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A Review of Soviet Celestial-Mechanics Literature
1. Two-Body Problem
a. Fundamental Equations
Page Nr
(1). Kepler's Equation
(2). Gauss' Equation
(3). Lambert's Equation
Multiple Solutions
Series Development and Convergence
Graphic Methods
Construction of Tables
Bodies of Finite Dimensions
Resistant Medium
Three-Body Problem
Disturbing Function
Periodic Orbits; Absolute Orbits of
Criteria of Stability
(1). A. M. Lyapunov's Method
(2). General Concepts
(3). Astronomical Concepts
d. Restricted Three-Body Problem 119
(1). Analytical Treatment 137
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e. Regularization and Collision
f. Approximate Theory for Minor Planets
Page Nr
(1). Bohlin's Method
(a). Hestia Group
(b). Minerva Group
(c). Flora Group
(2). Brendel's Method
g. Planetary Theory
h. Planetary Satellites
(1). Satellites of Jupiter
(a). Jupiter V
(b). Jupiter VI
(c). Jupiter VII
(d). Jupiter VIII
(2). Satellites of Saturn
(3). Satellites of Mars
i. Numerical Integration and Special
j. Capture in the Three-Body Problem
? .
Calculation Procedures
Capture in the n-Body Problem
Motion of Bodies of Variable Mass
a. Two-Body Problem
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Ta3LE OF CONTENTS (Continued)
b. Three-Body Problem
Page Nr
6. Figure and Libration of the Moon
7. Cosmogony
8. Cosmology of Small Bodies in the Solar
a. Origin of Comets
(1). Ejection Theory
(2). Interstellar Theory
(3). Collision Theory
b. Comets and Meteors
(1). Meteoric Radiants
(2). Formation of Meteors
c. Comets, Meteorites, and Asteroids
d. Repulsive Forces
(1). Comets
(2). Other Bodies
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In this report, about 375 Soviet papers on celestial mechanics
are discussed. An attempt was made to keep the review of each paper
brief but yet of sufficient length to summarize the author's descrip-
tion of his problem, methods, results, and conclusions. For the
majority of the papers, opinions are given on the merit or value of the
Some of the work discussed below is quite old, but its in-
clusion is believed justifiable as a basis for obtaining a coherent
picture of the Soviet development of the subject from the pre-Soviet
era. Also, the 1956 and 1957 literature could not be fully covered
because of the delay in obtaining, studying, and processing into a re-
port this most recent information.
1. Two-Body 'Problem
a. Fundamental Equations
(1). Kepler's Equation
In elliptic motion, three angles, called anomalies, are
treated. They are vl the true anomaly; E, the eccentric anomaly; and
M, the mean anomaly. All these anomalies are functions of time, and
what is really wanted is the true anomaly, vl that is, the angle between
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the direction to the perihelion and the radius vector of the body under
investigation. In order to derive v as a function of MI which is known
if the major semiaxis of the orbit is known, an auxiliary anomaly, El is
introduced. The connection between E and M is:
E - e sin E = M.
This is the famous Kepler equation on the solution of
which many papers have been written. Despite its simplicity, it cannot
be solved analytically and, in practice, the acceptable solution is ob-
tained from tables and successful approximations.
Before computing machines were available, the form by
Oppolzer (1885) was commonly used for the solution of Kepler's equation.
Oppolzer's solution, however, was given in 55 pages in quarto and,
therefore, the method becomes quite unmanageable. Marth's work (1890)
on this problem still required 16 pages of tables. Subbotin(733) (1928)
greatly facilitated the solution of Kepler's equation by Oppolzer's
method when he reduced the manipulation to 2-1/2 pages of tables.
Subbotin's work had its value about 25 years ago, but today, the solution
of Kepler's equation by successive adjustments, starting with a trial
value of El' is preferred in using computing machines. In practice,
the earlier attempts have left little trace in astronomy.
The same can be said of M. A. Vil'yev's paper(779) (1917)
on the calculation of the time anomaly in an ellipse with a large ec-
centricitylwhereby, he reduced the determination of the eccentricity to
the solution of Barker's equation for parabolic motion.
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Later work of Vil'yev(783) (1938), in which he was es-
pecially concerned with the solution of fundamental equations of theo-
retical astronomy and the number of solutions, deserves mention. This
work is a critical review of the problem of orbit determination, with
some contributions by Vil'yev. These investigations were published
after the death of the author, who was one of the most promising workers
in celestial mechanics in recent times. In the introduction, Vil'yev
presents a historical review, starting with Tycho Brahe and Kepler,
and compares carefully the various methods of orbit determination. He
concludes that the main problem is the determination or correction of
an orbit based on a maximum interval of time, including the effect of
After the general basis of the theory of orbit determina-
tion from observations is discussed, Vil'yev proceeds to the differential
form of the fundamental equations, and to Laplace's method and its de-
velopment. The method of Laplace is unique insofar as it is valid
quite generally, without special assumptions concerning the form of the
acting force. Further, it is emphasized that this is also the only
method permitting the determination of an orbit directly, including per-
turbations. The methods of Gauss and Olbers are then compared with the
method of Laplace. Here the author employs an ingenious procedure which
apparently was not used before. He makes use of the fact that, if the
length of the time interval converges to zero, the various methods must
necessarily converge asymptotically toward the one of Laplace. This
process can be used to test new methods and, in this way, the author
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finds theoretical inconsistencies in the method of Du-Sejour. Similarly,
he finds an inconsistency even in Gauss' method on the basis of four
observations, and gives the corrected and completed form of the method
of Gauss.
Vil'yev does not say much that is new in his reduction of
the fundamental equations to one unknown with the graphical method of
solution, but he does analyze the existing procedures and methods very
thoroughly and critically.
In his investigation of the number of the solutions in
special cases, it is stressed that multiple solutions will be obtained
only during a limited interval of time from the observations.
In Chapter IV, the derived forms of the fundamental
equations and the general conclusions regarding the number of solutions
considered; In Chapter V, the geometrical method of solution is
treated along about the same lines as the method of Charlier, only more
completely and more critically.
In Chapter VI, Vil'yev succeeds in the geometrical con-
of certain regions as limited by certain surfaces, the
of which are considered so that the location of the comet or
question inside these regions determines the number of possible
planet in
Chapter VII deals with the problem of parabolic orbit
and especially with the differential form of the funda-
mental equations for an arbitrary position of the fundamental circle of
the problem.
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Finally, Chapter VIII is concerned with circular orbit
determination and the related number of solutions. The Laplacian method,
especially, is dealt with, and the circumstances arising from particular
constellations, as rigorous opposition or conjunction, are considered
in detail. An appendix deals with the general properties of curves
satisfying the relation rmrn = C in bipolar coordinates, and this part
1 2
therefore is not directly related to specific problems of celestial
mechanics. A bibliography of 246 titles concludes the work.
Oppolzer's method on the solution of Kepler's equation
is not discussed by Dubyago in his textbook (126) (1949) on the deter-
mination of orbits. This book is of the same type as Strackels
Bahnbestimmung der Planeten und Kometen; however, Dubyago places more
emphasis on machine computations and he also includes the determination
of meteor orbits. The standard approach to the problem is adopted, and
simplified tables are given for the determination of the difference
E M following Stracke and others, all based eventually on Astrand's
tables. Dubyago's book is a rather complete presentation of the sub-
jects belonging under the general title of the book, although Dubyago
can be criticized concerning minor inaccuracies in his use of theoreti-
cal concepts. In fact, he has been so criticized by another Soviet
astronomer, Shchigolev(697)
A somewhat different approach to the problem was adopted
by Subbotin(740 1 742) (1936 and 1937). He considers the mean, true, and
eccentric anomalies in an elliptical orbit, as well as the anomaly of
Callandreau, as particular or special cases of a more general anomaly
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wi which he introduces. The generally anomaly w contains a parameter,
For a = 0, the general anomaly becomes identical to E; for a= e
(e = eccentricity), the angle w is the same as v, and a closely related
angle, WI is identical to Callandreau's tangential anomaly, C. This
work is of interest because it reveals the relative meaning and selec-
tion of the various anomalies used in celestial mechanics from a more
general point of views This is a solid (but not outstanding) piece of
work, but the generalization does not appear to be anything actually
Interesting from the mathematical point of view, but not
representing anything new in celestial mechanics, is Yelenevskaya's(825)
(1949) determination of the coefficients of the developments for the
undisturbed coordinates of motion in a conic section, if the eccentric
anomaly, E, is the independent variable instead of the mean anomaly, M.
While Bessel's functions play an important role in the developments
depending on M, the corresponding functions as they determine the coef-
ficients of the development depending on multiples of E are derived by
her. She competently presents a thorough study of these functions,
based on the related concepts and theorems of the general theory of
functions, and makes a comparison with the properties of Bessel's
functions. A certain similarity is found, and the author comments that
this had to be expected, because both types of functions satisfy the
same type of differential equation as studied by Fuchs.
Yelenevskaya presents correct results in a well-accom-
plished manner, but it has to be noted that such developments in
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dependence on the eccentric anomaly, E, are not principally new. She
mentions the comparable developments obtained by Hansen, and claims
that her form is more simple compared with Hansen's, but she does not
mention the general results of this form (depending on E) as given by
Brown and Innes. In their specific form, the author's developments are
new, but her coefficients must be related to those of the other authors
by a system of transformations. Apparently, the author was not aware
of the results by Brown and Innes, because they are not mentioned at
In Reference 825, Yelenevskaya replaced Bessel's func-
tions and the mean anomaly, 141 in the expansion of the coordinates of
elliptic motion by a different type of function, valid for the eccentric
anomaly, El as the independent variable. In some other work in
(826)1 she proceeds similarly for the Fourier series development,
which applies to hyperbolic motion if the hyperbolic eccentric anomaly
is used. The main purpose of the paper is the investigation of the con-
vergence of these developments, where the coefficients are proportional
to increasing powers of ---. Depending on the individual value of the
eccentricity, el it will be useful to employ either such developments
depending on --- or a different type of series where the coefficients
depend on the increasing powers of (e - eo), eo being some proper con-
stant close to e. The radius of convergence is studied for the two
different methods and for given values of e.
This is definitely an interesting paper, because it con-
tains some substantial and well-founded results, even though the subject
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411 itself is not a very difficult one. These results may certainly be of
value for future studies on hyperbolic orbits. The author is well quali-
fied for work in celestial mechanics.
Tables for the solution of Kepler's equation by a comput-
ing machine were published in 1935 by Bazhenov(57), who makes no mention
of Subbotin's(733) and Vil'yev's(779) work. The method presented is es-
sentially that of Tietjens. The author puts:
e sin M = f(x)
8 = E - M and x = tge _
1 - e cos M
so that: f(x) = 0 sect) - tg 0 = arc tg x
= - 11 E2 + 309 *OS
3: 5: 7:
1 + x2'
and tabulates f(x). A good approximate solution of Kepler's equation
can be obtained by first omitting f(x) in the computation of x from M
and el and the successive approximations including f(x) (taken from the
given table) converge very fast.
The method presented here and the table may be very useful
for a computer who has decided to solve Kepler's equation in this way.
It seems, however, that Bazhenov's results will not save time compared
with the method which solves Kepler's equation directly by repeated
trial solutions, based on an estimated or approximate value of E. Even
if the method of successive direct trials on a desk calculator involves
perhaps a greater number of successive approximations, one has the ad-
vantage of dealing only with one equation and with no additional
formulas or tables. Furthermore, the direct method leaves e? in the
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machine all the time and improves sin E in the last significant figures
only, while Bazhenov's method requires repeated divisions and other
operations. For these reasons, the author's paper seems to be of no
practical importance.
(2). Gauss' Equation
This equation occurs in the Gaussian method of determina-
tion, when the expression for the second place is obtained in the form:
10 ?
P2 = K
( 1 )
Here, the unknowns are the geocentric distance, p2, and the heliocentric
distance, r2.
In the triangle sun-earth-body, the angle between the
directions from the body to the sun and the earth is denoted z2. From
the triangle comes the relationship:
r22 = R22
2R2 cos82 p2 +p2 (2)
which in connection with (I) can be put in the form:
sin (z2 - q) = m sink z21 (3)
where 2. and m are parameters compounded of known quantities. This is an
equation of Gauss which cannot be solved analytically.
Many solutions
have been suggested, all based on the application of some sort of ex-
pansion into series.
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One of the more notable contributions to this problem
was made by Banachiewicz(43) in 1917. Banachiewicz (1882-1954) was a
Soviot astronomer of Polish origin who published many papers on celes-
tial mechanics. The first part of his work was done at Kazan' (1910-
1915) and Dorpat (1915-1918). Later, he settled in Cracow, Poland,
where he became best known for the development of special kinds of
matrix operators (which he called Cracovians) and their application to
the problems of astronomy and geodesy.
Banachiewicz's main paper(43) on the Gauss equation con-
tains the theory of this equation and tables for its resolution for the
calculations into seven decimals. These tables, reduced to five decimals,
have found their way into the standard collection of astronomical tables
for the calculation of orbits, those of Bauschinger-Stracke. This, in
itself, is an acknowledgment of Banachiewicz's work.
Investigations of Gauss' equation were carried out also
by Vil'yev in two papers(777, 781) (1916 and 1923), but the series ob-
tained by him does not converge rapidly enough. In later work,
Vil ' yev (783 ) (1938 ) 1 as indicated previously, compared the methods of
Gauss and Olbers with the method of Laplace.
A. Ya. 0rlov(53", in 1915, proposed a method of solution
of the Gauss equation which had been used before by Witt.
J. Witkowski (now in Poznan, Poland, and formerly at
Odessa) and Balassoglo published tables for the solution of Gauss'
equation, but they do not seem to have been used.
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(3). Lambert's Equation
Expansion of Strackets closed form of the Lambert
equation with a = . results in Euler's equation for parabolic motion.
Whereas Eulerts equation is of importance in the determination of para-
bolic or near-parabolic orbits, little use is made of Lambert's equation
for elliptical motion because of the slow convergence of the series.
Subbotin(732) (1924) seems to be the only one who at-
tempted to use Lambert's equation for elliptic orbits. He applies a
certain transformation to the quantities involved in the Euler-Lambert
equation (he connects two different radii vectors with the chord of
the arc between the two positions and with the semimajor axis of the
orbit) in order to arrive at an expression which is more convenient for
elliptical orbits. A number of tables are given for the auxiliary
quantities to facilitate the computations. The rest of this paper is
devoted to the application of this form of the Euler-Lambert equation
for the purposes of orbit determinations and orbit corrections. This
method has failed to find much practical application in the U.S.S.R.
or elsewhere. Stracke does not discuss it at all, although he gives the
titles of Subbotin's papers in his bibliography. Bucerius notes
Subbotin's work, but makes no further comment. Dubyago
(126) (1949)
indicates Subbotin's treatment as a possible new method for the deter-
mination of orbits, but he does not discuss it in the body of his book.,
Also, Bazhenov(66) (1952), in his review of Soviet work, only mentions
this work by Subbotin but does not discuss it.
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Subbotin did, however, apply his new form to the variation-
of-distances method(735) (1929) and to the determination of first or-
bits(731) (1922). All in all, more modern methods have made Subbotin's
new form obsolete. He utilized his new form of the Euler-Lambert equa-
tion in an issue of a journal of the Tashkent Astronomical Observatory
in 1929(735). This work might be called the Soviet counterpiece of
Bauschinger's Tafeln zur theoretischen Astronomie. The first part con-
tains tables and formulas for interpolation, numerical differentiation,
and integration, conversion tables, tables for computation of the paral-
lax, and tables for the computation of the precession by transformation of
the rectangular equatorial coordinates. Tables and formulas for ellip-
tical motion (Kepler's equation, etc.), as well as for parabolic and
near-parabolic motion, are given in the second part. Last, Subbotin
presents the complete formula for the first orbit determination accord-
ing to Gauss-Encke in a form which is convenient for machine computa-
tions, and also Olbers' method for the determination of parabolic orbits,
with auxiliary tables.
The derivation of this equation has attracted the atten-
tion of many Russian and Soviet astronomers, beginning with
M. Khandrikov (1873) and A. Savich. A. N. Krylov(321 322)(1936) con-
sidered Savich's derivation as the best available. Dubyago(126) (19k9)
has reproduced Savich's derivation of Euler's equation for parabolic
motion in his textbook. Krylov(3181 319)(1924 and 1925) has also
called attention to the fact that the Euler-Lambert theorem actually
goes back to Isaac Newton, who gave it in a purely geometrical form
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as Lemma X, Book III of his Principia. Lagrange, in his Mecanique
Ana1y112221 had already pointed out this fact. Even Bauschinger
parently was not aware of this fact, since in his Bahnbestimmung he
said that Newton's relation was graphical and approximate. -Krylov proves
that Newton's lemma does contain the full theorem of Euler and Lambert.
An unusual derivation of Lambert's theorem was made by
the Soviet N. Ye. Zhukovskiy (published in his Complete Works, 1937).
Kerglotz noted this derivation in Bahnbestimmung der Planeten und
Geometrical demonstrations of the Lambert-Euler theorem
were given by Chernyy (103) (1907) and Pak(618) (1925). All Rak did was
to use some theorems from analytical geometry; Chernyy's purpose was to
clarify some theoretical points which, according to him, were not suf-
ficiently represented by Encke.
b. Multiple Solutions
Soviet papers on this subject are very few; in fact, most are
from the era of Russian science.
In his well-known textbook on orbit determination, Th. Oppolzer
gives criteria, based on a graphical method of investigation, by which
it can be decided whether the general method of orbit determination
(without any limiting assumption with respect to the eccentricity) has
one or two solutions. Chernyy(101) (1907), in an elementary paper,
shows that one can arrive at this decision also by a simple and purely
analytical procedure, making use of certain properties of the important
fundamental equation of the eighth degree in Oppolzer's book.
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Apparently, it was not known to Chernyy that Encke treated
this problem in 1854.
Also in 1907, Chernyy(102)
refined Oppolzer's equation for the
investigation of the existence of multiple solutions for parabolic or-
bits by the addition of the small terms of the first order. He also
derives a criterion for finding the real one of the three possible
solutions. Finally, he applies his equations to the case of the Comet
1882 II, which had been dealt with also by Oppolzer.
This paper was of interest and practical value when it was
published about 50 years ago and, even today, these results may be use-
ful whenever a computer encounters these problems in connection with an
individual orbit determination.
The first orbits computed for the Comet 1910a showed great
differences between the various sets of elements which resulted.
Chernyy(106)1 in 1910, found that for the three observations on
January 18, 19, and 20, 1910, Olbers' method actually produces three
different solutions. The theoretical criterion for the existence of
three solutions is fulfilled in this case. The paper made it clear
that the large differences in the elements were not caused by errors in
the observations, but that they are explained by the nature of the
special problem.
Chernyy's paper was of actual interest insofar as it answeredthe
question of the origin of the discrepancies in the elements. Although
the author's investigation settled this question, it was based on the
existing theory and did not contain any new theoretical results.
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Foge1(203), in 1912, dealt with the development of the helio-
centric coordinates x, x, and z in power series depending on the as-
cending powers of the time interval (t2 t1). Although Kuhnert was
the first to find closed expressions for the coefficients a and p of
r1- and of --lam respectively, so that r2- =a1 + p in the case
dt dt
of elliptical motion, the author finds expressions for a and 0 which are
valid for any type of conic section. These results had been published
before in the Russian language, in 1891, but the earlier publication
had remained widely unknown.
This work certainly was of real interest as a generalization
of the earlier and more special expressions of Kuhnert. Although no
actual theoretical difficulties were involved, the paper bears witness
to a certain amount of original thinking by the author.
A very short paper by Chernyy 9 /1
( 913) contains errors or
erroneous statements. It was written apparently in consequence of a
remark by R. Fogel'(203) even though Fogel's name is not mentioned. A
later reply (1913) by Foge]!( 204)1 however, makes this clear. Fogel', in
his earlier paper(20) (1912), made a short remark concerning the fact
that, in Olbers' method for the determination of a parabolic orbit, the
condition that the three given orbital points lie in one heliocentric
plane is neglected.
Chernyy obviously misconstrued this remark by Fogel', as if
it were a criticism of the justification of Olbers' method itself.
Trying to refute Fogel's rather correct remark, the author claims to
give proof that the heliocentric plane condition is satisfied in Olbers'
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method. Actually, he makes the mistake, now, of claiming that each one
of the three so-called fundamental equations determines the location
of the three points in one heliocentric plane; actually, all three
equations together are necessary for this determination. He further
makes some misstatements concerning the equations which are actually used
in the method of Olbers (this is clarifieil in Fogel'a paperi24)).
Of all the papers by Chernyy which have been reviewed, this
one is the weakest. It is completely wrong. Since the argument is
concerned with relatively simple theoretical concepts, one has to con-
clude that the abilities of this author were not too much in evidence
during the early part of his career. (Chernyy is not known to have pub-
lished any more papers between 1913,,.nd 1949; one single paper published
in 1949(110) seems to be on a much higher level.)
Chernyy (109) claimed that Olbers' method for the determination
of a parabolic orbit did not sacrifice the condition that the three
given points must lie in one heliocentric plane, as was remarked by
Fogel 1(203), and Chernyy claimed to prove the satisfaction of the helio-
centric-plane condition. Doing this, however, Chernyy considered this
heliocentric plane to be determined by any one of the three so-called
fundamental equations, while actually, as Fogel' clarifies in Reference
204 (1913), all three equations together are necessary for this deter-
mination; Fogel' also points out that Chernyy made erroneous statements
concerning the equations which are actually used in Olbers' method.
In a very thoroughly written clarification of the basic mis-
understandings in Chernyy's paper(109), and of the related theoretical
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concepts, Foggl' seems to display a very keen understanding of Olbers'
method, while Chernyy's short paper proves nothing except the fact that
he had not mastered the basic geometrical and analytic concepts of such
a problem.
On the basis of the equation of the sixth degree for the
geocentric distance p 1 Fogel(205) (1913) found that only one of the two
solutions is positive, and the other one negative. Since the possibility
of a third solution was eliminated in the earlier paper by the author's
consideration of all three fundamental equations for the heliocentric-
plane condition (of which only two are used in the classical method by
Olbers), the present paper leads to the conclusion that only one solu-
tion is actually found in the case of a rigorous determination.
Olbers' method of orbit determination for parabolic orbits is
"incomplete" from the theoretical point of view, insofar as essentially
only five instead of six coordinates are used. An investigation by
Il'inskiy(233) (1924) served a theoretical purpose alone, namely,the-
study, of the possibility of multiple solutions. He considered the para-
bolic case as a special case of the general method of Gauss for e = 1.
He proves that three solutions are impossible in a "theoretically com-
plete" determination of a parabolic orbit, and that the special parabolic
case is not different from the elliptical case, where two solutions are
possible. The well-known equation by Gauss, which is of the eighth de-
gree in general, is reduced to the seventh degree in the case of the
parabola, because the solution which corresponds to the orbit of the
earth is eliminated or impossible in this case.
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The paper is an interesting, even though not an outstanding,
contribution from the theoretical point of view. Il'inskiy apparently
has publications only in the field of orbit determination, but he seems
to be well versed in this particular field.
The most recent Soviet paper(768) (1941) on the subject of
multiple solutions for the determination of a parabolic orbit was written
by Usov and could not be located. This is the only paper known to have
been written by this person.
c. Series Development and
Convergence Problems
Bazhenov(63) (1949) puts the conditional equations for the
convergence of an iterational process into the form of a matrix, and then
the characteristic values of the related determinant have to be smaller
than certain limits, in order to assure convergence of the iteration
process. This is a well-known criterion, which Bazhenov then applies to
the methods of- orbit determination of Gauss and of Harzer;
he finds that, in the average case, both methods of orbit determination
will converge about equally well. Therefore, the method of Harzer may
be preferred because of its relative simplicity.
Only minor details are actually new in this investigation, as
far as the analysis is concerned, and, therefore, this paper should be
classified as a routine work without any particular highlights or
important results.
Two papers(825 826)by Yelenevskaya in'1949 pertaining to
this subject are discussed in the section on Fundamental Equations.
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In a later paper(832) (1953), Yelenevskaya recommends expan-
sions depending on the true anomaly, v, rather than on the mean anomaly,
M, if the eccentricity is close to unity. It is shown that this method
would more effectively overcome the well-known difficulties which occur
near e = 1. While the basic principle of the method tis given, she does
not complete the method in this paper.
The idea presented by her appears to be as good as some other
proposals which have previously been made for dealing with the develop-
ment of the coordinates in near-parabolic orbits, but, on the other hand,
it remains doubtful that the majority of computers will abandon the
classical method of Gauss in favor of the one proposed here. Gauss'
method still appears as the one with the most simple and convenient
features. Furthermore, it should be expected that the author would
present her method in a more complete and detailed form, if she herself
expects it to be used.
In a theoretical investigation that considered the singular
points of the differential equations of the two-body problem on the
basis of the analytical theory of functions, Samoylova-Yakhontova (662)
(1927) found that all the individual cases of elliptic, parabolic, or
hyperbolic motion depend on the same general formula, as far as the
contribution of the singular points is concerned. All the singular
points are branching points of the first order, which only in the case
of straight-line motion fall together in pairs to form branching points
of the second order. The radius vector, r, is zero in each singular
point. The Riemann surfaces have an infinite number of leaves for
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elliptic or hyperbolic motion, but, although all the singular points of
the elliptical case lie on the main leaf, only two such points lie on
the main leaf in the case of hyperbolic motion. For this reason, in the
case of elliptical motion, the radius of convergence can be fixed by one
arbitrary singular point; for hyperbolic motion, only two such points
will determine this.
This paper is of real theoretical interest, because the results
have a bearing on the convergence of the series which are used in con-
nection with orbit determination, and also because the two-body problem
is the simplest case of the n-body problem. Without question, this is
a good, although not an outstanding, contribution by a very competent
The well-known developments by Leverrier and others went up
only to the eighth power of the eccentricity, e, inclusive. Sharaf(687)
(1953) found it necessary to proceed to the terms depending on e9 in her
theory for the planet Pluto. For this very specific reason, the general
extension to e9, as contained in this paper, had to be made. The
general developments, using the well-known Bessel functions and Cauchy's
theorem, are given here for the benefit of anybody who later on may
find it necessary to use them in connection with other problems.
This paper is the fruit of an elaborate but rather automatic
extension of earlier work in this field. The results are certainly
useful, but their derivation was a matter of patience and carefulness,
rather than of ingenuity.
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d. Graphic Methods
In a rather elementary paper, Bazhenov(52) (1929) dealt with
the graphical determination of a first approximation for the solution
of the following three equations: (1) Kepler's equation, (2) Gauss'
equation, and (3) the equation Xe tg F - log tg (450 + )2F) = M. A
graphical table is printed for the approximate solution of each of these
equations. The more rigorous solution may then be determined, by one
or two differential variations of the approximate value, from the
equations themselves.
These nomographs can be of some value if one has to solve such
an equation for a greater number of points, even though certain tables
which were already available, such as the one by Astrand for the solu-
tion of Kepler's equation, may serve the same purpose.
Il'inskiy's paper(232) (1924) is based on Fogel's transforma-
tion of the classical method by Olbers. Devised is a procedure which
permits the determination of a better approximate starting value of
r + r2 than r + r2 = 2. The method reduces the number of necessary
approximations and also avoids the case of multiple solutions.
This paper undoubtedly was a valuable contribution at the
time of its publication. Today, more modern methods or, rather, modi-
fications of Olbers' method, are used by most orbit computers.
In 1954, Il'inskiy(237) transformed the fundamental equations
of the problem of determining the orbit from three observations in such
a way that one has to solve, in succeeding approximations, for the
triangle ratios ni/n and n2/n. Besides this innovation, the author
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presents a graphical method of solution which replaces the trial compu-
tations with the drawing of certain diagrams.
It appears that these diagrams have to be of a rather large
dimensional scale, if one wants to obtain results of some accuracy.
Altogether, it seems doubtful that the author's modifications will be
adopted by many orbit computers. The paper is of some interest insofar
as it illustrates certain modifications which can be made in the appli-
cation of the basic theory of orbit determination, but the particular
proposals do not seem to lead to any essential progress, as far as the
practice of orbit determination is concerned.
e. Construction of Tables
For the purpose of computing special perturbations of the
elements of minor planets, the Astronomical Sector of the Latvian
Academy of Sciences prepared a set of auxiliary tables(3) (1954); prac-
tically, these tables are only an extension of Stracke's well-known
tables for the very same purpose. The accuracy has been increased,
however, by adding one more decimal for
by making provision for the computation
the tabulated quantities, and
of the perturbations produced
by Saturn, as well as of those caused by Jupiter. The necessary co-
ordinates of Jupiter and Saturn have been tabulated for an interval of
20 days for the years from 1930 to 1960.
This is an entirely technical contribution. For computers
calculating approximate special perturbations by means of a desk cal-
culator, these tables are certainly a valuable improvement, because
they should permit a higher degree of precision than Strackeis tables
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were able to give. Considering the fact that small computing centers
and many individual computers will not be in a position to have auto-
matic machines at their disposal for some time to come, tables such as
these still serve a good purpose. The actual value of approximate
perturbations as such, of course, is relatively low today, because ac-
curate perturbations can be obtained rather easily with the help of
modern automatic computing equipment.
Bazhenov's tables(57) for the solution of Kepler's equation by
machines are discussed in the section on Fundamental Equations.
Numerov(509), in 1926, presented a series of extensive
auxiliary tables, which are intended to facilitate orbit determinations,
as well as the practical application of his own method of computing the
disturbed motion of a planet by numerical integration of the special
rectangular coordinates. Tables for the computation of the parallax
corrections (for 27 observatories), for the coordinates of Jupiter and
Saturn, as well as for the determination of the proper interval of
integration, are included among the 12 tables compiled by the author.
The main purpose of this publication, to facilitate the
practical work of orbit computers using Numerov's extrapolation method,
is well served indeed, because, here, the computer finds everything
conveniently arranged in one place. Today, the more modern methods
used on automatic computing equipment tend to depreciate the value of
this work, but it still may be helpful to individuals working with desk
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Proskurin and Mashinskaya(572) (1951) divided the circumference
of Jupiter's orbit into 400 intervals of equal length (with respect to
the mean anomaly). They then computed the rectangular coordinates x
2 2
and yi r = X 4. y2 r-3, and the indirect terms X and Y of the dis-
turbing force to be used in numerical integrations of the motion of a
small mass. The coordinates are referred to Jupiter's orbital plane,
and the x-axis points towards the perihelion of Jupiter's orbit. The
indirect terms X and y are given not only for the interval w (which
corresponds to 1/409 of Jupiter's orbital revolution), but also for the
larger intervals 2w and 4w.
This is a simple and purely technical contribution, but the
tables obtained may be useful for computations of special perturbations
of minor planets and comets. Since the authors give their tabulated
data to seven significant figures, a rather high accuracy may be reached
in the applications.
A description of Subbotin's formulas and tables(735) for the
computation of orbits and ephemerides is given in the section on
Fundamental Equations.
Bauschinger's Bahnbestimmung gives the formulas for the compu-
tation of the coefficients of the element variations in the most con-
venient form for logarithmic computations. Subbotin(743) (1937)
modified the system of formulas in such a manner that it is convenient
for the combined use of computing machines and of logarithms. He also
recomputes Schonfeld's table for the auxiliary quantities H and log h
for intervals of 0.1 of the true anomaly v (Schonfeld's original table
gives these quantities in intervals of 10').
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Although at the time of its publication this contribution
was of some definite value for the determination of near-parabolic
orbits, the paper has been superseded in the meantime by modern methods
of numerical computation.
f. Bodies of Finite
The problem of the motion of a material point under the action
of a force producing the acceleration -pi r-2 - 3?2 r-4 has been studied
by many famous authors. H. Gylden used Jacobi's elliptical functions
and found the differential relations between the time, t, and Jacobi's
functions. He did not find an integration, and thus the results were
not adequate for practical application. V. Strazzeri used Weierstrass's
function, p(n), but his method was not very elegant, and it was not
practical either. Chernyy(110) (1949) succeeded in an integration of
the problem, also using elliptical functions, and found the time, t, as
a function of the elliptical integrals of the first, second, and third
type, and of the elliptical functions sn w, cn w and dn w, where w is
a linear function of the longitude of the moving particle.
The two-body problem is obtained as a limiting case of the
new results.
Other special cases were investigated in connection with
the different possibilities for the roots of the cubic equation which is
characteristic for the problem. Rather interesting orbits, such as a
lemniscate or a cardoid, are found in certain cases from a consideration
of the geometrical character of the orbits. For small values of the
modulus, lc, of the elliptical integral, the author develops for powers
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ot kr and he obtains the radius vector, r, in the form:
1+ k + k1 cos f + k2 cos 2f
Thia closely resembles the so-called periplegmatic orbit of Gylden.
This is a first-quality paper in which significant progress
haa been made in a special and interesting problem of analytical dynamics.
Duboshin(139) (1951), in a popular article on the history and
development of the two-body problem, starts with the time of Laplace and
Lagrange and gives a very-well-written account of progress in the theo-
tatical treatment. He leads up to such rather complex cases as the
teltaive motion of two bodies with finite dimensions of the order of their
distahce. Making reference to the existence of other than Newtonian
forces, for example, the physical processes affecting the motion of a
comet, the author comes to the conclusion that the two-body problem will
still be of interest for some time to come, especially as long as no
direct analytical success in the solution of the three-body problem is
possible. In this connection, special emphasis is given to the reduction
of the perturbation problem in the two-body problem by means of the
variation-of-constants method.
From 1956 to 1954, Kondurar' published a series of five
papers(297, 299-502) on the motion of two ellipsoids. In the first of
these(297) (1956), he considers the special case of two spheroids, wherein
the circular equatorial sections coincide with the plane of relative
motion of the two bodies. After a detailed investigation of the poten-
tial of the mutual attraction of the two bodies, the differential
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equations of their relative motion are derived. Although all of this
work is not new, the author has contributed some original details in
the present form of the treatment.
The rest of the paper(297) is devoted to an application of the
methods of qualitative analysis of the so-called Moscow School of celes-
tial mechanics, especially of the contact-characteristics method as
developed by Moiseyev. Certain restrictions of the possible orbital
freedom are studied by this method, and also by means of the zero-velocity
curve; the consequences arising from the finite dimensions of the two
bodies also are considered. In the final paragraph, the author states
that, although the rigorous analytical integration of the problem leads
to integrals which are much more complicated than simple elliptic in-
tegrals, the qualitative method of contact characteristics is relatively
simple, yet demonstrative, as far as the general features of relative
motion are concerned.
The analysis presented by Kondurar' seems to be thoroughly
correct and competent. The qualitative results, illustrated by eight
figures, are of interest. On the other hand, it seems that all these
qualitative discussions are not of any help in the actual determination
of the orbital trajectory, a problem which apparently can be solved
only the
"hard" way of rigorous analysis.
Kondurar's second paper(299) was
not reviewed.
The third paper(30 (1952) deals with a case which is more
general, insofar as 'ellipsoids with three different axes are considered;
but it is more specialized, on the other hand, insofar as it is concerned
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only with the stability of circular motion. After the differential
equations of the relative motion of the two ellipsoids gave been derived,
the special case of circular motion is considered. A certain equation,
corresponding to Kepler's third law in the case of two point masses,
must be satisfied by the basic quantities and parameters of the problem.
The stability of such circular motion is then investigated, using the
method and definitions by Lyapunov. Owing to the complexity of the
problem, only an approximate study of the characteristic equation and of
its roots is made. The author arrives at some results concerning the
stability or instability of the motion under certain special assumptions
for the ,basic properties of the two ellipsoids.
This paper of Kondurar' has led to more essential
ing results than his first paper on a related subject. The
analysis is impressively deep and rather complex.
It seems
and interest-
that this
author has made an essential contribution to the study of the relative
motion of two bodies of finite dimensions, a field which definitely is
one of. the most difficult ones in celestial mechanics.
In a fourth paper(30 (1952), Kondurarl deals with the same
problem as in the first(297), but this time with the help of a more
accurate development of the disturbing function. He also makes use of
Duboshin's development(162) as employed for the motion of Saturn's satel-
lites under the effect of the planet's figure. The author proves the
existence of circular solutions and investigates the stability of these
solutions by Lyapunov's method. Stability is found to exist for the
scalar value, R, of the radius of the relative orbit, and for the
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velocity, k, while the "longitudinal" stability with respect to the
angular argument18, is not considered and may be nonexistent. The
transverse stability is, of course, of main interest. The author then
establishes the existence of stable, periodic, near-circular solutions,
where stability exists with respect to R and R. The angular coordinate,
131 normally contains a secular term, and only under special circumstances
(the coefficient of this secular term must be the form 2) will it be pos-
sible to find solutions which also possess longitudinal periodicity and
This is a substantial and highly competent contribution, which
reflects well on the competency of this author.
Finally, Kondurar1(302) (1954) treats the special problem where
two spheroids are moving within their common plane of symmetry, but, at
the same time, rotating around axes which are perpendicular relative to
each other. The differential equations of motion are first derived in
Lagrange's form, and the methods developed by Duboshin and Lyapunov are
then used to investigate the possible periodic solutions and their
stability (in the sense of Lyapunov). Circular orbits are found to exist
as particular solutions. If the center of inertia of the one spheroid
coincides with the origin of the coordinate system, and if the axis of
rotation of the second spheroid makes an angle,!, with the direction
towards the center of the first spheroid, then it is found that the
circular solutions are stable for Y. 00 and Y = 180?1 but unstable for
= 270? (only for these four special values of Tare circular solutions
found to exist). Then proof is given for the existence of an infinite
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number of periodic solutions which are close to circular solutions. The
conditions for the occurrence of such solutions, and the form of the
series which represent these solutions, are studied in much detail. It
is found that the conditions for stability are, at the same time, suf-
ficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions.
This paper is definitely on the same high level as the earlier
ones. While the first paper (published in 1936) by Kondurar was only
more or less qualitative in its analysis, the following papers were of
increasing depth and significance.
In a paper(374) (1950) that could not be located, Magnaradze
developed the theory of the potential of an elliptical ring, which may
also be of a finite width. He devoted another paper(372) (1950) to the
investigation of the convergence of the development for the potential of
the mass distribution in certain singular points, which are located on
the boundary of the mass configuration itself. The points in question
play an analogous part to the points on the boundary of convergence in the
region of an analytical function. It is found by the author that the
development of the potential is convergent, even in these singular
The investigation apparently was influenced or inspired by
earlier work by Duboshin(161, 162, 164) even though Duboshin's name
is not mentioned. Nevertheless, the author has added his own contri-
butions. Nothing extraordinarily deep is involved, but the author's
contribution seems to be the fruit of intimate hnowledge of the subjectl
and of clear and independent thinking on the special proulems involved.
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Magnaradze(373) (1950), by means of a related dominant function,
uses certain analytical inequalities from his previous paper(372) for an
estimate of the neglected residual terms in the expansion of the
Newtonian potential of an elliptical orbit. The study is limited to the
case of z = 0, i.e., to field points within the plane of the elliptical
mass distribution. The author intended to investigate the more general
case of z 0 in future publications.
As in the previous papers, this one also apparently has been
influenced or inspired by earlier work of Duboshin. Again, however, the
author's contribution appears as an original addition to previous knowl-
edge, and he seems to have arrived at his results by independent thinking.
In certain respects, A. A. Orlov's paper(529) (1953) on the
motions of a particle under the Newtonian attraction of a spheroid is
an extension of a paper by Chernyy . The goal of the paper is to
establish, for a force function of the type U = El + 1463-1 periodic solu-
tions for a particle or satellite, when the inclination, i, relative to
the equatorial plane of the spheroid is permitted to have any given value.
For inclinations close to i = 0, the problem hastbeen previously solved
in papers by Duboshin and by Brouwer.
The author succeeds in finding periodic solutions for near-
circular motion with i / O. The developments of the power series for U
follows the methods by Lyapunov and Poincare.
The author deserves credit, first, for giving proof for the
existence of such periodic solutions and,second,for determining the
analytical expressions for the major terms in the resulting series (in a
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step-by-step introduction of the higher order terms according to
The paper is an addition to knowledge in the field of periodic
A. A. Orlov(532), in 1954, then considered an extension of the
above results to elliptical orbits. He finds, however, that no rigorous
periodic solutions on the basis of fixed elliptical reference orbits are
possible in this wore general problem. Since the observations, however,
reveal the fact that no secular perturbations in the elements a, ei and
i of the satellite orbit are produced by the disturbing action of the
central spheroid, the author undertook the task of finding developments
for the force function which introduce the slow variation of the peri-
center of the satellite orbit as superimposed on the basic period of the
orbital motion. The developments for the actual motion, by the method
of Lyapunov-Poincare, proceed as power series of a small parameter,a ;
in turn,a is related to the angular velocity,? , of the rotating co-
ordinate system, which serves as the reference frame for the coordinates
which are of advantage in the present problem. Only the major terms of
the theory are evaluated by tne successive approximations of increasing
order, which are characteristic of Lyapunov's method of development.
The results of this paper are certainly of interest from the
practical, as well as from the theoretical, point of view. It seems that
the author has competently solved the problem which he wanted to investi-
gate. However, whether Orlov actually "hit the nail on the head", if he
is interested in the problem of computing the artificial-satellite orbit,
has been questioned.
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No new results are contained in A. A. Orlov's paper(531)
(1954) on the method of the expansion of the potential of an oblate
spheroid of revolution into a series of Legendre polynomials. The der-
ivation of the well-known results, however, is made by a new method of
development for the force function of the homogeneous ellipsoid. This
is done by certain transformations leading to expressions of the form:
r _ 2hw + h
in the force function, U. Since these expressions can be developed in
the form:
n= 1
hn Pn (W),
where the Pn are Legendre's polynomials, U will finally be developed by
means of these polynomials. In the first section, a homogeneous spheroid
is treated in this manner; in the second section, the same method is
applied to a nonhomogeneous ellipsoid formed by shells of coaxial ellip-
soids of different densities. In the third section, the first two co-
efficients of the developments are determined.
As wasalready mentioned, no new results are presented in this
paper. Only the little transformations leading to expressions of the
above form in the force function, U, represents the author's own contri-
bution in this paper. No extraordinary effort was necessary in order
to find these transformations. Therefore, although the somewhat
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different derivation of well-known results deserves some interest, con-
sidered as a whole, this is a rather moderate contribution.
Reyn (641 ) (1940) investigated the regions of possible and
impossible motion for a small point mass movihg (without friction) in-
side a homogeneous spheroidal mass distribution and in the additional
gravitational field of a central mass. She also studied the contacts
of the trajectories with a family of circles according to Moiseyev s
method. The motion is limited to the equatorial plane of the spheroidal
mass distribution. Following essentially Chibisov ' s , Moiseyev s and
Tarasashvili ' s earlier ideas and methods, the essential characteristics
of the problem are considered in detail and the results are illustrated
by a number of graphs. Families of trajectories are considered in de-
pendence on the pa -rameters h (energy constant) and P ( constant of the
integral of areas ) , and the related characteristics of the apsides , as
well as of the associated regions of possible and impossible motion, are
None of the essential elements of this paper is new in itself,
The paper is of some interest however, insofar as a systematic represen-
tation of the various features, and some new minor details, are given.
Altogether, this paper is useful, because it is more or less compre-
hensive with regard to this particular problem, but it certainly is not
of above-average value.
Shchigolev (694) (1936) presents a mathematical investigation of
the surfaces of equal potential which are associated with a rotating
ellipsoid formed as the figure of equilibrium of an ideal, incompressible
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fluid. This rotating body may have three different principal axes,
and the characteristic features of the various surfaces of equal poten4
tial outside the rotating oody are basically determined by the directions
and sizes of these three axes, as well as by the rate of rotation and
the (homogeneous) density of the fluid. These equipotential surfaces
are studied in much detail by means of the analytical expressions for
the potential and its derivatives. Of special interest are two singular
points on the x-axis and two similar ones on the y-axis, these two axes
being coincident with the two principal axes of the ellipsoid which are
perpendicular to the axis of rotation. These singular points represent
minima of the total potential in the directions of the coordinate axes;
while in three dimensions, they represent the point of certain conic
surfaces. The equipotential surfaces are classified as functions of the
potential and, for their computation, the author reduces the necessary
formulas, involving rather complicated elliptical integrals, to functions
of the elliptical normal integrals of the first and second type. Tables
are given to facilitate numerical evaluations.
This is a rather thorough and complete analysis of the given
subject, even though none of the basic elements of this discussion is,
by itself, new. Although it is doubtful that all these details are
actually of interest in connection with the motion of celestial bodies,
some of them may today be useful in studies of the motion of close or
artificial satellites, or of cosmogonical problems. In any event, the
author deserves credit for a mathematically sound and penetrating
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g. Resistant Medium
Agrest's(7) (1945) treatment of the stability of free solution
of the restricted circular problem of three bodies in a resistant medium
is presented in the section on Stability.
In one of Duboshin's earliest papers (140) ( 1932) on motion in
a resistant medium, the differential equations for the relative motion
of two point masses are augmented by a term for the effect of the resist-
ing medium, which is not supposed to exert a noticeable gravitational
action by itself on the two masses. Although no closed integrals are
possible, in general, because of the nonconservative nature of the ad-
ditional force of resistance, certain "quasi" integrals take the place
of the well-known energy integral and of the law of areas, and these make
it possible to arrive at certain conclusions concerning the character and
the form of the orbital trajectories. A number of theorems are obtained
on the basis of these quasi integrals, leading to certain conclusions
about the limits and characteristics of the motion under various assump-
tions for the initial or starting conditions.
Only rather elementary considerations are involved in this
paper; nevertheless, the well-founded formulations of the various
theorems on the general properties of this type of motion are of definite
value for further progress in this field. The various conclusions are of
0 general interest, even though no large mental effort was necessary for
their derivation.
Also in 1932, Duboshin (141) studied the relative motion of one
mass in relation to a second, assuming that the resistant medium has no
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effect on this second mass at the origin of the coordinate system. The
effect of the 4edium on the motion of the first mass is introduced into
the differential equations of motion by the corresponding proper terms,
where X appears as the coefficient of resistance, multiplied by the
velocity and by the inverse square of the distance, r, from the center
of the coordinates. Proceeding to relations which take the place of the
general integrals in the case of the ordinary two-body problem, the
author then studies the consequences of his expressions for the tra-
jectories under different starting conditions. He finds that, if a lower
limit exists for the distance, r, between the two masses, then later on,
r--> . as t---> ., and that this motion toward r = . will be asymptotic
with respect to a special value of the angular coordinate,. The tra-
jectory in this case is a spiral ending in an asymptote. This orbital
possibility is contrasted with the other one, where the moving mass
gradually approaches the central mass until it finally collides with it.
The velocity with which the collision occurs is finite and of the order
Although the problem considered is a rather special one, the
results are of some interest. On the other hand, results of this kind
(considering the qualitative nature of the essential conclusions) had
to be expected and, insofar as this is the case, nothing extraordinary
emerges from the investigation. Nevertheless, this paper had a positive
value at the time it was written.
Duboshin(151) (1936) applies Lyapunov's theory of stability
to the study of the motion of a particle that is moving under the
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influence of the attracting force of some central body possessing a
gravitating, rotating, and resisting atmosphere. It is assumed that
the surfaces of equal density of the body and the atmosphere are similar
surfaces of rotation around the axis having the same plane of symmetry.
This is another of Duboshin's works that illustrates the use
of Lyapunov's theory of stability in the motion of celestial bodies.
It is a well-written paper. The methods used are known to U. S.
mathematicians and frequently used by them for the study of the stability
of motion.
The following year (1937), the motion of a material point in
the field of the Newtonian attraction of a stationary body was considered
by Duboshin(153), who assumed that the mass of the stationary body
changes with time, and that this body is surrounded by an atmosphere
having a spherical structure and a density which varies with time. The
gravitational action of the atmosphere is taken into account, as well
as its resistance to the motion of the material point. Assuming that. the
total mass (body and atmosphere) is constant, but that the central body
has a slowly changing mass, the elements of the osculation of the motion
are examined. The motion here is taken as the disturbed Keplerian motion.
A method is given for the determination of the elements of osculation in
the form of converging series, arranged in ascending powers of a small
parameter. Analytical expressions are given for the first approximation
in the case where the density of the atmosphere and the function of the
resistance are given in particular forms.
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Then, Duboshin(156 ) (1939) considered the motion of a particle
under the gravitational action of a fixed mass in the center, of the co-
ordinate system, and under the effect of a resistant wedium with spherical
symmetry and with a density inversely proportional to the distance from
the center of symmetry. In this case, the disturbing force which can
be associated with the disturbing action of the resistant medium is
colinear with the tangent of the orbital trajectory, and its direction
is opposite to the velocity vector of the particle. The resulting motion
takes place in a fixed plane, and the -nroblem can be solved by quadra-
tures leading to so-called pseudointegrals , as compared with the actual
integrals of the undisturbed two-body problem.
The first part of this paper is merely a specialization and
modification of the author's earlier paper(141 ), leading to the theorem
that the orbit of the particle will never intersect itself. Assuming,
then, that the resistant medium has only a limited (spherically sym-
metric) extension, the author considers the possibilities for "capture"
and "ejection" of a particle moving initially in an orbit partly outside
and partly inside the medium. Depending on the starting conditions, the
capture as well as the ejection may be "relative" (temporary) or "ab-
solute" (permanent ) ; the author arrives at certain qualitative con-
clusions concerning the conditions under which the one or the other pos-
sibility will be realized.
The contribution is of some interest with regard to possible
cosmogonical applications. Although the derivations are simple from the
mathematical point of view, the results certainly deserve the attention
of workers in the fields of such cosmogonical problems.
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Zamorev( 844) (1936), in his study on the motion of two bodies
in a resisting medium, assumed that both masses are moving relative to
the resisting medium. In this respect, the problem is more general than
the related problem discussed by Duboshin(141), where the central mass is
assumed to be at rest, at the origin of the coordinates, relative to the
resisting medium. As the author states in the introduction, the present,
more general problem cannot be reduced to the more simple one. In the
present case, only three general integrals for the motion of the center
of gravity can be obtained, instead of the six in the more simple case.
In the first section of his paper, Zamorev presents the dif-
ferential equations of the problem and the first integrals. The second
section contains the determination of certain equations which are needed
for the study of the motion: the modified or quasi-energy integral andthe
equation for the moment of inertia of the system. In the third section,
a qualitative analysis of the motion is made on the basis of the quasi-
energy integral and of the integrals which exist for the center of
gravity. The author finds that the distance between the two bodies re-
mains limited (proper starting conditions being assumed), that the masses
will collide only with t
, in the general case, and that a collision
within a finite time interval will occur only in the special case of a
straight-line approach of the two bodies. The fourth section of the
paper is devoted to the case of equal masses, i.e., mi. = m2. In this
case, all six integrals exist for the motion of the center of gravity,
while the general picture remains unchanged. If relative coordinates
are used (the previous investigation employed absolute coordinates
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referred to a system which was especially convenient in connection with
the motion of the center of mass), then the integrals for the law of
areas can be obtained, too.
The paper is limited to the derivation of the general frame-
work for studies of orbital motions in a resisting medium. The conclu-
sions, in their generality, have been reached in a relatively simple
manner. Although the paper presents correct results, this contribution
evidently is not outstanding or too significant.
2. Three-Body Problem
a. Disturbing Function
The regions of convergence of the developments of the dis-
turbing function in dependence on the powers of the eccentricities e
and e' of the disturbed and of the disturbing planet are different for
the mean, the eccentric, and the true anomaly as independent variables
entering the Fourier series. Samoylova-Yakhontova(666) (1939) derived
a criterion, in the form of an inequality, for the occurrence of diver-
gence of the development for the reciprocal of the distance, A , in the
case where the Fourier expressions depend on multiples of the eccentric
anomaly. By a comparison with the analogous criteria of Sundman and
Banachiewicz for the mean and the true anomaly, respectively, she finds
that the best convergence with respect to the eccentricities will be ob-
tained by using the true anomaly, and that the eccentric anomaly occupies
an intermediate position in this regard between the mean and the true
anomaly. The author's criterion for divergence is first given taking
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into account only the first power of the two eccentricities involved;
the relation is then refined to the second order with respect to e and
e' by the addition i of the necessary terms.
This investigation is of definite interest from the theoreti-
cal point of view, as well as in connection with practical applications;
on the other hand, it was not too hard to proceed to these results, ,
after the analogous criteria by Sundman and Banachiewicz existed for the
mean and true anomalies.
Other studies by Samoylova-Yakhontova related to this topic
are presented in the section on Regularization and Collision.
M. F. Subbotin(747) (1943) contributed a rather ingenious
method to improve the convergence of fundamental trigonometric series in
celestial mechanics. Its value lies in the generality and flexibility
of the method. The method is based on analytical transformations of the
complex variable z into the new variable w in the form:
w a
1 a nW
n 1
-r 17
By this transformation, convergence of the trigonometric series:
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f (H) =
ak cos kH = ak zk1 z = ei11 (a -K , = ak)
is greatly improved, depending on the proper choice of the quantities
an and 13n Subbotin shows that the particular transformation by Legendre,
which had been used by Brendel for the general perturbations of minor
planets, as well as for the major planets, is a special case of his
general method, which also incorporates developments that converge in
the same ways as those obtained by Gylden's transcendental transformation.
Subbo tin
(748) (194?) applied his method for the improvement of
the convergence to the investigation of two special transformations.
In both cases, the angular variable, HI in the development
-2s = b2s cos nH,
where A2 = 1 - 2a cos H a2 (2s is an odd number), is first transformed
into a complex variable, z, by means of z = eiH. The first special trans-
formation considered in this paper then transforms z bilinearly into w
z - p
by means of w - ; the second one is the transformation by Legendre,
- .
which is equivalent to w2 _ z (z -a) The author succeeds in expressing
1 - z
the coefficients of the new developments as functions of the well-known
coefficients by Laplace, depending on a smaller ratio, a, than in the
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case of the original developments by Laplace. This increases the con-
vergence of the series up to a factor of four. Subtotin's transformation
contains the one by Legendre as a special case.
This paper is a very interesting contribution to the conver-
gence problem. It is clear and mathematically elegant and, undoubtedly,
it is one of the more significant recent contributions to celestial
Also in 1947, Subbotin(749) concerned himself with the actual
computation and tabulation of the coefficients of the developments which
are obtained in the cases of the two transformations. As far as the
transformation by Legendre is concerned, this had been used by Brendel,
but Brendel had found the necessary coefficients by interpolation pro-
cesses; in the present paper, they are found analytically and indepen-
dently. The developments are limited to those of A-1 and A-3, which
are needed for the perturbations of the first order.
The coefficients are tabulated in a very convenient form, and
the author deserves credit for further facilitating the practical appli-
cation of these methods, after first contributing essentially to the
basic theory in the two previous papers.
. N. D. Moiseyev concerned himself with the introduction of
"averaging" procedures into the development of the disturbing function.
Taking the point of view that the "average perturbations" suffered by
the disturbed body will depend on the average relative positions of the
disturbing and the disturbed mass, as they affect the analytical ex-
pression for the disturbing function, Moiseyev(46' 470)(1945 and 1951)
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? "
? ? 4'.
. ?
? ? ?? 0
. : ?
? sia P
? V.v. 0
-puffeidered the
various procedures of "averaging" which one may want to
introduce into the disturbing function in connection with individual
problems. Since the di?turbing function depends on trigonometric:func-
tions of multiples of the longitudes or mean anomalies of the two (planets,
his main concern was the elimination of these variables by a proper pro-
cedure of averaging. If W .is the disturbing function produced by the
gravitational action of Jupiter, as it influences the motion of a minor
planet, and if M and M are the mean anomalies of the minor planet and
of Jupiter, respectively, then in direct application of the related
method of Gauss, one has the "two-time.au4rage" (according to Gauss) of
W in the form:
CIIIJ -7G = 412
W dM dM a.
M = 0. M = 0
The author considered averages with:respect.to only one of the two
bodies, as well as averages with respect-tO,bloth planets (two-time
? , .
averages), but in each individual casel.Ahis'was done very similarly by
a proper spgle
or double integration and--average formation with respect
to the basic angular variables. Moiseyev:dppIied his "averaging" pro-
cedures first4o
?"fi (1945) Iv assuming circular motion for the disturbing
0 0 (h1
planet (Jupiter), and eecond(470).(1951), by introducing the "averaged"
disturbing function into the differential equations for the variation of
0 ?
the elliptic elements. These investigations of Moiseyev are accomplished
by relatively elementary mathematical procedures but the results are
0 0 c
? 45
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of interest for many problems where a first-order accuracy is sufficient.
There is no doubt that a very competent man did this work and presented
it in a clear and systematic fashion, although perhaps with too many
minor details.
These same remarks apply to Moiseyev's consideration of what
he calls the "half-restricted" problem. This problem concerns the motion
of two point masses relative to a third which is of much greater mass,
which means that the action of the first two on the third can be neg-
lected(471) (1952). By means of the integral of areas, the orbital
parameter, p11 of the one moving mass' m1, can be eliminated. The author
applied his method of "averaging" to the disturbing action, introducing
the various possibilities for doing this similar to the way he did in
his earlier paper(470). The process of averaging eliminates the corre-
sponding periodic terms from the disturbing function and leads to certain
integrals of the simplified differential equations. Of special interest
is the elimination of certain periodic terms depending on the mean
anomalies, M1 and 142, of the two masses in the form of angular arguments
D=k2M2 -k1M?
l' this is similar to the elimination method employed by
Delaunay. The author called this "averaging according to Delaunay-
Moiseyev(472). (1954) demonstrated that his method of "averag-
ing" the disturbing function is applicable not only to the elimination
of the terms depending periodically on the mean anomalies and other
angular variables, but also to the corresponding effects of the varia-
tions of all the orbital elements. He used the canonical form of the
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differential equations and the related elements. The simplifications
resulting from the author's averaging procedures, applied either once
(with respect to one planet) or twice (with respect to both planets in-
volved), lead to certain integrals which he calls "empirical integrals".
As in the case of the other papers by the author on the same
basic subject, the investigation leads to results which can be used to
find the roughly averaged perturbational variations in individual prob-
lems. Also, intermediate orbits may be based on the "empirical" inte-
grals, to serve as a closer first-order approximation on which the
determination of the finer details of the disturbed motion may be based.
In general, the same comments can be made about Reference 473
(1954) as about the earlier papers. It appears that Moiseyev's desire to
exploit all the possible applications of his averaging method led him to
indulge in a somewhat monotonous and mechanical repetition of the same
principles over and over in these articles. It does not seem so im-
portant to investigate all these slight modifications in so much detail.
One cannot escape the impression, after reading all these papers on the
same basic idea, that his desire was to publish as much as possible,
thus somewhat diluting the good impression which the first paper on the
subject, which presented the one essential idea, originally made.
Yarov-Yarovoy(823) (1954) applied Moiseyev's method of elimina-
tion of certain periodic terms from the disturbing function by introduc-
ing the "average" effect to the actual orbits of the first 10 minor
planets. Although nothing actually new or surprising has resulted from
this practical application of Moiseyev's ideas, the paper is nevertheless
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an interesting example of the possibilities, as well as of the limita-
tions, of these approximating methods.
For each planet, he takes the available osculating element
systems, over a considerable length of time, and averages the actual
perturbations suffered by the mean anomaly, M, by the perihelion, it 1
and by the node, 9 1 by determining the coefficients al, 821 and 53 from
a least-squares solution of the system of equations:
p= s1 M +co+
s2 639.
Here, Mico 1 and Rare the related values of the mean anomaly, of the
angular distance of the perihelion from the node, and of the distance of
the node from the longitude of Jupiter at the given moment, respectively.
The least-squares solution attempts to make ?a constant, as nearly as
possible. The factors s, s 2' and 53 obtained from this solution will
then determine the average secular changes or variations of the three
angular quantities, M, co, and 9, or sl, s2' and 53 give the correlation
coefficients between the three angular variables. For the 10 planets
under investigation, the author finds a pronounced correlation between
M and 9, which means that all the perihelia have secular motions in the
same direction, counterclockwise. Of course, the quantity ?will not
actually come out as a constant, and the degree of correlation between
the various angular variants depends on the scattering of the "inter-
polation anomaly", .L
Reznikovskiy applies the process of "averaging" to the circular
restricted problem(651) (1952) and to the more general case of an
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elliptical orbit (652) (1952). In the first paper(651) 1 the process of
"averaging", leading to the elimination of certain arguments in the ex-
pressions and developments for the disturbing function, is applied to
the disturbed planet's mean anomaly as an "internal variant". The main
interest is focused here on the elements e and co, or eccentricity and
longitude of the perihelion; for the mean distance, the integral
a = constant is obtained under the basic provisions. Instead of e and
w however, the corresponding Lagrangean elements h and I are used. The
author succeeds, in the developments for the averaged disturbing function
in dependence on the osculating elements, in obtaining polynomials of a
form which depends on certain functions that had been studied previously
by Duboshin and Yelenevskaya. This makes it possible to utilize the
related results of these two authors. The developments are studied also
for the case of the synodical elements of Lagrange and, here, the results
have a more simple form.
The investigation incorporates an interesting series of
transformations. Otherwise, the goal of this investigation could
probably be reached more easily by means of Brown's method of development
of the disturbing function, depending on the true anomaly. In this case,
the operators of Brown's method would take the place of the rather elabo-
rate recurrence formulas in the Reznikovskiy's method. Nevertheless,
the author has demonstrated ability and imagination.
In the second paper (652), Reznikovskiy uses perturbations in
the polar coordinates, instead of the variation of elements, as he did in
the earlier paper. The disturbing function is developed in dependence
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-.-,q-_on-Legendre!s polynomials. The author then considers the process of
"averaging" with respect to various variants, such as the mean anomaly
of the disturbing planet or of the disturbed planet. The essential
transformations are the same as in the previous paper. The polynomials
pi:eviously studied by Yelenevskaya are used again with advantage for the
Coefficients of the developments, as far as they depend on the eccentri-
One paragraph deals with the so-called two-time averaged
roblem of Gauss and the purely secular part of the perturbations.
This paper constitutes a considerable extension of
:Reznikovskiy's previous study, and he deserves credit for the results,
-which are certainly of some interest. Although nothing of basic signifi-
:.cance is involved, papers such as this do enrich the detailed knowledge
_concerning the many features and aspects of the perturbation problems.
'One special process of "averaging" is the replacement of a
..,disturbing planet by a circular or elliptical ring of matter. Some of
he-papers by Duboshin, Magnaradze, and Tarasashvili are concerned with
this problem. Magnaradzels investigations(372-374) (1950) apparently
? - (161, 164, 167)I even though
have been influenced or inspired by Duboshin
Duboshin's name is not, mentioned. Nevertheless, Magnaradze's papers also
-reflect an intimate knowledge and independent thinking on the problems
In the first of three papers(374) Magnaradze developed the
heory of the potential of an elliptical ring, which may also be of
rite width. The convergence of the development for the potential of
,e mass distribution in certain singular points, which are located on
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the boundary of the mass configuration itself, is investigated in
Reference 372. The points in question play an analogous part to the
points on the boundary of convergence in the convergence region of an
analytic function. It is found by the author that the development of
the potential is convergent, even in these singular points. Later(373),
Magnaradze uses certain analytical inequalities from the previous
paper(372) for an estimate of the neglected residual terms. This is done
by means of a related dominant function. The study is limited to the
case of z = 01 i.e., to field points within the plane of the elliptical
mass distribution. The author intends to investigate the more general
case of z / 0 in future publications.
For the gravitational action of the various planets in the solar
system on a comet, when the latter is outside all the planetary orbits,
Tarasashvili(757) (1959) replaced the disturbing planets by circular
rings of homogeneous density (problem of Fatou). He then considered the
variation of the comet's semiaxis, a, or of 7-, as the comet departs
from the solar system. Making use of the fact that a comet departing
from the solar system in a hyperbolic orbit will asymptotically approach
a certain fixed longitude and latitude in the sky, as seen from the sun,
the author bases his conclusions on the dependence of d(---) on dR alone.
s a
He finds that the negative --- will increase as the distance, RI from
the sun increases. Only the unique case where, for an inclined cometary
orbit, the rectangular distance, z, from the invariable plane of the
major planets does not increase simultaneously with R as the comet de-
parts farther and farther from the center of the solar system is
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excluded. A numerical example illustrates the fact that a hyperbolic
orbit can become parabolic in this way, by means of the asymptotic de-
crease of a(a is a large negative quantity in the case of a hyperbolic
? ?
orbit, and the author finds a > -co). The author mentions that his
results agree with the results of the computations by Thraen, Faye, and
E. Stroemgren, and that his treatment follows a proposition previously
made by E. Stroemgren.
The paper is a good contribution to the interesting problem
of iloderately hyperbolic (or parabolic) orbits, that is intimately re-
lated to the problem of the origin of comets; however, it makes use of
rather elementary methods. It is of some interest that the author mew-
tions the circumstance that his paper was a "competitive contribution
in connection with the 18th Convention of the (Communist) Party".
Duboshin(163) (1946), after considering the various require-
ments which should be met by a satisfaCtory method for the development
of the disturbing function, proposes
development of the reciprocal of the
coordinates. Introducing Legendre 's
and develops a new form for the
distance, making use of cylindric
tolynomials and Gegenbauer's more
general expressions, the necessary expansions are made in a rather
elegant and simple manner.
This paper is a good contribution to a special field, even
though the theory has not yet been completed to allow actual applica-
tion to the motion of a celestial body. It is possible that utilization
of the new method for a complete theory may create some problems which
might partly offset the advantage of this development. Nevertheless,
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this investigation has its theoretical merits. Of special interest is
the investigation of the regions of convergence.
The results obtained by Duboshin(169) (1950) on the expansion
of the force functions were well :mown before, but he derived them in an
interesting new way by introducing the negative powers of the "applicate".
The "applicate" is an expression used by Soviet mathematicians for the
z-coordinate, or the rectangular distance of a given point from a given
basic plane. He first considers the attraction of an infinitely narrow
ring of matter on a point outside the plane of this ring, and he develops
the potential, U, into a series depending on the negative powers of z.
