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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CHARACTERISTICS AND PERFORMANCE HANDBOO Assistant Chief of Staff / Intelligence ? and Office of Naval Intelligence ? USN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 R 50X1 -HUM Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 0 AMC Desionation FLORA FAGOT FRESCO FARMER FLASHLIGHT A FLASHLIGHT B FLASHLIGHT C FACEPLATE FISHBED A FISHBED B FISHPOT FITTER BEAST BAT BULL BARGE BEAGLE BOSUN BADGER ' BISON BEAR BLOWLAMP BACKFIN CREEK COLT CAB CORK ,COACH CRATE CAMEL CAMP .CAT MULE MOOSE MAX January 1958- SECRET TABLE OF CONTENTS ,.. USSR Designation Fighters Yak-23 Mig-15 Mig-17 Mig-19 Yak-25 Bombers 11-10 Tu-2 Tu-4 11-28 Tu-14 Tu-16 Transports Yak-12 An-2 Li-2 Yak-16 11-12 -11-14 Tu-104 Trainers Po-2 Yak-11 Yak-18 SECRET Date Sep 55 (C) Mar 56 (C) Jun 56 (C) Oct 57 (S) Oct 57 (S) Jan 57 (S) Jan 57 (S) Dec 57 (S) Jan 57 (S) Jan 57 (S) Jan 57 (S) Dec 57 (S) Jul 53 (C) Mar 52 (C) Mar 52 (C) Jan 54 (C) Jun 56 (C) Mar 52 (C) Dec 57 (S) Dec 57 (S) Dec 57 (S) Nov 56 (S) Jan 58 (S) Jul. 53(C) Jul 53 (C) Jan 58 (C) Jul 53 (C) Jul 53 (C) Oct 57 (C) Nov 57 (C) Sep 57 (C) Oct 57 (C) 50X1-HUM Jul 53 (C) Jul -53 (C) Jul 56 (C) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part -_Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 AMC Designation SECRET TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) ? USSR Designation Date Trainers (Cont) MASCOT UI1-28 Jul 53 (C) MIDGET UMig-15 Jul 53 (C) Reconnaissance MOP GST Jul 53 (C) MOLE Mar'52 (C) MADGE Be-6 Jul 52 (C) Gliders. MARE, Mar 52. (C) Rotary Wing HARE Mi-1 Jan 58 (C) , HOUND Mi-4 Sep 57 (C) HORSE Yak-24 Jan' 58 (C) ? 50X1-HUM January 1958 SECRET ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL Septeniber 1955 FLORA (YAK-23) REMARKS: The YAK-23 (FLORA) is a single seat low-wing light-weight fighter. It is the latest version of a series of jet fighters designed by YAKOVLEV. Other known aircraft in the series which began with the YAK-15 are the YAK-17 and UYAK-17. 50X1-H111 SUMMARY 1955 First observed in the July 1948 airshow aircraft is now believed obsolete in Soviet Air Force. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 S te*.? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL FLORA (YAK-23) September 1.955 DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS FUEL Wing Span Area. L.E. Taper T.E. Taper Overall Length Maximum Diameter Overall Height 28.5 ft 147 sq ft 11.5 deg 7 deg 26.8 ft 4.7 ft 11.3 ft Loading Empty Take-off Lb 4400 6600 (w/o external tanks) 7359 (v/external tanks) Internal External Weight, lb 1615 Gal 241 104 POWER PLANT ENGINE RATINGS BOMBS/FREIGHT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) (1) RD 500 Centrifugal 93 in 43 in 1414 lbs SL Static Max Nor Lb 3,470 1,763 RPM 14,700 12,500 NONE GENERAL INFORMATION General information only is quoted hereon. For more detailed information on characteristics and performance see ATIC Technical Report TR-AC-28, entitled (Unci) Soviet YAK-23 Aircraft. Retractable tricycle landing gear. Pneumatio system. A mechanical push-pull system without booster unit is the means of actuating ailerons. Flaps are pneumatically actuated. Fuselage 'is of iemi-monocoque construction' and has two detachable sections. Fuel tanks are located In the fuselage. Equipped with ejection seat. Combination "demand" and "free-flow" type oxygen system. ELECTRONICS RSI 6K Command Transmitter RSI-6M-1 Command Receiver RPKO-10M Radio Compass Receiver Sch-3M IFF _ GUNS 2 x 23-mm KR (90 rounds per gun) ROCKETS NONE CONFIDENTIAL 25 4P) September 1955 CONFIDENTIAL ailiMIMMINIMM=M FLORA (YAK-23) AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS MISSION 12 MISSION 23 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) (lb) (lb) (psf) (ho) (ft) (ft) (flan) (min) (min) (ft) (124) (124) (ku) (ft) (ft) (12r) (lb) (ft)* (ho) (rpm) (ft) (ft) (fpm) (kn) (ho) (1) (1 (1 (1 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 6,600 1,615 165 45 86 1,345 2,290 9,42o 6.3 8.3 52,000 487 115 360 35,600 35,600 0.95 5,892 35,500 460 4,000 50,600 53,400 10,600 504 360 ' 7,297 2,312 165 49.7 86 1,720 2,700 7,900 8.7 11.8 50,000 720 250 360 35,600 35,600 1.58 6,247 35,500 460 2,700 48,500 51,000 9,000 504 360 _ 50X1 -HUM Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal Payload (ammunition) Wing loading Stall speed (power off, clean) Take-off ground run at SL Take-off to clear 50 ft Rate of climb at SL Time - SL to 35,000 ft Time -.SL to 40,000 ft Service ceiling (100 rpm) COMBAT RANGE COMBAT RADIUS Average speed Initial cruising altitude Final cruising altitude Total zaseion time com2AT WEIGHT Combat altitude Combat speed Combat climb Combat ceiling (500 fpm) Service ceiling (100 fpm) Max rate of climb at SL Max speed at SL Basic speed at 35,000 ft NOTES * Limited-by no pressurization provisiona and presently installed oxygen equipment 1. Military power 2. HIL-C-5011 Basic Mission 3. MIL-C-5011 with 2 - 52 gal external fuel tanks 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL FLORA (YAK-23) 7 7: 6 25 1 TAKE-OFF 4 FLU 11 It It I I I I 41.???? 7 , ? I 1,1 8 9 GROSS WEIGHT ( 1000 lb) 10 Iu m Emmsommumwm anamminammummummiummanimmul UMEM ? .......... ,?????-??? ? Ii ppm I._ MMIAMIMMINEMMIMMEMMOMMM 111 .1 September 1955 ? SPEED IMMM MIAMIAMMUM MMMMMMMMM AMMAMMIMMAMMIAMMMAM MMAIMMUMEMMIMMWMEMEMMMUMMIN al amammommummsamismommisammom MMMMM IIMMIMMMIMS MMMMMMMM gommilimm? I L MMMMMM MUM AIMMIAMMUMM MM. INN MAXIMMM SPEED LIMITED BY mom ....rMEMOIR ISM ME= AILERON BUZZ AND WING TIP ?? mum FLU= AT 0.8 MACH AT REM MSS MMMEMAIMUM HIGHER ALTITUDES sem mien moo mplumetal mamma MAMMA IIMIMMMA MEMIMEMMIAMMOMMUMMUMMI MMMMMMMMMM IMMAMMEMMEMIMMEMM .1,41 MMAI MMMM kbzerammemssimmin mom ...J ::::: MMIAZAW NM MMM :4,11111MMEN1 01ArA AMMEMIAMMIAMWM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 11:11 IMMMAMIMMIAMMMEMIAMMIANNYAMMIMEMMMIMMAIMMEMMEMAIMMOMMI NIANUAM ? 0M11...41 ammillow simmomplimms WIMMM1b...ASPIMM MMMMM M M MEMMAIMMEAMI manumummmammiminziminsmumam SMOMMA&I ',MUM ONAMAZ. MIAMMIAM MMMMM la" CLIMB MUMMA. MIME MMMMM 1 0 shommISOMM MMMMMMM MUMMER LIMTPED BY PRESSURIZATION AND PRESENTLY INSTALLED OXYGEN EQUIPMENT MIAGM'AgAr IIMMEMAMI umprAmom MAW- essr Ram IOWA MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMM misnasnmammimmommu MMMMM room. III ?MMMMM a2 16 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN , CONFIDENTIAL ? ? ? MARCH 1956 CONFIDENTIAL FAGOT (MIC-15 BIS) FAGOT with VK-1 Engine FAGOT with RD-45 Ermine REMARKS .The 14IG-15 (FAGOT) is a single seat swept-wing turbojet day interceptor. There are two models; the early 14IG-15, and the 141G-15 His, which is an improved version. Recent examination of both models has confirmed previous estimates that both models are identical in size, and there are no signi- ficant external differences. Difference between models is in engine power and electronic equipment. The early model has a direct copy of the British Rolls-Royce Nene rated at 5,000 lbs thrust at SL. Max speed of this version is 564 knots and rate of climb is 8300 ft/min at SL: Aircraft are also produced in Czechoslovakia. SUMMARY 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 MARCH 1956 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL FAGOT (MIG-15 BIS) DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Cathedral Sweepback (leading Overall length Fuselage diameter 33.2 ft 218 sq ft 2.0 deg edge) 36 deg 33.4 ft 4.75 ft POWER PLANT No & Model (1) VK-1 Type Centrifugal, 1 stage double sided, 9 cans Length 93.0 inches Diameter 50.0 inches Weight (dry) 1980 lbs Exhaust nozzle diameter 10.67 inchee Exhaust nozzle area 358 eq in WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty 8,350 Take-off 11,000 Combat 9,745 Landing (Approx) 8,915 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static lb RPM SFC *Take-off 5950 11,500 1.10 lbe/lb/hr 5290 11)200 1.06 4760 10,870 1.05 **Military Normal * 5 min rating ** 60 min rating GENERAL INFORMATION General information only is quoted hereon. For more detailed information on characteristics and performance, pee ATIC TR-AC-48, entitled (Uncl) MIG-15 Bia Flight Test, dated 11 July 1955. The fuselage has an air intake in the none and jet exhaust in the tail. Wings have a pronounced sweep-back ending in square tips. Horizontal and vertical tail surfaces also have a pronounced eweep-back. Horizontal stabilizer in set high on. the verticil fin. A.prominent feature in the four ridge? (fences) on the upper surface of the?wing extending from leading edge to trailing edge. Retractable tricycle landing gear. Hain gear retracta inward into the wing near the root. All systeme hydraulically operated except wheel brakes and emergency system for flaps and undercarriage which are pneumatic. Electric trim tabs on aileron and elevator. Pressurized 'and heated cockpit. Canopy opens from left side of aircraft. Air brakes are located on either aide of rear fuselage. Spring loaded, push button on left of control grip enables easy use during engagement or formation flying. Defroating in accomplished by warm air preosurization distributary tube. Under certain humidity conditions and during descent with throttle back, mist forms on canopy fram front to rear and will not clear until engine has been operated a short time at max power. Flight tests revealed the following: Poor rearward vision. Aircraft encounters uncontrollable none-up trim change at Mach Number .92. Aircraft encounters "Dutch Roll" at approximately .84 Mach Number. FUEL* Weight, lb Gal Internal 2,492 372 (2 x 66 gal or 2 x 79 gal external tanks may be carried) * Soviet T-1 (similar to JP-1) BOMBS/FREIGHT Can carry up to 550 lb bomb from a shackle under each wing in lieu of drop tanks ELECTRONICS ARK-5 Radio Compass (150-1300 kcs) RV-2 FM Radio Altimeter (0-1200 meters: 14RP-48P Marker Beacon Receiver (75 me) SRO-IFF Transponder (157-187 ma) * RSI-6K Radio Trannmitter * RSI-6M-1 Radio Receiver (3750-5000 kc) RSI-U-314 VHF Transmitter-receiver (100-150 Me) * This equipment is not carried in all models. GUNS 1 x 37 mm N type gun 2 x 23 mm NB type guns Mounted beneath air intake in front fuselage ROCKETS None .. ? OX1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL ? MARCH 1956 CONFIDENTIAL FAGOT (1IG-15 BIS) AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE Basic Ground CONDI TIO NS Mission Support AreR Intprepr+ Minginn(P) TAX-OFF WEIGHT (lbs) 11,000 12,100 Fuel at 6.7 egal (lbs) 2,492 2,492 Payload (Ammo) (lbs) 258 1,100 Wing Loading (Par) 50 55 . Stall Speed (Power officlean) (kn) 116 122 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 1,600 - - .- Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 2,600 - . - Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 9,600 8,500 Time - SL to 40,000 ft (min) (1) 7.6 - - - Time - SL to 45,000 ft (min) (1) 10.00 . . . Service ceiling (ft) (1) 50,400 49,500 COMBAT RANGE 020 434 435 - COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 195 65 Average speed (lets) 470 535 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 49,450 25,000 Final cruising altitude (ft) 52,050 25,000 Total mission time (hr) .93 - - - COMBAT WEIGHT Os) 9,745 10,100 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 SL Combat speed (lets) (1) 504 574 Combat climb (rpm) (1) 1,200 10,500 Combat ceiling (ft) (1) 51,000 50,500 Service ceiling (ft) (1) 52,500 52,000 Maximum R/C at SL (fpm) (1) 12,20 10,500 Maximum speed at SL , (kn) (1) 583 574 . Basic speed at 50,000 ft _ (len) ? (1) 504 495 Landing Weight (Approximately) . (lbs) 8,915 9,000 . . NO TES (1) Max Power (2) Not to Mil-C-5011A CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 50X1 -HUM -9 PARCH 1956 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL TAKE-OFF ..!!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!.:..!!!!!Liii HMI!!! !!!!!!!9 +1* -14.1.v. SEA LEVEL l.111111 .4 mill ErnIMILIEla ? 1ii,mroinptn innuninnennt Jill!. inineenin ? IA an ??? ???? ?? ISM UM PAN" eel ? 52 ...... :E1:1 11113:thiaT:51..11:2 ??????????IPWL?... 4....111....? iw, Maa:??? II ? ????? HIII ral? EMI EFILII anarilki:::: , m air ? im HIHNIIIIIIIIIHN 111 ' IMIIIIIMII irliirinhirun Iniiii HIHHIHIHH r, ?... a0111111115INIII 11 INIMINIIMUI idglinun uncir .?.HHIHHIH?Ill flllftllh1IIII! 11110 111111111 9 10 GW-I000 LBS 11 12 TURN RADIUS 1 I 1111 1 11 ?MEM I-I r---- MAX PWR U. 814 MI' o T12 z cr m10 # . .' 1144-" i- :. ? ??? ??? -,--,,- =4 ?? ?? rt---,-, '6- 31' 1111111' ... ... nom ,..r_tt 01 44-1-I-14-14- ii , . ::: ?r. ? ,,,35,532 Ftt m 6 'tit ?1?1-4.--tid+ a III. 4 ...., - ,ansalam7firairalawntiii5:::Inti .2.0. 000 FT . 'I 2 ' 11 I I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1111 LEVEL TURN ----DIVE TURN ? -- STRUCTURAL LIMIT GW-9745 LBS 4 , II If 1 1 11 1H 111 ??? Miff 1::=1111?11 ' 45,000 , , ? ----t'SEA LEVEL lit- 4 ,5 ' .6 MN .1- ?? 1.7 U. . r: 50 40 u. IJ 20 10 SL .??=1. ??? "I? SPEED tr ? FAGOT (1410-15 HIS) 1 GV-9745?03SpL4A.- MAX PW R 11.0.14FiLLESEli? 22:21 "40: 11213. ? t;cif r. , 1,1,11 .1.1- 414- , L?.,_ I 14-et ' to ? us?? ?? an an ? ? ?.?11???????l? ..? .? ? . . MIN ? ? atT !!. II :4+4 all. .. ? ninu 5-311 MMMMM &UMW 7?E": U.n RU Nina U iii _KARMA 17-4 'V LI- Id' 480 520 560 VELOCITY- KNOTS 600 6C> 50 CLIMB u. 04a 0 0 o30 s-- _s rzczo 10 SL iISunUuluuSn^ rn*HftIHc KIN . quimi Hi! .. ..?.!!!!!=ritnrilli ranntnn.-... HI !Pr ..HIMPilin WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERATION AND CLIMB CONSIDERED UNLESS -- -, OTHERWISE NOTED L. H H 1-t ? 44+ 1=44" 4 Thr trr? TrIrr? H-i- IMAM -a: :.E R C R/C 00 LBS ?To r + 9745LBS C NSTANTWT CONSTANTVr..400KwU_a an. etre. II 111111111 II alpidiiiEr EatigidEl 1.9 \.:11 ill O 2 4 6 8 10 , RATE OF CLIMB-1000 FT/MIN O 2 4 6 8 10 , TIME TO CLIMB-MIN CONFIDENTIAL 12 14 12 14 ? 01) ? r.4191' 4-`144'. CONFIDENTIAL June 1956 FRESCO XylogiumiL a, ammoz.miw.% A REMARKS: The MIG-17 (FRESCO) is a single seat swept-wing, turbojet day interceptor. In appear- ance this aircraft is similar to the MIG-15 (FAGOT) and may be considered a further de- velopment of that aircraft. There are four versions of this aircraft. 50X1-HUM SUMMARY 1955 First observed at an air show in Moscow on 23 August 1953. Aircraft is in operational use in the Soviet Air Force. Small numbers are now being introduced in the satellite Air. Forces. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 50X1-HUM FRESCO Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL September 1955 DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS FUEL Wing BP= Area Aspect ratio 32 ft 230 sq ft 4.4 Loading Empty Take-off Combat Lb 8,545 12,500 11,050 Weight, lb Gal Internal 2940 440 External 21o? Cathedral (approx) 2 deg Landing (approx) 10,050 Sweepbatk AMPR 6,000 Inboard leading edge 49 deg Outboard leading edge 43 deg Overall length 36 ft Fuselage Diameter 4.73 ft POWER PLANT No. di Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle * With afterburner (1)VI-14. Centrifugal 93 in. * 188 in. 30 in. 2010 lb. * 2360 lb 338 sq in * 450 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static lb RPM * Max 8400 11,500 Military 7000 11,300 Normal 3600 10,870 * With afterburner GENERAL INFORMATION General information only is quoted hereon. For more detailed information on characteristics and performance see ATIO Study No. 102-A0-33/3-34, entitled (Unci) Analysis of FRESCO. Aeronautical equipment in FRESCO "A", "B", "0", and "D", versions is basically identical as that in FAGOT. Improved instruments (flight and engine), safety equipment (ejection seat, wait provisions, etc.,) will be found in Fusco. Identification features common to all FRESCO versions are: a. There is a break in tbs wing leading edge at approximately semi-span positien, three tall fences are located on each wing. b. Two pitot static heads are on each wing tip. c. Rear fuselage bee smooth fairing to tail and there is a ventral fin on underside of fuselage which may also serve as tall bump. d. There is a protrusion on top of canopy. Identification features not common tt. all versions are: FRESCO "A" - Dive brakes aft. (See Figure 1) FRESCO "B" - Dive brakes aft of wing trailing edge. (See Figure 2) FRESCO '0' Dive brakes aft and tailpipe protruding from fairing. (See Figure 3) FRESCO "D" - Same as "On model with the addition of a Radome on upper surface of the air intake similar to U. S. 1,-86D. Also there appears to be a redone in the air intake island. NOTE: Dive brakes are larger than those on the FAGOT. 2 x 105 gal drop tanks under wings pylon mounted. I BOMBS/FREIGHT Bombe can probably be carried in multipurpose pylon. ELECTRONICS ARK-5 Radio Compass (150-1300KCS) RV-2 FM Radio Altimeter (0-1200 meters) m55p-48p Marker Beacon Receiver (75 C) SRO-IFF Transponder (157-187 )C) RSI-6K Radio Transmitter 28I-68-1 Radio Receiver (3750-5000 KC) RSI-U-3M VHF Transmitter-Receiver (100-150 MC) Range only radsr FRESCO "D" (only) Search and Track Al/Fire Control 'WAX GUNS 1 x 37 mm N Type gun 2 x 23 rm UR Type guns ROCKETS NONE CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL September 1955 FRESCO A & B AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Area Intercept Area Intercept(2; Optimum Miesion (2) TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) (lb) (lb) (Pe) (knots) (ft) (ft) (fpm) (min) . (min) (ft) (x04) (Km) (mote) (ft) (ft) (hr) (1 (ft) 1 (knots) (Ppm) (ft) (ft) (rpm) (knots) (knots) (lb) (1) g3 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 12,500 2,940 270 50 115 1,4601,860 2,64. 12, 200 6.3 9.4 53,900 625 280 510 49,300 52,600 1.20 11,145 50,000 540 1,800 54,800 56,500 13,900 620 540 10,000 105 14,085 4,345 270 56 120 3,2.4. 9,900 7.6 14.1 50,800 1,180 565 510 46,700 52,500 2.32 11,780 50,000 540 1,600 53,700 54,800 13,050 620 540 10,100 105 14,085 4,345 270 56 120 1,860 3,140 9,900 7.6 14.1 50,800 1,400 610 510 46,700 53,700 2.48 11,670 50,000 540 1,700 53,900 55,400 13,200 620 540 9,860 105 . . Fuel, at 6.7 lb/gal Payload (Ammunition) Wing loading Stall speed (power off, clean) Take-off ground run at SL Take-off to clear 50 ft Rate of Climb at SL Time - SL to 40,000 ft Time - SL to 50,000 ft Service ceiling (100 fpm) COMBAT RANGE COMBAT RADIUS Average speed Initial cruising altitude Final cruising altitude Total miesion time COMBAT WEIGHT Combat altitude Combat speed Combat climb Combat ceiling (500 fpm) Service ceiling (100 rpm) Max rate of climb at SL Max opeed at SL Basic speed at 50,000 ft LANDING WEIGHT (Approximate) Stall speed (clean) ' . , NOTES 1. military pover 2. With extersal fuel 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 FRESCO C & D CONFIDENTIAL September 1955 CONFIDENTIAL September 1955 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE TAKE-OFF SPEED CONDITIONS Area Intercept Area Intercept Ground Attack (2) DISTANCE (1000 ft) ALTITUDE (1000 ft) TAKE-OFF WEIGHT Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal Payload Ammunition Wing loading Stall speed (power off, clean) Take-off ground run at SL Take-off to clear 50 ft Rate of Climb at SL Tine - SL to 40,000 ft Time - SL to 50,000 ft Service ceiling (100 fpm) COMBAT RANGE COMBAT RADIUS Average Lspeed Initial cruiping altitude Final cruising altitude Total mission time COMBAT WEIGHT Combat altitude Combat speed Combat climb Combat ceiling (500 fpm) Service ceiling (100 fpm) Max rate of climb at SL Max speed at SL Basic speed at 50,000 ft LANDING WEIGHT (Approximate) Stall speed (clean) (lb) (lb) (lb) (pal) (knots) (ft) (ft) (rpm) (min) (min) (ft) (NM) (NM) (knots) (ft) (ft) (hr) (lb) (ft) (knots) (fpm) (ft) (ft) (Ppm) (knots) (knots) (lb) (kts) MAXIMUM POWER --- MILITARY POWER EUMM::::MUMM MEM IMEMMMOMM: :::::1"M" ? ISM MUNS::::::: 57,500 520 MMUMMERAMMMEllal ? MAXIMUM POWER --- MILITARY POWER 11,050 LB 510 47,100 52,500 1.91 500 510 47,100 53,700 2.13 ? ? CiVISUP--.??kg ^WMMEM.r.NON1111 im5 om. inhaamPrriammu"? ammap.173,,minali MANUS" .. -" GROUND RUN 480 520 560 600 640 GROSS WEIGHT ( 1000 ib) TURN RADIUS CLIMB RADIUS OF TURN 1000 ft) 45 Fresco "D" altitude capability will be decreased approximately 300 feet due to the 200 pound increase in take-off weight. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 ALTITUDE (1000 ft) LEVEL FLIGHT DIVING FLIGHT FF,050 LB (CLEAN) - 55,000 FT T/G 12,500 LB @ 0 ?TIC 12,500 mri LB @ T.O. 211111111111111110111IIIMPIL lik3111 11111111111111111111 III oiiii,iijigooii 111111410i01111111 MAXIMUM POWER MILITARY POWER WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERATION AND CLIMB CONSIDERED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ma ma iiimititt R/C 12,500 LB TO IMUM ? EMMUIMILIBM MESIINMVVEMMIT: mmmmmmmm '1,-.0111g; MIMS t!!!!!! 'UMW mmmmmm 7:1111WWEIBM MIL,KIMMO MEWILIMM Ii LB -Cr. a .6 .8 .9 MACH NUMBER R/C 12,500 LBS (CONST) 1 'film 16 18 6 8 10 12 14 TIME TO CLIMB -MIN 1 I i 1 1 1 i 1 4000 12,000 20,000 28,000 36,000 RATE OF CLIMB-FT/MEN' NOTES 1. Max power. 2. No distance credit for 2 min NRP SL, 1 min Max Powcr@ SL, 2 MP IS SL, 1 min Max Power SL, 15 min loiter @ SL. 3. Saam as Area Intercept except that reserve is fuel required for 10 minutes loiter at SL. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 .O.. October 1 1957 j SECRET FARMER REMARKS: FARMER is a single place twin-engine high performance day interceptor. First observed during rehearsal for May Day 1955 Air Show. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET FARMER Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 OCTOBER 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span 32 ft Area 305 sq ft Sweepback leading edge 56 deg Overall length 42 ft (48.45 w/boom) Maximum depth (fUs) 4.75 ft width 5.4 ft Tail Span 17 ft Sweep 56 deg VT Height above fuselage centerline 7.5 ft , POWER PLANT No. & Model . Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) (2) Axial-flow turbojet 160 inches 27.5 inches 1830 lbs with A/B WEIGHT Loading lb Empty 12,340 Take-off 17,300 Combat 15,400 Landing (aprx) 13,970 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max Mil lb SFC/#/hr/# 6700 1.85 5000 0.935 GENERAL INFORMATION Single place day fighter. Tricycle landing gear. :Bubble canopy. ' Range only radar of the US AN/APO-30 type to provide range input to gyro lead computing gunsigbt. FARMER has been observed carrying 2 x 210 US gal drop tanks. Soviet designation of FARMER is MIG-19. FUEL Internal External Weight, lb Gallons 14000 600 2800 420 BOMBS/FREIGHT Probably capable of carrying one 500 Kg (1100 lb) bomb on each wing. ELECTRONICS Radar Range only IFF - SRO (157-187 Mc) Navigation Radio compass - ARK-5 Radio altimeter, low - RV-2 Marker beacon receiver - MRP-48P Communications VHF command radio, 4-channel - RSIU-3M ? ' (3 li N :3 . , Forward firing guns 2 x 23 with cyclic rate of 800-900 rds/min and one improved N-37 with cyclic rate of 475-525 rds/min. Ammunition storage for 6 sec fire. C ROCK ET :3 Capable of carrying one large caliber multiple missile warhead rocket or Up to 40 small caliber rockets in a ' honeycomb type pod, under each wing. OX1-HUM SECRET - ? ? SECRET OCTOBER 1957 FARMER AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Area (4) Intercept Basic Mission Area Intercept Mission Area (4) Intercept Opt. Mission Area Intercept Opt. Mission TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) ,Basic 20,500 17,300 20,500 17,300 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 6,800 4,000 6,800 4,000 Payload (Ammo) (lb) 270 270 270 270 Wing loading (Per) 67 57 67 57 Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) , 135 130 135 130 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 1,700 1,200 1,700 1,200 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 3,000 2,200 3,000 2,200 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 10,000(6) 39,500 10,000(6) 39,500 Time - SL to 40,000 ft (min) (1) (2) (3) 7.9(6) 2.6 7.9(6) 2.6 Time - SL to 50,000 ft (min) (1) (2) (3) --- 3.9 --- 3.9 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) (2) 53,800 59,400 53,800 59,400 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 1,285 -- 1,475 695 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 565 180 655 245 Average speed (kts) 535 540 535 540 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 43,900 51,200 43,900 51,200 Final cruising altitude (ft) 49,900 53,700 54,300 54,300 Total mission time (hr) 2.22 .82 2.56 .94 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) (5) 16,600(17,000) 15,400 16,300(16,700) 15,200 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Combat speed (kts) (1) (5) 630(565) 640 630(560) 645 Combat climb (fm) (1) 4,800 5,600 4,900 5,700 . Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (1) (5) 59,300(56,300) 60,900 59,700(56,700) 61,100 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) . 