the methods for determination of the discharge hydrograph outlined in paragraphs ha and b above, using the curves for a parabolic breach. 12. Breach Discharge Hydrograph-Orifice. The breach hydrograph for the orifice type of breach is obtained in the same manner as for the weir type, using the curves on Plate 10. The discharge is obtained as discussed in paragraph 9 and the storage is computed according to para- graph 10. 13. Sample Computations. Four examples are presented in this sec- tion and exhibited on Plate Nos. 11 to 15. The problems are repre- sentative of the various initial conditions and given basic data that might be available for the determination of the breach hydrographs. The problems are discussed in the following order: an arch dam with parabolic weir and orifice breaches, a gravity dam with a trapezoidal breach, a buttress dam with a rectangular breach, and a breached dam with flood inflow into the reservoir at the time of breaching. Solu- tions of these problems follow: a. Arch Dam: Parabolic Weir and Orifice Breaches (Plate No 11) (1) Situation: It is known that the enemy is preparing for an assault crossing of a certain river defended by our troops. The river is of such width and depth that amphibious equipment will be re- quired. At the headwaters of the river is a high power dam under our control. It is planned to prevent the enemy crossing the river by des- troying his floating bridge equipment by means of flood waves released from the dam. (2) Known Data: Construction drawings furnish the following information on the dam and reservoir (see fig. 1, Plate No 11): type of construction crest length maximum reservoir depth width (crest) width (base) maximum pool elevation minimum power pool maximum storage storage available for power concrete arch 140 m 120 in 3.5 in 13.5 in 980 in above ms1 905 in above ms1 72.8(106) m3 70.0(106) m3 (3) Assumptions: It is assumed that the following breaches in the dam could be created by demolition: (a) Parabolic breach in top of dam having a top width of 71 in and a depth of 25m. (b) Circular orifice breach near bottom of dam having a diameter of 30 in at elevation 920. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 13a The reservoir is now at maximum elevation and it is estimated that if cy- clic waves are first released through the regulation conduits the reser- voir will be drawn down 10 in at the time of breaching. (4) Required: The breach discharge hydrographs for: (a) Parabolic breach with pool at elevations 980 (b) Orifice breach with pool at elevations 980 (5) Parabolic Breach Computations: From equation (3) (712 2.0 2 x 25) and 970. and 970. C = For Clo = 2, the following .coordinates of the breach profile are from Plate No. 5: 'ILI 25(Y/d) 25(x/d) 1.0 1.42 25.0 35.5 .8 1.27 20.0 31.8 .6 1.09 15.0 27.2 .4 .89 10.0 22.2 .2 .63 5.0 15.8 Entering the curve for a parabola on Plate 3 with C = 2, then By definition, Qmax =2.7 d2?5 Qmax . 2.7( 25)2.5 . a . 120 - 25 = 0.79 120 8500 m3/sec obtained The constant in is computed as follows: the storage curve is plotted, (Plate 11), from the 2 points given, total storage (S) = 72.8(10)L6 at elev. 980 power storage 70.0(10)' then storage = 2.8(10)6 at elev. 905 . 7.1" . 3.4 2.1" The following coordinates of the breach hydrograph (fig. 2) are obtained by entering the curves on Plates 7a and 7b with !al equal to 0.79 and in equal to 3.4, where according to equation (9a) 10 ^. Par. 13a 8500 tk _ 72,8(10)6 . 8.57(10)3 PARABOLIC BREACH DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPHS Q _1(10)-5 tk Pool Elev. 980 Pool Elev. 970 t hours ,)Q m-5/sec t hours ,Q m-5/sec Q max 1.00 0.0 0.00 85oo .80 2.3 0.20 6800 .60 5.4 0.46 5100 .40 10.2 0.87 3400 .36 - 1.00 3060 0.0 3060 .30 14.2 1.22 2550 0.22 2550 .20 20.2 1.73 1700 0.73 1700 .15 25.8 2.21 1275 1.21 1275 .10 33.8 2.90 850 1.90 850 4 The discharge hydrograph for the condition where the reservoir surface is at elevation 970 at the time of breaching is obtained as follows: entering the curve for a parabola on Plate No. 4 with h = 15 = 0.60 -23 = 0.36 is obtained, and the new maximum Qmax discharge equals 0.36 x 8500 = 3060 m3/sec Inspection of the hydrograph for the parabolic breach at pool elevation 980 (fig. 2) shows that a discharge of 3060 m3/sec occurs at time 1.0 hours (nearest 0.1 hr). The origin of the hydrograph, therefore, is moved 1.0 hour to the right. (6) Orifice Breach Computations: The cross-sectional area of the breach is A =m( l5)2 = 707 m2 and the maximum head of water on the breach is d = 980 - 920 = 60m 11 11 j Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 r. Par. 13a then Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 A 707 -2 = 77677 m 0.196 d 0) Entering the curve for metric units on Plate No. 6, with then By definition, A/d2 Qmax = 0.196 = 0:52 = 0.52(60)2?5 = 14,500 1u3/sec a z . 