He then proceeds to a ring of finite width, and the results can be ex-
tended then to a circular disc and, finally, to the case of a body
possessing rotational symmetry. An application is made also to the
special case of an elliptical ring, used in Gauss's theory of secular
Numerov (520) (1935) developed the disturbing forces of the
planetary perturbation problem in dependence on four angular arguments
in the trigonometrical functions, which are essentially the true
anomalies and longitudes of the disturbed and the disturbing planet. The
general expressions for the coefficients, depending on the ascending
powers of the eccentricities, of the mutual inclination, and of the ratio
of the orbital parameters, are given, including the third powers of the
small quantities e and i, and the comparable powers of the ratio,a, of
the parameters p and El. It is assumed that a3 is of the order of the
eccentricities and inclinations.
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this investigation has its theoretical merits, Of special interest is
the investigation of the regions of convergence.
The results obtained by Duboshin(169) (1950) on the expansion
of the force functions were well snown before, but he derived them in an
interesting new way by introducing the negative powers of the "appl....cate".
The "applicate" is an expression used by Soviet mathematicians for the
z-coordinate, or the rectangular distance of a given point from a Tlven
basic plane. He first considers the attraction of an infinitely na:row
ring of matter on a point outside the plane of this ring, and he develops
the potential, U, into a series depending on the negative powers of z.
He then proceeds to a ring of finite width, and the results can be ex-
tended then to a circular disc and, finally, to the case of a body
possessing rotational symmetry. An application is made also to the
special case of an elliptical ring, used in Gauss's theory of secular
Numerov(520) (1935) developed the disturbing forces of the
planetary perturbation problem in dependence on four angular arguments
in the trigonometrical functions, which are essentially the true
anomalies and longitudes of the disturbed and the disturbinig planet. The
general expressions for the coefficients, depending on the ascending
powers of the eccentricities, of the mutual inclination, and of the ratio
of the orbital parameters, are given, including the third powers of the
small quantities e and i, and the comparable powers of the ratio,a 1 of
the parameters p and El. It is assumed that a3 is of the order of the
eccentricities and inclinations.
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These general expressions are useful for the establishment of
individual theories, even though three of the angular arguments will
finally have to be eliminated in favor of one independent variable. Al-
though this elimination is given in the author's later paper(519), it
may be desirable from time to time to use the unreduced form of the ex-
pressions in the earlier paper; therefore, the equations, as collected
in this publication (520), are of permanent value to workers in this
field. Nothing essentially new is contained in the theoretical details,
but a competent author provided a convenient scheme for the application
'of the theory to individual problems.
Numerov(519) (1935) continued the subject of general formulas
for the development of perturbing forces in the calculation of absolute
perturbations in polar coordinates, reducing the developments now to
two angular arguments. Since the second of these two arguments is a
linear function of, the true anomaly of the disturbed planet (which
serves as the first argument), the disturbing force is actually obtained
as a function of the true anomaly of the disturbed planet as the only
independent argument.
Newcomb's original method for the development of the disturb-
ing function, along with later modifications and additions by varibus
authors, is contained in a paper by B. A. Orlov(539) (1936). Apparently,
the main purpose of this publication was to make the method available
to Soviets in Russian print.
Yelenevskaya(829) (1952) claims that her method for the ex-
pansion of the perturbation function in a Fourier series with respect
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to the inclination is of advantage compared with the methods using the
powers of sin2 2 1
I. She states the fact that, in the existing de-
velopments of the disturbing function, generally, the inclination as
well as the eccentricity have been introduced in the analytical form
of their ascending powers. For the inclination, the powers of sin
,2 1
have been used, where I is the relative inclination between the planes
of the disturbing and of the disturbed planet. The author proposes to
develop for I in the trigonometrical form, similar to the treatment of
the longitudes or of the difference between the longitudes of the two
planets. The developments are made by elaborate but elementary trans-
formations, using the integral expressions for the necessary coefficients,
A(k), of the resulting trigonometrical series. As far as the ratio be-
tween the mean distances, a and a', enters the developments, the proper
coefficients by Laplace are used. The main part of the disturbing
function is developed first under the assumption that the orbits of both
planets are circular (restricted problem: the mass of the disturbed
planet is assumed to be negligible), and then the effect of the eccentri-
city, e, of the disturbed planet is taken into account by means of
Newcomb's method of symbolic operators for these additional variations.
Finally, the second part of the disturbing function is more easily
developed along the same lines, and she gives a tabulation of the various
numerical coefficients which appear in the general expressions for the
trigonometrical development of the disturbing function.
The following year(831) (1953), Yelenevskaya used her func-
tions Jn (a, x) (see Reference 825 in Series Development and Convergence
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111 Problems), as well as the principle of developing the disturbing function
in dependence on trigonometrical expressions of multiples of the incli-
nation, rather than on ascending powers of i, for a complete application
to the restricted three-body problem. Since the inclination is intro-
duced, the small body has the freedom of three-dimensional motion. Her
method, which replaces the well-known Newcomb operators by her, new
functions J* (a, x), has the advantage that, in combination with the
introduction of Fourier series depending on multiples of the inclina-
tion, one needs only the Laplace coefficients for ?67, but not those
for the higher powers of the reciprocal of the distance. This advan-
tage is offset somewhat by the occurrence of additional developments and
recurrent formulas for the determination of the coefficients. It is
true that the author is able to give an expression for the general term
of the developments by her method, but, apparently, she was not aware
of the fact that this is also possible in the case of Newcomb's method
using operator symbols, as Brown has pointed out. She gives no references
to Brown's investigations.
It can be said that this is a valuable paper; its principal
merits are the possibility of giving an expression.for the general term
of the developments and the circumstance that only a limited range-of
Laplacean coefficients is needed. The actual effort required in appli-
cations of the new method may not differ very much from the amount of
labor whidh is necessary in the case of Newcomb's method.
Bazhenov(68) (1955), by more or less elementary procedures,
explored the details of one of the typical series, (1 - 2h cos z h2 )y,
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in celestial mechanics. The limits are investigated between
which the Laplacean coefficients of the development are located, and he
succeeds in the derivation of expressions for these limits, which are
more narrow than the ones that have been used before. Graphs are given
which indicate how far in the development one has to go in order to
reach a certain desired accuracy, i.e., how many terms have to be in-
cluded for a prescribed degree of 'numerical precision.
The results are obtained by more or less elementary procedures,
but the paper, as a whole, is of definite value for the worker in celes-
tial mechanics. It represents a good and competent contribution, ex-
ploring the details of one of the series which are so typical in
celestial mechanics.
Dirikis (120) (1953), in his work on the determination of the
original orbits of long-period comets, derived a much-simplified exibres-
sion for the upper limit of A (_i), where A (1) is the neglected
part of the perturbations of the reciprocal of the mean distance of the
comet from the sun. Using this upper limit expression, one can estimate
the maximum error which is introduced by the discontinuation of the
numerical integrations at a certain moment when the comet was relatively
far from the sun. In other words, after going'backwards in time to a
certain distance of. the comet from the sun (before it approachedAhe
inner region of the solar system), one can conclude that the original
value of the mean distance, a, at a time when the comet was at its
maximum distance, cannot differ by more than a given, very small amount
from the value which has already been obtained by the backwards integra-
tion of the comet's motion.
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411 The essential idea of such an estimate of the error in the
original value of a or
is from E. Stroemgren, and the present paper
represents only a rather direct and primitive application of the basic
idea, illustrated by some computations for certain assumed actual cases.
b. Periodic Orbits; Ab-
solute Orbits of Chebotarev
Schwarzschild, in his investigations, dealt only with periodic
solutions in the orbital plane of Jupiter. Yu. V. Batrakov(45) (1955)
investigated the periodic orbits which are valid for the case of three-
dimensional motion of the small body in the so-called restricted problem.
Characterizing the deviation of the actual periodic orbit from the
original reference orbit by the small parameter ?, the author derives an
equation of condition between ? and the orbital eccentricity, e, and the
inclination, i, of the basic reference orbit. He finds that for circular
reference orbits within the plane of Jupiter's orbit, periodic solutions
are possible only if p -
3, 5, 7, ..., where p : q is the ratio of
commensurability between the daily motions of the minor planet and of
Jupiter. In the general problem with finite eccentricities and incli-
nations, Batrakov finds periodic solutions for the special-case p : q =
3 : 1, as related to the Hestia group of minor planets. The resulting
solutions, however, have either a very large inclination or a very large
eccentricity; therefore, these Schwarzschild-type solutions are not
practically applicable to actual planets of the Hestia group.
The periodic solutions as studied in this paper have a rotating
line of nodes, as compared with the rotating perihelion in the case of
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Schwarzschild's own solutions; otherwise, the general features of the
results are similar to the ones by Schwarzschild. The result of this
investigation is negative, but, nevertheless, the finding of these facts
is of interest as an addition to knowledge about periodic solutions.
Also in 1955, Batrakov(46) made a relatively small but interest-
ing contribution concerning the properties of periodic solutions of the
third type in the general problem of three bodies. Using Jacobi's
relative coordinates and canonic variables according to Delaunay, he
Investigated the relations and equations of condition between the varia-
tions of the various quantities which characterize a periodic solution of
the third type. The relation AT = vp, is used for the introduction of
the arbitrary variation of the period, T, where is a small parameter
such that for ?.= 0, the initial periodic solution of the undisturbed
case is obtained. The author finds the proper relations which are valid
between the eccentricity, el and the inclination, i, depending on the
arbitrary value of AT.
This paper is of some interest, insofar as AT serves as the
independent parameter. This permits the study of the consequences of a
small change in the period, T1 on the character of the periodic solutions.
G. A. Chebotarevls(92) (1950) lengthy paper on the theory of
periodic orbits in celestial mechanics is primarily a representation of
methods and results which are well known. One gets the impression that
the author was concerned mainly with writing a complete "handbook" for
Soviet astronomers and mathematicians working in celestial mechanics,
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in order to make the investigations by Poincare and Schwarzschild on
periodic solutions accessible to those who can read only Russian text.
The report contains also the author's own contributions to
this field, which have been published in more detail in separate
papers(93, 941 9). Considering all these facts, the present article
has no more value than any summarizing review.
The investigation byChebotarev(93) (1951) on the application
of periodic orbits to the study of the motion of minor planets is
relatively simple from the theoretical point of view, because numerical
processes are used extensively. On the other hand, it represents a con-
siderable and interesting effort by the author and a successful appli-
cation of periodic solutions for a first-order theory of certain minor
planets. In this work, Chebotarev utilized some periodic orbits estab-
lished by K. Schwarzschild, Poincare, and others as intermediary orbits
for certain minor planets which are moving in the neighborhood of the
ideal periodic solutions.
In the first chapter, the author starts with a short review
of the three types of periodic solutions investigated by Poincare. He
gives a table listing possible cases as they would be of interest for
the motion of minor planets. Although Poincare did not introduce secu-
lar perturbations of the line of apsides,' Schwarzschild:s approach makes
use of a moving perihelion. Another table, therefore, classifies the
periodic solutions according to Schwarzschild. The author states that
the treatment by Poincare and Schwarzschild is too specialized for
practical applications. He then considere the numerical investigations
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by which periodic solutions have been found by Darwin and at the
Copenhagen Observatory. The author concludes that the most promising
approach for practical applications would be to find a Schwarzschild
solution which agrees approximately with the elements of the given
planet and then to compute first-order perturbations by numerical inte-
gration (Stracke's method for the variation of the elliptical elements).
Accordingly, he performs such an integration for the special case of the
2 : 3 commensurability with Jupiter's motion, and establishes the periodic
orbit by a method of interpolation. A similar method was used for the
periodic solutions that were found in the somewhat different studies
made at the Copenhagen Observatory. The results, in the form of the
elliptical elements a, e, M, and it for Jupiter's longitude Xi as the
argument, are listed in Table 7 of the paper.
In the second chapter, the author defines the perturbations
of the planet (153) Hilda as the changing deviations of the planet from
the basic Schwarzschild solution as established in Chapter I. The
secular terms in longitude and perihelion are included in the basic
orbit and, in the disturbing function, R, only the secular terms are
considered (including those terms of long period which become secular
because of the rigorous commensurability 2 : 3). For the variations of
the elliptical elements, which are transferred into lagrange's elements
h, 1, E, and a, a system of linear equations is established, the con-
stant coefficients of which are derived hy numerical computations (cal-
culating the disturbing force or the derivatives of the disturbing
function as they enter the various equations). The actual ellipticity
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of Jupiter's orbit is introduced by corresponding corrections to the
basic solution for the restricted problem. All the computations are
first made with the elements of the basic Schwarzschild solution; then,
the resulting perturbations are used for a representation of the obser-
vations of (153) Hilda from 1875 to 1949 (12 selected positions) and
improved elements are derived. The perturbations are then recomputed
in a second approximation, and, again, the elements are adjusted for
the final representation. The agreement between theory and observation
over these 74 years is of the order ? 0?5 in a, with one exception which
is -oca,.
In 1951, Chebotarev(94), with the assistance of others, applied
his method (cf. Reference 93) to the Hestia type or 1 : 3 commensurability;
in the earlier investigation, it was established for the 2 : 3
commensurability of the Hilda type.
After the determination of the basic absolute orbit, the
variations from this basic orbit are determined for the planets (46)
Hestia and (495) Eulalia. For (46) Hestia, the observations are finally
represented within ? 0?19 over an interval of 89 years. For (495)
Eulalia, the corresponding residuals are within ? 0?17 over period of
46 years.
Although considerable numerical work was done for this publi-
cation, the paper is only a more or less mechanical application of the
method developed earlier by the author. The results demonstrate, how-
ever, that the -work has been done with all the skill of a competent,
able worker in celestial mechanics.
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? In a later paper(96) (1953), Chabotarev's goal was the repre-
sentation of the disturbed orbit of the minor planet Hilda as a variation
of the nearest periodic'orbit. Again, he uses as a basis the results
presented in his 1951 paper(93).. He does not attempt to use the results
for ephemeris purposes, but, rather, to obtain a general picture of the
long-range orbital variations. After he finds the closest periodic solu-
tion on the basis of the given initial elements of the planet Hilda, the
changing osculating elements of this orbit are established by numerical
integration, using the variation-of-constants method according to
Stormer. The results of this integration are presented in his Table 1.
Then, the deviations of the actual orbit from the periodic orbit are
introduced in their general form, including terms of the second order
which had been neglected in the author's earlier paper. The coef-
ficients of the differential equations for these variations of the
Lyapunov-type depend on the derivatives of the disturbing function; and
the "averaged" values of these derivatives, and consequently of the co-
efficients of the linear differential equations for the orbital varia-
tions, are finally computed on the basis of mean elements. The equations
(23) of his paper represent the integrated expressions for the disturbed.
motion of the true planet in the form of trigonometric terms multiplied
by exponential functions of time. The resulting osculating elements of
Hilda are then computed from these results for three dates in .the years
1925, 1938, and 1950, and a comparison is made with the more rigorous
numerical integrations obtained by Hirayama and Akiyama for the period
from 1875 to 1956; The resulting differences in the various elliptical
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411 elements at the three chosen dates are listed in his Table 7. The devia-
tions are quite substantial. Then, Chebotarev drops the terms of higher
order in the coefficients of his differential equations for the varia-
tions, except in the absolute terms, and repeats the comparison with
Hirayama's and Akiyama's results. The deviations are of the same order
as before, thus indicating the relative unimportance of the corresponding
higher order terms in the coefficients.
In the next paragraph, he reduces the problem to the restricted
three-body case, i.e., he assumes a circular orbit for Jupiter. The
period of the solution is 8,620.0 days, or approximately two revolutions
of Jupiter in its orbit. The basic periodic orbit plus the analytical
expressions for the variations of the true, osculating orbit from the
basic solution are used now to compute the disturbed values of the
elements a, el and n (it is assumed here that the inclination and the
line of the nodes remain essentially undisturbed, as far as their mean
values are concerned) in intervals of 100 years, over a total interval
of 1,000 years. The Jacobi constant, C, is computed for each set of
these disturbed elements, and the relatively small deviations of the
values of C from constancy, which is theoretically required, indicate
the reasonable soundness of these results. The figures given by the
author, which reveal rather large changes in the elements a, e, and n I
represent a time interval extending 1,000 years into the future. The
author performed the same computations. for 1,000 years backward in time,
but he mentions that, from the corresponding results, it follows that
Hilda in this interval approached Jupiter so closely in a cometary type
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of orbit as to make the numerical results very uncertain. The test of
the results by means of the Jacobi constant, C, became unsatisfactory,
and the "backward" results are not listed. In the final paragraph, the
author goes back to the more rigorous expressions of the nonrestricted
problem and Computes the disturbed elements of the planet Hilda for 900
years forward and 700 years
trend of the previous, more
author's results, the orbit
backward. The results confirm the
approximate results.
of Hilda has suffered
formations in a relatively very short interval of
cometary orbit toward increasingly "normal" minor
On the basis of the
very considerable de-
time, leading from a
planet orbits.
It is believed that the above results should be received rather
skeptically. First, many higher order teras are still neglected in the
study and, second, the basic assumption of a constant node and incli-
nation might have seriously affected the results. It is well known that
most minor planets have considerable secular perturbations of their
'nodes, and the close approach to Jupiter would most likely have affected
the inclination very seriously, too. It is not indicated how the
criterion of the Jacobi constant is satisfied by the various sets of
elements in the final results, and it seems that a serious lack of rigor
pervades the results, owing to noncompliance with this strict theoreti-
cal requirement. Still, the investigation, as such, is an interesting
attempt at practical use of periodic orbits in connection with the motion
of minor planets; final acceptance of the quantitative results, however,
should await further progress in this direction.
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In another paper(97) (1953), Chebotarev applied his basic
method for the general perturbations of the Hilda group to seven indi-
vidual planets: (153) Hilda, (190) Ismene, (361) Bononia, (499) Venusia,
(748) Simeisa, (958) Asplinda, and (1038) Tuckia. The perturbations are
obtained as deviations from the proper absolute orbits of the periodic
type according to Chebotarev. The author evaluates his resulting analyti-
cal expressions, in intervals of 100 years, for about 1,000 years forward
and backward in time. He finds very large orbital changes. Some planets,
according to these results, had almost cometary orbits about 100 years
ago; others would come close to Jupiter a few hundred years from now.
Some planets are approaching the Thule type and may thus remain in or-
bits of the planetary type. Considering the extremely large orbital
variations, the author thinks that even the possibility of capture by
Jupiter, or of transfer to the status of a Trojan, may not be excluded
for some planets of this group.
Certainly, the planets of this group seem to be exposed to
rather large perturbations by Jupiter. Considering, however, the
simplifications made in the author's basic theory, and the related lack
of rigor(96), it remains doubtful whether the present results are suf-
ficiently accurate to represent the real orbital-evolution. It appearg
not to be impossible that a more 'rigorous theory might reduce the author's
"secular" variations to long-period large fluctuations. Although the
paper, notwithstanding these reservations, is an interesting contribu-
tion, one has to be cautious about final acceptance of these approximate
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The same analysis, which was applied to seven individual
planets.of the Hilda group in his 1953 paper(97), is used by
Chebotarev(98) (1954) to derive the corresponding expressions for nine
more planets: (1162) Larissa, (1180) Rita, (1202) Marina, (1212)
Francette, (1268) Libya, (1345) Potomac,
(1439) Vogtia, (1512) 1939 FE,
and (1529) 1938 BC. Again, the analytical results are evaluated, in
intervals of 100 years, for about 1,000 years into the future as well as
into the past. In the case of (1202) Marina, this evaluation extends to
2,400 years into the past and 2,000 years into the future, because here
the author finds an especially interesting type of oscillating evolution
of the orbit. After presenting the individual results, the author re-
views them together with the results presented in the earlier paper(97)
to arrive at some general conclusions.
The orbits of all 16 planets appear to be very unstable, and
planets change from one commensurability ratio to another in relatively
short intervals of time. The commensurability 2 : 3, however, presents
a barrier, explaining, according to the author, the accumulation of
planets near the corresponding mean daily motion of about 450". The
form of the individual orbits may change so much that no barrier seems to
exist in this group between typical minor-planet orbits and those of a
cometary type. The author presents graphs for the 16 individual planets,
giving the eccentricity, e, as a function of the mean motion, n, during
the intervals of time for which he had evaluated his results. It can be
seen that the trend of orbital evolution is individual and quite dif,-
ferent for different planets. In one additional graph, the individual
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planets are summarized to indicate the difference between the e(n) dis-
tribution of the 16 planets before and after a time interval of 2,000
years. This graph indicates a systematic, average trend towards smaller
mean motions and larger eccentricities, as time goes on.
As was remarked about the preceding paper(97), one should be
cautious about accepting these evolutional trends as definitely estab-
lished, because the theory used for the derivation of these results is
approximative, and terms are omitted which may become significant after
longer intervals of time. Otherwise, however, Chebotarev certainly made
the best use of his basic theory in order to obtain some insight into
the orbital variations of the planets of a group which is so strongly
disturbed by Jupiter. Insofar as the necessary theory was derived by
the author in his earlier paper(96), the present contribution is of
considerable interest, because these numerical evaluations reveal the
related features of the orbital changes in this group of planets.
A discussion of G. N. Duboshin's paper (161) (1945) on periodic
motions in the system of Saturn's satellites is given in the section on
Planetary Satellites.
E. Klier(278) (1954), a Czechoslovakian, used vectors instead
of the. classical method of scalar componente for the derivation of.
Lagrange's well-known rigorous solutions of the three-body problem. He
further considers the features of the relative motion of mi and m3 .
relative to m2 by means of the necessary coordinate 'transformations (in
vectors), comparing the period of revolution with the corresponding value
in the two-body problem.
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410 Although the author thinks that he is the first one to use
vectors for the derivation of the Lagrangean solutions, this had actually
been done before by Milankovich. Furthermore, nothing essentially new
is gained by the use of vectors, except for a simplification of the ex-
pressions. The paper has the level of a good exercise in celestial
mechanics, but not of a research contribution leading to any advance in
Chapter I of a rather lengthy paper by G. A. Merman(393) (1952)
contains a discussion of the theory of periodic solutions depending on
a small parameter, as initiated by Poincar? and further developed by
Malkin. Difficulties were encountered by Poincare when the Hessian of
the Hamilton function is equal to zero, which corresponds to the case
where the two-body solution is adopted as the generating solution of
the problem. A criterion is given for the existence of periodic solu-
tions for the case where the functional determinant of the resolving
equations vanishes equal to zero. The author proposes a method which,
in order to avoid the difficulty of Poincare's method, makes use of a
generating solution that incorporates the effect of a properly averaged
perturbing function, instead of neglecting the perturbing function alto-
gether. Jacobi.'s method is used to reduce the averaged system to
quadratures, so that the variation-of-constants method can be applied
to the initial system. All the equations remain in their canonical
In Chapter II and III, the averaged system of equations is
studied in considerable detail, and proof is given for the ex.iste'nce of
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periodic solutions in the restricted problem as well as in Hill's
problem of satellite orbits. A physical interpretation of the averaged
system leads to the concept of the sun's mass being distributed on a
circle in the case of Hill's problem. A very detailed investigation of
the system is made by means of the qualitative method of singular points.
It is shown that, for sufficiently small values of the parameter, the
Hessian mentioned above differs from zero. This proves the existence of
periodic solutions in Hill's problem. A corresponding investigation is
made for the restricted problem, where a simplified equation.is used to
establish the generating solution. It is shown that, under quite liberal
conditions, the Hamilton function of the simplified problem has a Hessian
which differs from zero, thus establishing the existence of periodic
solutions. The simplified system, which takes into account only the
largest terms of the related developments, approximates the averaged
system of the problem.
Although the actual astronomical value of the approximation
made by Merman in the choice of the approximating system remains doubt-
ful, because the approximation is quite rough, the whole study is of
considerable theoretical interest and value. The author definitely
contributes a new idea for dealing with certain difficulties in the theory
of periodic solutions and demonstrates his thorough familiarity with his
chosen subject.
Whittaker's criterion for the existence of periodic orbits, in
the modified and generalized form given to it by N. D. Moiseyev, was
applied42) ( (1937) by the latter to prove the existence of Periodic
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solutions about the Lagrangean libration center, L1, in the special case
of the Copenhagen problemii.e., for two equal finite masses ml and m2.
It is shown, in particular, that the theory based on whittaker's criterion
leads to the most simple method of proving the existence of these
periodic orbits around Ll. In the Copenhagen problem, the point L1 co-
incides with the center of mass of ml and m2.
assuming a circular orbit for Jupiter,
Numerov(512) (1929),
made a preliminary investigation of periodic orbits of Schwarzschild's
type for the case of the 2 : 1 commensurability of the mean motions,
i.e., for asteroids with periods of revolution which are approximately
half as long as Jupiter's period of orbital revolution. The study is
limited to motion in Jupiter's own orbital plane. Considering four dif-
ferent starting conditions, representing the moments of opposition and
conjunction at the perihelion or aphelion of the asteroid with respect to
Jupiter, Numerov makes use
(which he presents also in
of. Hill's method of general perturbations
considerable detail) for the analytical de-
termination of the proper relation between the eccentrioity and the
starting mean motion, so as to assure periodicity of the asteroid's
In the'second half of the paper, Numerov uses his own numerical
method of special perturbations, chara'cterized-by-his well-known process
of extrapolation', for an actual determination of one periodic orbit for
which the approximate starting.conditions had been taken from the pre-
ceding analytical study. For an adopted eccentricity angle.
= arc sin e = 10, and a related starting value of 6201.'46 for the mean
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motion of the minor planet, the computations are carried out over one
complete orbital revolution 'of Jupiter. It is found that the starting
mean motion has to be changed to 620'51 in order to obtain a true
periodic orbit.
This paper contains no new theory, but the author's applica-
tion of Schwarzschild's basic theory to such a specific and practical
problem has definite merits. It seems, indeed, that Chebotarev's later
contributions to the problem of periodic orbits were inspired by this
paper of Numerov.
A. A. Orlov15(526) (1945) investigation of the problem of the
existence of periodic orbits for fixed and constant values of the orbital
inclination, i, is based essentially on Poincare's thedry, but the para-
meter, X 1 of the solutions is chosen according to Hopf and Perron. The
assumption of a fixed inclination enables Orlov to introduce this orbital
plane as the fundamental coordinate plane, and a rotating coordinate
system is introduced in this plane so as to follow the mean or average
motion of the disturbed planet. The true position of the disturbed body
oscillates about the fixed mean position, and the existence of periodic
solutions is proved. It is.found, however, that periodic orbits are
possible only for i = 0? and i = 90?. In the first of these two cases,
the periodic orbit is circular, relative to the nonrotating, fixed, co-
0 -
ordinate system. In the second case, where the orbital plane is.rectangu-
lar to the orbit of the disturbing planet,-as represented by Fatou's
ring in the present problem,the true position of the disturbed planet
describes a small ellipse about the body's mean location at least as
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far as the terms up to the sixth order of X are concerned. The period
of the orbit depends on the value of the parameter, X, which, at the
same time, represents one of the constants of integration. The remain-
ng arbitrary constants are the longitude of the node and the time pas-
sage through the node.
This is an interesting analysis of a very special problem, the
peculiar features of which are determined by the adoption of Fatou's
ring for the disturbing planet and by the assumption of a constant in-
clination. Great theoretical competence and ability are undoubtedly
demonstrated by this thorough analysis of the chosen problem, even
though the methods employed by the author are not new in themselves.
Orlov(527) (1950) made an extensive study of periodic solutions
in space of the restricted three-body problem; the analysis is simpli-
fied by the application of Moiseyev's process of "averaging". First,
the mean anomaly of the disturbed planet may be eliminated by averaging
this planet's position as far as it enters the disturbing function; in
the first part of the paper, the author makes use of this "inner Variant"
for the determination of periodic solutions. Alternatively, the mean
anomaly of the disturbing planet may be averaged for its effect on the
perturbations; this "exterior-variant" procedure is the basis for the
developments in the second part of the paper. The fundamental theory
of the periodic solutions of this investigation is essentially Poincare's,
but it is modified insofar as the significant parameter for the develop-
ment is not Poincare's mass of the disturbing planet, but a proper coef-
ficient, X , which is defined in connection with a convenient
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transformation of the coordinates, that of Hopf and Perron. The first
chapter of the first part is dedicated to a representation of Poincare's
method of finding the periodic solutions.
Chapter 2 then deals with the proof of the existence of periodic
solutions for the case of the inner variant of the averaged problem.
Here, two integrals, corresponding to the energy and area integrals, are
found to exist. The author determines the starting conditions for which
the solutions of the differential equations become periodic. Two es-
sentially different classes of orbits are found. The first class con-
sists of periodic orbits of small osculating eccentricity, but of unre-
stricted orbital inclination, i; the second class is comprised of orbits
with finite eccentricities, e, and inclinations, i, but with a conditional
relation between e and i.
Chapter 3 contains the actual determination of the main terms
of the developments, up to a certain order and degree of approximation.
Part II of the paper treats, in an analogous manner, the case
of the exterior variant of the averaged problem. Chapter 1 gives the
proof for the existence of periodic solutions; in Chapter 2, the actual
determination and evaluation are presented. It is of interest that, in
the case of the exterior variant, only one class of periodic orbits
exists, namely, for small eccentricities but finite inclinations.
This is a very good contribution of considerable interest. The
mathematical analysis of the problem is very well done, and the author's
competence and ability in theoretical work are demonstrated beyond any
doubt. Altogether, it is a solid and substantial addition to knowledge
in the field of periodic orbits.
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This work was continued by Orlov (528) in 1952, when he con-
sidered the more flexible case of a variable inclination with an
arbitrary starting value. Otherwise, the analysis essentially follows
the lines of the earlier paper. The osculating orbital plane at the
time to serves as the basic or reference plane, relative to which the
rectangular coordinates t In, and are defined. These coordinates are
referred to this inclined fundamental plane, and, at the same time, the
coordinate system rotates about an axis which goes through the central
mass and which is rectangular to the plane of Fatou's ring, representing
the disturbing planet (Jupiter). The author proves the existence of
nearly circular periodic orbits and determines the larger terms of the
corresponding power series depending on the ascending powers of the
Hopf-Perron parameter, X. The integration constants and, thus, the
necessary starting conditions are found by means of the conditional
equations for the occurrence of periodicity. In the periodic orbits
found by the author, the small mass describes a librational motion with
respect to a.umean" planet which, in turn, moves uniformly in a circular
orbit located in the fundamental plane and centered in the principal
mass of the problem. The motion is periodic only relative to the ro-
tating coordinate system.
This paper is of definite value with regard-not only to the
, interesting new results, but also to its excellent mathematical form and
elegance. -Because of the adoption-of Fatou's scheme, this paper deals
with an idealized concept as far as astronomical problems are concerned,
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but the periodic solutions obtained may be suitable as variational or-
bits in concrete problems of the solar system. The author appears to be
far above the average in competence and ability.
Reyn(634) (1937) points out that one of Whittaker's equations
for his double integrals, extended over the region which is enclosed by
a periodic trajectory, contains an error and-also is valid in the given
form only for direct periodic motion. The author re-establishes these
interesting integrals, with emphasis on their different form for direct
and retrograde orbits.
The author certainly deserves credit for correcting and com-
pleting whittaker's results, and for finding the source of the error in
Whittaker 's original note (1902).
If the inner branch of Moiseyev's so-called osculatrice does
not intersect the exterior branch as well as the curve of zero velocity,
then, according to the theorem of Whittaker-Moiseyev, a ring-shaped zone
can be constructed inside of which retrograde periodic trajectories
(referred to the rotating coordinate system) exist. As the required
topographic system of curves, Reyn(635) (1938) adopts a:certain family
of ellipses about the libration center, L2, and then, by means of the
method of contact characteristics, she proves the existence of simple,
closed trajectories between two given ellipses of the topographic
family. Making use of the apparent shape of the counterglow, as de-
termined by Fesenkov's isophots, and comparing the corresponding region
in space about the point 112 with the results of the preceding qualitative
- 76
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analysis, she arrives at the approximate limits of the range of the
Jacobi constant h* which would be compatible with the observed features
of the counterglow.
This is a constructive contribution of Jloderate importance, be-
cause it explores, by methods already available, some of the dynamic
characteristics which should apply if the counterglow is actually pro-
duced by a cloud of particles near the libration center, L2. The results
of this study have to be considered in making any final decision about
the admissibility of the Gylden-Moulton hypothesis on the origin of the
counter glow.
c. Criteria of Stability
(1). A. M. Lyapunov's
The Russian period of activity on the problem of the
stability of motion dates from 1892, when Lyapunov's classical paper,
The General Problem of the Stability of Motion, appeared. It reached
the West in 1907, when it was published in French in Annales de Toulouse.
There is some overlapping between the paper of Lyapunov and Poincare's
work. It is not too much to say that through his careful treatment, -which
is indeed wholly modern, Lyapunov laid down the basis for the general
theory of stability. Before considering his work, it should be said that
after Poincare and Lyapunov, the chapter of mathematics which they
opened lay dormant until it was revived by Van der Pol and the modern
Soviet school.
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Since Soviet work is based mainly upon Lyapunov's. efforts,
a brief discussion of his work is presented.
The problem taken up by Lyapunov is the following. Con-
sider a dynamic system represented by:
x= X(x,t), (1)
where the dot indicates the differentiation with respect to time, x and
X are n-dimensional vectors, and X(0,t) = 0 for all t. Thus, x = 0 is a
solution, the steady-state solution. It is supposed that X is such that
the existence and uniqueness of solutions of System I hold in a suitable
neighborhood of the origin. What is to be said regarding the solutions
which start at time to from any point sufficiently close to the origin?
In particular, do all or only some of them leave the origin (absolute or
conditional instability), or remain quite close (stability), or perhaps
actually tend to the origin (asymptotic stability)? The same problems
may be considered for a periodic motion, as well as for the origin, but
such problems can be reduced to the preceding one.
the form:
A special case of System 1 is autonomous systems, i.e., of
x = X(x). (2)
A large part of Lyapunov's original paper is-devoted to
such systems under the additional restriction that X is an analytic
function. More explicitly, the system has the form:
x = Ax + f(x), (3)
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wherellisaconstantn.nmatrixamithecomporientsf.of f are power
series of degree at least two in the components x of x. Basically,
Lyapunov compares the solutions of (3) with those of the "first approxi-
y = Ay. (4)
(This is usually referred to as Lyapunov's method or his "first method",
to distinguish it from his so-called "second method", which involves a
positive function known as the "Lyapunov function".)
Let X11 X2' ..., 1.n be the characteristic roots of the
1 matrix A; that is to say, the roots of the polynomial IA - X I = 0,
where I is the unit matrix of order n. Suppose, for simplicity, that
_ _
the n roots X are distinct; this is indeed the general case. Lyapunov
? n
showed that if the Xn all have negative real parts, then x will go to
zero as t goes to infinity, and the system is asymptotically stable.
If only k of the roots have negative real parts, the/:-e is a k7dimensional
family of stable solutions and their stability is asymptotic; if all have
positive real parts, the system is unstable. Actually, the same stability
properties hold even when there are repeated characteristic roots.
Lyapunov also gave a complete treatment of the case when
one of the characteristic rOots is zero or when there is a pair, -?iX 1
of pure imaginary roots. In the latter case, with a certain additional
condition, he showed that the system admits a one-parameter family of.
periodic solutions. In 1937, Malkin, an outstanding Soviet mathematician
and follower of Lyapunov, treated at length the case of two characteris-
tic roots equal to zero.
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Lyapunov also dealt rather fully with System 3 in which
the terms of A and the coefficients of the power series f are bounded
functions of the time, t. Finally, he made a full study of the stability
of periodic solutions of autonomous System 2.
The results described are based on the explicit repre-
sentation of the solutions by certain series obtained as follows. In-
troduce a dummy parameterle , and look for a solution of System 3
represented by:
1 22
x = 6 X +& X +. . . . (5)
To obtain the various terms, one substitutes in (3) and
identifies like powers of &. There results a sequence of linear equa-
tions for x11 x2, . . ., which may be solved one at a time. The system
for x1 is actually System 4. Under reasonable conditions, the series
solution with e = 1 is shown to be convergent.
Whatever Lyapunov obtained by the above-described method
of solution is referred to by him and his successors as his "first
method". He alsb introduced a "second method" which is in high favor
in the Soviet Union, but which has not received much attention in
Western Europe or in the U. S. This method involves the utilization of
a certain function, 7(xit), known as Lyapunov's function. The first
step in the application of this method to a given problem consists of the
construction of the appropriate Lyapunov function for the given system.
If V(x,t) is such a function with continuous first partial derivatives
near the origin, then along a trajectory of System 1:
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V = > X ?
?. V
If one can find a V such that, for small x, V > 0 while
V < 0 for t > T, then the origin is stable for System 1. If V > 0
under the same conditions, the origin is unstable. Roughly speaking,
V = constant represents a family of ovals surrounding the origin that
shrink along the trajectories in the case of stability and expand when
the system is unstable. Other criteria of this nature were developed ?
by Lyapunov and later by I. G. Malkin(3821 383) and Persidskiy. They
were all inspired by the classical condition of stability of equilibrium,
according to which the potential energy must be a minimum.
Regarding the second method of Lyapunov, it is important
toobservethatitdoesnotimposearialyticityoftheL,and thus it
has a much larger range of application than his first method. It is
true, nevertheless, that in all the applications made by Lyapunov and by
most of his successors, analyticity is assumed. Exceptions to this are
the works of N. D. Moiseyev(4341 435) (1936). In these works, Moiseyev
extends the class of functions which can play the role of Lyapunov
He shows that - dV --- does not need.to be continuou0s, but only
It is interSsting to compare the contributions of?Poincare
and Lyapunov to differential equations and the theory of motion.
Lyapunov is the analyst who treats the problem in detail; Poincare is
much more universal. Lyapunov dealt strictly with the local problem -
stability around a given solution - and, in this respect, gave much
0 :
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more precise results and went a great deal further than Poincare. How-
ever, Poincare, in one of his papers, laid down the basis for the treat-
ment of differential equations in the large. He also made very many
applications to celestial mechanics. Such applications of Lydpunov's
theory were introduced into the literature on celestial mechanics much
later, especially by G. N. Duboshin and N. D. Moiseyev.
(2). General Concepts
The papers on the criteria of stability could not be
readily arranged in terms of subproblems. The situation is, rather, that
each problem depends upon the assumptions, definitions, and criteria
which are adopted. For purposes of presentation, however, the papers to
be discussed have been divided into two groups: (1) general concepts and
(2) astronomical concepts. In general, the discussion of the papers is
given chronologically by author.
N. G. Chetayev (111),
as early as 1931, proved his ability
in dynamics. Making use of the cdnonical form of the differential
equations of motion for a system of n degrees of freedom, and of the
related equations by Poincare for the perturbdtional variations, and
introducing the concept of the local density of a bundle of trajectories
with given starting conditions, as well as a certain "function of den-
sity", the author finally obtains for the function of density a partial
differential equation quite analogous to Schroedingeris wave equation
of quantum mechanics. Solutions are possible only for a certain dis-
crete"spectrunif'oftheconstants'a..From the way the force function,
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W, and the function of density are involved in his "measure of influence
of the perturbations", it is found that the stable trajectories (which
are least likely to be deflected because a certain maximum condition
is fulfilled) are the ones which are determined by the discrete values
of the constants a . The stable trajectories themselves, therefore, will
be distributed as discrete curves in general, and only for a continuous
spectrum of ai could the (phase) space be filled compactly. In further
analogy to quantum mechanics, the deviations and possible oscillations
of the neighboring trajectories around the stable ones may be inter-
preted as the "waves" associated with the equation.
Three years later, Chetayev (112) demonstrated his mathe-
matical ingenuity in stating and proving a general theory of nonsta-
bility, making use of Lyapunov's basic ideas. If the differential
equations of the disturbed motion are of such a form that: (1) for a
certain function, V, with an infinitesimally small upper limit, a region
exists where V V' > 0, and (2) if, in an arbitrarily small part of this
region, a subregion around xs = 0 exists with the property that for a
certain function, W, one has W >,0 inside this subregion and W = 0 on
its boundary, where ---- is also definite dt within the same subregion,
then the undisturbed motion is not stable. Proof of this theorem can
be based on geometrical evidence, making use of Poincare.'s related con-
cepts and procedures, or it can be obtained analytically by means of
Lyapunov's function. Lyapunov's theorems on ndnstability are special
cases of the more general theorem presented and proved in this paper.
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Chetayev has to his credit a textbook(105) (1946; second
edition 1955) which is on a considerably higher level than Duboshin's.
book(172) which is a text for fourth- or fifth-year students. Although
Duboshin more or less restricted his work to the presentation of
Lyapunov's fundamental theory, Chetayev gives a more comprehensive
treatment, and also seems to be more critical as well as creative than
was Duboshin. Chetayev's seems to be the finest and most complete and
competent textbook on the stability of motion available today.
Chapter I deals with the formulation of the stability
problem in general, and with its historical development up to the time
of publication. Chapter II treats the general theorems of Lyapunov's
"direct" method, involving his so-called V-function. Considered are
various aspects of the theory, including, also, the more recent develop-
ments. An interesting application is the author's own treatment of the
motion of a rigid and heavy body, one point of which is held fixed.
Lyapunov's function of this problem is determined here for the first
time. Chapter III deals with the stability of equilibrium, with the act-
ing forces possessing a.force function. Again, the author Contributes
some results of his own. This chapter, too, is illustrated by some. ap-
plications, one of which deals with the stability of equilibrium of a
material ellipsoid resting on a plane surface. Some ballistic applica-
tions are given, too. Classical theorems, such as those of Kronecker and
Poincare, are contained in this chapter.
Chapter IV, on the basis of matrices, treats the linear
differential equations with constant coefficients. The relevant
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classical results are presented, and the author makes use of Hurwitz's
theorem concerning the roots of the characteristic equation for the
stability of a rigid body. Chapter V contains the classical results con-
cerning the effect of a disturbing force on the status of equilibrium.
This chapter is distinguished by Chetayev's presentation of rigorous
proofs by means of Lyapunov's theory; most of the earlier authors were
satisfied with proofs to the degree of a first approximation. The
chapter further deals with binding conditions, with the effect of dis-
sipative forces, with gyroscopic forces, with the stability of a ballis-
tic missile, and with forced oscillations. Chapter VI is devoted to the
stability of the first approximation, and the fact is stressed that
stability found from the first approximation may turn out to be invalid
when a rigorous treatment according to Lyapunov's theory is made.
Lyapunov's pertinent theorems are given.
Chapter VII deals with the singular case of one zero
root of the characteristic equation (of the first approximation). Here,
the rigorous treatment is more difficult, even by Lyapunov's theory, and
the author apparently has contributed to progress in this special case.
In this chapter, the conditions are investigated under which a stable
solution is obtained for the motion of an airplane. Chapter VIII con-
tains Lyapunov's results for the case of two imaginary, conjugate roots
of the characteristic equation of the first approximation. In Chap-
ter IX, the author proceeds to the treatment of so-called unsettled
motion, i.e., to the case where the coefficients of the differential
equations according to LYapunov are not constant. Most of the result's
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for this more complicated problem had been found by Lyapunov. The
problem is treated with the aid of exponential functions, and the im-
portant role of the so-called characteristic number with respect to the
exponents of these functions is properly demonstrated.
The final chapter, Chapter X, is devoted to periodic mo-
tion, and it is made clear that the stability problems related to periodic
motions have not been completely solved as yet. Lyapunov's approximate
method for the determination of the characteristic equation in this
problem is presented in detail.
G. N. Duboshin(148) (1935) gives several methods for the
construction of Lyapunov's function, V, for the case where the system of
differential equations is of the canonical form. Lyapunov had already
pointed out that the trivial solution (x1 = 0, x2 = 01 ? .1 x = 0, y1=
0, y 2 = 0, . . . ,y = 0) is stable if the characteristic function, HI
is a definite function (dxi/dt = afi/ ay.; dyi/dt = - axi). The
author gives additional theorems on the occurrence of stability or non-
stability, depending on the definiteness of a new function, W H, and
on the behavior of the related Poisson brackets, (W,H), with respect to
(W,H) + aHThe problem is thus reduced to the determination of a
at ?
suitable definite function, W HI or of a corresponding function, W.
The five theorems presented increase and facilitate the
actual possibilities for the construction of a function which, in the
case of canonical differential equations, takes the proper place of
Lyapunov's function, V. Since, on the basis of the new theorems, it is
possible to decide on stability or nonstability in cases where the
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function H is of variable sign, while Lyapunov considered only a de-
finite function, Hi these theorems represent an addition to the theory
of stability.
An interesting exhibition of the actual application of
Lyapunov's second method was given by Duboshin in 1935(149). Otherwise,
the paper is of no importance, since no theoretical advance is involved
in the investigation. The stability or nonstability of the trivial
solution x = Oi with respect to x and Xi depends on the behavior and
limitations of the function p(t). For four already known theorems con-
cerning the stability or nonstability in this problem, the author gives
a new demonstration of proof based on Lyapunov's general theorems. In
each case, he introduces a convenient Lyapunov function, V, for the pur-
pose of this demonstration.
The classical theory of stability by Lyapunov considers
only the effects of momentary and random variations or perturbations on
the basis of the related perturbation equations - dt Xs (t, xi, x2,...,
xn). In 1940, Duboshin(157) without much difficulty, extended the theory
by introducing a continuously acting perturbing influence, such as the
actual planetary perturbations in celestial mechanics.
This additional
influence is introduced-by a corresponding function, Rs, in the, form:
dt _ ' x (t x11 x2' x ) + R (t, xi, x2, ..., xn).
Duboshin found that the new terms can be rather easily combined with the
original terms of Lyapunov, leading to no essential modifications of
the basic method.
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The trivial solution x = 0, x = 0 of the differential
equation X = X(t, xi X) was considered by Duboshin(158) (1940). He in-
vestigated the conditions under which this trivial solution can be either
stable or unstable, in the sense of Lyapunov. Eight theorems are pre-
sented for various assumptions concerning the character of the function
X, and especially concerning the partial derivatives XX (t, 0, 0) and
Xy (t, 0, 0).
In 1952, Duboshin(172) published a textbook on stability
of motion for fourth- or fifth-year students in celestial mechanics.
Nothing quite like this book is known to exist in the Western literature.
The text is devoted mainly to the presentation and explanation of
Lyapunov's methods, which had been insufficiently publicized before.
The author also extended some of the results by Lyapunov.
The first chapter contains the basic concepts and defini-
tions of stability according to Lyapunov. Chapter 2 deals with the in-
tegration of the differential equations of the disturbed motion, using
Lyapunov's method. Especially treated are linear differential equations
with periodic coefficients. Chapter 3 gives the fundamentals of
Lyapunov's so-called second or V-method, where the problem of stability
is reduced to the determination ofacertain function, 'V(t, x x2
xn). This chapter contains four important theorems by Lyapunov, the
first of which may be considered as a typical example for Lyapunov's
methods. If, for the "perturbations" x51 the differential equations are
of the form -X (t, x11 x2 xn), and if a function, V (t, x
can be found so that a]ways (after 4 given 'moment, to)
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V > 0 (or always, V < 0), and:
?CT av dV
at dx X < 0 (or always > 0),
s s ?
then the motion is stable.
Chapter 4 deals with the case where the Xs are linear
forms of the xs1 with constant coefficients; Chapter 5 is devoted to
singular cases. Lyapunov's conditions for the existence of periodic
solutions for the disturbed motion are given in Chapter 6, with applica-
tions to the motion of the neighborhood of the straight-line libration
points in the restricted problem of three bodies. The seventh and last
chapter considers problems where the coefficients of the xs in the ex-
pressions for the Xs are functions of the time, t. In this case, no
systematic procedures for the determination of Lyapunov's function, V,
exists, but, in most cases, one tries to use quadratic forms. Under
certain conditions, it becomes possible to find the function, V.
I. G. Malkin(383) (1951) considered the case where the
differential equations of the disturbed motion, in the-sense of Lyapunov,
have such a form that the characteristic equation has one pair of purely
imaginary roots. In this case, as Lyapunov has shown, one can transform
the variables in such a manner that two variables, x and m, can be ob-
tained from two equations involving only the second and higher powers of
the additional variables x1 xn. The iiroblem is reduced to the de-
termination of the solution of a system of n partial differential equa-
tions, in order to find the solutions for xl xn in the form of
power series depending on the first two variables, x and x. The
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resulting developments, in turn, can be inserted into the differential
equations .for x and x, in order to study the stab.lity (including the
higher order terms) of the whole original system. Although all this
had been shown by Lyapunov, the actual integration of the partial dif-
ferential equations is a very complex and elaborate task. In the present
paper, the author presents a method by which the process of successive
solutions for the various terms depending on the ascending powers of
x and x is reduced to one*basic Integration, the analytical structure
of which repeats itself for the terms of ascending higher order. This
striking simplification of the int Eration procedures is reached by the
simple transformation x = cos 1), y = sin 13. This reduces the system of
partial differential equations to a system of ordinary linear differen-
tial equations, the individual terms of which can now be integrated
separately. The analytical structure of the coefficients of the higher
order is the same as the one of the first-order coefficient.
Malkin clearly has made a rather substantial contribution
in this paper; it is surprising only that this simple but significant
transformation had ,not been found before. This is a paper of permanent
value, and the author evidently is highly competent in the field of
stability problems.
In Lyapunovls second method, it is assumed that the well-
dV (434)
known V-function.must have a continuous derivative, ----
dt Moiseyev
(1936) finds, from a thorough study of Lyapunovls work, that continuity
is required only insofar as to guarantee the existence of the integral:
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V -o
t = to
This leads Moiseyev to the conclusion that all the theorems of Lyapunov's
second method remain valid if it is admitted that the derivative:
dV -1 avv av
s As at
= 1
may have finite instantaneous changes without a change of sign in such
points whose measure, in the point set for which the function
x2 ?77 x, t) = C is defined, is equal to zero. The importance of the
result lies in the possibility that a larger variety of problems may be-
come accessible to Lyapunov's second method because of this conclusion.
The author's finding proves his thorough familiarity with
Lyapunov's ideas, and illustrates his own vision and independent think-
ing in dealing with such theoretical subjects.
Moiseyev(435) (1936) showed, in an interesting and in-
genious manner, how Lyapunov's concept of stability appears as just a
special case of an even more abstract system of mathematical concepts
which makes use of the theory of point sets. He seems to have mastered
0 the basic mathematical field which he needed for his generalization of
the stability problem.
Moiseyev Points out that Lyapunov's theory of stability
can be generalized and completed in various respects, and Reference 435
.contains one example; it considers a set of points within a given sphere
in connection with the possible starting conditions of a set of
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trajectories, which leads to the concept of the probability of stability.
In the generalized theory, Lyapunov's class of stable motions appears
as a partial set within the class of motions with a probability of
stability equal to unity. For Lyapunov's definition of stability, the
related or coordinated class of nonstable motions comprises a zero set;
from the extended point of view, the corresponding class of nonstability
is a set of the measure zero, and the probability is equal to unity for
the stability, under its generalized definition.
Reference 445 contains the detailed description and defi-
nition of the new concept presented in Reference 435 and of its various
aspects, and also a method for the actual computation of probabilities
of stability. The investigation is limited to those cases where the-
right-hand side of the differential equations does not explicitly depend
on the time, t. The terminology and the basic elements are those of the
theory of point sets. The general theory is illustrated by some selected
examples of second-order differential equations. The whole analysis
appears as a mathematical generalization of Lyapunov's basic-theory of
Reference. 445 is a mathematical investigation rather re-
mote from the practical problems of celestial mechanics, and it was
published in a mathematical journal, not in an astronomical one. Never-
theless, these generalized aspects of the stability problem contain,
in themselves, the special methods normally applied to problems of
celestial mechanics, and they are of as much interest to the field as
are other mathematical fields (theory of differential equations, theory
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of functions, etc). Obviously, the writer's mathematical background
is impressively strong, even in fields which are not closely related to
most problems in celestial mechanics.
Moiseyev(443) (1937) established stability definitions of
a generalized kind for a given set of trajectories, the starting points
of which are first classified into two point sets with respect to a
given one-parameter system of surfaces,4) (x1' x2' ode n) = eo The con-
cepts of stability and nonstability are defined by means of certain
limiting inequalities between the original and the final deviations of
the given set of orbital points and a "maximum" limiting surface; the
concepts "counterstability" and "noncounterstability" are introduced on
the basis of similar conditions involving a "minimum" limiting surface.
The applicability of the one or the other set of definitions depends on
the relative size of the final deviations of the set of given orbital
points as compared with the variations of the surfaces which are in-
volved. On the basis of these definitions, the associated probabilities
of stability are then established.
These are highly theoretical considerations, consisting
as they do only in setting up very general definitions, rather than any
theorems or other conclusions. The author's "third" type of stability
differs from Lyapunov's concepts mainly by a greater simplicity, inso-
far as no analytical passage to the limit is involved here. Although
the new concepts are certainly interesting from a systematic and general
point of view, and although they also reflect the mathematical ingenuity
of the author, it remains to be seen how far they are actually useful
for the solution of dynamic problems.
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After referring to a 1938 paper (448) in which he
established the algorithm for the construction of regions of stability
and nonstability in phase space, Moiseyev(449) (1938) makes some
additional remarks concerning the importance of such regions of stability
and nonstability for the qualitative analysis of dynamic problems; he
is also concerned with the possibility of certain generalizations of
the method for the construction of the regions. Finally, Moiseyev
refers to a paper by Stepanov (728) and says that it is based on the
same principles as his investigations (448 449)
, even though the methods
and results do not duplicate each other. The common basic principle
is the formulation of the conditions of stability in dependence on the
phase coordinates, rather than on the time.
This addition to Reference 448 is not too substantial by
itself; the considerations contained in Reference 449, however, comple-
ment the whole system of concepts and conclusions developed by the author
in a series of contributions. Taken as a whole, these are contributions
of substantial and real interest, because they expand a field of
knowledge in a certain direction.
In 1939, Moiseyev(455) was concerned with the construc-
tion or the finding of compact regions (in the abstract phase space of
a generalized system of coordinates) where the trajectories represented
by a given system of differential equations for the perturbations, in
the sense of Lyapunov, are either stable or unstable. The mathematical
treatment of the problem is rather deep;. it makes use of so-called
"natural coordinates" referred to a frame which. is intimately connected
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with the motion of the particle on the "undisturbed" trajectory. The
axes of this natural-coordinate system are determined by the tangent
and the two normals of the undisturbed curve, everything being referred
to an abstract and generalized basic system of coordinates. Operating
with quadratic forms for the function which takes the place of Lyapunov's
V-function, Moiseyev arrives at a generalization of Lyapunov's classi-
cal method for dealing with the stability problem. The actual, disturbed
location of the moving particle is referred to the system of natural
coordinates, which is uloving with the "undisturbed" particle. Consider-
ing the properties of the quadratic form for the V-function, the author
finds it possible, in certain cases, to locate certain regions, cut out
by a system of surfaces in the generalized phase space, where the motion
is either stable or unstable, depending on the analytical criteria.
He expresses the opinion that these results will lend
themselves to applications in actual problems of celestial mechanics,
and it seems, indeed, that this quite general investigation may be
valuable and useful for further progress in this field. The paper defi-
nitely is a profound mathematical study of high interest froM the
"methodical" point of view.
Moiseyev continued and generalized this work in 'Reference
461. Although Reference 455 dealt with stability of motion 'in
ordinary three-dimensional space, Reference 461 leads to certain theorems
which are valid for motion in phase space of n dimensions. Still, it is
assumed that the time, t, shall not appear explicitly in the right-hand -
sides of the differential equations for the perturbations in Lyapunov's
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sense. Essential in the present study is the introduction of natural
or accompanying coordinates, i.e., of coordinates which are intimately
connected with the moving point and its trajectory. One of the n co-
ordinates, cr, is taken as an arc on the trajectory itself, and designates
the curvilinear distance between the "undisturbed" particle and the
rectangular projection of the "disturbed" position of the particle onto
the undisturbed trajectory. The remaining (n - 1) coordinates refer to
directions which are normal to the trajectory, and these coordinates are
not curved.
The new generalized coordinates have the important property
that the longitudinal perturbation (in the coordinate a ) can easily be
separated from the perturbations in the directions of the (n - 1) ortho-
gonal coordinates. The differential equations of the perturbations in
Lyapunov's sense (as the corresponding differences between the
turbed solution and the disturbed true motion)
are transformed
original form to the systelh of new coordinates. Actually, two
systems of new generalized coordinates
are employed
System I has its origin at the location, Po, of the
and the (n - 1) coordinates which are normal to the
from their
In this investigation.
undisturbed particle,
first coordinate,
lie in the plane by which the trajectory is orthogonally intersected in
P. System II is centered in the point P', where the disturbed point
or position P has its orthogonal projection onto the undisturbed tra-
jectory. System I is used for the discussion of the characteristics of
,the so-called longitudinal asymptotic stability and of the longitudinal
absolute nonstability, and a general criterion concerning the Occurrence
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of one or the other prOperty is given with proof. This criterion de-
pends essentially on the sign of the coefficient 1100 of the a term in
the differential equations. The expression for 1100 as the characteris-
tic for longitudinal stability or nonstability is then considered in its
dependence on the coordinates (neglecting the dependence of all these
coordinates on the time t), in order to study the regions of compact
longitudinal asymptotic stability and of longitudinal absolute nonsta-
bility. These regions are separated by the surface II00 (x1.? x 2 ? ? ? ,
Xn) = O.
The second system of coordinates is then used for a
? similar study of stability and nonstability with respect to the system
of (n 1) normal coordinates. This leads to a general theorem concern-
ing transverse nonstability or asymptotic stability. Geometrically,
these possibilities correspond to the divergence or asymptotic conver-
gence of neighboring trajectories. The construction of compact regions
of transverse asymptotic stability and of transverse absolute nonsta-
bility depends essentially on the mutual intersections of (n - 1) sur-
faces in n--dimensional space. The author then goes back to an ordinary
rectangular system of accompanying coordinates and derives the corres-
ponding expressions for the characteristic of transverse nonstability.
Up to this point, the paper has dealt with the trajec-
tories as curves in space, but not with moving points in these trajec-
tories. The author now states and proves the theorem that the simul-
taneous existence of transverse and longitudinal asymptotic stability is
a sufficient condition for orbital stability in Lyapunov's sense. A
similar theorem is true for nonstability.
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The main significance of this investigation lies in the
establishment of definitions of stability and nonstability which are in-
dependent of Lyapunov's function (in Lyapunov's second method), but
which are in agreement with respect to the results derived. The author
has presented new theoretical concepts which are very interesting, at
least from the mathematical point of view. The author said that this
paper is of a preliminary character, that these studies would be
continued, and that applications to celestial mechanics would be given
(perhaps by somebody else now, since the author has died). The value
of the theory in the present publication seems to be considerable.
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(3). Astronomical Concep1.2
Previous work of members of the Shternberg Institute
on the problem of the Gegenschein phenomenon led Agrest(7) (1945)
to the consideration of the mutual interaction of the Gegenschein
particles and, thus, to the introduction of a resistant medium into
the differential equations of motion for the individual particle.
The main result is that the mutual interaction of the particle may
actually increase the tendency of the particles to form a Gegenschein
cloud in the case of the collinear libration centers. Altogether,
however, the results are not conclusive enough.
Agrest investigated the roots of the characteristic
equation of the small variations, first, for trajectories in the
immediate neighborhood of the straight-line libration centers, and,
second, for those in the neighborhood of the triangular libration points.
In each case, the motion is nonstable in the sense of Lyapunov, because
roots with a positive real part always occur in the present problem;
but this result does not exclude the possibility of a conditional
stability in a more narrow sense, inasfar as a curve of a certain
family or type may be disturbed in such a manner as to remain in the
same class of librational or asymptotic motion relative to the cor-
responding libration center. Comparing the results of the present
analysis with the classical ones where no resistant medium is con-
sidered, the author finds, for the case of the collinear libration
centers, that one two-parameter group of solutions, which is periodic
in the classical problemidevelops into a class of asymptotic motions
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(approaching the corresponding libration center with tA. )
under the effect of the resistant medium. In this particular group
of solutions, a tendency of increasing conditional stability under
the effect of the resistant medium seems to be indicated, while in
other groups or classes of solutions, the probability of stability
seems to decrease.
In a paper on the origin of Gegenschein, Duboshin(135)
(1938) defines the problem of motion in the neighborhood of the
collinear libration points, for which the point L2 serves as a
representative, and develops the force function in powers of the
rectangular coordinates for which L2 is the center point. Whereas
formerly the stability or nonstability of periodic orbits was in-
vestigated by finding out about the periodicity or nbnperiodicity
of the "disturbed" motion (as produced by a small initial deviation
from tie basic periodic orbit), Duboshin obtains his proof for the
nonstability of the periodic orbits under consideration by means of
an important theorem by Lyapunov concerning the existence of periodic
solutions of differeptial equations in general. He also succeeds
in the actual determination of the Various ascendirig terms of the
analytical developments for the periodic solution. The new proof -
of nonstability is of importance, first, because it has been established
on the basis of a quite general method and, second, because all
earlier discussions of the nonstability of these periodic orbits
were based on approximate analytical expressions. The new proof is
rigorousl.and the convergence of the series which are involved is
? 100
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This is a really good and substantial contribution,
because it makes use of Lyapunov's elegant method for the first
rigorous proof of nonstability of the periodic motions near the
collinear points.
A good and critical study of the problem of the
stability of the ring of Saturn was made by Duboshin(159) (1940).
He starts with a short review of previous investigations of the
stability of Saturn's ring. The problem was first solved in an
approximate manner by Maxwell, who arrived at the result that the
rings are stable configurations of small particles or meteoritic
dust. Although it is most likely that the rings are formed by small
dust particles, Maxwell's proof of stability is not sufficient, be-
cause Lyapunov has shown that some type of motion may be found to
be stable from a
the second-order
Bucerius studied
first-order analysis, but that the inclusion of
terms may lead to
nonstability in Lyapunov's sense.
the stability problem of Saturn's rings on the basis
of a model of two three-dimensional
circular motion for the bulk of the
investigated-the motion of a single
gravitational action of a flattened
rings, A and B, assuming uniform
"disturbing" ring' particles. He
"disturbed" particle under the
Saturn and of the bulk of the ring
particles, neglecting the action of the diaturbed particle on all the
others. In Duboshin's opiniono Bucerius' approach is incomplete
because of this neglect, and, furthermore, Bucerius solved the
problem with approximating equations. In the present paper, Duboshin
uses Bucerius' scheme, but he attacks the Problem by means of Lyapunov's
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first method, including terms of higher order. He also introduces
the gravitational action of seven satellites (omitting Japetus and
Phoebe because of their great distance), by replacing them with
"averaging" rings of matter according to Gauss' scheme for secular
perturbations. Otherwise, the author's scheme has the same limita-
tions as the one of Bucerius and, for this reason, the author himself
states that the problem still is not solved in a rigorous way.
Neglected is not only the direct gravitational interaction of the
ring particles, but also the effect of any continuous perturbations in
Lyapunov's sense. The effect of friction between the ring particles,
on the other hand, has been included. Duboshin finds that under
certain conditions, which are satisfied in the present model, stable
circular motion of the particles is possible in the-equatorial plane
of Saturn. The actual particles may oscillate about such ideal
circular orbits, but they will not tend to deviate permanently from
their original orbits, as long as the disturbing action has the
character of momentary impulses and not of
author considers three parts, A, B, and C,
considered only two. Although the general
a steady force. The
of the ring, while Bucerius
results of this paper
confirm the stability of Saturn's rings, the author emphasizes the
facts that certain factors still have been neglected and that no
final proof of actual stability has been obtained.
In a rather popular summary report, Duboshin
(1941) gives the historical development and present status of the
question of the stability of the solar system. The variation-of-constants
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method of planetary perturbations is presented with a discussion of
the contributions of Laplace and Lagrange to the stability problem.
The author then goes on to the later contributions of Poisson,
Poincare, and others, leading to the conclusion that the problem
has not been solved yet in a general or unlimited way. Stressing
the point that all investigations have been made for fictitious
mathematical systems of point masses moving in empty space, rather'
than for the more complicated, real, solar system, the author finally
defines the problem as one which has to include the effect of the true
figures of the planets, the presence of many small masses and possibly
of a resisting medium, etc. In this form, the problem was stated
by Chetayev, but, apparently, not even an attempt has been made to
attack this complex "true" problem of stability in the solar system.
Duboshin certainly makes it clear that no mathematical
proof of the long-range stability of the solar system has been given
yet; he points out, however, that this failure of methods does not
prove the instability of the solar system either. Altogetherlthis
is a fair account of the development and status of a fascinating
The Roche criterion for the stability of a satellite,
in dependence on the distance from the planet, is based on the.
assumptions of circular motion and of a bound rotation of the satellite
with the period of its orbital revolution. Fesenkov(195) (1951)
considered a satellite rotating with an angular velocity five times
as great as the angular velocity of its orbital motion. From the
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proper modification of Roche's formula, it is seen that the critical
distance from the planet becomes more than twice the classical value.
In other words, a satellite with fast rotation tends to disintegrate
at a larger distance from the planet than a satellite with bound
Ivanenko, et al.1(238) (1951) make use of the formal
analogy between the linear approximation of Einstein's theory of
general relativity, on the one hand, and the field of electro-
magnetic radiation, on the other, for an application to the stability
of certain types of astronomical systems. Distinguishing between the
"Newtonian" part of the field energy and the radiated gravitational
energy which leaves the system, it is found that the radius, R, of
the material system under consideration should equal or exceed a
certain function of the total mass, Mi and of the related temperature,
T, of the radiation; the "critical" temperature, T, is obtained if the
equal sign is used. In general, this relation, R 24
cm, is
interpreted as an expression of nonstability. For the case of the
equal sign, the critical temperature, T, is computed for typical
representatives of galactic systems of planetary and of diffuse
nebulae and, in spite of the very different masses and dimensions of
such different systems, T is always found to be only slightly above
absolute zero, or of the order of the temperature of interstellar dust.