60,500 61,900 60,800 62,200 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 41,200 - 44,700 42,000 45,200 Max speed at SL (kts) (1) 680 680 680 680 Max speed at optimum altitude (kt8/ft)(1) 710/35,000 710/35,000 710/35,000 710/35,000 Max mach number at optimum altitude (mn/ft)(1) 1.24/35,000 1.24/35,000 1.24/35,000 1.24/35,000 - - (1) NOTES (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Maximum power. Allows for weight reduction during ground operation and climb. Includes 0.8 min for take-off and acceleration to climb speed without tanks 'or 0.9 .50X1 -HUM With 2 x 210 U. S. gal tanks. . Numbers in parenthesis are for aircraft with empty tanks aboard. Military power. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE (1000 FT) SECRET 111111111111 NUNI ? MEM MMUIMMIERMINOMMEMOMME --I- U... M^ MMMMM MEM ^ MMMMM MMUMMUNIONMAIS ?11?NMAINIliall? lal"."11114161"113??????trgrrOMMINFIlliMm Mr1111111.11.1.11...1.1""FIN?S?JC:????111111M111101MEN? ,1"911":=1.1"' .1111181:111?11E' GROUND RUN 0 14 16 18 GROSS WEIGHT (1000 LB) 20 ALTITUDE (1000 FT) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 OCTOBER 1957 CLIMB M ? IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111:91:11"m I"; ::! KARSIMMMOMMMEROMMOM MIN TIC ? MAX PWR ----- MIL PWR ? 17,300 LBS (a) ma?tam T.O. 3111111 i/1111111111111111 III lig1111111111111Wili- 1111111111111 III MNUM^ EM:411:gil: 1::::=11k4111 WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING : GROUND OPERATION AND CLIMB CONSIDERED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IIIISKIMENII ni! .^ ..m.Kmo MMMMM 11.104116 IMMISIIMEMNSUMEM MIRMagararnilaMitnOtIMMEMMUMEM rpi71.11142 OMMUMINIM ^ourAsammayeamantili MlWAMMINNE NMI aabillEG INUIRM MMMMMM e:: RIG trit0:141 WWI :I:a 17,300 LBS IntitiM MMMMM um IEM?I (CONSTANT) Ill WM11111111 a on I 1 Ilmmliiiiii1111111 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,1000 RATE OF CLIMB-FT/MIN RIC 17,300 LBS @T.O. 2 4 6 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN 113 ALTITUDE (1000 FT) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 SPEED ? MAX PWR --- MIL PWR .1 - Gw=15,400LB tflIJIIII11111 COMBAT WT 17,000 LB II mum ri?Ton ?.... sown Erman IrA I MIN Nar ANL PS 11 0 540 580 Ii W/ TANKS II 620 KNOTS 660 700 ALTITUDE (1000 FT) 10 8 6 4 TURN RADIUS I. ? MUMMOMMIIIIM SECRET II UIU ? ? LEVEL FLI HT ----- DIVING ELI HT 1 ? GW=15,400 LB _ ? ? ? ? ? II ? ? ? al MI 45,000 FT 1 11 111 35,000 FT 7 .8 411 tsSomp MACH NUMBER .9 1.0 50X1 -HUM (11 SECRET October 1957 FLASHLIGHT A REMARKS ? ? FLASHLIGHT is a two place twin jet swept wing all weather fighter. SUMMARY ' 1955 First observed during rehearsals for May Day 1955 airshow. It is in operational units. SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET FLASHLIGHT A OCTOBER 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Sweepback puce Overall length Max diameter (fus) Nacelle diameter 3 Nacelle length Tail Span Sweep Height from fuselage center line *Inboard leading edge 36 ft ' 300 sq ft 47 deg 50.7 ft 4.75 ft x 2.63 ft 15 ft 13 ft 45 deg 9.6 ft POWER PLANT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) (2) Axial-flow turbojet 110 inches 27.5 inches 1480 lbs WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty 13,640 Take-off 20,200 Combat 17,900 Landing,(aprx) 16,000 AMPR 10,000 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static lb SFC/#/hr/# Max 5100 .92 GENERAL INFORMATION Two place all-weather fighter. Landing gear is tandem type with the main gear carrying approximately 9c4 of the weight. All-weather armament system incorporating Al search and fire control radar and computing equipment to provide e capability for lead pursuit attacks under day, night, and all-weather condition. Such a system should give a long range search, track and operational capability equivalent to the USAF E-1 Armament System. FLASHLIGHT A has been observed carrying a ventral tank. Soviet designation of FLASHLIGHT A is YAK-25. FUEL Internal External Weight, lb Gallons 5100 760 900 132 BOMBS/FREIGHT None ELECTRONICS Radar Al IFF - SRO (157 - 187 Mc) Navigation Radio compass - ARK-5 Radio Altimeter, low - RV-2 Marker beacon receiver - MRP-48P Communications VHF Command radio - 4 channel - RSIU-3M GUNS 2 x 37 N or improved N guns with a cyclic rate of 400-525 rds/min and sufficient ammunition for 6 sec of fire. 5( ROCKETS , Rockets can be carried externally. - Xl-HUM SECRET ? SECRET OCTOBER 1957 FLASHLIGHT A AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Area (4) Intercept Basic Mission Area Intercept Basic Mission Area (4) Intercept Opt. Mission Area Intercept Opt. Mission TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 21,200 20,200 21,200 20,200 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 6,000 5,100 6,000 5,100 Payload (Ammo) (lb) 300 300 300 300 Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) 155 150 155 150 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 2,900 2500 2,900 2500 Take-off to clear 50 ft (rt) (1) 4,60o 4200 4,600 4200 Rate of climb at SL (fPcs) (1) 9,800 10,800 9,800 10,800 Time: SL to 40,000 ft (min) (1)(2) (3) 8.4 7.8 8.4 7.8 Time: SL to 45,000 ft (min) (1)(2) (3) 11.8 11.5 11.8 11.5 Service ceiling (100 fn) (ft) (1)(2) 46,800 48,100 46,800 48,1oo Wing loading (Psf) 71 68 71 68 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 950 805 1,100 945 COPLBAT RADIUS (1124) 455 380 530 450 Average speed (kts) 500 500 500 500 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 45,300 46,300 45,300 46,300 Final cruising altitude (ft) 49,200 49,600 49,800 50,200 Total mission time (hr) (3) 1.92 1.66 2.22 1.93 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 18,400 17,900 18,100 17,600 Combat altitude (ft) 48,300 49,000 48,700 49,300 Combat speed (kts) (1) 510 515 510 515 Combat climb (fin) (1) 500 500 500 500 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (1) 48,300 49,000 48,700 49,300 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 49,800 50,500 50,200 50,800 Maxima R/C at SL ' (fpm) (1) 11,300 12,200 11,600 . 12,400 Maximum speed at SL (kts) (1) 605 - 610 605 610 Basic speed at 35,000 ft (kts) (1) 540 ' 540 540 540 Max Mach number at opt, altitude (mn/ft)(1) ' .94/35,000 .94/35,000 ' L_IOTES (1) (2) (3) (4) Maximum power. Allows for weight reduction during ground operation and climb. Includes 1.4 minutes for take-off and acceleration to climb speed. 132 U. S. gal ventral tanks. ' 50X1 -HUM 111?1??????? SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA RDP81 01043R00 0 on - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 FLASHLIGHT A i Ili T 1 i . 1 E : 1-1 ININA N.- ' ' lilifilillni 111111111111111 _ - MUM -,- t.? .- ..::11 '4. - --Ff. IIM FP-Mann I CLEAR SO FT 1-_- --: rIppatIMEIZIERNIM IIIMPLaggiilmillERVIREI eiNEEZIEZI 121ErarIP?' ' -1-1- .1 _t_.?:. ALTITUDE (1000 FT) WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING -I GROUND OPERATION AND CLIMB H CONSIDERED UNLESS NOTED50 - ?1 1 T/C 20,200 LB @T.O. J44..4 RIG 17,900 LB -4-- (CONST) - .-....__I-.. . 1 ? ...--.1,...-..-1--1--1.-1.-i-,..-. 7 Vc-SPEED FOR BEST CLIMB .:::. Vs-STALL SPEED CLEAN 'COND ....-.T.Tfa. r1gran _ Vs COMBAT WT IfiririTallouum - 17900 LB 111111111COMBAT - :20,200 LB, LA r ! . , _ LEVEL FLIGHT _t 17,900 LBS " ? DIVING FLIGHT REMARKS: FLASHLIGHT B is a plexiglass nose variant of the FLASHLIGHT C. The avant' purpose of the aircraft is not known although configuration appears suitable for attack or reconnaissance role. =A:7 tr-'-' Et:ET 11'11.---r.4. .77?1g ? MAX POWER -- NORM POWER. .2!E ? ROA !gilt-HTFlr] First observed during the June 1956 Tushino Air Display. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET FLASHLIGHT B Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 January 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Sweepback THU* Sweepbatk ORLI** Overall length Max diameter (ft.) Tail Span Sweep Height from fuselage center line *Inboard leading edge **Outboard leading edge 36 ft 305 sq ft 57.5 deg 44 deg 54.75 ft 1..75 ft 13 ft 51 deg 9.6 ft POWER PLANT So & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) (2) Axial flow turbojet 160 inches 47.5 inches 1830 lbs WEIGHTS Loading (Attack) Empty Take-off Combat Landing, aprx AMER lb 14,600 23,400 19,100 17,300 10,500 Loading (Reconnaissance) lb Empty Take-off Combat Landing AMER 14,400 21,000 18,400 17,100 10,300 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max Mil lb SFC/#/hr/i 6700 1.85 5000 .935 GENERAL INFORMATION Two place attack/reconnaissance fighter. Lauding gear is tandaa type with outrigger gear. On FLASHLIGHT B a plexiglass nose has been added replacing the solid nose on FLASHLIGHT C . The bombing navigation radar of the WJSKRCKSI type has been added. Bomb, or stores may be carried internally. Special aircraft may be fitted with electronic countermeasure equip:exit. FUEL Internal Weight, lb gal 5100 761 BOMBS/FREIGHT *Boabs can be carried on estimated 4 external (2/ving). suspension points Size limited only by allowable weight for aircraft performance. *Attack Only ELECTRONICS Radar Bombing navigation MUSHROOM type IFF SRO typo Navigation Radio altimeter, low - 1W:2 Radio compass ARK-5 Marker beacon receiver MRF-48P *Short range SHOHHEALK Long range navigation system (MOON) Distance measuring equipment SD-1 Communication Esiu-31i (4 channel) Intercom SPU *Special mission aircraft only. GUNS None 5( ROCKETS Alternate load in lieu of bombs: 76 x 55 um FEAR in 4 external pods (2 it each wing) ort 4 x 325 um SCATTERHEADS Xl-HUM SECRET SECRET January 1957 FLASBLIGHT B AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS _ Ground Attack Opt. Mission . TAXI-OFF WIGHT (lb) 23,400 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 5,100 Payload (Bombs) (lb) 2,200 _ --- - Wing loading (Psf) 76 Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) ' 158 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 2,500 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 4,300 Rate of climb at SL (flo)(1) 20,900 Time - SL to 40,000 ft (sin)( (2)(3)(4) .10.1 Time - SL to 45,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(4) 17.1 Service ceiling (103 fpm) (ft) (1) 50,300 CCOOLLT RAN3! (SI) --- COMBAT RADIUS (Am) 160 Average speed (kts) 505 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 42,300 Final cruising altitude (ft) 47,300 Total mission time (hr) .7 GMAT WIGHT (1b) 19,100 Combat altitude (ft) SL Combat speed (kts)(1) 635 Combat climb (fpm)(1) 26,000 Combat ceiling (500 4a) (rt) (1) 53,900 Service ceiling (100 fps) (ft) (1) 54,800 Max rate of climb at SL (r)(1) 26,000 Max speed at SL (kts)(1) 635 Max speed at opt. altitude (kts/ft)(1) 635/SL . Max mach number at opt. altitude (Mn/ft) (1) 1.0/35,000 . . - _ NOTES (1) Maximum power. (2) Military power. (3) Allows for weight reduction during ground operation and climb. (4) Includes 1.0 min. for take-off and acceleration to climb speed. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA RDP8 -0 FLASHLIGHTS 111?1???[.. SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 January 1957 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Reconnaissanc Basic Mission Reconnaissance Opt. Mission TAKE-077 GROSS WEIGHT (lb) 21,000 21,000 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 5,100 5,100 Payload (Ammo) (lb) 300 500 Wing loading (lb/sqft) 68 68 Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) 150 150 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (2) 2,900 2,900 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (2) 4,6o0 4,600 Rate of Climb at SL (fP0)(1) 23,400 ? '23,400 Time: SI. to 4o,000 ft (min) (2) (4)(5) 8.6 8.6 Time: SL to 45,000 ft (min) (2) (4)(5) 13.8 13.8 Service ceiling (100 fpa) (ft) (1) 52,900 52,900 COMSAT RAPES (AM) 595 735 CCKBAT RADIUS (EM) 300 360 Average speed (kts) 505 505 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 114,500 44,500 Reconnaissance speed run (kts) (3) 515 515 Reconnaissance altitude (ft) 45,000 45,300 Final cruising altitude (ft) 47,300 47,900 Total Mission time , (lir) 1.22 1.49 CCUSAT WEIGYX (lb) 18,400 18,100 Combat altitude (ft) 45,000 45,300 -Combat speed (kts)(1) 565 565 Combat climb (f)(1) 4,800 4,800 Combat ceiling (500 fpa) (ft) (1) -54,700 55,000 Service ceiling (100 fro) . (ft) (1) 55,600 55,900 Max rate of climb at SL (f1x11)(1) 27,100 27,500 Max speed at opt. altitude (kts/ft)(1) 635/SL 635/SL Max each number at opt. altitude (Mn/ft) (1) 1.0/35,000 1.0/35,000 NOTES Maximum power. 2) Military paver. (3) Normal power. (4) Allows for weight reduction during ground operation and climb. (5) ,Includes 1.0 min. for take-off and acceleration to climb speed. OX1 -HUM SECRET at) January 1.957 SECRET FLASHLIGHT B DISTANCE (1000 ft) 6 3 2 RECONNAISSANCE VERSION TAKE-OFF i.. POWER MAX POWER f - .3: -11...r :47 --OVER SOFT ? a ..7 -4: ? ? i? GROUND RUN El sitta-11?11 IIJF 11 = 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 GROSS WEIGHT (1000 lb) ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 60 PE ED _ GW- 18,400 LB !,*-- 9iSIS 50 SF-f: TT-N.9:- ? 40 = d-? E:55 -rif III IF 30 ffli-it ,-. : 744 Si: !in ,F?,ifti TU. II FI-7, iIi ?L ;!- 74r, . ? F4 T., ? 20 agf-i r41111,1 44-4- FIRP. ? 10 1 FI !Fr. t? Efi, SL FAI-1=1-r-=-:-: TF1 II I-F-91E ri4-. 34 IF. tjail,11 1111.51 ii it; 500 540 580 620 KNOTS 660 ALTITUDE (1000 It) 60 50 40 30 20 10 SL CLIMB is FS. 7.4 at; MAX MAX POWER -t---MIL POWER - -7 - aar- -IT/C 21,000 LB AT T. . =ES k igE --:: lAgiffila MiigEr,-? talEPI 1 ra ,__ -:._, : -:= _-...-it-z. . -- '-'-=- -,--_, -'=21V-7=11 ,i21:ii-: -.J 11 I8,400 LB (CORSI) (CONSINPA:,,,1_,.,71111 T): 1"ril Eir4.-r:I. F-IMIZtit: iitlfs WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERAT ON AND CLIMB CONSIDERED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED *- ttO mat fiL-4;-1L; 21,000LB . AT TO. il iq 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 RATE OF CLIMB ( 1000 FPM I SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005 9 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET FLASHLIGHT C REMARKS: FLASHLIGHT C is a two-place twin-jet swept-ving all-weather fighter. It is a further development of FLASHLIGHT A. SUMMARY First observed during the June 1956 Tushino Air Display. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET FLASHLIGHT C January 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Sweepback ULE* Sweepbadk OB1X** Overall length Max diameter (tug) Tail Spam Sweep Height fras fuselage center line *Inboard leading edge **Outboard leading edge 36 ft 305 sq ft 57.5 deg 14 deg 54.75 ft 4.75 ft 13 ft 51 deg 9.6 ft POWER PLANT No & Model T734 Length Diameter Weight (dry) (2) Aaial flow turbojet 160 inches 27.5 inches 1830 lbs WEIGHTS Loading Empty Take-off Combat Landing, aprx NOR lb 14,400 21,000 18,600 16,800 10,300 ENGINE RATINGS EL Static Max Nil lb SFC/f/hr/it 6700 1.85 5000 .935 GENERAL INFORMATION Two place all-weather fighter. Landing gear is tandem type with outrigger gear. On FLASHLIGHT C the nose Nis been modified to anogiveshape, replacing blunt nose on FLASHLIGHT A , and afterburners have been added to the engine to give improved performance. FUEL Internal Weight, lb gal 5100 761 BOMBS/FREIGHT No bomb load anticipated in 'flew of interceptor role. ELECTRONICS Radar AI PD-6 w/computer IFF SRO type Radar warning receiver Navigation Radio compass - ARK-5 Radio altimeter, low - RV-2 Marker beacon receiver - MRP-48P Communications VHF 22I0-3m (4 channels) Intercom SPU type GUNS 2 x 37 mm N or improved N guns 50 rts/gun. 6 seconds of fire. 50X1 ROCKETS 76 x 55 am FFAR in 4 external pods (2 in each wing) OR 4 x 325 mm SCATTERHEADS OR Type AAM-1 missiles -HUM SECRET ors January 3.957 SECRET FLASHLIGHT C AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE Area Area CONDITIONS Intercept Basic Missign 0oIllf::en TA3E-077 WEIGWr (lb) 21,660 21,000 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 5,100 5,100 Payload (Ammo) (lb) 300 300 Wing loading (Pe) 68 68 Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) 150 150 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) 2,900 2,900 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) 4,600 - 4,600 Rate of climb at EL (TA) (1) 23,400 23,400 Time - EL to 40,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(4) 8.6 8.6 Time - SL to 45,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(4) 13.8 13.8 Service ceiling (100 fiml) (ft) (1) 52,900 52,900 COMBAT RAM! (20) 595 735 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 235 295 Average speed (kts) 505 505 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 44,500 44,500 Final cruising altitude (ft) 47,300 47,900 Total mission time (hr) --- --- COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 18,600 18,400 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,000 Combat speed (kts) (1), 560 560 Combat climb (fpm) (1) 2,400 2,500 Combat ceiling (500Cfpm) (ft) (1). 54,400 54,700 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 55,300 . 55,600 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 26,700 27,100 ? Max speed at SL(kts) (1) 635 635 Max speed at opt. altitude (kts/ft)(1) 635/SL . 635/SL ' Max mach number at opt. altitude (Mn/f)(1) 1.0/35,000 ? 1.0/35,000 [NOTES MexAmum power. 2) Military power. (3) Alloys for weight reduction during ground operation and climb. (4) Includes 1.0 min. for take-off and acceleration to climb speed. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA RDP8 -0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 FLASELIGHT C SECRET TAKE-OFF DISTANCE (1000 ft) January 1957 ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 60 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 40 30 20 10 SL SPEED = = 4 MAX POWER GW 18,600 ---- MIL POWER F-f-' no, 1111114:774r7 IMMIN: - Or - Ng_ .=EGE ffiana ? 500 520 560 600 640 KNOTS CLIMB ? ALTITUDE (1000 it) 60 -MAX POWER gl: HEACT T.?=_.-?IC Effelg4 0511101_1 , Irma! ING l OPERATION AND egc-41E?OTHERWISE NOTED CONSIDERED UNLESS. --ais 18,600LB (CORSI) 16 24 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN 8 12 .16 20 24 28 30' RATE OF CLIMB -1 1000 FPM SECRET 50X1 -HUM ? SECRET December 1957 FACEPLATE ? _Afr Air __4r? '411111111, REMARKS: FACEPLATE is a single place super-sonic wept-wing day interceptor. -1956 SUMMARY First observed during the June 1956 Tushino Air Display. SECRET 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R SECRET FACEPLATE Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 December 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span 28 ft Area 230 sq ft Sweepback leading edge 56 deg Overall length (w/boom) 50.1 ft (w/o boom) 42.1 ft Max depth (fus) 4.4 rt width 4 ft Tail Span 13 ft Sweep 56 deg Height from fuselage center line 7.9 ft POWER PLANT No & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust nozzle Open Closed (1) Axial flow turbojet 175 inches 38 inches 2950 lb Diameter 25.6 inches 21.6 inches WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty Take-off Combat Landing, aprx AR 9,500 13,700 12,400 11,000 6,3.00 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max Mil lb SFC/#/hr/# 12,600 1.85 9,400 0.95 GENERAL INFORMATION Single place day interceptor. Tricycle landing gear. Fixed compression cone in center of intake.. Aircraft may be equipped with a lead pursuit fire control system utilizing IR and automatic range only radar. If IR is not provided, aircraft will probably have at least automatic range ohly radar. Although this aircraft ha z not been observed carrying external fuel it is con- sidered capable of carrying 2 x 210 US gal tanks. FUEL Internal External Weight, lb gal 3200 477 2800 420 BOMBS/FREIGHT Capable of carrying at least the following: 2 x 2-10 KT 400 lb SPECIAL OR 2 x 550 lb CLUSTER OR 2 x 550 lb GENERAL PURPOSE ELECTRONICS Radar Range only radar IR IFF SRO type Navigation Radio altimeter, low-RV-2 Radio compass - ARK-5 Marker beacon receiver MRP-48P Communications VHF RSIU-3M (4 channel) GUNS 3 x 23 or 30 mm revolver type 120 rds/gun. 6 seconds of fire. E ROCKETS 2 x 325 = SCATTERHEAD OR 2 x 210 mm WE OR 16 or 38 x55 mm FFAR OR Type AAM-1 missiles OX1-HUM SECRET 2 1 December 1957 SECRET FACEPLATE AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Area (to Intercept Basic Mission Area Intercept Basic Mission Area (4) Intercept Opt. Mission Area Intercept Opt. Mission TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 16,900 6,000 410 74 150 2,100 4,400 14,500 13,700 3,200 410 60 135 1,300 3,000 23,400 16',900 6,000 410 74 150 2,100 4,4400 14,500 13,700 3,200 410 60 135 1,300 3,000 23,400 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) Payload (Ammo) (lb) Wing loading (Pe) Stall speed (power off, clean) (kte) ' Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) Rate of climb at SL (fm) (2) Time - SL to 40,000 ft (min) (2)(3) 6.3 3.8 6.3 3.8 Time - SL to 50,000 ft (min) (2)(3) --- 6.3 --- 6.3 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 53,300(1) 52,700 53,300(1) 52,700 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 1,200 --- 1,395 595 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 510 ? 140 610 215 Average speed (kts) 525 535 530 535 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 43,800 51,800 43,800 51,800 Final cruising altitude (ft) 54,000 54,200 54,700 54,700 Total mission time (hr) 2.0 .63 2.4 .92 COMSAT WEIGHT (ib) (5) 13,500(13,500) 12,400 13,200(13,600) 12,200 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Combat speed (kts) (1) (5) 700(565) 720 705(565) 725 Combat climb (fro) (1) 5,400 6,400 5,600 6,600 ? Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (1) (5) 59,100(56,600) 61,000 59,600(57,100) 61,300 Service ceiling (100 Ppm) (ft) (1) - 60,000 61,800 68,500 62,100 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 47,400 51,000 48,200 51,800 Max speed at SL (kte) (1) 700 700 700 700 Max speed at opt. altitude (kts/ft)(1) 885/35,000 890/35,000 885/35,000 895/35,000 Max mach number at opt. altitude (Mn/ft)(1) 1.54/35,000 1.55/35,000 1.54/35,000 1.56/35,000 , , ' NOTES (1) Maximum power. 50X1 -HUM (2) Military power. (3) Includes 0.8 min to take-off and accelerate to climb speed without tanks, or 0.9 min with tanks. (4) 2 x 210 US external tanks. (5) Numbers in parenthesis are for aircraft with empty tanks aboard. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 1 is 1 !` SECRET FACEPLATE December 1957 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE (1000 ft) -1 r: 1:11 IF-: i I i i E-Iiiil Ft: rti en i.'3".:4-tlitii: EN SEA LEVEL -.-;-: T., lff E.-.:4 '4- '' :if? 0 !....E B MAX POWER :-.:F. :Its: if.7 -17.1 17^ 7:: t ..7",..-: ?!.:' 4II-: -.:Fri ff. SIKNIFEir !II .:.-..., .4,- ,:-? ?F_ -4' :7.- Kiff ' hi] c9- tr I -41.1; F71- JCLEAR SOFT L-L...;-1,? :!+! 4+4: Mg! 14'4! LT: =!.+5 ffhl: Tr- rill'''. ;Ht.: fft 11F 15:11ff ff: !St GROUND RUN 41;tr,i1qtr,,ttli Ili' 7- if." Frlf :1" htff F:7174 j.=f 1i ff. ON 211_1'4i i'ttiff ?:141!Ur 12 14 16 18 GROSS WEIGHT (1000 lb) ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 60 50 40 30 20 10 SL SPEED JI .!' MAX POWER MIL POWER an lam mon non dkr em rag Egg COM ""IIMI int* L aillmit BAT WT 12,400' 1 11 11 is ANEEMINIII 111 1111111un ' COMBAT WT 13,900 LB WI TANKS t- ETri a 500 600 700 800 KNOTS 900 1 I 1000 ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 70 60 CLIMB ;ATE MAX POWER, --MIL POWER, MEE resialas45 Eg4 EVE 50 1*1 40 30 WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERATION AND E-17. CLIMB IS CONSIDERED UNLESS 4i-!. OTHERWISE NOTED ffiff ^ I 20 R/G 12,400 (COMBAT) CONSTANT Pat 4 1ff f's C.4 -14.! ;? -LI--- :I ffiTi: -I 10 _.t: R /G 13,700 LB E'r115'. 1 5 AT T. O. S.- P- TR/C 12,400 LB V (COMBAT) 1:: CONSTANT hi SL O 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1'6 18 20 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN 22 1 1 1 10 20 30 RATE OF CLIMB 1000 FPM 40 SECRET 50X1-HUM JanUary 1957 SECRET FISBBED A REMARKS: FISEBED A id a single place super-sonic delta-wing day interceptor. 1956 SUMMARY First observed during the Julie 1956 Tushino Air Display. It is believed to be a prototype. 50X1 -HUM SECRET 1? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005 9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 FISHBED A DIMENSIONS Wing Span 27 ft Area 265 sq ft Sveepback leading edge 55.5 deg Overall length viboom 50.1 ft (w o boos 42.1 ft Max depth (fun) 4.4 ft width 4 ft Tail Span 13 ft Sweep 56 deg Height from fuselage 7.9 ft center line POWER PLANT No and Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle 'pen Closed (1) Axial flow turbojet 175 inches 38 inches 2950 lb Diameter 25.6 inches 21.6 inches SECRET WEIGHTS Loading Empty Take-off Combat Landing, &pr.; ANTE lb 9,300 13,500 12,200 10,900 6,000 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max Mil lb SFC/#/hr/f 12,600 1.85 9,1400 0.95 GENERAL INFORMATION Single place day interceptor. Tricycle landing gear. Delta wing configuration with swept horizontal and vertical tail. Fixed compression cone in center of intake. Aircraft may be equipped with a lead pursuit fire control system utilizing IR and automatic range only radar. If it is not provided aircraft will probably have at least automatic range only radar January 1957 FUEL Internal Weight, lb gal 3200 477 BOMBS/FREIGHT Capable of carrying at least the following: 2 x 2-10 rr 400 lb SPECIAL OR 2 x 550 lb CLUSTER OR 2 x 550 lb GENERAL PURPOSE ELECTRONICS Radar Range only radar IR IFF SRO type Navigation Radio altimeter, lov-RV-2 Radio compass - ARK-5 Marker beacon receiver )IRP-48P Ccumunications VHF RSIU-3M (4 channel) GUNS 3 x 23 or 30 as revolver type 120 rds/gun. 6 seconds of fire. 50X1-H .. ROCKETS 2 x 325 as SCATTERHEAD OR 2 x 210 ma HE ' OR 16 or 38 x 55 as FEAR OR Type AAM-1 missiles UM - SECRET 7.1) i 8. January 1957 SECRET FISHBED AIRCRAFT F) EE R F 0 RM A ts4 (:: EE ' CONDITIONS Area Intercept Basic Mission Area OpIllf::g n TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 13,500 13,500 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 3,200 3,200 Payload (Amo) (lb) 410 410 Wing loading (Psf) 51 51 Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) 130 130 Take-off ground run at BL (ft) (1) 1,200 1,200 Take-off to clear 50 ft (rt) (1) 2,500 2,500 Rate of climb at SL (4s1) (2) 20,900 20,900 Time - BL to 40,000 ft (min) (2) (3) 4.1 4.1 Time - SL to 50,000 ft (min) (2) (3) 7.9 7.9 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 58,500 58,500 COMBAT RABGE (F() --- 580 CCMBAT RADIUS (NM) 130 195 Average speed (kts) 535 535 Initial cruising altitude (it) 49,900 49,900 Final cruising altitude (ft) 52,600 53,100 Total mission time (hr) 0.58 0.83 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 12,200 12,000 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,00( Combat speed (kts) (1) 665 670 Combat climb (fpm) (1) 5,700 6,000 Combat ceiling (500 fpa) (ft) (1) 59,800 60,100 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 60,400 60,700 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 45,800 46,600 Max speed at EJL (kts) (1) 680 680 Max speed at opt. altitude (kts/ft)(1)'J.15/.45;,-11 835/35,000 Max mach number at opt. altitude (Xn/ft)(1) 1 k '35,000 1.145/35,000 NOTES (1) Maximua power. (2) Military power. (3) Includes .8 ,in. for take-off and acceleration to climb speed. am, SECRET 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 I1 FISHBED A SECRET January /951 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE (1000 ft) r arillharannranailla NIIiiIIII CLEMUrn M-t;IR1.5.0 FT . i2IEIIIffnMIIILIIIII NMI UV laniarms MOE= MEIMIRMINIIMIIIME111111 WIIIIIIIIMINIIIMIIIIORU MIIWIIIIIIIIMMr _L , MINiiiiiiillillMar I -r-r : Effin1111111111Mal GROUND ROLL 1 UsiCAUILUBUIMIINIIUMBIN i gffilEaliMaillinalIMPOI MillifOr"_diMENIUMMOKAIRMIRIIII ..addiIIIMIIIIINIM11111111111111.11 amor--...sgamonamas mmil".`?landgmluilari= =me mu 1 Illig-I-Blil MI P.45EZIMME12 A-MINI ?-- 10 12 14 16 18 GROSS WEIGHT (1000 lb) ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 60 50 40 SPEED 1 I ? MAX POWER tio11,L IPOWER 1 ? I COMBAT WT 12 206 L...t3 20 10 I 1. SL 1 500 600 700 800 900 1000 KNOTS ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 60 50 40 30 20 CLIMB I. 1 1 't 17? oc =---m I tPOINEk . ' -.17. --1.I., . -- MO_ POWER 4-.. 11? 1_7.; -fr- A - 4= 1' 1 1 1 i TIC 13,500 LB AT 1.0 ---1--,' - 1-:-..-? E,I-- 17 - :"}:- 74. ,....0-1'... 1 1 1 - 1 1 ...?1 -1 - el 1 1 I 1 WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERATION AND CLIMB IS CONSIDERED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED F I .1_2 _ R/C12',2 00 LB -I? (COMBAT ) +? CONSTANT -,- ? 4_ L 4 I i---- - ' 0 I-11 . 10 : .1 R/C INITIAL A i ? R/C I 2200 LB T COMBAT 1 13.0. WT _ 500 LB@ T O. AV / r-.17-T-TfITTJX, 1 ) SL , i CONSTANT I -1 0 2 ? 4. 6 8 10 0 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 IO 20 30. 40 50 RATE OF CLIMB 1000 FPM SECRET 50X1-HUM SECRET January 1957 FISHBED B REMARKS: FISHaID D is a single-place super-sonic delta-ving day interceptor basically the same SUMMARY 1956 First observed-during the June -1956 Tushino Air Display. It is beltared to be a prototype., 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 CIA -01 0 SECRET FISHBED B Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A proved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 January 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span 25 ft Area 260 sq ft Svospback leading ede 55.5 deg Overall length (v/bo)50.1 ft (w/o boom 42.1 ft Max depth (rue) 4.4 ft width 4 ft Tail Span 13 ft Sweep 59 deg Height from fuselage center line 7.9 ft &ma POWER PLANT 10 ant Model T/Im Length Diameter Weight (dry) Zx'-'it Nozzle Open Cloud (1) Axial flow turbojet 175 incher 38 inches 2950 lb Disaster 25.6 inches 21.6 inches WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty 9,300 Take-off 13,500 Coast 12,200 Landing, aprx 10,900 AWPR 6,000 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static lb SICiehri# 12,600 1.85 9,400 0.95 GENERAL INFORMATION Single place day interceptor. Tricycle landing gear. Delta wing configuration with 'wept horizontal and vertical tail. Fixed compression cone in center of intake. Fishbed B configuration is the same as FIIUDBED A with the exception of clipped wing tips and a modified fairing at the horizontal tail-fuselage juncture. Aircraft may be equipped with a lead pursuit fire control.systet utilizing IR and automatic* range only radar. If it is not provided aircraft will probably havi at least automatic range only radar. , FUEL Internal Weight, lb gal 3200 477 BOMBS/FREIGHT Capable of carrying at least the following: 2 x 2-10 KT 400 lb SIMMAL OR 2 x 550 lb CLUST1R OR 2 x 550 lb OEM:RAE PURPOSE ELECTRONICS Radar Range only radar IR EFF SRO type Navigation Radio altimeter, low-RV-2 Radio compass - ARK-5 Marker beacon receivar 2Ep-48p Communications VHF RSIU-31 (k channel) GUNS 3 x 23 or 30 mm revolver type 120 Me/gun. 6 seconds of firs. , 50 , ROCKETS 2 x 32 tam OCANTEREZAD 2 x 210 ma Kt OR 16 or gg x 55 moi FFAR Type LAM-1 missiles 1-HUM SECRET 1 07) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy A.provedf Release 2 SECRET January 1957 FISHBED B AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Area Intercept Basic Mission Area Intsrcept Opt. Mission TAKZ-OFF WRIGHT (lb) 13,500 13,500 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) . 3,200 3,200 Payload (Ammo) (lb) 410 410 Wing loading (Psf) 52 52 Stall sped (power off, clean) (kts) 130 130 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 1,200 1,200 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) - 2,600 2,600 Rate of climb at SL (frm) (2) 20,900 20,900 Time - SL to 40,000 ft (min) (2)(3) 4.1 4.1 Time - SL to 50,000 ft (min) (2)(3) 7.8 7.8 Service ceiling (100 fle) (ft) (1) 58,000 58,000 CCKBAT RAlIGI (101) --- 540 COMBAT RADIUS (NW) 125 185 Average speed (kts) 540 540 Initial cruising altitude (et) 48,700 48,700 Final cruising altitude (ft) 51,400 51,900 Total mission time (hr) .57 .79 CCKBAT man (lb) 12,200 12,000 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,000 Cat speed (kts) (1) 680 685 Combat climb (fpm) (1) 5,300 5,500 Combat ceiling (500 fpa) (ft) (1) 59,309 59,600 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 59,900 , 60,200- Max rate of climb at SL (rpm) (1) 48,300 49,200 Max speed at SD (kts) (1) 680 680 Max speed at opt. altitude (kts/ft)(1) 840/35,009 845/35,090 Max mach number at opt. altitude (Mn/ft)(1) 1.146/35,000 1.46/35,000 .. . ? . NOTES (1) Maximum pover. (2) Military power. (3) Includes .8 min, for-take-off and acceleration to climb speed. 50X1-HUM . C - 0 3Ron7nnninnnn _ SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 FIStiEE: DISTANCE (1000 ft) 6 -210111.114114L46.Y......mli SECRET January 1957 TAKE-OFF SEA LEVEL MAX PWR 1-.74, CLEAR 50 FT 1 _ r I - ALTITUDE (1000 (1000 ft) 60 50 40 30 20 SPEED -COMBAT WI i2,2-00 LB L MAX POWER! MIL POWER I ? : 1 -1 ,? l-: GROUND RUN1 . - .,.. - ' 1:- .1 .1" -. :" 77H-1-11\T . 10 !., :1 -t -4-- SL -- 8 10 12 14 16 18 500 GROSS WEIGHT (1000 lb) 600 700 800 KNOTS 900 1000 ALTITUDE (1000 ft) 60 .CLIMB 1f4T-Tt?iiIiaii ?wit= 50 40 30 20 T/C 13,500LB AT T.O. M:EgERE A- MIMEO MAX POWER --MIL POWER ? EgirAisi EMMEMEE 'EFT- Jj R/C 12,200 L B (CuM BAT) `-'1?.t_tF- E CONSTANT i1.1r7 11. WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERATION AND "IL4 CLIMB IS CONSIDERED UNLESS Ell OTHERWISE NOTED 10 p TO. WT 17 13,500 LB ' ,AT T.O. 1.4 4 _ - SL 1 I 0 2 4 6 8 TIME TO CLIMB-MIN I 1 I 1 I 1 I ( 1 10 20 30 40 50 RATE OF 'CLIMB 000 FPM tar-T, 7111 -.11r7;r' R/C 121200L8 (COMBAT) CONSTANT ? 10 411. ????????1 Cr SECRET 50X1-HUM ^ SECRET January FISHPOT 1957 REMARKS: FISHPOT is a single-place supersonic delta-wing limited all-weather interceptor. SUMMARY 1956 First observed during the June 1956 TUshinoAlr Display. It is believed to be an experimental prototype. Aircraft may be developed for future operation. 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 7 SECRET FISHPOT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 January 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span 24 ft Area 250 sq ft Sveepback leading edge 58.5 deg Overall length (v/boom) 50.25 ft (w/o boom) 42.65 ft Diameter 4.16 ft Tail Span 12.75 ft Sweep 58 deg Height from fuselage center line 7.7 ft POWER PLANT No & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle Open Closed (1) Axial flow turbojet 188 inches 42.25 inches 3500 lbs Diameter 28.1 inches 23.6 inches WEIGHTS Loading Empty Take-off Combat Landing, aprx AMIE lb 9,900 14,900 13,600 12,000 6,100 ENGINE RATINGS St Static Max Mu lb SPC/#/hr/# 15,200 1.90 11,200 0.95 GENERAL INFORMATION Single place limited all weather interceptor. Tricycle landing gear. Slightly clipped delta wing configuration with swept horizontal and vertical tail. Fixed compression coni above air intake may house AI gear capable of short range search track. FUEL Weight, lb gal Internal 3700 552 BOMBS/FREIGHT ELECTRONICS Radar Search track Al IFF SRO type Navigation Radio compass AR1C-5 Radio altimeter, Low-RV-2 Marker beacon receiver m2F-48p Ccamomications VHF RSIU-3M (8-12 channel) GUNS' No armament apparent on aircraft sighted. Developed, aircraft may have 1 x 37/30 mm Gatling 120 rds 5( (1-2 sec) ROCKETS 38 x 55 mm FFAR in 2 external pods (1 under each wing) ' OR 2 x 220 mm Discreet frag. OR.2 x 220 mm with 10'.' 2-10 kt nuclear heads OR. Type AAM 1, 2 missiles Xl-HUM SECRET SECRET January FISHPOT AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS jBasic Area Intercept Mission Area Intercept Opt, Mission TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 14,900 14,900 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 3,700 3,700 Payload (Ammo) (lb) 410 410 Wing Loading (psi) 6o 6o Stall speed (power off, clean) (kta) 140 140 Take-off ground run at SI (ft) 1,200 1,200 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) 2,400 2,400 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (2) 27,400 27,400 Time - SI to 40,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(4) 3.4 3.4 Time - St to 50,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(k) 6.7 6.7 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 50,700 50,700 COMBAT RANGE (m) 420 555 COMBAT RADIUS (n) 65 . 130 Average speed (kts) 540 540 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 50,700 50,700 Final cruising altitude (ft) 53,100 53,800 Total mission time (hr) (3) .34 .58 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 13,600 13,400 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,000 Combat speed ' (kts) (1) 980 980 Combat climb . (fga) (1) 6,300 6,500 Combat ceiling (500 fla) (ft) (1) 59,000 59,300 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 52,500 - 52,900 Max rate of climb at SL (4m) (1) 57,200 58,000 . Max speed at SL (kts) (1) 800 800 Max speed at opt. altitude (kta/ft) 1090/35,000 1090/35,000 Max mach number at opt. altitude (Mn/ft) 1.90/35,000 I60/35,000 , . ' NC)TE S (1) Maximum power. / 2) Military power. 3) .7 minutes to accelerate to V climb included. (4) Allows for weight reduction during ground operation and climb. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 MAX POWER --- MIL POWER !IT gip T,41.,113ampapr!li dUi GW 13,600 ettr.9r. ? g ?r illAtrii!Cki MI! tli;t1ti -r; I afilfii FilE . ?ii-ngi :tiann = ? :111 Fri It:. Mita: :.'#111171.1 AAX POWER ig :=4"; iii! qi? ? --- MIL POWER ----1- r e glIVIRIXE IC 14,900LB AT T.0..'" liv-?;;;''' 'i-: N ini iffi iiii Ilkjii i-- . INt., IR' -,?,-,": Otrii; Rfiliiiii5K4.1iiiii; WEIGHT REDUCTION DURING GROUND OPERATION AND 1 CLIMB CONSIDERED UNLESS 1 , OTHERWISE NOTED REMARKS ? ? FIIXEH is a single-place supersonic swept-wing day interceptor. First observed during the June 1956 Tushino Air Display. in operation in the near future. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 F: 41 SECRET FITTai Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 December 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span 26.5 ft Area 250 eq ft Sweepback leading edge 62 deg Overall length (w/boom) 46.3 ft (w/o boom) 41 ft Diameter 4.16 ft Tail Span 12.75 ft Sweep 55 deg Height from fuselage center line 7.7 ft POWER PLANT No & Nadel Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle Open Closed (1) Axial flow turbojet 188 inches 42.25 inches 3500 lbs Diameter 28.1 inches 23.6 inches WEIGHTS Loading Empty Take-off Combat Landing, sprx APR lb 10,300 15,300 14,000 12,300 6,800 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max Mil lb EFC/#/hr/# 15,200 1.90 11,200 0.95 GENERAL INFORMATION Single place day interceptor. Tricycle landing gear. Intake provided with translating compression cone. Aircraft may be equipped with a lead pursuit fire control system utilizing IR and automatic range only radar. If it is not provided, aircraft will probably have at least automatic range only radar. Although this aircraft has not been observed carrying external fuel it is con- sidered capable of carrying 2 x 210 US gal external tanks. FUEL Internal External Weight, lb gal 3700 552 2800 420 BOMBS/FREIGHT 2 x 2-10 KT 400 lb SPECIAL OR 2 x 250 lb CLUSTER OR 2 x 250 lb GENERAL PURPOSE ELECTRONICS Radar Range only radar IR IFF SRO type Navigation Radio altimeter, low-RV-2 Radio compass ARK-5 Marker beacon receiver 191P-48P Communications VHF RSIU-3M (4 channel) GUNS No armament apparent on aircraft sighted. Developed aircraft may have 3 x 30 or 37 an revolver type, 100 rds/gun. 5 seconds of fire. ROCKETS 2 x 325o SCATTERBEAD B x 210 an HE QR 16 or 30 x 55 an FFAR OR 2 x 220 an Discreet frag OR Type AAM-1 missiles 11.1.1>i 50X1 -HUM SECRET 1 SECRET December 1957 FITTER AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Area (6) Intercept Basic Mission Area Intercept Basic Mission Area (6) Intercept Opt. Mission Area Intercept Opt. Mission TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 18,500 6,500 410 74 15,300 3,700 410 61 18,500 6,00 410 ? 74 15,300 3,700 410 61 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) Payload (Ammo) (lb) ,Wing loading (Per) Stall speed (power off, clean) (kts) 150 135 150 135 Take-off ground run at SL (rt) (1) 1,700 1,100 1,700 1,100 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 3,200 2,300 3,200 2,300 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (2) 15,100 27,100 15,100 27,100 Time - SL to 40,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(4) 5.6 3.5 5.6 3.5 Time - SL to 50,000 ft (min) (2)(3)(4) --- 6.4 --- 6.4 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 46,100 52,000 46,loo 52,000 CCERAT RANGE OW 1,065 455 1,245 590 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 390 75 48o 140 Average speed (kts) 525 535 530 535 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 45,400 51,700 45,400 51,700 Final cruising altitude (ft) 53,900 54,100 54,700 54,700 Total mission time (hr) (3) 1.6 .37 1.9 .60 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) (5) 15,200(15,600) 14,000 14,900(15,200) 13,800 Combat altitude (ft) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Combat speed (kts) (1) (5) 1,000(880) 1,035 1,000(895) 1,035 Combat climb (fpm) (1) 5,400 6,400 5, 600 - 6,600 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (1) (5) 58,300(58,800) 60,000 , 58,80056,800) 60,400 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) "52,200 53;900 52,700 54,200 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 54,200. 59,000 55,400 60,200 Max speed at SL (kts) (1) 800 800 Boo 800 Max speed at opt altitude (kts/ft)(1) 1,180/35,000 1185/35,000 1,180/35,000 1185/35,000 Max mach number at opt. altitude (Mn/ft)(1) 2.05/35,000 2.06/35,000 2.05/35,000 2.06/35,000 NO TE' (l) Maximum power. (2) Military power. (3) .7 minute to accelerate to V climb included. (4) Allows for weight reduction during Ground Operation and Climb. (5) Numbers in parenthesis are for aircraft with empty tanks aboard. (6) 2 x 210 US gal external tanks. 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 . SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 -- SECRET Dece:tbei 1957 CONFIDENTIAL 1 U. S. S. x. TAKE-OFF SPEED DISTANCE (1000 ft) ALTITUDE (1000(t) MAX POWER --MIL POWER GROUND F.UN I ? 71? T. .L. 1-1 -4 1- 1 0 600 800 000 1200 1400 COMBAT WI 5,600 LB W/TANKS Ti GROSS WEIGHT (1000 lb) CLIMB ALTITUDE (1000 It) a. 60 ? MAX POWER MON MMI --- MIL POWER. INE111111111111111 1 T/C 15,300 LB AT T 0. j I I ? WE GHT REDUCTION DUR NG GROUND OPERATION AND ? :'CLIMB CONSIDERED UNLESS 'OTHERWISE NOTED 4?-1-1. 14,000 LB (CONST). 14,000 LB (CONST.) I 15 300 LB s.? NA AT T.O. r? , 10. 20 30 40 50 RATE OF CLIMB-1000 FPM [11111 ?I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TIME TO CLIMB -MIN 50X1 -HUM I DESCRIPTION I Low-wing monoplane. The center section of the wing, which is probably integral with fuselage main section, has a slightly swept-back leading edge. The trailing edge sweeps forward from root filleto. The fuselage is reported to be shorter, slimmer and lighte- . than that of the 11-2. In 'general, characteristics are probably very similar. 50X1 -HUM SECRET CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL n 11-10 Mfr. Demlinar: Ilyuabin Type Attack Bailer (Ground Attack) Crew 2 PERFORMANCE July 195.3 Maximum Speeds: 262 knots e S.L.; 273 Cruising Speeds: Normal Power______ knots Climb: 5.0 mins. to 10000 ft A Service Ceilings.: ft with Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle knots g 5500 ft alt.; 222 knots g 20000 ft alt. e ft alt.; Economical knots g ft alt. It.; Rate of Climb:_ 1950 ft/min. at SL ft alt. normal weight; 23500 ft with 13090 . lbs weight Concrete 2400 Turf 2500 ft into zero wind at Sea Leval Fuel: (US gals.) internal; Normal191___ nautical Wes o2Ailknots,_50(X_L_ft alt. with igUS gals. of fuel and lbs beam Combat Radius: 170 Nautical Niles Maximum ; External: Normal , maximum RANGES nautical miles I knots, ft alt. with US gals, of fvel .and lbs POWER PLANT nautical miles ? knots, ft alt. with US gals, of fuel and lbs No. Engines 1 Take-Off 1975 hp- 4 SL ft alt. 2500 rpm 61ln. Hg. 1730 _hp. .17.:3553ft alt. 2350 rpm 52.5 in. HI- Type Engines Racit.rdoatillt Military he. e ft alt. War Emergency he. 4 ft alt. A3l-42, 12-cylinder, upright "V", liquid-cooled Normal Description rpm in. Mg. rpm in. Hg. SPECIFICATIONS Gore 6.24 ins StrobelemMAns DIspl.___2_ 2 0 ss. Ins Comp.Ratioad:a. SUPERCHARGER PROPELLER FUEL Dry Wt. 2260 No. Speeds_1 Mfr. ANL-5L-24 Type95/115.95/130 Gasoline Red.O?er .6:1 No. Stages _1 No.illades 3 Eng.Width__IL.ILJAIRatios 11'1 Dia. 11 ft,10 ins Eng.Langth_94_1311mpoller DiaiLL4Lins Pitch Control Nrdraulic ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMSAT PROTECTION Guns 232331. in ring NrYA 2x7.62 in wing SNICAS 1:12.7 mei 1i:ix:over turret in rear end of cockpit. BEREZINA Rockets: 2x132 mm under wing Gunsight -la ref stator Ube Normal Load 880 Maximue Load 1320 Stowage: lbs lbs 6x220 ib bombs or 8Xl10 lb bombs Istbsight Unknown ? SPECIFItATIONS Armor Juliet proofirimmlableld. 7Uselage from rear of cockpit . forward is sheathed in 6.5 me 41111ar. Armor behind gunner. Fuel Tanks Protected Materials lellgth:__35._ft,Ja_in; Height: ft, Haight.: Airframe lbs; Normal Gross -W546 lbs; Maximum Gross 14980 All metal construct . ? In; Gross Wing Area 123 sq. ft lbs ADDITIONAL DATA The I1-10 is a development of the 11-2 with Mart1:VeLtIni.i. engines. It became operational in 1944 and is replacing the 11-2 "Stamina". It is cwregmly in production and is in use in large maws in the Soviet Air Force as a round attack aircraft. It has the same armor covering as the 11-2, 6.5 mu plating over the engine and cockpit and behind the gunner's seat. The bomb installation is belitVeni to 'consist of two internal bcab-baya in the ring roots and external racks under the fuse- lage. LO14 radio equipment is fitted. Performance data shown are used at latest available USAF flight test data (Nay 1952). CONFIDENTIAL ? ? 50X1-HUM 41 ? ? ? CONFIDENTIAL _ July U.,sP 1953 ALTITUDE - FEET 25000 Z0000 15000 ,10000 5000 S. L. 11-10 11111111:1111111 la O 1 11M..1111.I 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 6.1111111111111:111111111111:11 11111111111111!11111:11:::1111:11811:191111111111111111111111111111 11111:1:1:1:ffii iiiia.iiima iiilli111111110111111111111 111111111111111P?"11111411111iiiiiiillill1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Max. S eed MEMMIIMMLUL! alpsimitilmompommoll mmuommotrimmimormahmhindummmi 1111111111111110111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II lllidorpommummollopmmummumiimi MINN Rate of Climb ! Ink Time to clitooti 1111111111111111111111PAI 11111111111 r"H111111-111 PPR ill R/C - 1000 FT/MIN o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 SPEED ? KNOTS MIN TO CLIMB tOo 3.00 ' 400 500 660 4 8 16 24 Pe OrMa. e DESCRIPTION (1) Take-off Power (2500 RPM) Gross Weight 13020 lb (2) Normal Rated Power (2350 RPM) Gross Weight 13090 lb 50X1-HUM Performance curves based on USAF flight test. Take-off Power limitation precludes its use for climb. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 I PERFORMANCE I n s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL 11-10 U.S.S.R. Stay 3750 t: .2(5L__:)0 0 a 3230 ..3.0C.20 ILI 2750 48 11) w 2250 a 1750 INga TAKE-OFF I ' I - Concrete rummy -- -- Turf rummy 1 1[1 I 11,;-11 I NS 11111 M.111111111111. nivaiwai 111111Ill 11111111111111111111 w. 1511111111RMINNIIIIIIIIMWSIIIRMIIIIIMIN 7? ? IMININIIIMINISMIBMIMINIMIll 011111111111115111111111 11111MIVIRI111111 5111?1151?1151a1MIMIIIMMINM1551?115 II itiminamoomminiumuna mainiiiirAmila 111111111 5I1 IIIIMMINIMINNINIIMIWIN NW MAIM. 111111111111111111 ,adigiligi IIIII pion= .dAi orn .4_ maw EArluz.i. en II 1111 1 i i SRO' WT.-1000 L5S 12.0 fl 1 1 un- 13.0 14.0 15.0 1.6.o 17'.0 18.0 1953 DESCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL ? ID 50X1 -HUM ? ? CONFIDENTIAL March 1952 Tu-2 Tu-2 DESCRIPTION It is a twin-engine, shoulder-wing monoplane. Engines are underslung in long slender nacelles. The air scoop is prominent on top of the engines. A large diameter propeller spinner is fitted. The fuselage has deep oval shape and appears quite slender with sharply. pointed nose. Lower half of the nose is pleriglass-covered. There is pronounced dihedral in horizontal tail and oval-shaped twin-rudders are fitted. .A gunner's position is on50X1 -HUM top of fuselage behind wing, also ventral gun position with several observation window. is provided. CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL- Tu-2 Tu-2 Mfr flasiErer. Pflpninv Type Light Bomber Crew 1 mr PERFORHANCE March 1952 Maximum Speeds: 250 knots d S.L.: 278 knots 1 15500 ft alt.; 250 knots w 25000 ft alt. cruising Speeds; Normal Power 250 knots 0 15000 ft alt.; Economical 180 knots i 20000 ft alt. Climb: 6.2 mins. to 10000 ft alt.; Rate of Climb: ? 1730 ft/min. at SI, ft alt. Service Ceilings: 29000 ft with normAl_lilJght: ft with lbs weight Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle 2000 ft Into zero wind at Sea Level Fuel: (US gals.) Internal: Normal 715 , Maximum 875 : External; Normal , Maximum COMBAT RANGES 850 nautical miles ft alt. 1010 nautical ft of miles alt. fuel 125 nautical miles alt. fuel IP, 178 knots, 10000 ?_178 knots, 10000 a 178 knots, 10000 ft with 715 US gals. bombs of fuel with 875 US gals. with 125 US gals, of bombs and 1100 lbs and 2200 lbs bombs and 7000 lbs Combat Radius: 400 Nautical Miles Combat Radius: 500 Nautical Miles Combat Radius: 50 Nautical Miles POWER PLANT No. Engines 2 Take-Off 1825 hp. e SL 16750 ft alt 2500 rpm 48 in. Ng. Normal 11A hh:. ?: ft alt 2400 rpm in. Hg. Type Engines Reciprocating military rpm 40.1 In. lig. War Emergency hp. e ft alt. 2400 ft alt. rpm in. Hg. 5400 Description ASH-82 FNV, 14 cylinder, air-cooled radial SPECIFICATIONS SUPERCHARGER PROPELLER FUEL Bore 6.1 ins Dry Wt. 1980 No. Speeds 2 nfr. AV-5 Type. Gasoline Stroke 61 Ins Red.Gear 1.45:1 No. Stages 1 No. Blades 3 5.)