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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 (1-LASSW,CA ? ? -T. - 4 ? V, Lf? ? - (.Sti% 'Ufa lY 1,"+ FC,i? I/ 17 'ON ilt./I fill* 1 in AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT AREA REPORT CONCERNS __ _POLAND__ 50X1 -HUM STEEL PLT "1 MAY" in GLIWICE (501711/1840E) Y (1 'nfer ?ari/r in final i,n; a.% parnocp4. Litt intlosuro at lor:r lift. Ilevin hal of report on P Feria 111:e.) I. Location, pit layout, pit history administrative data, descrip- tion of bides and machinery, transportation means, security system, labor frce, air-raid protection means, type of products, type and source of raw products. 50X1 -HUM WARVING: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espio- n,g41Larvs, Title 18, U. S. C., Section 793 and 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorised per n is prohibited by law. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by other thi?n United States Air Force Agencies. except by mission of the Director of Intelligence,USAF. AF OCT 52 1 1 2 REPLACES AF FORM 112? PART I. ? I JUN 48, WINCII MAY RE WD. ? . Cl../1..;&/-1.:A PON 50X1 (SECURITY INFORMATION when filled in) 10? 55560-3 U. GOVERN/11NT PRINTING orritr t ?????, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 AF FORP02?PART II APPROVED I JUNE 1948 Jr*()!YcirWITilts1 Na I (cussmcooloW AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT . 50X1 -HUM . PAGE 2 OF 16 PAGES II. IDENTEFICATION DATA Ref to Pt.1, Fig 1, Overlay of TCM 0232-9965-15-2514 of GLIWICE-SOS- NOWIEC Area (5017N/1840E) locating this site. 1. STEEL PLT "1 MAY". Address: GLIWICE N WILENSKA Street. Pit belonged to category "Ausgesondertes Staatsunternehmen"(Selected Governmental Installation). Old pit, well known by its German abbreviation "VHO" (Vereinigte Oberhuettenwerke United Main Steel Pit). Pit did not suffer war damages, approx 80% of machinery was dismantled and taken to Russia in 1945 after the war, recon- str started and part of pit operated in 1946. Machinery at that time was de- livered by a steel pit located in FRIEDENSHUETTE (coord unkn). Machines of German origin, new. Other machine tools came from machine tool pit "RAFAMED" located at RATIBOR (5005N/1812E) formerly Steel Pit HEGENSCHEID. Machines from Germany, CSR, RUSSIA, ENGLAND, FRANCE and other cities in POLAND. In 1957, pit received a Soviet 15m lathe rosted all over. Pit received 2 brand new ingots cutting machines with automatic control from a machine tool pit WALDRICH, located at SIEGEN, Bundesrepublic. Due to the automatic control, poles had great diffi- culties in operating them. Pit already had some lathes from Soviet Union with automatic control. S compared both the Soviet and West German machines and stated they were about equal as to quality, however, the Soviet machines were less complicated and would last longer. Manager of pit was MITRENKA, Joseph (7) born . in RATIBOR, 60 years old, 170cm tall, grey hair, heavy set, member of Communist Party. Technical director was engineer PIETSZIK, FNU, 45 years old, 180cm tall, athletic figure, dark hair, member of Communist party, no knowledge of steel production. Commercial. director was MAINKA, FNU, about 40 years old, 180cm tall, slender, dark hair, spoke good German. Director for Sale and Purchase was RUNDE, FNU, about 40 years old, 175ct tall, slender, dark hair, very mush liked by laborers although party member, engineer by profession. III. INSTALLATION INFORMATION .1840E). Ref to Fig 2, Memory Sketch of Steel Pit "I MAY" in GLIWICE (5017N/ 1. WISLENKA STREET 2. DRR ESG. Game from passenger station of GLIWICE iodated NW of pit, terminating at NE corner in pit. S heard that itvas planned to extend RP! to the freight yard of GLIWICE, located NE of installation. Standard constr, located on earthen embankment 6m high. All other RR lines in pit area were single track lines, rails even with surface. Most of tracks had two rails on one side, that RR lines could be used by ESG and small gauge RR trains. 3. MAIN ENTRANCE. Called Entrance .#l. Secured by double wing iron gate, each wing 4m wide. Entrance guarded by 3 members of work-polioe, wear- ing dark-grey uniforms with red piping armed with sub-machine guns. Al). laborers had to present work-passes when passing the gate. S sometimes witnessed body- NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U S. C.- 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY, OTHET. THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. 1.41. .(CLASSIFICATION) 16-65370-1 * V.1. sernimorc maims wine' Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 rr. ,AF F 12?PART II APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 CrOi Clr-tr: H TA A %4 o, (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 -HUM PAGE 3 OF 16 Mom chedks on workers. Nevertheless, it continuously happened that lgborere smuggled materials, mainly alloys which were rare in Poland. All vehicles were searched. A laborer caught by smuggling was relased immediately and taken over to police. S heard. from oo-workers that some guards could be bribed. 4: STREET SYSTEM. All streets in pit area 5m wide with small cobblestone pavement. 5. PLT ENCLOSURE. Masonry wall 2m high, except for NE Side of pit, where there was a 2m high board fence. 6. ENTRANCE. It was used by people who did not work in the pit but picked up materials for private sector in GLIWICE. Such people had to ask for a limited pass in Guard House (Pt 8). With that pass, visitors of pit had to use Main Entrance (Pt 3). There was a separate mesh wire enclosure from Guard House (Pt 8) to this entrance, unauthorized persons could not enter pit. 7. BLDG. Brick structure, low angle tarpppered roof. A. SECTION. Two-story, approx 50x15x6 to 8m. First floor divided into storage section and a laboratory. Storage section used for replace- ment parts of tools, rivets, screws, nuts, bolts, copper and brass sheets. Labor tory used for checking steel samples, modernly equipped, 2 men and 3 women and a storage seotion for electrical goods such as cables, wires (copper and aluminum) overhead line cables, underground line cables, switches, plugs, insulators, fuses bulbs, etc. . Bulbs and fuses brought in partly from CSR, SOYZONGER and pits in POLAND. There was an extensive lack of copper cable. S once needed 320m oopper