0.50 P 120 Values of the breach hydrograph (tabulated below and plotted on fig. 2 Plate 11) are obtained by entering the curves on Plates 10a and 10b with fat equal to 0.50 and in equal to 3.4, tk . 72.8(10)6 14500 where - 5.01(10)3 ORIFICE BREACH DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPHS Q TII(10)-5 ic , Pool Elev. 980 Pool Elev. 970 t hours ,Q m)/sec t hours Q m3/sec Qmax 1.00 0.0 0.00 14,500 .91 0.40 13,200 0.00 13,200 .80 14.8 0.74 11,600 0.34 11,600 .60 24.2 1.21 8,700 0.81 8,700:-.1, .40 3o.4 1.52 5,800 1.12 5,800 .30 32.8 1.64 4,350 1.24 4,35o .20 34.6 1.73 2,900 1.33 2,900 .15 35.7 1.79 2,180 1.39 2,180 .10 36.5 1.83 1,450 1.43 11450 When the pool is at elevation 970 at time of breaching and 38 970 - 920 = Son -0.83 60 Entering the curve for the orifice on Plate No. 4 with h/d equal to 0.83, .2 . 0.91 is obtained, and the new Qmax 12 maximum discharge equals 0.91 x 14,500 = 13,200 m3/sec Inspection of the breach hydrograph for the orifice when the reservoir is at elevation 980 (fig. 2) shows that the discharge of 13,200 m3/sec occurs at time 0.40 hours. The origin of the coordinates therefore is moved 0.40 hours to the right. b. Gravity Dam: Trapezoidal Weir Breach (Plate No. 12) (1) Situation: A large reservoir located in the enemy's zone of interior is an important source of water for the heavy industries lo- cated in the valley downstream. In addition to supplying water for indus- trial use, the dam generates power, benefits navigation, and controls floods. The loss of this strategic source of water by destruction of the dam would seriously cripple the enemy's war effort. It is desired to evaluate the effects of the flood wave released by breaching the dam, upon industrial plants and military airfields situated in the flood plain be- low the dam. (2) Given Data: The dam is a rubble masonry gravity struc- ture, 400 in long with a maximum reservoir depth of 38m (see fig, 1 Plate No. 12). The reservoir has a maximum capacity of 200(10)0 m3 and the storage curve is given in fig. 3. (3) Assumptions: It is assumed that the dam can be breached by aerial attack or by sabotage. The breach is trapezoidal in shape and has a top width of 65 in, a bottom width of 20 m and a depth of 20 m be- low maximum pool elevation. It is planned to breach the dam when the reservoir is filled; however, the reservoir may be drawn down 5 in below maximum elevation at the time of attack. (4) Required: The breach discharge hydrographs when the reservoir is at elevations 245 and 240 in above msl at the time of breaching. (5) Computations: Separate the trapezoidal breach into its component parts; a triangle (45x20m) and rectangle (20x20m); then according to equations (1) and (2); Par. 13a and Ct Cr = 45 = 1.13 o.50 2 x 20 20 2 x 20 Ehtering the curves on Plate 3 with 1.13 and Cr = 0.50, then for the tri- angle; Qmax 1 d2.5 Qmax = and for the rectangle: Qmax_ d2?5 0)4 1.4(20)2.5 = 2500 m3/sec 1.7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 13 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 13b and Qmax then for the trapezoid; Qmax ' 1.7(20)2?S = 3050 m3/sec 2500 + 3050 = 5550 m3/sec The constant in equals the reciprocal of the slope of the storage curve plotted on logarithmic paper (fig. 3), .61 in 2.0 311 by definition, a 38 - 20 . 0.47 38 Values of the breach hydrograph, tabulated below are obtained by entering the curves on Plates 7a with 'a' equal to 0.47 and in equal to 2.0, where 200(10)6 tk ' 3.6(10)4 5550 and plotted on fig. 2, and 7h (parabolic breach) according to equation (9a) TRAPEZOIDAL BREACH DISCHARGE HYDROGRAPHS Q.t 7 (l0)5: -uk : : Pool Elev, 245 Pool Elev. 240 Qmax t hours Q m3/sec t hours ' Q m3/sec 1.00 0.0 0.0 5550 .80 3.4 1.2 4Y10 .60 8.0 2.9 3330 .58 - 3.0 3200 0.0 3200 .40 15.0 5.4 2220 2.4 2220 .30 20.5 7.4 166o 4.4 1660 .20 29.5 10.6 1110 7.6 1110 .15 37.0 13.3 830 10.3 830 .10 48.0 17.3 560 14.3 560 The discharge hydrograph for the condition where the pool is 5 m below the maximum elevation at time of breaching, is obtained as follows: Entering the curves on Plate 4 with h/d equal to 15/20, then for the triangle; and Q =0.49 Qmax Q = 0.49(2500) = 1200 m3/sec and for the rectangle; and Q = 0.65 Qmax Q = 0.65(3050 - 2000 m3/sec 114 Par. 13b then the new maximum discharge of the trapezoid is Q = 1200 + 2000 = 3200 m3/sec Inspection of the hydrograph for the trapezoidal breach at pool elevation 245 (fig. 2, Plate 12) shows that the discharge of 3200 m3/sec occurs at time 3.0 hours. The origin of the coordinates therefore is moved 3.0 hours to the right. Values of the hydrograph for pool elevation 240 at the time of breaching are tabulated above and plotted on fig. 2, Plate 12. c. Buttress Dam: Rectangular Weir Breach (Plate No. 13) (1) Situation: An "Ambursen" type of buttress dam producing hydroelectric power is vulnerable to