Finally, the critical T-values are computed for the solar systems, as
well as for the various satellite systems in the solar system, and,
here, much higher temperatures, of the order of the electron temperatures
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in gaseous nebulae, are obtained. It is also found that the
individual T-values of the various satellite systems (always in-
cluding the mass of the central planet) depend almost monotonicly
on the size of the system, with the exception of the Uranus system
where an additional satellite at a larger distance from the planet
would be required in order to make this system fit the general trend.
By the elimination of T from the theoretical relation R(MIT) and the
new empirical relation R(T) in the solar system, the authors arrive
at a law, R(M), which is interpreted as a cosmogonic characteristic
related to the origin of the solar system.
Although this paper is speculative in many respects,
the basic assumptions and the various conclusions form a rather
consistent physical picture. From the results of the concrete appli-
cations, one may indeed tentatively conclude that the basic concepts
are of some significance, i.e., that the theoretical expressions which
have been used do actually represent certain systematic empirical
trends. Altogether, this is an interesting and perhaps inspiring
After defining a generalized concept of stability
according to Jacobi, by relating the trajectories to certain ring-
shaped topological regions, Moiseyev(450 (1938) proceeds to the
consideration of certain properties of simple periodic orbits. He
also illustrates the concepts of simple as well as of generalized
stability, in the sense of Jacobi, by related applications to the
trivial Kepler ellipse.
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This is another paper by Moiseyev that deals with
fundamental definitions, and with rather general and elementary
conclusions derived on the basis of such definitions; as in the case
of most of the related papers by the same author, the subject is of
interest from a Systematic and general point of view. It is possible
that the further elaboration and use of these concepts may prove
fruitful in connection with special dynamic problems.
The same comments can be made about another of
Moiseyev's papers(465) (1945) in a series on certain properties of
the trajectories in the restricted problem of three bodies. He
first makes a survey of the various ways in which the characteristic,
J, of orbital stability according to Jacobi-Stepanov may be used for
explorations of the behavior of trajectories, or of regions in the
xly-plane, with regard to stability or nonstability. Such investi-
gations may be made using the ordinary coordinates or in Birkhoff's
phase space. Several of the possible approaches have been made;
others are still unexplored. The special procedure is the evaluation
of 'J in all the points of a given curve, for all the trajectories
which intersect this given curve under a certain given angle.
The present paper is devoted to the corresponding
study of the orthogonal intersections of trajectories with the x-
and y-axes in the case of the Copenhagen problem (the two finite
masses are equal) by means of the related auxiliary curves ?
J(x1h) = 0 and J(y,h) = 0; h is the Jacobi constant of the individual
trajectory. The resulting curves, h(x) and h(y), are represented ?
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and compared with the related curves of zero velocity and with the
asymptotes to both curves. The results, in their tabular or graphic
form, indicate the points on the coordinate axes where j = 0 for a
given value of h and, accordingly, where between these points the
intersecting trajectories are stable or nonstable in the sense of
Jacobi. Separate branches of the curves h(x) and h(y) are obtained
for direct and retrograde motion of the small particle, according
to the occurrence of two signs in the basic analytic expressions.
In another paper in the series On Certain Properties
of the Trajectories in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies,
Moiseyev(466) (1945) presents the results of his numerical and
graphical exploration of the regions of stability, of nonstability,
and of indefinite characteristic with respect to the criteria of the
"Anti-Coriolis" or Moiseyev type of stability. The boundaries of
the regions of compact stability and of compact nonstability are
determined by means of the equations (Ad) = 0 and (AC2) = 0, i.e.,
by means of the equations which represent the limiting curves of the
regions where the two essential functions, (Ad) and (AC2),-are
either positive or negative. Since, in the special case of the
Copenhagen problem (where ml = m2 = 1 for the two finite masses),
real motion is possible for a certain range of values of the Jacobi
constant, h, depending on the starting conditions, the various types
of stability, etc., vary in function of the coordinates, x and y,
and of h. Since the conditional equations for the determination of
the boundaries of the regions are too complicated for an analytical
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determination, the author proceeds by numerical evaluation of the
two functions which eventually determine these boundaries. After
considering the much simpler expressions for the special cases
x..4.0 and Tha-2-.:01 and after arriving in this manner at relations
h(y) and h(x)$ from which the intersections of the regions of com-
pact stability or nonstability with the coordinate axes can be ob-
tained, he makes a detailed numerical study of the families of curves
(Ad) = 0 and (AC2) = 0. The regions of compact stability or non-
stability are then obtained by the superimposition of the results
obtained for the two families of curves. Six theorems are then pre-
sented, expressing the occurrence of stability or nonstability (in
the Anti-Coriolis or Moiseyev sense) in certain regions of the
x,y-plane, depending on the value of h. The essential results are
represented in tabular form, as well as by numerous graphs. After
having explored the xly-plane in this manner for the occurrence of
regions of compact stability or nonstability, the author finally
applies his numerical results to the periodic orbits of three classes
of the Copenhagen problem. First, he considers.the classes f and
representing retrograde and direct orbits around the mass m2, and
finds the range of h-values for which these orbits are stable.
Second, he studies the orbits of the 1-class, which are described
around both finite masses together. The author's results for the
three classes of orbits are in agreement with the corresponding
results by N. F. Reyn(644) on the basis of Jacobi-Stepanov's stability
criterion, and also with those by A. I. Rybakov(658) on the basis of
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the Zhukovdkiy criterion. These orbits are stable, therefore, accord-
ing to all three criteria of stability. The present method of in-
vestigation is more general than the methods of Reyn and Rybakov
(who computed the value ot the stability coefficient for selected
points on the few periodic orbits selected from the whole range of
these classes), and it can be used for the study of selected orbits,
as well. a, for the establishment of whole regions of stability for
given values of h.
This paper(466) is one of the most valuable contribu-
tions by the author; it not only outlines a method of investigation,
but also successfully applies this method toward obtaining a deeper
insight into the stability problem for periodic orbits of the
Copenhagen type. The results are of permanent interest and, as they
are augmented by later contributions, they will always be appreciated
as the pioneer work in this field of celestial mechanics.
Lindblad's work on the evolution of a rotating system
of material particles is of cosmogonical interest, because the re-
sults were supposed to be applicable to Saturn's rings, to the
planetary system, and even to the galaxy. In 1937, Reyn(632) re-
viewed this work critically.
Lindblad is criticized by Reyn first for defects in
his basic scheme, wherein he neglects the gravitational interaction
of the particles, inasfar as the action of the individual moving
particles on all the remaining particles is concerned. Lindblad dis-
tinguished "passive" and "active" particles with respect to gravitational
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action; however, the force of resistance of the medium is introduced
considering all particles as "passive" paricles whose total attraction
is equated to zero.
Second, Reyn criticizes Lindblad for his method.
She points out that the theorem by Routh, which was used by Lindblad
to prove the stability of the particular case of
motion in the nonresistant case (where the force
strictly circular
of resistance is
neglected), is only a particular case of Lyapunov's first theorem
in his so-called second method. She proceeds to show that the
stability found by Lindblad for this case is not absolute but con-
ditional, in Lyapunov's sense. Further, it is shown that Lindblad
did not sufficiently or rigorously prove his results concerning the
stability of circular motion in the more general case of a resistant
force, and that this problem, in the sense of Lyapunov's strict
definition, appears to be unsolvable by Lindblad's method. Finally,
the author refers to the work of Duboshin, who actually arrived at
strict proofs for Lindblad's most important theorems, using
Lyapunov's basic theory.
Reyn's criticism of some work by the well-known
Swedish astronomer appears to be justified. Not only did Lindblad
commit inconsistencies in his scheme and conclusions, but apparently,
also unaware of Lyapunov's work on such stability problems.
Taking three orbits of the class 1 of the Copenhagen
problem and three of the class m (the necessary data were obtained
lie was
from the Copenhagen Observatory), Reyn(656) (1940) computed the values
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of the coefficient of stability according to Jacobi-Stepanov for about
20 points on each of these orbits. Since the stability coefficient,
J, has symmetrical values with respect to the x- and y-axes, it was
necessary to complete the computations only for one quarter of the
whole periodic orbit. All the individual J-vales found by Reyn
came out positive, and this means that the orbits under consideration
are stable according to the criterion of Jacobi-Stepanov. The re-
sults are conclusive, of course, only for the range of Jacobi con-
stants, K, covered by the oribts of this investigation. Since
Moiseyev, in his qualitative investigations on orbits in the restricted
three-body problem, had found two groups of periodic orbits which he
believed to be related to the 1- and m-class orbits of the Copenhagen
problem, and since he also found stability according to Jacobi for
the orbits of his two groups, the author of the present paper con-
cludes that her results lend heavy support to the suspected relation
between Moiseyev's groups and the classes 1 and m of the Copenhagen
This is a really interesting application of the
stability criterion of Jacobi-Stepanov to six selected periodicorbits..
Although all these criteria of stability have no "absolute" signifi-
cance, it can nevertheless be seen, from studies such as this one,
that they have a definite dynamic meaning. The author profited from '
the availability of the basic data from Copenhagen; still, she
deserves credit for the execution of the further computations without
the help of automatic equipment.
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Although the nonstability of the Lagrangean straight-
line solutions has been proved before for the case of circular relative
motion of three finite masses (Lyapunov and Zhukovdkiy), as well as
for the restricted three - body problem (Duboshin), the case of
elliptical motion had not been dealt with. Also, the results by
Lyapunov and Zhukovskiy for the circular problem of three finite
masses werebased on only the first-order terms of Lyapunov's theory.
riyabov(655) (1954) investigated the more general case of elliptical
relative motion of three finite bodies. Using Lyapunov's second
method in successive approximations, the author.proves that the
straight-line solutions are strictly nonstable as long as the
eccentricity does not exceed a certain limit. The exact value of
this limit, which depends on the relative values of the three masses,
is estimated.
These results are of purely theoretical value,
because, for example, in the solar system, the presence of more than
three finite masses makes the Strict existence of the Lagrangean
solutions impossible. Nevertheless, all these stability or, non-
stability properties are of considerable fundamental interest,
especially for a comparison with the corresponding behavior of the
triangular solutions. Although the present paper contains no funda-
mental advances of any kind, the author deserves credit for a
systematic investigation of the nonstability features of the particular
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Ruprekht and Vanysek(654) (1955) (Czechoslovakians)
criticize the work of Radziyevskiy(616) on the problem of the dis-
persion of scattered clusters as applied to a general solution of an
unrestricted problem of three bodies with Newton-Hook mutual attrac-
tion. Radziyevskiy derived his cosmogonical conclusions from a
combination of his (correct) mathematical expressions for the com-
bined gravitational action of neighboring stars and of the galaxy
as a whole with the related surface of zero velocity. The authors
point out that, at such large distances (as assumed) from the
galactic center, Hill's surface of zero velocity loses all practical
significance for motions near the galactic plane, because the branches
of these surfaces are then located far outside this plane. The
maximum separations of neighboring stars, as computed by Radziyevskiy,
make sense only with respect to the z-coordinate, which is rectangular
to the galactic plane, and one is actually not forced to conclude
that the dispersion of clusters near the periphery of the galactic
system is impossible. The related conclusion by Radziyevskiy, that,
in the neighboihood of the sun, dispersion of groups of stars must
b.e much slower than previously thought, does not hold for the same
The six periodic orbits, selected from the classes 1
and in of the so-called Copenhagen problem (where the two finite
masses of the restricted three-body problem are equal), which had
previously been studied by N. F. Reyn(644) with respect to stability
in the sense of AJacobi, are taken up again by Rybakov(658) (1950) for
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the application of the different criterion of stability established'
by Zhukovskiy. As Reyn did, the necessary computations were made
for about 20 points on each orbit, on the basis of orbital data
supplied by the Copenhagen Observatory. Since Zhukovskiy's
definition of the stability coefficient incorporates the opposite
sign, as in the case of the Jacobi-Stepanov criterion, stable orbits
in the sense of Zhukovskiy must show a negative sign for the related
coefficient everywhere on the respective orbit. Indeed, all the
computations for the selected three orbits of the Copenhagen 1-class,
as well as those for the three orbits of the m-class, lead to negative
stability coefficients and, therefore, to stability in the sense of
Zhukovskiy. Therefore, the results are in agreement with those
obtained by N. F. Reyn using the Jacobi-Stepanov criterion of
stability, and the various conclusions are quite analogous to those
by Reyn. In addition to the results of the computations, Rybakov
gives the necessary equations for the application of the Zhukovskiy
criterion, in the form established by Moiseyev.
As was remarked about Reyn's earlier investigation,
this work is an interesting application of stability criteria to
individual periodic orbits. Of course, this is only a numerical
evaluation of existing theoretical expressions,'and it does not
represent any fundamental progress.
Severnyi's paper(683) (1940) on the theory of'gravi-
tational instability deals with a problem of theoretical astrophysics,
rather than celestial mechanics. Although his paper treats only a
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very special case of the complex problem of the gravitational
instability of a gaseous sphere, it also demonstrates in an interesting
manner the universal importance of the theory of stability, in
Lyapunov's general sense, for celestial mechanics, as well as for
certain astrophysical problems. From this point of view, the paper
is of more than special interest.
The gravitational stability, in the sense first intro-
duced by Jeans, of a gaseous sphere is considered for the very special
case where the deviations, 6p 16p, from the undisturbed values, pc)
and po, of density and pressure (in hydrostatic equilibrium) follow
the relation 6 log pit log p = d log po/d log po. The theory is
carried out rigorously, involving the proper boundary conditions and
the theory of the ungenwerte". The results are used to arrive at
some conclusions concerning the maximum size of stable nebulae and
stars. The author admits that these conclusions are very qualitative
only. A final section on the definition of gravitational instability
indicates the importance of Jacobi's and Lyapunov's basic definitions
and theories, even for these astrophysical problems, and reference
is made to N. F. Reyn's rigorous definition of gravitational insta-
bility as an instability of the undisturbed distribution of densities,
in terms of Lyapunov's theory.
(1936), in a paper on stability in the
sense of Jacobi, first describes Birkhoff's method of dealing with
the concept of stability according to Jacobi and with the related
orbital variations. Using Birkhoff's results for the variation
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8n of the normal to the orbit, he then transforms the coefficient,
I, of the related differential equation back into a function of the
phase coordinates, x, ml and cb (where 10 is the direction angle of the
tangent to the orbit in the given point, xlv). It follows that,
depending on the sign of I, the whole x, y, cl'-phase space may be
divided into regions of stability or instability, in Jacobi's sense.
Although earlier napers by various authors had already
dealt with the more limited problems of transverse or longitudinal
stability according to Jacobi, Stepanov deserves credit for proceeding
to an explicity "absolute" criterion of stability with respect to
x, y, and . This is a good and interesting contribution, the results
of which are suited for further use in various problems of celestial
Tomson(762), in 1955, applied three different character-
istics of orbital stability, as developed by Zhukovskiy, Jacobi-
Stepanov, and Moiseyev, to the various cases of Hill's well-known
periodic satellite solutions. The values of the characteristics are
computed for a.number of points along each of Hill's selected periodic
orbits, and it is seen that almost all of these. orbits are stable
according to all the characteristics. Only for the two outermost
orbits do any of these characteristics fail to give a conclusive
answer with respect to orbital stability. The author then considers
the case of isoenergetic orbits and the existence of a kinetic focus.
Using the theorem by Sturm-Liouville, he succeeds in finding, on a
given orbital curve, certain locations for the kinetic focus in.the
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neighboorhood of which a system of isoenergetic curves will intersect
again, after emerging first from a given original intersection point.
The various isoenergetic curves may represent the disturbed trajectories
resulting from small displacements of the given "undisturbed" trajectory,
and it is shown that the disturbed and the undisturbed trajectories will
intersect each other repeatedly, as long as the orbits are stable accord-
ing to the various characteristics of orbital stability.
This is a well-worked-out mathematical research paper.
The principles us-id are not new, for Tomson makes a direct application
of a well-known theorem to a particular differential equation; but, since
Hill's periodic solutions may be used as intermediate orbits in lunar
theory or in the theory of satellite motion, it is interesting and im-
portant to know that these orbits are stable, as far as the three criteria
of stability are concerned.
Although a detailed analysis of the stability features of
Hill's periodic orbits appears in Investigation of a Case of Orbital
Stability of the Solutions of a System of Differential Equations(762)
Tomson761 (1955) considers the whole region in a qualitative way, de-
termining regions of compact stability, of compact nonstability, and of
conditional stability for each of the three different criteria of sta-
bility. An essential part of the paper is the comparison of the results.
from the different criteria of stability. Although the finding of re-
gions of compact stability, of compact nonstability, or of conditional
stability is relatively simple for the criteria of Moiseyev and
Zhukovskiy, because the problem is reduced in these cases to the behavior
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of the signs of two essential quantities in the expression for the co-
efficient of stability, the problem is very complex in the case of sta-
bility according to Jacobi, and only a partial investigation has been
made of this case. In all cases, a region of compact stability for a
given tlssis vfisseaergetio trajectories, starting from one common point,
is defise4 as the region in which the stability coefficient, D*, is
Refittire id* 011 veiftts of all the possible (isoenergetic) trajectories
withis such 4 region. Similarly, compact nonstability is associated with
D. * aLl points of the region. In the case of conditional stability,
kowevet, the sign of D* can be positive or negative within the related
region. 1n the cases of the criteria of Moiseyev and Zhukovskiy, the
borderlines of the different regions are found by solving the proper
equations for D* = 0; for stability according to Jacobi, the author limits
his study to the intersections of the various regions with the x- and
y-axes, and to a qualitative consideration of the immediate neighborhood
of the origin of the coordinate system (or of the planet), as well as
of the points at very large distances from this origin. The various
findings are illustrated by numerous figures and drawings, as well as in
the form of numerical tables.
As to the essential results, it is interesting that certain
regions may be stable according to one criterion, but nonstable according
to one or two of the others. Nevertheless, the following substantial
results emerge: (1) If h is the energy constant of the Jacobi integral,
then for - co < h < hL (where hL is the Jacobi constant of a particle rest-
ing in the nearest Lagrangean point), a ring-shaped region exists around
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the planet where compact stability is found on the basis of all three
criteria of stability; (2) for all h < 0, a ring-shaped region around
the planet exists which is characterized by compact stability according
to Moiseyev, as well as according to Mukovskiy; (3) for all h > 0, a
region exists around the planet where no trajectory can have nondisap-
pearing negative D* values in all-its points within this region; this
region of "endangered stability", or even nonstability, becomes smaller
as h 0. (4) For h > +1.24, certain regions intersecting the y-axis
between y = +1.000 and y = +1.710, as well as between y = -1.000 and
y = -1.710, are regions of "contradictory" status, i.e., regions where
the orbits are stable according to one, but unstable according to another,
criterion (in Hill's problem, the sun is located on the positive x-axis).
Although the results are' quite interesting, the analysis
is rather technical, insofar as all the necessary equations had been
established by Moiseyev. The author, who seems to be a pupil of Moiseyev,
expresses gratitude to Moiseyey for his help in the preparations for this
investigation.. Still, the author deserves much credit for presenting
many interesting facts, such as the stable behavior of close satellites ,
according to all three criteria of stability.
d. Restricted Three-
Body Problem
Agrest's(?) (1945) consideration of the mutual interaction of
Gegenschein particles, and his introduction of a resistant medium into
the differential equations of motion. for the individual particle, were
discussed in the section on Criteria of Stability.
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Chebotarev(99) (1956),with Bozhkova, applied his method (cf.
Ap lication of Periodic Orbits to the Stud of the Motion of Minor
P1anets(93)) to the special group of the Trojan planets.
orbit from which the individual perturbational variations
The absolute
are studied
is the rigorous triangular solution by Lagrange, where Jupiter and the
small body are moving in ellipses in the same orbital plane. For an
actual planet, (588) Achilles, the coefficients of the analytical expres-
sions for the variations of the true elliptical elements are computed.
The results are used to represent, in two successive approximations, six
positions of the planet from 1926 to 1951. The residuals are of the
order + 0?3.
For the short time interval of 25 years, the agreement between
the theory and the observations must be considered rather poor, even
though perfection could not be expected from a first-order theory. It
seems, also, that the well-known librational motion with a period of
about 15O years is not obtained; the analytical expressions evidently
do not produce this librational motion, but the authors do not even men-
tion anything relating to this most significant feature of the motion of
the Trojan planets. The Trojans represent a very special and difficult
problem for any analytical theory; therefore, the poor results
no bearing on the general quality of the method by'Chebotarev.
gether, this paper appears to be a failure as far as the given
may have
theory for,
the Trojans is concerned. The authors should have realized that such a
relatively simple theory must fail in the rather singular and complex
Trojan problem.
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The distribution of the minor planets in dependence on their
Jacobi constants, hi was investigated by A. N. Chibisov(115) (1936).
Although a similar study had been made previously by A. Klose, he neg-
lected the influence of the inclinations; also, Chibisov had 241 planets
more than Klose at his disposition. The individual h-values as computed
by the author from the elements a (mean distance), e (eccentricity), and
i (inclination) are still approximate, because the j'acobi integral has
additional terms of the order of Jupiter's mass. Furthermore, the ap-
plication of the restricted problem of three bodies itself is an approxi-
mation, because Jupiter's orbit actually is elliptical, not circular.
Nevertheless, the neglect of these factors is less important for the
"average" h-value of a minor planet than the neglect of the planet's
Chibisov's frequency distribution of the Jacobi constants of
1,264 planets shows five maxima, one of which is not so clearly pro-
nounced as the other four. Using various criteria for the "statistical
stability" or the reality of the five maxima (depending on the choice of
the intervals Ah on the time of discovery of the individual planets,
etc.), the author finds that all five maxima appear to be statistically
stable, i.e., that their real existence seems to be assured. Chibisov
then says that Klose, in his earlier study, had a tendency to remove the
maxima by means of certain considerations concerning selective obser-
vational effects, and that actually this is qualitatively confirmed by
the added number of planets in the present investigation; 'nevertheless,
he asserts, the nonhomogeneous distribution with five maxima remains in
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CLibisov now uses his more complete material for an investiga-
tion of the validity of the following hypotheses: (1) the hypothesis by
Klose, namely, that the minor-planet orbits were originally almost uni-
formly distributed with respect to their mean distances from the sun, and
that they moved in nearly circular orbits; and (2) the hypotheses by
Olbers and Bobrovnikoff, , namely, that the system of minor planets is the
result of the destruction or decay of one original planet (Olbers) or
of a comet (Bobrovnikoff ) . The author says that his investigation is
only of a preliminary nature. He finds, from a consideration of the pos-
sible changes in the elements e and a (for constant h) , that it is im-
possible to reduce the distribution of the mean distances, a, to anything
like a uniform arrangement, and that Klose' s hypothesis therefore cannot
be confirmed. In making the necessary computations, he neglects the in-
clinations, i, just as Klose did. As to Olbers' hypothesis, a common
origin of the asteroids should be indicated by a corresponding concen-
tration of a, e-curves at a certain region, without violation of the
condition h = constant for each individual planet, but no pOssibility
of this kind is indicated either. Also, the origin from a common
cometarytype orbit is impossible according to the present distribution
of the numbered minor planets in the a, e-diagram.
The author deserves credit for determining- the frequency dis-
tribution of the Jacobi constants for an increased number of planets,
and for the increased accuracy obtained as a result of the proper con-
sideration of the orbital inclinations relative to Jupiter's plane of
motion. He also has to be credited with making it quite clear that the
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Jacobi constants are not disturbed homogeneously, and that the various
hypotheses by Klose, Olbers, and Bobrovnikoff are not compatible with
the condition h = constant. This is a constructive but not outstanding
contribution which consists mainly in the continuation of earlier
studies on the basis of increased empirical material. The author may be
criticized for neglecting the inclinations, i, in the last and most im-
portant part of his paper, especially after he had criticized Klose for
computing the h-values without including them.
For this paper, Chibisov needed the individual values of the
Jacobi constants for the 1,264 minor planets which were included in the
1934 Minor Planet Volume; he gives these in Catalog of the Values of the
Jacobi Constant for the Asteroids of the 1934 List (116) (1936).
T. V. Vodop'yanova(785) (1939) made an investigation of the
comets with-periods under 100 years similar to the one by Chibisov for
the minor planets. The frequency distribution of the Jacobi constants,
h, of those comets, and the related distribution of the aphel distances,
2, were studied. Although the data from not more than70 comets with
periodic orbits are small from the statistical point of view, the exis-
tence of two major maxima in the h-distribution, and thus of two comet
groups, F and G, is well indicated. A third group, 11, which comprises
the remaining comets, spreads out over a rather wide range of h-values.
As to the distribution of the aphel distances, 2, most of the comets be-
long to the so-called Jupiter group and have Q-values between four and
eight astronomical units; three additional groups are associated with
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the orbits of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in a similar manner. Only
the comets of the Jupiter group are studied in more detail, and it is
found that they include the groups F and G with respect to the distribu-
tion of the Jacobi constants, h. One interesting result is that all the
cometary orbits are unstable in the sense of Hill's characteristic of the
zero-velocity curve, although the vast majority of the minor planets are
stable with regard to this criterion (cf. Reference 110). Further, it
is found that, with respect to the h-distribution, the system of minor
planets appears to be "continued" by the comets, with an overlap of both
systems in a certain interval of h-values. Accordingly, a small number
of minor planets have "cometlike" orbits, and a small fraction of the
comets move in "minor-planet-like" orbits. Although for some comets iii-
creases or decreases of their Jacobi constants are indicated from a
comparison of their elements in numerous apparitions, altogether, it
seems that the constancy of the h-values is well established for the
majority of the objects.
No-new methodology is contained in this paper; nevertheless,
it constitutes a very commendable contribution, because this statistical
study clearly reveals the essential features,of the known system of
periodic comets, as compared with the corresponding characteristics of
the minor-planet system. The investigation was made under the
general supervision of Moiseyev.
N. D. Moiseyev's papers on the compatibility of osculating
orbits are not too impressive. In the first of these, Moiseyev(438)
(1936), considering the fact that an osculating orbit, which is rigorously
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valid only at a certain given moment, to, will deviate from the later
true motion of a small body more and more as time goes on, gives some
theorems concerning the compatibility of such a fixed elliptical orbit
with actual motion in certain possible or impossible regions, depending
on certain limiting distances from the sun. The main theorem says that
a given set of orbital elements determines, in connection with the curve
of zero velocity from the Jacobi integral, two limiting circles at the
distances Rm(h) and P.M(h) from the sun. The regions inside the smaller
and outside the larger circle are regions of possible motion, but, in
the region between the two circles, the Jacobi integral (based on the
fixed, undisturbed elements) may lead to a negative V2 and, thus, to
incompatible motion. Accordingly, the author states that orbits which
are either completely inside the smaller circle or entirely outside the
larger circle are compatible with the system of osculating elements, but
that the orbits are incompatible if located partly or entirely in the
"critical" region between the two circles.
Although these theorems are of a certain qualitative interest,
Moiseyev does not give a clear proof for the first and basic theorem.
It appears as if the theorems are correct and, apparently, that the
author used numerical steps for verifying them, without saying so. Every-
thing should be presented in a clearer and more convincing manner. Al-
together, this is not one of the impressive contributions by this author.
In the second paper(439) (1936), Moiseyev considers compati-
bility with the characteristics of the apsides. For this purpose, the
contact characteristics with a heliocentric ramily of circles are
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introduced for direct and for retrograde motion of the small body.
Moiseyev constructs the regions of pure perihelion contacts and the cor-
responding regions of pure aphelion contacts, as well as the regions of
"mixed" characteristics. He states certain rather evident theorems for
the compatibility or noncompatibility of an osculating orbit (i.e., of
a fixed orbit representing the true motion only at one certain moment,
to) with these regions and contact characteristics. For example, if at
any time, the perihelion of the fixed ellipse falls into the region of
pure aphelion contacts according to the related characteristic of the
restricted three-body problem, then the fixed elliptical orbit is not
compatible with the apsides characteristics. Noncompatibility is evident
also when a perihelion or aphelion falls into the "mixed" zone of con-
tacts, and when the mean motion of the small body in its heliocentric
orbit is not commensurable with Jupiter's daily motion.
Although Moiseyev's definitions and statements indicate certain
possibilities in a correct manner, the conclusions are more or less self-
evident. It is hard to imagine that anything substantial will ever
emerge from considerations such as these. In other words, this subject
does not seem to represent a problem worthy of much effort.
Then, Moiseyev (( 1936) returned to the contents of the
first communidation, inasfar as he considers again the compatibility of
a certain elliptical orbit with Hill's characteristic of zero velocity.
This time, three dimensions of space instead of two are permitted for
the motion of the small body. Essentially, the investigation amounts
to the determination of those regions in the nonrotating, ordinary,
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coordinate system of planetary astronomy which will not coincide at any
time.with the regions of impossible motion in the rotating coordinate
system, when the surfaces of zero velocity rotate as a rigid structure
with respect to the resting coordinate system. Such regions are the so-
called regions of unconditional possible motion. Similarly, there are
regions of unconditional impossible motion which, at all times, coincide
with regions of impossible motion in the rotating coordinate frame; and,
finally, regions of conditional orbital motion which, alternatively, co-
incide with regions of possible and of impossible motion in the rotating
system. By a proper combination of the laws of elliptical motion for the
undisturbed (two-body) or osculating orbit with the three-dimensional
Jacobi integral of the restricted three-body problem, Moiseyev arrives at
the necessary expressions for the surface of zero velocity and of its
enveloie (as the surface rotates in the inertial system) and, thus, at
the construction of the regions indicated above. The fixed elliptical
orbit, as determined by the osculating original elements, is compatible "
with Hill's characteristic as long as the square of the relative velocity
(small body minus Jupiter) does not become negative.
Again, these considerations are correct and have a certain
illustrative interest, but they do not seem to lead to anything except
to rather trivial and self-evident statements.
Finally, Moiseyev(458) (1939) made a very detailed application
of the compatibility criteria, as developed in his earlier papers, to
the special case' of circular osculating (or starting) orbits for minor
planets inside Jupiter's orbit and within Jupiter's plane of motion.
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The isoenergetic trajectories of the plane, restricted, three-body
problem, which have the same value of the Jacobi constant, hi as a given
circular orbit, and the compatibility of these disturbed trajectories
with Hill's characteristic of zero velocity, as well as with the author's
-own apsides characteristics, are considered. This leads to several con-
clusions concerning the compatibility of circular motion with these
characteristics of the rigorous restricted problem. One essential fact
is the existence of certain minimum values for the disturbed eccentricity,
so that the actual motion becomes compatible with the requirements which
are synonymous with those characteristics or criteria. The results of
numerous computations concerning the various relations between the
values of h and the elliptical (disturbed) elements a and e are presented
in the form of graphs and tables.
Moiseyev mentions many times the preliminary and approximating
character of his investigation. Actually, many of his conclusions or
statements are rather trivial, and, in spite of the length of the paper,
nothing very concrete or substantial seems to emerge. In part, this is
an unnecessarily complicated treatment of rather simple circumstances, and
the complicated description makes certain trivialities look less trivial
than they really are.
Numerov's work(512). (1929) on the periodic solutions of the
plane problem assuming a circular orbit for Jupiter is presented in the
section on Absolute Orbits of Chebotorev.
The pressure of radiation and the corresponding repulsive force
were introduced by V. V. Radziyevskiy(605) (1950) into the otherwise
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classical concept of the restricted three-body problem. It is shown
that the radiation effects are significant not only for very small parti-
cles of the size 10-5 cm, but that they may be noticeable for particles
up to about 1 cm in diameter. If the ratio between the gravitational
force and the force of the radiation pressure is expressed by means of a
parameter, a, then the shape and the location of the surfaces of zero
velocity may be studied in dependence on the Jacobi constant, C, as well
as on a. The author made some detailed computations for the Hill sur-
faces. In the neighborhood of the planetary mass and of the two libra-
tion centers, L1 and L2, he finds that, for small particles in this
region, the characteristic features of the zero-velocity curves (the
computations are limited to two-dimensional motion in the planet's orbital
plane) depend significantly on the value of a and,,thus, on the radiation
This is a contribution of fundamental theoretical, as well as
of cosmological, interest. Although the mathematical deductions are
simple once the basic new idea hasbeen introduced, the author certainly
deserves credit for conceiving and investigating such'an idea, which may
prove to be important in certain cosmogonical applications.
Later, Radziyevskiy(611) (1953) considered the motion in space
of a particle of very small mass in the gravitational and radiational
fields .of two finite masses, which are moving in circles relative to their
center of mass. The investigation extends his earlier work to the more
general case of three dimensions. In this problem, it is possible that
the surfaces of zero velocity have seven double points, instead of the
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five in the regular restricted problem. The additional two points occur
when one of the two finite masses acts on the particle with a radiation
effect which exceeds the opposite gravitational force. The two new
points, L6 and L7, lie outside the orbital plane of the two finite masses;
they are balled the coplanar libration points. Investigated in detail
are the so-called libration axes, which are the geometrical locus of the
libration centers for particles of varying diameter. Some data are com-
puted concerning the passage of the earth through the libration axes of
the system sun-Jupiter-particle. Finally, utilizing the radiation ef-
fects discussed in this paper, some speculations are added concerning
the explanation of quasi-parabolic orbits of comets.
Although the analysis involved is correct, the entire idea of
the possible influence of radiation on the libration centers, etc., seems
to be somewhat exaggerated. The theoretical discussion of the combined
effects of gravitation and radiation is of definite interest, as long as
it is realized that, in general, the effect of radiation will be very
moderate,,except for particles of the order of cosmic dust. As far as
the application of the theory to concrete astronomical problems is con-
cerned, the author's.conclusions are rather unclear and nebulous.
A. I. Razdol'skiy (625) (1934) is confused as far as the proper
separation of the kinematic and dynamic aspectsof the restricted three-
body problem is concerned. His main error lies in the interpretation of
his computations for the undisturbed motion of some Trojans. After trans-
forming these ephemerides into the rotating coordinate system of the
restricted problem, he deals with the transformed orbital curves as if they
represented the disturbed motion.
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The "results" of this paper have to be discarded. Among other
things, Razdol' skiy claims that a Trojan planet close to the libration
center 1,4 or L5 could not describe an orbit as represented by one of the
two classes of periodic solutions which exist in the neighborhood of
these points, but could move only in a spiral resulting from the compo-
sition of both periodic motions, according to Charlier. . This is not
true, of course, and the paths which really cannot be described by the
actual particles are the ones corresponding to the erroneous results of
this paper.
Two of N. F. Reyn s papers(634 635) on this subject are dis-
cussed in the section on Periodic Orbits. She (636) (1938) uses Whittaker ' s
integral (see Reynl s own completion and correction of Whittaker ' s re-
sults (634) ) for the derivation of certain inequalities, by means of
which the period of a simple, closed, and regular trajectory can be
found approximately without the integration of the equations of motion.
The method, localizes the trajectory between the two borders of an annu-
lar region.
This is an interesting and useful contribution, which may well
bear fruit in connection with studies of periodic orbits. The author
apparently was thoroughly familiar with her subject.
Whittaker ' s double integral for the approximate determination
of the periods of simple periodic orbits, as corrected and extended by
Reyn was further investigated by her and applied to concrete exaniples
of periodic orbits(640) (1939). She introduces the concept of the
"separante" as the curve separating the regions in which the integrand
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of the essential double integral is either positive or negative. The
system of separantes is studied in its dependence on the Jacobi constant,
h. It is shown how the introduction of the separante facilitates the
derivation of estimates for the orbital periods. The method is prac-
tically applied, not only to Hill's satellite problem and to the orbits
of the Copenhagen problem, but also to the case of one finite central
mass in a rotating coordinate system. Furthermore, the author shows that
the periods of certain orbits established by Moiseyev in the case of the
Copenhagen problem agree closely with those of similar classes found by
Stroemgren, and that this agreement further strengthens the suspected
identity of Moiseyev's and Stroemgren's orbital classes.
This is a good and solid contribution from the theoretical, as
well as from the practical, point of view. The results are interesting
and well presented. Definitely, this is an above-average paper by a
competent investigator in this field.
Reyn(637) (1938) introduced a uniformly rotating coordinate
system; as in the case of the circular restricted problem of three bodies,
but makes an allowance for the elliptical motion of the two true finite
masses, m1 and m2' by replacing their gravitational action on the small
body by the attraction of two material rings. The dimensions of these
rings are proportional to .the eccentricity, e, of the elliptical orbits
of m1 and m2' and their centers move in circular orbits relative to the
center of mass. The total mass of each ring equals the corresponding
mass, m1 or m2. The advantage of this scheme is the fact that it admits
an integral which corresponds to Jacobi's integral in the circular're--
stricted problem.
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The scheme proposed by Reyn may be useful for qualitative
studies in the restricted elliptical problem, following the lines of
Moiseyev's investigations in the circular restricted problem. The author
indicates this possibility and, indeed, it seems that, with such appli-
cations in mind, this is a good and constructive contribution.
The ordinary restricted problem of three bodies assumes a
circular orbit for the disturbing planet (Jupiter). Reyn(656) (1940)
wanted to improve on this approximating assumption by introducing, in-
stead of the "mean Jupiter" of the ordinary restricted problem, the
gravitational action of an elliptical distribution of Jupiter's mass
spread out on an epicyclic ellipse about the mean Jupiter with a major
axis (in the longitudinal direction) of roughly 0.5 astronomical units.
Although, in Fatou's scheme, the mass of a disturbing planet is spread
out along its heliocentric orbit, Reyn's scheme affects only a limited
region in the neighborhood of the mean position of Jupiter. This has the
advantage of reducing the range of singularities to a much smaller dis-
tance from Jupiter than in Fatou's problem. The form of the elliptical
epicycle represents approximately the geometric possibilities for the
location of the true Jupiter.
She then studies the related Jacobi integral and the associated
curve'of zero velocity in Jupiter's orbital plane, especially the dif-
ferences which are found when comparing the results of the necessary
computations with the corresponding features of the regular restricted
problem.- The differences are most essential, of course, in the neighbor-
hood of Jupiter. The dimension and sh'ape of the curves of zero velocity
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for large negative values of Jacobi's constant, h, are illustrated for
this region in a number of graphs. As to orbital stability, according
to Hill, inside the larger oval which encloses the sun, Reyn finds a
small region where asteroid motion is stable on the basis of the regular
restricted problem, but nonstable according to her scheme.
This paper has a certain theoretical interest; however, with-
out any practical applications, which would actually show a better repre-
sentation of the motion of a small body than on the basis of the regular
restricted problem, it is not possible to say much about the practical
value of the author's scheme. The results may be useful, in certain
cases, for an estimate of the possible error or uncertainty introduced
by using the mean Jupiter instead of the author's version of the problem,
but it still remains to be seen how much this new scheme differs from
the true motion, when Jupiter's true gravitational action is considered.
Nevertheless, the paper shows good intuition and familiarity with the
K. N. Savchenko's(679) consideration of a special case of the
restricted three-body problem with variable" masses is discussed in the
section on Variable Mass.
A comparison of the purely kinematic features of three dif-
ferent concepts or schemes of a three-body problem was made by
B. Shchigolev(695) (1940). The first scheme represents the rigorous
solution by Lagrange for three masses' m1, m2' and m3, the three Irisses
being located in the three apices of an equilateral triangle of con-
stant diMensions.
Assuming that the mass m3 is very small, and that the
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restricted problem may be defined by considering decreasingly smaller
values of m3 with the limit m3 . 0, either one may deal with the actual
finite masses m1 and m2 and neglect the gravitational action of m3
entirely, or one may make allowance for the small value of m3 by dealing
with two fictitious masses, m1" and m21', corresponding to the actual
"center of mass", M = m1 + m2 + m7 (see subsequent paper(696) by the same
authors). In this way, two different schemes of a restricted problem may'
be introduced. The author compares the Lagrangean equilateral solutions
of these restricted problems with the corresponding motion in the rigorous
problem (in which the gravitational action of m3 on the two finite masses
is included, too).
This paper is a simple comparison obtained by forming the dif-
ferences between the well-known equilateral solutions of the
tions of
One gains the impression that, with too many words
rather self-evident facts, Shchigolev tries to make
and descrip-
his paper
look more substantial than it really is. Nothing of any significance is
contained, in this publication.
Ten years later, Shchigolev's work on this subject was still
not impressive. Then, he(696) (1950) was concerned with ,the assumption,
in the so-called restricted problem of three bodies, that the small body
has a "vanishing" mass and produces no gravitational action on the two
finite masses. Two schemes are considered for the purposes of this
study: the first scheme deals with a restricted problem in which m1
and m2
are the real masses of these two bodies, located mathematically
and physically in the same positions; in the second echeme, some
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allowance is made for the existence of the third very small mass, m3, by
introducing, instead of m1 and m2' the fictitious finite masses
Mm, Mm
m "
1 and m2" - m , with M = ml + m2 + m3. In both schemes,
ml M2 1 m 2
the gravitational action of m3 on the other two masses is neglected.
The author studied the difference between the true motion of
the three bodies, that satisfies the rigorous equations of the nonre-
stricted problem, and the motion resulting from either of the two re-
stricted schemes. The problem is attacked by forming the difference
between the complete and the restricted differential equations in each of
the two cases, assuming that at a given time, to, the starting conditions
are represented by all three schemes. Certain approximate conclusions
are made for the special cases of selected simple configurations of the
three bodies. The general treatment proceeds by developing the dif-
ferences between the three systems of differential equations in powers of
the small parameter ? - Special attention is given to the cir-
ml m2
cular restricted problem and to the configurations characterized by the
straight-line libration centers, 1,1, .L2, and L3, i.e., to the case of
librational motion in the vicinity of these points.
Although Shchigolev makes some statements concerning the de-
pendence of the developments on the various powers of ?, no integration
of the differential equations, which are obtained as the differences
between the equations valid for the three schemes under consideration, is
actually obtained in this paper. The most substantial result is the
finding that, in the case of the librational motions in the neighborhood
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of the straight-line Lagrangean points, the actual determination of the
differences between the restricted and the nonrestricted motion is re-
duced to quadratures.
In spite of the rather elaborate analytical expressions, noth-
ing beyond the routine operations used in forming the differences of the
various sets of differential equations actually is involved in this
paper. The basic concepts do not seem to be too clearly understood by
Shchigolev, who indulges rather extensively in the "philosophical" as-
pects of the problem. The reasoning appears to be somewhat confused or
nebulous in the introduction, and in parts of the paper itself. No sub-
stantial results are obtained.
(1). Analytical Treatment
V. M. Loseva(363) (1945) dealt with the problem of the
passage of a finite mass, m2, in a hyperbolic (or parabolic) orbit with
respect to a fixed mass, m1, which is accompanied by a satellite of negli-
gible mass, m3 . The study is limited to the interval of time in-which
. .
-.11.e motion of m3 with respect to m1 will be noticeably affected by the'
passing mass m2, or while m2 is in the so-called sphere of action with
respect to mi. During the approach of m2, a rotating coordinate system,
determined by the changing distance and variable angular velocity of m2
relative to m11 is used for the integration of the corresponding dif-
ferential equations of motion for the mass m3. This is facilitated by
Nechvills transformations involving the scale of the coordinate system
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and a nonuniform "time". Loseva finds that the various particular solu-
tions and libration centers exist in close analogy to the ordinary re-
stricted problem of three bodies.
From here on, the steps taken by Loseva are somewhat
nebulous and hard to understand. Introducing average values for the co-
efficients on the right-hand sides of the differential equations of motion
for a small mass, m3, in the close neighborhood of the various libration
centers, she is then able to integrate these equations with constant co-
efficients and to arrive at periodic solutions, the stability of which is
quite analogous to the corresponding cases in the regular restricted
problem. The author refers to stability in the sense of Lyapunov, but,
actually, by her process of "averaging" and approximation, she departs
immediately from any rigorous stability treatment. Her whole procedure,
in the discussion of periodic motion and its stability on the basis of a
scheme which is limited in time and involves doubtful and unclear approxi-
mations, does not make much sense at all. This is a rather poor paper.
G. A. Merman's paper(393) treating periodic solutions in
the restricted problem of three bodies and in Hill's problem is discussed
in the section on Periodic Orbits.
In one of the first papers of the so-called "Moscow
School", which is also a fundamental paper, because it gives the related
definitions and develops a terminology, Moiseyev(429) (1935) considered
orbital trajectories from the viewpoint of diff:erential geometry. He
had some predecessors in this field, but he goes essentially further than
they did.
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The properties of the curve which is the geometrical
locus of the center of curvature are studied as they relate to the actual
trajectory. In the case of the restricted problem of three bodies, for
example, the center of curvature is located on a conic section relative
to the given point on the actual trajectory. The radius, p , of curvature
depends on the orbital velocity, v, the total force, F, the rate of
rotation, n, of the rotating coordinate system, and the angle,y , between
the normal to trajectory and the direction of F in the form p
-2nv + F ?
This expression can be positive, negative, or zero, cosy
pending on the values of the various quantities. If one puts
D = F2 - 4 n2v21 then for D < 0, the above expression represents an
ellipse, and the center of curvature will be located somewhere on this
ellipse, the value of p depending on'the given angle y between the normal
to v and F. In this case, one also has p < 0, which means that the real
point describes an orbit which is curved around the center of curvature
in the negative sense, or in a clockwise direction. This is true for all
possible values of y in connection with D < 0. For D = 0, the geometrical
locus of the center of curvature is a parabola, again with p < 0.
However, if the direction of F concides with the direction of the normal
to the orbit, or for? = 0, one gets p = co . For D > 0, finally,
the locus for the center of curvature is a hyperbola with p > 0 on one
branch and p < 0 on the other. p
occurs, too, in the directions
which are normal to the asymptotes of the hyperbola. In this case,
.the actual trajectory has an inflection point at the given moment.
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From the properties of the curve which represents the
center of curvature, certain conclusions can be drawn concerning the
nature of the related trajectory. The relation between the three vari-
ables,p ,v , and v, may be represented as a surface in three-dimensional
space. These "characteristic surfaces" can be associated with the in-
tegrals of the differential equations. If the differential equations
produce the same characteristic surface as certain given equations, then
these latter equations are the integrals of the problem.
After a review of some earlier work by the U. S. author
Kasner, Moiseyev proceeds to Darwin's characteristic curve. This is the
curve D = 0 in the case of the restricted problem of three bodies, where
D = F2 - 4 n2v2 is reduced to the form D = U' + U' - 8 n2 (U + h) by
x y
means of the Jacobi integral; h is the Jacobi constant. Darwin did not
completely investigate the properties of this curve, and the author
undertakes the task in the present paper. The curve D = 0 separates the
elliptical type of curve for the center of curvature from the hyperbolic
type. In the restricted problem, one has D < 0 at large distances from
the. center of the coordinates, and D > 0 in those regions which are
close to either one of the finite-masses. Darwin's curve, D = 0, consists
ofclosedbranches,and the only points where they may intersect with Hill's
curves of zero velocity are the five libration points. If the values of
h for particles resting in these points are designated by ha., then, for
h hl, Hill's curve of zero velocity is always inside of Darwin's curve.
Next, Moiseyev proceeds to some theorems concerning the
general properties of trajectories in the case of a rotating coordinate
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system. These theorems are concerned with the direction of the radius,
of curvature as compared with, or referred to, the direction of force
I, and with similar qualitative features. The author's geometrical re-
sults are in agreement with the behavior of the actual trajectories which
Darwin and E. Stroemgren determined by numerical integrations. It should
be emphasized, however, that Moiseyev's statements concerning the be-
havior of trajectories are essentially negative ones, telling mainly
what a certain trajectory cannot look like. The method enables Moiseyev
to find certain errors in drawings of orbits published by Charlier in
his well-known work on celestial mechanics. The investigation is further
concerned with the possibilities of cusps and loops in a trajectory.
These results have been discussed in detail, because they
are typical of the contents of the whole paper, and because they form
the basis for further, more complicated orbital characteristics, the
introduction of which is illustrated in the paper by many drawings. The
author studies the behavior of the' trajectories in the different regions
into whicil the plane is divided by the curves of Hill and Darwin. He
finds, for instance, that trajectories between these two characteristic
curves will be forced to leave this region as soon as they have ex-
perienced a tangential contact with one of the "equipotential curves" on
Which U = constant. With the investigation of the various possibilities
for the contact of a given trajectory with individual curves of given
family f(x,y) = c, the author has arrived at the main subject of the
paper. He gives criteria for the occurrence of interior and exterior
contacts with the curves of a given family of functions. Of special
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interest are the contacts with the curves U = constant. In this con-
nectibn, the so-called "inflection curve", as the geometrical locus of
the inflection points of a family of curves, is of interest, and is ap-
plied to the special family U = constant. The properties of this curve
are studied, especially as far as they are related to the properties of
a given trajectory. Similarly, the geometrical locus of those points
where the individual curves of a given family f(xly) = c are tangential
to the direction of the force,F,is called the "distributice". All these
concepts are used for the purpose of qualitative classification and for
the formulation of certain theorems concerning the properties of the
trajectories in certain specific problems. The "contact characteristics"
are applied to the restricted problem of three bodies for the related
equipotential curves U = constant. The method makes it possible, for
instance, to decide whether the contacts of the trajectory with U = con-
stant are interior or exterior in a given region. The contacts with a
family of circles are studied; this special application may be useful in
connection with the pericenter and the apocenter of a given orbital
trajectory. The "characteristics" may be used, also, for considering the
possibility or impossibility of motion in a certain region under certain
given conditions.
Finally, Moiseyev applies his methods to the generalized
coordinates of Poincare andBirkhoff and arrives at a geometrical inter-
pretation of Lyapunov's definition of orbital stability. He claims that
Lyapunov's theory is only a special case of the general theory of contact
characteristics. It is hard to see, however, how one could have arrived
at Lyapunov's theory in this geometrical and .rather complex way.
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The author's work is an ingenious and very interesting
contribution and, certainly, it is the result of a deep and highly com-
petent effort. Although the actual results generally take the form of
negative statements, they are undoubtedly valuable for checking on
trajectories which have been determined in some direct way. This paper
has already proved fruitful by inspiring many further applications and
A series of corrections to the contents of the above
paper(429) is given in Reference 459. These errors were contained pri-
marily in the descriptions of the figures and in the description of cer-
tain features of Darwin's curve.
Reyn(638) (1959) extended the results of Moiseyev to the
case where the two finite masses of the restricted three-body problem
have an elliptical motion relative to each other. This is done with the
help of the special coordinates first introduced by Nechvil. The contact
characteristic -of a given trajectory with respect to a topographical
system of curves is then reduced to a form which depends essentially on
the location of the so-called curve of Hadamard. The analytical expres-
sion for this curve contains the coOrdinates and the first and second
derivatives of the function f(x,y) = c, which determines the topographical
system of curves. In the present problem, Hadamard's curve depends also
on the angular variable, El, which determines the periodically changing
distance between the two finite masses. The results in the present in-
vestigation are obtained from those of the circular restricted problem,
essentially by the proper consideration of the two extreme or limiting
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cases, where the distance between the finite masses is either a maximum
or a minimum. In this way, the influence of the eccentricity, e, of the
relative orbit of the two finite masses on Moiseyev/s qualitative analysis
of the contact problem is found. The corresponding results are derived
in some detail for two different systems of topographical curves. One
section of the paper is concerned with the regions of exterior or interior
contact (as determined by Hadamard's curve) with respect to a family of
circles centered at the mass center of the whole system. Another section
is devoted to the corresponding contact characteristics with respect to a
system of "quasi-equipotential curves".
Although the essential "spade work" for this investigation
could be taken from Moiseyev's and Nechvil's previous studies, it has to
be granted that the author has made an interesting extension to the
closely related properties of the elliptical case. Altogether, this work
by Reyn is a competent analytical contribution of good quality.
Whittaker intuitively formulated a theorem concerning the
existence of periodic solutions for trajectories inside a region between
certain limiting curves, but he did not give a rigorous proof.
Moiseyev(454) (1939) not only furnishes this proof, but gives it for a -
more general kind of problem.
The limiting curves of such a "Whittaker region" are de-
fined by the fact that the contact characteristics of the possible tra-
jectories of the given problem with respect to these limiting curves
have opposite (and unchanging) signs along these curves, so that the con-
tact of the trajectory with the curve would always be exterior (or
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interior). Using the concepts and procedures of his general method of
contact characteristics (cf. Reference 429), the author makes a thorough
study of the problem. The main result of the paper is contained in the
proof of the following theorem: If there is considered such a family of
isoenergetic trajectories in the restricted problem of three bodies, that
no singular points occur within a certain region whidh is a "Whittaker
region" according to the above definition, and if no comMon points with
the curve of zero velocity, as well as with Hadamard's curve, occur, and
if the contact characteristic is of opposite sign at the two limiting
curves of the region, then there exists inside this region a trajectory
(going through the "vertex" in the case where the region is of the cor-
responding type) which represents a periodic orbit in the case where the
region is a ring of finite width. The proof rests on the condition that
all the functions involved are analytical. The limiting curve of the
region may be composed by a sequence of different analytical functions
(curves), but, for a more general type of limits, the proof would not be
valid any more.
Without any question, the present paper is a significant
contribution. It enriches theoretic-al knowledge about the qualitative
features and possibilities of trajectories in the restricted problem of
three bodies, and gives proof of a theorem which was formulated, but not
proven, by such an authority as Whittaker.
Moiseyev's third paper(455) in the series on certain general
methods of the qualitative analysis of forms of motion in problems of
celestial mechanics is discussed in the section on Criteria of Stability:
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Moiseyev's previous papers (453-455, 461) (1939 and 1940)
dealt mainly with questions of the existence of trajectories in certain
given regions with orbital stability in Lyapunov's sense, and with re-
lated problems. Moiseyev also devoted a paper( 462) (1940) in this series
to the characteristics of contact of a given trajectory with a given
topographical system of curves, including isoenergetic trajectories of
the same type. In Section 1, the general properties or features of con-
tact are studied by means of conform transformations leading to contacts
of the transformed trajectories with the straight lines f = constant
(z = x + i y, w =a + i f, and z = (w) is the analytical expression
for the transformation). The sign of f of the trajectory then decides
whether the contact is exterior or interior (concave or convex).
Section 2 deals with the contact characteristics with
respect to the curves f + 6 f = constant, which differ from the curves
f = constant by the small deformations 6 fl where 6f= 8 f (a) leads to
the simplest expressions in the case where a is the length of the arc
on the "nonvariationed" or original curve C=.constant.
Section 3 gives a method for the reduction of the so-called
variation-of the contact characteristic (or of 8 f = f - fo) to a binomial
form. This reduced form depends on one arbitrary parameter, k. For
k = 0, one obtains f? ? in the form of Jacobi-Stepanov; for k = 1, a form
in agreement with the stability coefficient according to Zhukovskiy
emerges; and for k =3, the form of Moiseyev's or of the "anti-Coriolis"
case is found as something new.
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In Section 4, the special case of the trajectory where
f = fo is treated. Again, results are derived for k = 0, lland 3.
2 2
In Section 5, the so-called "quasi curvature" and the re-
lated center of quasi curvature are introduced on the basis of the various
coefficients in the expression for f (according to Jacobi-Stepanov,
Zhukovskiy, and Moiseyev).
Section 6 shows that the various types of orbital sta-
bility can be considered as special cases of a more generally defined
Section 7 deals with the regions of the so-called compact
orbital stability, and, finally, Section 8 deals with the possibility of
the "localization" of trajectories, essentially by means of Whittaker's
As in most of his papers, Moiseyev's style and terminology
are somewhat awkward and sometimes unnecessarily complicated, but the
essential contents are quite interesting and a valuable contribution to
progress in the field of celestial mechanics. Undoubtedly, Moiseyev
was one of the most gifted Soviet astronomers in this field. There is
no flaw in his developments, even though they are sometimes made "the
hard way" with respect to analytical simplicity.
A geometrical derivation of the first-order terms of the
differential relations, by which the relative curvature of two dynamic
trajectories in the restricted three-body problem is determined, was given
by Moiseyev(43o) (1936). He also calls attention to the fact that some
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authors have used a too-narrow concept of the "stability according to
,Jacobi" when discussing stability questions, or a concept which actually
incorporates only the so-called "transverse" stability, instead of the
necessary two-dimensional features.
Although the author arrives at the correct analytical
relations, his way of arriving at them is unnecessarily complex and
elaborate. He made no use of certain rather obvious relations, which
would tend to transform his final equations into a shorter and simpler
form. The well-known author demonstrates that he arrives at the right
answers, however, even when unnecessary hurdles are climbed; but as far
as mathematical elegance is concerned, this work is not too impressive.
He deserves some credit, however, for introducing a variation of the
Jacobi constant, h, in connection with the variation of the trajectory,
while Hill, Jacobi, and others considered only isoenergetic variations.
Certain characteristics in the restricted three-body
problem were the theme of another series of papers by Moiseyev. The
first (46o) (1936) of these contains a relatively *simple application of
the characteristic curve of Darwin to the motion in the neighborhood, of.
the libration center L4. Whereas Darwin had mentioned only certain prop-
erties of his curve, the author demonstrates that Darwin's curve in the
given case is approximately an ellipse which is concentric and coaxial
with the related ellipse representing approximately Hill's curve of zero
velocity. After a transformation of the equations to "normal" coordinates,
the author studies the contact characteristic with respect to a family
of circles which have their center at L4' and to trajectories which are
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a family of isoenergetic curves. He finds that, in the case of an ex-
terior contact, the trajectory cannot remain within a certain region of
the plane. Finally, he considers the contact of the trajectories with a
family of ellipsoids which is enveloping L4. Investigating the different
regions into which the characteristic curves divide the orbital pos-
sibilities, certain orbits are found which are not stable according to
Lyapunov's theory of stability.
As is typical for the method of contact characteristics,
Moiseyev arrives at certain conclusions concerning what the orbits cannot
do or look like. The paper is a simple yet interesting application of
the general principles developed in his earlier paper(429). Altogether,
this paper is a contribution of aloderate yet positive value, illustrating
more than extending previous knowledge about the actual subject of motion
in the neighborhood of the libration center Lk.
Moiseyev(437) (1936) applied his method (cf. Reference
429) to the so-called Copenhagen problem. In this special case of the
restricted problem of three bodies, for which numerous periodic solutions
have been established at the Copenhagen Observatory by the way of numeri-
cal integrations, the two finite masses are equal. Moiseyev's contact
characteristics are systematically applied to the problem in the sections
of the paper concerned with: (1) the differential equations of motion'
in the Copenhagen problem and Hill's curve of zero velocity; (2) charac-
teristics of the family of trajectories (Hill's and Darwin's curves);
(3) contact characteristics of the trajectories and of a family of circles.
around the center of the system; (4) auxiliary curves - the distributice
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and Hadamard's curves; (5) the properties of the geometrical locus of
.the contacts with the family of circles; (6) the contact characteristic
as a function of the Jacobi constant, h; and (7) the characteristic of
the contacts with the equipotential curves. Many illustrations are
given to help in understanding the sometimes complicated curves and re-
gions, which are of interest in connection with the qualitative proper-
ties of the trajectories.
This paper, too, represents the result of a considerable
effort, even though the application to this special problem makes the
whole procedure somewhat mechanical. Although all these geometrical-
dynamic relations are certainly of some interest, the fact that the
method is limited to a compilation of negative statements concerning the
behavior of trajectories makes it hard to see how the method can be use-
-ful in the actual solution of given dynamic problems.
Moiseyev(441) (1936) continues with the contact charac-
teristic of an isoenergetic family of trajectories (Jacobi constant
h = constant) with a family of heliocentric circles, thus arriving at
certain qualitative conclusions -concerning the regions of purely exterior
and purely interior contact. For the detailed study of the branches of
the curve R(h) = 0, in their dependence on.h, extensive computations for
selected values .of the solar distance, R, and of the polar angle, 0 , have
been made, and the resulting values of h(R, e) have been tabulated. The
osculatrice and Hadamard's curve (cf. Reference 429) are also used as
auxiliary curves in the present study. The results are discussed in de-
tail and illustrated by numerous graphs. Still, the author considered
this to be a preliminary investigation and mentions that the singular
points, especially, require further study.
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As was remarked in connection with the author's earlier
papers, no direct progress in the analytical treatment of a dynamic prob-
lem is ma4e by the author's contribution; it is also true, however, that
studies such as this enable one to arrive at a good general picture of
certain orbital possibilities or limitations. From this point of view,
this is a commendable contribution, even though everything is obtained
rather automatically by the proper application of the basic method as
previously outlined.
Moiseyev(456) (1939) then made extensive use of a modi-
fication of a theorem that had been proved in his earlier paper (cf. Ref-
erence 454). According to the modified theorem, one can prove the exis-
tence of a periodic orbit in the region between two curves of a given
topographic family by showing that one and only one, closed osculatrice
(for an isoenergetic family of trajectories) is located within the same
region. The first paragraph introduces two new auxiliary curves which
are convenient for the application of the basic theorem to concrete cases.
These curves are the so-called indigatrice of osculations and the indica-
trice of the zero velocities. The first curve is the geometrical locus
of the contacts of the osculatrice with the curves of the topographic
system; the second represents the geometrical locus of the contacts o
the curves of the topographic family with the curve of zero velocity. By
means of the two curves, it is possible to construct tile stripe-shaped
region which contains only one closed osculatrice.
In the second paragraph, the method is used to study the
simple.problem of periodic orbits in a rotating coordinate system in the
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field of only one gravitating mass in the center of the system. Two
classes of retrograde synodic motion and one of direct synodic motion are
found to exist as periodic orbits. The third paragraph deals with the
restricted three-body problem, in particular with orbits around the
planetary mass. The existence of retrograde, as well as of direct, peri-
odic orbits is proved, but the author doubts that a complete identity
exists between his direct orbits and the corresponding orbits found by
Hill. Moiseyev shows that his classes of periodic orbits possess sta-
bility according to Jacobi; he remarks that Hill's solutions can be
identical to his orbits only insofar as they are stable in Jacobi's sense.
The fourth and last paragraph brings the application of the author's basic
theorem to the Copenhagen problem with equal finite masses. The existence
of periodic orbits of two classes, which, in their essential features, are
similar to the classes 1 and m of Stroemgren, is established. The various
results are illustrated by a number of drawings. The author stated his
intention of exploring the various problems further.
This is one of the Aore significant contributions from
this competent and gifted author. The further detailed studies promised
by the author were later wade by Reyn and Tomson. Although the method
is essentially an application and further development of the concept of
Whittaker's zones, Moiseyev deserves much credit for devising and using
a practical method based on Whittaker's idea.
In the fifth paper, Moiseyev(457) (1939) begins by remark-
ing that Poincare's method or theory permits the establishment of the
existence of a periodic trajectory through a given starting position,
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but does not permit the localization of the whole orbit. The author's
method, on the other hand, which is based on Whittaker's zones and on the
author's theorem "B" in the preceding paper(456), makes it possible to
find a region, more or less narrow as the case may be, in which the whole
orbit is located. The method is applied to orbital motions around the
sun, using a family of concentric circles (centered in the sun) as the
topographic system of curves, which permits the establishment or con-
struction of circular rings
consideration. Paragraph 1
the osculatrice of a family
to the system of concentric
containing the various periodic orbits under
deals with the equations of motion and with
of isoenergetic trajectories with respect
circles. It is found that the osculatrice,
as the geometric locus of the contacts of higher order, has four closed
branches. These four branches correspond to the four classes of periodic
orbits, as discussed in the final Paragraph 4. Paragraph 2 introduces
the indicatrice of the osculations, and Paragraph 3 the indicatrice of
the curve of zero velocity, because these two curves serve as auxiliary
curves, as in Reference 456. The-form of these curves is illustrated by
means of some graphs..
Paragraph 4 contains the determination and localization of
four different classes of periodic orbits around the sun, characterized
by their range of values for Jacobi's constant, h, and by their various
other principal features. The first class of periodic orbits is retro-
grade in the rotating, as well as in the fixed, coordinate system. It is
related to parts of Stroemgren's classes f and h and to Darwin's retro-
grade class of satellites. The second class of simple periodic orbits,
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which has direct motion, is located inside Jupiter's orbit and is of im-
portance for the system of asteroids. This class is related to a class of
Hill, to parts of Stroemgren's classes g and i, and to the class B of
Darwin. The third class comprises simple periodic orbits of retrograde
synodic motion outside Jupiter's orbit and thus, it is described around
both finite masses of the problem. Direct sidereal motion is possible in
this class for a certain range of h-values. This class is also of some
interest with regard to asteroids; it is analogous to Stroemgren's class
1. The fourth class is retrograde, too, and analogous to Stroemgren's
class m. Concluding, the author finds that the orbits in all four classes
are stable in the sense of the generalized criterion of Jacobi.
This is a gobd and constructive contribution to the litera-
ture in celestial mechanics. It demonstrates, at the same time, the
fruitfulness of the author's basic ideas and methods.
The sixth part of this work by Moiseyev(465) (1945) is
discussed in the section on the Criteria of Stability. He arrives at
some interesting results using rather elementary means.
Two other papers(4661k67) by Moiseyev that deal with cer-
tain' characteristics of the trajectories in the restricted problem of
three bodies were published in 1945; one(66) is discussed in the section
on the Criteria of Stability, and the other(467) in the section on the
Disturbing Function.
Moiseyev(431) (1936)'applied his method of contact charac-
teristics to the study of the contacts of a family of isoenergetic tra-
jectories with a system of surfaces,
(U + h) (x sin (I) - y cos 013) + n (x2 + y`) = f, in Birkhoff's phase
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411 space (x, y, ). First, the condition f = 0 leads to the result that
contacts are possible only on two planes, one of which is determined by
y = 01 while the other goes through the Lagrangean libration centers L4
and L5. From the consideration of f, it follows, then, that the
geometrical locus of the contacts of higher order degenerates to a
straight line parallel to the 043-axis. In the x, y-plane, this
straight line is reduced by its projection to the point where the con-
nection of the points L4 and L5 intersects the x-axis. The essential
result of the whole study is contained in the theorem that certain regions
in the x, y-plane, characterized by the ratio of the distances of their
points from the two finite masses and by their location with regard
to the x-axis, are anepicyclic regions, i.e., no ordinary trajectories
can be contained completely in either one of these limited regions. This
leads to the additional theorem that no periodic orbit exists in the
restricted three-body problem which does not intersect at least one
of the two straight lines mentioned above.
