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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 R STAT Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 x, v-- c: ??111 CFLAt-'7=Y AVOEtT (11:-..2crt /To. II) =TS IC.V.T.D.3D3 for ECC2I Y2.3=-Cr 'INAYLTiO3 Pericd. emcf Jen. 1, 19510,11=-. 30, 1,3f).11 OUJoct s Tho ob,:act cf t1aaovcao:pnt -13 to ca_--,duct ot=-.-edy cnd roarcb :related 'co t f -alcricoti and of froguszaoi tramolorlor-s ane, to oatabLi_ah irrczocribexl =Uccle for thoir Cs? ???????.. STAT ? . ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 = 5- Ii .474 TAMIZ OF C01,12.1T 1. FOR?0,23 2. A2832ACT 3. LtmAstr.Fx, earrewrs &COlureatellCin 3.1 Bac:Am Reviewed 3.2 Cferances FACII.JAL DATA 4.1 LiteroturG Rov-icrA 4.2 Couulc:1 Circuit Work 4.3 Ton-soroturo Coefficient Work 4.4 Universal Coil Stud/ 4.5 Litz Wire Studies 4.6 Shi aiding Study 4.7 Writing 3. cc:Mimi= 6. MAUS FOR FOILIMI quail= 7. Rs ISIAT.r.or PEOIREaS 8. l'ATE.W.P3 9. .u.:_Sr.L.2.3.CATIOrti OF MOTLICIAM APFE.a= A ? APW'CTITT B A..1'PrO-Ma C Tocbrleal Foqttiro=nte ? Circuit Dias:a= %bat rata OUrree and Graph& 1 2 3 3 14 9 9 11. 17 22 20 24 26 27 28 29 ? Code rtrabera for Materiala Tested T2-eat=rit Material& Addition& tot Wirt" Coil Foam Materials - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 ER4 ? ?Me ???-? 1 Tho objective or thin devolognent in tho ontoblinh=snt of prencrilad dtbodn of optinnm electrical and raohamical potga of raiSio frequency trenefonxira for rglitary cmlicaticon. Tbin ob.5aotiTe van conoi&ezod 17 ti53 Sar7iC00 to le bent ncired j 1=anontotion of the rosulto ot this develexisant in the farm of a &coign rmnuel cm haniboo vhieb uould be co.T4I1ete in all onocts tgoludingzatsrieln of occutruntion, molytical an& eignioal design, tont rothalo end ell a:a:4r necosc=7 imereromon in- foce=ntion. The sTocitlo rognirerentn covering the DCA= of the development togpther ith thou, electrical mi phynical paramotcva or deicyhie4 ere of railitavy intortat are1-.t....stratecl in detail In tho Tr? 6.L .Rov---Ixen-L.??1ta for thin c=tract entitled "Design Mothed for Eigh PraTacnoy Tronnformre '-.tted. 8 Jamta77 /953, a cosy of whieb ig 4,,,ou2o1 ea Amendlx A of thin epert. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 z ? sc. to-7' 2. AMSTRACT ? A diocusoien of contcuporary literature with particular emphasis of recogmlzed ehortcoadngs, opene thin report. Progrees is reported in coupled circuit work at frequencieo both higher and lower than Inc original 455 ko. The final form of temperature coel:ficient testing equip- ment is described no are Mailings relative to the effect upon coil stability of vire inoulations and. coil farm raterialn. This section of the report appears in two colunn format with all linos juotified, having been prepared on a VariTyper as an example of the approximate form to be foIlaie,d in the DesignManual. Advances in the universal coil etudy dealing with multiple- pi windingo and with the effect upon Q of varying toists per foot of Litz wire are discussed. A report an progreso in writing the variouo Chaptera of the manual and the presentation of test data complutea thio report. -2- ? _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12: -R 1- flOnnn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 , -4 ,41.11't; .