cable of 1.5 sq millimeters and pit had to send a courier to WARSAW (5215N/2100E) for the cable, since no pit in Upper Silesia (SW Poland) could deliver such cable. S stated that overhead lines mostly consisted of aluminum wire and in som- cases even plain iron wire. B. Storage Section. Single story, 30x15x6 to 8m. Used for storage of fire proof bricks fir furnaces in Foundry (Pt 870) and for making molds. C. Storage Section. Single story brick, 30x17x6 to 8m. Used for the storage of replacement parts for machine tools, cranes etc. S learned that there were no original replacement parts. They had to make such parts them- selves. Small amount of such parts was made in a machine tool pit in Poland. D. Electrical Repair Shop. Single story brick, approx 30x 18x6 to 8m divided into electrical repair shop and armature winding section. Latter section did not contain any machines. Spool's coils and armatures had to be wound by hand by approx 6 women. Armatures were wound with copper-wire. The electrical repair shop was used by approx 105 men and women per shift, who worked all over the plant repairing electrical facilities. This shop was equipped with a 5 tons crane traveling from N to S 5m high manually operated by means of chains. Furthermore there was a test stand for electric motors. Test stand had a maxi- mum cap of 30 kilowatt. In SE part of section there were 3 transformers each with a cap of 6,380 volts and 1,000 kilovolt ampere, feeding 380 volts lines for administration, lathes and cranes.' Oil cooled transformers of German origin. There was lack of oil. S stated that used transformer oil had to be collected and sent off for filtering purposes. Filtered oil was used agiin. All electric cables from the transformers were laid underground. ? 8. GUARD HOUSE. Single story brick bldg, approx 15x6x6 to 8m, low angle tarpapered roof. 9. GARAGE. Single story brick bldg, 35x15x5 to 6m, low angle tar- papered roof. Was used for 8 trucks, one bus and passenger cars of supervisory personnel. There was a small repair shop for these vehicles in SE corner of blidg Three auto-mechanics worked here. 10. TURN PLATE. Electrically operated steel structure, approx 10m in dist, even with surface. ldo NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U.S. C.- 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. e ? I ...T. 1 (CLASSIFICATION) 16-85570-1 * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OM= npHacsifipri in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 AF FORM 112?PART 11 APPROVED I JUNE 1948 t L.? L t% L (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 -HUM PAGE 4 OF 16 PAGES 11. ROOFED AREA. Measured approx 42x5m, roofed with a low angle tarpapered structure in a height of 5m. It was used only for unloading fire-7_ proof bricks, stored in Storage Section (Pt 7B). 12. BLDG. Single story brick bldg, approx 80x6x6m, low angle tarpapered roof. A. Storage Section. Molds for the alloy-foundry were stored here as well as raw materials for foundry such as copper, brass, aluminum and bronze. B. Battery Loading Station. Batteries were stored and re- loaded here. There had arrangement to change 10 batteries at the same time. C. Civilian Air Defense Control Center. S learned that a high percentage of laborers was trained in civilian air defense, Equippent in- stalled in control center was of Swedish origin. There was a big switchboard,' microphone for loudspeakers installed in bldgs in pit area, two telephones, one connected with municple telephone exchange in town and one for making calls in- side pit area (by pushing a button, all telephones in plt rang and the control officer could speak to all offices the same time), ptsh buttons for releasing an electrically operated qiiren, located on roof of High Tension Station (Pt 27) and for releasing a steam powered siren, located on roof of the Boiler House (Pt 45). S learned that the signals of the siren were just contrary to the former German. A steady tune meant alarm and an up-and-down tune meant all-clear. In case of emergeny, all civilian air defense personnel of the pit would be under command of military town commander of GLIWICE. Although there is no war, this control center was occupied day and night. D. Office. House& dispatcher of transportation unit of in- stallation. E. Lavatory for men F. Lavatory for Women 13. STORAGE AREA. Area was approx 40x20m, for open storage of all kinds, of materials such as fire-proof bricks, constr materials, pipes, wheels, azaes etc. 14. ALLOY FOUNDRY. Single story brick, approx 30x20x6 to 8m, low angle tarpapered roof. Bldg equipped with three cranes, traveling in a height of 5m from E to W, manually operated. Bldg contained 4 to 5 gas operated furnaces of medium size, welding sets, grind-stones, a metal saw, and a kiln for drying molds, operated by gas. Foundry mainly worked with copper, brass, aluminum and bronze. Bnshings cog-wheels, collector-shoe gears for cranes and various smaller parts were casted here. Casts were cleaned by hand. Approx 60 men and women worked here per shift. 15. METALLURGICAL INSTITUTE. Two-story brick Keg, approx 20x 20x6 to Om, low angle tarpapered roof. It did not belong to pit but to Polish Army for purposes.unkn to S. S assumed that alloy metal assays will be tested here, since it was planned that Alloy Foundry (Pt 14) should later work hand in hand with this institute which was put in operation in Jun or Jul 1957.. After institute was put in operation, S never entered again. First floor contained 8 small electric-furnaces, lathes, presses, rolls, a switchboard and workbenches. Furnaces and switchboard had been delivered and installed by Siemens an Austrian firm at VIENNA. Second floor divided into offices. Entrance only from Wislenka Street (Pt 1) guarded by same work-police than pit area. Approx 60 men and women worked here, as S observed during change of shifts. S heard that this institute belonged to a big organization of Polish Army, whose institutes were scattered around GLIWICE. 16. STORAGE SECTION. Single story brick, approx 30x10x6 to 8m, low angle tarpapered roof. Bldg equipped with a 5-tons crane, 5m high traveling from_E to W. Bldg used for the storage of wheel-tires coming from the Hardening Shop (Pt 18A). These wheel-tires were tested here for coalescence and resistance NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. (CLASSIFICATION) 15-55570-1 * V. I. GOVOIRNINT PRINTING MICR - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 0 c -sem, 4F FORM 112-6RT II APPROVED 1 JUNE 1848 44" 1?4?nNirriDE:; NM A L. ? MLAssinc?ATIon) ? ? AIR ?INTELLIgN, CET INFORMATION REPORT, : 7.7 7114 ? 