This is one of the more substantial and interesting papers
by Moiseyev. The qualitative results emerging from this study are of
theoretical significance and should be helpful for any .studies on the
subject of periodic orbits.
Moiseyev(433) (1936) extended his earlier study (cf. Ref-
erence 431), which deals with the ordinary restricted problem where
Jupiter's orbit is assumed to be circular, to the more general case of
elliptical motion of the two finite masses relative to their center of
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mass. Using Nechvil's coordinates and considering the small body's
? ?
motion with respect to Poincare's phase space (x,y1x,y), he arrives at
theorems quite analogous to those established in the earlier, paper. Cer-
tain anepicyclic regions exist in which no trajectories can be contained
in their entirety, and all regular trajectories, in Hadamard's sense, must
intersect at least one of the two straight lines determined by the
Lagrangean points Ll, L2, L3 or L4, L5, respectively, an infinite number
of times.
This study, too, is of definite theoretical interest, and
the results may also be useful for further studies on periodic orbits.
Certainly, this is a worth-while contribution.
In 1936, Moiseyev(436) considered the plane restricted
problem, using Birkhoff's phase space (x y,,c1) ). He assumes that at a
given starting moment, to, this space is filled with phase points dis-
tributed with uniform density, v . From the incompressibility condition,
it follows, then, that this density distribution will remain invariant
at all later moments, t to. . The, investigation is concerned with a
certain property of the stream motion of Birkhoff's .phase' fluid with
respect to a one-parameter topographic family of cylindrical surfaces,
f(x, y) = c. A certain differential quantity is defined as the measure
of the difference between the number of passages through the points of
exterior and interior contact with respect to an infinitesimally narrow
cylindrical ring, as determined by the differential dc.
This is a purely theoretical and very abstract discussion;
it is hard to see how this may lend itself to concrete applications,
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although the author closes with some reference to the problem of the
distribution of the orbital elements of comets and meteorites.
Moiseyevs42) (1937) treatment of periodic trajectories
about the point of libration in the Copenhagen problem is discussed in
the section on Periodic Orbits.
In his consideration of the Gylden-Moulton hypothesis of
the origin of Gegenschein, Moiseyev(446) (1938) starts with the differen-
tial equations of motion for an isoenergetic family of particles in the
three-dimensional restricted problem of three bodies. The form he uses
amounts to a generalization of Birkhoff 's system. In the related phase
space, a fluid governed by these equations would be incompressible, and
the density in phase space would remain uniform at all times, if it were
uniform for t = to. The author then determines the expression for the
corresponding density distribution, D (x, y, z), in ordinary coordinates
of the restricted problem, considering for the Jacobi constant, h, a
certain interval, h h hm. The resulting density distribution,
D (x, y, z) = constant, is always identical to the proper surfaces where
the potential U (x, y, z) = constant. The adoption of a stationary and
uniform distribution of the particles in the Phase space is synonimous
with the assumption that, in the ordinary rotating coordinate system
(x, y, z), all possible directions of the individual velocities have the
same probability. On the basis of these rather reasonable assumptions,
it is then shown that the theoretical surfaces of equal density cannot
be reconciled with the figure of Gegenschein which is indicated by photo-
metric, observations. Without the introduction of additional forces, the
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Gylden-Moulton hypothesis concerning the origin of the Gegenschein is
incompatible with the dynamic hypothesis of a stationary distribution
considered in this paper.
This is a very interesting and substantial contribution,
and the results are important as further evidence against the correctness
of the Gylde'n-Moulton hypothesis for Gegenschein.
Working on the same subject, I. P. Tarasashvili(755)
(1958) adopted a coordinate system which rotates with the (circular)
motion of the earth around the sun, but which has its origin in the
Lagrangean libration point, L2, near the earth. Developing the force
function, U, into a power series and retaining only terms of an order not
higher than the second, the author computes a certain number of points
on the elliptical curve which represents the intersection of Hill's sur-
face of zero velocity with a plane which is perpendicular to the direction
earth-sun, and which contains the point L2. The surface of zero velocity
in these computations is the one which is associated with a certain
Jacobi constant, h*, which in turn, represents the largest individual
h-value of the particles in a given cluster. From the size of the inter-
section of Hill's zero-velocity hyperboloid with the n , -plane through
L2' and from the distance of L2 from the earth, the author then computed
the angle a for the related apparent diameter of the cluster of parti-
cles, as seen from the earth. Comparing the results with the observed
isophotic curve of Gegenschein, the author finds the related range of
values for the Jacobi constant, h*, which must be associated with particle:
of the cluster.
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This is a constructive paper; it relates the observed form
and size of Gegenschein with the required range of the h*-values for the
particles of the corresponding Gylden-Moulton cluster. Although the re-
sults do not solve the question of the validity of the hypothesis by
Gylden and Moulton concerning the origin of Gegenschein, the numerical
data obtained may be useful in further investigations of the dynamic
In the introduction to a paper on the contemporary status
of qualitative mechanics, Moiseyev(453) (1939) mentioned the fact that
the qualitative method, developed by the "Moscow School" and largely a
result of his own efforts, has begun to play an increasingly important
role in celestial mechanics. The method of contact characteristics has
been used for work on the problem of orbital stability.
Section 1 of this paper deals with the mechanical prob-
lems which have been accessible to the new methods of qualitative analysis,
and to the proper classification of these problems. In Section 2, a
historical review of the work related to Hill's characteristic curve of
zero velocity and, to the general problem .of the possibility or impossi-
bility of motion in a given region is given. Among the Soviet authors,
Moiseyev, Reyn, and Chibisov are mentioned as contributors, and a great
number of contributions, all using the same method, have come from the
Moscow group. Section 3 reports on Moiseyev's extended study and use
of the characteristic curve of Darwin to investigate the properties of
the trajectories in the restricted problem of three bodies, especially
in the neighborhood of the triangular points. Section 4 is devoted to
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the characteristic of Jacobi-Stepanov and deals with regions of stability
according to Jacobi, using Birkhoff's generalized coordinates. Three more
sections of the paper are concerned with the problems of stability. The
result is that stability according to Lyapunov guarantees sta-
bility according to various other concepts of stability, but not vice
versa. In Section 8, the work on contact characteristics is reviewed.
In Section 9, the special case of a time-dependent force function, U(t),
is considered; it is remarked that the related investigation by Wilkens on
the limiting curves and their envelopes in the restricted problem
(Seeliger-Festschrift, 1924) is in error.
(1940) considered, in the rotating coordinate
system of the three-dimensional restricted problem of three bodies, two
topographical systems of surfaces, the intersections of which represent
a system of curves in space depending on two parameters. The angle Y is
introduced as the angle between a given trajectory and the tangent of the
curve intersecting the trajectory in a given point. Going back now to
the one given system of surfaces, the author considers the multitude of
possible contacts between these surfaces and the system of trajectories
and, from this multitude, he selects the contacts which are related to a
certain given angle, Y , of the given trajectory with respect to'the
tangent of the curve which has been mentioned above. If f(x, y, z) = f.
is the system of surfaces, then the selected group of contacts is associ-
ated with the contact characteristic f ^ (x, y, z, h, Y ), where h is
Jacobi's constant. Depending on the sign of f,^ the contact will be in-
terior (f < 0), exterior (f > 0), or possibly of higher order (f = 0).
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This paper describes the general idea or definition of
these "monotypical" contacts between trajectories and a given topographi-
cal system of surfaces; it contains nothing concrete or substantial that
would allow the actual utilization of the new concept. Although the
presentation of this general idea has some merits, the mathematical form
of the author's contribution could be simplified by the proper use of vec-
tors and matrices. The author makes use of the mathematical language of
the beginning of this century, rather than of its modern form.
Two papers by Moiseyev relating to this subject are dis-
cussed in the section on the Disturbing Function; one(470) considers the
restricted elliptical problem, and the other(471) the semirestricted
A series of papers by A. A. Orlov (526-528), that is dis-
cussed under Periodic Orbits, also relates to the topic at hand.
An error in Whittaker's integral for periodic solutions
of the restricted three-body problem was pointed out by N. F. Reyn(634)
in 1937. Another error, this one by Nechvil in his paper On a New Form
Of the Differential Equation for the Restricted Elliptic Problem (1926),
was also pointed out by Reyn(62) (1940).
Utilizing certain assumptions regarding the density dis-
tribution of the gravitating medium which has spherical symmetry with
respect to the one finite mass, Mo, Reyn(631) (1936) investigated the
location of the five libration points and the value of the Jacobi constant
for material points resting in the various. libration centers, as well as
the location and shape of the surfaces of zero velocity. Numerous
theorems are given concerning the relative location of the libration
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points, the related Jacobi constants, and the dependence of these points
on the value of the second finite mass, ? . The surfaces of zero velocity
are studied in their dependence on the Jacobi constant, C, and the mass,
? . Some of the theorems concerning the relative location of the
straight-line libration points are valid also (after proper modification)
for the ordinary restricted problem (without an additional gravitating
In spite of the correctness of the theorems and of the
analytical derivations, this paper is essentially technical; its major
content is a detailed transformation of certain well-secured implicit
truths into a more explicit form. Nothing basically new is involved in
this presentation.
Later, Reyn(639) (1939) dealt with a generalization of the
subject of her previous paper(631). In the earlier Doper, she assumed
that the period of the orbital revolution and, thus, the rotational vel-
ocity-ofthe basic coordinate system of the restricted problem were af-
fected by the presence of the gravitating medium, as if the total mass,
M (r).= Mo + in (r), were concentrated in Mo, or as if in (r) were in-
timately connected with Mo (as an atmosphere). The present investigation
is based on the assumption that the angular velocity, n, of the two
finite masses, M and ? , depends on the ratio M A by the rela-
M (R) + X ?
tion n2 -
masses M and ? . It is shown that for values of A not too different
. Here, R is the constant distance between the
from unity ( X = 1 corresponds-to the more special case which the author
considered in her earlier paper), the general features and characteristics
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are not significantly different from those for X = 1, at least as far
as the existence and location of the straight-line libration points,
1,1, L2, and L3, are concerned. The points Lit and L5, however, suffer
certain systematic shifts on the periphery of a circle with radius R
about the mass M. The location of the surfaces of zero velocity, as in-
dicated by their intersections with the x, y-plane, as well as with the
x, z- and yi z-planes, is determined in its dependence on the singular
points L1 to L5. The values of the Jacobi constants, CI of particles
resting in these libration points are compared, as in the earlier paper.
All the results are quite analogous to the ones for the original problem,
as long as X is not very different from unity.
Essentially different features emerge for X.151_ 0.125,
but, since X = 0.125 means that n2' amounts to only one-eighth of the
value obtained from a straightforward application of Kepler's third law
on the basis of the two masses, M (R) and g, it seems that such X -value
are very remote from concrete astronomical problems. For the same reason,
values essentially larger than X = 1 do not seem to make much sense
The author's study is of a certain interest, in that it is
a more flexible generalization of the problem presented in her earlier
"paper(631). Perhaps the introduction of the parameter X may prove use-
ful in connection with related cosmogonical problems.
Moiseyev and Vzorova made use of the contact-characteris-
tics method in connection with Hill's satellite problem. The paper by
A. I. Vzorova(803) (1940) is an auxiliary investigation for an analytical
study by Reyn(643) (1940).
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Since Whittaker's circular zones for the localization of
periodic orbits are not practical in the case of the rather eccentric
inner orbits of Hill's satellite problem (for large values of the Jacobi
constant, h), Vzorova(803) made use of a family of ellipses instead of
circles for the investigation of the contact characteristics Of .the seven
innermost periodic orbits of the Hill problem. The author adopts the
value e = 0.2920 for the eccentricity of all the concentric and coaxial
ellipses which have their common center in the center of the planetary
mass; this value represents approximately the average of the ellipses by
which the seven individual orbits may be approximated. Actually, this
mean value of e was obtained by averaging the individual values of e2,
because the analytical equation for the family of ellipses depends on e2
rather than on e. Using Moiseyev's method of qualitative analysis, the
author makes the necessary computations for the construction of the
various characteristic curves, i.e., of the so-called osculatrice, the
distributice, and Hadamard's curve, in order to find the regions of in-
terior and .exterior contact of the possible periodic trajectorie6 with
respect to the concentric family of ellipses. The results, which have
been computed for equidistant values of the angular coordinate, 0 , are
graphically represented in their dependence on h.
This is a rather technical paper, the results of vihich
have been obtained by the proper application of an existing method of
analysis to a well-known problem; it does not contain any theoretical
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advances. Nevertheless, this well-executed example is a useful demon-
stration of the practical application of the method of contact character-
Reyn(643) utilizes a topographical system of concentric
ellipses; here, the various branches of the so-called indicatrix, as the
geometrical location of the points of contact of the osculatrice (for
h = constant) with the given family of ellipses (for an eccentricity
e = constant), are finally derived in the form of analytical developments,
The third power of the planetocentric distance, p 1 is developed as a
function of the planetocentric longitude, 0 , with coefficients depending
on the ascending powers of e2. The reciprocal of p3 is introduced, in-
stead of p3 itself, for the application to large distances, in order to
avoid singularities in the fundamental equation by which the indicatrix
is determined. It is found that the indicatrix consists essentially of
three branches, two of which are reduced to circles if only terms of the
order e2 are retained in the coefficients. These two branches determine
the parameters of the two concentric ellipses of the given topographic
family between which the osculating orbits of the satellite, for the
given value of h, should be located. The two branches of the indicatrix
are closed curves. After establishing analytically the existence of the
closed branches of the indicatrix in this manner, Reyn further shows that,
for retrograde motion, the third branch of the indicatrix may asymp-
totically go to infinity at 0 = 600. The analytical study is then com-
plemented by a numerical application for e2 = 0.085262, which corresponds
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to Vzorova's computations (cf. Reference 803). The author's analytical
expressions are used to compute the p -values of the indicatrix for
equidistant values of the longitude, 0 , in intervals of 10?. These
computations give the final values by a process of iteration. The re-
sulting points of the indicatrix confirm the previous analytical results
concerning the existence and the characteristic features of the two
This is a really interesting, mathematically clever, and
ingenious study of the subject. The author certainly proves her great
ability in this field of celestial mechanics.
The stability of six periodic orbits in the Copenhagen
problem, in the sense of Jacobi and in the sense of Zhukovskiy, was in-
vestigated by Reyn( 644) (1940) and by A. I. Ryakov(658) (1950), respec-
tively. These papers are discussed in the section on Criteria of Sta-
Yu. A. Ryabov(656)(1952) used Lyapunov's method for the
integration of differential equations involving power series depending
on a small parameter to, prove the existence of periodic solutions for
the motion of a small body in the neighborhood of the libration centers
1,4 and L5. The same method was used for the actual determination of the
coefficients in the developments which represent the solution of .the
problem. It is shown that the developments are convergent for small
values of the parameter and, thus, for the neighborhood of the points
Lk amdL5, ? the actual determination of a radius of convergence was left
for future investigations.
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The existence of the periodic solutions has been known and
proved for a considerable time; nevertheless, this paper gives an indepen-
dent proof and determination based on an entirely different method than
had been used before, The investigation is mathematically elegant and
undoubtedly represents a constructive contribution to celestial mechanics.
T. V. Vodop'yanova(784) (1936) applied two qualitative
characteristics, (1) the characteristic of Hill (V2 2.> 0 in the rotating
coordinate system of the restricted problem of three bodies), and (2) the
contact characteristic of Moiseyev with respect to a family of heliocen-
tric circles (for the perihelia and aphelia of minor-planet orbits), to
the system of minor planets, i.e., to the selected group of planets with
small inclinations for which the plane problem may be used. The fact that
Jupiter's orbit is not circular but elliptical is taken into account in an
approximate manner. The author makes a survey of the actual orbits of
the minor planets and finds that most of the osculating orbits under con-
sideration are fully compatible with the two above-mentioned characteris-
tics, i.e., the corresponding minor planet would be able to move in such
an orbit at all times (taking into account the variation of Jupiter's
distance from the sin) without violating either the condition V2> 0 or
the limitations which are found for the perihelion and aphelion distance
from the sun. The author pays special attention to the so-called criti-
cal planets, which have been Obserlied in only one or two oppositions; in
this group, she finds quite a percentage of osculating orbits which would
not be compatible with the two characteristics at all times. The author
states that, from this fact, one could have predicted, in many cases,
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that the planet would probably be "lost". The actual reason for this
incompatibility with the two characteristics probably lies in the fact
that the elements of these critical planets are very poorly determined
as a result of an insufficient material of observations.
This paper is of interest as a practical application of certain
qualitative methods developed by the "Moscow School".
e. Regularization and
Although Sundman had proved, in the case of simple collisions
and of the nondisappearance of all constants of a real velocity, that in
the neighborhood of a collision the coordinates and relative distances
can be developed in powers of (t - Markov(387) (1927) attempted the
numerical determination of the first coefficients in these convergent
series. For moments not very distant from the instant, tl, of the col-
lision, the author determines the distances of the third mass, which does
not participate in the collision, from the invariable plane of the three
bodies. It is found that, in the general case, the development for this
distance begins with the power (t - t1)--, i.e., with no powers lower
than this. The author also gives a complete classification of all the
'possibility of deviations from the so-called "law of ten-thirds".
The author deserves credit for a thorough examination of the
subject chosen for this investigation; he has made an interesting con-
tribution to the theory of collisions.
Poroshin(566) (1945) considered one central mass, SI coinciding
with the origin of the coordinate system and ,a homogeneous circular
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distribution, J, of matter at the distance a from S. In Chapter I, the
author studies the trajectories of a third small mass, P, after its
radial ejection from the central mass,'S. The force function is developed
first with respect to ascending powers of r/a, where r is the increasing
distance of P from S. Although the two integrals of the problemli.e.,
the energy integral and the integral of areas, permit the reduction of
the problem to quadratures, it is necessary to regularize the differential
equations in order to eliminate the singularities which are associated
with r = 0. The regularization is possible by means of Moiseyevls so-
called parabolic coordinates, and by means of an additional transforma-
tion of the time. The regularized equations of motion are then inte-
grated, and the transformed coordinates are obtained as power series with
respect to the transformed "time",T . It follows, as was to be expected,
that for motion in the plane of the circular mass distribution, J, the
trajectories are straight lines in radial directions.
In Chapter II, the investigation is extended from the plane
problem to trajectories in three dimensions, again beginning in the
central mass, S. It follows that the projections of the trajectories
onto the fundamental plane of J are straight lines, as in the plane prob-
lem; with respect to the z-coordinate, however, the trajectories are
curved. In proper generalization of the methods employed in Chapter I,
the coordinates are transformed and determined in power series depending
on the transformed "time", T . The developments in both chapters are
valid only for a certain interval of time, or up to a limited central
distance, r, because the series will not converge at large values of r-
or ,r ?
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Reversing the direction of the trajectories, Poroshin then
proceeds from ejection orbits to orbits of free fall, investigating,
especially, the conditions under which a trajectory, starting at a given
position in three-dimensional space, will end (in a straightforward hit)
in S. In the last paragraph, the author goes back to regular coordinates
(x,y,z) and regular time, t, to obtain the normal coordinates as functions
of the time. The coordinates are found as power series with respect to
t3/2and the author actually determines the first two coefficients in these
developments in their dependence on the constants of integration.
This is not an outstandingly important contribution. The
subject, as such, has been explored very thoroughly and competently, how-
ever, and the presentation has features of mathematical elegance. Alto-
gether, this is a well-done investigation of the characteristics of a
well-defined, not-too-difficult, problem.
For the computation of the general perturbations of a minor
planet, in a special case previously studied by Brendel, Samoylova-
" H. idt
Yakhontova(663) (1929) introduces an independent variable, A)r A ,
which regularizes the problem for collisions with Jupiter. It is shown
that the convergence of the series is greatly improved by the adoption
of this new independent variable. The method is applied, then, to the
Jupiter perturbations of the planet Thule, to obtain a comparison with
the corresponding results obtained by Brendel on the basis of his new
This is one of the ,really valuable and interesting recent con-
tributions to celestial mechanics. The results are of interest from the
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purely theoretical point of view, and they are also important for the
practical problem of obtaining improved convergence for the general per-
turbations of minor planets.
Samoylova-Yakhontova had shown that the introduction of the
independent variable u = Adf----, which regularizes the simple shocks
with Jupiter, improves the convergence of the developments for the per-
turbations (cf. Reference 663). Then, she(664) (1931) considered the
case of large eccentricities, which can lead to close approaches of the
minor planet to the sun, and introduced a new independent variable,
u = A in order to regularize any simple shocks with the sun, as
well as with Jupiter. The new variable is introduced into Brendel's
new method of general perturbations by a process similar to the one used
in the previous paper. The investigation is limited by the assumption
that the minor planet moves in the orbital plane of Jupiter, but that
Jupiter's orbit (or the orbit of any other disturbing planet) is
This paper is a valuable addition to the previous one; the new
or extended method will improve the convergence for a wider range of
conditions than before.
The earlier papers by Samoylova-Yakhontova were on the improve-
ment of the convergence of the series developments, in the theory of
planetary perturbations, by means of a regularizing variable (cf.
References 662-664). Next, she(665) (1936) demonstrated, in a simple
example, the fact that the convergence of the developments depending on
the powers of the ratio, a , of the mean distances, in the case of thse
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group methods of planetary perturbations, is also strengthened by the
o ?I 1
4 -. K sin cl)
where is an auxiliary variable depending on the longitude of the die-
introduction of the regularizing variable u =
turbed and disturbing planets, or on the ratio, p. , of the mean motions.
It is assumed that both planets move in circular orbits, as far as the
undisturbed motion of the minor planet is concerned, and within the
same orbital plane. The differential equations of motion according to
Hansen-Bohlin are integrated by Bohlin's method. It is found that
Hansen's function, W, and the perturbations n6 z and v are represented
by fast-converging series depending on the variable u, with the coef-
ficients decreasing as in (2nqn or (2n + qn + for increasing
values of n. Here, the parameter a is of the order of A a and X is a
positive integer. Bohlin's method of integration avoids developments
into trigonometrical series, which otherwise would be necessary in con-
nection with the introduction of the new variable. For n5 z, a compari-
son with the corresponding results from Bohlin's tables is given.
This is another paper of real theoretical value and consider--
able interest. The author has contributed significantly to this special
problem,i.e., to the improvement of the convergence of the series
developments in celestial mechanics by means of regularizing
f. Auroximate Theory for
Minor Planets
The construction of exact theories of minor planets by the
standard methods of Hansen, Hill, Encke, etc., is extremely difficult,
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in view of the often large values of the eccentricities and inclinations.
It can be done only for a few planets. For the majority of the minor
planets, the main problem is to compute quickly the necessary perturba-
tions, so as to be able to identify the planets at subsequent appari-
tions. This is done either by numerical integration, or by some simpli-
fication of standard methods. The approximate methods of Bohlin and of
Brendel are used extensively in the U.S.S.R.
(1). Bohlin's Method
Bohlin (1896), starting with Hansen's differential equa-
tion, introduces a parameter, W = 1 - -IL-, where ? is the ratio of the
mean daily motions of Jupiter and of the minor planet, and ?0 is a
rational simple fraction not greatly 'different from 11. The fraction
110 defines the exact commensurability with respect to which many minor
planets can be assigned to "groups". For the planet Pomona, for in-
stance the Mean daily motion is 852783, and for Jupiter, it is 299713.
Consequently, ? = 0.351, or very close to 1. The fraction-1 defines the
3 3 11
Hestia group, for which po is assumed to be exactly 1, and for this
3 ? 11.0
case is 1.05225, and W = -0.05225.
The perturbation function is expanded by Bohlin in terms
of W, eccentricity, and the mutual inclination between the orbits of
Jupiter and of the minor planet.. Terms depending on W are the same for
the whole group of planets within certain limits on either side of com-
mensurability, and they can be computed once and for all. Terms depending
on eccentricity and inclination differ from planet to planet.
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The problem, then, is to simplify calculations for each
individual planet by the use of tables, and to represent perturbations
as fractions of certain coefficients and of the difference between
multiples of E, the eccentric anomaly of the minor planet, and
A = g go e sin El where E is the mean anomaly of Jupiter.
Samoylova-Yakhontova (668) (1947) made an analysis of
Bohlin's method and found some errors in his expansion of power series in
terms of the second order of the parameter W. This error affects all
published tables, but it is not particularly serious. Furthermore,
she(665) (1936) proposed the introduction into the formulas of another
variable, u = A,) dt
' where A is a constant, r and r' are radii
vectors of Jupiter and the minor planet, and A is their mutual distance.
It is shown that, with the proper choice of the constant, the fraction
u can be expressed as an elliptical integral of the first kind, which
results in a more rapid convergence of the trigonometric series used by
Bohlin and, consequently, in greater precision of the computations with
less effort,
The perturbations of minor planets by Saturn are small,
and the tables of perturbations are consequently simple. Tables for
the commensurability 1 (n 602") were published by Osten, and for the
commensurability 1 (n 843") by Block. Komendantov(295) simplified these
tables and extended them to cover the ranges of n from 440" to 800",
and from 700" to 1100".
In practice, the Soviets use Bohlin's method only for the
Flora and Minerva groups.
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( 110 = 1)
simplifying Bohlin's tables. Radynskiy's tables, however, were still
considered to be too complicated, and a condensation of them was pub-
lished by Zheverzheyev (848) (1950). These tables are apparently not used
at all in the U.S.S.R., and perturbations for this group are not computed
by Brendel's method.
(a). Hestia Group
Tables of general perturbations for the Hestia Group
were published by Radynskiy( 6o4) (1955) for the purpose of
(b). Minerva Group
The Soviets have done the most work on the Minerva
group with a commensurability of 2. It was found that Bohlin's method
can be applied successfully for the range in the mean daily motions
between 690" and 800", except in the region between 740" and 755" near
the exact resonance (474V821). At present, the limit of application
includes 55 planets.
Komendantov(294? published a collection of tables
for the Minerya group with detailed instructions for computations. The
original tables by Wilson for the Minerva group are supposed to be pre-
cise within 1". A precision of representation of only 1'. is claimed by
Komendantov. The test of these tables was made by Komendantov(291)
(1935)-himself for the case of minor planet (308) Polyxo. It.took only
26 hours to compute all periodic Jupiter terms with a precision of 1",
and the secular Jupiter and Saturn terms with a precision of 0V01. The
resulting departures of observed data from computed for the period 1891
to 1955, that is, for 42 years, do not exceed 31".
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An interesting case is the motion of minor planet (k30)
Hybris, which has a daily motion of 73915, that is, nearly exact com-
mensurability; the coefficient of the term with the argument 2E-5A
(commensurability 2) is about 5?. The departures in the period 1922 to
1951 (Shmakova(7?43 (1755) are unusually large, but do not exceed 12'.)
Komendantov(296) (1936) also published a still more
condensed table of perturbation for this group, retaining only periodic
terms greater than 0!5 and secular terms greater than 05. The precision
of representation is of the order of 0?1, and computation of perturba-
tion requires only a few hovrs.
(c). Flora Group
Tables based on Bohlin's method were computed by
Villemarque for commensurability 2 (n = 1047") and published in the
Annals of the Zo-Se Observatory. These tables are used in the U.S.S.R.
for 25 minor planets with the mean daily motion between 1,000" and 1,100".
The planets are: 113, 228, 281, 291, 296, 317, 326, 336, 341, 345, 364,
367, 370, 376, 391, 422, 44o, 443, 453, 54o 641, 7001 711, 736, and 770.
Tables of perturbations for planets (689). Zita,
(853) Nansenia, (857) Glazenapia, (393) Isbega, and (1078) Mentha of the
Flora group were computed at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy
(Varzar(773) (1952) and Bozhkova(84) (1951).
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(2). Brendel's Method
Brendel's method, which is based ultimately on the ideas
of the Pulkovo astronomer Gy1d6n, does not claim great precision. Per-
turbations are computed with the precision 0?01, and the resulting pre-
cision of representation is of the order 20' to 30'.
The greatest usefulness of this method is for minor planets
of the Hestia group (commensurability 1; resonance 897"). Brendel
published (1913) tables for perturbations from Jupiter for 100 planets
of this group; his collaborator, Boda (1921), published tables for 108
planets, splitting the group into two subgroups with the mean daily
motion more and less than 897" (range: 845" to 958"). The secular per-
turbations of the node and longitude of the perihelion for these two
subgroups are appreciably different. Further refinements in this prob-
lem were made by K. Schitte in 1936.
As far as Soviet work is concerned, there is no evidence
in the Soviet literature of any improvements or modifications of Brendel's
method. In fact, not a single reference to this method has been found
beyond the general statement (in the Ephemerides for 1956) that pertur-
bations for 160 planets of the Hestia group are computed by Brendel's
method. Apparently, the Soviets have simply taken over the work of
Brendel and his successors without making any changes.
According to Samoylova-Yakhontova(670) (1950), for the
planets of the Juno group (mean daily notions of 800" to 850",,that is,
adjoining and somewhat overlapping the Minerva and Hestia groups)4
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S. G. Makover has computed an ephemeris with the precision of 0?001.
This work apparently has not been published. On the face of it, Makover's
work seems to be a radical departure of the Soviets from their practice
of merely adopting already well-developed methods either wholly, as in
the case of Brendel's method, or with some modifications, as in the case
of Bohlin's method.
g. Planetary Theory
Halphen's method for the computation of the secular perturba-
tions is mathematically elegant and very convenient for numerical ap-
plication, especially in connection with computing machines, but it has
not been used to any extent for a long time. The reason for this ap-
parently is to be found in the existence of quite a number of serious
errors in the original method by Halphen, which was but one chapter in
a three-volume work on elliptical functions. Any potential users of
Halphen's theory probably found that they could not arrive at satisfac-
tory results by using his formulas.
Goryachev (221) (1937) has carefully studied the method and
found several errors in Halphen's investigation. One of these probably
occurred more or less accidentally in the arguments of the hypergeo-
metrical series'; in certain integrations, however, Halphen went only
from 0 to 2 0 instead of from 0 to 4 m. The formula for the gravita-
tional potential of a ring was also in error in Halphen's presentation.
Goryachev has corrected these and other minor errors and gives the final
formulas; he also presents convenient auxiliary tables for the practical
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applications of the method. In the first part of this publication, he
gives the related method by Callandreaul where an error of sign is also
corrected. Finally, Halphen's method is applied by Goryachev to the
secular perturbations of the minor planet Ceres, as produced by the
planets from Mercury to Neptune; he compares the results with the cor-
responding ones from Hill's and Callandreau's methods.
Nothing really original is contained in this representation of
Halphen's corrected method, but the autnor has performed a valuable ser-
vice to celestial mechanics by this work, which makes possible the
practical use of a basically good method.
Shkroyev (700) (1938) applied Halphen's method, as corrected by
, to the minor planet (624) Hector. This application is
limited, furthermore, to the perturbations produced by Saturn, which are
relatively small; the Jupiter perturbations are not computed by this
method. For a Trojan such as (624) Hector, Moving close to Jupiter's
own orbit, Halphen's method, or any method of secular perturbations by
Jupiter, may, of course, be inadequate because of the librational motion
of the minor planet and the 1 : 1 commensurability of the mean motions of
the two planets involved. The paper also contains a collection of all
the formulas which are needed for the application of Halphen's method.
Even though this paper is only a numerical evaluation of
Halphen's method in one particular case, it apparently represents one of
the first actual applications of the method as revised by Goryachev. Be-
cause of the clear arrangement of all the results and of the necessary
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equations, it may well serve as a guide for future users of Halphen's
method. For these reasons, this appears to be a quite useful and good
In a critical and interesting examination of an existing situa-
tion, Mikhal Iskiy(417) ( 1933) considered the secular part of the longi-
tude perturbations. Here, in addition to the perturbations. Here, in
addition to the perturbation 6o = rt, he also introduces a term
6p0 = Tt = 6n dt, where 6no denotes the constant part of the
o o
perturbation of the mean daily motion, n, for the epoch to. The author
gives an approximate expression for T and an equation relating the
values a2 and ao of the mean distance or half major axis to each other
when n2 is the observable average value of the true mean motion, and no
the undisturbed motion for the epoch to. The term Tt does not appear
in the classical planetary theories; instead, a constant, ao, is used
which differs from the value a = 3 by a constant perturba-
--, f(1 + m)
tion of the half major axis, a. n2
Mikhal'skiy (419) . (1934) developed his idea that the constant
terms of the general perturbations, as obtained by the method of the
variation of the arbitrary constants, should be dealt with explicitly in
the expressions for the perturbations, instead of by absorbing them in the
constants of the basic orbit. If nt is replaced by fn dt, then it is
unnecessary to introduce the element e and its perturbations in place
of the perturbations in the longitude of the epoch. The numerical values
of the long-period perturbations come out smaller if the constant terms
are introduced.
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Although Mikhal'skiy can claim certain points in favor of his
proposed procedure, his related criticism of Tisserand and others cer-
tainly goes far beyond the actual facts. It is not necessary, as the
author claims, to deal with the constant terms in his way; actually, one
can proceed in either way. So far as the value of an individual theory
is concerned, nothing of real importance can be guined by "splitting
hairs" about the treatment of the integration constants. The paper're-
mains of some interest, however, inasfar as it considers the various
possibilities as such.
Numerov's calculation(515) (1934) of first-order absolute per-
turbations in polar coordinates is essentially only apresentation of Hill's
well-known method of perturbations in Russian, perhaps in order to fa-
miliarize Soviet readers with Hill's method. The author also mentions
his intention of publishing tables later, in order to facilitate the
application of the method. The notations differ from the original ones
by Hill.
If special perturbations of the rectangular coordinates of a
minor planet are computed by means of Numerov's extrapolation method, the
contributions produced by the inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and
Mars are troublesome, because.of the small divisors, r1, in the corre-
sponding terms of the differential equations. In order to circumvent
,these difficulties, Numerov and Moshkova 522) (1936) proposed the com-
putation of general perturbations by the inner planets with reference to
a transfdrmed system of coordinates, which eliminates the indirect term.
in the disturbing function. After arriving at the new differential.
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equations in the transformed coordinates, the integration follows the
principal lines of Hill's method; different notations are used, however,
and a modified disturbing force function is applied. The angular argu-
ments and the integration constants are also modified, so as to fit the
basic assumptions of the present application of Hill's method. The re-
sults, in the form of general tables, are given as functions of the es-
sential elements of the disturbing and disturbed planets, in order to
facilitate application to individual problems. As an example, the
general perturbations of (3) Juno by Mercury are tabulated.
Nothing essentially new from the theoretical viewpoint is con-
tained in this paper; however, from the viewpoint of orbit computers, the
preparation of such a detailed scheme for the determination of general
perturbations by the four inner planets was very much worthwhile. Even
today, with automatic computing equipment widely available, the rigorous
computation of special perturbations produced by the inner planets is a
serious problem which requires smaller integration intervals than are
sometimes practicable; therefore, it will frequently be preferable to
use such general perturbations as are developed in this paper. This is
a good, solid contribution of permanent value.
The final results of the development of the general perturba-
tions by Hill's method are contained in Reference 523. This work was
carried out at the former Astronomical Institute. The purpose of this
paper obviously was to facilitate the application of Hill's method of
general perturbations to minor planets inside the orbit of the disturbing
planet. The necessary formulas and developments are arranged and grouped
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in such a manner as to make the numerical computations as convenient as
possible. In Tables I and II, the terms of the first order in the three
polar coordinates are listed in their general fbrm; in Table III, the
general expressions of the various coefficients are given. In order to
evaluate the tables for a given minor planet and a given disturbing
planet, one has to insert into these expressions the corresponding values
for the eccentricities, for the ratio, a , of the mean distances, for
the mass, m, of the disturbing planet, and for the relative inclination.
The theory is intended to be approximate and, therefore, the expressions
are limited to the third powers of the eccentricities and of the incli-
nation, and to the twelfth power of a . The remark is made that these
rather general developments are intended to serve as the basis for tables
of the perturbations of planets in the group with mean motions between
800" and 850".
Except for the special arrangements and details in the evalu-
ation, this is generally a technical application of Hill's basic theory.
A very useful purpose has been served by the preparation of these tabu-
lated expressions; in this way, the authors have considerably facilitated
the actual application of a mathematical theory to problems of
astronomical practice.
Orlbv(530), in 1953, wanted to obtain the rectangular-coordinate
perturbations in the form of power series depending on a small parameter,
For a = 0, the coordinates of the two-body motion would be obtained.
The problem is considered here in its generality, and it is shown how
everything can be reduced to a (considerable) number of quadratures. If
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n is the highest power of a to be considered, one actually has to deal
with 3n systems of differential equations which must be solved for con-
secutive values of the power of a. A part of the analysis closely re-
sembles the derivation of the conditional equations in the probleul of
orbit correction, because, for the purposes of this paper, the same
variational relations between the coordinates and the constants of motion
are utilized.
This study has a certain theoretical interest, because the
fundamental principles of the general problem are well and clearly out-
lined by the author. In practical cases, a more direct and special ap-
proach to such a problem is usually preferred; nevertheless, a paper such
as the present one has its aerits, because it contributes to a better
mathematical understanding of the developments.
Proskurin(573), in 1952,
used Hill's method to
accurate general theory of the first order for the motion of the minor
planet (1) Ceres. Special attention is given to the determination of
the constants of integration, which are referred to osculating elements,
as well as to mean elements. For the secular perturbations, the method
of Halphen, which is a modification of Gauss' method, is used in order
to obtain a higher accuracy for these terms than is possible by Hill's
An essential part of this paper contains the detailed compari-
son of Proskurin's results with earlier theories established by various
authors. . Elaborate transformations are necessa.ry; these are made by the
author in order to make the different theories comparable to each other
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in spite of their sometimes quite different analytical structures.
Proskurin's theory for Ceres gives the perturbations by all the major
planets from Mercury to Neptune (for Mercury he gives the secular terms
only), and a comparison with the earlier theories is made separately for
each of the disturbing planets, asfar as such earlier perturbations
were available. Apparently, the new theory is of high precision and
quality, but, so far, the terms of the first order only have been de-
rived. The computations were made partly on punched-card machines.
This elaborate theory appears to have been worked out with
great skill and competence, and with considerable care, as demonstrated
by the numerous comparison and check operations. The work constitutes
a valuable contribution to the field of planetary perturbations.
With Mashinskaya, Proskurin(574) (1953) used his first-order
theory(573) for Ceres to represent normal places for the years from 1801
to 1946. The 19 positions are finally represented with mean errors of
Aa cos 6 = ?97" and A6 = ?36". This is slightly better than the
results of an earlier theory; for Which mean residuals of the order of
A a cos 6 = ?112" and AS = ?52" had been reported by Komendantov;
nevertheless, these mean errors are considerable. The authors them-
selves say that they demonstrate the considerable size of the neglected
perturbations of the second order.
This paper contains nothing but a rather automatic application
of earlier results to the observations of Ceres; it cannot be classified
as being of any importance from the theoretical point of'view. It is a .
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paper which is of practical interest (demonstrating, in this case, the
limited accuracy of a first-order theory), but of no general significance.
These evaluations may have been made by a student under the supervision
of Proskurin.
In the introduction to his paper on the possibility of a theory
of motion of the Trojans, which is based on the assumption of nearness to
the centers of libration, Ryabov(657) (1956) made a survey of the various
theories (mainly those of Wilkens, Thuring, and Brown) and of the prac-
tical applications which Brouwer and Eckert have made of Brown's theory.
He wants to show the need for better theories that are not based on the
assumption of a small librational deviation from the Lagrangean points
L4 and L5' and that consider the short-period terms on an equal basis
with the long-period ones.
In Section 1, Ryabov introduces the true elliptical orbit of
Jupiter (instead of the circular approximation which is used in most of
the present theories), using Nechvil's coordinates. The differential
equations of motion are formed, using Jupiter's true anomaly, v', as
the independent variable, and, by a proper transformation, the corres-
ponding triangular libration point is chosen as the center of the co-
ordinate system.
In Section2, a method of solution is proposed which develops
the coordinates into a power series depending on the powers of Jupiter's
orbital eccentricity, e'. The author presents some arguments support-
ing the assuvied convergence of the series for a long interval of time,.
but he does not give any actual proof for this convergence.
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In Section 3, the author derives the well-known typical features
of the different periodic solutions in the close neighborhood of the li-
bration centers, using Nechvil's coordinates as adopted in the preceding
In Section 4, the author criticizes the existing theories for
not properly representing the true combination of long-period and short-
period solutions or terms. Since in Section 3 he had shown that the
amplitudes of the long-period and of the short-period solutions are com-
parable in size, he finds that this principal difficulty has not been
mastered by the existing theories. He admits, however, that the libra-
tions or oscillations obtained in the form of the various periodic solu-
tions form the basic elements of the true motion.
In Section 5, he finds the approach made by Heinrich and Linders,
using canonical variables, to be the most promising one. This represents
a return to the variation-of-constants method in a aodified form. In
this connection, he also finds that Lyapunov's method of solution is a
suitable one.
Section 6 once more emphasizes the point that the theories
which are based on the assumed nearness of the Trojans to the Lagrangean
libration centers are not well suited to represent the motion of the
actual Trojans.
Ryabov has reviewed, the theories of the Trojans critically,
The facts concerning the weaknesses of the present theories, which he
emphasizes, have generally been known before, and he does not replace the
the theories by something better. He says that certain investigations by
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Nechvill Heinrich, and Linders contain results which should be utilized
for a better theory of the Trojans, but does not proceed to utilize them.
-Although this paper points out the main weaknesses and shortcomings of
the theories which are available, it contains little beyond this.
After a short review of previous work on the motion of Pluto,
especially of the investigations by Roure on the basis of the Hill-Brouwer
method, as modified by Andoyer, Sharaf(688) (1955) developed her own
first-order theory by means of Newcomb's method. The first chapter deals
with the development of the disturbing function, and the essential equa-
tions are a direct application of Newcomb's method of operators. Punched-
card machines were used for the computation of the coefficients of the
disturbing function and of its derivatives. The operators are given in
a form which was most convenient for
of Innes
For the derivatives of the
was preferred to the one of
the Soviet type of punched-card
coefficients of Laplace, the method
Newcomb, because of higher accuracy.
In Chapter II, the coordinate perturbations and the related
constants of integration are given in their general 'form; in Chapters III,
IV, and V, these developments are applied to the computation of the first-
order perturbations by Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. The perturbations
produced by Neptune were obtained by numerical integration, because of the
possible close approaches between Neptune and Pluto.- This numerical in-
tegration was done by COwell's method in rectangular coordinates, but the
results were then transformed into perturbations of the elements and
then of the polar coordinates of Pluto, in order to obtain them in the
same form as the general perturbations by Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.
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The final Chapter VII contains the orbit correction for Pluto
on the basis of the new theory and of the original elements by Brouwer.
For this purpose, 24 normal positions from 1914 to 1951 were formed by
means of the various ephemerides which were available. The differential
correction was done by the method of Eckert and Brouwer, modified accord-
ing to Samoylova-Yakhontova.
An appendix contains the complete symbolical development of the
disturbing function according to Newcomb. The purpose of this appendix
apparently is to popularize Newcomb's method, as well as to serve as a
guide for future applications of this general method. The related coef-
ficients have been recomputed by the author and tabulated for convenience.
The author, in doing this work, found some errors in Newcomb's corre-
sponding expressions, and the corrected basic expressions are reprinted at
the end of this publication.
So far as theory is concerned, nothing new is contained in this
elaborate, but rather technical, investigation; the completion of such a
detailed theory, however, is always an intricate and demanding task.
Apparently, the author has done her work very carefully and rigorously, and
she deserves credit for the results, which can be expected to be useful
for further work on the motion of Pluto. The author appears to be
thoroughly familiar with the theoretical foundations of her subject.
Vil'yev(775) (1916) computed the general perturbations-of (55)
Pandora by Hansen's method, in order to familiarize himself with this
method, which he called the best one available for the absolute
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perturbations of minor planets. Accurate and also approximate general
perturbations of this minor planet had been computed previously by various
authors; the present author thus was able to check his own computations.
No comparison with observations is made.
After some historical remarks on the orbit of Ceres,
Vil'yev(776) (1916) again used Hansen's method to compute the general
perturbations of Ceres by Jupiter and Mars; for the perturbations by
Saturn, a somewhat modified and simplified version of Hansen's method was
used. The results, as far as Saturn is concerned, were checked by means
of Block's tables (on the basis of Bohlin's method).
These results could have been useful at the time of their pub-
lication; today, they are only of historical interest. Nevertheless,
Proskurin(573), in his most recent analytical theory of Ceres, used
Vil'yev's results for the Mars perturbations as a check of his own
Voronov(788) (1935) refers to Hansen's and Samter's previous
results for the general perturbations of the planet (13) Egeria. He says
that, although Samter improved the representation of the observations by
revising Hansen's theory and adding second-order terms, which Hansen had
neglected, there are still systematic differences between observation and
theory that might be reduced by computing the main terms of the third-
order, and by a revision of the terms of Hansen which had not been re-
computed by Samter. The author says that he has done all this work; up to
terms of the third order, he gives the tabulated coefficients produced by
Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. Also tabulated is a comparison with the earlier
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results of Hansen and Samters presented in the form of the?
differences between the corresponding coefficients.
Later in 1935, Voronov(790) claimed to present the
comparison of his previous accurate theory of (13) Egeria
(cf. Reference 788) with 27 normal places from 1850 until 1914.
He also included the results of a final orbit correction, including
systematic corrections to the system of Boss' (P.G.0.) star
catalogue and corrections for the masses of Jupiter and Saturn.
Although this work looks rather good, Reference 788 is
actually erroneous. In the Pulkovo Circular Nr 17 (1936),
Voronov stated:
... my paper on the minor planet (13) Egeria, published
in Nr 16 of the Pulkovo Observatory Circular (the
improvements of the orbit and comparison with
observations) has been written by me in a state of
great, mental fatigue, approaching the state of a
nervous breakdown, and that all its results, 'as. it
has been proved by my Pulkovo oolleagues, are
erroneous and should not be taken into consideration".
h. Planetary Satellites
(1). Satellites of Jupiter.
According to Proskurin(576) (1955)1 the Institute of
Theoretical Astronomy is engaged in a study of the following
satellites of Jupiter: Jupiter VI - inequalities depending on
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the sun have been evaluated; Jupiter VII - inequalities depending on
the sun have been evaluated; Jupiter VIII - numerical theory has been
established; and Jupiter X - analytical theory has been started.
(a). Jupiter V
Apparently, there has been no recent work on Jupiter V
in the U.S.S.R. From 1928 to 1930, N. M. Mikhallskiy published four
papers on Jupiter v(32-15). In the last of these papers(415) (1930),
Mikhal'skiy applied the method of the variation of constants to the de-
termination of the perturbations of Jupiter V. The entire paper is
relatively simple and elementary, and it is of no importance for further
work on Jupiter V.
Use was made of a very much abbreviated expression
for the disturbing function, in order to study the perturbations of the
eccentricity and of the longitude of the perijovium (Bayev(38) (1938)).
Bayev reduced the problem to quadratures and showed that the results are
in general agreement with those of Mikhal'skiy (415) . Considering the
very simple and inaccurate procedure, Bayev's work can at best be con-
sidered an illustrative example of Mikhal'skiy's work. The fact that
the perijovium and the eccentricity are oscillating between certain
limits was known before; there was no need for such a roughly approxi-
mating determination of these variations.
The observational material treated by Mikhal'skiy's
theory is included in de Sitter's work, and there is no point in consider-
ing Jupiter V further in this report.
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(b). Jupiter VI
The only Soviet paper noted that deals directly
with Jupiter VI is by Proskurin(576) (1955). Previous work of
F. E. Ross,' based on observations from 1904 to 1906, is analyzed. Ross
applied Delaunay's lunar theory to Jupiter VI. Proskurin finds many
errors and inconsistencies in Ross' application of Delaunay's theory.
Bobone's later work, which was based on Ross' results, may be criticized
Proskurin follows Ross in adapting Delaunay's theory
for Jupiter VI; he computes tables for the coefficients in Delaunay's ?
expansions for L 1 - n , U, and ?. Tables for the expansion in longi-
tude (V = L 1 - it ) and latitude (0, and the ratio of the major
semiaxes, ?, are constructed in several steps. The final form is
V = 2:5- A sin (iD + j 1 + j' 1 ' + kF); U = > B sin (iD + j 1 + j' 11
+kF); and ? = C cos (iD + j 1 + j'l + kF), where D, 1 11,
and F have the meaning usual inlunar theory.
k1 contain:
Proskurin's tables then, with argument i, 1, j,, and
208 terms for A
197 terms for B
96 terms for C.
Proskurin's tables contain 501 terms; only 65 terms had been used by
Ross and Bobone. This leads to considerable differences between the co-
ordinates as computed from Proskurin's theory, on the one hand, and the
Ross-Bobone theory, on the other; the differences exceed many times the
probable accuracy of ?3" which Ross had claimed for his tables.
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The real precision of Proskurin's new results must
be judged on the basis of the actual representation of observations over
a longer period of time. Such an application has not been made yet, but,
in any event, Proskurin's work seems to be a valuable refinement of
earlier theories.
According to Proskurin, further Soviet work on
Jupiter VI will compare his theory with observations, improve the ele-
ments, and determine more exactly the motion of the perijove and the
(c). Jupiter VII
The only Soviet paper dealing directly with
Jupiter VII is by Tokmalayeva(76?) This 160-page-long paper represents
the only known work by this author.
She first gives a short review of the discovery and
history of Jupiter VII, citing the previous work done by Ross and Bobone.
Influenced by Proskurin's work on Jupiter VIII, the author undertook the
present theory for Jupiter VII, which was developed along the lines of
the lunar theory of Hill-Brown.
In Chapter I, all details of the general method are
presented, beginning with Euler's introduction of a rotating coordinate
system and giving a complete description of the method of Hill and
Brown that was chosen. In Chapter II, the main .terms are derived for
Jupiter VII, including all the solar perturbations up to the third order.'
Only the planetary perturbations by Saturn, etc., are omitted. Chapter III
contains the determination of the higher order terms. These have been
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derived by Delaunay's method, because of the convenient availability of
literal developments for these perturbations. Chapter IV gives the
final results for Jupiter VII and the constants of integration; in
Chapter V, the disturbed coordinates and positions are computed for
just two single observations in 1955 and 1941. The differences (obser-
vation minus calculation) are about equal in size to those of Bobone's
theory. Without a more extensive comparison with observations, and with-
out a final orbit correction, however, no definite conclusions seem to
be possible concerning the actual inner accuracy of the new theory.
This new analytical theory should be better than the
previous ones by Ross and Bobone, because the earlier theories (developed
by Delaunay's method) were not so extensive. Final judgment about the
new theory must be postponed until after the necessary adjustment to the
observational material has been made. It seems, however, that the very
elaborate and complicated, more or less technical, task of a more rigo-
rous theory of Jupiter VII has been dealt with carefully and competently.
(d). Jupiter VIII
The eighth. satellite of Jupiter represents a chal-
lenge to astronomers that has not yet been successfully met. The
variation- in its elements is so great that no general theory appears to
be possible., By numerical integration, it is possible to represent
roughly the position of the satellite, but ephemerides calculated for
the future are invariably of very low .precision. The Soviets are paying
a considerable amount of attention to Jupiter, VIII, much more than to any
other planetary satellite.
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Jupiter VIII was discovered by Melotte in 1908.
The efforts to construct an emphemeris precise enough to keep it under
observation resulted in the development of Cowell's method of numerical
integration. In a review paper by Proskurin(571) (1950),
the work done on Jupiter VIII up to about 1948, the author
work of various workers in a thorough manner.
The pioneer work of Cowell and Crommelin was con-
sidered in all details by Proskurin, and he points out two numerical
errors in this work, as well as the fact that the adopted coordinates of
Jupiter were not precise enough. Proskurin then reviewed the attempt by
Trousset to establish an analytical theory along the lines of Hill's
lunar theory, and the various modifications introduced by Brown, Boyer,
and others. On the basis of m - 0.172 for the ratio of the
mean daily motions of the sun and of Jupiter VIII, Trousset established
the annual motion of the node to 4T5 and of the perijove to 0?6; on the
whole, however, his theory failed to represent the observations
reviewed the
The main difficulty with the Trousset theory is the
magnitude of the parameter m. For the terrestrial moon it is only 0.08,
and yet the Hill-Brown lunar theory is extremely complex. For Jupi-
ter VIII, additional complications are the much greater values of the
eccentricity, e, and inclination, i, than for the terrestrial moon.
Even though expansion in power series of e and i does not present special
difficulties, the magnitude of m is such that the direct application of
the Hill-Brown theory to Jupiter VIII would seem to be rather difficult.
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Proskurin(569) (1950), in a paper which is one of
the most valuable recent contributions to the theory of the motion of
Jupiter VIII, applied the Hill-Brown method to the perturbations of
Jupiter VIII and established the rather complicated and elaborate analyti-
cal developments up to terms of the third order with respect to e and
i. Proskurin deserves credit for proving in this way the practical ap-
plicability of the Hill-Brown method to Jupiter VIII, and for providing
a scheme for the actual computation of the various coefficients. So far
as is known, he has not used the results to represent the observations of
Jupiter VIII; therefore, final judgment must still be withheld as to the
actual precision of his theory. The so-called parallactic terms, and the
terms depending on the eccentricity of Jupiter's orbit, were not in-
cluded in Proskurin's investigation.
In 1877, Hill published his lunar theory with
in = 0.08084893, but he could not prove the convergence of the power series
in m. This was done by Lyapunov, in 1896, for m < Lyapunov's result
- 7
remained unknown, however, and dintner, in 1929, had to prove it again,
but only for m 0, and no rigorous proof for
the impossibility of capture in the case of h > 0 had ever been given.
Actually, Shmidt says-, the investigations by Opik, Lyttleton, and
Chandrasekhar, on the instability and posSible dissolution of certain
double stars, constitute 4viderice for the possibility of capture,-be-
cause the corresponding results follow automatically if the direction
of time is reversed.
The author then presents a numerical integration of the motion
of three equal masses, two of which are moving in elliptical orbits
relative to each-v*Irmitrwhile the third body-oppweaches.in a hyperbola ogler
and closely passes one of the first two masses. The result, which is
presented graphically in the paper, is the separation of the double-
star pair and hyperbolic motion of each mass relative to each of the
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two others. For the reversed direction of time, then, this numerical
investigation established an actual case of capture for the given,
very special, starting conditions. The rest of the paper is more or
less intuitive and includes considerations of the possibility of capture
for a variety of starting conditions, and the (small) probability of
J. Chazy, in his various papers published between 1918 and
1932, was concerned with the problem of capture; by topological
considerations, he thought he had proven that under no circumstances
could three bodies, originally moving in hyperbolic orbits relative to
each other, ever end up with elliptical motion of two of these bodies
relative to each other. Gazaryan(209) (1953) points out that there are
certain weaknesses in the topological arguments used by Chazy, and he
comes to the conclusion that, actually, Chazy did not prove the
impossibility of capture for the case that the energy constant, hi
is positive.
This is an important theoretical paper, the result of which
removes the obvious contradiction between the theorem of Chazy and
the numerical verification of an actual case of capture by Shmidt.
? After Shmidt's work appeared, Khil'mi began to publish a
series of papers on capture in the n-body and three-body problems. In
the first of these(2654TNIT?1948, Khil'mi gives four theorems. The
first of these says that the three relative distances will increase
beyond any finite limit .for + , provided that, at a given time,
to, the values of.the coordinates and velocities satisfy certain given
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inequalities. The proof for this theorem is given in another
paper(267) (1950), but this proof is not rigorously correct, as the
author later stated(272) (1951). Proof of the other three theorems also
was given in later investigations or by numerical results. According
to the second theorem, if certain inequalities are satisfied, the
distance between two of the three masses will remain smaller than a
certain upper limit, R, while the third mass will depart to unlimited
distance values relative to the other two for t + co . The third
theorem states that capture is possible In the three-body problem.
This is the most important result in this paper, because it is contrary
to Chazy's earlier claims that capture is impossible. Chazy's reasoning
was not rigorous, however, as was shown by Gazaryan (cf. Reference 266).
Khil'mi then finds that his first two theorems are satisfied when they
are applied to the numerical integrations which Shmidt had obtained
for an actual case of capture.
In the fourth theorem, Khil'mi says that the "measure" of
the possible starting conditions leading to capture is different from
zero, and that, therefore, the related probability of capture has a
value different from zero.
Three years after his first paper appeared, Khil
(1951) presented two nore theorems. The first one states that, if the
constnt of the energy integral, H, is greater than zero, and if three
certain inequalities are satisfied by the relative positions and
velocities (using the coordinates of Jacobi) at a given time, to, then
one of the three bodies will monotonicly increase its distance from
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the center of gravity of the other two masses with t 02, while
the distance between the other two masses will not increase beyond a
certain given limit, R. After proving this theorem, Khil'mi proceeds
to the second theorem, which he proves by reduction of the proof to
the proof of the first theorem? The second theorem states that, if.
H > 0 and if, at the time to, two certain inequalities involving the
starting positions and velocities and two constants, R* and e 1 with
< R*, are satisfied, then one of the three bodies will increase its
distance from the other two without limit, while the other two masses
will not depart from each other beyond the limit R*. Both theorems are
important and useful as criteria for the permanency of any case of
capture, such as the one established by Shmidt on the basis of numerical
This paper replaces an earlier one by the same author. The
proof given in the earlier paper(267), which dealt with a more general
'case of n-bodies, was not correct, as the author mentions in the present
paper. He had been informed by Merman about the lack of validity of
his proof. A valid proof now is presented for the case of three bodies,
but no actual proof exists so far for the more general theorem of
The first criteria for the determination of the nature of
the relative .orbits of three ba4mies before and after a.firleadminn;nproach,
so as to decide about the occurrence of capture on the basis of
numerical integrations, as in the famous first example by Shmidt, were
given by Khil,mi. The,criteria of Khil'mi required the availability of
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data for the numerical integration for a rather long interval of time.
Merman(394) (1953) presented new criteria, of a sufficient but not
necessary type, which, if fulfilled, establish the occurrence of capture.
These new criteria are more efficient than the earlier ones of Khil'mi,
because they require data for the numerical integrations which become
available after a comparatively short interval of time.
This is a rather valuable contribution by a distinguished
writer. The new criteria should be of great benefit for many future
investigations which employ the tool of numerical integrations, one of
the most effective ones in the complicated capture problem.
Merman(396) (1953), in his paper on the sufficient conditions
for capture in a restricted hyperbolic problem of three bodies, gives
the definition of capture according to Chazy for the case of a double
approach. Capture has occurred if, before the approach, all three
bodies had hyperbolic orbits relative to each other, but if, after the
common approach, the distance of the small mass from the one finite
mass, ml, remains under a certain upper limit for t--> +0. while the
motion of the small mass and of ml relative to m2 remains hyperbolic.
The author mentions the numerical verification by Shmidt of a case of
actual capture.
In the first section, Merman investigates the differential
equations of the probleff?MrTertain simple, yet important, in-
equalities. If, for example, one of the masses describes a hyperbolic
orbit relative to a aecond mass, the absolute amount of the radius
vector, r (after the approach and for t---> + .), always lies between
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two certain limits which themselves are linear functions of the time,
t, depending also on the given initial"values of r and of the velocity
vector, 1', at the time to. Certain more complicated inequalities are
connected with the energy and area integrals.
In Section 2, Merman states and proves not less than 15
different criteria, in the form of inequalities; each of these, if
fulfilled, gives proof of the hyperbolic-elliptical character of the
given orbital motion. These are the sufficient criteria for hyperbolic-
elliptical motion, such as would be realized by the small body after
the approach to m1 and m2 if capture took place. All these criteria
refer to the occurrence of hyperbolic-elliptical motion after the
approach (for t--i> +0.), whereas hyperbolic-hyperbolic motion is assumed
for t---> 01).
In Section 3, comparable criteria are given for the hyper-
bolic nature of the final motion for t--> + . Capture has not occurred
if any of these criteria apply to the actual :aotion after the approach.
An estimation of error is made in Section 4, considering certain
simplifications which have been made in the derivation of the various
criteria. Section 5, finally, contains the resulting conditions for
the occurrence of capture; theseiare divided into necessary and
sufficient conditions.
This paper undoubtedly is a brilliant contribution;
significant progress has been made with relatively elementary means.
This work certainly supersedes the various papers by Chazy, who was
thought to have proved that capture is not possible at all under certain
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conditions. Merman's investigation now specifies the actual require-
ments for capture.
Merman(397) (1953) next applied the criteria which he developed
in his previous paper (cf. Reference 396). The earlier relations are
modified for this purpose by introducing the hyperbolic eccentric
anomaly, H, instead of the time, t, as the independent variable of the
problem. For equal finite masses, i.e.Ifor ml = m2 = 1, and for a
given hyperbolic orbit of these two masses relative to each other,
the motion of the small body is found by numerical integration (Cowell's
method) over a certain length of time before and after the approach.
For two given moments, before and after the approach (or
before and after capture), the author applies his process of successive
approximations for the determination of the various quantities which
are characteristic and significant for his final and rigorous criteria.
For the given example (the starting conditions of which undoubtedly
had been found only after previous numerical experimenting with varying
initial data), the approximate.criteria, as well as the rigorous ones,
confirm the occurrence of hyperbolic-elliptical motion after the ap-
proach, and capture, therefore, has actually occurred.
Compared with the author's previous basic paper(396), the
present one is a more technical presentation; still, the presentation
of actual examples of captiirs a matter of great interest. There-
fore, this paper, too, has to be counted as one of the really important
contributions to celestial mechanics.
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Next, Merman extended(399) (1954) his earliest results
(cf. Reference 396) to the case where the two finite masses' m1 and
describe a parabolic orbit relative to each other, instead of a
hyperbola. According to the much earlier papers by Chazy, no capture
of the small mass should be possible in such a case, if the small body
moves hyperbolically with respect to both finite masses before the
common approach. It had been shown by Gazaryan (cf. Reference 209),
however, that Chazy's conclusions were wrong, because they were not
reached in a sufficiently rigorous way.
In the first section of the present paper(399), the basic
differential equations, as well as the important inequalities, are
given; this differs from the corresponding section in Merman's previous
paper(396) only insofar as the introduction of a parabola, instead of
a hyperbola, for the relative motion of m1 and m2 is concerned.
Similarly, the other four sections of the paper.contain the correspond-
ing modifications of the same sections in the original paper and need
no further comment. The final results are the necessary and sufficient
conditions for the occurrence of capture.
This investigation is a ,aore or less technical extension of
previous work to a special and different case. After an important ad-
vance onto new ground ha's been made, however, full "occupation" of
this new ground has to be undertaken too; therefore, this secondary
paper is also a valuable contribution, even though the essential efforts
were made in a previous paper.
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_ ? _
Merman (401) (1955) thea treated the more general case where
all three bodies have finite masses. Assuming that two of the masses
have a relatively small velocity with respect to each other, and that
the third mass is at a larger distance or that its distance from the
first two masses increases fast enough, the author gives six certain
conditions (in the form of inequalities) which, if fulfilled by the
given starting data, establish proof for the hyperbolic nature of the
motion for t--3. + .
The author's deductions are very clear and rigorous from the
mathematical point of view, making this an important as well as an
elegant contribution.
Shmidt's findings gave cause for the re-examination of Chazy's
derivations, and Merman(398) (1954) reinvestigated the principal
theorems. Making use of abstract mathematical concepts, such as the
measure of a given set of points in 12-dimensional phase space, Merman
arrives at a certain refinement of the basic elements which are in-
volved in Chazy's theorems, but this does not help him much in arriving
at concrete results. Certain theorems, dealing with the probability of
the occurrence of certain developments, are restated in the new and
more rigorous form, but nothing really concrete takes the place of the
theorems of Chazy that was not actually proved in Chazy's papers.
Some results in the present7Ipaper-400.14* the form "if the ccl.ri-eSponding
theorem by ChazSr is correct, then the following is also true...", but,
apparently, even the refined mathematical approach is not sufficient
to clear the basic problems theoretically to any great extent.
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Obviously, the mathematical difficulties in the treatment
of the capture problem are enormous, and the author cannot be blamed
for the limited extent of his positive results. His investigation is
deep and competent, and the general level of this contribution is very
In his Dynamic Systems, Birkhoff presented seven theorems
concerning the problem of three bodies. These theorems deal with the
existence of hyperbolic-elliptical motion under certain conditions,
and with problems such as have been studied by Merman. Birkhoff's work
has appeared in a Soviet translation, and Merman states that some of
the formulations and proofs by Birkhoff are not sufficiently precise and
clear. For two of the above-mentioned seven theorems of Birkhoff
(Nrs 6 and 7), Merman( 404) (1955) presents a revised and refined
formulation, together with the necessary proof. He also gives a
corollary to Birkhoff's theorem Nr 2.
. Merman is an authority on these problems and undoubtedly has
pointed out some weak points in the related work by Birkhoff. He does
not mention the word "error", but apparently, Birkhoff's reasoning was
not rigorously correct in connection with these two theorems.
Proskurin was in charge of some numerical studies made at
the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy after Shmidt's first demonstra-
tion af the_possity of_capture. He(57),0(111W3) gave the results?
of the numerical integration, which essentially duplicates the one by
Shmidt. Shmidt did not publish his results in a detailed; step-by-
step integration. Also, it was found that.Pariyskiy, who did some of
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the numerical work for Shmidt , had made a slight error at one place in
the integration. The present results reconfirm the essential result
by Shmidt 1 that capture occurs for the given starting conditions of the
three bodies involved. The fact of capture is not verified by means
of the theoretical criteria of Khil 'mi and Merman in this paper, but,
evidently, this -verification was taken for granted because of all the
studies which had already been made on this problem. The main purpose
of the paper was to publish the numerical data for each step of the
numerical integrations, at least for the time interval during which the
essential orbital changes take place.
This is a technical paper, because it presents the detailed
results of numerical integrations in the fora of tables and graphically,
but, in the rather new and unexplored field of capture, this numerical
approach is very important indeed. Therefore, this is an interesting
contribution which provides workers in this field with the detailed
features of capture in one special case.