-1 4 3./triV176 COUTACTS AHD CoNFMElf ???????..a.m. 3.1 B:ole; Reviewed Geriano, Willie= F. "Dan Inductively Ccuplfxl Trainin ME -"MCP!, 1954 Cecrcra, licvard 17.Z?NORY O rnTflSALraiwroms, ccii WindlinEquipment Co., (Voter Day, 11en York, Eicczaoy) Koitb RADIO EIRECIaERVG T-.:AorooK, 3rd gilition Book Co., New York, 19141 Katz, George "affective Temperature of Ircn ?ender Ceres" ILSCTBZChLW.A141.1FACTITKEIG, February 1954 Lafferty, R. R. "Effective 1.-"ormabi1ity of CY111-Prica1 Iron Corea" TIIE-TECTI, February 19514 19514 f urth , COLL WfliDflS, lot Edition, Geor.E,-e Stevenn MI's. Co., ChicaGo Sziklai, G.C. and Schroeder, A. C. "Cathode Coupled Wide Band ie_rplifiere", FROCE.a.u?IIIGS OF lad, October 19145, G. C . end Schroeder, A. C. "Band Food ioc1 T 11ot=erk for Telovinion Frocueney AmpLifioran, Frs..(;)=07ISGS OF IRE, Octetor 1945 Tern.. In, F. 3. FAV.r..0 RAI1131n0a, lot Editiom 14cCr-111 11 Book Co.) 19143 11077.3:01C, Boonton Radio Core., Sminr 19514 Mabel, H. "Federal Band. Dees 'ficesc.3-3ba", Fodor:t1 Tale-e)Jone Radio Ccroraticn, 1946 Soder?, J. F. Ito. 25 I:oactance Uor:or7.a--ab,1.1"Kr:7-?TECE, Marob 19514 Torman, Ir. Z. ELROiICISEAc.:XIMaNIS, 2nd Edition 14oGraw-11.111. Book Co., Raw York, 1952 -3- ? I. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00220015onm4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 '-:C?. - ,-,-.7 --:-. , .4-m 1. ...?e ,....-,.. ? ,z?-???.? ?? ?- - ? .3.2 Conferences ? 114 January 195,4 Place: Auton.r.:7-ic Manufacturing Corporation lIcvark, 21ea Jersey In Attend.ancet .14osaz-s. H. SE110:3023 Irv-ingtCar Varnish arid. Insulatim Company A. !I. Hadley - Auto:antic Manufacturing corp=ation Pta?-pc/act General dieoussion of pro-ea on this nrojoct and of insulation Prone= in ganoral. Particular emphasio paid to insulations mad? un of Mylar filza both aine,ly and in combina- ti= with4.-_,a-cor, fiber, rInd cuinterra. Conclusions Irvington Varnish will continue to crapply teohtrIcal Lata and. sar.-,nlos whenovor requested. * * ? * 22 January 19514 Plaoot Autcrritic Minufacturing Corporation Ustrark, Ncra Jersey In Attensi.anoet Messrs. G. Ta.r.-ratta - Air Force, wrieat Field D. Fad.ora - Cc-r*?",s, Silateir Laboratory J. P. '1.`acr Aut.c.-ratic Manufacturing CarPoration A. 14. Hadley - Automatic Manura?atarina Corperatim Pirr-oeeet General disc:x:10_0n of the project and of the ,---amtal which in to conatitute the final report. no proposed oratline for that nanual and the first quarterly r,:".-.:.ort were discussed. point by point aryl suggestions wero offered by the Service nzproaentativea aa to erectly that portions would be of greatost value to then. Among the specific pointa discasoed woret a. Roarrangonernt of the material in Part / nore in accord with its physleal Jroportios. -4- . ? ? ? I. 1 I I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 m? - 1 1 'L4 2__.