50X1-HUM ? PAGE: t - 5! -? 16 PAGES ? ,, ...,f-:.;:-....., .? of steel.... ba a based :on, sound-ranging.- i..:No ;detail-11.i., -,,,Four to 5 ., men worke.Aterelfparzf..shift..... ; : .. ' '. '''..i -- ' -c'? 4' - --.?,a7.-,;?.cliuni,.Aratix ISTRATION 'BLDG. Three,..story bri:Okzbldg, `apProx 35x .. .. . 20x8 to .10m low angla:..,treepapered roof. Housed director's officeari calculation section'aj)ersonal ildition.,.pitysections, fileseatione iihd'Aire-anner-Offlbe. .PAt amplO,e51:.a to`pro:X;34:000:cMe%ezIcli,women,yworki4z.i.WthreeOb.ifts a dtfy, 6 daye P ii: week:'????:'..:-' c.',-,:.-'? * ? ,., ?-? _ . .......'...-45i4,'-...... 18. HARDENING SHOP',..-1 -: .- - '-?,.. t-, ' -, ? ' -. ? - ';`-`?,;?.-`,?:,- ..' ,`??'?'1..'".'? '").' ? ' _....q.,".. ,. '4 '-..k:* '-`t -4. Hardening Shop. 'Single-story briok-4.'itisprox7 40x12x6m, to .?I, , , . 8m, lai,angle *sheertmetal 'covered roof. Equipped 'irith -2. ariine-e 7,3311114111 traveling from Elto Ar? with -cap of 20 and 30 'tone.; 'Shop "deed fatlar4d.ening wheel-tires, cog- wheele , pilot wheels for locomotives, axles- RR car , wheels, .1i4d various ,smeller ' items. ' Shop "TooritiCiiiedRi14,40-43.?Perated pre-heating furnaces. Hardening (coaling and quendhing of steel): performed with ail and water baths. Approx .15 to 20 meni and-women worked here per shift: . ,* ?-.... ? ... B. New art of Bldg: ' Sime constr details as, Hardening Shop , (Pt 18A) but with flat concrete roof. At E sidle of bldg there wee a large. steel sliding door,i not yet in operation but soon will be utied as, hardening,shop also]. , , ? 19. YARD.- Approx 13m sq. 20. SHEET'METAL CHIMNEY. -Belonged to Hardening,':Sicoli7,.(P,tq8A). Chimney was a_pprox 18m 'high On. brick. foundation 5m in die and 2-m? highs.. ? Iii, it dia connected with furnaces in Hardening. Shop (Pt 18A) by underground -cana,I.-,,-, ,_ ? - : z 21. WORKSHOP. Single story trick bldg, approx 200x13x12m, low - .. :,;, ': ? ,? angle tarpapered roof. - - ._ . . ... . A. ,Casting Cleaning Section. '? Equipped with -two ;manes ? traveling'framE to- W 10m high with a ap of 20 and 30.. tons'. ., Used -for .finishing wheel-tires which were prepaeed in Workshop (Pt 21B). Cleaning done by hand.:, . Approx 10 men worked here per shift. . ? . .? . , . -- B. Workshop: Equipped with two cranes of- Bards, type .as in- Casting Cleaning Section (Pt 21A). Furthermore, there -were -three ireilobrapket cranes each 'electrically' Operated' with a _cap of 1,590 kilograils: -.Worktific4-used- for preparing wheel-rtires. .Approx 50 to 60 men and women, Vorked -he're per-shift. - . _ a. Two- Vertical Drop Machine's. 'Zlectrioally.operated, Polish origin., ..- , ;;..:-. ? ? -. -. . , b. Straightening Machine. Out of operation . , ..-. J -O. Stamping Machine. CSR origin, type- "S.KODA? ?treed ... stapping: numiiers into Wheel-tires ,_ , . - , - '+-7, .:- - ? d: Two Rolling Machines. ' One German; one Polish origin -- '47-alvraY's,out of operation and ,under repair. Both were hot rolls for rolling out nitteel-tirep. ? .., .; ,, , ,. . - , :,e.. Press."... CSR origin/. type "SKODA", cap- 6,000,' AEI. - _. Used for pressing?pre-heated ingots into rough,: shape of wheel-tires. heating :Ingots'. .. - -?-. .... , -,.?.:. ?Ir., ,; ., ' .- .22: *WORKSHOP _"B". ,. Single' story brick, aPproi 30x20/8r4,,s4.'aw,.:anile: angle tarpapered Used. for s'cutting ingots. Equipped',witha 'ft 25-tons crane ';travel- . ing. from 11-,,ta S...5M7-,high. . Workshop only part in. 'Operation!. when S .d:eparied:;". --'.--- - _?,;`,- -,: A. Office of Foreman,f ,..?. , :.-' :,.,?:. ,; : ,? _ .. B. Two Electric Motors. ,pciriet ,origin, each--,yii:th a cap of 125 KV/;.' operating Lathe li2tt),..' ... s'? ' . "'*.. ? ? ' - -.. --,,,--!1/4'---e-"/ . ,. ref to ? (P t a) 'pars:giaiih. II. , ' C. LATHE. Soviet.6:rJgin 1.,..,12ia, 1-.-,).:.,::7,...,,,-!.1.:,;.",..,,-,!,,,,.,.-?:::...",-,..."!iif.-..., . . ., . ....,? _ ... , ? -, _ ,i- 2-% - ,. ... -- ..--,. :Tic, Automatic Machines. _German arggin:;.:Afili'veild by: s. WALDR/Oli located at SIEGEN/Westfalia. Used for oi.44ng. iriliolfi.:ii,.1. g.''''' WI e.''::',Elea'. ' 0' Motors. ' German ?Ori ' -415-eratinerthcCAfivio Automatic Machines .(.4:. ,Pt 22D)::t. ' ? "' ..-..., !. ' i.,...;.- ' 'F' . . .. ,P.: .1...17.r. ?..,t- '' ? ""..e..X,',4,. "".- ?',.i. ?,, f. -Pre-Heating. Furnace. _ , Gas operated, , ueed.for?prert , s ? ...... ? *s,"....-.:, -. .. ,?..,.,....",,.. ,.. , , '.:'ft, v. .? ? .;- ,-; ,c.5???;,-/,?..,??????.4-:?. .- ?.!', : NOTE: THIS bocvmENT,corfrans INFORMATION 67, TING THE NATIONAL DEfEt,,19E?pF1I1E UNIyEDFIATESyllt(10,THEMEANINAoRT)-tE-EsPioNAG,Er?8.9 u, s:--o.,?; ?..., .., ? ,31 At;w32..As AMENDED its TifAkst,:iissioN,,,oRkog,'REVELATIokpF ITS coTrOis:.-IN,ANy".MAtiNErilrp AN (114M)loRIZEapERSO-1,1,1PROUIDITED'19)14-11-AW:- IT MAY NOT ak.REpRoDUcED:q4 .WHOLE OR IN PAR.T. Of q.m,,.Efill4Ar:i utgrtp.FArg.5,-Auf -,b.RCE.2A,G,ENC,I.gS,:yxCEpri..iziy ,P,EktiiiS8.?10N.ok!ri-jc'.DIREciottIir " -INTEILIO-ENcE;?0-811e; .1; r - '...: --: ' ''r- 7 ? ;* t..,!..4?4; ? - ?; -'? .-_,;;F:f2: 4'1.14.7,? 5? - ..: Y, '".,4/se6.:'.'"A".n.,;:?, ,..? ?- ' ?.J.,.,,e,:s r1.77.' .?.. .?. . , ,oc....... T. - ? ? ..... : ? -? ti,,; . s!',.::7 ,..4,-? ? - - ( " ..? ....1.v...vti. ' , :: .;?,,4,,,,,.,.. : : ,If. ..,. : ?...- ,,t,,/ , ,?. ,. - , .? ,,,, v . ? .''' e? - ... ss?,.., ,, .. . ,... Lev'. .? Jr i ... ? , 4, - -1, ....":".ii;,1,,),..1 .7.; . r- - 7 .? ' ?? ... ..' ' ....j) , .. L..),,,. r ? 13 ". , AT,' 4, A.zol'? cq,AS.SInCATIO , '4'?'.' "1?, i ? ' at?i!"+:4 , ; /7 i*,.., 17:6 . ":',Trri .. e. 6?75547 0-1 t * 114. GovERNPAkNtpaiitTom oFric.r.itt503,i) 3-32"k . ? "" r'''' ?? ????.'",....:.- - - Xni;.?:P.ri*...1...11.1:4A...7.-__!..:. ,\?::"..17i,:ka../.s,A:.17... V. ?..:,1,:i..'..-si.jkit',..4.43Y.VLiq..i'rt7.:..liS':&1. ,tir:Vac.2-:'?;1..'