enemy attack. In the event the dam is breached, hydroelectric power not only will be lost, but important military bridging downstream will be endangered. (2) klown Data: The following information is known (fig. 1, Plate 13); type of construction slab and buttress crest length 900 ft maximum reservoir depth 100 ft buttresses 18 ft on centers normal operating pool 8110 ft above msl normal operating capacity 50,000 acre-ft normal reservoir surface area 1,500 acres (3) Assumptions: A rectangular breach 50 ft below normal operation and 140 ft long is assumed by the destruction of eight slabs and seven buttresses down to elevation 790. At the time of attack the reservoir may be at any elevation between 817 ft above msl and the nor- mal elevation 840 ft above msl. (4) Required: The breach discharge hydrographs for eleva- tions of 840 and 817. (5) Computations: According to equation (1) cr 140 =1.140 2 x 50 Entering the curve on Plate 2 with Cr = 1.40 Qmax = 8.7 d2.5 Qmax = 8.7(50)2.5 = and 153,800 cfs According to equation (8) 100 x 1500 in == 3.0 50,000 By definition,a - = 100 5? = 0.50 100 Values of the breach hydrograph, tabulated below and plotted in fig. 2, are obtained by entering the curves on Plates 8a and 8b (rectangular breach) with lat equal to 0.50 and in = 3.0, where according to equation (9a) 15 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 f Par. 13c tk = 5(10)4 4.36(10)4 . 1.42(10)4 1.538(10)5 RECTANGULAR BREACH DISCHARGE H/DROGRAPHS Q _ t -5 ilic Pool Elev, 840 Pool Elev 817 Qmax t hours Q cfs t hours Q lfs 1.00 0.0. 0.00 153,800 .80 5.9 0.84 ' 123,000 .60 13.0 1.85 92,300 .40 22.2 3.16 61,5oo o.00 61,500 .30 28.8 4.09 46,200 0.93 46,200 .20 37.5 5.32 30,800 2.16 301800 .15 44.8 6.35 23,100 3.19 23,100 .10 52.5 7.46 15,400 4.30 15,400 The discharge hydrograph for the condition when initially the reservoir is 23 ft below normal is obtained as follows: Enter1 rig the curve for a rectangle on Plate No. 4 with h . 27 . 0.54 d 50 0.140 is obtained and the new maximum discharge is Qmax 0.40 x 153,800 . 61,500 cfs Inspection of the above tabulation when the reservoir is at elevation 840 at the time of breaching indicates that the discharge 61,500 cfs occurs at 3.16 hours. The origin of the coordinates of the hydrograph are there- fore moved 3.16 hours to the right. d. Reservoir Inflow: Conventional Routing (Plate Nos. 14, 15) (1) Situation: The reservoir of the arch dam (see par. 13b and Plate 11) is at spillway level, discharging 20 m3/sec. It is pro- posed that another dam, situated upstream from the arch dam be breached in order that the resulting flood wave will bring the reservoir of the arch dam to the maximum elevation before breaching. (2) Initial Conditions: The following information is known in addition to the data given in par. 13b(2). The spillway is a gated structure discharging into a side-channel and then into a tunnel driven through rock around the right abutment. The spillway crest is at eleva- tion 974 and is discharging 20 m3/s. It is assumed that all the spillway gates are open and can not be closed. The spillway rating curve is ahowil in figure 1, Plate No. 14. The parabolic breach (fig. 1, Plate No. 11) is assumed at the time the reservoir reaches the maximum elevation. The breach discharge hydrograph from the dam upstream has been routed down 16 ^ Par. 13d to the reservoir of the arch dam by the methods described in M. H. Bulletin No. 10 and is shown as the inflow hydrograph in figure 2, Plate No. 14. (3) Required: The time of breaching of the arch dam to pro- duce the highest stages downstream and the breach discharge hydrograph. (4) each Rating Curve Computations: The maximum discharge for the parabolic breach was computed in paragraph 13b(4) and is equal to 8500 m3/sec when the reservoir water surface is at elevation 980 in. Assuming various reservoir elevations, the parabolic curve on Plate No. 4 is entered with the various h/d values to obtain Q/Qmax. The values of Q, thus obtained, are tabulated below and plotted as the breach discharge curve in figure 1, Plate No. 14. BREACH RATING CURVE Res. Elev. m above ms1 h m h/d Q/Qmax m3/sQ 980 25 1.00 1.00 8500 978 23 .92 .85 7220 976 21 .84 .705 6000 974 19 .76 .57 4850 972 17 .68 .46 3910 970 15 .60 .36 3060 968 13 .52 .27 2290 966 11 .44 .195 166o 964 9 .36 .13 1100 962 7 .28 .08 68o 960 5 .20 .04 340 955 o .00 .00 o (5) Storage Curve Computations: The reservoir storage plotted logarithmically in figure 3, Plate No. 11 is replotted on Cartesian coordinates in figure 1, Plate No. 14. (6) Outflow Hydrograph Computations: The discharge hydrograph is obtained by the conventional level pool reservoir routing method which is based upon the premise that inflow volume minus outflow volume equals the change in the volume of storage. The procedure and computations are shown on Plate No, 15. The discharge hydrograph is shown as the outflow curve in figure 2, Plate No. 14. Upon obtaining a reservoir elevation 979.7 the inflow becomes less than the outflow and the pool level starts to fall. At that time (2.4 hours after inflow rate started to increase) the arch dam was breached producing a flow of 8320 m3/sec through the breach and 920 m3/sec over the spillway. The combined spillway and breach discharge vs elevation curve was used for the initial routings to obtain the recession side of the breach hydrograph. 