/I15.95/130. Displ. 2555 Cu. Ins Eng.Width 49.5 in. Ratios 7.14 & 10:1 Dla. 13 ft, 0 ins Eng.Length 79 in,, Impeller. Die _Ins Pitch Control Constant speed nonfeathering ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMBAT PROTECTION Guns Normal Load 3300 lbs Armor ? 2x2Omm/15Orpg. Fixed, wing rootsMaximum Load 7000 lbs 9mm. armor behind pilot. lx12.7mm/150rPe. Flex. rear Stowage: Internal. Pilot and gunners protected. cockpit. 9 x 220 lb.' bombs, or lx12.7mm/25Orpg. Flex. Upper. 3 x 1100 lb. bombs, or 1x12:7mm/350rog. Flex. Lower. 15 x 220 lb. bombs Stowage: External. 2 torpedoes ur 2 x 2200 lb. bombs Gunsight Pilot: PBP-la, Boibsight OPB-ID Fuel- Tanks Self sealing. Upper- PEIP-1, Lower: OP-2L SPECIFICATIONS Materials All metal construction Span:_61_ft,___In; Length:_45._ft,2_in; Height' 15 ft,_:1,11_1n; Gross Wing Area 510 sq.ft Weights: Airframe 8600 lbs;? Normal Gross 24460 -lbs; 'Maximum Gross lbs ADDITIONAL DATA One of the U.S.S.R.'s latest operational bombers. /First placed in operational use in 1944 and is still their main first line light bomber. The ASH-82 FNV engine is improved model of the U.S. Wright R-2600 engine built under license. I.F.F., high frequency transmitter-receiver, interphone amplifier, and an RPKO-10M radio compass are installed. CHARACTERISTICS OF FO FIGN AIRCRAFT CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM 4111 ? CONFIDENTIAL March U.S.S.R. Tu-2 1952 SPEED 8 C1/MB 40000 35000 30000 25000, 1:20000 a 4 UM!. 10000 140._ 2500 S.L. R/0 "MOO FT/NIN0 I 1 . . . 1 In 112Ir; I Iiii , il I 11 WI I ;III III Ill i II II I I I II oil I III 1 " 1 ; 1 lull ',Nil 1111111?1111?1111111111ERIIIIIMIXIINIMM111111111115 INIIININIUMNIMMIRRNIIKINXMONIROMMINE1 II 1 1 .1 1 I MIIIININXIMMIXE=M11111111111111X11 j....61 a, iim.1.1. j.; .".1.1 1 1 1 ILMINXIIIIIIIIII I 1 I I 1 1 I If II Ill 1111 III II 1 1 , 1'; ;III 11'1 II 1 11 11,11 1711 III1, 1 1-1, 11111 ,, 1' III I. II I, i II 1 . lit it', ,,, 1 lull lilt , , , . . 1 , . .1' I ' ' II 'I" I 1 I- 111 1'1' 1111 II II II II 1 I III II I, Ii I III 111, ; II I I IIII tll II, I{ BEM 11I! IIIHI ;II; HI; :if; I WI ;;,!: XIIIIIIXIMII I X MINXIMINIMIXIiINII ....,?....,,,....,....,...... , , ? t............ ; ....I.I.........;.. . I inam I, II , ; ? , ; { , , , I I ; 1 , it-, , , ; , , : , . ?lr II I ilii II , ,, , fill 1111 (ill Iii. .111 1111 1 1 II1 II 1 I IllI II III1II I II ; ; II i 1 III II I ',',,:T;m411 : I i 1li ;toll III1111 111 Il I I: II i ' IllI: 11 II: cl; i mil tii ,111 II 1..1, !III I.:. 1111 ., II . I minaml^k InOmmairimm 1 I . T.! mmium . . . HI I . . . . .1 ,.. .... III. 111, .... NaI*Hi . II L i 1 ; r...... lull II .......... I; ? . . 1' 1 ... Ii. ;111,1_111 1111 I . i I . 1 1I . 1 .1 . . -;--C-11 XMXINEIr 11111111XXXXIMEMIXIOIRIlillinli I 1 'Has II I I I II I .1 I 'f li 111 1111 1:1', 111 11 ;" IIII IT 1, I I, 1 II I H 1, ' 1, , I I I I I I IIi 1 ,11, : Ill1 t Ill t I ill, ,,,, ?,, l? II,. ' I II; 1111 1111 I 11 111 I III AMMIXEMXXIONXXXXIM,1110111 11111111111WAIIIIIM I I :Id II 1 .".' of Cl mei. 1 1 minsmanaz 1111111111 :, ! 111MMEMINEENNI EXIIMINI IIMIXIMEN 11XXIIIMME1M111111111MOIUMEMIEll Inn i II I 1 III . 1 1 I I 1;4 1111 C .. Ill I. I. II it 1 I. ; I 1 II!' III I I. . . . . li I . II 1 111111,111?1.111.1ainill111111=11111111111111 ?1.1111111111.111 ZMMIIIIIIIIIIIII ?NEM 111.1 ??11.4122aummazionammas, 1 ri . 0 . lit. 11 11 11 . . 1 Il I i 1 .ili II I 06 1.0 1.5 2.0 2. 3.0 SPIED.KSOTS I 0 100 200 300 1 MIX TO GUMS 10 20 30 40 50 60 1 PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION (:) MILITARY Pasn, NORMAL GROSS WT. 24255 LBS. 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL Tu-2 U.S.S.R. March 4 0 0 0 4 F 4 011065 WT TAKE?OFF 3500 +H+1-rr9 I ---F' 4 1, 1-14 1 ' : ; -i-i-H- -i-/-1-',. ' ! ' 14--4--1-1-14- 1--7-- -7-#P 11- 3250 ti_i:=Ltr : : 1 : --z----a,iiiii :- rim;,.-y-i ----Turf runway -F-1- _r___-ri- --;-4- -I i 1 ; -H-FF -H-H- '-i-.-2 ' ?_ri-ii:-,- , -Fri-- I 1 . L-1-r_r ---.T-1- . I I; , ; f. . ? , . , , , 3000 ' -;-?-?- -7-_ -4- -- . , , i-r-r -r-rrt 4.-:,---T_ , _, ri- 7.-r- ; 111;7;: -'-1-7-' .+1_,_ -k-IH-;1,; _i__t_j__L I.i'l _ ;;II 11'.? --i-4-H- ,.4 ' v-"--' - 2750 I I --1-4-I- , -1-L-i-r I I I . : I, */-, ,-,-. i1 ' ' -f- . , , -H-i-j- -H-H- -I-4-!-- -ri-n- 4-LI-L :L4-1-j-____,_ ; I ? i , r + ? ' ; . H- 1 -H- i 4 -: i-T- i-H-f- H' -I-4-H- +7-17- , , , r : 2500 '.--d--H1-1- -1.+P- --+ ' ' ', '. 4-r1-1--1-1-? -r1-1 1-; f- -f t 1-1 ,i. -I- - i r I - - .I -1-1-1 :, 1.,,.,:-L, ,4_ I- 1.1! .:Ji ! '. -F- !''! ,if t 2250 -4-i-H-11 ' +41-4- /I, H-hr 1 ,I1 r-/ ; , ,t - , "r,---I-; 1 ' , , i-H- : : 7-r. , -4. ! -L-t--17- 1 III -H-i-I, -',--f- ' I ? 717 1 I ; 1 i----; 14- -1-r;? H- Jr-- ' %1- -7--Hrl- -H4 .-i- ; , : 2000 H , -14-i-4-44-' . ' i- EH' -1: ?H---1---1-- -r I--r -)-}-f-4- h_,_ -T2 ' , 7 , ' ' , I ' i I , - ..1-I?k . -r-i-,,,',- ,i; t--;4- ; __ _1_i_ 24-H-- 1750 . LL _L_ . I ? i I ; II , i--I-,- ?, , , 1500 -!`" i -Hu- -rri-t r; 1-',- ? ; am , ,, , no LBs 30 32 34 1952 PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM ? ? ? January 1958 CONFIDENTIAL BULL REMARKS: BULL is a mid-wing four-engined monoplane. Engine nacelles extend well forward of the leading edge of the wing. The inboard nacelles extend beyond the trailing edge of the wing. Wings taper to square tips. Fuselage is circular with the nose extending well forward of the engines. Single tail with prominent fin. Tricycle landing gear with dual wheels is fully retractable. SUMMARY BULL is a copy of the U.S. B-29A acquired by the Soviets in World War II. The USSR credits the aircraft to the designer TUPOLEV. The Soviet designation is TU-4. BULL has been operational in the USSR since 1948: but has been largely replaced by more modern jet aircraft. 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Z., CONFIDENTIAL TU-4 Tu-4 Mfr Designer: Tnrolav Type Bomber Crew 11 PERFORMANCE March 1952 Maximum Speeds. 262 knots a S.L.; 350 knots 00000 ft alt.; 132 knots 6 25000 ft alt. Cruising Speeds: Normal Power 302 knots t 25000 ft alt.; Economical 19R knots t innnn ft alt. Climb: 32.0 mins. to 35000 ft alt.; Rate of Climb. 1620 ft/min. at SL ft alt. Service Ceilings: 39550 ft with normal weight; ft with lbs weight Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle 7825 ft Into zero wind at Sea Level Fuel: (US gals.) Internal: Normal 7748 , Maximum ; External; Normal . Maximum RANGES 3100 nautical miles 2140 nautical miles 1660 nautical miles s 175 knots, 10000 ft alt. t 179 knots, 10000 ft alt. e 167 knots, 10000 ft alt. with 7748 US gals. of fuel with 6080 US gals. of fuel with 4415 US gals, of fuel 10000 lbs and 20000 lbs and 10000 lbs and Bombs Bombs - Bombs Combat Radius: 1700 Combat Radius: 1230 POWER PLANT Combat Radius: 880 Engines 4 Take-0ff?2200 hp. a ST, ft alt 2800 rpm in. Hg. Hg. Hg. Hg. No. 2000 hp t 25000 ft alt. 2400 rpm in. Normal Type Engines Reciprocating military 2200 hp. la 250100 ft alt 2600 rpm In. War Emergency hp. a ft alt. rpm In. Description ..ASB 90, l8 rylirviar, air?eool.d radial (Believed to be a copy of the U.S. Wriz)it R-1350) SPECIFICATIONS SUPERCHARGER Bore 6.125 ins Dry Wt. 266R No. Speeds Turbo Mfr. Stroke___LL_Ins Led.Gear 2 861 No. Stages No.Blades 4 100-130 grade Dispi. cu. ins Eng.Width 56 in. Ratios 6.01 Dia. 16 ft, 6 ins Comp.R;TI;8088: 1 Eng.Length 76 In. impeller Diaal__Ins Pitch Control Hydromatio PROPELLER FUEL Type Gasoline ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMBAT PROTECTION Guns 2y12 7 alpper 'turrets Normal Load 10000 lbs Armor Unknoun 2.02 7mm Lever TnrunrA turret maximum Load 20000 lbs --2x12-7=?Lawer?roar-4ur-rat.-- 3x12.7mm tail turret Bomb loads probably similar Howevor, 2101mm inetellntinne to U.S. B-29 have been lean in turrets_ , Guns ight MaV be copy of U.S. BoabsightPnaaibly nermen Fuel Tanks Unknown eentrel fire enntrml eyetem Latfe 7 type SPECIFICATIONS 50X1 ?HUM atUf 12 All metal oonatruction Materials sq. ft 99 fte_p_in: Height:-27_ft,_101Lin; Gross_Wing Area 1736 Span42:_fte_l_in; Length: Weights: Airframe 48000 lbs; Normal Gross 1L0,000 lbs; Maximum Gross 140,000 lbs ADDITIONAL DATA This medium bomber is a main differences are the substitution changes which are not aPparent Tupolev, and it is their standard except for the tail-turret and and the radius to 2150 NM in the B-29A. copy of the US B-29A aircraft acquired by the Soviets in WW II. The of Soviet guns for the US guns, and the possibility of internal from photographs. The USSR credits the aircraft to the designer medium bomber today. While the removal of the defensive armament the addition of the fuel would increase the combat range to 3960 NM the stripped version. the above figures are based on US performance for CHARACTERISTICS OF F 4AFT March 1952 CONFIDENTIAL Tu-4 , 1 1 ' I I 1 ' " 1 I , ?? ? , , , , 1 0.0........e.Mill 111111?111MIThVIRRIBMNI IIIIIIRWIEIIIIIaall rallIKKIIMI MEMIIIII1111111111 .................wa............... litillutilosimiiiimillivillimill L. 11111 il . limilitlitaml 11011111111111111111 mitimummizaimmun wIS.....mmianitinnummtsisma sualswais wan Ng= I 1 HI tiPllIIIIIIIIIIIIH1111111111111 35000 11111A111111111111111111111111M111111 ?Mumma Ilgilligratigillalligililigililliiiiiiii [Rote of climb I I mu I I . IWAH1110111111H1H11111111111111111111 mum sza11111111111111111111111ZIMINIMENE11111111W1W11111111111 M WA 11111 111 iii , 1 1i 41 1 till liI l ??liii 111111111 II 1 1 1I11 imiligillill: iItII MI6' rateuimmvadnailummuunii illmaLswooll urn:. aggill 1111,111'l Ilmrirm."1.1 lIilil :1; ; I: 111 1;1; 1; 1 : : : : . 1:1 I. .,, ,, I it ,4 . 11 1 11.1 11 . 25000 ii it .111 11 1 , ,,,, ,,I, , 11 I. 1,,, 11 ii 11 , . I, 1,1 1,,, 1 ?, II .? ill ,,, : l' 111: 111; 11 1; ,1 . ,1,, .,, ,,,, , 1,, 1, I 11 1, ili II 1 1111 II il il 1 : i III :II II 11:: 1111 11 II " I f :III ii i i 111 1 II I C I I 20000 II 1. iii CICI II il III li i 11 liI Il it lut I I V 11W1HVIIIIMIRMININVIRMINIVII MBRUIVIIIMIIIMIIIIRROMIMMIN I 1 1 1 1111 11 Ij.l 111111111112312mum ' 'il iligalli ' 1 II 1 MINIM ;Ii ; ; , lhi 1 ;11 11 11 1 1 I 1 1 Ii1lil1 1 1 I I III II ill 11 I 1 i1000 1Ill II lit 11 1 11111 irIi 1111 ii ?lIII: III 111 l" 1/11 I ': 1'11111 11 I i ii I i ill (III 1 III 1 li am'urn : .mlii ,w 1....,..""EMORMI 11 777177712-7T 1 I ; 111 MI , 11 1 1 1 1 1111 1 ; 1 I I ; ; 1 HI 11 1111 i1 1 II 11 11,1 11 11 1111 I if 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 . . I. 11 IIIusiaII I II I I I I I 1 I I ( i I I i i I I i I i a 1.1II iiiiII.IlIillIIIuIJ 14ti I l i iVV.IVVIIVIONIII I I I 11 n ; , !Time to climb] , : It 11111MINVIIIIIMIIMERSIMII1111B1111111111111_MMINVIII ' mukrimmtimmtimmil I 1 1 H:i .??,.......?....H.Tarit ,,..............agthwir... , , -5120. miimmifimmumn Il I I 11111 FA 1 1111 1 1 i II AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I 1 1 1 i II _25.GQ '!! iII kill 1 I 11111? ME 1 .1,. , Oil 2c 3.0 0.5 1.0 ? ? 1 11.06.10KR1 0 100 200 300 WM TO CLIMB 10 20 500 3; 40 5; 600 60 PERFORMANCE I DESCRIPTION I ()MILITARY PGNER, COMBAT GROSS WT. 101470 LBS. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 ?HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Tu-4 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE OVER 50 FT. OBSTACLE. ,-FT. 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 1000 2000 OHM 1 U.S.S.R. March - -H-Hrn . ismusammusill m m mom 111111111111.11 -' , ia,ma magi , +1._ jol 1? Comets ? ---- Turf rurtway174. =7.. rimmas unwoy . mmus , MIMI , 1111 III 1 MUMMISOMM isismumpog E ME KELM laima 1. II 1 " Ism IMMUM : , ?rrr II II MU NEE:11111 , 'III '11: :ill ill il IN i 1' ;III iii i IIIL MOM . , IIIIIIIMMINDI , mg immusgisisismagummunimammemill ,, smism ,U I I 41U wism smormimmommmummemsmusismem ?IHH ? ? EMS .........m..... Illif I:KIIMMII KEA MUM MUMMEN? MUM? FILM MEREMMINMS IAIWIMUNO I WIIIIIIIIM MEM iiiii ii iii MAIKKIMIKEIIIII:11 ME USAMMUMMAN MMENNWNEMUMINEKM summinummommummummg inissell.012111111mmummisommumi EMMUMMEMERUSIMEMILIMO pl?????1=1?????????111r: immussumwsgsmimmemsema smug _mg UM. MUMEMEMUM MUMMUUREM ?ME MEMEMMUMMU forseg 11111 1111111111 IIIIIIIIII 11111110M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPMAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImmilalll ... .. ......... . . Lill 4.2emoiiiimar......... lissag IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 1911112_..ig..11111111111311211-11. ....a.. amain. .... ....a ..... .........i.... GRO95 WT-10001.55 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 1952 1 PERFORMANCE 1 DESCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM fre ? Jan CONFIDENTIAL 31:-1 Type-31 1954 AnIQ Fr*s 0-498A 7 1114 BO AAAAA Ct1 4100.1 101W 04A. 14 OCT 44. 1141C14 MBY St OHO. Type -31 DESCRIPT1O.N This horrybouber was first seen at the July 1951 air @how at the TUshino Airfield in Moscow. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM 1 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL BEAGLE (IL-28) Mfr Designer Tupolev Crew Type Heavy Boiber PERFORMANCE Maximum Speeds; knots e S L ; knots 0 ft alt.; of:nots a ft alt. Cruising Speeds: Normal Power knots e ft alt.; Economical knots e ft alt. Climb' sins, to ft alt.; Rate of Climb: ft/min. at ft alt. Service Ceilings: ft with normal weight; ft with lbs weight Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle ft into zero wind at Sea Level Fuel: (US gals.) Internal: Normal 9975 , Maximum ; External: Normal , Maximum RANGES j nautical miles ? knots, ft alt. with US gals. of fuel and lbs 3700 nautical miles ? 185 knots, 25000 ft alt. with 9975 US gals, of fuel and 0 lbs Bombe Radius: 1850 NM nautical miles ? knots, ft alt. with US gals. of fuel and lbs POWER PLANT No. Engines 4 Take-Off 2700 hp. 0 HT, ft sit rpm In. Ng. Normal 2500 hp. p 25,000 ft alt. rpm in. 111g. Type Engines Reciprocating military hp e ft alt. rpm In. lig. War Emergency hp. e ft alt. rpm in. Hg. Description Assumed improved version Soviet ASH-90 SPECIFICATIONS SUPERCHARGER PROPELLER FUEL Bore ins Dry Wt. No. Speeds Mfr Type Gasoline Stroke ins Red.Gemr No. Stages No?Blades 4 100/130 grade Displ. cu.ins Eng.Width Ratios gis, 17 ft, ins Colo. Ratio Eng. Length impeller Dia_____Ins Pitch Control ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMBAT PROTECTION Guns Normal Load lbs Armor Maximum Load lbs .. Gunslght Bodbsight Fuel Tanks SPECIFICATIONS Materials Length:_lacLft,___In: Height. ft, In; Gross Ming Area 287n sq.ft Weights: Airframe lbs; Normal Gross 160,000 lbs: Maximum Gross lbs ADDITIONAL DATA The exact engines installed are unknown; however, the 1951 Type-31 characteristics,and performance are estimated for improved Soviet ASH-90 engines assumed to be available immediately prior to July 1951. On the basis of the estimated power plants installed, the aircraft appears to be a prototype, pending installation of more powerful engines. For reasonable operational performance, it is estimated that engines of approximately 5000 SHP, BHP or equivalent thrust will be required. To give on indication of the aircraft's capabilities with ade- quate power, performance is shown below for an assumed installation of is x Ju mo 022 turbo prop engines. Take-off Weight -- 210,000 lb. Bomb Load -- 10,000 lb. Max Speed (at 35,000 ft.) -- 325 kts. Rate of climb -- 2,000 fpm at S.L. Combat Ceiling -- 35,000 ft. Range/Radius 50X1-HUM REMARKS: The IL-28 (BEAGLE) is a twin-jet light bomber designed by IMUSHIM. It has a straight SUMMARY 1955 First appeared in operational numbers in the May Day 1950 Airshow in Moscow. operational use in the Soviet and Satellite Air Forces. Airc50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FOREIGN AIRCRAFT CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 5 CONFIDENTIAL BEAGLE (IL-28) June 1936 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Aspect ratio Overall length Beight (gear daen) Max diameter fuaelage 70.5 ft 670 sq ft 7.4 55 ft 20.5 ft 5.7 ft POWER PLANT No. & Modal Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) (2) VK-1/VK-1A Centrifugal 93 in. 50 in. 1900 lbs (VK-1) 2000 lbs Exhaust Nozzle (Fixed) 360 sq. in. Note: Later versions of 11-28 use VK-1A engines. WEIGHTS Loading Lb Etpty 23,600 Take-off Normal 1414,1400 Max 147,600 AMPR 16,800 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static lb wc.#/hr/#. (vic-1) Take-off 6000 1.10 Nominal 5300 1.o6 Normal 48010 1.05 (vic-1A) Take-off 7000 1.07 Nominal 6200 1.04 Normal 5600 1.02 GENERAL INFORMATION General information only is quoted hereon. For more detailed information on characteristics and performsmce see ATIC Study No. 102-AC-51/27-34, entitled (Uncl) Analysio of Twin Jet Airplanes. Engines are cantilever mounted forward of the wing leading edge. Retractable tricycle landing gear. Main gear folds into engine nacelles. Wings are tapered on trailing edge and straight on leading edge. Tips are square. Slotted type flaps extend from the fuselage to the nacelle and from the nacelle outboard approximately ten feet to the aileron. It has a glassed-in nose for visual bombing. A single bomb bay is located in the central part of the fuselage. Defensive armament consists of two fixed guns, installed aide by side and parallel to each other, under the flight deck, and a tail turret installation similar to the US B-29 type. It Ls estimated that a range only fire control system is installed. A redone, housing blind bombing and navigation radar is located on the under- side of the fuoelage. The aircraft has been observed carrying wing tip tanka. FUEL Internal External lb 14,600 3000 Gallon 2200 440 BOMBS/FREIGHT A bomb bay 14.0 ft long, 3.2 ft vide, 3.1 ft high at side wall and 3.4 ft high at the centerline permits the following bomb loads: lb Type Normal 4400 General purpose (in combination) For example: 2 FAB 1000 2200 lb ea 4400 lb total 4 FAB 500 1100 lb ea 4400 lb total 8 FAB 250 550 lb ea 4400 lb total 1 FAB 3000 6600 lb ea 6600 lb total 1 FAB 1500 3300 lb ea 3300 lb total. 27 FAB .100 220 lb ea 5940 lb total Max 6600 lb with WW II types or im- proved ballistic changes. (Max load . .increase to 8800 lb highly probable.) ELECTRONICS Radar Blind bombing and navigation similar to US AN/APQ-13, nicknamed 'Mushroom' IFF - SRO Navigation Radio compass - ARK-5 Radio altimeter, low - RV-2 Radio altimeter, high - similar to US SCS-718 Distance measuring equipment - Unknown type Marker beacon - MIT-4812 Communication VHF command radio - 4 channel-RSIU-314 MF/HF liaison radio - ART-13 and US-9 GUNS Estimate 2 and 2 x 23 in nose of Gun type x 23 mm guns mm fixed forward fuselage Cal 23-mm in tail turret firing gun Cycle Auzzle Rate Vel 'NR-23 800 2300 ROCKETS None , , HUM:50X1- CONFIDENTIAL O it ? CONFIDENTIAL Juno 1936 BEAGLE (11-28 VK -1A) AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS 1 I WO TT 11 I go Tr 111 I w TT Ili OPTIMUM WO TT OPT W TT TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) (lb) (lb) (1b/ft2) 44,40o 14,600 4,400 66 46,600 14,600 6,600 69' 47,600 17,600 4,400 ' 71 46,600 14,600 6,600 69 47,600 17,600 4,400 71 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal Payload (bombs) Wing loading Stall speed (power off) (kn) 115 120 120 120 120 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 2,4-00 2,700 2,800 2,700 2,800 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 4,000 4,400 4,600 4,400 4,600 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 4,900 4,600 4,400 4,600 4,400 Time - SL to 20,000 ft (min) (1) 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Time - SL to 30,000 ft (min) (1) 9.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (rt) (1) 43,603 42,500 41,900 42,500 41,900 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 990 930 1,200 1,100 1,400 COMBAT RADIUS (104) 510 495 615 6o5 745 Average cruise speed (kn) 400 400 395 390 390 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 39,300 38,300 37,300 40,400 39,000 Target speed (kn) (2) 410 410 405 395 395 Target altitude (ft) 41,000 39,800 39,900 42,500 42,200 Total mission time (hr) 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 4.00 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 32,200 32,100 33,800 31,100 32,800 Combat altitude (ft) 41,000 39,800 39,900 42,500 42,200 Combat speed (kn) (1) 440 445 440 44o 435 Combat ceiling (300 fpm) (ft) (1) 47,300 47,300 46,200 48,000 46,900 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (rt) (1) 50,000 50,200 48,900 50,800 49,500 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 6,900 6,950 ' 6,450 7,200 6,700 Max speed at 7,500 ft (kn) (1) 480 480 475 480 475 Max speed at 35,000 ft (kn) (1) 450 450 450 450 450 Max speed at optimum altitude (kn/ft) (1) 480/7000 480/7000 480/9000 480/7000 480/9000 LANDING WEIGHT (lb) 28,000 28,000 28,400 26,500 26,800 , - . NOTES VK-1A engine rated at 7000 lb SLST li Max power. (2) Normal rated power. 3 Missions X, II, and III are in accordance with Mil-05011A specs. 4), Missions IV and V are flown at the ceilfng for best NM/lb or limited to 100 fpm ceiling potential rate of climb at Normal Power. Reserves permit 1/2 hour loiter at Sea Level with 1 engine operating. (5) WO/TT . without tip tanks. W/TT ' with tip tanks. ti CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 IL-28 (VK-1A) 6 5 CONFIDENTIAL TAKE-OFF Jam 'Anil I" F ip ip CLEAR 50 Fr OBSTACLE Er MEE "of ,F 4=I; _L. ?krr - GROUND ROLL T? -14 Ii Th- +- 1 1 04t- r-t 44# 1 1 4-- 1111 ?1- 1 11 4414-#4 1+1+ 1 +1441111 28 32 36 40 44 48 GROSS WEIGHT - 1000 LBS 52 ' -r VK-IA ENGINE RATED AT 6000 LB SLST. September 1855 60 56 0 040 0 IL 130 P20 ?1 cr 10 SPEED iii- i I ? -4? 'ifift +hit \-E4rT Lt 4 ? ? ? 444, ? US NM , T.O. WT. 44 ifi 4414-4-44 44,4 COMBAT W "h 4,1-1 f#4. 44T-14-# rill It* ? MIL. PWR NRP .4.1 -11 -14 .04 -41 tit" 41 1' rl- .1! I 1 14"1 ? -r- I 4f4: t-tt 1447 44 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 VELOCITY KNOTS 60 CLIMB ? ?4_ 1 0 1:1 ELM . : _ ,4 COMBAT WT. 1.1 en 4 T. 0.? WT. tt MIL. PWR NRP 1-- 1 .44p- rt- I- h- 0 I 2 3 4 5 RATE OF CLIMB - FT/MIN/1090 CONFIDENTIAL 6 7 50X1-HUM ? January 1958 CONFIDENTIAL BOSUN REMARKS: BOSUN is a twin-jet Naval bomber designed by TUPOLEV. The Soviet designation of BOSUN is TU-14. SUMMARY This aircraft was first seen in the July 1951 airshow at Tushino airfield in Moscow. It has been in service use since 1951 and is now being replaced by the 11-28. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM ii Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 ARMAMENT , II Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Type 35 Type 35 Mfc ne-igner. Tupolev Type tight Bomber (probably Navy) Crew 3 PERFORMANCE March 1952 Maximum Speeds: Cruising Speeds: Climb: 4.5 Service Ceilings Take-Off distanc Fuel: (US gals.) Combat Ceiling 467 knots t S.L.; 473 knots t 151300 Normal Power______knots a ft alt. mins. to 15000 ft alt.; Rate of cli : 43000 ft with normal weight; e over 50 ft obstacle 397n Internal: Hormel - 217 , Maximum 39,500 RANGES ft alt.; 432 knots of 40000 ft cit. ; Economical knots t ft alt. 0: 3800 ft/min. at SL ft alt. ft with lbs weight ft into zero wind at See Level ; External: Normal Maximum 151n nautical miles 2195 nautical miles nautical miles 39s1 k no t 5,17cm-1p/inn ft alt. fuel 398 knots37500/470(1pft alt. fuel knots, ft alt. fuel with 2/17 US gals, of with 1075 US gals, of with US gals. of and 4400 lbs bombs and 0 lbs bombs and lbs Combat Radius: 765 Combat Radius: 1040 POWER PLANT No. 2 Type Jet Description rake-off 6onn Normal 48n0 Military 60n0 War Emerg. VK-1 Turbo,jet lbs thrust, a lbs thrust, e lbs thrust, ? lbs thrust, t ft alt. 100% rpm ft alt. 94, rpm ft alt. 100% rpm ft alt. rpm knots knots knots knots 1?2.11 Overall Dimensions: L:glifri Net Dry Weight_ 2000 lba Compressor Cen'rifugal typo Compression Ratio 1 /CI Type of Fuel Kerosene SPECIFICATIONS 6.App?Y 50ins Air HB5S Flow 1l0-115 approx. Combustion Chambers 9 Turbine Stages 1 Ibs/sec Specific Fuel Consumption 1.14 ;Approx. (T.O., Sea Level, Static) Guns 2,01mm Thu birrn+ ponlibly 2y2lnlin in nrIne. section Gunsight BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD Normal Load Maximum Load Loo AAan lbs lbs Bombsight COMBAT PROTECTION Armor Fuel Tanks SPECIFICATIONS Materials Span: 78 ft,____In; Length:_.64.ft,IL_In: height: ' ft,____in; Gross Wing Area 768 _sq.ft Weights: Airframe lbs; Normal Gross /6000 ibs: Maximum Gross __lbs ADDITIONAL DATA The Type 35 is believed to be the operational model of 'the Type 12. The type 35 was first seen at the July .51 Moscow Air Show in numbers, CHARACTER! ST I CS C COMM CRAFT 50X1-HUM. ? ? a - March 1952 500 PEED 8 04/MB ".1.11.1 1 1 IN 1 T:: [ - -- --.i. 4': ' i ' i _ . AIONM-11. a Una. II: In? mi . .. i 11!1 .,. a. :::: Ilirsi: iris i i -1* 11 11111111 111111111111 11 11111 II!! 111111111 papas rap -MUM IIIMM IIIM nun op _rximmorimmomminimme m masmaa. mosmppqmspansp porn m IIMMOIMMIN MI - 111..1111111MME 1- paammilmama :: ma ammapsaman reasamanapasaa a =ARIA'. pa ' p:- - ma m I I 1 wasammanapgammammuspisamosaamma Kamm mom a .71 : . WM 11I mmasimpamismarnammussmaamammmeam MMMMM pm a is me a 111111111111111111111911111111111111 IMO . . IIII1 UNIMMINUM MMMMM 1 MMMMM mipm MUMMEMIIMMUM 11111111111111111MUMMUM NOIMMEMMEMENUMMUMMEMEMMUMUMMEM MO ummumnimumwm issammwaii iiimemmumm MMMMM ismaimaam aims pp: ? 