...,..a.?. ???c", ninrtacsifipc-1 in Part Sanitized COPY Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 AF FORM 112?PART II APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTFI I inrwrr ikirnDkA ATION REPORT 50X1-HUM PAGE 6 OF 16 PAGES 23. LAM SHOP. Single story brick, approx 30x10x6 to 8m, low angle tarpapered roof. Used for cutting steel blocks as long as Workshop "B" (Pt 22) did not work with full capacity. Shop equipped with lighter cane travel- ing from N to S in a height of 5m. Shop contained one English lathe type "NOBLE LUND" and 5 Polish lathes belonging to a steel pit located at LABAND (5020N/1837E) S knew that these lathes had to be given back. Approx 12 men worked here per shift. Shop out steel ingots of.ciroular shape partly 8 and 12m long and partly 30, 50 and 60cm in dia for export to Brasilia. 24. WORKSHOP. Single story brick, approx 170x20x18m, low angle concrete roof. Equipped with two cranes traveling from E to W 16m high one with a cap of 35 tons and one with a cap of 40 tons and two wall-bracket cranes, each with a cap of 1,500 kilograms. Approx 50 to 60 men and women worked here on pre- paring RR oar wheels. RR oar wheels were exported to USSR, India, Red-China, Egype, Yggoslavia and used in Poland. These wheels differed slightly in size (S remembered approx 5cm as maximum). Wheels for Yugoslavia were used for electric-trains. S learned that beginning in 1958 RR car wheels will be made for export only. A. Three Pit Heating Furnaces. Operated by gas, each measur- ing 20m long and 2.5 to 3m deep. Used for pre-heating steel ingots for further preparation. S once saw shafts for ships. No details. Ingot h pre-heated in these furnaces were used under the Press (Pt 24D). B. Drive-Out Type furnace. Gas operated. C. Pre-Heating Furnace. Same type and purpose as Pre-Heating Burnace (Pt 21B f). D. Press. Same type and purpose as Press (Pt 21 B e) E. Rolling Michine. German origin, old type. F. Small Press. Polish origin, cap 3,000 ATU. G. Storage Section. Used for cooling prepared parts and storage of round iron of various dial ingots, steel blocks, etc. 25. WORKSHOP. Single story brick, approx 95x10x6 to 8m low angle tarpapered roof. Equipped with crane traveling from E to W 5m high with a cap of 5 tons. Workshop used for cutting ingots, turning RR car axles, and preparing smaller items. S seldom entered. Approx 30 men and women worked here per shift. A. Workshop A. Six Lathes. Polish origin, type "RAFAMED" for pre- paring RR car axles. b. Metal Saw. Polish origin, saw-blade 1.2m long. c. Vertical Lathe. German origin, old type, for re- lining deformed molds. d. Drop Hammer. Polish origin e. Press. Polish origin,.oap of 6,000 ATU f. Chimney. Sheet metal, 1.5m in dia on brick founda- tion. Chimney was 20m high (protruding the roof approx 12m) connected with under- ground canals with furnaces in Workshop (Pt 24). g. Forge. Used for pre-heating smaller items. B. Storage Section. Used for storage and packing smaller items such as axes, hammers, hatchetqletc. C. Office 26. REPAIR SHOP. Single story brick, approx 30x20x10 to 12m low angle tarpapered roof. Used for repairing machine tools installed in pit. Shop contained one small gas operated pre-heating furnace,.1 lathe, 1 drillihg machine, 1 milling machine, surface plates, workbenches and two small offices. Approx 15 men worked here per shift. 27. COMPRESSOR STATION, single story brick, approx 22x10x5 to 6m low angle tarpapered roof. Used for producing compressed air for presses in- stalled in pit. Station contained 5 high-pressure compressors of CSR origin, - NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. (CLASSIFICATION) 16-8z,570-1 U. P. covi mmmmmm mania eyries Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 ? AF FORM*112?PART APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 CONFIDENTIAL (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT PAGE 7 OF 16 PAGES 50X1 -HUM type "SKODA". Bldg equipped with a manually operated small crane to lift com- pressors in case of repair. All pipes between compressors and presses laid underi ground. 28. BLDG. Brick bldg, approx 22x10m, low angle tarpapered roof. A. Compressor Station. Single story, approx 8m high, con- tamed 7 Polish compressors only 3 were in operation and 4 in reserve. Six com- pressor had a cap of 6 ATU, the other was smaller. Compressors were used for operating air vents in workshops. B. Section. Two story, 8m high. In basement of bldg were 5 transformers each with a cap of 1,000 kilowatt-ampere transforming current from 6,000 to 500 volts. First floor contained all pipes and valves of Compressor Station (Pt 28A) and (Pt 27). Second floor of section contained switchboards and breakers of transformers in basement. On roof of this section was an electrically operated siren, part of civilian 290 STORAGE BLDG. angle tarpapered roof. Used for used in Repair Shop (Pt 26). 30. WORKSHOP. Single story brick, approx 95x16x15m, low angle tarpapered roof. In basement of bldg there were old German built air-raid bunkers which had been renovated and modernized. Bunkers were divided into concrete chambers with double doors. Bunkers were equipped with air ventilator system and telephone. Concrete ceiling of bunkers was thickened. Bunkers were 5m deep. S heard that in case of emergency, pit management will use these bunkers were underground connections to air-raid bunkers located under open space W of Com- pressor Station (Pt 27). A. Workshop, for production of dies for presses installed in pit, shafts for ships, drillings on shafts for ships, and bigger cog-wheels of bronze. Shop equtpped with 2 cranes traveling from E to W 10m high each a of 20 tons. Approx 40 men and women worked here per shift. a. Workbenches b. Four Lathes. Polish origin c. Drilling Machine. US origin d. Vertical Lathe. Poliih origin, e. Dressing Rooms. Offices Workshop. Approx 40 men ani women worked here per a. Six lathes, partly CSR, US, German and Polish air-defense. Single story brick, approx 22x12x4 to 5m, low storage of replacement parts and raw materials cap B. C. gin. delivered by UNNRA. Model around 1900. table 3m with in dia. b. o. d. e. shift. ori- Four Planning?Machines. Polish origin Shaper. Polish origin, type "RAFAMED". Metal Saw. Polish origin, blade 1.2m long. ' Milling Machine. US origin, new S was informed f. Two Slotting Machines. US origin, firm in Florida g. Vertioal Lathe h. Vertical Lathe. French origin, type "BERTRIER". i. Three Milling Machines. CSR origin, type "MARS" for milling cog-wheels of bronze. J. Magnet Plate, for polishing purposes. 