__-__j'-'" ;A- InclusIori of a se-aerate (notion with Good. deeiga -Dractices. C. Incluzion of a scroe;cato meoxioca (ca? chapter) dealin8 (or c2".apter) on finivhea. (Stamping and to b.e includ.e(1 in this aeotlea),, Arriar,r...3m3nt of the text of tho manual in a mannor permitting extraction On II con.rplato amd ee-carate aectien of that -oortion of the manual dea1t:2G with desicp mthale. Conoluaion: Automatio Manufactta?ing Corporation will attempt to foliar: all reoomencititiooe c..T theesarr',...ciaz. 5 February 1954 Placa: McGraw-Hill Book Cor3tany, New York, II. Y. Attenannce: Metiers. Keith Bonney - Robert Craig - Iooriard J. P. Tuch-or - A. M. Hadley - Prose McGraw-Bill Book Company, Inc. McGrew-E111 Book Company, Inc. Mcra?aw-hill Book Cotrlany, Ino. Autt...?Jatic Manufacturing Corporation Autaz_atic Manufacturing Corpor.ratica Diecursica of the -.)..arto that ntilt play In r.rovicling AutoEatic. manuf.acturing Corporatim with editorial &Ina other neoistunco in the jxroorotion of tho Desirn ML.IN CCM al I/1310M Automatic blanufooturing Corncration will forward. Guth of the r--ratscrit me in in readineea. McGraw-Hill will read. thin rnnuncript an4. offer m?itician and. true-Bea-time. A proaosal oontring the coat ocr P.raw-111.111a partici2ation will then be crigm.tlfra. to Automatic Manufactuzring Corporat-.1=. C. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 _- ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 , 43: c.) , 15 February 1954 Place: &pie:. 310301 Laboratory Fort Mcmmth, New jeraoy Atteryiance: Meears. D. - t1 Cor, Sgirior Laboratory z.ana - Squitir Iabosratory Allccca - Sir.z1 Ccri)s, z.gulor LaboratcrY A. - Auto=tic Manufieturin,,-; Car-aeration Pn.reoao: Gzoici dineuaaion of n-roE;f,ss or tide lrojeet. oha4atera o telta..-.teriel left with the rvie- resecteti7es for con.m.nts. Cenci-231=4s: Aft?Ir reeding the 1.71:casrilet, eel-rico representatives ? will fcraard. conzacnta to Auto:se-tic'olannfactu.rinG 13 February 1954 Place: Sguier blcpul Laboratory Port Uza Jereey In Attoadance: neac-s. D. .7.11er3 -5.t1 Car3e, SquIr:r Mua1Laboratory A. Rand - Sioul Laoaretory 3. - 5Ina1 Coc, Sciaier Sial Lab=atory 1.?xiley - Lutc.mtie Corperation ? P1=1"203 Oenerel d.locuzsionof vac.. v:ith zurtictacr e4e cm re2crte end c,-fncult-znts. ConcluaiGmel ti WG z3ncr3ll7C^-retla 17:12t W:Wk a:amid continue In acecrEcnoe with the plane or-1E441.11y 1-yea out for thia yroject ena that erateic ecaaultamts should tC tWCUE:ht into 213j at the earliest 2oncible dato. * * * * * 2 March 1954 Placa: Autonatic Nanufacturimg Cori;cratien Neverk, New Jersey Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 A ? 24. In Atte1:113os: Mutsr.2. 11. J. relic's - ML-2no3cta Ninins & Ufg. Ccox:f P.? - Automatic 'LanufacturingCccntion Par,oset Einclvieion of the.1.:,'3U0 on this ?roject to date. Specific aincurnic= of ceTToaion arcbioma. ttr4 Dollop aikAiel a co ?-1,7 of a roc:lent correalen re.?ort .1;ropared by Dote Mining Mfg. Coueor.:i which dofinitoly supports tho theory that materials containing cy3l1u1ese :zey, certain con:litione, incluc.* ulectraytic corrceion. Cio1uoon I. Bones will follow tbo remaining atate of -Obis project closoly and troviclo all 7.)oeciblo asoistanoo. * * * * * 12 March 1954 McGraw-FA-Al 'Book Co=1)any, :New Yce-k, Y. Attomd.r.nce: - Mc:oar-a. jt Iozmj - Beck Carxrny, Inc. 110'.),:rt Craig - Cur4c2.1y; A. P.. Iladaf.s.y - CorD-czation Purpoco; General Li.scunel:= cftho ?the atone to be tale= to -.1.n.T.tre the boat -12ceoible or the icaterial to be inelod in tl.o D.scwiteCz. the fi.t to bo followed., te and number of illustratiens, rnko-uyi obaptore, an the ty.:e of stri_lting to ho =ea. ConclitA lone: it woo au-cod. that wo.z1C- forward quota- ticr_s to Autcautis ne.nufacttrz-inr:, Ccz--20-resticm oover-ing not only editorial easietenco, but the cost of a aeries of canforomoes for the par-r,oso of dotenaininG te aa:m yrosemtation of tbo rrinual. ? tai"...164473r-13?. -7- 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 ........................,.............?................