11:::s: a asi..- al was I 1111111111111111hr irliplinlipli ildi-111 1 IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIN IIIII ililiiiMililliligilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMilliii 11111 ..............m .............m. re k XXXINIMSUOMMUMMEMMOMMIUMMME: WIRAMMUMUMEMME-iii Km I 11116: 111 ' - IWO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9111111111611 11 ammo pmmawarmasamammumang MAMENate ef 6166 11010111111:mrru":"" . MMITIEFORMIll IA --tAIMUm ' ignillinandalillinaUP "141:111"6116 -Al" :::::ZOMMMENOIMMIMMEM IMMUMMIWIMMEMOMMIIMOMMXIMMUMIVII 1::::: ORMEMEOUVENUMNIMI MM. II MMMMM MMINIM.7.0111MMEMMOMMU lOWIMMEMI mamma mpaislim inimmumwz.wasumisminsminplam pimps 1 isamkian MMM a M mom EMMA MOMPIOMMUMWRISUOMMIIIIII 11101.11 I EnklIMIMIL -AMMUMWMO Mali. ?MEMMIP111110111MIMMEUMMIIMMT MIMI 88611114111111iiiiiii91111 '1111110M 1 1 .! G IMMUIPtailli MMUMMIMMIIIIInalgoill 4 _am asp mum MMMMMMMMMM alassaal anam MMMMMM maip.s.csamaramammasimmammais mosormsommossmaismmis morAsimm amammommamaamsatal...mismis-mamaism mRs....111111mismEnksamminropmammomamaasimmisaagm.slarmispasisammaampmammam asuswismalmammmuomarsaa mom amaammaamessa maamamommaamormassi MUM MEMAMM,amommmlinsmrammialsaaaannameimpss rempammmispaapammm -3221) mansimimmoramaisiniiiuiiuir nsammamaaaaawmanmanmasignmmunam m imam mommaammesmirmv am AMC* MOMMEMMEMMIOUX MOMMIMM1111:11111MWMUM li11001 ......1100111i 1011111 ...... ..................... .. 10000 !.!l1P!E1OlOhlIi aiiiIMIIIIMEN1101 Ilii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!! 111111111 IIMINIM010!!!!!!!!!!!!id!!!!! TT,.. .-ii L. :a la i I RAO?10001,Th4100 0 ... 1 4 1101111411A4TS p 100 200 300 460 5do 600 o MIN 70 SLIM 0 io 30 Omt22,2192:flatimmi DESCRIPTION (I) MILITARY POWER, GROSS WEIGHT 46,000 lbs. (2) NORMAL POWER, GROSS WEIGHT 46,000 lbs. ? 8 5A 88 555 888 -q 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET December 1957 BADGER .????? REMARKS: BADGER is a swept-wing, medium twin-jet bomber similar in configuration to the BISON and is of TUPOLEV design. The Soviet designation is TU-16. SUMMARY This aircraft was first observed at KAZAN in 1953 and has been observed in numbers since 1955. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET BADGM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 December 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Aspect ratio Cathedral Sweepback Inboard leading edge 42.0 deg Outboard leading edge 37.0 deg .Overall length 121.4 ft Height, gear up 26.8 ft Fuselage depth 8.5 ft Fuselage width 8.0 ft 114 rt 2000 sq it 6.72 2.0 deg POWER PLANT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle (2) Mikulin AM-3AM Axial-flow 18 ft 53 in 5500 lb 6.25 sq ft WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty 76,400 Takeoff 160,000 AlIER 52,500 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Takeoff Normal Power lb SFC/#/hr/# 19,800 0.92 17,000 .89 GENERAL INFORMATION Retractable tricycle landing gear with main gear housed in special nacelles. ,Wings are cranked at mid-span position. Two stall fences on each wing located at half semi-span and at two-thirds semi-span. The forward portion of the crew compartment consists of a flat windshield similar to theUS 00-6 installation. A single bomb bay is located in the fuselage extending equally forward and aft of the wing trailing edge. Defensive armament consists of three turrets located in upper forward, lower forward and tail positions and a fixed forward firing nose gun. Fire control for upper forward turret is provided from a top blister located forward of the turret and behind the pilot; the lower turret is selectively controlled from side blisters located directly aft of pilot and mid-way up side of fuselage. Optical tail turret control is provided from inhabited gunner's station similar to US B-29 type with apparent fire control radar redone of 18 inch diameter over compartment with probable capability of search/track. A large radome, suitable for blind bombing and navigation is located on the underside of the fuselage below the canopy. BADGER is equipped for aerial refuelirs; using a unique system incorporating a hose connection between the wing nips of two BADGER aircraft. FUEL Internal Weight, lb Gal 68,500 10,200 .For 10,000 lb design bomb load. BOMBS/FREIGHT A bomb bay 23.5 feet long, 5.25 feet wide, and 4.3 feet high permits the following bomb loads: lb Ncrmal 1700 to 20,000 Special Purp. or 20,000 General Purp. (in combination) For example: 1 FAB 5000 11,000 lb ea 11,000 total 5 FAB 1000 2,200 lb ea 11,000 total 12 FAB 500 1,100 lb ea 13,200 total 36 FAB 250 550 lb ea 19,800 total 10,r.x 20,000 lb WWII or improved ballistic shapes ELECTRONICS PADAR IFF SRO Type Tail Warning Tail. Def. Search/Track Range Only Bomb Nay. W/Computer PAVIOATION D.R. Navigator Radio Compass Marker Beacon Radio Altimeter ILS, DIE, Rend. Beacon Long Runge Nay Rcvr Sun Compass COMMUNICATIONS HF, VHF Intercom GUNS 2 x 23 to 30 mm modified NR or high performance type with cyclic rate from 800 to 1000 rpm guns in each turret al), 1 fixed MR 23 mm forward firing gun right side of nose section. ROCKETS Hone . 1-HUM SECRET _ ? SECRET December 1957 BADGER AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Mission I4 Mission II4 Mission 1115 Mission IV5 TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 160,000 160,000 16o,000 160,000 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 68,500 75,500 60,soo 75,500 Payload (bombs) (lb) 10,000 3,300 10,000 3;300 Wing loading (lbisqft) 30 80 80 80 Stall speed (power off) (kn) 110 110 110 110 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Rate of climb at SL (flla) (1) 4,150 4,150 4,150 4,150 Time: SL to 35,600 ft (min) (1) 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 40,400 4o,400 40,400 40,400 COMBAT RANGE (1?14) 2,800 3,300 3,100 3,600 COMBAT RADIUS (1111) 1,500 1,700 1,600 1,800 Average cruise speed (kn) 465 465 465 465 Initial cruising altitude (it) 35,600 35,600 35,600 35,600 Target speed (kn) (2) 475 475 475 475 Target altitude (ft) 40,300 41,000 40,800 41,400 Final cruising altitude (ft) 47,100 47,000 48,000 48,000 Total mission time (hr) 6.5 7.5 7.0 8.0 COMIAT WEIGHT (lb) 112,000 116,000 110,000 113,000 Combat altitude (ft) 40,300 41,000 40,800 41,000 Combat speed (kn) (1) 490 490 490 490 , Combat rate of climb (rpm) (1) 800 800 . 800 800 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (rt) . (1) 45,000 44,000 45,400 44,500 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 48,300 47,600 48,000 48,100 Max rate of climb at SL (rpm) (1) 6,050 5,850 6,200 6,006 Max speed at opt altitude (kn/ft) (1) , 550/13,200 550/13,200 550/13,200 550/13,200 Basic speed at 35,000 ft (kn) (1) 505 505 505 505, TERMINAL TARGET ALTITUDE (ft) (1) (3) 50,000 , 51,500 50,000 . 51,500 . . , ' ' NOTES ri 5 Maximum Power, AM-3AM engine rated at 19,800 lb SLST. Normal Power. 50)(1 -HUM Service Ceiling at maxim= power - with one hour fuel reserve for two engines ve,,a.a.15, pa... bomb load. Missions I and II are in accordance with 14i1-C-5011A Speeification. Missions III and IV are flown at the ceiling for best NM/lb or limited to 100 ft/min ceiling pot6ntial rate of climb at normal power. Reserves permit one-half hour loiter at SL two-en ine-o eration. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET TAKE-OFF DISTANCE 1000 It) T L. It ? ? 71-71-1111 CLEAR 50 FT I 1 ' 2 ? , I 14-r 1.1i III) Alt: tia I** II I * I ilil t lit. tit itl, I:I tlo 1,1,II ? ?11111111.111?Ell 1 I .1,1 I 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 GROSS WEIGHT ( 1000 lb) I I I III 1._ II 4?L-11-11? I 1 I II, 1 1 r ? 4 J 1-1-1 t= 1 "1 II I 1; 1-11- I I. tL I. I ; ' ? I 'IH :1 ,? 4:14- 1 i 1 ? IIIhHIHII ME NUM MB trf 44i4 December 1957 ALTITUDE ( 1000 ft) 50 40 30 SPEED El +, ? UM MUM SMII MO UR J JJLL1JiL LLL.L.t MILITARY POWER NORMAL RATED POWER III' 1111 Ili' t ?5 U ?a. Mill ?r- 1 I r wou Inrisimwr ? .114 117.11%1?1111 ? 112,0040 LEIS:COMBAT WT 1-1-14- 11 fl II lit 1160,000 LBS T.O. WT .4..1I LI1iJ IIHIM HIM 2O? PROBABLE STRUCT. LIMIT 450 KN EAS 1T3q11-1? I II 1 441 10 SAKOMMII MUMMIKUM1111 umummusumnuu mmumimmummumfiENI 'mum uumm mmuulailu u REM? MAMMUMM SIM NMI NMI El t-t-; I 1 ammoub. UMMMUMMISMNIIMM 1111111MUMMIII:: mummmun 0 III 450 460 470 480 490 500 ,510 520 530 540 ALTITUDE ( woo It.) 50 40 30 20 10 SL KNOTS CLIMB III 11111 II I IIIftIIIIIH !!!! -I!! :PINIn J. 1111 i MILITARY POWER NORMAL RATED POWER-- - II T 77: -lit 4- ' ME MEN NEM -'-112,000LBS r. COMBAT WT RIO ? I. MIR 1:1:ft 160,000 Les 53)(1 -HUMWRIRIP: ., . VII.drilirgi :1- , : I n t 1 _17 Nall$744111 111 - 1 hf:% I- '. ti-t- , . -1 - : . -' i 1000 3000 50 00 RATE OF GLIMB-FT/M1N SECRET SECRET December 1957 BISON REMARKS: BISON is a swept-wing, four-engine, heavy jet bomber considered to have been designed by MIASISCHEV. Two versions of this aircraft are in operation. The long nose version is presently in production. SUMMARY This aircraft has been observed in numbers since 1955. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 I BISON SECRET December 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area ' Aspect ratio Cathedral Sweepback Inboard leading edge 41 deg Outboard leading edge . 36:5 deg Overall length (short rose) 155 ft (long nose) 157 ft Height, gear up 39 ft Max diameter fuselage 11.5 ft 170 ft 3550 sq ft 8.1 3 deg POWER PLANT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle (4) Mikulin AM-3AM Axial flow 18 ft 53 in 5500 lb 6.25 sq ft WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty 150,000 Takeoff 395,000 AMER 103,000 - ENGINE RATINGS SL Static thrust lbs SFC/#/hr/i Takeoff 19,800 Normal Power 17,000 .92 .89 GENERAL INFORMATION Retractable tandem gear installation; streamlined protuberance on each wing tip estimated to house outrigger gear. Wings are *cranked at mid-span position; a stall fence is located at about the two- thirds semi-span position. The forward portion of the creu compartment consists of a windshield similar to the Vickers "Valiant" installation. A single bomb bay is located in the fuselage extending to the mid-point of the ying root from the trailing edge of the wing. Defensive armament consists of three turret: located in upper forward, lower forward and tail positions. Fire control for upper forward turret is provided ?from a top blister located forward of the turret and behind the pilot; the lower turret is selectively controlled from side blisters located directly aft of pilot and mid-way tp side of the fuselage. Optical tail turret control is provided from inhabited gunner's station similar to US B-29 type With apparent fire control radar radome of 18-inch diameter over compartment with probable capability of search/track. A large radome, suitable for blind bombing and navigation is located on the underside of the fuselage below the canopy. Two current configurations exist. Ohe has a short greenhouse bombardiers' nose section and the other has a longer flush-mounted radar nose section. Both types have detachable air-to-air refueling probes. The bomber aircraft has an alternate mission as an aerial tanker through the use of a bomb bay conversion aerial refueling package. FUEL I Weight lb gal 227,000 33,900 For 10,000 lb design bomb load. BOMBS/FREIGHT A bomb bay 20 feet long, 6 and 6.3 feet high permits bomb loads: lb Normal 1700 to 30,000 or 20,000 (in For example: 9 FAB 1000 2,200 lb an 24 FAD 500 1,100 lb ea 48 FAB 250 550 lb as .7 feet wide the following Max 30,000 WWII type or ballistic snapes Type Special Purp. General Purp. combination) 19,800 total 26,1400 total 29,700 total improved ELECTRONICS RADAR IFF SRO Type Tail Warning Tail Def. Search/Track Rance Only Bomb Nay. w/Computer NAVIGATION D. R. Navigator Radio Compass Marker Beacon Radio Altimeter ILS, DEE, Rend. Beacca Long Range Nev. Rcvr Sun Compass COMMUNICATIONS HF, VHF ? 1, GUNS 2 x 23 to 30 as: modified NR or high performance type with cyclic rate from - (Soo to l000 rpm guns in each turret. 50X1 -I- R (:) CKETS None. ? UM SECRET ? December 1957 SECRET 40111.1???1111???????????i. BISON AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS nission 14 Mission 114 Mission 1115 Mission IV5 TARE-OFF wiaGer (1b) (lb) (lb) (1b/8g ft) (kn) 395,000 227,000 10,000 111 155 395,000 234,000 3,300 111 155 395,000 227,000 10,000 111 155 395,00? 234,000 3,300 111 155 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal Payload (bombs) Wing loading Stull speed (power off) Take-Off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 7,700 7,700 7,700 7,700 Take-Off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 Time: SL to 20,000 ft (min) (1) 8.0 8.o 8.0 8.0 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 37,200 37,200 37,200 37,200 Time: SL to 30,000 ft (min) (1) 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 5,000 5,200 5,500 5,800 COMBAT RADIUS (RM) 2,550 2,600 2,800 2,950 Average cruise speed (kn) 450 450 450 450 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 31,700 31,700 31,700 31,700 Target speed (Mn) (2) 460 460 460 460 Target altitude (ft) 40,000 40,300 40,900 41,300 Final cruising altitude (ft) 49,200 49,200 51,400 51,400 Total mission time (hr) 11.5 11.5 12.5 13.0 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 253,000 256,000 242,000 246,000 Combat altitude (ft) 40,000 40,300 40,900 41,300 Combat speed (Mn) (1) 480 480 480 480 Combat rate of climb (fpm) (1) 900 800 . 900 800 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (1) _ 43,000 42,800 44,000 43,700 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 46,600 46,300 47,700 47,300 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 5,650 5,600 5)950 5,850 Max speed at optimum altitude (kn) (1) 530/18,000 530/18,000 530/18,000 530/18,000 Basic speed at 35,000 ft (Mn) (1) .495 495 495 495 TERMINAL TARGET ALTITUDE (ft) (1) (3) 54,200 54,800 54,200 54,800 ? NOTES i211 5 Maximum Power, AM-3AM engines rated at 19,800 lb SLST. Normal Power. Service ceiling - with one hour fuel reserve for two engines operating, plus b(50X1-HUM Missions I and II are in accordance with MIL-C-5011A Specification. Missions III and IV are flown at the ceiling for best NM/lb or, limited to 100 ft/min ceiling potential rate of climb at normal power. Reserves permit one-half hour loiter at SL, two-engine Operation. SECRET 6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 o BISON SECRET DISTANCE ( 1000 ft ) 12 10 TAKE-OFF I I PLWRIPIP1P1 ? ? 4..! ???1 ?:?? ^ m m i RNU*Nl UI Ix _14:m lemma mmalli 11111111111111111?iiii Illiiillillii IIHHIHH Rini/1HW liii ill !ill 1111111111 21111111111111 . MMMMM OMMIUM MUMMODOMSRM 4pamammamamommmapi 8 1111111111111411111 "" " ' MENNIMMUMMERNMMEMM ouro UpgAMMEMEMEM am mmaa ^ NIONNIMS MEMMISMNSM ,da.mimmamplam:..ammai mm ? aledmarmIlln whIIIIHHHIH riaturrowifiltraLl 6 1 1111M1101114h ^ mmmmm simmissmompng? ....migGROUNO ROLL MMAMM mommimmamimppammaimmamam mum MEM ammmitammaamap.mmmmamamia mmm ma mum WM 4 11111HOPHIHMUIP.7'n , !ER. 01141Bill 111.1111111 MINN HIH ^ NM NZ 11111maisUNUI 2 Keg maim 0 1111111111 1111 IIICHIIIIIIIIII 200 250 300 350 GROSS WEIGHT ( 1000 lb) 400 1 hu? _t LI 1 ALTITUDE ( 1000 It) 0 40 1111 SPEED IMIMMMU MOON MUM MX 1111111111111 1111 mU 4_11+ -r MIL PWR-- -7- ', NRP-------- = NUN In RENVINURIO MA MUM II ammI rr ^ Ci .4_4 H + +L-1+ 44 2-5-6,000 LBS H maim 1NM.. IU am sam -rT RIM 4-1 Am:aka ? 744i ? -r CI I 0 T-395,000 LBS ? T.O. WT , ? NW 111111MMMUNIS 11111 1011 .1.4ak MN 4+4- I I , .. . MOM WM 10 ' , PROBABLE STRUCT. LIMIT 400 KN EAS SL rt- ,IIIIIIIIIIIH 400 423 440 460 480 500 520 KNOTS ALTITUDE ( 1000 ft) 1 CLIMB mmmamammaimamwmmommammmamammum NIL pwR III is MAINUMEMUMMEARMISMAIRMUMAMM El ummusammummtiamorpuniuninis NRP - --- - - a - mommannimmutmalirminimpimmummom MIMMUMNIO UM maampmammmumpam mom immommammmom Ram mom mmmummomm imam a m MIIMMEN ?MX _111 II MINIMMEMMEMM EMU 40 'begin' igi II MI 1111PIIIIMIri.. Nil 1 I IP 50 ?1?1?11?I i 5711111111;1111, 256 000LBS 1 milmmasmiliillogiia, _ A 3 0 II 11* IXIIII";12"91111. 11111111 mill 11.111""1"0 , ? 2014 0111 H iphightimuligai Hi, Hi ;1 .50X1-HUM mnonalitagil, immommlbasam 395,000 ?LBS ? ? ? I 0 E11?11?111M11111111??????111111?6111uIIu1IlIIIII.2.-"Call t 1 1 1 . Hi 111111 MEN NM MintilliglIMM le MMUUMMUMM WM OMAN NUM 11111111111111111111: MNIMME NIMI MUM ? MN MMEMMIUM IIMMIll MUM SL _I 1000 3 000 5000 ?6000 RATE OF CLIMB-FT/MIN SECRET - - '7?7 SECRET December 1957 BEAR REMARKS: SEAR is a swept-wing, four-engine turboprop heavy bomber considered to have been de- signed by TUPOLEV. (Probable designation is TU-95.) SUMMARY Small numbers of these aircraft have been observed in fly-by practice for the May Day Day Air Shows since April 1955. SECRET 156).0 -H U M Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET BEAR- December 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Aspect ratio Cathedral Sveepback Inboard leading edge 40 deg Outboard leading edge 36 deg Overall length 150 ft Fuselage diameter 9.5 ft Height, gear up 33 ft 165 ft 2960 sq ft 8.7 2 deg POWER PLANT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Propeller Type No. blades Diameter Weight (assy) (4) NK-12 Turboprop (23.76 ft) 285 in. including spinner and tailpipe 49 in 2800 lbs Contra-rotating 8 18.4 ft 1700 lbs WEIGHTS , Loading lb Empty 128,700 Take-off 300,000 AMPR 814, 000 ENGINE RATINGS Sea level static Std. NACA Day 100% RAM efficiency ESHP SFC RPM ESHP SFC RPM Take-off Power 12,100 .492 lb/hr/ESHP 8250 Normal Power 10,900 .50 1b/hr/HP 8000 GENERAL IN FORMATION Engines are cantilever-mounted forward of the wing leading edge. Retractable tricycle landing gear, with main gear housed in special nacelles directly behind the inboard engines. Wings are cranked near the outboard engine position. Two stall fences on each wing at three-fifths and at four-fifths the semi-span. The forward portion of the crew compartment consists of a flat windshield similar to the US DC-6 installation. A single bomb bay is centrally located in fuselage. Defensive armament consists of two'dcfinite turrets identified and one suggested turret; namely a tail turret, a lower aft turret, and a suggested lower forward turret. Fire control for fuselage turrets is expected to be remote optical sighting stations resembling USAF B-29 equipment. A confirmed lower aft turret is control- led by two blister stations located under the horizontal stabilizers, resembling the Badger. An earlier estimate of a top upper forward turret and single blister sighting station has been modified by a more recent sighting of a Bear with a suggested lower forward turret and side sighting statiOn similar to the Bison lover forward system. On the recent sighting there is no upper forward turret position. Estimate that alternative defensive armament configurations are currently being evaluated. A large radome, suitable for .blind-bombing and navigation, is located on the underside of the fuselage directly behind the optical bombsight window in the nose section. FUEL Weight, lb Gal 150,000* 22,400 *For 10,000 lb design bomb load BOMBS/FREIGHT A bomb bay 24 ft long, 6 ft wide and 5.3 ft high permits the following loads: lb Type Normal 1700 to 22,000 Special or purpose 20,000 General purpose (in combination) For example: 1 FAB 5000 20 FAB 500 42 FAB 250 11,000 lb ea 11,000 total 1,100 lb ea 22,000 total 550 lb ea 23,100 total Max 30,000 lb WW II types or improved ballistic shapes. ELECTRONICS Radar IFF Tail warning and fire control Blind bombing and navigation Navigation Radio compass Radio altimeter - high and low Marker beacon receiver Long range pnlse navigation receiver VHF localizer receiver, DME Communications VHF command radio - 4 channels MF - HF liaison radio LF receiver Intercom GUNS Estimate 2 x 23-to-30 mm guns per turret. Identity cannot be confirmed. Photos and supporting information suggest one of the following types: .Cyclic N5ox Gun type . Cal Rate Modified NR -23 23 mm 800 2000 Shch-3 23 mm 700 2300 Revolver type 23/30 mm 1000 3000/2400 ROCK E11 :3 1-HUM SECRET iv 1! 14 I f11-9 :f ? SECRET December 1957 BEAR AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS 13113 Basic Mission Basic Mission 1113 Optimum 14/?,n 10 Optimum Mission TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 150,000 157,000 150,000 157,000 Payload (Bombs) (lb) 10,000 3,000 . 10,000 3,000 Wing loading (psf) -101 101 ' 101 101 Stall speed (power off) (kn) 150 150 150 150 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 . Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 Time to cruise altitude (min) 25 25 32 32 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (1) 34,600 34,600 34,600 34,600 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 7,300 7,800 8,100 8,700 COMBAT RADIUS (UM) 3,800 3,950 4,200 4,400 Average cruising speed (kn) 450 420 405 405 Initial cruisins altitude (ft) 33,000 33,000 35,300 35,300 Target spe,d (kn) 435 435 410 410 Target altitude (ft) 39,000 40,100 41,900 42,300 Final cruising altitude (ft) 47,500 47,400 50,300 50,300 Total mission time (hr) 19 20 21 22 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 208,000 211,000 200,000 204,000 Combat altitude (ft) 40,000 40,300 42,100 42,500 Combat speed (kn) (1) 460 455 450 440 Combat rate of climb (fPril) (1) 550 500 400 .300 , Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (1) 4.0,600 443,200 . ' 41,200 40,900 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) . (1) 43,900 43,500 44,500 44,100 Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 4,350 4,300 . 4,550 4,450 Max speed at optimum altitude (kn/ft) (1) 495/21,400 495/21,300 495/21,600 495/21,500 Basic speed at 35,332 ft (kn) (1) 47o 470 475 475 TERMINAL TARGET ALTITUDE (ft) (5) 50,000 51,000 50,000 51,000 (ft) . (6) 48,900 . , NOTES (1) Take-off power. , (2) Nortal power. (3) Missions I and II are in accordance with Mil-C-5011A specification. (4) Missions III and IV are flown at the ceiling for best NM/lb or limited to 100 '/Min ceiling potential rate of cliAb at normal power. Reserves permit one-half hour loiter at S.L., two-engine operation. (5) Service ceiling at Max. Pwr. with one hour reserves taus bomb load. No range figure is associated with this altitude. (6) This altitude is for a bomb load of 20,000 lbs. SECRET 50X1 -HUM I I I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 December 1957 MM7:17MEUBEITIM 0 ifiummig41En?-fiiM10 LAMOMMEMME o mmog mmmmiamnmom "P moimmmommm mom Miaow M MIMEO MOMOPM RIO MEE M EQPIA...mAN MEM MEM MEMOMME.MEOMMEM OM ODOM EME?-E_agoommg EMQEMOMMEMENEME ME mmnmm wool mm MERMEN 4EMEEMMO CEMMEM M MOMEMOMME EMMMEMEMM MO AMR@ MOMMOOMM MEMO mommmEmommumm MOWER M ME mmn EMEMMEEMEMOMMOMM STRUCTURAL LIMiT 400 KN MEMENOPMEMEMMO dminammam MOIMENOcoo MMM EMMEMEMEMMEMEMOM MEEMOMMEMEMEEPME mommommmemnommw MEMEMEME.EMMEMEW POOMEOMMEOMMEMEME5 EMEMEMEMENOMMOMMEm mgammmmorma MEMINEEEMEIL==mcw ME1- EMEEMmEMM- MillEggalf MEMEmAl EMMA_ MEMEMMME NEMMEw MEMEMMEM ? MEMETREEDEr 140 160 180 ZOO ZZO 240 160 Gross Wt-lb/1000 'EMEIOMEMEr- MEEMEOEMML EM'EMMEMEMEI-MMIEME NODEEMEMEEMMEEMEMM ENEIMONMEEMEMMHEEM? E.MMEMMEMMEEMOOPEN EOM EMEEMEEMEMEEMM EMBOMMENE Off= '1EM MEMEMOMMEPOWEINWPM ammammommdmmmmummm mm EMEMMEMERMIEWM mommocamomommmommm mr --Immwommm OMM EMMA-MEOW:ME 1MEM MEAEMMEEMEME MEMEEMMEMEMES EMPAMEEMPOCEME MEE MMEEWEMMMEEMW MEE f. SECRET 114 , 11 SECRET November 1956 BLOWLAMP REMARKS: BLOWLAMP is a twin-jet, swept-wing light bomber claimed by the Soviets to be capable of supersonic performance.* Believed to be the replacement for BEAGLE (I1-28) aircraft, it is classed as a high performance weapon of considerable versatility and growth potential. 1956 First observed during rehearsals for the Aviation Day Air Show. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 ;.. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 _ Ii SECRET BEAR 9 8 .f41 TAKE-OFF :as Over 50 Ft 7 6 5 `a? 4 OS al 3 2 1 1r3 flaH fx pra W.1 =1 ' It= till 11 , ? -"-? ? tr, ...n: .4. .44-E gg ?Li tit= Zr- E fr? i ?-E? :-m rift eL.`E E- im#1 - -r. - 1-??? Vat :MI TM z-a:41 Roll Zifl ?:: 7. L.9-4g gig fir," ,aE-imiat-4ea II "i .trrt 143:: 14 7344-444 144 -444 tiff-44 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Gross Wt -lb/1000 Altitude - ft/1000 45 40 35 30 25 20 all =1: SPEED ttit lit Frt trz7 7rtf Fit tiff December 1957 ??????????-?0?????????=1?0/ if! rtri :41 aft ftP. trj 114 54 fit' ?ra trff ffj E-E? ,.4 1E4 LT: I MAX POWER 11E 15 NORMAL POWER - - tiri elotaaW STRUCTURAL LIMIT 400 KN -? 10.1 400 KN IAS 1;tiltt 5 0 mit rtU4Zfir ri-ti ggi Frit tItt nit ti? i!VI/ Iii-.r' ..r gr.