14. Conclusions. a. The amount of storage in the reservoir and the depth of the breach have the greatest effect on the discharge hydrograph. The breach shape has a lesser effect. If a parabolic weir breach is assumed, regardless of the actual breach shape, the error in discharge at any time will not exceed 8 percent of the maximum discharge. 17 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 14a b. The methods presented in this chapter do not apply if eighty percent or more of the breach is submerged. In each problem then, tail- water conditions should be investigated. Also, if the inflow into the reservoir is relatively high, compared to the volume of storage, the meth- ods are not applicable. In these cases, the flow should be routed through the reservoir and breach by conventional methods. 18 Par, 15 CHAPTER III LARGE BREACHES 15. Fundamental Considerations. a. For purposes of this study, a "large" breach is defined as one whose area is greater than one-sixth that of the average reservoir cross-sectional area. For this condition, fric- tional resistance of flow through the reservoir becomes an important factor, and the procedures developed in Chapter II for small breaches will not give acceptably accurate results, as explained in paragraph 2f. Therefore, in this chapter, there are presented the basic theory, assumptions, and com- putation procedures for outflow through a large breach opening with the objective of developing a rapid procedure which will be sufficiently accu- rate for solution of most military problems of this nature. b. Experiments indicate that there are primarily three regimes of flow from a reservoir when a dam is breached. The first regime is of short duration, and is controlled by potential flow theory in which only laminar-viscous effects are significant. The second regime of flow is a transitional phase in which the flow is changing from potential to turbu- lent flow conditions. This regime has not been analyzed mathematically at this time, since there is no known method for computing the flow which is governed by a changing frictional effect. The first and second re- gimes of flow occur in such a short time interval that they are of little practical significance to military hydrology. The third regime of flow occurs when the effect of turbulence is fully developed and frictional effects become appreciable. c. Model studies have been made representing a rectangular reservoir with a horizontal bottom and of infinite length, while reser- voirs normally encountered in the field by military hydrologists have varying bottom slopes. Model studies have been conducted at hydraulic laboratories in Russia, Yugoslavia, France and other countries; however, data are usually for specific problems and limited in application. d. The basic theory and assumptions used in deriving the dimen- sionless outflow hydrographs for the three following conditions of breaching are considered for a dam impounding a reservoir of uniform width and constant bottom slope: (1) The dam suddenly and completely removed; (2) The top half of the dam removed for its entire width (3) The dam partially breached by a rectangular section extending from the top of the dam to the reservoir bottom. 16. Reservoirs. Large earth dams on alluvial streams normally have a large length to height ratio. The cross-sectional area of the broad flood plain is usually many times greater than the area of the channel cross section. The land also normally rises sharply at the extreme width of the river valley. Reservoirs with these characteristics were assumed, for purpose of this study, to have a rectangular valley cross section nor- mal to the direction of flow. The river channel and flood plain slopes of a long reservoir can often be considered equal and constant throughout their lengths. The initial reservoir longitudinal cross section, parallel to the direction of flow, was therefore assumed to be a triangle with the height equal to the height of the dam and the length equal to the length 19 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 16 of the reservoir. The reservoir width was assumed to be equal to the flood plain width, and the reservoir depth equal to the depth of pool over the flood plain. This latter assumption neglects the river-channel area below the elevation of the flood plain, as it was considered negligible in comparison with the area above the wide flood plain. The flood plain was considered of such width that an analysis based on the unit width of reservoir was sufficiently accurate for military hydrology purposes. 