-.--...,..--. .-.----...-.......... a ...... - ...,..-7, .....*...?......-aawo'k....iroroo........,?14.?* 1 till , 1....1 I.: ?L:71, 25 Karela 19511 .171ace New Ycs.k, N. Y. AtteLdance: Mesaz-e. C. L. Chrintiansen - Cm-cratics:3 I i. Hadley totic LIanufac:trrins Carnoration Purpose: diacillleiC=1 of the projoot end of navencee in the tioLi 111,41 ter.P2erature inaulations.A.-.zong the neny item diecuzeed were Dc997 whicib,boanuae of better curing chin:r.totoriation, in elatod to reple.ce X.996 the' ii 78-c-ndeze.? typo" silicone inoulatecl raz-caet litres eazallo of o-..weraticzt at 250 c which are 13c:4 well olong in the cx-qori=ntal ataGe. Cmolunionet Chriotirinsen Will. keo' in close tc-wch with this work and will ?pendor poaeible sealetance. 0 - 4. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 ? 4. FACTUAL DATA 4.1 Literature Review The policy outlier/1 in the First Quarterly Fepcart--that of kee-aing literary review and research closely aaeociated with the portione of the manual b3sms writton--laa continue& through the third quarter. As a consequence, amsh;Isie was this tiro elaced on basic circuit theory, particularly as aeplied to series and. parallel rceor- nnnt circuits. The ar1a of Tern, Bonney, Fender and Mcilwain, olons 'with the Eadiotron Designer's Benabee% formed the cora of this study which was supported by numerous contemporary magazine articles and by the bootn or other authors. A second avenue of ore :oration was centoree in the litora- t itures pertaining to coil winding. The book by Willis= Querfuth ro- 1 cently published by George Stevens Mamtfacturing Co any ani the nomographe and. aocomeanying article by Howard George of Coll Winding 1 Equiymnt Cony have beam studied and evaluations of the recommended 1 nethoda are ncu in process. Both of theme articles aprasar to have ) i nada aubstantial pro,7oes along linos of simnlificaticm of machine .1 1 L47:4) I eotups and thtl selection Cl' practical gear oembinatione and landing 1 I arrang;emente. 1 -t- As this review of literature progrensoe, the role to be 1 I filled by the Desit Manuel ear.+s more apparent. Contemorary a literature, while fairly abundant and generally of hiEp quality, is open to critioism from at least the follcuing angles: 1. Lae,: of =lin= notatim in inte_.retations. The result of non-uniformity in notation introduces con- -9? - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00220015onm4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 .04 EITII 0 cli t:1,a, I "I 'A 1.fill rfti f.A. E ?I Li r I [ ---1 tr- I ,..... ....-...... El r ..-.-.11 E' 1 rA I'll Li fl 1.--,-, 1,--1 ?:,:,:i [1 r'i L 1 r, ..i. J .-- 1 ill1 i A r 1 171 1-51 I:- 1 "i . i -j 1 i ., A , 1 --,-3 Js16,7, !Annual concrete recom- :xnZations for chiel& Cacien lose. Irjwn the effect of such ehieIda nn the inductowea which they enclose. 