31. STORAGE BLDG. Single story brick, approx 22x18x4 to 5m, low angle tarpapered roof, for the storage of tin-pipes, metal sheets, wires, etc used by plumbers for maintenance and repair of bldgs in pit. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS. PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES. EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. fon-. r V. A- ...!"tsik,. (CLASSIFICATION) 243-5a370-1 * U. I. 6.0VIIMINKT PRINTING OITICE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 _ AF FORM t12?PART II - APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 (CLAsswicATIoN) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION' REPORT PAGE ? OF 16 PAGES 32. WATER BASIN. Concrete structure, newly constr, approx 12x8m unkn depth since always filled with water. Used for collecting warm waste-water for cooling purposes. Connected with .New Pumping .Station (Pt 33) by underground pipes. 33. NEW WATER PUMPING STATION. Single story concrete, approx 10x8x6m, low angle concrete roof. Pumps not yet instaTled when S departed. S heard all other pumping s tations in pit area will be dismantled after comple- tion of this one. S heard it was planned to put pumping station in operation in 1958. 34. ENTRANCE. Secured by a double wing iron frame mesh wire gate, guarded by work police in Guard House (Pt 3.7). 35. SRR SMALL GAUGE RR. Came from Pit leading to 'a freight and shunting yard for small gauge RR approx lkm SE of pit. Only part of axles (finished) from a pit in FRIEDENSHUETTE used in this installation were brought on this RR. 36. WELL. No details 37. GUARD-HOUSE. Single story brick bldg, approx 3x3x3m, low angle tarpapered roof occupied by 3 members of work-police guarding Entrances (Pts 34 and 38). 38. ENTRANCE. Secured by single wing iron gate. Entrance only used by laborers of pit. 39. PUMPING STATION. Single story brick, approx 4x4x3m, low angle tarpapered roof. In basement of bldg were 4 centrifugal water pumps of Polish origin ears:3h with a 40 kilowatt electric motor. No further details. Close to pumping station was newly renovated wooden water-cooling tower approx 8m sq and 28m high. 40. BRIDGE CRANES. Each had a cap of 20 to 25 tons, 12m high. Cranes equipped with electro-magnets. 41. STORAGE AREA. Area was approx 85x15m, for open storage of steel ingots and block& used in Workshops (Pt 21 and 24). Steel ingots and blocks were brought to storage area from Steel Foundry (Pt 87). 42. CRANE SUPPORT. Consisted of steel-I-beams approx 10m apart and 12m high. The two lines of steel beams were approx 10m apart. 43. SHOEMAKERS SHOP. Single story brick, approx 4x4x4m, low angle tarpapered roof. Three :shoemakers worked here. ? 44. BLDG. Two-story brick, approx 30x5x8m, low angle tarpapered roof. Second floor housed offices and mess hall. First floor was divide,d. A. Plumber's Shop. Used by plumbers working on maintenance and repair of water, heating and drainage facilities in pit. Shop_ acsts,int'dik,:- - drilling machines, one lathe, grind-stones and workbenches. ' women belonged to the plumber's crew per shift. B. Repair Shop. Used for the repair of precision toolsand measuring instruments used in pit, contained no machines except a watohmakerls lathe. Other repairs, laborers used machines installed in Plumberls Shop (Pt 44A). Approx 20 men and women worked here per shift. C. Section. Contained main-valve and distribution point of gas Tapes leading into pit. Main gas pipe line from municipal gas works of GLIWICE terminated here. Section contained switchboards, valves, slide"--valves and gas-meters. Approx 10 men and women worked here per shift. ? 45. BOILER HOUSE. Single story brick bldg, approx 15x15x20 to 25m, flat concrete roof. Contained three coal fed boilers with traveling grates. Boiler houseaused for heating purposes and prodUcing warm water. 46. STORAGE AREA. Approx 25x10m, used for open storage of coal used in Boiler House (Pt 45). 47.? BRICK SMOKESTACK. Approx 35 to ,40m high, 2.5 to 3m in dia on top and 6 to 8 dia on bottom. Smokestack was connected with Boiler House' ?1 NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. ONFIn0qTirti, (CLASSIFICATION) ?? - 16-66670-1 * UI.PIMITINS OVIIU ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP8.1-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 ? AF FORM 112?PART H APPROVED I JUNE 1948 4 ,-.,?:.--?;- (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUM PAGE 9 16 OF PAGES (Pt 45) by underground concrete canal. 48. PUMPING STATION. Single story brick, approx 6x4x4m, low angle concrete roof. Contained 6 centrigugul water pumps And one hydraulic pump for water used in Boiler House (Pt 45). Eadh pump had its own electric motors. Entire equipment was of Polish origin. S learned part of pumps had been manufac- tured in pit "ALTE HUETTE" in GLIWICE. 49. BATH HOUSE. Two-story brick, approx10x10x15m, low angla tarpapered roof, used by pit laborers and civilians living in that area. Entrance on NW side towards pit was guarded by member of work-police. 50. WELDING SHOP. Single story brick, 10x8x5m, low angle tar- papered roof. It contained 5 electric-welding machines of Polish origin and 10 autogenous welding apparatuses. Welding shop worked for Workshop (Pt 30A) and repair and maintenance of facilities installed in pit area. Approx 15 to 20 men and women worked here per shift. 51. WEIGHING MACHINE had a cap of 100 tons. 52. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Single story brick, approx 8x6x12m, flat roof. On NW corner of roof, a brick tower approx 2m sq, protruding from roof, 6m serving as fire lookout, occupied day and night by member of fire brigade. Fire department had one modern and one old ZIS type fire truck. The professional fire-brigade was composed of 10 members per shift. 53. REPAIR SHOP, Single story brick, approx 10x5x4m, low angle tarpapered roof, was used by electricians and mechanics working on repair of machines installed in Steel Foundry (Pt 87). Section did not contain any machines Approx 60 men and women in this maintenacne crew per shift. 54. SMITHY. Single story brick, approx 5x5x4m, low angle tarpaper- ed roof. It contained 2 forges, workbenches with anvils, and vises. Belonged to Moliding Shop (Pt 87B). 