17. Effective Width. The effective width of a reservoir is defined as a width equivalent to the uniform width of an idealized prismatic reservoir, with triangular longitudinal profile, wherein the length, depth, and stor- age capacity are identical to the given reservoir. The effective width of a reservoir was determined as follows: a. In the cases of the Complete breach and the Vertical-partial width breach: B = 2 Jrzjlih (1) where B = effective reservoir width = initial storage above the breach lip L = length of reservoir h = depth from the initial water surface to the bottom of the breach b. In the case of the half depth-full width B = 1.33 VAL where all terms are defined above. breach: (2) 18. Average Reservoir Bott2111222. The average bottom reservoir was computed as the initial depth of water at the the reservoir length. So = Ho/L where So = average reservoir bottom slope Ho = specific head (initial depth of reservoir at dam) slope of the dam divided by (3) 19. Roughness Coefficient. The standing timber and willows in a re- servoir basin are usually removed prior to filling. Due to the clearing of the river overbank areas, and the depths of flow in the reservoir com- pared to the normal flood depths, the value of the coefficient of rough- ness was assumed to be constant throughout the given problem and related to the initial depth of flow at the dam. The outflow hydrographs were computed with a coefficient of roughness of 0.030, when the initial pool depth was taken as 50 meters. 20. Dam Completely Removed. The various assumptions, used in deter- mining the outflow hydrograph fr9m a relatively long, narrow reservoir when the dam is suddenly and completely removed, are as follows: a. The initial discharge and depth of the surge was determined by the equations of St. Venant: Y = (4/9)H0 20 (4) where Rmax Y Qmax = H0= B = g (8/27)13(g)0.51101.5 depth of flow at the dam initial discharge through the breach specific head (initial depth of reservoir at dam) effective reservoir width gravitational constant (5) Par. 20a The above equations are applicable in both the English and metric system of units. b. The characteristics of the outflow from a breached dam change with time. The initial outflow was assumed to be equal to the theoretical discharge computed by Equation 5 of subparagraph Han above and to remain constant until the critical profile for maximum flow was obtained. A water surface profile for the lower limit of maximum discharge was com- puted by the general method of steady, gradually-varied flow. The compu- tation procedure was modified slightly to adjust for the unsteady nature of the flow in the reservoir. It was assumed that the discharge de- creased between the dam and the head of the negative wave in proportion to the distance upstream from the dam. Since the entire length of the pro- file was not initially known, the length of each reach of the backwater curve was assumed and adjusted by trial after the entire preliminary pro- file was computed. The starting elevation of the profile was assumed to be one-half the initial depth of the reservoir in accordance with experi- mental tests and also in reasonable agreement with the theory of St. Venant. The outflow was assumed to remain constant until the volume of released storage equaled the storage over the water surface profile described above. The fluid upstream of the negative wave was assumed to be at rest and to have no effect on the outflow. Profiles with discharges less than the initial discharge were computed in the same manner as described above and are shown on Plate 16. The limit of this regime of flow was assumed to have been reached when the discharge at the dam equalled that computed by Manningls equation with a slope equal to the ratio of one-half the depth below the initial pool elevation to the reservoir length as shown by the profile for 90 m3/sec on Plate 16. The peak stage of the flood wave was assumed to move downstream from the dam when the discharge equalled the normal discharge at one-half the initial depth of the reservoir. Following this time this water surface profile in the reservoir was assumed to be nearly a straight line which pivoted about the upper end of the reservoir. The discharge at the dam for the remainder of the outflow was computed by Manningvs equation with a slope equal to the ratio of the depth below the Initial pool to the reservoir length. A coefficient of roughness of 0.030 and an initial depth of approximately 50 meters were used for all computa- tions. 