4.7 Writing Substraltial y.robTosa in thin pLese of tho work hen teen es- cor_-plisheC, durir.g this qtutrter. The I.,ortion of the ranual devoted to notarial:, of conetruction hoe boon omplotely roviaed and. rewritten. Acoaxnlation of visual na- terial 'cc? leen atarted ca has wo.rl:. locdinG to the arrausenent of nateriel within the Chaztere whert., imoofar ia ,Jossitla, suzoorting vienal notarial (inclukiine 'Lanes, craphs, pllotc-ixaphe, nonosraphs. eto.) will be located. In cic se :1-c.1=1ILity to the related text. The 7,econd T,ortivn of themanual de:-.1inE with theory en& &eajc;11 is well uner way. Greatest urokx-eso has 'teen in that portion Ce-roted tc the theory of coils and. coupled circuits. Here such subject? ua inductance, caacitance, resonance, phase, 1=1:43 den c , q, anplifica- tien, and these other tor .a oicaelz- associated with hish frequency tramefornera ore disc:lean& in sufficient detail and with aufficieat a au2-lortinz nathorutlee to unzlao a rson with ez6ieeering traininG tc qu.ckf r47icw bosic 2?-:1.1loii,loc--or a bezinner to azguire a bock- L,TCUlla. ? It S.= felt th,:t thin naaual will ecthieve naximm value only If it is so arransed that it =ay be usad ofriciontly b tom distinct nethcils and hy two diatinct clansoe or readers. 7 or t:lat orc-u; who ore Int3restod oaly in priucinj a trans- fnrrrr whose earformanco mill ful2111 stated requiraLlents, there mill : ta^ ? ;7444 1.1. ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0022001 snnnl_A ? Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 't+ -4:- A fV-1 ".1 t ^ 4 ? .1 " ? be chapter cenplote within itself, in whiela a step-by-step prooed.ure will cutlir-e the LxIana whereb:; a coil Lzy1 desicned anf. voducod and wLicl.- will also sueat coursea to be follmed if the end product fella short c' ra-r?t.t.ttlt1 crtG There tiiI1 le no mthemtIcal derivatic:na of theoretical orplenuticzaa in this chanter but fcotnotes or other refer- viii tie t".-.1c tortion to the rain atetlf,n of the 1.17.nu91. Zn the min acetic:a will iha the tcelzround Lnterial which will provide unginooring-trained peracnnel with aufficitratly detailed. eLplanuticou of ftmearr.altals to aerie either as a review for a raduato engineer or as u text for an en:L.-Ulcer-lilt; tr..lineo. It ia Dro?c.sed to this port-1m cc:01.e i&il at t:le tI oLrao;rIng every Ineanz poasible to koc? theia?oot:..ntaticta.sirr.0..e,, direct, and veil illuatratod. The task will not 'be an ea o;,- one. It t 011:113 that in a field ao 1ar6e fir.d. so connlicz.ted it will 11.) clif2icalt to avc-id orr=s and. c.,..ziesiar..a. Ira::: goal of the contractor :_lontianua to be to U3 =eh pertinent irformtion c Coils and trant3for:Ilra aa ie necosaary to provide zliat tuzc1uttor-1,1I zcunL. fror. _lay be drawn desien wrir.c.iplea which aro bas.ically aound. Stated anot:ier way, it le hoped t'aat thiu flU31 Iil be: a doff:alit? etc? to-a...a-cis cc:nye-I-LI:AG the art a coil aos1z1,4 to tie uclonce coil dealt. Z.V.V.' -23- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0022nninnng a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 -h 44;1=1 ? 7;7 441, 5. CoNagnIONS While bat little cf the data ecoxnulatod in the courso of thia atudy has boom comnictoly oyalaated, it ia ..Joaciblo to once =ore extract certain findincp and to arbitrarily =ilea to theca findimEp the importance usually atter:bad to coaclusiona. Frcm the work of the third curator, tho followin3 /Inclines are ilrezientoa.: 1.Multinlo mi coils do not nocossarily have hichor Q'a than ainsle pi collo of the 01:1-10 12.1dUCtOMCO? 