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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 I la 411. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY STAT CIA FOREIGN DOCUMENTS DIVISION Tranalat Ion of s From "On the Party and Soviet Press (A Collection of Documents) Moscow, 1954 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 1, ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 NOTE This project consists of translated excerpts from 0 P8rtiya2L1 Sovetskoy Pechati [On the Party and Soviet Press] which itself consists, in many cases, of mere excerpts of original sources. Sources when included 0 in the book are given here. Brackets indicate translator's comments/ expansion of abbreviati3ns,0 or transliteration from the Russian. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE The Sixth Congress of the RSDRP(b) (August 1917) 1 Organizational Report of the Central Committee (From the 3 Report of /a. M. Sverdlov) From Resolutions and Decisions of the Congress 4 The Pre-Election Campaign to the Constitutuent Assembly 4 From the Statutes of the Russian Social-Democratic I. Workers' Party On Propaganda 5 Manifesto Of the Russian ,ocial-Democratic Workers' Party 6 Decree on the Press, A Decree of the Council of Peoples'-Commissers 14 (November 1917) On the Revolutionary Tribunal on Press Affairs; a Decree Of the 16 Council of People's Commissar:, (January 1918) Editorial in the First Issue of the Newspaper Bednota (March 1918) 18 Letter of the Central Committee of the RKP on Proletkulty 19 [Proletarian Cultural Organizations] (December 1920) The Tenth Congress of the RKP(b) (March 1921) 23 Resolution of the Congress-du-Party Unity 23 Resolution of the Congress on Glavpolitprosvet and 26 Agitation and Propaganda Tasks of the Party On Antiraligious Propaganda (August 1921) 32 a Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 ? , etr. ? ??????? The 11th Congress of the RUM (March 1922) ? Resolution of the Congress on Press and Propaganda Central Committee Letter on the Plan of Local Newspapers (June 1922) 0 0 t.),i- .?0 0 Central Committee Letter on Party Magazinesz_,(Jundol )% .. o ,..:?,4.* 0..? 0 CI ? ? ? The 12th Congress of the RKP(b) (April 1923)0 .000... ........5.......76: o ... 47 4.??.0. ...k.,..:f.f..;,.. 00-,..-?:,,-, . 0: '''..-Z:?i?sj`,441.4.:P'ziv.di:jre - . ,a. S ?:o .0 e. ? From the Resolution of the Congress on' Industils?-?-:?.?? 0 47 o a .,?,?1-.0. 0 From on the Resolution of the Congress jtkelnatPanalAuestion0 47 0.-:::::i.4:-.:..f.,,,z2z,--,-..::. ? ,z, ..r.- ,,,,,p., (..-. o .0.6???????, .. .;-.- Resolution of the Congress on Qusptions of:Tropagbalay-Press,'?.? 48 , 0 q ? q, %??,..1g-1,?:'.......-1-4'2"2e-442:T5 0 and Agitation - 0 0:??.;,$)1,,;?: 0 '%';;'otrti 4..:., ??;; ..1.=:???? 0 ''"" '' ' - ? ? ' ''''? Q cs ? ? .. ,?? ., Resolution of the Congress on Setti,,.!ii:Wtgifigiigrg"(%a ? 67 Agitation and Propaganda 65, 0 Tf.:-.117.7-27.47f....;:: ' . ..,-,%:::-A-??*?':".-:.3 Editorial in the First Issue of the NeydPa,Pee, .01";....Krast.::na:':!..!Z!.:6...!!0?0? 00 71 Priority Tasks of the Party in the Field oflibe:om a? Decree of the Central Committee (February 1924? *: 0.?`,S' ".".07 0 4 0 (3 1::::;.:?:z, '''????:, .2,i rr ..,(3 .i % ???.? 73 ..t.:.:::..Y.?:::E:::??? :? ? c''''' ./.0 ::::1?. 0 PAGE 33 33 41 (January 1924) The 13th Congress-of the IMP(b) (May 124) A Resolution [Rezolyutsiya) on the Press ?::??7 b 0 0 00 0 70 3. crv?: " * NI, ? Plenum of the TsK RKP(b) (October 1924) 0 (?th 0:csi From the Resolution of the Plenum on the Iniiiediate Tasks of Work in the Village ? dg% gburo ?ember 0 83 83 96 96 kc)) On Well Newspapers 100 Decree (Postanovleniyei of th 1924) On the Peasant Periodical Press Decree of the Orgburo TsK RKP(b) (FeWikary 1925) On the Policy of the Party in the rieid,c4f1.Ar.tistict, Literature [1. e. Belles Lettres] ? Resolution of the TsK BEP(b) (June Regulations [Polozheniye] on the Te1ege?aphe4ency of the 116 USSR (TASS) Confirmed by the Presidium of the TsIK USSR and the SNK 116 USSR (July 1925) 0,0^ ? 