21. Half Depth-Full Width Breach. The assumptions described in Par. 16 to 20 for the reservoir shape and with the dam completely removed, are generally applicable to the condition in which the top half of the dam is removed for its entire width. The total storage released was the volume above the breach lip for all computations. The additional assumptions used 21 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 A ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par,, 21 in determining the outflow hydrograph are as follows: a. The initial peak discharge over the breach lip was computed by a modified St. Venant's equation: Qmax = (8/27)B(Ho/h) 0.33(g)0.5h1.5 (6) h = depth from the initial water level in the reservoir to the bottom of breach. The ratio of the term (110/h) should not ex- ceed 6. Other terms are defined in Par.20. b. The outflow characteristics over the breach lip were assumed to be similar to the flow conditions over a broad crested weir. The peak outflow from the opening was assumed to be equal to the theoretical discharge computed by the modified St. Venant equation given in sub- paragraph "a" above abd to remain constant until the critical profile for maximum flow was obtained. The discharge over a broad crested weir at the time and following conditions of the critical profile is based on the theory of critical flow at critical depth under steady flow conditions. The initial surge from a dam breached to one half depth is unsteady flow, according to the theory of St. Venant, and equals about 70 percent of the critical discharge of a broad crested weir. The controlling water surface profile for the maximum discharge was computed in the same manner as described in paragraph 20b. The starting elevation, however, was assumed to be equal to the sum of the critical depth above the weir and the velocity head a short distance upstream from the opening for the peak discharge. The initial discharge was assumed to remain constant un- til the volume of released storage equaled the storage over the critical water surface profile for maximum discharge. Profiles with discharges less than the initial discharge were computed as described above. The limit of this regime of flow occurs when the reservoir is emptied to the elevation of the breach lip. A coefficient of roughness of 0.030 was used for all computations. The local phenomenon of drawdown at the breach was neglected as the storage immediately over the drawdown profile was con- sidered small in comparison to the storage above the entire water surface profile in the reservoir. 22. Full Depth-Partial Width Breach. The assumptions described for the complete breach (Par. 16 to 20) are generally applicable to a verti- cal breach extending from the top of the dam to the bottom of the reser- voir and with a breach width less than the effective reservoir width. The assumptions as to reservoir shape, effective reservoir width, co- efficient of roughness and storage indication are the same as for the complete breach. Outflow hydrographs were computed to compare the effects of various breach widths for a given size reservoir and with a fixed bottom slope. The breach widths varied from a very small opening, in which friction was not a predominant factor, B/b >12, to a breach of full reservoir width in which friction was of considerable importance. The values for the extreme conditions were taken from Chapter II and Plate 18 of this manual respectively. Various bottom slopes were selected for purposes of computation. The additional assumptions made for a vertical breach of partial widths are as follows: 22 II Par. 22 a. The initial peak discharge was computed by the St. Venant e- quation as modified by Schoklitsch. Qmax (8/27)b( Bib)0025( g) 005H0105 where b = breach width Other terms are defined in Par. 20 b. The characteristics of the outflow from a breach of full depth and partial width may affected by the tailwater conditions below the dam. This is particularly true for lesser discharges when the tailwater depth is relatively high with respect to the headwater. A tailwater rating curve was computed with an assumed downstream channel, equal to the reser- voir cross sectional areas and with the channel bottom slope assumed equal to the average reservoir bottom slope. (1) Several tailwater discharge rating curves were computed for the breach condition. One such discharge rating curve was computed by use of the submerged weir equation derived in "Submerged-.Weir Discharge Studies", by James R. Villemonte, ENR 25 Dec. 1947. Also a discharge rating curve was computed by the Francis weir equation with the discharge coeffi- cient and the submergence coefficient derived from the Guntersville Dam Study for TVA as given in ASCE Separate No. 626, Feb. 1955. The two rating curves were compared with the discharges computed by equation (7) and found to be within reasonable