2. Multinlo iwineiincs of a a'ecific inductance roquire more turma 7wr pi ea the am.acinc 1Netwoon ni'a la in=vcaod. 3. Coil ferns of ceramic1.-1-",..erials chow Lreatent teucrature stability. 4. The creator the coefficient of linear ox:lanaicn, the lope the tonmoraturo stability of a cell for: mtorial. 5. The addition of a tartilt: oervine addc :Jatoriollv to tho coat of magnet wire. C. Macmet wire fiLa ineulatiemc shcwinc the croatost tuayJrature otability over tho rocaa to 35 C rano are thooe inaulationa 5ntended for hich to=nerature onoratien. 7. In epneral? tho mot atablo colic are wcfamd with iii.i insu- lated rather than tastilo-acrved ma2pet 'Area. 3. Ths-t effect liven Q of twiata f---st of Tit:. wire does not apmear to be as Great no ic conar:slly believed. 9. Universal windineo cm:Antoine larce amounts of magnet wire do not amnear to be =ore oeneitive to tonr,2ereture chaneee ell ? z.4* ? ,47,1314.7.S7"...-: ": P. ? ? ? "1.14 ?".? 61 I ? s r. - .7.. ??-? :7'4. ? ? t ..? E r _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R00220015onm4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 gior ? ? ????5 tin windin?n ccataiulug 2ubstantia117 loss -.dr?. 10. Tho effect cf a shield la proportionalls greater umen coils of relatively hich than it to -anon coils of lax 11. no offoct cf uMaiThC uncn a coil dces Lot aeon to be influenced by the nresence cf nn iron core so lacc au the Q In air cf the coil is undhauced. 12. Ovorcoumled transforters ober definite double 7Joaka rhila critically couplod and undsraou21od, trenefarrnre phew cnly cue peak. 13. /ncreasinc tho coupling of a tromafammar broadens its roalxnao curve. 14. Transferrers deaiGned to operate into a diode requaro hiCnor caulqinca than units do:Act-rod for izterstace operotion. ? " ?-?-????"..s. rz,r, L, 1 ? tr: I, ;;.. :;???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 ' 14. - titttal : - a N.. 6. PLANS MB IrOtrierIWARZ2 The laboratory ,dlesca of this Drojoct ray be arpooted to conclude well witain the coming quarter. It ia inevitable that O3 data is collected and evaluatecl the neod nay erne for further ex:yaorationa along acocific lines in order to Dally clarify or explain certain observed chareateristics, an ox,elanation of which rieeals necesoary for the nlanual. For this reason it la planned to review all test data early 14 this guartor. I. this way the find- incp of the laboratory prcgranKmay to fairly evaluated in advance of the tine when restate Lill:It be incoroorafed in the text and if worI:rmst be rezeated or e=p,aleled, ;ioe will thus be available. Tho activitieo of those who are aerliing as consultants to -nip project will be accelerated. Their contributions 'will be , fitted Into tha text in a nanner such that thcf.r particular al:Jo- cialties will earn= optima= vulues in the overall i?roject. The major activity of the Project Sul.erviser and lie aseictant will necessarily be devoted to the assembly of the text of the manual al%re with the Charts, grohs, slmtehaa, photerapbs, nomozraths, and other related visual Pictorials which will au:oport the text. In this thaw) of activity, noch Com:ony.