( 44 ;?:' a".1. tire an fin tEr tit an FIT?-:1; 340 380 420 Velocity -Kn 460 500 45 CLIMB 35 o 30' 0 0 25 15 10 5 0 T?Mrlitt "ff4 g rat ET__T t'A,'":?;? t 4 ? . MAX POWER NORMAL POWER - E ga : fill ????? ?-? -111 jLi an Os ? Y-h? 205,000 lb an g -4; Mat Rita E '44.74 300 000 lb I : Eggffil:NE geTy. 141 ??? it g 74 E. afar. gEt Mt'g an an: 50X -HUM .E4 0 1 2 3 R/C - Ft/Min/1000 4 SECRET - SECRET November 1956 BLOWLAMP REMARKS: BLOWLAMP is a'tirin-jet, swept-wing light bomber claimed by the Soviets to be capable of supersonic performance.* Believed to be the replacement for BEAGLE (IL-28) aircraft, it is classed as a high performance weapon of considerable versatility and growth potential. *See General Information SUMMARY 1956 First observed during rehearsals for the Aviation Day Air Show. 50X1-HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET BLOWLAMP Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 November 1956 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Aspect Ratio Cathedral Sweepback Inboard leading edge Outboard leading edge Overall length Height gear up Fuselage depth Fuselage width 54.9 ft 685 sq ft 4.4 3.5 deg 55 deg 52.5 deg 71 ft 18 ft 7.1 ft 5.3 ft POWER PLANT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) Exhaust Nozzle Diameter (2) Axial-flow turbojet 140 inches 40.25 inches 2,900 lb 23 inches WEIGHTS Loading lbs Empty 29,920 Tale-off Design 56,100 Normal 59,400 Overload 60,500 AMPR 21,500 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max lb SFC/f/hr/# 11,600 .92 GENERAL INFORMATION It should be noted that the above dimensions and engine data are the ones on which the performance figures are based. However, these dimensions and engine data are approximations only, and are subject to Change upon receipt of confirmed information. When such information is available and reflects changes of suffi- cient magnitude, the performance will be revised accordingly. Engines are installed in pylon-mounted nacelles. The wings are cranked at the engine pylcn position. Two stall fences on each wing are located at the cranked position and at the aileron-flap junction. Retractable tandem main landing gear with outrigger gear housed in wing tip pods. A small single bomb bay is centrally located in the fuselage. Defensive armament consists of two fixed forward firing nose guns and an optical tail turret which contains two guns. Fire control of the turret is provided from the inhabited gunner's station similar to the BEAGLE. Radar and possibly IR equipment is installed to provide detection and ranging information for the defensive fire control function. A radome suitable for blind bombing and navigation is located between the bomb bay and the forward gear door. The presence of an instrumentation boom in the nose suggests the aircraft observed is in prototype status. The design does not reveal aerodynamic characteristics commensurate with super- sonic performance capability claimed by the Soviets. However, it does suggest fairly high subsonic speed performance. It is estimated that in a dive from an altitude of at least 40,000 ft, BLOWLAI0, can flash through the 35,000 ft altitude at speeds slightly in excess of Mach 1.3 but cannot stabilize at this speed in level flight. FUEL Weight lb Gal Internal 20,000 3,000 BOMBS/FREIGHT A bomb bay 11.5 feet long, 4.5 feet wide, and 4.5 feet high permits the following bomb loads. lb Type Design 1500 Special Purpose Normal 6600 General Pumps, Maximum 7700 General Purpose (In combination) For example: 12 250 Kg ea 6600 lb total 2 1500 Kg ea 6600 lb total 1 3000 Kg ea 6600 lb total (In combination) 6 25o Kg ea plus 4 500 Kg ea 7700 lb total ELECTRONICS IFF, SRO (Identification Friend or Foe) Bombing-Navigation Radar, MUSHROOM Tail Defense Radar, Range-Only Type Radar Warning Receiver ILS Localizer Receiver (KRP-F) Low Level Radio Altimeter (RV-2) Distance Measuring Equipment (SD-1) Marker Beacon Receiver (MRP-48P) Low Frequency Navigation Receiver (MOON) Short Range Precision Navigation Receiver (SEORDIALK) VHF Command Trans/Rec RSIU-3M (100 to 150 Mc) EF Liaison Transmitter, Version of US AN/ART-13 (2 to 12 Mc) HF Liaison Rec. US-9 (2 to 12 Mc)_ Intercom Amplifier SPU-2 GUNS 4 x 23 an with cyclic rate up to 1200 rds/min 2-revolver type fixed in nose forward firing 2-SHCHA or revolver type in tail turret ROCKETS 50X1 -HUM SECRET ? ? 1 November 1956 SECRET BLOWLAMP AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS 13 Basic Mission 1'3 Basic Mission III4 Opt. Mission 1v4 Opt. Mission TAKE-OFF WEI= (lb) 56,100 59,400 56,100 59,400 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Payload (bombs) (lb) 3,300 6,600 3,300 6,600 Wing loading (lb/sqf(.) 81 86 81 86 Stall speed (power off) (kts) 155 160 155 160 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) 3,600 4,100 3,600 4,100 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) 5,600 6,300 5,600 6,300 Rate of climb at SL (fizz) 9,500 8,900 9,500 8,900 Time: SL to 35,000 ft (min) 5.8 6.2 5.8 6.2 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) 44,400 43,100 44,400 43,100 COMBAT RANGE (KM) 1,550 1,450 1,700 1,580 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 800 775 870 845 Average cruise speed (kts) 490 490 490 490 Initial cruising altitude (rt) 38,800 37,200 38,800 37,200 Target speed (kts) (2) 500 500 500 500 Target altitude (ft) 45,640 44,400 45,900 44,600 Final cruising altitude (ft) 46,300 46,300 46,900 46,900 Total mission time (hr) 3.3 3.2 3.6 3.4 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 42,400 42,200 41,800 41,600 Combat altitude (ft) (1) 45,600 44,400 45,900 44,600 Combat speed (kts)(1) 535 535 535 535 Combat rate of climb (fpm)(1) I,600 2,000 1,600 2,000 Combat ceiling (500 fps) (ft) (1) 48,900 49,000 49;000 49,000 Service ceiling (100 fpn) (ft) (1) 50,000 50,100 , 50,400 50,500 Max rate of Climb at SL (Tpo)(1) 12,400 22,506 12,600 12,700 -Max speed at optimum altitude (kts)(1) 615/SL 615/SL 615/SL 615/SL Basic speed at 35,000 ft (kts)(1) 545 . 545 545 545 ? NOTES (1) Military power. (2) Normal power. (3) These midsions are in accordance with mil-c-50liA. (4) Missions III and IV are flown at the ceiling for best NM/lb or limited to 100 ft/min ceiling 'potential rate of climb at normal power. Reserves permit one-half hour loiter at SI, two-engine operation. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET 50X1 -HUM ininH-1.X09 ? 1311D3S 111191ffilliMII 1.- 10111111111111101101111111110 III iiiiiligifffiNeld 10* inhnnumbinimMon. m! IL. 191111111HIIIHImi 110 1111111 11 PI MINIUM 11111110111 II 11.111nounird!!!!!theiii (1J 0001) mrvtaa 001 x ayaao Oalva co 901 06 91. 09 917 02 91 bill ink vumixvw .U.UU.I.NI.UIUUU?UI'UUNI .LM SS?89?..IUU..IUUIUIUIU9UUU NU ?IIU== !!! "11111 : 111111'C115'. 1 hb6e_l 0.0 11.711.11 1 ll1411elooVzt,:11ihi 11111.1H913M SS089 I -111 , 1111.111111 1?1111 CIO/11D 0 01 03 02 0, 09 09 (II 0001) SaILLLL'IV 6-900001-000Z001C1701-0-1-8dCII-VIO 1-0/80/?1,0z eseeiej .104 panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloaCI SION3i 009 089 099 0tP9 On '009 090 09, 044 0 H3MOd 111.1 81 0009 T. 3 MOd V4HON 81 0019S (Mc's 01 o 0? 017 (1J 000T) 3W1LLIIIV (41000T) IHDEIM CSOITO 99 09 St, Ot7 mmum I Es 11--- Bs 1911111 EMIT I. __- msmi..00m .111 II !.N? ? lummpoppi. 111 mommallmmull _.a UllINH11111111 111811131 pot,..,Merarl3 111111111111111 ' e INBIOP."- I 11111:111Z1 AM 111 11: rilkw-da ????111.rali11111 313%91980 1409 u!lIuullI III 11- H3A0 33NV1 ?? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 III IlIlIlIllIlIlIRRI I___ II II ii I. MMMMMMMMM MEWS ?OMEN MUMMOIN itti 1111111111111MMIMIN? NNE MEM ? MI ? MUM MINN II M 1. -'S II .-UU 11 000t) aorpasia OJ NV! ,Drelft019 13I1D3S 956T 30q112A01 ? ininH-1.X09 ? ? ? .1.311D3S ?n105-3-ux q4Tot aouswopos UT 038 suoTssIm asaqm (E) 'aaAod Tsma011 (a) LIII4I1T4 (T) S310N 5t5 "Is/'t9 005'ZT our'05 000 '6t1 ()Sea 5E5 oo6'Et oWat 9. ooE'91 oo6'Et oo5 oo9'9E 06t 59L oat'T ooeat owe oo6'9 octi`tr 091 88 ooL'L 000`oa oo5'09 (E)UOTOWIN T/VOTJaA0 5t5 qs/ST9 ooen oot'61 ooa'et ooen 519 ooE'tt ooE'91 '19 019 009'9E 06n 09 055'T wer`titt 8.5 oo5'6 059'5 ()WE 55T 19 ooE'E 000'oa oot195 (E)uoIssIN To/Lai-Awl 43 000'5E 40 P00d0 0Is0a arsq.Tlis mnsqqdo qi Toads xvx Tam Jo aTem xv an) 2uTiTa3 aoTAxas (m13.005) iluTTI00 4sqmo3 4=1T3 Jo avea Tsqmo3 wads 4vqmo3 aPulT4Ts Timma3 MOM 091400 amT4 uoTssTm -ono/ apn4Tztv IluTsTuao TwuTa apnmEll qa2xvy wads qa2as/ alm4T4T13 &MIT= TvT41aI paada asTnas aftaaAy scum 11111.133 aDava SWEWOO (mid; 001) SaTiTao aoTAJaS 43 000g5E 04 qs :anTI qg 11 qmrro Jo am 43 05 xsap O4 no-ary Is we unx porna9 no-axsy (no aailod) pada 'Ems BuTpsoT 9EITA (sqmoq) losoVsg 1122/4T L'9 411 T2nd SNOIlICINOD gDNVW21OJN9d 1AV2IDNIV ,111012U1 AM-1CM 956T saqmaAog 1311D3S dN'eli10'19 6-900001-000ZOnIC1701-0-1-8dClI-VIO 1-0/80/?1,0z eseeiej .104 panaiddv Ac100 paz!PeS u! 108!4!sseloaCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 ? ? ? ? ? ? SECRET January 1958 BACKFIN REMARKS: BACKFIN is a supersonic, swept-wing twin-jet light bomber. SUMMARY 1957 First observed in the eighth rehearsal of Tushino airshow. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 SECRET BACKFIN Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 January 1958 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Aspect ratio Sweep back Inboard leading edge 57.5 Outboard leading edge 54 Over-all length 104 Height, gear up 23.6 Fuselage Depth Length Width 62 ft 950 sq ft 4.05 deg deg ft ft 8.4 ft ft ft 87 10 POWER PLANT No. & Model Type Length Diameter Weight (dry) (2) Axial flow turbojet with afterburner 269 in. 43 in. 5000 lb WEIGHTS Loading lb Empty 143,000 Take-off 86,000 Useful load 143,000 AMPR 28,000 ENGINE RATINGS SL Static Max Mil lb 21,000 15,900 SFC 1.92 .92 GENERAL INFORMATION Wings are highly swept, cranked, in the low-mid position. Engine inlets are mounted high on and apart from fuselage sides, yell ahead of wing leading edge. The two engines are probably located in the vicinity of, and above the wing root section. The fuselage is deep in the mid section, flattened on the underside similar to the B-58 and tapers sharply upward to the twin exhaust section. A large crew compartment is set atop the fuselage similar to the B-58. The swept-back empennage assembly consists of a low horizontal tail mounted below the exhaust section, and a large high-aspect-ratio vertical tail. The configuration suggests that a tandem type landing gear is used. Fire control for the rear defensive armament is probably by remote radar operation from the flight deck. The large size of the efflux indicates the installation of high-thrust engines with afterburners. The general appearance of the aircraft is consistent with a supersonic speed capability. FUEL Internal Weight, lb Gal 35)000 5,400 BOMBS/FREIGHT Bomb bay Length Width Depth Maximum bomb load 15 ft 5 ft 4.5 ft 15,000 lb ELECTRONICS Radar MUSHROOM (Bombing-navigation radar) IFF ECM Tail defense Navigation SHOREWALK (Short range navigation sys) MOON (Long range navigation sys) Radio compass ILS Localizer and glide path receiver Marker beacon equipment DME Radio altimeter Communications VHF transmitter-receiver (4 or 8 chan) HF transmitter-receiver Intercom GUNS 2 x 23 mm with cyclic rate of 1000 rds/min and 500 rds each in tail turret. 50X1 -HUM SECRET 1. ? ? SECRET January 1 BACKFIN AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS SUBSONIC MISSION SUBSONIC MISSION (opt) Mach- 1.06 ZONE MISSION Mach- 1.06 WEE MISSION (opt) TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 86,000 86,oco 86,000 86,000 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 , Payload (Scabs) (lb) (7) 6,600 . 6,600 6,600 6,600 Wing loading (lb/sq ft) 88 88 88 88 Stall speed, clean (power off) (kn) 160 160 160 160 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Take-off distance to clear 50 ft (ft) 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 Rate of climb at SL (rpm) (2) 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 Time: SL to 20,000 ft (min) (2) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 Service ceiling (100 Ppm) (ft) (2) 42,600 42,600 42,600 42,600 Time: SL to 30,000 ft (min) (2) 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 COMBAT RANGE (101) 1,900 2,100 1,500 (5) 1,600 (5) COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 1,000 1,100 800 (6) 9oo (6) Average cruise speed (kn) 520 520 520 520 Initial cruise altitude (ft) 39,600 39,600 39,600 39,600 Target speed (kn) 530 (3) 530 (3) 610 (1) 610 (1) Target altitude (ft) 43,000 43,300 42,500 43,000 Final cruise altitude (ft) 50,200 51,000 50,200 51,000 Total mission time (hr) 3.9 4.2 3.5 3.8 CCMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 59,500 58,300 58,700 57,600 Combat altitude (ft) 43,000 43,300 42,500 43,000 Combat speed (kn) 555 (2) 555 (2) 610 (1) 610 (1) Combat rate of climb (rpm) (2) 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,200 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (2) 48,700 49,100 49,000 49,400 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 50,400 50,800 50,700 51,000 ' Max rate of climb at SL (fpm) (2) 10,600 10,900 10,800 ' 11,000 Max speed at opt altitude (kn/ft) (1) 705/35,000 705/35;000 705/35,000 705/35,000 TERMINAL TARGET ALTITUDE (ft) (2)(4) 52,800 52,803 ,60,000 60,000 . _ - . NOTES Maximum power (2) Military power (3) Normal rated power Service ceiling: Half hour fuel reserves Plus bomb load Includes 100 NM dash at Mach 1.06 Includes 50 NM dash at Mach 1.06 Same performance with either 3,300 or 6,600 lb bomb load. No additional fuel carried with 3,300 lb bomb load as aircraft is fuel volume limited. 50X1 -HUM SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 It is a strut-braced high-wing monoplane vith strut-braced tail assembly and fixed main vheels and tail vheel. Streamline fairings fitted on in wheels. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 ? CONFIDENTIAL Yak-12 Yak -.12 Mfr Designer: Yakovlev Crew 1 Type Liaison, Communication, Transport PERFORMANCE July 1953 Maximum Speeds. 110 knots a S.L.; knots e ft alt.; knots a ft alt. Cruising Speeds: 1.2 Normal Power knots ft alt.; a . ft alt.; Economical Climb.' 848 '75 knots a SL ft alt. plos, to 1000 Rate of normal weight; ft/min. at SL ft alt. .Climb: Service Ceilings: ft with ft with lbs weight Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle 350 ft into zero wind at Sea Level Fuel: (US gals.) Internal: Normal 40 Maximum ; External: Normal . Maximum , RANGES 420 nautical miles 210 nautical miles nautical miles ? knots, 5000 ft alt. it 75 knots, 5000 ft alt. knots, ft alt. wTTI5R-1- US gals, of fuel with 25 US gals, of fuel with US gals, of fuel and 3 lbs passengers 4 lbs aod lbs and passengers Combat Radius: 225 naut. mi. Combat Radius: 120 naut. mi. POWER PLANT No. Engines 1 Take-Off 145 hp. 0 SL ft alt.__110 rpm in. 111. Normal hp e ft alt. rpm in. Ng. Type Engines Reciprocating military 135 hp. e SL :: aalit: rpm in. Ng. 1740 rpm in. Ng. War Emergency hp. e Description M-11F, 5 cylinder, direct drive, air-cooled radial. SPECIFICATIONS SUPERCHARGER Bore 4.9 Ins Dry Wt. 352 No. Speeds None Mfr. Stroke 5-5 Ins Red.Gear No. Stages Displ 525 Cu. ins Eng.Width 42.2 in. Ratios Comp. Ratio Eng.Leingth 17.4 in. Impeller Dia ins Pitch Control PROPELLER FUEL No.Blades 2 Dia. ft, Ins Type Gasoline 70 Octane ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMBAT PROTECTION 'Guns None Normal Load .200 lbs Armor None Maximum Load 600 lbs . Freight load or 3 or 4 passengers . . . Gunsight Bombsight Fuel Tanks ? . ISPECIFICATIONS Materials Mixed wood-and metal construction: . ? ? Span:39 ft,6 In; Length:21___ft,_?_ln: Height. ft, In; Gross Wing Area 237 Weights: Airframe 950 lbs; Normal Gross* 2650 lbs: Maximum Gross sq. ft lbs ADDITIONAL DATA . Brought into use after World War II as a civil transport and limited use as a military aircraft. It is not known how many of these have been produced but it is believed to be in rather extensive use.. ? CONFIDENTIAL, 50X1-HUM July U. S. S. R. 1953 CONFIDENTIAL ? Iv.NI An-2 An-2 DESCRIPTION This aircraft is a biplane. It has fixed main gear and tail wheel. It is a cabin type, single engine aircraft equipped with a four bladed scimitar pattern propeller. This aircraft will probably be used as a replacement for the Po-2 on local runs and feeder lines. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 An-2 CONFIDENTIAL An-2 IMfr. , Designer: Antonov Type Light Transport Crew PERFORMANCE July 1953 Noximum SOcads: 132 knots a S.L.; 138 knots 41 5000 ft alt.;knots e Cruising Speeds: Normal Power knots I ft alt.; Economical knot; e Climb: 1? mins. to 10000 ft alt.; Rate of Climb; 770 ft/min. at Service Ceilings; 15000 ft with normal weight; 13000 ft with 13000 Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle 1470 Fuel: (us gals.) Internal: Normal 370 , Maximum . External; Normal , ft alt. 5000 ft alt. SL ft alt. lbs weight ft into zero wind at Sea Level Maximum RANGES 853 nautical miles alt. fuel nautical miles alt. fuel nautical miles alt. fuel ? 06 knots, 5000 ft ? knots, ft ? knots, ft with 170 US gals. of Cargo with US gals, of with US gals, of and 4200 lbs and lbs and lbs Combat Radius: 440 Nautical Miles POWER PLANT No. Engines I Take-Off 985 hp. e SL Normal 839 p. s 5000 Type Engines NeciProcatingMilltary hp. ? Mar Emergency hp. e Description ASh-82-IR, 9-cylinaer, air-cooled radial engine ft alt 2200 ftalt. am ft alt. ft alt. rpm rpm rpm rpm in. Hg. In. HO. In. Hg. In. Ng. SPECIFICATIONS Bore 6.125 ins Stroke6.870 ins Oise!. 1822 cu. ins Comp. Ratio 6:_1_ SUPERCHARGER Dry Wt. 1246 (Instio. Speeds 1 Red.Gear 11:16 No. Stages 1 Eng.Width 55 Ratios 7:1 Eng. Length 44.79 Impeller Dla10.0 Ins Mfr. PROPELLER Ho. Blades It Dia. ft, Ins Pitch Control FUEL Type 95/115 Probably automatin BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMBAT PROTECTION Guns None Normal Load 4200 lbs Armor None Maximum Load 5000 lbs 14 .passengers GunsIght None Boxibsight None Fuel Tanks Noun . SPECIFICATIONS Materials Mixed construction Spae:Ja_ft,_ilin; Length:_r_ft,_Zia; Height' Weights: Airframe lbs; Normal Gross ft, ' 12200 lbs; Maximum Gross in? Gross Wing Area 990 13000 sq. ft lbs ADDITIONAL DATA This aircraft was first observed in July 1948 in the Aviation Day sequently reappeared in July 1951 in the Aviation Day air show. Since observed in Poland and is believed stationed at Warsaw. The An-2 is reported to have a cargo loading door large enough to design of the aircraft appears to lend itself to service, as a light tr observation/reconnaissance plane, or trainer. It is likely to be used bush-type transport in underdeveloped areas. air show at Tushino. It sub- that time the An-2 has been accommodate litter cases. The ansport, ambulance aircraft, ' in a feeder-line role and as a CONFIDENTIAL ? 50X1-HUM -r July U.S.S.R. 1 1953 ALTITUDE (FT) 26000 24000 22000 20000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 CONFIDENTIAL An-2 '-t:.- 'A 'A BD w. . : :iP . -1.1EPt- ...-- ?-g -4-- ? tz. 4., :?t' = ? -9 Ni r..I' 4 :._?=. .g.. Tf ...4 ff. mil -- 11411P t-17 -4,311 . -g.: iF..i :::: . :-..-.: :-.. =1.11-.M.I.i.z 74 IR ill !ai -- ...FA- MILm ' h? ? Mm.rfifi5E? 6 'ea' 7. EMMEN ilk EgiqIiliiE:z:_REEE";40?;;;.:ErEERIMIIEMIR.:1EMEEN11. . EEMEE Nut ErEEK+t 0E11 :,.?=1EIMERIMENINMEMiiiigggig ..i. 21' `'.'...tri-gEfiffl.?IIEIMIEEEMIE.EMEll"E.MEEEN_.i.,-EEEEE 9 EN irv ittrEM: 7E-IUMENIMPgjnifillEE.EMEA :EggiiigEMEraggraHtee. =NE?7?:?"- NIEEffa 'VI IMMUNE ?:-.; ME .MEEEM'E'RENEEEE.:E . -....g ' 1,--x-EF.1 gil EW..0':IgEMMEEEEEE-1-ANYJNEEEEMEEL'IplIrMENEE ?"41-?I'REmg ";*.EEErligiggri-48007? 4 ai MEEMMEEP.-.T.-EEE N' -- rt.* sl..> ."0,'I'' ?0 ' 't, .1. .MEEEEEP:MmEh.,.... qlfigiggligiaggatiggErigigiiit:IMMINEIff .-AIIIIIIIIMEE5.-7;::??:. L'-- - El: MEEMEIHEEEKE l',Ikiliranii- PI -IR ? .ff: ?.0 iii'Z'seo, it-- L.WEE EIlrii,',,, ? -4. -..s..EEIda : ? ha: 4.. :E'EN/1MM ?ELE.MBEE ...??:% ..+ =1 - .7, -'. AMI.M_P=741:7..riffiggEggi2E14-5 L -or E- 122" lbs E Milli a A fr.::. ;IilifilEfLi...?2-/i. MI!. hil IMMO Ft 4:.6:74.:littl: - ,, lt - ''''' ? iT, 19 .0.E1 .7; ..- ii-4. - Acia9 ,....0! 13000 lbs i.,.i gi ??:-....r ir.:?; .::: ,ni . -:-.:.:1111 .r. ,th .--:-A11"-- 4.. i - - ? - , - :-...., ?p?:1..:: ---1. :::. i..i, ff. 1 ii I- illit" Li-, - mt. ? fr miNF 1ii.;' Pp,: I'i? ',.: L.- ...f.1,-.; P 46 RI 'gift; 111-1:;?? ? 1 itTl .1-..i" :7:: Li: 7,4; : 1;.!... ..-t?-:Itiii. :T. ,.. ? n T=. un - I ,.., ;::2- - ......=,? - ? :71 . . !, , .4 ....,..,..... ,r,?;,--.,;; , ?.. 7 u, ,.. tot ,....: . _ _ ' 'I' 1 -,: '1441 !it '1,7, i li F-7:1?4 Ai 4il. ;Itt_r't ? " ::: FT: TIME TO ',09--- I ? RATE OF ,E, " , -.7' i1-'! . -. .t" . .. " .. 1. ? 11 -, 21 V CLIMB T'.. ifl talEl:= i =Iffa'? :-.! .-4_iV. -MU It.:4 IC MIR UM ....=EtErto NE ...--,M 2:P.. CLIMB :: , . Oa Magi fi Ej ..:0.. utf.4i CLIMB Eitirdito M5MF-k-O00.7.?P1lgl aigar grznE.N.E-.=- mEg=;1. M=MLT- EUN =' WI 14 'L'i 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 R/C (Ipm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1400 1600 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 VEL (KNOTS) TIME TO.CLIM13 (MIN) FeliMMOIMICE DESCRIPTION Normal rated power, normal gross weight. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 I DESCRIPTION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 An-2 U.S.S R. DISTANCE (FT) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 CONFIDENTIAL 0, 1121............hramarlihnikraniihnibillialunkg6:::::milleil ..... enr.:cran....itomplormingremappr im:!--: I.. .... on......m.... ..... wwwwww.immgwmpousi pummommuswpwwwwwgimmilminurnomPlmilli tun:::::::agamMilgardnikgrigggingggratrringLga" .... Fuggig"...Rgig ...woo: gliggilwamaggigiimawamwmgmismiummumegeg gligig w RU SIIrs".....p.51r/PggingnIN am: ......... g in 4 ..... woo ..... ..miluaggows? Ns AVE !I REAMMAAMORMAR MERWal MUMMIMMAMMERSMAIMMS=MMEMMIKERAMMES IMBIMIIMISMS .................... WIIMMWMUWWWWYWROVIMMUMMWOMMOMMENEREMSURNSUMSAMMEIRMIN SWUM WARM MK41?1: ..... WIWI WIEM;KI011 ?u: ...SS MON Rainnuorarar 11.12.......:. um: ,.. MM pi::::::"::: : 1 mi. um : :pm nurgiumnrimpame. : 1:: MARIMMARREMWEIRSERKIMSKENMEKKMAM RIM Mr =MLA WUMEMMERAMORINIM fIMMIIMMUMARRU mmorpoupwwwwwwunpummiwswwwwwg MUM EINEMMEVERAWWWM 1 1 MM. "ParAWILIMIIM 1 "II "Llmair EIRT .........? MMMMM 1111Z1 inISIBBArganninin? 1:1111:11121 Ma I" 11:11 mum,.....ii m.iii....vanaa.,...i.r.rai Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffi irn M Ni miriiiiiiiirMilirdflEnsiButlalli tr-I-ED".2411,1111141 Imam.......... lipparr angawmasumas -... .... ii: maami MilaiItiszim ? ail RIM Iffi HINER'S sum ?=111REO ls., rearmarammal. Ehr Stu- . marantonem =TSAI= MANUMORM ' MUMMA MIMI KMANSIMMEASOMMi ... 1" KM1 ?? n? IINNEWILMIIIMMUMNIMMllteln Errann:Magtall p?MICalig MUM YAM rill di s II 1....n. ma imEgualu minnow' irjounisi MUM Tm.?..,....p.a I ismorwani wwwwwwswmarauwammwm mum MAMORMAISITIFIIIVIlii. OMMEME II NMI MWOMERREM REIRMUMME. . a imESIMPOK ? 0" MEW mmliwunwpwsaummwmp mom= WEEKARKWAIM MAMMEMAINEMEMMUM SIM UM MIMMISAOS 11101111:MSEMAIMI ? ME KIIIIIII ""1:1WIIIIIIIIIIII:12111119:1:11:Immurilipligarm ..... 111111:111=1 111111111.1rA P2M UNE 11WININ? ? ????? ?111?" 11?1?41KAMIKIIMORMA-,,,,m{miumnin 1w01"1"7111;11111M:trAnif -MO frOdrig":1?11:a.M.? AliMillitiliiiIMMUJILIM IRS ISM illaijarainraniiiirleff M niiiiidinarinallinni SRAMMEMENIMSAILMOKINSAMMIUM1111:111::: WWI rainuri- --cum milp...Hvg matun rap MA 1 MMAIRJAMMIUM Ill ... 411.....t. ans...mumErm urn.g.-: 600 400 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 GROSS WEIGHT x 103 clbs) 12.0 13.0 July 1953 l_atmott=L-1 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM or>, January 1958 CONFIDENTIAL CAB REMARKS: Soviet designation of this aircraft is Li-2. SUMMARY CAB is a twin-engined, low-wing monoplane built under license in the USSR. It is no longer in production but is still in extensive use both as a civil and military transport. 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL ,01.1.??????????????????? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CAB January 1958 DIMENSIONS Wing Span 94.5 ft Area 985 sq ft Fuselage length 64.4 ft Height (Horizontal attitude) 23.3 ft Cargo cabin Length 30.9 ft Width (max) 7.68 ft Height (max) 6.5 ft Usable volume 1310 Cu ft POWER PLANT No. & Model Type 2 x Ash-62IR 9 cylinder, single row, air-cooled radial Propellers 2-AV-7N-161; three- bladed, 11.8 ft dia WEIGHTS Take-off lb Normal 25,300 Max allowable 26,400 Empty 15,350 ENGINE RATINGS Take-off 985 BHP at 2200 RPM, 41 in. Hg Normal 830 BHP at 2100 RPM, 35 in. Hg at 4,900 ft GENERAL INFORMATION CAB is the Soviet model of the U.S. DC-3 built under license. The Soviet aircraft designer LISITSIN is given credit for this design in the USSR. The major difference frpm the U.S. 00-3 is the engine. .Alternate variants of CAB will carry up to 19 passengers or 25 paratroops. FUEL Gal Type 95/115 4930 lb 822 BOMBS/FREIGHT Cargo Normal 3,300 lb Maximum 6,600 lb (Limited by floor strength) ELECTRONICS Radio compass IFF VHF command set (4 channel) HF liaison set Interphone Localizer Glide path Marker beacon receiver CREW Pilot. ' Co-Pilot Navigator Radio operator 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL January 1958 CAB AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CODINS N TIO M ONOMICAL CRUI SF MAXIMUM CARGO LONG RANGE SL 10,000 ft 15,000 ft TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 25,300 4,900 3,300 25.7 60 25,300 4,900 3,300 25.7 6o 25,300 4,900 3,300 25.7 6o 25,300 1,600 6,600 25.7 Eo 25,300 4,900 3,300 25.7 Co Fuel weight (lb) Payload (cargo) (lb) Wing loading (lb/8g ft) Stall speed (km) Take-off run - SL (ft) (1) 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 Take-off distance - (ft) (1) 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 50 ft obst Rate of climb - Si, (ftimin)(2) 700 700 700 700 700 Time: SL to 5,000 ft (min) (2) NA 7 7 NA 7 Time: SL to 10,000 ft (min) (2) NA NA 17 NA 17 Service ceiling (ft) (2) 16,600 16,600 16,600 16,600 16,600 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 1,080 1,140 1,175 345 1,215 Average speed (km) 120 130 130 120 130 Cruise altitude (constant) (ft) SL 5,000 10,000 SL 13,000 Mission time (hr) 9.0 8.8 9.2 2.9 9.4 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 510 525 535 135 530 Average speed (KO 120 130 130 120 130 Cruise altitude (ft) SL 5,000 10,003 SL 13,000 Mission tim..1 (hr) 8.5 8.1 8.3 2.3 8.2 FIRST LANDING WEIGHT (lb) 23,100 23,200 23,300 24,500 23,500 , , NOTES (1) Maximum power (2) Normal power 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 e Low-wing, twin-engine monoplane with single fin and rudder, and retractable landing gear. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Yak-16 CONFIDENTIAL Yak-16 mfr. Type Designer: Yakovlev Light Transport Crew 3 Maximum Speeds; 200 knots a S.L., 208 Cruising Speeds; Normal Power 187 knots Climb: 10 mins. to 10000 ft a Service Ceilings: ft with Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle Fuel: (US gals.) Internal: Normal 275 PERFORMANCE July 1953 knots e 6000 ft alt.:___17SL?knots 6 15000 ft alt.' I r 10500 ft alt.: Economical 150 knots q 10500 ft alt. It.; Rate of Climb; 12 0 ft/min. at SL ft alt. normal weight; 16000 ft with 14100 lbs weight 1550 ft into zero wind at Sea Level , Maximum ; External; Normal , Maximum RANGES 575 nautical miles siL,52knots, 10000 ft alt. with 275 US gals. of fuel and 1000 lbs freight Combat Radius: 260 Nautical Miles with and nautical miles knots, ft alt. US gels. of fuel lbs POWER PLANT nautical miles knots, ft alt. with US gals, of fuel and lbs No. Engines 2 Take-Off Normal Type Engines Recinrocatingmilitary War Emergency 690 hp. fp 592 hp. p 66co hp. ? hp. a SL ft alt. 2500 rpm in. Ht. ft alt. 2400 rpm In. HP. ft alt. rpm In. Hg. ft alt. rpm in. Hg. Description ASh-21 7-cylinder, air-cooled radial engine SPECIFICATIONS Bore 6.12 ins Stroke6.12 .In Disp1.1260 cu.ins Comp. Ratio_6-6:_l_ SUPERCHARGER PROPELLER FUEL Dry Wt. 1077 No. Speeds 1 Mfr. Visch 111-V-120 Type 89 Octane Red. Gear 11:16 No. Stages 1 No.Blades 2 solid dural Eng.Width 49.5 Ratios 711 Dia. 9 ft, 7 ins Eng.Length 5 Impeller Dia 9.69ins Pitch Control R-7# goy constant sneed ARMAMENT Guns None Gunsight N..c BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD Normal Load 2500 Maximum Load 3000 Alternate marimum lbs lbs 10 passengers and 440 lbs freight or 3000 lbs freight or 13 troops Bolabsight None SPECIFICATIONS Armor COMBAT PROTECTION None Fuel Tanks None Materials All metal construction Span:iiLft,___In; Length: 46 ft,___In; Height:_12._ft, in; Gross Wing Area 600 Weights: Airframe lbs; Normal Gross lbs: MaXIMUM Gross 14100 sq. ft lbs ,ADDITIONAL DATA , This is one of the latest Soviet transports designed for feeder-line duties. It appeared in 1948. This aircraft is an intermediate type between the Yak-6 and Li-2 or 11-12. It will probably be used mainly as a civil type. It is equipped with a radio compass and a transmitter/receiver. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 HUM 0 CONFIDENTIAL March 1952 ALTITUDE -FT 30,000 25 000 20 000 15 000 10-1:1114. 5 000 S.L. SPEED If CL /418 11 11111 111111m m1111111:111111111111_ 111111111pri MINION 4111111 4110111U !ull11111111111111111111111 ? II UIIHIHIIifi minommumusmsam immummummmmummummunsimil annum immummmounsmummamm immumummommo ERMENNIMENEMMEM I ? 111111111111111 Imummiumummummilmommimm mom ._Mt...miammintliMMMOMMIIMMUMMEMIN Inisimmussummommic momminismommommommummommummg NM IMMIMMEMMMENEMINMax speed MEVEXMOMMOMEMMINMEMMEMMEMMOMMAIMMIMME MEXIMIMUMMOMMUMENEMMIIMMENM.M.MMIX EM LTime to climb MMINMEMENMERNWOMUMMIMMUMMIMILVENNUM INEWANNIMUMERMUMORMIMUNUMUUMMIUMMIMMEMMIMMUU looFT/humr SPEED?KNOTS 1 0 MIM TO CLIMB I 0 4 6 8 10 12 100 200 300 400 500 600 10 20 30 40 50 m-3.6 L_ImazamacxJ DESCRIPTION Normal rated power, maximum gross weight. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM Mem 551 IS In art - anitize rove or e ease PPRPOv vim 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 A YAK-16 CONFIDENTIAL U.S.S.R. OBSTACLE- FT. 18bu 1700 1600 cr. U1 1400 1300 1200 U. U. I 1100 1000 GROSS WT 1000 LBS TAKE -OFF CONCRETE RUNWAY --- TURF RUNWAY 11 /11 12 13 INSIX MEE II NNW MN XXX 11 14 11 _L II XXX mu Nam 15 16 March 1952 I DESCRIPTION CONFIDENTIAL VPS:terlh 50X1 -HUM -- -4-,77,..f,,,. -=-.1-..,.....--.7,1--z,,:-%,-,,,,..........-........r..............---- - ........--.., ,-.. ri CONFIDENTIAL July 1953 U. S S. R. 11-12 . . _ - DBC- ? 6, -6 IL-12 DESCRIPTION This is a twin-engine, low-wing, monoplane transport. It has a single tail and retractable tricycle landing gear. The in wheels are dual, retracting into the engine nacelles and the nose wheel is single, retracting aft. The wing has upward dihedral; the center section in of rectangular shape, while the outer sections are trapezoidal with rounded tips. Split landing 'ISA 1M entire span of the center section. ? CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 11-12 CONFIDENTIAL 11-12 Mfr. Type Designer: Ii ?. n Light Transport Crew 5 PERFORMANCE July 1953 Maximum Speeds; 225 knots o S.L.; 218 knots it 15'060 ft alt.; knots e ft alt. Cruising Speeds: Normil power 220 knots 0 10000 ft ail.; Economical1122knots 10000 ft alt. Climb: 11.7 mins. to 15000 ft alt.; Rate of Climb: 1400 ft/min. it SL ft alt. Service Ceilings: 25500 ft with normal weight; 25500 ft with 35500 lbs weight Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle' 1890 ft Into zero wind at Sea Level Fuel: (US gals.) Internal: Normal , Maximum 1080 ; External: Normal , Maximum RANGES 1335 nautical miles nautical miles nautical miles it 162 knots, 10000 ft alt. fuel 0 with knots, ft alt. fuel 0 knots, ft alt. fuel with 1080 US gals, of US gals. of with US gals. of and 7500 lbs cargo and lbs and lbs Combat Radius: 665 Nautical Miles POWER PLANT No. Engines 2 Take-Off 1825 hp. e SL ft alt. Normal 6 a hp. 0 5100 ft alt. Type Eng1nesNeciprocating Military hp. 0 ft alt. War Emergency hp. 0 ft alt. Description ASh-82 FN- 1214-cyl nder, ;ir-eonled radial engine SPECIFICATIONS 2500 rpm 48 in. Ng. 2400 rpm 39 In. Hg. rpm in. Ng. rpm in. H5. SUPERCHARGER PROPELLER FUEL Bore_ 6 1 ins Dry Wt. 1980 No. Speeds 2 Mfr. Type 95/115,95/130 Stroke 6.1 _ins Red.Gear .5825 No. Stages 1 No.Blades 4 Grades Disnl.jWILcu. ins Eng.Width 49.5 in Ratios 7.14:1, 10:1 Dia. 14 ft, 7 Ins Comp. Ratio Eng.Langth 79 in Impeller Dia 11.4Ina Pitch Control Constant speed, full feather- ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD Guns None GunsIght None Normal Load Maximum Load 7500 lbs Ibs Passenger capacity redUced to 18 Bombsight None Armor lug COMBAT PROTECTION None Fuel Tanks None SPECIFICATIONS_ Materials All metal construction Span:32:f_ft,_Lin; Length:_a52__it, 101n; meight:_21__ft,__Lin; Gross Wing Area 1160 sq. ft Weights: Airframe lbs; Normal Gross Unknown lbs: Maximum Gross 35500 lbs ADDITIONAL DATA The 11-12 was first displayed in 1946 as a passenger transport, becoming operational in 1947. It has since been observed in increasing nuMhers both in Russia and the satellite countries, and is being built apparently to replace the widely-used Li-2. De-icing of the wings is accomplished by means of hot-air ducting through the leading edges, utilizing heat exchangers operating from the engine exhaust gases. The exhaust stacks are ducted to the nacelle-leading edge junction on the outboard sides of the nacelles. Tail surfaces are also thermally de-iced by auxiliary heating. In 1950, all civil 11-12 transports were structurally modified due to wing failures. Subsequently the maximum gross weight was reduced from 38000 lbs to 35500 lbs, and passenger capacity limited to T4r. A her the military version wait affected similarly; however, such is probable. CONFIDENTIAL Aci* 50X1-HUM- r?ei March 1952 ALTITUDE -FT 3249110. 20 000 15,000 10 000 5.000 tvt loorrimum CONFIDENTIAL SPEED 8 OL/iff8 MINA 1111111 IIIII II nen111111111111111111 11111misH111111111111 11 1 111131 INHo 111111 1111111111,1111 1111 IL-l2 VEIN wM IIIIIMIIIIIIIIVISIMIMIIMILA1111111^1111111111111111111111MM11.11111MINII 111111111111111W IHHIIHIIIIH gnu:1 kla111111111111MMIIIMIIIIIIMMIIIMII MIMIIIIIIMEN MUM 1111111111111111 .111111111111211WAIIII ,1menamskorAminnu 11111111111MIMIIM 1416111111?11111 Time to climb Max. speed 111111111111111 ampittuinnuntim 1111111M 1111M11111111111111111111111111111111MINIIIIIININZ 111111111111111?1?11111M111111111MIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIMI MUM IIIIIMMIIIIM1111111111W MIME Rate of climb 11111M111111 1111111?11111111MIEMI SPEED?KNOTS 0 5 100 10 1 200 15 1 300 20 25 1 400 1 .500 MIN TO CLIMB 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 10 20 30 40 50 L_Eagmamma1 600 I . 60 DESCRIPTION Normal rated power,maximmngross weight. NOTE: Above 5000 ft, maximum power is BHP. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM leffammittrilira:F.T11.. nitize ? ? rove or e ease O. I ?A 55 888 8 88 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 IL-12 TAKE-OFF DISTANCE OVER 50 FT. OBSTACLE-FT CONFIDENTIAL R March 3000 2500 TAKE - OFF ---GONGRETE RUNWAY ? weimmA EMNIIIMEMO ?NEN ???MOIMIM MEN MERM WM EMI =SRAI t t.m IBM REM MIIISMMEMEMINIIMM MEM --- TURF RUNWAY 1952 hIii ot t MEM MIIIREMMEAMME MAMMINEM MINIMMEMM "11 EMU MIMI II ?i 111161=1111111111111MMENIMMINK6661 MMIUMMIlltalln -41-111111MINNIK11111111111 MEM I 6 t tilt it 1 .. 1 it MUM SUREMMEMEMEREMMIIMMEMMEME USE pmawmAmmmmiewAmmam, x 1 1 I i ! lilt II : II!' l'i I , ILI: 1111 II II I I1 111 1 1 rT III' 1 il I - L., , 11 1 .,,, , i'1; III 1 iiii il .111111 Hi HH 11 H1 zonn , Hi I 1 11 1 1,11 III: im i : . I' 1 II , I II ' li i II , , 1111 1111 ii HI! 1111 1 I I 1500 GROSS WT-1000LBS 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 L_PEREQEMAHCE_1 DESCRIPTION ?CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM October 1957 CONFIDENTIAL CRATE 44!,711=;:5 3 Ii REMARKS: CRATE is a twin, reciprocating-engine, low-wing, monoplane transport developed from COACH. It is a product of the Ilyushin design bureau and is designated 11-14. SUMMARY Oct 1953 First reported sighting of "blunt-tailed modification" of COACH. 1954 CRATE introduced into service on Soviet airline Aeroflot. 1956 CRATE production initiated in East Germany as 11-141' and in Czechoslovakia as Avia-14. 1956 11-14M, with improved systems and increased seating capacity, introduced in last half. 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CRATE October 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Root thickness (%) Tip thickness (%) Fuselage Length Max diameter Height, tail above ground Horizontal tail span Cargo cabin Length Max height Useable volume Floor area 104 ft 1075 sq ft 18 12 69.9 ft 9.2 ft 25.6 ft 30.4 ft 33.0 6.36 1500 290 ft ft Cu ft sq ft POWER PLANT Nr. & Model Designer Type Cylinders Displacement Compression ratio Length Diameter Weight (dry) Fuel Metering Supercharger Propeller Diameter Weight 2 x ASh-82T Ivchenko Reciprocating, aircooled radial 14 - double row 2215 cu in. 6.9:1 79.53 in. 51.38 in. 2244 lb Direct injection Single stage/ single speed AV-50 12.5 ft 450 lb Reduction gear ratio 31:54 WEIGHTS Loading Passenger Cargo Take-off 36,300 36,300 Empty 26,600 214,600 Payload 2,600 4,600 ENGINE RATINGS Take-off Normal rated BHP 1875 1610 RPM MP 2600 49 in Hg 2400 40 in Hg SFC .626 - .690 GENERAL INFORMATION CRATE was developed to correct structural and performance deficiencies in COACH. Outwardly the differences in appearance are minor, and are confined mainly to the wings, engines and nacelles, landing gear and vertical tail surfaces. The fuselage of the I1-1414 is 3.28 feet longer than the 11-14 because of the addition of .a section ahead of the wing. This section increases the cargo cabin length' to 36.3 feet, the useable volume to 1650 cubic feet and the floor area to 310 square feet. Also several equipment systems, for example, hydraulic and fire extinguishing systems, have been improved. AS a result of the changes the take- off weight, empty weight and payload have all been increased. For the 11-1414 passenger version these weights are .38,000; 27,500; and 3,400 pounds respectively, and they are 38,500, 25,250 and 5,650 pounds for the cargo variant. The number of passenger. seats bas been raised from 18 to 24. The 11-14 and 11-1414 power plants are identical.. 11-1414 is the first significant modification of the 11-14 design. Performance, data included in these sheets has been based on information in a Soviet publication for the 11-14. Range and radius performance of the I1-1414 do not differ significantly from the 11-14; however, take-off run and distance iill be slightly increased and rate of climb and service ceiling will be slightly decreased. Exact values are 'presently not available. Although CRATE is the leading transport on Aeroflot, the Soviet airline, and is also used by the Soviet Air Force to transport both passengers and cargo, its flight characteristics are reportedly only fair. The aircraft is very uneconomi- cal by U.S. standards and falls into a class of U.S. aircraft which fly farther, faster, and with a greater payload. FUEL Fuel Oil Capacity (US gal) 925 75 Weight (lb) 5500 550 Grade 95/130 Octane Note: Capacity of fuel identical in 11-14 and 11-144. All fuel in wing tanks. PASSJFREIGHT Pasaengers 18 Cargo (lb) 4600 ELECTRONICS RADAR IFF NAVIGATION Radio Compass (2) Radio Altimeter with low altitude warning system Localizer Receiver Glide Path Receiver Distance Measuring Equipment COMMUNICATION VHF Command Set (2) Liaison Transmitter (2) Liaison Receiver (2) Intercom CREW Pilot Co-Pilot Navigator Radio Operator Cabin Attendant (passenger variant) 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL October 1957 CRATE AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE ECONOMICAL CRUISE MAXIMUM CARGO LONG RANGE CONDITIONS @ 5,000 ft @ 10,000 ft @ 15,000 ft TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 36,300 5,500 4,600 33.8 60 1:550 2,700 1,050 5 NA 24,000 36,300 5,500 4,600 33.8 60 1,550 2,700 1,050 5 10 24,000 36,300 5,500 4,600 33.8 60 1,550 2,700 1,050 5 10 24,000 36,300 1,600 8,500 33.8 60 1,550 2,700 1,050 NA NA 24,000 36,300 5,500 4,600 33.8 60 1,550 2,700 1,050 5 10 24,000 Fuel weight (lb) Payload (Cargo) (lb) Wing loading (lb/sq ft) Stall speed (kn) Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) Rate of climb at SL (ft/min) (2) Time: SL to 5,000 ft (min) (2) Time: SL to 10,000 ft (min) (2) Service ceiling (ft) (2) COMBAT RANGE (Nm) 1,275 1,400 1,335 320 1,560 Average speed (km) 165 165 165 165 140 Cruise altitude (coast) (ft) 5,000 10,000 15,000 SL 10,000 Mission time (hr) 7.8 8.7 8.4 1.9 11.3 COMBAT RADIUS (Nm) 600 640 600 135 710 Average speed (kn) 165 165 165 165 140 Cruise altitude (const) (ft) 5,000 10,000 15,000 SL 10,000 Mission time (hr) 7.b 8.2 7.6 1.6 10.5 FIRST LANDING WEIGHT (lb) 33,800 33,800 33,800 35,500 33,800 ? , , NOTES (1) Maximum Power 50X1 -HUM (2) Normal Power Performance obtained from 11-14 handbook. 11-1414 range-radius not significantly different, take-off run and distance increased, rate of climb decreased. Values presently not available for 11-144. CONFIDENTIAL n ified in Part Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 3 ? CONFIDENTIAL November 1957 CAMEL REMARKS: CAMEL/Tu-104 is a swept-wing monoplane powered by two large axial flow, turbojet engines. It is similar in appearance to BADGER/Tu-16. Both designs are attributed to A. N. Ttpolev. CAMEL is in service in two variants: 50 passenger first class and 70 passenger tourist. Jul 1955 Mar 1956 Apr 1956 Sep 1956 Sep 1957 SUMMARY CAMEL first observed on Soviet Aviation Day at Moscov/Tushino. CAMEL arrives at London Airport, London, England. Three CAMELS land at London Airport. CAMEL in service on Aeroflot, USSR civil airline. CAMEL makes two round trips from* Moscow to U.S. 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CAMEL November 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Inboard Sweep (LE) Outboard Sweep (LE) Fuselage Length Diameter (max) Height Tail above ground Cabin Length Height (max) 'Width (max) Useable volume 114 ft 1990 sq ft 41 deg 36 deg 124 ft 11.5 ft 37.5 ft 85 8 11 5900 ft ft ft cu ft POWER PLANT Nr. & Model Designer Type Compressor Turbine Pressure ratio Diameter Weight (dry) Gas turbine starter 2 - AM 3 A. Mikulin Axial flow 8-stage 2-stage 6:1 53 in. 5500 lb WEIGHTS Loading 50-Pas8enger Cargo Take-off 152,500 152,500 Empty 73,200 67,700 Payload 17,500 23,200 ENGINE RATINGS SL STATIC LB RPM Mil 19,000 4700 SPC/.94#/ithrust/hr Normal Cruise 17,500 4350 11,000 4000 GENERAL INFORMATION CAMEL/Tu-104 is a low, swept-wing, twin-engined, high performance aircraft. De- veloped from BADGER/Tu-16 medium bomber, CAMEL was designed primarily as a civil passenger airliner. First-class configuration has one six-beat compartment, two eight-seat compartments, and a 28-seat main passenger cabin. Also provided are a galley, men's and women's lounges and lavatories. It is estimated that empty weight of cargo variant would be reduced 5500 pounds by removal of interior furnishings. The 70-passenger tourist variant, the Tu-104A, was introduced in July 1957 and is now on service on Aeroflot. Passenger seats are arranged in two cabins, one with four rows of four abreast and the other with one row of four abreast and ten rows of five abreast. Preliminary analysis indicates that the weights have been increased as follows: 70-passenger Cargo Take-off 157,000 157,000 Empty 73,200 67,700 - Payload 22,000 27,500 It is estimated that the fuel capacity of the Tu-104A is no greater than the Tu-104, however, the fuel tankage has been rearranged. The Tu-104A has three tanks in each wing, but the tail tank has been eliminated. The exact arrangement of the fuselage, wing-center-section tank is unknown. In addition to the equipment listed to the right, the following items of non- radiating navigation equipment are installed in CA/EL ' Automatic Dead Reckoning Navigation Indicator Automatic Astro Compass High Precision Remote Indicating Directional Gyro FUEL Weight 59,000 lb Two tanks in each wing Two tanks in fuselage (One in center section of wing, one near tail) PASS./FREIGHT VARIANT let class Cargo 50 passengers 23,200 lb ELECTRONICS RADAR Search and Navigation (X-hand) IFF NAVIGATION Radio Compass (2) DME (distance measuring equipment) Radio Altimeter (low altitude) Localizer Receiver Glide Path Receiver Navigation Receiver/Indicator LORAN (low frequency) COMMUNICATION VHF Command Radio (2) (4-channel ea) Liaison Transmitter (5) Receiver (2) Intercom CREW Pilot Co-Pilot Navigator Radio Operator Flight Mechanic 50X1 -HUM Cabin Attendant (occasionally two) CONFIDENTIAL a ace! Sanitized Coiv APP ? CONFIDENTIAL April 1957 CAMEL AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Basic Mission (3) Constant Altitude Mission (4) TAXI-OFF WRIGHT (lb) 150,000 150,C00 Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) 54,000 54,000 Payload (lb) 16,500 16,500 Wing loading (1b/sq ft) 15 75 Stall speed (power off) (kis) 120 120 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) 3,300 3,300 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) 5,200 5,200 Rate of climb at SL (fpm) (1) 5,350 5,350 Time: SL to 20,000 ft (min) (1) 5.7 (2) 9.3 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 37,000 37,000 Time: SL to 30,000 ft (min) (1) 11.8 (2) 16.9 COMBAT RANGE (ie) 2,050 1,400 Average speed (kts) 460 430 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 37,700 32,800 Final cruising altitude (ft) 43,300 32.800 Total mission time (hr) 4.50 3.40 COMBAT RADIUS (N() 900 --- Average speed (kts) 460 __- Initial cruising altitude (ft) 37,700 -.- Final cruising altitude (ft) 46,300 --- Total mission time (hr) 3.95 FIRST LANDING WEIGNX (lb) 123,500 _-- COMBAT MONT (lb) 104,000 ... Ccabat altitude (rt) (2) , 43,200 Combat speed (kts) (1) 465 -.- Combat climb (fial) (1) 375 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) , (ft) (1) 42,200 Service ceiling (100'fpm) (ft) (2) 43,600 __- Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 1,500 Take-off ta clear 50 ft . (ft) (1) 2,700 --- Rate of climb at SL (flAg) (1) 7,950 --- Max speed at SL (kts) (1) 580 --- Basic speed at 25,000 ft (kts) (1) 525 --- IANDING WEIGHT (lb) 86,500 --- NOTES (1) Maximum power (2) Normal power (3) In accordance with Mil-C-5011A specification (4) Constant-Altitude Cruise Mission normally flown by Soviets d for Release2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 _ ? CONFIDENTIAL CAYZI, April 1557 TAKE?OFF DISTANCE (1000 FT) ? CLEAR SOFT GROUND ROLL 0 90 100 120 CLIMB ALTITUDE ( 1000 FT) = ? t7-1FA 60 ""=---- 50 40 30 20 10 :14 1111 : --- 4:411.41 1111 EH EH 1111 1111. 4H 1111 P11 4E HE n?TriHr: HE g HE 4 11: 1111 11111141 ::--111"-F4 1111'"??=.1 1i11 tEn11! Ell Hfi Eff lEIHH Hit PH PH HE 1111 EH L. 11111111 iii.EF:.4 E.1111:.:4 Int T.-1 RIM 411 1111 HU 111111111111 tiE HP HP 1111 !Hi HE 11H E? Z7i !EFT ?Lai 7 411 Egg.: 1H 11 ig HE 1111 UN fa9 1g1.411 \ 1411; 141' 111 MI PH 1.4111ff1 E.4-1 EMI? 1M- Et I111 7.r-4 E.;11 111 1E4 1411 111411T. 1111.:42 14.111.111 41, m3,111.. =1_ ^ EI.F41.1.4 7-114ff- ?:=1 E !lit' LP: t=.11i1 =tr= =t= rx.r = Hi! iff: 140 150 160 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GROSS WEIGHT (LB X1000) RATE OF CLIMB( FT/ MIN XI000) ALTITUDE (1000 FT) 60 50 SPEED MACH LIMIT 40 ? 0 1"-,4*.t..' 30 EiESTIMATED STRUCTURAL N910====EMEEP=E-- 20 aLIM T, 400 KR IAS =. 1 ? ?1/171 1 ff. RIM; 3 =Si" Eff zialtrt? _ 460 500 540 580 VELOCITY-KNOTS PAYLOAD ( LB X1000) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 LOAD DISTANCE Ira t..4 I rriI 1U Iff:?2 1114" 411 ERR= 1111 ffli Hil r '..S....-1-7.-"iF. litilitil illitiitt 1:11 ali till ii = --r.4.:,.. TAKE-OFF WEIGHT -I50,000 LB --. --,-. FUEL CAPACITY? 54,000 LB PASSENGER PAYLOAD= 16,500 LB ---CARGO PAYLOAD- 23,000 LB SPACE L MI TEDqiiertI ittl it i 1 lib i11' ili 111 Ili " PAYLOAD 74,000 Lill iiiiihEigililliiii RH lii RIF lir ii 1 .:-.fli 7:1.g EH .1IHR HD EH Iiii 11 EH 111 WI =="HP kkt 44 4 illi FA 1 '11 ? :1 & '-diTiCel r tin 1111 1111 t111 1 ' 111111111111 um i U 1 i11111 1. .... 1 111 lid to up ii 11 PASSENGER :. a MID till i. ri Ili _ i - El Ell 1111 tifi 11-ii .11 riiii.11 !Ai 11 it , .... NH:. iiiVi3;;;; RANGE F.... Pi MEtket:NEW7,1 tIt It I: ttt. It 11 111 11 Wag1147?-1-ita7l1ffl EgigEmffiviv 'du ffli En i li lE I Mil i ' 1 . I [HIM II 1 ggiggo:th !ft It 1 .1' 1E111 11 1Titilill ?=....=1:-..1.5.-::: ,ffi ,. ririii Hill rill i huh 1000 2000 3000 RANGE -NM 4000 NOTE: TAKE-OFF WEIGHT.- NRP 0 COMBAT WEIGHT - NRP ^^""T ''''3HT MAX ?PWR reu,sew CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM ^ CONFIDENTIAL September 1957 CAMP REMARKS: CAMP is a high-wing, twin-turboprop, assault-type transport that is very similar in appearance to the USAF C-123. Oleg K. Antonov is credited with the design. He reportedly stated that "my design bureau designation for this type is AN-8 although the military designation will be AN-14 when this type enters production for the Air Force." Neither of these designations, however, have been confirmed. SUMMARY CAMP was first observed when it was flown for the Soviet Aviation Day celebration at Tushino in June 1956. CAMP has been seen on several other occasions at the civil airfield in Kiev from August 1956 through May l957, but only one CAN' airplane has been seen at these times and it has always been parked in approximately the same location. It is probable that CAMP was built in Kiev because Antonovls Design Bureau is located in that city and a CAMP fuselage has been observed outside a Kiev factory. Moscow press statements that CAMP was not satisfactory appear to have referred to a consider- ation of passenger operation by the Soviet civil airline (Aeroflot) and do not necessarily reflect on its acceptance for freight or military purposes. 