agreement. The discharge rating curves used on this study for breaches of full depth and partial widths were computed by equation (7), and established the starting elevations for the water surface profiles. (2) Water surface profiles were computed through the reservoir in the same general manner as described for the complete breach (Par. 20). The starting elevations of the water surface profiles were determined from the discharge rating curve for the assumed breach discharges. The unit width discharges used for the computation of the water surface profiles, however, were less than the unit width breach discharge because of the change in flow areas. The reservoir cross sectional area being larger than the breach area, the breach discharge was reduced proportional to the ratio b/B. The discharges in the reservoir were also assumed to decrease in proportion to the distance upstream from the dam as for the other breach conditions. 23. Basis of Computations. Outflow hydrographs were computed as a function of the reservoir bottom slope for the conditions of a complete breach and a breach of half depth and full width. The range of bottom slopes selected was from 0.0001 to 0.003 which was assumed to be repre- sentative of those slopes usually encountered in field operations. The outflow hydrographs from a vertical breach of partial widths were computed with the same range of bottom slopes as given above, but with varying breach width ratios. Each of the reservoir routings were computed by a storage method of flood routing as described in the following paragraph. 24. Routing Procedure. a. The storage method of flood routing, as developed by "Pills", was used in determining the outflow hydrograph for this study. This method of reservoir routing is a conventional storage Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 23 4.tc riP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 24a method of routing based on the law of continuity, and is At(I-0) = AS expressed as follows: (8) which states that inflow minus outflow equals the change in storage. Equa- tion 8 was rewritten in terms of inflow, outflow and storage at the begin- ning and end of the routing step as follows: where 11+12 01 02 t + S1 9 t S2 2 t 2 is the rate of inflow 0 is the rate of outflow S is the storage t is a selected interval of time (9) Subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the beginning and end of time t. The second and third terms of equation 9 are known as the storage indica- tion values at the beginning and end of the routing period. Storage indi- cation curves were developed as follows: (1) The volume of storage was computed under each of the instantaneous water surface profiles described in Par. 20 to 22. (2) The product of one half the profile discharge at the breach and a routing time increment was computed for time increments of 1 min,, 15 min., 1 hour, 4 hours and 24 hours. (3) The storage indication values were determined as the sum of steps (1) and (2) for each selected time increment, and the storage in- dication curves were plotted with discharge (0) as ordinate against the corresponding storage indication value (S + Ot/2) as abscissa. Smooth curves were drawn connecting the points of equal time values. (4) In equation 9 all known terms are on the left and all un- knowns on the right. Routing is accomplished by solving for the right 'land term (S2 +__4200 t) of the equation. The value of 02 is computed from the 2 02 relation between 02 and (S2 +7 t) which was described above as the storage-indication curve. Each term of equation 9 represents a volume. If 11, 12, OD and 02 are expressed in units of cubic feet per second and Si and S2 are expressed in units of cubic feet, it follows that "t" must be expressed in units of seconds. Assuming no inflow into the reservoir equation 9, becomes: 01 , Si u 2 02 = S2 +_.__t t (10) b. With the aid of the storage indication curves the solution of equation 10 was effected as follows: for the initial routing period, the storage indication corresponding to the maximum discharge (OD was 2)4 Par. 24b determined from the storage indication curve. The volume of storage re- leased in the routing step was determined as the product of the discharge at the beginning of the step (01) and the time increment of the step (t). The value of the released storage (Olt) was subtracted from the storage indication described above, and is represented by: 01 01 Si + t - Olt = Si - t (11) 2 2 The right hand term of equation 11 is equal to S2 + (02/2)t as determined by equation 10. The discharge at the end of the step (02) was determined from the storage indication curve as the discharge corresponding to the storage indication value of equation 11. This discharge then became the beginning discharge for the next routing step. The reservoir outflow was routed with small time increments (1 min. to 1/)4 hour - varying for dif- ferent bottom slopes) for the first portion of the routings. The time in- crements were then increased when the change in the discharge rate for each routing step became reasonably small. The value (Olt) should be a reasonable approximation to the storage released during the routing step. The routing proceeded in the above manner until the entire storage above the breach was released from the reservoir. 