55. FURNACE SECTION. Single story brick, approx 62x15x12m, low angle roof, tarpapered. Equipped with 2 cranes traveling from N to S 10m high, each with a cap of 10 tons. Section contained 2 gas operated furnaces for drying molds. No details. Approx 40 men and women worked here per shift. 56. MOLDING SHOP. Single story brick, approx 62x15x12m, low angle tarpapered roof. Bldg equipped with two cranes traveling from N to S, 6m high each with a cap of 10 tons. S learned mainly RR oar wheels were molded here. Casts were cleaned by compressed air. 2 blasting machines installed in S part of bldg. Approx 40 men and women worked here per shift. 57. OFFICE. Single story brick, approx-10x5x4m, low angle tar- papered roof. Housed foremen of Molding Shop (Pt 56). 58. BRIDGE CRANE. 6m high cap of 6 tons, and equipped with hooks. 59. CRANE SUPPORT. Consisted of steel-I-beams approx 10m apart. Two lines of beams were 8m apart. 60. STORAGE AREA. Triangular shape. N and S sides each apprpx 50m long, W side approx 30m long used for open storage of coal, mainly as reserve for Boiler House (Pt 45) and locomotives of pit. 61. BLDG. Single story brick, approx 30x10x8m, low angle tarpaper- A. Carpenter Shop. contained circular saws', band saws, . lathes, planes, drilling milling machines and workbenches. Used as model-shop for repair and maintenance of bldgs and furniture installed in pit. Approx 50 men and women worked here per shift. B. Storage Section. Storage of lumber, in Carpenter Shop (Pt 61A). 62. STORAGE AREA. N side was approx 55m long, E side was approx 40m long and S side was approx 35m long for storaga of coal. ed roof. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES. EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. (CLASSIFICATION) 16-6a670-1 *.44. I. COVOINIUNT Pairing arricx IThme-laccifiPrI in Part - Sanitized Com Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 AF FORM 112?PART II APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 CruNFIDENTIA* ? (Cussmcaum) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 6:LY 50X1 -HUM PAGE 10 OF 1 5. PAGES 63. ENTRANCE #5. Secured by a double wing iron frame mesh wire gate, guarded by 3 members of work-police. Same prooedure as described under Main Entrance (Pt 3). .- 64. BLDG. Single story brick, approx 12x10x5m, low angle tar- papered roof, divided into storage section for working-clothes and guard section. Entrance 1,4, going thru'bldg had 2 guards. Entranoe could only bit, used by laborers. Same procedure as described under Main Entrance Pt 3). 65. BICYCLE STAND 66. MESS HALL, Two-story brick bldg, approx 20x10x6 to 8m, low angle tarpapered roof. First floor housed kitchen second floor divided into canteen and mess hall. 67. BRIDGE CRANE. 12m high cap 35 tons, equipped with chains and hooks. Crane used for lifting RR cars from DRR ESG (Pt 2) down to terrain of Pit area in case Traveling Platform (Pt 72) was too busy. 68. CRANE SUPPORT. Consisted of steel 1-beams approx 10m apart and 12m high. Two lines were approx 10m apart, extending over DRR ESG (Pt 2). 69. TRAVELING PLATFORM. Electrically operated. Used to shift RR cars from Traveling Platform (Pt 72) to various tracks passing Crane Support (Pt 68). 70% LOCOMOTIVE SHELTER. Single story brick, approx 15x10x6 to 7m low angle tarpapered roof. Two sets-of-pulleys installed but no machinery. Pit owned 5 old Polish steam locomotives, for small gauge RR minor repairs made in pit. General overhauls or bigger repairs performed either in RR repair pit in BRESLAVL (5106N/1702E) or POZNAN (5225N/1658E). Two RR tracks, small gauge, terminated in this shelter. 71. STORAGE BLDG. Siggle story brick, approx 10x5x5m, low angle tarpapered roof. For storage of winches chains, steel cables and other replace= went parts for cranes and transport system. Also accessories for kitchen stored here. 72. TRAVELING PLATFORM. Measured 25x15m. Led from embankment of DDR ESG (Pt 2) down to terrain of pit. Used to move RR cars. Traveling platform was a steel constr, electrically operated. RR cars rolled or pulled by );$ridge Crane (Pt 67) from this traveling platform onto Traveling Platform (Pt 69) for further movement. 73. REPAIR SHOP. Single story brick, approx 10x10x5m, low angle tarpapered roof. Divided into plumber and painter shop. Laborers.working here maintaland bldgs crew of lahorers.tte42p8it1e forzmaintenance of worker's settle- ments in vicinity of pit. 41,11proia100,0nd women worked per shift approx 30 maintained worker's siittlemenigginftp., 74. STORAGE ARfA' Apl5rdi 55x15m, the open storage of scrap iron. 75. CRANE SUPPORT. 12m high steel I-beams approx 10m apart two rows of beams approx 15m apart. 76. TWO BRIDGE CRANES. Oap of 25 tons, equipped with grabs to unload RR cars with scrap iron. 77. WEIGHING MACHINE, weighing scrap iron and iron ore to change furnaces in Steel Foundry (Pt 8700 78. SMALL GAUGE RR 79. CRANE SUPPORT Steel-I-beams approx 10m apart and 12m high. Two rows of beams approx 5m apart. 80. STORAGE AREA. Approx 20x10m, open storage of iron ore part of which came from SWEDEN) USSR Ithd POLAND. Iron ore dumped by RR cars. 81. TWO CRANES. Bridge crane with cap of 3 tons, used to pull small cars on Small Gauge RR -(Pt 78) loaded with iron ore and' scrap iron Into Steel Foundry (Pt 870). 82. STORAGE BLDG. Single story brick, approx 15x5x8m, low angle tarpapered roof. .Used for storage of furnaces in Steel Foundry (Pt 87C)., 3 NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U.S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES. UCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. . f? ?. p ; 1 : MASSWMATMO 16-65670-1 * U. I. GOvilmierra PRINTING roma ? neclassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 AF FORM 112:-PART ' APPROVED 1 JUNE ,1948 CONFIDENTIAL. (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 50X1 -HUM FACE 11 OF 1.6 PAGES mixers of Polish origin. Approx 20 men and women worked here per shift. 83. REPAIR SHOP. Single story brick, approx 15x5x8m, low angle tarpapered roof. S seldom entered, heard that laborers working here repaired maohines and equipment installed in Steel Foundry (Pt 87). 84. CRANE SUPPORT. I-beams approx 10m apart and 8m high. Two rows of beams were 10m apart. 85. STORAGE AREA. Approx 50x10m open storage of ingots wasted in Steel Foundry (Pt 87). 86. TWO BRIDGE CRANES. Cap of 20 to 25 tons, equipped with an electromagnet. 