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CAMP September 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Aspect Ratio Fuselage Length Maximum Width Maximum Depth Usable Cabin - 125 ft. - 1310 sq. ft. - 11.9 - 103 ft. - 10.5 ft. - 12.5 ft. - 2900 Cu. ft. POWER PLANT Engine Type Nc. of Engines Model Propeller: Diameter No. Blades Turboprop 2 Unknown 16 ft 4 Type: Single-Rotation, Hylromatic, and Featherable. WEIGHTS Empty 1,1,000 Crew (5) 1,000 Fuel 16,000 Payload 17,000 Normal Gross 75,000 lb ENGINE RATINGS MILITARY POWER Altitude Speed SHP Net Prop Thrust Elf S L Static 3630 1000 lb 74.7 NORMAL RATED POWER Altitude Speed SHP Net Prop Thrust Eff S L 150kn 3280 520 lb 83.7 S L 300kn 3640 220 83.7 S L 350kn 3800 130 79.6 10,000 ft 350kn 3250 150 79.6 20,000 ft 350kn 2570 155 73.1 GENERAL INFORMATION subsequent to the accomplishment of the above estimates, it was reported that Antonov had stated that the airplane was "powered by two 5100 hp. engines." If this figure referred to SHP instead of ESHP it could indicate the A-Model-2 engine (normally 5640 ESHP) which was developed from the German JUM0-022. Itis possible that, the prototype CAMP was powered by two A-Model-2 engines; photo- interpretation of the nacelle sizes indicated that sufficient space was avail- able. It is not, known that 4000 ESHP engines were available at the time of the 1956 7Vshino airshow. However, the preponderance of information indicates that: The performance with 4000 ESHP engines is adequate for the estimated mission and reports indicated that at least two different Soviet designs of h000 ESHP turbo- prop engines are available, which strengthens the estimate that 1,000 ESHP en- gines will be installed if and when CAMP is placed into production and service. Large, blister-like fairings on either side of the lower fuselage un- doubtedly house the main landing gear. It is probable that a multiple-wheeled arrangement of low-pressure tires is utilized to permit operation into relatively unprepared fields. The nose gear, probably dual-wheeled, retracts into the fuselage behind the chin-radome. An assault-type mission, for the supply or re-supply of men and materiel in close support of combat areas, is indicated by the general appearance and especially: The landing gear, high wing, tail turret, and ramp docr. An analysis of the propeller shown in available photography was made with consider- ation of the critical take-off requirements of an assault-type mission. This analysis indicated that the propeller woUld develop optimum efficiencies at about 250 knots speed and 10,000 ft altitade when utilized with an engine of about 3500 installed shaft horsepower. Distances shown on the take-off curves are for concrete-runway operation because of standard comparative purposes; sod field operation increases the ground run by 5-10 percent, depending on the soil condition. Due to the maximum altitudes attainable by the aircraft, the crew com- partment is probably pressurized in addition to being equipped with oxygen- breathing equipment. However, it is estimated that the fuselage cabin is not pressurized, although oxygen-breathing equipment may be installed to enable troops to maintain physical condition for'post -landing activity. FUEL Normal capacity is estimated at 16,000 lb, which is equivalent to 2376 U S gallons or 9000 liters. It is assumed that additional fuel up to a total 17,000 lb can be carried in lieu of payload if tem- porary auxiliary tankage is in- stalled. BOMBS/FREIGHT NORMAL PAYLOAD - 17,000 lb (May include large, wheeled items that can be loaded through the ramp-loading door at the rear of the usable cabin) NORMAL TROOP CAPACITY - 60 (Limited by space considerations) ELECTRONICS Range-Only Tail Radar IFF Radar Warning Rovr Navig Radar Radio Cmpassee (2) ILS System Hark. Beacon Row Distance Meas. Equip Radio Altimeter Long Range Navig. S'at. VHF Command Set Liais. Commun, Transmtr Liais. Commun. Receiver Interphone SRO APS-54 MUSHROOM ARK-5 MATERIK MRP-48P SD-1 RV-2 MOON RSIU-3M' RSB-70 US-9 SFU-10 GUNS 2x23 m.m. (Tail Turret) Optical computing sight with radar ranging and manual tracking. ? t ROCKETS None OX1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL ? CONFIDENTIAL September 1957 CAMP AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS 15,000 Ft 20,000 Ft BASIC MISSION FERRY MISSION TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) Payload (Cargo) (lb) Wing Loading (1b/sq ft) Stall Speed (Power Off) (kn) Take-Off Ground Run at S L (1) (ft) Take-Off to Clear 50 Ft (1) (ft) Rate of Climb at s L (2) (fpm) Time: S L to 20,000 Ft (2) (min) Service Ceiling (100 fpm) (2) (ft) 75,000. 16,000 17,000 57. 94 1,950 2,700 1,760 17 30,800 75,000 16,000 17,000 57. 94 1,950 2,700 1,760 17 30,800 75,000 16,000 17,000 57. 94 1,950 2,700 1,760 17 30,800 75,000 31,000 None 57. 94 1,950 - 2,700 1,760 17 30,800 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 1,130 1,235 1,445 3,870 Average Speed (kn) 230 240 230 230 Initial Cruising Altitude (ft) 15,000 20,000 32,000 32,000 Final Cruising Altitude (ft) 15,000 20,000 36,200 43,400 Total Mission Time (hr) 5.0 5.2 6.5 17.5 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 560 610 735 Average Speed (kn) 225 230 230 Initial Cruising Altitude (ft) 15,000 20,000 32,000 Final Cruising Altitude (ft) 15,000 20,000 42,900 Total Mission Time (hr) 5.1 5.4 6.8 FIRST LANDINC WEIGHT (lb) 67,600 67,500 67,000 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 50,600 50,500 50,000 Combat Altitude (ft) 15,000 20,000 40,800 Combat Speed (2) (kn) 280 280 230 Combat Climb (2) (fpm) 1,900 1,600 100 Combat Ceiling (5C0 ppm) (2) (ft) 36,200 36,400 36,600 Service Ceiling (100 fpm) (2) (ft) 40,400 40,500 40;800 Take-Off Ground Run at S L (1) (ft) 1,230 1;220 1,210 . Take-Off to Clear 50 Ft (1) (ft) 1,900 1,900 1,880 Rate of Climb at S L (2) (fpm) 2,930 2,940 2,980 Maximum Speed at 17,000 Ft (2) (kn) 280 ' 280 . 280 Basic Speed at 25,000 Ft (2) (kn) 280 280 280 LANDING WEIGHT (lb) 44,100 414,100 44,100 44,900 - ' - NOTES (1) Military Power (2) Normal Rated Power CONFIDENTIAL INa! 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Septeher 1957 October CAT 1957 TAKE-OFF CLIMB DISTANCE (I000FT) ALTITUDE (1000 FT) SEA LEVEL-STANDARD DAY CONCRETE RUNWAY Uk mmilkos .... imum Inira .. URU "I ? MMMMMMM mum Imo U. lismo :wRRRUUUURR on MMM mum GROSS WEIGHT 50,550 LB mmtin: immum ? ?? mu ImIl a GROUND RUN RU 0 0 I A 40 50 60 70 80 0 1000 2000 3000 GROSS WEIGHT (1000 LB) SPEED RATE OF CLIMB-FT/MIN ALTITUDE (1000 FT) PAYLOAD-RANGE PAYLOAD FUEL LOAD (1000LB) (1000 LB) GW.75,000 LB PH1 11 911 IN II ZEE IS ---1----4 . i - in Nig'. "ME eFa . .._.. -LAM MU 1 o 11 1:11111=IIMI bah 1111111111?111111 ' I 10 In 1=111111111^ MI& / W11111 ..aRU EMI MSANNIMMIL MUM 6f S IRRI MAIM - (S3 RU 711 MI I% ? c' Lla IIIII -;. vp 0 IIIk L ii 15i ZA USN II II f NORMAL POWER 200 220 240 260 280 TRUE AIR SPEED (KNOTS). 0 0 1000 2000 3090 4000 REMARKS: CAT is a high-wing, monoplane transport powered by four turboprop engines which drive four-bladed propellers. It is a product of the Antonov design bureau. Its designation is unknown, but it is called "Ukraina" by the Soviets. 50X1-HUM DISTANCE IN (NAUTICAL MILES) Sep 1956 Mar 1957 Apr 1957 Jul 1957 SUMMARY 0. K. Antonov states that his design bureau is building a transport powered by four turboprop engines. Photographs and some performance data about CAT released in Soviet press. First sighting of CAT. First public display of CAT at Moscow/Vnukovo Airfield. . 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CAT October 1957 DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Fuselage Length Diameter (max) Height (Vert. tail above aircraft center line) Horizontal tail span Cabin Length Height (max) Width (max) Useable volume Floor area 120 ft 1285 sq ft 110 ft 13.5 ft 25.0 ft 38.0 ft 67.0 ft 8.5 ft 12.5 ft 5500 cu ft 650 sq ft POWER PLANT Nr. & Model Designer Type Weight Propeller diameter 4 x NK-4 N. D. Kuznetsov Axial flow turboprop 2200 lb 14.65 ft WEIGHTS FUEL Passenger Cargo Take-off 110,000 110,000 Empty 6o,400 56,1400 Payload 26,200 30,200 Weight 20,500 lb ENGINE RATINGS LB ESHP sap' THRUST ESFC ALT Take-off 4000 3560 960 .589 SL Normal 3440 3065 935 .624 SL PASS/ FREIGHT Variant 1st class Tourist Cargo 84 passengers 126 passengers 30,200 lb ? Ii GENERAL INFORMATION CAT is a high-wing, four turboprop transport designed by the group directed by O. K. Antonov. It appears to be typical of Antonov designed aircraft. The sturdy structure and rugged landing gear, and the large amount of power installed, allow operation from remote, relatively unprepared airfields. Ostensibly CAT has been designed as a civil passenger transport; however, the large cabin volume and internal dimensions indicate that it could easily be used to transport cargo. The Soviets claim that CAT will be produced in two variants; first-class and tourist. The former is to seat 84 passengers and the latter 126. The first- class variant was displayed in July 1957 at Moscow/Vnukovo Airfield but the tourist variant has not been seen. ELECTRONICS RADAR MUSHROOM (X-band) IFF COMMUNICATIONS VHF Command Radio (2) (4 channel) HF Liaison Radio (2) Intercom NAVIGATION MOON Navigation Receiver DME Radio Compass (2) Localizer Glide Path ' Marker Beacon Radio Altimeter (low level) CREW Pilot Co-Pilot Navigator Radio Operator Cabin Attendant (Civil Variant) 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL 'ft _ CONFIDENTIAL October 1957 CA AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Basic Mission 15,000 25,000 FERRY TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 110,000 27,700 20,500 110,000 27,700 20,500 110,000 27,700 20,500 82,300 20,500 Payload (lb) Fuel at 6.7 lb/gal (lb) Wing loading (lb/8g ft) 85 85 85 64 Stall speed (power off) (kn) 115 115 115 100 Take-off ground run at SL (ft) (1) 2,300 2,300 2,300 1,200 Take-off to clear 50 ft (ft) (1) 3,700 3,700 3,700 2,450 Rate of climb at sea level (rpm) (1) 2,750 2,750 2,750 3,950 Time: SL to 20,000 ft (min) (2) 12 12 12 8 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 33,400 33,400 33,400 39,900 Time: SL to 30,000 ft (min) (2) 26 26 26 14 COMBAT RANGE (NM) 1,250 goo 1,200 1,800 Average speed (k11) 335 300 300 335 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 31,800 15,000 25,000 38,800 Final cruising altitude (ft) 35,300 15,000 25,000 43,000 Total mission time (hr) 4 3 4 5.5 COMBAT RADIUS (NM) 665 450 570 Average speed (kn) 335 290 \ 285 Initial cruising altitude (ft) 31,800 15,000 25,000 Final cruising altitude (ft) 43,000 15,000 25,000 Total mission time (hr), 4.5 3 ?. 4 FIRST LANDING WEIGHT (lb) 99,700 0 100 70 , 100,200 COMBAT WEIGHT (lb) 72,000 _ 73,000 72,500 Combat altitude ' (ft) 40,700 15,000 25,000 Combat speed (kn) (1) 375 390 390 Combat climb (rpm) (1) 525 3,100 2,200 Combat ceiling (500 fpm) (ft) (I) 41,100 40,600 40,900 Service ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) (2) 42,600 42,400 42,500 Take-off ground run (ft) (1) goo goo 900 . Take-off distance (ft) (1) 1,800 1,800 1,800 Rate of climb at SL (fP1n) (1) 4,650 4,550 4,600 Max speed at opt alt (kn/ft) (1) 400/28,000 400/28,000 400/28,000 Basic speed at 25,000 ft (kn) (1) 400 400 , 400 LANDING WEIGHT (lb) 64,900 64t900 64,900 64,900 NOTES (1) Military power (2) Normal power 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005 9 CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 41) 11) c'4 July 1953 CONFIDENTIAL P0-2 REMARKS: The POLIKARPOV P0-2 is one of the oldest aircraft still in use by the USSR. Its original designa- tion was U-2 and was redesignated P0-2 in 1944. Although it is primarily a trainer, it is sometimes employed as a light bomber for night intruder missions. There are pest control, glider tug, photo- mapping, and adbulance versions of this aircraft. The P0-2 maybe equipped with skis or floats. A ver- sion of this aircraft has been reported with an in-line engine (probably M-5). SUMMARY 1953 The P0-2 under the desigdation U-2 was first publically exhibited at the Berlin Air Show in October 1928. It has been produced in Poland (under designation CSS-13) and also in Yugoslavia. As late as 1950 it was still in production in the USSR. This air- craft was used in Korea for night heckler missions. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM P0-2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL July 1953 DIMENSIONS Span 37 ft 5 in Length 27 ft 2 in Height 13 ft 0 in Wing Area 370 sq ft POWER PLANT Engine Type M-11D Reciprocating 5- cylinder, air- cooled, radial Diameter 42.3 in Dry Weight 429 ).ba (with accessories) WEIGHTS Take-off Gross Weight 2660 lbs ENGINE RATINGS BHP/RPM T.O. Power 123/1760 NB? 115/1700 Cruise 101/1640 (All powers at SL) FUEL Location Internal* Gallons 140 Grade 70 octane * Mounted in front of forward cock- pit, gravity feed system. Not pro- tected. BOMBS/FREIGHT Bomb Load Max Load 4 x 55 lb bombs. loaded externally -220 lbs GENERAL INFORMATION a. Fixed conventional landing gear with airfoil spreader bar, shock cord struts adjustable tension by turnbuckle. Controllable tail skid. No brakes in- stalled. b. Two blade VD-451 E fixed pitch wooden propeller 7 ft 10 in, in diameter. c. Open cockpit, two place in tandem with dual controls. Blind flying hood on rear cockpit. No armor protection. d. Equipped for night flying. e. All wood construction - fabric covered. f. Wings are of unequal span and parallel chord; tips are rounded. Main bracing is by interplane struts with vire cross bracing. ELECTRONICS None GUNS 2 x 7.62 mm synchronized 2 x 7.62 mm flexible in rear Cockpit Guns may be omitted. ROCKETS _ None CONFIDENTIAL ? AtlY 1953 CONFIDENTIAL P0-2 AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS BASIC MISSION TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lb) 2660 Fuel at 6.0 lb/gal (grade 70) (lb) 240 Payload (crew) (lb) 400 Wing loading (lb/sq ft) 7.2 Stall speed (power off) (kn) 40 Take-off-ground run at SL (1) (rt) 950 Take-off to clear 50 ft (1) (rt) 1150 Rate of climb at SL (2) (rpm) 630 Time: SL to 5000 ft (2) (min) 11.5 Time: SL to 10000 ft (2) (min) 3345 Service ceiling (100 rpm) (2) (rt) 12300 COMBAT RANGE (3) (10.1) 357 Average cruising speed (Ito) 66 Cruising altitude (rt) 5000 Total mission time (hro) 5.4 COMBAT RADIUS (3) (NM) 168 Average cruising speed (kn) 66 Cruising altitude (ft) 5000 Total mission time (bra) 5.1 FIRST LANDING WEIGHT (4) (lb) 2550 Ground roll at SL (ft) 352 Total from 50 ft (ft) 1290 COMBAT WEIGHT (4) (lb) 2550 Combat altitude (ft) 5000 Combat speed (1) (kn) 84 Cat climb (1) (fpm) 445 Combat ceiling (500 rpm) (1) (ft) 3600 Service ceiling (100 rpm) (2) (rt) 12750 Take-off ground run at SL (1) (ft) 1025 Take-off to clear 50 ft (1) (rt) 1260 Max rate of climb at SL (1) (rpm) 675 Max speed at SL (1) (kn) 86 Basic speed at 5000 ft (1) (kn) 84 SECOND LANDING WEIGHT (4) (lb) 2444 Ground roll at SL (ft) 330 Total from 50 ft (rt) 1245 - , NOTES (1) T.O. Power (Max RPM - 1760) (2) Normal Power (Normal RPM - 1700) (3) Range and Radius Mission as per MIL-C-5mA (4) For Radius Mission CONFIDENTIAL 41?01? 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 6-900001-000ZOOIC1701-0-1-8dClI-VIO 1-0/80/?1,0z eseeiej -104 panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloeCI 11/11N3aHNOD .paxTj sT Taaqm IT'eq aqq.auqm sBuTm aql oquT lveaqa.r spaqm uTeul SJ P01413 ininwocos, ava2 UuTpueT ad,S4 paqmiTeq pus 'Tel aT2uTs if -sq-cdNow omq O4 2uTaaAclo 8sno1u88J2 quauTwoad SJQA wiTm voqs JaqqeJ sT aReTasnjoqi .aueTdouow 2uTm-moTS sT TI-1X N0LL(1111D330 TT -NEI ? Sinp 1VIIN3CIHNOD las ? ininH- 0(09 iviiN3aldNOD Nuvi/J..1-avirm .10 008 001 009 005 OOP 006 002 001 0 i I I I 1 1 1 - Nirl-grar13 0,1, ait111,L 1 09 OS OP OE 02 ? 01 0 .1111.....11.1111! kitt42.18111 cm oiiz 111""A 1.........:11111111WARL'Ria--11 11111B111=11111/gFa,mvx:::: mum W-I 6555 VA RI EMI1111.)%47 ram ummilmq NH minsimur$,...--rwriellA iii musw111 ilkolopou ? 11111111111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiii di iffiggraimilig! MP .. iiiiiiiii NI Old 1 :::. :.: .::: :: .:14 i? . .. ... .. .??? .:.? ra" .. 0:. IIIII MM. ? MUM MIMI= MMMMMM MUMMER MinEMMIKOMB RUMEX -IVY1110N t? 111111 II 1 9W11) 01 02 OE L'IT 0001 SCULLI SION31 06 08 OL UMW III URN- 11 111 iF ? OMR ? rs: sti 11.? ? OM 1 "Hi 11III -memoust? _ 111????11111 X MN , 1 R.1 MUM ? ? ? -r NI U. II II ? Ita him 09 ? ? ?-1?S Nog_ 111i Rd UNS MN :: 1I - ? 111111111! MI UM MIME Kg Us 16S? NES NV MX ut ?L um. N1,321 1Vr11101,1 ? w???? URN III VdU XV}I ? ? CI33dS ,u 0001 sannin Atnr 8 1 S3111N ivounim 091. OP' -F? 4-4 ? ? Eli _int! 1 4-, 1 +17+ ? am - sou II smog. II NI UN r II :l? 021 001 OS INN III 111 NMI - 3SVS 3.1.01,1311 oloatvri .11nr otosinuoJ 000s n 1M 'WI Ell 0992 T 41h- 09 01. cn 0001 ) miolaht ssovo 8'2 9 '2 ?2 07 MINX K UNRU UM _MHO KRIM MX u_luU1111,::::17,.: an: am 11.1,yr ?flURIH ll ? ri 14.1- on amm ? ? mom p%dits lummi Nei, MIMI ???? SSF-4 SEMI NM 111 ? NM ir11n 0'1 twill non_ mop IA OS = riti :IN: 9. 8' Una M Minn MUM .111 iii?.. IEEE:IUUUiliIUlN I ? A vs ,4 I ? h Aim I -13A3-1 V35 , 2 ? 1 AA0-3NVI , 1J 0001 SOW/SSTs 1VIINKIHNOD 8-0d 6-900001-000ZOOIC1701-0-1-8dClI-VIO 1-0/80/?1,0z eseeiej -104 panaiddv Ado paz!PeS u! PeWsseloeCI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL MAX (Yak-18) Mfr Designer: Yakovlev Crew Type Trainer PERFORMANCE Maximus Speeds. 238 knots e S.L.; 261 knots e 7880 ft alt.; 245 knots a 16400 ft alt. Cruising Speeds: Normal Power knots V ft alt.; Economical 160 knots e 5000 ft alt. Climb; 5 Pins. to 10000 ft sit.: Rate of Climb. 2000 ft./min. at SL ft alt. Seriice Ceilings: 22000 ft with normal weight; ft with lbs weight Take-Off distance over 50 ft obstacle ft Into zero wind at Sea Level Fuel; (US gals.) internal: Normal 50 , Maximum 96 ? External: Normal , Maximum 248 nautical miles e__164knots, 5000 ft alt with 50 US gals, of fuel and no lbs bombs RANGES 450 nautical miles I 155 knots, 5000 ft alt. with 96 US gals. of fuel and no lbs bombs Combat Radius: 110 Nautical Miles Combat Radius: 200 Nautical Miles POWER PLANT nautical miles ? knots, ft alt. with US gals. of fuel and lbs No. Engines 1 Take-Off 690 hp. e SL ft alt. 2100 rpm in. NI. Normal hp f ft alt. rpm in Hg. Type Engines BelprocatingMilitary 650 hp. 5575 ft alt. 2800 rpm 33 In. WI. War Emergency hp. e ft alt. rpm in. Ng. Description ASh-21, 7-cylinder, air-cooled radial SPECIFICATIONS SUPERCHARGER PROPELLER FUEL Bore 6.1 Ins Dry it No. Speeds 1 Mfr. VISCH-111-B-20 Type Gasoline Stroke 6.1 ins Red.Gear No. Stages 1 lio.Blades 2 87 octane Dispi. cu. ins Eng.Width 49.5 in Ratios 7:1 Dia. ft, ins Comp. Ratio_._ Eng.Length 54 in Impeller Dia ins Pitch Control ARMAMENT BOMB/FREIGHT LOAD COMBAT PROTECTION Guns Normal Load None lbs Armor None 1x12.7 mm/100 rp m, synchronized. 220 Load lbs . ,maximum Stowage: Under wing. _BEREZINA 2x110 lb bodhs Guneight PBP VA Reflector type Bombsight None Fuel Tanks None SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: . The Yak-18 is one of the latest Soviet piston engine trainers. It is an improved version of the Ut-2. A tricycle version, designated Yak-18U, and revealed during 1956, is reportedly slightly heavier. Materials Mixed wood and metal construction Span*.11._ft,J&In; Length. 27 ft,Ja_in; Height; 10 ft,_IL_In; Gross Wing Area 176 - sq. ft Weights; Airframe 1530 lbs; Normal Gross 47015 lbs; Maximum Gross 5313 lbs ADDITIONAL DATA 50X1 -HUM SUMMARY 1947 First observed and presumed to be in service. 1951 Aircraft widely used, such as by the Soviet Aero Clubs in competitive sports events and airshows. 1954 Established FAI records (2200-3850 lb weight class): Closed-course distance of 1245 NM, Altitude of 20,705 ft. 1956 Formations of from 24 to 94 perform at Aviation Day Airshows since 1949. The Yak-11 aircraft is about the same size as the U.S. AT-6, and is somewhat similar in appear- ance with the long greenhouse. It is a relatively new trainer and believed to have been placed in use in 1947. It was thought at one time that the Yak-11 was a fighter type aircraft instead of a trainer. 50X1 -HUM CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 CONFIDENTIAL MAX (Yak-18) July DIMENSIONS Wing Span Area Dihedral Length Height 34 ft 9 in 183 sq ft 7' 26 ft 4 in 10 ft 4 in Height (3 point attitude) 6 ft 11 in Landing gear tread 6 ft 10 in POWER PLANT Engine M-11-FR-1 Bore 5.9 in Stroke 6.1 in Type Reciprocating, 5-cylinder, air- cooled, radial Diameter 42.5 in Length 37.2 in Dry Weight 429 lb (with accessories) WEIGHTS Take off gross weight 2400 lb ENGINE RATINGS Take-off Normal rated power Cruise (75% ERP) (Al). ratings at SL) BHP/RPM 158/1900 140/1760 105/1600 GENERAL INFORMATION a. Conventional landing gear with retractable main wheels. Main struts project into airstream when retracted. Full swiveling tail wheel is fixed. b. Two blade V-510-D-81 propeller, 6 ft 6 1/2 in diameter. c. Basic structure metal throughout, wing, empennage and aft section of fuselage fabric covered, remainder covered with metal. d. Two sesta in tandem. Sections of plexiglass canopy slide back for access to cockpits. e. Equipped for night flying. 24V battery. f. Landing gear and flaps are pneumatirally operated. g. A version with tricycle landing gear has been observed. h. Variations in aircraft performance between the calculated and the flight test on following page results from different propellers being utilized. FUEL Location Internal* Grade Oil 44 gal tO Octane 4 gal *Two (2) tanks in wing center section; capacity, 22 gal each BOMBS/FREIGHT 2 x 110 lb One 110 lb bomb on each of tvo external racks mounted on underside of wing center section. ELECTRONICS Transmitter Receiver Radio Compass RSI-6K RSI-6M-1 PCN-6K-NO GUNS None 50X1 -HUM ROCKETS None CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL July 1956 MAX (Yak-1S) AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS Calculated Basic Mission USAF Flight Test TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (lbs) 2500 2500 Fuel (43.5 gal) (lba) 252 252 Payload (crew) (lbs) 390 390 Wing Loading (Na) 13.8 13.8 Stall Speed (kts) (2) 46 47 Tb O Ground Run (ft) (2) 3.3.30 690 Wo to clear 50 ft (ft) (2) 1420 1330 Rate of Climb at S.L. (fpm) (2) 700 800 Time to Climb - SL to 5000 ft (tin) (2) 9 9 Time to Climb - SL to 10000 ft (min) (2) 25 24 Service Ceiling (ft) (2) 11500 12000 COMBAT RANGE (ma) (5) 420 _- Average Cruising Speed (kts) 97 -- Cruise Altitude (ft) 5000 -- Total Mission Time (bra) 4.5 -- COMBAT RADIUS (on) (5) 196 -- Average Cruising Speed (kts) 97 -- Cruise Altitude (ft) 5000 -- Total Mission Time (bra) 4.2 -- FIRST LANDING WEIGHT (lbs) (4) 2400 -- Ground Roll (ft) 650 -- Total From 50 ft (ft) 1200 -- COMBAT WEIGIfr (lbs) (4) 2400 2400 Combat Altitude (ft) 5000 5000 Combat Speed (kts) 116 126 Combat Rate-of-Climb (fIxn) 450 610 Combat Ceiling (500 fcm) (ft) 4000 7500 Service Ceiling (100 fpm) (ft) 13000 13500 T/O Ground Run (ft) 1040 590 Wo to Clear 50 ft (ft) 1300 1200 Maximum Speed at S.L. (kts) (3) 118 127 Basic Speed at 5000 ft (kts) 115 122 SECOND LANDING WEIGHT (lbs) (4) 2320 -- Ground Roll (ft) 610 -- Total From 50 ft (ft) 1150-- ? NOTES (1) Max Attainable Power - 1950 rpm at S.L. and 1760 at 11,000 ft - Flight Test Aircraft (2) Clean Configuration (3) Normal Power - 1760 rpm (4) For Radius Mission (5) Range and Radius per MilC 5011A CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 ? CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 MAX (Yak-18) DISTANCE (1000 FT) CONFIDENTIAL TAKE-OFF SEA LEVEL ALTITUDE (1000 Fl) 18 :3: , LI ? 0.. 16=-1 , ? Er- ,- OVER 50 FT - OBSTACLE - = July 1956 SPEED r - CALCULATED ? FLIGHT TESTS ?4 - CALCULATED ? FLIGHT TESTS Th ROUND ROLL? ' ???? -"--JggEt ????-- 2.1 22 23 2.4 2.5 VELOCITY KNOTS GROSS WEIGHT (1000 lb) t: o 60 80 100 120 KNOTS 140 TURN RADIUS --- CALCULATED ?FUGHT TESTS RS 25? LB T.O. GW 5000 FT CRUISE ALT. -Z.? LAND AT REMOTE BASE 120---- -17-EE1-7-E-E' 110 100 90 14,0 160 180 200 NAUTICAL MILES 1 r i ? 1=2- = COMPUTED --??? ? 717.1 =1. maw; 220 10 20 30 40 50 60 TIME T,0 CLIMB - MIN 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 RATE OF CLIMB - FT/ MIN :150X1-IUM CONFIDENTIAL ? ? July 1953 S S R CONFIDENTIAL UIL -28 UI1-28 1 DESCRIPTION This aircraft is a trainer version of the 11-28. The main differences being the solid nose section and the twin cockpit. CONFIDENTIAL 50X1 -HUM _X\ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/01 : CIA-RDP81-01043R002000100005-9 1VIIN301JN03 6-900001-000Z001?1701-0-1-8dC11-V10 1-0/80/?1,0Z 3seeiei ..104 panaddv Ado Pez!4!ueS u! Peq!sseloeCI eqi ()leg qqBTaA ssoaS temaou 'aamod temaog (a) Bq i oTegE wsTart seals Tunaou eaomd Ras1TITW (I) NO11.