25. Outflow Hydrographs. a. Each of the outflow hydrographs deter- mined by the routing procedure of Par. 24 was converted to a dimensionless hydrograph for general application. The dimensional hydrographs were transformed by dividing the instantaneous discharge by the maximum dis- charge, and the time by a dimensional time factor. The dimensional time factor was determined as the ratio of the initial reservoir storage to the maximum discharge. The dimensionless outflow hydrographs for the dams completely removed from the reservoirs are shown on Plate 17. The dimensionless outflow hydrographs for the other breach conditions were computed in a similar manner as for the complete breach but are not shown. The outflow hydrographs for a vertical breach with partial widths were computed as a function of the ratio of breach width to ef- fective reservoir width. b. The dimensionless outflow hydrographs then were cross plotted as a function of the bottom slope for four breach conditions: (1) Complete breach (2) Half width-full depth breach (3) One fifth width-full depth breach (4) Full width - one half depth breach The hydrographs were plotted as bottom slope (ordinate) and dimensionless time (abscissa) with the ratios of discharges (QAmax) as the parameter and are shown on Plates 18, 19, 20 and 21, respectively. c. The dimensionless outflow hydrographs from the vertical breach with partial widths may, by use of Plates 18, 19 and 20, be cross- plotted as a function of the breach width ratios. Plate 22 is given as an example to illustrate the process. The breach width ratios (breach width/effective reservoir width) were plotted against the dimensionless time factor (abscissa) with the ratios of the discharges plotted as the parameter. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 25 r te. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ? 50-Yr 2013/10/25: CIA-RDP81-01043R002300060002-4 Par. 26 26. Method of Computation. a. The breach outflow hydrograph from a dam that has been completely removed from the reservoir is computed as follows: (1) From the basic data of the problemIdetermine the effective reservoir width and average bottom slope of the reservoir by equations (1) and (3) respectively. (2) Enter Plate 18 with the average reservoir bottom slope (ordinate) and determine the dimensionless time factor (abscissa) for each ratio of Q/Qmax. (3) Compute the initial peak discharge by equation (5), Par. 20a (4) Compute the dimensional time factor as the ratio of the initial reservoir storage to the initial total peak discharge. (5) The outflow breach hydrograph is determined as: (a) the product of the dimensionless time factors of step (2) and the dimensional time factor of step (4) and plotted as the abscissa; (b) the product of the ratios Q/Qmax and the initial peak discharge of step (3) are plotted as ordinate for the corresponding values of time. b. The outflow hydrograph from a dam that has had the top half removed for its entire width is computed in the same general manner as described in sub-paragraph (a) above: (1) The effective reservoir width is computed by equation (2); and the average bottom slope is computed by equation (3). (2) The dimensionless time factor for each ratio of Q/Qmax is determined from Plate No. 21; (3) The initial peak discharge is computed by equation (6); (4) The outflow breach hydrograph is determined as described in steps (4) and (5) in subparagraph (a) above. c. The outflow hydrograph from a vertical opening with various width ratios for an average bottom slope of 0.00019 is computed as follows: (1) Determine the effective reservoir width in the same manner as described in subparagraph (a) above. (2) Compute the ratio of the breach width to the effective reservoir width. (3) Enter Plate 22 with the breach width ratios of step (2) and determine the dimensionless time factor for each ratio of 00max. (4) The outflow breach hydrograph is then determined in the same manner as described in steps (4) and (5) of subparagraph (a) above. d. The outflow hydrograph from a vertical opening with various width ratios for any average bottom slope is computed as follows: (1) From Plates 18, 19 and 20 read the dimensionless time ratio for each parameter at the selected bottom slope. From Plate 22 read the dimensionless time ratio for each parameter at breach width ratio of .083 (B/b -.