In 1955 Proskurin (577 ) presented a numerical example of a
case of orbital mo tion where a very small mass, m3, approaches the
elliptical two-body orbit of the finite masses, m1 and m2, in a
hyperbolic orbit, and where the close approach changes this hyperbolic
motion, relative to m1 and m2, into an elliptical one. Actually, it is
sholigodpay that the ellip4116^ity of tbe_44milige d orbit segium;Itto be assured
for about 104 years. This result is obtained on the basis of the
assumption that ml and m2 are the sun and Jupiter, and of the special
starting conditions for the motion of the zero mass, m3. These
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conditions are such that the numerical integrations could be made
for an interval of 50 years.
This is an interestiag numerical study, obviously inspired
by the earlier investigations of Shmidt and Merman. As in other
similar examples, the margin between capture and noncapture apparently
is so narrow that, on the basis of the necessarily limited accuracy of
such an integration, the author cannot conclude more than that capture
seems to be assured for a certain interval of time. The question of
permanent capture remains open.
At the suggestion of Proskurin, Khrapovitskaya(276) (1953)
carried out a capture study that essentially parallels the numerical
integrations carried out by Shmidt. Whereas Shmidt assumed
the masses of the three bodies involved to be equal, Khrapovitskaya
assumes that the one mass, which initially moves elliptically relative
to the second one, has the mass zero. The numerical integration shows
that the third, finite mass, approaching in a hyperbolic orbit, still
captures the first mass, as in the case of Shmidt's famous first
*example. Merman's criterion is used to verify the Tact that capture
has occurred. The, most important result of the study is the finding
that, whereas capture is possible in-connection with an exchange of
energy between the Masses involved, as was claimed by Khil'mi, merely
a change in the magnitude -of the relative velocities seems to matter
? _ -.Ow
This is a study which leads to certain results of general
importance, even though the paper is technical, insofar as it gives
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nothing more than the results of certain numerical integrations. The
capture problem meets so many theoretical difficulties that numerical
studies, such as the one by Shmidt and the present one, are of real
significance. This is a contribution which deserves attention in con-
nection with further exploration of this field.
Sitnikov (714) (1952) considered a special case in the capture
problem where the starting positions and velocities of three equal
masses depend on only three parameters. He shows that Khil'mi's
theorem for capture applies if certain inequalities are fulfilled by
the three basic parameters. Using a system of three masses such that
these conditions for capture are met, and also an auxiliary mass
system with slightly different starting values, the author demonstrates
the possibility of capture for a finite variety of starting conditions.
Although the paper represented an original contribution at
the time of its publication, the subject is too specialized compared
with the actual problems, which depend on more than three parameters.
Therefore, these special results cannot be expected to bear fruit in
connection with further investigations of the capture problem.
Fesenkov(191) (1946), in his paper on the possibility of
capture at close passages of attracting bodies, was not concerned with
the rather exceptional conditions under which captures might occur, for
example, iilitilaurcase studied by Shmidt.gagiers he considers astronomical
problems, such as dust particles moving close to the earth and more or
less parallel to the orbital motion of the earth, a comet passing close
to Jupiter, and similar situations. He assumes that the concepts of
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the restricted problem of three bodies are applicable and obtains a
certain relation between two different sets of orbital elements, al
e, and i, of the small body: the one set of elements is ref erred to
the mass center of the two finite masses (or approximately to the sun) ;
the second one refers to the finite planetary mass. Making a reasonable,
but not very clearly defined, assumption about the value of the Jacobi
constant of the small body, the author demonstrates that, for example,
the half-major axis of the jovicentric elements (at the time when
Jupiter is passed by the small mass) is a great quantity compared with
the dimension of the system and, therefore, that capture is impossible.
A certain lack of rigor is connected with the rather loose
assumptions concerning the starting orbit of the small body. The
author has nevertheless shown that, under fairly reasonable assumptions
for the Jacobi constant, capture appears to be impossible for the kind
of problems considered in this study. The results are of interest for
cosmogonical problems, because they indicate that, without the intro-
duction of mass variations or other additional forces (friction in a
nebulous medium, etc. ) , the occurrence of capture ( or of escape) cannot
be expected.
Kochina (280 ) (1954) presented a very interesting example
obtained by numerical integration, or a case where a small body of mass
0 at first movesw llipticaliy with-spect to+Roll'inite mass, m2,
but is separated from ma by the effect of the close passage of another
finite mass, m1, which has a parabolic motion with respect to m2. After
being released from the gravitational hold of m2, the small mass, mo,
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moves approximately parallel to the parabolic orbit of ml, if both
motions are referred to the mass m2. She found that the osculating
elements of mo with respect to mI are elliptical. The major axis of
this osculating ellipse evidently increases with t?>+ , so that
mo never actually crosses the orbit of ml (relative to 1112), but remains
finite for all finite values of the time, t.
This xample. is of special interest with regard to the earlier
investigations by Chazy, according to which an orbital change of the
kind established here should have been impossible. No actual contradic-
tion exists any more, though, because it was shown that Chazy's
conclusions were partly erroneous (cf. Reference 209). The present
investigation is a very interesting and important numerical verification
of the analytical progress which has been made by Gazaryan and Merman.
3. Calculation Procedures
Yanzhul did some pioneer work on the application of punched-card
equipment to scientific calculations, as did Comrie and Eckert in the
West. In a descriptive paper, Yanzhul(834) discussed in some detail
the punched-card computing machines available in the U.S.S.R. in 1939.
In addition to the pictures and descriptions of the various machines,
the principal pai.t of the paper deals with the application of these
machines to astronomical, problems. The author considererlart...cations
that already had been made, as well as potential ones. Credit is
given to the fact that the first machines were imported from the U. S.,
but much emphasis is put on the development of similar machines in the
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U.S.S.R. The author claims that a new "tabulator", then under
construction in the U.S.S.R., would be better and more versatile than
the best U. S. tabulators. The new tabulator was to include a punching
unit, so that the results could be punched on cards at the same time
they were printed. The author stresses the use which Soviet astronomers
would not fail to make of the improved machines developed in the
Much propaganda is contained in this technical report, of course,
but, at the same time, it contains an account of the computing machines
that were actually available and used in the U.S.S.R. in 1939. The
report praises Soviet work in the field of computing machinery mostly
in terms of plans and potential accomplishments, and not so much with
regard to accomplished facts. Nevertheless, it becomes clear that the
importance of these technical developments was fully realized in
Soviet scientific circles at this relatively early time.
In celestial mechanics, the multiplication of two trigonometric
series is a frequently occurring problem. Kulikov(325), in 19491
described the proper use of the tabulator, multiplier, and reproducer,
in order to make the most efficient use of punched-card equipment for
the solution of this problem. The product series includes the common
factor 21 which is *a certain disadvantage, because, after n consecutive
multiplications, the resulting series has the factor 2n.
- -4111Wk.
This paper indicates a strong interest on the part of Soviet
astronomers in utilizing automatic computing machinery for the purposes
and problems of astronomy. This contribution would certainly have
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helped to advance the application of taodern computing machines to the
field of celestial mechanics in the U.S.S.R. It should be noted that,
here, the application of machines to theoretical developments is
pursued, in contrast to the more frequent use of such equipment for
numerical integrations.
A detailed description of the computation by Numerov's method of
the special perturbations of minor planets, as performed on punched-
card machines at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy at Leningrad,
was published by Samoylova-Yakhontova in 1952(671). The integrations
by means of machines, which are evidently very similar to the IBM
Type 601 Multiplier, are discussed at length; tables are given contain-
ing Jupiter's rectangular coordinates and various quantities which
are needed in the application of this method of perturbations. Many
of these quantities are available in various earlier publications or
books; such material is not normally reprinted in new publications in
the U. S. merely as a matter of convenience.
Evidently,. the so-called reduction in Numerov's method is neglected
in these machine computations, and the interval of the integrations is
chosen in such a way as to permit this neglect for a certain degree of
accuracy. A special table gives the proper interval for a given .
planet. For a considerable number of minor planets, the -residuals
(observation minus calculatiOn) are tailalated, thus indicating the'
quality of the perturbations which have been included in the representa-
tion of these observations. Obviously, the results are satisfactory
for a method of approximate perturbations, but a more rigorous method
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would be needed for an accurate representation of the actual motion
of a minor planet.
This publication is a technical description of an application of
a well-known method. It does not represent anything new or significant.
The existence of equipment similar to the IBM Type 601 Multiplier
at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy was further verified by a
paper by Bokhan(83) (1952). The author gives the equations and the
computational scheme whichare being used at the Institute of
Theoretical Astronomy in applying Numerov's method of special perturba-
tions to the performance of integrations on punched-card machines. The
procedure differs from the one described by P. Herget not only by the
use of Numerov's special coordinates, but also by the determination of
the "second sums" from the integration scheme in preference to the
direct summation of the A"x, A"yi and Viz.
The paper is of a technical nature; it reports the adoption Of
well-known methods to practical use in connection with punched-card
The most detailed and most recent account of equipment at the
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy was published by Kulikov(330) in
1953. In the introduction, he stresses the great significance of
mechanization for scientific computing, and gives a short review of the
develwpent of mechanical computing equipment, especially in the
U.S.S.R. It is emphasized that the first large-scale appliCations of
such equipments were made in astronomy. The Institute of Theoretical
Astronomy in Leningrad began to experiment with punched-card equipment
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in 1937 in connection with the preparation of various ephemerides in
the Soviet Astronomical Almanac for the year 1941. The results of
this work were so satisfactory that the idea of a computational center
within the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy was advanced.
Of interest is the statement that the war interrupted the develop-
ment of such mechanical computing procedures in the U.S.S.R. In the
U. S., and perhaps in other Western countries also, such developments
were accelerated during the war. In 1947, the Institute of Theoretical
Astronomy took up mechanization again, doing computations for the Soviet
Astronomical Almanac, as well as for minor planet ephemerides. The
author says that this work progressed in close cooperation with a
factory in Leningrad.
In 1948, the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy definitely adopted
punched-card computing for the preparation of the annual coordinates
of the sun, of the major planets, of the moon, and of minor planets,
and also for the computation of star ephemerides. It is mentioned
also that individual large-scale investigations on the figure of the
earth, analytical theories of Pluto and Ceres, and numerical inte-
grations of the disturbed motion of minor planets have been performed
by means of punched-card equipment. A special computing laboratory of
the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy is in charge of this type of
In Part 1, which is the most extensive, the author gives a very
detailed description of the punched-card equipment at the Institute of
Theoretical Astronomy. The principal features of the equipment are
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almost identical to those of corresponding machines in the U. S., as far as
tabulator, reproducer, sorter, and keypunch are-concerned. The setup
is completed by a multiplier, which clearly is of an antiquated type,
as far as it may be compared with standard calculators in the U. S.
Obviously, in 1953, the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy was using
only multipliers with left-hand and right-hand counters of the type
used in the U. S. before the IBM 602-A Calculating Punch became standard
equipment. Except for the multipliers, the setup at the Institute of
Theoretical Astronomy in 1953 was about equal to comparable installations
in minor computing centers of the West. No electronic computing equip-
ment is mentioned in this paper.
The detailed description is illustrated by the following pictures
and schematic figures:
(1) Keypunch
(2) Tabulator Type D 11 (Several types of tabulators, with
different capacities, etc., apparently were in existence
in the U.S.S.R. Only Types T 5 and D 11 are discussed in
the paper.)
(3) Punched cards
(4) Operation of the read brushes
(5) Operation of the counters (of the tabulator)
(6) Structure of the counter units
(7) Structure of the "impulsatore
(8) Structure of the selectors (of the same type as on
U. S. tabulators)
Scheme of selector-operation
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(10) Scheme of the printing mechanism
(11) Plugboards of the tabulator and multiplier
(12) Sorter
(13) Scheme of sorting operation
(14) Reproducer
(15) Scheme of reproducer operation
(16) Multiplier
(17) Scheme of counter arrangement in the multiplier.
The selectors are arranged in groups in the tabulator and are
used extensively to make the machine flexible for many operations. For
subtraction, complements of 9 instead of 10 are used, just as on U. S.
machines of this type. Eight 11-position counters and seven printing
units are provided. The average speed of the tabulator is 120
operations per minute. Numbers are sometimes multiplied on the
tabulator by means of Yanzhul's method. The sorter, which is very
similar to U. S. types, is able to sort about 450 cards per minute. The
reproducer also corresponds to U. S. equipment in all its functions and
features. At the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, this machine is
used extensively for the reproduction of the values of (trigonometric)
functions.from table cards, for further interpolation on the multiplier.
The reproducer can be connected with the tabulator. The speed of the
reproducer is about 100 cards per minute.
The multiplier consists essentially of the same basic elements as
the tabulator, and its speed is the lowest of all the machines under
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discussion. Depending on the number of significant figures, about
12 to 15 multiplications per minute are possible. The multiplier
normally has five counters, two of which are used for the two factors
of a product and two for developing results; one auxiliary counter
serves in the transfer from one counter to another one. Tables of
reciprocal values are used for division.
Of all the equipment mentioned, this multiplier clearly is the one
machine which would have been an "antique" in 1953 in the U. S.
The second part of this paper describes the solution of certain
selected problems by cleans of the equipment described in Part 1. The
computation of the various terms of astronomical nutation serves as an
example. In order to deal lore conveniently with the different
quadrants for the angular arguments of trigonometric functions, the
circle is divided into 400 parts, instead of 360 degrees. Since the
combination and summation of many products are rather slow, considering
the fact that the multiplier can deal only with one product at a time,
an ingenious but rather elaborate reduction of the multiplication
process to a system of related summations was devised by Yanzhul. This
increases the number of operations considerably, and it seems doubtful
that much time can be saved, but the method permits a more automatic
treatment of extended sums of products, such as in the formation of
normal equations from the.aQuations of condition. The actual formation
of such normal equations by means of the tabulator serves as another
example. Much time is also needed for the preparation of the given
material for Yanzhul's method, and the size and order of the different
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quantities require careful arrangements. Obviously, such a method is
of value only in connection with rather primitive multiplication
techniques, and it is a monstrosity since the advent of such flexible
multipliers as the IBM Type 602-A.
This paper. is of interest because it very clearly reveals the state
of automatic computing at a major Soviet scientific institution, the
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy at Leningrad. Obviously, in 1953,
the technical development of these machines had not yet reached the
same level as in the West, or, at least, any progress in the U.S.S.R.
apparently had not yet led to the production of better standard
equipment. The other point of interest, however, is the extended and
intelligent use of the available equipment, which also led to the
development of special methods, such as Yanzhul's, in order to make
the most of the automatic equipment at hand. The fact that no
electronic equipment is described or mentioned does not wean, of course,
that nothing is being done in this direction in the U.S.S.R. Obviously,
this report limits itself deliberately to the routine application of
standard equipment over a series of years, up to 1953, and to completed
work, rather than to new ventures of any kind.
Zagrebin(841) (1953) gave a detailed description of the manner in
which the limar ephemeris has been computed on punched cards at the
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy orirre basis of Brown's tables. The
various terms were computed individually and then summed up. It was
found convenient to arrange the computations for intervals of three
years, because this corresponds to about 2,000 half days, or to the
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, approximately 2,000 cards contained in one drawer. The computations
were tested by means of difference checks involving differences up to
the sixth order. The half-day results were interpolated for an hourly
ephemeris with the help of Bessel's interpolation formula. In the
trigonometric functions, a circle divided into 400 parts, instead of
into 360 degrees, was used for greater convenience. Although the
computations reported here cover only a limited number of years, it is
planned to continue them into the future. According to the author's
remarks, the corrections provided by Woolard to Brown's tables, as well
as the various recommendations of Clemence, Porter, and Sadler concern-
ing the lunar ephemeris, are going to be considered in this future work.
The new concept of ephemeris time is recognized, too.
This is another case of duplication of effort between the East and
the West. Although this Soviet paper came out somewhat earlier than
the recent ephemeris volume published jointly by the Nautical Almanac
Offices of the U. S. and of the U. K. (Improved Lunar Ephemeris 1952-
1959, Washington, 1954), the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy must
have been aware that this volume was being prepared in the West. A
comparison of the efforts is favorable to the West, however, because
the Western ephemeris was computed on electronic machines, whereas the
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy used punched-card machines with
mechanical counter6wl
4. Capture in the n-Body Problem
Khil'mi (1950) criticized the classical form and derivation
of the so-called virial theorem, which is important for many problems
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in stellar dynamics. If, with respect to the center of gravity of a
system of n masses, the total moment of inertia is introduced by
12 = m. r.12' then the assumption of
usually expressed in the analytical form
statistical equilibrium is
d2 i2
- 0; this leads to the
important result that U = 2 W, where U is the force 'function and W the
kinetic energy.
d2 i2
Khil'mi stresses the point that
relation, and that, actually, oscillations will occur at least around
any average value, A, of 12. Therefore, the classical conclusion
U = 2W is not rigorous, but only approximate.
The author himself proves two theorems in this investigation. The
first says that if, for t--7> +CO, all the individual distances, ri, from
the common center of gravity are limited by a given value R > 0, and
if no collisions occur, then, for any given value e > 0, and for any
special time T > 0, another moment, t' > T, can be found for which
IU(t') + 2 HI < 6, where His the constant from the energy integral
W = U + H. The second theorem says that if, for given constants A
and n , and for any given time, > T, the inequality IU - A I< 11 is
fulfilled, then, at any time t > T, I2W - U i< 2 1 . This second theorem
has to take the place of the classical virial theorem in any investiga-
tions concerned with the equilibrium or stability of .stellar systems.
This is a-very important theoretical paper, because it clarifies
the actual limits of a theorem which, if employed too generously, can
lead to erroneous'results in problems of stellar dynamics.
- 0 is only a statistical
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TV, Using the relative coordinates of Jacobi, and making certain assump-
tions with respect to the minimum distances and minimum relative
velocities in a system of n bodies, Khil ,mi(267) (1950) proves that not
all the relative distances will remain limited with t----=> oc, 1 provided
that certain inequalities are satisfied at the time to.
' This is an important investigation which uses new and unconventional
methods. In a 1951 paper, however, Khil 'mi(272)admitted that the proof
given in the previous paper(267) is not rigorously correct and gave
proof of his theorem for the case of three bodies. For the general
case of n bodies, however, no actual proof has been given yet. Accord-
ing to Khil'mi's remarks in the later paper, Merman had notified him
by letter concerning the insufficient or erroneous proof of the theorem.
Although the actual error in the conclusions is not pointed out, it is
probably contained in the last equations in the transition from t to
T > t.
Also in 1950, Khil imi(268) presented a proof for, the theorem, for
the case of a certain system of three inequalities-, satisfied at the
time to by the coordinates and velocities of n bodies, which establishes
the division of the whole system into two groups. He claims the follow-
ing significant characteristics for the groups: In one group, all the
relative distances increase beyond a finite limit with
co ;
in the second group, not all the distances are able to increase without '
limits. If the latter group consists of only two masses, then they
form a stable subsystem within the total system, of n masses.
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This paper is actually an extension of Reference 267; therefore,
the proof for the present theorem is not valid, considering the invalidity
of the proof for the theorem in Reference 267, which was announced by
the author in a later paper(272).
In light of his earlier investigations on the possibilities of
stability or dissipation in the general problem of n bodies,
Khil imi(269) (1950) made a critical and partly philosophical examination
of the questions of statistical equilibrium and stability, because, in
many studies of stellar dynamics, the assumption of equilibrium has
been introduced without proper justification.
The general problems of stellar dynamics have not been solved yet
either by celestial mechanics or by statistical methods. The author
says that actual stellar systems are not in equilibrium, or at least
will not reach equilibrium so fast as sometimes is assumed, and that
the gravitational field cannot be neglected in such investigations.
An extensive analysis of the'n-body problem is deemed necessary, and
paper is intended to be a first step in this direction.
The author claims that Chazy's work hindered, progress for some
time, because his erroneous conclusions concerning the alleged im-
possibility of capture in the three-body problem were taken for granted
because of his authority in the field. The problem of capture, which in
recent years has been solved as far as the actual possibility of such
orbital changes is concerned, is intimately related to the problems of
stability or dissipation in systems of three and more bodies. The
author states two fundamental tasks which have to be undertaken:
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(1) An investigation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for
stability, for semistability, and for dissipation in a system of n
point masses; and (2) An investigation of the possibilities for changes
from dissipative behavior for t -4> - c0 to semidissipative behavior for
+ 00 , or vice versa. A semidissipative system is defined as one
which can be divided into two subsystems, so that one subsystem is
dissipative and the other one nondissipative.
As to the first of these two problems, it is treated by Khil'mi
in another paper (268), wherein he established three conditions, in the
form of certain inequalities which, if fulfilled, establish the semi-
dissipative character of the system. The second probleia has been
solved, in the form of the capture problem, only for three bodies.
Khil imi(269) then proceeds to topological considerations, using the
so-called phase space, and defines a "stationary" systez as one in
which the distribution of coordinates and velocities is invariable.
Then, the potential, U, is independent of the time. It is also
explained that, in general, one cannot expect that stellar systems
will approach "stationary"status very fast. The stationary" status
will also depend on the starting conditions of the system, and,
therefore, it is of cosmogonical significance.
In his paper on the evolution of a' system of gravitational bodies
by nonelastic tollisitns, Khil imi(271) (1951) considered a system of
small particles, such as may form meteoric dust or tile original solar
nebula. The particles are assumed to be inflexible-and to suffer
nonelastic collisions. In such collisions, the kinetic energy,, T,
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would necessarily decrease by discrete amounts, because of the
related losses to heat energy. Between any collisions, however, the
system will behave according to the laws of dynamics. The author
says that the problem of the evolution of such a system has been dealt
with by statistical methods in the U.S.S.R., but that it should be
investigated by the methods of celestial mechanics, too, because the
gravitational forces will be very important.
When collisions occur, the two particles involved may separate
again, but
number, n,
they may also either break up into several additional
or stick together to form one larger particle. The total
of particles, therefore, will
not be constant.
The total
force function is divided by the author into two parts, U and U. U
represents the part corresponding to the gravitational potential of n
point masses; U* introduces
because of the finite sizes
of a collision, the sum U +
the energy difference which has to be added
of the individual particles. In the event
U* will remain constant at the moment of
the collision, but U* must increase if the two particles unite to form
one new particle, and it must decrease if the particles break up into
more than the original two. U must accordingly change, in order to
keep U + U* = constant. Although these considerations apply to the
moment of the collision, the law T - (U + U*) = H*, with H* represent-
ing the constant of the energ integral, applies to the time intervals
between collisions. Since T decreases in consequence of the collisions,
H* must accordingly decrease after each collision. The decrease in
H*, produced by the collisions, might be reflected in orbital changes
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in either one of the two following ways, or Laost probably in both
ways at the same time: (1) The Laotians may be affected by a general
decrease of T and, thus, of the velocities in the system; or (2) the
sum (U + U*) may increase by orbital changes. As to the second pos-
sibility, an increase in U would be related to a systematic decrease of
the relative distance; an increase in U* has to be interpreted as the
consequence of the formation of larger and larger particles or bodies
from smaller ones. This picture is equivalent to a gradual contraction
and condensation of a given original system or nebula. The author
proves that, at the same time, the rotational momentum of the increas-
ing condensations would increase in such a way as to produce direct
rotation. The excess orbital momentum would be transformed into the
direct rotational momentum of the resulting "planets".
This is a rather interesting and important cosmogonical paper, the
results of which have to be considered in theories of the origin and
development of the planetary system. Undoubtedly, Khil'mi has made an
original contributionto this field.
In his book(270) (1951), Khil'mi summarized most of his work.on
n bodies in celestial mechanics and cosmogony. He says that the
cosmogonical processes cannot be reduced to the problems described in
analytical dynamics, because the nonelastic collisions of the particles
result in the transformation of part of the mechanical energy into heat
and a redistribution of energy. Also, the number of material particles
does not remain constant. The author points out that, from the stand-
point of analytical dynamics, the described process is equivalent to
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the discrete change of the initial conditions. But, the cosmogonical
processes, if the distances between the particles are large enough,
are also strongly connected with capture or dissipation under the
influence of gravitational forces.
In the introductory chapters in this book, Khil'mi gives the well-
known results concerning n bodies, and a set of definitions and theorems
about the properties of point sets in phase space. He mentions the
incorrect conclusions of Poincar?, which resulted from the inappropriate
use of a theorem of Liouville.
The kernel of the work is, undoubtedly, the author's own results
concerning the capture or dissipation of systems. Khil'mi's sufficient
conditions for capture, semidissipation, dissipation, or stability
have the form of inequalities for the initial position and velocity
vectors. Some of these theorems were published previously in short
The author's cosmogonical conclusion is that the decrease of
mechanical energy, as a result of nonelastic collisions, leads to the
concentration of matter. If the kinetic energy is decreasing too,
then bodies, possessing direct rotation about the axis, will come into
existence. These results are on a very high level, and this small
book gives a good account of Khil'mi's work and ideas. The last chapter
of this work is "philosophical", however. It is pure propaganda, and
nobody really can tell the extent to which these "philosophical
ideas" represent the author's own opinions, and to which they were
dictated by the instinct of self-preservation.
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5. Motion of Bodies of
Variable Mass
The differential equations of the motion of bodies with variable
mass were first published by the Russian I. V. Meshcherskiy, in the
1890's. He was the originator of, and the chief contributor to, the
mechanics of moving bodies of variable mass. He was active in this
area until his death in the 1930's. Since that time, his researches
have been continued by A. A. Kosmodem'yanskiy from the powered-systems
point of view, and by G. N. Duboshin from the celestial-mechanics
viewpoint. Since Meshcherskiy was the originator of such an important
subject, his works are briefly reviewed here.
Meshcherskiy's collected works(406) were republished in 1952 under
the editorship of Kosmodem'yanskiy, 1 who states in the preface that the
"application and extension of the scientific researches of
I. V. Meshcherskiy will be a rewarding task for Soviet scholars who
have devoted their creative ability to the new branch of engineering,
i.e., that of rocket engineering". A collection of Meshcherskiy's
works represents what may rightly be called the analytical bases of the
theory of motion of rockets and of related problems where a variable
mass is involved.
In the introduction, the editor mentions various problems from the
history of mechanics in which a variable mass is involved, or in which
the concept of a variable mass may profitably be used to put the problem
into a mathematical form. He then describes Meshcherskiy's life and
work. The fact is stated that several results originally established
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by Meshcherskiy, were found again by Levi-Civita roughly 30 years later.
The earliest of Meshcherskiy's papers in the collection is from
the year 1893 and deals with a variable mass in the case of the two-
body problem, assuming that the variable mass, ? , depends on the time,
t, in the form ? - a +1a ? It is proved that this problem can be
solved by quadratures after some proper transformations of the coordinates
and of the time, and that, by the means of similar transformations, even
the more general case where pi = fi (a + a t)-s-3 can be reduced to
the ordinary n-body problem (k = 1, . . .1 n).
The most extensive paper by Meshcherskiy is his dissertation (1897).
It deals with the dynamics of a point with a variable mass in a quite
general and comprehensive way. Interestingly enough, the author had
difficulties, in 1897, in having his investigation accepted as his
dissertation, because it was argued that the subject was too
hypothetical and too remote from actual dynamic problems.
The author derives his fundamental differential equations, which
d2x dm .?
are of the form m dt
- X + ( a - x); similar expressions are
valid for the x and z coordinates. Here, x, x, and z are rectangular
coordinates, referred to an absolute system, of the variable mass m;
a , p , and y are the absolute-velocity components of the small particles
which are being lost from, or are being added to, the mass, m, so that
a - x is the relative velocIty (in the-x-coordinate) of m and of the
mass loss or mass gain, dm; X stands for the x component of any acting
force which influences the motion of m; and t is the time. .
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The problem is generalized in Chapter II for the case of
additional binding conditions in the problem. Here, also, the case
a = 0 = y = 0 receives special attention, and the author actually
was the first to arrive at the then-valid equations d(mX)- X (with
similar expressions in 1. and z), which are generally known in the West
under the name of Levi-Civita, who derived them independently much
later than did Meshcherskiy. For the case of a central force, the
author also derives generalized integrals of areas, as well as the
corresponding energy integral. Several special problems, which permit
a reduction to forms of known, classical problems, are treated in much
Chapter III is especially concerned with motion on a straight line,
and Chapter IV with the small oscillations of a pendulum of variable
mass. The resulting differential equations are of the Riccati type and
admit no direct solution in the general case. In the special case,
where the mass is a linear function of the time, the equation is re-
duced to Bessel's type and can be solved by means of the related
functions of the first and second kind.
The inverse problem, where the motion is known and the mass
variation, which would produce the observed motion, is sought, is
given in Chapter V. If the law of the mass variation is also known,
then the task may be the determination of the law_ f resistance, if the
motion takes place in a resistant medium.
Chapter VI deals with the motion of a variable mass in the gravi-
tational field of the earth, and Chapter VII with motion in the field
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of a central force. In all these problems, the author starts on the
basis of his fundamental equations and considers many possible subcases.
At the end of this important book, additional essays are dedicated
to some more or less general problems of analytical dynamics in which a
variable mass is involved. The important core of all these essays,
however, is contained in the one which has been reviewed here in some
detail. Some papers by Meshcherskiy, dealing with a variable mass in
the two-body problem, were published in Astronomische Nachrichten half
a century ago.
Without any doubt, Meshcherskiy's contributions were the pioneer
work in the variable-mass problem. He treated the basic characteristics
of this problem very thoroughly and with full competence, arriving at
the fundamental theorems, as well as at many results and conclusions for
special applications in celestial mechanics and also in connection with
various problems in other fields of "regular" mechanics. The essays
describe some of the most important fundamental advances in this
problem in recent times.
Kosmodem'yanskiy gave the analytical foundations of the dynamics
of a rigid body of variable mass in 1951(304). All the important
equations are given in the vectorial form. The basic concept is that
of a rigid body whose mass varies as a result of the addition or removal
of particles at the surface of the body, without interference with the
rigid nature of the rest of the body. The most important difference,
compared with the dynamics of a rigid body of constant mass, lies in
the facts that the location of the mass center inside the body will
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change as the total mass varies, and that, therefore, the translatory
motion of the body cannot be described by the corresponding orbital
motion of its variable center of mass.
The most important basic ideas and theorems had already been given
by Meshcherskiy, and, in this respect, the merits of the present paper
lie in the more comprehensive.and systematic treatment, and in the
addition of some valuable new results or theorems. One example of
the extension of the theory by KosModem'yanskiy is his theorem con-
cerning the total momentum of the body. Another new theorem is derived,
in the form of the proper differential equation of the second order, for
the motion of the center of mass. The treatment of an angular momentum
of the body of variable mass, as referred to coordinate systems which
either are at rest or are moving with the body, is not essentially new,
but the author deserves credit for his concise treatment of the concepts
which are involved, and for the systematic way in which he proceeds.
Paragraph 5 contains the theorem concerning the angular momentum,
and also deals with some special cases. One of these is the case where
the principal axes of inertia remained fixed relative to the mass elements
of the rigid body; in this case, the well-known equations by Euler are
valid in their classical form, except that they depend on the variable
mass and the reactive force, which is related to the variability of
the mass by Meshcherskiy's fundamental equation.
In Paragraph 6, the theorem for the angular momentum is presented
as referred to a moving coordinate system, and Paragraph 7 contains the
theorem for the kinetic energy in its differential form.
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In Paragraph 8, the motion of the body or rigid system of variable
mass is referred to a system of generalized coordinates, and special
cases are considered in detail. Again, the first steps were done by
Meshcherskiy, but the author goes into the subject somewhat deeper and
more systematically, aided by the greater convenience of the modern
vectorial form of analysis.
The ninth and last paragraph deals with the canonical form of the
general equations, building again on the foundations laid by Meshcherskiy.
A strictly canonical form is obtained only if the external forces have
a potential, and if the absolute velocity of the departing or added
particles (which produce the variability of the total mass of the rigid
body) is zero.
In addition to the comments already made in connection with the
review of the various paragraphs, it seems correct to say that this is
a fundamental contribution of considerable value. Much credit should
go to the author, not only for nis own and rather important additions
to the theory, but also for the construction of a systematic and very
elegant representation of the complete theory from the old and the new
material. One gains the impression that the author presently is a most
outstanding scientist in the SovietUnion in this particular field.
Kosmodem!yanskiy published a collection of lectures which he
presented at a military school(305) (1951). After an introduction aid
historical and philosophical review, mentioning the names of
Meshcherskiyt ?berth, Zander, Goddard, and many others, eight lectures
are presented:
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(1) The first deals with the law of the conservation of momentum.
Here, Kosmodem'yanskiy mainly gives the fundamental theorems of
Meshcherskiy in a more condensed and clearer form than in Meshcherskiy's
original publications. He applies the theory to such special problems
as can be solved by quadratures, and the main emphasis is on the deter-
mination of the extremum or optimum solution, so as to reach the
technical goal with a minimum of energy or fuel (for a rocket). Some
special cases of assumed laws of mass variation are considered in de-
(2) This lecture deals with the vertical ascent of a rocket in a
homogeneous gravitational field. Investigated are the velocity, v(t),
and the altitude, h(t), as functions of the variation of mass, and the
problem of reaching a maximum altitude with a minimum of fuel is solved.
A relatively simple solution is possible, even when the resistant medium
of the air is taken into account.
(3) Here, the author deals with the horizontal motion of a
variable mass, first on a supporting plane and then in the air. After
introducing a homogeneous field of gravity, the author finally considers
the case of a variable field at higher altitudes above the surface of
the earth.' In this case, the effect of a resistant medium is neglected.
? (4) In this lecture, Meshcherskiy's fundamental equations are
presented in the vectorial form. Essentially, this is a translation of
Meshcherskiy's original investigation into the ,,,lore convenient vectorial
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(5) The author is concerned, in this lecture, with the motion of
of an airplane driven by an engine which takes in air at the front and
then ejects it from the rear. In this case, the analytical treatment
operates not only with a mass loss and the corresponding dt , but
also with a mass increase, represented by
dt ?
(6) This lecture is devoted to the so-called inverse problem of
dynamics, where the force field and the trajectory are known, and where
the necessary mass variation of the projectile has to be found. The
solution of this problem is easily reached by separation of the variables,
and the result had been found by Meshcherskiy. Kosmodem'yanskiy further
investigates certain special problems in detail, for example, the case
of vertical motion with a constant velocity. Following Meshcherskiy,
he also introduces the so-called natural coordinates which are associated
with the moving body of variable mass. The essential difference from
Meshcherskiy's treatment lies in the use of vectors. The two-body
problem with variable mass is also considered in this lecture.
(7) Here, the general laws of the dynamics of a point of variable
mass are derived, and motion in the field of a central force Is studied.
Again, the author essentially only transcribes Meshcherskiy's findings
into the vectorial language. He also gives a special case, treated by
McMillan in 1925. Finally, he investigates the energy efficiency of
? (8) This last lecture is identical to a paper (304) by this author
that was.reviewed above,
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Lectures 1 through 7 have the character of a textbook written
especially for students of the military school where these lectures
were given. Nothing essentially new is contributed by the author in
these first seven lectures. Lecture 8(30k) contains the author's main
contributions to the field.
a. Two-Body Problem
The celestial-mechanics aspect of the variable-mass problem
has been studied by a very capable Soviet astronomer, G. N. Duboshin.
Between 1925 and 1932, he published a series of papers dealing with the
motion of a particle in the field of another whose mass is variable.
In the first of these works(134) (1925), the general mathematical
approach to the problem is presented. Special applications are treated
in the later articles. The characteristic feature of Duboshin's treat-
ment is the transformation of the coordinates and of the time into
other variables, so as to restore the differential equations of motion
to the "undisturbed" form of the two-body problem, after they are
referred to the new polar coordinates and to the transformed time, T
The burden of the problem is thus shifted from the differential
equations of motion to the relation which connects the new variables
with the assumed law for the variation of the central mass, M. If
M = Mof(t), and for Mo = 1, the problem is finally reduced to the
solution of an integral-differential equation for the determination of
a function, f (m), which, in turn, leads to the determination of the
radius vector, r( co), where the angular variable, m , instead of the
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transformed time T , serves as the independent variable.
In contrast to investigations by other authors, Duboshin
makes no use of the variation-of-parameters method. He prefers, in-
stead, to introduce the effects of the variability , into the
coordinates of the particle by the above method.
In a continuation of the 1925 article, Duboshin(135) (1927)
was concerned mainly with the solution of the integral-differential
equation which is characteristic for his treatment of the problem.
Although his conclusions were not entirely new, the rather general method
of their derivation is interesting and can be considered as a contribu-
tion to progress in this field of celestial mechanics.
Duboshin uses a method which is analogous to the one of Picard,
employing successive approximations for the quantities to be found. He
then assumes that the function 4), if f'(t) = /--F (03)2, in the
given equation can be developed for ascending powers of a small
parameter, P. . In this case, all the functions involved can be
represented as analytical functions of 11. The resulting developments
are studied for certain points of special interest: the behavior of the
line of the apsides, and the question of the existence of an asymptote
for the motion of the particle when t 00. The author finds that,
in the case of an unlimited decrease of the central mass, M, the orbit
of the particle will expand-in the lona of a spiral until a certain
time, when asymptotic motion towards r = m will set in (terminating,
then, the completion of an actual revolution).
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Duboshin further demonstrated the usefulness of his general
method in 1928(136). He made the special assumption that M = f(t) =
for the dependence of the central mass, M, on the time, t. He
then proceeds with the corresponding solution of the integral-differential
equation of the problem, determining the successive terms by a series
of simple differentiations. He finds that the developments will converge
within a certain interval of time. For the investigation of the form
of the orbits, the author limits himself to the first two terms in the
somewhat complicated developments. The first term (or rather the first
part) constitutes the basic elliptical motion; the second part represents
the perturbations which are caused by the change of the mass, M.
The case of hyperbolic motion is also considered, and the author finds
here that the actual, disturbed motion tends to approach the existing
asymptote faster than would the undisturbed motion. From a study of the
so-called logarithmic type, the author finds that the line of apsides
will rotate, in general, about the central mass, M, and that the
occurrence of asymptotic motion (terminating the completion of a
revolution of theparticle) will depend on the precise law for the de-
crease of the mass, Id*, and on the starting conditions. In the case of
a circular original orbit, the circumstances of the orbital development
are quite similar to the ones in the originally elliptical case.
Other methods of treatment can be used in individual cases,
and have been used by numerous well-known authors in connection with
special problems of variable masses, but Duboshin's method seems to be 1
valuable mainly because of its generality, and because of the resulting
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possibilities for the systematic classification of various cases.
Duboshin mentions that his integral-differential equation is
rather complicated in most cases, and is inconvenient for many practical
applications. He then presented(137) (1929) what he calls a "new method
for the solution of the problem".
The method employed is the variation of constants, applied
to the osculating elliptical elements. Apparently, the author was not
aware of the fact that this method had been used by E. Stroemgren as
early as 1903 for the study of the same problem in a continuation of
earlier investigations by Gylden and Lehmann-Filhes. Duboshin, therefore,
was not the first to use the variation of tae elliptical elements in
connection with a variable central mass. Furthermore (in the opinion
of the writers), he made a mistake in his own application of the method,
or, rather, in the proper definition of the osculating elements which
are involved. As did Stroemgren, he divides the gravitational action of
the central mass into two parts, a constant and a variable. The constant
part, depending on the initial mass value, mo = 1, of the centrai body,
would cause the particle to move in a fixed ellipse; the small mass
variation, Am (t), causes the true or osculating orbit to deviate from
the undisturbed or fixed ellipse by varying differences in the four
orbital elements.
Duboshin.apparently overlooked the fact that his method of
computation leads to element perturbations which are still referred to
the mass mo = 1 at the center of the coordinate system. In other wor4s,
he introduced the disturbing effect of the mass decrease into the
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right-hand side of the differential equations, but forgot to reduce
the left-hand side to the changed mass, mo +Am(t). In consequence
of this error, the author arrives at the closed "integral"
p = a (1 - e2) = constant, where E, a, and e are the osculating values
of the parameter, of the mean distance, and of the eccentricity of the
orbit, respectively. This integral, which is wrong, is then used
throughout the rest of the paper as one of the most essential equations.
The correct relation, which Lehmann-Filhes had already found, is
p (1 + A m) = constant (for mo = 1), and this cannot be used to reduce
the number of unknowns, because Am(t) is involved.
The error committed by Duboshin is one which may occur rather
easily, if one applies the principles of the variation-of-constants
method more or less automatically. That the proper definition of
osculating elements depends also on the use of the true or "osculating"
mass value of the central mass is not so self-evident, perhaps, as the
other features of the method.
Surprising is the circumstance that the author did not know
about the earlier and correct results, and that his result, p = con-
stant, was not puzzling to him. It has been found by others that one
may have, approximately, e ,= constant in the case of two variable masses
(or of one variable Central mass), but that a will vary with Am, thus
making E variable, too, in agreement with the early result by
At the same time that he was working-on the problem of two
bodies, one of whica has a variable mass, Duboshin also considered the
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problem of two bodies, both with variable mass(138 ,142), which is not
principally different from the case where one mass alone is variable.
Duboshin first extended(138) (1930) further some of his
earlier results and definitions, which seem to be of special importance
for the systematic treatment and classification of whole groups of
orbits as they may be related to the variability of masses.
The author states that only one type of function, f(t), for
the variability of the mass, M, so that M = Mof(t), has yielded to a
complete, closed integration of the trajectory. This is the case,
studied by McMillan, where:
f(t) -
+ 2 a t + p 2t2
This case, incidentally, is verified by Jeans' mass-decrease law,
- a M3, where the loss of mass is caused by the radiation of a star. In
this special case, the above function f(t) applies for p= O.
Duboshin's concern here is with the qualitative analysis of
the completely general problem without special assumption regarding the
form of f(t) . Most important with respect to the trajectories is the
question if and when asymptotic motion, approaching a certain direction
toward r = will set in. The author finds that the condition
lim t-+.0-fl(t) = 0, provided that all the functions which are involved
are analytical, is necessary for the occurrence of such asymptotic
motion, but not sufficient. On the other hand, if this condition is not
satisfied, no asymptotic motion is possible. If the condition
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lim t-40,f1(t) = 0 is satisfied, theft the starting conditions can be'
chosen in such a way that the distance between the two masses increases
indefinitely with t (Theorem Nr 1). The second theorem says that, for
lim b+cof'(t) A 0, the distance between the two masses remains
limited for all possible starting conditions. After proving this theorem,
the author proves two theorems by Armellini by reducing the proofs to
the ones of his own theorems.
He continues with a study of the different types of motion.
The first or hyperbolic type is at best represented by the undisturbed
case of rigorous hyperbolic motion. The second or logarithmic type is
verified in orbits where the one mass makes at least one complete
revolution relative to the other mass and then goes towards r =0,
asymptotically. The third or cyclical type is one where the orbit
takes the form of a spiral, without "degenerating" into asymptotic motion.
The fourth or spiral type, finally, is the type where the one mass is
spiraling inward, approaching closer and closer to the other mass, with-
out the occurrence of a collision.
The definitions "asymptotic" and "periodic", with respect to .
the behavior of the distance between the two masses, are introduced. In
this sense, a trajectory is asymptotic if it approaches, by a spiraling
motion, closer and closer to a certain fixed orbit. On the other hand,
a trajectory is periodic, according to this definition, if the radius
vector, r, oscillates between certain limits: r1 < r < r2. Evidently,
periodic orbits in the established sense of this word are a special
case of this more general definition.
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Finally, the following three theorems are proved: (1) If
at all times r1 < r < r2, then the masses themselves vary only within
certaiallimitslor) if the trajectory is asymptotic
1 M2'
with respect to a circle, then the total mass of the system converges
toward a certain fixed value A 0; and (3) if the trajectory represents
a strictly periodic motion, then the sum of the masses is a periodic
function of the time.
Later, Duboshin(42) (1932) gave proof for the following
theorem by relatively elementary means: If the mass of the two bodies
is a monotonic function of the time and converges, for t---> 1 towards
a well-defined limiting value, then it will always be possible to find
orbital trajectories (within a region in the plane of the two bodies)
which will converge toward a limiting elliptical orbit, the elements of
which are determined by the initial orbital conditions.
Savchenko(678), in 1935, treated the absolute and relative
motion of two bodies bf variable mass on the basis of Meshcherskiy's
fundamental equations for the dynamics of variable masses. The orbital
possibilities for the motion of the center of gravity (or of inertia),
and for the relative motion of the two point masses, are studied in
detail. The resulting variations of the polar coordinates and of the
time of revolution are obtained as functions of the masses, 1111-(t), and
dm1 dmD
of the related differential quotients and
dt" . For an integra-
tion, the functions mi(t) and m2(t) have to be known, of course, and the
author has studied the resulting. trajectories for various simple laws
of mass variation.
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This is a very clear presentation of the theory of the motion
of two bodies. Although the results were known before, the work is
still of value because of the systematic treatment, and because the
author uses nothing except the basic principles of physics, namely,
Newtonian mechanics, and elementary calculus. His direct approach
to the -problem and the mathematical details may have made the work
longer than it would have needed to be if he had used vector notation,
but it has made it more accessible to persons not trained in higher
mathematics. It is the author's privilege to use the methods he chooses.
The very title of the paper indicates that he wanted to keep his
presentation on an elementary level.
Savchenko '6(680) (1938) first considerations of the special
case of the motion of two bodies, where the ratio of the two masses
changes with time, are somewhat lengthy or complicated. This is because
he used only elementary mathematics, such as calculus and ordinary
differential equations. In his final results, Savchenko obtains the
1 0
radius vectors, r1 and r2, and the angular arguments, 0 and 2' as
functions of the masses, m1(t) and m2(0' thus obtaining r1 and as
functions of t. These are the parametric equations of the orbit of the
mass m1. If the parameter t is eliminated from these two equations.,
then it becomes obvious that r1 is a function of 01 and depends on the
value of the angular argument. The same reasoning applies to r2 and
0 2. The author calls attention to the fact that the orbits of the two
bodies are not closed curves, but spirals.
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Nothing outstanding resulted from Stepanovis(726) (1930)
sound but not-deep work on the form of the trajectory of a particle in
the case of a Newtonian attraction with variable mass. After referring
to Duboshin's reports(134-136), Etepanov proceeds to demonstrate that,
as long as one is interested only in the form of the trajectory, some
results can be obtained by elementary methods. These results refer to
the existence of upper and lower limits of the relative distance, r,
between the two masses, as related to corresponding limits for the
variation of the central mass, MI of the system. The author proves one
theorem, which is of interest with respect to the manifold possibilities
which exist for the trajectory if the problem is of an unrestricted
generality, It is shown that the law, of mass variation can always be
chosen in such a way that the particle will move with respect to the
central mass, M, on any given curve, provided that this curve is concave
relative to MI and that a definite value exists for the curvature at
each point of this curve. This demonstrates the fact that, in its
completely general form, the problem of the form of the trajectory is
too arbitrary to be of actual interest. The author concludes his paper
with some considerations of the special case where the mass, M, suffers
periodic variations, and of the other special case where M decreases
monotonically. He discusses the possibilities for the related orbital
By relatively elementary means, Eigenson(182) (1933) investi-
gated the main features of the relation between the variable central
mass, M, and the distance r(t) of a small particle in the field of M
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for various assumed types of motion. Not considering the cosmogonical
application to a whole system of many variable masses, the, author's
detailed investigation of the actual two-body case is of definite
interest, insofar as it studies the possible relations between M and r,
depending on certain assumed mass laws, M(t). Although, in the case
of near-circular motion, Jeans' well-known relation Mr = constant holds
between r and MI as long as the radial component of the orbital motion
is small compared with the longitudinal component, this relation of
Jeans will not be satisfied for all possible types of motion and for all
possible forms of the mass law, M(t). Eigenson is concerned mainly
with the type of motion in which the radial component of the velocity
is of main importance, and he investigates the compatibility of a
generalized law of the form MNr = constant with relative motion of the
radial type. He then applies his results to the hypothesis that the
recessional motion of the spiral nebulae is the consequence of mass
losses through radiation; he finds that the quantity N, in the law
MNr = constant, would have to be of the order N = 4 x 104, in order to
arrive at such an explanation for the observed red shifts of the
The essential quantity in the analytical study of the conse-
quences of the variability of the masses, as presented by Subbotin(739)
-4"' (1936),
is the reciprocal of the distance, r, between the two masses.
In its relation to the combined mass of the two individual masses, mo
and m1 r-1 serves as a convenient means for the investigation of the
possible behavior of r as a function of the time, t, for t >co , under
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various assumptions for the variability of the masses. This study
completes and generalizes previous investigations by Armellini and
Duboshin. For certain assumptions concerning behavior of the masses
(or the existence of upper and lower limits for the sum of the masses),
certain orbital conclusions are derived in a number of theorems.
This contribution to the problems of variable masses augments
previous knowledge concerning the possibilities for the trajectories or
orbits under various conditions. Subbotin deals with the problem in a
highly competent way.
Although the two-body problem with variable masses can be
solved only if the combined mass, M, of the two point masses depends on
the time, t, in-the form M(t) - 1 , Batyrev(49) (1941)
la + bt + ct2
limited his study of the trajectories to the case where M(t) =
a + bt . The quantities a, b, and c are (arbitrary) constants. The
author applies the transformations of the coordinates and of the time
that Meshcherskiy already had used, and thus introduces the so-called
auxiliary point moving on a conic section while the actual trajectory '
is spiraling outwards (for b > 0). For the various types of conic-
sections described by the auxiliary point (ellipse, parabola, hyperbola,
and straight line), the author derives the expression r( ), which
describes the actual relative distance of the two masses as a function
of the angular coordinate 1) . These expressions depend on the
eccentricity of the auxiliary conic section, as well as on the integration
constants which are involved. It is seen that, for the various conic
sections described by the auxiliary point, the true relative motion is
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of the hyperbolic-spiral type. In the special case of straight-line
motion, the same straight line determines the auxiliary as well as the
true motion.
Batyrev also gives special expressions for the final values
of the angular argument, cl) , where asymptotic motion, r >co (for
t ----> + ), takes place in the two-body case. Meshcherskiy had arrived
at comparable results in a more implicit and less concise way. Most of
the basic concepts and analytical operations in this paper go back to
In a continuation of his work, Batyrev(50) (1949) refers to
Duboshin's qualitative analysis of the general two-body probleal with
variable masses, and then limits his study to the case where the sum of
the two masses is M - Mo l ' for a > 0. The conic sections + a t
scribed by the auxiliary point are characterized by their elements e
and E (eccentricity and parameter), and the true motion, r( ),
studied in dependence on the given conic section for the auxiliary point.
The paper goes beyond the earlier.one only for the case where the
auxiliary curve is a hyperbola; the quantities which determine the
asymptotic motion in this case are derived. The corresponding results
for an elliptical or parabolic auxiliary-point motion had been given in
the earlier paper.
Since an earlier study is extended only to a very moderate
degree, this paper does not have much importance by itself. The essential
features of this problem had been previously found by others, and the
author merits praise only for a aore explicit and concise presentation
of the subject.
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b. Three-Body Problem
Savchenko '6(679) (1938) extension of the rigorous equilateral
solution of the three-body problem of Lagrange to one special case of
mass variability is certainly of considerable interest. The author
finds that three bodies of variable, mass may permanently form an equi-
lateral triangle of variable dimensions, if the mass ratios of the three
bodies relative to each other are not changed by the individual mass
variations. The derivation of the results is clear and elegant. This
paper may be classified as moderately significant, although there is
nothing extraordinary about the method itself, since it follows the
lines of the classical problem with constant masses. The result, however,
is of definite dynamic interest and perhaps is important for further
advances in the variable-mass problem of three bodies.
Batyrev(49) (1941) considered the special case where all three
masses, m., vary according to the law m. = 11. (a + bt)-1 (i = 1, 2, 3),
and where they are located at the three corners of an equilateral tri-
angle, corresponding to the case of the Lagrangean solution for contant
masses. It is shown that the problem is easily reduced to the classical
case for the auxiliary orbits, if one of the three masses is very small
and the relative motion of the two finite masses is circular (for their
auxiliary points). The author finds that, in this case, the three masses
will describe hyperbolic spirals relative to their center of mass, but
that they will always maintain their configuration at the corners of
an equilateral triangle of varying dimensions.
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The existence of the extended-triangular solution for a
special case of three variable masses was found three years earlier by
Savchenko(679). Batyrev either did not know of this work, or else
chose not to make reference to Savchenko's publication. Both authors
arrive at essentially the same results by different methods of procedure,
but the earlier results by Savchenko do, of course, "depreciate" some-
what the general importance of the present paper.
Savchenko's(677) (1935) derivation of a law of areas for the
case of variable masses is clever and original. It is, of course, a
generalization of the corrasponding law for the motion of bodies with
constant mass; it differs from the latter insofar as vectorial velocities
appear as products, instead of as sums, as they do in the classical
case of constant masses. The paper is based entirely on fundamental
physical principles and makes use only of the elementary calculus and
ordinary differential equations. The avoidance by the author of vector
methods and more sophisticated mathematicalnotation makes this work
accessible to beginning graduate students.
Although Savchenko has studied the problem of the Lagrangean
solutions on the basis of the assumption that the absolute velocity of
the lost or gained particles is zero, or (mV) r, Orlov(525) (1939)
investigated the same problem in the case where the relative velocity of
the lost or gained mass ig-E7Trwor for the law m
Savchenko(679) found the equilateral solutions to be valid only if the
mutual mass ratios,
the basis of Orlov's
m1 m1 in
and (and
m2 d3
? 3
assumption, Lagrange 's
), all remain constant.
equilateral solutions can
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be extended to the case of variable masses, without any limiting con-
ditions concerning the ratios of the masses to each other. In the case
of the Lagrangean straight-line solutions, Orlov finds the conditions
m1 m1
= constant and - constant to be sufficient for the existence
m2 m3
of an extended straight-line solution for variable masses. This does
not mean, however, that such solutions are not possible under more
general provisions.
Orlov deserves credit for adding substantially to the previous
studies on this special subject. Moreover, the basic assumption of
relative zero velocity of a aass loss, dm, appears as the more realistic
one with regard to cosmogonical applications. This is a valuable contri-
bution by a thoroughly competent author.
Savchenko(676), in 1935, seems to have laid a good foundation
for further studies of the details which are associated with a general
theory of the potential of variable point masses. His inathematical
analysis is not very intricate, but, nevertheless, the investigation has
its merits as a clear and systematic approach to the subject. He starts
with the consideration of the force field of one variable mass, m(t),
and of the related gravitational potential, V = cl(r,t), and then
systematically develops the analytical expressions for the potential of
two variable masses and for a system of n variable masses. He also
considers the changing equipotential surfaces of a system of variable
masses in their relation to the motion of a unit mass in the variable
force field. Of special interest is the result that a closed or pe'riodic
orbit of such a unit particle will be possible only if the related work,
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as performed by the gravitational force of the field on the particle, is
different from zero. Excepted is the very unlikely case where the
period of a periodic mass variation coincides with the period of the
assumed closed orbital motion. The paper is illustrated by eight figures.
6. Figure and Libration of the Moon
In the pages that follow, some Soviet papers on the earth's
moon, that were found during the compilation of the bibliography in
celestial mechanics, are discussed. The papers deal primarily with
libration and figure. The discussion is not to be taken as the fruit
of an exhaustive study. Nevertheless, it is believed that the material
presented is a representative sampling of Soviet lunar studies, which
can be considered to be somewhat relevant to the subject of Soviet work
in celestial Liechanics.
Heliometric observations of the lunar crater Mosting A,
referred to other observable points at the moon's bright limb, began at
the Kazan' Observatory in 1895 (A. Krasnbv). They were continued by
A. Michailovski and, after the transfer of the 4-inch heliometer of
Repsold to the Engel'gardt Observatory in 1910, by T. Banachiewicz.
After Banachiewicz' departure in 1915, Yakovkin continued this program.
Yakovkin(812) (1928)
evaluated and discussed Banachiewicz's
five-year series of observations (1910 to 1915) on the basis of Hayn's
theory of the physical libration of the moon. The first part of the
paper consists of a short presentation of Hayn's theory. The second
part contains a discussion ofthe instrumental and related reductions
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and corrections. In the third part, the author gives a description of
the method of observation and of the necessary reductions, taking into
account the unevenness of the moon's limb. The necessary corrections
were computed according to Hayn's formulas. The corrected values of
the observed distances and position angles are tabulated. Further
discussion deals with the derivation of the constants of the pnysical
libration and of the selenographic coordinates of Mosting A. The author
arrives at a system of values which is in good agreement with Hayn's
corresponding results. For the radius vector, h, of the crater, however,
the author finds a value 2V1 larger than Hayn did, and this is an
essential difference, considering the mean error of ? 0'5. For the
constant f, which is related to the ratio of the moon's principal moments
of inertia, the author obtains 0.74, in close agreement with Hayn's
value of 0.73. Finally, the author succeeds with an approximate
determination of the so-called free libration in longitude.
This is a report primarily on observational procedures and on .
the evaluation of numerous observations by well-established methods. On
the basis of a well-known theory of the moon's libration, the author
apparently performed a aost thorough and critical investigation. It
becomes evident that the author is highly competent and thoroughly
familiar with all aspects of the problems involved, The results are
outdated, insofar as superseded values of some constants in Hayn's theory
have been used as a basis for the author's evaluations, but this fact
does not diminish the credit which is due the author.
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Later, Yakovkin(813) (1939) published the reduction and
evaluation of the observations obtained on the 4-inch heliometer of
Repsold at the Engel'gardt Observatory at Kazan' during the years 1916
to 1926. Each observation relates seven or eight well-defined points near
the moon's bright limb to the center of the lunar crater Mosting A.
The method of observation and the essential elements of the instrumental
reductions are discussed in much detail first. The second chapter-
contains the observations and their reduction and the preliminary re-
sults for the constant of the physical libration. The so-called free
libration is neglected in this paper, and it is announced that a more
complete solution, based on the material from 1916 to 1931, will be
published as the second part of this investigation (cf. Reference 814).
The reduction of the observations and the least-squares solution for
the corrections to the constants of the physical libration are based
on the classical theory, which had been brought to perfection by Hayn
and which, as the author finds from a comparison of results by various
authors, is not in need of any revision. The author mentions, however,
,that he has discovered a periodic variation of the apparent diameter
of the moon, which might be interpreted as the consequence of an
asymmetry of the moon's figure.
The work described in this paper is of an observational and
computational nature. The rather difficult 'observation-E. were obtained
with greatest care, and the very elaborate reductions were also made
as scrupulously as posdible. The results apparently are of high quality
and in general agreement with other determinations. Altogether, this
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is a very good technical report on work that was done with high skill
and the utmost care.
The extension of the evaluation of the lunar observations
obtained at Kazan' was published by Yakovkin( 814) in 1945; this paper
includes all the material from 1916 to 1932. The reduction of the ob-
servations and the determination of corrections to the preliminary
values of the constants of the moon's physical libration follow the
same lines as in the earlier paper (cf. Reference 813). New is an
attempt to derive the essential parameters of the so-called free libra-
tion, which is very minute compared with the normal or physical libration.
In the introduction to his paper on the physical libration of
the moon, Bel'kovich(73) (1949) explains that his paper is a continuation
of earlier work by Yakovkin (813,814). Belikovich's investigation of
the physical libration and of the related figure and rotation of the
moon is based on heliometric observations from 1932 to 1942e In the ,
first chapter, the basic theory of Laplace is considered in detail, and
previous results from various series of observations by different
astronomers are compared, With due consideration of the possible sources
of errors. Since Yakovkin found the effect of the libration in latitude
on the apparent radius of the moon,' the author concludes that Hayn's
lunar charts are no longer sufficient for the adequate reduction of the
observations. Nevertheless, in Chapter 2, the determination of the
various constants of the physical libration, on the basis of 151
observations by Bel'kovich during the interval 1932 to 1942, follows
largely the lines of Yakovkin's earlier work.
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Chapter 3 deals with the accuracy of the observations and
with the best possible derivation of the important quantity f (as re-
lated to the ratio of the principal moments of inertia) from three
series of observations obtained at Kazan'. The ..;ost probable value of
I is found to be 0.71. In Chapter 4, dealing with the free libration
of the moon, the author arrives at the conclusion that it does not exist
at all, because quite different results are obtained from the individual
series of observations; if free libration should exist, he believes,
the effects are too small to be determined with certainty from the
present material. Nevertheless, he derives average values from six series
of observations. The fifth and final chapter deals with the asymmetry
of the lunar disc. Here, confirmation is given to the findings by
Yakovkin concerning the somewhat "thicker" southern hemisphere; in
addition, the author finds an east-west asymmetry. In his concluding
summary, Bel'kovich states that the concept of a rigid body must now
be considered only as an approximating working hypothesis, and that
further progress on the libration problem will depend, first of all, on
a more accurate determination of the true figure of the moon. It has
been learned that the polar diameter of the moon is certainly larger
than the equatorial diameter, but the finer details of the problem require
further studies.
This appears to be a very critical evaluation of the observa-
tional material and a thorough examination of 1949 knowledge about the
moon's libration, figure, and rotation. JJthough one might hesitate to
agree at once that the moon has to be considered as a nonrigid body
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for the interpretation of the observations (considering the probable
errors which are involved), the author deserves much credit for his
careful investigation. The study follows the lines of well-known
theories and methods, but the author demonstrates originality and in-
genuity in connection with his derivation of the most probable value of
f. Altogether, this appears to be a significant contribution toward a
better knowledge of the constants and characteristic properties which
are involved in these problems. Bel'kovich is the discoverer of the
moon's east-west asymmetry, and he also was the first to recognize the
ambiguity or duplicity of the solutions for f.
Nefed vev(481) (1951) evaluated his 143 heliometric observations
of Hosting A between 1938 and 1945. These were used for the determination
of the constants of the physical libration by the same method used by
the earlier investigators. The residuals (observation minus calculation)
were then used for an investigation of the dependence of the moon's
radius on the libration. The author confirms the corresponding effect
in latitude, In agreement with,Yakovkin and Bel'kovich, but the existence
of a similar effect in longitude cannot be proved on the basis of this
material. Further, the author finds a differenCe of OV14 between the
eastern and western radii of the moon, thus confirming the earlier
discovery by Bel'kovich. Since the resulting value of f came close to
the critical value. of 0.66, the author recomputes the coefficients of
the equations of condition for various equidistant values of f and
determines the improved values of f which reduce the square sums of the
residuals to a minimum. He finds that f1 = 0.60 and f2 = 0.71 are in
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good agreement with the results of Yakovkin and Koziel. Since there
Are reasons to consider this value of f1 as the most likely one for the
true f, the solution is repeated again on the basis of f1 = 0.60 for
the conditional equations. A final value of f = 0.57 ? 0.04, and related
values of the other constants of the problem are obtained in this manner.
Following as it does the previous investigations by Yakovkin,
Bel'kovich, and others, the present paper is only another application
of the same methods to a given set of observations. As in the case of
the other papers published on tnis subject by members of the Kazan'
Observatory, this appears to be a report on work donewith the greatest
care. More credit is due for the very cautious and refined determination
of the important constant f.
Nefed'yev(484) (1955) published a complete report on the
evaluation of V. A. Krasnov's observations. He starts with the remark
that the evaluation of Krasnov's observations, which were obtained at
Kazan' in the years 1895 to 1898, could not be accomplished originally
at Kazan', because the Observatory was in no position to do this work
before the Revolution of 1917. This probably refers to the circumstance
that, at some Russian observatories, only the Director was salaried
before the revolution. The author claims that the evaluations made
abroad of Kazan' series of observations were not made satisfactorily.
The author evaluates 112 sets of observations, using the method
previously described, but Nefedlyev also employs Banachiewicz's
Cracovian method for an independent check of his computations. In the
first approximation, he solves for f simultaneously with the other
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constants, and finds f = 0.63 ? 0.05. The interpolation method is
used in the second approximation with respect to f, leading to the two
solutions 0.60 and 0.71, which agree with the results from other series
of observations. The author is of the opinion that the question of
which one of the two values for f is the most probable is still open.
He also finds that Krasnov's series confirms the effect of the optical
libration in latitude on the apparent radius of the moon, and the author
states that no doubt should remain concerning the reality of this effect.
This is another good contribution by Nefed'yev. The completion
of this work extended to 50 years the complete interval of time during
which lunar observations at Kazan' have been made and reduced as
homogeneously as is desirable for a reliable determination of the
constants of the moon's figure, rotation, and libration. It seems true,
indeed, that the only essential contributions to the determination of
the physical libration of the moon, and of the related constants of
?figure and rotation, have been made by the astronomers at the Kazan'
The dependence of the apparent radius of the moon on the
optical libration in latitude had been found by Yakovkin on the basis
of Kazan' observations and an analysis .of a series of observations ob-
tained at the meridian circle at Greenwich. Koziel, on the other hand,
found no such effect when he evaluated another series of observations,
using Banachiewicz's Cracovian method of analysis. At the same time,
Koziel obtained the various related results with smaller prdbable
e. errors when he used the Cracovian method, solving for east-limb and
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west-limb observations simultaneously. Commission 4 of the International
Astronomical Union then expressed a desire for a further test or check
of Koziel's finding, according to which no libration effect on the
radius of the moon exists.
For this purpose, Nefed'yev(483) (1954) undertook another
discussion of Krasnov's lunar observations. These observations, which
were obtained at Kazan' in the years 1895 to 1898, had already been
evaluated by him (cf. Reference 484), but the east-limb and west-
limb observations had been dealt with separately, leading to a
confirmation of Yakovkin's libration effect on the radius of the moon.
An asymmetry of the moon in the east-west direction, in agreement with
Belikovich's finding (cf. Reference 73), also was found. Now,
Nefed'yev repeated his evaluation of Krasnov's series, this time combin-
ing the east-limb and west-limb observations, as Koziel had done; in
this manner, the libration effect was eliminated also from the results
of Krasnov's series. It is evident, then, that Koziel's failure to
find the libration effect was due merely to the unpermissible procedure
of solving for all the observations simultaneously. The author also
made it clear that Koziel's negative result has nothing to do with any
possible defect of the Cracovian method.