87. STEEL FOUNDRY. Single story brick bldg, approx 54x50m, low angle tarpapered roof. A. Storage Section. Approx 18m high, equipped with 2 bridge cranes traveling from E to W 12m high, cap of 10 tons equipped with hooks. S ob- served steel ingots from Molding Shop (Pt 87B) were cooled and molds cleaned here. Did not contain any machines. Approx 40 to 50 men and women worked here per shift. B. Molding Shop. 25m high. Equipped with 4 bridge cranes all traveling from E to W. Two of them were 18m high cap of 60 tons and two tra7eling 12m high cap of 5 tons. The bigger cranes moved oradies with liquid steel. All cranes equipped with hooks. S observed steel casted into fire-proff brick molds. Approx 40 to 50 men and women worked here per shift. C. Steel Foundry. Approx 28m high, equipped with two fully- rotating cranes traveling from E to W 12m high cap of 20 tons, used to charge 3 gas operated Siemens Martin Furnaces. Two furnaces had cap of 60 tons and one a cpa of 40 tons. One of the furnaces already converted fromihanual to automatic; control.S observed entire furnace had been dismantled down to the foundation and newly built-up. The conversion was completed on 25 or 28 Dec 1957. S learned other furnaces will be converted. Furnaces were charged from top. Furnace tapped every 5 or 6 hours. Except for equipment belonging to furnaces, there were no machines. Approx 100 men and women worked here per shift. Three brick smoke- stacks each approx 2m in dia on top and 5 to 6m in dia an furnaces, protruded from the roof of section for approx 30m. D. Section approx 6m high, divided into a laboratory for the foundry, offices of foremen, lavatories and dressing rooms. 88. RR CAR REPAIR SHOD. Single story brick, approx 20x10x15m low angle tarpapered roof. Repair of small gauge RR oars belonging to Pit. Bldg equipped with a bridge crane traveling from E to W 7m high cap of 10 tons. Bldg contained metal scissors, bending machines, 2 lathes, 2 forges, workbenches and dressing rooms. Approx 20 men and women worked here per shift. 89. AIMINISTRATION BLDG. Single story brick, approx 8x6x6m, low angle tarpapered roof. Divided into administration offices, a laboratory and a first aid station of Steel Foundry (Pt 87) 90. WATER BASIN approx 7x5m, serving as fire-pond. 91. BLDG. Single story brick, low angle tarpapered roof. A. Storage Section. Approx 25x10x5m, storage of fire- proof bricks, used in Steel Foundry (Pt 87) B. Smithy. Approx 12x5x6 to 8m. Contained one drilling machine, 2 welding sets and 2 forges. Unkn repair purposes. 0. Transformer Station. Approx 5x5x5m, contained 3 oil- cooled transformers of Polish make. Section not yet completed when S departed. Transformers were delivered and installed by mechanios of pit located in KATTOWICE (5016N/1903E). Transformer station will later serve all equipment of civilian ' air defense such as telephone system, loudspeaker sirene, emergency lighting, air yenta etc. NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT. 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES. EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLJGENCE, USAF. CONFIDENIIAL (CLASSIFICATION) 15-55A70-1 * U. S. consNitUIT rOlorttlit Off ICS ???? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 ' AF FORM 112?PART 11 APPRovED1 JUNE 1948 (CLASSIFICATION) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUM PAGE 12 OF 16 PAGE 92. NEW WATER TOWER. Constr in 1957. Brick tower approx 30 to 35m high and 15m in dia. Water pumped into containers in tower by pumps in- stalled in Pumping Station (Pt 48). Tower had flat concrete platform on top secured with an iron railing 1.2m high. Anemometer and telephone installed on top. Platform will be used as air-raid lookout in case of emergency. S heard it was not planndd to install AA, guns on platforms. 93. LATHE SHOP. -Single story brick structure. Used for finish- ing RR car wheels, axles and complete wheel-sets in addition, various smaller unimportant itesm. A. Repair Shop. Approx 15x8x3 to 4m, low angle tarpapered roof. Used for repairing machines installed in entire Lathe Shop (Pt 93). 'Section was divided into repair shop, welding section and a storage section for replacement parts. B. Administration. Approx 22x8x3 to 4m, low angle tarpaper- ed roof. Divided into offices of the Lathe Shop (Pt 93) C. Workshop #1. Approx 52x8x8m, low angle tarpapered roof. Equipped with two oranes traveling bm high from E to W a cap of 3 tons, equipped with chains and hooks. Section used for rough preparation of RR car axles. Appro34 15 men worked here per shift. a. Three Lathes. Polish origin, type "PORIMBA" b. Lathe. Polish make, for cutting circular steel blocks axles into correct sizes. 0. Three Metal Saws. Polish origin. Blade was 1.2m long. For rough cutting of ingots into approx sizes. . d. Drilling Machine. Polish origin. Drilling already out steel blocks for axles, blocks could be held by chucks of lathes. D. Workshop #2. Approx 52x8x8m, low angle tarpapered roof. Equipped with two cranes traveling bm high from E to W cap of 3 tons, equipped with chains and hooks. Section used for turning RR car axles. Approx 15 to 20 men worked here per shift. a. Eight Lathes. Polish orign, type "PORIMBA". Used for rough turning of axles. b. Automatic Machine. Under dismantling when S depart- ed. A already removed all electric cables and wires from machine. S heard machine was too old. c. Storage Area. Axles roughly prepared in Workshop #1 (Pt 930 were stored for further preparation. E. Workshop #3. Same oonstr details as Workshop #2 (Pt 93D) for finishing RR car axles. Approx 20 men worked here per shift. a. Nine Lathes. Polish origin, type "PORIMBA". Each 5 to 6m long. 'b. Two Lathes. New machines arrived at pit in Nov 1957 Used for cutting threads on RR oar axles for electric trains and exported to Yugoslavia. C. Milling Machine. English origin, old machine for "milling a slotted hole into axles and exported to Yugoslavia. F. Workshop #4. Same oonstr details as Workshop #2 (Pt 93B, Used for cleaning and checking turned axles. Approx 10 men worked here per shift a.Three Polishing Machines. Polish origin. b. Test Stand. Polish origin. Testing axles for defects. Done by magnetizing the axles with low tension of 240 volts. A mixture of oil and certain powder (unkn to s), was spread over magnetized axle and steel could be checked for fractions etc. G. Workshop #5. Same oonstr details as Workshop #2 (Pt 93D), but 20m wide, without cranes. Several RR tracks laid into surface of shop on which complete wheel-sets were ianually moved. Section employed approx 30 men MOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OFTHE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 11. S. C.