1014 1014 110 110 - b - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 ?t so:1 The 15th Congress of the Tall(b) (Deeeaeer 194) Prom the Resolution on the Report of the Centra3. Conad.ttee ? On Weasures for the Improvement of the Press for Youth and Children PAGE 320 120 123 Decree of the TsK VKP(b) (July 3928) 323 The 16th Conference of the VKP(b) (April 1929) 326 C.) On the Purge (Chistkal and Cheek-up CProverkal of Members and. Candidates of the VKP(b) - Froza a Resoltition of the 126 Conference on the Report of 014. Yaroslavsidy To all Workers and Peasant Workers of the Soviet Union 3 (The Aad.ress of the Conference) 226 c, I 15 in C ction On the Reorganization of the Newspaper Network*. - with the raimination of Oltrugs 134 The Decree of the TeX VKP(b) (August 1930) 3.34 On [Training] Newspaper Worket-a 136 C.? The Decree of the TsK VKP(b) (November 1930) 136 On Poster Literature 139-a The Decree of the TeX VKP(b) (March 2931) 139-a On the Raorgenization of the Worker and Village Correspondent tRabsellkorovsIdA Moveme.nt 140 Decree of the TaK .VKP(b) (April 1931) 140 On the Publishing Rouse "Molodays Gvarcliya" ("Young Guards"] 145 The Decree of the TsK VKP(b) (December 3.931) 145 On the Reorganization of Literary and Art Organizations 149 The Decree of the TsK VKP(b) (April 1932) 149 The Misinterpretation by So rth Local Party Organizations of the Decree of the TsK VKP(b) on Resuming the Admittance of 3.51 New )dembers into the VEP(b) 0 The Decree of the TsK VKP(b) (October 1936) 153. On Organizing Party Propaganda in Connection with the 154 C,9 Publication of Course in Ristory of the VK?( Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R0022nnninnn9 n Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 Decree of the TsKVKP(b) (November 1938) On Literary Criticism and Bibliography [A Report on the Decree of] the Central Committee of the VKP(b), 1940 On the Work of Rayon Newspapers 183 Letter of the Administration of Propaganda and Agitation: 183 of the TsKVKP(b) (March 1942) PAGE 154 179 179 On the Work of War Correspondents at the Front 195 From the Regulation Confirmed in 1942 by the Adminiotretion 195 of Propaganda and Agitation of the Ts1K VEP(b) and the Main Political Administration of the Red Army On the Tasks of Rayon, Oblast, Kray, and. Republic Newspapers 198 in Connection with the Harvesting of Crops and Procurement of Agricultural Products in 1942 Letter of_the Administration of Propaganda and Agitation 198 of the TsK VKP(b), ally 1942 On the Shortcomings of Newspapers in Giving an Account of 211 the Work of Industrial Enterprises Letter of the Administration of Propaganda and Agitation 211 of the TaK: VKP(b) to all Editors of City, Oblast, Kray, and Republic Newspapers (March 1943) On the State of and Measures for Improving Mass-Political and 237 Ideological Work in the Taterskaya ASSR Party Organization In the Central Committee VKP(b)? 1944 237 On the immediate Tasks of Party Organizations of the Comaunist 243 Party (Bolsheviks) of Belorussia in the Field of Mass- Political and Cultural-Educational Work Among the Population In the Central Committee VKP(b)? 1944 243 On the Four-Page Issues of Oblast, Kray, and Republic News- 248 papers for 29 July 3.945 In the Central Committee VKP(b) 248 On the Four-Page Issues of Republic, Kray, and Oblast -252 Newspapers for 5, 12, and 19 August 1945 In the Central Committee WP(b) 252 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 0 PAGE Concerning the Agitation-Propaganda Work of Party 258 Organizations in Connection with the Lew Pessed on the Five-Year Plan for Rehabilitation end. Development of the National Econow of the USSR for 1946-1950 In the Central Committee VIC(b): 1946 258 On Measures for Improving the Oblast Newspapers Molot 261 (Rostov-on-Don): Volzhe !Commune (Kuybyshev), and Kurskaya Pravda In the Central Cormiittee VICP(b): 19146 On Party and Social-Political Periodicals 261 271 Deere of the TsK VKP(b) "On Periodicals of the Central. 