-- particularly Mr.. Keith Heuna; Zditorial Director?will wcra- closely with the co.:tractor to see that the reaulting text is ea cougleto and readable aa passible. Policins the cmzsletion of the portion of the nanual dealing with the theory of coils and transformeral a design nethod (or nethedm) will be extracted anti preyared as a se rate section. -26- r".....117 ? - ? im,,,i,ecifiarl in P rt Sanitized Com/ Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 - ?-? 1 4 7. 7:72:An; Ctr 177.0=3 czch f act.f711:, ;:ith t.ti tiif_aluainG ia Irlieveci rrt;-7,* t L13 of 1 ittn-'1.1 1:-7541 T - COSSita/C:aCili APPEIMIX 1. IntraLIcti_,, ? ? .-- ? . . . .. "21:::::tica ? C ? ? .. ... C c . . 7:?-?ji; 7. ::1?:.zt_0:3.1.=1ro.. ? and. Car:rats 9. Too Cs Fil:2Inuulaticars 60% 16. 17. Stalad_aran of the Induatry. 40% 13. Bu.-nrie Guide . . ..... WrtrIc anenend.ed at roguoat of Service Berreeentatilre Introductial 251 1`.7i.r.e_.1nce . . 60% Trz.ea of Construc?tion. . . 140% Met.-aclo of Teati-s,- . . - ? 15;6 Tricka of the Moil?. . . . 10% Mot:was of DDairsn . . - . 205 Biblioo-by ho% x?????.- ' ;tr..= ?????';'-"r. - ? _ - I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for .Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 "IA _ (0 - :?:-.-- ...-,1:11 r--: ),?:-.11.--4: 1 Jaz:/..rz :::: A. M. fladley cl e??? tr. r vri.: 1....:211.t qua?. tin' to 31 nOrez: 19; 1194.5 Hours A. Decarlo 4711.0 PI C. linaczek . . ? . ? . 266.5 n W. 0 TCmne3.1 2144.7 n B. 161cCora1 )132.5 " P. :Dolan . . 177.5 C. 16.4.5 rilYZAL 2274.2 Ecuro -28- 4;::::?...........:144.1e-- - "6.....t.a.16- - , ' 41. -7.4,;?7"s. ' .ar,?-.7' ? I [ i Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002200150003-4 ? Vice 7recidert of tile Ccr-..craticz. Jcxi^.7.cle Df.rector of Enneerinc,, in a Graduate of the 17er; Ycz-1.: UniToraity anciz:eerine Collect) with a.e..cuee of Bachelor of gcienc.s in Elootrical r.Mazzo)a hc,a '?enth rio oncineertac; since /1,28, end boa leon with fazteLntic Maratfactwrine Cor-.1oratfon ?taco 19361 Lavina been aacce30170.1.zr Cbtof cucic oor,Anaiatznt IT Mief Thl--Tneer, Chief TIncinecr, and Direc-:er of TTA of the Ceneultente CI:mu) IF 4-1-ane- forzaere of the Pesecroh and Devlo:=ent Bcord, end a senior Member ef the Inutitute 1:-.edio In F; hic cazzoitz,- ao Dirantc.r ofEnt-t-noc.--ri..--..6 be In In cico touch 1t emu 2-..roject one rcu c=?.:2.tetion one. eurxervicrion ?1-1:0:11.MC ruhatamtial contrnution= to the va-4-nis i ! 1 phases of the de-velop=nt. 1-, .1"&-: P. Tt--cr holds: an D.E. degree -from the Univeraity f of Cincinneti, ona the IN:DI: of Lieutenant Ccloiaci, United [ States Ar:.-,.;7 Res:?rve. !.1-z. r2col:or haa 'been ez-.-.1o,..-7.s.e. h7- Gene-ral L. 1- Motors cor..-_,E.Tstion; C-loy P.aaio Cm7...cvot1on, 3-.341 fner: 19:-,-4 to 190., wan Chic-..f Dlgineer of the Gen-Ral ;4enufact-artme Co---meny, inter the General Coil Dirialon ed.' the tcr Co=-).-my. Fr= 1943- to 191.2 he wee e:.r.)loyr...-d. b Df.,..nry L. Crowley and. Ccorsenzr In e hi&b frequenc7pxideredr?ztel From 1942 to 1.9145 he served cc Staff Of`..f.loor in the P-,-,ccluotior. Division of Ar' Serric.:.? Force?, ilasancton, D. C. Simoe 19451 ba hen been iisaiatent Chiefine.:..r of Autor-latto ?29 -??? "":?.7.7 ;