This paper deserves much interest, because it clears up the
'discrepancy between Koziel's results and tbe earlier results of Yakovkin
and others, and because it should remove the last doubt about the
reality of the libration effect on the radius of the lunar disc. Al-
though no new theory was involved in this investigation, the-author
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deserves much credit for his good intuition and insight, which led him
to the correct interpretation of the existing discrepancies.
After the effect of the optical libration in latitude on the
apparent radius of the moon was discovered by Yakovkin and confirmed
by others, it became evident that the reductions and computation which
had been made of all the meridian-circle observations of the lunar
crater Mosting A had not actually provided the orbital path of the
moon's center of mass, but only the path of a point oscillating about
the true center of mass as the result of the effects of the libration on
the radius of the lunar disc. Furthermore, these oscillations are not
only of a periodic type, but have an average value different from zero
in latitude, because of the systematic difference between the northern
and the southern radial extensions of the moon. Yakovkin had already
proposed replacing the simple circular shape of the southern limb of
the moon with a lore refined two-parameter curve, in the reduction of
the observations. He(821) (1955) pointed out that there are two
different ways to consider these, effacts of the varying shape of the
The first possibility is to apply corrections to the measured
positions of points at the moon's limb, so that the radius of the
"reduced" apparent radius becomes independent of the libration. The
second method is to compute the differential corrections which ha;rto
be applied to the constants of the physical libration, as they have been
previously obtained from uncorrected observations, in order to free
these constants from the errors which had been introduced by the previous
neglect of limb or radius corrections.
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Since quite a number of observational series have already
been evaluated on the basis of uncorrected radii, this second method is
very desirable for the systematic correction of all the earlier results.
These corrections are derived by Yakovkin for the earlier results of
Banachiewicz's series of observations from 1910 to 1915. Of principal
interest is the relatively large correction, +0.10, to the earlier
value of the important dynamic constant f, leading to f = 0.85 ? 0.04
for the larger of the two possible solutions for f. (It still remains
an open question whether this value or the smaller one on the other side
of the critical value of f is the true one.) Apparently, the value of
f derived from the observations is very sensitive with respect to any
small variations of the assumed mass center of the moon. It is
significant that, on the basis of the improved constants, the residuals
of the lunar ephemeris, which in latitude had been of the order of
-0'5 to -0'5 before these corrections were applied, are now reduced to
an average of zero. In other words, after the introduction of the
proper center of mass into the reductions of the meridian-circle ob-
servations of the moon, the observed positions of the moon are in
perfect agreement with gravitational theory.
This paper is a natural outgrowth of the recent findings by
Yakovkin, Belikovich, and others concerning the shape of the lunar
disc, because, on the basis of the related observational discoveries."...
it had become clear that the concept of the "center of the moon" needed
further refinement: By his discussion of these refinements and of the
necessary formulas, and his application of them to one series of
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observations, the author has further distinguished himself as an
essential contributor to this field.
Khabibu1lin(251) (1954), in his paper on certain simple
modifications in the method of determining the physical libration of
the moon, starts with historical considerations of the heliometric
observations of the moon which have been made at Kazan' using the
instrument constructed by Repsold in 1874. Although it became evident
from the results of the various series of observations that, as time
went on, the accuracy of the results was decreasing somewhat, probably
because of the continued wear and tear on the instrument, astronomers at
Kazan' have been skeptical about using photographic methods instead.
This was mainly due to the fact that, in the determination of position
angles by the photographic method, a large error of the zero point or,
rather, zero direction is possible. On the other hand, angular dif-
ferences can be determined very accurately by the photographic method.
The author develops a method, using Cracovians, in which the
uncertainty of the zero direction has no bad effect on the results.
This method is very similar to Banachiewicz's. Contrary to Koziel's
work, the author does not introduce rectangular coordinates but stays
with the polarcoordinates; he has the opinion that this will improve the
accuracy, too, because., even for the heliometric observations, polar
coordinates are the direct result of the measurements.
The final test of the author's proposed method will have to
be made in practical applications. The author deserves credit, however,
for pointing Out the practical possibility of good results from a
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photographic method. This may well be the method of the future in this
kind of work, if the general trend towards photographic methods proves
applicable in this field, too. The method seems to ue suitable for the
use of modern computing equipment.
Next, Khabibullin(252) (1955) discussed in detail the dif-
ficulties arising in the practical determination of the parameter, f,
of the moon's physical libration. These difficulties are caused by the
fact that, for certain values of the moments of inertia entering into
f, rotation is not stable. The critical value of f is close to 0.662,
but the determinations lead to somewhat different values. The author
points out that, because of the existence of this singularity, it
actually becomes necessary to include higher order terms in the other-
wise linear equations of condition, and that this circumstance leads to
the result that, in general, two different values of f are obtained
from the solutions. The two results are located on different sides of
the critical value. On the basis of the existing methods, it was not
possible to arrive at a rigorous decision about the "real" value of f.
Considering this failure or breakdown of the methods, caused by the
nonlinearity of the equations of condition, the author proposes and
uses a new method which avoids this trouble. Instead of solving for
f itself, the author solves (making use of Lagrange's relative extremum
concept) for two unknowns, a3 and ak, which are actually functions of f
and thus related with each other. Then, the application of the method
to the existing series of observations leads to the finding that only
one value is obtained for f from each series; for the corresponding
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second value, the process of solution becomes divergent, and the other
f value is discarded. The combined result from all the series is
f = 0.60 ? 0.02. The author concludes that Hayn's value, which is still
being used in the Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch, should be abandoned
in favor of the new value.
Khabibullin first presented a good and clear demonstration of
the cause of the difficulties in the practical determinations of f;
then, he devised a method which actually overcomes these difficulties and
leads to one, nonambigudus result for this fundamental quantity.
Obviously, this is a rather valuable contribution, the merits of which
are to be found in the new mathematical treatment of the conditional
solution is
Although none of the basic elements of the process of
in itself, the author has to be credited with the proper
of an ambiguity
of these elements, and with the resulting
which, for a long time, prevented a satis-
factory determination of the proper value of f.
Yakovkin(820) (1954) undertook a new discussion of the moon's
libration, based on all the available series of observations, and came
to the conclusion that the very small free-libration term is real, in
spite Of the wide scattering of the values for the amplitude at a
given date, which had been found from earlier discussions. His new
results are obtained by deriving the second approximation for the physi-
cal libration, after determining the quantities of the free-libration
term; the scatter in the amplitude values from the various series is
reduced to about 60?.
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Yakovkin's discovery of the dependence of the radius of the
moon's disc on the libration in latitude revealed the need for refine-
ments in the reductions of observations of points on the limb of the
moon, in order to determine the position of the true center of mass
for comparison with the lunar ephemeris. In the lunar maps by Hayn
and Weimer, this necessity was not taken into account; the heights of
points given in these maps are referred to various normal or niveau
surfaces, rather than to one system.
In the preparation of improved maps of the moon's limb,
Nefed lyev(485) (1957) undertook the task of deriving the so-called
selenoid (corresponding to the geoid in the case of the earth) from six
series of heliometric lunar observations obtained at Kazan' during
the last 50 years. The new reference surface, which is determined as a
gravitational equipotential surface, is linked with about 6,000 heights
measured during these 50 years. The equations of condition express the
requirement that the reduced measurements are independent of the optical
libration, and the additional requirement that the remaining lunar
residuals (observation minus ephemeris) in latitude have the character
of random errors. From the least-squares solutions determining the
selenoid, it is found that the remaining mean error of the individual.
measured heights on the moon's surface is ? 0V20.
The author has presented a condensed report on the accomplish-
ment of a rather important task. Although the aspects of his work are
mostly technical, the results are important for the -.1uuction of future
lunar observations, and, apparently, they have been derived with great
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care. The observational material was readily available from the
consistent series obtained at Kazan' over five decades.
7. Cosmogony
In the first paragraph of his article on the criterion of tidal
stability and its application in cosmogony, Fesenkov(196) (1951) treated
the tidal stability of a condensation in a rotating diffuse medium,
assuming that no collisions between the particles are involved. It is
found that a density of 5 > 2.5 70., where M is the disturbing or
central mass and P the distance of this mass, guarantees the stability
of such a condensation. For Roche's well-known problem of a close
satellite of fluid consistency, a similar expression for the minimum
density of a stable body is derived; a numerical coefficient of 3.52,
instead of 2.5 as above, is used. For a more rapidly rotating satellite,
this figure is even larger, and, therefore, a rotating satellite requires
a larger minimum distance from its primary in order to be stable.
Paragraph 2 introduces the effect of collisions between the
particles into the preceding Investigation; this leads to an approximate
factor of 10, or to 5 ) 10 for stable satellites.
In Paragraph 3, Fesenkov applies the criterion of tidal stability
to various cosmogonical problems. Inserting, for example, the known
average diameters and mutual distances of the globular clusters into
the stability equation, assuming that, in this equation, the sign of
equality would ttpproximately characterize the original density of stars
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per unit volume before the contraction into dense clusters began,
Fesenkov finds that masses of the clusters should be of the order of
107,000 to 340,000 solar masses; actually, they are estimated to be
between 250,000 and400,000 solar masses. Taking this rather good agree-
ment as proof of the significance of the criterion of tidal stability
for the formation of the globular clusters, Fesenkov also concludes
that the size of the galaxy cannot have changed appreciably since these
clusters originated, because, otherwise, R would not be of the same
order and different results would be obtained. The average distances
between individual stars in the neighborhood of the sun are in good
agreement with the one computed from M = 1011 solar masses and R =
8,000 parsecs. In this case, the application of the criterion of tidal
stability leads to Et = 10-22 gr/cm3, and r 2. 105 astronomical units
for a volume containing one solar mass. The third application deals
with the original masses of the planets in the solar system; here,
Fesenkov's ideas and results resemble closely G. P. Kuiper's concept
(1949) of the origin and development of the solar system.
This is a paper of considerable interest to the field of cosmogony.
Kuiper was the first to recognize the importance of tidal stability
in the gravitational field of the sun for the formation of the planets
of the solar system. Fesenkov's investigation, which does not go so
far as Kuiper's work with regard to the solar system, undoubtedly con-
firms the universal significance of the concept of tidal stability.
Although Kuiper systematically developed the detailed consequences for
an explanation of the various observed properties of the planetary
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system (not only of the so-called Bode law, as in the present paper),
Fesenkov's contribution is especially significant, because it seems to
demonstrate the validity of this basic cosmogonic concept for the
stellar system as a whole. Apparently, the author was not aware of,
or chose to ignore, Kuiper's somewhat earlier work on the planetary
Idlis(229) (1952) applied the criterion of tidal stability, in the
form given to it by Fesenkov, to the systems of regular satellites of
Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. It is found that, in each of these
systems, the distribution of the mean distances of the satellites from
their primaries follows the same general law. In each case, only one
parameter enters this law, and this parameter depends essentially on
the total mass of the corresponding system. Basically, this distance
law is the same as that which is satisfied by the distribution of the
major planets in the solar system.
This is another significant contribution, because it strengthens
the universal importance of the criterion of tidal stability for the
original formation of the planetary and satellite systems. As in
Fesenkov's paper, no reference is made to Kuiper's earlier and almost
identical results. Although in the history of science there are
instances where nearly the same findings were made by different men, at
the present time it is rather puzzling that, three years after Kuiper
published his basic ideas in the Astrophysical Journal, the Soviet
papers contained no reference to Kuiper's work. Notwithstanding the
duplication of the essential results, Idlis makes a very thorough
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evaluation of the satellite data in order to arrive at his results.
Also in 1952, Idlis(230) presented a critical review of three
different "laws" that have been offered to explain the distribution of
planetary distances from the sun. He shows, in particular, that the
law of 0. Yu. Shmidt does not satisfactorily represent the planetary
distances, regardless of the value chosen for the parameter X. Only
if a different value of X is chosen for each pair of planets can their
mutual distance be represented. This failure of Shmidt's law is
demonstrated, also, for the satellites of Saturn by the proper numerical
evaluation for the most suitable values of X. Furthermore, it is
pointed out that Shmidt's law lacks any physical foundation and represents
only a purely arithmetical construction. Essentially the same criticism
is leveled against the law proposed by Gurevich and Lebedinskiy. It is
shown that this law also fails to account for the actual distribution
of the mean distances of the planets, and that it also lacks any
solid physical basis. Fesenkov's explanation of the distances, as a con-
sequence of the significance of the criterion of tidal stability for
the formation of the planets and satellites, is verified by Idlis by
means of a comparison of theoretical and actual distances. The author
praises Fesenkov's law as the only one which is based on sound physical
considerations. Again, G. P. Kuiper's theory of the origin of the
solar system is not mentioned at all.
Fesenkov and Idlis are developing and accepting the same basic
principles that were developed by Kuiper. Idlis' paper is a very sound
criticism of certain other contributions; it lends substantial support
to Fesenkov's (and thus to Kuiper's) results.
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In his paper on the group determination of hypothetical orbits of
the nearest stars, Polak (560) (1937) assumes that the orbital motions
of the stars in the close neighborhood of the sun can be ascribed ap-
proximately to the gravitational action of a central mass, M, concen-
trated at the distance, RI from the galactic center, and that the stars
under consideration move approximately within the galactic plane. The
motions of the individual stars are applied to the following theorem:
"If meteors moving in a common orbital plane, and in orbits with the
same parameter, k, meet in one single intersection point, then the ends
of the velocity vectors at the time of the passage through this point
lie on a straight line parallel to the radius vector." This theorem is
deduced from the integral of areas. Assuming its applicability to the
orbits of the stars moving within a small region in the close neighbor-
hood of the sun, Polak is able to show that orbital eccentricities
between 0.1 and 0.2 would be most suitable to represent the observed
stellar motions.
Polak has applied some fundamental and simple features of orbital
motion in the field of a central mass to the local star system. Although
such applications to the motions of stars call for caution, it seems
that certain characteristics of orbital motion may be transferred from
one dynamic system to another, as long as the concept of two-body orbits
can be used at all. Wiii.lecessary limitations of such methods in
mind, Polak's paper is of some interest. The deductions, as such, are
simple, and the evaluation is essentially numerical, being based on the
velocities of 293 stars with parallaxes of at least OV05 according to
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Reyn(E --AC - (1933) considered a central mass, M01 imbedded in a
dust medium (formed by small particles) of density k(r), where r is the
distance from the central mass. Inside the dust medium, a point, or
condensation, J, of mass V moves around Mo in a circular orbit so that
the scheme is that of the restricted three-body problem applied to a
cloud of particles, instead of to a single one. In the first section
of Chapter I, the equationsof motion for J rotating around Mo are
derived, and a pseudo-Jacobi integral is obtained, depending on the mass,
M(r), contained in the sphere of radius
alone. The density distribution, k(r),
r around Mo, instead
of on Mo
is supposed to be of such a
kind that the central core of the nebula is rather massive, compared with
the outer regions.
In Section 2, it is shown that five double points of the surfaces
of zero velocity exist, as in the classical restricted problem of three
bodies, and Section 3 reveals the fact that the structure of these
surfaces of zero velocity is quite analogous to the structure of the
surfaces of Hill's equation in the classical problem. Reyn concludes
that the ovaloid around J, which has a double point with the larger
ovaloid around Mo on the line connecting Mo with J, can be defined as
a "boundary" surface around the condensation J. If all the particles
are initially at rest in the rotating coordinate system, then none
of the particles inside this boundary surface will subsequently leave
the closed region around J. The author thinks that all this matter may
ultimately condense into a planet and its satellites, provided that the
original development of such a condensation is possible on physical
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grounds (which problem is not investigated here). The author limits
herself to the computation of the mass which is contained inside the
boundary surface, depending on three different density laws. In
Chapter II this is done by neglecting the attraction of the nebula on
its own particles; in Chapter III, this effect is included, insofar as
the nebular mass inside the sphere of radius r is concerned. The author
finds that the so-called Schuster law, k(r) - , in
(1 + X2 Y24
dependence on the distance between Mo and J, leads to lower limits of
the planetary mass which are in reasonable agreement with the actual
present mass distribution in the solar system. The original mass inside
the zero-velocity boundary surface is considered to be a lower limit
of the final planetary mass, because of the possible addition of
extraneous particles whose surfaces of zero velocity are open ones.
Even though it is relatively simple from the mathematical point
of view, Reyn's investigation is of interest in connection with cosmogoni-
cal problems. Although today, astronomers are inclined to believe that
not more than one per cent of the original solar nebula consisted of
solid particles, and that the remaining 99 per cent was gas, and, for
this reason,-the author's scheme appears to be too simple for a success-
ful application to the problems of the origin and development of the
planets, her analysis may still be useful as a component part of future,
more comprehensive studies.
Radziyevskiy (614) (1953) studied the motion of two material points
inside a homogeneous and spherical cloud of dust. He assumes that the
density of the cloud is sufficiently small so that no friction hampers
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the orbital motion of the two material points. The acting forces are
determined by the gravitational interaction of the two masses and by
the gravitational action of the cloud. The differential equations of
motion under these circumstances include the so-called Hook terms. It
is shown that the motion of the two point masses can be found by
quadratures involving elliptical integrals. The existence of such a
solution is demonstrated, but the corresponding elliptical function is
not explicitly given.
This is a sound and fruitful contribution, and the results should
be useful in connection with certain cosmogonical problems. The deduc-
tions themselves are not very difficult, and the author deserves credit
mostly for the basic ideas in the paper. Certainly, the author demon-
strates his familiarity with the theory, and his competence.
In a later paper, Radziyevskiy (616) (1954) considered the problem
of two point masses, ml and m2, moving inside a spherically distributed
third mass, m3. In the case of constant or nearly constant density of
the distributed mass m3' and assuming this density to be so small that
the motion of m1 and m2 is not affected by any noticeable resistant
force, the gravitational action of m3 on ml and m2 is expressed by
Hook's law, which says that this attraction is proportional to the
corresponding distance from the center of m3. A rather trivial theorem
that the mass center, G, of n point masses, moving inside the m3
distribution, moves in a fixed plane and with constant areal velocity
with respect to the center of m3 - is presented and proved. A second
theorem says that the relative motion of ml and m2, in the more limited
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case of three masses, m m2' and m3' is independent of the motion of
m3 with respect to mi or m2. Here, m3 means the center of mass m3'
Less trivial is the third theorem, stating that the relative motion of
m2 with respect to m1 is determined by a combined relative force, which
is the sum of the Newtonian and Hook attractions. A fourth theorem says
that the osculating orbital plane of the relative motion of mi and m2
has a translatory motion with respect to m3. The fifth theorem, finally,
states that m1 and m2 will have to collide in the special case where
the projections of the velocities of mi and m2 (relative to the center
of m3) onto the normal to the direction m1 12 are equal. The author
also gives the analytical expression for the energy integral of this
problem. All these theoretical results are then applied to the problem
of the dissolution of groups of stars in star systems.
Assuming that the periphery ofoa galactic system rotates approxi-
mately as a rigid body, as far as the density distribution is concerned,
the maximum distance of two stars, ml and m2, under certain starting
conditions is computed. For initial velocities, the author considers
a parabolic relative velocity and a velocity 10 times larger. In each
case, he finds a permanent separation of the two masses, ml and m2'
to be impossible, because an upper limit of.moderate size exists for the
maximum distance. From this result, it is concluded that, in the
neighborhood of the sun, the dissolution of star groups or clusters must
be much less frequent or slower than previously thought, because, in
this region of the galaxy, the "quasi-elastic" attraction according to
. Hook's law amonts to roughly 20 per cent of the Newtonian attraction
bei;tween close individual stars.
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The purely mathematical part of this paper is correct and even of
definite interest (except for the first, rather trivial theorems).
However, the author's application of his work to the dissolution of
star groups has been severely criticized by Ruprekht and Vanysek(654).
This criticism clearly is justified. Radziyevskiy computed the maximum
distances of his two masses, ml and m2, by means of the equation for
the surface of zero velocity. However, at such large distances from
the center of the galaxy, the related surface of zero velocity has no
points in the xly- or galactic plane, and the stability claimed by
Radziyevskiy actually applies to the z coordinate only.
Safronov(659) (1951) investigated the question of whether the
planets could have originated from the rapidly rotating sun in accordance
with the Laplacian hypothesis. Assuming that the maximum possible
mass of a rotating star is the one for which the centrifugal acceleration
equals (in the opposite direction) the gravitational acceleration, the
author computes a table that gives the ratios of the maximum possible
masses and of the related angular momenta of the sun to their present
values, dependent on the parameter ?, which measures the departure of
the star from uniformity. It is further assumed that the loss of mass
follows the mass-luminosity relation = - 401n with n = 3.9. If
the mass of the sun decreased by five times its present mass in
5 x 10 years, then the present loss would be 4 x 1015 gr/sec, or
about 1,000 times the corresponding loss by radiation. Nothing such as
-this has been observed yet. The table also shows that Neptune could
not have formed from original solar mass for any reasonable values of
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? . For a very extreme value of p, which is physically not acceptable,
the relations could formally be satisfied by an original maximum mass
150 times the present solar mass. From all these results, Safronov
draws the convincing conclusion that the planets cannot have formed
in accordance with the Laplacian hypothesis.
In the remainder of the paper, the author studies the modifications
of the previous results that would become necessary in consequence of
the spheroidal shape of a rapidly rotating sun, of deviations from the
assumed solid-body rotation, and of the loss of mass in the prestellar
state. The fundamental character of the results remains unchanged.
Essentially, Safronov has demonstrated something that was known
before, namely, that the planets presently possess almost all the
rotaticnal momentum in the solar system (98 per cent), whereas the sun
carries only two per cent of it. This leads to the failure of the
original Laplacian hypothesis. The author deserves credit, however,
for the systematic and comprehensive manner in which this is demonstrated.
8. Cosmology of Small Bodies
in the Solar System
The problem of the origin and evolution of comets, asteroids,
meteors, and meteorites can be considered from the astrophysical point
of view, that is, using observational data on the spectra, brightness,
structure, etc. of such bodies; it can be treated also from the point
of view of celestial mechanics, that is, from a consideration of their
orbits. Papers by Soviet astronomers on both aspects of the probleth are
quite numerous. Here, an attempt has been made to digest only some of
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the many Soviet papers in which data are treated by the methods of
celestial mechanics.
a. Origin of Comets
The problem of the origin of comets (and even of the origin
of the entire solar system) is at present in a state of flux. Many
papers are being written on this subject, and quickly forgotten. The
difficulty is manyfold. First, in view of the established age of the
terrestrial crust, i.e., of the order of four billion years, and of the
rapidity with which comets disintegrate, they cannot be coeval with the
planets, and some other mechanism of their origin must be sought. Second,
the present orbits of comets are the result of age-long perturbative
action by the planets and, if any conclusions are to be made on the
basis of the study of orbits, the influence of these perturbations must
be eliminated. Third, comets are usually observed only in a very short
interval of their heliocentric path, and computation of the whole orbit
(for instance, the position of the aphelion) is, of necessity, an
extrapolation. Last, diffuse bodies, as most comets are, cannot be
observed with the same accuracy as stars or planets, and conclusions
based on the measurement of their positions are vitiated by all sorts
of systematic errors.
It is no wonder, then, that the opinions of qualified
astronomers differ sharply on these problems. The diversity of opinion
among Soviet astronomers is as striking as anywhere else.
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(1). Ejection Theory
The ejection theory postulates the continuous ejection
of comets from the surface of major planets due to some explusion process.
This theory is very old and can be traced back to Lagrange (1814), in
whose time the major planets were considered incandescent, more or less
like the sun. With present knowledge of the conditions prevailing on
the major planets, this theory appears to be unlikely, to say the least.
Nevertheless, it was revived and defended by S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy in
a number of papers(796,799802) . Vsekhsvyatskiy starts with his
estimate of the age of short-period comets and comes to the conclusion
that it cannot be greater than a hundred years or so. This argument
has been criticized very severely in the U.S.S.R. and abroad. According
to Vsekhsvyatskiy, short-period comets must be continually forming in
the solar system, and the place of their formation is the planet
The conditions for this presumed expulsion of matter
from the planet Jupiter have never been worked out satisfactorily by
Vsekhsvyatskiy. This theory was severely criticized by A. Corlin
(Zeitschrift fur Astrophysik, 1938, Vol 15, p 239) and others; finally,
a detailed criticism was published by A. J. J. Van Woerkom (Bulletin
of the Astronomical Institute of T-5,1rNetheTlands, 1948, Vol 10, p 445).
The latter criticism apparently resulted in a very definite condemnation
of Vsekhsvyatskiy's point of view by the Commission on Comets and
Meteors of the Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R.
(Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, Akademii Nauk 1950, Nr 101-102).
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The resolution reads in part: "The hypothesis of ejection has not been
properly developed. It is not shown how the proposed mechanical scheme
can explain the observed orbits of comets, and particularly their
distribution in respect to periods and inclination to the ecliptic....
The hypothesis of ejection in its present form has no followers and
cannot be considered as representing the point of view of all or of the
majority of Soviet astronomers".
In spite of this censure, Vsekhsvyatskiy continues to
publish articles defending his point of view; however, he has made
the satellites of Jupiter, and other planets including Venus, the parents
of comets. In his latest paper on the subject (802), he repeats his old
arguments, completely ignoring the essay by his own pupil,
P. G. Dukhanovskiy(179) (1954), which is a solid piece of research
applying the idea of ejection from the surface of Jupiter to 53 short-
period comets of the Jupiter group. The problem was to see whether
this hypothesis would explain the actually observed distribution of
orbital elements of the comets of that group. The result was entirely
negative, so these comets could not have originated from the surface
of Jupiter. The same argument applies with even greater force to the
other planets.
Vsekhsvyatskiy is an astrophysicist who is either unable
to understand, or does not take cognizance of, the arguments of celestial
mechanics; he bases his entire theory on rather questionable data of
astrophysics and the even more questionable distinction between short-
period and long-period comets. There is nothing wrong with his
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hypothesis; in fact, the possibility of explosions on surfaces of planets,
which result in the formation of small cosmic bodies, has recently been
argued on the basis of geophysical data (4. H. Ramsey and others,
Monthly Notices, Royal Astronomical Society, 1950, Vol 110, pp 325-338).
This work is apparently unknown to Vsekhsvyatskiy, who never
mentions it (thus missing a very strong argument in favor of his theory).
However, any astronomical theory has to be developed logically and
compared with observations; this Vsekhsvyatskiy has not done. This was
the point of the criticism of his work by the Astronomical Council,
which, in this case, acted as would a scientific body anywhere in the
world if it were called upon to pronounce judgment on a piece of
investigation. In the 4est, however, no such official action takes place;
a theory would be criticized by other astronomers individually.
(2). Interstellar Theory
According to this theory, which was first proposed by
Laplace, comets represent condensations of interstellar media which
were picked up by the sun in its journey through space. This theory
was considered in great detail by Schiaparelli, Fabry, Von Niessl, and
others, and was recently revived by the British astronomer Lyttleton.
The observational check of this theory consists of a
comparison of the distribution of the eccentricities of the orbits of
comets, but the entire theory depends on the assumed distribution of
comets in space, about which little is known.
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The Soviet contributions to this theory consist primarily
of a series of memoirs by N. D. Moiseyev(425,426) . The treatment is
strictly mathematical and includes complicated formulas which are of no
value whatever for the solution of the problem since the assumed
velocity distribution of comets with respect to the sun is quite
unlikely. There is practically no attempt to compare the picture so
derived with observational data.
More or less along the same lines is the reasoning of
0. Yu. Shmidt(709); in his cosmogonical theory, however, comets are a
minor item, and the subject of their origin is not elaborated upon to a
sufficiently convincing degree. Shmidt's cosmogonical theory is
important, not so much for its intrinsic worth, as for the fact that it
has been extensively discussed in the U.S.S.R. and has given impetus
to other investigations in the problem of n-bodies.
(3). Collision Theory
In this theory, it is assumed that comets are formed by
collisions between small bodies in the solar system, which gradually
reduce the originally large pieces of matter to small particles. The
theory was proposed by S. V. Orlov, but he did not develop it beyond
suggesting the possibility of such collisions.
A much more serious approach to the problem was taken
by V. G. Fesenkov. The existence of small bodies in the solar system is
indisputable (i.e., asteroids, meteors, and meteorites). Fesenkov
assumed that they are the result of the explosion of a planet, which
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used to be between Mars and Jupiter; the problem, then, is to trace
the evolution of the debris left by this planet. Fesenkov considered
the effect of perturbations of the nearest stars(189,197) and concluded
that these perturbations would not explain the observed distribution of
the aphelia of comets, and that comets must be considered as members
of the solar system. Recently, the same problem was treated in a more
refined way by K. A. Shteyns(713) (1955), who arrived at practically
identical conclusions. Both these investigations were based on the idea
of the motion of a particle about two stationary centers (the sun and
the star), a necessary simplification without which the problem would
be insoluble, but one which undermines the validity of the solution if
the long intervals of time involved are considered. Further, Fesenkov
shows that the debris of the explosion of the original planet would be
removed to great distances from the sun; it eventually would be forced
back to the sun by the perturbations produced by the nearest stars.
This theory shows great similarity to the now-accepted theory of the
Dutch astronomer Oort, who did not notice Fesenkov's work.
b. Comets and Meteors
(1). Meteoric Radiants
The cannection.oe comets with some meteoric streams was
proved by Schiaparelli nearly 100 years ago. Much work on this subject
was done by Bredikhin, whose papers have recently been reprinted by the
U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences.
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Soviet papers on individual meteoric streams and their
radiants are very numerous (27,40,181,309,310,384,793 1833,834). Of the
more extensive Soviet papers on meteoric radiants, the following are of
note. N. N. Sytinskaya(716) (1952) published a catalogue of 827 meteoric
radiants and the orbits corresponding to them. Only a few of these
radiants can be safely identified with individual comets, but further
connection is reported from time to time. Of a similar nature are the
catalogues of Muzafarov (479) (1940) and Bakharev(41) (1938).
E. N. Kramer adopted a different point of view. In his
extensive paper(310) (1953), he computes the position of the radiants of
280 comets for future identification of the observed radiants of individ-
ual comets. This paper represents a large piece of work of obvious
value. All known methodsof computing the nearest approach between the
orbits of the earth and a comet are analyzed; that of A. D. Dubyago( 126)
(1949) is considered the most precise. However, for a large-scale
calculation, Dubyago's method is too cumbersome, and Kramer develops
his own, partially graphic, method.
(2). Formation of Meteors
In view of the proved connection of some meteoric streams
with comets, the process of-Cae disi-eAtgration of cometary nucliVi needs
to be considered. At the present time, there is available considerable
information about the physical processes in comets, which permits some
opinion to be formed as to the phenomena and Mechanism involved in the
disintegration of comets.
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According to Bredikhin's theory, meteors originate from
the anomalous tails of comets.
Recently, Babadzhanov(32), in his monograph on the
problem of the origin of ueteoric streams, presented a very thorough
review of the theory of cometary synchrones, with a detailed applica-
tion of this theory to Comet 1901 I. He considered also the available
data on the velocities of particles in the halos surrounding cometary
nuclei, and the theory of anomalous tails. He shows that these three
classes of observed phenomena are of the same nature and represent a
synchronic phenomenon
order of 1 km/sec.
In the
considered the orbits
with rather small velocities of ejection of the
second part
of the
investigation, Babadzhanov
of comets and of generated meteors, and applied
Moiseyev's theory (467) (l95) of averaging secular perturbations from
major planets. The result for Comet 1862 III and the Perseid meteors
(for which the data are most reliable) is not very encouraging. The
minimum possible velocity of meteors with respect to the nucleus of this
comet was found to be about equal to the maximum velocity of the particles
in the synchrones. The idea of the origin of meteors from synchrones
of comets must
therefore be abandoned.
This paper is important from the point oi view of the
scientific problems considered in it; it also is an example of work
carried out on a definite long-range program of meteoric study at the
rather small Stalinabad Observatory. The participants in this program
(Katasev, Bakharev, Dobrovol'skiy, and Babadzhanov) show some familiarity
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with the results of astrophysical research and the methods of celestial
The problem of the origin of meteors from comets was
considered also by A. D. Dubyago(127) (1950). He shows that a swarm
of particles forming the nucleus of a comet must have some components
of rather large size to survive at all. With frequent collisions, the
size of the particles decreases, until some of them are expelled from
the nucleus to form meteoric streams. The velocity of expulsion is
found to be rather high - of the order of 5 km/sec. This is in agree-
ment with the results of Babadzhanov and of Voroshilov(794), and also
with results published in the West. 4hipp1e and Hamid (Harvard College
Observatory Reprint Nr 561, 1951) found that, in order to explain the
observed connection between Encke's Comet and the Taurid meteor stream,
the velocity of separation must be of the order of 3 km/sec.
The problem of the division of comets, which must
ultimately result in the formation of meteoric streams, was considered
by S. V. Orlov(548).
He presented a detailed discussion of the
remarkable group of comets with short perihelion distances (Comets
1882 II, 1893 I, and others). In another paper on the general problem
of the evolution of comets, S. V. Orlov(550) tried to establish the
existence of a number of genetically connected comet groups.
This aspect of the problem was further developed'ty
Vodop'yanov4786), who, in a very substantial piece of work, investigated
the possibility of the intersection of cometary orbits. The existence
of intersections is a very strong argument in favor of the common
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41! origin of groups of comets. On this basis, she established the existence
of 27 groups of comets, each group presumably having a common origin.
c. Comets!, Meteorites,
and Asteroids
The connection between comets and meteors has been established
beyond doubt; the suspected connection of comets with meteorites and
asteroids is still very much in dispute. So far as meteorites are
concerned, the main difficulty lies in the undertainty of their orbits,
since their motion near the earth cannot be foreseen and is usually
observed by untrained individuals.
The heliocentric paths of individual meteorites are often
computed in the U.S.S.R. It has been found that meteorite orbits are
very much like those of some asteroids; these results are in complete
agreement with ilestern work. Of more general interest are the results
of I. S. Astapovich(22) (1939), who analyzed the orbits of 66 meteorites.
He found a connection between the orbits of eight meteorites and,
Comet 1790 III, which also has four meteoric showers assigned to it.
Six other comets also were found to move in the same orbits as six
Astapovich's paper represents a monumental work considering
the amount of data which had to be analyzed and interpreted. Unfortur
nately, it contains systematic errors in the determination of meteor
velocity (later proved by Wylie), all of which make his conclusion, that
most meteorites are of cosmic origin, incorrect. Also, he attributed
some meteorite falls to comets on the basis of doubtful observations.
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A recent trend is to consider meteorites to be closely linked
to asteroids. The heliocentric orbits of the two classes of bodies are
very similar, and some astronomers accept the theory that meteorites
are simply very small asteroids that happened to come close to the
orbit of the earth.
The great Sikhote-Alin iron meteorite of February 12, 1947,
was extensively observed in the Soviet Far East. Its heliocentric
orbit was calculated by V. G. Fesenkov(199) (1951) and it turned out
to be very much like that of the asteroids Apollo and Hermes, which
also can approach the earth very closely. The weak point of this result
lies in the velocity; an error of 2 or 3 km/sec would alter the shape of
the orbit quite substantially. The original mass of this meteorite
was estimated by Fesenkov to be 1,000 tons, which makes its diameter
of the order of several meters. The Sikhote-Alin meteorite may represent
one of those tiny asteroids which are too small to be observed, but
whose existence appears to be certain.
Since many short-period comets move in orbits very similar
to those of asteroids, and since some comets have very little coma and
sometimes even appear to be perfectly stellar, some astronomers have
expressed the idea that the two classes of bodies are of the same
origin. However, there is a more rigorous test of this idea, based on
, theproperties of,Ithe orbits.
Adopting the idea of the restricted three-body problem (sun,
Jupiter, and an asteroid of insignificant mass), and assuming the motion
of both Jupiter and the asteroid in circular orbits, the equations (in
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rotating coordinate axes) can be integrated. The expression for the
square of the velocity of the asteroid involves the Jacobi constant, h.
By a principle of dynamics, the Jacobi constant must preserve its value
during the whole time of existence of a celestial body. It follows,
then, that if the Jacobi constants for the asteroids and comets are
computed, the question of the common origin of such bodies can be put
on a more reliable basis.
The computation of Jacobi constants for so many objects is,
of course, no easy matter, even with the simplifications introduced by
adopting circular orbits and considering perturbations from Jupiter
alone. A. Klose, a Latvian astronomer, computed these constants for
14D19 asteroids (Vierteljahrschrift der Astromischen Gesellschaft, 1928,
Vol 63, p 333) using some simplifications. Nevertheless, even from
Klose's approximate calculations, the Jacobi constants for asteroids are
not distributed entirely at random.
An extensive study of the problem was made by
A. N. Chibisov (115-117) (1936 and 1939), who computed Jacobi constants
for 1,264 asteroids', also using approximating methods. The constants
for all but seven asteroids are between the limits (multiplied by 107)
805 and 1075. The most conspicuous exceptions are the asteroids Eras
(h = 1301.9) and Hidalgo (h = 581.3), both of which move in very
eccentric orbits. Among the remaining asteroids whose Jacobi constants
fall between the indicated limits, six groups are indicated. Further
work by Chibisov deals with the problem of the stability of motion of
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41iChibisov deserves to be criticized for neglecting the inclina-
tions, i, in the last and most important part of his paper(115) (1939),
especially after he criticized 'close for computing the h-values without
including i.
The Jacobi constants for 70 periodic comets were computed by
T. V. Vodop'yanova(785) (1939). These constants for the short-period
comets of the Jupiter family range between 639.9 and 859.2; these values
only slightly overlap the limits for the asteroids. Only six short-period
comets of very different physical characteristics fall within the
limits of the Jacobi constants for asteroids and, at that, they are
very close to the lower limit (h from 836 to 859). It may be concluded,
then, that short-period comets of the Jupiter group and asteroids have
different origins.
As far as other comets are concerned, their Jacobi constants
have nothing in common with each other or with those of the asteroids.
In this connection, the work of the Japanese astronomer
HiraYama, who considered the problem of the structure of the asteroidal
ring, should be mentioned. Hirayama introduced the so-called "proper
elements", that is, the combination of orbital elements that will not
change in time due to perturbations by the planets. Hirayama found
five asteroidal families, the members of which must have common origins.
Hirayama's results were refined by the U. S. astronomer
D. Brouwer )Astronomical Journal, 1951, Vol 56, p 9), who investigated
1,537 asteroids and found indications of the existence of 28 families.
Apparently unknown to Brouwer, N. Shtaude, as early as 1925, had extended
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Hirayama's work and found the existence of 20 families (71O). Both
Brouwer and Shtaude found that the Flora family has four subdivisions,
and, in fact, some of Brouwer's results were anticipated by Shtaude.
Further contributions to the problem of the evolution of
asteroids were made by G. A. Chebotarev(97,98) (1953 and 1954). He
considered the most remote asteroids of the Hilda group (with mean
daily motions of 444" to 456", that is, close to a 2:3 ratio of the
daily motions of Jupiter and the asteroid). He applied his own
theory(96) (1953) of periodic orbits to the problem and computed orbital
elements for 16 asteroids of the Hilda group in the time interval about
1,000 years before and after the present epoch. His most interesting
conclusions concern the gradual changes of the orbital elements of the
asteroids, and the possibility of the close approach of these asteroids
to Jupiter and their conversion into satellites of Jupiter.
Certainly, the planets of the Hilda group seem to be exposed
to rather large perturbations by Jupiter. Considering, however, the
simplifications and lack of rigor in Chebotarev's basic theory, it is
doubtful that his results are sufficiently accurate to represent the
real orbital evolution. It could very well be that a more rigorous
theory might reduce his gradual or "secular" variations to long-period
large fluctuations. As far as is known, this is the only attempt
that has been made to apply the principles of celestial mechanics to
the problem of tracing the evolution of asteroidal orbits during a
2,000-year interval.
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d. Repulsive Forces
With very few exceptions, which were introduced by the theory
of relativity, the motion of larger bodies in the solar system may be
said to follow Newton's gravitational law. However, if the size of the
body becomes of the order of one micron, another force comes into
action - the repulsive force of light pressure. The existence of light
pressure has been proved experimentally and theoretically, and it has
been found to play a role in the universe. Since the Milky Way system
consists partly of diffuse clouds of dust and gases, the motion of
these clouds is controlled, to some extent, by the light pressure of
neighboring stars, especially of B-type stars, which are much more
luminous than the sun.
Generally, the motion of individual particles subject to
light pressure cannot be followed. Cumulative effects must then be
treated in these problems, and the approach is therefore essentially
different from that used in the computation of the orbit of an individual
body. It can also be shown that even in larger bodies, such as
asteroids, where the ratio of light pressure to the gravitational force
is very small, the cumulative effect of light pressure may be
(1). Comets
The tails of comets directed more or less away from the
sun show at once the existence of some repulsive force emanating from
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the sun. It is now identified with light pressure but, in the
mathematical treatment of the problem, no such identification is necessary.
It may be any repulsive force, provided that the ratio, ? 1 of this
repulsive force to the force of gravity actiag on the same particle
remains constant. Denoting the repulsive force as f, then the ratio
? ..-f/k2, where k2 is the Gaussian constant of gravitation; p.
represents the effective repulsive force in units of gravitational force.
Since it is diminished by one unit of the gravitational force, the
total repulsive force acting on the particle is obviously 1 - ?.
Each particle ejected from the nucleus of a comet will
describe an orbit in the neighborhood of the nucleus and eventually
find its way into the tail. The cumulative result of the motion of
these particles is the head of the comet, consisting of halos, jets,
and envelopes, and the tail. The problem, then, is to derive from the
outlines of the head and the tail the motion of particles subject to the
repulsive and attractive forces of both the sun and the nucleus.
Obviously, complete understanding of the nature of comets
cannot result from such a limited statement of the problem. Astro-
physical data, such as data on the spectra, brightness, size, etc., of
comets, as well as celestial-mechanical data, are needed. As was
pointed out elsewhere, the physical processes in come4p have their in-
fluence on the motion of comets, so that celestial mechanics and
astrophysics here are overlapping. In this report, however, attention
is limited to the cometary problems that are obviously connected with
celestial mechanics.
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Russian and Soviet astronomers have, without doubt,
contributed more to this problem than has any other national group.
The first mathematical treatment of cometary forces was given by Bessel,
in 1837, in connection with the appearance of Halley's Comet in 1835.
This work remained largely unnoticed until F. A. Bredikhin (1831-1904)
published an essay on it in 1862; he later developed Bessel's theory to
such an extent that Soviet astronomers refer to the mechanical theory
of cometary forms as the Bessel-Bredikhin Theory, and with considerable
Bredikhin spent most of his active life at the Moscow
Observatory; for a short time he was Director of the Pulkovo Observatory.
He published over 100 papers on the theory of cometary forms, mostly
in the Annals of the Moscow Observatory, but he never presented a full
exposition of this subject. This was done by his friend and collaborator,
R. Jaegermann, in his monumental (over 500 pages) essay
Prof. Dr. Th. Bredichin's Untersuchungen uber Cometenformen
(St. Petersburg, 1903).
Bredikhin's 30 papers on the closely allied subject of
the formation of meteors from comets were collected and published by
Bredikhin himself under the title Etudes sur l'Origine des Meteors
Cosmiques et la Formation de Leur Courants (St. Petersburg, 1903).
This book was recently translated into Russian and published by the
Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., under the title Study of Meteors (1954).
The further development in the U.S.S.R. of the subject of
cometary forms is closely connected with the activity of S. V. Orlov,
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who published these books on the subject:
(1) Mechanical Theory of Cometary Tails, 1928, 83 pp.
(2) Comets, 1935, 196 pp.
The Head of the Comet and Classification of Cometary
forms, 1945, 91 pp.
Hundreds of papers on the mechanical theory of comets have been published
by S. V. Orlov and others in the U.S.S.R. Cognizance cannot be taken
of all these papers and only the most important ones will be discussed
The complexity of the motion of particles in comets is
somewhat alleviated by the fact that only the final result of this
motion is seen, as in outlines of the head or tail of a comet, or in
the gradual recession of condensations in the tail. These condensations
cannot be measured very precisely because of their diffuseness, and the
formulas can be simplified to meet this situation. From the determination
of the velocity of ejection of the particles from the nucleus, it can
be shown that the motion of the ejected particles must be very nearly
in the plane of the orbit of the nucleus. Therefore, two of the
necessary elements, i and R , are identical to those of the nuclear
orbit, and the problem is then to determine the elements a, e, , T,
and the unknown quantity, 1 - ?.
The first problem is to project the observed positions
of the portions of the comet to the plane of the orbit of the nucleus.
It is rather surprising that, in view of the already satisfactory
methods developed by Bessel, four more methods were produced by
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A. Ya. Orlov (Byulleten' Akademii Nauk, 1909, Nr If, p 299), S. V. Orlov
(Trudy Gosudarstvennyy Astrofizicheskiy Institut, 1928, Vol 4, pp 4, 35),
N. D. Moi6eyev(421) (1924), and S. K. Vsekhsvyatskly(795) (1929).
None of these methods has any distinct advantages over the others. -
It can further be shown that the path of a particle
ejected from the nucleus of a comet and subject to the repulsive force
of the sun will depend on the value of If this value is exactly
zero, the motion will be rectilinear; if it is less than zero, the
particle will be moving in the branch of the hyperbola concave to the
sun; and if it is greater than zero, the motion will be in the branch
of the hyperbola convex to the sun.
All these cases occur in practice, the most interesting
and the most usual case being motion in the branch of the hyperbola
convex to the sun.
A contribution to this subject was made by A. Ya. Orlov
in his extensive monograph (Trudy Astronomicheskoye Observatorii
Yur'yeoskoye Universiteta, 1910, Vol 21, p 3). His method of determining
the repulsive-force of the sun (corresponding to the Laplacian method
of determining an ordinary orbit) has been used by Soviet investigators
to obtain seemingly reliable values of the force which might be of
importance in the interpretation of physical conditions in comets.
Modifications of this point of view, proposed by Moiseyev(423,424)
(1925) and by Reyn(629) (1930), amounted to the application of the
Gaussian method; this proved to be of,little use in practice. However,
a critique of A. Ya. Orlov's method shows that it is not so reliable
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as it might seem, and, in fact, the range of solution involving the
orbital elements and the value of 1 - ? is many times greater than the
probable errors of 1 - . Nevertheless, A. Ya. Orlov's method is the
only one in existence that gives at least approximate values of the
repulsive force.
Another method of investigation is to compute the general
outlines of the tail and the head of the comet, assuming a certain
velocity of ejection and a certain value for the repulsive force of the
sun acting on the particles. If all the particles ejected at various
times are moving under the same repulsive force, the equation of a
curve called the syndyname is obtained, which includes only the first
terms of the expansion. If a number of particles ejected at the
same time are subject to various values of the repulsive force, the
equation of the curve called the synchrone results. Finally, the
equation for the outline of the head of the comet, resulting from the
constant emission of particles from the nucleus, is obtained. The
methods of applying these formulas to the visual or photographic
observation of comets have been worked out mainly by S. V. Orlov; they
have been used by him and his pupils, in the case of a number of comets,
without due caution and a critical attitude toward the results. Certain
relationships (such as the occurrence of a multiple value of the
repulsive force) were established, but these relationships never have
been accepted by the astronomical world at large. It was not sufficiently
realized by Orlov that it is impossible now to talk just of the repulsive
force, or of particles in general.
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140-- 1
It is somewhat remarkable that so many papers on this
subject were written by Soviet astronomers. (S. V. Orlov himself
accounted for at least 50 papers on the subject of the mechanics of
comets; practically all of them appeared in the period 1925 to 1940.)
Of the more recent work on this problem, only the investigations of
O. V. Dobrovol'skiy (in the publication of the Stalinabad Observatory)
deserve notice. A serious attempt to combine astrophysical data with
the Bessel-Bredikhin theory of the structure of comets is in evidence
in his work.
Even now, the contributions of Soviet astronomers to
the problem of the structure of comets are impressive quantitatively,
but they have generally adopted other methods of approach, i.e.,
spectroscopic analysis (Poloskov), photometric data (Bakharev,
Vorontsov-Vel'yaminov, and Martynov), or the detailed study of orbits
of the nucleus (Dubyago). Apparently, the attempt to derive by
mathematical analysis the answer to the problem of comets has been
abandoned, at least for the time being. S. V. Orlov did not succeed in
establishing a school to continue the traditions of Breffikhin.
(2). Other Bodies
The ratio, ? , of the light pressure to the force of
gravity depends on the size of the particle; for particles greater than
one micron in diameter, it is negligibly small. This is quite correct
for any particular moment of observation, yet the cumulative effect of
this very small force during the long period of the existence of the
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solar system may be profound. This is the point of view generally
accepted in science; the problem of tracing the influence of light
pressure over millions or billions of years, however, is extremely
In the U.S.S.R., some attention has been paid to this
problem, especially from the cosmogonical point of view.
V. V. Radziyevskiy, in a series of recent papers, applied this idea
directly to the problem of celestial mechanics.
The effect of the braking influence of light pressure on
a particle moving around the sun was considered first by J. Poynting,
some 50 years ago, and more recently by H. Robertson (Monthly Notes,
Royal Astronomical Society, 1921, Vol 97, p 423). It is now known as
the Poynting-Robertson effect.
Radziyevskiy(609) (1952) began with the idea that the
isotropic radiation postulated by Poynting and Robertson does not occur
in nature. The forward and backward surfaces of any material body
rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun will exhibit a
temperature difference. The result will be an acceleration of the
orbital motion of the body in the case of a body rotating in the same
sense as it is revolving, and a deceleration if the rotation is in the
opposite sense from the revolution. As a result of the conservation of
angular momentum, bodies with direct rotation will approach the sun, and
bodies with reverse rotation will recede from the sun.
Applied to the motion of asteroids, this means that in
two-billion years (the minimum possible age of the solar system), the
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asteroidal ring must have expanded to such an extent that asteroids
with a diameter of 100 km should be in the neighborhood of the earth.
Since this is contrary to observation, the conclusion is that the
asteroidal ring is of more recent origin, that is, it is a result of
some celestial catastrophe, such as the disruption of a planet.
These ideas are further developed by Radziyevskiy(610)
(1952) and applied to the problem of Saturn's rings, which consist of
small particles (1 cm or so). The effect of light pressure on these
particles is calculated, and the age of the rings is deduced to be
between 0.7-and 2.1-billion years.
The effect of the shape of the particles on the radiation
pressure experienced by them was investigated by Radziyevskiy in
another paper (612 ) . It can be shown that, for a perfectly spherical
black body of relative surface area a in cm2/g, the relationship
7 p2
T = 2 x 10 ?757? exists, where R is the radius of the circular orbit
described by the body around the sun, and T is the length of time,
in years, in which the body will fall into the sun. This formula was
derived by Robertson and also by Fesenkov(192) (1946). Radziyevskiy
considers bodies of different shapes and comes to the conclusion that
the value of ? is substantially the same, no matter what the shape
of the body. The problem of the disintegration of meteors under light
pressure was also treated by Radziyevskiy(613).
In other papers, Radziyevskiy considers(611)(1953) the
case of a limited problem of three bodies in a radiational as well as
a gravitational field; he applies his results to the concrete case of
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sun-Jupiter-particle, and even to the problem of the origin of para-
bolic comets. His analysis seems correct, but his entire idea of the
possible influence of radiation on libration centers may be exaggerated.
Fesenkov applied the idea of light pressure to the
problems of zodiacal light and small meteoric particles in many papers,
including Reference 192. His treatment does not show much originality,
and it is not to be compared in scope with Radziyevskiy's.
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1. Results of Conference on Theoretical Astronomy and Celestial
Mechanics at Leningrad Astronomical Institute May 20-24, 1935,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1935, Vol 12, pp 598-609,
2. Absolute Perturbations of Polar Coordinates of Asteroids From
Outer Planets, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1937,
Nr 42, pp 37-57.
3. Table for Determination of the Perturbations in the Elements
of Minor Planets, Trudy Astronomicheskogo Sektora Instituta
Fiziki Akademii Nauk Latvian S.S.R., 1954, 245 pp.
4. On the Problem of the Stability of the Libration Points in the
Vicinity of a Rotating Gravitating Ellipsoid, V. K. Abalakin,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1957, Vol 6,
Nr 8, pp 543-549.
5. D namics of Stellar Passa e Throu h Clouds of Meteoric Matter,
T. A. Agekyan, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 19 9 Vol 9,
Nr 4, pp 515-518.
6. The Dynamics of a Star Passing Through Dust Clouds, T.
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 75, Nr 3, PP
7. Stability of Free Solution of the Restricted Circular
of Three Bodies in Resisting Medium, M. M. Agresti Tru
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P.
A. Agekyan,
Shternberga, 1945, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 363-379.
8. Observations of Asteroids, V. A. Allbitskiy and P. F. Shayn,
Izvestiya Krimskaya Astrofizicheskaya Observatoriya, 1948,
pp 134-136.
9. Observations of Minor Planets in 1948, V. A. Al'bitskiy,
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1949, Vol 4, or Nr 4,
pp 197-202.
10. Observations of Minor Planets, V. A. Alibitskiy,
Krimdkaya Astrofizicheskaya Observatoriya, 1950,
pp 135-140.
Vol 5,
Nr 7,
PP 139-140.
12. Exchange and Capture in the Three-Body Problem, V. M. Alexeyev,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1956, Vol 108, Nr 4,
pp 599-602.
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13. Possible Motions, N. Artem'yev, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
Seriya Matematicheskaya, 1939, pp 351-367.
14. Possible Trajectories, N. Artem'yev, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk
S.S.S.R., Seriya Matematicheskaya, 1939, pp 29-448.
15. Method of Determination of Characteristic Exponents and Its
Application to the Two-Body Problems in Celestial Mechanics,
N. A. Artem'yev, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Seriya
Matematicheskaya, 1944, Nr 8,
16. Determination of the Actual Velocity of Bolides, I. S. Astapovich,
Mirovedenie, 1930, Vol 18, p 58.
17, New Determination of the Mean Heliocentric Velocity of Meteors
by Means of the Diurnal Variation Method, I. S. Astapovich,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S.,
193k, Vol 4, Nrs 5-6, pp 260-264.
18. Velocity of Meteors in the Earth's Atmosphere, I. S. Astapovich,
Trudy Vsesoyuznogp Konferentsii po Izucheniyu Stratosferi,
1934, pp 505-522.
19. Velocity of Meteors in the Earth's Atmosphere, I. S. Astapovich,
Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Konferentsii po Izucheniyu Stratosferi
v 1933, 1935, Nr 2, pp 505-522.
20. A New Method for the Determination of the Relative Velocity of
Meteors, I. S. Astapovich, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1935,
Vol 12, Nr 2, pp 101-104.
21. One Method of Determinin Elements of Tra ector of Meteoric
Body in the Atmosphere, I. S. Astapovich, Astronomichesha
Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 110-117.
22. Some Results of the Study of 66 Orbits of Meteorites,
I. S. Astapovich, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, Nr 6,
pp 15-43.
23. Division of Meteorites During Movements in the Atmosphere,
I. S. Astapovich, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.1 Turkmenskii
Filial, 1945, Nr 1, pp 84-87.
24. Velocity of Falling Meteors on the Earth's Surface,
I. S. Astapovich, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Turkmenskii
Filial, 1945, Nrs 5-6, pp 167-176.
25. System of Angular Velocities of Meteors, I. S. Astapovich,
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Turkmenskii Filial, 1949,
Nr 1, pp 55-58.
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26. Eclipse Connection of Orbits of Streams of Meteoric Bodies in
the Solar System, I. S. Astapovich, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk
S.S.S.R., Turkmenskii Filial, 1951, Nr 1.
27. Geocentric Velocity of Delta-Aquarides, I. S. Astapovich,-
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkuliyar, 1951, Nrs 113-114, pp 20-22;
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R. Turkmenskii Filial, 1951,
Nr 2, pp 94-95.
28. Results of the Investigation of the Tra:ectories of Some
Meteorites and Fireballs, I. S. Astapovich, Meteoritika, 1952,
Nr 10, pp 104-105.
29. Observations of Minor Planets at the Tartu Astronomical Observatory
of the Academy of Sciences, Estonian S.S.R., I. S. Astapovich
and A. P. Savrukhin, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, Kazan, 1953,
Nr 134, pp 1-2.
30. Some Laws in the Systems of Small Bodies, I. S. Astapovich,
Trudy Stalinabadskoy Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1954,
Vol pp 78-105.
31. Improvements of Elements of the 564 Dudu Planet, A. Avraamov,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, 117.44, pp 6-8.
32. Investigation of Velocities of Ejection of Matter from the Nuclei
of Comets, P. B. Babadzhanov, Trudy Stalinabadskoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii, 1955, Vol 5, pp 3-70.
33. On the Problem of Two Stationary Centers, I, II,
G. K. Badalyan, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1934, Vol 11, Nr 4,
pp 346-378.
34. On the Problem of Two Stationary Centers, G. K. Badalyan,
B ulleten' Gosudarstvenno o Astronomichesko Observatorii
Armenia S.S.R., 193 Vol 2, pp 3-52.
35. Simplification of the Equation of the Trajectory in the Problem
of Two Fixed Centers, G. Badalyan, Comptes Rendus (Doklady)
de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1939, Vol 24, Nr 2,
pp 114-117.
36. Determinations of the Figure of the Earth From Lunar Inequality,
K. L. Bayev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1933, Vol 10, Nr Lf1
pp 443-450.
37. Celestial Mechanics in the U.S.S.R. for 20 Years (1917-1937),
K. L. Bayev, Mirovedenie, 1937, Vol 26, Nr 5, pp 303-309.
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38. Perijovian Motion of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter,
K. L. Bayev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 4,
pp 384-388.
39. On the Theoretical Calculation of the Flattening of Jupiter
and Saturn, K. L. Bayev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 194
Vol 21, Mrs 1-2, pp 9-11.
4o. Radiants and Orbits of Perseids and Orionids in 1942 According
to Telescopic Observations, A. M. Bakharev, Byulleten'
Vseso uznogo Astronomo-Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva, 1948,
Nr 4 11), pp 19-22.
41. A Preliminar, Catalo ue of 126 Meteor Radiants, A. M. Bakharev,
Tsirkulyar Tadzhikskoy Astronomicheskoy Obtiervatorii, 1938,
Nr 34, pp 1-4.
42. Investigation of the Path of the Meteor of August 25, 1938,
A. M. Bakharev, Trud Stalinabadsko Astronomicheskoy Observatorii,
1950, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 97-9
43. Th. Banachiewicz, Trudy Astronomicheskogo Observatorii,
Yur'yev,, 1917, Vol 24, Part 2, p 80.
44. Application of Periodic Solutions of Schwarzschild to the
Problem of Gaps in the Ring of Asteroids, Yu. V. Batrakov,
Referativnyy Zhurnal - Astronomiya, 1954.
45. Periodic Solution of the Schwarzsohild Type in the Restricted
Three-Body Problem, Yu. V. Batrakov, B ulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 2.
46. On Periodical Solutions of the Third Type in the General Problem
of Three Bodies, Yu. V. Batrakov, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 2 (75), pp 121-126.
47. Periodic Motion of a Particle in the Gravitational Field of a
Rotating Triaxial Ellipsoid, Yu. V. Batrakov, B.ulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1957, Vol 6, Nr 8 (81),
pp 524-542.
48. Methods of Integrations of the Equations of Perturbed Motions
of Minor Planets and Im
roving Their Orbits in
? ?
to the Planet Latona 39 A. A. Batyrev, Uchenye Zapiski
Universiteta Rostov-Na-Donu, 1936, Nr 8, pp 131-144.
49. On the Form of Tra'ectories in Problems of Two and Three Bodies
With Masses Changing According to the Meshcherskiy Law,
A. A. Batyrev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1941, Vol 18, Mrs 4-5,
pp 343-346.
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50. Forms of Trajectories in the Problem of Two Bodies With
Variable Masses, A. A. Batyrev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1949, Vol 26, Nr 1, pp 56-60.
51. New Elements of the Minor Planet 260 Hubert, O. N. Barteneva,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 2,
pp 151-152.
52. Graphic Solution of an Equation of Theoretical Astronomy,
G. M. Bazhenov, Astronomische Nachrichten, 1929, Vol 234,
pp 425-426.
53. On the Determination of Orbits and Comets, G. M. Bazhenov,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 1929, Vol 234, pp 427-436.
54. Determination of an Elliptical Orbit With Small Eccentricity
From Three Widely Separated Observations, G. M. Bazhenov,
Astronomische Nachricht-e7177?3.677a-17, pp 319-322.
55. Determination of the Parameter of the Orbit of a Celestial
Body From Three Geocentric Distances, G. M. Bazhenov, Monthly
Notices, Royal Astronomical Society, 1930, Vol 90.
56. Orbit Elements of (790) Pretonia, G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1932, Nr 31, p 131.
57. Table for the Solution of Kepler's Equation for a Computing
Machine, G. M. Bazhenov, Trudy Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo
Universiteta, 1935, Vol 8, pp 46-47.
58. Geometrical Method of Determination of an Elliptic Orbit of
Planets From Three Geocentric Distances, G. M. Bazhenov, Trudy
Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1938, Vol 10,
pp 11-13.
59. Law of Areas in the Perturbed Motion of an Asteroid, G. M. Bazhenov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnall 1944, Vol 21, Nr 4, pp 170-175.
60, Some Particular Cases of the Problem of Three Bodies,
G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten' Astronomichedkoy Observatorii
Khar'kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1946, Nr 1 (6),
PP 3-5.
61. On a Series in the Theory of Determination of Orbits of Planets
and Comets, G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii Khar'kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1947,
Nr 7, pp 8-10.
62. Some Applications of Matrices in Celestial Mechanics,
G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1949, Vol 4, Nr 4 (57), pp 143-168.
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63. Investigation on the Convergence of Iterational Processes in
Determining Orbits, G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 19491 Vol 1 Nr 5 (58), pp,207-225.
64. Investigation of Convergence of Series in the Theory of
Determination of Orbits, G. M. Bazhenov, Trudy Khar'kovskogo
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1950, Vol 9, pp 29-36.
65. On the Determination of a Circular Orbit, G. M. Bazhenov,
Trudy Khar'kovskogo Astronomicheskoy Observatorii,, 1950,
Vol 9, pp 63-68.
66. Review of Soviet Work in Theory of Determination of Orbits of
Planets and Comets, G. M. Bazhenov, Trudy Khar'kovskogo
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 19521 Vol 21 pp 17-31.
67. Supplement to the Article on the Calculation of Approaches of
Planets to Each Other, G. M. Bazhenov, Trudy Khar'kovskogo
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1952, Vol 2, pp 45-48.
68. Investigation of the Expansion of Trigonometric Series of the
Expression of the Type (1 - 2h cos z h2) -n/2 Where n is an
Odd Number, G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 11 pp 8-24.
69, First Order Perturbations of the Mean Motion of a Body of Mass
Zero in the Problem of Three Bodies, G. M. Bazhenov, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1956, Vol 6, Nr 6 (79),
PP 378-407.
70. Photographic Observations of Minor Planets, S. I. Belyavskiy,
Priroda, 1953, Vol 421 Nr 10, pp 76-78.
71. Matrices-Cracovians and Their Application in Astronomy,
I. V. Bellkovich, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1931, Vol 8,
pp 150-161.
72. Constants of Physical Libration of the Moon, New Evaluation of
Heliometric Observations by A. A. Mikhailovdkiy, 1898-19051
I. V. Beltkovich, Izvestiya Astronomicheskoy Engel'gardtovskoy
Observatorii Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1936, Nr 10, pp 4-30.
73. Physical Librations of the Moon, I. V. Bel'kovich, Izvestiya
Astronomicheskoy Engel'gardtovskoy Observatorii Kazanskogo
Universiteta, 1949, Nr 24, p 246.
74. Application of Extruo1ation to the Theory of the Eighth
Satellite of Jupiter, N. Boyeva, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1933, Nr 321 pp 152-160.
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75. Motion of the Eighth Satellite of Jupiter, N. F. Boyeva,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1935, Vol 12, Nr 51 pp 476-483.
76. Improvement of Elements of the Planet 39 Laetitia, N. F. Boyeva,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4,
Nr 5 (58), pp 245-249.
77. Du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte Comet 1941e, N. F. Boyeva, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1951, Vol 5, Nr 1 (64),
pp 42-54.
78. Ephemerides of the Comet 1941e Du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte for
1952, N. Boyeva, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1952, Nr 124, p 3.
79. The Doppler Effect in a Static Gravitation Field,
A. F. Bogorodskiy, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1940, Nr 28, pp 52-58.
80. Kepler's Problem in the General Theory. of Relativity,
A. F. Bogorodskiy, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1940, Nr 30, pp 30-37.
81. Gravitational Equations of the Theory of Relativity,
A. F. Bogorodskiy, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1941, Nr 32, pp 15-23.
82. Motion of Perihelia in the Two-Body Problem of Relativity,
A. F. Bogorodskiy, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomichesko
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 19'+l,Nr 31, pp 55-72.
83. Numerical Integration by Electric Calculators of Equations for
the Motion of Minor Planets With a Given System of Initial
Conditions, N. A. Bokhan, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskox
Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr , pp 203-211.
84. App proximate Improvement of Elements of the Orbit of the Planet
107 Mentha, A. I. Bozhkova, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1951, Vol 4, Nr 9 (62)1 pp 47+:496.
85. On the Taylor Comet 1916 I, V. A. Bronshteyn, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 149, pp 2-3.
86. Photographic Observations of Minor Planets, Ye. Ya. Bugoslavskaya,
Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennyi Astronomicheskiy Institut imeni
Shternberga, 1953, Nr 94, pp 12-26.
87. Improved Orbit for Planet 415 Palatial Yu-Che Chang,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 19551 Nr 157, pp 3-4.
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88. A New Method of the Approximate Integration of Differential
Equations, S. A. Chaplygin, Trudy Tsentralnogo Aero-
Gidrodinamichesko o Instituta, 1932, Vol 130.