- 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE, REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. T MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, OT.HEg T_HAti UNI.TED.TE,S AIR FORCE-AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. ONFIUL; 11AL (CLASSIFICATION) 15-141370-1 * 0.0. covel1141MIT ratorrleta toms Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 ? F,FORM 112=-PART II PPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 t :ro tz\- ?. wassmomom AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT ? PAGE 13 OF 16 PAGES and women per shift, engineers from different countries, took over products in this section. S learned all engineers spoke German. a. Test Stand. Same as Test Stand (Pt 93 Pb) but for complete wheel-sets. H. Workshop #.6. Same constr details as Used for turning wheel-tires wheels and complete wheel-sets. Shop employed approx 70 men and women per shift. a, Five Vertical Lathes. Old machines, Polish and German origin, for preparing wheel-tires. b. Press. Polish origin, cpa 3,000 ATU, for hydraulic pressing of cold. wheels on cold axles. c. Finishing Lathe. Polish origin, German prototype. For profile finishing of complete wheel-sets. d. Polishing Machine. Polish origin, for polishing Workshop #2 (Pt 93D)1 (Pt 93 He) e. Two Finishing Lathes. Same use as Finishing Lathe f. Centering Machine'. Old German machine, type "HEGEN- SCHEID". For centering complete wheel-sets. g. Balancing Machine. Manufactured by pt itself. Yugoslays asked for machite to balanne their wheel-sets for electric trains be- cause of capacity of electrical contact of wheels. Capacity of contacts measured in ohm. S did not remember cap in ohm, was somewhat like 0,0005 ohms. h. Polishing Machine. Polish origin for polishing axles exported to USSR. i. Finishing Lathe j. Press. Same as Press (Pt 93 Hb) k. Two Rolling Machines 1. Pre-Heating Furnace. Polish origin gas operated used for making wheel-tires red hot had to be hotly fitted on the wheels by order of Russians. m. Automatic Machine. German origin, type "MAGDEBURGER" hydraulically operated, for turning RR car wheels, equipped with 6 supports and 7 disks? n. Small Vertical Lathe. purposes. o. Five Vertical Lathes. for turning whecls. I. Workshop #7. Same constr Shop employed approx 80 men and women per shift. a. Five Vertical Lathes. for turning wheel-tires. (Pt 93 Ho) Polish origin, for centering Polish origin, type "PORIMBA" details as Workshop #2 (Pt 93D) German and Polish origin, b. Five Finishing Lathes. Same as Finishing Lathe o. Polishing Machine. Polish origin, for polishing axles. d. Press. Same as Press (Pt 93 Hb) e. Four Induction Furnaces. Polish Origin, electrica- lly operated. Same use as Pre-Heating Furnace (Pt 93 Hi) - ?f. .Two Vertical Lathes. Polish origin, type "PORIMBA" for turning cylinders for RR oar wheels which had bushings. g.Automatic Machine. Same as Automatic Machine (Pt h. Five Vertical Lathes. Polish origin, type "PORIMBA" 93 Hm)o for turning wheels. i. Drawing Machine. Polish origin for drawing wheel- 50X1 -HUN NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U. S. C.- 31 AND 32, AS AMENDED. ITS.TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN-ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART. BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE. USAF. ."""- e- t -*? "-?; ; ? " (CLASSIFICATION) 16-56870-1 * I. S. covomuurr tit:pima orrice Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R00200017nnnR_1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 ? AFIORM112?PARTII ? APPROVED 1 JUNE 1948 I (cussincA nom) AIR INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION REPORT - tire wheels. papered roof Two rola' of wheel tires, round iron e 50X1 -HUM PAGE 14 OF 16 PAGES 94. BLDG. Two-story brick, approx 50x10x6 to 8m, low angle tar- Divided dressing room for men and women. 95. MASONRY WALL. 96. CRANE SUPPORT. Steel I-beam approx 10m apart and 10m high. steel beams approx 15m apart. 97. TWO BRIDGE CRANES. Cap of 15 to 20 tons. 98. STORAGE AREA. Approx 65x15 to 18m, for open s torage of axles, RR car wheels, complete wheel-sets, iron parts, pipes, angle iron. tc. 99. BLDG. Two story brick, approx 25x10x6 to 8m, low angle tar- papered roof. First floor a storage section for sheet metal, angle iron, round iron, rivets, nuts, screws, bolts. Tools to repair machines installed in Lathe Shop (Pt 93) and muriatic acid in carbohiSecond floor divided into walculating office of pit and a section dealing with accidents. No details. ? o 50X1 -HUM ? -*????t-r.,1--...a... ? ? - ? - NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT, 50 U.S. C.- 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. IT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AGENCIES, EXCEPT BY PERMISSION OF THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE, USAF. OONADENTIAL (CLASSIFICATION) 18-156670-1. * U. *. Kmoutroor PIINTIC efFICI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 Page 15 of'16 pages 1839E 5016N 5018N / 1847E 50X1 -HUM OVERLAY OF TOL 023209965G15-25M OF GLIWICE-SOSNOWIEC AREA (5017N/1840E) 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 41.1:qj 1:j5:41 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1 50X1 -HUM -- 40 4.) , A A C .1 61-ts,zszcscim- 11-1*----- ; k E=I 1k -323 -58 ce?3' a __ ? =1 r=5 1=1` L=1, - c =0 Jr-L-1 o 0 ac=3t, 61=1 r',Et/. c ..)=3 0 b c1:1-173 5 \To- _ C D :;35 JR -323-58 -/ n t< 16 I= 0 'a' EicJ 4') Is _23 e D-d 1=3- =2d r1 f 9, L crom 1 b E=3 1 CONEr 1)". ek'-'1' tifm. IR.-323-58 IR - 323-58 Page 16 of 16 pages -4 zt. 17:?1?1- :11?.??:41.; CAVVA 6+' -4-- ?b, a i,= =1-,J % a b, _El_ /MI ??4;e.- e.4=1 f -0 d-O g (=i 26,5 H4 ,1 4.54 . Mi 1 /5? '\ 13 (Pt#1, Figttl, this Rpt) SKETCH of STEEL PLT "Ith MAY" in GLIWICE (5017 N-1840E) ? FIGURE# 2, IR- 323 -58 15-1 11 10 47 IP- 323-58 ? 74'? CONFIDENTIAL - /R - 32 3 -58 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/07/12 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000170006-1