271 C?irg. ttee, 1946 On the Work of OGIZ [Unified-:Sate r-Libliskaire Ibur,ez; of the It5FSR 273 0 In the Central Committee VKP(b), 1946 On the Work of the Party Committees of the IvanovskiyMalange CoMbine, the GIUkhovskiy Cotton CoMbiae: and the TashkentskIY Textile CoMbine, 1946 On the Training and Additional Training of Leading Party and Soviet Workers In the Central Committee VKP(b), 1946 278 On the Periodicals Zvezda and Lentaved 291 From the Decree of the Ts1C VKP(b) of August 1946 291 On the Repertoire of Drama Theaters end Meastm for its 297 Improvement From a 26 August 1946 Decree of pa Central Committee VKP(b) 297 On the Film Bolisheza Mize,' [Great Eifel 304 273 277 278 The Decree of the TsK VKP(b) of 4 September 1946 On the Shorteoraingsin anui. Measures for Improving the Work with 311 Agitators in the Stalingrad Party Organization In the Catral Committee VKP(b), 3.947 311 On the Opera Velikaya Druzhba (The_GreatFriener4hi by 318 V. Ilaradeli The Decree of the 'Telt VKP(b) of 10 February 1948 318 On the Magazine Krokodil 326 On the Decree of the TsiC VKP(b), 1948 326 e Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 PAGE On the Creation of Editorial Boards in Republic: Krays and 329 Oblast Ikamplwars, 1948 On the Shortcomings in we Measures for Improving the 330 Publication of Political Posters Decree of the Tsit'ITKP(b), 1948 330 Concerning the Magazine Znamya 333 A Check-up on the Fulfillment in 1948 by the _Editorial 333 Staff of &atria of the 1946 Decree of the TEM VKP(b) Concerning the Ymgazines Zvezda and Leningrad On the State of and Yeasures for Improving Party Education in 337 the Yeroslavskaya Oblast Party Organization The Deorec of the mar VY10), 1049 337 On the Work of the Gosplenizdat [Publishing House of Gosplen] 342 end the Mhgazine Planovop Khozyowstvo (Planned Economi] Decree of the TeK VICP(b) of Jenuery 1950 342 On the Serious Shortcomings in the Selection of Authors for 344 Artieles in the Lsre_Soviet Encyclopedia Decree of the WA: M(b) of September 1951 344 On the Shortcomings in the Nhgazine Krokodil end Yaaeures for 346 its Improvement Decree of the Tel( VKP(b) of September 1951 346 On the Serious Shortcomings and. Errors in the work of 347 Gosyurizdat [State Publishing House of Juridical Literature] Decree of the TaK VV(b) of April 1952 347 On the Facts of the Flagrant Political Distortions of the 350 Texts of Demtyan Bednyy,s Works Decree of the TsK VEP(b) of April 1952 350 On Measures for the Improvement of City Newspeperso 352 Decree of the TsKIMP(b) of Jay 1952 352 , On the Shortcomings in the Distribution of Newspapers and 357 lbgazines Decree of the TsK KPSS of June 1953 357 On the Serious Shortcomings in the Work of Gospolitizdat 361 [State Publishing Henze of Politica/ Literature] Decree of the TUE: US'S of December 1953 363. ?fe. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/30: CIA-RDP81-01043R002200010002-0 ? - ? USSWISCREES 'ON THE PRESS iii' "t7 "; ?, :?! '?,?`" ???-? ? ,??? , ? r THE SLUR COMERE58 'OF TIM' RS ERP (14, (August, 1917) ?. -4- : - -"-L7 ? , ? - ? - ?: t; ? , 7 7' "7: :TNT, ;7-;;:''0 A'total'of 151 delegates with' n: deciding vote and 110 delegates with ? e: consultative vote, representing about 240, 000 members of the party, were preaent-a?t the'bongieS-s,liiht in Petrogra- d fian' 2.6 July-3 August - 917. e agen o e congress was: 1 report of the Organization Bureau; ' (2)-report -of the Central Cammittee of the RSDRP(b) [Russian Social-Demo- cratic Workers' Party (Bolsheviks)); (3) local reports; (4) the current situation, including: (it) the war and the international situation, and ?-?! 4 .17.f ; 4,- .., -t(b)-the political and eadnomict'l. situation; (5) revaa of the program; .; . -I (6)'organi4isitionai. probleiri; (7) elections to the Constituent Assembly; '(8)?? the' International (iria'tificted by the Centr'al Committee to draw up a ???????__ - - (g) the tunifidation of the party; (10) the trade-union movement; :(U)s eleeticinri;12) inidielliniebus questions. In addition, the report of '' ;'? G. K. urdZli. tonlipadte onsli.* 1. 'Ienia's non-appearance at court was discussed. , a ? ) ? e ;