89. Problem of the Amount of Inconsistency in the Motion of Mercur,
Perihelion, G. A. Chebotarev, Uchenye Zapiaki Leningradakogo
Gosudarstvennyi Universiteta, 1941, Nr 82, pp 214-219.
90. Motion of Mercury Perihelion as an Empirical Check of Deductions
of the Theory of Relativity, G. A. Chebotarev, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1944, Nr 52, pp 435-445.
91. The Motion of Mercury Perihelion and the General Theory of
Relativity, G. A. Chebotarev, Priroda, 1946, Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 3-9.
92. Theory of Periodic Orbits in Celestial Mechanics, G. A. Chebotarev,
Uspekhi Astronomicheskikh Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 5, pp 176-243.
93. Application of Periodical Minor Orbits to the Study of the Motion
of Minor Planets, G. A. Chebotarev, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1951, Vol 4, Nr 10 (63), PP 499-554.
94, Absolute Periodic Orbit of the Hestia Type, G. A. Chebotarev,
L. Yu. Pius, and Ye. N. Lemekhova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1951, Vol 5, Nr 1 (64), pp 15-41.
95. New Calculations of Mercury's Mass, G. A. Chebotarev, Voprosy
Kosmogonii, 1952, Vol 1.
96. Analytical Theory of the Motion of the Hilda Group,
G. A. Chebotarev, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1953, Vol 5, Nr 5 (68), pp 269-270.
97. Evolution of Orbits in the Inner Area of the Asteroid Ring,
G. A. Chebotarev, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1953, Vol 5, Nr 7, pp 393-411.
98. Evolution of Orbits of Minor Planets of Hilda Grout,
G. A. Chebotarev and A. I. Bozhkova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1954, Vol 5, Nr 9 (72), PP 571-593.
99. Theory of the Motion of the Planets of the Trojan Group,
G. A. Chebotarev and A. I. Bozhkova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1956, Vol 6, Nr 4 (77), pp 221-231.
100. On a Number of Possible Solutions in the Problem of Calculation
of Parabolic Orbits by Olbers' Method, S. D. Chernyy, Kiyev,
1907, p 44.
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101. On the Problem of the Number of Solutions in the Determination
of Orbits of Celestial Bodies Without the Restriction as to
the Eccentricity,S. D. Chernyy, Astronomische Nachrichten,
1907, Vol 1751 PP 233-236.
102. Multiple Solution of the Cometary Problem, S. D. Chernyy,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 1907, Vol 176, pp 365-370.
103, Geometric Illustration of Equations of Lambert and Euler,
S. D. Chernyy, Astronomische Nachrichten, 1907, Vol 179.
104. A Paradox Case in the Calculation of the Orbit of Comet 1910a
by the Gauss Method, S. D. Chernyy, Kiyev, 1910, p 14.
105. Three Kinds of Parabolic Orbits of Comet 1910a, S. D. Chernyy,
Warsaw, 1910, p 6.
106. Three Kinds of Parabolic Orbits of Comet 1910a, S. D. Chernyy,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 1910, Vol 184, pp 205-208.
107. Classification of Small Quantities Which Occur in the Determination
of Orbits of Celestial Bodies, S. D. Chernyy, Astronomische
Nachrichten, 1911, Vol 189, pp 135-138.
108. Computation of Parabolic Orbits From Three Observations,
S. D. Chernyy, Warsaw, 1911, p 111.
109. Is 011ber's Method Really Founded Theoretically, S. D. Chernyy,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 1913, Vol 194, pp 191-192.
110. Motion of Material Point Under the Action of the Force Giving
It an Acceleration -AL1r-2-3,6r-4' S. D. Chernyy, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 6 (59),
pp 287-308.
111, On Stable Trajectories of Dynamics, N. G. Chetayev, Uchenye
Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1931, Vol 91, Nr 4, pp 2-8.
112. Theory of Nonstability, N. Chetayev, Comptes Rendus (Dokladyi
de l'Acaddmie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 193k, Nr 9.
113. Stable Trajectories of Dynamics, N. G. Chetayev, Sbornik
Nauchnykh Trudov Kazanskogo Aviatsionnogo Instituta, 1936,
Nr 51 P 3.
114. Stability of Motion, N. G. Chetayev, State Publishing House for
Technical and Theoretical Literature, Moscow-Leningrad, 1946,
204 pp (second edition, 1955).
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115. Structure and Evolution of the S stem of Asteroids. Part 1.
Constants of Jacobi's Integral of First Approximation for
Asteroids of the 1934 Epoch, A. N. Chibisov, Trudy
Gosudarstvenno o Astronomichesko o Instituta imeni P. K.
Shternberga, 193 Vol 9, Nr 1, pp 130-1.k.
116. Catalog of Values of Jacoby Constants for Asteroids of 1934
List, A. N. Chibisov, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1936, Vol 9, Nr 1, pp 165-
117. Structure and Evolution of the System of Asteroids. Part 2.
Motion of Asteroids in the Plane Circular Averaged Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies, A. N. Chibisov, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1939,
Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 243-306.
118. Improving the Orbit of Minor Planet 183 Istria, I. Daube,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Ni' 155, pp 6-8.
119. Elements of Orbits of Minor Planets and Corrections of
Ephemerides, M. Dirikis, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953,
Nr 133, pp 5-6.
120. Determination of Original Orbits of Long-Period Comets,
M. A. Dirikis, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 30,
Nr 11 pp 80-84.
121. Elements of Orbits and E hemerides of Minor Planets
Communique 2, M. Dirikis, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954,
Nr 145, pp 8-10.
122. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars in Riga,
N. Dirikis, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 145, p 17.
123. Determination of the Initial Orbit of Comet 1930 IV Beyer,
M. A. Dirikis, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1954, Vol 31,
Nr 5, pp 461-466,
124. Determination of the Original Character of Cometary Orbits
With Eccentricities Close to Unity, M. A. Dirikis, Trudy
Astronomicheskogo Sektora Akademii Nauk, Rig.a, 1956? pp 5-66.
125. Secular Acceleration of the Motion of Periodic Comets,
A. D. Dubyago, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1948, Vol 15, Nr 6,
pp 361-368.
126. The Determination of Orbits, A. Dubyago, State Publishing House
of Technical and Theoretical Literature, Moscow-Leningrad,
1949, 444 pp.
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127. Structure of the Comet Nuclei and Formation of Meteoric Streams,
A. D. Dubyago, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1950, Vol 27, Nr 1,
pp 5-14. ?
128. Motion of Periodic Comet Brooks 1883-1946, A. D. Dubyago,
Trudy Astronomicheskiy Obseryatorii Kazanskiy Gosudarstvennyy
Universitet, 1950, Vol 31, pp 5-44.
129. Comet Harrington 1952e, A. D. Dubyago, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1952, Nr 130, p 2.
130. The Planet Sigma 102, A. D. Dubyago, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 1331 PP 6-7.
131. Orbit and Ephemeris of Comet 1953a Mrkos-Honda, A. D. Dubyago,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 138, p 2.
132. Orbit and Ephemeris of the Comet Abell 1953g, A. D. Dubyago,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 144, pp 2-3; Nr 145, p 1.
133. The Motion of the Periodic Comet Brooks From 1925-1960,
A. D. Dubyago, Byulleten' Astronomicheskaya Observatoriia imeni
V. P. Engel'gardta pri Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennoy Universitete,
1956, Nr 32, pp 3-30.
134. Movement of a Particle Under the Action of a Force Which
Depends on Time, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1925, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 5-11.
135. Movement of a Particle Under the Action of a Force Which
Depends on Time. Part II, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1927, Vol 4, pp 123-142.
136. Movement of a Particle Under the Action of a Force Which
Depends on Time. Part III, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1928, Vol 5, pp 138-151.
137. Movement of a Particle Under the Action of a Force Which
Depends on Time. Part IV, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnall 1929, Vol 6, pp 162-179.
138. The Shape of Trajectory in the Problem of Two Bodies With
Variable Mass, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1930,
Vol 7, Nrs 3-4, pp 153-172.
139. Problem of Two Bodies in Classical and Modern Celestial
Mechanics, G. N. Duboshin, Mirovedenie, 1931, Vol 20, Nr 2,
pp 84-98.
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140. On Motion in a Resisting Medium, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9, Nrs 1-2, pp 7-19.
141. One Particular Case of Motion in a Resistant Medium,
G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9, Nrs 1-2,
pp 20-26.
142. Remarks on the Shape of the Trajectory in the Problem of Two
Bodies With Variable Mass, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9, pp 53-56.
143. Problem of Three Bodies, G. N. Duboshin, Mirovedenie, 1933,
Vol 22, Nr 6, pp 76-85.
144. Qualitative Methods of Celestial Mechanics, G. N. Duboshin,
N. D. Moiseyev, and V. V. Stepanov, Us ekhi Astronomicheskikh
Nauk S.S.S.R., Sbornik 2, 1933, pp 3-28.
145. Some of the Problems of Nonclassical Celestial Mechanics,
G. N. Duboshin, Mirovedenie, 1934, Vol 23, Nr 4, pp 294-314.
146. So me of the Problems of Nonclassical Celestial Mechanics,
G. N. Duboshin, Mirovedenie, 1934, Vol 23, Nr 5, pp 355-365.
147. Some of the Problems of Nonclassical Celestial Mechanics,
G. N. Duboshin, Mirovedenie, 1934, Vol 23, Nr 6, pp 433-445.
148. The Stability of the Solutions of Canonical Systems,
G. N. Duboshin, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1935, Vol 1,
Nr 5, pp 273-275.
149. Certain Conditions of Stability for the Equation x px = 0,
G. Duboshin, Comptes Rendus (Doklad ) de 1'Acad6mie des
Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1935, Vol 8, Nr 91 PP 390-392.
150. Some of the Problems of Nonclassical Celestial Mechanics,
G. N. Duboshin, Mirovedenie, 1935, Vol 24, Nr 1, pp 72-81.
151. Stability of the Circular Motion in a Resisting Medium,
G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 5,
pp 455-486.
152. One Particular Case of Motion in Resisting Medium with
Variable (Attracting) Mass, G. N. Duboshin, Comptes Rendus
(Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1936,
Vol 3 (12), Nr 5 (100), pp 211-214.
153. Motion in a Resisting Medium of Variable Density, G. N. Duboshin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1937, Vol 14, Nrs 5-6, pp 521-530.
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154. Introduction to Celestial Mechanics, G. N. Duboshin, United
Scientific-Technical Publishing House, Moscow, Leningrad,
1938, 256 pp.
155. On the Hypothesis of Gylden-Moultoni On the Origin of
Counter low Pa er 4. On the Instabilit of Periodic Motion
Near the Co-linear Points of Libration in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies, G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 3, pp 209-216.
156. On the Properties of Trajectories in the Particular Case of
the Problem of Motion in a Resisting Medium, G. N. Duboshin,
Trudy Gosudarstvennuo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 229-242.
157. On the Problem of Stability of Motion in Relation to
Continuously Acting Perturbations, G. N. Duboshin, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternbergal 19401 Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 153-164.
158. On the Stability of Trivial Solutions of Certain Differential
Equations in Celestial Mechanics, G. N. Duboshin, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 165-171.
159. Stability of the Ring of Saturn, G. N. Duboshin, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 172-207.
160. Stability of the Solar System, G. N. Duboshin, Uspekhi
Astronomicheskikh. Nauk S.S.S.R., 1941, Vol 2, pp 123-135.
161. Periodic Motions in the System of Saturn Satellites,
G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1945, Vol 15, Nr 1,
pp 158-250.
162. Expansion of Power Functions in the Theory of Saturn
Satellites, G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1945,
Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 274-307.
163. Expansion of the Reciprocal Distance in Gravitational Theory,
G. N. Duboshin, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, 1946,
Vol 101 Nr 37 PP 407-420.
164. Expansion of the Force Function of the Ring, Disk, and
Spheroid, G. N. Duboshin, Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo
Universiteta, 1947, Nr 10, pp 59-67.
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165. Integration of Equations With Small Parameters by the
Lyapunov Method, G. N. Duboshin, State Publishing House for
Technical and Theoretical Literature, 1950, 3rd Edition.
166. Stability of Motion, G. N. Duboshin, State Publishing House.
for Technical and Theoretical Literature, Mechanics in the
U.S.S.R. for 30 Years 1907-1947, 1950, 416 pp, pp 73-79.
167. Series Representing the Motion of Saturn's Satellites,
G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950, Vol 15, Nr 1,
pp 251-273.
168. Periodic Motion in the System of Saturn's Satellites,
G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950, Vol 15, Nr 1.
169. Expansion of the Force Function by Negative Powers of
"Applicate", G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950,
Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 3-10.
170. Computation of Higher Derivatives of Complex Functions,
G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950, Vol 15, Nr 2,
pp 11-32.
171. Integration of Linear Equations by the Lyapunov Method,
G. N. Duboshin, Vestnik Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo
Universiteta, 1951, Nr 8.
172. Fundamentals of the Theory of the Stability of Motion,
G. N. Duboshin, Moscow University Press, 1952, 318 pp.
173. Stability by A. M. Lyapunov's Criterion of Keplerian Motion,
G. N. Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1952, Vol 21, pp 19-24.
174. Differential Equations of Motion of the Satellites of Planets,
G. N. Duboshin, Astronomicheskiy Murnall 1953, Vol 30,
Nr 3, pp 315-331.
175. Theory of the Motion of Saturn's Satellites, G. N. Duboshin,
Eaports of the Conference on the Theory of the Motio f
Satellites at GAISh, May, 1953.
176. Integration of a System of Second Orde r Equations by
the Lyapunov Method, G. N. Dubosh* ud . Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta ill . K - ternberga, 1954,
Vol 24, pp 109-121.
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177. Integrals of the Problem of the Motion of a Particle Acted
Upon by a Central Force Referred to Rotating Axes, G. N.
Duboshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1954, Vol 24, pp 123-130.
178. Application of Gibbs' Formulae in the Method of Variation of
Heliocentric Distances, K. K. Dubrovdkiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1925, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 12-23.
179. Orbit Elements in the Assumption of Ejections, P. G. Dukhnovskiyi
Publikatsii Kiyevskogo Universiteta Astronomicheskaya
Observatoriya, 1954, Nr 6, pp 67-90.
180. One Generalization of the Lagrange Solution of the Three-Body
Problem, E. Egervari, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie
des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1947, Vol 55, Nr 9, pp 793-795.
181. Actual Orbits of Three Meteoric Streams, L. G. Eliseyeva,
Meteornyi Byulleten, 1946, Nr 2; Izvestiya Akademii Nauk
S.S.S.R., Turkmenskiy Filial, 1946, Nr 3, p 96.
182. Aspects of the Problem of Two Bodies With Variable Mass,
M. S. Eygenson, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1933, Vol 10,
pp 310-326.
183. On the Central Forces of Attraction and Repulsion in a
Gravitational Problem of Two Bodies of Variable Mass,
M. S. Eygenson, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Acaddmie des
Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1934, Vol 2, Nr 5, pp 291-297.
184. Problem of Solar Effect on Fluctuations of Rotational Periods
of Jupiter, M. S. Eygenson, Tsirkulyar, Astronomicheskaya
Observatori a L'vov Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1954,
Nr 28, pp 3k-35.
185. Determination of Absolute Proper Motion of Stars in Reference
to Extra-Galactic Nebulae, N. V. Fatchikhin, Doklady Akademii
Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 71, Nr 2, pp 253-256.
186. Determination of the Position of the Minor Planet Melpomen,
N. V. Fatchikhin, Izvestiya Pulkovo Astronomicheskoy Observatorii,
1951, Vol 18, Nr 5, p 128.
187. Determination of the Exact Position of Minor Planets (39)
Letitia for 1950 and of Hebe (6) for 1950-1951, N. V. Fatchikhin,
Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove,
1953, Vol 19 (3), Nr 150, pp 154-158.
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188. On the Investigation of the Motion of the Instantaneous
Rotational Axis of the Earth, E. P. Fedorov, Works of the
10th Astrometric Conference in the U.S.S.R., Leningrad,
1954, pp 129-132.
189. Secular Perturbations in the Motion of Comets Produced by
Nearest Stars, V. G. Fesenkov, Trudy Glavnoy Rossi skov
Astrofizicheskoy Observatorii, 1922, Vol 1, pp 186-195.
190. Cosmogonic Characteristics of the Solar System, V. G. Fesenkov,
Uspekhi Astronomicheskikh Nauk S.S.S.R., 1941, Vol 2,
PP 67-100.
191. On the Possibility of Capture at Close Passages of Attracting
Bodies, V. G. Fesenkov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1946,
Vol 23, Nr 1, pp 45-48.
192. On the Motion of Meteoric Particles in Interplanetary Space,
V. G. Fesenkov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1946, Vol 23,
Nr 6, pp 353-366.
193. Meteoric Matter in Interplanetary Space, V. G. Fesenkov,
Moscow, 1947, 275 pp.
194. Stability of Small Revolving Satellites, V. G. Fesenkov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1951, Vol 28, Nr 1, p 3.
195. The Stability of a Rotating Satellite of Small Mass,
V. G. Fesenkov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1951, Vol 28, Nr 1,
pp 15-20.
196. Criterion of Tidal Stability and Its Application in
Cosmogony, V. G. Fesenkov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1951,
Vol 28, Nr 6, pp 492-517.
197. On the Origin of Comets, V. G. Fesenkov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1951, Vol 28, pp 98-111.
198. The Movement of the Sikhote-Aline Meteorite in the Atmosphere,
V. G. Fesenkov, Meteoritika, 1951, Nr 9, pp 3-26.
199. The Orbit of the Sikhote-Aline Meteorite, V. G. Fesenkov,
Meteoritika, 1951, Nr 9, pp 27-31.
200. Some Properties of Motion of a Body in a Gravitational Field
and in a Resisting Medium, V. G. Fesenkov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1956, Vol 33, Nr 4, pp 614-621.
201. Determination of Orbits With Small Inclination Toward the
Ecliptic, R. Fogel', Zapiski Kiyevskogo Universiteta, 1895,
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202. On the Impossibility of a Triple Solution in a Complete
Determination of a Parabolic Orbit, R. Fogel', Kiyev, 1911,
pp 1-16; Astronomische Nachrichten, 1911, Vol 188, pp 105-
203. On the Theory of Orbit Determination, R. Fogel', Astronomische
Nachrichten, 1912, Vol 193, pp 11f7-200.
204. On Olbers' Method, R. Fogel', Astronomische Nachrichten, 1913,
Vol 194, pp 411-414.
205. On the Problem of the Number of Solutions in the Determination
of Parabolic Orbits, R. Fogel', Astronomische Nachrichten,
1913, Vol 196, pp 13-14.
206. Orbit of Planet 1952 SP1, M. Fursenko, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 151, p 1.
207. Determination of the Original Orbit of the Comet 1925-VII,
I. V. Galibina, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5, Nr 7 (70), pp 412-419.
208. Estimate of the Gravitational Effect of the Zodiacal Light
Upon the Motion of the Perihelion of Mercury, Yu. L. Gazaryan,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 29, Nr 2, pp 209-214.
209. The Proof of Chazy of Impossibility of Capture, Yu. L. Gazaryan,
f2obshcheElya Gosudarstvennyy Astronomiches1?Institut imeni
Shternberga, 1953, Nr 92, pp 23-k5.
210. Attempt of Exact Representation of the Motion of Juno (3)
With the Extrapolation Method, V. Gaze, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1944, Vol 21, Mrs 1-2, pp 11-17.
211. Discovery of a Second Satellite of Neptune, B. N . Gimmel'farb,
Priroda, 1950, Vol 39, Nr 2, p 23.
212. New Data on the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, B. N. Gimmel'farb,
Priroda, 1950, Vol 39, Nr 2, pp 23-2k.
213. New Asteroid With the Least Known Mean Distance From the Sun,
B. N. Gimmel'farb, Priroda, 1950, Vol 39, Nr 3, pp 44-46.
214. Minor Planet Icarus, B. N. Gimmel'farb, Priroda, 1950,
Vol 39, Nr 10, pp 41-42.
215. Discovery of the Twelfth Satellite of Jupiter, B. N. Gimmel'farb,
Priroda, 1952, Vol 41, Nr 12, pp 114-115.
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216. The Experimental Test of the General Theory of Relativity
and the Artificial Satellite of the Earth, V. L. Ginzburg,
Priroda, 1956, Nr 91 pp 30.-39.
217. Lunar Occultations of Stars Visible in Abastumani, Gor'kiy,
Irkutsk, Kazan, Kiyev, Kitab, Leningrad, L'vov, Moscow,
Odessa, Riga, Simeiz, Stalinabad, Tashkent, Tomsk, and
Khar'kov in 1954, A. M. Gizhitskiy (Editor), Publishing
House of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1952,
35 PP.
218. Lectures on Integration of Equations of the Motion of a Heavy
Solid Body Around a Stationary Point, V. V. Golubev, State
Publishing House for Technical and Theoretical Literature,
Moscow, 1953, 287 pp.
219. Definitive Orbit of Comet 1925c Orkisz, N. N. Goryachev,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1929, Vol 6, pp 22-54.
220. Investigation of the Motion of Pallas (2) for 1920-1924,
N. N. Goryachev and A. A. Nezhivoy, Trudy Tomskogo
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1934, Vol 86, pp 91-106.
221. Halphen's Method of Calculating the Secular Perturbations
of Planets and Its Application to Ceres, N. N. Goryachev,
Tomsk Publishing House "Krasnoye Znamya", 1937, 115 pp.
222. Tables of the Function ( ) and ' ( ) for Calculating
Some Perturbations by Halphen's Method, N. N. Goryachev,
Trudy Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 19391 Vol 91, pp 80-98.
223. Evolution of Systems of Gravitating Bodies, L. E. Gurevich
and B. Yu. Levin, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya
Seriya, 1950, Vol 70, Nr 5, pp 781-784.
224. Evolution of Dense Gravitational Systems and the Formation of
Celestial Bodies, L. E. Gurevich, Doklady Akademii Nauk
S.S.S.R., Novaya Seriya, 1950, Vol 70, Nr 6, pp 981-984.
225. Gravitational Systems and Their Evolutions, L. E. Gurevich,
Priroda, 1951, Nr 2, pp 14-22.
226. On the Interpolation of Chebyshev's Method, N. Idel'son,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1926, Nr 141
pp 153-157.
227. Comet Encke 1924-1934, N. Ideleson, Izvestiya Glavno
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1935, Nr 12+, pp 1-18.
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228. Fundamental Constants in Astronomy and Geodesy, N. Idel'son,
Astronomicheskiy Ezhegodnik, 1942, pp 409-47 .
229. Application of the Criterion of Tidal Stability to the Problem
of the Distribution of Satellites of Planets, G. M. Idlis,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 29, Nr 5, pp 556-562.
230. Law of Planetary Distances, G. M. Idlis, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 29, Nr 6, pp 694-707.
231. Criterion of Tidal Stability and Distribution of Globular
Concentrations in Galaxies and of Stars in Globular Concentrations,
G. M. Idlis, 221slady_Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1953, Vol 91,
Nr 6, pp 1306-1308.
232. Graphical Method of Determination of the Heliocentric Distance
of a Body in Calculation of a Periodic Orbit, I. I. Il'inskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1924, Vol 1, Mrs 3-4, pp 14-20.
233. Transformation of the General Method of Determination of an
Orbit for the Case of a Parabola, I. I. Il'inskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1924, Vol 1, Mrs 3-4, pp 21-26.
234. On the Simplest Method for the Determination of Orbits of
Planets and Comets, I. Il'inskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1946, Vol 23, Nr 6, pp 367-376.
235. The Case of the Great Circle in the Calculation of the Orbit.
Calculation of Orbits in the Case When Three Positions of a
Celestial Body Are Located on the Same Great Circle,
I. I. Il'inskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1950, Vol 27,
Nr 1, pp 57-60.
236. Variants of the Simplest Method of Determining the Orbits by
Three Observations, I. I. Il'inskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1953, Vol 30, Nr 6, pp 636-652.
237. On the Problem of Determinin; the Orbit From Three
Observations, I. I. Il'inskiy, Publikatsii Kiyevskogo
Universiteta Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya, 1954, Nr 6,
pp 45-65.
238. Stability of Astronomical Systems, D. D. Ivanenko, A. M. Brodskiy,
and L. P. Ginzburg, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya
Seriya, 1951, Vol 80, Nr 4, pp 565-567.
239. Perturbations in the Motion of the Minor Planet Gerda (122)
for 1904-1935 and Ephemerides of the Planet for Opposition
1935, A. A. Ivanov, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1935,
Vol 1, pp 11-16.
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240. The Most Probable Orbit of the Minor Planet (122) Gerda
Accordin to Observations in Thirt -Four 0
ositions From
1Z72 to 193 A. A. Ivanov, Comptes Rendus Doklady de
l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1937, Vol 15, Nrs 6-7,
pp 301-305.
241. Preliminary Results of Observations of Lunar-Solar Oscillations
of a Pendulum at the En el
ardt Astronomical Observator
A. K. Ivanova, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1955, Nr 157, p 7.
242. General Perturbations anci Mean Elements of the Planet (266).
Aline, E. S. Ivanova, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1937, Vol 14,
Nr 2, pp 164-167.
243. Improving Elements of the Orbit of Minor Planet 1082 Pirola,
V. Izvekov, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 143, pp 15-16.
244. An A?eroximate Method for Checkin Observations for Orbit
Determinations of Minor Planets, V. A. Izvekov, Byulleten'
Institute Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1956, Vol 6, Nr 6 (79),
pp 423-427.
245. Determination of the Definitive Orbit of the Comet Schwassmann-
Wachmann 3 (1930-VI), D. Kalnin, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar,
1954, Nr 145, pp 2-4.
246. On a Certain System of Differential Equations in the Stellar
Problem of Three Bodies, B. I. Kaminskiy, Uchen e Zapiski
Tadzhikskogo Universiteta, 1955, Vol 4, pp 29-36.
247. Circular Orbits in the Einstein Gravitation Theory, S. A. Kaplan,
Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1949, Vol 19,
Nr 10, pp 951-952.
248. Turbulent Fluctuations of Density in Interstellar Space,
S. A. Kaplan, ljsh_tLy_ypZaisl_..L'voa&Q._G_f_)sud,vslars/_Ioo_
Universiteta, Astronomicheskiy Sbornik, 1954, Vol 32, Nr 2,
PP 53-57.
249. Application of Meshcherskiy Equations to the Motion Theory of
a Meteoric Body in the Atmosphere, L. A. Katasev, Byulleten'
Stalinabadskaya Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya, 1952, Nr 1,
250. Elements of Orbits and Ephemerides of Minor Planets, Z. Kaulinya,
V. Sipolaland M. Dirikis, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1955,
Nr 156, pp 3-5.
251. Certain Simple Variations in the Method of Treating the Physical
Libration of the Moon, Sh. T. Khabibullin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1954, Vol 31, Nr 2, pp 171-177.
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252. On the Determination of the Parameter f of the Physical
Libration of the Moon, Sh. T. Khabibullin, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 4 (77),
PP 255-267.
253. New Elements and the Ephemerid of Planet 1320 Impala,
F. B. Khanina, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1951, Nr 110,
PP 3-4.
254. Orbit of the Planet 534 Nassovia, F. B. Khanina, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1951, Vol 4, Nr 9 (62),
pp 488-490.
255. Correction of the Orbit of the Planet 1340 Yvetta,
F. B. Khanina, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
1951, Vol 4, Nr 9 (62), pp 491-493.
256. Planet 1320 Impala, F. B. Khanina, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar,
1952, Nr 129, pp 2-3.
257. New Elements of the Minor Planet 175 Andromache, F. B. Khanina,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5,
Nr 4 (67), pp 230-232.
258. New Elements of the Minor Planet 171 Ophelia, F. B. Khanina,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953,
Vol 5, Nr 5 (68), pp 322-323.
259. Elements of the Orbit of the Minor Planet 1572 (1949 SC),
P. B. Khanina, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1953, Vol 5, Nr 7 (70), pp 455-457.
260. Formulas and Tables for Interpolating Special Coordinates and
Calculating the Components of Speed, F. B. Khanina, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 2,
pp 127-132.
261. Correction of Orbits of Sixteen Minor Planets, F. B. Khanina
and O. N. Barteneva, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 2, pp 133-150.
262. Observations of Harrington's Comet 1952e; Ephemeris of Periodic
Comet Brooks 2. (1946 IV), Ye. K. Kharadze, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1953, Ni71:56, p 4. ---
263. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at Abastumani,
Ye. K. Kharadze, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 147,
p 18.
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264. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at the Abastumani
Astrophysical Observatory_in 19111, Ye. K. Kharadze and V. P.
Dzhapiashvili, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1955, Nr 156,
pp 23-24.
265. Possibility of Cuture in the Three-Body Problem G. F. Khil'mi,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya Seriya, 1948, Vol 62,
Nr 1, pp 39-42.
266. The Virial Theorem in Celestial Mechanics, G. F. Khil'mi,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 70, Nr 3,
PP 393-396.
267. Dissipative Motions in a System of n-Bodies Which Attract
Each Other According to Newton's Law, G. F. Khil'mi,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 71, Nr 5, pp 847-
268. Semidissipative Motions in a System of n-Bodies Which Attract
Each Other According to Newton's Law, G. F. Khil'mi, Doklady
Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya Seriya, 1950, Vol 71, Nr 6,
pp 1041-1044.
269. n-Body Problems in Celestial Mechanics and Cosmogony,
G. F. Khil'mi, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.h., Seriya
Fizicheskaya, 1956, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 46-50.
270. Problems of n-Bodies in Celestial Mechanics and Cosmogony,
G. F. Khil'mi, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 1951, 153 pp.
271. Evolution of a System of Gravitating Bodies by Nonelastic
Collisions, G. F. Khil'mi, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
Novaya Seriya, 1951, Vol 77, Nr 4, pp 589-592.
272. A Criterion for the Indissolubility of Ca2ture in the Problem
of Three Bodies, G. F. Khil'mi, Dokiady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
Novaya Seriya, 1951, Vol 78, Nr 4, pp 53-656.
273. Completely Unstable Systems of n-Gravitating Bodies,
G. F. Khil'mi, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya Seriya,
1951, Vol 79, Nr 3, pp 419-422.
274. Recent Information on the Origin and Evolution of the Earth,
G. F. Khil'mi, Geografica v Shkole, 1952, Nr 3, pp 6-13.
275. Generalized Newtonian Potential for an Unlimited Mass,
L. Sh. Khodzhayev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1952,
Vol 29, p 625.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
276. A Case of Capture in the Problem of Three Bodies,
G. Ye. Khrapovitskaya, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5, Nr 7, pp 435-444.
277. Essay on the Determination of Osculating Orbit (2) Pallas-
From Opposition of 1914, 19151 1918, 1919, E. A. Kiseleva,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1926, Vol 3, pp 191-203.
278, Vector Solution of Lagrange's Special Cases in the Problem
of Three Bodies, E. Klier, Bulletin of the Astronomical
Institutes of Czechoslovakia, 1954, Vol 5, Nr 2, pp 25-32.
279. Examples of Hyperbolic and Hyperbolic-Elliptical Motion in
a Restricted Hyperbolic Problem of Three Bodies, N. G. Kochina,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5,
Nr 7, pp 445-454.
280. Example of Motion in a Restricted Parabolic Problem of Three
Bodies, N. G. Kochina$ Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1954, Vol 5, Nr 9, pp 617-622.
281. Observations of Lunar Occultations of the Stars, T. A. Kochlashvili, _
Byulleten' Abastumandkoy Astrofizicheskoy Observatorii, 1954,
Nr 17, pp 88-92.
282. Some Remarks on Numerov's and Moshkowa's General Perturbations
of Asteroids Produced by the Inner Planets, F. Koebcke,
Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk. Bulletin. Serie B:
Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, 1947, Nr 8, pp 68-70..
283. Orbit of (1) Ceres, N. V. Komendantov, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1924, Vol 1, Nr 2, p 10.
284. Elements of the Planet (1) Ceres and Its Normal Places for
1920-1926, N. V. Komendantov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1926, Nr 14, p 163.
285. On Practical Im.rovement of Minor Planet Orbits b Numerov's
Method, N. V. Komendantov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1927,
Vol 4,pp 102-122.
286. On the Representation of the Motion of (588) Achilles by the
Method of Extrapolation. General Remarks on the Problem,
N. Komendantov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1930,
Nr 25, pp 45-51.
287. Tables of Motion of the Planet (1) Ceres for the Years 1801-
2000 Prepared According to M. Vilyev's Theory, N. V. Komendantov,
Izvestiya Pulkovo Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1930, Vol 12,
Nr 107.
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288. On the Interpolation of Perturbed Coordinates of a Planet
Obtained by Extrapolation, N. Komendantov, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1931, Nr 27, PP 73-74.
289. Note on Extrapolation. Determination of Osculating Elements
From the Perturbed Rectangular Coordinates, N. Komendantov,
Bzulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1932, Nr 32,
pp 150-152.
290. Note on Extrapolation. Correction of Initial Coordinates by
Their Arbitrary Variation, N. V. Komendantov, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1934, pp 236-239.
291. General Perturbations and Mean Elements of the Planet (308)
Polixo, N. V. Komendantov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1935,
Vol 12, Nr 2, pp 152-156.
292. Methods and Results of Planetary Work at the Astronomical
Institute of Leningrad, N. V. Komendantov, Astronomicheskiz
Zhurnal, 1935, Vol 12, pp 489-493.
293. Normal Places for Ceres for 1899-1915, N. V. Komendantov,
Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatoriya v Pulkove,
1935, Nr 14, pp 3-21.
294. On the Determination of Absolute Perturbations of Minor Planets
of the Minerva Group, N. V. Komendantov, Izdaniya
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1935.
295. Practical Tables of General Perturbations of Minor Planets
From Saturn, N. V. Komendantov, Astronomische.Nachrichten,
1936, pp 16-34.
296. Approximate Tables of Perturbations for Minor Planets of the
Minerva aala, N. V. Komendantov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1936, Vol 13, Nr 2, pp 190-197.
297. Problem of Motion of Two Ellipsoids Under the Action of
Mutual Attraction. Part 1. Problem of Motion of Two
Spheroids With Coinciding Planes of Equatorial Sections,
V. T. Kondurar, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13,
Nr 6, pp 563-588.
298. Problem of Two Spheroids With Mutually Perpendicular Axes of
Rotation, V. T. Kondurar', Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15.
299. Problem of Motion of Two Ellipsoids Under the Action of Mutual
Attraction. Part 2. Problem of Two Spheroids With Mutually
Perpendicular Axes of Rotation, V. T. Kondurar', Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 91 Nr 21 PP 307-370.
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300. Problem of Motion of Two Ellipsoids Under the Action of
Mutual Attraction. Part 3. Stability of Circular Motion
in the Problem of Two Ellipsoids With a Common Plane of
Symmetry, V. T. Kondurarl, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskop Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1952,
Vol 21, pp 115-134.
301. Problem of the Motion of Two Elli soida Under the Action of
Mutual Attraction, Part 4. Periodic Solutions Approaching
the Circular in a Problem of the Motion of Two Spheroids
With a Common Plane of Symmetry, V. T. Kondurar', Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomichesko o Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1952, Vol 21, pp 135.-158.
302. Problem of the Motion of Two Ellissoids Under the Action
of Mutual Attraction. Part ? Periodical Solutions Close to Cir-
cularof the Problem of Two Spheroids With Muttfally PerRendicular
Axes Rotation, V. T. Kondurar', Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomichesko o Instituta imeni P. K. Shternbem, 1954,
Vol 2k, pp 155-198.
303. Motion of the Satellites of Mars, M. P. Kosachevskiy, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1954, Vol 2k,
pp 199-214.
304, General Theorems of the Dynamics of a Body of Variable Mass,
A. A. Kosmodemlyanskiy, Uchenye ZaEiski Moskovskoe
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 152 Mekhanika 3, 1941,
pp 13'-.k2.
305. Lectures on the Mechanics of Bodies of Variable Mass,
A. A. Kosmodemlyanskiy, Uchenye Zapiski Moskovskoge
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 154, Mekhanika 4, 1951,
pp 73-1g0.
306, The Prediction of Occultations of Stars by the Moon for a
Given Place, S. M. Kozik, Byulleten1 Tashkentskoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1938, Nrs 7-8, pp 214-259.
307. On the Application of Corrections f.ols_1122_12.11Eularities of
the Moon's Limb in the Reduction of Occultations of Stars,
S. M. Kozik, Byulletent Tashkentsku Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii, 1938, Nr 10, pp 331-334.
308. Occultations of Stars by the Moon, S. Kozik, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 151, p 29.
309. Calculation of the Nearest Approach of the Orbits of the
Earth and Comet. E. N. Kramer, Izvestiza Turkmenskogo Filiala
Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Ni7 3, pp 96-9F.
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310. Comet Radiants and Connection of Meteor Streams With Comets,
E. N. Kramer, Izvesti a Odesskoy Astronomichesko. Observatorii,
1953, Vol 3, pp 1 3-2 7.
311. Theoretical Radiant of the Comet Abell 1953,E E. N. Kramer,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 149, p 21.
312. Inversion of K. P. Persidskiy's Theorem on Uniform Stability,
N. N. Krasovskiy, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanikat
1955, vol 19, Nr 3, PP 273-278.
313. The Equilibrium of Celestial Bodies, V. A. Krat, State
Publishing House of Technical-Theoretical Literature, Moscow,
1950, 329 pp.
314. Equilibrium Forms of Celestial Bodies, V. A. Krat, Sovetskaya
Kniga,, 1952, Nr 3, pp 23-25.
315. Theory of Motion of Jupiter's Fifth Satellite, I. P. Kreshkov,
Dissertation submitted to Moscow State University, June 16,
316, Generalized Anomaly for Hyperbolic Orbit, S. V. Krokhmal',
Uchenye Zapiski Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta,
1941, Nr 82, pp 208-213.
317. Experience of Investigation of Irregularities in the Motion
of Comet Wolf I in Connection With the Evaluation of Its
Mass, So V. Krokhmall, Uchenye Zapiski Leningradsko o
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1941, Nr 82, pp 232-21+6.
318. On a Theorem of Sir Isaac Newton, A. N. Krylov, Monthl
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1924, Vol 81+,
PP 392-395.
319. On Sir Isaac Newton's Method of Determining the Parabolic
Orbit of a Comet, A. N. Krylov, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 1925, Vol 85, pp 640-656.
320. New Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics, N. M. Krylov and
N. Bogolyubov, State Publishing House of Technical-Theoretical
Literature, 1934.
321. Discussion on Methods of Determination of Orbits of Comets
and Planets From a Small Number of Observations, A. N, Krylov,
Sobranie Trudov, 1936, Vol 6, pp 1-149.
322. History of Famous Theorem, A. N. Krylov, Sobranie Trudov,
1936, Vol 1 pp 227-248.
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323. Determination of the Definitive Orbit of the Comet 1930 I
(Peltier-Schwassmann-Wachmann), D. K. Kulikov, Uchenye
Zapiski Leningradskuo Gosudarstvensyy Universiteta, 1941,
Nr 82, pp 220-231.
324. Use of Electric Calculators for Multiplication of Trigonometric
Series, D. K. Kulikov, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 6 (59), pp 283.4287.
325, Numerical Method of Celestial Mechanics Used for Studying
the Motion of Jupiter's Eighth Satellite, D. K. Kulikov,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1950,
Vol 4, Nr 7 (60), pp 311-340.
326. Determination of the Definitive Orbit of Comet 1925 VII,
D. K. Kulikov and V. V. Sakk, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1951, Vol 4, Nr 9 (62), pp 431-450.
327. Formulas and Tables for the Differential Corrections of
Parabolic Orbits, D. K. Kulikov, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1951, Vol 4, Nr 9, pp 451.-488.
328. E hemeris of the Ei hth Satellite of Jusiter, D. K. Kulikov,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1952, Nr 130, pp 6-7.
329. Ephemeris of Jupiter's Eighth Satellite, D. Kulikov,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 144, pp 3-4.
330. Mechanization of Astronomical Calculations, D. K. Kulikov,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953,
Nr 8 (71), pp 412-.414.
331. Ephemeris of Jupiter's Eighth Satellite for 1954-1955,
D. K. Kulikov, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 154,
p 2.
332. Considerations of Determination of Constant of Nutation
From Measurements of Polar Distances of Near Polar Stars,
K. A. Kulikov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1947, Vol 24,
Nr 3, pp 191-199.
333. Motion of the Poles of the Eartk and Its Surface, K. As Kulikov,
Priroda, 1955, Nr 11, pp 13-20.
334. Simple Method to Determine the Elements of the Orbit of a
Visually Double Star, P. G. Kulikovskiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1954, Vol 31, Nr 4t pp 394-397.
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335. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at the
Astronomical Observatory of Zhdanov State Univrsity at
Irkutsk, I. D. Kupo, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 19551.
R7-15157 p 25.
336. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at Kharikov
Astronomical Observatory, K. N. Kuz'menko and V. Kh. Pluzhnikov,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, Kazan, 1953, Nr 135, p 22.
337. Observations of Lunar Occultations of the Stars at the
Kharlkov Astronomical Observatory, K. N. Kuz'menko,
V. A. Mikhaylov, and V. Kh. Pluzhnikov, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 151, pp 28-29.
338. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at the Kharikov
Astronomical Observatory, K. N. Kuz'menko and
V. Kh. Pluzhnikov, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1955, Nr 156,
p 24.
339. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at Kitab,
G. A. Lange, Astn3nomicheslisirkular_z, Kazan, 1953,
Nr 134, p 12.
340. Exact Positions of the Minor Planet Ceba (6) According to
Photographic Observations in 1942, V. V. Lavdovskiy,
Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove,
1951, Vol 18, Nr 5, p 125.
341. Influence of Atmospheric Refraction on the Determination of
the Exact Position of Minor Planets, V. V. Lavdovskiy,
Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomichesko Observatorii v Pulkovel
1951, Vol 18, Nr 5 (146).
342. The Position of Pluto According to Photographic Observation
at Pulkovo, V. V. Lavdovskiy, Izvesti a Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1953, Vol 19 3), Nr_ 150.
343. Determination of the Elements of Orbits in the Case of a
Central Perturbing Motion, P. P. Lavrinenko, Izvestiya
Kiyevskogo Ordena Lenina Politekhnicheskogo Instituta,
1953, Vol 12, pp 35-42.
344. Electronic Computing Machine, S. A. Lebedev, Pravda,
December 4, 1955, p 3, columns1-6; The Current Digest of
the Soviet Press, January 18, 1956, Vol 7, Nr 49, p 32.
345. Laws of Planetary Distances and Planetar Revolution,
A. I. Lebedinskiy, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
1.12121m121111, 1950, Vol 74, Nr 6, pp 1061.1064.
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346, Characteristic Features of Orbits of the Trojan Planets,
M. M. Lepskiy, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 146,
pp 4-5.
347, Physical Theory of Meteors and Meteoric Material in the
Solar System, B. Yu. Levin, 1956, 293 pp, Chapter 2: Motion
of Meteor Bodies in the Upper Layers of the Atmosphere,
pp 32-60.
348. Distribution of Meteor Heights, B. Yu. Levin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 118-128.
349. Distribution of Meteor Heiehts, B. Yu. Levin, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, Nr 41 pp 31.-48.
350. Elements of the Physical Theory of Meteors, B. Yu. Levin,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1939. Vol 25, Nr 51 PP 371-374,
351. Elements of the Physical Theory of Meteors, B, Yu. Levin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1940, Vol 17, Nr 3, pp 12-41.
352. Elements of the Physical Theory of Meteors. II, B. Yu. Levin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1941, Vol 18, Nrs 4-5, pp 331-342.
355. Velocity and Heights of Meteors, B. Yu. Levin, Comptes Rendus
(Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de 11U.R.S.S., 1945,
Vol 49, Nr 5. pp 329..352.
354, Orbits, Velocities, and Masses of Meteorites, B. Yu. Levin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1946, Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 83-96.
355. The Velocities and Heights of Meteors, B. Yu. Levin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1949, Vol 26, Nr 2, pp 115-123.
356. Some Problems of the Motion of Meteoric Bodies in the
Earth's Atmosphere, B. Yu. Levin, Meteoritika, 1950, Nr 7.
pp 113-124.
357. Bohlin's Method of Calculation of Planetary Perturbations
and Its Aselication to Minor Planet (110) L dia, A. M. Leykin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 193 Vol 15. ...mmoss
358. Exact Solutions of Equations for One-Dimensional Uniform
Motion of Gases Taking Into Account Newtonian Gravitational
Forces, M. I. Lidov, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1954,
Vol 97, Nr 3, pp 409-410.
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359. On the Trajectories of a Rocket Flight Around the Moon,
M. S. Lisovskaya, Byulleteni Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1957, Vol 6, Nr 8 (81), pp 550-565.
360. On E uations of Motion of a Bod Havin Sesarate Parts
Displaying a First-Degree Relative Mobility, M. Z. Litvin-
Sedoy, Uchenye Zapiski Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1954,
Nr 172, pp 177-190.
361. New Elements of Planet 497 Iva, Ptao-Ling Liu and Ttien-Kleng Ho,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1955, Nr 157, pp 4-5.
362, About Age Characteristics of Binary System. I. About the
Change of the Sum and Ratio of Component Mass Due to
Diminishing of Mass, V. M. Loseva, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1938, Vol 15, Nr 3, pp 232-247.
363. Qualitative Characteristics of Motion in Plane Averaged
Hyperbolic Restricted Problem of Three Bodies in Respect to
Sphere of Action. I. Presentin the Problem. Points of
Libration, V. M. Loseva, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1945,
Vol 15, Nr 11. pp 312-318.
364. On the Figure and Internal Constitution of Four Major
Planets, N. L'vov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9,
365. On the Figure and Internal Constitution of Four Major
Planets, N. LIvov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1933, Vol 10,
366, Laplace Method of Determination of Orbits and Its Application
to Comet 1910a, N. Lyapin, Izvestiya Russkogo Astronomicheskogo
Obshchestva, 1911, Vol 17, Nr 7, pp 225-251.
367, Application of Laplace Method of Determination of Orbits to
Comet 1910a, N. Lyapin, Bulleten Astronomique, 1912, Vol 29,
pp 401-407.
368. Collection of Works, A. M. Lyapunov, Publishing House of
the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1954, One chapter
on The Theoretical and Astronomical Mechanics, p 327.
369. General Problem of the Stability of Motion, A. M. Lyapunov,
Khartkov, 1892; Second edition, Leningrad-Moscow, 19351
Third edition, Moscow-Leningrad, 1950 (Dissertation).
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370. Research in the Theory of Figures of Celestial Bodies,
A. M. Lyapunov, Ibrannyye Trudy, Moscow, 1948, pp 251-300.
371. On the Figure of Celestial Bodies, A. M. Lyapunov, Izbrannyye
Trudy, Moscow, 1948, pp 303..322.
372. On the Conver ence of the Ex.ansion of the Newtonian Potential
of an Elliptic Orbit in Certain Boundary_Eoints of the Area
of Convergence, V. G. Magnaradze, Byulletent Abastumanskoy
Astrofizicheskoy Observatorii, Tbilisi, 1950, Nr 11,
pp 143-153.
373. On the Estimate of Residual Terms of the Expansion of the
Newtonian Potential of an Elliptic Orbit, N. G. Magnaradze,
Byulletent Abastumanskoy Astrofizicheskoy Observatorii,
Tbilisi, 1950, Nr 11, p 161.
374. On the Ex ansion of the Newtonian Potential of an Elli.tic
Orbit, N. G. Magnaradze, Trudy Tbilisi Gosudarstvennogo
Universiteta, 19501 Vol 40, pp 1-35.
375. New Elements of the Planet 941 Murray, Ye. Makarov,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 144, pp 8-9.
376. Approximate Formulae for the Calculation of Dates of the
Opposition of Minor Planets, S. G. Makover, Byulletenl
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 3 (56),
PP 91-93.
377. Correction of the Orbit of the Planet 250 Bettina, S. G. Makover,
Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4,
Nr 3 (56), pp 94-96.
378. Approximate Improvement of the Orbits of Five Minor Planets
of the Hecuba Type, S. G. Makover, Byulletent Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr 4 (67), pp 243-246.
379. Elements and Ephemeris of Encke-Backlund Comet for 1954,
S. G. Makover, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 135,
p 2.
380. On the Determination of the Original Orbits of Long Period
Comets, S. G. Makover, B ulletenl Instituta Teoreticheskox
Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 77), pp 244-248.
381. Comet Encke-Backlund, Motion 1937-1951, S. G. Makover, Trudy
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, pp 135-206.
382. Methods of Lyapunov and Poincar4 in the Theory of Nonlinear
Oscillations, I. G. Malkin, Leningrad-Moscow, 1949.
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383. Solution of the Problem of
Purely Imaginary Roots, I.
i Mekhanika, 1951, Vol 15,
384. About the Orbit of Meteor
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
Stability in the Case of Two
G. Malkin, Prikladnaya Matematika
Nr 2, pp 255-257.
Shower Geminid, V. A. Malltsev,
1931, Vol 8, pp 67-74.
385. Determination of Cosmic (Heliocentric) Velocities of Meteors,
V. A. Mal'tsev, Trud Tadzhiksko Astronomichesko Observatorii,
1933, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 3-7.
386. On the Geocentric Velocities of Fireballs and Periodic
Meteors, V. A. Malltsev, Byulleten1 Tashkentskoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii, 1934, Vol 1, Nr 3, pp 57-62.
387. On the Law of 100 and Classification of Collisions in the
Problem of Three Bodies, A. Markov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1927, Nr 14, pp 159-160.
388. On Some Cases of Motion in the Problem of Three Bodies,
A. Markov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Institute., 1928,
Nr 21, pp 5-10.
389. A..roximate Elli soidal Fi ures of E uilibrium of Revolvin
Fluid and Their Applications to Gravimetry, D. F. Markovskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1933, Vol 10, Nr 1, pp 51-82.
390. Investi ations of Motion of Encke's Comet in Period
19l8..l93Lf, L. Matkevich, Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1935, Nr 123, pp 17-34.
391. On the Radius of Convergence of Hill's Series, G. A. Merman,
Byulleten' Institute Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952,
Vol 5, Nr 4 -(67), pp 185-198.
392. On a Criterion of Existence of Hyperbolic-Elliptic Motion
in the Problem of Three Bodies, G. A. Merman, Doklady
Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1952, Vol 85, Nr 4, pp 727-730.
393. A New Class of Periodic Solutions in the Restricted Problem
of Three Bodies and in Hill's Problem, G. A. Merman, Trudy
Institut& Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Nr 1, pp 7-86.
394. New Criteria for Hyperbolic and Hyperbolic...Elliptic Motion
in the Problem of Three Bodies, G. A. Merman, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 30, Nr 3, pp 332.339.
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395. Sufficient Conditions for Capture in the Restricted Hyperbolic
Problem of Three Bodies in the Presence of Close Double
Approach, G. A. Merman, Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 19531 Vol 5, Nr 5 (68), pp 322-323.
396, Sufficient Conditions of Capture in a Restricted Hyperbolic
Problem of Three Bodies With Close Double Approach,
G. A. Merman, Byulleten Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1953, Vol 5, Nr 6 (6957-pp 325-372.
397. Exam.le of Ca ture in a Plane Restricted H
of Three Bodies, G. A. Merman, B ulletent Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5, Nr 9 pp 373-391.
erbolic Problem
398. 212_211myts Investigation in the Problem of Three Bodies,
G. A. Merman, B ulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 195k, Nr 9 (72), p 594.
399, Restricted Parabolic Problem of Three Bodies, G. A. Merman,
Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1954, Vol 5,
Nr 9, pp 606-616.
400. On the Sufficient Conditions of Ca ture in the Problem of
Three Bodies, G. A. Merman, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
1954, Vol 99, Nr 6, pp 925-927.
401. A New Criterion of Hyperbolic Motion in the Problem of Three
Bodies, G. A. Merman, Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 19551 Nr 2 (75), pp 69-72.
402. Hyperbolic Approach in the Problem of Three Bodies, G. A. Merman,
Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Nr 2 (75)1
P 73,
403. Application of Method of Estimates, G. A, Merman and
N. G. Kochina, Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1955, Nr 2 (75)/ p 85.
404. On a Theorem of Birkhoff, G. A. Merman, Byulletent Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Nr 14, p 77.
405. On the Boundaries of the Region of Capture in the Restricted
Hyperbolic Problem of Three Bodies, G. A. Merman and
N. G. Kochina, Byulletent Institute Teoreticheskoz
Astronomii, 1956, Vol 6, Nr 6 (79), 5-349-377.
406. Esse s on the Mechanics of Bodies of Variable Mass,
I. V. Meshcherskiy, State Publishing House of Technical-
Theoretical Literature, Moscow, 1952, 280 pp.
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407. Convergence of Successive Approximations in Gauss' Method
of the Determination of an Orbit, P. Sh. Mesis, Byulleten1
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1947, Vol 4,
Nr 1 (54), pp 31-39.
408. On a General Method for Reducing the Problem of Two Bodies
With Variable Masses to the Two-Body Problem in Celestial
Mechanics, D. Mihailovic, Driestvo Matematicara i Fizicara
N. R.Srybe Vesnick, 1953, Vol 5, Nrs 1-2, pp 67-76.
409. Determination of the Definitive Orbit of Comet 1905 VI and
Investigation of Its Motion in the Past, A. A. Mikhaylov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1924, Vol 1, Nr 1, pp 56-65.
410. The Corrections of the Coordinates of the Moon, A. Mikhaylov,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomichesko o imeni
P. K. Shternbergal 1929, Vol 4, Nr 2, pp 7 - O.
411. Eclipse Theory, A. A. Mikhaylov, State Publishing House for
Technical and Theoretical Literature, Moscow, 19451 199 pp.
412. The Secular Longitude Inequality of the Peridove of the
Fifth Satellite of Jupiter, N. M. Mikhal'skiy, Odessa,
1928, 44 pp.
413. Determination of the Orbit of a Satellite From Observations
at Its Elongation, N. M. Mikhal'skiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1929, Vol 6, pp 260-271.
414. Flattening of Jupiter in Connection With the Motion of the
Periiove of the Fifth Satellite, N. M. Mikhallskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1929, Vol 6, pp 272-278.
415. Theory of Motion of the Fifth Satellite of Jupiter,
N. Mikhallskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1930, Vol
Nrs 3-4, pp 173-194.
416. On the Determination of the Masses of Jupiter and Saturn,
N. Mikhaliskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9,
Nrs 1-2, pp 57-67.
417. Perturbations of the Mean Longitude of a Planet and Its
Mean Daily Motion, N. Mikhal'skiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1933, Vol 10, Nr 2, pp 196-201.
418. Determination of the Mass of Jupiter and Saturn by the Motion
of the Asteroid Nestor, N. Mikhallskiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1933, Vol 10, Nr 4, pp 433-442.
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419. Some Problems on the Theory of Perturbations of Planets,
N. Mikhallskiy, Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 193k, Vol 11,
Nr 3, pp 203-211.
420. Improvement of the Lunar Ephemeris, E. A. Mitrofanova,
Byulletenl Institute Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952,
Vol 5, Nr 4 (67), pp 199-202.
421. On the Calculations of Cometocentric Coordinates of Particles
in Comet's Tails, N. D. Moiseyev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1924, Vol 1, Nr 2, pp 79-85.
422. On the Tail of Comet 1901 I, N. D. Moiseyev, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1925, Vol 2, Nr 1, pp 7343.
423. On the Calculation of the Effective Force and Moment of
Ejection of a Particle in the Tail of a Comet, N. D. Moiseyev,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1925, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 54-60.
424. Tables for the Calculation of the Ratios Sector to Triangle
for a Hyperbola Convex to the Sun, N. D, Moiseyev,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1925, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 6246.
425. Certain Basic Problems of the Theory of Origin of Comets,
Meteors, and Cosmic Dust, N. Moiseyev? Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1930,
Vol 5, Nrs 1-2, pp 1-87.
426, On Certain Basic Problems in the Theor of Ori In of Comets
Meteors, and Cosmic Dust, N. Moiseyev, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9, pp 30-52.
427. Contemporary Status of the Theory of Restricted Problem of
Three Bodies, N. Moiseyev and N. Reyn, Uspekhi Astronomicheskikh
Nauk S.S.S.R., 1933, Nr 3, pp 3139.-
428. On the Paper of A. I. Razdolskiy "On the Motion of Planets
21_111piter's Group", N. D. Moiseyev, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 1, pp 368-371.
429. Certain General Methods of e.ua1itative Anal sis of Problems
in Celestial Mechanics. Part I. Method of Contact
Characteristics With Two Degrees of Freedom, N. Moiseyev,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1935, Vol 7.
430. Relative Curvature of Two Adjacent Dynamic Trajectories.
On the Problem of Stability According to Jacobi,
N. D. Moiseyev, Astronomicheski, Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13,
Nr 1, pp 78-83.
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431. Some Anepicyclic Regions in Plane Circular Problem of Three
Bodies, N. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie
des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1936, Vol 1 (10), Ni' 2 (79),
pp 63-66.
432. On a Simplified Model of the Planetary System, N. Moiseyev,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Acad4mie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1936, Vol 1 (10), Nr 2 (79), pp 67-68.
433. Some Epicycle Regions in the Three-Body Asteroidal Problem,
N. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus (Doklady)de l'Academie des
Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 193 , Vol 1 (10), Nr 3 (80),
pp 107-108.
434. Nonessentiality of One of the Limitations of Topographical
System in the Theory of Stability by Lyapunov, N. Moiseyev$
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Acad?mie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1936, Vol 1 (10), Ni' 4 (81), pp 165-166.
435. Possibility of Stability According to Lyapunov, N. Moiseyev,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de 1'Acad6mie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1936, Vol 1 (10), Nr 5 (82), pp 215-217.
436. One quantitative Characteristic of the Qualitative Theory
of Osculation, N. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1936, Vol 3 (12),
Nr 2 (97), PP 53-56.
437. Certain Characteristics of Trajectories in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies. Part 2. Plane Copenhagen Problem,
N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1936, Vol 7, Ni' 1,
pp 154-225.
438. On the Problem of Compatibility of Osculating Orbits. First
Communication, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1936,
Vol 9, Ni' 1, pp 7-14.
439. On the Problem of Compatibility of Osculating Orbits. Second
Communication, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1936,
Vol 9, Ni' 1, pp 15-20.
440. On the Compatibility of Osculating Orbits. Third
Communication, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1936,
Vol 9, Nr 1, pp 21-43.
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441. Certain Characteristics of Trajectories in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies. Part 3. Characteristics of Apsides
for the Plane Problem: Sun-Jupiter-Asteroid,
N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1936, Vol 9, Nr 1,
pp 44-71.
442. Periodic Trajectories About the Point of Libration L in the
Problem of Three Bodies of Copenhagen, N. D. Moiseyev,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1937, Vol 15, Nr 9, pp 539-542.
443. Stability and Counterstabilit of the Generalized Third
Type, N. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie
des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1937, Vol 16, Nr 6, pp 291-294.
444. Problem of the Localization of Dynamic Trajectories in the
Phase Space, N. D. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
1'Acad4mie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S.,19371 Vol 17, Nr 6,
pp 301-306.
445. On the Theory of the Probability of Stability, N. Moiseyev,
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1937, Vol 42, pp 513-537.
446. On the Gylden-Moulton Hypothesis of the Origin of "Gegenshein".
Note 5. On a Certain Law for the Stationary Distribution
of the Interplanetary Particles, N. D. Moiseyev,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 217-225.
447. Convergence of a Series Representing Exclusively Simple
Periodical Solutions, N. D. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus
(Doklady) de 1'Acad6mie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1938,
Vol 18, Nr 8, pp 533-536.
448. On the Construction of Regions of Stability According to
Lyapunov, N. D. Moiseyev, Comptes Rendus Doklad ) de
l'Acad?mie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1938, Vol 20,
Nr 6, pp 419-422.
449. On the Regions of the Stability in Phase Space, N. D. Moiseyev,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de 1'Acad6mie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1938, Vol 20, Nr 6, pp 423-425.
450. Stability of Periodic Trajectories on the Basis of Generalized
Criterion of Jacobi, N. Moiseyev, Doklady Akademii Nauk
S.S.S,R., 1938, Vol 18, Nr 8, pp 537-541.
451. Phase Regions of Stability, N. Moiseyev, Doklady Akademii
Nauk S.S.S.R., 1938, Vol 20, Nr 6, pp 423-425.
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452. Lectures in Celestial Mechanics, N. D. Moiseyev, Publishing
House of the Moscow University, 1939.
453. Contemporary Status of qualitative Celestial Mechanics.
Part I. Regional Characteristics of Families of Trajectories
in the Case of Second Degree Freedom, N. Moiseyev,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnalo 1939, Vol 16, Nr 4, pp 69-86.
454. Certain General Methods of Qualitative Analysis of Forms
of Motion in Problems of Celestial Mechanics. Part 2.
Criteria of the Existence of Trajectories Not Crossing the
Limits of the Given Region, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogp Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 5-46.
455. Certain General Methods of Qualitative Analysis of Forms
of Motion in Problems of Celestial Mechanics. Part 3.
Construction of Regions of Stability and Instability in the
Sense of Lvapunov, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Institutairaeni P. K. Shternbere, 1939,
Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 47-81.
456. Certain Ch:racteristics of Tra e tories in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies. Part 4. Certain Sim le Classes
of Periodic Orbits Conjugated With Families of Concentric
Circles, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 9, Nr
pp 82-115.
457. Certain Characteristics of Trajectories in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies, Part 5. On Four Classes of
Simple Periodic Orbits of the Problem: Sun-Jupiter-Asteroid
Conjugated With Families of Concentric Circles, N. Moiseyev,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 116-131.
458. On the Problem of Compatibility of Osculatin Orbits.
Part 4. On the Compatibility of Circular Orbits,
N. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 9, Nr 2,
pp 132-164.
459. Methods of Contact Characteristics in the Case of Two
Degrees of Freedom: Certain General Methods of Qualitative
Analysis of Forms of Motion in Problems of Celestial
Mechanics. Part 1. Methods of Contact Characteristics
in the Case of Two Degrees of Freedom, N. D. Moiseyev,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1939, Vol 9, lir 2, pp 165-166.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
460. Cerain Characteristics in the Restricted Problem of Three
Bodies. Part 1. Certain Characteristics of Motion Near
the Point of Libration, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1939,
Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 167..170.
461. Certain General Methods of gualitative Analysis of Forms
of Motion in Problems of Celestial Mechanics. Part 4.
Characteristics of Longitudinal and Transversal Stability,
N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskog2
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1i.
9 0,7;1-14, Nr 1,
pp 7-41.
462. Certain General Methods of Qualitative Analysis of Forms
of Motion in Problems of Celestial Mechanics. Part 5.
Characteristics of Contacts of Trajectories With Curves
of a Given Topggraphical System in the Case of Two Degrees
of Freedom, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1940,
Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 42-68.
463. On the Construction of Conditional Areas of Monotypical
Contacts in the Case of Three Degrees of Freedom,
N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1940, Vol 14, Nr 1,
pp 69-71.
464. Movement in Imaginary Time, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1945, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 7-26.
465. Jacobi Stability of Copenhagen Problem in the Point of
Orthogonal Crossing With the Coordinate Axis, N. D. Moiseyev$
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1945, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 27-45.
466. On the Regions of Compact Anti-Coriolis Orbital Stability
in the Plane Copenhagen Problem, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1945, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 46-74.
467. Some Fundamental Simplified Schemes in Celestial Mechanics
Obtained by Averaging the Restricted Circular Problem of
Three Bodies, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1945,
Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 75-117.
468. Mechanics in the U.S.S.R. for 30 Years (1917-1947),
N. D. Moiseyev, State Publishing House for Technical and
Theoretical Literature, 1950, 416 pp, General Outline of the
Development of Mechanics in the U.S.S.R., pp 11-61.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
469. Inter solation - Avera in Variations of the Boundar Circular
Problem of Three Bodies, N. D. Moiseyev, Vestnik Moskovskogo
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1950, Nr 2.
470, On Certain Fundamental Sim lified Schemes of Celestial
Mechanics Produced by Averaging the Restricted Elli tic
Problem of Three Bodies, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy
Gosudarstvennoiso Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1951, Vol 20, pp 147-176.
471. Some Fundamental Simplified Systems of Celestial Mechanics
Derived by Averagiqg an Unrestricted Problem of Three
Bodies. Part I. Averaged Variants of a Semirestricted
Planar Problem of Three Points, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskozo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1952, Vol 21, pp 3-18.
472, Interpolation Generalized Variants of the Canonic Problem
of Celestial Mechanics, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternber al 1954,
Vol 24, pp 3-9.
473. Generalization of the Canonic Problem of Celestial Mechanics
With Several Intermediate Elements, N. D. Moiseyev, Trudy
Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberp, 1954, Vol 24, pp 10-16.
474. Improvement of Initial Rectangular Coordinates of the
Planet (702) Alauda, V. Moshkova, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1944, Nr 53, pp 485-488.
475. Orbit of Planet (94) Aurora, V. Moshkova, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1944, Nr 53, pp 488-490.
476. Precise Orbit of the Planet (51) Nemausa, V. S. Moshkova,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949,
Vol 4, Nr 3 (56), pp 97-102.
477. Orbit of the Planet (748) Simeisa, V. S. Moshkova, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 5 (58),
pp 250-251.
478. Rectification of Elements of the Orbit of the Planet (108)
Hecuba, V. S. Moshkova, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 6 (59), pp 265-269.
479. Catalog of 130 Meteor Radiants and Corresponding Orbits,
A. Muzafarov, Tsirkulyar Tadzhikskoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii, 1940, Nr 48.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
480. A New Method of Isolatin One Class of Inte rable Cases o
Motion From a General Problem of Heavy Bodies Rotating
Around a Fixed Point, P. V. Myasnikov, Uchen e Za iski
Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1954, Nr 172, pp 1 3-1 2.
481. Physical Libration of the Moon, A. A. Nefedlyevi Izvestiya
Astronomichesko En ell ardtovsko Observatorii Kazansko o
Universiteta, 1951, Nr 2 pp 171-255.
482. Deriviu Values for Constants of the Physical Libration
of the Moon From the Heliometric Observations of
Professor V. A. Krasnova, A. Nefedlyev, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1952, Nr 129, pp 5-6.
483. Libration Effect in the Radius of the Moon, A. A. Nefedlyev,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 147, pp 13-15.
484. Derivation of the Constants of the Physical Libration of
the Moon From the Heliometer Observations by A. V. Krasnov,
A. A. Nefedlyevi Izvestiya Astronomicheskoy Engellgardtovskoy
Observatorii Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1955, Nr 29, pp 21-111.
485. The New Map of the Moon's Profile, A. A. Nefed'yev,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1957, Nr 176, pp 18-20.
486. Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, V. V. Nemitskiy
and V. V. Stepanov, Moscow-Leningrad, 1947; Second Edition,
Moscow-Leningrad, 1949.
487. Definitive Orbit of Periodic Comet Neuimin (1 16) From Its
Apparition in 1916, G. N. Neuimin, Izvestiya Glavnoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1927, Nr 99,
pp 531-584.
488. Consideration of Perturbation of High Order in the
Calculations of Special Perturbations, G. N. Neuimin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1934, Vol 11, Nr 2, pp 140-143.
489. The Elements of the Orbit of the Comet Neuimin II as
Com uted From the Connection Between Its Appearances in
1916 and 1927, G. N. Neuimin, Comptes Rendus Doklady) de
l'Acaddmie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1937, Vol 15, Nr 4,
pp 173-175.
490. Investigation of the Orbit of the Comet Neuimin II. Part
II. Connection of Appearances of the Comet in 1916-1927,
G. N. Neuimin, Glavnoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove? 19411 Nr 32, pp 26,61.
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24 ? CIA RDP8i-nine. Rnnonnnnorlf-In,
Declassified in Part - Sanitized Co .y A proved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
491. Investigation of Orbit of Comet Neuimin II. Part III,
G. N. Neuimin, Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1948, Nr 141, pp 6-23.
492. Exact Position of Minor Planets According, to Photographic
Observations in Simeiz in 1940-1941, G. N. Neuimin and
M. N. Neuiminia-Abramova, Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1948, Vol 17 (6), Nr 141.
493, Photogruhic Qkgervation? of Minor lwiets in the Simeiz
Observatory During 1941 and in the Town of Kitaba in
1942, G. N. Neuimin, Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1950, Vol 18, Nr 2 (143), pp 1-8.
494. Leverrier Method and Its Application to Calculations of
Perturbations of Ceres by Neptune, P. Nikitin and
G. Chebotarev, Uchenye Zapiski Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennyi
Universiteta, 1940, Nr 53, pp 93-103.
495. Observations of Occultations in the Years 1951 and 1952,
K. Novak, Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of
Czechoslovakia, 195 1 Vol 5, Nr 2, p 42.
496. On Certain Problems of the Mechanics of Variable Masses
Taking Into Account the Internal Particle Motion,
V. S. Novoselov, Byulletenl Astronomicheskoy Observatorii
Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennojio Universiteta, Mekhanika,
1956, Nr 19, pp 100-113.
497. A New Method of Determination of Orbits and Computation of
the Ephemerides Taking Into Account Perturbations,
B. V. Numerov, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astrofizicheskogo
Instituta, 1923, Vol 2, p 103.
498. Calculation of Unperturbed Ephemerides With Given
Eccentricity, B. V. Numerov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1924, Vol 1, Nr 2, pp 87.94.
499. A Method of Extrapolation of Perturbations, B. V. Numerov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1924, Vol 1, Nrs 3-4, pp 1-13.
500. A New Form of Equation of Condition for the Determination
of Corrections to the Elements, B. V. Numerov, Byulletenl
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1924, Nr 4, pp 21-23.
501. Determination of the Orbit of Comet 1922c From Three
Observations, B. V. Numerov, Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society, 1924, Vol 84, pp 180-186.
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502. A Method of Extrapolation of Perturbations, B. V. Numerov,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1924,
Vol 84, pp 592-601.
503. The Systematic Influence of Hi her Order Terms in the
Process of Numerical Integration in Special Coordinates,
B. V. Numerov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1925, Vol 2, Nr 1,
pp 7-28.
504. An Approximate Method for Improvement of Elements of Planets
on the Basis of Observations During_E2RE_22222L12RE,
B. V. Numerov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta,
1925, Nr 6, pp 36-37.
505. On the Determination of Elements, B. V. Numerov, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1925, Nr 8, pp 49-55.
506. Determination of Orbital Elements by the Method of Variation
of Heliocentric Coordinates, B. V. Numerov, B ulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1925, Nr 10, pp 9-75.
507. Results of Calculation of Ephemerides and Approximate
Perturbations in Rectangular Coordinates for 99 Planets
for the Epoch 1921-1925, B. Numerov, Izvestiya Glavnoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1925, Nr 94,
PP 55-155.
508. Calculation of Perturbed Elements by the Method of Extrap-
olation.? B. V. Numerov, Byulleten, Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1926, Nr 12, pp 109-120.
509. Auxiliary Tables for Orbit Determination by the Method
of Extrapolation, B. V. Numerov, Byu11eten1 Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1926, Nr 13, pp 121-152.
510. On the Problem of Numerical Inte_gration of Equations of
Perturbed Motion, B. V. Numerov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1928, Nr 19, pp 219-226.
511. On the Determination of Initial Heliocentric Coordinates
of a Planet From Many Observations in the Same Opposition,
B. V. Numerov, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta,
1928, Nr 21, pp 1-3.
512. Periodic Solutions of the Plane Problem With a Circular
Orbit of Titer, B. Numerov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1929, Vol , pp 124-161.
513. Application of Method of Extrapolation With Large Interval
to Planet (659) Nestor, B. V. Numerov, Byulleten'
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1929, Nr 24, pp 29-35.
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514. Improvement of the Initial Six Coordinates in the Method
of Extrapolation, B. Numerov, Byulleten Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1931, Nr 27, pp 71-73.
515. Calculation of First Order Absolute Perturbations in Polar
Coordinates, B. Numerov, Byu1leten1 Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1934, Nr 35, pp 223-236.
516. Elementary Method for Determination of Orbits and Calculation
of Ephemerides, B. V. Numerov, Astronomicheskiy Kalendar,
1935, pp 130-146.
517. The Problem of Determining Simultaneously the Corrections
in the Elements of a Planet and the Earth, B. Numerov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1935, Vol 12, Nr 6, pp 584-594.
518. Extrapolation Method Applied to Precise Calculation of the
Perturbed Motion of Minor Planets, B. Numerov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1935, Vol 12, Nr 5, pp 455-475.
519. General Formulae for the Develo.ment of Perturbinl Forces in
the Calculation of Absolute Perturbations in Polar
Coordinates, B. V. Numerov, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1935, Vol 1, Nr 2,
520. General Formulae for the Development of Perturbing Forces
in the Calculation of Absolute Perturbations in Polar
Coordinates, B. V. Numerov, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
l'Acad?mie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1935, Vol 1,
Mrs 7-8, pp 452-458.
521. Problem of Determining Systematic Errors in the Positions
of Stars, B. V. Numerov, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
1935, Vol 2, Nr 7, pp 451-457.
522. General Perturbations in Polar Coordinates in the Case of
the Perturbing Effect of Inner Planets, B. Numerov and
V. Moshkova, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 2,
pp 156-189.
523. Absolute Perturbations of the Polar Coordinates of Asteroids
From Outer Planets, B. V. Numerov, et al., Byu1leten1
Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1937, Vol 3, Nr 42, p 37.
524. Earth Rotation (What Makes the World Go Round),
K. F. Orogodnikov and V. A. Mezentsev, State Publishing
House of Technical-Theoretical Literature, Moscow, 1953,
29 pp.
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525. Particular Solutions of LaRran e in the Problem of Three
Bodies With Variable Mass, A. A. Orlov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, pp 52-56.
526, Periodic Orbits of Large Inclination in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies. Part I. Nearly Circular Orbits
With 90? Inclination in the Half-Averaged Restricted Three
Bodies Problem, A. A. Orlov, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1945,
Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 319-341.
527. Three-Dimensional Periodic Solutions in the Restricted
Problem of Three Bodies, A. A. Orlov, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950,
Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 71-155.
528. Periodic Orbits of Large Inclination in a Restricted Problem
of Three Bodies. Part II. Almost Circular Periodic Orbits
of an Arbitrar Inclination in a Once-Re?ularized Restricted
Circular Problem of Three Bodies of Fatou, A. A. Orlov,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1952, Vol 21, pp 25-26.
529. Quasi-Periodic Circular Motions of a Particle of Matter
Under the Newtonian Attraction of a Spheroid, A. A. Orlov,
Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennyi Astronomicheskiy Institut
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1953, Mrs 88-89, pp 3-38.
530. Integration of Differential Equations of Perturbed Motion
in Rectilinear Coordinates by the Small Parameter Method,
A. A. Orlov, Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennyi Astronomicheskiy
Institut imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1953, Mrs 8849, pp 39-53.
531. On the Method of the Expansion of the Potential of an
Oblate Spheroid of Revolution Into a Series of the Legendre
Polynomials, A. A. Orlov, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Institut, 1954, Vol 24, pp 131-137.
532. auasi-Periodic Motions of a Material Body in the Gravitational
Field of a Spheroid, A. A. Orlov, Trudy GosudarstvennoFo
Astronomicheskogo Institut, 1954, Vol 24, pp 139-153.
533. New Formulae for the Determination of the Elements of Orbits
of Particles of a Comet's Tail, A. Ya. Orlov, Publikatsioonid
Tartusko Astronomoomiya Observatoorium, 1910, Vol 12,
Part 3.
534. A. Ya. Orlov, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1915, Nr 17.
535. Course of Theoretical Astronomy, A. Ya. Orlov, Odessa, 1921.
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536, Determination of Lunar Geoma netic Variations With the Hel
of Calculating Machines, A. Ya. Orlov, Izvestiya Akademil
Nauk S.S.S.R. Seriya Geo raficheska a i Geofizicheska a,
1937, Nr 2, pp 195-20
537. Course in Theoretical Astronomy (Determination of the
Orbits of Planets and Comets by Means of Calculating
Machines), A. Ya. Orlov and B. A. Orlov, State Publishing
House for Technical and Theoretical Literature, Moscow-
Leningrad, 1940, 198 pp.
538. Supplement to the Report for Commission Nr 19 (Latitude)
of the International Astronomical Union on the Work Carried
Out in the U.S.S.R. in 1948-1951 on the Study of the
Motions of the Pole, Variation of Latitude and the
Deviations of the Vertical, A. Ya. Orlov, Ye. P. Fedorov,
K. A. Kulikov, and M. S. Zverev, Astronomical Council of
the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., April 30, 1952.
539. Expansion of Perturbation Function by Newcomb's Method,
B. A. Orlov, Trudy Astronomicheskoy Observatorii
Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1936, Vol 6,
pp 82-125.
540. A..lication of Delauna -Hill's Method to the Motion of
Minor Planet (279) Thule, B. A. Orlov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15.
541. Rediscover of Minor Planet (855) Newcombia, B. A. Orlov,
Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatoriy.p. v Pulkove,
1939, Mrs 26-27, pp 52-54.
542. Determination of a Preliminary Orbit of a Minor Planet
From Two Observations, B. A. Orlov, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1939,
Mrs 26.27, pp 55-63.
543. Two Notes on the Geocentric Motion of Celestial Bodies,
B. A. Orlov, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1940, Nr 29, pp 73-78.
544. Application of Delatmily-Hill Method to the Case of
Commensurability 3: Thule), B. A. Orlov, Izvestiya
Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1947,
Nr 138, pp 71-92.
545. Expansion in Taylor's Series of Cometocentric Coordinates
of Particles of the Tail, S. V. Orlov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1924, Vol 1, Nr 1, pp 65-68.
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546. Motion of a Synchrone in the Tail of Comet 1212, S. V. Orlov$
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 19291 Vol 5, pp 38-39.
547. On the Motion of a Condensation in the Tail of Comet
Morehouse (1908 III), S. V. Orlov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1932, Vol 9$ pp 165-175.
548. Origin of a Group of Comets With Small Perihelion Distance,
S. V. Orlov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13,
pp 232-238.
549. Visible Radiants of Cosmic Meteor Streams, S. V. Orlov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 19361 Vol 13, pp 388-396.
550. Evolution and Oriqin of Comets, S. V. Orlov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, pp 3-27.
551. On a Case of Stability of Periodic Motion, N. F. Otrokov,
Trud Gorikovsko o Gosudarstvenno o Universiteta 19501
Vol 1 pp 225-232.
552. Investigation of the Space Velocities of Stars, P. P. Parenago,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1950, Vol 27, Nr 3, pp 150-168.
553. Variation of the Length of Day and Deformation of the Earth,
N. N. Pariyskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1945, Vol 221
Nr 2, pp 106-121.
554. Computation of Trajectory of Capture in a Plane Problem of
Three Bodies of Equal Mass, N. N. Pariyskiy, Voprosy
Kosmogonii, 19541 Vol 31 pp 33-62.
555. The Internal Deformations of the Earth and the Irregularities
of Its Rotation, N. N. Pariyskiy, Works of the 110 Astrometric
Conference in the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, 1955, pp 133-140.
556. The Constant of the Lunar Parallax, F. Kh. Perlin, B ulletent
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1957, Vol 6,Nr 8 (81),
pp 566-576.
557. Determination of the Definitive Orbit of Comet 1880 II,
I. F. Polak, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1924, Vol 1,
Nrs 3-4, pp 27-43.
558. Perturbation of Comet Holmes From 1906 to 19131 I. F. Polak,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1927, Vol 4, pp 143-152.
559. Motion of Asteroids and the K-Term, I. F. Polak, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 1, pp 19-39.
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560. Group Determination of Hypothetical Orbits of the Nearest
Stars, I. F. Polak, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1937, Vol 14,
N7-47 pp 341-352.
561. Diagrams for Calculation of the Orbital Elements in the
Two-Body Problem From Velocity of Given Points, I. F. Polak,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnalt 1944, Vol 21, Nr 3, pp 99-110.
562. Diagrams for Solution of the Problem of Two Bodies From the
Velocity Vector in the Case of Repulsion, I. F. Polak,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1945, Vol 22, Nr 5, pp 283-292.
563. Motion of the Holmes Comet in 1925-19 02 I. F. Polak,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1949, Vol 26, Nr 3, pp 156-195.
564. The History of the Problems of the Rotation of a Solid Body,
P. Ya. Polubarinova-Kochina, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk
S.S.S.R., Otdelenye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1949, Nr 51
pp 626-632.
565. Motion of the Earth About Its Center of Gravity, K. A. Popov,
Doklad Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R. Nova a Seri a 1949, Vol 69,
Nr pp 755,-75
566. Trajectories of Ejection and Fall in the Boundary Problems
of Three Bodies. 1. Trajectories of Ejection and Fall in
the Semi-avera ed Circular Problem of Three Bodies According
to Fatou, V. A. Poroshin, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomichlalago Institute imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1945,
Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 342-362.
567. Application of B. V. Numerov's Method of Variation of
Heliocentric Coordinates to the Determination of the
Elements of Planet Emma (283), A. I. Postoyev, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1926, Vol 3, pp 102-127.
568. Possibility of Representing the Motion of Jupiter's Eighth
Satellite by Brown's Analytical Theory, V. F. Proskurin,
Byulletent Institute Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4,
Nr 4 (57), pp 169-205.
569. Investigation of the Motion of Jupiter's Eighth Satellite,
V. F. Proskurin, Byulleten1 Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1950, Vol 4, Nr 7 (60), pp 341-354.
570. On the Question of the Stability of Motion of Jupiter's
Eighth Satellite, V. F. Proskurin, Byulletent Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1950, Vol 4, Nr 7 (60),
pp 355-361.
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571. Analytical Methods Used in the Study of the Motion of
Jupiter's Eighth Satellite, V. F. Proskurin, gspekhi
Astronomicheskikh Nauk, 1950, Vol 5, pp 245-305.
572. Heliocentric Orbital Coordinates of Jupiter, V. F. Proskurin
and T. I. Mashinskaya, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1951, Vol 5, Nr 1 (64), pp 55-68.
573. Theory of the Motion of Ceres, V. F. Proskurin, Trudy
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Nr 2,
pp 3-184.
574. Representation of Observations of Ceres Allowing for
Perturbations of the First Order, V. F. Proskurin and
T. I. Mashinskaya, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5, Nr 5 (68), pp 315-321.
575, Problem of Capture in O. Yu. Shmidt's Example, V. F. Proskurin,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953,
Vol 5, Nr 7, pp 429-434.
576. Solar Inequalities in the Motion of the Sixth Satellite
of Jupiter, V. F. Proskurin, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 1 (74),
pp 25-45.
577. On the Problem of Temporary Capture for Three Bodies,
V. F. Proskurin, Nauchnyi Byulleten 1 Leningradskogo
Universiteta, 1955, Nr 33, pp 5-6.
Calculation of the Ratio of the Area of the Sector and
the Triangle, A. V. Purtskhvanidze, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1940, Vol 17, Nr 1, pp 39-42.
579. On the Problem of Analysis of Lagran.Fe's Equations in the
Method Used to Determine the Orbit From Three Astronomical
Observations, A. V. Purtskhvanidze, Byulleten' Abastumanskoy
Astrofizicheskoy Observatorii, 19491.Nr 10, p 187.
580. Approximate Formula for the'Computation of the Sector-
Triangle Ratio, A. V. Purtskhvanidze, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr 4 (67),
pp 212-215.
581. Improvement of the Orbit of the Minor Planet (212) Medea,
I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 9,
Mrs 3-4, pp 269-271.
582. Improvement of the Orbit of the Minor Planet (928) Hildrun,
I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1932, Vol 10,
Nr 4, pp 451-453.
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583. Im?rovement of the Orbit of the Minor Planet (
I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1934, Vol 11,
Nr 3, pp 212-214.
584. Orbit of the Minor Planet (1036) Ganymed, I. I. Putilin,
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Otdelen,e Matematicheskikh
i Estestvennyi Nauk, 1934, Nr 8, pp 1237-1279.
585. Orbit of the Asteroid (1048) Feodosia, I. I. Putilin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 6, PP 547-553.
4 ) Charlotte,
586. Investigation of the Minor Planet (1036) Ganymed,
I. I. Putilin, Astronomische Nachrichten, 1937, Vol 242,
PP 357-358.
587. Improvement of the Orbit of the Minor Planet (274) Phila oria,
I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1940, Vol 17,
Nr 2, pp 357-358.
588. Physical Peculiarities of the Minor Planets, I. I. Putilin,
Priroda, 1941, Vol 30, Nr 2, pp 3-15.
589. L_..P.2az_clamorbitoftheminoiet10Ganed, I. I. Putilin,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1944, Vol 45, Nr 7,
pp 296-300.
590. Minor Planet Hida1e12, I. I. Putilin, Priroda, 1948, Nr 9.
591. Orbit of the Minor Planet (1036) Ganymed. Part II. Improve-
ment of the Orbit According to Twelve Oppositions in 1924-
1938, I. I. Putilin, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 5 (58), pp 226-244.
592. Miranda. A New Satellite of Uranus, I. I. Putilin, Priroda,
1949, Vol 38, Nr 11, p 47.
593. Ephemeris of Ganymed (1036), I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1950, Nr 105.
594. Orbit of the Minor Planet (1036)Ganymed. Part III. Secular
Disturbances of Jupiter and Saturn, I. I. Putilin, Byulletent
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1950, Vol 4, Nr 7 (60),
PP 3 2-3 7.
595. Orbit of the Minor Planet (1036) Ganymed. Part IV. Processing
I. I. Putilin, Byulletenl Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1950, vol 4, Nr 7 (60), pp 368-374.
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596. New Asteroids of the Jupiter Group, I. I. Putilin, Priroda,
1950, Vol 39, Nr 9, pp 3-44.
597. An Approximate Ephemeris for 1952 for (1036) Ganymed,
I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1952, Nr 123, p 3.
598. Minor Planets, I. I. Putilin, State Publishing House for
Technical and Theoretical Literature, 1933, 412 pp.
599. Orbit of Nereid, I. I. Putilin, Byulleten' Vsesoyuznogo
Astronomo-Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva, 1953, Nr 13, pp 36-37.
600. New Trojan Planet (1950 SA), I. I. Putilin, Byulleten'
Vsesoyuznuo Astronomo-Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva, 1953,
Nr 13, p 37.
601. Twelfth Satellite of Jupiter, I. I. Putilin, Byulleten'
Vsesoyuznogo Astronomo-Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva, 1953,
Nr 13, p 38.
602. Ephemeris of the Minor Planet (1036) Gan med for 1954,
I. I. Putilin, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 195Lf, Nr 147,
p 10.
603. Generalized Third Law of Kepler, I. I. Putilin, Byulleten'
Vsesoyuznogo Astronomo-Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva, 1954,
Nr 15, pp 50-51.
604. Tables of General Perturbations of the Minor Planets of Hestia
Group, M. A. Radynskiy, Astronomische Nachrichten, 1935,
Vol 257, pp 33-46.
605. A Restricted Three-Body Problem That Takes the Pressure of
Light Into Consideration, V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1950, Vol 27, Nr 4, pp 250-256.
606. Planetocentric Effect of Radial Retardation, V. V. Radziyevskiy,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 74, Nr 2, pp 197-200.
607. Problem of Two Gravitating and Radiating Bodies,
V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1951, Vol 28,
Nr 5, pp 363-371.
608. Retarding Effect of Wave and Corpuscular Radiation, Due to
Alteration of Solar Mass, V. V. Radziyevskiy, Doklady
Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya Serial 1951, Vol 81, Nr 2,
PP 167-170.
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609. Effect of the Anisotruy of Re-emission of Solar Radiation
on the Orbital Motion of Asteroids and Meteorites,
V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 29,
Nr 21 pp 169-170.
610. Retardation by Radiation in the Solar S stem and the A e
of Saturn's Rings, V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 291 Nr 3, pp 306-312.
611. Spatial Case of the Restricted Problem of Three Radiating
and Gravitating Bodies, V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 301 Nr 3, pp 265-273.
612. Retardation of Nonspherical Bodies by Solar Radiation,
V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 30,
Nr 6, pp 616-618.
613. Photogravitational Problems of Two Bodies During Anisotropic
Radiation, V. V. Radziyevskiy, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.
Novaya Seriya, 1953, Vol 90, Nr 3, pp 351-354.
614. General Solution of One Case of the Three-Bod Problem,
V. V. Radziyevskiy, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1953,
Vol 911 Nr 6, pp 1309-1311.
615. On the Problem of Disinte ration of Meteor Twins,
V. V. Radziyevskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 19541 Vol 29,
pp 433-455.
616. General Solution of the Unrestricted Problem of Three Bodies
Under Newtonian-Hook Interaction, V. V. Radziyevskiy1,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 195 , Vol 31, Nr 5, pp 436-441.
617. The Mechanical Process of the Disintegration of Asteroids and
Meteorites, V. V. Radziyevskiy, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.
1954, Vol 971 Nr 1, pp 49-52.
618. Geometrical Proof of Euler-Lambert's Equation, B. Rak,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 19251 Vol 22k, pp 381-384.
619. Observations of Minor Planets at Tartu Astronomical Observa-
tory of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian
H. K. Raudsaar, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 141,
pp 2-3.
620. Observations of Minor Planets at the Tartu Astronomical
Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian
S.S.R., H. K. Raudsaar, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1954,
Nr 146, p 3.
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621. Observations of Comets and Minor Planets at Tartu
Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences
of the Estonian S.S.R., H. K. Raudsaar, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1954, Nr 155, pp 4-5.
622. Theory of Minor Planets of Jupiter Group,
A. I. Razdol'skiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1927,
Vol 5, pp 204-224.
623. Calculation of the Mean Elli se of the Planet (787)
Moskva Takinfi Into Account the Perturbations,
A. I. Razdol'skiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1931,
Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 75-78.
624. Motion of the Minor Planet (55) Pandora, A. I. Razdol'skiy,
Publikatsii Khar'kovskogo Universiteta Astronomicheskaya
Observatoriya, 1931, Nr 3, pp 63-7.
625. On the Motion of Planets of Jupiter Groups With Respect
to Centers of Libration L4 and A. I. Razdol'skiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1:047-Vol 11, Nr 3, pp 196-202.
626. On the Orbit of Characteristic Planets in Rotating Co-
ordinates, A. I. Razdol'skiy, Publikatsii Kharlkovskogo
Universiteta Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya,
1935, Nr 5, pp 97-102.
627. LEplication of Rotating Axes to the Canonical Solution
of the Problem of Elliptic Motion, A. I. Razdol'skiy,
Publikatsii Khar'kovskogo Universiteta Astronomicheskaya
Observatoriya, 1938, Nr 6, pp 25-40.
628. Orbit of a Planet in the Gravitational Field of the Sun,
O. G. Razdol'skiy, Publikatsii Kharskovsko o Universiteta
Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya, 1938, Nr 6, pp 41-46.
629. On the Solution of One of the Basic Equations in the
I1212szofLa_m_netarFormsy, N. F. Reyn, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1930, Vol 7, pp 194-197.
630. Condensation Inside of Dust Nebulae, Low Limit of the
Mass of Concentrations, N. F. Reyn, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal-, I933 10, 10, Nr 4, pp 400-420.
631. Certain Properties of Surfaces of Zero Relative Veloc-
ity in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies in a
Gravitational Medium, N. F. Reyn, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 1, pp 45-77.
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632, Some Notes on B. Lindblad's Pa er "On the Evolution of
a Rotating System of Material Particles", N. F. Reyn,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1937, Vol 14, Nr 2, pp 156-163.
633, Celestial Mechanics in the U.S.S.R. for Twenty Years,
N. F. Reyn, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1937, Vol 14,
Nrs 5-6, pp 401-407.
634. Whittaker's Integral Related to the Periodic Solution
of the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies, N. F. Reyn,
Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de 1'Acad4mie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 1937, Vol 15, Nr 8, pp 433-436.
635. About Gylden-Moulton Hypothesis on the Origin of
Counterglow. Report III. Localization of Periodic
Trajectories About Point L) in the Restricted Problem
of Sun-Earth-Particle, N. P. Reyn, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 149-154.
636. About the Develoyment of the Method to Evaluate the
Period of One Solution of the Restricted Problem of
Three Bodies, N. F. Reyn, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1938, Vol 19,
Nrs 1-2, pp 33-35.
637. About a Simplified Method of Restricted Elliptic Problem
of Three Bodies, N. Reyn, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
l'Acad6mie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1938, Vol 19,
Nrs 1-2, pp 37-40.
638. On M. Hadamard's Regions in the Restricted Elli tic Prob-
lem of Three Bodies, N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1939, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 171-184.
639. Certain Properties of Surfaces of Zero Relative Velocit
in the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies in a Gravita-
tional Medium. 2nd Communique. Effect of the Magnitude
of Angular Velocity of Rotation of Finite Masses,
N. F. Reyn, Trudy G2.211121.12L7221912_AEIE2E2ILL2E11212
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternbergal 1939, Vol 9, Nr 2,
pp 185-201.
640. Periods of Certain Simple Classes of Periodic Tra-
jectories of the Restricted Problem of Three Bodies,
N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennop Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,1939, Vol 9, Nr 2,
pp 202-228.
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641. On the Motion of a Point Inside a Gravitating Spheroid
With a Central Condensation. Part 1. On the Motion in
the Equatorial Plane of a Homogeneous Spheroid, N. F. Reyn,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskuo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 72-84.
642. Note on Nechvil's Article "On a New Form of the Dif-
ferential Equation for the Restricted Elliptic Problem",
N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1940, Vol 14, pp 85-87.
643. Indicatrix of Osculations in Hill's Restricted Problem
of Three Bodies, N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 104-115.
644. Stability of Six Periodic Orbits in the Copenhagen Prob-
lem in the Sense of Jacobi, N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 116-127.
645. qualitative Characteristics of Motion in the Simplified
Semiaveraged Elliptic Restricted Problem of Three Bodies.
Part 1. Hill's Characteristics in the Problem Sun-
Juiter-Asteroid, N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 127-153.
646. Modern Methodological Principles of Dynamic Cosmogony,
N. F. Reyn and.N. Moiseyev, Uspekhi Astronomicheskikh
Nauk S.S.S.R., 1941, Vol 2, pp 5-66.
647. Qualitative Characteristics of Motions in the Simplified
Semiaveraged Elliptical Limited Problem of Three Bodies.
Part II. Characteristic Apsides in the Problem Sun-
Earth-Asteroid, N. F. Reyn, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1945, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 118-145.
- 648. On the Regions of Compact Stability for the Motion of
a Projectile in the Case of an Homogeneous Atmosphere
and a Quadratic Law of Air Resistance, N. F. Reyn,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1945, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp 146-157.
649. Computation of High Derivatives of a Complex Function
With One Intermediate Variable, P. T. Reznikovskiy,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicneskogo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 33-70.
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650. Gravitational Interpretation of an Internal Variant
of a Once-Regularized Restricted Elliptical Problem
of Three Bodies, P. T. Reznikovskiy, Trudy
GosudarstvennoEo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1952, Vol 21, pp 57-90.
651. Expansion of the Perturbation Function of an Internal
Variant of a Once-Regularized Planar Restricted
Circular Problem of Three Bodies in La ran ian Elements,
P. T. Reznikovskiy, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
AstronomicheskoEo Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1952, Vol 21, pp 91-114.
652. Ex?ansion of the Perturbation Functions of the Sim
Regularized Variants of a Planar Restricted Ellipti-
cal Problem of Three Bodies, P. T. Reznikovskiy,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternber a, 1952, Vol 21, pp 159-173.
653. Runge's Method in Numerical Integration of Equations
in Celestial Mechanics, P. T. Reznikovskiy and
B. M. Shchigolev, Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennyi
Astronomicheskiy Institut imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1953, Nr 92, pp 3-22.
654. Problem of the Dispersion of Scattered Clusters as
Applied by V. V. Radziyevskiy to a General Solution
of a Restricted Problem of Three Bodies With a
Newton-Hook Mutual Attraction, Ya. Ruprekht and
V. Vanysek, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1955, Vol 32,
Nr 1, pp 93-94.
655. Stability of Particular Solutions of the Problems of
Three Bodies, G. A. Ryabov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1952, Vol 29, Nr 3, pp 341-349.
656. Periodic Solutions Near the Trian ular Libration
Points in the Restricted Circular Problem of Three
Bodies in a Plane, Yu. A. Ryabov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 29, Nr 5, pp 582-596.
657. On the Possibility of a Theory of Motion of the Trojans
Which is Based on the Assumption of Nearness to the
Centers of Libration, Yu. A. Ryabov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1956, Vol 33, Nr 6, pp 936-951.
658. Stability in the Zhukovskiy Sense of Six Periodic
Orbits of the Copenhagen Problem, A. I. Rybakov,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 188-198.
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659. Decrease in the Rotational Momentum of the Sun in
Connection With the Decrease in Its Mass in the
Process of Evolution, V. S. Safronov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1951, Vol 28, Nr 4, pp 244-253.
660. Possible Source of Enerey of Motion of Interstellar
Matter, V. S. Safronov, Doklady Akademii Nauk
S.S.S.R., 1953, Vol 89, Nr 6, pp 987-990.
661. Determination of the Definitive Orbit of the Comet
1925-VII Shayn-Comas-Sola, V. V. Sakk and
D. K. Kulikov, B ulleten' Instituta Teoretichesko
Astronomii, 1951, Vol Nr 9 2 pp 31 50.
662. On the Singular Points of Differential E uations in
the Problem of Two Bodies, N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Institute., 1927, Nr 15,
pp 169-176.
663. Application of a Reeularized Variable for the Calcu-
lation of Perturbations, N. Samoylova-Yakhontova,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1929, Nr 24,
pp 35-44.
664. Perturbations of Minor Planets as Functions of a
Regularized Variable, N. Samoylova-Yakhontova,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta, 1931, Nr 27,
pp 75-86.
665. Application of Regularized Variable for Group Calcu-
lation of Perturbations of Minor Planets,
N. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1936, Nr 41, pp 4-10.
666. Problem of the Convergence of Expansion of Pertur-
bation Function by the Power of Eccentricity,
N. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1939, Nr 46, pp 184-188.
667. Correction of Elliptical Orbits, N. Samoylova-Yakhontova,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo Institute, 1944, Nr 53,
?mi. pp 447-455.
668. Some Corrections of Bohlin's Tables for the Calculation
of Absolute Perturbations of Minor Planets,
N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1947, Vol 4, Nr 2 (55),
pp 43-56.
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669. On the Problem of Improving Elements of Elliptical
Orbits, N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 6 (59),
PP 255-264.
670. Minor Planets, N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Uspekhi
Astronomicheskikh Nauk S.S.S.R., 1950, Vol 5, pp 136-175.
671. Computing Special Perturbations of Minor Planets on
Calculating Machines, N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova,
Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952,
Vol 5, Nr 3, pp 125-184.
672. Review of Work on Minor Planets, 1947-1952,
N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1954, Vol 5, Nr 9 (72),
pp 561-570.
673. On the Status of the Work on Minor Planets,
N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Trudy Vseso uznogo
Konferentsii po Izucheniyu Stratosferi 10), pub-
lished by the Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatorii,
1954, pp 68-69.
674. Review of Work on Minor Planets in 1953,
N. S. Samoylova-Yakhontova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6, Nr 1 (74),
pp 1-7.
675. Determining Positions and Luminosity of Asteroids
From Observations of Kiyev Astronomical Observatory,
Ye. V. Sandakova and N. R. Khinkulova, Publikatsii
Kiyevskogo Universiteta Astronomicheskaya Observa-
Isgjmo 1950, Nr 4, pp 103-117.
676. The Elements of the Theory of the Potential of Variable
Masses, K. N. Savchenko, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, S.S.S.R.,
Astronomicheskiy Observatorii, Kharlkovskogo Universitet,
1935, Nr 5, pp 139-180.
677. On Some General Integrals of the Equations of Motion of a
System of Bodies With Variable Mass, K. N. Savchenko,
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Astronomicheskiy
Observatorii, Khartkovskogo Universitet, 1935, Nr 5,
pp 181-192.
678. Elementau Theor/ of Motion of Two Bodies With Variable
Mass, K. N. Savchenko, Publikatsii Khartkovskogo Universiteta
Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya, 1935, Nr 51 pp 117-138.
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679. Restricted Problem of Three Bodies With Variable Mass
(Solutions of the Problem Regardingthe Body With
Variable Mass in One Circular Case), K. N. Savchenko,
Publikatsii Kharikovskuo Universiteta Astronomi-
cheskaya Observatoriya, 1938, pp 55-75.
680. One Case of Solution of a Problem of Two Bodies Whose
Masses Vary With Time, K. N. Savchenko, Publikatsii
Khar'kovsko o Universiteta Astronomicheskaya Observa-
toriya, 1938, Nr 6, pp 101-117.
681. On the Problem of the Nature of Gravitation,
K. N. Savchenko, Izvestiya Odessku Astronomicheskoy
Gosudarstvennyi Observatorii, 1949, Vol 2, Part 1,
pp 43-58.
682. On the Gravitational Instability of a Material Sphere,
A. B. Severnyi, Comptes Rendus Doklad ) de l'Academie
des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1938, Vol 20, Nr 6,
pp 415-418.
683. Theory of Gravitational Instability Part I. General
Problem, A. B. Severnyi, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Institut imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1940, Vol 13, Nr 2, pp 54-112.
684. Correction of the Orbit of Planet (643) Shecherzade,
Sh. G. Sharaf, B ulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta,
1944, Nr 53, p 83.
685. Correction of the Orbit of Planet (65) Cybele,
Sh. G. Sharaf, B ulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta,
1944, Nr 53, pp 83-485.
686. Correction of Elements of the Planet (862) Franzia,
Sh. G. Sharaf, Byulleten1 Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1947, Vol 4, Nr 2 (55), pp 87-88-.
687. Development of Certain Functions of the Coordinates of
Elliptical Motion Into Series U to the Ninth Power of
Eccentricity, Sh. G. Sharaf, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5,...,17;46 pp 303-314.
688. Theory of Pluto's Motion. Part I, Sh. G. Sharaf,
Trudy Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Nr 4,
pp 5-131.
689. Oppolzer-Kuhnert Method for the Determination of Elements
of Orbits, S. Sharbel Astronomische Nachrichten, 1912,
Vol 192, pp 121-132.
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690. Oppolzer's Method of Determination of Definitive Or-
bits and Comet 1900 III, S. Sharbe, Yekaterinoslav,
1914, Part 1 and 2; 1917, Part 3.
691. On the Problem of Determination of Definitive Orbits,
S. Sharbe, Yekaterinoslav, 1914.
692. Particular Cases of Determination of Definitive Orbits
From One Apparition, S. Sharbe, Astronomische Nachrichten,
1915, Vol 199, pp 315-317.
693. On the Elements of Orbits of Periodic Comets Captured
by Jupiter, B. Shchigolev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1924, Vol 1, Nr 1, pp 93-100.
694. External Equipotential Surfaces of Jacobi's Ellipsoid,
B. Shchigolev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskoe
Instituta imeni P. K. Shternbere, 1931 Vol 9, Nr 1,
pp 21g-248:-
695. Comparison Between Circular Motions of the Accurate and
Restricted Problem of Three Bodies When the Masses Re-
main at the Apices of an Equilateral Triangle,
B. Shchigolev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo
Instituta imeni P. K. ShternberEal 1940, Vol 14, Nr 1,
pp 208-215.
696. Comparison of Motions in the Plane Problem of Three
Bodies With Motions in a Corres-eonding Restricted Prob-
lem. Part I. Fundamental Equations of the Problem
and Equations of First Approximation, B. Shchigolev,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1950, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 150-187.
697. Review of A. D. Dubyago's "Determination of Orbits",
B. Shchigolev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1951, Vol 28,
pp 61-63.
698. Intermediate Orbits in the Problem of Three Bodies,
B. M. Shchigolev, Trudy Gosudarstvennop Astronomicheskogo
Institut, 1934, Vol 24, pp 59-92.
699. First Order Differential Equations With a Fortuitous
Term, B. Shchigolev, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Institut, 1954, Vol 24, pp 93-108.
700. Application of Halphen's Method in the Calculation of
Secular Perturbations of (624) Hector From Saturn,
A. I. Shkroyev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15,
Nr 2, pp 155-162.
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701. Improvement of the Orbit of Planet (264) Libussa,
M. Ya. Shmakova, B ulleten' Astronomicheskogo Instituta,
19441 Nr 53, pp 1480-1483.
702. Improvement of the Orbit of the Planet (401) Ottilia,
M. Ya. Shmakova, Byulletent Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1949, Vol 4, Nr 5 (58), pp 248-249.
703. Investigation of the Comet 1924-VII Shayn-
Comas-Sola, M. Ya. Shmakova, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1953, Vol 51 Nr 7 (70),
pp 420-428.
704. Absolute Perturbations and New Elements of Planets
386, 417, 430, 735, M. Ya. Shmakova, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1955, Vol 6,
Nr 11 pp 46-56.
705. Cosmogonic Significance of the Position of the Plane
of the ElliRtic in the Galaxy, O. Yu. Shmidt, Comptes
Rendus (Doklad ) de l'Academie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 19146, Vol 521 Nr 7, pp 577-580.
706. On the Law of Planetary Distances, O. Yu. Shmidt,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1946, Vol 52, Nr 8,
pp 667-672.
707. Law of Distances Between Planets, O. Yu. Shmidt,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1946, Vol 52, Nr 8,
pp 673-678.
708. The Possibility of Capture in Celestial Mechanics,
O. Yu. Shmidt, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., Novaya
Seriya, 1947, Vol 58, p 213.
709. Formation of Planets and Their Satellites, O. Yu. Shmidt,
Trudy Geofizicheskoy Institut, 1950, Nr 11 (138),
pp 1-20.
710. Classification of Asteroids, N. Shtaude, Astronomicheskiy
aurnall 1925, Vol 2, Part 2,p 45.
711. About Angular Velocities of Telescopic Meteors,
V. E. Shtepan, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1939,
Vol 16, pp 49-51.
712. On the Problem of the Origin of Long-Period Comets,
K. A. Shteyns, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 301
pp 184-195.
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713. Perturbing Effect of the Stars on the Movement of Comets,
K. A. Shteyns, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1955, Vol 32,
Nr 3, pp 282-291.
714. Possibility of Capture in the Problem of Three Bodies,
K. Sitnikov, Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1952,
Vol 87, Nr 4, pp 521-522.
715. Possibility of Capture in the Problem of Three Bodies,
K. A. Sitnikov, Matematicheskiy Sbornik, 1953, Vol 32 (74),
pp 693-705.
716. Final Cataloque of 827 Meteor Radiants and Corresponding
Orbits, N. N. Sytinskaya, Uchenye Zapiski L'vovskogo
Universiteta, Seri a Matematicheska a 1937, Vol 3,
Nr 2, pp 73-102.
717. Influence of Meteors on the Nature of Planets and
Satellites of the Solar System, V. N. Sytinskaya,
Trudy Akademii Nauk, Tadzhik S.S.R., 1954, Vol 20;
Trudy Stalinabadskoy Astronomicheskoy Observatorii,
1954, Vol 4.
718. Singular Trajectories of a System of Free Material
Points, Yu. D. Sokolov, Monographs of the Institute
of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian S.S.R.,
1951, 126 pp.
719. On Some General Characteristics of the Behavior of a
Material System in the Neighborhood of a Singular
Instant of Time, Yu. D. Sokolov, Dopovodi Akademii
Nauk Ukrainskoy R.S.R., 1951, Nr 4, pp 227-233.
720. On a Case of InteFability of the Equations of Symmetric
Motion of a System of Three Material Points,
Yu. D. Sokolov, Ukrainskiy Matematicheskiy Zhurnal, 1951,
3, pp 347-380,
721. On Stability of Gaseous Spheres, A. Sorokina, Comptes
Rendus (Doklad ) de l'Academie des Sciences de
l'U.R.S.S., 19 6, Vol 54, Nr 8, pp 677-680.
722. Application of Integral Invariant to the Problem of the
Motion of a Liquid Ellipsoid, L. Sretenskiy, Uchenye
Zapiski L'vovskogo Universiteta, 1933, Nr 24, Book 2,
pp 22-27.
723. Theory of the Figures of the Equilibrium of Liquid
Revolvins Mass, L. N. Sretenskiy, Uspekhi Matematicheskikh
Nauk, 1938, Vol 5, pp 187-230.
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724. Motion of Three Points on Rotating Orbits,
L. N. Sretenskiy, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta,
1953, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 15-19.
725. Problem of Angular Moment of the Quantity of Motion
of Planets in the Solar System, K. P. Stanyukovich,
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1948, Vol 61, Nr 2,
pp 227-230.
726. On the Form of Trajectory of a Particle in the Case of
a Newtonian Attraction With Variable Mass,
V. V. Stepanov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1930, Vol 7,
pp 73-80.
727. Theory of the Motion of a Particle in a Resisting
Medium, V. V. Stepanov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1932,
Vol 9, Nrs 1-2, pp 27-29.
728. Stability in the Sense of Jacobi, V. V. Stepanov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13, Nr 5,
pp 435-454.
729. Improvement of the Orbit of Minor Planet (150)
(Nuwa), E. A. Struve, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1930,
Vol 7, pp 15-19.
730. Determination of the Elements of the Orbit of a
Planet or Comet by Means of the Variation of Two Geo-
centric Distances, M. F. Subbotin, Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1922, Vol 82,
PP 383-390.
731. On the Application of Lambert's Theorem to the De-
termination of Orbits, M. F. Subbotin, Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1922, Vol 2,
pp 419-429.
732. A New Form of the Euler-Lambert Equation and Its Ap-
klication to the Determination of Orbits,
M. F. Subbotin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1924,
Vol 1, Nr 1, pp 1-28.
733. Oppolzer's Method of Solution of Kepler's Equation,
M. F. Subbotin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1928,
Vol 5, pp 211-215.
734. On the Calculation of Heliocentric Coordinates of
Comets, M. F. Subbotin, Astronomische Nachrichten,
192B, Vol234, pp 287-292.
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735. Formulae and Tables for the Computation of Orbits and
Ephemerides, M. F. Subbotin, Trudy Tashkentskoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1929, Vol 2, p 117.
736. Determination of the Equinox Corrections From
Observations of the Minor Planets, M. Subbotin,
Tsirkulyar Glavnox Astronomicheskoy Observatoriya
v Pulkove, 1932, Nr 3, pp 18-19.
737. Numerical Integration of Differential Equations,
M. F. Subbotin, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.,
1933, Nr 7, pp 895-902.
738. Basic Methods of Contemporau Celestial Mechanics.
I. Numerical InteEration of Differential Equations,
M. F. Subbotin, Mirovedenye, 1934, Vol 23, Nr 1,
pp 58-71.
739. On the Problem of Two Bodies of Variable Masses,
M. Subbotin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936,
Vol 13, Nr 6, pp 554-562.
740, New Anomaly Comprising Particular Cases of Eccentric,
True, and Tangential Anomalies, M. F. Subbotin,
Dokiady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R., 1936, Vol 4 (13),
Nr 4 108).
741. Course in Celestial Mechanics, Volume II,
M. F. Subbotin, Moscow, 1937, 404 pp.
742. On a New Anomaly Comprising the Anomalies Used in
Celestial.Mechanics as Particular Cases,
M. F. Subbotin, Uchenye Zaziski Leningradskogo
Universiteta, Seriya Matematicheskaya, 1937, Vol 3,
Nr 2, pp 9-20.
743. Formulae and Tables for Differential Correction of
Comet Orbits, M. F. Subbotin, Uchenye Zapiski
Leningradskogo Universiteta, 1937, Vol 3, Nr 2,
.a pp 103-127.
744. Certain Properties of Motion in the Problem of n-
Bodies, M. F. Subbotin, Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de
l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1940, Vol 27,
Nr 5, pp 440-44T.
745. Course in Celestial Mechanics, M. F. Subbotin, State
Publishing House for Technical and Theoretical Litera-
ture, Moscow-Leningrad, 1941, 2nd edition.
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746. Auxiliary Tables for Computation of Orbits and
Ephemerides, M. F. Subbotin, State Publishing
House for Technical and Theoretical Literature,
Moscow, 1941.
747. One Example of Improvement of a Convergence of
Trigonometric Series Which Have Value for Celestial
Mechanics, M. F. Subbotin, ColtIptes Rendus (Doklady)
de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S., 1943, Vol 40,
Nr 8, pp 302-305.
748. Improvement of the Convergence of Fundamental Develop-
ments of the Theo u of Perturbed Motion, M. F. Subbotin,
Byulleten1 Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii,
1947, Vol 4, Nr 1 (54), pp 1-16. .
749. Tables for the Development of the Perturbation Function
Obtained by Means of Linear Transformation and of
Legendre's Transformation, M. F. Subbotin, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1947, Vol 4, Nr 1
(54), pp 21-30.
750. Course in Celestial Mechanics, M. F. Subbotin, Leningrad,
1949, 280 pp.
751. Report to Commission Nr 7 (Celestial Mechanics of
the International Astronomical Union) Brief SummarE
of Works Carried Out in the U.S.S.R. (1932-1951),
Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences,
U.S.S.R., M. F. Subbotin.
752. On the Calculation of Heliocentric Coordinates of
Planets and Comets by Means of Quadratures,
M. F. Subbotin, Tsirkulyar Glavnov Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1953, Nr 9, pp 15-25.
753. Occultations Visible in 1956 in Abastumani, Irkutsk,
Kazan' Kiyev, Kitab, Leningrad, L'vov, Moscow,
Odessa, Riga, Stalinabad, Tashkent, Tomsk, and
Khartkov, M. F. Subbotin and A. M. Gizhitskiy (Editors),
Prilozhenye k Astronomicheskoy Ezhegodniku S.S.S.R.
na 1958 g Moscows 1955, 33 pp
754. Theoretical Distribution of Elements of Orbits of
01'bers' Hypothetical Planet, G. F. Sultanov,
Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennyi Astronomicheskiy
Institut imeni P. K. Shternberga, 1953,Nrs 88-89,
pp 54-60.
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755. About the Gylden-Moulton Hypothesis on the Origin of
Gegenschein. Report 1. Range of Possible Values of
Jacobi Constant for Particles of G 1d6n-Moulton Cluster
Based on Hill's Characteristics, I. P. Tarasashvili,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 139-143.
756. Glden-MoultonHothesi.sonOri_nofGeenschein.
Report 2. Evaluation of Jacobi Constant for Particles
of Gylden-Moulton Cluster Through Construction of
Anepicyclic Regions, I. P. Tarasashvili, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1938, Vol 15, Nr 2, pp 144-148.
757. Variations of Osculating Semiaxis for a Comet at a
Great Distance From the Solar System, I. P. Tarasashvili,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, Nr 5, pp 66-71.
758. The Motion of a Small Body in the Outer Region of a
Planetary System. Part 1. Theory of Motion in the
Plane Restricted Fatou Problem, I. P. Tarasashvili,
Byulleten' Abastumanskoy Astrofizicheskoy Observatorii,
1940, Nr 5, pp 65-118.
759. Stability in Hill's Sense of Pluto's Motion in the
Scheme of Fatou, I. P. Tarasashvili, Soobshcheniya
Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy S.S.R., 1940, Vol 1, Nr 4,
pp 259-262.
760. Analytical Theory of the Motion of the Seventh
Satellite of Jupiter, S. S. Tokmalayeva, Trudy
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1956, Nr 5,
pp 1-159.
761. On the Problem of Investigation of Regions of Or-
bital Stability, M. A. Tomson, Vichislitel'naya
Matematika i Tekhnika, 1955, Nr 2, pp 151-208.
762. On a Case of Investigation of Orbital Stability of
Solutions of a System of Differential Equation's,
M. A. Tomson, Vichislitelinaya Matematika i Tekhnika,
1955, Nr 2, pp 209-229.
763. Improvement of the Elements of the Planet (004)
Belopol'skiyal M. Ye. Tovstik, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr 4 (67),
pp 239-242.
' 764. Direction of Venus' Axis of Rotation, V. P. Tsesevich,
Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar, 1955, Nr 158, pp 15-18.
765. Rotation of Venus Around an Axis, V. P. Tsesevich,
Priroda, 1955, Vol 44, Nr 7, pp 82-83.
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766. Anal tical Theor of S stematic Influence of a Hi her
Order in the Method of Extrapolation, A. Tyakht,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskuo Instituta, 1937, Nr
PP 57-74.
767. On the Solution of Kepler's Equation, A. P. Tyakht,
Byulleten' Astronomicheskop Instituta, 1944, Nr 53,
pp 478-480.
768. Multiple Solutions for Determinations of a Parabolic
Orbit, U. Usov, Izdaniya Astronomicheskoy Observatoriya
Sverdlovsk Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, 1941, 20 pp.
769. Absolute Perturbations and Elements of Ten Minor Planets
of Minerva Type, S. Varzar, Byulleten' Astronomicheskogo
Instituta, 1944, Nr 53, pp 455-478.
770. Absolute Perturbations and the Elements of Nine Minor
Planets of the Minerva Type, S. M. Varzar, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1947, Vol 4, Nr 2 (55),
pp 57-76.
771. Graphical Method of Determination of Oppositions of
the Minor Planets, S. M. Varzar, Byulleten Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr 4 (67),
pp 216-217.
772. Absolute Perturbations and Elements of Minor Planets of
the Minerva Type, S. M. Varzar, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 19521 Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 218-229.
773. Determination of New Elements of Minor Planets (689) Zita
and (939) Isberga, S. M. Varzar, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr 4 (67),
pp 233-238.
774. On the Problem of Calculation of Orbit of the Ninth
Satellite of Jupiter, M. A. Vil'yev, Izvesti a Glavnoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1916, Nr 74,
pp 21-28.
775. Absolute Perturbations of (55) Pandora From Jupiter and
Saturn, M. A. Vil'yev, Izvesti7a Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1916, Nr 74, pp 29-34.
.776. Absolute Perturbations of (1) Ceres by Jupiter, Saturn,
and Mars, M. A. Vil'yev, Izvestiya Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii v Pulkove, 1916, Nr 74, pp 35-44.
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777. On the Problem of Solution of Equation m Sink
Sin (Z - q), M. A. Vil'yev, Izvestiya Glavno
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1916, Vol 7,
Nr 75, pp 78-79.
778. On Calculation of the Elements of an Orbit From Two Helio-
centric Positions, M. A. Vil'yev, Izvestiya Glavnoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1916, Vol 7,
Nr 75.
779. Calculation of the True Anomaly in Nearly Parabolic
Elliptic Orbits, M. A. Vil'yev, Izvestiya Glavnoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii v Pulkove, 1917, Vol 7,
Nr 75.
780. On the Theory of Determination of an Orbit From Three
Complete Geocentric Observations, M. A. Vil'yev,
Izvestiya Nauchnogo Instituta imeni A. F. Lesgafta, 1920,
Vol 1, pp 52-57.
781. Investigations on the Theory of Gauss Equation M Sin 2Z =
Sin (Z - q), M. A. Vil'yev, Vestnik Vserossi skogo
Astronomicheskogo Soyuza, 1923, Nr 3, pp 3-26.
782. Analytical Solution of the Basic Problem of Theoretical
Astronomy, M. A. Vil'yev, Uchenye Zapiski
LeningradskogoGosudarstvennyiUniversiteta, 1938,
Nr 271 pp 11-78.
785. Investigations on the Problem of the Number of Solutions
of the Basic Problem of Theoretical Astronomy in Con-
nection With Its Present General Status, M. A. Vil'yev,
Ucheue Zapiski Leningradsko o Gosudarstvennyi
Universiteta, 1938, Nr 27, pp 79-252.
784. On the Compatibility of Osculating Orbits of Certain
Groups of Asteroids of Small Inclination With Certain
Qualitative Characteristics, T. V. Vodopiyanoval Trudy
Gosudarstvenndgo Astronomicheskogo Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1936, Vol 9, Nr 1, pp 84-115.
785. Structure and Evolution of the System of Short-Period
Comets. Part 1. On the Constant of Jacobi's Integral
of First Approximation for the Comets of the Jupiter
Group, T. V. Vodopiyanova, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskoe Instituta imeni P. K. Shternberga,
1939, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 370-588.
786. On the Results of Investigation of 125 Cometary Orbits
From Point of View of Their Intersection, T. V. Vodop'yanova,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1940, Vol 17, Nr 6, pp 33-53.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
787. Improved Elements of the Orbit of the Minor Planet (378)
Holmia, B. A. Voronkov, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar,
1953, Nr 140, pp 7-9.
788. Theory of Motion of Minor Planet (13) Egeria, N. M. Voronov,
Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy Observatoriya v
Pulkove, 1935, Nr 14, pp 23-42.
789. Motion of Comet 1929a Schwasmann-Wachman, for 1929-1935,
N. M. Voronov, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1935, Nr 16, pp 21-24.
790. Theory of Motion of Minor Planet (13) Elena (Second
Paper), N. M. Voronov, Tsirkulyar Glavnoy Astronomicheskoy
Observatoriya v Pulkove, 1935, Nr 16, pp 25-29.
791. Works of the Tadzhik Astronomical Observatory in
Theoretical Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics for 1923-
193k, N. M. Voronov, Trudy Tadzhiksksy Astronomicheskoy
Observatorii, 1938, Vol 5, pp 95-105.
792. Imaginary Contradiction of the Phenomena Observed in
Comet 1893 IV With the Mechanical Theory of Comets,
B. Vorontsov-Vellyaminov, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1930,
Vol 7, pp 90-99.
793. Orbit and Ephemeris of the Lyrid Stream by Observa-
tions 1909-1936, K. A. Voroshilov, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, Nr 3, pp 50-58.
794. On the Possible Oritin of May A
uarids and Their Con-
nection With Halley's Comet, K. A. Voroshilov,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1943, Vol 20, pp 21-28.
795. On the Reduction of Observations of Tails of Comets
to the Plane of Comet's Orbit, S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1929, Vol 6, pp 285-295.
796. On the Origin of Comets, S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1933, Vol 10, pp 18-41.
797. On fhe Relationships in the S stems of Asteroids and
Comets, S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
193k, Vol 11, pp 437-461.
798. On the Statistical Relationships Between the Parameter
and Inclination of Cometary Orbits, S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1934, Vol 11, pp 547-549.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
799. Short Period Comet Wolf I and Its Origin,
S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy, Publikatsii Kiyevskoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1950, Vol 4, pp 49-66.
800. Periodic Comets and Their Origin, S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1952, Vol 29, pp 63-75.
801. New Work on the On
in of Comets and Theor of
Ejection, S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy, Publikatsii Kiyevskoy
Astronomicheskoy Observatorii, 1953, Nr 5, pp 3-57.
802. Problems of Origin of Comets of Meteorites and Meteors,
S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1955,
Vol 32, pp 432-437.
803. Characteristics of Contacts With Concentric Ellipses
in Hill's Problem of Three Bodies, A. I. Vzorova,
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomichesko o Instituta imeni
P. K. Shternberga, 1940, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 8-103.
804. Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1947. Parts I and
II, N. S. Yakhontova (Editor), Publishing House of the
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy,
1947, Part 1, 27 pp, Part II, 26 pp.
805. Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1950, N. S. Yakhontova,
Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, Institute
of Theoretical Astronomy, 1949, 124 pp.
806. Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1951, N. S. Yakhontova,
Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, Institute
of Theoretical Astronomy, 1950, 124 pp.
807. Ephemerides for Physical Observations of the Minor
Planets in 1952, N. Yakhontova, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar11952, Nr 125, pp 5-8.
808. Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 1955.
Ninth Year of
Issue, N. S. Yakhontova, Publishing House of the
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy,
Moscow-Leningrad, 1954, 182 pp.
809. Minor Planets, N. S. Yakhontova, Nauka i Zhizn'i 1955,
Vol 22, Nr 7, pp 17-20.
810. On Multiple Solutions and Precision of Calculation
of Parabolic Orbit, A. A. Yakovkin, Vestnik
Vserossiyskogo Astronomicheskogo Soyuza, 1918, Nr 1,
pp 115-123.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
811. A New Form of Apparatus to Determine the Geocentric
Distance of Comets, A. A. Yakovkin, AstronomicheskiY
Zhurnal, 1927, Vol 5, pp 154-168.
812. Constants of the Ph sical Libration of the Moon Derived
From T. Banakhevich's Observations in 1910-1915,
A. A. Yakovkin, Izvestiya Astronomichesko EngeltgardtovskoY
Observatorii KazaL_IsijicooUniverLEL._.teta., 192?, Nr 13,
106 pp.
813. Rotation and Figure of the Moon. Part 1, A. A. Yakovkin,
Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta, 1939, Vol 99,
Book 2, pp 3-122.
814. Rotation and Fivre of the Moon, A. A. Yakovkin,
Izvesti a Astronomichesko En el'.ardtovsko
Observatorii Kazanskogo Universiteta, 19 5 Nr 23.
815. The Simplest Method of Calculation of Lunar Occulta-
tion of Stars, A. A. Yakovkin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal,
1947, Vol 24, Nr 4, pp 223-227.
816. Device for Calculation of Lunar Occultations,
A. A. Yakovkin, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1947, Vol 24,
pp 228-236.
817. Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars at Kiyev
Astronomical Observatory in 1947, A. A. Yakovkin,
Publikatsii Kiyevskogo Universiteta Astronomicheskaa
Observatoriya, 1950, Nr 3, pp 99-100.
818. Inclination of the Lunar Orbit and the Libration Ef-
fect, A. A. Yakovkin, Publikatsii Kiyevsko o Universiteta
Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya, 1950, Nr 4, pp 71-88.
819. Device for Solving Kepler's Equation, A. A. Yakovkin,
Publikatsii Kiyevskogo Universiteta Astronomicheskaya
Observatoriya, 1950, Nr 4, pp 89-90.
820. On the Reality of the Free Libration of the Moon,
A. A. Yakovkin, Woks of the Tenth Astrometls
Conference in the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, 1954, pp 133-137.
821. The Barycentric Coordinates of the Lunar Crater Mosting A,
A. A. Yakovkin, Izvestiya Astronomicheskoy
Engeligardtovskoy Observatorii Kazanskogo Universiteta,
1955, Nr 29, pp 3-20.
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822. The Barycentric Coordinates of the Lunar Crater Mosting A
Derived From T. Banachiewicz's Observations,
A. A. Yakovkin, Works of the Eleventh Astrometric
Conference in the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, 1955, pp 128-131.
823. On the Interpolated Anomalies for the First Ten Minor
Planets, M. Yarov-Yarovoy, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo
Astronomicheskogo Institut, 1954, Vol 24, pp 17-39.
824. Dependence of Constants of Interpolated Linear Integrals
on Time for the First Ten Minor Planets, M. Yarov-Yarovoy,
Truqy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Institut, 1954,
Vol 24, pp 41-57.
825. On the Coefficients of the Ex.ansion of the Coordinates
of Nondisturbed Motion Into the Fourier Series b
Multiples of Eccentric Anomaly, N. Yelenevskaya, Uchenve
Zapiski L'vovskogo Universiteta Seriya Fizicheskaya-
Matematicheskaya, 1949, Vol 151 Nr 4, pp 117-148.
826. Convergence Regions of the Expansion of Coordinates of
Kepler's HyTerbolic Motion, N. B. Yelenevskaya,
Uchenye Za iski L'vovskogo Universiteta, 1949, Vol 15,
Nr 5, pp 149-159.
827. Observations of Minor Planets at L'vov Astronomical
Observatory, N. B. Yelenevskaya, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1952, Nr 122, pp 2-3.
828. Elements and Ephemeris of the New Planet 1951 KA,
N. B. Yelenevskaya, Astronomicheskiy Tsirkulyar,
1952, Nr 1281 pp 3-4.
829. Expansion of the Perturbating Function Into a Fourier
Series With Respect to Inclination. Part I,
N. B. Yelenevskaya, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5, Nr 2 'Z65), pp ;9-96.
830. Observations of Minor Planets at L'vov Astronomical
Observatory, N. B. Yelenevskaya, Astronomicheskiy
Tsirkulyar, 1953, Nr 133, p 4.
831. Expansion of the Perturbation Function in a Fourier
Series With Respect to the Inclination. Part II. Ex-
pansion of a Perturbation Function in the S atial
Circular Restricted Problem of Three Bodies in a
Fourier Series With Respect to Inclination,
N. B. Yelenevskaya, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1955, Vol 5, Nr 5 (68), pp 271-302.
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/05/24: CIA-RDP81-01043R002000080002-5
832. Expansion of the Coordinates of Keplerian Motion for the
Case When the Eccentricity is Near One, N. B. Yelenevskaya,
Podovidi Tu Povidomleniya L'vivsk (Livov) Universiteta,
1953, Nr 4, Part 2, pp 65-67.
833. Formulae for the Determination of the Coordinates
of the Meteor Radiants, A. S. Yagolim, Byulleten'
Kollektiva Nabl udatele (Vseso uzno o Astronomo-
Geodezicheskogo Obshchestva 193 Nr 1 pp 221-222.
834. Analytical Method of the Determination of the Co-
ordinates of Meteor Radiants, A. S. Yagolim,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1939, Vol 16, Nr 2, pp 30-36.
835. Calculating Machines Applied to Astronomical Calcu-
lations, I. Yanzhul, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1939,
Vol 16, Nr 5, pp 72-85.
836. Calculating Automats and Their Application to Astro-
nomical Computation, I. N. Yanzhul, Uspekhi Matematicheskikh
Nauk, 1941 Vol 1, Nrs 5-6, pp 15-16, 27-40.
837. On the Problem of the Law of Planetary Distances,
F. A. Zagorodnikov and A. F. Nenashev, Astronomicheskiy
Zhurnal, 1947, Vol 24, Nr 4, pp 219-222.
838. On the Consideration of the Empirical Member When Com-
posing the Tables of the Lunar Ephemeris,
D. V. Zagrebin, 3yulleten1 Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1951, Vol 5, Nr 1 ), pp 1-14.
839. Theory of a Regulated Geoid, D. V. Zagrebin, Trudy
Institut Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Nr 1,
pp 87-224.
840. Method of Correction of Brown's Tables for the Im-
provement of Ephemerides of the Moon, D. 3. Zagrebin,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 30, Nr 1, pp 93-99.
841. Obtaining Lunar Ephemerides by Using Calculating Machines,
D. V. Zagrebin, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1953, Vol 5, Nr 8 (71), pp 546-559.
842. Tables of Basic Recession Magnitudes for 1950-2000,
D. V. Zagrebin and K. G. Shumikhina, Byulleten' Instituta
Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1954, Vol 5, Nr 10, pp 6"82":793.
843. Determination of the Difference Between Ephemeris
Time and Universal Time From Observations of Lunar Oc-
cultations,D. V. Zagrebin, E. A. Mitrofanova, and
G. M. Poznyak, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy As-
tronomii, 1955, Vol g, Nr 1 (74), pp 57-65.
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844. Motion of Two Bodies in a Resisting Medium,
A. A. Zamorev, Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1936, Vol 13,
Nr 1, pp 84-91.
845. Determination of the Fi ure of the Planets b the
Motion of Their Satellites, A. A. Zamorev,
Astronomicheskiy Zhurnal, 1937, Vol 14, Nr 4, pp 364-369.
846. Theory of Intermediate Orbits, A. M. Zhdanov,
St. Petersburg, 1888.
847. Tables for Reducing the Coordinates of the Moon to
the Ephemeris Time, M. B. Zheleznyak and
E. A. Mitrofanova, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1954, Nr 10, pp 625-681.
848. Tables for Approximate Com utation of Absolute Per-
turbations of the Minor Planets of the Hestia Group
900" Near Jupiter, V. F. Zheverzheyev, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoretichesku Astronomii, 1950, Vol 4,
Nr 8 (61), pp 414-429.
849. The Orbit of Faye Comet According to Observations in
1932-1933 and 1939-1940, V. F. Zheverzheyev, Byulleten'
Instituta Teoreticheskoy Astronomii, 1952, Vol 5,
Nr 2 (65), pp 97-124.
850. The Potential of the Earth's Attraction,
I. D. Zhongolovich, Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoy
Astronomii, 1957, Vol 6, Nr 8 (81), pp 505-523.
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